Exhibit 1 - Agenda Information Sheet City of Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney Street Denton, Texas www.cityofdenton.com AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET DEPARTMENT: Procurement & Compliance ACM: David Gaines DATE: April 6, 2021 SUBJECT Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager, or their designee, to utilize a contract through an interlocal agreement with the City of Midlothian, for the purchase of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) medical supplies for the City of Denton Fire Department, as awarded by City of Midlothian, contract number 2020-28; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (File 7650 – awarded to Bound Tree Medical, LLC and Life-Assist Incorporated for a term ending on February 10, 2026, in the not-to-exceed amount of $2,100,000.00). INFORMATION/BACKGROUND In 2014, the City of Denton began purchasing medical supplies and medications directly from Bound Tree Medical through a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. The Cooperative Purchasing Agreement provides lower costs for many of the individual items commonly used by the Fire Department. With the Midlothian contract, the department will have Life-Assist Inc. as a secondary option in the event Bound Tree cannot supply the needed product. This contract is utilized primarily by the Fire Department, but other departments will be able to use the contract to purchase gloves and first aid supplies. Each individual fire station orders and maintains supplies as needed for par level and replacement after each call. Currently, the Denton Fire Department has eleven (11) fully stocked ambulances- eight (8) front line and three (3) reserve. In addition, nine (9) fire engines/trucks carry advanced support medical gear, and twenty (20) additional fire department vehicles carry first aid kits. Supply orders are placed online and are reviewed and approved by the EMS Battalion Chief before the order is processed. Supplies and medications are then shipped directly to the requesting station. The contract not-to-exceed amount is estimated based on the projected spend shown in the chart below. Medical Supplies Five (5) Year Expense Estimate Expense Category 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Total Fire Operations 270,000 283,500 297,675 312,588 328,186 1,491,949 Fire-Life-Assist 25,000 26,250 27,562 28,940 31,006 138,758 Warehouse 70,000 73,500 77,175 81,033 85,085 386,793 Other Departments 16,500 16,500 16,500 16,500 16,500 82,500 Total $ 381,500 $ 399,750 $ 418,912 $ 439,061 $ 460,777 $2,100,000 Pricing obtained through the City of Midlothian has been competitively bid and meets the statutory requirements of Texas Local Government Code 271.102. PRIOR ACTION/REVIEW (COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS) On January 26, 2021, Council approved the interlocal agreement with the City of Midlothian (Ordinance 2021-091). RECOMMENDATION Award a contract with Bound Tree Medical, LLC and Life-Assist Incorporated, for the purchase of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) medical supplies for the City of Denton Fire Department, in a not-to- exceed amount of $2,100,000. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS Bound Tree Medical, LLC Dublin, OH Life-Assist Incorporated Rancho Cordova, CA ESTIMATED SCHEDULE OF PROJECT This City of Midlothian contract expires February 10, 2026. FISCAL INFORMATION These items will be funded from the using department’s budgets. Requisitions will be entered on an as- needed basis, and the City will only pay for services rendered and is not obligated to pay the full contract amount unless needed. EXHIBITS Exhibit 1: Agenda Information Sheet Exhibit 2: Pricing Sheet Exhibit 3: LLC Members Exhibit 4: Ordinance Respectfully submitted: Lori Hewell, 940-349-7100 Purchasing Manager For information concerning this acquisition, contact: Dinora Velasquez, 940-349-8843. Legal point of contact: Marcella Lunn at 940-349-8333.