Auto Time Attendance Kronos-5565-Award/Ordinance/Pricingf • ; l 'i 1 1 ' • '' 1 • '' • !' ' 1 ' •' 1 l • '! • I •''•'` i . . . • • • • ,: 1 111 WHEREAS, the City has solicited, received and evaluated compeiitive sealed proposals for an Automated Timekeeping and Attendance Software System in accordance with the procedures of State law and City ordinances; and WHEREAS, the City Manager or a designated employee has received and reviewed and recommended that the herein described prapasals are the mast advantageous to the City cansidering the relative importance af price and the ather evaluation factars included in the request far proposals; and WHEREAS, the City Cauncil has pravided in the City Budget for the appropriation of funds ta be used for the purchase of the materials, equipment, supplies or services approved and accepted herein; NOW, THEREFORE, 1 • • :, • • i . SECTION 1, The items in the following numbered request for proposal for materials, equipment, supplies or services, shawn in the "Request for Proposals" on file in the affice of the Purchasing Agent, are hereby accepted and approved as being the most advaniageaus to the City considering the relative importance of price and the other evaluation factors included in the request for praposals. RFP NUMBER CONTRACTOR AMOUNT 5565 Kronos Incorporated 3 1 111 SECTION 2. By the acceptance and approval of the above numbered items of the submitted proposals, the City accepts the offer of the persons submitting the proposals for such items and agrees ta purchase the materials, equipment, supplies or services in accordance with the terms, specifications, standards, quantities and far ihe specified sums contained in the Praposal Invitations, Proposals, and related documents. SECTION 3. Should the City and persan submitting approved and accepted items and of the submitted proposals wish to enter into a formal written agreement as a result of the acceptance, approval, and awarding of the propasals, the City Manager ar his designated representative is hereby authorized to execuie the written contract; pravided that the written contract is in accordance with the terms, conditions, specifications, standards, quantities and specified sums contained in the Proposal and related documents herein approved and accepted. SECTION 4. The City Council of the City of Denton, Texas hereby expressly delegates the authority to take any actionsthatmay be required or permitted to be performed by the City of Denton under RFP5565 to the City Manager of the City of Denton, Texas, or his designee. SECTION 5. By theacceptance and approval of the above enumeratedbids, the City Council hereby authorizes the expenditure of funds therefor in the amount and in accordance with the approvedproposals. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall become effectiveimmediately upon its passage and approvaL t`a 1,1 .hBf) '.;']; il i .a ', ;;y cl' u. :_ "° T `1. I1 .."... ,. ' ' WATTS MAYOR ................ ATTEST: JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY BY: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: ANITA BURGESS, CITY ATTORNEY BY — a . Signature on File Signature on File Signature on File CONTRACT #14,JLR-003 THIS AGREEMENT, made thfs 19th day of March • 2014. by and belween Harford CountyPubllc Schools, hereafter called "Owne' and Kronvs Incorporeted, a corporaaon at287 Billerice Road, fn the Cfty of Chelmsford and 5tate of Massachusetts, hereinafter called "Contracto'. WITNESSETH: That for and irt consideratfon of the payments and agreements herelnafter mentioned, to be made and pertormedby the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR, hereby agress arith the OWNER to commence and complete the servicesdescribed as follows: RFP 14,1LR-003: Workforce ManagementSystem Fumish, supply and deliverWorkfome Management software in accordance and compliance with all speciflcations, terms and conditionssetforth inRFP #14 1LR-403, and subsequent termsand condltions attached herein. Herelnafter called the contract, for theperiod March 18, 2014 through March 17, 2017, and all extre work in connectlon therewith, under the terms as stated in the General and Speclal Conditlons of theRFP Dxumen and the elatedterms and conditic ns ettachment, at his (its ar their) ownproper cost and expense to fumish all the materials, suppiies, and other accessarles and services necessary to complete the said proJect in accordance with the conditions and prices s#ated in the FinalProposal, ell of whlohare made e part hereof and collectively evidence and constltute the Contract. This is an lndeflnite quantitycontract with no speciflc asstgned dollar value. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partfes to these presentshaveexecuted this in the year and day first above mentfoned. Harford Counq Public Schools Jeffrey P rt PPB, Supervisor of Purchasing Date Kronos Incorporated Company Name John O'Brlen Company Representa ve Printed Name IT,... 2/21l14 Date Signature on File Signature on File KRONOS TERM AND CONDIilON3 FaR PARTICIPATING PUBLIC AGENCIES ADIdINISTEREO BY US COMMUNI7iES (103113Vi) FQtONO3 TERAAS . mm, — — A PAR7ICIPATiNa PUBLIC AOENCY {"CUSTOMER" BY 916HIH(i AN OfiDER FORM OR PURCHASE ORDER 1MTH KRONOS WCORPORATEQ, AGREES 70 THE APPLICATION OF Tt1 3E TERIN3 AND CONDITIONS FOR ALL PRODUGTS, SERVICES AND QFFERING$ 9ET FORTH ON 3UCH ORDER FORM (OR PURCHASE OFiDEft) VYHICH REFERENCES THE E TERIMS AND CONDITION3. SECTION /l• GENSRAL TERM9 AND CONDI'TIONS. Thla Sectlon apply [or all transacUons. SECTION B: 7ERM3 AN CONDITIONS FOR SOFTWARE lJCENSES, SOFJWARE AND EQUIPMENT SUPPORT SERVECE3, AND EOUCA710NAL. ANO pROFES310NAL SERViC68. Thls Saction apply fw all transacdons sucept Waldorca Ready and fFw Workfarn Ca rtra[ SaaB oH ring ( rw! includinp the prafas lortal d educaGonal servlces yovsmed by thJs 5acdon. SECTION C: CLOUG HOS77NG SUPPLEAAENTAL TERMS ANO CONDITIONS . 7riis Section apptlas oNy for tranaaetlons that Itwol ro Kmnas hosUng for Softwara Ilcsn ad der Seetlo B and Ide rt(fled ss CLOUD 2. SECTION C-1: APPLIGATION HQS7ING 7ERMS ANI7 CONDITIONS . Th(s SectFon applks only /or transadlans that Mvohro Kronos hosUng for Softwars liea asd undsr Sectlon B and IdanttRed as CLOUD. SECTION D: KRON09 WORKFORCE CENTRAL 9AAS TERM8 AND CONDIITON3. 711is S etforl applies only for Wo ldorCe Canlral bansacttons In a SaaS errvlroroneM (exeept far tha ralated profaaalonal m d educatlonal sarvlces se Sactlon B) SECTION E: (4NO3 WORKFORCE aEADY 3AA3 7ERM3 AND CQNDI'f10N3. Thls Section applfes oMy for Workforce Rexly transacttons. SECTION A: f3ENERAL TERMS AND CONd1TIUN5 i. APPUCATION OF THESE 7ERMS These lertns artd oondltlons apply to each ortfer accxpled by Kronoa Inco pwalad ('Krwios') (rom an eUgihle Partldpatlng Public Ageney Cu6lome} for alt I(roras Equipmenl, 5oftware, Professlonal and Educatlonal 5ervk:ea, SuppoN and such oU er Kronos oRerfngs, as spedFied on an order (ortn (an 'Orde' In addltlon lo the terms set foM In thls Secfion A: General Tertns and Condillpn, lhe Idbwing secitons apply for Ihe spedfic o%ering relerenced: I) Sectlon 8 shaq app1Y to the Software lice ses and purCha6ed EQuipment, suppori Servlr.es. and proi slonal and educaUonal services, H) Seclion C ehell aPpIY lo the WosUng Servlees p xChased In oonnectla wkh ce ialn So(tNmre Ifcer sed under Sectlon B IA) Sectbn D shall apply to Ihe Workface Central Saas Ortlers; and pv) Secdon E shaN apply lo the Wakiate Reedy Saes Order. AM orders are subject to Ihe appnoval of Kronas' corpaate office in Chelmslad, MessechusatES. ihls Agreernent and fhe Order Form sF all supersede the pre-prinled temis of any Cus6omer purdiese ader or olher Customer adering document, and no such Cuslomer pre-printed terms shaH apply lo M e Items ordercd. 2. APPLFCABLE LAWS This Ayreement ahall be govamed by Ihe stale law In whlrh Customer Is based, provlded however, If such Jurisd 0ort has adopled Ihe Unifortn Com Intormatlon 7ransacUona Act (UClTA), or sud ofher sfmllar faw, tho paNes ex xessly agree W'opt-ouY' d and not he govemed by UCITA or such olher simpar law. The partles walve Ihe appllqtlan of Ihe Unlled Natlons Commisslon on InlemaHonal Trade Law and U ted Nadone Cornantion on Corttrads for fhe IMematlonal5ale of Goods as fo 1he IMerpret or enforcement of this Agreement 3. EXPORT Customer ecknovdedges that Ihe Equfpment and Soflware may be restrided by the United Shales Govertwnarrt ar by the country In the Equfpm t or SoHvrare Is lnstalled fram e orl lo ce aln caunUies ar certahn agenlzatlons end Indtviduals, and agraes lo comply with such laws. Cuatamer a ees tn complyr wilh al appllcabfe laws oi aN of the countrles In whlch Ihe EquipmeM and 5ofiware may be used by Cuslomer. Custamers ablf a8ons hereunder shall surviva the temilnalfon or e i ation of U e Order Fartn. Customer musl obtaln Krorros prior writlen cansenl betore e orUng the Softvrere. 4. CONFlDENIIAL INFUR41AT10N ConRdenUal In(ortnedon" b deflnned as hHamadan U at Is: h sdosed 6eh een the parties after the data ni fhis Agreemenl Ciat mruldersd ual p oprietaey w the dlscbsing pxty; and a) fde,uned as •c,uaP ac u e nme a c scfox,re, « waAa ne reasonably obwous ro a+e r ef 8 pahY to constihife ranfidentlal Inf xrnadon because of legands or other markMngs by the drams nces dfsclos re or U e nahxe o(1fie Infnrtnatlon i elf. Addl onally, Cuslomer aduiowledges end agree that the 5oftwaare (and SoRware dowm fallon), and the 5peclflplbns shall be deemed to be Krorws' Confidendal Irrfortnatlon and trade seclet Each party shaN protecl Ihe Conlidendal Infortna8on of tlw other party wlYh al leasl Ihe same degree of wre and aonfldentlaNty, but rat leas Iha a roasonable shdndarcl of cane, whkh such party uWizes for Ns uwn kifwmatio of mllar charader Ihat It does not wish dEsclosed lo Ihe puhNc, NeHher party shaq dlsdose to ihird partles (except the parenl company or the wfiotly uwned suhsidlarles of ihe receiv(np paRy who have a need la kr w wj fhe otlier partyr's Canfidentlel In/ormatlon, or use it for arry purpose not e lidtly sN forth herdn without Ihe prior writlen consenl of the oUter party. NotwiUistandinp fhe forepo n9, e V Y Y disdose Conflde tlal Infamatlon to Ihe exlent requked: (a) to any subsl ary or afANale oi such Party, or (b) to any cros dtants, contradors, and counsel u tw have a need W kr ow In cont ctl w M1h /4g,m r znrpl nr whrc a unafe,r t fk;a f n•dl asure agreemenl at least as sbingent as is secWn 4, or (c) by law or by a+pe,w t ar q+rrara erm d gp aror ' a ,a Ir rvy r & tit eslabYsh rlghta or obllgatlons und the Agnaeme Provided Ihe recetvlr, y wall, urd 1 y c1, rr aa r Fh s dlyds,9 p r#y wNf r reasoneWe prior wrftten nodce SuHidant to permli the dfsdosing parly an oppordrnflyr to contesl such sdasure, If a party cammfts, or threatens to commlt, a breach of th( SecBan 4, the otrret party shaN have the righl io se c InJunctive re11ef from a oowi of oompelenl Jurisdfctlon. The obNgaUon of oonfldenUality sheN auvlve far thrae (3) years after the dlsdosura of such Caifldentlal InFormaUai. Thls Agreement imposes no obllgaUon upon eilher parly wl respect to lhe olh yarty's ConAdenNai InlortnaUon wFdch the receiving paRy can estabNsh by Nf I'tl l a: ( w s r hl^ paa ss Y k y Ntr r c:+u aro paAy nitl oirt an obYgatlon b mafnFaln Its oonfidentlaiHy piior b recdpt from k a a dN rty, a' N k n+n pwbV wi dl vl fi r rn ol Uis Agrnemen (c) tained bY 9 P Y 4 faHh (rom a U r p l}r h evRr Ehs a hd r d ci se It wA r l a vbl g an wlth resped to confldentlallty; id) !s lndependendY developed by e recelvk p patly wllhotd use of fhe adoshig pariy's Confidentlal infomeatlon. NAiIrJi ran be shov vi by fargible evidence. S.TAXE3 If Cuslamer presenls lo Kranos a vaNdly Issued tax-exempt certfficate, or olher surtident evldence af tax exempllan, Custaner shal not be Ilebfa for ihose tattes f wtik.h Cuslomer Is ex npL Otherwise, Customer aprees to pay all oftser applkable dutles and a sloms fees relatlng Eo fhls Agreement , ae well as all taxes levied or based m fhe produ, senrf sas ar other charges hereunder, Induding federal, stale and local sales and exdse xes. and arry taxes or arnount In eu thereof pald or payable by Kmnos, e xluslva oi tax based on Kronos nel Irxome a business Prtv ege• 9. TRAVEL D(PENSES Customer agrees Io reimbu+se Kronos tor all pre-approved, reasonable and necessary trevel incurred by Krnnos in he perform ce ot Ils obllgaGonB under this Agreemenl, provided that sudi travel oompNes wlfh tlie Ihen curenl I(ronos Travel and E ense Po des (such polk es are avaRabl r q qr r qu. R raa tiva a' ra s tp p y any travel expenses suc as alrfare, lodgkig meafs and bcal transpatadon irxurted by Kra os Rtr Ih p rtor rt s oV I s a a li aSYssn urrc ar Ihls, Agreement p vided such expenses c nptyr n,flh the Kranas Travd and Expense Pdldes. Gustorner will be bllled by Kronos tor sucn travel e e ses and paymenl tt ereof shaN be dua net 30. T. (3ENER/Y,. a) The inwal&11ty or fNegallty of any p vLslon of Ihls Agreement shall not affect fhe valldlty of arry olher provlslon. The partlea Inlend for Mre remal ing unalfected pmvisions W remeln In fuH force arb eHect b) Cuslomer shall not assign thfs Agreement or Ihe Ifcerue to Ihe 5oftuare witl out Ihe p 1w written consent of Kronos and any purporled asslprment, wfthaut sud consant ahall be vaid. c) Netlher PaAy shall be respor slbfe for arry Iapure lo perfortn or delay In peAartning arry of Ib abligadons under thls Ayreemenl (other than a tallure tn comply w th paymenl oWlgatlon6) where and t0 the 9xt 11 fhat s fallure or delay results from 2n unforeseeable event 6eyond a pariy's reasonable oontrol Inclu ng bul not Ihnfled lo. acts of war, ads of nature: earthquake fbod embargo: 1ot sabotaga; labor shartage or dlspute; d anges In govemmern codes, o dinances, lawa, niles, regulatlo ar reslrictlor s; fallure of the Intemet; lerro lst ads; falfure of dala, produets ar servlces mntrolled bY anY b Par1Y ncJuding the prnviders ot wmmwtkxtlo or twork servioes: utlHty power Fellure: malerial shortages w unavailaWlity or other delay in delivery not rewldng fimn lhe respons(bk paity's (aAure la tknely place orderg fheref, or F ck of or delay I Iransporlatlon (each a'Farce Maje ure Evenl7. d) W natices given under this Agreamanl sFw be In wrltkg and sent poslage pre-pald, If to I(rarws, to the Kronos address on the Order Form, or N lo Customer, to ihe WIAng address an Ihe Order Porm. e) The sedlon headinys herein aie provlded for convenlence anly and have no substantive eBect on Ihe consUuctlOn of this Agreemen Q The Partle eg ee ihal the Orc1er sigrred by bnth parUes erid exp essly reference Wa Agreemenl. whMft Is dellvered vla tax or electranlcally d ll+l vN c nm l l, s a l ca iut v Rir row9 1'h'C 5I n rak.. gj "I P ,gre n r ;nd' ry I 4 rr rn a dy r rar 1 9 r lru 'I d rr hfortnatlon contalned In any referenced URL), together wiih lhe rp tl b !rcfi p "a at. ra t#%s4 thr +a i nt b ria r V r!' t khe prtxlucts and servlces descrlbed herein and supersade aN prior a snt p aa a ta r pre en4 l a, w a N a, r Ua r r nrsrm l r b+k n, a partfes refatlng to the s ject matl of Ihis Agraement T"I rere cn ent rrr y k ea ar an y Irs +a r1 jar d ka+ vurizs+c pr+rt Ni crf bolh parUee. C tomer uxlerstands and adtnovuiedges Id aN d I a rcrr yr a c d rra ars c r rr denlVal P natlon regardh8 ge e al producl develapmenl rectlan, poter dal fuhua pmducls erxUor producl er anceme under oonslderaUon. Cualamer is not enGtled to arry produGs or product enhance ner ts ott er than Niosa amfalned on the Order Fartn, CusFomer has not ied on Ihe avaqabl ty o( any fubure verslon of the SoRware or Equipment IdentiRed on an der Fortn, nor:y oU er tudxe producl in executlng this A9reemenl n) use, du katlon, a dlsckraira by tlie United Sfates GovemmeiY Is sub ect b resbidlais as sel iath In subpa gra (o) I i l of Cie Rlghts In Tedinlcal Dafa and Camputer 5a(lware dausa al DFARS 252.227-7 13, or subparagreph (cK1 x2) of Ihe Commerclal Computer 5ofhvare Res6icted Righfs dause at FAR 52Z2T-19. as appllcabie. Nlanufactiusddis rWu Is Kror os Irxorpurdled, 297 BNleik Rnad Cf elmslord. MA. t) 7fte JHoss Enlerprlse Middle+wre componenls em6edded In the 5oftware are suh ed b tha End User Llc se Agreemem found at tlt:IMivutN.redha comlHcenseubosg Aula.htrnl. J) d slomer may pay an Invo e by riedlt rd if tlie amoirrt is not greater than SSO.00O.W. SECTION 9 TERhIS AND COND(110N3 FOR SOFTWARE LICENSES, SOFTWARE ANO EQl11PMENT 9UPPORT SERViCE3, AND EOUCATIONAL AN PROFESSIONAL 3ERVICES TNs SecUm H appllas to SofMsro Ilcerned, EquipmeM purchased, supporl servit,a fa Softwa s and Equlpmenb and edu atlonal and professlonal servloes, when sud Ifems are IdenUNed on the Order wtddi eapressly referesices Uds Agreemenl. 1. PAYMENT AND DELIVERY Un ass otlienvise set forlh fn Ihls Agreeme t, paymerd lartns are Indkaled on the Order Fortn oUrer rnMempaaneous ordering doa fieM containlnp produd-spedRc payment lertns signed by ttle partles. DeHvery term9 are a9 steted on the Order Fortn ('Deflveryr). I(ronos wiM Invalee C sromer for produds upon oellv y. Ur ess nU Mae set forth on the order Form, Profesafonal and EdupBo al 5ervlces ara provided on a lime and malerials bas, irnaiced moMhty as rendered. 2. GENERAL LICENSE TERIAS Krorws owns w has the right W Ilcensa Ihe Softvrare. Thc SaRNaro and Software dacumentation are confidential and may ol be dtsdosed ta a thlyd party wilhout Krtxws' written wruaM. The Sothrare mntalns proprietary trade secrel tecfwiobqy, U uthorized use and oopying oF such 5oitware Is prohiblted by law. including United Stales and forelgn aopyrlght law. The prfce Cusbmer pays Ior a capy of the SaRware aonstlhites a cense (ee Uial entltles C sslorner to use N e SofMere as set toAh below. Krot os anfs to Custaner a non-exdusive, nor dansfereble, perpetual exc l es proNded herein) 9cense lo use Ihe 5oft re. Thb licenae may be lertnlrtated by Kronos by wrltten notlee to Cusfart er On arry materlal breach oi Uds Agrcernem 6y Cuslamer whldt remal ur ared fnr a period of Ihirty (30) days afia such wrftten notice fiwn Kronos. Upon such lerminatlon of U is ficertss by Wo os. Cusbmer wlp have no ftxttter rlphl W usa lhe Soltware and wfA rehm the SolMere medla to 1Gorws and destroy all capi v of the Sofhrare (and related documenfatl) in Cuslnmer's possesslon ot aontrd. Th Ilc se Is subfect lo all of 1Fre lerrns oF thls 5edlon B. 3. FEE BASEb IaMITATIONS Cuslomer reoognizes and agrees tliat lhe Iloense lo use the 5oflsnrare Is IGnfled, based u on Ihe amowl of ihe licensa tee peld by Customer. UmllatlorM, vrfdch are set forth o the drcler Form may Indude the rwmber of empbyees. slmuqaneous or aetive users Soft rare prnducE modul, Soitware fealures, oom{xiter model and serlal number anE partitlon, and/or tlia nwnber of leleQhone Ifnes or lerml ala to w1U Ihe SoNwere is peimlfled ta ba aonnedsd. Cuatamer agrees lo; I) usa the 5oftware only for Ihe number of employees, slmultaneous or ac@ve users, computer model, paNUon and se ial ixmber, andlor lerminals pemdtled by the appllcable Ik nsa fee; i) use only the produd modules andlor eaa permmea y u,e aPp we e re; and lil) use 1he Saftvvara only In suppo t M Custome s own bush ess. Cuslomer egrees not lo Increase the rvXnber of nployeea, slmulfaneous or aetive iaers, paAltlons, termlrcals, producls modules, feahxes, or to upgrade the model, as applicable, unless and untlf Customer pays the applkable fee tor such Inanase/upgrade. Custaner may nol re xr se or subRcense Ihe Sofiwara io, or othervrise permk e of the Soflwere (Induding dmeshark g or networking e) by arty tlikd pa ty, c„ome y r o Pro de ser e bureat, ar other data processing s viaea fhat make use of the SaRwore wilhout ttie e qxess p r written wrBent of Kroras. 4. DBJECT CODE ONLY Cuslomer may use the camputer programs indudad In the So e (tlie "Progr ns') In objecl code form only, and shall nal reverse complle, dlsassemble or olherwisa oornreri Iha Propra ns ir to unco nplled or urtassemded c e. The Programs Incl e cwnponer ow ned by UdN parUes. Such fhlyd party camponenb are deemed lo be SoHwars subJeci to thls Sectlan B. Cuslamer shaN not use arry of the Programs (or Mie data model tl erHn) except solely as pari d and fn connedlon wlth tha Softu e and as desafbed In tl e publlshed doaxnenfatlon (or such Sotlware. 5. PERMRTED COPIES Cuslomer may mpy the Praprams aa reasonaWy necessary 10 load and execute the Programa and fa badcup and disasler remvery and lestlng purposes orry, except for additlonal copies of the Teletime SoHwiue end tl e Kronos ISeries (wMch musl be t ed separalely). All copies of the Prngrams or any paA thereof, whefher In prinled or ma lne readable fortn arxJ whelher on slorape medfa or ottierwlse, are subJed to all the t ms uf dris Ncense, and all wples of tha Programs or arry part of Ihe Programs shaq Indude U e copyifght arxl proprlelary rigMs notices oorrtalned In the Prograzr s as delivered lo the Cuslomer. 6.UPDATE3 In the event fhal KronoS suppNes Service Packs, Polnl Releases arid fNajor Releases (IrxJuding le slative updales M avaNable) of Iha Software wNecbvely re{eRed lo as 'Updates"), such Updates shaB be part of the Sofhrare and the proWsJons af Ihla Ifcense shaM apply such Updates and to Ihe 5oflware as modHted thereby. 7. ACCEPTANCE Fa Cuslamers &titlal p xChase of each Equipment and SoRware pvdud Kronos shaM pr vide an acceplance lest periad (the Test Period') Ihat oommencss upon Instalatlon. InslaBaUo shaN be defin as: a.) the EqulpmeM, If any, Is mouMed; b.) the Software Is Installed on Cuslomets server(s); and c.) knplemeMatlon team hafrdng, if any. Is canptele. U rtkg tl e Test P lod, Customer shaN delermine whelher the Equlpment and Software meet the Kronos puWished eleclratic documentalbn, ('Spet:fgcatlons7, Trie Test Pe 1od shall be for 30 days. If Customer has rwl give fGonos a vuritten deBden.y statement spedfying how Ihe Equlpmenl or Software falls W meei the Spedfiratlartis ('Dellderx.y Sfaten enl wfCdn Ihe Test Perlad, the Eq pmenl and Soflware shall be deemed accepled. I} Cusbmer provides e Defldency Stalement wl in the Tesl Perbd, Kronos sha have 30 days to car t the deflclency, and Cuslomer shall have an addltlarml 30 days lo evaluate the Equlpmerri and Sofh re. If the Equlpment or Softu are does not meel Ihe SpedHcatlaru al dia end of Ihe seoond 30 day period, eithet CusEOmer w Kronos may tertnfnale Ihls Agreement. Upon anyr such teiminatlan, Customer shaN renxn aM Equtpm t and Softvuare (and related documenfaUon) lo Kroras, a Kmnos shaN refuxl arry monles pald hy Customer to Kronos for the ralumed EquipmerH and SoRware. NelU er paRy shaN fhen have arry (ixUier IiaWYly lo the oUier for the produc that were the subJect o( the Acceptance Test. 8, LMfTED WARRANTY IGonos warrants fhal al Kmnos Equlpme it and SoNNrare medla shall be hee hom defects In materials and workmansfdp, (or a period of Nnery 90) days hnm De very. In the even! of a txeach Ihls wdrranry, Cuslomers remedy shaA be I(ronos' repalr or replacem t of Ihe deflcl t Equlpm nt and/or Soflware medla, al Kmnos' opUon, provlded tt at Customers use, inslaNati on and malnienance Uiereof have coMormed b lhe 5pecificatiorB, Th18 warranty Is extended to Customer only and shap not apply to arry Eq pment (or pmts thereoQ or Software madla In the event oh a) damage, defecLs or mathuicllons resultlng from mfsusa, acddeM, ne ect, famper&g, (Induding modfficatlon or replacemeM of arry Kronos companents on arn boa supplled wi the Equipment), unuaual physkal a electrlcal stress or causes oU er than namel and Inlended use; b) Fallure of Cuslomer to provide and mainhaEn a sulla6le kistallaUon envkonmeM, aa spedfied In the SpedHcatbrn; or c) melAxicUor s resullk g kom the use of badge9 or supplles nol approved hy Kroras. 