7047 - Amendment 3 Executed Docusign Transmittal Coversheet File Name Purchasing Contact Contract Expiration DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 03/25/2022 7047-Software, Products, and Related IT Services Amendment #3 Cori Power City of Denton _____________________________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION SHEET DEPARTMENT: Procurement & Compliance DATE: November 4, 2021 SUBJECT Adoption of third amendment to a contract through the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Network Contract Number DIR-TSO-4092, DIR-TSO-4317, DIR-TSO-3926, DIR-TSO-4291 with SHI-Government Solutions, Inc., for the acquisition of Microsoft and Other Software, Products, and Related Services for the Technology Services Department on March 26, 2019, in the not-to- exceed amount of $600,000; amended by Amendment 1 and 2 approved by Purchasing; said third amendment to provide additional technology related products and services for the City of Denton; providing for expenditures of funds therefor; and providing and effective date (File 7047 – providing for an additional third amendment expenditure amount not-to-exceed $49,000, with the total contract amount not-to-exceed $649,000). BACKGROUND Chapter 271.102 of the Local Government Code authorizes local governments to participate in a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or local cooperative organization. In lieu of competitive bidding, items and services may be purchased through such agreements as the agreements have already been bid by the sponsoring entity or agency. Pricing obtained through the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Network has been competitively bid and meets the statutory requirements of Texas Local Government Code 271.102. The original contract was awarded on March 26, 2019 not-to-exceed $600,000 with SHI-Government Solutions, Inc. for products and services related to DIR-TSO-4092 and DIR-TSO-3984. On July 9, 2021, Purchasing approved Amendment No. 1 to provide additional goods and services by adding additional Department of Information Resources (DIR) DIR-TSO-3926 contract to broaden the range of goods and services available to the City of. On August 31, 2021, Purchasing approved Amendment No. 2 to provide additional goods and services by adding additional Department of Information Resources (DIR) DIR-TSO-4291 contract for Information Technology Security (ITS) Hardware, Software and Services. On October 9, 2021, DIR contract DIR-TSO-3984 expired during the final renewal term and replaced by contract DIR-TSO-4317. RECOMMENDATION City Hall 215 E. McKinney Street Denton, Texas www.cityofdenton.com DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 To provide an additional not-to-exceed amount $49,000 with this Third Amendment for an aggregate not- to-exceed amount of $649,000. ESTIMATED SCHEDULE OF PROJECT This is a three (3) year contract expiring on March 25, 2022. FISCAL INFORMATION These products and services will be funded through the using department’s budget on an as-needed basis. EXHIBITS Exhibit 1: Information Sheet Exhibit 2: Contract DIR-TSO-4092 and pricing sheet Exhibit 3: Contract DIR-TSO-3926 and pricing sheet Exhibit 4: Contract DIR-TSO-4291 and pricing sheet Exhibit 5: Contract DIR-TSO-4317 and pricing sheet Respectfully submitted: Cori Power Procurement and Compliance DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 11/8/2021Leisha Meine Chief Technology Officer ',5&RQWUDFW1R',5762  9HQGRU&RQWUDFW1RBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB  Department of Information Resources 3DJHRI ',5UHY 67$7(2)7(;$6 '(3$570(172),1)250$7,215(6285&(6  &2175$&7)25352'8&76$1'5(/$7('6(59,&(6  6+,*RYHUQPHQW6ROXWLRQV,QF   ,QWURGXFWLRQ  $3DUWLHV 7KLV&RQWUDFWIRUSURGXFWVDQGUHODWHGVHUYLFHVLVHQWHUHGLQWREHWZHHQWKH6WDWHRI7H[DV DFWLQJE\DQGWKURXJKWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI,QIRUPDWLRQ5HVRXUFHV KHUHLQDIWHU³',5´ ZLWK LWVSULQFLSDOSODFHRIEXVLQHVVDW:HVWWK6WUHHW6XLWH$XVWLQ7H[DV DQG6+,*RYHUQPHQW6ROXWLRQV,QF KHUHLQDIWHU³9HQGRU´ ZLWKLWVSULQFLSDOSODFHRI EXVLQHVVDW6RXWK0R3DF([SUHVVZD\6WH$XVWLQ7;  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$33(1',;&35,&,1*,1'(; 3DJHRI DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-3926 Vendor Contract No. ________________ Department of Information Resources Page 1 of 5 (DIR rev 12/01/16) STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES CONTRACT FOR PRODUCTS AND RELATED SERVICES CARAHSOFT TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1. Introduction A. Parties This Contract for Products and Related Services (“Contract”) is entered into between the State of Texas (“State”), acting by and through the Department of Information Resources (“DIR”) with its principal place of business at 300 West 15th Street, Suite 1300, Austin, Texas 78701, and