6590-049 - Amendment 1 Executed Docusign Transmittal Coversheet File Name Purchasing Contact Contract Expiration DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 Cori Power 6590-049 Hickory Creek Design - Amendment #1 N/A 6590-049 PSA – Amendment #1 Page 1 of 2 FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS AND HDR ENGINEERING, INC. PSA 6590-049 THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT 6590-049 (“Amendment”) by and between the City of Denton, Texas (“City”) and HDR Engineering, Inc. (“Engineer”); to that certain contract executed on February 12, 2019, in the original not-to-exceed amount of $3,342,509 (the “Agreement”); for services related to the analysis and evaluation of schematic, environmental, survey, right-of-way, sue, construction plans, and specifications for Hickory Creek Road. WHEREAS, the City deems it necessary to further expand the services provided by Consultant to the City pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, and to provide an additional not-to-exceed amount $49,950 with this Amendment for an aggregate not-to-exceed amount of $3,392,459; and FURTHERMORE, the City deems it necessary to further expand the goods/services provided by Engineer to the City; NOW THEREFORE, the City and Engineer (hereafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”), in consideration of their mutual promises and covenants, as well as for other good and valuable considerations, do hereby AGREE to the following Amendment, which amends the following terms and conditions of the said Agreement, to wit: 1. The additional services described in Exhibit “A” of this Amendment, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, for professional services related to the analysis and evaluation of schematic, environmental, survey, right-of-way, sue, construction plans, and specifications for Hickory Creek Road, are hereby authorized to be performed by Engineer. For and in consideration of the additional services to be performed by Engineer, the City agrees to pay, based on the cost estimate detail attached as Exhibit “A” to this Amendment, a total fee, including reimbursement for non-labor expenses an amount not to exceed $49,950. 2. This Amendment modifies the Agreement amount to provide an additional $49,950 for the additional services with a revised aggregate not to exceed total of $3,392,459. DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 6590-049 PSA – Amendment #1 Page 2 of 2 The Parties hereto agree, that except as specifically provided for by this Amendment, that all of the terms, covenants, conditions, agreements, rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the Parties, set forth in the Agreement remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Consultant, have each executed this Amendment electronically, by and through their respective duly authorized representatives and officers on this date _________________________. “City” CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS A Texas Municipal Corporation By: _________________________________ CORI POWER, SENIOR BUYER “Engineer” HDR ENGINEERING, INC. By: _________________________________ AUTHORIZED SIGNOR, TITLE THIS AGREEMENT HAS BEEN BOTH REVIEWED AND APPROVED as to financial and operational obligations and business terms. _______________ ________________ SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME __________________________________ TITLE __________________________________ DEPARTMENT DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 Vice President Capital Projects - Engineering Director of Capital Projects/City Engineer Rebecca Diviney 10/4/2021 1 Exhibit A SCOPE OF SERVICES SUPPLEMENTAL 05 CITY OF DENTON-TRAVEL DEMAND MODEL ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF SCHEMATIC, ENVIRONMENTAL, SURVEY, RIGHT-OF-WAY, SUE, CONSTRUCTION PLANS, AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR HICKORY CREEK ROAD SCOPE ASSUMPTIONS: 1. No Change 2. No Change 3. PS&E plan development (800’ East of Waterside Pl. – Country Club Drive) 4. No Change 5. No Change It should be noted that this Scope of Services has been prepared prior to formal approval of a Scope of Work approved by the City of Denton/TxDOT. The budget suggested herein will be adjusted if necessary upon receipt of an approved Scope of Work from the City. A written notification of any such changes will be provided. DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 2 A. FEASIBILITY STUDY NO CHANGE B. DRAINAGE DESIGN NO CHANGE C. SCHEMATIC NO CHANGE D. ENVIROMENTAL NO CHANGE E. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT NO CHANGE F. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING/DESIGN SURVEYS NO CHANGE G. SUBSURFACE UTILITY ENGINEERING NO CHANGE H. RIGHT OF WAY MAPPING NO CHANGE I. RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION NO CHANGE J. PLANS SPECIFICATION AND ESTIMATE (PS&E) This scope of services is submitted to extend the project limits for improvements of Hickory Creek Road from 800’ West of Waterside Pl to the Country Club (FM1830) Intersection located in Denton, Texas. The improvements requested by the City are: Option 1: No Change Option 2: No Change 1. UTILITY COORDINATION AND ENGINEERING Utility Coordination The ENGINEER shall perform utility coordination and liaison activities with involved utility owners, their consultants, and the CITY to achieve timely project notifications, formal coordination meetings, conflict analysis and resolution. Work will include limits from Riverpass to Waterside. Utility Engineering Utility Engineering includes the identification of utility conflicts, coordination, compliance with the CITY Standards, and resolution of utility conflicts. The ENGINEER shall coordinate all activities with the CITY, or the CITY’s designee, to facilitate the orderly progress and timely completion of the CITY’s design phase. Work will include limits from Riverpass to Waterside for analysis. DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 3 Submittals. 1. Railroad Agreements and Layouts. The ENGINEER shall assist in the preparation of the railroad agreement and prepare Exhibit A documents and layout sheet in accordance with the requirements of the railroad. The ENGINEER shall submit each exhibit to the City for review and processing. 2. Prepare Interim set of plans (60% Submittal), quantity estimates, and cost estimates for the proposed improvements. Plans will include: o Typical sections o Removal plans o Paving plans o Intersection plans o Bridge plans without details o Update Preliminary Hydraulic Report o Geotech Boring locations o Drainage systems plans without details o Traffic Control plans o Signal Plans without details o Illumination plans without details o Pavement Markings and Signs plans without details o Utility Plans (Water & Sanitary Sewer) without details o Cross sections o Applicable standard details The plans will be prepared according to City of Denton standards. Submit five hard copy and one electronic set of plans to the City for review. Meet with the City to discuss draft submittal comments. One (1) meeting is assumed for budget purposes. 3. Prepare Pre-Final set of plans (90% Submittal), quantity estimates, and cost estimates for the proposed improvements. Plans will include: o General notes o Typical sections o Removal plans o Paving plans o Bridge plans & details o Revised Hydraulic Report o Geotech Boring locations & geotechnical recommendations o Drainage systems plans & details o Traffic Control & Erosion Control plans o Signal Plans & details DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 4 o Illumination plans & details o Pavement Markings and Signs & details o Utility Plans (Water & Sanitary Sewer) with details o Cross sections o Applicable standard details The plans will be prepared according to City of Denton standards. Submit five hard copy and one electronic set of plans to the City for review. Meet with the City to discuss draft submittal comments. One (1) meeting is assumed for budget purposes. 4. No Change 5. No Change The CITY will provide existing utilities (water, sewer, signal electrical/ITS) per the City’s GIS and as-built record information. The CITY will provide any survey information East of Fletcher Branch crossing to east limits. The CITY will provide all SUE from Waterside PL to east limits. Any changes to the assumed Scope of Services may result in increased project costs. Assumes all ROW tasks will be completed under the Schematic development process. Roadway Design. The ENGINEER shall prepare roadway plans, profiles and typical sections for the proposed improvements.  The plans must be consistent with the schematic design and will include a plan and profile of the Hickory Creek, Hilltop, Riverpass, Waterside, and Country Club, intersection layouts and include drainage structures, sidewalks, geometrics, driveways, median, signalization, and transitions to existing roadway.  The ENGINEER shall prepare typical sections for all proposed and existing roadways and structures. Typical sections must include width of travel lanes, shoulders, outer separations, border widths, curb offsets, walls, and ROW.  The ENGINEER shall prepare removal plans.  The ENGINEER shall perform the pavement design to meet the City’s design requirements.  The ENGINEER shall develop an earthwork analysis to determine cut and fill quantities and provide final design cross sections at 50 feet intervals. Cross sections and quantities must include existing pavement removals. Additional roadway sheets will be added to incorporate extended project limits. Bridge Design. No Change At Hickory Creek: No Change Drainage Design. No Change Storm Drains. The ENGINEER shall provide the following services: · Design and analyze storm drains using software as approved by the City. DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 5 · Size inlets, laterals, trunk line and outfall. Develop designs that minimize the interference with the passage of traffic or incur damage to the highway and local property in accordance with