1N arv upt Eyrifig Ikla NrrC a Cloaa 'k rd ry 1 c~s n' Nrr uc, uxlcrmc r 9s ra;R k r p RM i C'"us rn r I s wwikih r Ar rrr rrR t' i l d I &vr P w E a. N't Gwsl rr r IN drts rw `4°rcarl i t "a CN 'ft a' r 1Nrrrklia r p r e r a ip c 4,r+d e^ (f +A tr rw r cai i : s&k 'ar ku c rrN nd + n r rt d an ea k e r! Irr r 1 p rt y sh sr.cYo sa 4tw r, (YR r Nrry a^r r Rra am d r r C s a P r n r C mm p r M tk rt rr Ihe prae kkanu n r viaa w adf acll^n s rt aa 1 dt.dn l, i9a t rrtaer a wnb' r y up k+r, Ba Itw wr, I, or r 5 adtww r r f¢r mny Nv ^ Pdai rdYrrg a na n wfth federal (and state lavvs where appllcabley or fhe appropriale tex U 4r ura +( YN ras m c4 1 5u h r pa rrti dv„ r a! (Iw ars n r wUl revlew any calculatbns made by uskig surh Software and saHsy Ik alP PJ rt t r.a Ca,.rl G n Kr rr:R. 9. PROFFESSfONAI. AND FDUCATIONAL SERVICES EldGAGEMENTS Unless olhen dse Indicaled an fhe Order, Professlonal and Educatlo SerWces ('P[o/essional Servfcas") shap be provkled on a tkne and male ial b- rrd s N a I t a l P k. i Np ar Ar uY C N Cecl icr kh t?r 3 r Form or any assodated stelemerri of work CSOW"1 the Amlt Pd k d a 1 ti t nd f av C rn° dud mllrsp s e d ra+ncrs" r+r e edulir g purposea, Afler ihe dollar Iknll Is e ended, ICronos will an tinta N a ar duGd rf+ps tanai a rnr +an t;n e ad r ut i i b i, II a Change OrAer or Schedule of Servlces ior contlnuatfon of the Professlanal Servicas Is signed by 1he partles. b) WARRAM"Y kGvnos warranLs fhat aA professfonel a aducatlonal servlces performed und thfs Agreemenl shall be pe formed in a profescbnal and oompelertt r wa r r. lin Ih v r Fu l V rar breaches IMs vrartanry, and Customer so nodfles Krorws withln 30 days of recelpt of Invofce fa Yhe appHrrdble m r' r rened!y and Kronos' IiabYity shafl be lo re perfortn the services which were deflde t in a marx er so as to contortn ta r tn rr trar ky, R e r wcGdftlonal cost lo Cuslomer. c) KRONOS PROFESSIONAUEDUCATIONAL SERNCES POLICIES ICrorws' Ih a p F crf I,u tiar N s '? 'wal ap y 4 t a C F'a l s k nai and,t rr d c a rar al !rwG pu urr N° e app ahle rrw t c.sed t° u d i en akk hk r `"r f sd tl e ct Polldes'). IM' 4 t rr a r V' a r r t a wn Vk r sF drara( i nd 8 wr+r C. ra t cr , 1 Fr pu^w l. 10. 50F'i'WARE SUPPORT SERVICES The iolbwing terms and oor llons shall govem the Softurdre support servlr.es provided hy Kronos b Customer. 10.1 SUPPORT dPTIONS r a er rr¢y ect li mr 9du C V r r g a twna p t kY a c° qc' C pfs } ,n d 'la i ur Pla nu Plus) sup rt (`Servlce 1"Y"), r rrn lding +dIN'r4 rrri c nr r ci K e u Y rdrw. p J1ti d ka rer6n "S a+ri t 1"mrVn") end In the Kroras pnrl rrv I r de ra s1 . s r urr s k I d s rmr eav: iyps K rr M af r cr4 r s c on the Order Form, h vm„ N na arn+c S rd Na7 s ap ar M s ti+b f Vi l r S roV`t mr, r r rraqy n y aurc;#a sc 0.iald ri+c; Type for ihe Vis(omrare so+tvrarn). Al updates shaM be providad vle remote aceess. 10.2 TERM OF SOFfWARE SUPPORT L nr arotwr a Ir id l,xi an !k rrJ r 'nrr. r z rt serwi, a Y srron7ence on fhs Softwa e Oellvery dete and shali aonBnue iw an inlUal lertn rc f uro S ,Y. a,a rcrr s a r% m y I r r P rr s l (N ) y lertns on the ehnfversary date of ILS oommencement date 6y mutual warN i ro nt s t1 a p h ay Kza, rwr Nrw r fa rr a M'nrralr s tar #s ppRca6le rene ral term and Cuslornet payfng such Im+olce rr" i rea cwrnm e k e f .r i n E Po r1. A I er 1 wt t r y Iat Cd N t r'rr af thi Agreement, the S vlCe 01f ings provlded and Ihe Servioe ra m er uh c a i rt i y K ca s wnrRC a N y (t'i d«S ufv nce written notloe to Cuslomer. For the fniUal lwo (2) renewal years tl e rrrav& ^up w1 f+, tzr @Fra aavr r preac t c x n 1 serv q w +111 rra ^e by more fhan 4% over the prior ye.afs amual support fee. 10.3 GQLD SERVICE OFFERINGS Customer ahall be endtled to recelve: p) Updeles for Ihe SoRware (not Induding any So(tware for whlch Kronos c arges a separate IfcerKe fea), provlded Ihat Cuslomers operating sysfem and equlpment tne N m nka rr y le n 4 ra`ald ar t,*p remetits. as reasonably deterrnlr ed by Kronos. If Custamer reques F(ronos 10 InsfaN such Updales or ko pr vJ ia re ir?8r 6 s appr +m Ira pay Krorros (or such InslaMation or retrainfng at Knxms' prking set forth In INs Agreernent. I) Telephone andfor eledran access to the Kronos Global 5upport Center far Ihe log ng of requesls for service during the Servke Coverage Pedod. The Servlce Coverage Period for the Gold Service Olfering is B:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m„ lacal tlme, Monday Uttough Friday, exdudfng Kmnos hoNdays. fll) Web-based supporl Inclu ng access }o {tware docunentatlon. FAQ's, accass lo Kronos knowledge base. Cuslomer faums. and ecase rnanagemenl, Such oHerings ara suhject to modificatlon by Kronos. Current oflerinps can be fand at httn:!/www.kronos.com/senrlces/suunort- s vlces.asoz . Iv) Weh-based rmr ote dlagnostic tedinlcal asslslance whlch may be uUUxed by Kronos to resolve Software functional problems and user problans durin9 the Servka Coverdge Period. v) Access to speclaHzed wrdent as and when made avaHable 6y Kronos surh as technlcal advisories, leaming quldc Ups, brown bag seminars, techr al Inslder Ups, SHRM aleartdng, HR Payroll Ar swprforoe and ser dce rase sludles. 10.4 PLATINUM ANq PUJ 9ERVICE OFFERINOS: Platlrnim: In additlon to Iho Service OHetinps spedfled Fw Ux Gold Service O(fer(ng above, tlre Servlce Coverage Period for tha Pladnum Servfce OHering Is 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a yea. PNis opdon: In addltbn lo tlie Servlce Offerings spedfied for the Gold Servlce Olfe inp above, Customers purd eslrq Ihe Plus aptlon shall recefve fhe servlces of a dedicated, bW not exdusive, Krvras Tectinlcal Acoount Manager ('7AhA') lor one producdon Instance of che So(Iwrare. Cuslomers pur hesing the Gatd-Plus optlon shall deslgnale up to one p finery and ane sernndary backup lechnlral co lacts ("Tedmfcal ContacLg' to be Ihe sde confacb wilh Ihe YAM, whlle Cuslomers purchasing the Pfatlrwm-Plus opHon shall deslgnale up to lwo primary and three secondary baGcup TechNtel Contat,Ms. Upon requesl, Custome may designale addftlonal antflar badcup Terhnlcal Conlacts. Ciahomer Is requlred lo place all primary Tectxdc:al Contads Ihrough Kronos praduci trekning for the 5oflvrare covered ur thls Sectlon B at Customers e ense. Customers purchasfng Ihe Plathwm-Plus optlon shall also recehre a one day per year vlsit to be performed at Ihe Cusfnmer locafi on wfiere the SoR e is irelalled. Dur'xig this on5ile visii, Kronos shaH wrk with Cuslomer to IdeMlfy vrays lo help Cuslomer kxrease fwutlonallty ar maximlze utlllzatlm of the Software In Cuslomers spedfic anvhoroneM. Customer musl be utltlzing Ihe Ihen-currenl verslon af the SoRware. i0.5 PAYMENT Cusbmer shaN pay aruwal suNport charges tor the IUaI te m In accadance wi the paymerrt terms on Ihe Order Fam and for any renewal term upon receipt of Invo ce. Customer shall pay addltlanal support d arges N arry and line and matertal eharga upon rc calpt of 1 Q.B ADOfTION OF SOFTVUARE Addltlonal 5oflwa e pu chased by Cuslomer as per lhe ad ing pmcedure set aut In Ihe agraement duirg Ihe iniUal or arry renewal term sF aq be acSded to the Suppat Servlces at Iha same support optlon as the than cxxrenl SoRware suppott coverdge In place under fhese tertns, Customer agrees W pay the charges fOr such addldon as per fhe Order. 10.7 RE9PaNSIBILITIES OF CUSTOIIAER Cuslaner agrees (i) lo provlde Kroras personnel wilh fuN, free and sale accese lo Software For purposes of support, Induding use of Kronos' s dard remWe access tect nabgy, II requlred; (II) to melnhaln and operate the SofhMare fn an environment and axording to procedures which confortn to Ihe SpeciriwGons; ana in no ro anow su or ne sor ara ay arnone omer u,an icronos wtr out ,snen auu,or za uw, rram Kronos. FaAure to utltize Kronos' emole access techrmlogy may delay Kronos' response andlor resolWon !o Custome s reporied Snflware prvblem. If Custamer requires lhe use of a spedflc remole access lechnology not speciFed by Kronos, then Cuslomer must putihase the Plu9 opdon to receive supparl end provide Kronos petsonnel wifh f, free and safe Bccess to U e remate accress hardvu re andlar soflwaR. 10.D pEFAULY Customer shall have the rtght to lertnlnale Krvnos support servlcss In fha event Ihal Kronos is in hreadi of Ihe suppat services wartanty sel fo th below and suct 6reach h not cured withln fNteen (15) days etler vurllten noUce speciffying l e nature of ihe breach. In fha evenl of sueh lerminaHon, Kronos shall reflrid tn Customer on a pro-rata basls fhose pr pald annual suppart fees as5odated wilh the unused portlon of tlie support tertn. Krorws reserves Ihe right to lermkiale ar ^mr : r 6n Rhe ev tha r i rn wr Ps r a P IC d r hml +s r4 wa1 a Wonos and uch default !s not axrec9ed wHWn flfleon (5) a ler ww i fi n . n k rn, ld a r.rp wcw t st rA +n M t rar ira f t9 N It d hereunder wiN became Immadlately due and payabl I m lh zv l l r si wer tl t u sN a pa-rl <r ce m crr w I is s a asslgned by law. 10.9 WARRANTY Krorps warranls that atl supp t servioes shafl be perfOrmed In a professlOnal and competenl manner. 11. EQlJIF'MIENT SUPPORT SERYICES TTte {olbwing terms r d c tllktin J"i N !r m N eq rta rx a w aN? enr c ws sa+k9 by k r re at lcw o C c r n!. Kror os and Cuslom I er kry „ k r rrads s ll pravl t dar pl cy m9 n t p ir ,op k ar vBr, ("t cau t s wr earvi" rar Customers Kronos Equlpmenl ("'rr rdt ft()" ap Yl'd a a n C?rdeo ctro ! uaaw irarra l tan a ^v+1HrG t C r N n C r 15t te s d us rt k p u rl la Uie follpwing terms ard cor itlons: 11.1 TERM Equlpm t SuppoA S vloes for the Produd(s) hava a lartn af one (1) year commertcing upon the explratlon af fhe appllcable warranty pe lod, as spedlied In tf s SacUon B. Equlpment Suppwt Servlces can be exl ded for addHional one year tertns on the annlvmsary d Hs oommencement date ("Renewal Date") hy mWual written apreement of the parlles or by Kroms Bending Cuslomer an Anvolce kx the applicable rene val lerm a d Customer paying sudi Invdce prior the aommencement of such renewal term. For the Inillal tvw (2) renevvsl years the annual support fee, for the same produds and serrlce type, w l not Increase by more Ihan 4°h over Ihe pria yeara annual support fee lo the a Aent cansistenl with the pricing set fnrth under the Agreemertl. 71.2 PAYNIEHT Customer agrses b pay e 5uppal Charges for the i ilial tertn es set forih on Ihe Order Fwm for ear Produd listed. Custaner agrees ihat al Pmducts of tha same type Ihat aro ovrned by the Cuslomer, rr,d,dm w rna, rmnau«, cug omers •spare oducc (ea der„ed eebw), w n ee subJect to Is Ageement. Cuslamer agrees fhat If Ct lnmer purchases, during Ihe term of Ws Agreement, any Produclg of Ihe same fype as thosa spedfled on an Order Fam. such addiUonal Products shab be subJect to this Agreemenl Cusfomer agrees io pay a proraled fee for such addifional Products and agrees lo pay Ihe fuA annual fes for such addfUanal Products, upon Ihe reneHral date. Krorws w111 Imolce Customer fw the annual5upport Charges each year In advanoe of the Rene ral Date. Cuslomer wfll pay Kronus wid in thlrry 30) days a( recelpt of Mvdce. 11.3 DEPOT SWPi'QRT SERVICE DE3CRIFRON Upan the fallure of Inslalled Equlpmer t. Customer shall notily Kraros of such fallure and Kroras wlll pruvlde remote fault Isolatlon al the FftU Field Rep cement unny or subasaembly level and anempt to reso ve u,e probfen,. 'rhose fanures de erm ned ny Krnnos w be eyulpm l re aced shall be dispatd vd lo a Kmrms Depol Rapelr C I, and Cu&tomer w1A be provfded with a Retum Malerial AuUmrizaUon N rnber (RAAA) for the falled Eq dpment I( C ulaner Es lo rehun the falled Equfpme t to I(ronos, as reasonaWy delum(ned by Krarws. Cusl ner must retum the talled Equlpmenl wilh the suppYed RMA nixnber. Haurs of ope adon, locatlo s and oUter Informatlan relaled to Kronos' Depot Repalr Cenlers are avall8ble upon request and can be (ound aU tfps:dcustome.kiwios.com/confadlcarHad•or e.aspx m d are subJect lo change. Relum and repalr proced xes for (allsd Equfpme t shaN be provkled based on Ihe Depot opNan - Depot Exchange or Depol Repalr - selected by C+stomer o Ihe appllpble OMer Fam ard es spadfled hareln ard In Krorws' then-currenl Support Sarvlces Polldeg. 5ervfca packs fa the EqulpmeM (as described In subseCtlon (b) below) are k duded in boTh Depot Exchange and Depol Repair Support Servioes. I) Depo1 Excherge: Kronos wfll provide a replecdnenl tor Ihe faNed Equlpmenl at Ihe FRU or subaseembly level an an "advanced exchangm" ea a, u ur a arrt r or Krorns' rhoice. Replacemern EqulpmeM wIN be shlpped fhe same day, fa delivery lo Cuslome s tocatbn as furU descrtbed In Ihe S po t Polldes. REPLACEMENT EQUIPMEhIT MAY BE NEW OR RECONDITIDNED, Cuslomar shall spedfy Ihe address ta which the Equ menl Is ro be shlppad. Ar st fpmen vNA indude the Kronos provided RMA designel g tha appllcabie Kror os Depot Repaf Cenler, as Ihe redpienE Cuslaner, upon recelpt o( he replecement Equlpment from Kronoa, shaA package Ihe defedWe Equlpment i tha malerials provfdsd by Kronos wNh the RMA supplled and pranptly reWm fadad Equfpment direcUy to Kronw. r epor Raparr: upan ra ure or tnstaned Equi,enl, c,utomer sNaN instau a spare arodud to rep ace u,e ta ed equlpmenc custnmer sr,a aren rehim e fatled Equlpment, wl h ihe requlred RMA, 6o the applkable Kronos Depot Repak Center. Custamer shall make reasonable eHO ta to reWm the faAed Equipmenl using the same a subsfantlafy slmHar packing male ials !n whicfi the original Equipmant vas sent. Customer shaA atso apedfy fhe address lo which Ihe rapalred Equlpment should be rehan ahlpped. Upnn receJpt of Uie failed Equipm t, Kranos shall repair tlte falled Eqe ipmeM and ship k. wilhin len (10) busines9 days after reoelpl, tn Customer. Kro os sFwM ship ihe repalred Eq pmenl by ragular sirface Vansporfatlon lo Customer. Kronos wdrranb that atl repelrs performed under the Agreement shall be perfarnad fn a professlonal and compelenl marx er. In the evenl 01 a brea h of tl ls rartanty, fhe exdusive romady o1 Cu.stomer qnd sole AablWy o( Kronos shall be replacernerri of Ihe repalred EqulpmenL 11.4 EQLHPMHNT SERYICE PACK 9UPPORT SERVICE DESCRIPT1dN If Cuslomer purchase Ihe EqWpment servks packs suppart, Kinnos manufaclwed lermineb specified nn an Order, Customer shall be enUded la eceh e: i) Servlce padcs lor the Equipment (whlch may cantaln system softvrdre updates, firmurare updates, securily updates, and leaiure enhancerneMs) avalleble for downl d at Krorws' customer portah, arxl y Accaas lo a,e Kronos 5uppoit serv+ces center ror the logglny or requesls tor assistanr.e dowr loading servke aacks ror a e Equipn,ent. Servite packs for the Equipmenl are not kislaped by e Kronos Depot Repalr Center bul a a avallable for downbad at Krorros' customer porlal, provlded Custamer Is malMalning the Equlpment under an anrival Equipmerri Support Servloes plan witlti Kronos. Kronoe warranb that ap servt a packs and (mware updates provldad under tlils Agrsement shaN malerlaUy perfam In acoordance wfth Ntie Kronos published spedficatlons far a period of ninely (80) day9 allec doaml d by Cuslomcv. In the event of a breach o( thla warrartty, Cusbomers exduslve remedy SF II be Kranos' repalr a replacement of lhe defldenl aervfce pack(s) or fiimware update(s), at Kronos' optbn. Provided that Customers use, Installadon and malntenance fhereaf have aonforrned to tha specHicaBa s. 71.3 RESPONSIBILfT1E5 QF CUSTOMER Customer agrees that It shall retum faUed Pr uces prornptly as Ihe fallures ocau and that It shall not hotd fatled Produc s and send faHed Produd to Kronos In "bald es" which shall resWl tn a loriger tumaround tlme and surcharge to Custarner. In addNion, Cuslomer ayress lo: a) Malrttaln the ProducLa In an envlronmenl confartning lo Kronos' publlstied spedAcatbns (or such Products: by De-insWll all faNed Products and Inscatl all r lac nerrt Producb In accordance with Kronos' pubUshed InstaMatlort guldelines; c) Ensure that Ihe Prnduct(s) are relumed to Kronos properly packaged; and d) taln an RMA before relumirn any Produd fo K onos and place the RMA dearlyr and oonspk:uously on Ihe outside of the shipping padcage, Cuglomer may onlyy retum the spedfic Produd a ed by Kmnos wtien Issuing Ihe RM I 11.6 SI PORT D(CLUSIONS Depot 5up ri 5ervice does not Inchide the replecemenl a( "consumaWas". In additlon, Depol 5upport Senrlce does not Indude lhe repair of damages, and Cuslomer wdl nol altempl tfl retum d aged Produci, resultlng from: a) My cause eztema lo the Products Induding, Gut nol I niled lo, elecbical woric, fire, nood, watet, wind, Nghtnh g, transportau, or any acl of God; b) Cuslomers falhxe to contlnually pmv e a sulteble instalalion env'ronme t (as Indlcated In Kronos' pubNshed Irtstallatlon guideYnes) Induding, but not rnHed lo, adequata eleclriial pawer, c) GLslom s hnproper use, relxatlon, packaging, reflnishinp, managemetn or supervlslon of Ihe Produd(s) a other fallwe to use Produds In atcadance with Kronos' pubNshed spedflWtlons; d) Customer's use af Ihe P oduc6s for purposes oUce than Ihose fat which they are desyned or lhe use of eccessories or suppfias not approved by Kronos: e) Govemment Imposed sancUons. r es, regulaUare o lews prevenlNig the shipmenl af the Praduet9; or Customefs repalr, aftemptad repalr or modlbcatlan of the P oducls. Professlonal services provlded by Krorws In connectian with the Irutatlatlon ot any Soflxrare or flrtnvrare upprades. H avallaNe, and if raquested 6y Customer, are not covered by Qepot Suppart Servkes. Flrtrtware (fnduding equlExnent servite padts) which may be avallabfe b resolve a Producl fssue fs rwt installed by the Kmnos Oepot Repalr Cenfer but Is avalla6k fqr download al Kronos' cuslomer web sile provlded Cusiomef la malnlalning the P odud under an artnual Oepal Support Servk s pFan vti Kronos. 11.7 WARRANTY a) Depot Repalr and Ex hange warranly: Kronoa wemants that all epalrs periormed under Ihis Sectlon 9 ahall be periortned 'm e profasslo al and compelent marmer, b) Servlcas Padc suppo t Wartanty: Kronos warrents tl at ail servlce packs and GrmNrare updates provided under Ihls Sectfon B shall materiaHy perfortn M acoortlance wlth Ihe Kronos published 6pedflcaHona for a pe iod of runety (90) days atterdowrt load by Customer. In the avent al a nreaa, or u, warranry, Customer's r nedy shaM be Krorws' repalr ar reQlacemenl af the defldenl service pack(s} a flrtnware updale(s), al K onos' aplton, provlded ihat C tomers ise, k stallalbn and malntenance G ereo! have oonfarmed lo the speclflwtloru. 11,8 iJ1MITATION OF REMEDIES ro u,e e en mined by iaw, tlie emedy of Custom and YabIINy oi Kronos shall be replacemer l a! the repalred ProducG 12. KRONOS 5UPP R'f SERVICE POlIC1E5 Krawe' then-currenl Supporl5ervices Pdides shaN apply lo aN Suppart Servlces pum.hased and may be accessed at: 1: ^ r t,*4 CSupport Polk9es'j. In Ihe event of a wnAlct belween the 5upporl PoNdes and Ihls AgreemeM Ihe te ms of thls AgreerneM shall prevaN. 1J. FIRMWARE Customer may rrol download fimrvware updates far tha Kronos Equfpmant unless Cuslomer is malntalning sucfi Equi n t wxler a supp<xt plan with Kronos. If Customer is nol mafnlakiing lhe Equlpment under a wppoA pian wilh Kronos, Kronos shall have Ihe right o verffy CustomeYs Kronos Equlpmenl delermine It Custamer Fws downbadeC arry flrtnwaro lo whlch Gustomer Is ral entlUed. 14. TRAINING POINTS Tralning Pdnls M Icfi are purchased by Customer may be redeemed for an equlvalerri value ol lnslructor-!ed frafning sessions oifered by Krvnos. Availabla Instnxtor•led sesslons ere qsted at hi;/1a slomer.Kronas,can anQ each sesslon has the Tralning Polrqs v81us Inditated. Trafnfng PoIMS ara imofced when uced by the Customer. PokNs may be rtdeemed at any tkne wilhln 12 months of the date of Ihe appllcable Order Fortn, at which tlme they shaq e lre. Tralnk g Pofr ts may rrol 6e exchanged for other Kronos producls and/or services. iS. KNOWLEOGEPASS EDUCATION SUBSCRIPTION: The pariies her by agree thal fhe idlawing tertns shaN apply to CusEaner& purchase of the Kronos fCrrowledgePass Educatlon Subsaiptlon oNy, H speGfled on the Ord Fortn: Scope: The KnowledgePass Educ tlon SubsaipUon Is avallable W ca slomers wtw are Ik nskiy Kmnos' Warkforce Central and iSeries i`nekeeper Soflvu re produets and wtw are ma talnMg such Pmducls under a support plan vrith Kronas. The WiowledgePass Educ a on S scr tlon Provldes access vfa ihe Intemel lo cerfaln educalarral oHerings provided by Kronos (the'F(r owledgePass Contenl"I induding: Produet and upgrade Infortnatlon {or proJect Isarns and end users Hands-an Inlerective InsbucUot on common tasks 5elf paced tutori s cove y a range o( toplcs Job alds KnovAedge assessmenl and reportltlrg tools lo measure progress Webinars Tertn ot Subscription: The arxxial NnowledgePass Bducatlan 5,,ufptlon shap nm co-lertn ously wllh Cusbmers Soflwdre Support, arM shall ranew for ad tlonal one (1) year rrns provlded Cuslomer renews Its KnowledQePass EducaUon 5ubsa tpdon as {xnvided below. Payment Cuslnmer shall pay the annual s sulptlon charge for the INdal tertn of Ihe KnowiedgePass Educadon Subscriptlon In acaordar ce with the PaYmeM terms on Ihe Drder Form. K orws vrN send Cus6omer a renevral fnwice Oor renevral o( fhe Kraw4edgePass Edu adon SubscYfptlon at easl lorty rrve (as) aays prfor to sxpiraBor, of ine u,, aurer t term. KrrovdedgePass r ua, su6scrfanon sl all renew fa an ad nona one (1) year lerm M Customer pays such Irnalce betora fhe end af the Initlal term a any renewal tertn. The KnowledgePass 5ubsaiptlon Is avaRable when ftte Customer 5ubspibe on annual basls. Limitatlans: Cuslomer recognizee and agrees that Fhe ICnowiedyePass Conte l Is copy lghied by Kmras. Customer b pmmlKed In make coples ot the KnavledgePass Content proWdad & 'pol fo m soldy (or Custom s Intemal use and may not d dose such KrtovAedgePass Conlent lo anyr Ihird pa iy other tl an Gulumers employees. Custamer may not edft, modify, revfae, amend. change aNer, uis0ornlze or vary Ihe KrwNAedgePase ConteM wiCwut the written tonsent of Krorwe, provided lhat Customer may dor nbad and modNyr contents of Trdlning Kils salely for Customers Intemal use. Traln-the-Tralner Program (T1T): CerNflcadon ur der the Traln-t}e-Tralner Ptogram Is valid only r 7re pofnt retease of It e Solivrare fa wtiich the TTT Progrem Is taken, and covers only the Cuetomer emp yee vrho completes the T77 Program. 