7660 - Contract Executed Docusign City Council Transmittal Coversheet File Name Purchasing Contact City Council Target Date Piggy Back Option Contract Expiration Ordinance DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C PSA 7660 Not Applicable Transmission Planning Services Christa Christian JULY 20, 2026 JULY 20, 2021 21-1388 City of Denton, Texas Contract 7660 Standard Agreement for Engineering Related Design Services Revised Date: 9/11/18 Page 1 of 13 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES FILE 7660 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § THIS AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into on ________________________, by and between the City of Denton, Texas, a Texas municipal corporation, with its principal office at 215 East McKinney Street, Denton, Denton County, Texas 76201, hereinafter called “OWNER” DNV Energy USA, Inc, a Delaware Corporation with its corporate office at 2777 North Stemmons Freeway #1520, Dallas, Texas 75207, hereinafter called “CONSULTANT,” acting herein, by and through their duly authorized representatives. WITNESSETH, that in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE I CONSULTANT AS INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The OWNER has selected CONSULTANT on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications to perform the services herein described for a fair and reasonable price pursuant to Chapter 2254 of the Texas Government Code. The OWNER hereby contracts with the CONSULTANT as an independent contractor and not as an employee, and as such, the OWNER will not assert control over the day-to-day operations of the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT is customarily engaged to provide services as described herein independently and on a nonexclusive basis in the course of its business. This Agreement does not in any way constitute a joint venture between OWNER and CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT hereby agrees to perform the services described herein based on the skills required for the scope of work in connection with the Project as stated in the sections to follow, with diligence and in accordance with the highest professional standards customarily obtained for such services in the State of Texas. The professional services set out herein are in connection with the following described project: The Project shall include, without limitation, TRANSMISSION PLANNING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, as described in Exhibit A, which is on file at the purchasing office and incorporated herein (the “Project”). ARTICLE II SCOPE OF BASIC SERVICES The CONSULTANT shall perform the following services in a professional manner: DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C 07/20/2021 City of Denton, Texas Contract 7660 Standard Agreement for Engineering Related Design Services Revised Date: 9/11/18 Page 2 of 13 A. The CONSULTANT shall perform all those services as necessary and as described in the OWNER’s RFQ 7660 – TRANSMISSION PLANNING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, which is on file at the purchasing office and made a part hereof as Exhibit A as if written word for word herein. B. To perform all those services set forth in CONSULTANT’s proposal, which proposal is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit B as if written word for word herein. C. CONSULTANT shall perform all those services set forth in individual task orders, as described in Exhibit B, which shall be attached to this Agreement and made a part hereof. D. If there is any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the exhibits attached to this Agreement, the terms and conditions of this Agreement will control over the terms and conditions of the attached exhibits or task orders. ARTICLE III ADDITIONAL SERVICES Additional services to be performed by the CONSULTANT, if authorized by the OWNER, which are not included in the above-described Basic Services, may be negotiated as needed, per rates included in Exhibit C. A. Preparing applications and supporting documents for government grants, loans, or planning advances and providing data for detailed applications. B. Preparing data and reports for assistance to OWNER in preparation for hearings before regulatory agencies, courts, arbitration panels or mediator, giving testimony, personally or by deposition, and preparations therefore before any regulatory agency, court, arbitration panel or mediator. C. Assisting OWNER in preparing for, or appearing at litigation, mediation, arbitration, dispute review boards, or other legal and/or administrative proceedings in the defense or prosecution of claims disputes with Contractor(s). D. Assisting OWNER in the defense or prosecution of litigation in connection with or in addition to those services contemplated by this AGREEMENT. Such services, if any, shall be furnished by CONSULTANT on a fee basis negotiated by the respective parties outside of and in addition to this AGREEMENT. E. Visits to the site in excess of the number of trips included in Exhibit B. F. Preparing statements for invoicing or other documentation for billing other than for the standard invoice for services attached to this professional services agreement. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C City of Denton, Texas Contract 7660 Standard Agreement for Engineering Related Design Services Revised Date: 9/11/18 Page 3 of 13 ARTICLE IV TIME OF COMPLETION CONSULTANT is authorized to commence work under this contract upon execution of this AGREEMENT. CONSULTANT shall perform and complete its obligations herein in a prompt and continuous manner, so as to not delay the completion of the Project in accordance with the schedules as described in Exhibit B. The contract shall remain effective for a period which may reasonably be required for the completion of the Project, acceptance by an authorized representative of the OWNER, exhaustion of authorized funds, or termination as provided in this Agreement, whichever occurs first. ARTICLE V COMPENSATION A. COMPENSATION TERMS: 1. “Subcontract Expense” is defined as expenses incurred by the CONSULTANT in employment of others in outside firms for services related to this agreement. 2. “Direct Non-Labor Expense” is defined as that expense for any assignment incurred by the CONSULTANT for supplies, transportation and equipment, travel, communications, subsistence, and lodging away from home, and similar incidental expenses in connection with that assignment. B. BILLING AND PAYMENT: For and in consideration of the professional services to be performed by the CONSULTANT herein, the OWNER agrees to pay, based on the cost estimate detail at an hourly rate shown in Exhibit C which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement as if written word for word herein, a total fee, including reimbursement for direct non-labor expenses not to exceed $1,550,803.97. Partial payments to the CONSULTANT will be made on the basis of detailed monthly statements rendered to and approved by the OWNER through its City Manager or his designee; however, under no circumstances shall any monthly statement for services exceed the value of the work performed at the time a statement is rendered. Nothing contained in this Article shall require the OWNER to pay for any work which is unsatisfactory, as reasonably determined by the City Manager or his designee, or which is not submitted in compliance with the terms of this Agreement. The OWNER shall not be required to make any payments to the CONSULTANT when the CONSULTANT is in default under this Agreement. It is specifically understood and agreed that the CONSULTANT shall not be authorized to undertake any work pursuant to this Agreement which would require additional payments by the OWNER for any charge, expense, or reimbursement above the maximum not to exceed fee as stated, without first having obtained written authorization from the OWNER. The CONSULTANT shall not proceed to perform the services listed DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C City of Denton, Texas Contract 7660 Standard Agreement for Engineering Related Design Services Revised Date: 9/11/18 Page 4 of 13 in Article III “Additional Services,” without obtaining prior written authorization from the OWNER. C. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: For additional services authorized in writing by the OWNER in Article III, the CONSULTANT shall be paid based on the Schedule of Charges at an hourly rate shown in Exhibit C. Payments for additional services shall be due and payable upon submission by the CONSULTANT and approval by the City staff, and shall be in accordance with subsection B hereof. Statements shall not be submitted more frequently than monthly. D. PAYMENT: If the OWNER fails to make payments due the CONSULTANT for services and expenses within thirty (30) days after receipt of the CONSULTANT’s undisputed statement thereof, the amounts due the CONSULTANT will be paid interest in accordance with the Texas Government Code 2251.025. Additionally, the CONSULTANT may, after giving seven (7) days’ written notice to the OWNER, suspend services under this Agreement until the CONSULTANT has been paid in full all amounts due for services, expenses, and charges. Nothing herein shall require the OWNER to pay the late charge if the OWNER reasonably determines that the work is unsatisfactory, in accordance with this Article V, “Compensation,” there is a bona fide dispute concerning the amount due, or the invoice was not mailed to the address or in the form as described in this Agreement. The OWNER will notify CONSULTANT of any disputes within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the invoice. E. Invoices shall be sent directly to the City of Denton Accounts Payable Department, 215 E McKinney St, Denton, TX, 76201-4299. A pro-forma invoice shall be sent to the contract administrator. It is the intention of the City of Denton to make payment on completed orders within thirty days after receipt of invoice or items; whichever is later, unless unusual circumstances arise. Invoices must be fully documented as to labor, materials, and equipment provided, if applicable, and must reference the City of Denton Purchase Order Number in order to be processed. No payments shall be made on invoices not listing a Purchase Order Number. ARTICLE VI OBSERVATION AND REVIEW OF THE WORK The CONSULTANT will exercise reasonable care and due diligence in discovering and promptly reporting to the OWNER any defects or deficiencies in the work of the CONSULTANT or any subcontractors or subconsultants. ARTICLE VII OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All documents prepared or furnished by the CONSULTANT (and CONSULTANT’s subcontractors or subconsultants) pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service, and shall become the property of the OWNER upon the termination of this Agreement. The CONSULTANT is entitled to retain copies of all such documents. The documents prepared and furnished by the CONSULTANT are intended only to be applicable to this Project, and DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C City of Denton, Texas Contract 7660 Standard Agreement for Engineering Related Design Services Revised Date: 9/11/18 Page 5 of 13 OWNER’s use of these documents in other projects shall be at OWNER’s sole risk and expense. In the event the OWNER uses any of the information or materials developed pursuant to this Agreement in another project or for other purposes than specified herein, CONSULTANT is released from any and all liability relating to their use in that project. ARTICLE VIII INDEMNITY AGREEMENT THE CONSULTANT SHALL INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS THE OWNER AND ITS OFFICERS, OFFICIALS, AGENTS, AND EMPLOYEES FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, DAMAGES, LOSSES, AND EXPENSES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO COURT COSTS AND REASONABLE ATTORNEY FEES ASSERTED AGAINST OR INCURRED BY THE OWNER, AND INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR BODILY AND PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH AND PROPERTY DAMAGE, RESULTING FROM THE NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF THE CONSULTANT OR ITS OFFICERS, SHAREHOLDERS, AGENTS, OR EMPLOYEES INCIDENTAL TO, RELATED TO, AND IN THE EXECUTION, OPERATION, OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create a liability to any person who is not a party to this Agreement, and nothing herein shall waive any of the parties’ defenses, both at law or equity, to any claim, cause of action, or litigation filed by anyone not a party to this Agreement, including the defense of governmental immunity, which defenses are hereby expressly reserved. ARTICLE IX INSURANCE During the performance of the services under this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall maintain insurance in compliance with the requirements of Exhibit D which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement as if written word for word herein. ARTICLE X ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION The parties may agree to settle any disputes under this Agreement by submitting the dispute to mediation with each party bearing its own costs of mediation. No mediation arising out of or relating to this Agreement, involving one party’s disagreement may include the other party to the disagreement without the other’s approval. Mediation will not be a condition precedent to suit. ARTICLE XI TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, either party may terminate by giving thirty (30) days’ advance written notice to the other party. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C City of Denton, Texas Contract 7660 Standard Agreement for Engineering Related Design Services Revised Date: 9/11/18 Page 6 of 13 B. This Agreement may be terminated in whole or in part in the event of either party substantially failing to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. No such termination will be affected unless the other party is given (1) written notice (delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested) of intent to terminate and setting forth the reasons specifying the non-performance, and not less than fifteen (15) calendar days to cure the failure; and (2) an opportunity for consultation with the terminating party prior to termination. C. If the Agreement is terminated prior to completion of the services to be provided hereunder, CONSULTANT shall immediately cease all services and shall render a final bill for services to the OWNER within thirty (30) days after the date of termination. The OWNER shall pay CONSULTANT for all services properly rendered and satisfactorily performed and for reimbursable expenses to termination incurred prior to the date of termination, in accordance with Article V “Compensation.” Should the OWNER subsequently contract with a new consultant for the continuation of services on the Project, CONSULTANT shall cooperate in providing information. The CONSULTANT shall turn over all documents prepared or furnished by CONSULTANT pursuant to this Agreement to the OWNER on or before the date of termination, but may maintain copies of such documents for its use. ARTICLE XII RESPONSIBILITY FOR CLAIMS AND LIABILITIES Approval by the OWNER shall not constitute, nor be deemed a release of the responsibility and liability of the CONSULTANT, its employees, associates, agents, subcontractors, and subconsultants for the accuracy and competency of their designs or other work; nor shall such approval be deemed to be an assumption of such responsibility by the OWNER for any defect in the design or other work prepared by the CONSULTANT, its employees, subcontractors, agents, and consultants. ARTICLE XIII NOTICES All notices, communications, and reports required or permitted under this Agreement shall be personally delivered or mailed to the respective parties by depositing same in the United States mail to the address shown below, certified mail, return receipt requested, unless otherwise specified herein. Mailed notices shall be deemed communicated as of three (3) days’ mailing: To CONSULTANT: To OWNER: DNV Energy USA, Inc City of Denton Mike Tabrizi Purchasing Manager –File 7660 2777 North Stemmons Freeway #1520 901B Texas Street Dallas, Texas 75207 Denton, Texas 76201 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C City of Denton, Texas Contract 7660 Standard Agreement for Engineering Related Design Services Revised Date: 9/11/18 Page 7 of 13 All notices shall be deemed effective upon receipt by the party to whom such notice is given, or within three (3) days’ mailing. ARTICLE XIV ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement and related exhibits constitute the complete and final expression of this Agreement of the parties, and is intended as a complete and exclusive statement of the terms of their agreements, and supersedes all prior contemporaneous offers, promises, representations, negotiations, discussions, communications, and agreements which may have been made in connection with the subject matter hereof. ARTICLE XV SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement is found or deemed by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, it shall be considered severable from the remainder of this Agreement and shall not cause the remainder to be invalid or unenforceable. In such event, the parties shall reform this Agreement to replace such stricken provision with a valid and enforceable provision which comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. ARTICLE XVI COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The CONSULTANT shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances applicable to the work covered hereunder as those laws may now read or hereinafter be amended. ARTICLE XVII DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED In performing the services required hereunder, the CONSULTANT shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry, age, or physical handicap. ARTICLE XVIII PERSONNEL A. The CONSULTANT represents that it has or will secure, at its own expense, all personnel required to perform all the services required under this Agreement. Such personnel shall not be employees or officers of, or have any contractual relations with the OWNER. CONSULTANT shall inform the OWNER of any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest that may arise during the term of this Agreement. B. All services required hereunder will be performed by the CONSULTANT or under its supervision. All personnel engaged in work shall be qualified, and shall be authorized and permitted under state and local laws to perform such services. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C City of Denton, Texas Contract 7660 Standard Agreement for Engineering Related Design Services Revised Date: 9/11/18 Page 8 of 13 ARTICLE XIX ASSIGNABILITY The CONSULTANT acknowledges that this Agreement is based on the demonstrated competence and specific qualifications of the CONSULTANT and is therefore personal as to the CONSULTANT. Therefore, the CONSULTANT shall not assign any interest in this Agreement, and shall not transfer any interest in this Agreement (whether by assignment, novation, or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the OWNER. ARTICLE XX MODIFICATION No waiver or modification of this Agreement or of any covenant, condition, or limitation herein contained shall be valid unless in writing and duly executed by the party to be charged therewith, and no evidence of any waiver or modification shall be offered or received in evidence in any proceeding arising between the parties hereto out of or affecting this Agreement, or the rights or obligations of the parties hereunder, and unless such waiver or modification is in writing and duly executed; and the parties further agree that the provisions of this section will not be waived unless as set forth herein. ARTICLE XXI MISCELLANEOUS A. The following exhibits are attached to and made a part of this Agreement: Exhibit A – RFQ 7660 – Transmission Planning Professional Services Exhibit B – Consultant’s Scope of Services Offer Exhibit C – Consultant’s Project Cost and Schedule Proposal Exhibit D – Consultant’s Insurance Requirements Exhibit E – Conflict of Interest Questionnaire What is called for by one exhibit shall be as binding as if called for by all. In the event of an inconsistency or conflict in this Agreement and any of the provisions of the exhibits, the inconsistency or conflict shall be resolved by giving precedence first to this Agreement then to the exhibits in the order in which they are listed above. B. This Agreement shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with, and subject to, the laws of the State of Texas or federal law, where applicable, without regard to the conflict of law principles of any jurisdiction. In the event there shall be any dispute arising out of the terms and conditions of, or in connection with, this Agreement, the party seeking relief shall submit such dispute to the District Courts of Denton County or if federal diversity or subject matter jurisdiction exists, to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas-Sherman Division. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C City of Denton, Texas Contract 7660 Standard Agreement for Engineering Related Design Services Revised Date: 9/11/18 Page 9 of 13 C. For the purpose of this Agreement, the key persons who will perform most of the work hereunder shall be __________________. However, nothing herein shall limit CONSULTANT from using other equally qualified and competent members of its firm to perform the services required herein. D. CONSULTANT shall commence, carry on, and complete any and all projects with all applicable dispatch, in a sound, economical, and efficient manner and in accordance with the provisions hereof. In accomplishing the projects, CONSULTANT shall take such steps as are appropriate to ensure that the work involved is properly coordinated with related work being carried on by the OWNER. E. The OWNER shall assist the CONSULTANT by placing at the CONSULTANT’s disposal all available information pertinent to the Project, including previous reports, any other data relative to the Project, and arranging for the access thereto, and make all provisions for the CONSULTANT to enter in or upon public and private property as required for the CONSULTANT to perform services under this Agreement. F. The captions of this Agreement are for informational purposes only, and shall not in any way affect the substantive terms or conditions of this Agreement. G. The parties agree to transact business electronically. Any statutory requirements that certain terms be in writing will be satisfied using electronic documents and signing. Electronic signing of this document will be deemed an original for all legal purposes. ARTICLE XXII INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR CONSULTANT shall provide services to OWNER as an independent contractor, not as an employee of the OWNER. CONSULTANT shall not have or claim any right arising from employee status. ARTICLE XXIII RIGHT TO AUDIT The OWNER shall have the right to audit and make copies of the books, records and computations pertaining to this agreement. The CONTRACTOR shall retain such books, records, documents and other evidence pertaining to this agreement during the contract period and five years thereafter, except if an audit is in progress or audit findings are yet unresolved, in which case records shall be kept until all audit tasks are completed and resolved. These books, records, documents and other evidence shall be available, within 10 business days of written request. Further, the CONTRACTOR shall also require all Subcontractors, material suppliers, and other payees to retain all books, records, documents and other evidence pertaining to this DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C City of Denton, Texas Contract 7660 Standard Agreement for Engineering Related Design Services Revised Date: 9/11/18 Page 10 of 13 agreement, and to allow the OWNER similar access to those documents. All books and records will be made available within a 50 mile radius of the City of Denton. The cost of the audit will be borne by the OWNER unless the audit reveals an overpayment of 1% or greater. If an overpayment of 1% or greater occurs, the reasonable cost of the audit, including any travel costs, must be borne by the CONTRACTOR which must be payable within five business days of receipt of an invoice. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall be a material breach of this contract and shall constitute, in the OWNER’S sole discretion, grounds for termination thereof. Each of the terms "books", "records", "documents" and "other evidence", as used above, shall be construed to include drafts and electronic files, even if such drafts or electronic files are subsequently used to generate or prepare a final printed document. ARTICLE XXIV Prohibition On Contracts With Companies Boycotting Israel Consultant acknowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2270 of the Texas Government Code, City is prohibited from entering into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. The terms “boycott Israel” and “company” shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms in Section 808.001 of the Texas Government Code. By signing this agreement, Consultant certifies that Consultant’s signature provides written verification to the City that Consultant: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the agreement. Failure to meet or maintain the requirements under this provision will be considered a material breach. ARTICLE XXV Prohibition On Contracts With Companies Doing Business with Iran, Sudan, or a Foreign Terrorist Organization Section 2252 of the Texas Government Code restricts CITY from contracting with companies that do business with Iran, Sudan, or a foreign terrorist organization. By signing this agreement, Consultant certifies that Consultant’s signature provides written verification to the City that Consultant, pursuant to Chapter 2252, is not ineligible to enter into this agreement and will not become ineligible to receive payments under this agreement by doing business with Iran, Sudan, or a foreign terrorist organization. Failure to meet or maintain the requirements under this provision will be considered a material breach. ARTICLE XXVI CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES ELECTRONIC FILING In 2015, the Texas Legislature adopted House Bill 1295, which added section 2252.908 of the Government Code. The law states that the City may not enter into this contract unless the Consultant submits a disclosure of interested parties (Form 1295) to the City at the time the Consultant submits the signed contract. The Texas Ethics Commission has adopted rules requiring the business entity to file Form 1295 electronically with the Commission. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C City of Denton, Texas Contract 7660 Standard Agreement for Engineering Related Design Services Revised Date: 9/11/18 Page 11 of 13 Consultant will be required to furnish a Certificate of Interest Parties before the contract is awarded, in accordance with Government Code 2252.908. The consultant shall: 1. Log onto the State Ethics Commission Website at : https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/whatsnew/elf_info_form1295.htm 2. Register utilizing the tutorial provided by the State 3. Print a copy of the completed Form 1295 4. Enter the Certificate Number on page 2 of this contract. 5. Complete and sign the Form 1295 6. Email the form to purchasing@cityofdenton.com with the contract number in the subject line. (EX: Contract 1234 – Form 1295) The OWNER must acknowledge the receipt of the filed Form 1295 not later than the 30th day after Council award. Once a Form 1295 is acknowledged, it will be posted to the Texas Ethics Commission’s website within seven business days. ARTICLE XXVII PROHIBITION AGAINST PERSONAL INTEREST IN CONTRACTS No officer, employee, independent consultant, or elected official of the City who is involved in the development, evaluation, or decision-making process of the performance of any solicitation shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in the Contract resulting from that solicitation as defined in the City’s Ethic Ordinance 18-757 and in the City Charter chapter 2 article XI(Ethics). Any willful violation of this section shall constitute impropriety in office, and any officer or employee guilty thereof shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Any violation of this provision, with the knowledge, expressed or implied, of the Contractor shall render the Contract voidable by the City. The Consultant shall complete and submit the City’s Conflict of Interest Questionnaire. IN WITNESS HEREOF, the City of Denton, Texas has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized City Manager, and CONSULTANT has executed this Agreement through its duly authorized undersigned officer on this date______________________. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C 07/20/2021 City of Denton, Texas Contract 7660 Standard Agreement for Engineering Related Design Services Revised Date: 9/11/18 Page 12 of 13 CONSULTANT BY:______________________________ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Printed Name:_____________________ Title:____________________________ __________________________________ PHONE NUMBER _________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS ___________________________________ TEXAS ETHICS COMMISSION 1295 CERTIFICATE NUMBER CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS BY: _____________________________ ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY BY: _______________________________ APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: BY: _______________________________ DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C mike.tabrizi@dnv.com 2146001040 DNV Energy USA Mike Tabrizi 2021-769335 Vice President SARA HENSLEY, INTERIM CITY MANAGER CATHERINE CLIFTON, INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY City of Denton, Texas Contract 7660 Standard Agreement for Engineering Related Design Services Revised Date: 9/11/18 Page 13 of 13 THIS AGREEMENT HAS BEEN BOTH REVIEWED AND APPROVED as to financial and operational obligations and business terms. _______________ ________________ SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME __________________________________ TITLE __________________________________ DEPARTMENT DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C Antonio Puente Electric DME General Manager City of Denton, Texas Transmission Planning Professional Services Request for Qualifications #7660 A: INTRODUCTION   The City of Denton (City), a home-rule city of the State of Texas, is requesting submissions of qualifications for the purpose of selecting one firm with demonstrated experience in providing compliance studies, modeling, and other planning professional services for Denton Municipal Electric’s (DME) transmission and generation assets as required by regulatory agencies including Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), Texas Reliability Entity (TRE), and the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). Firms must submit information supporting experience and capabilities for all categories described in the Scope of Work section. Professional engineering services obtained under this contract are not expected to be involved in design of capital projects but may be called on to provide expertise for evaluation of problems discovered in compliance studies or provide other types of technical support related to transmission planning. An evaluation team will review all submissions for qualifications. It is the intent of the City of Denton to award a single contract for all services required. The contract will be for an initial 3 years with two one- year renewal periods. The firm shall have demonstrated experience providing the following services/functions:  Assembling annual Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 715/Transmission Planning Study  Transmission system analysis and reliability project justification per ERCOT Planning Charter  Transmission project submission to ERCOT for Regional Planning Group (RPG) review, comments and approval  Submission of data/models associated with approved transmission projects to ERCOT  Technical Support & Representation in relation to the findings of the FERC 715 study in meetings with other Transmission Service Providers (TSPs)  Data Submissions for ERCOT Steady State Working Group (SSWG) transmission cases/models  Data Submissions for ERCOT System Protection Working Group (SPWG) current and future year cases  Data Submissions for ERCOT Dynamics Working Group (DWG) current and future year cases  Contingency Dataset validation and submissions to ERCOT  Data Dictionary Updates to ERCOT  Comprehensive transmission system modeling utilizing PSS/E and PowerWorld  Data Submissions for ERCOT Planning Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force (PGDTF) The awarded Firm shall have the ability to provide all the categories of services in the list above. EXHIBIT A DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C 2  B: INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS   The responses to this RFQ shall be submitted to the City of Denton in sealed submissions. The submission of a proposal shall be deemed a representation and certification by the proposer that they:  Have carefully read and fully understand the information that was provided by the City to serve as the basis for submission of this proposal.  Have the capability to successfully undertake and complete all services/functions shown in the scope of work.  Represent that all information contained in the proposal is true and correct.  Did not, in any way, collude, conspire to agree, directly or indirectly, with any person, Firm, corporation or other Proposer in regard to the amount, terms or conditions of this proposal.  Acknowledge that the City has the right to make any inquiry it deems appropriate to substantiate or supplement information supplied by Proposer, and Proposer hereby grants the City permission to make these inquiries, and to provide any and all related documentation in a timely manner.   C: RFQ SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS   The Firm shall submit the following:  Company overview  Proposed team experience and qualifications  List of the operational studies able to perform to identify safe and reliable methods of system operation and switching procedures.  List of references demonstrating experience in transmission planning, NERC 715 Filing, and ERCOT system modeling.  List of transmission modeling and assessment software D: SCOPE OF WORK   The scope of work to be performed is as required to adhere to regulatory protocols, requirements, and standards from FERC, NERC, TRE, and ERCOT to develop annual transmission planning studies such as the FERC 715 study, perform modeling information on an weekly basis, coordinate transmission system changes with each ERCOT modeling group and other electric utilities, attend ERCOT working group meetings, and prepare additional studies as needed. Below is a listing of the tasks the Firm shall complete for City approval of the project. This is not meant to be a complete listing but is provided to give the firm an understanding of the scope of services required: DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C 3  NERC TPL-001-4 Annual Planning/FERC 715 Filing Study o TO Entity Identification & Certification o Regional Power Flow Base Cases o Transmission Facility Maps & One-lines o Transmission Planning/Performance Criteria o Transmission Planning/Performance Assessment Guidelines o Annual Transmission Planning & Evaluation Transmission Project Evaluation, Validation, and ERCOT RPG Evaluation o Performing additional power flow evaluations to ensure justification of the project from an ERCOT planning criteria standpoint o Review the studies performed by neighboring utilities to ensure optimal system benefits from a DME standpoint and adequate justification for reliability projects o Develop ERCOT RPG submissions on behalf of DME to submit to ERCOT o Attend meetings as required for DME RPG submissions. o Development of TPIT submissions to ERCOT for approved projects o Development of Planning Model Change Request (PMCR) submissions for approved projects to ensure modeling into the future cases   ERCOT Steady State Working Group (SSWG) Data Modeling and Submissions o Develop relevant category Planning Model Change Requests (PMCRs) associated with DME facilities o Submit PMCRs using MODWeb o Review each pass of the SSWG planning cases to ensure accurate representation of DME facilities o Participate in case building exercises at ERCOT on behalf of DME o Review/perform subsequent TPIT updates associated with the SSGW cases o Attend SSWG meetings on behalf of DME. ERCOT System Protection Working Group (SPWG) Data Modeling and Submissions o Ensure accurate representation of planned DME facilities in Current Year (CY) SPWG cases from a positive and zero sequence data standpoint o Ensure accurate representation of planned DME facilities in Future Year (FY) SPWG cases from a positive and zero sequence data standpoint o Ensure accurate representation of transmission upgrades/enhancements in the protection cases o Review each pass associated with the future year SPWG cases in terms of DME facilities o Attend SPWG meetings on behalf of DME ERCOT Dynamics Working Group (DWG) Data Modeling and Submissions o Ensure accurate representation of planned DME facilities in CY & FY DWG datasets from steady state and dynamic standpoint DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C 4  o Perform non-wind and wind flat start assessments to ensure acceptable deviations of relevant power system quantities o Assess dynamic response associated with DME facilities, if applicable ERCOT Contingency Review/Updates o Review DME contingency definitions in Annual Planning contingency files including NERC Category P1-P7 and extreme events o Update contingency definitions associated with DME facilities based on changes/additions to DME transmission system facilities o Update 3-Phase and S-L-G fault based dynamic event definitions for DME based on changes/additions to DME transmission system facilities   ERCOT Data Dictionary Review/Updates o Review DME facilities in the ERCOT Data Dictionary to ensure accurate representation in terms of the following:  Bus Name  Bus Number  Station Full Name  Nominal kV  Weather Zone o Update data dictionary to ensure inclusion of information associated with new DME facilities   Technical Support on TP NERC Compliance and FERC 715 Filing o Development of documents required to demonstrate compliance with the TPL-001-4 for TRE submission on an annual basis o Development of documents required to demonstrate compliance with the MOD-0-10 and MOD-0-12 on an annual basis o Response to any comments received by DME following the FERC 715 filing o Response to any comments received by DME during a NERC TP audit from a technical standpoint o Review of DME’s planning criteria, MOD and FAC standards, if applicable o Assist in all DME’s planning efforts as required   Planning Geo-Magnetic Disturbance Task Force (PGDTF) Model Development and Validation o Collaborate with DME and its vendors to gather GIC related data o Development of GIC models associated with DME transmission facilities o Perform test simulations to validate the GIC models and ensure accuracy o Submit final GIC models to ERCOT o Review of DME’s planning criteria, MOD and FAC standards, if applicable o Assist in all DME’s planning efforts as required o Attend GMD meetings on behalf of DME DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C 5  Other Tasks o Coordination of planned transmission system projects with adjacent transmission owners to include review of system protection plans and changes o Coordinate discussions with other utilities for transmission planning o Attendance at meetings to assist and represent DME including participation in conference calls o Preparation of Facility Interconnection Studies for submission to ERCOT for any generation interconnection requests received including preparation of responses to any questions received from market participants o Other types of technical support related to transmission planning o Assist DME with Voltage Profile Working Group pass reviews and submissions. o Assist DME with Network Data Support Working Group (NDSWG) activities. E: CONTRACT STRUCTURE The compensation for the transmission planning professional services will be hourly with some allowances for other expenses. Contract compensation will be negotiated with selected firm in accordance with information contained in the RFQ invitation. The contract will have a total not-to- exceed amount for the entire term of the contract. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C Proposal for Transmission Planning Services City of Denton Customer Reference: RFQ# 7660 Document No.: 214527-DLL-P-01-A Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Date of last revision: N/A DNV Energy USA Inc. EXHIBIT B DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV Energy USA Inc. Page ii Customer Details Customer Name: City of Denton Customer Address: 901B Texas Street, Denton, TX 76209 Customer Reference: RFQ# 7660 Contact Person: Christa Christian DNV Company Details DNV Legal Entity: DNV Energy USA Inc. DNV Organization Unit: Energy Systems Advisory DNV Address: 2777 North Stemmons Freeway, Suite 1520, Dallas, TX 75207 USA DNV Telephone. No.: 214-369-2647 About this document DNV Doc. No.: 214527-DLL-P-01-A Proposal Title: Transmission Planning Services Date of Issue: 13 April 2021 Date of Last Revision: N/A Validity of Proposal: 60 days from date of issue Terms and Conditions: See Section 7.1, Contractual Document Classification: Commercial in Confidence Prepared by: Charles Gibune, Lead Senior Engineer - Generation & Transmission Compliance Verified by: Venkata Viswanadham - Head of Section, Transmission & Distribution Approved by: Mike Tabrizi, Ph.D., P.E. - Head of Department, Power System Advisory Project details Project Name: Transmission Planning Services Project Location: City of Denton Confidentiality This proposal contains information that is business sensitive to DNV. No part of the proposal or information received during the proposal process may be used, duplicated or disclosed for any other purpose. Any such use of DNV’s information is regarded as an infringement of DNV intellectual property rights. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV Energy USA Inc. Page iii Important Notice and Disclaimer This Proposal was prepared and issued for the sole use of the Customer. Neither this Proposal, nor any discussions, correspondence or other activities in connection with this Proposal shall form a contract or relationship of responsibility of any kind or nature regarding its subject matter without the Customer (or any third party approved in writing by DNV) entering into a written agreement with DNV in accordance with DNV’s standard terms and conditions, which may be contained or referenced in this Proposal or provided by DNV upon request. This Proposal has been created and produced using information available as of the date of this Proposal and, where applicable, information relating to dates and periods referred to in this Proposal. There are no rights or licenses of any kind granted, and no warranties or guarantees of any kind provided with this Proposal or the material contained herein. Information contained in this Proposal may be subject to change at the sole discretion of DNV and the provision of this Proposal does not assure or imply otherwise. Confidentiality and Copyright Protection Copyright © 2021 DNV. This Proposal and the information contained herein, is the exclusive, confidential and proprietary property of DNV and is protected under the trade secret and copyright laws of the U.S. and other international laws, treaties and conventions. No part of this Proposal may be disclosed to any third party or used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without first receiving the express written permission of DNV. Except as otherwise noted, all trademarks appearing herein are proprietary to DNV. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page iv www.dnv.com Table of contents 1 COVER LETTER ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 2 OVERVIEW OF DNV & DISTINCT ADVANTAGES ............................................................................................................ 