the Project’s Design Criteria. · Determine hydraulic grade line starting at the outfall channel for each storm drain design. Use the design water surface elevation of the outfall as the starting basis (tailwater) for the design of the proposed storm sewer system. · Calculate manhole headlosses. Compute manhole head losses as per FHWA’s HEC- 22. · Limit discharge into existing storm drains and existing outfalls to the capacity of the existing system, which will be determined by the ENGINEER. Evaluate alternate flow routes or detention, if necessary, to relieve system overload. Determine the amount of the total detention storage to control storm drain runoff for the design frequency based on hydrograph routing for the full range of frequencies (50%, 20% 10%, 4%, 2%, 1%, and 0.2% AEP), as well as a rough estimate of the available on-site volume. When oversized storm drains are used for detention, the ENGINEER shall evaluate the hydraulic gradeline throughout the whole system, within project limits, for the design frequency or frequencies. The ENGINEER shall coordinate with the City any proposed changes to the detention systems. The City will assess the effects of such changes on the comprehensive drainage studies. · Identify areas requiring trench protection, excavation, shoring, and de-watering. · All drainage structures and storm pipes east of Riverpass to remain, and no drainage or hydraulic analysis to be performed. Cross-Drainage Structures. No Change Scour Analysis. No Change PS&E Development for Drainage. The ENGINEER shall provide the following services: · Include the following sheets and documents, as appropriate: o Additional drainage map sheets will be added to incorporate extended project limits. · Identify areas requiring trench protection, excavation, shoring and de-watering. · If applicable, prepare plan and profile sheets for storm drain systems and outfall ditches. · Select any necessary standard details for items such as inlets, manholes, junction boxes and end treatments. · Prepare details for non-standard inlets, manholes and junction boxes. · Prepare drainage details for outlet protection, outlet structures and utility accommodation structures · Identify pipe strength requirements · Identify potential utility conflicts and, if feasible, design to mitigate or avoid those identified conflicts. · Consider pedestrian facilities, utility impacts, driveway grades, retaining wall and concrete traffic barrier drainage impacts. DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 6 · Identify existing ground elevation profiles at the ROW lines on storm sewer plan and profile sheets. · Prepare Hydraulic Data Sheets for any bridge or cross drainage structures at the outfall channel and indicate site location (e.g., station and name of creek or bayou), if applicable. Bridge deck drainage systems, including internal drainage piping within the bents where required on structures. · Detention ponds, associated outlet structures, and details, if applicable. · It is assumed that all drainage structures east of Riverpass are designed appropriately and will remain as is with no hydraulic analysis required. · It is assumed that 1 ditch will be required on the north side between Riverpass and Waterside Pl. Traffic Control. The ENGINEER shall prepare Traffic Control Plans (TCP) including TCP typical sections, for the project. A detailed TCP must be developed in accordance with the latest edition of the TMUTCD. The ENGINEER shall: · Provide a written narrative of the construction sequencing and work activities per phase and determine the existing and proposed traffic control devices (regulatory signs, warning signs, guide signs, route markers, construction pavement markings, barricades, flag personnel, temporary traffic signals, etc.) to be used to handle traffic during each construction sequence. · The ENGINEER shall show proposed traffic control devices at grade intersections during each construction phase (stop signs, flag person, signals, etc.). The ENGINEER shall show temporary roadways, ramps, structures and detours required to maintain lane continuity throughout the construction phasing. If temporary shoring is required, prepare layouts and show the limits on the applicable TCP. · Develop each TCP to provide continuous, safe access to each adjacent property during all phases of construction and to preserve existing access. The ENGINEER shall notify the City in the event existing access must be eliminated, and must receive approval from the City prior to any elimination of existing access. · Design temporary drainage to replace existing drainage disturbed by construction activities or to drain detour pavement. The ENGINEER shall show horizontal and vertical location of culverts and required cross sectional area of culverts. · The TCP must include interim signing for every phase of construction. Interim signing must include regulatory, warning, construction, route, and guide signs. · Maintain continuous access to abutting properties during all phases of the