18. INDEMNIFICA170N Kronos agr s lo fndemnHy Customer and lo hald 11 haimless from and aga&st arry and aM da ns, costs, iees and e ensee (lncluding reasonahle legal fees) relating to actual or aHeged Infr(ngement nf Uniled Slales or Cana an patenls or capy lghb asseried against Customer by vlrtue t" u ncr+ u s a f r a deliverod and ma(nhdined by Kronos, pmvided IhaE q Kraas ie given prompl written notice of arry such clakn d h; a +rt h !+wv r #a nw+fF,tlo PreParatlon defenae and eetdement o( such ciafm: and II) Customer reesonably 000perates with Krvnos In camecUon wilh Ihe foregaing and prtrvides Krunos wilh aN lnformatlan In Cuslomers possssslon relaled lo such dglm and any furth assistanoe as reasornbly requested by Kronos. Knxws wlll have no obllgatlon to Indemnify Customet to the eztent any such dalm Is based on ihe use of K e Software wilh soflware ar equipm l not suppNed by Kronas. Should ainy or all af Ihe Software as deffvared and maintafned by Kronos become, or In Ktonos' reasonable opinlon be Nkely lo bewme. the SubJect of any such dakn, Kronos may al its optlon: I) prowre for Cuslomer the right to co tlnue to use Ihe alfected Software as contemplated hereunder; II) 1ace or modify the atteded Softurare to make Its use nan- tnfiinging; or 1) shadd wrh opl(ons nol be avallable at reasonaWe a q en6e, terminate U ts Agreamerri with resped to Ihe aflected Soflware upan fhirty (3a) days p ior written nodce to Cu50ome. In such eveM of IerminaUan. Customer shall be entltled lo a pro-rala re und of atl fees pald to Kro ms for the aftected Soflware, whlch refund shaN be qkaAaled using a five year sQaigM-ne depraciatlon commendng wiMi Ihe date of the relevanl Order. AddltlanaNyr, Krunos agrees to be IIaWe /or langiWe property damage or personal Ir ury raused solely by the negllgence or wfllful mismnduct o! Ils employees. 17. LIlM17A710N OF LIARILI7Y CUSTOMER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AND IiRONOS' SOLE UABlLITY FOR ANY KRONOS BREACH dF THIS AGREEMENT ARE EXPRESSLY 5TA7ED HEREIN. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEIV NT, ALL OTHER WARR/WTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCI.UDING WARRAMIES OF MERCHANTABIUTY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXCLUDED, FJ(CEPT FOR 1) KRONOS' INDEMNIFICATION OBUGATIONS SET FORTH IN ARTICLE 16 ABOVE; (II) CU5TdMER'S GLAIMS FOR TANGIBLE PRQPERTY DAMAGE OR PERSONAL INJURY TO THE FJCTENT CAUSED BY 1'HE NEGLIGENCE OR WILlFUL MISCONDUCT OF THE OTHER PARTY'S EMPLOYEES, IN NO EVENT SHALL KRONOS' OR ITS PARENTS, SUBSIDIARIES', AFFILIATES', OR THIRD PARTY LICENSOR'S tJA81LITY TO A CUSTOAAER, HOWSOEVER CAU5E, EXCEED THE VALUE OF THE ORpER WHICH GIVES RISE TO THE CWM, ANO IN NO EVENT WILL KROMOS OR ITS PARENTS, SUBSIDfARIE6 AFFlLIATES 8R 7HIR0 PARTY LICENSORS BE LIAg1.,E FOR LOST PROFIT5, LOST DA7A OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CpWSEQUENTIAL OAMAGES ARISING OUT dF THIS AGREEMEMT WHETHER SUCH CWIM IS BIASED ON WARRANTY, CONTR/1CT, TORT OR THH EXISTENCE, FURNISHIN4, FUNCTiONING bR CUSTOMER'S 5PECIFIC USE OF, OR INABILITY TO SO USE, ANY EQUIPMENT, 50FTWARE QR SERVICES PRbVIDE FOR IN THIS AGREEMENT. ECTION C CLOUD APPUCA710N HD$T1N(i SUPPLElNENTAL TER1N$ AND CONDITIONS There terms and condltfons apply to the cloud services which are Identif ed in the Pricing as the Cloud 2 in the Pricelist Name. These Applkatlon Hostlng S lemental Tertns and Condltlons are applka6le (or hostlrtg services ordered by Customer fw Kfonos SoRware IlC nnsed under SecUon B of fhls Agleemen DEFfNIT10N3 n u a s" means tliose Kronos soflvrare appllcaUons set forth In the Cbud HosUrg SSS whlch are made acce.ssible for Customw W use under Ihe tertn of thls Addendum. Applfeation Hostl g Propram" or "Propram" m ns p) aaesslbUlty to the Applk tbns, by means ot ac ess to U e password prolected a.isEomer area of lhe Kronos Iwating envlronment, and (fi) all Hosdng Related 5ervlces. Conteat" mea all mntent Custaner, or olhers actlng o behaiF of or lhrough Customer, pos or otherw(se InFwts Into fhe Program, Indudfng but nol Ifmited W Intortnetlon, dap (surl as payroll data, vadti on tlme, and hoixs vYnrked), d, know how, logos, Ie 4, muldmeda Images e.g. graphles, audio and video files), compNatbre. soR rare programs, Ihlrci party soR rare, apppcaUons, or other male ials, or arry other Custamer oonlent shared or procPased on equipmerd uxfer U e oontrol o! KronoS. Hasiing Relatad Servicea" mcans certaln services sat torth In a SeMces Scape Statement (SSS) ooMafNng hoated relaled servke (the Cioud Hosfir g SS8"), sud as FroaUng Infroslruchue, equi xnent, bendwldth. server moNlaing. backup services, reporting servlces, elorage area nelvrork (SAP!) services, load balancing servlces, sacurity servir,es. syslem adminlsbatlon corxieGivfa servkes, Performance luning, servica pack Installalbn and a0 p oFesslonal andlor Cloud 3ervices and malnle ance s vlces reialed lo hostlng. Inkfal Term" means the h Ual lerm of Ihe Program as set forth In the appllca le Cloud Hosting SSS. Irriemel llse" mearis the use of the Program; (ij by Customers personr el solety for Customers htemal bualness purposes and (N) by any aulharized employee, agent or contrador af Customer bo proc ss Infartnadan relating lo C tomers employe assigned to a potentlal empbyees of, C tomers eulhorizad busktess unit(s), sdely far the Inlemal busfiess p nposes of such buslness unll(s). Monthly 3arvke Fee(s" means the monlhly Iees desaibed In the Cloud HosUng SSS and sef lorih on Ihe appiwble Order Form,. Order Form' means Ihe orde requesl lortn supplled by Kraws and signed by tfia Parties that Msts the fees fa Ihe elements of Cuslomers paNcular Program, Personally Identlfiabla Data" mearu informatlon oonceming Indfviduapy IdenUfiable ¢mployees af Customer Ihal Is prolected agakist disdosure under appllcable law or regulation. Producdon Envlromm nt" mear a pennanent environment established for the dally use and malntenance of Ihe Appllcatlans In a Ilve envlronmenl Ihroughoui the term of a Program. Servica Descriptlon" means Ihe detalled seMce desaiptbn (Ind xfing any supplementary seMce lertns) specifled In the Cloud Hoedng 5SS whlch sets torth the speGfic Program to be provided lo the Customer. SLA(a' means a servics level agreement olfared by Krorbs for tlte Productla Envlronme and etbched lo ihb Secdon C as Exhlblt A wh h contalns key servlce leve( slandards and commltrnenls Ihat apply fo the Prt gram as detaUed in the Service Desuipdon. SI.A Credit" means the credlt ralculated In a000rdance witli the SlA and offered by Krortos In the evenl of outages, intertuptlorts or defidencfes In the deNvery of Ihe Program thal result in a faHure to meet Ihe tem s of Cie applkable SLA. Supplkr' means any contrador, subcondador or Mcer or of IUonas providing software, equ'pmer i andlor services to Kronos wMch are hiaorporsted IMo or otherwise related to lhe Program. Temporary Envlromnent" means a franslertt detabase ernkonment aeated to serve I&nlled purposes ior a Ilmlled tlme perbd, and Identliied In Ihe apppoble Cloud Hostlng S55 as a Temporary Emlramer t. 2. CLOUD HOSTIN(3 SERVICE3 SCOPE STATEMENT The d#ptian of the particufar Propram ardered by e Cusfomar, Ihe Pmgram term, the MantFdy 5ervlce Pee rates, and otlrer fees. ii any, appllrable to the Progrmn are desaibed fn the eppllcaWe Cloud MosBng SSS and Ortfer Fortn. Kronos wip not dianga Ihe Monthly Service Fee retes it charpes for Cuslaner's exlstlng Progrdm, or Ihe SlA during Ihe I tlal Term, Krvnos may changa such Montt y Servke Fee rates or the assocfaled 5!A for a renevral letm of lhe parUwler Progrdm by noUfyk g CusWmer at least sizty (80) days prior to the explratlon of e then current lerm. SLAs are anfy evallable In a Productlon Environment Unless the Cloud Hosdng 5SS Indkates that the Progrdm I5 ta be Implemer ted In a Temporary Em+h onment, fhe Pmgram wdl be deemed lo be Implemented In a Production EnvlrorimenL 3. AUTHORIZED USE Cuslomer shal take all reasonable steps lo ensure Ihat no unauUarized persons have access to tlie Program, and to ensure Uiat no persarts authorized lo have such access shall lake any actlon lfiat w+outd be In violatlon of lhls Section C. 10 4. MAINTENANCE ACCESS If Kronos. ils Suppilers or the local access provlder, as appllca l. re q w I u a r mr 1 iev ard r Ezz rrr P,n ad w cmr p lr i ue sa rrw, Custamer shall cooperate In a t&nely marxier and reasonaWy p+wrleir r;ro r 1V as al rr + r ary+. ,s p rl pf P6 rar" saa r sr9. servfces, Kmnas will make updates lo the AppliraUons avallaWe lo Cusl rrm r 1 n a sr s Clhay r f lae ave r l Y r t" .rst rrta. Custamer agraes b receive IFwse updatm aulomatkaly as part oF thca F r a m. Ctr l ro°n r wr r y wra e ayudr rd ¢w a s dNB9 ana l N# Relaled Servlces lo address Infraslrudure req dremerds as released by Kronos 1or a new verslon of a paAfcular Appllrallon. 5. CUSTOYER REPIiESENTATIONS ANI1 WARRANTIES; CUSTOINER OBUDATIONS 5.1 Customer represents and nrartants to K ottos fhat It has the right to publlsh arul dlsdose Customers CoMent In fhe Program. 5.2 Cusfomer represenls arxl wamarns to Krorros tliat Cuslomers Conlenl ill nol: (a) Infr ge or vbolala any UdM-party rfght, Including {but nol Ilmlled ta) Mtelieclual property, privac.y, or p lldty rlghts; (b) be abuslve, p fane, or offensive to a reasoneble person; or (c) be halehi w threatenh g- 5.3 Cus mer wfll, al its own cost and expense, provide aM end eser equlpment, opaatlng syslems, antl softvrare (Induding a web browser) not provided by Kranos and needed to access and use the Program. Customer will also provlde, at fls own cosl a d expense. aA aormediarre from Ils com{wler systems lo the Program. which shal Include all relaled oosts assodaled with Custamer acoassing Ihe Program, unless s x aonnecdvily servicas are purdiased from Kraws as indkated on Ihe Cloud Hosting SSS and Qrder Fortn. 3.4 Customer shaN not, and shall nol pertnq arry person ar enlHy urdar Cuslame a dlrecl ar Indlrecl conbrol to: (a) reciradate, repu611ah, dlstrlbute w atherwise provide access to die Program to ariy thNd party; (b) use fhe Program on a service reau, tfine sha ing o arry slmdar hasls, or for Uie bene8l o( arry other person or eritity; {c) alter, enhance ar make derivative works of Ihe Progrem; (d} revase englneer, reverse assemble or decomplle, or dherwise aqempt to deriva saurce code from, the Program or arry soBware aomponents of Ihe P ogram: (e) use, ar aliaw fhe usa af, the Propram In oo traventlon af arry appRcaNe law, or rules or regi atlons of regidalory or adminislrative cxganlzatlons; (n inlrodtu;e Into the Pragram arry vlrus or ott er cade or routine Intended to disrupt ar damage ttie Program. alter, dsmage, delele, reUieve or recard Informatlai about the Progrem or its users; or, (g) otheMise act In a fraudule nt, maNclous or negNgtnt manner when usfng the Pro am. B. CONNECTNITY AND ACCESS 6.t Custom aclaiowledges U+al Customer shefl (a) be respansfble for securing, paying for, and makitalning cornectiviry lo the Services Qnduding arry ar d aN relafed hardware, softvrdre, third party servlces and related equlpmerri and tomponenfs); artd (b) provlde Kronos and Kronos' represenladves wlth such physlcal or remole access lo Cuslorners c mpuler and nelwork erwlronment as Kronos deems rea5onably necessary In order for Kronos lo pnrtorm Hs oWlgatlons under the Agreemeni Customer wiH make all necessary artangemenls as may be required to provide access to Cuglomer's compuler and neMroric errvironment H necessary far ICronos Go perform Its obllgatlorus under fhe AgreemanL Customer agrees Ihat Kronos may audll Cuslomers usa of U e SarvfCes. 7. FEES AND PAYMENT TERM9 7.1 In conslderatlan of Uie dellvuryr of the Program, Customer shall pay Kronoa fhe Monthly Services Fee as defined Ihe appllcable Order Fortn. The Maifhly Servkes Fee shall be n to accrve on tlie date the Order Form and SSS are slgned by the partles, and shall he Irnoload ar nually in advance, 7.2 All (ees payable herttix der sha De pald In UNled States Ddlars and sent lo the attenNon of Kronos as spectiied on lhe Inwlce. Payment tertns shall be nel 30 days lolbwing recefpl of Irrvarce. 7.3 SLA Gedits, if eny, wfilch are due and owinq lo a Customer under a SLA (or a paAia ar manth of the Program shell be paEd by K orws In the monlh foMpwing Ihe month In whlch Ihe SLA Credlta were eamed. 8. SERVICE I.EVEL A13REEb1ENT CUSTOMER'S SOIE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY IN TFiE EVENT OF ANY SERVICE OVTAl3. INTERRUPTION OR DEFICIENCY OF SERVICE(5) OR FAILURE BY KF20NOS TO MEET THE TERMS OF AN APPLICABIE SLA, SHALL BE THE REMEDIES PROVIDED IN THE SLA; PROVIDED THAT ANY REMEDIES OR CREDIT5 CONTAIf D IN 7HE SLA ARE NOT AVAlLABLE FOR OUTAGES, INTERRUPTIONS QR DEFICIENCIES OCCURRING DURING ANY PERIOD IN WHICH CUSTQMER IS iN BREACH OF TMIS ADOENDUM OR THE LICENSE AGFtEENIENT. KRONOS OISCWMS ANY Af ALL. OTHER LIABILITIES OR REII DIES FOR SUCH UTAGES, INTERRUPTIONS OR DEFICIENCIES OF SERVICES. 9. UAAITATlON OF UABIUTY IN ADDITI N TO THE UMITATIONS SET FORTH IN THE LICENSE AGREEMfNi', EXCEPT WCTH FtESPECT TO LIABIUTY ARI5INO FROM KRONOS' GROSS NEGUGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCANDUCT, KROhlOS DISCIAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABIUTY AND SERVICE CREUITS, INCLUDING SUCH UABILfTY RELATED TO A BREACH OF SECURITY OR DI5Cld5URE, RESULTING FROM ANY EXTEfiNALLY INiRODUCED HARMFUL PROGfWM (INCLUDING VIRUSES, TROJAN WORSES, AND WORMS), CUSTOMER'S CONTENT OR APPLICATIdNS, THIRD PARTY UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS OF EQUIPh NT OR 50 YVARE OR SYSTEMS, OR MACHINE ERROR. 10. DATA SECLIRITY 10.1 As part of Ihe Program, Kronos shall provide tlase adminEsUative, physl ad, and technk l ssfeguards for pmlectlon of Ihe security, oonfidendallly and Integrity of Cuslnmer dala as desvi6ed at httn•//www.kronos.wmloivducts/smb solulioos orkface-central•saasls ud descrlotlon.asox Customer acknovvledges that such safeguards er deavor to mftlgale secwity Incid ts, but such h cidenb may not be mltlgaled entlrelY or r9ndered hamdess. Cus ner shaild cansldr arry parUailar Kroros supp ed seurity-related safegua d as just e Inal In he aed as part of Cus mers overaN seeurtty stratagy and not a guaraMee oF seculty. 8dh paAles egree b comply wi ap appNratrle prlva r or daMa prolectlon stah tes, rules or reguladans govemlrg Ihe respective activitles af Cie partles under 1he Agreement 10.2 As belween Cus ner and Kronos, ad Personally Id tlfiable Da Is C lomers Canfldential I ormadon and wr11 remain tlie praperly of CusRomer. Customer reptesenta Ihat lo the besl of Customers knowledge wch Personapy Idendfiabte Daha supplled to Krarws is accurate. Cusbmer herebY wn9e ts to the uae, Process 9 or dlsdosure of Persorially IdeMiRa61e Dafa by Krvnas and Kronos' S pllsrs wherever lacated or y fa Ihe puposay desc Ibed hereln and only b the exOeM such use or prnarslrg fs neces.aary for Kronos 10 wrry aul Worios' duNes and respor'bYitles der tlds Agreement or as requhad by Iaw. 10.3 Pr W fNtlatfa of fhe Prog n and on an ongofng basis theroaNar. Customer agrees fo provide nodce 6o Krvnas of arry exb aordinarY Pm Y or dela pmfectlm stahibas, ntles, or regiiadons whfcli ara or become appN able lv Customels Indus6y and wfilch cauld he Imposed on K o os as a dt of provislon al the Program. Customer wNl ure tha (a) tlie trarufer lo Waios and storage of arry Persor apy IdenUfiable Dafa by Kronos or Krcxas' data cenler Is rmkted mder appYcaMe daFa protectlon laws and regtdaMons; and (b) Cus6amer wiM obtaln consents bom kxYvWuals fa wGh h stx and s0orage to the extent requked under appRcable taws and regula Ons. 11. TERM AND TERAAff IATION A a e ex rrauon or a,a ir,tuai rerm, the appNcable Program shaM aulomatkaAy renaw for successlve one year periods imless elUier DaKY pravldes nouca or ts In er,t not to renew al east s xlr (60) days arior ro the explrauon or tne then-a r ent lertn. wonos may suspend ar t minate Nie Pmgram upon rwtice In the event of arry breach by Customer of Ihle 5ectlon C If such breach s not cured wilhln len {10) days d Ihe dale o( Krono' wriHen noUce. No Program InlertupUon 5hall be deamed to have ocaxred durirK, and no Program aedils shall be owad lor, amr authorized suspen9fon of fha Program. 11,2 Cusloma may lertnirtate the Program by wriHen noUce at arry fkna durfng the tarm of lhe Addendum H Kro as malerlaAy breaches arry pravlslon of Ifils Addendum, and such defaWt Is not cured withln Ihirty (30) days afler recefpt oi written notice from Cuatomer. In ihe averri of su terminatlon by Customer, Customer sFmN pay Kronos within nririy (30) daye aU fees Ihen due and owing for he Program prlor to the date of lerminallon. 11.] Cusfomer may lermlriate lhe Progrdm for converdence on no less an r nery (90) days prior vxitten rroNce lo Kronoe. 11.4 In the ev l oF tertnlnatlon nf the Progr n by Cuslomer for onver ence or 6y Kronos far cause d ing Ihe InHtal Term, Custamer wiU pay to Wonos any oul oi pocket e ensas Incured by IGonos In le minadrg Uie Program plus an early tertninatlon fee based on ttie fdlowing oalaiatlon: one (1 monfh of Ihe fhernairtenl Monfhly Servlaes Fees for every Mrelve (12) monlh perlod (or partlon Ihereon remaining In Ihe Ir tlal Tertn. By way of example ordy, if Customer lerminales tlie Prugram for cornenle cs wilh fifleen (19) monCis remalning In Ihe Initlaf Term, Cuslomer wfll be responslWe lo pay Kronos two (2) monlhs of tha appHcabla Monthly Servlces Fees. 12 EXHIBIT A SERVtCE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SlA) 5ervice Laval Agrsemerr The 5ervioea, In a productlan env(ronment and as desaibed (n Ihe Slalemcnt oF Woric {aka S vlces Scope Stalemant), are provlded with Ihe sarvke levals desQibed In this E Iblt A SLAs ara oNy applicable lo producHon environmeMs. SIAs wiN be avallabfe upon Custome s sipnahre of Kraws' Oo Live Accepfance Fortn fw Cuatomers productlon envlro menL 99.7S9G Applicadon Avallablllty 1lctual ApplleaUon Avallab!lity C =(Mo lhly Mlnules (MM) mMus Tolal 14Rrwtes Not Available (I'M)) muldplled by 100) and dlvided by MonWy Mlnules (MM), bul not Including Exduded EveMs Sarvice Cradk Calculadon: M Outape wip 6e deemed lo commer when Ihe Appllratlans are unavaflable to Customef in Cuslomers productlan e Wronmerri hasled by Kronos and end wfien Kronos has restored availabiNty af tha 5ervices. Fallure fo meet Ihe 99.75% AppMcadon AvaBaWfNy SI./ oU er than for reasons due lo an Exduded Even w eMide Customer 10 a aedll as falbws: pulaq' means ttie aCCtunulaled tlme. meas retl fn minules, dwhig which Cuslomer ts unabla ta aecess ihe Applicalbns for reasona olher tl an an Exduded Even Excluded Evam' means any event that res Its M en Oufage a Is puse by (a) tl e acts or omisslons of Cuslomer, its employess, customers, co tradws or agents (b) lhe faihre ar malfuncUon ol equfpment. appllcatlo ar systems not oamed or conUnlled by Krorws, Includ g wfthout IlmNafbn Cus{omer Cantent, f ures or maFfimctlons resultlng from dreuils p ov ded by Customer, anyr inconslstende or changes fn Customer's saa a enviroranerrt. I udl eltl er Intendonal or acddentel connectloro ar dfsconnectlais lo Ihe environmenl: (c) Force MaJeure evenls (d) scheduled ar emergency mahtenance, akeratlon or Implemertlatlon provlded du lnp the Malydenance Pe iod deflned bebw; (e) arry suspenslon of the Servicea In eaadanca witl Uie Iarms of Ihe Agreemer t to whlch Ihis E IWI A Is aUached; ( Uro unavallabillity af requtred Customer persw,, Induding as a result oF taNure to provlde Kmras with aeuxate, cwrenc oonred inrom,adon; or (g) using an Appllteliptl In a mamer Inconslstant wilh the p aduct documentatbn for euch Appucauon. Mal tenanc Periad means scheduled malnlenanca pertods establfshed by Kronas lo malnbin and updale lhe Servlces, when necessary. D ing Ihese Malntermnca Peiiods, Ihe 5ervices are avaNable lo Kronos tn perfarm periodlc malnter ance services. whleh Ind e vitel software updales. Krarros will use Ils commerdally reasonable etForfs during Ihe N6aintenance Perlod to make Ihe SeJVlces avallable Customer; however, some changes wiM requlre downtlme. Kronos will prov{de notice for planned dawntlma via an emall notica lo the primary Cu9tarner c had at least one day In advance of arry krwHrt dovmtlme w plam3rtg can he factllfated by Cuslanar. Curtantly schetJuled Malnlenarxe Pertods tor Ihe Servk.es are: Monday through Friday 04:00 am — p6;00 am (U.S. easlem Gmp) Sahxday and 5unday 12;00 am — 06:00 am (U.S. easlem tkne) Mak tenance Ae iods Indude thase malntenance periods mutuaMy agreed upon by Cuslaner and Kronos. Monthly Mlnutss {MMj' means the lofsl tlme, measured In minules, of a calenda month commendng at 12:00 am of the Arst day af such cafendar monlh and ending at 11:58 pm of Fhe last dey af such calendar maHh. Total Mlnutes Not Avallable (TAAJ" means lhe total mmb of mhules during the calendar month thal ihe Servk s are u avaNable es the result ol an Outage. LUnitaGons: 5ervice GedJls will not be provlded if: (a) Customer Is In Ixeach or deFault under the Agreem rt al lhe dme Iha Oufage oca rrad; or b) Ute Outage resuNs irorn an Exduded Ev t i wonos aoes noe ProYtda u, approprfaie ser+oa cr 9s aue ne eund r, cuswme mus re4uesl the service Credit wilhln sGcty (80) calendar days aI the oonduslon oI e monu In whkh Mie 5eMce Credit accr s. customer walves arry rlght to Servlce Credlts nat requesled wiUdn Uxs dme period. AN parformarxe calwladorrs and applkable Servioe Credils aro based on Kronos remrds and data ur ess Custamer can Rxovide Kmnos with dear and canvfndng evldenoa lo the conlrary. The SeMce Level A eements In Ihls EzhlWt, and Ihe r ated Servke Credlls, apply on a per producfbn environment basis. For the avddartce of doubt, Oulages In one product n envirwimenl may not be added lo Outages In any other production envirorment for purposes o} qlalating Servk.e Credlls. C tomer advwwiedges thai Kra os manages Its neMqrk trafflc In parl on Ihe 6asls of Customers