ORD_21-794_Amendment_1_GHIFILE REFERENCE FORM  Additional File Exists Additional File Contains Records Not Public, According to the Public Records Act Other FILE(S) Date Initials Ordinance Created By 20-2453 12/17/2020 CW First Amendment to Agreement – Ordinance 21-794 05/04/2021 CW ORDINANCE NO. 21-794 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DENTON, A TEXAS HOME-RULE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, AUTHORiznqG THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT 1 TO AGREEMENT WITH GIVING HOPE, NC., TO CHANGE THE EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT CARES ACT (ESG-CV) FUNDING ALLOCATED UNDER THE AGREEMENT TO AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $158,701 AND TO CHANGE THE DATE ON WHICH THE AGREEMENT TERMINATES TO JULY 31, 2021; PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS THEREFOR; AND PROviDngG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 20-2453, the City of Denton (the “City”) entered into an Agreement on December 17, 2020 (the “Agreement”) with Giving HOPE, Inc., (the “Provider”) providing for the allocation of funding from the Emergency Solutions Grant CARES Act (“ESG-CV”); and WHEREAS, the Provider has indicated that it may not be able to expend all of the funding allocated under the Agreement by the end of the grant term, July 3 1, 2021; and WHEREAS, in order to enable funds to be re-allocated to another provider with adequate capacity to expend the funds by the end of the grant term, the City and Provider desire to amend the Agreement pursuant to Amendment 1 to Agreement (“Amendment 1”), attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein for all purposes, to change the amount of funding allocated under the Agreement from $277,616 to $158,701 and to change the date on which the Agreement terminates to July 3 1, 202 1; and WHEREAS, Amendment 1 provides that all other terms and conditions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect, including the fees under the Agreement which are fair and reasonable and consistent with, and not higher than, the recommended practices and fees published by the professional associations applicable to the Provider’s profession, and which fees do not exceed the maximum provided by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City hereby finds that amending the Agreement pursuant to Amendment 1 is in the public interest; NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAHVS: SECTION 1. The findings and recitations contained in the preamble of this ordinance are incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. The Interim City Manager, or their designee, is hereby authorized to execute Amendment 1, and to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the City under Amendment 1 and the Agreement, including the expenditure of funds as provided in the Agreement, as amended by Amendment 1. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. The motion to approve this ordinance was made by Toy\e, RI CAa and seconded by T)e X) nc in , (\ +o \ . The ordinance was passed and approved by the following vote U - a : Aye -AL £ .,/‘ „“ J -L Z Nay Abstain Absent Mayor Gerard Hudspeth: Birdia Johnson. District 1 : Connie Baker, District 2: Jesse Davis, District 3 : John Ryan, District 4: Deb Armintor, At Large Place 5 Paul Meltzer, At Large Place 6: PASSED AND APPROVED thi, th, y th d,y ,f 2021 ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY hOtel I IjI if// APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: AARON LEAL, CITY ATTORNEY BY: Exhibit A 2020-2021 CARES ACT EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DENTON AND GrViNG HOPE, INC. AMENDMENT 1 to Agreement This Amendment 1 to Agreement is made by and between the City of Denton (the “City“) and Giving HOPE, inc. (“RECIPIENT”) WHEREAS, on December 17, 2020, the City and RECIPIENT entered into a grant service agreement for the allocation of funding from the Emergency Solutions Grant CARES Act (ESG- CV) in the not-to-exceed amount of $277,616.00 (the “Agr'eement'’); and WHEREAS, RECIPIENT has advised the City that RECIPIENT may not be able to expend all of the allocated funding by the end of the grant Lean, July 3 1, 2021; and WHEREAS, to allow for funds to be re-allocated to a provider with adequate capacity to expend the Rrnds by the end of the grant term, the parties hereto desire to change the amount of funding allocated under the Agreement from $277,616 to $158,701 and to change the date on which the Agreement terminates to July 31, 2021 ; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt ofwhich is hereby acknowledged, the City and RECIPIENT agree as follows, effective as of May 4, 2021 : 1. The date on which the Agreement will teITninate set forth in Section 1 is hereby amended to be July 3 1 , 202 1 . 2. Section 3.A of the Agreement is hereby amended to change the dollars and cents amount in the second sentence to the following: One Hundred Fifty-Eight Thousand Seven Hundred One Dollars (8158.70 1 ). 3. Section 3.C(1) of the Agreement is hereby amended to change the dollars and cents amount in the nnt sentence to the fo]lowing: One Hundred Fifty-Eight Thousand Seven Hundred One Dollars (S 1 58,70 1). 4. Section 7. A of the Agreement is hereby amended to change the dollars and cents amount in the first sentence to the following: One Hundred Fifty-Eight Thousand Seven Hundred One Dollars (S 1 58,701 ). Page 1 5. The chart in Section 2 of Exhibit A shall be amended by replacing it with the following chart Prowl Street Outreach Metric Staff Clients Served Staff Staff Clients Served Months/HH pnerge.,y Shelter Rapid Rehousing Homeless Prevention 6. The chart in Section A of Exhibit B shall be amended by replacing it with the following chart: Assistance/month Staff Clients Served Months/HH Assistance/month 10 3 $ 1 , 100.00 Page 2 Categories GHI $7,519 $1,000 $51,312.50 W3 Administration Data Collection (HMIS) Homeless Prevention (autecalculated subtotal) Homeless Prevention - Financial Homeless Prevention - Project-based rental assistance Homeless Prevention - Services Homeless Prevention - Tenant-based rental assistance RapId Re-housing (auto-calculated subtotal) Rapid Re-housing - Financial Rapid Re-housing - Project-based rental assistance Rapid Re-housing - Services (c.ase mgmt staff) Rapid Re-housing - Tenant-based rental assistance Shelter (auto-calculated subtotal) Shelter - Conversion Shelter - Essential Services Shelter - Major Rehabilitation Ch nhl+nh n n nhnb nn+ i =bebe I : ann\£ hJ nn e $10,000 $38,312.50 561,369.50 $6,250 $19,759.50 535,360 +0 ShelteF-I-Renovation Shelter - Uniform Relocation Assistance (URA) Street Outreach 537,500 $158,701Total Page 3 7. All other provisions. terms, covenants, duties, rights, obligations, and agreements contained in the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 8. This Amendment 1 to Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original. but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment 1 to Ageement as of the LI th day of inK+ , 2021. CITY OF DENTON:GIVING HOPE, INC SLEY CITY MANAGER Title: a &o Tt ve o\ Be bP ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY ,\\\\!\11111/ ROSA RIos APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: +{VQ{A%N#4WU.db, CITY ATTORNEY i Page 4 THIS Al HAS BEEN BOTH REVIEWED AND APPROVED as to $n8ncbl 8rxl op8ratlon81 otYigatkxrs and business terms Coaynuntty Services Manager TItle Commurdiy Servlc% Division Deparbnera Page 5