Carahsoft Technology Corporation (“Vendor”), with its principal place of business at 1860 Michael Faraday Drive, Suite 100, Reston, Virginia 20190. B. Compliance with Procurement Laws This Contract is the result of compliance with applicable procurement laws of the State of Texas. DIR issued a solicitation on the Comptroller of Public Accounts’ Electronic State Business Daily, Request for Offer (RFO) DIR-SDD-TMP-398, on February 16, 2017, for Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery Information Technology (IT) Products and Related Services. Upon execution of this Contract, a notice of award for RFO DIR- SDD-TMP-398 shall be posted by DIR on the Electronic State Business Daily. C. Order of Precedence For purchase transactions under this Contract, the order of precedence shall be as follows: this Contract; Appendix A, Standard Terms and Conditions For Products and Related Services Contracts; Appendix B, Vendor’s Historically Underutilized Businesses Subcontracting Plan; Appendix C, Pricing Index; Exhibit 1, Vendor’s Response to RFO DIR-TSO-TMP-398, including all addenda; and Exhibit 2, RFO DIR-TSO-TMP-398, including all addenda; are incorporated by reference and constitute the entire agreement between DIR and Vendor governing purchase transactions. In the event of a conflict between the documents listed in this paragraph related to purchases, the controlling document shall be this Contract, then Appendix A, then Appendix B, then Appendix C, then Exhibit 1, and finally Exhibit 2. In the event and to the extent any provisions contained in multiple documents address the same or substantially the same subject matter but do not actually conflict, the more recent provisions shall be deemed to have superseded earlier provisions. 2. Term of Contract The term of this Contract shall be two (2) year commencing on the last date of approval by DIR and Vendor. Prior to expiration of the original term, DIR and Vendor may extend the Contract, upon mutual agreement, for one (1) optional two-year term and one (1) optional one-year term. Additionally, the parties by mutual agreement may extend the term for up to Exhibit 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-3926 Vendor Contract No. ________________ Department of Information Resources Page 2 of 5 (DIR rev 12/01/16) ninety (90) additional calendar days. 3. Product and Service Offerings A. Products Products available under this Contract are limited to Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery Information Technology (IT) Products and Services as specified in Appendix C, Pricing Index. Vendor may incorporate changes to their product offering; however, any changes must be within the scope of products awarded based on the posting described in Section 1.B above. Vendor may not add a manufacturer’s product line which was not included in the Vendor’s response to the solicitation described in Section 1.B above. B. Services Services available under this Contract are limited to Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery Information Technology (IT) Products and Services as specified in Appendix C, Pricing Index. Vendor may incorporate changes to their service offering; however, any changes must be within the scope of services awarded based on the posting described in Section 1.B above. 4. Pricing Pricing to the DIR Customer shall be as set forth in Appendix A, Section 8, Pricing, Purchase Orders, Invoices and Payment, and as set forth in Appendix C, Pricing Index, and shall include the DIR Administrative Fee. 5. DIR Administrative Fee A) The administrative fee to be paid by the Vendor to DIR based on the dollar value of all sales to Customers pursuant to this Contract is three-quarters of one percent (.75%). Payment will be calculated for all sales, net of returns and credits. For example, the administrative fee for sales totaling $100,000 shall be $750.00. B) All prices quoted to Customers shall include the administrative fee. DIR reserves the right to change this fee upwards or downwards during the term of this Contract, upon written notice to Vendor without further requirement for a formal contract amendment. Any change in the administrative fee shall be incorporated in the price to the Customer. 