ut trallon o the Servkes and lhal changes In sudi utlNzatlon may Impacl Kranos' ahlllty to manage neMork patfic. Therefore. nolwltt standk g a ylhk g else to Ihe oonVary, If Customer slgnlflcantly fianges Ils uHllzatlon of fhe Servicas than what Is contraded with Kroras and such char Qe cr tes a material and adverse Impacl on the Uaf ic balance of 1he Kro os nelwork. as reasanably detertnlned by Kranas, Ihe parfles agree W oo-operate, in good Falth, to resolve the Issue, 13 SECTiON C.1: APPLICATION HOSTING 7ERM8 ANO CON017IONS . Thls Sactb applles nnly for fransactians that Invoiw Kronoe hosHng fer 3oftwaro Ilcartssd u dar 9ection B In relatlon wfth host(ng pricinp roferod to as CLOUD Thls aHachme rt does not apply lo CL UD 2 Uems. APPL(GA710N HOSTIN(3 SUPPLEMENTAL TERMS AND CONDI710NS These Applicallon Hostlnp 5upplemenlal Tertns and Conditlo s are applk ble for hnsWip services ordered by Custmner For KroAOS SOftware licenaed mder Sec6on B of thls Agreemenl ushtg fhe p ldng set on November 21, 2013. daflnitiom Appllcatlon Honfng Propram" or uProgram" means (I) accesslbl lty to the oommer lalry avaGab e obJect oode verslm or the Kronos hosted applinNons, as sel forfh In the Cloud Services 50W, by means of access to the password piotecled a slomer area of Ihe Kronos Iwsling envlronment ar d () all Hostfng Related Servfces. ContaM" means aN roni l Cusborner, or oU ers acling on behaN ol or through Custamer, posb or oMien ise inpuls In6o tha Program, Including but not Iknfted lo IMormatlon,'dala (uch as payroM dafa. vacatlon tlme, and hours wwked) deslgns k ww-how loyos. texl, mulltlmmedia lmages e.g. graphk, audio and video filea}, compllatlans, soRware programs, tl ird party saftwem, appllcaUons, or olher malerfals, or arry oN ar Custnmer conlenl shared or processed on equipme t under the oontrol of Kronos or a SuppYer. Hoating Ratated Servicas" mearu aertaln seivices set farlh In a statement of wark conlalning hosted relaled services (the "Cbud Servlces SOW"), such as hosdng InhasUtxluro, equlpment, barWvridth. server monifaing, backup servkes, reporUng services, storage area elwork (SAN) services. Ioad balendng services, searily servlcss, system a nln4stratbn, connectivity sarvices performance tuning. servke padc InstallaUon and all pmfesslonal ar d/or Cloud Servioes and malntenance servlcss related lo hostlng. Inittal Term" means Ihe hMBel term for which Kronos shall provide the Program to Cuslomer and as sal (orth In Uie appl adla Goud 5ervices 30W axearted by Cuslomer. IrNemal Usa^ means tho usa o( the Program: (I) by Customers per5onnel solaly tor Cusbme s Intemal business P P a (b) bY Y autfarized employee, aganl or contractor of Cuslomer to procesa Infortnatlon relaU lo Customers employeas asslgned to, or palendal empbyees ul, Custame s authorized husiness u s), solely for the Inlemal buslness purposes of wch buslness uMt(s}. Monthly Saroia Fae(s)" means Ihe monlMy fees descr ed In the Cloud Services SOW and sat torth on the applica6le Order Farm, whidt shap IndUde Hostlng Related Servlees lees. Ordar Fortn' means Ihe order request form supplled by Krorws and slgned by tl e ParUes thal Ilsis fhe Starfup Fees and Monlhy Servloe Fees For Ihe elemeMs ot C ners parlicular P ogram. P rsonally ldenUflabla Dsta" means Infamatlon conceming fndlvidualty Iden 'hfiable employaes of Cuslwner thet Is protected agalnst dlsdawre tx der appllcable law or re lallor. Produdlon Envlrorvner t" means a perman rt envirorwnerrt establlshed far the dally use and rnalnlen8nce of Ihe AppqptWn In a Mve e vironment ttuoughoul the temi of a Program. 9ervkes CoinmencemaM Data° shail, except as olherwise provided I wr(Uny In a Goud Servioas SOW or Order Fortn signed by the parUes, mean lhe ea ller of (a) Ute date the Soflvra e is transferted lo Ihe hosled envirarxnent, as mutual[y agreed by Ihe partles In writ g or (bj 90 daye afler the EHective Cate. rbtwi nding the foreyoing, ihe Servlces Commentement Date far soflware hosted fn a Temporary F vlronrnent shad canmence s0ven (7) days afler Ihe Elfective Dala Servtcs OesdipNon" means the delalled service desaipUon (dudlnp arry supplemenfary service fcrms) spedfiad In Ihe Cioud Servlces SOW wfilch sets faih Ihe spedfic Program lo be provlded lo Ihe Cuslamer. s.als' means a servtce level agreement oflered by Kronos for tfre Pmductlon Ernironment and altached lo tMs Sectlan C.1 as ,xhlbH A.1 whlCh aontalr s key service malntenance standertfs and cmnmiMnents Ihat apply to the Program as detalled In the Servlae Descripdon. 3LA Credlt" means the cre t pla aled In aCCardance with the SLA and oHered by fGanos In the event of oulages, InterrupUons or defiderkJes In the deNvery ol the Pmgram Ihal rasult in a iallure lo meet Ihe lertns of Uie applfc hle 3LA. Supplla' means ariy conlrador, subconfraclor ar sor of Krorws provlding soRware, equipment and/or setvfces to Kro os wfiich aro Incorporeled Inlo or otltie Mse refaled lo U e Pragram. Temporary Envlronment" mear s a fransl t database WrorxnerM crealed to serve Ihnfled purposes for a flmfled lkne pe lod, and Identified in the appllcable Cloud 5ervlaes SOW as a Temporary Ernironme l. Slarfup Few" means the one llme, autamer-speciflc starlup fee as Indlcatad on the Qrder Form thal iMll be charged to Custumer to eneble access lo Ihe Program. Cloud SeMce BTATENENT OF WORK The descripfi on of U e particular Propram nrdered by lhe Cuslomer, Uie Program t m, the Manitdy Servlce Fee rates, ihe Slarlup Fees and olher fees, N any, applicable to Iha Program arm desalbed In the appllcable Cbud S xvlces SOW and Orcler Form. Kronas w rrot change Ihe A Mhly Servlce Fee retes It cherges for Gislomers ezlstirsg Program. or Iha SLA, during the Init l Tertn. Kronos may change surh Monthly Service Fee 14 rates or Ihe assodaled SLA far a r enewal lertn of the pertladar Pro{ram by notlfykig Customer at least sf dy (80) days prfor to Ifie e lratlon of the then current lerm. 5LAs are oNy avaUeble in a Productlon EnvGommenl. Unless the CWud Services SOVY fndicates thal Ihe F'royram Is to be imp(nenlad in e Temporary Erwiivrunertt, the Propram wi ba de ned to be Implemenled M a Prnductlon Ernlrorment Autho lzed Use Cuslaner shall take all reasw able sleps to enaure lhat no unauUarized persons have acc.resa lo tlie Program, and lo ensure lhal no persans aulhGrizBd lo have stkh atxess shall take any attlon th3t would 6e fn vialatlan of tMs seclTon C.1. MAINTENANCE ACCE39 If Kroaos, Its SuppNers, or Ihe laal aooess provfder, as appllcable, lequires access to Cuatomer slles In order to malrHaln ar repalr Ihe Pmgram, Custamer shall ate Ih a dmely manner and reasonably provlda surh accass and asslslance as rieeessary. Customer represantada s and werranUes; Cuslomer obligatlans 5.1 Customer reprwenfs and wamnts fa Krunos fhat kl as fhe rlyhf to pubAsh artd dlsclase Customer's Coatentln the P opram. 5.2 Customer ypresertts and wa/ranfs b Kra os N at Custome s Contsrtt wld rrof: (aJ lnfiirqe or vtolafa aay UdRI-paity rfghR 1r,d,re a e no rar tred ro rneenech,ar xon@ in r, bx y rrp ac (b1 bs abush% p olene, or onbn ro a n saraba peraon; or (c) ba na6slur or thrwatrning. 9.3 Cuatomer wlU, et its o m cost and expense, provlde aN end user equlpme operatlrtg sysMms, and soflwers (Mcludlny a web brnwasr) rwt provWed by Kronos and needeal to acc sa arrd us fh Program Jn accardanco wJfh fha technlcal iequlrrments set forlh le the Chud Ssrvlc s SO W. CusEnmsr wIG elso provlde, af ftr own c r! and upanse, 8n n e ao s r 9m k wn rt r syseems ro dre Program, wMeh shaN Include ap ralaled cosfs assoefsted wfih Cusdxrrer sccesslnQ dre Prrp'arn, unkss such conneetlWry seivftes are ptirchased hnm KrOrwi as lndlCaled o+i ths Cloud Servfces SOW and adlr Form. 5.I Custam¢r shalf no; arrd shad not permit sny p rson ar antlty undar Cusbomar's d/rsct or !ndlrect conhvl lo: (a) rselreu/ate, republlsh, dlsdl6u s or otherwise p ovlde access do tlia Proprsm to sny thlyd PariY (bJ us the ProQram oe a servfcs bureau, Uma sbariny or any s!m!!ar basls, or (or Un bsnefft ofarty otAer person or entflyr, {c) a/fer, anhance or maka derhraNva works of the Pr»ram; rew anglneer, rwana assemble or decomp/le, ar otlwrwfse atdempt lo derlve saur+cs cod front, !he PraQram or any sortwan cortrpomnts of fhQ Piopram; (e) use, or +llow Hw usa o/, fhs Pmgram In conbavrnNart of arrr kderaf, slafe, fora4 lionlgn or ofher applkable law, or rules or repuJatlans of roQulamry or admlMsbatfw oryanlsatlons; (Q lnbndud !rtro tl e Pmpram any v/nrs or odrer cods or rve Brte latendsd lo dlsrupt or damage dn Prograrrt, after, darnsge, de/afe, retrlevs or iscord infamadon abouf fhe Program or hs users; or, (p) otharwlso actln a fraudul n; maNc/o+s or negNgenf manner whert usl tho f'rvgram. 6. IN7 RNET ACCESS 6.7 If Cuslnmer uses open Mtemet eonnec ivky or Customer-wppRed VPN fnlemet oonnecdons to access the Program. C stomer adu awledges Ihat Ihe perfortnance and throughput of the Intemel connetUon pnnol be guaranteed by Kronoe, and varlable oomecdon performance may res dl In appNcaUo reaponse varlatlmis. fi.1 Custaner he ebY adcnovNedges lhat the Intemel Is not orvned, operdled, managed by. or b'1 a way afflRaled wllh KronOS, Its SuppNers or arry of Ifs a iRales, and Ihat It is a separate nelwork of cornpulers Indepe daM of Kronos. Acr,ess fo Ihe intemel Is dependent on numera s fadors, tetfixwlo es and syslems, many of are beya d Kronos' auUwrity and co bol. Cuslomer ackrwwled9es tliat Kronos ca r at guaranlee that Ihs hlemet access servi es cfiosen by Customer wlN meet fhe level of up fkne or U e levei of responsa Ume th8t C st ner may need. Custamer egrees that Its use of the fntemel access servlces and the k t nel Is solely al ILs own tsk, except as spe cally provided In thfs SecGon C.1, end is subjact lo ell appl able local, state, nattonal and IntemaUonal laws and rrgulations. 7. Fees and payment terms 7.1 In consideratlon of Ihe delh ery o11he Program, Customer shall pay Kro os the Monthly Servlces Fee a9 defined In Ihe applicable Order Form. The A nthly Servlces Fee shaN begM 10 aCCrue on tl e Services Cammencemenl Date, and shall be Irn olced monthly In advance. In ad don, Customer shall be bllled Ihe Shdrtup Fees and any addlUonal Goud Hostlng sbrt fees set fwth in the appUqt e Order Faim. Cuslomer admowledpes thal Ihe bl ng commencement date does not cdncfde wllh Implementatlon complellon, firrel configuradon, or go-Yve. 7.2 All fees payable hareundcr shaN be pald In United 5tates Odlars and sent W the attenUon of Kronos as spedfled on the Invoke. Payment tertns shatl be ne130 days fa Owing recelpt of Irnolce. All overdue paymenb sheH bear IMerest al the lesser of one and on half pet eM (1.5%) par manth or Ihe ma denum rale a owed undar appllcable law. Custemer is responsi e for aM (ederal. stale ar lacal laxes, dutles and custams fees relathg to the Program, exduding laxes based on Krorros' Income or husiness pMvllega 7.3 5LA Credts. if arry, whlth are due and owing to a Custom unQer an SLA for a paRlcular month of U e Pro am shall be Induded In Ihe Monlhly Servloe Fee Irndce issued by Kronos far lhe month following the month in which fhe 5LA Credlls were eamed. 8. SERVICE LEVEL AGR FJ ENT CUSTOMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSlVE REAl PY fN THE EI/FM OP ANY SERVICE OUTA(3 lNTERRf1PlTON OR DERC/ENCY OF SERI ICE(S) OR FAIRURE 8Y KRONOS TO MEEf TNE TERMS OF AN APPI.ICABL.B SLA, SH.4LL 6E TME REMEWES PROVIbED IN THE SL4; PROVlDED TFlA T ANV REMEDIES OR GREDITS C NTAINED !!Y THE SLA ARP NOT AVAlLABLE FOR OUTAGES, IMERRUPTlONS OR DEFlCIENCIES OCCURRlNC D[lRINO ANY PERIOD 1N WFUCIf CUS70MER /S !N BREACN OF THlS SECTION C.f OR S CT70N B, KROA OS DISCLAfMS ANYAND ALL 07HER LlABlLfT7ES OR REM DIES FOR SUCH OC/TAGES, INTERRlJP7iON3 OR OEFlClENClES OF SERVECES. 9. Ilmltadon of IIa611ky IN ADOITION TQ THE UMITATIONS SET FORTW IN THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, FJ(CEPT W17H RESPECT TO LW91LI7Y ARISINO FROM KRONOS' C3ROS5 NEGLIGENCE UR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT, KRONOS ISGAIMS ANY AND ALL l.fA81Ll'IY AND SERVICE CREOITS, INCLUDING SUCH LIABILI'fY RELATED TQ A 9REACH QF SECURITY OR DISCLOSURE, RESULTING FROM ANY FaCTERNALLY INTRODUCED HARMFUL PRbGRAM (INCLUDINO VIRUSES, TROJAN HORSES, AND WORMS), CUSTOMER'S CONTENT OR 15 APPUCATIONS, THIRD PARTY UNAUTHORfZED ACCESS OF EQUIPMENT OR 50F7WARE OR SYSTEMS, OR MACHINE ERROR. 10. DATASECURI7Y 10.1 i 9 paR of It e Pingram, Kronos shaA piovide ttwse Krono9 sec xlly-related Services described fn Ihe qaud Sarvdces 50W, C s6omar adcnowledpes Ihat h u tl c t%9 sr r i IIPl ate seaxity i cidenfs, but such Incidents may not be mitlgeted entlrely w rpndered hartnless. Cus6om r ;A! c n d a p rH r.r -1 N servke as Just o e ol b be used as paA of an overap seuxity s6ategy and nol a guarantee of sec iry. Bo partles agree W compy HI all applicable prlvacy ar date protecdan statutes, n,es a regutatlons goveming U e respedfva adfvitle! of u e partles. 10.2 Ad Persortally Id bla Dala canFatned In arty SoRware. Eqiipm ri a syslems s plled by Kronos, tir wtt h Kronos has access to tmder th s 5actlon C.1, as balween Kronos and Cusbmer Is Cus mers Conflde al IMormatlon euxl w:t remaln Ihe property of Cust nar. Custaner hereby crosmFs b tFte uSe. Processin9 8ndlor dlsdosl e of Personatly Idmitifiable Data aNy kN the purposes dest fbtld herehl C lo tlte exlent SuCh use or pracessir g Is necessary wr wnnos lo carry an Ns du6es and responslbisaes under ars sectlon c. or as required by law. 1U.3 Prtor W knitla8on oF the Pro am and on an ongofng basts Ihareafte Gus mer agraes to provide nodce lo Kroras of anY Y P Y or dala piolectbn sta tes, n lee. ar reguiallons whkh are a beoome apppcable In C tomer and wh(ch oa d be Imposad on Kraios as a result ot proWsbn af ihe Program. C.usBOmer wIN ereure thaL• (a) the 7ar fer and storage of arry PersonaNy Identlfiable De1s bo Kronos and menaged by Krono w S Iei's data center Is le timate under appar,able dala P ec on lavvs and regukati s; ar,d b c,smmer ww obm oonser nom IndhdduaRg tor wch transkx and siaage tu Ihe extent required wider applk fe laws and gufatlons. 10.4 Al no oosl to Cusbmer. Kiwios shali upon (il requesl by Cusbmer at any dme and (A) Uie cessatlon of Ihe Program. promptly re6um to Cus omer. kn the formal and on tlie me In use as ot Iha date o! Ihe request, all Persanary Identlfiable Data. 11. term and tertninaUon 11.1 At Iha explretlon of ihe Inidal Tertn, the applkahle Programs shall aulomadcally renew for Successlve one year periods urNess elU er party pmvfdes notice oF Its Intent not to enew at leaat sfxty (80) days prior lo the explraGon nf lhe Ihan-airrent lerm. Kronas may suspend or tartnlnale Ihe Program upon notice In the eveM of any breadi by Cusrom o( thls Ser ion C.1. No Program Inlertuptlan shell be deemed to have occurted during, and no Program credlts shall be awed lor, a y aulha lzad suspensbn of Ihe Program. 12.2 Customer may lerminate Ihe Pmgram by written noHCe at any Ume dwing the lerm of thls Sectlon N Kronos malerlaNy+ breaches any provisfon of this SecUon, and such defauk Is not ared withln thlrty (30) days afler receipt of wriHen rwtice from Cuslomer, In fhe ev t of sudi terminaUon by Custaner, Custamer shall pay Kronos wiUdn thfrty (3fl) days all fees then due az d owing for ll e Program pAnr to the date oF terminadan, 123 Cuslomer may lertn ale tf Program fa Convenlence on o less than nlnely (90) days Pr or wrlUen noBae to Kronos, 12.4 In Hre evenl of terminallon of the Program by Cusian Ior conveNence or by Kraws for cause during the Inldal Tertn, Cuslomer rtiill pay to Krorx s any out aF podcet e enses Incurted by Kronos in lertnlnadng the Program pleis an early terminaUon fee based on the folbwing calcxAadon: one (1) mon of the fhen-current NbniF y Services Fees (or every twelve (12) monUt perlod (or poAfon IhereaQ remefning In the Initfal Tertn. By way of example only, H Cuslamer lnrtninates the Proy am for oonvenienoa wilh fiNeen (15) monlhs remal ng In Iha InfUal Term, Gust ner vNll be responslble to pay Kronos lwo (2) monlhs of the rrent MontlNy Servfoes Fees. 18 i r a TO SECTION C.1 SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLAj Servfce Level Types: SLAs ere only appllcaWe lo Productlon Em lronmenls. The Program, In a Productbn Envirormenl, a5 desuibed In tl e Service Desalptbn ks provided wllh fhe followir g servka level: 99.50°h ApplfcaUon AvallablNty Setviee LaveislCre t CaleulaUon: M Oulage wW be Ceemed to canmence wt Custorner opens a case wilh Krorws Global 5uppoA, or Kronos Cbud Servkes reoelves an appllcatlon evallaWfity alert The Ou4 ge wiN be deemed to e M wh Krvnos has restored avapabUky of the Prc am. Fall e to meel the above service levels will enlltle C mer to vedits as follows. AppIICellorl Availablllty SLA56 = (IMM-TM)'100) ! (MMj Oefl itlo s Affecled SerWce' mearu the monthly fees pald for lhe hos8ng of Ihe Program. Exduded Event' means arry event thal adversely Impacb fhe Program lhet !s caused by (a) fhe aGS or omisslons of Customer, Its employees. c tomers, cantradors or agents; (b) the fal re or malhxicNon of equ(pmeM, pplkatlons or systems not owr ed or conlrolled by Kronos or Supplier; (e) Force MaJeure evanls; (d) scheduled or emert ency maintenance, alleratlon w fmplemenlsdon; (e) arry suspenslon of the Prvgram In accordance with Ihe tertns of lhis SecNon or Llcense Agreemer (f} the unavallabllfty of requlred Cuslamer personnel, Induding as a resutt of auure to provida Supplier with accurate, a rent conlact Informatlon; (g) using U e Appllratlon bt a marm lnconslstent with the producl downenladan; or (h) any other excluslonary drwmslarice speclfled in the applicable Cloud Services SOW. Monfhly Mlnutes (MM)' means total mlrxrtes In y+hldi servlce was sc.heduled to be avaflable. Outape" means the aaa mulaled tlme durlrrg which Customer Is unable ta esfab h an activa communkati connectkm, measured han begimYig to end, behvean Cuslomer and the Program for reasons other lhan (a) fallures cauaed by Oustomer Dala; or (b) any Exduded Evenfs. Scheduled Malnlenanrs (SM)" meana schedWed mafnl ance periods establlshed 6y Kronos lo provlde ample tfine lo malr tn and updale Ihe applleallons, when ne cessary. During these malnlenance periods, Ihe appllcatlons ara avallable to Wonos to p form periodk services, whlch nca,de vital softVrara updates. systems ww geneiauyr condnua o be araMan e to custaner; nowever, some d,anges wl reyure a ermed downtlme. Krvnos will prtsvide noUce for planned downlime vla an emall nadee to aur primary Custmner contacl at least one day In advanoe of surl stxrtdownheshdrt so planning can be faclllbted by Cuslaner. When applk tlan maliNenance is requlred, current 8chedufed Ma tenance pe lods tor the appNtatlons are: Nbnday Uuough Friday 4am — 6am SaWrday and Sunday 12am - 6am All llmes Nsled ate U.S. Eestertl TFme. Kronos' utillzaHon of the above maintenance windaws shall nol trigger 5LA Cxe ts lo Custamer. Tatal Npnutes Not Avallable" ('TM) meam Ihe total number of mtnutes during the calendar month that the Program Is mavaHable outslde scheduled malntenance ow9, Llmltalfwis: Kro ms wIU apply ar y aedlfs lo Uie Customer accaunt Credlts will nat be provWed if: (a) Cuslomer Is i breach w default under lhls Sectlon or Ihe Program al N e lime Ihe Outage aCairred and sudi brearh fs the catue of the Oufage; or (b) It results frwn an Exduded EvenG In no event will the aedits aarued in any calendar monlh exceed. In lhe aggregale across all servlce levels and evenls, one hund ed (100%) of the Invdce amounl for the AHedad Servlce. The Servbe Level Agreemenls In Uds E Ibi arKl the related credlts Ilsted, apply on a per Program basls. For the avaldance of doubl, Outages, delays, Fa ures. etc, In nne Pro am may nol be added lo Oulages. delays, fallures, e1a In any other Pro am for purposes of calculadng SLA rredlts. 17 SECTION D KRqN08 WORKFORCE GENTRAL - SOF7WARE AS A SERVICE (SAAS)'IERMS AND CONUfT10N3 Cus6omer and Kronos a es thal the tertns and aonddons set foAh In tlils SecHon D shall eppy b the Krwws supply of the commercially avaYahia venWn oi ths Workfor e Cnntral SaaS Applicalions and related services and malerlals (kidudf g appllcable docixne laUon) and Equipmer t (If arry) specffled on an Order Form. The AppltcaUons desalbed wt the Order Fortn shall be drJfvered by means of Cuslomers pemilqed acce9s 60 the passwo d pmlected atatamer area of a Kronas we6slle. 1. OQFINf110NS Appllcatlon(s" or "8ea3 App!{cetlan(s)" means tlwse Kinnos saflw re appNcatlon programa set farth on an Orde F m whlch are mada accessible for Cuslomer lo use under the tertns of Yhis SecUon . Cloud Sarvlcss" means H ose servioes related lo Customers hoetlng ernlrorment such as hosHng InfrasVudure, equlpmenl, ba wldth, server manitoring, backup servfces starage a ea neh wrlc (5AN) servfces. securlty services system adminlstratlon caa necdvlty services, performance luning, update Inslallatlon and malnlerence services related therelo. Urdess a herwlse set fohh In a 5talemenl of Wark, Ctoud Servlces are descrlbed as sel torth aL• httpJ/www.kronos.com/produclslsmbsolulions/workforcacenlral-saasAm amentatioraguldllne5,px Cuatome CartsnY' meam all oontenl Customer, or olhers actlng an behalf oF or Ihmugh Cusbmer, posb or otheroAse Inpuls Into Ihe Servfces. Documerttailon" means leciinlcal puWk:atlona pubUshed by Kronos ralatlrg lo Ihe use of lha Services or Appliradons. EqulpmenC' means fFre Kronas equipment sp d on an Order Fortn, Implemsntatfon Servlces" means Ihose services provided by Kror os to set up lhe hostlng ernlronment and cortfigure Ihe Servlces, Induding educalFonal servlces end Ualning. Ur ess othervufse sel forth In a 5latemerri of Wmk, l(ronos' and Cuslomer's Implem tafbn respons flltles ard described In Ihe Servlces ImplemeMatlon Guldellne set forlh aL h1lpJfvwvw.kronas.cam/producls/smlrsoluttonslworkforce-central- saaslrcnplementatlon-guidllnes.aspx Implemenlatlon Servlces may be provided as Iorlh In SecHon B Initlal Term" means the Initlai lerm of the 5ervlces as I led on Ihe prder Fortn. KnowledgoPass Conferri"I"KnowledgePass Edueatfon Subscrlpdon" have the meanlrrgs asaibed in Sectlon 7.5. Minlmum CorAract Value" means fha lofal oi all MonWy 5erviee Fees lo be Irndced during Ihe Initlal Term. Marihly Servlce Fee s)" means the monlhy fees descrlbed In an Order Fam. Monlhly 5ervlce Fees tctude lees for usage of Applkatlons arW u,e serv:es, cta,d ser es as a we, ar,a e,iPm,c rer r, if arry. ellling of the Mo tlhly Servlca Fee(s) canmences on the 5tart Date. Order Form" means an order form mutualty ag ed upan by Kronos and Cuslaner setthig (ath the Items ordered by Custom and ta be provided by Kronos, G duding wlthoul Ilmllatbn the Appllcatfons and Ihre Prices and fees to be pald by Cuslaner. Pereonally IdanqflabN Oafs" meane iniormatlon cancerrdng dlviduaUy idenlffiable employees nf Customer that Is prolecled agalnst dlaclosura u der epplicaWe fawor ladon. Servicaa" mea (1) accesslbf ty lo Ihe commamJally avallable varslon of Ihe AppllraUorzs by means of access lo Uie password proleded customer area of a Kronos webalte, (II) Ure Equipm t purchased or rented hereu der, (UI) the Implem taUon Services arxf Cbud Servfoes, and Ivj such olher servlcds, Ilems and ofleringa sel farth on an Order Form. Start Date" means the date bllling commences for lhe Services (exduding the IrnplemenlaUo Servlces) as Indicaled on the appNcable Order Fonn. Fa arn 5enrites ordered by Custwner BHer the dale of tF s Sectlon D whlch ara Irxx nenhal lo C taner's Iherra dstlng Servlces, e Sbri Oate shaA be the date the applfcable Order Fam is exacuted by Krorws and Cuslaner. Statement of Wwk", "SOW", "5arvkes scope 5tatement" and "SSS" aro hfterchangeable tertns rafertlnp te a wrinen desaiplion of the ImplementaHon Services artd Cbud Servfces as mulually agreed u n by Kranoe and CusDomer. An SOW supersedes a y Implemenfa n guidellr es or descrfpflons on a web page referenced in Ihis SecHai . Suppller" means arry cantradar, subcanfrador or qcensar oF Kronas provitling so(tMrare, eql pmenl and/or services to Kronos which are incnrporaled Into or otherwlse related to thg Program. T rtn" means Ihe Inilial Term and any rnonthly renevrals thereafter, as tu tf sa! forth In Secti on 2.1. 