9 3 PROPOSED TEAM & PROJECT ORGANIZATION .......................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Organogram ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Services Beyond Transmission Planning .......................................................................................................................... 12 3.3 Key personnel ................................................................................................................................................................... 12 4 SCOPE OF WORK ............................................................................................................................................................ 19 4.1 Assembling annual Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 715/Transmission Planning Study ........................ 19 4.2 Transmission system analysis and reliability project justification per ERCOT Planning Charter ....................................... 32 4.3 Transmission project submission to ERCOT for Regional Planning Group (RPG) review, comments and approval ........ 32 4.4 Submission of data/models associated with approved transmission projects to ERCOT .................................................. 33 4.6 Data Submissions for ERCOT Steady State Working Group (SSWG) transmission cases/models .................................. 34 4.7 Data Submissions for ERCOT System Protection Working Group (SPWG) current and future year cases ...................... 35 4.8 Data Submissions for ERCOT Dynamics Working Group (DWG) current and future year cases ...................................... 35 4.9 Contingency Dataset validation and submissions to ERCOT ............................................................................................ 35 4.10 Data Dictionary Updates to ERCOT ................................................................................................................. 35 4.11 Comprehensive transmission system modeling utilizing PSS/E and PowerWorld ............................................ 36 4.12 Data Submissions for ERCOT Planning Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force (PGDTF) .............................. 36 4.13 Other Tasks ...................................................................................................................................................... 38 5 RELEVANT DNV EXPERIENCE ....................................................................................................................................... 39 6 TRANSMISSION MODELING & ASSESSMENT SOFTWARE ......................................................................................... 46 7 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CONTROL ......................................................................................................................... 46 7.1 Management system ......................................................................................................................................................... 47 8 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................................... 47 8.1 Project Sponsor ................................................................................................................................................................. 48 8.2 Project Manager ................................................................................................................................................................ 49 8.3 Subject Matter Experts ...................................................................................................................................................... 49 9 CONTRACTUAL ............................................................................................................................................................... 49 10 DNV IN THE ENERGY INDUSTRY ................................................................................................................................... 50 Mike Tabrizi, Ph.D., P.E. ......................................................................................................................................................... 51 Venkata Surya Viswanadham ................................................................................................................................................. 55 Charles Gibune ....................................................................................................................................................................... 58 Azade Brahman ...................................................................................................................................................................... 60 Riyasat Azim, Ph.D. ................................................................................................................................................................ 62 Amir Golshani, Ph.D................................................................................................................................................................ 64 Nithya Reddy Tada, P.E. ......................................................................................................................................................... 66 Farshid Salehi, Ph.D. .............................................................................................................................................................. 68 Weiping (Jessie) Xiao ............................................................................................................................................................. 70 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page v www.dnv.com Charles Aleman ...................................................................................................................................................................... 72 Jigisha Desai, P.E. .................................................................................................................................................................. 74 Dilan Novosad, P.E. ................................................................................................................................................................ 76 Clay Tutaj ................................................................................................................................................................................ 80 Jonathan Flinn ........................................................................................................................................................................ 82 Doug Price, P.E. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 84 Mohsen Zadeh, Ph.D., P.E. .................................................................................................................................................... 85 Sarah Aftergood, M.Sc. ........................................................................................................................................................... 87 Brian Murphy, P.E. .................................................................................................................................................................. 89 Kaustubh Deshmukh, P.E. ...................................................................................................................................................... 91 Yashaswini Venkobarao .......................................................................................................................................................... 94 Raymond Gilby ....................................................................................................................................................................... 96 Pearl Fackler ......................................................................................................................................................................... 100 Mickey Bellard ....................................................................................................................................................................... 103 Appendices APPENDIX A – CURRICULA VITAE APPENDIX B – DNV MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 6 www.dnv.com 1 COVER LETTER Submitted via IonWave Portal: https://dentontx.ionwave.net April 13, 2021 Re: Request for Qualifications for Transmission Planning Services (RFQ# 7660) Dear Ms. Christian, DNV is pleased to submit this technical proposal to provide the City of Denton (the “City”) and Denton Municipal Electric (“DME”) with Transmission Planning Professional services. DNV is known for delivering, with integrity, rigor and agility, power grid technical advisory services to major energy industry stakeholders. DNV is confident that the depth of our knowledge of the DME network, its neighboring facilities and planning practices, our proven experience and forward-looking expertise in transmission and distribution planning in Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) set us apart and will provide a strong foundation in supporting the City of Denton with transmission planning services sought through this Request For Qualifications (RFQ). It is DNV’s understanding that the City is looking to engage a team of technical experts that can provide “dependable” transmission planning and engineering services to support the City’s staff in the management of necessary grid planning, interconnection, compliance activities and improvement, with an eye for the future of the energy transition and the needs of stakeholders in Denton. As demonstrated in following subsections of this document, these areas are very well aligned with DNV’s Power System Advisory Group areas of expertise. Through numerous collaborations with T&D electric utilities including DME, DNV has gained and developed a wealth of in-house technical and project management tools, and expertise that would certainly go a long way toward adding value to the City’s staff, where and when it is needed. DNV collaborations with T&D utilities including DME, not only have been highly technical and collaborative, but also long-lasting, attesting to the fact that our top priority is customer centricity, backing up our industry reputation. DNV will provide the City with a trusted partnership that brings together technical expertise and the collaborative spirit necessary to support the City in enhancing the City’s compliance and planning processes. Partnering with DNV offers the City the following benefits: Full spectrum of technical in-house expertise With specialists in almost every area of the energy industry, DNV brings a wealth of technology, engineering, and environmental permitting best practices from similar engagements across the country and within ERCOT territory. DNV has served as the lead advisory firm in major regional and national transmission & distribution projects (e.g. 138kV Denton Loop Upgrades ERCOT RPG Submittal, DME 69kV Loop Conversion to 138kV ERCOT RPG Submittal, DME FERC 715 annual assessment and filing, Texas CREZ, Texas Houston Import, Panhandle second circuit and synchronous condensers ERCOT RPG submittal, New York Offshore Transmission roadmap by 2035, PJM New Jersey Offshore Transmission, CAISO Pacific Transmission Expansion Project 2000MW HVDC subsea transmission project) which aimed to maintain grid reliability and compliance and to facilitate the interconnection of renewable projects and provide load pockets with reliable access to renewable energy resources. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 7 www.dnv.com Extensive knowledge of DME network, its neighboring facilities and relevant planning practices and culture DNV boasts of ten (10) years of providing engineering services to the City of Denton by planning the DME transmission system to ensure a reliable, robust and adequate system in accordance with NERC TPL-001-4, ERCOT and DME’s Planning requirements. By virtue of performing the annual FERC 715 analysis and other transmission system evaluation of the DME system, DNV has provided technical support and proposed/recommended transmission upgrades and/or enhancements to address the numerous transmission issues seen on the DME 138kV and 69kv transmission loops. Some of the underlying factors that contributed to the thermal violations and voltage issues included but not limited to aged infrastructure and inadequate transmission capacity to reliably serve the load growth seen on the system. The recommended transmission solutions were submitted to ERCOT via the Regional Planning Group (RPG) process and were approved. Most of the system upgrades including converting the inner loop from 69kV to 138kV are already implemented and are currently operational making the DME system more robust and reliable. Additionally, DNV supports DME in sharing and discussing transmission study findings on the DME system and immediate surrounding to the neighboring utilities (Oncor, Texas Municipal Power Agency (TMPA), Garland Power & Light (City of Garland) and Brazos Electric Power Cooperative) to review potential solutions that can better serve the broader interconnected network. DNV has successfully assisted Transmission Service Providers (TSP’s) in NERC TPL Audits, and It is DNV’s understanding from the Bid Questions and Responses that the City is subject to NERC TPL Audit in 2022. DNV is committed to support the City in NERC TPL Audit via the FERC 715 assessments with all the study related files and findings properly documented. Supplemental technical expertise to the services requested While the services requested under the subject RFQ are mainly focused on reliability-based transmission planning & compliance, it is our experience that some other “supplementary” expertise could be beneficial under certain circumstances. Among others, these include integrated (hybrid) transmission & distribution planning, CAPEX and OPEX estimation, permitting and environmental analyses associated with power lines and equipment, economic planning (i.e. cost-benefit analyses) and compliance monitoring and auditing. At DNV, we have demonstrable expertise and experience in all the above-mentioned supplementary services and will be able to serve the City effectively and efficiently, should any such need arises during any transmission planning and development exercise. To that effect, our proposed team, as described in ensuing subsections of this document, include Subject Matter Experts in these supplementary areas and would be available to the City, if needed. Reputation, integrity, and thought leadership With an impeccable history of high-quality and high stakes work, the DNV team will deliver results that can be trusted to meet the City’s needs. DNV has established trust through decades of work focused on independent evaluation of the safety, performance, and benefits of energy systems with global name recognition across the energy industry. We understand that developing the energy systems of the future is a complex endeavor requiring thoughtful input, and we will provide the City with the independent guidance and oversight needed to ensure each step taken has been chosen because it is the best option and not just the first, easiest, or most popular option. DNV North America Power System Advisory group is actively involved in leading industry and academic working groups related to the interconnection of small and large-scale DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 8 www.dnv.com renewable energy, energy storage systems and DERs (e.g. NERC SPIDERWG, IEEE P2800, CIGRE, ERCOT Working Groups). DNV has thoroughly reviewed the RFQ, along with all the attachments, exhibits, and communications associated with this RFQ. We look forward to leveraging our experience, regional expertise, and local knowledge to add value to the City’s staff by supporting them in an efficient, cost-effective and timely manner to meet their needs. We are grateful for this opportunity and excited to present our service offerings for your consideration. Please contact me for any questions you have about our proposal. With kind regards, Mike Tabrizi, Ph.D., P.E. Vice President – Head of North America Power System Advisory Group DNV Energy USA Inc. Energy Systems 2777 North Stemmons Freeway #1520 Dallas, TX 75207 Mobile: (214) 600-1040 Email: Mike.Tabrizi@dnv.com DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 9 www.dnv.com 2 OVERVIEW OF DNV & DISTINCT ADVANTAGES DNV is a global quality assurance and risk management company driven by our purpose, vision, and values: Our Purpose Our Vision Our Values To safeguard life, property, and the environment A trusted voice to tackle global transformation We care. We dare. We share. We are the trusted partner and expert that customers and organizations listen to and rely on. We use our knowledge, expertise, and independent position to provide objective facts and insights to empower our customers to make decisions with confidence. We take an active role in addressing the most complex challenges and transformation opportunities facing our industries and our world. We do so with purpose and determination. Operating in more than 100 countries, our professionals are dedicated to helping customers across energy, maritime, oil & gas, digital, and other sectors to make the world safer, smarter, and greener. As the world’s leading resource of independent energy experts and technical advisors, we help industries and governments navigate the many complex, interrelated transitions taking place globally and regionally in the energy industry. With the rapid rise of renewables, decentralization, and digitalization facing the energy industry, DNV helps customers respond to emerging opportunities, to ensure continued grid reliability and resiliency through responsible and sustainable operations and to transition faster to a deeply decarbonized energy system. Through our advisory, monitoring, verification, and certification services, we provide assurance to the entire energy value chain – across generation and production, transmission and distribution, and end use. Our cross-disciplinary expertise spans onshore and offshore wind, solar, conventional generation, transmission and distribution, energy storage, energy efficiency, non-wires alternatives, sustainable energy use, and energy markets and regulations. Through our advanced technical expertise and regulatory understanding, we deliver unique insights and knowledge that help our customers to deliver energy in a safe and sustainable way. DNV’s Power System Advisory (PSA) group provides creative, cost effective, and practical solutions to stakeholders in the generation, transmission, and distribution market. We excel in providing strategic technical and economic consulting services in electric transmission and generation planning to our clients. From a T&D planning standpoint, DNV has proven expertise and vast experience in performing NERC TPL via FERC 715 Deeper Understanding of Electrical Systems with extensive ISO/RTO Planning Experience We have experience with how energy is produced, transmitted, and consumed and how the business models need to adjust to take advantage of and support the energy transition. Our team can provide the breadth and depth of expertise necessary to execute the compliance, modeling and other transmission planning studies. The engineers and managers proposed for this project have performed numerous transmission and distribution studies across the US footprint including ERCOT, WECC, CAISO, MISO, SPP, SOCO, PJM, ISO-NE, NYISO, SERC, FRCC, and for many transmission service providers. A Cross-Disciplinary Team DNV offers the City of Denton and DME a team of experts with wide range of expertise in both transmission, distribution and permitting including power system planning, design, cost estimates, reliability assessments, renewable interconnection, DER deployment, and NERC/WECC compliance. This allows more flexibility and agility during the peak times when technical support is most needed. Additional information about the team and their expertise is included in the Personnel and Experience sections of this response. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 10 www.dnv.com analysis and submittal, NERC TPL Audits, ERCOT Regional Planning Group submittals and participation, ERCOT Working Groups submittals and participation, generation interconnection, load flow, short circuit, transient stability, voltage ride through (VRT), electro-magnetic transient (EMT), critical clearing time, sub- synchronous resonance, hosting capacity, load allocation, volt/var, permitting/routing/ROW and DER interconnection analyses. DNV recognizes the importance of well-defined technical analyses as the basis for both technical and investment decisions. Our proposed team represents a well-balanced collection of capable and knowledgeable experts. Some of our merits specific to the assignment outlined in the proposal include: Direct Experience in working with DME DNV has been supporting DME in transmisison planning activities such as annual FERC 715 compliance assessments per NERC TPL1-004, ERCOT Working Groups submissions, regional transmisison planning and reliability project evaluations. Value-add & collaboration mindset in working with T&D utility staff Valuing DME in-house expertise and ensuring a customer-centric approach with ultimate goal of empowering DME staff by providing efficient, scalable and sustainable solutions. Knowledge of DME and ERCOT grid Technical support to numerous Utilities, minicipalities, renewable developers in performing day to day transmisison planning activities, compliance assessments, transmission model building activities in Panhandle and North Texas and throughout the ERCOT footprint. Comprehensive and tool-agnostic modeling capacibilities DNV possesses state-of-the-art modeling and automation capabilities required to perform the activities outlined in the scope of work -proficient in relevant industry software tools including ERCOT accepted Siemens PTI PSS/E, ASPEN, PSCAD, PowerWorld, Synergi, PSLF and ABB PROMOD Demonstrable track record in transmission and distribution planning, development and compliance Demonstrable experience in all aspects on transmission and distribution reliability and economic planning and compliance including state-of-the-art studies related to emerging technologies -DNV Team has developed and supported several high-profile grid solutions and investments across the country (>2.5$B). Dedicated, sizable and agile team with a project management & contingency plan in place As one of the largest N.A. power system advisory teams, DNV Team has ~40 power grid and energy markets experts including senior project managers with demonstrable experience in customer relationship management. Current size of this team also allows for a contingency plan, should any unexpected change occurs in requests intakes. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 11 www.dnv.com 3 PROPOSED TEAM & PROJECT ORGANIZATION 3.1 Organogram DNV is pleased to present a team of well qualified and experienced professionals to perform the Scope of Work proposed herein. No subcontractors are proposed at this stage for the scope of services requested in the RFQ. For the purposes of this proposal, the team is being presented without distinction between home office (located at 2777 N. Stemmons Frwy, #1520, Dallas, TX 75207) and onsite presence. All resources proposed can travel to the DME facilities, with necessary precautions and safety measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as required by the engagement. City of Denton Project Manager Charles Gibune Project Sponsor Venkata Viswanadham Transmission Planning Charles Gibune Azade Brahman Riyasat Azim, Ph.D. Amir Golshani, Ph.D. Nithya Tada, P.E. Farshid Salehi, Ph.D. Weiping Xiao Charles Aleman Distribution Analysis Jigisha Desai, P.E. Dilan Novosad, P.E. Clay Tutaj Johnathan Flinn Transmission Permitting and Cost Estimate Doug Price, P.E. Mohsen S. Zadeh, Ph.D. Sarah Aftergood Brian Murphy Economic/Congestion Analysis Kaustubh Deshmukh. P.E. Yashaswini Venkobarao Charles Gibune Technical Advisor Mike Tabrizi, Ph.D. P.E. NERC Compliance, Monitoring and Auditing Raymond Gilby Pearl Fackler Mickey Bellard DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 12 www.dnv.com 3.2 Services Beyond Transmission Planning Though DNV understands that the primary scope of work for this RFQ focuses on Transmission Planning Services, our team provides a much broader field of expertise that can bring value to DME. The DNV team can provide complimentary services, including Transmission Permitting, Cost Estimates, Distribution Analysis, and Economic and Congestion Analysis. We have included a few additional highlighted personnel to showcase some of the broader range of services provided by DNV. Color Code for Personnel Specialties Transmission Planning Experts (Requested in RFQ) Economic & Congestion Analysis (Optional) Permitting and Cost Estimates (Optional) Distribution Analysis (Optional) NERC Compliance, Monitoring & Auditing (Optional) 3.3 Key personnel This section gives a brief presentation of proposed project members. See Appendix A for detailed, individual curricula vitae (CV). The following personnel are nominated to perform the services. Table 3-1 Nominated personnel Name and project role Brief biography Mike Tabrizi, Ph.D., P.E. Technical Advisor As the head of DNV’s North America Power System Advisory Group (formed by the merger between DNV KEMA and GL PwrSolutions Inc), Dr. Tabrizi oversees strategic and technical advisory and consulting services to North America power grid and energy market stakeholders including state agencies, regional transmission organizations, transmission and distribution providers, municipalities, asset owners, operators, developers and investors as well as commercial and industrial customers. Dr. Tabrizi has 15 years of hands-on experience in electric grid modeling, economics and reliability including grid integration of generation and transmission assets, safety and compliance, wholesale market risk evaluation and mitigation and techno-economic analysis of conventional and non-conventional assets with specific focus on onshore and offshore renewable energy, energy storage systems, DERs and Non-Wire Alternatives. Dr. Tabrizi has led and performed many planning level studies including transmission developent studies, transfer studies, protection system assessment, renewable energy integration studies, NERC TPL and CIP assessment as well as production cost analysis . Dr. Tabrizi has also led the development of some widely used applications such as Power System Damping Analysis Tool. Dr. Tabrizi has also led and overseen numerous planning & operational-level analyses around strategic T&D network expansions, cyber security, protection and control and deployment of emerging analytical tools in power grid and energy markets. Dr. Tabrizi has provided training to ISOs/RTOs and grid planners and operators in various subjects including emerging technologies and phenomena in power grids. Dr. Tabrizi has been expert witness for several major T&D projects including Texas Competitive Renewable Energy Zone (CREZ), Rayburn Grid Switch to ERCOT, Lubbock Transition to ERCOT and MISO Entergy New Orleans Power Station projects. Dr. Tabrizi is a frequent speaker in industry events and conferences and actively participates in development of industry guidelines, standards and regulations. P.E. License Status: Texas - Active DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 13 www.dnv.com Venkata Viswanadham Project Sponsor Mr. Venkata Viswanadham has 10+ years of experience in generation and transmission planning especially grid interconnection studies, transmisison and distribution modeling, development and complaince aspects. Previously, he worked with Siemens Industry (Siemens PTI) as Power System consultant, with Entergy Services Inc. as Transmission Planning Intern. He graduated with his Master’s in Electrical Engineering from Mississippi State University. Mr. Viswanadham has experience in performing and supervising grid interconnection studies. He supports various Utility Clients in performing and overseeing NERC Compliance Assessments (TPL-001-4, CIP-014, MOD-032/26/27), day to day Transmission and Distrubution Planning activities, identifying solutions for constraints and FERC Regulatory Filings. He oversses the team in building, maintaining and updating steady state, protection, dynamic power flow models for Utility Clients at ERCOT Working Groups. He is a proficient user of PSS/e (Siemens PTI), Power World, ASPEN One Liner, and MUST software. As Head of Section for Transmission and Distribution with DNV Power System Advisory, Mr. Viswanadham leads project management and business development activities for the Business Unit. Utilizing his expertise in Transmission and Distribution planning, along with the proven Project Management methodologies adopted by DNV, Mr. Viswanadham has an extensive track record of delivering complex projects on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of the Customer. Charles Gibune Project Manager Charles Gibune has over 13 years in generation and transmission planning, power flow analysis with an extensive background in conducting economic analysis of transmission and generation projects through LMP process. Included in his experience is the development of processes to identify optimal transmission solutions to mitigate identified transmission system issues. This has led to numerous approved transmission opportunities for the utilities he is assigned to. Mr. Gibune also has very strong experience in performing Full Interconnection Studies (FIS) for generations applying to interconnect to the ERCOT system (which include both steady state and short circuit analysis), Available Transfer Capability (ATC) studies/generation deliverability studies, P-V/QV analysis, reactive power studies, facility study, unit commitment/dispatch analysis and development of contingency events for Utilities to comply with the NERC TPL-001 through TPL-004 standards. Mr. Gibune currently leads the team responsible for helping clients with compliance related work including but not limited to the following: NERC TPL-001-4 standard, FERC-715 report and filing, NERC MOD026/027/032 standard. Azade Brahman Transmission Planning Engineer Azade Brahman has expertise in power flow, contingency analysis studies, Mutual Coupling, breaker rating assessment, and short circuit simulation studies. Mrs. Brahman has experience in the Full Interconnection Studies (FIS) with emphasis on steady state, short circuit and Stability modeling and analysis of power systems and has performed various grid interconnection (focusing on renewable generation resources), generation reactive assessment and NERC/FERC Compliance studies within ERCOT and PG&E. In addition, she performed various protection relays coordination and operation analysis using different software such as ASPEN and real time simulators (RTDS). She also has experience in the system reliability assessment (within ERCOT) to identify and recommend the optimal transmission upgrades for the utilities to mitigate transmission system issues. She is a proficient user of power system analysis software packages such as PSS/E (Siemens PTI), PSLF, PowerWorld, PSCAD/EMTDC, RTDS, MATLAB and ASPEN OneLiner. Riyasat Azim, Ph.D. Transmission Planning Engineer Dr. Riyasat Azim has 5 years of experience in electric power industry involving generation and transmission planning, reliability assessments with primary focus on generation interconnection dynamic stability assessments, power system model development, and compliance studies ssuch as NER TPL, MOD-026/32, MOD-027, CIP-014 in various ISO/RTO footprints (such as – ERCOT, WECC, SPP, NYISO, and ISO-NE). Previously, he also worked on several Department of Energy (DoE) and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) funded power system research projects. He earned his Ph.D. from University of Tennessee, Knoxville. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 14 www.dnv.com Amir Golshani, Ph.D. Transmission Planning Engineer Dr. Salehi earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering-power systems from the University of Texas at Arlington in 2018. Dr. Farshid Salehi has more than 10 years of academic and industrial experience in Power System design and modeling. He is an expert in power system dynamics and transient studies. He has valuable experience in advanced power system modeling and analysis with specific focus on dynamic stability study, Electro- Magnetic Transient (EMT) modelling and simulations of switching over-voltage (SOV), temporary over-voltage (TOV), harmonic, and sub-synchronous interaction (SSI). He also has hands on experience in protection and control design in high voltage substation, MV & LV Switchgear design, industrial load flow, short circuit, coordination study and Arc Flash Study. Farshid Salehi has worked as an engineer at Monenco consulting engineer and currently is working as a senior engineer at DNV Energy advisory. He is a member of IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) and Industrial Application Society (IAS) and has served as reviewer for different journals including IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and IAS Magazine, Journal of Energy Systems (ENSY), Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE) and CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems. Nithya Reddy Tada, P.E. Transmission Planning Engineer Mrs. Nithya Tada has remarkable experience in Power System Planning and Operations for more than 5 years. She has acquired hands-on experience in performing optimal power flow analysis, contingency analysis, stability studies, developing tools, preparing power flow models and developing solutions to system issues using PSLF, PSSE, TARA, Power World, MUST, IPLAN and python. She also has good experience in reviewing transmission Proposed Plan Application (PPA) projects in Northern New England (Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire). Performed thermal, voltage, transfer limit, stability and short-circuit analysis to determine the impact of the proposed project on the New England system. P.E. License Status: Massachusetts and Texas Farshid Salehi, Ph.D. Transmission Planning Engineer Dr. Salehi earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering-power systems from the University of Texas at Arlington in 2018. Dr. Farshid Salehi has more than 10 years of academic and industrial experience in Power System design and modeling. He is an expert in power system dynamics and transient studies. He has valuable experience in advanced power system modeling and analysis with specific focus on stability study, Electro-Magnetic Transient (EMT) modelling and simulations of switching over-voltage (SOV), temporary over-voltage (TOV), harmonic, and sub-synchronous interaction (SSI). He also has hands on experience in protection and control design in high voltage substation, MV & LV Switchgear design, industrial load flow, short circuit, coordination study and Arc Flash Study. Farshid Salehi has worked as an engineer at Monenco consulting engineer and currently is working as a senior engineer at DNV Energy advisory. He is a member of IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) and Industrial Application Society (IAS) and has served as reviewer for different journals including IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and IAS Magazine, Journal of Energy Systems (ENSY), Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE) and CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems. Weiping Xiao Transmission Planning Engineer Weiping Xiao has over 11 years of experience in power system planning including generation interconnection, transmission reliability assessment and transmission expansion. She has performed numerous generation full interconnection studies (FIS), transmission expansion studies including Regional Planning Group (RPG) projects in ERCOT, transmission congestion/curtailment assessment, and NERC reliability compliance studies (TPL). Ms. Xiao excels in power flow, contingency analysis, and short circuit simulation. She has developed tools to facilitate the power system planning studies. She is also an expert of renewable generation modeling for wind farms and solar farms. Ms. Xiao is proficient in Power System analysis software packages including ASPEN, POWERWORLD, and PSSE DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 15 www.dnv.com Charles Aleman Transmission Planning Engineer Charles Aleman worked as an Electrical Engineer for Golden Spread Electric Cooperative (GSEC), working to install approximately 600 MW of new generation that could supply power to both the SPP and ERCOT markets. After installation was complete, he focused on plant O&M and gained experience with troubleshooting, relay coordination, TSR relays (for SSR protection), grounding studies, plant auxiliary power systems, switchgears, and transformer adjustments/replacements. Following this, Charles transitioned into the role of Power Delivery Engineer where he became familiar with distribution and transmission modeling and gained a working knowledge in Synergi and Siemens PTI PSS/e. During his 3+ years in this role, Charles participated in multiple powerflow and new load studies for GSEC’s various member cooperatives based on the SPP/ERCOT TPL-001 standards and reviewed/commented on similar studies on behalf of GSEC. In addition to this, he participated in various regional working groups including the SPP Transmission Working Group, SPP Model Development Advisory Group, ERCOT Regional Planning Group, and ERCOT Steady State Working Group. Due to his involvement with these groups, Charles was also responsible for model updates/submission of all data requests for both energy markets and retaining/providing compliance evidence for the various NERC modeling standards (mainly MOD-025, -026, - 027, and -032).He currently supports in various transmission and distribution interconnection studies pertainng to generation as well as load requests. Jigisha Desai, P.E. Distribution Planning Engineer Ms. Desai has over 15 years of experience with utilities, IPP, and ISO/RTO customers across North America and globally. Her expertise includes reliability analysis for a stand- alone battery projects, Non-Wires Alternative projects, and EV deployment projects. She has significant experience with transmission and distribution (T&D) model development, transmission and distribution planning studies, system impact studies, transmission development studies for the onshore and offshore projects, and various power system studies for large Commercial & Industrial customers. She acts as a technical lead, project manager, team mentor and technical adviser for a wide range of projects and actively participates in working group meetings for Independent System Operators and technical conferences. She has led an innovation project to develop a “Non-Wires Transmission Alternative Value Assessment Tool”. She has extensive knowledge of Reliability Standards, NERC Compliance and in-depth understanding of planning processes. Jigisha is proficient at multiple T&D software platforms such as Synergi Electric, Cyme, ETAP, Milsoft's Windmill, PSS/e, PowerWorld Simulator, PSLF and ASPEN. P.E. License Status: Texas Dilan Novosad, P.E. Distribution Planning Engineer Mr. Dilan Novosad has over 7 years of expertise in power flow, contingency analysis studies, short circuit studies, and electromagnetic transient (EMT) studies. His experience includes the steady state and short circuit modeling of distribution and transmission systems, and has performed various grid interconnection studies focusing on DER and renewable generation resources. He has performed various studies and analyses to recommend distribution and transmission projects from a reliability perspective. In addition, Mr. Novosad is involved in various distribution studies including multi-year load flow anlayses, 8760-hour analyses, DER studies, risk of islanding assessments and contingency analyses. As part of his previous work, he developed and evaluated future transmission plans for major system upgrades utilizing NERC, FERC, and regional transmission requirements & standards. Mr. Novosad is a proficient user of Synergi, Windmil, ETAP, PSLF, PSS/e (Siemens PTI), PowerWorld, PSCAD/EMTDC, ASPEN OneLiner software, and computer programming languages such as C, C++, VBA and Python. P.E. License Status: Texas DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 16 www.dnv.com Clay Tutaj Distribution Planning Engineer Mr. Tutaj has been involved in and managed a variety of consulting projects including transmission and distribution reliability, transmission and distribution asset management, photovoltaic systems, smart grid (primarily automation or remotely monitored and controlled devices and integrating distributed generation), financial analysis and storm response and forensic analysis both domestically and abroad. Project tasks have frequently involved accurately quantifying the impacts of root causes and system components, analyzing databases and processes, providing engineering solutions and risk mitigation through statistical and financial analysis to ensure prudent, informed decision making. Mr. Tutaj has received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Wisconsin – Platteville in Electrical Engineering. Jonathan Flinn Distribution Planning Engineer Mr. Flinn has been employed by DNV for 16 years, with the last 10 years working as a power system engineer. Through this work, Mr. Flinn has extensive experience in studying various aspects of the transmission and distribution system, with a focus on integration of distributed energy resources, renewable energy and distribution planning. His specialization is now in working with DNV’s Synergi Electric software, supporting utilities’ implementations of the software and running and automating complex analyses. Through this work, Mr. Flinn assists utilities in finding the most efficient methods to produce the results required for their distribution planning processes, including: multi-year load flow analysis; implementation of load profiles; DER studies; reliability analysis, and; contingency analysis. Doug Price, P.E. Transmission Planning Engineer Doug Price, PE, Senior Principal Electrical Engineer, leads electrical engineering in the U.S. and Canada, including all aspects of wind and solar project interconnection and electrical balance of plant (BoP) engineering. He leads commercial and technical due diligence and owner’s engineering on utility scale wind and solar power project electrical balance of plant, including interconnection feasibility studies, interconnection design and applications, detailed technical review, correction and approval of electrical construction documentation including contracts, plans and specifications, design calculations and studies, and equipment submittals, construction monitoring, oversight of commissioning and startup, operational and end of warranty inspections, design, bid package development, and related services in support of project development. He has over 20 years of experience in power systems engineering including transmission planning and operations engineering, cogeneration design and interconnection, and wind power consulting engineering and due diligence. Mr. Price holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from San Diego State University, and a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California, with emphasis in power systems in both programs. He is a licensed professional engineer in California and multiple other states, and is a member of the IEEE Power & Energy Society. Mohsen Zadeh, Ph.D. Transmission Planning Engineer Mohsen Zadeh, P.Eng. is currently working as a Senior Electrical Engineer in the Energy Advisory Group of DNV based in Toronto, ON. Dr. Zadeh has extensive professional experience including Electrical Design/System Studies, Independent Engineering (IE), Owner Engineering (OE) and Technical Due Diligence of utility-scale Wind, Solar, and Battery Storage projects across North America. He recently acted as the Engineer of Record (EoR) for the first utility-scale solar farm in western Canada. Dr. Zadeh’s technical affiliations include memberships in CIGRE, IEEE, IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES), and IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS). He is also currently acting as the Secretary of IEEE Toronto Chapter DEIS technical group. Dr. Zadeh is a Registered Professional Engineer in the Provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta Canada. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 17 www.dnv.com Sarah Aftergood, M.Sc. Environmental and Permitting Specialist Ms. Aftergood is a renewable energy professional with over 8 years of experience leading renewable energy project development, permitting, stakeholder consultation, communication, negotiation, business development, sustainability initiatives, GIS mapping and environmental impact assessments. She has undertaken projects and assignments in Australia, USA, United Kingdom, Canada, SE Asia and West Africa. In 2019 Ms. Aftergood completed development of a 125.1 MW Wind Farm and 3-mile Transmission line in NW Ohio. In 2013 Ms. Aftergood worked as a Senior Advisor for the UK Government regarding fisheries policy and drafted and legislated two byelaws that would protect fish habitat and fish species off the NE English coast. Ms. Aftergood is currently the lead Project Manager for the Mayflower Offshore Wind Construction and Operation Plan. Brian Murphy, P.E. Brian Murphy, PE, Senior Manager of Electrical Engineering, leads electrical engineering in the U.S. and Canada, including all aspects of wind, solar, and storage project interconnection and electrical balance of plant (BoP) engineering. He leads commercial and technical due diligence and owner’s engineering on utility scale wind and solar power project electrical balance of plant, including interconnection feasibility studies, interconnection design and applications, detailed technical review, correction and approval of electrical construction documentation including contracts, plans and specifications, design calculations and studies, and equipment submittals, construction monitoring, oversight of commissioning and startup, operational and end of warranty inspections, design, bid package development, and related services in support of project development. He has over 15 years of experience in power systems engineering including transmission planning and operations engineering, utility-scale renewables development, and solar power plant construction. Mr. Murphy holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Oregon State University. He is a licensed professional engineer in California. Kaustubh Deshmukh, P.E. Energy Economics Specialist Mr. Deshmukh has 15 years of experience in the electric industry including municipal joint action agencies, independent transmission companies, and consulting. He is an expert in economic analysis for generation and transmission projects, production cost modeling, transmission planning, reliability analysis, power supply portfolio management, utility cost accounting and finance, generation planning, IRP development, and risk analysis. Mr. Deshmukh is proficient in multiple software packages and programming languages including PROMOD, General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS), @Risk for Excel, UPLAN, PSS/E – MUST, MATLAB/SIMULINK , GE PSLF, Visual Basic, Python and C. P.E. Licence Status: Michigan – Active Yashaswini Venkobarao Energy Economics Ms. Venkobarao is an Engineer with DNV’s Power System Planning group. Ms. Venkobarao received her Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from The University of Texas at Arlington. She is experienced in Power system simulation and analysis, research planning and execution. She holds expertise in detail-oriented troubleshooting. Ms. Venkobarao is experienced in performing various studies such as Generator Interconnection Studies, Full Interconnection Studies, Energy Economics studies. She also is experienced in performing power system analysis for Industrial and commercial projects. Ms. Venkobarao is proficient in tools such as PROMOD, PowerWorld Simulator, PSS/e, ETAP, AutoCAD. Raymond Gilby NERC Compliance Specialist Ray Gilby has over 40 years of experience in real-time computer systems. Since 2006, Mr. Gilby has concentrated on working with utilities in assessing, mitigating and setting up programs for NERC compliance. Prior to that, he managed projects associated with the transition to ISO mode of operation, which includes ISO interfaces, settlements, EMS interfaces, and associated procedures. His technical background experience includes system design and development, application design and development, and project management of system integration, testing and commissioning. Mr. Gilby’s administrative functions include writing specifications and proposals, negotiating vendor contracts, managing system start-ups, and hiring and supervising teams of technical and engineering personnel. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 18 www.dnv.com Pearl Fackler NERC Compliance Specialist As a North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Compliance Specialist, Ms. Fackler provides monthly compliance monitoring, pre-audit assessments (mock audits), defining compliance programs including operating processes and procedures, compliance program support to include process updates as a result of changing and new requirements. In addition, Ms. Fackler provides project management and project management support activities for external projects with DNV. She is a Sr. Project Coordinator with more than four decades of experience in office management (managing and maintaining an efficient office operation while performing duties of a complex and confidential nature); supervision, training and evaluating administrators; working in various fields (energy efficiency, health care, construction, and high tech manufacturing); sales, purchasing, warranty, budget preparation and analysis, and customer relations (external and internal). Mickey Bellard NERC Compliance Specialist Mickey Bellard is Principal Consultant NERC Compliance for DNV’s North America Power System Advisory Group and has over 20 years of experience in the energy industry for power generation and energy regulation, regulatory compliance, compliance areas. Mickey has extensive compliance experience in generation, transmission, natural gas, power plants, renewables, and energy regulatory elements, including compliance policy development and enforcement issues. As a senior compliance champion Mickey has led several corporate NERC compliance teams and facility subject-matter experts in the development of compliance programs related to FERC, EIA, NERC, PJM, ERCOT, CAISO, NEISO, NYISO, SERC, RF, NPCC, TRE, MRO, FRCC, and WECC. Mickey performed and led FERC 693/706 audits of numerous Registered Entities and served as the Balancing Authority, Transmission Operator, Transmission Owner, Generator Owner/Generator Operator subject-matter expert at SERC Reliability Corporation. Mickey was part of the SERC professional staff and participated in numerous event analysis and non-public compliance investigations. Mickey championed the “Mitigation Plan” process and served as lead project manager for numerous enforcement cases. From 2010 to 2020, Mickey provided NERC/FERC/RTO support for several private equity firms, asset managers, owners, partners, and cooperatives in the development of compliance programs to facilitate startup, construction, commissioning, due diligence, sale, and acquisition of numerous power generation facilities in the United States. Earlier in his career, Mickey served as Plant Manager, Operations Superintendent, Production Manager, Operations Supervisor, and held numerous technical positions for Duke Energy -Progress, NIPSCO-NiSource, and Entergy Louisiana. Mickey received an MBA from Indiana University and a BS in Management from Calumet College of St Josephs. The resources listed above are based on DNV’s current availability schedule. Should personnel availability change at the time of contract award or during the project execution, DNV will inform the City of Denton of the changes of resources. DNV will aim at finding resources with the same level of competence as the resources listed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 19 www.dnv.com 4 SCOPE OF WORK In order to adhere to regulatory protocols, requirements, and standards from ERCOT, TRE, FERC, and NERC, DNV will develop and perform annual transmission planning studies such as the FERC 715 study, perform modeling information on timely basis per ERCOT Working groups, coordinate transmission system changes with each ERCOT modeling group and other electric utilities, attend ERCOT working group meetings, and prepare additional studies as needed. DNV will provide Transmission Planning engineering services as described in the Scope of Work by the City/DME. Per the services requested by the City in the RFQ, DNV envisions the scope to comprise of the following key tasks: 4.1 Assembling annual Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 715/Transmission Planning Study 4.1.1 Transmission Owner Identification & Certification DNV envisions much of this subtask to be completed by DME, since it involves providing details associated with the Transmission Owner (TO) performing the filing. However, as needed, DNV would provide assistance based on similar FERC 715 filings prepared by DNV, including those prepared on behalf of DME. The task primarily comprises of the following: • Identification and Certification document outlining the utility name, physical address, contact person, certification from certifying officer and associated contact details • Cover Letter from DME outlining the organization and contents of the entire FERC Form 715 submission It also should be noted that DNV offers complementary peer review of the FERC filings before final submittal by our NERC Compliance Monitoring and Auditing team. 4.1.2 Regional Power Flow Base Cases As part of this task, the most current and updated regional power flow base cases with DME’s transmission facilities accurately validated must be developed to be submitted along with the filing. The scope of work (SOW) associated with this task, as envisioned by DNV, comprises of the following: • The Steady State Working Group (SSWG) develops the planning cases for the ERCOT transmission system. For the FERC 715 filing, the SSWG cases span across eight (8) seasonal cases and six (6) planning horizon cases. Most utilities do not submit any regional power flow cases beyond the horizon spanned by ERCOT SSWG. • The ERCOT SSWG planning cases are expected to be utilized for the long-term planning assessment. A typical SSWG case set includes but not limited the following transmission models: o (YR+1) SPG1 o (YR+1) SPG2 o (YR+1) SUM1 o (YR+1) SUM2 o (YR+1) FAL1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 20 www.dnv.com o (YR+1) FAL2 o (YR+2) WIN1 o (YR+2) WIN2 o (YR+2) SUM1 o (YR+3) SUM1 o (YR+4) MIN o (YR+4) HWLL o (YR+4) SUM1 o (YR+5) SUM1 o (YR+6) SUM1 o (YR+7) SUM1 • The cases to be used as the base case for the study case development will be selected in accordance with the NERC TPL-001-4 requirements. • DNV will check each of these cases to ensure accurate modeling of DME’s existing transmission facilities associated with the timeframe of the power flow case. • The transmission topology, as reflected in the SSWG cases, would be compared with the latest transmission and substation project summary, as provided by DME. Transmission system enhancements submitted on behalf of DME based on the latest annual planning study and the Transmission Project Information Tracking (TPIT) updates will be validated. • Any updates/modifications to the case, if needed, would be performed utilizing Planning Model Change Requests (PMCRs) in ERCOT MODWeb accompanied with adequate documentation and the rationale behind the change. The PMCR files would also be provided to DME as part of the deliverables for this task. • The resulting cases would be utilized as “study case” for the annual long-term planning assessment. 4.1.3 Transmission Facility Maps & One-lines DNV envisions much of this task to be completed by DME. However, in this case, DNV would utilize the transmission facility and/or breaker diagram maps provided by DME to corroborate the same with the latest transmission topology, as depicted in the forward year cases and vice-versa. The task primarily comprises of the following: • DME would be required to submit detailed transmission facility maps for their existing transmission system within the ERCOT system. • Additionally, bus/breaker arrangements for all 138kV and/or 69kV stations owned/operated by DME would need to be submitted. • DNV would ensure for consistency in terms of the transmission topology depicted in the maps/station diagrams, vis-à-vis the forward year cases in terms of the city’s transmission facilities. • The transmission facility maps and/or breaker diagrams would be accompanied with a document providing a brief overview of the transmission facilities owned/operated by DME, as per the maps/diagrams submitted. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 21 www.dnv.com 4.1.4 Transmission Planning/Performance Criteria One integral aspect of the FERC 715 filing for each TO is to provide transmission planning/performance criteria that it utilizes to gauge the performance of its transmission network. Typically, the regional ISO planning criteria and the NERC planning criteria serve as over-arching guidelines. In DME’s case, the task would comprise of the following: • DME’s Transmission Planning/Performance Criteria document outlining the criteria utilized to assess the reliable performance of its transmission system within the planning horizon would need to be submitted. • In the absence of an explicit planning/performance criteria, DNV would explore the following two options: o Utilize ERCOT Planning Criteria as their default planning/performance criteria and attach the same as an Exhibit. o Develop a planning criteria based on the ERCOT Planning Criteria, NERC Planning (TPL- 001-4) standards and the planning criteria for neighboring utilities. • DNV comprehensively understands the ERCOT Planning/NERC TPL-001-4 Criteria and has assisted numerous ERCOT utilities to draft their planning/performance criteria. 4.1.5 Transmission Planning/Performance Assessment Guidelines Typically, most utilities defer to the NERC TPL-001-4 transmission planning standards for their own planning assessment and evaluation standards. DNV possesses and comprehensively understands the application of the TPL standards on transmission facilities rated 69kV and above. DNV intends to utilize the same to perform the long-term transmission planning evaluation for DME’s transmission facilities. Exhibits 1-4 below depicts the NERC TPL-001-4 standards. 4.1.6 Annual Transmission Planning Study One of the most significant aspects of the FERC 715 filing is the annual transmission planning and evaluation report outlining the assessment of the performance of DME’s transmission facilities over the long-term planning horizon. The scope of work associated with this task, as envisioned by DNV, would comprise of the following: 1. Data Collection & Validation • Obtain ERCOT SSWG Steady State planning cases for relevant year. • Validate accurate modeling of DME’s existing transmission facilities. • Validate accurate connections for DME’s existing transmission facilities with neighboring utilities. • Utilize DME’s latest transmission & sub-station Project Summary in conjunction with the latest ERCOT Transmission Project Information Tracking (TPIT) updates to evaluate the incorporation of planned transmission enhancements in the relevant year cases. • Assess the load and generation status/levels on the DME’s and neighboring transmission facilities. • Develop study cases for the planning horizon. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 22 www.dnv.com • Utilize DME’s long-term load forecast to develop a long-term case beyond the horizon spanned by the planning base cases developed by ERCOT, if needed. 2. Contingency Event Definitions & System Monitoring Setting • Obtain relevant contingencies on DME’s and neighboring transmission systems from the latest ERCOT Planning Contingency File & DME contingency files. The contingency events evaluated should span NERC Category P0-P7 and extreme events. • Review DME contingency files in the wake of updated transmission topology to identify any changes and/or modifications. • Work with neighboring Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) to identify relevant NERC Category contingencies. • Identify the following system performance/evaluation criteria for DME and neighboring transmission facilities for normal operation and contingency conditions: o Thermal Rating for transmission system elements to assess transmission system overloads. o Voltage Magnitude Range for assessing voltage magnitude violations. o Voltage Deviation Range for assessing voltage deviation violations pre- and post- contingency. 3. Annual Transmission Assessment • Perform steady state AC Power Flow and Contingency analysis for each of the planning year cases including long term case. • Identify any transmission system performance violations based on the criteria outlined above. • Observe and document the first year of occurrence of each transmission system issue and exacerbation levels for the subsequent years. • Identify if any of DME’s planned transmission system enhancements will alleviate the transmission system violation. If so, note the expected in-service date of the proposed transmission system enhancement, vis-à-vis the first occurrence of the concern. • Study relevant transmission enhancement scenarios to assess the optimal scenario to ensure reliable operation of DME facilities. • Document performance of each scenario for DME review and provide independent recommendations. 4. Annual Transmission Evaluation Report • Develop annual transmission assessment report outlining the following aspects: o Study Approach & Assumptions o Base Case Violations & Year of Occurrence o Transmission Enhancement Scenario Definitions & Performance o Results & Key Observations DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 23 www.dnv.com • Provide a summarized description of the recommended transmission solution associated with identified concerns accompanied with approximate schedule of the enhancements comprising the solution. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 24 www.dnv.com Exhibit 1 - TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS STANDARDS — NERC TPL-001-4, P0 – P2 (1 OF 4) DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C Exhibit 2 - TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS STANDARDS — NERC TPL-001-4, P3 – P6 (2 OF 4) DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C Exhibit 3 - TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS STANDARDS — NERC TPL-001-4, P7 (3 OF 4) DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C Exhibit 4 - TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS STANDARDS — NERC TPL-001-4, EXTREME EVENTS (4 OF 4) DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 28 www.dnv.com Footnotes for Exhibit 1-Exhibit 4 1. If the event analyzed involves BES elements at multiple System voltage levels, the lowest System voltage level of the element(s) removed for the analyzed event determines the stated performance criteria regarding allowances for interruptions of Firm Transmission Service and Non-Consequential Load Loss. 2. Unless specified otherwise, simulate normal clearing of faults. Single line to ground (SLG) or three-phase (3Ø) are fault types that must be evaluated in Stability simulations for the event described. A 3Ø or a double line to ground fault study indicating the criteria are being met is sufficient evidence that a SLG condition would also meet the criteria. 3. Bulk Electric system (BES) level references include extra-high voltage (EHV) Facilities defined as greater than 300kV and high voltage (HV) Facilities defined as the 300kV and lower voltage systems. The design for EHV and HV is used to distinguish between stated performance criteria allowances for the interruption of Firm Transmission Services and Non-Consequential Load Loss. 4. Curtailment of Conditional Firm Transmission Services is allowed when the conditions and/or events being studied formed the basis for the Conditional Firm Transmission Services. 5. For non-generator step up transformer outage events, the reference voltage, as used in footnote 1, applies to the low-side winding (excluding tertiary windings). For generator and Generator Step Up transformer outage events, the reference voltage applies to the BES connected voltage (high-side of the Generator Step Up transformer). Requirements which are applicable to transformers also apply to variable frequency transformers and phase shifting transformers. 6. Requirements which are applicable to shunt devices also apply to FACTS devices that are connected to ground. 7. Opening one end of a line section without a fault on a normally networked Transmission circuit such that the line is possibly serving Load radial from a single source point. 8. An internal breaker fault means a breaker failing internally, thus creating a System fault which must be cleared by protection on both sides of the breaker. 9. An objective of the planning process should be to minimize the likelihood and magnitude of interruption of Firm Transmission Service following Contingency events. Curtailment of Firm Transmission Service is allowed both as a System adjustment (as identified in the column entitled ‘Initial Condition’) and a corrective action when achieved through the appropriate re-dispatch of resources obligated to re-dispatch, where it can be demonstrated that Facilities, internal and external to the Transmission Planner’s planning region, remain within applicable Facility Ratings and the re-dispatch does not result in any Non- Consequential Load Loss. Where limited options for re-dispatch exist, sensitivities associated with the availability of those resources should be considered. 10. A stuck breaker means that for a gang-operated breaker, all three phases of the breaker have remained closed. For an independent pole operated (IPO) or an independent pole tripping (IPT) breaker, only one pole is assumed to remain closed. A stuck breaker results in Delayed Fault Clearing. 11. Excludes circuits that share a common structure (Planning event P7, Extreme event steady state 2a) or common Right-of-Way (Extreme event, steady state 2b) for 1 mile or less. 12. An objective of the planning process is to minimize the likelihood and magnitude of Non-Consequential Load DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 29 www.dnv.com Loss following planning events. In limited circumstances, Non-Consequential Load Loss may be needed throughout the planning horizon to ensure that BES performance requirements are met. However, when Non-Consequential Load Loss is utilized under footnote 12 within the Near-Term Transmission Planning Horizon to address BES performance requirements, such interruption is limited to circumstances where the Non-Consequential Load Loss meets the conditions shown in Attachment 1. In no case can the planned Non-Consequential Load Loss under footnote 12 exceed 75 MW for US registered entities. The amount of planned Non- Consequential Load Loss for a non-US Registered Entity should be implemented in a manner that is consistent with, or under the direction of, the applicable governmental authority or its agency in the non-US jurisdiction. 13. Applies to the following relay functions or types: pilot (#85), distance (#21), differential (#87), current (#50, 51, and 67), voltage (#27 & 59), directional (#32, & 67), and tripping (#86, & 94). DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 30 www.dnv.com 4.1.7 Short Circuit & Breaker Adequacy Assessment The scope of work associated with this phase, as envisioned by DNV, would comprise of the following: • The ERCOT SPWG Future Year (FY) cases over a planning year horizon would be utilized as the base cases for the assessment. The cases would be reviewed to ensure accurate modeling of DME facilities from a short circuit standpoint. Additionally, the cases will be reviewed to ensure accurate representation of generation interconnections associated with DME and/or neighboring facilities, if any. • The most updated DME station configurations would be utilized to model the breaker configurations into the bus-branch model obtained from ERCOT. The following aspects will be taken into account during the development of the breaker model: o Breaker configuration (breaker and a half, double bus double breaker, etc.) o Transmission system elements protected by each breaker o Breaker Rating (kA) o Rating Method (IEEE/ANSI) o Interrupting Time o Contact Parting Time • A comprehensive breaker adequacy assessment will be performed for all DME facilities utilizing the Breaker Rating Module (BRM) in ASPEN One-liner. • The results of the breaker adequacy assessment will provide the maximum duty experienced at each breaker across a range of short circuit events with variations including but not limited to the following: o Fault Type o Fault Location o Transmission configuration prior to fault (line open, etc.) 4.1.8 Transient Stability Assessment The scope of work associated with this phase, as envisioned by DNV, would comprise of the following: • Dynamic Dataset Review & Initialization a. The relevant ERCOT DWG future year dynamic dataset would be utilized for the transient stability assessment. The dynamic dataset will be reviewed to ensure that most updated parameters are utilized to represent the DME transmission facilities. b. The generation level modeled on/around DME facilities and the neighboring region will be reviewed to ensure its consistency with the latest status of generation interconnections associated with DME and neighboring facilities. c. Run a 10-sec no disturbance flat start to ensure acceptable dynamic initialization of the dynamic dataset while monitoring the maximum deviations associated with the following power system quantities: ▪ Rotor Angles for conventional generation units ▪ Terminal Voltages for all generation units ▪ Active Power Output for all generation units DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 31 www.dnv.com • Definition of Dynamic Events a. Define and develop dynamic events spanning NERC category P1-P7 and extreme event conditions for all DME and neighboring transmission system facilities. The dynamic events associated with neighboring transmission facilities will be limited to those involving DME facilities. b. Specifically speaking, the dynamic events would include the following: ▪ 3-Phase fault based normal clearing events (NERC Category P1,P3, P6-P7 events) ▪ S-L-G fault based delayed clearing events (NERC Category P2, P4-P5 events) • Delayed clearing events will be defined by virtue of breaker failure and/or system protection failure conditions ▪ 3-Phase fault based normal clearing events associated with outages of lines in a common corridor and/or outage of DME stations (NERC extreme events) c. The normal and delayed clearing events and durations will be decided in discussion with DME. • Dynamic Simulation & System Assessment a. Perform transient stability simulations for each of the aforementioned normal and delayed clearing events associated with the DME system. b. The following aspects would be utilized to assess the performance of the DME transmission system under the various dynamic events outlined above: ▪ Rotor angle and voltage stability assessment ▪ Transient Voltage Recovery Criteria ▪ System Damping c. The performance of the DME system for varying dynamic events spanning NERC Category P1-P7 and extreme events will be based on a combination of the DME Planning Criteria, ERCOT Planning Criteria and NERC TPL-001-4 standards. • Transient Stability Study Report a. Develop a transient stability assessment report outlining the following aspects: ▪ Study Methodology & Assumptions ▪ Dynamic Event Definitions with specification associated with NERC Categories for each event ▪ Simulation Results & Observations ▪ Dynamic Events of concerns b. Provide a summarized description of any violations of the DME Planning Criteria, ERCOT Planning Criteria and/or NERC TPL-001-4 standards for the entire range of dynamic events assessed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 32 www.dnv.com 4.2 Transmission system analysis and reliability project justification per ERCOT Planning Charter The Regional Transmission Plan is developed annually by ERCOT, in coordination with the Regional Planning Group (RPG) and Transmission Service Providers (TSPs). The Regional Transmission Plan addresses regional and ERCOT-wide reliability and economic transmission needs and the planned improvements to meet those needs for the planning horizon (up to six years). Proposed transmission projects are categorized into Reliability driven and Economic driven Projects. The differentiation between these two types of projects is based on whether a simultaneously-feasible, security-constrained generating unit commitment dispatch is expected to be available for all hours of the planning horizon that can resolve the system reliability issue that the proposed transmission project is intended to resolve. If it is not possible to simulate a dispatch of the Generation Resources such that all reliability criteria are met without the project, and the addition of the project allows the reliability criteria to be met, then the project is classified as a reliability-driven project. If it is possible to simulate a dispatch of the Generation Resources in such a way that all reliability criteria are met without the project, but the project may allow the reliability criteria to be met at a lower total cost, then the project is classified as an economic-driven project. For reliability-driven projects, the comparison of project costs generally includes only the relative capital costs of the alternatives. DNV staff selected and proposed for this engagement have also, since 2008, directly participated in the ERCOT RPG process on behalf of the ERCOT TSP’s for various reliability transmission driven projects. DNV has conducted various reliability studies in ERCOT to identify the best solution and to determine the cost vs benefit. The contribution of DNV includes screening analysis to identify potential reliability issues beforehand in the area of interest, and if needed perform a detailed transmission system analysis to validate issues identified in the screening analysis. If a reliability concern is identified, DNV will identify transmission solutions to meet ERCOT reliability or economic criteria. DNV will outline the study assumptions, methodology, transmission base case(s) analysis, planning horizon scenarios to be studied, identifying transmission alternatives, coming up with criteria matrix to identify relative performance of the transmission alternatives, propose and recommend the best alternative(s), conduct sensitivity analysis as needed to validate the long-term benefits of the proposed solution. The above detailed approach aids the TSP in making the decision if the transmission solution is advantageous in relative performance by meeting all of the ERCOT reliability criteria. DNV has conducted various detailed technical system analysis such as steady state load flow and contingency analysis, short circuit breaker adequacy analysis, transient or dynamic stability analysis, and system strength assessments such as short circuit ratio and sub synchronous resonance assessments. The analysis will consider system normal operation, NERC Category contingencies including ERCOT Category contingencies and any additional contingency conditions ERCOT might be interested in evaluating. DNV will also utilize the results of the annual system planning and FERC 715 filing study to evaluate the need for transmission system enhancements and/or new projects on the DME and/or neighboring transmission system. DNV will work with DME and other interconnected utilities to develop justification for the projects based on the ERCOT reliability criteria. DNV will also review the studies performed by neighboring utilities to ensure optimal system benefits from a DME standpoint and adequate justification for reliability projects. 4.3 Transmission project submission to ERCOT for Regional Planning Group (RPG) review, comments and approval Depending on the Tier (1, 2, 3, 4) of transmission projects, except projects that have only localized impacts and projects that are directly associated with the interconnection of new Resources, all other transmission projects in the ERCOT Region undergo a formal review by the RPG in accordance with Protocols, Regional Planning Group Project Review Process. In addition, ERCOT performs an independent analysis of the need for major transmission projects that are submitted for RPG Project Review. The affirmative result of this review is formal endorsement of the project by ERCOT. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 33 www.dnv.com This ERCOT project endorsement is intended to support, to the extent applicable, a finding by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) that a project is necessary for the service, accommodation, convenience, or safety of the public within the meaning of Public Utility Regulatory Act, TEX. UTIL. CODE ANN. § 37.056 (Vernon 1998 and Supp. 2007) and P.U.C. SUBST. R. 25.101, Certification Criteria. DNV has supported various TSP’s during the ERCOT RPG submittal for new project submission, review, comments and approval process. Some of the tasks include: • Develop ERCOT RPG submissions on behalf of DME to submit to ERCOT and coordinate the following: o Response to any comments from ERCOT/stakeholders o Providing any clarifications required on the technical and/or cost estimate assumptions • Development of TPIT submissions to ERCOT for approved projects • Development of Planning Model Change Request (PMCR) submissions for approved projects to ensure modeling into the future cases DNV will ensure that each RPG submittal made to ERCOT on behalf of DME is followed through to its logical conclusion while coordinating communication between DME, ERCOT and any other relevant stakeholders. 4.4 Submission of data/models associated with approved transmission projects to ERCOT The submittal for proposed and/or approved Transmission project to ERCOT RPG and ERCOT include the following: • Proposed project description including expected cost, transmission topology and Transmission Facility modeling parameter data, and all study cases used to generate results supporting the need for the project in electronic format (powerflow data in PTI Power System Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E) RAWD format), accurate maps and one-line diagrams showing locations of the proposed project. • Identification of the SSWG, DWG or Regional Transmission Plan powerflow cases used as a basis for the study and any associated changes that describe and allow accurate modeling of the proposed project. • Description and data for all changes made to the SSWG base cases or Regional Transmission Plan cases used to identify the need for the project, such as Generation Resource unavailability and area peak Load forecast. • A description of the reliability and/or economic problem that is being solved . • A description of the SSR impact of the proposed project to the generation facilities in the system pursuant to ERCOT Protocol, Subsynchronous Resonance Vulnerability Assessment, and potential SSR Countermeasure plan for any identified SSR vulnerability, if applicable. • Desired/needed in-service date for the project, and feasible in-service date, if different. • Phone number and email address of the single point of contact who can respond to ERCOT and RPG participant questions or requests for additional information necessary for stakeholder review. • Analysis of rejected alternatives, including cost estimates, and other factors considered in the comparison of alternatives with the proposed project. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 34 www.dnv.com • Both transmission and distribution solutions to performance deficiencies may be considered where applicable. • any other information, not included above, that the submitting party believes is relevant to consideration of the need for any submitted project. 4.5 Technical Support & Representation in relation to the findings of the FERC 715 study in meetings with other Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) Apart from performing the annual planning studies, DNV will also provide technical support to DME in terms of Transmission Planner (TP) NERC Compliance and FERC 715 filing including the following services: • Development of documents required to demonstrate compliance with the TPL-001-4 for TRE submission on an annual basis • Represent DME in meetings with other TSPs for matters concerning findings of the FERC 715 study • Development of documents required to demonstrate compliance with the MOD-0-10 and MOD-0-12 on an annual basis • Response to any comments received by DME following the FERC 715 filing • Response to any comments received by DME during a NERC TP audit from a technical standpoint • Review of DME’s planning criteria, MOD and FAC standards, if applicable • Assist in all DME’s planning efforts as required 4.6 Data Submissions for ERCOT Steady State Working Group (SSWG) transmission cases/models Apart from performing the annual long-term transmission planning assessment for DME, the scope of work also includes ensuring accurate representation of DME’s planned facilities in the ERCOT steady state transmission models. To that extent, DNV will perform the following model review, validation and update activities in relation to the ERCOT SSWG data submissions: • ERCOT SSWG data submissions o Review each pass of the SSWG planning cases to ensure accurate representation of DME facilities based on transmission maps and transmission facility upgrade/addition schedule provided by DME o Develop relevant category Planning Model Change Requests (PMCRs) associated with DME facilities o Submit PMCRs using MODWeb o Participate in case building exercises at ERCOT on behalf of DME o Review/perform subsequent TPIT updates associated with the SSGW cases DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 35 www.dnv.com 4.7 Data Submissions for ERCOT System Protection Working Group (SPWG) current and future year cases The scope of work also includes ensuring accurate representation of DME’s planned facilities in the ERCOT system protection transmission models. To that extent, DNV will perform the following model review, validation and update activities in relation to the ERCOT SPWG data submissions: • ERCOT SPWG cases o Ensure accurate representation of planned DME facilities in Current Year (CY) SPWG cases from a positive and zero sequence data standpoint o Ensure accurate representation of planned DME facilities in Future Year (FY) SPWG cases from a positive and zero sequence data standpoint o Ensure accurate representation of transmission upgrades/enhancements in the protection cases o Review each pass associated with the current and future year SPWG cases in terms of DME facilities 4.8 Data Submissions for ERCOT Dynamics Working Group (DWG) current and future year cases The scope of work also includes ensuring accurate representation of DME’s planned facilities in the ERCOT dynamic datasets. To that extent, DNV will perform the following model review, validation and update activities in relation to the ERCOT DWG data submissions: • ERCOT DWG Current & Future Year Dynamic Datasets o Ensure accurate representation of planned DME facilities in CY & FY DWG datasets from steady state and dynamic standpoint o Perform non-wind and wind flat start assessments to ensure acceptable deviations of relevant power system quantities o Assess dynamic response associated with DME facilities, if applicable 4.9 Contingency Dataset validation and submissions to ERCOT • Contingency Review/Updates o Review DME contingency definitions in Annual Planning contingency files including NERC Category P1-P7 and extreme events for each contingency update pass o Update contingency definitions associated with DME facilities based on changes/additions to DME transmission system facilities o Update 3-Phase and S-L-G fault based dynamic event definitions for DME based on changes/additions to DME transmission system facilities 4.10 Data Dictionary Updates to ERCOT • Data Dictionary Updates DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 36 www.dnv.com o Review DME facilities in the ERCOT Data Dictionary to ensure accurate representation in terms of the following: ▪ Bus Name ▪ Bus Number ▪ Station Full Name ▪ Nominal kV ▪ Weather Zone ▪ County, planning bus long name and provide relevant comments o Update data dictionary to ensure inclusion of information associated with new DME facilities 4.11 Comprehensive transmission system modeling utilizing PSS/E and PowerWorld DNV’s Power System Advisory engineers have expertise with a wide variety of industry-standard power system software used for the transmission system modeling and analysis especially in the ERCOT market. Power System Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E) developed by Siemens PTI and Power World are high-performance transmission planning and analysis software’s. DNV has a multiple user active Siemens PSS/E and Power World licenses at least for the past 20 years from the Dallas office. DNV has been using PSS/E and PowerWorld for small to medium to large bus interconnected transmission networks. Tasks include but not limited to building and maintaining transmission network topology, modifying the existing network topology, creating power flow network cases with appropriate network parameters for various grid connected facilities, validating with no errors and warnings to ensure proper network modeling. DNV has also hands on experience with Siemens Model On Demand (MOD) tool which utilizes project files (.prj), PSS/e IDEV files for network changes, Planning Model Change Requests (PMCR’s) and Device Control Profiles (DCP’s) which are extensively used in ERCOT Working Groups especially SSWG and DWG for PSS/E IDEV’s. DNV has built transmission network slider (.sld) diagrams in PSS/E for the areas of interest within the large transmission network that would help DME visualize the network flows and transmission system flow constraints and voltage limitations. DNV has also experience in the graphical user interface of the PowerWorld environment. Apart from the transmission modeling alluded above, DNV has significant experience in conducting load flow and contingency analysis, short circuit and breaker adequacy analysis, transient dynamic analysis along with plotting the output results using PSS/E and PowerWorld. DNV has created several in house automation scripts for conducting steady state and transient stability analysis using PSS/E via python automation scripts. In addition, DNV has performed Voltage ride through (VRT) analysis per ERCOT requirements using PSS/E and system Damping using DNV developed inhouse Power System Damping Tool (PSDAT). DNV is well versed with different data files used in transmission system modeling and analysis via PSS/E and PowerWorld such as network files (.raw, .sav, .pwb), network diagram files (.sld, .pwd), sub system file (.sub), monitoring file (.mon), contingency file (.con), AC contingency analysis files (.accc), dynamic files (.dyr., .dll) and output files. 4.12 Data Submissions for ERCOT Planning Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force (PGDTF) • Per NERC TPL-007-4 R1, Each Planning Coordinator, in conjunction with its Transmission Planner(s), shall identify the individual and joint responsibilities of the Planning Coordinator and Transmission Planner(s) in the Planning DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 37 www.dnv.com Coordinator’s planning area for maintaining models, performing the study or studies needed to complete benchmark and supplemental GMD Vulnerability Assessments, and implementing process(es) to obtain GMD measurement data as specified in this standard. In the case of ERCOT, ERCOT assumed the responsibility of maintaining the models and performing the required assessments with the participation of TSPs via the PGDTF to provide the relevant information/data. • DNV will collaborate with DME and its vendors to gather the GIC related data associated with their facilities including: o Substation Data ▪ Geographic location of substations (longitude and latitude) ▪ Grounding resistance data for substations ▪ Substation numbers ▪ Earth Model including resistivity and thickness o Transformer Data ▪ DC resistance of all windings in ohms/phase ▪ Grounding DC resistance in ohms ▪ If equipped with GIC blocking device ▪ Transformer vector group based on winding connection and phase angles ▪ Type and number of the cores in transformer core design ▪ KFACTOR associated with the applicable transformers o Branch Data ▪ DC resistance associate with transmission lines ▪ Real and imaginary part of induced geoelectric voltage on the branches ▪ Identification of blocking GIC devices in lines o Shunts devices ▪ Bus numbers and circuit IDs (from ERCOT SSWG Case) ▪ DC resistance associated with shunt devices ▪ Grounding DC resistance • DNV will organize the collected information for submission to ERCOT in the format requested by the PGDTF • DNV will participate in the development of the ERCOT GIC models as needed by providing information associated with the DME transmission facilities utilizing GIC related data (as obtained via the previous tasks) and steady state data as obtained from relevant ERCOT posted Steady State Working Group (SSWG) cases in a timely manner. In case of missing data, DNV will provide recommendations to DME on the approaches that can be utilized to obtain the appropriate data including field tests, if necessary. • Upon completion of the GIC model development, DNV will review the GIC models to ensure accurate representation and modelling of the DME system. • Provide technical support associated with meeting DME’s obligations associated with NERC TPL-007-4 data submission only and ERCOT standpoint. • Represent DME in the PGDTF meetings. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 38 www.dnv.com 4.13 Other Tasks • Coordination of planned transmission system projects with adjacent transmission owners to include review of system protection plans and changes • Coordinate discussions with other utilities for transmission planning • Attendance at meetings to assist and represent DME including participation in conference calls • Preparation of Facility Interconnection Studies for submission to ERCOT for any generation interconnection requests received including preparation of responses to any questions received from market participants • Other types of technical support related to transmission planning • Assist DME with Voltage Profile Working Group pass reviews and submissions. • Assist DME with Network Data Support Working Group (NDSWG) activities. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 39 www.dnv.com 5 RELEVANT DNV EXPERIENCE DNV team has considerable experience and proven expertise in all the areas pertinent to the scope of work requested by the City in the RFQ. A limited selection of relevant Transmission and Distribution experiences to highlight DNV diverse qualifications are shown in below. DNV would be happy to provide additional references related to any specific tasks, upon request 5.1.1 Transmission Planning project experience Category NERC TPL 001-4, FERC 715 Compliance assessments, Filing Reference Annual Transmission Planning And NERC Compliance Assessment Customer: Denton Municipal Electric (DME) Customer Contact: Mark Zimmerer, Electric Engineering Supervisor. Office: 940.349.7169; Email: mark.zimmerer@cityofdenton.com Duration: 2011 - 2020 Objectives: - Perform studies for the FERC 715 filing requirement - Transmission system evaluation carried out according to the NERC TPL-001-4 Standard Requirements. Studies including load flow contingency analysis to evaluate system reliability in Steady State/Short Circuit (Breaker Adequacy) and Stability Studies - Identify any thermal/voltage violations and recommend Corrective Action Plans/Transmission Solutions - Provide technical support for the FERC 715 filing including providing detail report and study files Category Transmission System Studies - ERCOT RPG Project Development and Regulatory Filing Reference DME 69kV Loop Conversion to 138kV Customer: Denton Municipal Electric (DME) Customer Contact: Mark Zimmerer, Electric Engineering Supervisor. Office: 940.349.7169; Email: mark.zimmerer@cityofdenton.com Duration: 2016 – 2017, Met all ERCOT RPG timelines Objectives: - DME system was approaching its peak due to age of infrastructure and power flows nearing facility limit ratings - Plan was drawn to identify transmission solution(s) to optimally enhance the DME system to adequately support the future load growth on a reliability standpoint - Maintain the 69kV loop at 69kV and upgrade the transmission elements with higher rated transmission facilities - Reconstruct the 69kV loop to operate at 138kV - DNV performed comparative analysis of the value-added benefits of each option in terms of reliability performance and cost - DNV recommended the conversion to 138kV due to the following: • Ability to adequately serve the growing demand in a long-term standpoint • The incremental cost over the 69kV options was negligible • Project submitted to ERCOT for review and was approved through the RPG process DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 40 www.dnv.com Category ERCOT Working Groups Representation Reference Planning Model Data Development, Maintenance and Submission Customer: Denton Municipal Electric (DME) Customer Contact: Mark Zimmerer, Electric Engineering Supervisor. Office: 940.349.7169; Email: mark.zimmerer@cityofdenton.com Duration: 2011 - Present Objectives: - Represented DME at the Regional Coordinator Planning Model Working Groups (SSWG, SPWG, VPWG, DWG & PGDTF) activities and meetings - Maintain up to date database of the DME transmission system - Review the planning models developed by each of the ERCOT Working Groups to ensure accurate modeling of the DME system - Prepare and submit proposed changes of the DME system to the Working Groups - Prepare and submit correction files either through MODWeb for SSWG, IDV for DWG or change file for SPWG to rectify discrepancies, if any - Co-ordinate between the neighboring Utilities in Planning model development Category Transmission System Studies – Generation Interconnection Study (Steady State, Short Circuit/breaker Adequacy, Stability assessments, Facility Study) Reference Denton Energy Center (DEC) generation project Customer: Denton Municipal Electric (DME) Customer Contact: Mark Zimmerer, P.E. Electric Engineering Supervisor Office: (940) 349-7169; Mark.Zimmerer@cityofdenton.com Duration: 2016 - 2017 Objectives: - Perform Full Interconnection Study to evaluate impact of connecting the DEC on the DME system. Studies carried out included Steady State, Short Circuit, Stability and Facility assessments. - Assess and identify the increased level of stress on the Denton Municipal Electric (DME) transmission system as a result of the addition of Denton Municipal Electric QSE’s gas-powered facility. - Identified the increased level of fault current as a result of the proposed generation addition. Fault currents were calculated for three-phase and single line-to-ground faults for the transmission facilities. - Assessed the impact of the proposed generation addition (solar or storage charging and discharging scenarios) on transient stability of near-by transmission and generation facilities - Description of the facility improvement and/or addition required to integrate the DEC to the DME system. As well as determine the budgetary cost estimates and associated construction schedule. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 41 www.dnv.com Category NERC TPL 001-4, FERC 715 Compliance assessments, TPL 001-4 Audit Reference NERC TPL Compliance Assessment Customer: Sharyland Utilities Customer Contact: Brad Schwarz, Director of Planning. Office: 512.721.2677; Email: bschwarz@huntutility.com Duration: 2011- present Objectives: - Conducted Annual NERC TPL-001-4 Compliance studies to evaluate system reliability in Steady State/Short Circuit (Breaker Adequacy) and Dynamic Stability Studies. - Identified thermal/voltage violations, instability and recommended Corrective Action Plans. Provided report detailing study assumptions, methodology and results. Highlighted the NERC TPL reference sections in the study report for completeness. - Assisted the Utility Customers in Planning Criteria methodologies and documentations. - Assisted the Customer in NERC TPL Audit and successfully completed the Audit. Category NERC TPL 001-4, FERC 715 Compliance assessments Reference NERC TPL Compliance Assessment – Stability Assessment Customer: Cross Texas Transmission (CTT) Customer Contact: Tim Cook, Director, Electric Transmission. Office: 636.236.7197; Email: tcook@lspower.com Duration: 2011- present Objectives: - Performed the Annual NERC TPL-001-4 Compliance studies (Stability assessment). - Identify any instability issues on the CTT system or immediate surroundings - Propose transmission solution to address identified instability issues, if any. - Performed NERC CIP-014 R1 & R2 Compliance Assessments for. Category NERC TPL 001-4, FERC 715 Compliance assessments Reference NERC TPL Compliance Assessment – Stability Assessment Customer: Wind Energy Transmission Texas (WETT) Customer Contact: Christina Minchew, Transmission Planning Manager. Office: 512.436.9469; Email: cminchew@wettllc.com Duration: 2019 Objectives: - Performed the Annual NERC TPL-001-4 Compliance studies (Stability assessment). - Identify any instability issues on the WETT system or immediate surroundings - Propose transmission solution to address identified instability issues, if any. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 42 www.dnv.com Category ERCOT Working Groups Representation Reference Planning Model Data Development, Maintenance and Submission Customer: Cross Texas Transmission (CTT) Customer Contact: Tim Cook, Director, Electric Transmission. Office: 636.236.7197; Email: tcook@lspower.com Duration: 2010 - Present Objectives: - Represented CTT at the Regional Coordinator Planning Model Working Groups (DWG) activities and meetings - Co-ordinate between the neighboring Utilities in Planning model development, Work with the Operations groups of Utility Customers to maintain the synchronization between Operations and Planning - Dynamic data submission for CTT facilities Category ERCOT Working Groups Representation Reference Planning Model Data Development, Maintenance and Submission Customer: Sharyland Utilities Customer Contact: Brad Schwarz, Director of Planning. Office: 512.721.2677; Email: bschwarz@huntutility.com Duration: 2011 - Present Objectives: - Create power flow models of the planning transmission system and submissions to ERCOT, maintained the models, represented the Utility Customers at the Regional Coordinator Planning Model Working Groups (SSWG, SPWG, VPWG, DWG & PGDTF), Co-ordinate between the neighboring Utilities in Planning model development, Work with the Operations groups of Utility Customers to maintain the synchronization between Operations and Planning Category ERCOT RPG Projects, Development, Regulatory Filing & Testimony Reference LP&L Integration into ERCOT Customer: Lubbock Power & Light (LP&L) Customer Contact: David McCalla (DMcCalla@mail.ci.lubbock.tx.us) Duration: 2015 - 2018 Objective: - Evaluated all potential scenarios associated with reliably integrating LP&L into ERCOT. - Evaluations included steady state assessment, system strength evaluation, transient stability studies, SSR screening, economic analysis and cost-benefit assessment. - Evaluated over 40 transmission integration options and identified the preferred option. - Report submitted to ERCOT and PUCT. - All aspects of technical support at the ERCOT and stakeholder level managed by DNV. - DNV role as expert witness for Commission hearings and legal proceedings. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 43 www.dnv.com Category ERCOT RPG Projects, Development, Regulatory Filing & Testimony Reference Houston Import Project – 120mile 345 kV line (Limestone – Gibbons Creek – Zenith) Customer: Cross Texas Transmission LLC. Customer Contact: Tim Cook (Tcook@lspower.com) Duration: 2013-2017 Objective: - Over 45 projects submitted for ERCOT consideration by 4 TSPs. - One of the most keenly contested RPG projects in ERCOT history. - Houston import needs evaluated from a transmission adequacy, resource adequacy and load growth perspective. - Various transmission alternatives evaluated from an economic and reliability perspective. - DNV’s proposed option selected and recommended by ERCOT. - Project approved by ERCOT Board of Directors and Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT). Category Transmission System Studies – NERC Compliance Study support (MOD- 026/MOD-027/MOD-032) Reference Various Project sites, Great Valley Solar farm, Copper Mountain project Customer: Con Edison Clean Energy Businesses (Con Edison Development) Customer Contact: Chris Coronel (CoronelC@conedceb.com) Duration: 2018-present Objectives: - Review/verify existing data/model such as load flow model data, dynamic model data, dynamic models of power plant controller, excitation system or volt/Var control, active power/frequency control, corresponding block diagrams, datasheets, single line diagrams, collection system, transformers specifications, for the Project. - Reviewed/updated Load flow, and dynamic models associated with Project Site. No-disturbance simulation and fault simulation results from dynamic simulations. - Submittals of required data including completed spreadsheet for Project Site per CAISO BPM Transmission Planning Process requirements. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 44 www.dnv.com Category Transmission System Studies – Generation Interconnection Studies (Load flow) Reference Panhandle Wind I, II, Miami Wind I, Salt Fork Wind I, Nabatoto Solar Interconnection projects Customer: Several Transmission service providers (TSP’s); To name a few: Cross Texas Transmission LLC Customer Contact: Tim Cook, Director of Planning, Phone: 512-473-2700; Email: tcook@crosstexas.com Duration: 2011-present Objectives: - Performed load flow and thermal contingency analysis for Generation Interconnection Studies for more than 15 GW of generation resources on behalf of the Utilities. - Steady State Study is performed to identify the increased level of stress on the transmission system as a result of the proposed generation addition, if any. Transmission system thermal over-loads and system voltages were assessed under normal operating and NERC Category P1 – P7 contingency conditions. - Potential generation curtailments and/or system upgrades are identified for any incremental violation caused by the proposed generation interconnection Category Transmission System Studies – Grid upgrade cost estimates and grid injection Reference Grid injection studies Customer: Various Customers, to name a few RWE Renewables, Recurrent, OCI Solar Customer Contact: Jennifer Ayers Brasher, Senior Director, Transmission & Market Analysis Email: jennifer.ayers-brasher@rwe.com Duration: 2016- present Objective: Perform injection and deliverability analysis to determine to system upgrades and associated costs to inject a given MW of renewable projects under various grid and market conditions Category Transmission System Studies - Generation Interconnection (Voltage Ride through/Dynamic Stability) Reference Aragorn Solar, Titan Solar, Endurance Park solar + storage generation interconnection projects Customer: Several Transmission service providers (TSP’s); To name a few: Lower Colorado River Authority, Oncor Customer Contact: Nicholas Oberski, PE, Supervisor, Dynamic and VAR Planning Phone: 512-578-3301; Email: Nick.Oberski@LCRA.ORG Duration: 2017 -present Objectives: - Assessed the impact of the proposed generation addition (solar or storage charging and discharging scenarios) on transient stability of near-by transmission and generation facilities. - Transient Stability was assessed primarily through voltage and angular stability criteria for synchronous machines; and voltage and electric power output for wind/solar/storage plants. Contingencies corresponding to NERC Category P1 to P7 were analyzed. - Additionally, the Voltage Ride-Through (VRT) (both HVRT and LVRT) capability associated with the proposed Project were assessed ensuring the compliance with ISO/RTO VRT standard. - Potential generation curtailments and/or system upgrades are identified for any incremental violation caused by the proposed generation interconnection. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 45 www.dnv.com Category Transmission System Studies – Generation Interconnection - Electromagnetic Transients (EMTP) - Sub synchronous Control Interaction Reference Mesquite Star generation project Customer: Several Transmission service providers (TSP’s); To name a few Lone Star Transmission LLC Customer Contact: Amir Memic, P.E., Director Development, Office: 512.236.3138 Email: Amir.Memic@lonestar-transmission.com Duration: July 2019 – December 2019 Objectives: - Investigated potential for Subsynchronous Resonance (SSR) Vulnerability Assessment between the Mesquite Star generation project and series compensated transmission lines in the vicinity of the generation project and included any required SSR Mitigation assessment. - Created a plant level PSCAD/EMTDC representation for generation. Project. Conducted frequency-based screening utilizing the generation project side frequency scans in conjunction with the transmission grid side scans. - Comprehensive electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulations along with SSR mitigation recommendation were tested for all conditions of interest. DNV prepared the technical report and upon approval of ERCOT and other stakeholders, the project energized April 2020 Category Transmission & Distribution System Studies – Emerging Technologies & System Improvements Reference Non-Wire Alternatives & Grid Modernization Customer: National Grid Customer Contact: Marie Schnitzer Marie.Schnitzer@nationalgrid.com Duration: Jan 2019-Dec 2020 Objective: DNV provided market strategy guidance and research to National Grid to support their non-wires alternatives team in redesigning and refining their non-wires alternatives program to achieve more market success. DNV surveyed non-wires program managers from other jurisdictions exploring non-wires and market participants engaged in responding to National Grid’s non-wires RFPs to better understand market challenges and opportunities. This information, combined with detailed case studies and a review of relevant regulatory barriers and opportunities, supported the development and implementation of a modified design sprint workshop where the DNV team led key National Grid staff through developing new ideas to refine their non-wires screening criteria and opportunity identification processes. This work and potential market strategies were documented in a Strategy Action Plan for National Grid and presented to the Joint Utilities of New York. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 46 www.dnv.com 6 TRANSMISSION MODELING & ASSESSMENT SOFTWARE As an industry leader in power grid analytics and Independent Engineering, DNV has proven successful track record in performing wide range of T&D grid analytics including transmission system planning, evaluation, development of transmission solutions, generation interconnection, transfer, PV/QV, NERC/WECC compliance, security and deliverability and detailed Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) modeling and analyses such as Switching Over-Voltage, Temporary Over-Voltage, Ferranti Effect Overvoltage Analysis, (De)Energization and control interaction analyses. DNV team has been the pioneer in developing widely adopted EMT modules and tools including Frequency Scan and Power System Subsynchronous Oscillation Damping tools. In addition, the DNV team has been engaged with technology vendors to assist them in developing and validating customized and generic models utilized in various software platforms. In addition, DNV’s technical experts possess in-depth knowledge of widely used software tools for transmission planning. This includes demonstrable experience and profound expertise in PTI PSS®E, PowerWorld, ASPEN, GE Concorda PSLF and PSCAD. Notably, DNV team has a history of technical collaboration with GE Energy team and Manitoba Hydro International to develop and/or improve some of the currently used technical and automation. In addition, DNV’s technical experts possess in-depth knowledge of widely used software tools for transmission and distribution planning. DNV Power System Advisory employees have executed FERC general non-disclosure agreements & NDAs which provides the annual FERC 715 data access including transmission maps/breaker one-lines & power flow models across all ISO/RTO markets. DNV provides all employees and business units with a Microsoft Office 365 suite of tools. This includes all the collaboration services such as Microsoft Outlook, Skype, SharePoint, Microsoft Teams and Microsoft OneDrive ensuring a secure and fully-integrated environment in which DNV can collaborate with our customers via email, WebEx, team chat and secure file transfer. In addition to collaboration tools, DNV has been investing heavily in the new business unit, Digital Solutions. The Digital Solutions business unit is charged with supporting the transformation of DNV services from analog to digital. As such, the Energy Systems Business unit of DNV has access to digitalization experts, programmers and data scientists to assist in our digital customer experience and maximizing the benefit to our customers. The Digital Solutions business unit also maintains and continues the development of DNV branded software packages such as Synergi Electric, Cascade and Foresight. DNV employs Kiteworks Secure File Transfer system that can exchange large, data intensive, and high-volume information and store in secure platform with no size limitations. The data can be grouped into folders or sub folders per task or project, specifically for easy access tracking and the permission rights, such that Uploader/downloader/viewer can be designated by the owner. Kiteworks adds a critical layer of security and compliance over the people and systems that share sensitive information. 7 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CONTROL The DNV Power Systems Advisory group has a very detailed and thorough QA/QC process that begins with an extensive checklist to aid project design and execution. This builds in quality from the very inception of the project. Continuous monitoring and progress reports ensure the project proceeds as expected and prevents errors. This process ensures that if the unexpected does happen and the project starts to move off target, our team is able to prevent critical errors or delays in delivery. Once the execution team has prepared the deliverables, they are reviewed by a subject matter expert for accuracy and a non-technical quality manager for consistency and clarity. As a whole, this process ensures a quality end product that meets the needs and expectations of our customers. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 47 www.dnv.com Our existing library of checklists includes control documents for all services and studies outlined in this proposal. In addition, our team will work with the City and DME to customize control documents to ensure maximum project efficiency and meet Customer expectations for every deliverable. 7.1 Management system In addition to DNV’s PSA group QA/QC process, the DNV management system is an integrated quality health, safety and environment, and business administration management system. Our management system is certified against ISO 9001. Separate certificates cover DNV’s business areas Maritime, Oil & Gas and Energy, issued by the Dutch accredited certification body DEKRA Certification B.V. The DNV management system is certified against ISO 14001 and BS OHSAS 18001 by the Dutch accredited certification body DEKRA Certification B.V. A description of DNV’s quality, information security, health, safety and environment policy, and management system is provided in Appendix B. 8 PROJECT MANAGEMENT In DNV, we unite the strengths of industry-leading technical expertise and the internationally recognized Project Management Institute (PMI) model of project management. DNV has experienced certified Project Management Professionals (PMP) on staff, who adhere to vetted and well-controlled quality control procedures and immediate access to the industry’s leading subject matter and technical experts. Our unique industry insight, market experience, and management of multiple projects for multiple clients in tandem allows us to manage projects with extreme efficiency. Our approach is customer-centric and solution-driven. We are experts in recognizing where robust project controls are required to manage the project; in these situations, we have a full arsenal of Project Management Processes to call upon and implement. In other situations, we work with customers to determine where risk and project parameters are sufficiently controlled, saving time and cost. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 48 www.dnv.com The DNV project manager (PM) will provide technical oversight and management for the entire scope of work. DNV will build on any work and plans completed to date by Customer to initiate, plan, and execute the project under Customer’s direction and while providing guidance to Customer. The PM will monitor and control the above-mentioned Project Management Processes concurrently with continuous and open communication of project status to Customer. DNV will perform closing processes when the scope has been verified, deliverables accepted by Customer, and all contractual requirements fulfilled. Our internal management systems include dozens of pre-developed industry-specific templates and quality management processes that capitalize on our experience managing a large range of project sizes and scopes. In accordance with our ISO 9001 certification, DNV maintains a minimum set of project team members on each project to ensure technical information and deliverables are appropriately reviewed. The roles of the key project team members are described below. 8.1 Project Sponsor The Project Sponsor (PS) is part of DNV’s technical or management team. The PS holds the overall responsibility for the fulfilment of the contract between Customer and DNV. The PS is directly responsible for the following: • Approval of the proposal and contract • Appointment of the PM • Allocation of necessary resources to the project (personnel, time, and equipment) • Making decisions in matters having contractual or budgetary implications for DNV • Approval of project plans, budgets, procedures, and quality procedures • Participating in regular meetings with Customer and/or the PM to evaluate and discuss the project status and progress • Initiating quality audits and establishing an audit plan for the project • Approval of final project deliverables (Technical Report and others) Technical scope Cost Schedule Risk Communi- cation Quality Human Resources DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 49 www.dnv.com 8.2 Project Manager The PM will manage the project according to the Customer contract. The PM is the primary contact person for the Customer on a project and has the operational responsibility for running the project to meet the defined goals, milestones, and budget according to Customer expectations and business area requirements. Specifically, the PM is responsible for the following: • Ensure Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) processes are performed and project team building. • Maintain ownership of all aspects of the project. • Serve as primary point of contact for internal team regarding details of the project scope, budget, client expectations, schedule, and any other project related items. • Set up, conduct, and document external kick-off meeting with the customer • Manage project schedule and keep project team apprised of deliverable deadlines. • Manage and take ownership of quality or safety events. • Keep project team informed of project status including budget, upcoming milestones, etc. • Set up and prepare for project status meetings with the Project Sponsor and Customer to review the tasks outlined below. • Manage the execution of the project quality plan (PQP). • Manage agreements and tasks performed by subcontractors. • Coordinate field work with team members and Customer • Ensure that work in progress (WIP) is managed, reported to Customer, and billed to Customer on a milestone basis as described below. • Request and document client feedback, both informally as daily work progresses, and formally at the close of the project. 8.3 Subject Matter Experts • Subject matter experts (SME) are responsible for undertaking their parts of the project work within the schedule and budget limitations specified, and with the required level of performance. • SMEs are responsible for development of project deliverables and arranging for technical/peer review in addition to PM review prior to Customer submission • Assist the PM in the development of project quality plans, budget, schedule, and scope. • Liaise with the customer to organize all field visits, planning/scheduling of the work, and executing the work. 9 CONTRACTUAL DNV is presenting this technical proposal under the assumption that both parties shall sign a written agreement at the time of or prior to award. In addition, we are pleased to confirm that DNV will agree to the terms and conditions of the Professional Services Agreement for Consulting Services as included in the City of Denton Request for Qualifications #7660 (“PSA”) subject to the following addition which shall be included in the PSA OR any purchase order: “NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY, DNV’S (“CONSULTANT”) MAXIMUM CUMULATIVE LIABILITY FOR ALL DELAYS, LOSSES, DAMAGES, LIABILITIES AND OBLIGATIONS WHATSOEVER AND HOWSOEVER ARISING, WHETHER UNDER CONTRACT, IN TORT OR OTHERWISE, SHALL NEVER EXCEED TWO MILLION DOLLARS IN THE AGGREGATE; PROVIDED THE FOREGOING SHALL NOT APPLY TO CLAIMS ARISING FROM DNV’S GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILFUL MISCONDUCT. EACH PARTY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR AND ACCEPT FULL LIABILITY FOR ITS OWN ACTS OR OMISSIONS LEADING TO THE LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO ANY THIRD PARTY.” DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 50 www.dnv.com 10 DNV IN THE ENERGY INDUSTRY In DNV we unite the strengths of DNV, KEMA, Garrad Hassan, and GL Renewables Certification. DNV’s energy experts support customers around the globe in delivering a safe, reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy supply. We deliver world- renowned testing, certification, and advisory services to the energy value chain including renewables and energy efficiency. Our expertise spans onshore and offshore wind power, solar, conventional generation, transmission and distribution, smart grids, and sustainable energy use, as well as energy markets and regulations. Our testing, certification, and advisory services are delivered independent from each other. Learn more at www.dnv.com/energy. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 51 www.dnv.com APPENDIX A – CURRICULA VITAE MIKE TABRIZI, Ph.D., P.E. Head of Department - Power System Advisory Education Field of expertise University/School Year Ph.D., Electrical Engineering Tennessee technological University Sep 2009 - Dec 2013 M.Sc., Electrical Engineering Isfahan University of Technology Aug 2005 - Apr 2008 B.Sc., Electrical Engineering Isfahan University of Technology Jul 2005 - Sep 2001 Summary of professional experience As the head of DNV’s North America Power System Advisory Group (formed by the merger between DNV KEMA and GL PwrSolutions Inc), Dr. Tabrizi oversees strategic and technical advisory and consulting services to North America power grid and energy market stakeholders including state agencies, regional transmission organizations, transmission and distribution providers, municipalities, asset owners, operators, developers and investors as well as commercial and industrial customers. Dr. Tabrizi has 15 years of hands-on experience in electric grid modeling, economics and reliability including grid integration of generation and transmission assets, safety and compliance, wholesale market risk evaluation and mitigation and techno-economic analysis of conventional and non-conventional assets with specific focus on onshore and offshore renewable energy, energy storage systems, DERs and Non-Wire Alternatives. Dr. Tabrizi has also led and overseen numerous planning & operational-level analyses around strategic T&D network expansions, cyber security, protection and control and deployment of emerging analytical tools in power grid and energy markets. Dr. Tabrizi has provided trainings to ISOs/RTOs and grid planners and operators in various subjects including emerging technologies and phenomena in power grids. Dr. Tabrizi has been expert witness for several major T&D projects including Texas Competitive Renewable Energy Zone (CREZ), Rayburn Grid Switch to ERCOT, Lubbock Transition to ERCOT and MISO Entergy New Orleans Power Station projects. Dr. Tabrizi is a frequent speaker in industry events and conferences and actively participates in development of industry guidelines, standards, and regulations. Memberships Texas Board of Professional Engineers Sep 2016 - Present License Number: 125285 IEEE Jan 2012 - Present Member Number: 90876352 North American Electric Reliability Cooperation Jan 2018 - Jul 2020 Description: Lead & Co-lead for various technical working groups related to T&D planning and compliance Honors and Awards University Scholar Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence Apr 2010 Grantor: Tennessee Technological University University Scholar Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence Jul 2005 Grantor: Isfahan University of Technology University Scholar Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence May 2008 Grantor: Isfahan University of Technology National Scholar Award for National Physics Olympia Feb 2000 Grantor: National Olympia Committee Employment DNV Jan 2019 - Present DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 52 www.dnv.com Employment Position: Senior Vice President - Head of North America Power System Advisory DNV GL Jun 2017 - Dec 2018 Position: Director, Head of Transmission Planning & Energy Economics Description: Responsible for renewable integration, system impact studies, Transmission & Distribution Compliance, Transmission Development as well as Energy Economics related service lines, Provide technical supervision for all Utility Planning and Economic Evaluations, Serve as subject matter expert on issues relating to Generation, Distribution and Transmission Planning, Reliability Assessments, Power System Dynamics and Economic Assessments, Responsible for Business Strategy and support the Business Development and Research & Development activities. DNV GL May 2014 - Jun 2017 Position: Lead Consultant, Power System Planning Description: Leading power system planning and dynamic studies team to provide a variety of technical services related to generation/transmission planning/modeling for domestic and international clients, Leading advanced transient stability studies, development of customized dynamic models for renewable and storage sources, NERC TPL/CIP/MOD, and FERC compliance studies, Leading R&D efforts in domestic and global innovative projects related to the power system dynamics and modeling, Developing new applications to facilitate power system planning studies (e.g., Power System Damping Analysis Tool, various PSS®E/PSLF Automation tools), Managing team members to ensure projects are successfully delivered in terms of client satisfaction, timeliness of completion, and budget performance, Participating in business development activities including opportunity identification, proposal development and submittal for new and existing clients. DNV GL (GL PwrSolutions Inc) Jan 2011 - May 2014 Position: Research Engineer, Power System Planning Description: Conducting numerous compliance studies as part of NERC CIP-014, TPL-001-04, FERC Order 754 and other regional planning requirements for utility clients, Development of transmission upgrade options and conducting numerous transmission development studies consisting of load flow and transient stability analysis considering the regional and NERC planning standards for private investors and utility clients, Conducting numerous generation/load interconnection studies on behalf of utility clients, Conducting numerous load flow, reactive power, voltage ride through, frequency ride through, protection system and power transfer analysis for utilities and project owners/developers, Development of detailed dynamic models for electric power system components such as energy storage units, renewable energy resources and FACTS devices for equipment vendors as well as project developers. Center of Energy and Systems Research, Tennessee Technological University Sep 2009 - Dec 2010 Position: Research Associate Description: Frequency disturbance recorders and their applications in Power System, Simulation of Phasor Measurement Units, Micro grid Voltage/frequency stability issues under different modes of operation, designing and simulation of micro grid voltage/frequency controller and evaluation of their impacts on power system dynamics during various system disturbances, Application of FACTS devices and Phase-Measurement Units in damping of inter-area oscillations, Development of open-source non- commercial automation tools to facilitate the detailed simulation and understanding of bulk electric systems in academic environment and to eliminate the dependency on commercial black-box software packages. Azad University Sep 2007 - Dec 2009 Position: University Lecturer Description: Lecturer in AC and DC Electric machines & Electrical Engineering fundamentals. Isfahan University of Technology Oct 2006 - Aug 2009 Position: University Lecturer Description: Lecturer & Lab Instructor in AC and DC Electric machines & Industrial/power electronics. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 53 www.dnv.com Employment Barin Energy, Inc. Jan 2005 - Mar 2006 Position: Team Lead Description: Performing field measurements to quantify the electrical energy consumption as well as power quality of large-scale industries and comparing the same vis-a-vis the available national & global industrial standards - identifying and implementing mitigation plans to reduce the energy consumption and/or enhance the power quality indices such as Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). Projects Offshore Wind Transmission Planning - NYISO Grid Dec 2019 - Aug 2020 Position: Project Sponsor & Technical Adviser Xcel Energy, T&D Planning & Compliance - DER Integration & System Impact Sep 2019 - Jul 2020 Position: Project Sponsor & SME RWE Renewables (E.ON.), Siting, feasibility analysis and interconnection support Jan 2015 - Apr 2020 Position: Project Sponsor HVDC Feasibility Study and Design for Offshore Wind Interconnection - NJ Mar 2020 - Feb 2020 Position: Project Sponsor & Technical Adviser Optimal siting for merchant energy storage systems - ERCOT Grid Jan 2020 - Oct 2019 Position: Project Sponsor & Technical Adviser Pacific Gas & Electric, Risk Assessment to Mitigate Potential GHG-Based Reliability Impacts Jan 2016 - Sep 2019 Position: Project Manager and Technical Advisor Pacific Gas & Electric, T&D Planning & Compliance Nov 2016 - Apr 2019 Position: Project Manager and Project Sponsor Integration of Rayburn Electric Cooperative into ERCOT Dec 2018 - Jan 2018 Position: Project Principle & Expert Witness Impact of solar energy on Maui grid stability Dec 2016 - Apr 2016 Position: Project Team & Project lead Impact of solar energy on Hawaii grid stability Nov 2016 - Jan 2016 Position: Project Team & Project lead Integration of Lubbock Power & Light into ERCOT Jul 2018 - Jul 2015 Position: Project Manager & Expert Witness PREPA, T&D Planning & Compliance - Solar Integration impact study Jan 2014 - Aug 2013 Position: Team lead Texas ERCOT CREZ-Panhandle Region Transmission Planning Sep 2018 - Apr 2012 Position: Project Manager & Expert Witness Renewable Generation Impact System Studies Nov 2018 - Jan 2011 Position: Project Team & Project lead Papers and publications • Sub-Synchronous Control Interaction Detection: A Real-Time Application, IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, Feb 2020 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 54 www.dnv.com Papers and publications • Analytical Approach to Study the Impacts of Mutual Coupling on Transmission Lines Protection Systems, IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC), Feb 2019 • Power System Damping Analysis on Large Power System Networks: An Entergy Case Study, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting Chicago IL, Jul 2017 • Control Instability Index (CII) Based Approach for Evaluating Weak Grid Integration of Wind Generation Clusters, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting Denver Colorado, Jul 2015 • Utilization of Low Voltage In-Line Power Regulator for Reliable Integration & Performance of DER Technologies, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting Denver Colorado, Jul 2015 • Dynamic Available AGC Based Approach for Enhancing Utility Scale Energy Storage Performance, IEEE Trans. On Smart Grid, Mar 2014 • Large Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Technologies on Power System Networks, 12th Wind Integration Workshop, London, UK, Oct 2013 • Detailed Dynamic Modeling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine based Wind Turbine for Power System Dynamic Analysis, in Proceedings IEEE SOUTHEASTCON 2013, Apr 2013 • Micro grid voltage profile improvement using Micro Grid Voltage Controller, SOUTHEASTCON 2012, Orlando, FL, Mar 2012 • Calculation of Dynamic Frequency Measured by PMUs/FDRs during Simulation Phase, Electric Power Systems Research Journal, Jan 2012 • ETESAL Grid Interconnection Study of the ALTI-ESS: A Case Study, IEEE Central America & Panama Technical Conference and Exposition (CONCAPAN), Sep 2011 • Enhancement of Micro Grid Dynamic Voltage Stability Using Micro Grid Voltage Stabilizer, in Proceedings SOUTHEASTCON 2011, Nashville, TN, Mar 2011 • Improvement of Micro Grid Dynamics Using Micro Grid Frequency controller, in Proceedings IEEE PES conf. Innovative Smart Grid Technology (ISGT 2012), Jan 2011 • A PMU-based Multi-Input SVC Supplementary Controller for Damping Inter-area Oscillation, in Proceedings 42nd North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2010), Sep 2010 • A new method for identification of the main harmonic source based on superposition and critical impedance methods, in Proceedings 40th North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2008), Sep 2008 • Comprehensive model for simultaneous pricing of active and reactive power based on marginal cost theory, in Proceedings 2008 IEEE international Power& Energy conf. (PECON 2008), Jun 2008 Other Information Select industry talks, Presentations, Panel discussions: 1. Expanding the Role of Storage in the ERCOT Market, ERCOT Summit 2020 2. Sub-Synchronous Control Interaction & Wind Integration: Overview of Modeling, Risk Assessment, and Countermeasures, Transmission Substation Design Operation Symposium 3. Risk Assessment Considerations and Risk Management for Offshore Wind Development, AWEA Offshore Conference 4. Challenges and potential solutions for Integration of offshore wind to the transmission grid, AWEA Offshore Conference 5. Review of Regulatory Framework for integration of Offshore Wind - Pave the Way, AWEA Offshore Conference 6. Battery Energy Storage Systems Applications, Technology & Cost, DistribuTECH Technical Software Skills: PSS/E, PSCAD, CYME, ASPEN, PowerWorld, PROMOD, UPLAN, ETAP, DIgSILENT, GE PSLF DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 55 www.dnv.com VENKATA SURYA VISWANADHAM Head of Transmission & Distribution - Power System Advisory Education Field of expertise University/School Year Master of Science, Power Systems - Electrical Engineering Mississippi State University Aug 2008 - Dec 2010 Bachelor of Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Jun 2004 - May 2008 Summary of professional experience Venkata Viswanadham leads the Transmission and Distribution section at Power System Advisory Group within DNV GL Energy North Americas. He oversees the technical advisory consulting services to Customers that include state agencies, regional transmission organizations, transmission and distribution providers, municipalities, developers, as well as commercial and industrial customers. His experience includes generation and transmission planning related activities involving reliability and economic driven projects. He has hands-on experience and oversees grid interconnection studies focusing on renewables (Wind, Solar, Storage) and conventional generation resources. His experience includes performing and managing the NERC Compliance assessments (such as TPL, MOD, BAL, CIP, FAC), FERC Regulatory tasks such as FERC 715 and FERC Order 1000. He is actively involved