6. Notification All notices under this Contract shall be sent to a party at the respective address indicated below. If sent to the State: Kelly Parker, CTPM, CTCM Director, Cooperative Contracts Department of Information Resources 300 W. 15th St., Suite 1300 Austin, Texas 78701 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-3926 Vendor Contract No. ________________ Department of Information Resources Page 3 of 5 (DIR rev 12/01/16) Phone: (512) 475-1647 Facsimile: (512) 475-4759 Email: kelly.parker@dir.texas.gov If sent to the Vendor: Jack Dixon Carahsoft Technology Corporation 1860 Michael Faraday Drive, Suite 100 Reston, Virginia 20190 Phone: (703) 230-7545 Fax: (703) 871-8505 Email: jack.dixon@carahsoft.com 7. Software License Agreements A. Shrink/Click-wrap License Agreement Regardless of any other provision or other license terms which may be issued by Vendor after the effective date of this Contract, and irrespective of whether any such provisions have been proposed prior to or after the issuance of a Purchase Order for products licensed under this Contract, or the fact that such other agreement may be affixed to or accompany software upon delivery (shrink-wrap), the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract shall supersede and govern the license terms between Customers and Vendor. It is the Customer’s responsibility to read the Shrink/Click-wrap License Agreement and determine if the Customer accepts the license terms as amended by this Contract. If the Customer does not agree with the license terms, Customer shall be responsible for negotiating with the reseller to obtain additional changes in the Shrink/Click-wrap License Agreement language from the software publisher. B. Conflicting or Additional Terms In the event that conflicting or additional terms in Vendor Software License Agreements, Shrink/Click Wrap License Agreements, Service Agreements or linked or supplemental documents amend or diminish the rights of DIR Customers or the State, such conflicting or additional terms shall not take precedence over the terms of this Contract. In the event of a conflict, any linked documents may not take precedence over the printed or referenced documents comprising this contract; provided further that any update to such linked documents shall only apply to purchases or leases of the associated Vendor product or service offering after the effective date of the update; and, provided further, that, if Vendor has responded to a solicitation or request for pricing, no update of such linked documents on or after the initial date of Vendor’s initial response shall apply to that purchase unless Vendor directly informs Customer of the update before the purchase is consummated. DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-3926 Vendor Contract No. ________________ Department of Information Resources Page 4 of 5 (DIR rev 12/01/16) In the event that different or additional terms or conditions would otherwise result from accessing a linked document, agreement to said linked document shall not be effective until reviewed and approved in writing by Customer’s authorized signatory. Vendor shall not [without prior written agreement from Customer’s authorized signatory,] require any document that: 1) diminishes the rights, benefits, or protections of the Customer, or that alters the definitions, measurements, or method for determining any authorized rights, benefits, or protections of the Customer; or 2) imposes additional costs, burdens, or obligations upon Customer, or that alters the definitions, measurements, or method for determining any authorized costs, burdens, or obligations upon Customer. If Vendor attempts to do any of the foregoing, the prohibited documents will be void and inapplicable to the contract between DIR and Vendor or Vendor and Customer, and Vendor will nonetheless be obligated to perform the contract without regard to the prohibited documents, unless Customer elects instead to terminate the contract, which in such case may be identified as a termination for cause against Vendor. The foregoing requirements apply to all contracts, including, but not limited to, contracts between Customer and a reseller who attempts to pass through documents and obligations from its Manufacturer of Publisher. 8. Authorized Exceptions to Appendix A, Standard Terms and Conditions for Product and Related Services Contracts. No exceptions have been agreed to by DIR and Vendor. (Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank) DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-3926 Vendor Contract No. ________________ Department of Information Resources Page 5 of 5 (DIR rev 12/01/16) This Contract is executed to be effective as of the date of last signature. CARAHSOFT TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Authorized By: __Signature on File_______ Name: ______Ellen Lord________________ Title: _______Contract Manager__________ Date: _______6/28/2017_________________ The State of Texas, acting by and through the Department of Information Resources Authorized By: ____Signature on File_____ Name: _ Hershel Becker________________ Title: __Chief Procurement Officer________ Date:______6/28/2017__________________ Office of General Counsel: __DB 6/28/2017___ DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Manufacturer / Brand Product Description Manufacturer's Part Number DIR Customer