7rafning Points" has the meaning asaibed to Il in SecUon 7.6 below. 2. 1'ERM 21 The Servk:es shall oanmerx e on Ihe StaK ale, and shap oonUnue for Ihe Ir tlaJ Term or tll ferminafetf In aaordance v ith Ihe provlsia s hereof. At Ihe explraHon ot lhe InlUal 'ferm, fhe Term shall autanadcally renew on a month-lo-monlh basls unlG termlreted In eccondanca with the provislons hereof. Custame[ adcrrowledges Ihat execullon of SBparale th7rd party agreernenls may be req In order Ia Customer to use certaln add on features or funcUonaflty, fnduding wilhout IFmllatlan laz g servlces. Z2 At arry Ume afler the Ir Ual Term: (i) Cusbmer may te minate the Servlces far conver ier ce upon thlAy (30) days prfor written notloe, and pl) Kronos may terminate tt Servltas for convenlerwe upo ninety (BO) days p ior wrilten notice. 23 E1Ther parfy may suspend or terminate Uro Servites upon a malerial breach of this Secti on D by Uie olher party If such each Is not cired wlthin fifleen (15) days aker recelpt of wriqen notice. NohNtl stendfng the faregoing, Kronos may suspend or lerrnlnale Ihe Servkes immedlalely upon nodca In lhe avent d any Customer breach o15ecUons 3(RfgM to Usej, 4(Acceptable Use), ar 14 (CanfldenVal Infortnatbn). 19 z.a In lha evenl at either party becames InsnWenf, makes a general asslgnmeM for U e benefil af creditore, b aa uaicefed a,p or tnsolvent, opmmenczs a caae under appllcable bankrupl y lewa, or files a petlHa seekfrtp reorganizaUon, lhe otlier party may requesl adequate assurances of (uture performance. Failu e lo provide adeduate assurdnces, In the requesUng party's reasoreble dfsaution, within ten (10) days delh+ery of the request shall e ltle t118 re estlng party lo lerminale the 5evvlms Immedlately upon wrlflen notice to Ihe other party. 25 If Ihe Servlces aro tertnlr ated for anyl reason: a) Cuslomer shall pay Kronos wilhfn lhkty (30) days of such lertninati on, all fees acwed for the 5ervlces prfor lo lhe dale af termhtiatlon, provided Ihat If Customer tertnlnales !ar maleriel breach af Ihls Sectlon D by Kro os, Kronas sh be respanslble la refund lo Customer urwsed P`Pald Impleme tion Senrlce feea, H any: b) Cuslanefs Ight to acoess and use Ihe Service shall be revoked and be d no (twtlter toroe or effecl; c) No mwe U an fifteen (15) days after lennlrtatlon or upon Custome s wrilten request at any Ume d xiny Ihe ierm, Kra os wdl provlde Cusbmer. a! no d arge lo Cus6omer, the Cusbmer CaMenL After such tlme perlod. Kroras shall f ve ro fixtt er obNgatlon to store or make avaN le Ihe Cuslaner ConleM and may delete any or all Customer CanterN wslhout RabilNy. d) Customer agreas to tbndy relum all Kronos-provlQed materlals relaled to fhe Servfxs to Kronos at Customers expense or, altematively, deslrny such malerlals and provide Kronos Nlth an oNicer's certiflcatfon nf the desFnxfbn thereoh, and e) all provisions In Ihis Secfion D, which by the nah e are inle ded lo wrvive Ie,minallon, shall so survive. 3. FEES AND PAYMENT 3.1 In cans(de tion of Ihe daNvery of the Servlces, Customer shaU pay Krorros fhe Manthly Servloa Fees. Ihe fees for lhe ImplemanFation Services and any addltlonel one t ne a recurting fees for Equlpmenf, Tralning PolrtLs, Kna M gePass Eduratlon Subsrrfptlon and sudt otlier Kronos offerkgs, aU as set forth on the Order Fortn. If Cuslomer and Krnnos have slgned a 5falemenl of Worfc for Ihe Implemen nHon Servfces, Implemenlatlon Servioes such services will be provided and payable In atwrdance wilh Sectlo 8. All (cea payable for lhe Servioes shall be sent lo tha atlantlon of Kronos as specifled on the Inwlce. Unless oUierwise indcated nn an Order Fam, payment for all Items shall be due 30 days faUawing dale of Involce. Excepl as expressly sel Porih In thls SecUon D, all amouils paid to Kroras are non-refurtdable. Cuslomer acknowledges Ihat fees may he charged lo Custamer by thlyd partles foradd orti features or fuxdanalMy provlded by sucl Ihird pa ties. 32 If any amant aMng under this or any ofher agreement ior SeMces Is thlrty (30) ar mare deys overdue, Kmnos may, wiUwul Nmltlng ICrorros' righls or remedies, suspend Servlces unt such amants are paid In full. Kronos aAll pmvide al least sevan (7) days' prior wriften mtice thal Cuslomers acoo t Es overdua bekxe s rspending SeMces. 3.3 Deleled IMendonelly. J.4 Cuslamer agrees thal excepl If Custom lerminales for male ial breach of this Sectlon D by Krorros, N Cuslamer has not pald U e fu mum Cantract Value lo Kronos at Ihe condusion of N e Initlal Term nr Ihe earlfer lertnlnaBon of Ihe Services, wtdchever is ea, Krorros shall bYl, and Custaner shall pay withln lhlrty (30) days of fhe dala of such &volce, Ihe dlNerenCe beh vesan Ihe lofal Monlhly Servlce Fees fhen Pald bY Customer and the NNnimum Condad Value, less SLA Cr edlls any, Ihal have been earned Prevlausly bY Cuslaner bul rtot yet credNed. 4. R1GN7'S TO USE 4.1 Subfect to Ihe tertn and co dttlor o( the Agreemenl, Kronos hereby grer is Cuslomet m Ilmlted, revocable, non-exclusfve, noMransferable, non-asslgnable right la usa during the Tertn and far Inlernal buslnesa purpases ordy: a) Ihe AppdaUon(s) and related servires, indudino we Dnaimentatlon; b) tralnb g mata is and Wiov+AedgeFass Contenk and, c) any nbedded thlyd party saflvrare, Ubrauies, ar otl er oomponents, whldi are Induded k lhe Servtoas. exduding such Third Party software. Ubrartes or other cvmponenis are Hcer sed direcdy h om such T d Parlles. The Services onlain proprletary bade secrel lerJxwlogy of Krotws and tts Suppllers. Unaufhaized use and/or copying of such tedinobgy are prohibited by law, Indudir UnNed States and farei copyrlght law. Custamer shall nol reverse compNe, dlsassemble or o erw(se conv t the appllcaticns Into compfled ar unasaembl code. Cuslomer shall nM use any o( lhe Wlyd parly wttvrare programs (ar the data models thereln) (ndudad In the Services except sole r as part of and In connectlon with the Servloes. A.2 Cuslomer adcnowledqes end agrees thal the r1 f to use the Applicatlons Is Ilmited based upai the amounl of the Montf ly Serv e Fee pald by Cuslomer. Custom aprees lo use otNy Ihe modules and/or feahxes lor the number of artployees and ueers as desuibed on G e Order Fortn. Customer agrees not lo use any othar modules ar features nor Incxease ihe number of employees and users unless C tamer Aays for such ad lfonal modules, features, employees or users, as fhe case may be. Customer may mt Ilcanse, rellcense or subllcense the SeMces, or othenMse parmn use or the serv ces pndudN,y nmesnaring or neM arlc ng use) bv anv thbd aa tv. customer mey not provrae servFr etreau or olher daha processing servlces fhal maka use of the 5ervlces wilFwut Ihe exprees prlar writl wnsent oF Krorws. No ncense, right, or Inlerest in arry Kro os IrademaAc, trade nxne, or servloe mark, or It oswse of Krorws' Ilcensars or SuppNers, Is graMed hereunder. 4.3 Custamer may authorize Ifs Ihlyd parly oontractors and consulhants lo access Mia Servk:es on an es needed basls, provlded Customer. a) abldes by Ns abllgstlons to pmlecl Confidentlel Infortnatlot as sel forth In tlUs Agreernen b) remalns slble for aN such U rd party usage and compifance with tlie AgreemeM; and c) does not pmvlde such accass to a com peptQr of Kronos wta provides wixklo ce management servloes. 4.4 Cuslaner ada owiedges and agrees thal, as beMreen Custaner and IGnnos, Krnnos relains ownership of all rtght, dtle and Interest lo Ihe Servl s, alt of wt Fch are proteGed by aopyright and other fnleNechml properiy rights, and Umt, Wher Ihan Ihe express riQhls anled hereM and d any otl er agreeme A In writlng wl Cuslome. Customor stiall nol obtafn or dalm any rlghts In or ownership Inlerest b lhe 5ervices or Appkcatlons or erty assoclalad Intellectual property righls In any M Ihe foregaing, Cuslnmer agrees lo comply wilh all copyright and other Inlelledual prope ty ts notices contalned on or In any Informallon oblalned or aaessed by CusOaner throuyh the Servbes. a.s When using and applymy Ihe Inlamatlo generated by Ihe 5ervlces, Cuslomer b respans le for ensu ing that Cusbmer canplles wHh the appllcable requlre nenls of federal and stale law. Ir Ihe ServMss Indude Ihe Workforce Payroll Appticatlais or Wakforce A6sence Managemenl AppHcatbns: (I) Custaner le solely respanslble for fhe content and axurary vf all report s and dowments prepared In whole w In part by using tr ese Appllcatlons, (I1) using ihese Appllratlons does r t releese Customer ol arry professbna0 obllgadon wnceming fhe preparatlon and review of arry repaAs a d documenls, (lii) CusWmer does nol rely upon Kronos. Besl SofM2re, Inc, or these AppNcallons for any advke or gufdance regarding oompHance wllh federal and state laws or Ihe app opriale hdx treahnerit of Hems re8ected on sud reports ar dacumems and (N) Customer will revfew any la atlons made hy using Ihase Applicatbns and satissfy Itself that dwsa cakulaUans are correcL 5. ACCEPTABLE USE s.1 Customer shall tak9 all reasonaWe afe to ensure thal no unautliaized persons have access to the Servlces, and to ensure tl al no persons authalzed M have s h access sh$N take any actian lhaf would be In vlolatlon a( tFda Sectlo D. 18 5.2 Customer rasenfs and warrants lo Kronos fhat Customer has the right lo publfsh and isclose the Customer Cortlenl in Iha Services. Cuslomer reprosenfs and warran4s ta Kmnas Ihal Uie Cuslomer Conlent does not: (a) Inhirge or vfolele any IhIM-parly right, indudkig but not I(mlted lo MleNectual properry, privacy, or publidly righl, (b) be abuslve, profane, ar offe tsfve to a reasonahla person, or, (c) be hatefi a Ihreaiening. 5.3 Customer wNl not (a) use, or albw Ihe use a!, Ihe Serv es In cantraventlon of any lederal, sFate, Wcal, forelgn or olher appNcable law, or n es or tegulatlons oF regidatory a adminfstraUve organlzaUons; (b) kiUvdtxa Inlo the 5ervlces any virus or other code or routine Inlended io dlsnipt or damage tha Setvlces, or alter, damege, delele, reUinve or record Infortnatbn about Ihe Setvlces ot its users; (e) excessively overtoad Ihe Kronos sysiems ,sed o ae u,e serv ces; (d) perlomt arry seeurlty Integrity re+eW, penetraUon lesi, load test, denlal of servlce slmulaUon or vuk ereMlity scar (e) usa any tool designed W automatkaly em lale the aclio u of a human user (e.g., mbob); or, (d) otherwise act In a haudulent, maAdous or negllgenl manner vMen using the Servlces. 6. C NNEG'fiViTY AND ACCESS Customer adu o Nedges that Cusbmer shall (a) be respons(ble (ar securing, payfng for, and malMalr ng oonnectivity to Ihe Servkes (lnduding a ry and aN relaled hardware, soRwara, ihlyd party servlc8s and related equlpment and canponents); and (b) pmvide Kronos a Kronos' represe tadves vwth such physkxl or remote access to C tomers oomputer ar d netvwrk envimnment as Kronos deems reasonabry necessary In ader for Kroras to perfortn Its obllgadons undar INs SeWon p. Customer will make aq necesrary amangements as may he requlred to provide aetess W Cuslomers compuler and network environment If necessary for Waios to periortn its o fgatfons under Ihls Secllon D. Customer agrees Ihal Kronos may audit Customers use o( Ihe Services. 7. IAAPLEMENTATION AND SUPPORT 7.i Imp3emeMatlon Servlces. Kronos nrlf provltle 1he Impl nentatlon Services to Customer. Implemenfatlon Servlces descrlbed In an SSS are provided on a dme and mataials basls, blped monWy as delfvered. ImplementaUon Servlces descxlbed In Ihe Services Impiemenlatlon Guldepne ere provkled on e fixed tee ba s. If Customer r uests addtlonal Implemantatlon Services beyord those desa ed I ttte 5SS, IGOnos will aeale a change wder for Customers revfew and approval and any eddidanal Implementadon Servtces to be provided by Kronos In aaadance with SecBon B. Krono5' oonfiguratlon of Ihe AppllqUons will be based on Inlormatlon and uwtk Oows that Kronoa obfalns hm Cuslomer during the dlscovery porlJon of fhe knplementatlon. Customer shal proWde Kronos with necessary co flguraHon-relaled InfamaUon In a tirnely mamer to ensure fhat muhmlly agreed ImplementaBon sdtedules are met 7.2 Addidonal Services. Custorner may engage Krorros lo provide olher s vlces wMch rnay be fixed by activiiy or provided on a t(me and matertals bas s as ndicated on the app kable order Form. 7.3 Support, Kronom wlll provlde 24x7 support iw the hostlng in(rasfructure, the avallabiWty lo the hosdng envlronment, and tele ho e support for the loggkg of ha Wonal problems and user prob(ns. Customer may log questlons onllne via the Krorws Custamer Portal. As part oi suc i support, Kronos will make updates to the Servlces avallable to Customar at no charge as such updales are released ganerally lo I(roras' wslomefs. Custaner agraes that Krorws may InstaU st ch updales aulornaUc y as part of the Servlces. 7.A 5t port Servlces fw Equ ment. Provided Customer has purchased support seMces for lhe Equipment, lhe fdlawing tertns shall apply support services For rented Equ merit are Included In the renlal fees lor such Equlpment}: aj Upon Ihe tallue oi Installed Equlpment, Cuslomer shall notlfy Kronas of such faNure a Kronos wlll provide remole fa l Isoladon at lhe FRU Fleld R tacgnent Unit) or subasaemby level ar attempl lo resalve the xn6lem. 7Fwse fadurea detertnined by Kror os lo be Equlpment related shaN be dispatched lo a Kronos Depot Repalr Center, and Cuslomer will 6e providad with a Relum Material Authorizatlon Nunber (RMA) far the lalled Equfpmenl If Customer is to retum the tafled Equlpmenl to Kronos, as reasonably detemilned by Krnnos. Cuslamer must retum fhe faNed Equlpmerri w1 the supplled FWW number. b} Krorros wiN prvvide a replaceme t for the falled Equlpment al U e FRU or subass¢mWy level an an "advanced exc.ge' basls, uWlzing a carrler o! Kronos' cholca. Replacemenl Equlpmenl witl 6e shlpped the same day, for delNery to Cuslomers bcatlon as further desalbed In the Suppo t Pdides. REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT MAY 6E I W OR RECONDITIoNED. Cuslomer shaq spacify Ihe address lo wlildt lhe Equ pment Is lo be sFdpped. All shlpmerns w Indude the Kronos provlded RMA designaUny the appllcab{e Kroras Depol Repafr Cenler, as lhe redplent Custaner, upon recelpl of lhe replacemeM Equlpmenl frvm Kronos, sha package Ihe d feclfve Equlpmenl fn Ihe malerials provided by Krorws, with the RMA suppliied ar d promptly retwn falled Equlprnent dlrectly to Kronos. c) Custamer shall he enlitled lo receive sdrvlce padcs fw Ihe Equlpmenl (wt fch may conlaln system sottwaze updates, thmware updates, security updates, and feature enhancements) avalla6le for dowNoad at Kronos' aislomer portal. Service packs far Ihe EqulpmeM are not IrtshaNed by Ktanos. d) Kronos wanant that all service packs and ftrtn are updales pmvided under this Secllon D shaM mate lally perfortn in acwrdance wilh tha Kronos publlshed spedfications fur a p fod of rdnety (90) days afler domdoad by Cuslomer. In the event of a hreach o( U FS wartanty. Gistamers excluslve remedy shall be Kronas' repalr or replacement of fhe deftclent servke padc(s) ar fi mware updale(s}. e} Cuslamer agrees that It shatl relum falled Equipmenl prompUy as the fa ures ocax and fhal N shall not hold Falled Equ ment and send faHed Equlpment to Kronos In 'balches" shaN rewri In a longer lunaround Ilme lo Custorn. In ad llun, In aU drewnslances, Cuslomer agrees ro: I) Malnha t fhe EqulpmeM tn an errviranment conformfng to Hie Docwm tatbn for such fqulpmeM; Not perfartn seH{epalrs on the Equlpmenl p.e., repladng canpor ris) wiUwut pdar mitten authorizadon from Kronos; li) Oe-InstaN ap falled Equipmenl a d Msfall aM repfacemenl q pmenl In accadance wiU Kro ws' writlen Irubllatlon guidednes; iv) Er sure Ihat the Equlpment Is reiumed to Kronos properly packaged; and v) Obhaln an RMA before reluming any Equlpment lo Kronos and place the RMA dearly and consplaously on Ihe outslde of the Shlpping pacJcage. Customer may only relum U e speciflc Equipment authartzed by Kronos vtihen iseuing Ihe RMA. T.5 WwwledgePess Edupdon Subsrrlptbn. When KnowiedgePess Educati on 5ubscifptlon is Ilsted an an Order Form, Kroras v lll provlde Customer with the Knovrle ePa6s Educatlon Subacriptlan. The KnouuledgePasa Educatlon Subsaiptlon prm ides accass to cerlatn educaUonal oHerl s provided by Krtxws (the 'KnowledgePass CantenP). C sbmer er.ognlzes and agrees thal the KnowledgePass Conte l Is copy ighled by Kronoe. CusEomer ta permifled to make coples af the KnawJedgePass Canlent provided In 'pd1 fam soley for Custnmefs Intemal use. Cusl ner may not dlsdose such KnowledgeFase Conlent lo any tlilyd parry olhef Ihan Customers empbyees. Customer may rat edll, modity, revise, amend, cfiange, alter, wstomlze or vary tlie KnowladgePass Content without Mie wririen consent of Kronos, provlded fhal Cuslomer may dawnload and modify+contents of tralnfng klls solsly for Cu.stomer's Inlemal use. T.6 Trelning Palyds. 'frak rg Polnb" wfildi are pixshased by Cusbmer may be redeemed for an equfvafenl value o( U struchor ed 7alning sess ons 20 o(fered hy Kronoe. Trahkrg Po s may be redeemed o y during Ihe Temt al eny dme no more than hvelve (12) mon s afler the dale oi lhe applkable Order Fortn, ailer whldi tane guch TralMng F'aints shall expire and be of no vaN e. Trelnfrg Points may not be exchanged far olhar Kronos produc w servlc s. 7.7 Tralydng Coursee. When !mplemenFatlon 5ervices are descxil ed In the Services Implemenlation f3uid(ne raUier than an SSS, aa part of Ihe 5ervloes, tor each SaaS appllpUnn mbdule Induded in te Services purd ased by Cuslomer, Customers employees aFrall be enUUed m alland, in the quantlty Indkated, Iha oon espanding Iralning courses sat forlh al• hltpJlwww.kronos.com/products/smtrsolulfans/uw lclorce-central• saas/lralning-guldllnes, aspx PartkJpatlan in such tralnhg oourses Is tlmNed Eo Ihe rwmher of seats I ted ior the oourses corresponding lo fhe modules (aming a paR of the SerWces purdiased by Cuslomer. B. CUSTQMER CONTENT Cuslomer shaq wn aA Cuslomer Content and posts ar ather inpuls fnlo the Servlces by Cuslomer ar olhers actlng on behaN o( or Ihra gh Customer. Kronpa acknawleclyes tl al all of ihe Customer Conient Is deemed to be the Confidential I ormaUon of Cuslamer. Nolwithst ding Ihe foregoing, Cuslomer grants Kronos permissian lo combine Cuslomers busirress dela v i fhat of oiher aistome+s in a manner fhat does nol d lHy the Customer or any hdividual In arder to evaluate and fmprnve Ihe servlces Kr os offers to astamers and to dksdose such aggregated infametlon far Its custamers generally. In addttlan, Kro os may, but shell have no obHgatlon to, monita Custamex Canlent fram tlme lo tims to ensure oomplfance with Ihls Sectlon D and applka e law. 9. EQUIPIAENT If Customer p xGhases or renls Equlpment hom Kroras, a desc71p0on of such Eq ment (model and quan ty), Ihe appllcable pridng, and delivery terms shall be sted on Ihe Qrder Fortn. 9.1 The faMowing terms apply anly lo Equlpment Custamer renb fiwn Kronos: a) Rental Term and Warranry Perlod. '1'he lertn of tlTe Equipment re fal and the 'YVarranty Periad" for sudi Equipment sha run caterminously with the T m of Ihe other Services provided under U fs Sectton D. n ir,sura, Customer ahall I ure 7re Equipment tor an amouM equal to Ihe replacernenl value of Ihe Equlpment for los6 or damage by fire, U eN, and all nortnal extended arverage al all t&nas. No bss, thefl or damage after shipmenl o( the Equlpment to Custnmer shaB relleve Customer from Custom s obllgaUons und thfs Sectlon D. c) LocafioNReplacemenL Customer shall not make a ry alleradons or remove Ute EqulpmeM fran 1he place of origMi61 [nslallatlon without 1(ronos' prior written cauenL Kmnos shap have the rfght to enler Cuslome s premises lo Inspecl lhe Equlpment Guring namal buslr ess hours. Kronos reservea tl e rfght, al Its sole dfscreUon and at no addltlonal arlt bo Custome, In replaca any Eqvlpment wlth newer or allemative t r.hndogy Equlpment as rxj as the replacern l Equlpme t at least provides the same level of funcllonality as ihat being replaced. d) Ownershlp. All Equipmenl sheU remaln the properly of Kronos. Ap Equlpment le, end at all t6mes shall remaln, separale Hems of personal pmpeAy, natwlthstanding Bu EqW{xne Ps altachment lo oth equlpmeM or real prupertyr. Cuslomer shall rml aep or olhervNse enarnber the Equlpment. Custom+er shall fumish erry assurances artitten w o1Fx rwlse, reasonably requesled by Kro oa to ve ull eFfect lo the Inle nt of tertns of U a paragraph (d). e) Equl nent Support. Kronas shall provide to Custaner tlie Eq pmenl support servbes desa ibed In Secllon 7. Retum oi EqulpmeM. U n lertnYnaVan a! Ihe ServlCes, Ct tomer agrees that Cushxner shall retwn the Eqtapment W Kronos wilhln lhkty (30) days et Cuslomers e ense. Equlpment wIM be retumed lo Kra os In the same condltlon as and wtien received, reasonable wear and lear excepled. If Cuslomer falls lo retum Eq nent within tlifs Ume period, upan recefving an Involce fran Kronos, Customer shall pay Kronos the Ihen Nst p lce oF tl e urretumed EqulpmenL 9.2 The following lertns apply only lo Equlpment Customer purchases frt m Kronos: a) Uwnership and Warranty Period, TiUe lo the Equlpm l shall pass lo Cuslomer upon dalivery to Uie cartier. The "YVarranty Period' for Ihe Equlpmenl shall be Cor a period o{ nlnely (90) days From such dellvery (unless otf ervvise required 6y law). b) Equl{unent SuppoA. Kronos shag provide to Cuslomer Ihe Equipmenl suppart services described hereln If purchased separatelyr by Cuslomer as kidkated on the applicable Order Fam. If purchased, Equlpment support servkes ahall eommente upon expiratlon of the Warrenry Period. 10. SERVICE LEVEI AGREEMENT Kronas shall pmvlde 1he servioe levels and assodated credl, wfien applicable, In eccordance wifh tha Servk.a Level Agreement attached hereto as Faddblt A and whlch is here6y Incnrptxated hereln by reference. CUSTOMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REfu DY IN 7HE EVENT OF ANY SERVICE OU7AGE or INTERRUPTION OF the SERVICES OR FAILURE BY KRONOS 70 MEET THE TERMS OF the AP?ICAHLE servfce level aoreemmd, 5W1LL SE THE REMEDIES PROVIDED IN exhlblt A. 11, LIMI7ED WARRANTY; DISClA[MERS OF WARRANTY 11,1 Kronos represents and v+rdrrdnts lo Customer that the Appllcatlons, under nonnal opereden as spedfied In the docvmenteUon and wt en used as authorfzad hereln wIN parfwm subsfanUaAy acoordance rNlh such documenhatlon durfng Ihe Ferm. 11.2 Kronos' sole ebllgatlon and Custom s sole and exGuslve remedy for any bread oi the toregoing warranry Is limlted to Kro os' reasana6le oommerdal eBorbs to corr ect lhe non-contormfng Services at na additlonel charge Io Custamer. In tha event lhai Kror os Fs unable to carect malerial deficlencJes In It e SeMces a isir g during the Wananty Perlod, afler using Kronos' canmerdally reasonable eForls Fo do so. Customer shaA be Utled lo l minale Ihe Iften remaining T m of Uie Servlces for ause In accordance wilh 5ectlan 2 ahave as Custamers sole and exGusive remedy. Kronos' obHgatlon5 hereunder far breaCh of vvartanly are caxlltfoned upon Customer nodfylnp Kronos ol the materlal breach In writing, and providing Kronos with sufiident evidence ol wch nonconfortnity to enable Kranos to reproduce or ve ify ihe same. 11.3 14oims wartants b Cus6omer that each ilem of Equlpmen! shar be free frvm de(ecls fn meleriab and vwrkmarahip dimg tlie Warranty Pe iod. n the ev t of a breach of tl ls warranty, Customers sale and exdusive remedy shatl be Kroras' repeir or replacement of the defidant Equipment, at Kronos' opUon, providad thal Cusloma's use, installa on and meinlenance Ihereoi have canlamed lo Ihe dowrne tation for such EqulpmenG Thls warranty La extended fo u rrn ar y 'N t a cxd ,ky t ny qu m ant (ca p d h rea Cp In #r r +r nf c": a) damaga dafec r a a l u n n ulda tr m nR:us a„ d re, r r 8, t r q rkat. CN udlrs °wi'thout Iknliatbn modlftcalion a replacemenl of arry Kronos t aa a n ry I r' p l al r roRh h qud rrrr a l), urw a B ,hy 9r P rr ,t Nrlcal sUess w causes other than normal and Intended use; b) lallur9 of Customer lo provide and meinlaM a s table (mslallatlon ernrlro ment, as spedfied In Ihe publlshed spetificadoru for such Equlpmen or 21 c) matfunctlor s resulling from the use of badgee or suppliea not epproved by Krtxws. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED FOR IN TWIB SECTION 11, t(RONOS HEREBY DI5Cl1UMS ALL WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS, GUARANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS RELATING i0 THE SERVICES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, QRAL OR NV WFtITING, INCLUDING WITNOUT LIMITA71dN THE IMPUED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTA81LfTY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAFi PURPOSE, TITI.E AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND WH THER R NOT ARISING THROUGH A COURSE OF DFJtLING. THE SERVICES ARE NOT GUARANTEED 70 BE ERROR-FREE OR UNINTERRUP7ED. EXCBPT AS SPECIFICALLY PRQVIDED IN THIS SECTION D OF THIS AC3REEMEM', KRDNOS MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRE3ENTATION5 CONCEIiNING THE COMPATIBIUTY OF THE SERVICES, TFlE SAAS APPLICATIONS OR THE EOUIPMENT NOR ANY RESULTS TO BE ACHIEVED THEREFROM. 12.0 OA7A 9ECUR17Y 121 Ils peA of the Servfces, Kronos shall provida thosa adminishative, physkal, and ledmiral safeguartls for prolecUon of the securily, mnFidentlaity and fntegrity oi Custom dala as d lbed aL hltpJhwvw.kronos.com/produds/smb-solutkr s/worlcforce-central-saas/sec,uity. descrlptbn.espx Cuslomer acknowledges thal sudi safeguards endeavor to mlHgale se rlty InddeMs, but sucfi enls may not be mlUgated enUrely ar rendered hartniess. Cuslorner should consider any particular Krurws suppNed sewrity-retafed sateguarti as Just one taol l0 6e used as part qf Cusiomets overall seou ity shalegy and nol a guararrtae of secu ity. Bolh pardes agree to mmply with aM appllnWe priwacy or data pmlectbn SbWtes rules or regt eGons goveming Ihe respeCtive adlvitles of the paAles under U4s Sectlon D. 12.2 ,4s belween Gustamer and Kronos. ap Personapy Identifiahle Data is Cuslome s CaMiden6al I ortnation and will remain Ihe property ai Cuslomer. Cuslamer r resenls Ural lo Ute besl of Cuslomers knowledge such Personally IdenllAable Daha supplled to Krorws Is acwrate. Customer hereby conseMs 6o the usa, prooessinq or dlsdosure vf Personatly Identifisble Data by Kronos and Krorws' Suppllers wfierever bcated or ty for the puiposes desulbed hereln end onlY lo the exlenl such use w procassing Is necessary kx Kronos lo carty oW Kronos' duUes and responsib tlas w der thls Sectlon D or as requlred 6y law. 12.3 P iar to Inilfatlon of Ihe 5erv{ces and on an ongolnp basis fher ft, Cuslnmer agrees lo provlde rioHce ta ICronos of a y extraordir y prlvacy or data protectlan statutes, n les, o regulallons wtilcfi are ar became applirable to Customer's Industry and wfikh could be imposed on Kronos as a resuk of provisim of Ihe Services. Customer wiU ens ue tha (a) the transier ta Krorios and sta age of any Persaialty IdentlRa6le Data by Krunos or Kronos' SuppYers data cenler fs permltled under appNcaWe dafa prolecUon laws and reyulatlons; and, (b) Cuslomer wlll oblain consenls from Indlviduals far such transfer and staage to fhe exlerrt req dred und appNcable laws and reg iatfons, 13. INOEMNIFICATION 13.7 Kranos shaU detend Cu9tomer and Its respetUve direclws, offic s. and employees (coMectively lhe "Customer Indemr fled Partles") Bom and agalnsl a y and all noHoes, dx ges, d ms, proceedings. actlons. quses of action and suits, hmught 6y a IF d party (eacfi a'Clalm' alleg g that the pertnkt uses of the Servicas Inhinge or misapproprlate any United States or Canadian eopyright or patenl and rvfll Indemnlfy and hold harrnless the C lomer Indemn18ed Pariles agalnst any ablUqes. abllgatlons, cosls or e enses (Including wllhout 1&nitaUon reasanable adomeys' fees) actuaqy avrarded W a tMrd party as a restdi of such Claim by a court of appllcable Ju ctlan or as a result of ICronos' settlement of sudi a Clalm. In Ihe event lhal a flnal inJundion fs obhatned agalnst Custam s use of the Servioo by reason of Infrlr gemeM or misappiopriadan oi such wpyrlght or palenl, or If In Kronos' opinlon, the Servlr,es are Ilkely lo beoome the suhfe of a suc saful dalm o! su In(ring merrt or misappraprlatlon, I(ronos, at Kronos' optlon and e q ense, will use commerdally reasonable eMais ln (a) proc ne far Customer tl e rfghl to corninue usfng the Servk es as provlded In thls Section 0. (b) raplace or modNy the 3ervlces so that the Services become non-in(ringing but remaln subslaMively simllar lo the afFected 5 vicec, and if nelther (a) or (b) I commerdapy feaslWe, to (a) lerrnlnete the Servlces end the iights granted hereur after provlsbn ol a refund ta Customer ol the iulontMy Sarvtce Fees pald by Customer for the In6frgi el nents of the Servlces ooverir the pe iad of thelr unavallablllry. 13.Z Krorws shall have no Ifablllty to Indemnify or defend Cuslomer lo lhe exlent the aileged Infringemenl fs based on: (a) a modificatlon of lhe 5ervlces by anyone other Ihan Krortos; (b) use af tha Servfces other than in acoordance wilh Wonos' doa menlatlon ( such Senrice or as authorized by Ihis Seclbn D; (c) use ot e Servlcas In conJunctlon wlth any data, equlpment, service ar soMware not provfded by Kronos, where Ihe Services wotAd not otherwlse Ilself be Irtlrtnging or the subJecl of the daim; or (d) use of Ihe Servioes by Cusbomer tNhe than in accadanoe with the term5 of th(s Sectl on D. NotwfThstanding Ihe foregoing. wlih reyard b Inftingement claNns trased sofiware created or provided by a Ifcensor to Kronos ar S plleis, Kronos' rnaxlm an Oablllty will be lo assfgn to Custamer Kronos' or S pller's recovery iqhts wi respeu t tn s h fringement dalms, provided Ihat Krw os or Kronos' SuppNer shaM use oommerdally reasorehle eRwts at Custom s cost to esslst Customer In seaking such recovery tram s h Ikansor. 13.3 Ceislomer shall be respa ulble and Ihable for all dama s and cost of Kronos, fls suppMers and iheir oflfGere, dl eclors and emplayees for aN Clalms resultlng fram :(a) employment elated dalms arising out of Cuslamers canffguraUon af Ihe Servlces; (b) Customefe modlflcatlon or comb atian nf the 5ervices wilh other smvices, software a eq tlpmeM nof Axr lshed by Kronos Provided that sudt Gistomer modificatlon or cambination Is Ihe rause ol such M ner! and wa5 not aufhoAxed by IUvnos; ar, (c) a dakn that fhe Cuslaner Content Infringea In arry manr ar any Inlellecfual property rlght of any ihl d party, ar any of the Custamer Content contalns any materi a iniortnalion thal Is obscene, deFamalary, Ilbelous, or slanderous vblates any persan's iighl M pubAcily, privaey or personality, ar has otherv{se caused or resulted In arry lort, rJury, damage ar harm tn arry other person. 13.4 The Indemnified Party(les) shaq provide written notica lo tl e Indemnifying party prarnpUy aller recelving rmdce of such Clalm. If the defense of such Clalm Is materially preJudlced 6y a delay In provfding auch noUce, the purported fndemnl(yfng party shail be relleved from providfng such demrMly to Ihe ezleM of Ihe delay's Impacl on the defense. 'I'he Ir nr fying party shaN have sde cenUol of the defen.se of any Indemnlfied Clalm and all nepotlaUons for Its settlement or compromise, provided that such fndemnifying party shall not enter In10 any 5etdemerrt whkh fmposes any obllgadons or restrictlons an the applicable Ir ernnifled Partles wffhoul the p lar writlen cans t of Ihe oUwr pa ty. The Indemnified Parties shaR wop ale fi y, at tlte Indemnifying pattyrs request and expense, wifh the I emni(ying party !n U e defenoe, settlameM or comp omise of arry such actlan. The IrxlemnlAed party may retaln Ils own cansel at Its own expense, subJect ta Ihe Indemnifying party's rtghls above. 14. LIMITATION OF LIABILffY 14.1 Except as specfflcally provlded In thls Sectton D, Kmrtos and ils suppllers w no! be Ilable for a y damages or In uries caused 6y the use of U e Services ar by arry errors, delays, IMertuptlons In transmissfon, or fallures of fhe services. 14.2 Excepl (or Kronos' Indemnlficatlan oWigatioiu sel fa th In section 13 above, tha lotal aggregale IIabIRry of Kronos or Kronos' auppNers to a stamer andfor any Milnd party fn c nectlan wllh thls Sectlon D shall be Ilmited lo dlred damages proven by c slomer, such di eci damagea rwt to exc.eed an amaunt equ ro n,e latal ac payments racelved by Kra,as ror tne servfces n Irie lwelvB (1z) month p iaa knmadlacey precedlrw the date In whlrh such dakn arise9. 14.3 Except fa Kronos' (ndemNflcadan obllgatbns sel forth In eection 13 sbave, In no eveM shaN Kronos or Kronos' suppNers, lhelr reapective aHiliales, servlce providers, a agenFs be Ilable lo wslamer or airy lNM party for any fnddenlal. spedal. Punitivve. consequenllal or other Indlred d nages or (ar arry lost w imputed pro6ta or revenues, losl dela ar asl of p oc+rement ai substllule servltes res tlng hmn detays, non iellva es, misdeliveries ar servlr s Inlertupdan, however caused, arrsinp hom or relaled to tlie Services, regarc ess of Ihe legal U eory under aAildi such IiaWliry Is asserted, whether breach of waRanty rr Y ncrnnlfl kinn, i rr, s°l C b aty am' a G d. ard wt elher Nab ry Is aaserled In conlracl, lort w otherwlse ar regardless of wheth r 'kw ar+a c¢ up sl#r h a arrp dI G N V' ih oas,I PVPC c f any such IlabYlly loss or damage. i4.4 xcept with respecl lo IlaNlityr artsing trom Kronas' gross negflgence or +Mllful mFSmnduct, Kranos d SdaMS arry and all Ilablllty dudirg uithout Iimltatlon UabbHy related to a breach of data seturity and oonfidentlallty obflgdtlw s, resuNing korn any extemally Inlroducecl Fwtmful pragram (induding withoul IknNalf on viruse9, IroJan horse9, and vwrms), Cuslamars eonlent or applicatlons. Ihird pa ty unaufhorlxed acCess of equlpme 4 SAE S appicallons or systems, or macNne ertw. 23 EXHIBIT A SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT(SLAj Servlce Lsval Agroem nt: The Servlcea, k a productlon envknnmenl ar d ea described In Ihe Stalemenl of Work (aka 5ervices Scope Statement), ara provfded with the serv(ce levels destxlbed In Ihls Exhibtl A. SLAs are only applicable to productbn erniromner s. SLAs will be avallable upon Cuslomer's sigrreUre of Krorios' Go llvs Accepbnce Fortn for Cuslomer's 'oductlon environm L 99.75Y. Appllcatton Avallablllty Actual Applkatbn Ava{IablUty %_(Monthly Minutes (MM) mlrx Total M1M1inules Nol AvaHable (TM)) mu lplled by 100) and dfvided hy Montl ly NNrwtes (MM), bul nol Induding Exdud Evenls Servloe Credit CatculaUon: M Outage xAil be deemed to commence when the Appllrador s are u ravaileble to Cuslame tn Custamers producBon erwirormerrt hosled by Kronos and end wl Kronos has r fnred awaHa611Hy ol lhe Servlees Fallue o meet Ihe 99.75°k Applicatbn AvaNaNlity SLA, other than for reasons due to an Exduded Event, wIH entHle Ce tomer W a cedit as (oMows: Qutaga' means the acwm ated tlme, meawred In minutes, du ing whlch (stomer le unable lo acoess tha AppGcatlons for reaso s olher than an Ex luded Evenl F cclud d EvaM" means arry event that res In an Autage and Is wused 6y (a) Ihe ads or amisslwn of C tomer, Its empbyees, aistnmers, conlractors or agents; (b) the haNure or malfur lfon oi equlpment appl atlons a syslems r ot ownad ar controlled hy Kronos, Indu ng wllt ut limitatlon Cuslomer Conlent, fallures or malfunc0ons resufdnq from dra b provlded by Custem, arry Inconsistendes ar changes in Cu.stom s sourr.e envlronment, indudfng ther InlenGonal or aCddented wrnectiona or ectlor to M e emlronmen (o) Forr.e MaJeute eveMs; (d) scheduled or emeryency malntenance, alterdUon or ImplemenlaUan provlded during fhe ARalntenanc Period ddined belw r, (a) any suspenslon of the S vlces In a000rdance wllh li e tertns of the Agreement to wt ich lhls ExFdblt A Is at ehed; ( Uie unevaflabUlly of requlred Customer personnel, induding as a resuR of fallure to pravlde Kronos with aoarate, cirrenl contad InformaMon; or (g} using an Appllcadon in a memer Inoons[stent wtfh Ihe prodcxt doetxnerHatlon for suclt Appllcatlon. Malntenenee Perlod" mea s ached ed malntenance pe iods eslablished by Kronos to malntatn and updete lhe SerWcas, whan necessary, Durfny these Malntenance Periods, Ihe Services are avallable to Kronas to peAortn periodic matnlenanca serWcas, wfii Ir cJude vltal sofMrare updates, Kronos wiq use Its commer i y reasonable efforts ring the Malntenance PeAOd ta make the 3ervicas avallab e lo Cuslomer; hanever, some changes will requre downUme. Kronas wfll provide nodce far planned dawntlme v an emaq notice lo the prtmary Customer confed at feast one day (n advanoe of any known downtlme ao planNng can be fadNtaled by Customer. Cwre tly scheduled MalMenante PeAod9 for the Servkas are: Mar ay Ihrough F iday oa:oo aR, - as:oo arn u.s. eastem ume) Saturday and Sunday 12:00 am — 08:00 am (U, S, eastem tlme) Mafntenance Perio Include tliose malntenance perlods mutualty agreed upon by Custamer and Kronos. Monthly AAlnutea (MMr meana 1he total tlme, meas ed In minules, oi a calendar moMh commendng at 12:00 am of 1hb fGst day ot such plendar monlh and ending at 11:59 prn ot the lasl day of such calendar monlh. otal Nlnutas Not Available (7AA)" means the Wtal numb of minules during Ihe calendar montti that Uie Services are unavailable as Ihe resull of an OuFage. Llmitatlons: Servfce Gedils wNI not be {xavided H: (a) Customer Is in hreach or detault under Ihe Agreement at Me dme the Outage oaurred; or h) the Outage resulte irom an Exduded EvenL Ii Kronos does not provfde the eppropAale Service Credit aa due heraunder, Cusromer must request the Service Credit wllhln slxty (60) calendar days of Ihe conclusbn of the moMh In ich the Servlce Credit acaves. Cuslomer vraives any rlght to Servica Gedlts t requesled wilhin U is dme period. All perfonnance caladaUons and appllraWe Service Credl4s are hased on Kronaa records and dala urdess faustomer can provlde I(rorws wifh dear and mmfndng evfdenoe to Nte oontrary. The Service Level Agreemerns In lhfs Exhlbil and the related 5ervice Credib. aPpIY on a per productlon ernlronment basls. For ihe avoldance of doubt, Outages h ane prodt ffon envfrornnent may not be added lo Outages in arry olher producNo errvironmertl for puiposes of calwlatlrig Service Gedll. Cusbomer acknowledges ihat Kronos manages lis naM ak trafflc fn paR on che basis of Customers utlllzaUon of Ihe Servloes and that changes in such WAzaUon may Impact Kronos' abllily lo manage netwo lc iraffic. Therefore, notwithstandlny arrythlnp e(se In the contrary, If Custamer signlficanlly changes Ib u611zallon oi Ihe Servlces Ihan what Is aontracfed w11h Itronos and sudi cfmnge c eales a matertal and adverxe fmpact on the trafflc ba(ance o the Kronos nelworlc, as reasonably delertnlned by Kronos, fhe pardas agree to oo-operate, In goad falth, to resdve e Issue. 24 S CTtON E KRONOS WORKFORCE READ1f - SOFfVNAftE AS A 8ERVICE (9AAS) TEFtM6 AHD CONOIT10N8 Cusiomer and Kronoa agres that the temn and aondiBotis sst foM h thls Sedbn E shall applyr to tl e Kronos sollware appAcatbn programs er d rNated seMces and materiab (Induding sppUcehk documentaUon) and equfpment (N a ry) specified an an Order Fortn fa WoAcface Readq(colleciivety, ths "Seroices'. The Sarvkes dascrf6ed on an Order Fomt sF aY be dsihrered by rrroana ot Customer's permiHed aceess lo the password proteded wstomer area of a Kronoa websile. 1. TERAA 1.1 The Services shaN be deemed to start on the ea 1(ar of: a) nlnety (90) days from Krono' receipt ai the relevant Order Fartn; or, b) the date Customer Is aulho lzad ta °go Ilve' wUh the Servicee fa produdlon purpoaea, (lhe "Start Date, and shall w Nnue indafinilely on a mur lMlo- monlh baals untU ferminsted In aaordance with Ihe provlsfons hereof (lhe 'Tsim'). Cuatomer acknowledges that ezecuUon of sepprete thlyd party agre ti nk ry Y e requNir+t Y tls or rsrr Ga r t r C "s Wi" r r l'eln 1-a a f a rur ar fu dadm ti„ I wlu id a 1, M knr rrvluda q"'A4 dat n Featur", p rpi"d d by Krcrnm ran r rd r Fmr rr 2 +Gu Garn a rr+ i rr rMl r rh nrir. m kh A rer r rsnm d`wr c+rarw^r1 tr'wc rw ntd r9y 3 1 sy p ioe rri t drv rua a. 1.] I N dr p r y sus rw! w aar d ti r a i rc r tNw F a rnrrn up sn m i l b'rw ( fiw R qr+rs by E1as ott er i y Yt e braach Is not curod wfthln fifleen (15j days after rocelpt of wrltten nol ad, '++ri t rg I tacep+, k4r sn s ra y aspes r c rmin 4 +a Servkae ar the Agre9meM knmedlately upon noUce In the event ol any Customer breach of Sectfons 3(Llcense to Use), 4(Axeplable Uss), or Sectbn A.4 (Conffdentlal IMarmation), balow, 1,4 In the event that e Mt party baeomea Ir solvent, makes a general assigranent for the benefd of credilors, is adJudicatad a bankrupt or insolvent, commences a cane under applfcabb bankruptcy laws, fibs a petltbn seeking roorganlzatlon, Ihe othar party may request adequate assurances of futuro perfortnance. FeHure lo canply wkh such request wilhln ten (10) days of delivery of the request shall enGGa lhe nsquestlnp party E erondra 1' 17 ,t ra! Nmr t Itl k y ug s u ktrAn notice to the othsr. 1.6 I 1 ar rr r+t nk I t m'blra l d f r ny r rn, a) CusR dr h I p y l4r r u r Frin thlr y (C? d 1 fees aca ad for the Services prlar to Ohe d at l aqrr t, pm rld+ khwra if Custaner tertnf tira K an,o far r n CV 4 N r h f thm ,l nwa 4k., Kronos shall be rasponslble to refund Guat r arraa awt# prer.p eu f rwl fees, H any; b) Cuslomers rl ht to acoass end usa the Services shall be rovoked and be of no furth0r tw: t crP%rcl; c) Wilhln frfleen (15) days of IerminaUon Cuslomer w rabkve Ct stome a hlstarlcal data In rd r rri h u'ev%rro9y ze tl lshed y s c e procedu ea and appl able etete and Federal laws. After auch tlme penod, Kronos ahaN br sr na tta' ab ig N9 n t r s qn+ v pN Custorr ers hlstorical dah and may delale ame. If Custamer requires additbnal dela c r a i 4 s riicr; fr r srwcsti n af r r rw,y & eantracted from Kronos at Kronos' fhen publlshed retea. d} ra latim dr gro e lo thiely relum all Kronos-provlded r»0 r i rdN d 1 p Che rtirNc k ar aa u l r s expense ar, altematively, uPon pr+^ wr t9 ra I aF Kronos, qrovlde Kmnas wHh an o i r:r' e EPPk is c i k e ri slar Y th ncM Q r fl p ravf aroa 4n lNwe Agreamenl, whkh by lhelr nalure a e rwl sr zd tl r s un rYv r l rrrwlnskk n, Mw 1 a r rvivd. 2. FEES AND PAYMENT 2.1 In aonslderatlon of the delivery of the Servk:ss, Customar shall pay Kronoe lho Selup Fees, the Manlhly Service Pees and any add'Rfonal ons t r e, ael-up or reeurring faes, aA as defined on the OMer Fam. All fees psyable for the Service ShaA be sent to the sddresa apecified on the Kronos Invok.e, Unbss otftenHfae Indirzited on an Order Fortn, paymerd tertns far ell ilems except lho Setup Feas shaN be net upon rocelpl of Invoice, Except es axp as y eel forth Irt lhls 5edion E, a!I amounq pald to Kronoa aro noMroWndable. 2.2 The 5elup Feas ahaN be Involcad upon axeculbn of the Order and ahall be due nal 30 daye following dete of Invofce, Cuatomer ckr M;a lh 1 kup C+ m y i' u c rar ip 'u tasr r tay thNrd rn for Add-an Features. Monlhty Servlce lees shaA be based on monlhly p rkad^ lh t %es!Hn 4h r 1! C d z 'avwtNtila+ S rvlce ' ah In hud f rsr Equlpmertt rontal, H any, as desaibed in Sectlon 8 below. M iP11y e r ri "e z i ar rvl+ c1 d ar +m dC r tk "I " s p f glv b am rr N wiB be chergod for that full monthly perlod and each monthly pe d ih d T srm tF re!R r I Url'y 5 nr " ° Sarvd d l a r Iha '4" dAY of given month wlA begin lo eccrue as of the 1a day ot l r f aNlaw+ring man h nd +,w ll 6 e !a ry d far h arr a 1 Vy P ir d r tlne i m'ror lh r fter. Monlhly Servke Fees shall be Irnnk:ed prompdy folbwinq lkve nrrd a tl s c:R raet r ra pn lh pr whW kh w+lonUwl ra r w ra+os ara¢ ccrerrrsi. Kronoa wMt manNar Customere "Usage' of the Servkxa (as dsfined belowj in order to calwlate the Ueage poRion of the Monthly Sarvlce Fees to be chargad. Usage ot the Servlcae, dependhg on pp l#k lur» c.r a rro rrl, ror arvi. he9M, ta pri dk if'r l on the Order Form either on a: (a) per moMh basfa; (b) Per ecthro errupf y (Vz gelr'A r pNdy" p r rt r th a b l: ar (? Fa r z n aciNcazr G d r.p.: e y 1am r t. r pr ra a f ttta J4gr e p nq, rrwp yee t il k m d d m tNv r r e wrWn rwY '!PPN&abl rI Y9n rd cp P thc!h dh drvN; {I) C hme k e n r i r c1 f cs r e ea laye".' iGi r d ha+ b rm p l d d ern l y er r t rd ,a n f pr a R g p yr all; dli) t rrds Ih t d r M d xdr a xrmp8t ye r vwe Falor srw im}rcartP aqa pa, (9r+,) aa h alta a h ;t aetN k ra aru ca n r,rdd s r9 tM p&rya v} rws iti C9rm r h r a cza r E y e« 4' m u era crur tw p 6'n h a ts era p awrtned far or on sueh employee or (vi such employee has been markad as en 'AcUve' staU a durinp the period. 