with the Regional Reliability Coordinator's Working Groups. He oversees a team that is keen to listen to Customer needs (short-term and long-term), thereby proposing technical advisory support considering cost effective, time sensitive and reliable solutions. He is a proficient user of PSS/e (Siemens PTI), Power World, ASPEN One Liner, PSLF and MUST software. Previously, he worked with Siemens Industry (Siemens PTI) as Power System consultant and with Entergy Services as Transmission Planning Intern. Memberships IEEE Member Aug 2008 - Feb 2013 Indian Society for Technical Education: Member Jun 2004 - May 2008 Employment DNV GL Feb 2019 - Present Position: Head of Transmission & Distribution Section, Power System Advisory, DNV GL Energy NA Description: Mr. Viswanadham heads the Transmission & Distribution section within Power System Advisory at DNV GL Energy North Americas. He manages the team performing Generation & Transmission Compliance projects, Transmission Development (reliability, economic driven) projects, Regional Compliance (specific to ISO/RTO) related projects and Distribution Planning related projects. He manages various grid interconnection studies for renewable and non-renewable generation on the transmission side as well as on the distribution level. He oversees a team that is keen to listening to Customer needs (short-term and long-term), thereby proposing technical advisory support considering cost effective, time sensitive and reliable solutions. DNV GL Jun 2013 - Feb 2019 Position: Lead Senior Consultant, Regional Transmission Compliance & Business Development DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 56 www.dnv.com Employment Description: Oversee and execute transmission planning (near-term and long-term) studies including power flow, short circuit, dynamic and reliability studies. • Conducted various simulations and analyses to demonstrate compliance per relevant Independent System Operator (ISO) or Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) standards as well as recommend various transmission projects from a reliability perspective. • Administer and perform the transmission planning activities which include maintaining the steady state, short circuit, and stability planning models of Utility Clients • Developed and utilized automation scripts to improve the transmission planning process including planning model validation as well as dynamic event creation. • Manage and conduct the generation interconnection (renewable and conventional) studies group in executing/delivering the full interconnection studies for Utility Clients • Direct and conduct the annual transmission planning compliance studies (TPL-001-4) per relevant ISO/RTO standards for Utility Clients • Engage and assist in Expert Witness Testimony • Engage in expansion of business activities which include writing/bidding proposals, business development strategy meetings, client engagements for the overall growth of the business unit • Account Manager for key Utility Clients – Manage client expectations, order intake, contract engagements and deliverables in a timely manner. Siemens PTI - Siemens Industry Jul 2011 - Feb 2013 Position: Power Systems Consultant II Description: Performed large scale simulations of electrical transmission systems for clients such as power producers, independent system operators and transmission providers and to develop solutions for safe and reliable power system operations. Application of power system planning principles, development of mathematical models for reliability assessment of electrical networks, simulation an analysis of power system steady state and dynamic behavior. Performed Feasibility and System Impact (thermal, voltage impacts) Studies to evaluate generator and transmission system interconnection requests as per TPL 001 through TPL-004 Standards. Performed Contingency analysis for various NERC Category events from a steady state and dynamics standpoint to assess the system violations and diagnose electrical transmission system mitigation solutions. Assisted in performing the Available Transfer Capability/generator deliverability studies of the transmission systems using PSS/MUST power flow tool. Entergy Services Inc Jul 2010 - Dec 2010 Position: Transmission Planning Intern Description: Performed power flow analysis, Contingency analysis using Siemens PTI PSS/E and Power World software. Assisted in long term construction plan transmission projects in the areas of Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Gulf Texas. Entergy Services Inc Jun 2009 - Aug 2009 Position: Transmission Planning Summer Intern Description: Performed power flow analysis, Contingency analysis using Siemens PTI PSS/E and Power World software. Assisted in reviewing the transformer data records. Projects Multiple Clients, Generation Interconnection Studies Jun 2013 - Present Description: Performing and Overseeing generation interconnection studies to evaluate the system after the addition of new interconnecting facility. The generation interconnection study involves a steady state, short circuit, stability, Voltage ride through, Facility and Sub-Synchronous Resonance (SSR) assessment. Overseeing shadow interconnection studies for developers to screen, predetermine the generation interconnection impact beforehand of the detailed system impact study. Activities performed: Technical Subject Matter Expert on the Generation Interconnection Studies and perform the interconnection studies. Oversee the entire life cycle of the Project and manage the Study Team as Project Manager. Provide Technical Support on Generation deliverability of the generation interconnection project. Represent Clients at the ISO/RTO Stake holder meetings/Scoping Meetings. Quality control check on the assessments performed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 57 www.dnv.com Projects Multiple Clients, NERC TPL-001-4 Transmission Planning Compliance Studies Jun 2013 - Present Description: DNV GL performs transmission planning compliance assessments to ensure NERC TPL-001-4 compliance for various transmission and distribution entities throughout the nation. This study evaluates the performance of the transmission grid from a steady state, short circuit, and dynamic stability perspective per the regional criteria and NERC planning criteria. Activities performed: Identified any reliability concerns, proposed mitigation strategies that are cost effective, time sensitive and alleviate the reliability constraints. Supported in successful NERC Audits for the TPL assessments. Other Information Served as President of Mississippi State University Cricket Club – Awarded the “Best Recreational sports Club-2009- 2010” Served in the Organizing Committee for several National Technical Symposiums and Cultural Events DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 58 www.dnv.com CHARLES GIBUNE Lead Senior Engineer, Generation & Transmission Compliance Education Field of expertise University/School Year M.Sc., Electrical Engineering University of Texas at Arlington Aug 2006 - Aug 2008 B.Sc., Electrical Engineering University of Texas at Arlington Aug 2003 - May 2006 A.Sc., Engineering Navarro College Aug 2001 - May 2003 Summary of professional experience Charles Gibune has over thirteen years in generation and transmission planning, power flow analysis with an extensive background in conducting economic analysis of transmission and generation projects through LMP process. Included in his experience is the development of processes to identify optimal transmission solutions to mitigate identified transmission system issues. This has led to numerous approved transmission opportunities for the utilities he is assigned to. Mr. Gibune also has very strong experience in performing Full Interconnection Studies (FIS) for generations applying to interconnect to the ERCOT system (which include both steady state and short circuit analysis), Available Transfer Capability (ATC) studies/generation deliverability studies, P-V/QV analysis, reactive power studies, facility study, unit commitment/dispatch analysis and development of contingency events for Utilities to comply with the NERC TPL-001 through TPL-004 standards. Mr. Gibune currently leads the team responsible for helping clients with compliance related work including but not limited to the following: NERC TPL-001-4 standard, FERC-715 report and filing, NERC MOD026/027 standard. Employment DNV GL Jun 2012 - Present Position: Lead Senior Engineer, Transmission Compliance Description: Team lead for all transmission compliance related services such as FERC 715, NERC MOD- 026/027, NERC BAL-002 PWR Solutions, Inc. Jul 2009 - Jun 2012 Position: Senior Consultant PWR Solutions, Inc. Feb 2008 - Jul 2009 Position: Engineer Projects DME, Chuck Sears/Mark Zimmerer, General Transmission Planning Jan 2011 - Present Position: Project manager and work execution Description: Annual Transmission system evaluations to ensure maintenance of reliable and adequate transmission system as well as meet requirements of the various compliance standards. The studies include steady state AC contingency analysis, short circuit analysis and stability/dynamic analysis. As part of the yearly studies, transmission solutions are recommendations to mitigate identified issues, if any. Support DME in its annual FERC 715 filing. Activities performed: NERC TPL-001-4 contingency event definitions, AC contingency Analysis, Short Circuit Analysis, Stability/Dynamic Studies, Transmission facility updates and submissions, Transmission database management Sharyland Utilities, Brad Schwarz, General Transmission Planning Nov 2011 - Present Position: Project manager and work execution DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 59 www.dnv.com Projects Description: Annual Transmission system evaluations to ensure maintenance of reliable and adequate transmission system as well as meet requirements of the various compliance standards. The studies include steady state AC contingency analysis, short circuit analysis and stability/dynamic analysis. As part of the yearly studies, transmission solutions are recommendations to mitigate identified issues, if any. Support Sharyland in its annual FERC 715 filing. Activities performed: NERC TPL-001-4 contingency event definitions, AC contingency Analysis, Short Circuit Analysis, Stability/Dynamic Studies, Transmission facility updates and submissions, Transmission database management Pioneer Green, Andy Bowman, Transmission Congestion, Curtailment and Risk Assessment NOV 2012 Position: Team Lead and work execution Description: Assess the risk associated with transmission congestion/curtailment on the deliverability of the wind/solar powered generation projects comprising the generation portfolio for Pioneer Green Energy (“Pioneer Generation Portfolio”) in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) grid. Activities performed: 8760 congestion/curtailment risk assessment and LMP calculation Acciona Wind Energy Canada Inc., Lavesh Mohinani, MOD-026 and MOD-027 Compliance Study Dec 2018 - Jan 2019 Position: Project Manager Description: Model validation according to AESO section 502.16 (NERC MOD-026 and MOD-027) technical requirement Activities performed: Field test and data measurements, Model validation, Comprehensive report Belltown Power Limited, Jeff Clay, Generation Deliverability Study Oct 2017 - Apr 2018 Position: Project manager and work execution Description: Perform First Contingency Incremental Transfer Capability (FCITC) based transmission elasticity study on facilities in the ERCOT grid to identify maximum potential generation interconnection and/or injection capability on stations in areas rich in solar radiation in ERCOT. Activities performed: Strategically identify 50 substations based on client's PPA, Available Transfer Capability Study, analyze historical LMPS of substations under study, Provide GIS heat map of the average historical LMP as well as the MW injection capability DME, Chuck Sears, Generation Interconnection Facility Study Apr 2017 - May 2017 Position: Project manager and work execution Description: Perform a detail Facility Study to provide description of the proposed interconnection facilities needed to interconnect the proposed generation project. Activities performed: Cost Estimates, one-line diagram, Construction schedule DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 60 www.dnv.com AZADE BRAHMAN Senior Lead Engineer - Regional Compliance Education Field of expertise University/School Year M.Sc., Electrical Engineering University of Texas at Arlington Dec 2017 B.Sc., Electrical Engineering Buali Sina University Feb 2009 Summary of professional experience Mrs. Azade Brahman has expertise in power flow, contingency analysis studies, power system stability assessment and dynamic performance evaluation, mutual coupling, breaker rating assessment and short circuit simulation studies. Mrs. Brahman has experience in Full Interconnection Studies (FIS) with emphasis on steady state, short circuit, and stability modeling and analysis of power systems. She has performed various grid interconnection (focusing on renewable generation resources), generation reactive assessment and NERC/FERC Compliance studies within ERCOT and PG&E. In addition, she has performed various protection relay coordination and operation analyses using different software such as ASPEN and real time simulators (RTDS). She also has experience in system reliability assessment (within ERCOT and SPP) to identify and recommend the optimal transmission upgrades for the utilities to mitigate transmission system issues. She is a proficient user of power system analysis software packages such as PSS/E (Siemens PTI), PSLF, PowerWorld, PSCAD/EMTDC, RTDS, MATLAB and ASPEN OneLiner. Memberships Texas Board of Professional Engineers, (EIT) Jul 2019 - Present Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy, Member Feb 2019 - Present Electrical Engineering Honor Society, Beta Kappa Nu, Member Jun 2017 - Present Energy Systems Research Center (ESRC), Member Dec 2016 - Present IEEE Industrial Applications Society, Member Feb 2016 - Feb 2018 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE, Member Feb 2016 - Feb 2018 Energy Systems Research Center (ESRC), Graduate Research Assistant Jan 2016 - Dec 2016 Employment DNV Apr 2020 - Present Position: Senior Lead Engineer Description: Project manager and team lead for all Reginal Compliance (RC) and interconnection impact studies. • NERC/FERC Compliance studies • Perform system impact studies associated with grid integration of renewable/Non-renewable technologies including power system stability and transient assessment, voltage-ride through, load flow, short circuit, and transfer analysis • Develop detailed dynamic models for renewable energy systems and their control system Short- circuit & Protection coordination studies • Assist utility clients in building and maintaining power flow, short circuit and dynamic models of their power system facilities and providing technical supports for the enhancement/solutions to reliably serving the growing demands DNV GL Apr 2019 - Mar 2020 Position: Lead Engineer - Regional Compliance Description: Project manager and team lead for Reginal Compliance (RC) section involving in system impact and interconnection studies such as Steady State, Short Circuit, Stability and SSR. Providing technical consult for interconnection studies and applications along with contractual negotiation with clients. DNV GL Dec 2016 - Present Position: Engineer, Power System Planning DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 61 www.dnv.com Description: Protection relay coordination and operation analysis using real time simulator (RTDS). Perform time- domain studies on large power system networks including frequency, rotor angle and voltage stability studies. Perform system impact studies associated with grid integration of renewable technologies including transient, reactive power, voltage-ride through, load flow, short circuit, and transfer analysis. Perform Short Circuit and Breaker Duty studies. Energy Systems Research Center, University of Texas at Arlington Jan 2016 - Dec 2016 Position: Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) Description: Perform time-domain studies on large power system networks including frequency, rotor angle and voltage stability studies. Perform system impact studies associated with grid integration of renewable technologies including transient, reactive power, voltage-ride through, load flow and transfer analysis. Develop detailed dynamic models for renewable energy systems and their control system. Performing Short Circuit and protection coordination studies. Projects Denton Municipal Electric (DME) & Rayburn Electric Cooperative (REC), Utilities Data Modeling & Simulation (Technical Support) Feb 2017 - Present Position: Engineer Description: Technical Support for SSWG/VPWG/SPWG/GMD group of ERCOT. System modeling and simulations for system upgrades to reliably serve the growing demands. Cross Texas Transmission (CTT), Denton Municipal Electric (DME) & Rayburn Electric Cooperative (REC), Wind Energy Transmission Texas WETT, Lone Star Transmission, Generation Interconnection Studies Feb 2017 - Present Position: Engineer Description: System impact studies associated with grid integration generation units including transient (Dynamic) stability, voltage-ride through, load flow, short circuit, and transfer analysis. Cross Texas Transmission (CTT), Denton Municipal Electric (DME) & Rayburn Electric Cooperative (REC), Utilities Annual Planning Assessments Feb 2017 - Present Position: Engineer Description: NERC Compliance Studies or FERC Regulatory Filing. Smart Wires Inc., Power System Protection Study Aug 2017 - Jun 2018 Position: Engineer Description: Evaluate the impact of Smart Wire devices on transmission line protection, including RTDS, RSCAD and short circuit model preparation. CTT, Houston Import Project, Mutual Coupling Study Jun 2016 - Jul 2017 Position: Engineer Description: Evaluate the impact of Mutual Coupling between the new proposed 345kV Houston Import Line and other transmission facilities sharing the same right of way or running in parallel in close proximity on the existing nearby transmission facilities' protection systems. Other Information Proficient with Microsoft Office: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and OneNote Experience with PSS/e, PowerWorld, ASPEN, PSCAD/EMTDC, ETAP, PSLF and MATLAB DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 62 www.dnv.com RIYASAT AZIM, Ph.D. Senior Engineer - Power System Advisory Education Field of expertise University/School Year Ph.D., Electrical Engineering The University of Tennessee Aug 2012 - May 2017 M.S., Electrical Engineering Islamic University of Technology Jan 2010 - Oct 2011 B.S., Electrical Engineering Islamic University of Technology Dec 2004 - Nov 2008 Summary of professional experience Dr. Riyasat Azim has prior experience in modeling and analysis of electrical power transmission and distribution networks, power system stability assessment, dynamic performance evaluation, generation interconnection, renewable generation modeling, grid-interconnection and impact analysis studies. He is proficient in numerous industry standard power system analysis tools and programming languages. Dr. Azim is a reviewer of IEEE transactions on Smart Grid in addition to several IET journals. Memberships Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Jan 2014 - Present Role: Member IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Jan 2014 - Present Role: Member Employment DNV GL - Energy Apr 2020 - Present Position: Senior Engineer - Power System Advisory Description: Responsible for performing studies associated with power system planning, grid interconnections, NERC/ISO/RTO compliance service lines including utility scale generation interconnection studies, transmission congestion/curtailment assessment, special studies, dynamic modeling and analysis of power system networks. DNV GL - Energy Apr 2017 - Mar 2020 Position: Engineer - Power System Advisory Description: Responsible for power system planning and grid interconnections service line including utility scale generation interconnection studies, transmission congestion/curtailment assessment, special studies, dynamic modeling and analysis of power system networks. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Aug 2012 - Jan 2017 Position: Graduate Research Assistant Description: Worked on several research projects funded by NSF and DOE Worked on a simulation tool capable of replicating the operation of modern power grid energy management system (EMS), and enable a platform for validation of new models and control algorithms Studied impacts of high penetration of renewables on power system performance Developed an integrated reactive power analysis and planning tool capable of optimizing the sizing and siting of VAR resources under the paradigm of increasingly diversified generation resources in modern power systems Developed decision tree based islanding detection methodologies for microgrid islanding detection. Electric Power Research Institute May 2016 - Aug 2016 Position: Student Employee - Grid Operations and Planning DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 63 www.dnv.com Employment Description: Worked on development of an analytical tool for assessment of renewable generation (wind and PV) and distributed energy resources (DER) hosting capacity of transmission networks Performed transient stability assessment and evaluated dynamic performance of large power systems. Other Information Technical Skills: Simulation Tools: PSSE, PSCAD/EMTDC, Simulink/SimPowerSystems, EMTP-RV, PowerWorld, TSAT, ETAP, WEKA (Data mining platform), GAMS (Optimization Platform). Programming Languages: MATLAB, Python, C, C++. Real-Time Simulation Platforms: RT-LAB/OPAL-RT, dSPACE/DS-1104. Other Software: MS Office, LaTeX, BibTeX, EndNote. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 64 www.dnv.com AMIR GOLSHANI, Ph.D. Engineer – Power System Advisory Education Field of expertise University/School Year PhD, Electrical Engineering-Power Systems University of Central Florida Nov 2017 Summary of Professional Experience Dr. Amir Golshani has more than 5 years of academic and industry experience in modeling and simulation of electrical power grid with high penetration of renewable energy sources and grid-scale energy storage integration. In addition, he has expertise in energy management system (EMS), power plant control, and frequency/voltage control in power grids. He is proficient in several power system analysis tools and programming languages, such as PSS/E, PSCAD, DigSilent, EMTP-RV, Python, MATLAB/Simulink, C++. He has published several journal articles and served as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Power systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, and Journal of Energy Systems. He is an active member of IEEE Power Energy Society and IEEE young professionals. Papers and Publications • Amir Golshani, Coordination of Wind Farm and Pumped-storage Hydro for a self-healing Power Grid, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Feb 2018 • Amir Golshani, Two-stage Adaptive Restoration Decision Support System for a Self-healing Power Grid, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Dec 2017 • Amir Golshani, Incorporating Wind Energy in Power System Restoration Planning, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Aug 2017 • Amir Golshani, Advanced Power System Partitioning Method for Fast and Reliable Restoration: Toward a Self- healing Power Grid , IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Jun 2017 Employment DNV GL Mar 2018 - Present Position: Power System Planning Engineer Description: Power Stability Study Generation Interconnection Study Transmission Planning Tesla Jun 2017 - Dec 2017 Position: Grid Solutions Intern Iran Power Plant Project Management Company Jun 2007 - Mar 2012 Position: Senior Electrical Engineer Projects DNV GL, Dallas, TX, Injection Study for 200 MW Solar project in Illinois Jun 2018 Position: Engineer DVN GL, Dallas TX, Stability Study of 250 MW Wind Farm Integration in Texas Apr 2018 - May 2018 Position: Engineer DNV GL, Dallas, TX, Stability Study of OXBOW Solar Plant in Texas power grid May 2018 Position: Engineer TESLA, Palo Alto, CA, Quasi-steady state, voltage, and transient stability analysis to assess the impacts of Tesla Powerpack integration on the Western Samoa island using PowerFactory software. Jun 2017 - Dec 2017 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 65 www.dnv.com Position: Intern TESLA, Palo Alto, CA, Participated in World’s largest lithium-ion battery project (100 MW/129 MWh) to store wind energy and improve the security of South Australia’s power grid. Jun 2017 - Dec 2017 Position: Intern TESLA, Palo Alto, CA, Tested and tuned different functionalities embedded in the Tesla Powerpack such as Volt-Var, FrequencyWatt, LVRT, HVRT, grid forming, and grid following in the simulation platform. Jun 2017 - Dec 2017 Position: Intern TESLA, Palo Alto, CA, Calculated the harmonic emission of Tesla inverter and implemented the harmonic model in the PSCAD software. Jun 2017 - Jun 2017 Position: Intern Memberships Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Jun 2015 - Present IEEE Power and Energy Young Professionals Aug 2013 - Present IEEE Power and Energy Society Aug 2013 - Present DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 66 www.dnv.com NITHYA REDDY TADA, P.E. Senior Engineer- Power System Advisory Education Field of expertise University/School Year Master of Science, Energy Systems State University of New York at Buffalo Aug 2013 - Feb 2015 Bachelor of Technology , Electrical and Electronics Engineering Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Sep 2009 - May 2013 Summary of professional experience Mrs. Nithya Tada is a motivated and self-starting power systems Professional Engineer (P.E) with remarkable experience in Power System Planning and Operations for more than 6 years. She has acquired hands-on experience in performing optimal power flow analysis, contingency analysis, stability studies, developing tools, preparing power flow models, and developing solutions to system issues using PSSE, TARA, Power World, MUST, IPLAN and python. She also has good experience in reviewing transmission Proposed Plan Application (PPA) projects in Northern New England (Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire). Performed thermal, voltage, transfer limit, stability and short-circuit analysis to determine the impact of the proposed project on the New England system. Memberships Professional Engineer (P.E.), Texas License #137577 Mar 2020 - Present Professional Engineer (P.E.), Massachusetts License #54526 Oct 2018 - Present Employment DNV Jul 2020 - Present Position: Senior Engineer-Power System Advisory Description: - Execute power system transient stability analyses for medium/large power system networks as part of North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and FERC compliance requirements (TPL, MOD, CIP, etc.) and/or ISO's generation interconnection system impact studies. - Develop, validate and benchmark customized, or generic dynamic models associated with power system components including any emerging technologies. - Produce technical reports for transient stability analyses as part of the NERC/FERC compliance or generation interconnection system impact studies. - Review and compile engineering data and information as needed to perform the technical analyses. - Serve as a Subject Matter Expert for area(s) related to grid reliability and/or energy market. ISO New England Dec 2016 - Jul 2020 Position: Transmission Planning Engineer DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 67 www.dnv.com Employment Description: Led and coordinated studies to ensure transmission reliability of different areas in the states of New England, including planning for future transmission in Eastern Connecticut and determine transmission system solutions to resolve future needs. Performed transfer capability assessment every year to evaluate transfer limits in the New England system and meet the requirements of the NERC FAC-013-2 standard. Presented updated transfer capabilities at the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) to collect stakeholders and Transmission Owner’s feedback. Reviewed and provided updates for the stability cases for use in transmission planning reliability and compliance studies. Performed testing on the transmission specific models such as Generator, FACTs, HVDC, CLOD dynamic model, SPS models, Low Voltage Ride Through models. Acted as the technical lead for transmission Proposed Plan Application (PPA) projects in Northern New England (Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire). Performed thermal, voltage, transfer limit, stability and short-circuit analysis to determine the impact of the proposed project on the system. Performed reliability determinations for generator retirements and for generators requesting to exit the Forward Capacity Market. Evaluated future study assumptions, developed data, methodology and procedures for use in reliability studies of the bulk power system with high penetration of Distribution Energy Resources (DERs). Participated in NERC SPIDER (System Planning Impacts of DER) working group representing ISO-NE. Facilitate FERC Order 1000 to introduce competition and evaluate Boston Request for Proposals (RFPs) to solve identified needs. Entergy Services Inc., Mar 2015 - Dec 2016 Position: Operational Planning Engineer Description: Coordinated Operational Planning activities in the Transmission Operational Planning group that include preparation of power flow models, transmission & generation outage plans, load forecasts, operating guides, and participation in SERC and NERC reliability activities. Coordinated and analyzed transmission and generation outages throughout Entergy BES. Worked with LCCs and generator owners to maintain system reliability and market efficiency. Analyzed thermal and voltage constraint’s resulting from outages in all of the Entergy area. Conducted single and double-contingency studies to determine various Entergy interface thermal limits. Worked closely with Day-Ahead Market and MISO control center to ensure a secured and market efficient electric grid. Performed Next Day Study (NDS) for Entergy that includes four states using the TARA ACCC analysis tool and discussed with corresponding BAs to investigate the contingency violations. Developed tools in VBA and Python to automate the NDS process. Maintained model topology and built system models of interconnected transmission systems for operational planning studies. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 68 www.dnv.com FARSHID SALEHI, Ph.D. Senior Engineer- Power System Advisory Education Field of expertise University/School Year PhD, Electrical Engineering-Power System University of Texas Arlington Dec 2018 - Jan 2015 M.S., Electrical Engineering-Power System Semnan University Jan 2011 - Sep 2008 B.S., Electrical Engineering-Power System Bu-Ali Sina University Sep 2003 Summary of professional experience Dr. Salehi has more than 10 years of academic and industrial experience in Power System design and modeling with specific focus on study and design of offshore and onshore wind interconnection. He has served as a project manager and technical lead in multiple offshore and onshore studies. He is also an expert in power system dynamics and transient studies. He has in depth knowledge of advanced power system modeling and analysis with specific focus on FACTs devices, stability study, Electro-Magnetic Transient (EMT) modeling and simulations of switching over-voltage (SOV), temporary over-voltage (TOV), harmonic, and sub-synchronous interaction (SSI). He also has hands on experience in protection and control design in high voltage substation, MV & LV Switchgear design, industrial load flow, short circuit, coordination study and Arc Flash Study. He is a member of IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) and Industrial Application Society (IAS) and has served as reviewer for different journals including IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and IAS Magazine, sustainable energy, energy conversion, Journal of Energy Systems (ENSY), Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE) and CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems. Memberships IEEE (PES & IAS) – Member Feb 2015 - Present IEEE Industrial Application Society Jun 2015 - Present IEEE Power and Energy Society Aug 2017 - Present Honors and awards IEEE, IAS, Electrical Safety Workshop Student Award Feb 2017 Grantor: IEEE IEEE, IAS annual meeting AMTA-AMT Travel Award Oct 2016 Grantor: IEEE Outstanding PHD student scholarship Jun 2018 Grantor: Energy System Research Center Employment DNV GL Sep 2018 - Present Position: Senior Engineer Description: As part of power system advisory department, I support the team by performing and managing different types of studies including offshore projects, Sub-synchronous Resonant study, Harmonic study, Energization studies, Switching and Transient over voltage studies, detailed EMT model development, arc flash and coordination studies. In addition, I support the R&D projects with specific focus on renewable resources and power system transient and reliability. DNV GL Aug 2017 - Jun 2018 Position: Intern University of Texas Arlington Jun 2015 - Aug 2017 Position: Research Assistant Monenco Consulting Engineer Nov 2012 - Jan 2015 Position: Engineer DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 69 www.dnv.com Tavan Gostar Daghigh Oct 2009 - Nov 2012 Position: Engineer Selected projects DVN GL, Dallas, Offshore wind HVDC solution Feasibility Study March. 2020 Position: Project Manager DVN GL, Dallas, Wind Farm Detailed EMT Model Development Aug. 2019 Position: Engineer DNV GL, Dallas, TX, Stability Study of Nazerat Solar in Texas power grid Feb 2018 Position: Engineer DNV GL, Dallas, TX, SSR Study of Santa Rita East Wind in Texas power grid Dec 2018 Position: Engineer Papers and publications • Optimized Frequency Scanning of Nonlinear Devices Applied to Subsynchronous Resonance Screening," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. • Sub-Synchronous Control Interaction Detection: A Real-Time Application, in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. • Evaluating the Impacts of Transmission Expansion on Sub-Synchronous Resonance Risk, PES General Meeting 2019, • An Optimized Frequency Scanning Tool for Sub-Synchronous Interaction Analysis of Non-Linear Devices," 2019 IEEE/IAS 55th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference (I&CPS) • Detection of Sub-Synchronous Control Interaction (SSCI) Using Modal Identification Analysis and FFT, 2018, IEEE/PES North American Power Symposium (NAPS) • Development of a Real-Time Web-Based Power Monitoring system for the substation of petrochemical facilities, 2018 IEEE Transaction on Industrial Application • Development of a Real-Time Web-Based Power Monitoring system for the substation of petrochemical facilities, 2018 IEEE/IAS 54th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference (I&CPS) • A Filter-less Robust Controller for Damping SSCI Oscillation in Wind Power Plant, IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) 2017 General Meeting • Arc Flash Study in Large Scale Industrial Plant with Internal Generation and Complex Interconnection Network, 2017 IEEE IAS Electrical Safety Workshop, Reno, NV • Mixed Integer Programming of Stochastic hydro Self-Scheduling Problem in Joint Energy and Reserve Markets, Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, 2016 • Reliability Assessment of Automated Substation and Functional Integration, IAS 2016 Annual meeting, Portland, Oregon • Reliability assessment in DCS substations by considering redundancy, 25th International Power System Conference, Tehran 2010 • Nash equilibrium in competitive electrical market by considering congestion, 24th International Power System Conference, Tehran 2009 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 70 www.dnv.com WEIPING (JESSIE) XIAO Senior Engineer - Power System Advisory Education Field of expertise University/School Year Master of Engineering, Sustainable Energy Technology Univ. of Texas at Arlington Dec 2009 Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Zhejiang University Sep 1996 - Jun 2000 Summary of professional experience Weiping Xiao has over 11 years of experience in power system planning including generation interconnection, transmission reliability assessment and transmission expansion. She has performed numerous generation full interconnection studies (FIS), transmission expansion studies including Regional Planning Group (RPG) projects in ERCOT, transmission congestion/curtailment assessment, and NERC reliability compliance studies (TPL). Ms. Xiao excels in power flow, contingency analysis, and short circuit simulation. She has developed tools to facilitate the power system planning studies. She is also an expert of renewable generation modeling for wind farms and solar farms. Ms. Xiao is proficient in Power System analysis software packages including ASPEN, POWERWORLD, and PSSE. Employment DNV Jan 2010 - Present Position: Senior Engineer - GEN & TP Description: Execute Transmission Planning (near term and long term) studies including steady state, short circuit studies. Conduct generation interconnection (renewable and conventional) studies Develop automation scripts including VB and Python to improve the transmission planning and generation study more efficient. Conduct simulations to demonstrate compliance as per relevant independent System Operator (ISO) or Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) standards Maintain the steady state and short circuit models for utility clients. Projects LCRA, Full Interconnection VRT studies Jun 2020 - Present Position: Project Engineer Description: To evaluate the new renewable generation expected to connect to LCRA facilities on the ERCOT system to meet ERCOT VRT criteria Activities performed: perform Voltage Ride through analysis WETT, Full interconnection short circuit studies Jan 2010 - Present Position: Project engineer Description: To evaluate any fault current contribution from new wind or gas generation expected to connect to WETT facilities on the ERCOT system Activities performed: Perform Short circuit study CTT, NERC transmission planning reliability compliance studies (TPL) Jan 2010 - Present Position: Project engineer Description: Performed NERC compliant AC based reliability analysis annually Activities performed: Perform AC contingency analysis Sharyland, ONCOR , Full interconnection steady state studies Jan 2010 - Present Position: Project engineer DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 71 www.dnv.com Projects Description: To evaluate the impact of the new generation expected to connect to Sharyland or ONCOR facilities on the ERCOT system, estimate thermal and voltage constraints Activities performed: Perform AC contingency analysis Rayburn Country Electric Coop, Rayburn Grid Switch impact study for SPP Jan 2018 - Mar 2018 Position: Project engineer Description: Performing AC study to determine any impact of Rayburn facility switching from SPP to ERCOT from steady state standpoint Activities performed: Perform AC contingency analysis Sharyland, Breaker assessment Nov 2010 - Dec 2017 Position: Project engineer Description: performed a comprehensive breaker rating adequacy analysis to assess the adequacy of the Sharyland station breakers in line with the NERC TPL-001-4 standards Activities performed: perform breaker rating adequacy analysis CTT, Transmission Screening study of BTU facility Nov 2017 - Nov 2017 Position: Project engineer Description: Performing AC study to identify any potential issue within Bryan Transmission Utilities transmission infrastructure Activities performed: Perform AC contingency analysis DME, DME system long term analysis Jun 2012 - Dec 2012 Position: project engineer Description: Performed study to recommend transmission enhancements to reliably serve growing demand in DME Activities performed: Perform AC contingency analysis Papers and publications • W. Xiao, Hydrogen Filling Station Design for Fuel Cell Vehicles, , IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2011 , Nov 2011 Other Information Expertise in power system analysis software packages: PowerWorld , PSS/E, ASPEN DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 72 www.dnv.com CHARLES ALEMAN Power Systems Engineer Education Field of expertise University/School Year B.S. - Electrical Engineering Texas Tech University Aug 2011 - Dec 2014 Summary of professional experience Charles Aleman began his career as an Electrical Engineer for Golden Spread Electric Cooperative (GSEC), working to install approximately 600 MW of new generation that could supply power to both the SPP and ERCOT markets. After installation was complete, he focused on plant O&M and gained experience with troubleshooting, relay coordination, TSR relays (for SSR protection), grounding studies, plant auxiliary power systems, switchgears, and transformer adjustments/replacements. Following this, Charles transitioned into the role of Power Delivery Engineer where he became familiar with transmission modeling and gained a working knowledge in Siemens PTI PSS/e. During his 3+ years in this role, Charles participated in multiple powerflow and new load studies for GSEC’s various member cooperatives based on the SPP/ERCOT TPL- 001 standards and reviewed/commented on similar studies on behalf of GSEC. In addition to this, he participated in various regional working groups including the SPP Transmission Working Group, SPP Model Development Advisory Group, ERCOT Regional Planning Group, and ERCOT Steady State Working Group. Due to his involvement with these groups, Charles was also responsible for model updates/submission of all data requests for both energy markets and retaining/providing compliance evidence for the various NERC modeling standards (mainly MOD-025, -026, -027, and - 032). Employment DNV - Energy March 2021 - Present Position: Power System Engineer Description: Charles’ focus is on executing transmission planning (near term and long term) studies including steady state load flow and short circuit studies per relevant Independent System Operator (ISO) or Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) standards. He also recommends mitigation solutions as needed based on analysis of the study results. His responsibilities include: • Developing, submitting, and maintaining steady state/short circuit models to ISOs on behalf of Utility Clients • Conducting generation interconnection studies (GIAs) for both renewable and conventional generation • Conducting annual transmission planning compliance studies (TPL-001-4/5) per ISO/RTO standards on behalf of Utility Clients Golden Spread Electric Cooperative Jan 2018 - Feb 2021 Position: Power Delivery Engineer Description: - Accurately model generation, transmission, and load serving facilities for member cooperatives in the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) and the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). Engage in special planning studies done by SPP or ERCOT. Build working models pertaining to member cooperatives. Modeling and analysis done using Siemens PSS®E version 33/34. - Represent GSEC at the SPP Model Development Working Group (MDWG) and ERCOT Steady State Working Group (SSWG); familiarized with GSEC’s requirements for both. - Perform and review system impact studies for new loads and projects connected to member cooperatives and make system recommendations accordingly. Submit data to transmission entities on behalf of member cooperatives. - Provide technical recommendations and assistance on various projects including equipment specifications/testing, electrical design reviews, and equipment troubleshooting. Golden Spread Electric Cooperative Jan 2015 - Jan 2018 Position: Electrical Engineer DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 73 www.dnv.com Description: - Participated in the electrical design, testing and implementation of all capital projects. Major milestones include construction of Elk Units, construction of AEEC switchyard to become grid- switchable, modification of Antelope auxiliary power system. - Support improvement and maintenance projects through conceptual design, performance training, data collection/ interpretation, and analysis. Respond to unplanned maintenance issues and work with plant staff to return to normal operations. - Attended all factory acceptance testing for electrical equipment. Oversaw installation of equipment and turnover to operations staff. - Developed working knowledge of PSS®E for cooperative studies and electrical system analysis. Projects Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Regional Model additions for GSEC Cooperatives Aug 2020 - Oct 2020 Position: Power Delivery Engineer Description: On behalf of Golden Spread Electric Cooperative (GSEC), added all cooperative-owned transmission topology, transmission devices, and load/delivery points for GSECs member cooperatives in the SPP market. Project was done so that future studies would have an accurate representation of the cooperative system and allow the distribution cooperatives to be considered when new additions to the BES were being studied. Activities performed: Accurately model generation, transmission, and load serving facilities for GSEC member cooperatives in the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Follow proper modeling criteria as determined by SPP's Model Development Advisory Group (MDAG) Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Antelope Elk Energy Center Jun 2014 - Aug 2016 Position: Electrical Engineer Description: Antelope Elk Energy Center (AEEC) is a generation facility located in Abernathy, TX and owned by Golden Spread Electric Cooperative (GSEC). The facility consists of three (3) 200 MW combustion turbines fueled by natural gas and eighteen (18) 10 MW natural gas reciprocating engines. Due to switchyard modifications at AEEC, most of the generation units have the ability to supply power into both the SPP and ERCOT markets. Activities performed: Reviewed/oversaw the design and implantation of all electrical equipment related to the project. Attended all equipment testing and oversaw O&M turnover once they were on-site Memberships IEEE - Member Number 93850560 Present DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 74 www.dnv.com JIGISHA DESAI, P.E. Lead Senior Engineer, Power System Advisory Education Field of expertise University/School Year Master of Science The University of Texas at Arlington Aug 2005 - May 2007 Bachelor of Engineering B.V.M. Engineering College Jun 1990 - May 1994 Summary of professional experience  Fifteen plus years of experience with utilities, IPP, and ISO/RTO customers across North America and globally.  Licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) in Texas.  Significant experience with transmission and distribution (T&D) model development, transmission planning studies, system impact studies, transmission development studies for the onshore and offshore projects, reliability analysis for a stand-alone battery, & Non-Wires Alternative projects, and various power system studies for large Commercial & Industrial customers.  Extensive knowledge of Reliability Standards, NERC Compliance and in-depth understanding of planning processes.  Proficient at multiple T&D software platforms such as PSS/e, PowerWorld Simulator, PSLF, ASPEN, Cyme, ETAP, Milsoft's Windmill and Synergy Electric.  Act as a technical lead, project manager, team mentor and technical adviser for a wide range of projects.  Actively participate in working group meetings for Independent System Operators and technical conferences.  Lead an innovation project to develop a “Non-Wires Transmission Alternative Value Assessment Tool”  Supports business development team with proposal response, client presentations and strategy meetings Employment DNV Jan 2016 - Sep 2018 Position: Lead Senior Engineer PWR Solutions, Inc Jan 2005 - Dec 2015 Position: Senior Engineer Other Information Professional Engineer, State of Texas, 2013 Projects Transmission Development Study, offshore wind (OSW) –IPP, CAISO Jan 2021 – Feb 2021 Position: Lead Senior Engineer Activities performed: Performed steady state and contingency studies to analyze the potentially adverse impact of a proposed 2000 MW HVDC interconnection project. The objective of the study was to access the impact on the transfer limit of a major 500 kV transfer interface under the summer peak & light load conditions. Provided findings and recommendations that enable stakeholders to make key investment decisions. Utilities, Evaluate “Non-Wires alternative” Analysis, Transmission & Distribution Network Jan 2020 - Ongoing Position: Lead Senior Engineer Activities performed: Collaborated with utilities and other stakeholders to develop an integrated NWA analysis process and the Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) framework. Reviewed utilities’ transmission and distribution investment proposals and performed NWA analysis to find a cost-effective NWA solution that meets the reliability need same as the wire solution and performed a benefit-cost analysis to access the cost-effectiveness of an NWA solution. Provided findings, results, and recommendations. Attended case conferences and presented the recommended NWA solution to the Public Utility Commission to finalize the proposal. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 75 www.dnv.com Projects Utilities, (ERCOT/SPP/NYISO/CAISO), System Impact Studies-Renewable Generation Interconnection to Transmission System Jun 2013 - ongoing Position: Lead Senior Engineer Description: Performed System Impact Study including Steady-State Analysis, Breaker Duty Analysis, Short Circuit Analysis on behalf of the utilities, and/or customer using PSSE and ASPEN software for the different study scenarios and year. Utilities, Annual Transmission Planning Studies Jun 2013 - Ongoing Position: Lead Senior Engineer Description: Performed Annual Transmission Planning analysis on behalf of several utilities while meeting NERC TPL-001-4 standards and ERCOT & Utility’s planning criteria. These studies included Near-term and Long-term Steady State Analysis, Contingency Analysis for applicable planning (P0-P7) and extreme event conditions, Short Circuit Analysis, System Operating Limit (SOL) Assessment & CIP Assessment. Utilities, Transmission Model Development & Management Jul 2013 - Sep 2018 Position: Senior Engineer Activities performed: Represent Utility Customer in ERCOT’s Steady State, Dynamic, and System Protection Working Groups. Participate in ERCOT’s case building activities on behalf of utility for developing near-term and long-term transmission planning models on an ongoing basis. Work with utility’s Operations team to maintain the synchronization between the Operations and Planning model. Utility, Evaluate “Non-Wires Solutions”, Distribution Network 11/2018 – 02/2019 Position: Lead Senior Engineer Description: Evaluate potential non-wires solutions. The main project task included Energy Storage Sizing Analysis and Technology Recommendations, Feeder Analysis and Siting Recommendations, Cost Comparison Analysis, and Scenario Comparison Visualizations. Emirates Global Aluminium, Data Collection, Model development & Power System Studies Aug 2015 - Jul 2018 Position: Project Manager Description: Collected data and developed a comprehensive electrical network model including 400KV, 220KV, 33KV, 6.6KV & 400V electrical networks, internal generations of 3150 MW, the connected load of 2300 MW, 600 switchgear and 1800 protective devices. Developed different operating scenarios in coordination with the operation team. Performed Load Flow, Short Circuit, Protective device coordination, and Arc Flash analyses following IEC, ANSI, IEEE 1584 & NFPA 70E standard. Presented and provided study findings, results, and recommendations. Tarrant County College (TCC), Comprehensive Investigation of the Electrical System and Perform Power System Studies Dec 2012 - Ongoing Position: Project Manager Activities performed: Collected data and developed an electrical distribution system model in ETAP including generators, transformers, cables, protective devices, and utility. Performed Load Flow, Short Circuit, Protective Device Coordination, and Arc Flash Studies following ANSI, IEEE 1584 & NFPA 70E standard for several campuses Utilities, Transmission Planning & Integration Studies Feb 2017 - Jun 2017 Position: Lead Engineer Activities performed: Developed study models and performed steady state assessment for normal operation and contingency conditions for evaluation of planned transmission projects. Utilized SPP planning cases, developed different load scenarios, and performed an analysis in compliance with NERC standards and SPP reliability & planning criteria. Evaluated planned transmission projects from an ERCOT vs SPP cost-benefit metric and provided transmission upgrade recommendations. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 76 www.dnv.com Projects Utilities, Remedial Action Schemes (RAS) Study Feb 2017 - Apr 2017 Position: Senior Engineer Description: Assessed the impact of the addition of the proposed Wind Renewable project on security of the transmission system from a steady state perspective under normal operating and contingency conditions to detect system violations. Provide recommendations or corrective actions to maintain system reliability. Propose a scheme that limits generation output for the wind generation under credible N-1 and N-1-1 conditions to mitigate certain thermal overload conditions. Linde, Data Collection, Model Development & Power System Studies for the Planta de Nitrógeno de Cantarell Project Feb 2015 - Nov 2015 Position: Project Manager Description: Collected data, developed a comprehensive electrical network model, and performed load flow analysis, short circuit analysis, coordination analysis, arc flash analysis, and stability analysis studies. Provided developed electrical network models, study findings & results, Arc Flash labels, and recommendations. McCarthy, Reactive Power Study Jun 2015 - Oct 2015 Position: Senior Engineer Activities performed: Developed a model and performed reactive capability assessment analysis to evaluate the ability of the proposed solar generation to comply with the reactive capability requirements at the Point of Interconnection as per the utility's distributed generation’s Interconnection requirements. Imperial Irrigation District, System Impact Study (Distributed Energy Resources) Jun 2015 - Jul 2015 Position: Senior Engineer Activities performed: Developed models and performed System Impact Study including static load flow study, voltage regulation & flicker study, short circuit study, and protection coordination study associated with new Distributed Energy Resources (DER) interconnection, and analyzed system impact due to DER interconnection. Kuljian Corporation, Model development & Power System Studies Jan 2012 - Jun 2012 Position: Engineer Description: Collected data and developed Electrical network model & Analyzed Load flow and Short circuit analysis following IEC standard for the 380kV and 115kV levels of utility network in conjunction with 380kV to 13.8kV levels of the new sub-stations and provided study results and recommendations. Fremantle Energy, Collection System Design, Model Development & Feasibility Study Jul 2011 - Jul 2011 Position: Engineer Description: Provided preliminary collection system diagram for wind projects & developed collection System model & perform a feasibility study for the recommendations of interconnection options. DILAN NOVOSAD, P.E. Lead Consultant, Distribution Planning Education Field of expertise University/School Year B.S., Electrical Engineering Texas Tech University Aug 2010 - May 2014 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 77 www.dnv.com Summary of professional experience Dilan Novosad has expertise in power flow, contingency analysis studies, electromagnetic transient (EMT) and short circuit simulation studies. He is a proficient user of PSS/e (Siemens PTI), PowerWorld, Synergi Electric, Milsoft, PSCAD/EMTDC and ASPEN OneLiner software. Dilan Novosad has experience in the steady state and short circuit modeling of power systems and has performed various grid interconnection studies within ERCOT focusing on renewable generation resources. In addition, he is involved in various EMT studies including Sub-Synchronous Control Interaction (SSCI), Temporary Over-Voltage (TOV), Switching Over-Voltage (SOV), as well as line energization studies. He has experience with the reliability constraints within ERCOT and has performed various studies and analyses to recommend transmission and distribution projects from a reliability perspective. As part of his previous work, he developed and evaluated future transmission plans for major system upgrades within ERCOT utilizing NERC, FERC and regional transmission requirements and standards. He is proficient in computer programming languages such as C, C++, VBA, and Python. Previously, he worked with Hunt Consolidated as a Transmission Planning Engineer on behalf of Sharyland Utilities. Memberships Texas Board of Professional Engineers - License Number: 134398 May 2019 - Present Employment DNV Mar 2018 - Present Position: Lead Consultant, Distribution Planning Description: Member of the Distribution Planning team responsible for executing steady state, short circuit and hosting capacity analyses. Technical lead on projects involving distributed energy resource (DER) interconnection including system impact studies and risk of islanding assessments. Technical lead on projects to identify distribution upgrade solutions across the long-term horizon. DNV GL May 2016 – Mar 2018 Position: Lead Consultant, Transmission Development Description: Member of Special Studies team responsible for executing Sub-Synchronous Control Interaction (SSCI), Temporary Over-Voltage (TOV), Switching Over-Voltage (SOV) and line energization studies. Technical lead on projects dealing with short circuit and system strength studies. Technical lead on projects to identify new transmission opportunities for utility clients. Hunt Power, LLC Jul 2014 - Apr 2016 Position: Transmission Planning Engineer Description: Experience with generation interconnection procedures. Understanding of reliability constraints within ERCOT. Ability to compose professional technical reports and script automation to streamline planning efforts HVAC steady state and short circuit modeling, Load flow analysis, Short circuit analysis, ATC analysis and PV analysis. Developed various automation scripts to further streamline and improve the transmission planning process, including case development model validation and dynamic event creation. Projects Hosting Capacity Analyses Mar 2019 - Present Position: Project Engineer Description: DNV GL performs electrical system impact studies for third party proposed distributed energy resource (DER) generation sites. As distributed generation markets mature across various service territories, there is continued need to perform detailed power flow modeling in support of DER applications. The engineering service covers multiple discrete studies on an as-needed basis. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 78 www.dnv.com Projects Activities performed: Mr. Novosad performed various comprehensive hosting capacity analyses. The analyses included a feeder level model validation, various steady state, and short circuit analyses, as well as identification of potential mitigation strategies and distribution upgrade solutions. Distribution Planning Studies Jan 2019 - Present Position: Project Engineer Description: DNV GL performs distribution planning assessments to determine the impact of load growth on the existing transmission/distribution infrastructure. The distribution planning studies include developing long-term load forecasts and future year study models, analyzing the steady state impacts across the long-term horizon, and identifying a capital expansion plan as required. Activities performed: Mr. Novosad performs a comprehensive review of the load forecast and executes steady state assessments as part of the distribution planning studies. NERC MOD 026/027 Compliance Studies Apr 2018 - Present Description: DNV GL performs NERC MOD 026/027 field testing as well as model validation for various generation facilities within the NERC transmission region. Activities performed: Mr. Novosad performs field testing on generation facilities to benchmark the transmission planning dynamic models with real-time dynamic responses. Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) Studies May 2016 - Present Description: DNV GL performs electromagnetic transient studies for various generation facilities from a Temporary Over-Voltage (TOV), Switching Over-Voltage (SOV) and harmonic standpoint. Activities performed: Mr. Novosad executed various electromagnetic transient studies for generation facilities corresponding to the technology and location of the project. Transmission Development Studies Oct 2014 - Present Description: DNV GL performed transmission development studies to justify the construction of new transmission facilities from a reliability and economic standpoint. Studies include steady state, short circuit, stability, and economic impact assessments to justify new transmission assets. Activities performed: Mr. Novosad performed various reliability assessments to justify the approval of various transmission facilities within the ERCOT grid. He executed studies to support the approval for the Upgrades within the Panhandle Region of Texas, the South Plains Transmission project, Lubbock Power & Light (LP&L) Integration to ERCOT, as well as Rayburn Country Electric Cooperative (RCEC) Integration to ERCOT. NERC TPL-001-4 Transmission Planning Studies Aug 2014 - Present Description: DNV GL performs transmission planning studies to ensure NERC TPL-001-4 compliance for various utilities throughout the nation. This study evaluates the performance of the transmission grid from a steady state, short circuit, and stability perspective. Activities performed: Mr. Novosad performed steady state assessments, as well as breaker adequacy assessments in line with NERC TPL-001-4 standards. Generation Interconnection Studies Jul 2014 - Present Description: DNV GL performs generation interconnection studies to evaluate the system after the addition of a new interconnecting facility. The generation interconnection study involves a steady state, short circuit, stability, and Sub-Synchronous Resonance (SSR) assessment. Activities performed: Mr. Novosad performed various steady state, short circuit, and Sub-Synchronous Resonance (SSR) assessments as part of the generation interconnection process. Papers and publications • Azade Brahman, Dilan Novosad, Mehriar Tabrizi, Tim Cook, Wei Jen Lee, Analytical Approach to Study the Impacts of Mutual Coupling on Transmission Lines Protection Systems, Texas Power and Energy Conference, Feb 2019 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 79 www.dnv.com Papers and publications • Neeraj Karnik, Dilan Novosad, Hamed Khalili Nia, Mandhir Sahni, Mohsen Ghavami, Haiping Yin, An Evaluation of Critical Impact Factors for SSCI Analysis for Wind Power Plants: A Utility Perspective, IEEE PES General Meeting, Apr 2018 Other Information • Experience with PSS/e, PowerWorld, Synergi Electric, Milsoft, PSCAD/EMTDC and ASPEN. • Proficient in Automaton using Python, VBA, C, C++, Matlab and Assembly. • Proficient with Microsoft Office: Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 80 www.dnv.com CLAY TUTAJ Technical Consultant – Energy Management Systems and Automation Education Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering University of Wisconsin Dec 2003 Summary of professional experience Clay Tutaj has been involved in and managed a variety of consulting projects including transmission and distribution reliability, transmission and distribution asset management, photovoltaic systems, smart grid, financial analysis and storm response and forensic analysis both domestically and abroad. Project tasks have frequently involved accurately quantifying the impacts of root causes and system components, analyzing databases and processes, providing engineering solutions and risk mitigation through statistical and financial analysis to ensure prudent, informed decision making. Mr. Tutaj has received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Wisconsin – Platteville in Electrical Engineering. Employment DNV GL Jan 2007 - Present Position: Technical Consultant Description: Responsible for analysis and modeling that is crucial in assisting electrical utility clients in a wide variety of transmission and distribution system related projects. His experience with reliability, asset management, distributed energy resources and large-scale technology projects has provided unique solutions domestically and abroad. In addition to managing and executing project work he has been involved in the overall direction, support, and development of a variety of internal tools that support asset management and distribution reliability. The specific project experience below has been selected as a representation of his work with DNV GL. Uihlein Electric Jan 2006 - Sep 2006 Position: Project Manager Description: Supported project management for electrical construction work for commercial, industrial and government projects. Conducted estimations for proposals based on engineering designs and plans. Projects Large East Coast Combined Electric and Gas Company - Smart Grid Jun 2014 - Feb 2016 Position: Data Scientist Description: Developed analysis tools to support the Smart Grid Project analytics, troubleshooting of electric meters and related systems. Performed transition sustain work to take staff from project work to operational and engineering groups, covers process and personnel. Provided process and analytical solutions which have transformed the productivity of the Smart Grid team and have substantially improved key performance indicators in an optimized way. CEATI - VVO and FLISR Benefits Jan 2014 - Dec 2014 Position: Principal Engineer Description: Developed a guide to assist utilities in estimating costs and benefits for VVO and FLISR technology. Covered topics such as trade-offs between technology, how to estimate benefits on a circuit level and how to optimize capital for technology based on the greatest return on investment. Electric Utility in the West - Smart Grid Benefits Jan 2012 - Jun 2013 Position: Project Lead Description: Developed a model to estimate benefits related to smart grid technology and its interaction with system changes (such as added PV and generation costs). Technology included reliability devices such as automated reclosing, additional reclosing, fault current indicators, energy efficiency improvements and VVO. Electric Utility - Asset Management Jan 2010 - Dec 2011 Position: Principal Engineer DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 81 www.dnv.com Description: Asset Management: Provided asset plan documents and analysis on remaining life and risk assessments for a wide variety of asset categories. Results supported a transparent and holistic approach to asset management based on reliability, safety and other corporate objectives and performance indicators. Electric Utility – Distribution Reliability Jun 2009 - Dec 2010 Position: Reliability Engineer Description: Analyzed a subset of distribution circuits for reliability improvement projects and extrapolated system wide to estimate benefit costs. Trained staff and designed a strategy to investigate the remaining distribution circuits. Electric Utility - Substation Equipment Jun 2009 - Dec 2009 Position: Senior Engineer Description: Managed a condition assessment, failure modeling and analysis for key components of all transmission substations, circuit breakers and power transformers. Factors included manufacturing, historical failure data, dissolved gas analysis (DGA), loading data and a field inspection of specific substations. Developed a prioritized list based on health index and system impacts. East Coast Electric Utility - Vegetation Management Review Aug 2008 - Dec 2009 Position: Principal Engineer/Project Manager Description: Performed the analysis over multiple years with greater granularity. Quantified the reliability impacts of historical changes to vegetation management programs. Predicted the expected impacts of further changes to the program and their associated cost, providing a cost benefit analysis for decision making and rate case support. Also, provided an update to this review with a more substantial sample set investigating reliability benefits of cycle trimming. California Solar Initiative – Photovoltaic Impacts Jan 2008 - Dec 2009 Position: Senior Engineer Description: Assessed the impacts such as loss reduction, peak reduction, and intermittency issues of photovoltaics on the transmission and distribution systems as a part of the CSI program. Findings are publicly available via the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) as a part of the CSI programs impact assessments for both 2008 and 2009. International Electric Utility - Reliability Jan 2009 - Jul 2009 Position: Reliability Engineer Description: Distribution reliability modeling and analysis. Key factors were investigated for a unique medium voltage system and prioritized based on effectiveness to improving reliability and a cost benefit analysis. Electric Utility in Gulf Area - Storm Forensic Database Jul 2008 - Dec 2008 Position: Project Manager Description: Managed a project to develop a storm forensic reporting procedure, data collection process and data collection template to ensure adequate information is collected during contingent hurricanes in the state of Florida to conduct a full forensic analysis. This information will directly link forensics with system inventory data available in a Geographic Information System (GIS); forensic reporting will be submitted to the Florida Public Service Commission as now required for that State. Electric Utility in Southeast - Storm Forensic Database Mar 2008 - Dec 2008 Position: Project Manager Description: Storm forensic reporting data collection template and an assessment of information available to supplement the analysis to be conducted after a contingent hurricane as well as streamline the collection process. East Coast Electric and Gas Utility - Reliability Modeling Feb 2007 - Dec 2008 Position: Senior Engineer Description: Distribution system reliability modeling to support modeling analysis of several hundred feeders. The process will accurately model and calibrate to historical indices the system topology, device placement, vegetation and assess the impacts changes to these factors cause. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 82 www.dnv.com JONATHAN FLINN Principal Consultant Education Field of expertise University/School Year Master of Science, Safety Engineering Heriot-Watt University Nov 2005 Master of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering University of Strathclyde Jun 2004 Summary of professional experience Mr. Flinn has been employed by DNV for 16 years, with the last 10 years working as a power system engineer. Through this work, Mr. Flinn has extensive experience in studying various aspects of the transmission and distribution system, with a focus on integration of distributed energy resources, renewable energy, and distribution planning. His specialization is now in working with DNV’s Synergi Electric software, supporting utilities’ implementations of the software, and running and automating complex analyses. Through this work, Mr. Flinn assists utilities in finding the most efficient methods to produce the results required for their distribution planning processes, including multi-year load flow analysis, implementation of load profiles, DER studies, reliability analysis, and contingency analysis. Employment DNV GL Aug 2005 - Present Position: Principal Consultant Description: Mr. Flinn currently works in the Digital Solutions team, particularly focusing on the integration of distributed energy resources (DER) to the grid. This work involves working with utilities to identify technical limitations to deployment of distributed generation, and appropriate mitigation measures to facilitate higher penetrations of DER systems. Mr. Flinn has been involved in several roles related to renewable energy systems, including wind energy, wave, and tidal energy, and solar photovoltaic. The majority of Mr. Flinn's work has been related to integration of renewable generation on transmission and distribution systems. Projects Several, Hosting Capacity Study Oct 2011 - Present Description: Several clients - development and execution of hosting capacity and high PV penetration analysis studies for a range of island and mainland utilities in the Americas. CPUC, ZNE Building Integration Cost Study Oct 2016 - Oct 2017 Description: Study of potential distribution system integration cost implications of the California Public Utility Commission's proposed ZNE Building policy. Work involved identification of 75 representative feeders from three large utilities, analysis of integration cost on each feeder with respect to PV penetration, extrapolation of results to the entire distribution system, and sensitivity studies to find the effect of various assumptions and technology changes. Hawaiian Electric Company, High PV Penetration Analysis Dec 2011 - Jan 2013 Description: Analysis of effects of high penetrations of Photovoltaics on transmission and distribution systems with regard to technical criteria (voltage, power flow, loading, etc.). Aquantis, Cost of Energy Analysis of Advanced Drivetrain Nov 2011 - Oct 2012 Description: Cost of Energy studies, including capital expenditure, operational expenditure, energy production, financial aspects, and future cost impacts for an advanced drivetrain design for large wind turbines. Hammerfest Strom, Certification of HS1000 Dec 2009 - Sep 2011 Description: Certification of the HS1000 tidal turbine using the processes defined in OSS-312. Aquamarine Power, Certification of Oyster 2 Jan 2010 - Jul 2011 Description: Certification of the Oyster 2 wave energy converter using the principles defined in OSS-312. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 83 www.dnv.com Projects Pulse Tidal, Certification of PS1200 Nov 2009 - Jul 2011 Description: Certification of the Pulse Tidal PS1200 tidal energy converter using the processes defined in OSS- 312. Project is partially funded by the EU under FP7, and management of project includes reporting requirements for EU funding. European Union, Protocols for Equitable Assessment of Marine Energy Converters Jan 2009 - Apr 2011 Description: Work on Equimar Joint Industry Project aimed at producing protocols for equitable assessment of marine energy converters. Papers and publications • Flinn, J.; Davis, R.; Nancarrow, C., Proactive Integration of Distributed Generation - Experience, Challenges and Opportunities, Proceedings of the CARILEC 2016 Renewable Energy Conference, Sep 2016 • Flinn, J.; Davis, R.; Nancarrow, C., Successful Integration of Solar Power - Harnessing the Opportunities, Proceedings of the CARILEC 2016 Renewable Energy Conference, Sep 2016 • Flinn, J., Integrating Distributed Solar into Centralized Utility Models, Power Engineering Magazine, Mar 2016 • Flinn, J.; Davis, R.; Nakafuji, D.; Aukai, T., Methodology for High-Penetration PV Studies on Distribution Systems, Proceedings of the Renewable Energy World North America Conference, Dec 2014 • Flinn, J.; Bittencourt, C.; Waldron, B., Risk Management in Wave and Tidal Energy, Proceedings of the 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Sep 2011 • Thies, P.R.; Flinn, J.; Smith, G.H., Is it a Showstopper? Reliability Assessment and Criticality Analysis for Wave Energy Converters, Proceedings of the 8th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Sep 2009 • Bittencourt, C.; Flinn, J., Certification of Wave and Tidal Energy Converters, Proceedings of World Renewable Energy Congress X, Jul 2008 • Flinn, J.; Bittencourt, C., Reliability Estimation Method for Wave and Tidal Energy Converters, Proceedings of World Renewable Energy Congress X, Jul 2008 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 84 www.dnv.com DOUG PRICE, P.E. Electrical Engineering Team Lead Languages Language Native Speaking Reading Writing English High High High Education Field of expertise University/School Year Master of Science, Electrical Engineering Univ. of Southern California May 1995 Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering San Diego State University May 1993 Summary of professional experience Mr. Price is a Senior Principal Engineer at DNV GL, providing consulting services for renewable energy projects in the U.S. and Canada. He brings over 25 years of power systems engineering experience, broad industry knowledge, and substantial regulatory expertise to his client engagements. Mr. Price has been with DNV for 15 years, and leads EE for wind, solar, and storage in DNV GL. His background includes in-depth experience in these key areas: wind and solar power consulting engineering and technical due diligence; generator interconnection and power purchase contracts; electrical balance of plant design, construction and operations including collection/distribution, substations, transmission lines; construction monitoring; regulation, compliance and power markets; transmission planning and operations engineering (LADWP, SDG&E, CAISO); failure investigation, insurance services, and litigation support. Mr. Price received a BSEE from San Diego State University, and a MSEE from the University of Southern California, with power systems emphasis in both programs. Mr. Price is a licensed professional engineer in California and multiple other states, and is a member of the IEEE Power and Energy Society. Employment DNV Apr 2006 - Present Position: Electrical Engineering Team Lead Syska Hennesey Group Jul 2004 - Mar 2006 Position: Senior Engineer California Power Partners Jul 2003 - Jul 2004 Position: Principal Engineer Capstone Turbine Corporation Jul 2000 - Jun 2003 Position: Applications Engineer California Independent System Operator Jul 1997 - Jul 1997 Position: Operations Engineer San Diego Gas & Electric Jun 1995 - Jun 1997 Position: Electrical Engineer Los Angeles Dept of Water & Power Jun 1993 - Jun 1995 Position: Electrical Engineer Assistant DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 85 www.dnv.com MOHSEN ZADEH, Ph.D., P.E. Senior Electrical Engineer Education Field of expertise University/School Year PhD, Power Electrical Engineering University of Waterloo Jan 2016 MSc, Power Electrical Engineering University of Western Ontario Sep 2010 - Sep 2012 BSc, Electrical Engineering Sharif University of Technology Sep 2006 - Sep 2010 Summary of professional experience Mohsen Zadeh, P.Eng. is currently working as a Senior Electrical Engineer in the Energy Advisory Group of DNV based in Toronto, ON. Dr. Zadeh has extensive professional experience including Electrical Design/System Studies, Independent Engineering (IE), Owner Engineering (OE) and Technical Due Diligence of utility-scale Wind, Solar, and Battery Storage projects across North America. He recently acted as the Engineer of Record (EoR) for the first utility-scale solar farm in western Canada. Dr. Zadeh’s technical affiliations include memberships in CIGRE, IEEE, IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES), and IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS). He is also currently acting as the Secretary of IEEE Toronto Chapter DEIS technical group. Dr. Zadeh is a Registered Professional Engineer in the Provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta Canada. Employment DNV GL Feb 2016 - Present Position: Senior Electrical Engineer Description: Responsible for Electrical Engineering aspects of a variety of Wind, Solar, and Battery Storage projects from design studies to independent engineering with clients ranging from developers, to EPCs, and investors/lenders. Electrical Engineer of Record (EoR) for various utility-scale solar and wind engineering design projects. Responsible for solar and wind electrical Owner’s Engineering (OE) and Independent Engineering (IE) including review of design drawings, specifications, and studies of interconnection point, transmission lines, collector substations, and collection systems of utility-scale wind/solar projects. Monitored construction of utility-scale wind/solar projects as part of technical due diligence. Kinectrics Inc. Dec 2012 - Feb 2016 Position: Engineer/Scientist Description: Former Ontario Hydro Research Division, dealing with testing and system studies of Transmission & Distribution equipment and substations. Responsible for power distribution system planning including condition assessment and asset management. Generated transient/steady-state systems studies using power system software, such as PSCAD/EMTDC and ETAP. Investigated power distribution system failures. Performed high voltage substation studies and field testing. University of Western Ontario Sep 2010 - Nov 2012 Position: Graduate Research Assistant Description: Responsible for power system transient research and analysis and relay testing in SEL relay protection lab. WellDrill Energy Ltd Sep 2006 - Aug 2010 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 86 www.dnv.com Employment Position: Electrical Engineer Description: Responsible for oil and gas electrical design and equipment specifications and supported procurement of various electrical equipment. Papers and publications • M. S. Zadeh, J. Daggett, and D. Price, Distribution-Connected Battery Energy Storage Systems; Interconnection, Electrical Balance of Plant, and Safety Issues, 2018 CIGRE Canada Conference, Calgary AB, Oct 2018 • M. S. Zadeh, N. Wrathall, S. Cress, and A. Hamlyn, An Improved Harmonic Contribution Estimation Using Nonlinear Optimization Techniques, 2015 IEEE PES General Meeting Conference, Denver CO, Aug 2015 • H. Bitaraf, M. S. Zadeh, and A. M. Ranjbar, A Novel SVM Approach of Islanding Detection in Micro Grid, 2012 IEEE PES ISGT, Jun 2012 • H. Bitaraf, M. S. Zadeh, and A. M. Ranjbar, Neuro-Fuzzy Islanding Detection in Distributed Generation, 2012 IEEE PES ISGT, Jun 2012 • M. S. Zadeh, and T. S. Sidhu, Modeling, Analysis, and Improvement of Anti-Islanding Relays for a Radial Distribution System Embedding DFIG-DG Wind Turbines, 2012 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering Conference, Apr 2012 Other Information Active Member of: - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): - Power and Energy Society - Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society - Technology and Engineering Management Society - Working Groups: - IEEE Std 519 (Power Quality) - Wind/Solar Collector System Design - Registered Professional Engineer: • Professional Engineers Ontario, license #100210549 • Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA), license #240039 • Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba (APEGM), license #42148 • Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS), license #40382 - American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) - CIGRE: Member of WG C4.46 on evaluation of temporary overvoltage due low order harmonics DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 87 www.dnv.com SARAH AFTERGOOD, M.Sc. Senior Environmental and Permitting Specialist Education Master of International Marine Environmental Consultancy, Newcastle University Bachelor of Biology with Honors, Trent University Summary of Professional Expertise Ms. Aftergood is a renewable energy professional with over 8 years of experience leading renewable energy project development, permitting, stakeholder consultation, communication, negotiation, business development, sustainability initiatives, GIS mapping and environmental impact assessments. She has undertaken projects and assignments in Australia, USA, United Kingdom, Canada, SE Asia and West Africa. In 2019 Ms. Aftergood completed development of a 125.1 MW Wind Farm and 3-mile Transmission line in NW Ohio. In 2013 Ms. Aftergood worked as a Senior Advisor for the UK Government regarding fisheries policy and drafted and legislated two byelaws that would protect fish habitat and fish species off the NE English coast. Ms. Aftergood is currently the lead Project Manager for the Mayflower Offshore Wind Construction and Operation Plan which is due for submission end of 2020. Recently completed PM the Energy Way course in March 2020. Experience and Past Projects DNV GL, Mayflower Offshore Wind Construction and Operations Plan (COP) 04/2020 - Present Position: Lead Project Manager Description: Supporting all aspects of federal, state, and local regulatory permitting and stakeholder engagement through the preparation of the COP as associated technical studies, mitigation plans, stakeholder engagement. Activities Performed: • Responsible for overall project plan implementation, delivery schedule, and budget. • Lead weekly planning meetings with the client and internal project team. Coordinates with the Master Environmental Contractor to ensure robust assessments and compliance with Federal regulations. • Senior writer for the Commercial Fisheries Section and reviewer for various sections. • Advise Customer on overall development and permitting strategy and provide due diligence on various approaches. DNV GL, Offshore Wind Training Courses 01/2020 - Present Position: Presenter/Course Leader Description: A 3-day course about Offshore Wind Farms for BSEE, BOEM and other members of the private and public sector. Activities Performed: • Compiled presentation material and led some of the sessions regarding Leasing, Permitting and Regulatory Framework. EDP Renewables, Timber Road IV Wind Farm 01/2017 – 10/2019 Position: Development Project Manager Description: Timber Road IV is a 125.1 MW wind farm in NW Ohio which is owned and operated by EDP Renewables with a Power Purchasing Agreement signed by Microsoft. Activities Performed: Led the development of Timber Road IV (125.1 MW) in NW Ohio, COD 2020. Successfully obtained Ohio Power Siting permits (Wind Farm and Transmission Line) February and April 2019. Lead a multidisciplinary team (i.e. engineering, legal, procurement, etc.) to ensure that projects remain on schedule and within budget. Lead and coordinate meetings in project areas including Open houses and stakeholder meetings. Establish and manage relationships with stakeholders, including elected officials, regulators, utilities, RTOs, community leaders, and landowners to support the project development life cycle. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 88 www.dnv.com Nexen CNOOC Energy ULC, Aurora LNG 08/2014 – 03/2016 Position: Scientist Description: Submission of the Application Information Requests (AIR) detailing the environmental, social, economic and cultural impacts the LNG facility on Digby Island would have to the Prince Rupert Area. Activities Performed: Lead the coordination of the marine environmental survey work and lead consultation with local stakeholders. Organized Open Houses, attending stakeholder meetings, coordinated environmental survey work, met with local First Nations groups and local/provincial government authorities. Northumberland Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority 03/2013 – 08/2014 Position: Lead Fisheries and Scientific Officer Description: The European Union enforced the Habitats Directive for destructive commercial and recreational fishing activities in Europe with certain bylaws having to be implemented by December 2013. Activities Performed: Lead the consultation, drafting and regulatory impact review of 2 bylaws for the Northumberland District: Banning of Commercial Trawling and Protection of Seagrass habitat from bait digging. The bylaws were successfully implemented by December 2013 and therefore the Authority didn't face legal action from the European Union. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 89 www.dnv.com BRIAN MURPHY, P.E. Senior Manager, Electrical Engineering Education Field of expertise University/School Year B.S., Electrical Engineering Oregon State University 2003 Summary of professional experience Brian Murphy, PE, Senior Manager of Electrical Engineering, leads electrical engineering in the U.S. and Canada, including all aspects of wind, solar, and storage project interconnection and electrical balance of plant (BoP) engineering. He leads commercial and technical due diligence and owner’s engineering on utility scale wind and solar power project electrical balance of plant, including interconnection feasibility studies, interconnection design and applications, detailed technical review, correction and approval of electrical construction documentation including contracts, plans and specifications, design calculations and studies, and equipment submittals, construction monitoring, oversight of commissioning and start-up, operational and end of warranty inspections, design, bid package development, and related services in support of project development. He has over 15 years of experience in power systems engineering including transmission planning and operations engineering, utility-scale renewables development, and solar power plant construction. Mr. Murphy holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Oregon State University. He is a licensed professional engineer in California Memberships California Board of Professional Engineers IEEE Employment DNV 2020 - Present Position: Senior Manager of Electrical Engineering Description: Leads electrical engineering in the U.S. and Canada, including all aspects of wind, solar, and storage project interconnection and electrical balance of plant (BoP) engineering. Signal Energy - Utility-scale solar power EPC 2014-2020 Position: Director of Engineering, Interconnection Description: - Manage interconnection design and process for 2 GW prospective and 500 MW contracted projects - Review project contracts and designs with respect to equipment cost, utility compliance, and customer requirements - Manage subcontractors of engineering review, high voltage design, SCADA equipment, and electrical studies - Support customer entry into new utility territories by identifying areas of utility focus and minimizing schedule impacts - Mentor multi-disciplinary engineers through weekly meetings, technical trainings and collaborative review - Led evaluation process of external candidates for VP of Engineering and Project Engineer positions Recurrent Energy - Top-tier developer of utility-scale solar power plants 2009-2013 Position: Manager- Electrical Engineering 2011-2013 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 90 www.dnv.com Description: - Interim co-head of Engineering for six months during executive search. Assumed leadership role for department to maintain targeted development pipeline - Electrical lead on multi-disciplinary executive teams including finance, power marketing, regulatory, business development, construction, and operation - Management of technical experts to tackle highly uncertain issues in developing solar industry - Owner of technical contract documents, including construction standards, technical standards, and commissioning protocol. - Maintained relationships with external clients, contractors, and vendors. Position: Senior Project Engineer 2009-2011 Description: - Joined as sole electrical engineer in the company. Responsibilities including management of all AC aspects of solar power plants. - Lead for interconnection strategic siting and utility process for projects totaling 1000 MW early stage, 200 MW contracted, and 100 MW constructed. - Increased company valuation by providing early-stage projects a competitive edge by targeting low-cost interconnection locations. Owner of AC equipment evaluation and selection including inverters and high voltage equipment. Sempra Energy - San Diego Gas & Electric, owned by Sempra, is a regulated utility in the State of California 2003 - 2009 Position: Senior Engineer – Transmission Planning 2007-2009 Description: - Managed the annual Transmission System Assessment process, including base case powerflow studies, project evaluation, creation and presentation of regional expansion plans - Managed and trained associate engineers - Collaborated with external stakeholders, including National Electric Reliability Council (NERC) Compliance, Independent System Operator (ISO) Position: Engineer I/II – Transmission Planning 2005-2007 Description: - Completed interconnection studies for proposed renewable generation. - Lead consulting studies, covering large-scale wind farm integration, long-term transmission plans. - Team representative for transmission and distribution substations, large load interconnection, and bulk power transformer procurement. Position: Associate Engineer 2003-2005 Description: - Transmission Project Management- Performed project management combined cycle generation, solar generation, and 230 kV transmission projects - Distribution Operations Center- Distribution system equipment upgrade management - Commercial and Industrial Services- Provided technical support to large customers through on-site customer audits, equipment troubleshooting, evaluation of energy efficiency programs. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 91 www.dnv.com KAUSTUBH DESHMUKH, P.E. Principal Advisor Education Field of expertise University/School Year M.S., Electrical Engineering Northeastern University Sep 2002 - Aug 2006 B.E., Electrical Engineering Mumbai University Jun 1997 - Jun 2001 Summary of professional experience Kaustubh Deshmukh, P.E., has 15 years of experience in the electric industry including municipal joint action agencies, independent transmission companies, and consulting. He is an expert in economic analysis on generation and transmission projects, production cost modeling, transmission planning, reliability analysis, power supply portfolio management, utility cost accounting and finance, generation planning, IRP development, and risk analysis. He has participated in multiple FERC Order 1000 related studies in MISO, PJM and SPP footprints. He has experience with helping asset owners file reactive power revenue requirements at FERC and participate in discussions with FERC staff. Employment DNV Oct 2019 - Present Position: Principal Advisor Description: Acts as a subject matter expert on ISO/RTO wholesale markets. Coordinates congestion and curtailment studies within the U.S. to determine the financial risks associated with integration of renewables and energy storage projects. Coordinates economic transmission development studies including studies related to FERC Order 1000 and load integration studies. DNV GL Mar 2016 - Oct 2019 Position: Lead Principal Consultant Description: Service Lead for the Energy Economics Group (North America). Managed multiple projects simultaneously across various cross-functional departments and teams within DNV GL Develop proposals and submit to potential clients analyzing the economic impacts of Wind/solar resource integration, FERC Order 1000 related studies, development of competitive projects for submission into ISO/RTO and non-RTO regions throughout the continental US. Performed and led Congestion/Curtailment studies for multiple clients including project developers, lenders and energy off-takers in multiple regions in the US including MISO, PJM, CAISO, SPP, ERCOT, NYISO and Southeastern US. Support business development objective by soliciting new project opportunities from existing and new clients Acted as Project Manager for over 30 projects, coordinating projects from the proposal stage to completion, including managing bid/no-bid decisions, internal and external project budget, tracking project milestones and coordinating tasks, resources and deadlines. Served as a key resource in multiple major studies in ERCOT including the Sharyland South Plains project and Lubbock integration study. Assisted in preparing direct and rebuttal testimonies for technical witnesses in projects submitted to the Public Utility Commission of Texas. ITC Holdings Corp Dec 2014 - Mar 2016 Position: Principal Engineer - Economic Planning Description: Identified new transmission opportunities in various RTO footprints, analyze and calculate benefit- cost ratios based on the varied calculation methodologies and submit projects in various RTO processes. Led group effort to submit projects into the MISO-PJM IPSAC, MISO Economic studies, 2015 SPP ITP10 study and PJM Market Efficiency studies. Trained and supervised engineers on project submittals in the various economic planning studies Coordinated with consultants to generate supporting materials and submit reports to Iowa and MN for MVP projects Participated in various MISO, SPP and PJM stakeholder groups. ITC Holdings Corp Jun 2009 - Dec 2014 Position: Senior Engineer - Economic Planning DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 92 www.dnv.com Employment Description: Worked extensively on PROMOD to submit projects into the MISO, PJM and SPP regional and interregional planning processes Analyzed the financial feasibility of Multi-value Portfolio (MVP) projects. Developed various transmission plans for the Michigan Thumb Loop for integrating wind resources in the thumb region Participated in various MISO, SPP and PJM stakeholder groups Coordinated an internal cross-departmental effort with Operations, Regulatory and Planning on various projects Developed Excel/VBA program to spatially map the various generating nodes and visually analyze the points of congestion and congestion patterns in the MISO footprint. Worked on PSS/E to identify future projects for the Near-term and Long-term assessments in Michigan, for submittal into the MISO MTEP process Coordinated cross-department effort to justify the value of transmission in ITC footprint Indiana Municipal Power Agency Dec 2008 - Apr 2009 Position: Senior Planning & Operations Engineer Description: Analyzed Midwest ISO and PJM weekly and monthly settlements for IMPA and verified the correctness of the invoiced amounts. Analyzed and took part in monthly, seasonal and annual FTR Auctions. Prepared and submitted Resource Adequacy requirements to MISO using Annual Capacity Forecast. Analyzed Congestion and losses across various paths in MISO/PJM. Implemented Neural Networks to create various Day-Ahead and Real-Time Load Forecasting tools in MS Excel. Used GAMS and LINDO optimization software to develop System models and determine Monthly and Annual 5x16 and 7x24 purchases for IMPA. Used @Risk tools to determine the unhedged position and develop strategy to overcome risk in long term planning. Indiana Municipal Power Agency Jun 2004 - Dec 2008 Position: Planning Engineer Description: Actively involved in Generation and Power Supply Planning. Developed Integrated resource plans (IRP). Prepared annual and long-term (20 year) load forecasts. Analyzed and prepared monthly billing to members. Rate design – Performed cost of service studies for electric utilities to increase their revenues and also implemented tracking factor calculations to sustain future revenue requirements. Prepared and calculated quarterly Energy Cost Adjustment factor for members. Compiled data and information to be submitted to regulatory organizations (IURC) and Regional Transmission Operators (RTO’s). Analyzed members’ loads to disseminate load information internally and to outside organizations. Used GAMS software to dispatch generation resources economically and to plan ahead for future power requirements, while hedging load and minimizing the risk to the company. Developed Economic Dispatch and Unit Commitment models for the same. Developed Long term models to analyze IMPA’s participation in new Generating Projects like Prairie State Generating Project (Peabody Energy) and Trimble County Unit 2 (LGE Energy/ EON). Submitted NERC Compliance documents to Reliability First. Developed formula to file Reactive Power Revenue Requirements from IMPA’s Combustion Turbines and other units with FERC to get revenue for reactive capability of IMPA generating units from MISO/PJM. MARKS Controls & Equipment Pvt. Ltd. Jun 2001 - Sep 2002 Position: R&D Engineer Description: Designed Circuits for implementation in LED and LCD displays using microprocessors and microcontrollers. Analyzed faults in various underperforming circuits and use logic probes to determine the faults and fix them on site. Developed application in Visual Basic to directly program the microcontroller circuits using PC serial port interface. Designed PCB’s for the circuits using OrCAD/PSpice software. Projects Multiple Clients, Congestion and Curtailment Studies Mar 2016 - Present Activities performed: Performed congestion/curtailment studies for multiple renewable and conventional generation project developers within MISO, ERCOT, SPP, PJM, NYISO, CAISO and Southeastern US. Act as a Technical Advisory Lead for forecasting long term Locational Marginal Prices, generation revenues, project risk assessment and curtailment for existing and new generation units. Conducted third party reviews of studies by other consultants and provided expert opinions and guidance for such studies. Forecasted transmission congestion analyses and effects of congestion at the project node. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 93 www.dnv.com Projects FERC Order 1000 Transmission studies Jun 2012 - Present Activities performed: Performed multiple FERC Order 1000 related regional and interregional transmission development studies in MISO, SPP and PJM ISO footprints starting in 2012. Led group effort to develop transmission solutions for economic, reliability and public policy needs. Developed detailed project proposals to submit during the ISO/RTO proposal windows. Multiple Asset Owners, Reactive Power Revenue Requirements Filings Jan 2005 - Present Activities performed: Developed calculations for Reactive Revenue Requirement filings at FERC level to obtain revenue for coal, combustion turbine and renewable units. Provided technical assistance in developing testimonies for the filings. Participated in negotiation meetings with FERC staff and Transmission owners/operators. NextEra Transmission, Rayburn Country Electric Cooperative - ERCOT Integration Study Dec 2017 - May 2018 Activities performed: Acted as Project Manager for the SPP portion of the analysis Coordinated with multiple teams within DNV GL on SPP reliability and economic studies Performed economic studies to assess the benefits of the load transfer from SPP to ERCOT Coordinated on developing the study report to be submitted to ERCOT and PUCT David McCalla, Lubbock Power & Light - ERCOT Integration Mar 2016 - Jan 2018 Activities performed: Evaluated over 40 transmission options to integrate LP&L into ERCOT from an economic perspective. Performed Cost/Benefit analysis of integration options using Net Present Value (NPV) calculations. Submitted report to ERCOT and Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT). Assisted in developing direct and rebuttal testimonies for expert witnesses. Other Information Technical Skills - PROMOD, UPLAN, General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS), MATLAB, @Risk for Excel, VB.Net, VBA, Python, C, AutoCAD, MS Excel, MS Access, Power BI Professional Engineer, State of Michigan, License # 6201060400 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 94 www.dnv.com YASHASWINI VENKOBARAO Engineer – Power System Advisory Education Field of expertise University/School Year M.S., Electrical Engineering University of Texas at Arlington Oct 2019 B.S., Electrical and Electronics Engineering Visvesvaraya Technological University July 2017 Summary of professional experience Yashaswini Venkobarao is an Engineer with DNV’s Power System Planning group. Ms. Venkobarao received her Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from The University of Texas at Arlington. She is experienced in Power system simulation and analysis, research planning and execution. She holds expertise in detail-oriented troubleshooting. Ms. Venkobarao is experienced in performing various studies such as Generator Interconnection Studies, Full Interconnection Studies, Energy Economics studies. She also is experienced in performing power system analysis for Industrial and commercial projects. Ms. Venkobarao is proficient in tools such as PROMOD, PowerWorld Simulator, PSS/e, ETAP, AutoCAD. Employment DNV Aug 2019 - Present Position: Power System Planning Engineer Description: Experienced in performing congestion curtailment study and basis risk analysis for ERCOT, MISO, SPP regions using PROMOD for various developers. Experienced in performing facility interconnection study to determine the thermal violations study in ERCOT footprint. Experienced in performing injection study to determine the maximum power injection capability at a POI for ERCOT, CAISO, PJM. Experienced in preparing the Generator interconnection applications packages for PJM and CAISO. Experienced in performing Load flow studies, Short circuit studies, Arch flash studies and Protective system coordination for industrial and commercial facilities using ETAP. DNV GL Oct 2018 - May 2019 Position: Intern Description Worked on model development for Generator interconnection studies with reliability constraints in various planning regions such as MISO, PJM, SPP, ERCOT. Worked on preparing and reading Single line diagrams using AutoCAD. Worked on a research project which involves GIS Platform development for ERCOT. Worked with power system analysis software PSS/E, PowerWorld simulator for various projects. Performed steady state studies, Short circuit studies, Arch flash studies and Protective system coordination using ETAP. TECHNOLOGICS GLOBAL. PVT. LTD Jun 2018 - July 2018 Position: Intern Description ETAP – Proficient in using ETAP tool for load flow, short circuit, arc flash, motor starting analysis. DESIGN – Cable sizing, Transformer and Generator Sizing, Bus Bar sizing, Circuit Breaker selection. PLC – Proficient in reading ladder logics for ALLEN BRADLEY, Delta, Keyence. PROTECTION RELAY – SEL710 Motor protection relay, Generator protection (G60), Transformer Protection (T60). CONTROL CIRCUIT – Can read control circuit diagram for MCC, Protection logic, Single line diagram. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 95 www.dnv.com Projects Origis MISO-SPP Solar Congestion/Curtailment Study Feb 2020 - Nov 2020 Position: Engineer Geronimo Energy LLC, J949 Solar MISO Congestion & Curtailment Study Jul 2020 - Aug 2020 Position: Engineer ERCOT Energy Storage Investment Opportunity Identification Jan 2020 - Jul 2020 Position: Engineer Carol Wind- Full Interconnection Study Feb 2020 - Sep 2019 Position: Engineer Other Projects Designing Arc Flash Arcing Current, Incident Energy, and Protection Boundary calculator for HOA - using IEEE-1584- 2018 Designing CO-8 (Inverse Time Over-Current Relay) – (March 2019) Negative Sequence Current Reduction of Generator - (May 2018) Harmonic source location for IEEE 30 bus system – (Feb 2018) Modelling and Analysis of Power System of the IEEE 9-bus test system using PowerWorld Simulator – (Oct 2017) Voltage Measurement using PLC, Flow measurement using PLC, Temperature measurement using Thermistor in PLC. Other Information Software – PROMOD, PAT, Power World, PSEE, ETAP, SKM. Other tools – PAT, Velocity suite by ABB, AutoCAD, MS office tools, Solid Edge, MATLAB. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 96 www.dnv.com RAYMOND GILBY Consultant Education Field of expertise University/School Year Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical Engineering University of Michigan May 1969 - Dec 1971 Summary of professional experience Ray Gilby has over 40 years of experience in real-time computer systems. Since 2006, Mr. Gilby has concentrated on working with utilities in assessing, mitigating and setting up programs for NERC compliance. Prior to that, he managed projects associated with the transition to ISO mode of operation, which includes ISO interfaces, settlements, EMS interfaces, and associated procedures. His technical background experience includes system design and development, application design and development, and project management of system integration, testing and commissioning. Mr. Gilby’s administrative functions include writing specifications and proposals, negotiating vendor contracts, managing system start-ups, and hiring and supervising teams of technical and engineering personnel. Employment DNV GL Jul 1998 - Present Position: Principle Consultant Description: As the Regulatory Compliance Team lead, his primary assignments involve NERC Compliance Services dealing with Operations, Planning, and Cyber Security Supplied services to utilities related to conversion from power pool operation to ISO mode of operation. Supplied services to Utilities related to NERC Compliance. Electronic Data Systems Jan 1995 - Jun 1998 Position: Program Manager Description: Mr. Gilby was Program Manager in EDS's Newly Formed Process Control Division. Macro Corporation Jul 1985 - Dec 1994 Position: Principle Consultant Description: Mr. Gilby was Process Control System Manager and primarily worked for steel producing clients and secondarily for Utility, Transportation and Gas Companies. Leeds &Northrup May 1973 - Jun 1985 Position: Manager of Systems Development Description: Mr. Gilby was Program Specialist whose specialty was the following: SCADA System Development, Automatic Generation Control, Process Control Applications and Distributed Process Control System Design. He also served as manager of development of distributed process controls. US Army May 1971 - May 1973 Position: Specialist 4 Description: SP4 Gilby was an Army SCUBA diver Projects Ameren, High Prairie Wind Oct 2019 - Present Position: Project Manager Description: Monitoring project builder to identify potential contractual gaps to achieving a NERC-compliant wind project in time for commercial operation. Prior to synchronization a risk analysis will be performed for audit readiness Ameren, Outlaw Wind Oct 2019 - Present Description: Monitoring project builder to identify potential contractual gaps to achieving a NERC-compliant wind project in time for commercial operation. Prior to synchronization a risk analysis will be performed for audit readiness DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 97 www.dnv.com Projects BayWa r.e. Wind, Strauss Wind Farm Dec 2018 - Present Position: Project manager Description: Provide NERC Compliance Program which included creating process and procedures and implementation of the NERC Compliance Program. BayWa r.e., Amadeus Wind Farm Dec 2018 - Present Position: Project Manager Description: Provide NERC Compliance Program which included creating process and procedures and implementation of the NERC Compliance Program DNV GL, Bryan Texas Utilities NERC Compliance Jan 2008 - Present Description: Project managed generation compliance mitigation Project managed NERC physical security upgrade Project managed cyber security process development Project managed NERC compliance program development and implementation Project managed Transmission Owner mitigation Project managed NERC compliance program development and implementation Project managed NERC compliance monitor Project managed compliance, sabotage and compliance program awareness training Project managed cyber security spot check assistance Project managed Transmission Operator pre audit Project managed Generator Operator assessment Project managed NERC compliance program support Project managed ERCOT compliance assessment Project managed Generator Operator-Generator Owner assessment Project managed protection system maintenance compliance Project managed generator facility ratings methodology, determination and documentation Project managed transmission owner assessment Project managed Emergency Operations processes and Generator Operator audit Project managed Transmission Operator assessment Project managed cyber security audit support Project managed protection system maintenance process Project managed generator verification process Project managed NERC compliance program support Miller Bros, Miller Bros Solar Sep 2019 - Aug 2020 Position: Project Manager Description: NERC Compliance Assessment that provided a gap assessment of readiness of evidence and processes required for plant synchronization to the grid. Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, Bearkat Wind Energy II Contract Review Jun 2019 - Aug 2019 Position: Project Manager Description: Review subcontracts prior to wind farm construction for CIP NERC compliance Terna, Fluvanna NERC Compliance Program Aug 2017 - Apr 2019 Position: Project Manager Description: Project managed NERC compliance program definition, design and implementation. Project Managed SharePoint Support. City of College Station, Mountain Air compliance program Aug 2012 - Jun 2018 Position: Project Manager Description: Project managed NERC compliance program definition, design and implementation Project Managed SharePoint Support Idaho Wind Partners, Idaho Wind Partners compliance program Aug 2010 - Dec 2017 Position: Project Manager Description: Project managed NERC compliance program development and implementation Project managed NERC compliance monitor DNV GL, College Station Utilities NERC Compliance Jun 2008 - Apr 2016 Position: Project Manager Description: Project managed NERC Transmission Owner assessment Project managed NERC compliance program development and implementation Project managed cyber security process development Project managed NERC compliance program support DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 98 www.dnv.com Projects DNV GL, Denton Municipal Electric NERC compliance Jun 2009 - Mar 2015 Position: Project Manager Description: Project managed NERC compliance assessment Project managed NERC compliance program development and implementation Project managed Transmission Operator certification assistance Project managed NERC news subscription service Project managed NERC compliance monitor Project managed NERC compliance program support DNV GL, GDF SUEZ NERC Compliance May 2013 - Nov 2014 Description: Project managed implementation of control center physical and cyber security perimeter Project managed Generator Operator assessment Project managed cyber security process development Project managed compliance tool design Project managed cyber vulnerability assessment DNV GL, Chelan PUD frequency response stud Jul 2014 - Sep 2014 Description: Project managed frequency response study DNV GL, Santee Cooper frequency response study Sep 2013 - Jan 2014 Description: Project managed generator frequency response study DNV GL, PEPCO Holdings compliance program support Jul 2013 - Jul 2013 Description: Project managed NERC compliance program support DNV GL, Hoosier Electric Cooperative Compliance Manual Feb 2013 - Jul 2013 Description: Project Managed Compliance Manual generation DNV GL, FirstEnergy GOP/GO Audit Jan 2013 - May 2013 Description: Project managed Generator Owner-Generator Operator NERC assessment DNV GL, Hoosier Electric Cooperative Data Management Jun 2012 - May 2013 Description: Project managed data management study DNV GL, Brazos Electric Power Cooperative compliance prog May 2010 - Mar 2013 Description: Project managed NERC compliance program development and implementation DNV GL, EON misoperation training Dec 2012 - Dec 2012 Description: Project managed and conducted misoperation training DNV GL, Wabash Valley Power Authority cyber audit Aug 2012 - Dec 2012 Description: Project managed cyber security NERC assessment DNV GL, EON audit support Feb 2012 - Dec 2012 Description: Project managed NERC audit support for GOP and GO of 4 of their wind farms DNV GL, Florida Power Light frequency response study Nov 2011 - Dec 2012 Description: Project managed frequency response study system assessment DNV GL, Grand River Dam Authority NERC compliance Sep 2009 - Oct 2011 Description: Project managed NERC compliance program development and implementation Project managed compliance program implementation Project managed cyber security physical perimeter consulting Project managed cyber security process development DNV GL, Austin Energy NERC Compliance Aug 2008 - Mar 2011 Description: Project Managed Pre-Audit NERC Assessment and assistance Project managed NERC cyber security assessment Project managed cyber security process development Project Managed Generator Operator and Owner NERC compliance assessment Project managed Transmission Owner NERC compliance assessment Project Managed Transmission Owner Compliance Process development DNV GL, White Pines Electric Power compliance program Dec 2008 - Mar 2010 Description: Project managed NERC compliance program development and implementation DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 99 www.dnv.com Projects DNV GL, PEPCO Holdings cyber security Dec 2009 - Dec 2009 Description: Project managed cyber security compliance assistance DNV GL, Conectiv mock audit Jun 2009 - Dec 2009 Description: Project managed Generator Operator, Generator owner and cyber security mock audit DNV GL, Kansas City Power Light cyber security audit Jun 2009 - Aug 2009 Description: Project managed cyber security NERC assessment DNV GL, Gainesville cyber security audit Jun 2009 - Aug 2009 Description: Project managed NERC cyber security assessment DNV GL, NSTAR cyber security assessment Jun 2009 - Aug 2009 Description: Project managed NERC cyber security assessment DNV GL, Conectiv Compliance Assessment Mar 2009 - Jul 2009 Description: Project managed Generator Operator, Generator owner and cyber security NERC assessment DNV GL, Lower Colorado River Authority NERC compliance Jul 2007 - Jul 2009 Description: Project managed NERC compliance program development and implementation Project managed cyber security process development Project managed NERC dry-run audits DNV GL, Intermountain Service Corp Cyber security Sep 2008 - Dec 2008 Description: Project managed cyber security NERC assessment DNV GL, MISO modeling Jun 2006 - Jul 2007 Description: Modeled and studied the MISO market with and without MISO using Metlab. DNV GL, PJM Transmission assessment Dec 2006 - Dec 2006 Description: Transmission Operator and Owner NERC assessment DNV GL, ERCOT LFC specification Jun 2006 - Oct 2006 Description: Drafted Load Frequency Control (LFC) specification for the ERCOT Nodal Market DNV GL, Calpine Corporation Stony Brooke Generator Jun 1999 - Mar 2004 Description: Registered Stony Brooke Generator into NYISO and created performance database to increase operating profit. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 100 www.dnv.com PEARL FACKLER NERC Compliance Specialist/Sr. Project Coordinator Education Field of expertise University/School Year Microsoft 365, Business Computer Learning Institute Jan 2010 Management and Leadership; Effective Team Building; Effectively Communicating, Business Bucks County Community College Nov 2006 Computer I, Business Upper Bucks Vo-Tech Jun 1972 Summary of professional experience As a North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Compliance Specialist, Ms. Fackler provides monthly compliance monitoring, pre-audit assessments (mock audits), defining compliance programs including operating processes and procedures, compliance program support to include process updates as a result of changing and new requirements. In addition, Ms. Fackler provides project management and project management support activities for external projects with DNV. She is a Sr. Project Coordinator with more than four decades of experience in office management (managing and maintaining an efficient office operation while performing duties of a complex and confidential nature); supervision, training and evaluating administrators; working in various fields (energy efficiency, health care, construction, and high tech manufacturing); sales, purchasing, warranty, budget preparation and analysis, and customer relations (external and internal). Employment DNV Feb 2019 - Present Position: NERC Compliance Specialist Description: • Assist with proposal development • Provide project support, including budget tracking, invoicing, file management, communications, and recording meeting notes • Monthly Monitoring Requirements include: o RSAW Report generated o Modifying Compliance Database Excel File for Updates • Knowledgeable of NERC 693 requirements and associated evidence of compliance • Knowledgeable of NERC-CIP requirements and associated evidence of compliance • Provide client compliance training • Knowledgeable of Utility’s Operations, Planning, Protection Systems, Substations, Generation, and Transmission • Manage the Compliance Database Dashboard to: o Update Requirement Status o Process Task List of Process Monitor Functions to Generate Action Item Report DNV GL Feb 2016 - Present Position: Sr. Project Coordinator Description: • Liaison between project manager and other corporate departments, including Legal, Accounting, HR, Marketing and IT to ensure projects are in compliance with corporate processes and procedures • Support project manager with project start-up activities including but not limited to: data storage procedures, development of budgets, schedules and processes • Assist with monthly project reports; review expense and accounting reports for accuracy. • Track outstanding payables and resolve issues related to payments • Enter project related data into corporate accounting and project management systems (Oracle, MS SharePoint, and Access Database) • Work with project managers to track execution of work plans, including tracking deliverables and issuing reminders to team members when appropriate • Assist with effective facilitation of team and client meetings, preparing agendas, taking minutes, tracking and following up on action items • Provide project closure support including but not limited to: archiving project documents according to local procedures, ensure all expenses and hours are booked or accrued to the project, ensure all hours and expenses are invoiced and paid DNV GL Jan 2011 - Feb 2016 Position: Team Lead/Office Manager DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 101 www.dnv.com Employment Description: Team Lead - Project Administrators: • Supervised daily activities of five Administrators to ensure all work was completed according to scheduled deadlines, with attention to quality standards, priorities and overall goals • Served as a resource for team members, based on a strong working knowledge of team’s responsibilities, goals and associates individual development plans and training needs • Coordinated workflow between departments including training as needed • Communicated client’s goals to the team • Implemented department processes and procedures to improve accuracy and efficiency; ensured compliance • Coordinated external audits with appropriate staff (SOC & Cadmus) • Peer reviewed client applications before submission for payment • Worked with Senior Engineers and client to meet the goals of the Custom program Office Manager: • Managed day-to-day office functions; managed and supported office related projects, such as reorganizing space and/or personnel, making recommendations and projections based on knowledge of program activities and office operations; managed the access control system and the coordination of new hires; Safety Officer K. Hovnanian Companies Mar 1999 - Sep 2009 Position: Operations Center Manager Description: • Supervised, trained, and evaluated operations administrators • Responsible for managing community set-up for sales and construction divisions (construction of approximately 250 homes a year) • Budget preparation and analysis • Wrote and implemented department policies and procedures • Initiated and led process improvement activities • Supported Community Managers, Central Purchasing, Home Design Gallery, Marketing, and Information Systems • Assisted Area President, Area Vice Presidents, and Community Managers with staffing decisions • Procurement for contracted materials • Assisted Construction, Sales, Production, Purchasing, and Warranty divisions • Set up house-line budgets for construction; created available selections and budgets for sales; negotiated and validated vendors contracts • Processed purchase orders for vendor payment, including resolving vendor requests/inquiries • Handled multiple communities including interaction with internal and external customers K. Hovnanian Companies Mar 1999 - Nov 2006 Position: Community/Operations Administrator Description: • Assisted Construction, Sales, Production, Purchasing and Warranty divisions • Processed purchase orders for vendor payment, including resolving vendor requests/inquiries • Handled multiple communities including interaction with internal and external customers Fabric Development Inc. Nov 1989 - Mar 1999 Position: Administrative Assistant Description: • Implemented new software for A/R and A/P • Set-up document storage/retrieval/archive system • Health insurance group leader • Workman's compensation claim adjuster • Coordinated trucking vendors Projects BayWa r.e., BayWa r.e. Strauss Wind Farm NERC Compliance Sep 2019 - Present Position: Assistant Project Manager Description: Provide NERC Compliance Program which included creating process and procedures and implementation of the NERC Compliance Program. Bryan Texas Utilities, Bryan Texas Utilities NERC Compliance Monitoring Jan 2019 - Present Position: Project Manager Description: Monthly monitoring for objective evidence that satisfies the NERC Reliability Standards, as well as, providing any changes in the NERC requirements and potential impacts. Periodic mock audit participation and process updates for changing standards. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 102 www.dnv.com Projects BayWa r.e., BayWa r.e. Amadeus Wind Farm NERC Compliance Jan 2019 - Present Position: Assistant Project Manager Description: Provide NERC Compliance Program which included creating process and procedures and implementation of the NERC Compliance Program. Jamaican Ministry, Jamaica IRP Feb 2016 - Sep 2018 Position: Assistant Project Manager Description: DNV GL was engaged by the Jamaican Ministry to aid with its Integrated Resource Planning for electricity. Activities performed: Part of the support is the development of an Integrated Resource Planning Report. Facilitated meetings between all parties, maintained schedule, budget and helped develop the IRP Report. Belize Electricity, Belize Electricity Mar 2016 - Jun 2018 Position: Project Manager Description: This project presented DNV GL’s suggested approach to undertake Opex Analysis and Generation Accounting Unbundling. Activities performed: Provided monthly progress reporting, cost tracking, and quality control of deliverables, ensuring the project is completed on-time and within budget. National Grid, Lynn McLaren, National Grid Gas SCADA Feb 2016 - May 2018 Position: Project Manager Description: This project is for a Gas SCADA System upgrade /replace analysis, specification development and procurement support. Activities performed: Providing monthly progress reporting, cost tracking, and quality control of deliverables, ensuring the project is completed on-time and within budget. Other Information Volunteer: Girl Scouts of the USA, assist with troop activities Causes I care about: Environment Civil Rights and Social Action Disaster and Humanitarian Relief Science and Technology Children Health DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 103 www.dnv.com MICKEY BELLARD Principal Consultant - NERC Compliance Education Field of expertise University/School Year Graduate - MBA, Business Administration/ Management Studies Indiana University Jan 2002 - Aug 2004 Bachelors - BS, Organization Management Calumet College of St Josephs Jan 1999 - Dec 2001 Summary of professional experience Mickey Bellard is Principal Consultant NERC Compliance for DNV’s North America Power System Advisory Group and has over 20 years of experience in the energy industry for power generation and energy regulation, regulatory compliance, compliance areas. Mickey has extensive compliance experience in generation, transmission, natural gas, power plants, renewables, and energy regulatory elements, including compliance policy development and enforcement issues. As a senior compliance champion Mickey has led several corporate NERC compliance teams and facility subject-matter experts in the development of compliance programs related to FERC, EIA, NERC, PJM, ERCOT, CAISO, NEISO, NYISO, SERC, RF, NPCC, TRE, MRO, FRCC, and WECC. Mickey performed and led FERC 693/706 audits of numerous Registered Entities and served as the Balancing Authority, Transmission Operator, Transmission Owner, Generator Owner/Generator Operator subject-matter expert at SERC Reliability Corporation. Mickey was part of the SERC professional staff and participated in numerous event analysis and non-public compliance investigations. Mickey championed the “Mitigation Plan” process and served as lead project manager for numerous enforcement cases. From 2010 to 2020, Mickey provided NERC/FERC/RTO support for several private equity firms, asset managers, owners, partners, and cooperatives in the development of compliance programs to facilitate startup, construction, commissioning, due diligence, sale, and acquisition of numerous power generation facilities in the United States. Earlier in his career, Mickey served as Plant Manager, Operations Superintendent, Production Manager, Operations Supervisor, and held numerous technical positions for Duke Energy -Progress, NIPSCO-NiSource, and Entergy Louisiana. Mickey received an MBA from Indiana University and a BS in Management from Calumet College of St Josephs. Employment DNV Apr 2021 - Present Position: Principal Consultant - NERC Compliance Description: Provide leadership for DNV Energy USA’s NERC Compliance business in North America. Develop and coach a team of professionals in providing NERC/FERC monitoring services: NERC Operations & Planning, FERC Compliance, NERC Cyber Security, RTO Energy Market Compliance, NERC Audit, Mitigation Support, RSAW development and oversight services. SLT1 Energy Compliance, LLC Feb 2020 - Apr 2021 Position: Principal Consultant and Managing Director Description: Senior Compliance Champion with several years of experience in the energy industry for power generation and energy regulation, regulatory compliance, NERC, FERC, and RTO compliance. Extensive compliance experience in natural gas, coal fired power plants, renewables, transmission, and energy regulatory elements, including compliance policy development and enforcement issues. Demonstrated Leadership of energy professionals, including oversight of internal and external team of compliance professionals, regulatory directors, and plant management professionals. Strong communication skills with executive management and plant technical staff. Proficient at leading and motivating professional staff and maintaining a pulse on emerging industry changes. Areas of expertise: NERC Operations & Planning, FERC Compliance, NERC Cyber Security, RTO Power Market Compliance, New Power Project Development, Construction & Commissioning, O&M Contract Oversight. NERC Audit and Mitigation Support, RSAW development and oversight. IHI Power Services Corporation Sep 2019 - Feb 2020 Position: Senior Director, NERC DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 104 www.dnv.com Employment Description: Supported 13,000 MWs of Private Equity Generation Facilities. Led a corporate NERC team and coordinated NERC activities with over ‘14’ Facility NERC SMEs in NPCC, RF, ERCOT, WECC, MRO, and SERC. Provided NERC compliance management for various Registered Entities (Generator Owner, Generator Operator) in WECC, MRO, SERC, FRCC, RF, TRE, and NPCC. Evaluated regulatory compliance policies, procedures, and programs to support implementation of the FERC approved NERC Reliability Standards. Led data collection coordination and assessment for FERC non-public investigations. NAES Corporation Mar 2018 - Aug 2019 Position: Director Power Market Compliance Services (PMCS) Description: Senior Compliance Advisor for North American Power Generation assets in FERC Power Markets, NERC, PJM, ERCOT, CAISO, NEISO, NYISO, SERC, RF, NPCC, TRE, MRO, FRCC, & WECC. Provided power market compliance services & regulatory compliance management for FERC/NERC standards, Tariffs, EIA reporting, ISO-RTO compliance, reactive filings, & EQR reporting. Led a compliance staff of ‘8’ Senior Reliability, CIP, and Power Marketing Compliance Specialists. Developed a solid Business and Marketing Plan for the FERC/NERC department and initially generated service revenues with a gross margin average of 40%, for the interim regulatory compliance team of ‘4’. Championed the proposal and cost estimating process and led all documentation of pipeline activities in Microsoft Dynamics. Leveraged a network of over 5,000 LinkedIn connections and industry relationships to contribute growth in the NERC Services department. Interfaced with key clients and managed Consulting Service Agreements for over ‘25’ FERC/NERC clients. Power Plant Management Services, LLC Aug 2010 - Feb 2018 Position: Senior Director, General Manager Regulatory Compliance Description: Reporting to Chief Compliance Officer and Ares-EIF's Energy Compliance Officer, provided oversight of compliance elements to enhance a culture of compliance in support of applicable FERC, NERC, and Regional Entity Standards compliance management support for project companies associated with non-regulated fossil assets. Provided regulatory support for numerous FERC standards, Market Based Rate Tariffs, and compliance reporting in CAISO, NEISO, NYISO, MISO, ERCOT, and PJM. Areas of expertise in NERC Operations & Planning, NERC Cyber Security, FERC & Regulatory Compliance, New Power Project Development, Construction & Commissioning, O&M Contract Oversight, Balancing Authority Operations Contract Oversight, Energy Management Contract Administration (supported Ares-EIF Private Equity Projects/PPMS as Sr Director, and various co- owners and partners). SERC Reliability Corporation (Compliance Enforcement Authority) Mar 2007 - Aug 2010 Position: Principal Consultant, Compliance Enforcement Engineer, Auditor, Investigator Description: Case Manager and single point of contact for compliance enforcement actions supporting the implementation of SERC's Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program (CMEP). Prepared comprehensive compliance filings in coordination with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), Responsible for contributing to the review and preparation of Settlement Agreements, Notices of Penalty, Disposition Documents, and Mitigation Plan processing. Coordinated, scheduled, and led Audit Teams in the execution of Compliance Audits and Spot- Checks. Coordinated compliance seminar series and operating committee meetings. Experienced in the areas of NERC 693-706 Balancing Authority (BA), Transmission Owner (TO), Transmission Operator (TOP), Generator Owner (GO), Generator Operator (GOP), Transmission Planner (TP), Planning Coordinator (PC), Reliability Coordinator (RC). Duke Energy Corporation (Progress Energy Carolinas - Combustion Turbine Operations) Jul 2004 - Dec 2006 Position: Plant Manager and Production Manager, Diversity Leader Description: Broad management authority for the day-to-day operations of Combustion Turbine facility. Performed Plant Manager duties at Asheville Combustion Turbine Plant Skyland, NC. Managed and led ‘6’ Production Supervisors and ‘26’ Combustion Turbine O&M Technicians at Richmond County Energy Complex Hamlet, NC (now Smith Energy Complex GE 7FA). Monitored performance results against financial and operating goals. Established and met all unit commercial availability and starting reliability expectations. Served as corporate diversity team member and member of Progress PAC DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 105 www.dnv.com APPENDIX B – DNV MANAGEMENT SYSTEM General The DNV Management System (DMS) documents are sorted under several strategic areas as an index for the management system. The DMS seeks to be independent of the organizational structure, and able to show the main processes of the company. The management system documentation consists of: • The DMS – DNV’s Management System documentation. This is a 2-tier system. The top tier is owned, issued, and maintained at DNV Group level and is valid for all in DNV. The ownership of the various groups of strategic areas has been assigned to DNV Group directors, to ensure anchoring with top management, focus and development. • Local Operating Procedures (OP) which are specific for an operating unit, or part of the line organization, i.e. Regional OPs. • Country specific OPs which are valid for a country, typically covering employment items and general compliance with national legislation All management system documentation is available to all employees on the DNV Intranet. DNV monitors, measures, and improves the effectiveness of its management system on a continuous basis where opportunities for improvement are identified through internal and external audit, experience feedback, after-action reviews and importantly through dialogue with, and feedback received from our customers. The annual Management System Review is an important instrument in this regard. DNV has a common tool for follow-up of all events such as audits, non-conformities, complaints, and potential quality issues. All quality events shall be registered in this system, which facilitates the use of root cause analysis and ensures that events are handled and closed after proper actions have been taken. Quality Quality policy We will never compromise on quality or integrity. We commit ourselves to: • Deliver in accordance with the industry’s expectations • Continually improve our performance and professionalism Quality management system The strategic areas most important in relation to quality of customer-facing activities and project deliverables are: • Customer management • Service lines • Production • Innovation, research, and development • IT and information management • Quality and management system DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 106 www.dnv.com Under Production there are governing documents addressing: • Project management • Internal verification of project work and approval of deliverables • Performance of various categories of services • Requirements to certain types of deliverable documents • Competence management and requirements Further document types are: • DNV Service Specifications • Internal Service Instructions • Internal Service Guidelines DNV routinely solicits feedback from our Customers regarding DNV’s performance. Customer feedback is a crucial element of our continuous improvement process. Quality and Information Security Management Certificates Health, safety, and environment (HSE) HSE policy • We know that our work is never so urgent or important that we cannot take time to do it safely. We feel confident and empowered to stop work and to intervene where inappropriate behavior or unacceptable conditions are encountered. • We identify and assess risks to the health and safety of people, property, or the environment in our work. We ensure they are effectively managed and that areas for improvement are prioritized. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 107 www.dnv.com • We foster a culture where everyone is actively involved in setting a good example and pursuing, adopting, and sharing good HSE practice. • We develop, resource, and implement HSE plans to deliver continual improvement in HSE performance. We openly report and appraise our HSE performance and measure our achievements against our plans and goals and take action to address shortcomings. • We treat incidents including near misses and hazards and feedback from employees and customers as an important learning opportunity. • We select our sub-contractors and suppliers based on their ability to provide services which meet our safety, health, and environmental requirements. • We work to the principles of the UN’s Global Compact and participate in the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. • We will visibly demonstrate leadership and commitment to high standards of health, safety, and environmental performance. HSE management system HSE is a separate strategic area, under which there are governing documents addressing: • Environment aspects identification and management • Emergency preparedness • Implementation support and control processes, e.g. HSE risk assessment, HSE audits • Health, e.g. occupational health, substance abuse • Safety, e.g. field work, laboratory, and test site, travelling, restricted travel areas • Management and reporting HSE management system certificates DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 108 www.dnv.com DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-01-A, Date of issue: 13 April 2021 Page 1 www.dnv.com About DNV DNV is a global quality assurance and risk management company. Driven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property, and the environment, we enable our customers to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. We provide classification, technical assurance, software, and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil & gas, power, and renewables industries. We also provide certification, supply chain and data management services to customers across a wide range of industries. Operating in more than 100 countries, our experts are dedicated to helping customers make the world safer, smarter, and greener. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C Cost & Schedule Proposal for Transmission Planning Services City of Denton Customer Reference: RFQ# 7660 Document No.: 214527-DLL-P-02-B Date of issue: 7 May 2021 Date of last revision: 12 May 2021 DNV Energy USA Inc. Exhibit C DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV Energy USA Inc. Page ii Customer Details Customer Name: City of Denton Customer Address: 901B Texas Street, Denton, TX 76209 Customer Reference: RFQ# 7660 Contact Person: Christa Christian DNV Company Details DNV Legal Entity: DNV Energy USA Inc. DNV Organization Unit: Energy Systems Advisory DNV Address: 2777 North Stemmons Freeway, Suite 1520, Dallas, TX 75207 USA DNV Telephone. No.: 214-369-2647 About this document DNV Doc. No.: 214527-DLL-P-02-B Proposal Title: Cost & Schedule Proposal for Transmission Planning Services Date of Issue: 7 May 2021 Date of Last Revision: 12 May 2021 Validity of Proposal: 60 days from date of issue Terms and Conditions: See Section 3, Contractual Document Classification: Commercial in Confidence Prepared by: Charles Gibune, Lead Senior Engineer - Generation & Transmission Compliance Verified by: Venkata Viswanadham - Head of Section, Transmission & Distribution Approved by: Mike Tabrizi, Ph.D., P.E. - Head of Department, Power System Advisory Project details Project Name: Transmission Planning Services Project Location: City of Denton Issue Date Reason for Issue Prepared by Verified by Approved by A 07 May 2021 Cost/Schedule Proposal for three (3) years C. Gibune V. Viswanadham M. Tabrizi B 12 May 2021 Cost Proposal for the renewal two (2) years added C. Gibune V. Viswanadham M. Tabrizi Confidentiality This proposal contains information that is business sensitive to DNV. No part of the proposal or information received during the proposal process may be used, duplicated or disclosed for any other purpose. Any such use of DNV’s information is regarded as an infringement of DNV intellectual property rights. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV Energy USA Inc. Page iii Important Notice and Disclaimer This Proposal was prepared and issued for the sole use of the Customer. Neither this Proposal, nor any discussions, correspondence or other activities in connection with this Proposal shall form a contract or relationship of responsibility of any kind or nature regarding its subject matter without the Customer (or any third party approved in writing by DNV) entering into a written agreement with DNV in accordance with DNV’s standard terms and conditions, which may be contained or referenced in this Proposal or provided by DNV upon request. This Proposal has been created and produced using information available as of the date of this Proposal and, where applicable, information relating to dates and periods referred to in this Proposal. There are no rights or licenses of any kind granted, and no warranties or guarantees of any kind provided with this Proposal or the material contained herein. Information contained in this Proposal may be subject to change at the sole discretion of DNV and the provision of this Proposal does not assure or imply otherwise. Confidentiality and Copyright Protection Copyright © 2021 DNV. This Proposal and the information contained herein, is the exclusive, confidential and proprietary property of DNV and is protected under the trade secret and copyright laws of the U.S. and other international laws, treaties and conventions. No part of this Proposal may be disclosed to any third party or used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without first receiving the express written permission of DNV. Except as otherwise noted, all trademarks appearing herein are proprietary to DNV. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-02-B, Date of issue: 7 May 2021 Page iv www.dnv.com Table of contents 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................. 1 2 COMPENSATION ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 2.2 Time & Material - Rates and expenses ................................................................................................................................ 4 2.3 Invoicing and payment......................................................................................................................................................... 5 3 SCHEDULE ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-02-B, Date of issue: 7 May 2021 Page 1 www.dnv.com 1 INTRODUCTION In response to request from Denton Municipal Electric (“DME”), DNV is pleased to submit this cost and schedule proposal to for Transmission Planning Professional services. DNV is pleased to present this estimated budget and schedule proposal for Transmission Planning services for DME, which describes the anticipated amount of time required for each type of services along with DNV team’s hourly bill rates. Proposed estimated budget is based on our past similar experiences, in-depth understanding of DME facilities, applicable ERCOT and FERC requirements, as well as our understanding of the scope of work. In addition, to create efficiency and reduce the execution risk for DME, our estimated budget includes a combination of fixed and capped prices. DNV would welcome any feedback and comment from DME if the estimated budget, schedule, and pricing type are not aligned with DME’s expectation. Please feel free to reach out to Mike Tabrizi at Mike.Tabrizi@dnv.com if you have any question or need any clarification regarding the content of this document. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-02-B, Date of issue: 7 May 2021 Page 2 www.dnv.com 2 COMPENSATION 2.1 General The Scope of Work described in the Technical Proposal can be completed according to the anticipated Fixed Price (FP) or Time & Material Not to Exceed (T&M NTE) basis detailed below depending on the specific task listed under the scope of services. Table 2-1 Anticipated Cost Task Name Cost Estimate ($) Pricing Type 2022 ERCOT Data Maintenance for DME Planning models Data Submissions for ERCOT Steady State Working Group (SSWG) transmission cases/models 35,000 FP Data Submissions for ERCOT System Protection Working Group (SPWG) current and future year cases 20,000 FP Data Submissions for ERCOT Dynamics Working Group (DWG) current and future year cases 18,000 FP Contingency Dataset validation and submissions to ERCOT 15,000 FP Data Dictionary Updates to ERCOT 8,000 FP Data Submissions for ERCOT Planning Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force (PGDTF) 20,000 T&M NTE 2022 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 715/Transmission Planning Study to start in 2021-2022 Steady State 45,000 FP Short Circuit (Breaker Adequacy) 20,000 FP Stability 45,000 FP ERCOT Regional Planning Group (RPG) Support per Project Transmission system analysis and reliability project justification per ERCOT Planning Charter 30,000 T&M NTE Transmission project submission to ERCOT for Regional Planning Group (RPG) review, comments and approval 10,000 T&M NTE Submission of data/models associated with approved transmission projects to ERCOT 2,000 T&M NTE Other Tasks - Technical Support & Project Management (on a need basis) 30,000 T&M NTE 2022 subtotal 298,000.00 2023 ERCOT Data Maintenance for DME Planning models Data Submissions for ERCOT Steady State Working Group (SSWG) transmission cases/models 35,700 FP Data Submissions for ERCOT System Protection Working Group (SPWG) current and future year cases 20,400 FP Data Submissions for ERCOT Dynamics Working Group (DWG) current and future year cases 18,360 FP Contingency Dataset validation and submissions to ERCOT 15,300 FP Data Dictionary Updates to ERCOT 8,160 FP Data Submissions for ERCOT Planning Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force (PGDTF) 20,400 T&M NTE 2023 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 715/Transmission Planning Study to start in 2022-2023 Steady State 45,900 FP Short Circuit (Breaker Adequacy) 20,400 FP Stability 45,900 FP ERCOT Regional Planning Group (RPG) Support Transmission system analysis and reliability project justification per ERCOT Planning Charter 30,600 T&M NTE Transmission project submission to ERCOT for Regional Planning Group (RPG) review, comments and approval 10,200 T&M NTE Submission of data/models associated with approved transmission projects to ERCOT 2,040 T&M NTE Other Tasks - Technical Support & Project Management (on a need basis) 30,600 T&M NTE 2023 subtotal 303,960.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-02-B, Date of issue: 7 May 2021 Page 3 www.dnv.com 2024 ERCOT Data Maintenance for DME Planning models Data Submissions for ERCOT Steady State Working Group (SSWG) transmission cases/models 36,414 FP Data Submissions for ERCOT System Protection Working Group (SPWG) current and future year cases 20,808 FP Data Submissions for ERCOT Dynamics Working Group (DWG) current and future year cases 18,727 FP Contingency Dataset validation and submissions to ERCOT 15,606 FP Data Dictionary Updates to ERCOT 8,323 FP Data Submissions for ERCOT Planning Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force (PGDTF) 20,808 T&M NTE 2024 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 715/Transmission Planning Study to start in 2023-2024 Steady State 46,818 FP Short Circuit (Breaker Adequacy) 20,808 FP Stability 46,818 FP ERCOT Regional Planning Group (RPG) Support Transmission system analysis and reliability project justification per ERCOT Planning Charter 31,212 T&M NTE Transmission project submission to ERCOT for Regional Planning Group (RPG) review, comments and approval 10,404 T&M NTE Submission of data/models associated with approved transmission projects to ERCOT 2,081 T&M NTE Other Tasks - Technical Support & Project Management (on a need basis) 31,212 T&M NTE 2024 subtotal 310,039.20 Total Contract 911,999.20 Subject to Renewal 2025 ERCOT Data Maintenance for DME Planning models Data Submissions for ERCOT Steady State Working Group (SSWG) transmission cases/models 37,142 FP Data Submissions for ERCOT System Protection Working Group (SPWG) current and future year cases 21,224 FP Data Submissions for ERCOT Dynamics Working Group (DWG) current and future year cases 19,102 FP Contingency Dataset validation and submissions to ERCOT 15,918 FP Data Dictionary Updates to ERCOT 8,490 FP Data Submissions for ERCOT Planning Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force (PGDTF) 21,224 T&M NTE 2025 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 715/Transmission Planning Study to start in 2024-2025 Steady State 47,754 FP Short Circuit (Breaker Adequacy) 21,224 FP Stability 47,754 FP ERCOT Regional Planning Group (RPG) Support Transmission system analysis and reliability project justification per ERCOT Planning Charter 31,836 T&M NTE Transmission project submission to ERCOT for Regional Planning Group (RPG) review, comments and approval 10,612 T&M NTE Submission of data/models associated with approved transmission projects to ERCOT 2,122 T&M NTE Other Tasks - Technical Support & Project Management (on a need basis) 31,836 T&M NTE 2025 subtotal 316,239.98 2026 ERCOT Data Maintenance for DME Planning models Data Submissions for ERCOT Steady State Working Group (SSWG) transmission cases/models 37,885 FP Data Submissions for ERCOT System Protection Working Group (SPWG) current and future year cases 21,649 FP Data Submissions for ERCOT Dynamics Working Group (DWG) current and future year cases 19,484 FP Contingency Dataset validation and submissions to ERCOT 16,236 FP Data Dictionary Updates to ERCOT 8,659 FP DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-02-B, Date of issue: 7 May 2021 Page 4 www.dnv.com Data Submissions for ERCOT Planning Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force (PGDTF) 21,649 T&M NTE 2026 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 715/Transmission Planning Study to start in 2025-2026 Steady State 48,709 FP Short Circuit (Breaker Adequacy) 21,649 FP Stability 48,709 FP ERCOT Regional Planning Group (RPG) Support Transmission system analysis and reliability project justification per ERCOT Planning Charter 32,473 T&M NTE Transmission project submission to ERCOT for Regional Planning Group (RPG) review, comments and approval 10,824 T&M NTE Submission of data/models associated with approved transmission projects to ERCOT 2,165 T&M NTE Other Tasks - Technical Support & Project Management (on a need basis) 32,473 T&M NTE 2026 subtotal 322,564.78 Total Contract: Initial 3 years plus 2 years Renewal 1,550,803.97 The prices provided in this Section are quoted in USD and are exclusive of applicable tax. 2.2 Time & Material - Rates and expenses For the tasks identified as T&M NTE, total costs will be based on the actual hours worked at the prevailing hourly rates as of the date of the work. Should further work outside the Scope of Work be required, this will be charged in addition, at the prevailing hourly rates as of the date of the work. The current base rates as of the date of this Proposal are shown below. Due to DNV’s valued relationship with DME, DNV is honoring discounted 2022 hourly rates and rate increases for years 2023-2026 are based on 2% increase from the discounted 2022 hourly rates. 2021-2024 hourly rates in USD – Power System Advisory Rate category Staff 2021-2022 Hourly rate 2023 Hourly rate 2024 Hourly rate 2025 Hourly rate 2026 Hourly rate Assistant 1 Project Administration & Support 150 153 156 159 162 Assistant 2 Consultant, Engineer Assistant, GIS Analyst 150 153 156 159 162 Professional 1 Consultant, Engineer, Project Manager, Specialist, Scientist 195 199 203 207 211 Professional 2 195 199 203 207 211 Senior 1 220 224 229 233 238 Senior 2 220 224 229 233 238 Principal 1 Consultant, Engineer, Manager, Specialist, Scientist 265 270 276 281 287 Principal 2 265 270 276 281 287 Senior Principal Advisor, Director 265 270 276 281 287 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-02-B, Date of issue: 7 May 2021 Page 5 www.dnv.com Any expenditure incurred in the performance of the Scope of Work will be recharged at cost, including such items as: • Travel and subsistence • Non-discounted equipment • Subcontract services • Purchase of reference meteorological data 2.3 Invoicing and payment Invoicing will be on a monthly reimbursable basis according to hours worked in the previous period. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-02-B, Date of issue: 7 May 2021 Page 6 www.dnv.com 3 SCHEDULE DNV is proposing the below schedule to support DME in annual transmission planning services based on the following: • ERCOT scheduled calendar for Working Groups meetings (In person/Web-ex), timely data submissions for ERCOT Data Maintenance part of scope of the Work • FERC 715/Transmission Planning Study filing due by April 1st of each calendar year Task Current Year Current Year+1 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar ERCOT Data Maintenance for DME Planning models, Working Group Meetings (In person, WebEx) Based on ERCOT's schedule Data Submissions for ERCOT Steady State Working Group (SSWG) transmission cases/models YR-1 SSWG Update 2 YR SSWG Build, Update YR-1 SSWG Fall and Win cases YR SSWG Update 1, Update YR-1 SSWG Win cases Data Submissions for ERCOT System Protection Working Group (SPWG) current and future year cases Current Year (CY) base case Future Year (FY) base cases Data Submissions for ERCOT Dynamics Working Group (DWG) current and future year cases Prepare DWG Flat Start Schedule, DWG Dynamic Flat Start Case Development, Submit Dynamic Contingency Files and Dynamic Load Models and Stability Book Contingency Dataset validation and submissions to ERCOT YR-1 SSWG Update 2 YR SSWG Build, Update YR-1 SSWG Fall and Win cases YR SSWG Update 1, Update YR-1 SSWG Win cases Data Dictionary Updates to ERCOT YR-1 SSWG Update 2 YR SSWG Build, Update YR-1 SSWG Fall and Win cases YR SSWG Update 1, Update YR-1 SSWG Win cases Data Submissions for ERCOT Planning Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force (PGDTF) (on a need basis) Other Tasks - Technical Support & Project Management (on a need basis) DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-02-B, Date of issue: 7 May 2021 Page 7 www.dnv.com Task Current Year Current Year+1 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 715/Transmission Planning Study (FERC) 715/Transmission Planning Study filing due by April 1 Steady State Short Circuit (Breaker Adequacy) Stability Technical Support & Representation in relation to the findings of the FERC 715 study in meetings with other Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) (on a need basis) ERCOT Regional Planning Group (RPG) Support (on a need basis) Transmission system analysis and reliability project justification per ERCOT Planning Charter Transmission project submission to ERCOT for Regional Planning Group (RPG) review, comments and approval Submission of data/models associated with approved transmission projects to ERCOT DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C DNV – Doc. No. 214527-DLL-P-02-B, Date of issue: 7 May 2021 Page 8 www.dnv.com DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C Exhibit D Bidder's attention is directed to the insurance requirements below. It is highly recommended that bidders confer with their respective insurance carriers or brokers to determine in advance of Bid submission the availability of insurance certificates and endorsements as prescribed and provided herein. If an apparent low bidder fails to comply strictly with the insurance requirements, that bidder may be disqualified from award of the contract. Upon bid award, all insurance requirements shall become contractual obligations, which the successful bidder shall have a duty to maintain throughout the course of this contract. STANDARD PROVISIONS: Without limiting any of the other obligations or liabilities of the Contractor, the Contractor shall provide and maintain until the contracted work has been completed and accepted by the City of Denton, Owner, the minimum insurance coverage as indicated hereinafter. As soon as practicable after notification of bid award, Contractor shall file with the Purchasing Department satisfactory certificates of insurance, containing the bid number and title of the project. Contractor may, upon written request to the Purchasing Department, ask for clarification of any insurance requirements at any time; however, Contractors are strongly advised to make such requests prior to bid opening, since the insurance requirements may not be modified or waived after bid opening unless a written exception has been submitted with the bid. Contractor shall not commence any work or deliver any material until he or she receives notification that the contract has been accepted, approved, and signed by the City of Denton. All insurance policies proposed or obtained in satisfaction of these requirements shall comply with the following general specifications, and shall be maintained in compliance with these general specifications throughout the duration of the Contract, or longer, if so noted:  Each policy shall be issued by a company authorized to do business in the State of Texas with an A.M. Best Company rating of at least A- VII or better.  Any deductibles or self-insured retentions shall be declared in the bid proposal. If requested by the City, the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions with respect to the City, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers; or, the contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses.  Liability policies shall be endorsed to provide the following:  Name as additional insured the City of Denton, its Officials, Agents, Employees and volunteers. Contractor's Insurance Requirements DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C  That such insurance is primary to any other insurance available to the additional insured with respect to claims covered under the policy and that this insurance applies separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought. The inclusion of more than one insured shall not operate to increase the insurer's limit of liability.  Provide a Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City of Denton, its officials, agents, employees, and volunteers.  Cancellation: City requires 30 day written notice should any of the policies described on the certificate be cancelled before the expiration date.  Should any of the required insurance be provided under a claims-made form, Contractor shall maintain such coverage continuously throughout the term of this contract and, without lapse, for a period of three years beyond the contract expiration, such that occurrences arising during the contract term which give rise to claims made after expiration of the contract shall be covered.  Should any of the required insurance be provided under a form of coverage that includes a general annual aggregate limit providing for claims investigation or legal defense costs to be included in the general annual aggregate limit, the Contractor shall either double the occurrence limits or obtain Owners and Contractors Protective Liability Insurance.  Should any required insurance lapse during the contract term, requests for payments originating after such lapse shall not be processed until the City receives satisfactory evidence of reinstated coverage as required by this contract, effective as of the lapse date. If insurance is not reinstated, City may, at its sole option, terminate this agreement effective on the date of the lapse. SPECIFIC ADDITIONAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: All insurance policies proposed or obtained in satisfaction of this Contract shall additionally comply with the following marked specifications, and shall be maintained in compliance with these additional specifications throughout the duration of the Contract, or longer, if so noted: [X ] A. General Liability Insurance: General Liability insurance with combined single limits of not less than $1,000,000.00 shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor. The policy shall be written on an occurrence basis either in a single policy or in a combination of underlying and umbrella or excess policies. If the Commercial General Liability form (ISO Form CG 0001 current edition) is used:  Coverage A shall include premises, operations, products, and completed operations, independent contractors, contractual liability covering this contract and broad form property damage coverage.  Coverage B shall include personal injury. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C  Coverage C, medical payments, is not required. If the Comprehensive General Liability form (ISO Form GL 0002 Current Edition and ISO Form GL 0404) is used, it shall include at least:  Bodily injury and Property Damage Liability for premises, operations, products and completed operations, independent contractors and property damage resulting from explosion, collapse or underground (XCU) exposures.  Broad form contractual liability (preferably by endorsement) covering this contract, personal injury liability and broad form property damage liability. [X] Automobile Liability Insurance: Contractor shall provide Commercial Automobile Liability insurance with Combined Single Limits (CSL) of not less than $500,000.00 either in a single policy or in a combination of basic and umbrella or excess policies. The policy will include bodily injury and property damage liability arising out of the operation, maintenance and use of all automobiles and mobile equipment used in conjunction with this contract. Satisfaction of the above requirement shall be in the form of a policy endorsement for:  any auto, or  all owned, hired and non-owned autos. [X] Workers’ Compensation Insurance Contractor shall purchase and maintain Worker's Compensation insurance which, in addition to meeting the minimum statutory requirements for issuance of such insurance, has Employer's Liability limits of at least $100,000 for each accident, $100,000 per each employee, and a $500,000 policy limit for occupational disease. The City need not be named as an "Additional Insured" but the insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the City, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers for any work performed for the City by the Named Insured. For building or construction projects, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Attachment 1 in accordance with §406.096 of the Texas Labor Code and rule 28TAC 110.110 of the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission (TWCC). [ ] Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability Insurance The Contractor shall obtain, pay for and maintain at all times during the prosecution of the work under this contract, an Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability insurance policy naming the City as insured for property damage and bodily injury which may arise in the prosecution of the work or Contractor's operations under this contract. Coverage shall be on an "occurrence" basis, and the policy shall be issued by the same insurance company DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C that carries the Contractor's liability insurance. Policy limits will be at least combined bodily injury and property damage per occurrence with a aggregate. [X] Professional Liability Insurance Professional liability insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 per claim with respect to negligent acts, errors or omissions in connection with professional services is required under this Agreement. [ ] Builders' Risk Insurance Builders' Risk Insurance, on an All-Risk form for 100% of the completed value shall be provided. Such policy shall include as "Named Insured" the City of Denton and all subcontractors as their interests may appear. [ ] Commercial Crime Provides coverage for the theft or disappearance of cash or checks, robbery inside/outside the premises, burglary of the premises, and employee fidelity. The employee fidelity portion of this coverage should be written on a “blanket” basis to cover all employees, including new hires. This type insurance should be required if the contractor has access to City funds. Limits of not less than each occurrence are required. [ ] Additional Insurance Other insurance may be required on an individual basis for extra hazardous contracts and specific service agreements. If such additional insurance is required for a specific contract, that requirement will be described in the "Specific Conditions" of the contract specifications. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C ATTACHMENT 1 [ ] Workers’ Compensation Coverage for Building or Construction Projects for Governmental Entities A. Definitions: Certificate of coverage ("certificate")-A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC- 81, TWCC-82, TWCC-83, or TWCC-84), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. Duration of the project - includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. Persons providing services on the project ("subcontractor" in §406.096) - includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner-operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other service related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. B. The contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any overage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all employees of the Contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. C. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. D. If the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. E. The contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the governmental entity: 1) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C 2) no later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. F. The contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. G. The contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. H. The contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. I. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: 1) provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; 2) provide to the contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; 3) provide the contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; 4) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the contractor: a) certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and b) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; 5) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; 6) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C 7) Contractually require each person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (1) - (7), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. J. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by workers' compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self- insured, with the commission's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions. K. The contractor’s failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the contractor which entitles the governmental entity to declare the contract void if the contractor does not remedy the breach within ten days after receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity. DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE - FORM CIQ For vendor or other person doing business with local governmental entity This questionnaire reflects changes made to the law by H.B. 23, 84th Leg., Regular Session. This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with Chapter 176, Local Government Code, by a vendor who has a business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a) with a local governmental entity and the vendor meets requirements under Section 176.006(a). By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the local government entity not later than the 7th business day after the date the vendor becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See Section 176.006(a-1), Local Government Code. A vendor commits an offense if the vendor knowingly violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. An offense under this section is a misdemeanor. 1 Name of vendor who has a business relationship with local governmental entity. 2 Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed questionnaire. (The law requires that you file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriate filing authority not later than the 7th business day after the date on which you became aware that the originally filed questionnaire was incomplete or inaccurate.) 3 Name of local government officer about whom the information in this section is being disclosed. Name of Officer This section, (item 3 including subparts A, B, C & D), must be completed for each officer with whom the vendor has an employment or other business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a), Local Government Code. Attach additional pages to this Form CIQ as necessary. A. Is the local government officer named in this section receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income, from the vendor? Yes No B. Is the vendor receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income, from or at the direction of the local government officer named in this section AND the taxable income is not received from the local governmental entity? Yes No C. Is the filer of this questionnaire employed by a corporation or other business entity with respect to which the local government officer serves as an officer or director, or holds an ownership of one percent or more? Yes No D. Describe each employment or business and family relationship with the local government officer named in this section. 4 I have no Conflict of Interest to disclose. 5 Signature of vendor doing business with the governmental entity Date DNV Energy USA Inc. X 4/13/2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4CE121D0-C0B2-4750-91C4-C7EB8787540C EXHIBIT E Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: 4CE121D0C0B2475091C4C7EB8787540C Status: Completed Subject: Please DocuSign: City Council Contract 7660 - Transmission Planning Services Source Envelope: Document Pages: 148 Signatures: 5 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 6 Initials: 1 Christa Christian AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 Christa.Christian@cityofdenton.com IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 6/17/2021 12:15:00 PM Holder: Christa Christian Christa.Christian@cityofdenton.com Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Christa Christian christa.christian@cityofdenton.com Senior Buyer City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 6/17/2021 12:25:46 PM Viewed: 6/17/2021 12:25:57 PM Signed: 6/17/2021 12:26:29 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Lori Hewell lori.hewell@cityofdenton.com Purchasing Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 6/17/2021 12:26:32 PM Viewed: 6/17/2021 12:32:11 PM Signed: 6/17/2021 12:34:45 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Marcella Lunn marcella.lunn@cityofdenton.com Deputy City Attorney City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 6/17/2021 12:34:49 PM Viewed: 6/17/2021 3:12:35 PM Signed: 6/17/2021 3:14:52 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Mike Tabrizi mike.tabrizi@dnv.com Vice President DNV Energy USA Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 6/17/2021 3:14:58 PM Viewed: 6/17/2021 3:16:44 PM Signed: 6/28/2021 11:11:52 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 6/17/2021 3:16:44 PM ID: ecb65400-4ab9-4c0f-a1ae-7b58fbf2a9a4 Signer Events Signature Timestamp Antonio Puente Antonio.Puente@cityofdenton.com DME General Manager Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Signed using mobile Sent: 6/28/2021 11:11:57 PM Viewed: 6/29/2021 6:10:59 AM Signed: 6/29/2021 6:12:17 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 6/29/2021 6:10:59 AM ID: 935788a6-3011-4566-8c74-2920100af161 Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Contract Administrator City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 6/29/2021 6:12:22 AM Viewed: 7/21/2021 9:43:54 AM Signed: 7/21/2021 9:44:45 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Sara Hensley sara.hensley@cityofdenton.com Interim City Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Signed using mobile Sent: 7/21/2021 9:44:50 AM Viewed: 7/21/2021 10:28:54 AM Signed: 7/21/2021 10:29:07 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Rosa Rios rosa.rios@cityofdenton.com City Secretary Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 7/21/2021 10:29:11 AM Viewed: 7/21/2021 12:42:28 PM Signed: 7/21/2021 12:42:56 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 7/21/2021 12:42:28 PM ID: 5d1984f3-fab2-48f4-86bb-4560b1a54cb1 In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Contract Administrator City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 6/17/2021 12:26:32 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Gretna Jones gretna.jones@cityofdenton.com Legal Secretary City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 6/29/2021 6:12:22 AM Viewed: 6/29/2021 8:18:06 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign City Secretary Office citysecretary@cityofdenton.com Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 7/21/2021 12:43:00 PM Viewed: 7/21/2021 1:17:04 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Antonio Puente Antonio.Puente@cityofdenton.com DME General Manager Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 7/21/2021 12:43:01 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 7/16/2021 8:06:54 AM ID: 0fa4857a-2023-4129-9ece-f2c4c7034fb7 Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 6/17/2021 12:25:46 PM Certified Delivered Security Checked 7/21/2021 12:42:28 PM Signing Complete Security Checked 7/21/2021 12:42:56 PM Completed Security Checked 7/21/2021 12:43:01 PM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, City of Denton (we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. 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Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure created on: 7/21/2017 3:59:03 PM Parties agreed to: Mike Tabrizi, Antonio Puente, Rosa Rios, Antonio Puente How to contact City of Denton: You may contact us to let us know of your changes as to how we may contact you electronically, to request paper copies of certain information from us, and to withdraw your prior consent to receive notices and disclosures electronically as follows: To contact us by email send messages to: purchasing@cityofdenton.com To advise City of Denton of your new e-mail address To let us know of a change in your e-mail address where we should send notices and disclosures electronically to you, you must send an email message to us at melissa.kraft@cityofdenton.com and in the body of such request you must state: your previous e-mail address, your new e-mail address. We do not require any other information from you to change your email address.. 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