TCP. The ENGINEER shall develop a list of each abutting property along its alignment. · The ENGINEER shall identify and coordinate with all utility companies for relocations required. · Identify and delineate any outstanding ROW parcels · Plans will show limits of wetlands, if applicable · Additional TCP sheets will be added to incorporate extended project limits. Railroad Coordination. No Change DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 7 Signing Design. The ENGINEER shall prepare drawings, specifications, and details for all signs. The ENGINEER shall: · Prepare summary of small signs to be removed, relocated, or replaced. · Illustrate and number the proposed signs on plan sheets. · Sign details for non-standard small signs · Select each sign foundation. · Additional signing sheets will be added to incorporate extended project limits. · Pavement Marking. The ENGINEER shall detail both permanent and temporary pavement markings and channelization devices on plan sheets. The ENGINEER shall select Pavement markings from the latest City details and standards. Additional pavement marking sheets will be added to incorporate extended project limits. Signal Design. No Change Illumination Design. No Change Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SW3P). The ENGINEER shall develop SW3P, on separate sheets from (but in conformance with) the TCP, to minimize potential impact to receiving waterways. The SW3P must include text describing the plan, quantities, type, phase and locations of erosion control devices and any required permanent erosion control. Additional SW3P sheets will be added to incorporate extended project limits. Geotechnical Investigation. No Change Project Management and Coordination. The ENGINEER shall coordinate all subconsultant’s activity to include quality of and consistency of plans and administration of the invoices and monthly progress reports. The ENGINEER shall submit a monthly written progress report to the City’s Project Manager regardless of whether the ENGINEER is invoicing for that month. The ENGINEER’s written progress report shall describe activities during the reporting period; activities planned for the following period; problems encountered and actions taken to remedy them; list of meetings attended; and overall status, including a per cent complete by task. The ENGINEER shall prepare a design time schedule and an estimated construction contract time schedule, the schedules shall indicate tasks, subtasks, critical dates, milestones, DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 8 deliverables and review requirements in a format that depicts the interdependence of the various items. The ENGINEER shall schedule milestone submittals at 60%, 90% and final project completion phases. The ENGINEER, in association with the City’s Project Manager shall be responsible for directing and coordinating all activities associated with the project to comply with City policies and procedures, and to deliver that work on time. The ENGINEER shall: · Prepare monthly written progress reports for each project. · Develop and maintain a detailed project schedule to track project progress. · Meet on a scheduled basis with the City to review project progress. · Prepare, distribute, and file both written and electronic correspondence. · Prepare and distribute meeting minutes. · Document phone calls and conference calls as required during the project to coordinate the work for various team members. · Conduct team meetings to discuss revised project limits and impacts. OPTION WORK. The City will direct the ENGINEER prior to NTP for the PS&E which of the below Options the ENGINEER is to proceed with final design. OPTION1 – Grade Separation @ KCS At RR: No Change Removals. The ENGINEER shall prepare a removal plans detailing the removal of KCS equipment and work to be performed by the City’s Contractor or by KCS forces. Additional removal sheets will be added to incorporate extended project limits. K. TRAVEL DEMAND MODELING NO CHANGE EXHIBIT B HOURLY BILLABLE RATES BY POSITION NO CHANGE DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 Summary of Tasks - Hickory Creek Improvements 4/20/2021 Task Design Fee Utility Coordination Utility Coordination 6,400.00$ 6,400.00$ PS&E J1. PS&E (Option 1) Grade Separation @ KCS 43,550.00$ 43,550.00$ Total Supplemental Summary 49,950.00$ DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 CITY OF Denton - Hickory CreekManhour / Fee Estimate - HDRJ1. PS (Option 1) Grade Separation @ KCS$300.00 $250.00 $270.00 $170.00 $150.00 $100.00 $85.00IRoadway DesignaProject Management12820 $4,200bData Collection & GIS Processing0 $0cConduct Field Visit (2 field Visits)8 816 $2,000dSpecifications0 $0eGeneral Notes & Typical Sections4 1216 $1,800fRemoval Plans (Edit current and 3 additional sheets)112 2033 $4,050gPaving Plans & Details (Revise existing sheets, 3 new P&P)824 4072 $9,600gDrainage Plans & Details (2 Additional Sheets and revised ditch profiles)26 816 $2,200hRetaining Wall Plans & Details0 $0iTraffic Control Plans112 2437 $4,450jSW3P Plans2 1618 $1,900kPavement Markings & Signs (2 Additional Sheets)6 1016 $1,900lWaterline and Sanitary Sewer Plans0 $0mCross Sections12 2032 $3,800nStandard details0 $0oSummary of Quantities18 1625 $3,050pQA/QC reviews 60%, 90%, & Final Submittals1616 $4,000qCost Estimate0 $0rUtility Coordination44 $600sIllumination Plans0 $0tRailroad Coordination0 $0SUBTOTAL$43,550Project Engineer EIT ADMIN TOTAL TOTAL(Per Task)TASKDESCRIPTIONProject Principal Project ManagerSenior Bridge EngineerBridge Project EngineerHDR Inc. DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 CITY OF Denton - Hickory CreekManhour / Fee Estimate - HDRJ1. PS (Option 1) Grade Separation @ KCSNOT INCLUDING SUBSTOTAL 0 41 0 0 106 174 0 321 $43,550-$ 10,250.00$ -$ -$ 15,900.00$ 17,400.00$ -$ 43,550.00$ Direct CostContract Rate UnitQuantity AmountStandard Postage0.49 Each$0.00Meals$20 Each$0.00Toll Charges$4.00 Each$0.00Mylar Plots (11"x17")$2.00 Sheet$0.00Large format printing$2.00 SF$0.008 1/2"x11" B/W Paper Copies$0.10 Sheet$0.008 1/2'x11' Color Paper Copies$0.50 Sheet$0.00Photocopies B/W (11"x17")$0.20 Sheet$0.00Photocopies Color (11"x17")$1.00 Each$0.00Roadway Tube (per counter/24 Hours)$130.00 each/day$0.00Mileage - Meetings,Field Visits & Travel Time Runs etc.$0.560 Per Mile$0.000SUB-TOTAL DIRECT COST$0.00SUB-TOTAL DIRECT COST (SUB-CONSULTANTS) (GEOTECH)SUB-TOTAL LABOR$43,550.00TOTAL COST$43,550.00DIRECT EXPENSESTOTAL COSTS (excluding Direct Expense)HDR Inc. DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 CITY OF Denton - Hickory CreekManhour / Fee Estimate - HDRUtility Coordination and Engineering$300.00 $250.00 $270.00 $170.00 $150.00 $100.00 $85.001Utility CoordinationaUtility (Kick-Off) Project Meeting0 $0bExternal Communications4 48 $1,000cPermits and Rights of Entry0 $0dProgress Meetings (with utility companies; 1-2 mtgs/utility = 15)0 $0eProvide Project Notification Letters (to those companies not on file)0 $0fProvide Utility Contact List0 $0gProvide Project information and illustration of project footprint to utility companies0 $0hCoordination of utility conflicts and preparation of required agreements2 46 $700iUtility Agreement Assemblies (Assume a maximum of 4 Utility Companies)0 $0jUtility Agreement Forms & Submission (4 utilities)0 $0kUtility Acknowledgement -or- Permit (5 utilities)2 24 $500lPreparation and calculation of all Support Documents2 810 $1,100SUBTOTAL$3,3002Utility EngineeringaUpdate Utility Layout2 1214 $1,500bDetermine facilities in conflict w proposed project to be relocated (Conflict Matrix)0 $0cDetermine facilities to be abandoned in place0 $0dDetermine facilities to remain in service 0 $0eDetermine if any additional utility facilities exist that were not found per SUE0 $0fSet Agenda for all conflict coordination meetings0 $0gProgress/Status Meetings (Monthly conf calls ~ 12months = 12 meetings)0 $0hReview of Utility's Proposed Adjustments (Maximum 9 Utilities)22 $200iEvaluate Alternatives0 $0jReview Estimates and Schedules0 $0kReview Plans for Compliance with City Standards and proposed location data0 $0lProposed Utility Layout/Update Conflict Matrix(Incl QC in preparation for Deliverable)2 46 $700mReview and resolve all facility conflicts2 46 $700nStakeholders have concurred with the various alignments0 $0oEstablish the sequence of construction0 $0pDetermine which utilities will be built as part of the contract0 $0qDetermine which facilities will be relocated prior to construction0 $0rUtility Certification/Special Provisions/Permits (11 Utilities)0 $0sSubmission of final Utility Agreement Assembly packages (4 packages)0 $0SUBTOTAL$3,100NOT INCLUDING SUBSTOTAL 0 0 0 0 16 40 0 56 $6,400-$ -$ -$ -$ 2,400.00$ 4,000.00$ -$ 6,400.00$ Direct CostContract Rate UnitQuantity AmountStandard Postage0.49 Each$0.00Large format printing$2.00 SF$0.00TOTAL TOTAL(Per Task)TOTAL COSTS (excluding Direct Expense)TASKDESCRIPTIONProject Principal Project ManagerSenior Bridge EngineerBridge Project EngineerProject Engineer EIT ADMINDocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 CITY OF Denton - Hickory CreekManhour / Fee Estimate - HDRUtility Coordination and Engineering8 1/2"x11" B/W Paper Copies$0.10 Sheet$0.008 1/2'x11' Color Paper Copies$0.50 Sheet$0.00Photocopies B/W (11"x17")$0.20 Sheet$0.00Photocopies Color (11"x17")$1.00 Each$0.00Mileage - Meetings,Field Visits & Travel Time Runs etc.