Discount % off MSRP * F5 Networks, Inc.BIG-IP Switch F5-BIG-BT-I5800 7.00% F5 Networks, Inc.Field Upgrade F5-UPG-QSFP+-3M-2+15.00% F5 Networks, Inc.All Other F5 Networks Hardware 7.00% FireEye Semi-Rugged Laptops VCM-24VD 35.00% FireEye Resource Management Software RMS-123 40.00% FireEye Appliance 4402HX-HW 5.00% FireEye All Other FireEye Hardware 5.00% Gigamon GigaVUE-HC1 node, 12 1G/10G cages, 4 10/100/1000M Copper, fan tray, 2 power supplies, AC power GVS-HC101 5.00% Gigamon 10GigaTAP-4SR for GigaVUE-2404 850nm Multimode tap blade with 4 taps TAP-232 5.00% Gigamon 10GigaTAP-4LR for GigaVUE-2404 1310nm Singlemode tap blade with 4 taps TAP-233 5.00% Gigamon GigaVUE-HB1-0416 branch node 4 10G cages 8 1G cages 8 1G copper 2 Fan Trays Single AC power GVS-HB101-0416 5.00% Gigamon GigaVUE-HC2 base unit w/ chassis Control Card 1 Fan Tray CLI 2 power supplies AC power GVS-HC201 5.00% Gigamon All Other Gigamon Hardware 5.00% Gridless Power Corporation Gridless CORE - Portable, intelligent 1kWh battery system GC001 2.00% Gridless Power Corporation Cellular Communications - Add a cellular communications package to a Gridless CORE AD001 2.00% Gridless Power Corporation SOURCE 1000AC - AC charger for the Gridless CORE: 1 hour charge time GA001 2.00% Gridless Power Corporation SOURCE 250AC - AC charger for the Gridless CORE: 4 hour charge time GA004 2.00% Gridless Power Corporation DC Output - Add a DC output port to a Gridless CORE AD002 2.00% Gridless Power Corporation SOURCE 250AUTO - Battery clamp charge cable; charge a Gridless CORE from a vehicle GA005 2.00% Gridless Power Corporation SOURCE 200S - Foldable, lightweight solar panel for the Gridless CORE GA007 2.00% Gridless Power Corporation 1-Year Warranty Extension - Extends the standard Gridless CORE Warranty from 2 years to 3 years SU001 2.00% Gridless Power Corporation Gridless CORE RM - Rack mounted 2kWh battery system GC002 2.00% Gridless Power Corporation Gridless CORE WH - Larger, wheeled version of the Gridless CORE GC003 2.00% Gridless Power Corporation All Other Gridless Hardware 2.00% Nimble Storage Base Array C1H 7.50% Nimble Storage All Other Nimble Hardware 7.50% Proofpoint Archiving Appliance PP-A670 13.00%Proofpoint Messaging Appliance PP-P370 13.00% Proofpoint All Other Proofpoint Hardware 13.00% Veritas Netbackup Appliance 17398-M4323 15.64% Veritas Clearwell Appliance 21218437-M3 15.64% Veritas All Other Veritas Hardware 15.64% Acquia All 5.00% Akamai All 26.00% Alfresco Alfresco Workdesk - Departmental Base Subscription (100 users)AWD-DEP-BASE-100 7.29% Alfresco Alfresco Workdesk - Additional User (Departmental)AWD-DEP-USER 7.31% Alfresco Alfresco Workdesk - Enterprise Base Subscription (500 users)AWD-ENT-BASE-500 7.31% Alfresco Alfresco Workdesk - Additional User (Enterprise)AWD-ENT-WRKDSK-USER 7.30% Hardware Software Appendix C Pricing Index DIR-TSO-3926 Amendment 4 Carahsoft Technology Corporation DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Alfresco Alfresco Mobile Workdesk - Departmental Base Subscription (100 users)AWD-MOB-DEP-BASE-100 4.24% Alfresco All Other Alfresco Software 5.00% Anaplan, Inc.All 1.00% BlackBag Technologies All 4.00% Blackberry All 4.00% Box Inc. All 18.39% CompassCom All 4.28% DataLocker All 8.00% Druva All 1.00% F5 Networks, Inc.All 7.00% FireEye All 2.00% Gigamon All 5.00% HyTrust All 6.00% ikeGPS All 4.28% Liferay All 3.00% Nimble Storage All 7.50% Nintex (Drawloop)Salesforce AppExchange App FedRamp Gov User Minimum 50 Annual Per Seat DDG-G 4.28% Nintex (Drawloop)Salesforce AppExchange App Standard User Minimum 1 Annual Per Seat DDG-S 4.28% Nintex (Drawloop)Salesforce AppExchange App Enterprise User Minimum 5 Annual Per Seat DDG-E 4.28% OpenGov All 5.00% Proofpoint All 13.00% Qualtrics, LLC All 1.74% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters, Premium RH00001 20.48% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters, Standard RH00002 20.48% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, 16-Core Premium MW0153748 20.48% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, 16-Core Standard MW0196814 20.48% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat CloudForms, Premium (Managed Nodes: Physical (2 sockets) or Virtual (16), public cloud)MCT2838 16.00% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat CloudForms, Standard (Managed Nodes: Physical (2 sockets) or Virtual (16), public cloud)MCT2841 16.00% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Smart Virtualization, Premium (2-sockets)MCT2927 20.48% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Smart Virtualization, Standard (2-sockets)MCT2930 20.48% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Satellite Capsule Server MCT0369 20.48% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Satellite Capsule Server (Capsule Server only, RHEL not included) MCT3262 20.48% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Gluster Storage, Premium (1 Node) RS0112235 20.48% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Gluster Storage, Premium (2 Nodes + 1 Node for quorum setup)RS0143423 20.48% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Ceph Storage, Premium (Up to 256TB on a maximum of 12 Physical Nodes)RS00036 16.00% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Ceph Storage, Premium (Up to 512TB on a maximum of 25 Physical Nodes)RS00037 16.00% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Mobile Application Platform, B2E, Unlimited Apps, Premium Support, 200 Users MCT3363 16.00% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Mobile Application Platform, B2E, Unlimited Apps, Standard Support, 200 Users MCT3354 16.00% Red Hat Inc.Ansible Tower by Red Hat, Self-Support (100 Managed Nodes)MCT3296 1.00% Red Hat Inc.Ansible Tower by Red Hat, Self-Support (250 Managed Nodes)MCT3297 1.00% DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Red Hat Inc.JBoss Technical Account Management Services MCT1350 1.00% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Enterprise Linux Platform Software 20.48% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Enterprise Linux Middleware Software 20.48% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Cloud Solutions 16.00% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Software 20.48% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Network Satellite and Related Network software 20.48% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Gluster Storage Software 20.48%Red Hat Inc.Red Hat CEPH Storage Software 16.00%Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Mobile Application Platform Software 16.00%Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Ansible Software 1.00% Red Hat Inc.Red Hat Technical Account Managers 1.00% RSA All 20.00% ServiceNow ServiceNow Service Management Suite v2: PROD01275 4.50% ServiceNow Service Management Suite v2 With Performance Analytics:PROD02140 4.50% ServiceNow ServiceNow Service Management Suite v2 With Platform Runtime:PROD01277 4.50% ServiceNow ServiceNow Standard Package - for the first 1,000 connected devices PROD02213 5.00% ServiceNow ServiceNow Additional connected devices between 1,001 and 4,999 PROD02214 15.00% ServiceNow ServiceNow Advanced Package - includes use rights for the first 1,000 connected devices PROD02218 5.00% ServiceNow ServiceNow Additional connected devices between 1,001 and 4,999 PROD02219 15.00% ServiceNow All Other ServiceNow Software 4.50% Splunk All 1.50% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform (Production server) with server based pricing. 1 Server - 1 Year. Includes subscription with updates and patches, and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires a separate matching Liferay EE subscription. Th VAL-PROD-1YR-1SRV-DXP 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform (Backup server) with server based pricing. 1 Server - 1 Year. Includes subscription with updates and patches, and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires a separate matching Liferay EE subscription. This v VAL-BKUP-1YR-1SRV-DXP 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform (Non-Production server) with server based pricing. 1 Server - 1 Year. Includes subscription with updates and patches, and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires a separate matching Liferay EE subscription VAL-NPROD-1YR-1SRV-DXP 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform (Production server) with server based pricing. 1 Server - 1 Year. Includes subscription with updates and patches, and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires a separate matching Liferay EE subscription. T VAL-PROD-1YR-1SRV-LR62 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform (Backup server) with server based pricing. 1 Server - 1 Year. Includes subscription with updates and patches, and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires a separate matching Liferay EE subscription. This VAL-BKUP-1YR-1SRV-LR62 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform (Non-Production server) with server based pricing. 1 Server - 1 Year. Includes subscription with updates and patches, and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires a separate matching Liferay EE subscription VAL-NPROD-1YR-1SRV-LR62 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform with a user based pricing. 1 user/1 month. Includes Valamis subscription with updates and patches, basic configuration and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires (a) Liferay EE subscription(s). Supports L VAL-SRVC-1USR-LVL1 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform with a user based pricing. 