2.J Cusloma aprees thal except in those dreunster cea In which Cuatomer is entRled ta irnoke Ihe lerminallon for cause provlslon sel lorth in Sedfon 1.3 above. In considarallon of Kronos' delivery ol the Servkes on a variebla fee basls, Customer agrees to pay Kronos each month durlr p lhe Tertn In which charges acenie no fess than Ihe minknum manthly fees ('7iAlnlmum Monthty Feea') as IdenlMied on the Order Form, The Minlmum Monthly Fee ahall be ca ulated by Kronos based on Cusl rner aMldpeted monthly Usage o the Servlaas plus qulpmeM rental fees, If eny. In the evenl thet Custamer does not reach the aMfapatad Usaye upon whid lhe Mlnimum MoMhly Feea was basad for any glven month du ing the Tartn, Cualomer shaH remaln rasponsibb (or paying fha Mfnimum Monthly Fees tor thet manth. II an Order Form or the Agreement k suspended by Kmnos for non-payment or olherwise lertninalad by Krona far ceuse, Cualanmr shall ranaln Nable to pey lhe applicabla Minlmum Nionlhly Feea up to and Indudlny fhe laat day oi tha montfi M which tha eltxtive date of leRnlnatbn occura, 24 H any amount owing under thh ar any other agreemetU for Serviaa Is 30 or more deys averdue, Kronoe may, wkhoul IImIUng Rs aTher rights and remedka, accelerale unpafd Fee o6Npedons under such agreernenls ao thst aU such oWfgpUora beeame Immedfately due and payable, And suapend Servicea untll euc emounls are pald In fup. Kronoa w provlde at leest 7 days' prior rtollae lhel Custamers eccvunt is averdue before suspanding Servicea. 2.5 Dekted IMentfonalry. 2S 3. UCENSE T USE 3.1' uh9 t he CeRrn n cl crr r 4 crrr e!' h C a krr I n tl r N r c V uati+r e da r rt kk %r e d'E Yk, r rr c,a r„ r¢r w xt usive, nan•C n r,a4 l, rw n•a I n B h xi ae ar ta as fa a qrrelrr 1 burl^w sur nrs s manNy } he M14rdirti a gs tl t a') r lq maN anrVc dr ludlnq a apV p:bl dnai d c dksrr d arrmr rk ia c c! 1r drrl rop rra der rhw (th a °C1 rat rrla"); , a ur^ 4 cnka rd d lknNrtN p uriy a iw r w, librarb, ar 1 aa'rpqr q, rhdch ps Nq hr t pai n yhn atv a. "e I eorKeln proprletary trade secrel lechnology of ICro as. Unauthorized us srrdN m ca yYnp a u ervlca r pr h er tay N r, Gn l d'-lu UniR d lates and forofgn copyright law. Customer mey use the soRware Included In tha Servlce9 In obJed iomn rnN, r d MaM n mtis r e pik, dfsaasemble or olherwlse conve t such eoflware Inlo uncomplled w uaassambled code. Cualomor rarr aNrd ar m U at fi' Il mr lo use the Servkee Is IlmRed based upon aulhorfzsd Ueage and the r r on1l rn the An rkh y nrdi la N m p k y C r k n. Cus sr a ro tr u arulp Ch n u m ewndf r r l +r h rd r at're, kaom aR e rr^k l v ny ca1 O r ra adr s a^ de lur.s rt l s u hc c INcr ror d r d!d r n i nr du a r Nes ture. C rs raa a r y r C N!n a rr rllad'Ic»r Cha +rud, c r rwwds r p;rrraft r f k^ua Sdrwi d Na dirtiq kra ro r ng v^ tu ark9ra aw by nr fi r t p tit r. u larn r r7 y aa #r awhd rwa e bwr e r l r d , s rviV r th m 9+ a h S vNt w k a+ut MN a ar a pwi ar «ci a r c rr a i f Mr ns. I rr 18 r, r hk„ ar I rCeraa auny rra a i a rrn rk, tr n r t, r s c m rk, ur N r a N a an' di na r^ r r 1hird a rtiy suppfieta ("SuppNers', grantad hereunder. 3.2 Cuslomer may authorize Il9 thlyd party contredwa and consultanls to acceas lhe Servicea on an ae eaded basls, provMed Customer, a) abides by its obllgatlons io protec! confidenllel InformaGon; b) remalns rsspona le }or en auch thlrA perty usege and aamp ance wHh this Sectlon E of this AUaehmsn and e) does not provide such acceaa to a efNor of Kronos who provldes workforce manayemeM snrvioes. 3 t u Ra t' a pr ra a a Fm ra p r ul r c rwr a l t a f p l rNght t Na arad 6 4 C br 1h 5+rrrd a N rc Crn'M r ^ca'4 a l e y a r ipN t rr 4k sa aNM dual p r a tty rd iMk, r r9 k rpi, aEfi r h r 1P ra xpa INC r r rstr d fr s r w, C'c+aC rcaer h ll n R biaivr curc im em,y rFglti r r r Srlp Irr emal tu ttrvd raica aa uy+ t cN InN N c 9 p rs ly rYq1 1 4tla+r 4ia. u turr dr re rxs t ara 4y °wcih b ro^ri h an zt r rCt e tu l r p rky ti Nak nz t' c ro t l s d r n mr r eny dn auins ran k 4 ed nr :eras wd by t raair r 4hr roa hr Cho rv. 3.4 Kronos wIM make updates end upyradea lo the Servlcea (tools, uHNNes, knprovemeMs, thlrt paAy appllcstlons, general enhanaments) avaitahb lo Cuat ner at no charge as they are robesed yenerally to its cualomers. Custamer egrees to roceive lhase updates suWmatlply as parl of lhe Servlces. Kronos aEso may oHer new producls endJor servlcae lo Cuslomer at an addklonal tharge. Customer shall have Ihe optbn of purchasing such new producls andlor servlees under a eaparate Order Fortn. 3.8 Kronos reservea 1 re rY ta41 crr dPs wnlN u kta rd'„ dn wk ola or In part, Including hut not Umited lo, the IMemat based servlces, lechnical support optd r„ atl rkh ar rvi•r N t perfJ d. Cu¢tav r" condnued use af lhe 5ervices afler Kronos posts or nthervvise notifies Customer o( any charw 4n 1k t Ga t rwroer' g eaC ta Ch z e r ngas. 4. ACCEPTABLE USE 4.1 Cuatomer shall take all easonable ateps lo enauro lhat na unaulhorized persons have access to the Servlaa9, and lo ensure lhat no parsuns authorixed to have euch aaxss shell leke arry adbn thsR would ba in vlolatbn allhis Sadlon E. A.2 Cuslanar repnssents and warrants to Kronos tliet Custaner hes the rlght lo publlsh and discloae Cualomers data and olher content Cust rro a! n rat n nr d i rr wlth lhe Services, Customer representa and warranb to Kronos lhat tNe Customer Canlent wlll not (a) iniringe rr rrl la e ny hlrc rMy ri hl, Induding (but nat NmNed to) intelkdual properiy, priva r, or pubU cKy rlghts; (b) be abusivs, profane, or oFlensnv t r a x rvakrb p r n; +r, (c) ba heteful orthrcatenfnp. 4.3 C lamer will not (a) use, or alluw Ihe use of, the Servkes or Cuslomer Co ttent in contravenpon of gml federal, stale, lacal, forelgn or other a pYi l N au rt 9 a r w g P;kN a cat v u ar r drnN a&etr thr rrge k€arr, kr Bntr rc RrA1aa R rl ry u na a [rer e a r ro 46av u Ir t r d 1 k w d6 rupti r d q t wn S rv rta, a r„ B rr eaqd, 9dl t, ,rP vr aar o rt #ra k a s ka ut Bh+ rYrl r w k use; ) xce du r avdrf! Nhe Knusna sy aw r eaN' 1c pravi h'arvira; C l P a mr en a ur ly Irert i4y r a?wrr, r Cr ti n 4dc k, l sr 1 lest, d nlal s srwir a crruNa bKan rr wa r r a aNYt s n, Qe,? u e ny C a l d aV r ad r aukc n ki c tl rnaa9 rk th I r,s w wr+mr n t rr .., r rt aE; a r, (,) otheiwise act in s haudulent, malicious w neglfpenl manner when usbg the Services, 6. CONNECTIVITY AND ACCESS 5.7 Cualomer acknowledges that It shap {a} r+:pr rra Nwl t r a w i„ p y?N g +r, and malMaining connectivity lo the Senrices (fncludlnp any and eil releted herdware, software, Ihlyd panly^ rwrNae a rd r lat d aa pu pm ml t d componenLs); (h) provide Kronaa and its rcpresanta0ves with such phyaical or remate acce.+ to Cusla d r a r'tip k r n P raC wrsaak +asr lr t tent as Kronos deeme reasonably necesaary In order for ra!naaz r p c a rn ul b Gd ns u r tfib 5ection E oi thfe AgreamenL Kronos ia heroby (I) 9rented access ta sach Cuslamer date to perform FC aV IIg Ci ra d-da lhi tio r aP Chia Agreement end (U) euthorfzed to audk fhe number o( Adive Employee cour or othar transaGlons tta p v ac arr+d tr rr re ru VJ, ;(Ilq meke all neceeaary arranpemenls as may be requlred to provlde such physlcal access to Customers canpeder and neMrorlc envlrorunent H neceaaary for Kronoa to peAorm ks abligatlwu under thfs Secfbn E oi lhl AUaclunent. ra p a sta' be iu y n,ar otl rle kP r a uNr eMs imposed by law, rub, repulaUon w ermlract In order lor Kronoa lo deliver the 5era e g u:u,r t 9p Mtua ti rtrns o[ t O9a +a ' rf khC r en4 Cualomer shall pravide 30 wbndsr dey advence wriften notice lo Kronoa q r y r e, s dCPi Cic, ra r w qM m dVar a? np n t or elemeMe af the Cuslamers compuler and network emironmenf which may, In ny^ tr nru r, euFt r u tars r° a r. ksr t re ar{. 6. SUPPORT a) ImplementaGon. Kmnas will configure the Servicas ullllzing scheduled rcmofe resourcea. SoRwero moduie canflguralion wlp be based on inlortnallon and work Nows ablainad imm Custamer during the dtscavery portlon oi tha hnplementatlon. Custaner shaU provlde Krono6 with nacessery conflguratlon-telated infarmalion In a timay manner to ensure that mutually agreed Impl entaUon schedules ars met. Kronas and Cu tomers knplemenladon rosponslbilHles are deacrihed more speciflcsNy fn the Servlces Implementatbn Guldellne sel forlh aL hHa llwww kronos com oroducts/workforce-readvlimolemeMalbn aufdlines asox .In (he event of Incansistencfes hetween the Servkes Implemerrialion Guldeline and this Agreement, lhe Agreement shap provaU. 26 pepM Exchange Serviees lar Equlpmen As nceded, Kronae wIU aend a replacamertt for Equ¢nnent renlad (in accordanca with Sedfon B Defow) on an advance eaohange basle by next-busMess-day de8vmry, when ovallable. When Cuetomer roeelves replacement u p ra n, Na k wa l r t r Rh r dei' u i lo t r a a V'ar r sp Cr, q eYp nn iat uppat elso Indudes Customer aCCess to q r( arr r p t:. wf tM r N avrrrazw u mer O+a N. t r tl rd uppw a Y. Kr wVlq prcrv w te k ah aup er,r ,Md q., :CI p.m., I I Urns Monday — Frlday. Cuet ero also shall ba pr vki c0 e p b i r 1a I q k n n Br vde 9Bw Kr a t 1s n,r "rM, Educalbnal Meterials end Conleni. Gustomer wpl have eae tc qrQ l d l maleriels and content (tha "Educatbnal Carrtent7 withln the Servlcea. Cuatomer recognizes and eproes thAt the Eduador al Ca ent Is wpyrighled by Kranas, Cuslomer Is pertndted lo maks coples of the EducaUonal s r l+nt rr kdQd I t ;p tf V ti solely tor Customer kitemal training purpose and rt ay nol dlsclose such Educedonal Conteirt to eny Nhi a r amh h ua d nrs employaee, Cuatanar may nol edN, modHy, revlse, eme»d, changm, arier, customfze or vary the Edu rsrwai' an t nt w l a tt kl wrNteA consent of Kronos, provided lhat Cuslamer may downbad and modity coMents of Trafning Kfla soley far Customers inlemal use. 7. CUSTOMER CONTENT Cuslomer shall awn aA Custaner Content and posls or othar inpub iMo fhe SeMcea by Customer or olhers etiing on 6ehaH of or lhrough Custamer, Inc ding but not Ilmiled to I(omtetion, dela (such as payroll d la, kNart 16e we, rrrd Fw ur +a,ari cNy, I agcrs« t, cr u drtu 1!i N 4i e.g. graphks, audlo and video fdas), campllatfans or any od cor tent r N asr pr d N f,M h th S+rv. 'mnsa t1,g ttaati II such CustanerConterrt fs daemed to be lhe ConikJentlal Infortnetfon of u a m r„ w a E cii p thrs irar gca rr, aa i hr+qran w N ttan p r n fr n 1 tirnkr4rr Cu t r sda daiw !k 1I t ra+tk r Csud vn+dr Nra r a,am a k t +es naq ki rrrd"y i a nla rrr rar n,y i ua hrtdsr In r,rd K I, dv lu d irre a aw+ N nr, FGr acrar; oH r ra ca i r. I+ addHbn. Kronos may, but ahall have no obGqaUon tn, monHor rasi arnu r ca aC trcrt I sm rrce in r yma+n ura! rn wll rikhs thNe E and appUcable lew. B. EQUIPbIENT RENTAL If Customer purchasas or rcnls ihna dor.ks or other equfpmeM from Kronos, a dascription ot such Equlpment (modal end quanNty) and the applkable prlcinp shall be ted on the Order Form (the'Equlpment'), De very lerma for the Equlpment are FOB ahlppfng po1n1, prepey and add. Customer ahap bear ell tak oI loss or damaga whlle lhe Equlprt eM fs in transk to Cuslomer. B.1 The fallo Mng addttlonal tarms apply only {f Customer renls Equbmanl from Kronos: a) Renlal 7artn ar d Warranty Pe iod. 1'he tertn of the Equ'prraenq r A d al md' N u "'kN rtanty e rad' ar u h qaadp ss't e ru u wtertninouely wilh Ihe 7erm of the other Servlces. h) Inauranc. Custamer shall Inaure Ihe Equipment for an amaun9 quaN to R r r spk r c value ti quipnry r r4 f r Irc r r cl rnaq by fire, theR, and all normal extended coverage at ap times. Na q, 1»e k a' +ti am a r shipm ruR t'ilaaa u po a i t u 1+r ah,a relisve Cuatomer fian Hs abligallans under thla Sectbn E. c) Locatlon/ReplacemeM. Customer shad not make any alteradons or remave the Equipmenl hom the place of origlnal installaUon without Kronas' prior written consenl Kronos al eM have tha right tn enter Cuslomere premlaes to Insped the Equlpmerd d riny nomial buslness houn. Kronoa reservss the right, at ris sole disaedon and et no addkbnat cost to Customer, lo replaco any Equipmenl with newer or aqemaQve lechnobyy Equlpmont ai long as Ihe replacement Equlpmant al leasl provWes the same level of functbnaliry as lhet befng roplaced. d) wn ar hip. f tl qu prr rok airall emaln lhe p p r y rwarw, P I q alpmeM b, end at all limea sh VN tmm in, ep r bt°n rC praws ar ptnparty, n a khat ding thelr attac sn rn R ti r r qa P nn arl sp real ProPa{Y. Customer shaN n r! al'C aw' akhq swi aa arm r Rh qw r[. a stc r sh ll fumish any a rancam, wra^itd n r a se roasonably reQuested by kC'r gq+r 'wpl ra t a dN Inlenl of [ertns af lhls paregraph (d). quN na r t 5u pp t1. Ka tia h pr rkiew a l a t am !qui w^n up s rarice +°i rea! An ctip rr 6 mtaoar, ""r rasl af u h sa+r1 s rvi h Nl Ync u i Nn ah r c rrthly rwl au, Rebu w 3f qul'paraesr k kY rY l r+r i a fr n rC th tr P ernard or 1t w NN adskt 1 rd r a, a¢ne r u 4 ca las wa qaN di rsnr ra. cr t'e rw urrr k a alpr nt E r K pnta wvitlaln khfr y C f) s yr ai s ur aer' mxpwn. quN rti rak"+I rmM1ur ro rd Ta ir wwt a la tF a a rMtt aaxalti as r a and when rocah ed, reaaaneble wear end lear axcopted. If Cualamer ?IA I w ivan cyul rwk a^1k9 Pr t ts tbr p Crrk cl, Krer rr shmll I wwr¢9 w Customer for the lhen Ihf prke of the Equlpment. Retum Of Equlpment. Upon tetminaUon af the Order Form, Cuat agrees thet Cuatomer sha dbco nect, crate and rotum Me Equlpme t to Kronos withfn thhly (30) days at Customere expensa. EqutpmeM wlll be retumed to Kronos In lhe same conditlon as and whe ieceMsd, reasonabte wear and teer eKCepted. I Customer falb ta rotum EqulpmeM wilhk ihb thr e pa iod, Kronoa sheB Invaloe Cuslwner for Ihe lhan Ifsl prke oI the Equlpmer t, 8.2 The fo owing additional larms apply only H Custane purchases Equfpment irom Kronoe: rr r Mkp and Uti rra t 'a rb d. T"ikP a tFr r i rw# h l r s R ro-ro r u n d!elitir ry I r Rlt a cartler (FOB — Shl ping Polnt, l r p y nd d. TFua ""Pp:r r F r ad" f kN e qu9 r r i h ll b+ tar p+ari wdi +d` rm rly+ ( r, fr nr such dellvery. qudp rca mr up;a rtt. Y(rs nsr b praa d %a er ta r Ikra Pa Nprmr n u apYaw !a NN r I Sedlon 6 above H purchesed p rat y hy u C rt r p rdk a cd ara t hd p hl l rd a 1°o w, lf paarch std, r ndy rn rrt rt p ri servkea shall cortvnence upon e iroUon oI lhe Warranty Periad. 9. S ItVICE L.EVEL AGREEMEHT h as w r f ll 'a,l, av d b eE p ro'i tzar I e rwfi al aa 1'da n l c qa r„ b rna R a y td r rw al fCra t a k the ae rV s dR' ' +m z d, 7 w k, r aR ; i p rr d +ar ktlrru+ (w rr n Bi halG q,hr at haur4 tdti #, ltl rvi r d aG tl h u e tc !h cah prr;c k dkr irw a,w rk rod han r kc a Q P.rn a 4ay 9 Ciq a,rn, t wd y, ti liroxe„ r YI r y urr valtl b ty u od y c r r rrMSakenc rs ta ay nr {a` a n p c ra r l, Ir c r.dlYn rdM r k N9rrti n, afi g ad, q v rnrrp nt, wda, fdr, aa CE rr, iv urawmaC„ ta aS Q sr, s r d har d bcar p l an Qa k s+r th r i trs Invv kw9r p 14rrar+s rrwp&, Nn tra s r Nc,m p^rav ar lur+ r c epa ri, a r d4f 6 P arvq G, n f (diiy pr Wd se ui d I a acc0idanee with eppNcabla lawa and yovemment rrgulatbns.. 10. LIMITEO WARRANTY; DISCLAIMERS OF WARRANTY 10.1 Kronos reprosents and warraMs that the Servkxs, under normal aperadon aa apecYflad In lhe Qocumerrtedon and when used es euthorized hereln, wiN perfortn substanUally In aceardance wlth tl Daaxr enlatbn dudng the 7ertn. 10.2 Kronoa' obllgatlon and C tomer9 mmedy fa erry broach of the ebove warranty Is 9mited lo Kronoe' rea onabb canmerdal eHorts to correct the non-tanfortning Serviars at no addNbnal charqe to Customer. In d e event lhat Kronos Is una6le lo coRed deflciencies In lhe 2T Servlcee, aRsr uslnp its cartxnerda y roesonabla eMorb ta do 90, Custorrisr ehap be enfldM lo tamUnate the then romahilnp term of the Order Form for causa In oceadanw with Secdon 1 above ss Customere remedy, Kronas' abilgsdona hereundar for breach of warrantyr are condklonad upon Cuetort sr nodfyfnp Kronoe of the malerfal breach in writlng, end provldlrtg Kronoa with aufliclenl evidence of sunh nan-cordwmilyr Ic enabb Kronoa to reproduce endlor verify ths spmn. 0,1 Kronos warrarrts lhat aH equlpmenl shea be frae hom delects In materiab and workmanshlp du ing Ihs warranty period aa desc,ibad In artlde 8 above. In the everri of e broach ot thle wartanty, cuslamers exdusive remedy sheN be Krorroa' repalr ar replaeemerrt of the delkhnt equlpme d, at Kronoa' optla, providsd that a+ntomere use, Installatlan and melntenance thermo! have toniormed b the published spadfkedons for sueh equlpmen This warrenty ls extendad to eustomer only and ehall nat appy lo any equipmeM (or parts thereof) In the event ot: a damage, defeds or maNunctiona rosuNing Mom misuse, aa dent, rrogbd tampering, (Including modHicatlon or replacertient of arry Kranos compcments on arry boards supplied with the Equfpment}, unusual physical ar alectricai eUeas or cauaes ather lhan nortnal and Inlended use; b) falluro o( Gustomer to provlde aad mafntain a auitable fnstallati on envi c unent, aa epecified In the puDlished speufkaUons (or sueh Equlpmenl; or o) malfurx:tfore resulUng ftom lhe uae of badges or supplbs not approved by Kronos, EXCEPT A5 WARRAN'I£p IN TH{S SECTION 10, KRONOS HEREBY DISCLAIM3 ALL WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS, GUARANTlES AND REPRES NTA71pN5 RELATING TO THE SERVICES, EXPaESS ANa IbtPLIED. ORAL OR IN WRITIN(3, INCLUDING 7HE IMPLIEQ WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TfRE AND NON•INFRINGEINENT, AND WHETHER QR NOT ARISING THROUGH A COURSE OF DEALING, THE SER1/ICES ARE NOT GUARANTEEQ TO BE ERROR-FREE OR UNINTERRUPTED, EXCEPT AS SPECtFICALLY PROVIOED IN THIS AGREEMENT, KRON05 MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRE3ENTATIONS CONCERNING THE COMPAi'iBllITY OF SOFTWARE OR EQUIPMENT OR MIY RESULtS TO BE ACHIEVED THEREFRpM. KRONOS PRQVI ES NO WAftRANTY FOR SUPPUER hIARDWARE OR SOFTWARE EXCEPT AS OTN RWISE SPECIFICALLY PR/IDED ON AN ORDER FOFtM. 1t.0 DATA SECURfTY t1.1 As part of Ihe 5ervfces, Kronos ahap provlde adminielradve, physlcal, and techn al saiegwrtis for prolectlan oF lhe securfly, confidentlalRy and IMegrHy of Cust x data. Customer ecknowledpea that such safeguards endeavor to mfGgate security Incidents, but suah Incidenls may not be midgated eMirery or rendered hermlees. Customar ehouki co ulder any part ular Krorws supplled securityrelated sefeguard as Just one tool to be used es part of Cu omere owerall SscurNy strategy and not a guarantee af security. B h poNes apree lo wrt ly with aB applicable prtvacy or data proleclbn stetutes, tulea, o reyulatbns goveminp lha respecNve activllles af the parUes under Ih Sectlon E. 11.2 As beM aen Cuslomar and Kronos, aM petsonaqy identi rebk data contalned k any epplicatbns a systems 9upplled by Kronos, or lo wh h Kronos has aecess lo under dila Seclbn E('PeBOnaNy IdenliNahb Data is Cuslamer's Cortfidenllal Infor nation and wdf romaln lhe property ol Customer. Cti ta rapr t Nh s ttr r be t nt Nk:c kn vf ri su h arsaar Ny d a.rrtifp krl 1 C sup a d 1a hC rr zs k aa nara r. u tprrnsr hereby con eaaCS de h a ar, p 4ra rr dl rr dka l t a f Per n My d araC fVa rl Y wl hy Krc axtl fd alY r a wrmv d da 9!cl r rrly frar purposes d prsM a+r n n t r sWy kr C e:r t u h vd+ ar pc ns a hs nd c d r "ar 1Ca ncv 1 c rrry a nk II dutk n x pans b i r rw N w thfs Sacdon E or as requlred by law. 11.3 Prior la InNlalbn of lhe Servleas and on an ongolnp 6asi thereafter, Customer agrees to provide notke to Ktonos a( any extraardinary privacy or data protecffon statules, rulea, or regulalEone whkh ara a become applkable to Cuslomer'e Mdustry snd whkh eould be Impased on Kronoa as a resull of pmvislon o/ the Servica. Cuslomar will ensure thet; (a) Ihe Iransfer to Kronos and storape oi any Personaly Idenl iabk Dale by Kranne or ils Suppl era data canter, is permfUed under appNca0le data prolecUon lawa and regulaUons; end, (b) Cuslomer wHl abtaln conseMe hom individuab for such tra sfer and storage to the axtenl requlred under epplk bb laws and regulatlons. t1.4 Upan Ihe cessation af lhe 5ervfcee, Customer ahall be efforded the oppoAunity lo rebkve a1 Personally WenUfiable Data In eccordence with Sadlon 1.5 above. 12. RESPONSABILITY OF CUSTOMER 1Z1 H noUfied In wrtdng a a ny ,li wrw (amd dN palaar r 1 1+9 Ci a r a br g wt lo t u 4drr b rr I Vm Rh t Rh a-a Ir fringe or misappropdete any United t k ` a n dlac aPyr h v ad nk, Kr err +911 I n rr`y nc1 hv i u R a r he:veroka u d si rrad r ch aedon at its wle cosl and expense rr y NN a^:c E Nrdr rs in u s an l srtt+,y t r cN d ag a i i!rcor r -r:d c r pm. N{r o have sab control of Ihe defenae of ecry r fi ctk rrc a d +II na c b r M fo ^11 arr t ar c at pu arr Y. C Nc+°r nrhll p+x fufNy !S Nir an' e ense wilh Kronoa in the defense, eelikment or canpromlae of eny auch aCtJon. In the event thsl a final InJundian ts oWalned againat Customers use oi lh erarOt y x trr ' BnVf ln rc rub ir atirG ^apr atkl+rt rc f ?kt 51 k ar n l rpyrl yP7R a p rmr1, r In Cr rn as" S1n aan, h a m a r tr VI'1 r ta b e ra,r F ud u rf u f rl dd arf' u h Grofa a ank r Z p r aprt k rn„ CC and t dCt nta` p wtdan r 9 x rrr, wY@I u a w'nar c alAy x sr' tfi"ts t s, {} ur rr Cau mn l u c jl°wk n ar#mws a r kh wr c pt @a r! In m ra m end, ib replece or modlfy lhe Servlcee ao ihel khey became non-Infringing but ra tr laws eNaba r frrp r 1 k r f aN rvE, r d Vf ra 9:lh k (y b) u cammerdalry feas le, lo (c) terminote Ihe Apreament and Ihe rlghts q i hpa trn d !!ar r wHa an f a r rr w!u N f t#+r m t• fees and Monlhly Servlce Fees pald by Cuslomer Ior the Inhinging ebments of Ihs Servkea tave ing tlro period of thelr unavallabllityr. iZ2 Kronoa shal have no IiabYlty to indemnlfy or defend Customer to the eztent the alleyed inhingemeM is based a: (a) a modificaUon oi the ServiCes by enyone other ihsn Kmnoa; (b) use of lhe 5ervices otl er then In aCCOrdanca with lhe Oocumentatlan or a+ authorized by the Ayreamenl; (c) usa of the Servlcea In conjunctlon wlfh erry data, equl nt, ttpcv s r s w r r rk p rvkl d ay ranos, where lhe Servfees would not olherwlse Uself be Infrinping or the sub ed of lhe dalm; w(d) a tl 4hd c v s b u r r tN rr lNwd w ticcordence with lhe temis of lhe Aqreement NotwRhstanding the Foregoln9, wkh regard to InMngaan+nt N tlma z e N epa n p lvwar ccea d provlded by a Bceneor to Kronos a Suppliero, Kmnas' maximum Ifabibty wUl be to asslgn to Cuslomsr Kronoa' or SuppNare ewvery righu with reapec! to such Infiinyemo dalme, (providad that Kronos and/tx its 3upplfer shall use cortxnerc elly roesonabk effarts al Cuetamera caat to assist Customar in seeking sueh recovery from such licensoh. 