21-1077 - 7180 - Nunc Pro Tunc Ordinance ExecutedORDINANCE NO. 21-1077 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, NUNC PRO TUNC , CORRECTING AN INADVERTENT MISTAKE IN ORDINANCE NO. 20-599, SPECIFICALLY, THE AWARDED AMOUNT OF THE CONTRACT FOR COMMERCIAL ELECTRONICS CORPORATION, TO PROVIDE MOTOROLA API (APPLICATION PROGRAMMING INTERFACE) FOR THE HIGHERGROUND AND MOTOROLA PROJECT 25 LAND MOBILE RADIO APPLICATIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (FILE 7180). WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020, by Ordinance No. 20-599, the City Council approved an Ordinance with Commercial Electronics Corporation in the amount of $86,715; and WHEREAS, the executed Ordinance No. 20-599 is not the correct and final version of the ordinance as presented and approved by the City Council; and WHEREAS, due to a clerical mistake, the executed Ordinance No. 20-599 establishes an ordinance in the amount of $86,715; and WHEREAS, the City Council has the inherent power to retroactively correct such clerical mistakes to reflect the truth of what was actually approved by the City when approving the ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the action taken herein is in the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. The findings and recitations contained in the preamble of this ordinance are incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. The executed Ordinance No. 20-599 is hereby amended, to the limited extent necessary, to correct a clerical mistake and accurately reflect the awarded amount of the Ordinance with Commercial Electronics Corporation, (File 7180) approved by the City Council in the amount of $ 169,804.37. SECTION 3. All other provisions of Ordinance No. 20-599 not specifically amended or deleted herein shall continue in force and effect from the date of original passage on March 17, 2020 SECTION 4. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. The motion to approve this Ordinance was made by %sse hbv IS by Be:cbA Bec.tc . This Ordinance was passed and seconded and approved by the following vote U - a Aye Nay Abstain Absent Mayor Gerard Hudspeth: Vicki Byrd, District 1 : Brian Beck. District 2: Jesse Davis. District 3 : Alison Maguire, District 4: Deb Armintor, At Large Place 5 : Paul Meltzer, At Large Place 6: ,Z Ia \/ PASSED AND APPROVED thI, th, SO d,y ,f aOn(_, 2021 GERARD HUDSPETH, MAYOR ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY L\\11111111 F BY:- APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: CATHERINE CLIFTON, INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY \x?,Wean\ Djgjtaljy sianed bv Marcella Lunn DN: dc=com, dc=dtyofdenton, dc=codad, ou=Department Users and Groups i /W\ft/ ::=i=,e:?IFi=::Tment 'u=Lega1 email=Marcella.Lunn@dtyofdenton.com Date: 2021.05.1816:38:33 -05'(}a' A BY: