Exhibit 3 - Presentation909 N. Loop 288 Building CMAR COMMUNITY SERVICES WORKING TO PROVIDE QUALITY AFFORDABLE HOUSING, A SUITABLE LIVING ENVIRONMENT, AND EXPANDING ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY, PRINCIPALLY FOR PERSONS OF LOW TO MODERATE INCOME. ID 21-1691, August 17, 2021 AGENDA ▪TODAY’S PRESENTATION AND OBJECTIVES: •Timeline Review •Project Budget Review •Recommendation To Approve CMAR Contract ID 21-1691, August 17, 2021 COMMUNITY SERVICES 2 RECAP ▪PRESENTATION FROM FEB. 23, 2021: PROJECT REVIEW •Review of Project Background •Review of Collaboration with The Junction •Review Key Terms of a Management Services and Operating Agreement •Design Update ▪PRESENTATION FROM APR. 05, 2021: PROJECT REVIEW & NOTICE TO PROCEED •Project Scope •Rough Budget •Estimated Timeline •City Council provided Notice To Proceed Phase 3 ▪PRESENTATION FROM JUN. 22, 2021: APPROVAL OF MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT •City Council approved Management Service and Operating Agreement ID 21-1691, August 17, 2021 COMMUNITY SERVICES 3 TIMELINE ID 21-1691, August 17, 2021 COMMUNITY SERVICES 4 Purchase COMPLETE (08/20) •Facilities Assessment o Repairs o Security •Project Scope Zoning COMPLETE (11/20) •Neighbor- hood Mtg. •P&Z •SC→PF Phase 1 & 2 Architect COMPLETE (02/21) •Schematic Design •Cost Estimates •Design Development City Council COMPLETE Notice to Proceed ->P3 (04/05/21) •Rough Budget •Schedule Phase 3 Finalize Documents COMPLETE Architect: •Construction Docs (95%) •Finalize Pre- Construction Budget & Schedule Phase 4 Bidding •Procure Subcontractor Bids •Final Budget Validation •Accept Alternates ? •Permits Phase 5 Constr. Issue Notice to Proceed 8-10 months Facility Open •Substantial Completion –OCT 2022 •Operational –DEC 2022 07/21 08/21 11/21 12/22 04/2102/21 v. 08/17/21 NEXT STEPS ID 21-1691, August 17, 2021 COMMUNITY SERVICES 5 Phase 4 -PRECONSTRUCTION 08/17/2021 Approve CMAR Pre-Construction Services Balfour Beatty Construction 09/07/2021 100% Construction Documents Release for Bidding 11/09/2021 City Council Considers Final Exhibit A -GMP Amendment Phase 5 -CONSTRUCTION 11/11/2021 Construction Start Date 10/11/2022 Substantial Completion of the Work 12/11/2022 Owner Startup, Training & Move-in Complete; Facility Fully Operational ID 21-1691, August 17, 2021 COMMUNITY SERVICES 6 Contract Design Firm Contract CMAR for Preconstruction Services (TODAY) CMAR Collaborates w/ Design Firm CMAR Solicits Subcontractor Bids Design Firm, CMAR, & City Collaborate to Determine Best Value Amendment to Owner’s CMAR Contract for GMP CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AT RISK (CMAR) ID 21-1691, August 17, 2021 COMMUNITY SERVICES 7 Summary Budget Building Renovations $6,251,733 Furnishings, IT/AV/Security, Equipment, Etc.$1,250,000 Soft Costs & Contingencies $1,318,783 Total of All Uses $8,820,516 Escalation (Current Market = 0.9%/MO)w/Above Total of All Uses $8,820,516 Notes: •CMAR Estimate at 90%CDs •Includes Design Fees +Owner’s Contingency •No change from April 5,2021 Presentation BUDGET Team Recommendation for Good Facility Made Better: •Current contingency is marginal for a complicated renovation like this; •Additional funding of $1.5M would provide additional buffer for unforeseen items;and •If not used for unforeseen surprises could purchase new exterior skin,generator,etc. CITY COUNCIL DIRECTION ID 21-1691, August 17, 2021 COMMUNITY SERVICES 8 ▪Recommend approval of ordinance to complete contract with Balfour Beatty Construction, LLC.