12.3 Custamer shell be rosponsi6ie for aN eost and axpenae and pay eN cos i, ineheding rea5onable aftomey's tees and demage of Kronos nr its 2B Suppliers, If lf s acUon Is a lnp hnm w relaGny lo: (a) ampfoyment-related clalms arisinp out of Cuslorners conNguradan a1 tha Services; (b) Cuslome's mod icaQon or com6lnetlon of the Services wi olher services, sofl rara or equlpmerrt nat tumbhad by Kronos, ptovided lhal euch Cuslamer madf tlon end/or oombkiallon Is e causs of euch kikingemeM and wes not aud orfzed by Kronos; or, (c) a daim thet the Customer CaMent IMringes n rry vrr e aa rvy« nt Nle;i C g r r y ri lht af eny lhlyd party, or any of u arrr Cq tmarl a nl d rw any r R d 9 1 or iMormelfon lhat I a ba rst, dea rm ts,p„ VIh+I+„, c alaav an a w udol les sny person's rlght oi p h,r„ pri r yr a aar n 4ty. arc h 1I r nCse caused or rosuflad pc ray t wr9„ N r9 rreY, dasm q ar h rr, t r y 4'M psrsan. Cu9tamer will have % c Eraad ih du R n a ar1" n uc ro a tit9ro r nd all negodatlons (or Its setHertient ar c mpramism. Kronos will cooperale fully at Cualamer: expansa w h Cuatamer In ihe defense, settlement or comprombe af any such Adton. 13. LUkRATiON OF LIABILI7Y 13,1 EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY PROVIDEO WfTHIN THIS AGREEMENT, KRONOS AND 173 SUPPUERS 1NILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INJURIES CAUSED BY YHE USE OF 1'HE SERVICES OR BY ANY ERRORS, DEIAYS, INTERRUPTIONS IN iRANSMISSION, OR FAILURES OF'f'HE SERVICES. 13.2 EXCEPT POR KRaN05' INDEMNIFICA710N OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH IN SEC710N 12 ABOVE, THE 70TAL AGGREGATE UABILITY OF KRONOS OR ITS SUPPLIERS TO CUSTOMER ANDlOR ANY 7HIR0 PARTY IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AC3REEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO DIRECT DAMAGES PROVEN BY CUSTOiu1ER, SUCH DIRECT DAMAGES NOT TO EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE TQTAL NET PAYMENTS RECENE 9Y KRONOS FdR THH SERVICES IN THE 1WELVE MbNTH PERIOD IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE DATE IN WHICH 7HE CLAIM ARISES_ 13,3 IN NO EVENT SHALL KRONOS OR ITS SUPPUERS, iIiEIR AFFIIIATES, SERVICE PROVIQERS, OR AC3ENTS BE LWBLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANY TMIRD PARTY FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPEClAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSE UEN7IAL DAAAAGES DR FOR M1Y LbST 4R IMPUTED PRQFfTS OR FiENENUES, LUSY DA7A aR COST OF PRdCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE 6ERVICES RESULTING FROM OEIAYS, NONQELIVERIES, MISDELIVERIES OR SERVICES INTERRUPTION, HOWEVER CAUSED, ARISINC3 FROM OR RELATED 70 THE SERVICES OR THIS AGRE MENT, REC3ARdI.ESS OF T}1E LEGAL THEORY UNDER WH1CH SUCH LWBIUTY IS ASSERTED, WHETHER BREACH OF WARRANTY, INDEMNIFICATfON, NEf3LIGENCE, STRICT LIA9ILITY OR OTHERWISE, AND WHETHER LIABILITY IS ASSER7'ED IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, AND REGARDLESS OF WMETHER KRONQS OR SUPPUER WA6 BEEN ADVISED OF 7HE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LIABILI7Y, LaS5 OR DAMA(3E. 13.4 EXCEPT WITH RE3PECT TO lIABlLRY ARISINC FROM KRON05 GROSS NEGUOENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT. KRONOS DISCLAIM3 ANY AND ALl LIABILI7Y, INCLUDING SUCH LIABILfTY RELATED TO A BREACH OF DATA SECUR(TY AND C NFIDENTIALITY OBLIOATIONS, RESULTINO FROM ANY EXTERNALLY INTROdUCED HARMFUL PROGRAM (INCLUDING VIRUSES, TROJAN HORSES, AND WORMSI, C115T0{NER'S CONTENT OR APPLICA710NS, THIRD PARTY UNAUTHORIZED AGCESS OF EQUIPMEN7, SOFTWARE OR SYSTEMS, OR MACHINE ERROR r THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § ADDENDUM #1 TO t 1°:C'r.';"1" #5565 m. m , ' OF DENTON TEXAS BY AND BETWEEN THE .1 l_ AND KRONOS, 1 1"i)RPORATED THIS ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT (hereafter the "Addendum") to a Contract by and between the Harford County Public Schools, and Kronos Incorporated (Contract 14-JLR-003, hereafter referred to as the "Agreement") defined as an indefinite quantity contract with no specific assigned dollar value, which was heretofore executed on March 6, 2014, and was approved within the authority of the Harford County Public Schools; and said Agreement was heretofore entered into by and between the Harford County Public Schools, a Maryland Public School District with its offices at 102 South Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, Maryland 21014; and the firm of Kronos Incorporated with its offices at 297 Billerica Road, Chelmsford, Massachusetts; and The original Agreement provided for the ability of other governmental entities to piggyback" or utilize the contract through the U.S. Communities Cooperative Purchasing Program as a Participating Public Agency under the Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, the City of Denton (City) and Kronos Incorporated Kronos) in consideration of their mutual promises and covenants, as well as for other good and valuable considerations, do hereby AGREE to the following Addendum #1, which amends the following terms and conditions of the said Agreement, to wit: In the event of any inconsistencies between this Contract and the Agreement, the following order of precedence in the interpretation hereof or resolution of such conflict hereunder shall prevail: i) this Addendum ii) fully executed Order Form Quotes 473874, 473876, 466518, 473771 the "Order Forms") iii) the Agreement (US Communities Contract 14-JLR-003, only Section A, General Terms and Conditions, and Section D, Kronos Workforce Central — Software as a Service (SAAS) Terms and Conditions, shall apply to the products purchased on the Order Forms) 1. The Section D of the Agreement is hereby modified as follows, to wit: Section D, provision 13.2, Indemnification: Delete the following last serctence in this Section 13.2: 1 Notwithstanding the foregoing, with regardto infringement claims based upon software created or provided by a licensor to Kronosor Suppliers, Kronos' maximum liability will be to assign to Customer Kronos' or Supplier's recovery rights with respect to such infringement claims, provided that Kronos or Kronos' Supplier shall use commercially reasonable efforts at Customer's cost to assist Customer in seeking such recovery from such licensor. Section D, provision 13.3, Indemnification. Add "To the extent allowable by Texas Statutes and Laws", to the first sentence before "Customer". 2. TheParties hereto agree, that except as specifically provided for by this Addendum #1, that all of the terms, covenants, conditions, agreements, rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the Parties, set forth in both the Agreement and now the Addendum shall be, and will remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Denton, Texas and Kronos Incorporated, have each executed this Addendum #1 in two (2) original counterparts, b ar cl through their respective duly authorized representatives and officers on this the ; day of r• t.14. CITY" CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS A Texas Municipal Corporation BY ; ` G^: 1 C. Cwr.V[I] o.';"L°, CITY MANA;6 ATTEST: JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY By: . . APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: ANITA BURGESS, CITY ATTORNEY F 'M B ;, y; . w, Signature on File Signature on File Signature on File Signature on File KR( I ATTEST: By• LES Signature on File Signature on File Quote fi: 473974 Expires: i1/24(2014 BfBOYa. Attn: CharlesSpringer Clay of enton 215 E McKinney 54 Denton, TX 76201 Solution ID: 61..2i.2 P2 Currency: US Customer PO p; Ini4ial Terms: Month to Month Order Form - Workforce Central SaaS for SMB u,.,. OrderType: Standard US Date: 6/4/2014 Ship7o: A4tn: Charles5prin ee CIYy of f9en8 n 215 E McKinney St Deneon, TX 76201 Email: exceotion(?krorios.com F06: Shipping Poin4 Ship Me4hod: FedEx Ground Freight Terms: Prepay 3 Add This order entered into between [he Cus4omer and Kranas is subject Ya the kerms and condifians of the Contrac[ #14-1LR-003 dated March 19th, 2014 between Yhe Lead Agency (acting as the "Owner°j and Kronos Incorporated (as 4he "Can4ractor"j The Proffessional Services (excluding the CORE SIV B PROFESSIONAL / EDUCATIONAL SERVICESj lis4ed herein will be invoiced in ascordance with the fmllavding schedule-, Standard Deployment Month 1 $11,280.00 Siandard Deployment Month 2 $11,260.00 Standard Qeployment Month 9 $11,290.00 Advanced Deployment Manth 1 $18,36Q.00 Advanced Deploymenf Month 2 $18,360.00 Advanced Deplaymen4 Mon4h 3 $18,36Q,Q0 Kronos agrees 4o complete the services dest ibed in the S55 for the fixed fee set forth herein, unless addi4ional hours are required ta complePe such servires due Eo a materia! change in the swpe of the project, Customer's delay in fuliilling its obligations, or as a resul[ of a chan e in the complexity of the original srope of senrices based an information unknown at Ehe time the parties entered in4o 4he 555, Any such addi4ional hours shall be a reed upon by the parties pursuant to the Change Order prdcess described in 4he SSS and the fixed fee amount descri6ed herein shall be amended as provided in such Change Order. If Kronas has not invoiced far the entire fixed fee amount as set forth in this 555 (znd any Change Orders, if applicablej upan campletion oE the services, Kronos will invoice Customer For any remaining fees up to 4he fixed fee amount and Cuseomer shal! pay such fees upon the payment terms agreed upon by the parties. St srt I:)mke: Y:arlier oF o..live ur 9Q days p'rr:arr7 YMe daYc I:hi. C]rd r I::orrn is .igrred I:y cl ie :rar9:ie:;, i0 16VAi;E o- I'Yli'4'17"M'M{°ANC,k"Lfl1"I"R RI ,aS.N1Vl!„'k" 'MFl SI"m I 7a 1'k'.. r,.., ,.. ..,.. .,..._6 ...... .......,....... ....... ,,,.,.,.,.,.. ,,,,.,.,.,.,., . ,......,.. ............. .._.m,.m,,,.. Ye. S rt ISC1. @nfY M .. . m, n.,.,,, ,,,m.,,. If f7!'"I #•9 ,AA'SdfCd'. 0x0.'a 64 M p I 8 U}7. p,}d'.Pl'.3d WPf 1 J V!7'k.' I` 15 . I$. R)' I n c6wcl al . w.. _ ._.,...... . . .................,. .. .. w .... ___ - I, Tcrt^E 9 rdeti.; $RV,UEY Kronos Time & Attendance - Scheduling - Absence Management - HR & Payroll - Hiring - Labor Analytics Kronos Incorporated 297 Billerica Road Chelmsford, MA 01824 (800) 225-1561 (978) 250-9800 www.Kronos.com PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - ADVANCED CONFIGURATION 1 PROF..... ................................................ ._ ESS NALSERVICES BASEDEPLOYMENTTELESTAFF Kronos . _. Name. i - F— ki' P .'"„ ,„ 7 M" . Title ' Ih "a rt . ' y` + _. ________. 6:Y nts.. ......., e'_.,G.A^" . Kronos Time & Attendance - Scheduling - Absence Management - HR & Payroll - Hiring - Labor Analytics Kronos Incorporeted 297 Billerica Road Chelmsford, MA 01824 (800) 225-1561 (978) 250-9800 www.Kronos.com Signature on File Signature on File e i% N r r, , , ,,,.,o e. a, 'o. t„ ,. 6 ; 1 , v e .m I ii °°m . , mm. P ' Jamie Haskins r 4 a, r u 12/31/2014 w^N N u Charley Rose r 9c r ro r w City of denton fl u+r d P 2015-11237 10l8l2014 i rt 3 m,.,... ...m, .. I Net New 1G; Pending c) 2014. Kronas Inoorporefied. All rights reserved. Iniormatlan wlthln Is subJect to chenge wfthout noilce. CONFIDENTIAL - Not to be disclosed to third parties without specific written consent from Kronos. i ' K 'V I a i;" • a • \ J f i , „ t ,.,, . , / , ,,.. This Statement of Work (also known as the "SOW") documents the agreement between Kronos Incorporated and City of Denton concerning the services to be perFormed by Kronos, including the deliverables, the costs of the project, the responsibility of each party and how the project will be managed. m ° . °.V. @° III'm;" Implement Workforce TeleStaff m , ",' '' "°," The following products are considered in scope for the services and fees defined within this document, unless otherwise noted below. Additional products and/or licenses may incur additional fees. Product Implemer tetlon Type Verslon Workforce TeleStaff Enterprise New 4.x m,.,.,. Workforce TeteStaff Global Access New 4.x V1lorkforce TeleStaff Gateway Manager New 4.x Workforce TeleStaff Institution Focus New n mmmm 4.x Workforce TeleStaff Contact Manager New 4x Workforce TeleStaff Gateway Manager InterFace to WFC New 4.x w II :... 'm..," Depending upon City of Denton resource availability and project task capability, the duration of the project may need to be extended. This will increase the number of hours required for tasks that are performed on a weekly basis such as managing project communications, managing/updating project plans, facilitating project meetings and updating project status reports. a mm Duration of Project - TeleStaff 32 weeks s,',, i I Yi f rf i1 l I t , {,1 ,: A„ <,,, ,, r . „ ,,, , . % ., a mC 'Ilk'""'' If the Scope of Services defined in this document changes at any time during the course of this project, Kronos and Ciry of Denton wfll review and ad)ust the scope and budget of services through standard Kronos change control procedures. Please review the Kronos Change Controt Policy: IF Jh/UiK A,"F 1..7kni/ 4f,,,lU'B I al e„ 4iR Y a,,r 1P i7 *P4!" b 11Y "4 Yi &i 8 'r n 7n^ mm .._. .,... ........ ,,,,,,__ .'_._. m ,'.. P "` ' 6'' mw" "'I.I .µ,i.'` As part of the project, service deliverables may be provided to City of benton for approval and/or acceptance. belays in customer approval/acceptance of deliverables will result in an extension of the project timeline and may result in additional services being required. To avoid project delays and increased costs, City of Denton should expect to approve/accept deliverables or provlde written notification of errors to Kronos within five (5) business days after receipt of the deliverable. Following the receipt of a revised deliverable, City of Denton will then have an additional five (5) business days to report that all errors have been resolved and provide deliverable acceptance. I"' ','..., '„°'' lll''""' w m City of Denton is responsibl2 for developing their workforce management policies and for documenting and disseminating business procedures and policy changes to support the Kronos system prior to Kronos implementing the policies. The CIty of benton Project Team will attend appropriate Kronos training prior to and while participating in the implementation. City of Denton understands that Kronos recommends setup of both a DEVELOPMENT and PRODUCTION environment. Commitment from City of Denton upper management is crucial to the success of the project. Kronos assumes City of Denton will assign a Project Executive Sponsor. The Executive Sponsor is responsible for implementing the necessary change management for City of Denton to embrace using an automated Workforce Management system and for ensuring the Project Team is appropriately staffed, made available and is executing their tasks according to the Project Plan. v ,,. . , ,'i; , .C;r . i ; .. : i v / / ( o r'r I 1 l S IU @'@ C IIIC~'m°°, I Q u l"° For the services set forth in this Statement of Work (and on the corresponding Order Form for such services), Kronos agrees to complete the services described herein for the fixed fee set forth herein, unless additfonal hours are required to complete such services due to a materfal change in the scope of the project, City of Denton's delay in fulfilling its obligatfons, or as a result of a change fn the complexity of the original scope of services based on information unknown at the time the parties entered into this SOW. Any such additional hours shall be agreed upon by the parties pursuant to the Change Order process described in the SOW and the fixed fee amount described herein shali be amended as provided in such Change Order. If Kronos has not invoiced for the entire flxed fee amount as set forth in this SOW and any Change Orders, if applicable) upon completion of the services, Kronos will invoice City of Denton for any remaining fees up to the fixed fee amount and City of Denton shall pay such f2es upon the payment terms agreed upon by the parties. i,f ir(r' t r;/„t/ r u t ttt. e„ r , „ , r,,, . . , , .,„ , ,,,a. , r, r,,, r . F x"' "a'm o.rr k"ilY'„" li'' V"lil"I°. a.. Kronos will deliver a customer implementation guide, a project workbook or checklist and facilitate periodic status meetings. g belivered Project Support Services / TeleStafi `{ncluded 1 I°f f,,,I (J , r t,Jf i 4;;,, ; J i,,,f r„1,.Jf,,;',.1,,, I 1%? ,-,,,i', w w 'u"m."" ,ur,m"'"w'a m„ '!' 'I Ill w i"Ilh""' During this phase of the project, Kronos assists City of Denton with ensuring all applicable requirements and Solution Design documents for the implementation of the product(s) are understood and completed. Customer's Commitment Prior to this phase of the project, Ciiy of benton shall arrange for acqufsition and setup of necessary system hardware and establish In4ernet conn tivity at the server(s). City of Dentor shall also arrange for installation and network testing of the Timekeeper termina4s, if purchased. In addition to completing the requisite Kronos training, the City of Denton Project Manager shall ensure that all internal resources are coordinated and scheduled to participate in each assessment per their domain expertise or role as a decision maker. Also during this phase, the City of Denton Project Manager shall begin to develop testing and education plans. r K f J S` w. m. ii .. During this phase of the project, Kronos and City of Denton joinUy build the solution per the in-scope application buitding blocks. In addition, Kronos guides Ciry of Denton to perForm configuration unit testing to validate the rules against the solution design. Customer's Commitment During this phase of the project City of Denton will provide access and security to the applicable network and servers and dedicate or make available, appropriate resources with the necessary domain experience. It may be necessary for the City of Denton Pro}eet Manager to provide communication and access to a Third Party Software vendor during the build and testing of integration components or custom attributes. C ?m." IrrtegraUons In Soope 1 Gateway Manager: distinct message types (non-Kronos) 1 TeleStaff Databases; Scope includes: Standard person import from WFC; Standard Accrual import from WFC, Standard Roll all punch from Standard Rostedschedule export to WFC Worlcforoe TeleStaff Errterprise .. . ,. This product will be implemented in phase Number of Employees within Scope 385 Woricioroe TeleSteff Enierprlse Sianderd ePloYment ...._... _._._.,...... The database platform will be SQL Server Total number of environments , Jumber of Sites (facilities, locations, etc.) m...., w....,,,,, .a... »,m... Dlstlnct Implementatlans Size # of Dlvlslons Dlvlslor Nemes ire 160 2 uppression and Admin Police 225 2 Patrol and Admm DlsNnct Implementaiions: 2 365 4 Worldoroe TeleStefF ErtGarprlse Stendard Deployment Professlonel Servlces Saope KR N S` Lead Application Configuration Assessment for organizational structure revfew; Lead up to 5 deployment sessions for: Authorities, Ranks, 6°8't Speciafties, Work codes, Work code business rules, Roster Views; Remote Project Support 4 Divisions Lead Technical Assessment Readiness Call; Application Install Global Access Standard Deployment Institution Focus Standard Deployment Contact Manager Standard Deployment Standard Payroll Export Education Strategy Guidance Standard Testing Guidance Train-the-Trainer Workshop Deployment Planning and Go-Live Support Workforoe TeleSteff Er ierpdse Advenced Deploymer t .. M Number of Sites (facilities, locations, etc.) MM rv .,T Dlstlnd Implementatlons .,Slze . M # of Dlvlsbns v vvv u N N Fire 160 1 Suppression and Admin Police 225 1 Patrol and Admin Dlstlnct Implemeniatlons: 2 ' 385 2 Workfor ce TeleStaif EMerptise Advenoed Deplayment Profiessianel Servioes Scape M Lead Application Configuration Assessmeni; Configure: Minimum counts, stafBng alarms, vacancy rules & strategfes r 2 Divisions As part of your overall solution, Kronos Educational Services are included to help secure maximum user adoption. Kronos Educational Services has included an education strategy to train the implementation, functional and technical project team members and end users. The curriculum is structured by employee job role to ensure that each member of your team who interacts with the application has a clear learnfng path designed to devetop knowledge in a logical sequence. KnowledgePass provided through SaaS SMB o,,,,, K N r, f°, ii..r, r ,1, l ,, , u i iJ% ,, ,r, fi, ,, ,,,, All estimates are quoted in USD. US Communitfes pricing. I w ""'I 'mM,4"@I"" N NC rt a N r w t I Standard Deployment Month 1 $11,260.00 tandard Deployment Month 2 $11,280.00 Standard Deployment Month 3 $11,280.OQ', Advanced Deployment Month 1 $18,360.Od Advanced Deployment Month 2 $18,360.00 Advanced Deployment Month 3 $18,360.00 Professional Servioes Total $88,920. f`.,,',,, ,,I',, ; . ' `!% _ 1i'i P . ,. r 1 /ir ! . , i /.Jfll i r : o, II ,1 , ,,, , l rl II,. yll rr ! ; /lr,,,. SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY KRONOS REPRESENTATIVE iD1i i'i r% i; ii,;;; By; ,Date: _.... 0l 9/ 14 ......__ .,.,, m _.........._.,.,.. . .,.,.,.,...,.,._. ..... Title:,„Sa iira r h,!.ta fi ..................................................................................................................................... This Statement af Work is subject to City oF Dentan's agreement withKronas govemingProfessional, Education and Cloud Servicas. By signing below, City af Denton's authorizedrepresentative agrees to purchase theservices desaibed herein. ACCEPTEDANDAGREED City of Denton By: r tie: Da: City of Denton may make necessarycopies of this document for the solepurpase of facilifiating intemal evaluation and/or execution of proposed project. Otherwise, the document orany part ther f may nat be reproduced In any form without the wrlttenpermission of Kronos Incorporated. All rightsreserved. Copyright 2014. 1 . ;i , d FC d, s r t , ° . f ,. Signature on File 1 N SA l%,; ° I;r r,,,,, IP 11„1 /%, G'',,, IV' i! I II''" Please revfew the Kronos engagement guidelines: 01 r h fr'u"dti+4Pks .i{v1V4i i i°di(k k6 N d P4b1C ll f fl..::...,,.. k GAU!4 H a^, ;::...;.;. lr. , i , i r` , , i .. "j , , ,ii r r „ _