$0.560 Per Mile$0.000SUB-TOTAL DIRECT COST$0.00SUB-TOTAL LABOR$6,400.00TOTAL COST$6,400.00DIRECT EXPENSESDocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Text2 1 Hickory Creek Road Realigment 875 days Wed 1/2/19 Thu 6/9/22 2 Project Agreement 0 days Tue 2/12/19 Tue 2/12/19 10 Feasibility Study 77 days Tue 2/12/19 Wed 5/29/19 23 Hickory Creek Rd. & Crawford Rd. Travel Demand Model 83 days Tue 2/12/19 Thu 6/6/19 33 Drainage Design 139 days Thu 2/14/19 Wed 8/28/19 46 Schematic Design 181 days Thu 4/25/19 Mon 1/13/20 70 Environmental Documentation 584 days Mon 6/17/19 Tue 10/5/21 99 Public Involvement 131 days Tue 12/24/19 Tue 6/30/20 103 Topographic and Boundary Survey 181 days Tue 2/12/19 Thu 10/24/19 106 Schematic (Riverpass Dr. to FM 1830)218 days Tue 2/12/19 Wed 12/18/19 107 Develop Preliminary Geometric Schematic Layouts 60 days Tue 2/12/19 Mon 5/6/19 108 Develop Preliminary Cross-Sections 60 days Tue 2/12/19 Mon 5/6/19 107SS 109 Develop Preliminary Construction Sequence 20 days Mon 4/15/19 Fri 5/10/19 108SS+40 days 110 Develop Preliminary Construction Estimates 20 days Mon 4/15/19 Fri 5/10/19 109SS 111 Council Update 0 days Mon 5/6/19 Mon 5/6/19 112 Draft Schematic, Cross-Sections, Construction Sequence & Cost Estimates Submittal 0 days Fri 5/10/19 Fri 5/10/19 113 Review & Revisions 95 days Fri 5/10/19 Mon 9/23/19 112 114 30% Schematic, Cross-Sections, Construction Sequence & Cost Estimates Submittal 0 days Mon 9/23/19 Mon 9/23/19 113 115 Develop Geometric Schematic Layouts 30 days Tue 9/24/19 Mon 11/4/19 113 116 Develop Cross-Sections 30 days Tue 9/24/19 Mon 11/4/19 113 117 Develop Construction Sequence 30 days Tue 9/24/19 Mon 11/4/19 113 118 Develop Construction Estimates 10 days Tue 10/22/19 Mon 11/4/19 113FS+20 days 119 Final 30% Schematic, Cross-Sections, Construction Sequence & Cost Estimates Submittal 0 days Mon 11/4/19 Mon 11/4/19 118 120 Schematic Approval by Council 30 days Tue 11/5/19 Wed 12/18/19 119 121 Environmental Documantation (Riverpass Dr. to FM 1830)676 days Thu 4/11/19 Fri 12/10/21 122 USACE Permitting 477 days Mon 1/27/20 Fri 12/10/21 123 Field Deliniation 5 days Mon 1/27/20 Fri 1/31/20 104SS+242 days 124 Delineation Report 10 days Mon 2/3/20 Fri 2/14/20 123 125 Impact Assessment 30 days Mon 2/3/20 Fri 3/13/20 124SS 126 Develop Draft USACE Permit Application 117 days Thu 2/4/21 Tue 7/20/21 171 127 Review & Revisions 5 days Wed 7/21/21 Tue 7/27/21 126 128 Final USACE Permit Application Submittal 5 days Wed 7/28/21 Tue 8/3/21 127 129 USACE Review & Approval 90 days Wed 8/4/21 Fri 12/10/21 128 *Review can range between 45 and 90 days. 130 TxDOT Categorical Exclusion 290 days Mon 1/27/20 Wed 3/17/21 131 Notice to Proceed 0 days Mon 5/18/20 Mon 5/18/20 132 Surface Water Analysis Form 14 days Thu 2/4/21 Tue 2/23/21 131,171 133 Species Analysis and Tier One Site Assessment (field work and technical reports) 30 days Thu 2/4/21 Wed 3/17/21 131,171 134 Community Impacts Assessment Form 15 days Thu 2/4/21 Wed 2/24/21 131,171 135 Air Quality Technical Report 20 days Thu 2/4/21 Wed 3/3/21 131,171 2/12 5/6 5/10 9/23 11/4 *Review can range between 45 and 90 days. 5/18 N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J FM A M Half 1, 2018 Half 2, 2018 Half 1, 2019 Half 2, 2019 Half 1, 2020 Half 2, 2020 Half 1, 2021 Half 2, 2021 Half 1, 2022 Half 2, 2022 Half 1, 2023 Half 2, 2023 Page 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Text2 136 Traffic Noise Technical Report 30 days Thu 2/4/21 Wed 3/17/21 131,171 137 Historic Resources Survey 15 days Thu 2/4/21 Wed 2/24/21 131,171 138 Request for Section 106 Coordination Letter and Form 30 days Thu 2/4/21 Wed 3/17/21 171 139 Hazardous Materials Initial Site Assessment (Phase 1)35 days Mon 1/27/20 Fri 3/13/20 123SS 140 Hazardous Materials Site Assessment (Phase 2)34 days Mon 8/10/20 Fri 9/25/20 139FS+103 days 141 Cultural Resources 208 days Wed 12/18/19 Mon 10/12/20 142 Archeological Background Study and Permit Application 25 days Wed 12/18/19 Fri 1/24/20 162 143 Archological Survey 23 days Fri 7/17/20 Tue 8/18/20 142FS+122 days 144 Develop Archeological Survey Report 8 days Wed 8/19/20 Fri 8/28/20 143 145 Final Archeological Survey Report Submittal 0 days Fri 8/28/20 Fri 8/28/20 144 146 THC Review and Approval 30 days Mon 8/31/20 Mon 10/12/20 145 147 Submit All Technical Reports and Forms to the City and TxDOT 0 days Mon 10/19/20 Mon 10/19/20 146FS+5 days 148 TxDOT Review of Technical Reports 23 days Tue 10/20/20 Thu 11/19/20 147 149 Technical Report Revisions 23 days Fri 11/20/20 Thu 12/24/20 148 150 TxDOT 2nd Round of Reviews 14 days Mon 12/28/20 Fri 1/15/21 149 151 Public Involvement 428 days Thu 4/11/19 Thu 12/17/20 152 MAPOs 428 days Thu 4/11/19 Thu 12/17/20 153 MAPO 1 0 days Thu 4/11/19 Thu 4/11/19 154 MAPO 2 0 days Tue 5/19/20 Tue 5/19/20 155 MAPO 3 0 days Mon 6/1/20 Mon 6/1/20 156 MAPO 4 0 days Tue 6/9/20 Tue 6/9/20 157 Additional MAPOS & Public Meeting (As necessary, TBD)0 days Thu 12/17/20 Thu 12/17/20 158 Plans, Specifications & Estimates (Riverpass Dr. to FM 1830)238 days Mon 5/6/19 Fri 4/10/20 159 Issue Design Notice To Proceed (requires schematic approval by staff and City Council; approval of drainage/floodplain preliminary design; and KCS RR approval of Exhibit A) 0 days Mon 5/6/19 Mon 5/6/19 111,105SS 160 Preliminary Design 158 days Tue 8/27/19 Fri 4/10/20 161 Prepare Design Plans 70 days Tue 8/27/19 Thu 12/5/19 105SS+110 days 162 60% Plan Submittal 0 days Wed 12/18/19 Wed 12/18/19 161 163 60% Plan Review 80 days Wed 12/18/19 Fri 4/10/20 162 164 Completion of Design - City 332 days Tue 9/15/20 Fri 1/7/22 165 Preliminary Design Revised (City)96 days Tue 9/15/20 Wed 2/3/21 166 NTP-Option 1 0 days Tue 9/15/20 Tue 9/15/20 167 Revise 60% Plans 70 days Wed 9/30/20 Mon 1/11/21 166 168 Revise Bridge Layout and RR Exhibit A 15 days Wed 9/30/20 Tue 10/20/20 167SS 169 Revised RR Exhibit A Review and Approval 15 days Wed 10/21/20 Tue 11/10/20 168 170 60% Revised Plans Submittal 1 day Tue 1/12/21 Tue 1/12/21 167,169 171 60% Revised Plans Review 15 days Wed 1/13/21 Wed 2/3/21 170 172 Final Design 114 days Thu 2/4/21 Thu 7/15/21 173 Prepare 90% Design Plans 47 days Thu 2/4/21 Mon 4/12/21 171,174FF 8/28 10/19 4/11 5/19 6/1 6/9 12/17 5/6 12/18 9/15 10/21 1/12 N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J FM A M Half 1, 2018 Half 2, 2018 Half 1, 2019 Half 2, 2019 Half 1, 2020 Half 2, 2020 Half 1, 2021 Half 2, 2021 Half 1, 2022 Half 2, 2022 Half 1, 2023 Half 2, 2023 Page 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Text2 174 NTP-Supplemental 05 0 days Mon 4/12/21 Mon 4/12/21 175 Prepare 90% Design and Supplemental 05 29 days Mon 4/12/21 Thu 5/20/21 174 176 90% Plan Submittal 1 day Fri 5/21/21 Fri 5/21/21 175 177 90% Plan Review 37 days Mon 5/24/21 Thu 7/15/21 176 178 Bid Package Submittal 37 days Fri 7/16/21 Tue 9/7/21 179 Revisions 15 days Fri 7/16/21 Thu 8/5/21 177 180 Bid Package Submittal 1 day Fri 8/6/21 Fri 8/6/21 179 181 Approve Bid Package and Route for Signatures 21 days Mon 8/9/21 Tue 9/7/21 180 182 Letting 85 days Wed 9/8/21 Fri 1/7/22 183 Advertise for bidding/ROW Acquisition 80 days Wed 9/8/21 Fri 12/31/21 181 184 Letting 5 days Mon 1/3/22 Fri 1/7/22 183 185 Completion of Design - TXDOT 358 days Wed 9/30/20 Mon 2/28/22 186 Preliminary Design Revised (TxDOT)145 days Wed 9/30/20 Tue 4/27/21 187 Execute Funding Agreement between City and TXDOT 1 day Wed 9/30/20 Wed 9/30/20 188 15% Bridge and Hydraulic Design 15 days Thu 10/1/20 Wed 10/21/20 187 189 15% Bridge and Hydraulic Submittal 1 day Thu 10/22/20 Thu 10/22/20 188 190 15% Bridge and Hydraulic Review 15 days Fri 10/23/20 Thu 11/12/20 189 191 30% Plans Design 45 days Fri 10/2/20 Mon 12/7/20 190FF+15 days,187 192 30% Plans Submittal 1 day Tue 12/8/20 Tue 12/8/20 191 193 30% Plan Review 15 days Wed 12/9/20 Wed 12/30/20 192 194 Preliminary Bridge & RR Exhibit A Design 30 days Thu 12/31/20 Fri 2/12/21 193 195 Preliminary Bridge & RR Exhibit A Submittal 1 day Mon 2/15/21 Mon 2/15/21 194 196 Preliminary Bridge & RR Exhibit A Review and Approval 15 days Tue 2/16/21 Mon 3/8/21 195 197 60% Plans Design 20 days Tue 3/9/21 Mon 4/5/21 196 198 60% Plans Submittal 1 day Tue 4/6/21 Tue 4/6/21 197 199 60% Plans Review 15 days Wed 4/7/21 Tue 4/27/21 198 200 Final Design 122 days Wed 4/28/21 Tue 10/19/21 201 90% Plans Design 60 days Wed 4/28/21 Thu 7/22/21 199 202 VE Study 3 days Wed 4/28/21 Fri 4/30/21 201SS 203 90% Plan Submittal 1 day Fri 7/23/21 Fri 7/23/21 201 204 90% Plan Review 15 days Mon 7/26/21 Fri 8/13/21 203 205 Revisions 20 days Mon 8/16/21 Mon 9/13/21 204 206 100% Plans Submittal 1 day Tue 9/14/21 Tue 9/14/21 205 207 100% Plans Review 15 days Wed 9/15/21 Tue 10/5/21 206 208 Revisions 10 days Wed 10/6/21 Tue 10/19/21 207 209 Bid Package Submittal 91 days Wed 10/20/21 Mon 2/28/22 210 Approve Bid Package and Route for Signatures 5 days Wed 10/20/21 Tue 10/26/21 208 211 Bid package processing by TXDOT Design Division 66 days Wed 10/27/21 Mon 1/31/22 210 212 Letting 20 days Tue 2/1/22 Mon 2/28/22 211 4/12 5/21 8/6 9/30 9/14 10/20 N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J FM A M Half 1, 2018 Half 2, 2018 Half 1, 2019 Half 2, 2019 Half 1, 2020 Half 2, 2020 Half 1, 2021 Half 2, 2021 Half 1, 2022 Half 2, 2022 Half 1, 2023 Half 2, 2023 Page 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Text2 213 Right-of-Way Process 875 days Wed 1/2/19 Thu 6/9/22 214 Right-of-Way Mapping Breakout (Riverpass Dr. to FM 1830)35 days Thu 2/4/21 Wed 3/24/21 215 Right-of-Way Mapping 35 days Thu 2/4/21 Wed 3/24/21 171 Mapping will take approx. 7 weeks from approved ROW line. 216 Right-of-Way Acquisition Breakout (Riverpass Dr. to FM 1830)200 days Thu 3/25/21 Thu 1/6/22 217 Appraisals 41 days Thu 3/25/21 Thu 5/20/21 218 Obtain Surveys 1 day Thu 3/25/21 Thu 3/25/21 215 219 Order & Obtain Title Commitments (Revise when surveys received)10 days Fri 3/26/21 Thu 4/8/21 218 220 Obtain Tax Assessor Data (revise) & Send Intro Letter with LBOR CMRRR 3 days Fri 4/9/21 Tue 4/13/21 219 221 Prepare Draft Appraisal Report 30 days Fri 3/26/21 Thu 5/6/21 218 222 Draft Appraisal Report Submittal 0 days Thu 5/6/21 Thu 5/6/21 221 223 Review & Revisions 5 days Fri 5/7/21 Thu 5/13/21 222 224 Final Appraisal Report Submittal & City Review 5 days Fri 5/14/21 Thu 5/20/21 223 225 Negotiations 40 days Thu 5/20/21 Fri 7/16/21 226 Prepare Offer Package 5 days Thu 5/20/21 Wed 5/26/21 224FS-1 day 227 Present Offer via CMRRR. Negotiate and explain PUAIC to Property Owner 25 days Thu 5/27/21 Thu 7/1/21 226 228 Present Final Offer via CMRRR 10 days Fri 7/2/21 Fri 7/16/21 227 229 Administarative Settlement Submitted by Property Owner 25 days Thu 5/27/21 Thu 7/1/21 227SS 230 City Review of Administrative Settlement 5 days Fri 7/2/21 Fri 7/9/21 228SS 231 Send Settlement Response Letter to Property Owner 2 days Mon 7/12/21 Tue 7/13/21 230 232 Eminent Domain (TBD)120 days Mon 7/19/21 Thu 1/6/22 233 Develop & Submit ED Package to City 10 days Mon 7/19/21 Fri 7/30/21 228 234 City Council Authorizes Condemnation 20 days Mon 8/2/21 Fri 8/27/21 233 235 City Attorney Prepares Petition Package 20 days Mon 8/30/21 Mon 9/27/21 234 236 City files Petition & HDR Records & Sends Notice of Lis Pendens 2 days Tue 9/28/21 Wed 9/29/21 235 237 Prepare Updated Appraisal Report 25 days Thu 9/30/21 Wed 11/3/21 236 238 Updated Appraisal Report Submittal 0 days Wed 11/3/21 Wed 11/3/21 237 239 Review & Approval of Updated Appraisal Report & A-5 5 days Thu 11/4/21 Wed 11/10/21 238 240 Send Updated Appraisal to Property Owner 1 day Thu 11/11/21 Thu 11/11/21 239 241 Commisioner's Appointed Strike Period 10 days Fri 11/12/21 Mon 11/29/21 240 242 City Attorney to Schedule Date, get Comissioner's Oath & Serve Noitice of Hearing 5 days Tue 11/30/21 Mon 12/6/21 241 243 Prehearing 10 days Tue 12/7/21 Mon 12/20/21 242 244 Hearing & File Award 1 day Tue 12/21/21 Tue 12/21/21 243 245 Receive Signed Award & Request Warrant 10 days Wed 12/22/21 Wed 1/5/22 244 246 Receive Warrant, Make Deposit, Send Notice of Deposit & Day of Take Photos 1 day Thu 1/6/22 Thu 1/6/22 245 247 Posession of Property & Cleared for Construction (if no Relocation)0 days Thu 1/6/22 Thu 1/6/22 246 248 TMPA (DME) & Oncor Construction (Riverpass Dr. to FM 1830)875 days Wed 1/2/19 Thu 6/9/22 249 TMPA (DME) & Oncor Construction Process 320 days Thu 3/11/21 Thu 6/9/22 170FS+40 days*Review, planning & construction will take approx. 12 to 18 months pending time of year) per Oncor and DME. 250 1 day Wed 1/2/19 Wed 1/2/19 Mapping will take approx. 7 weeks from approved ROW line. 5/6 11/3 1/6 *Review, planning & construction will take approx. 12 to 18 months pending time of year) per Oncor and DME. N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J FM A M Half 1, 2018 Half 2, 2018 Half 1, 2019 Half 2, 2019 Half 1, 2020 Half 2, 2020 Half 1, 2021 Half 2, 2021 Half 1, 2022 Half 2, 2022 Half 1, 2023 Half 2, 2023 Page 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 36AF299B-1624-4A93-B067-FDCC8314E844 Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: 36AF299B16244A93B067FDCC8314E844 Status: Completed Subject: ***Purchasing Approval*** 6590-049 Hickory Creek Design - Amendment #1 Source Envelope: Document Pages: 20 Signatures: 3 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 5 Initials: 1 Cori Power AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 cori.power@cityofdenton.com IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 9/23/2021 1:59:28 PM Holder: Cori Power cori.power@cityofdenton.com Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Cori Power cori.power@cityofdenton.com Senior Buyer City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 9/23/2021 2:05:40 PM Viewed: 9/23/2021 2:06:03 PM Signed: 9/23/2021 2:06:57 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Lori Hewell lori.hewell@cityofdenton.com Purchasing Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 9/23/2021 2:07:00 PM Viewed: 9/23/2021 2:17:50 PM Signed: 9/23/2021 2:18:10 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Ramon Miguez ramon.miguez@hdrinc.com Vice President HDR Engineering, Inc Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Drawn on Device Using IP Address: Sent: 9/23/2021 2:18:12 PM Viewed: 9/23/2021 3:00:52 PM Signed: 9/28/2021 2:42:22 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 9/23/2021 3:00:52 PM ID: 861876b4-f935-4719-aad2-18c7087c5fa9 Rebecca Diviney Rebecca.Diviney@cityofdenton.com Director of Capital Projects/City Engineer Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 9/28/2021 2:42:24 PM Viewed: 10/3/2021 1:34:25 PM Signed: 10/3/2021 1:34:51 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 10/3/2021 1:34:25 PM ID: 68d85ec3-957f-4553-b2d6-d6886773dc88 Signer Events Signature Timestamp Cori Power cori.power@cityofdenton.com Senior Buyer City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 10/3/2021 1:34:54 PM Viewed: 10/4/2021 10:15:45 AM Signed: 10/4/2021 10:15:53 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Contract Administrator City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 10/4/2021 10:15:55 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Dusty Draper Dustin.Draper@cityofdenton.com Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 10/4/2021 10:15:55 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 9/29/2021 11:39:20 AM ID: b4108b9d-13f0-473c-9fca-b6c6ccefd6b6 Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 9/23/2021 2:05:40 PM Certified Delivered Security Checked 10/4/2021 10:15:45 AM Signing Complete Security Checked 10/4/2021 10:15:53 AM Completed Security Checked 10/4/2021 10:15:55 AM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, City of Denton (we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. 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