1 user/1 month. Includes Valamis subscription with updates and patches, basic configuration and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires (a) Liferay EE subscription(s). Supports L VAL-SRVC-1USR-LVL2 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform with a user based pricing. 1 user/1 month. Includes Valamis subscription with updates and patches, basic configuration and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires (a) Liferay EE subscription(s). Supports L VAL-SRVC-1USR-LVL3 3.00% DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform with a user based pricing. 1 user/1 month. Includes Valamis subscription with updates and patches, basic configuration and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires (a) Liferay EE subscription(s). Supports L VAL-SRVC-1USR-LVL4 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform with a user based pricing. 1 user/1 month. Includes Valamis subscription with updates and patches, basic configuration and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires (a) Liferay EE subscription(s). Supports L VAL-SRVC-1USR-LVL5 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform with a user based pricing. 1 user/1 month. Includes Valamis subscription with updates and patches, basic configuration and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires (a) Liferay EE subscription(s). Supports L VAL-SRVC-1USR-LVL6 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform with a user based pricing. 1 user/1 month. Includes Valamis subscription with updates and patches, basic configuration and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires (a) Liferay EE subscription(s). Supports L VAL-SRVC-1USR-LVL7 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform with a user based pricing. 1 user/1 month. Includes Valamis subscription with updates and patches, basic configuration and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires (a) Liferay EE subscription(s). Supports L VAL-SRVC-1USR-LVL8 Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform with a user based pricing. 1 user/1 month. Includes Valamis subscription with updates and patches, basic configuration and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires (a) Liferay EE subscription(s). Supports L VAL-SRVC-1USR-LVL9 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform with a user based pricing. 1 user/1 month. Includes Valamis subscription with updates and patches, basic configuration and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires (a) Liferay EE subscription(s). Supports L VAL-SRVC-1USR-LVL10 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform with a user based pricing. 1 user/1 month. Includes Valamis subscription with updates and patches, basic configuration and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires (a) Liferay EE subscription(s). Supports L VAL-SRVC-1USR-LVL11 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform with a user based pricing. 1 user/1 month. Includes Valamis subscription with updates and patches, basic configuration and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires (a) Liferay EE subscription(s). Supports L VAL-SRVC-1USR-LVL12 3.00% Valamis (Arcusys) Valamis Learning Experience Platform with a user based pricing. 1 user/1 month. Includes Valamis subscription with updates and patches, basic configuration and 9 to 5 EST email support on business days. Requires (a) Liferay EE subscription(s). Supports L VAL-SRVC-1USR-LVL13 3.00% Veritas Clearwell Base Software 12970-M3 16.39% Veritas Backup Exec Software 13670-M2954 11.43% Veritas Netbackup Base Software 10915-M0374 16.39% Veritas Veritas New License 16.39% Veritas Veritas Cloud Solutions 11.43% Veritas All Other Veritas Software 16.39% VMware Site Recovery Manager VC-SRM6-25S-C 3.50% VMware vCloud Air HSD-A1ACR-12PT0-C1S 3.50% VMware NSX Enterprise NX-ENT-C 3.50% VMware vSphere Standard – Academic VS6-STD-A 43.50% VMware vSphere Enterprise Plus VS6-EPL-C 3.50% VMware vCenter Standard VCS6-STD-C 3.50% VMware All Vmware Academic Software 43.50% VMware All VMware Government Software 3.50% Manufacturer's Part Number DIR Customer Discount % off MSRP * RA-STAND 4.24% RA-PREM 4.24% 4.24% 4.24% 4.24% Acquia Maintenance Acquia Training Remote Administration StandardRemote Administration PremiumAcquia Installation Acquia Related Services DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 5.00%5.00%5.00% CONS-GEN-10 9.32% CONS-GEN-15 9.32% CONS-GEN-20 9.32% CONS-GEN-25 9.32% CONS-GEN-5 9.32%9.32%9.32% 9.32% PS-SOC 1.00% PS-CD 1.00% PS-BP 1.00% PS-SIM 1.00%PS-FEC 1.00%PS-CLT 1.00%9.32%9.32% 9.32% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% SRV-00015-145 3.25% SRV-00015-320 3.25% SRV-00015-142 3.25% 3.00% 3.00%3.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% CSC500-LDE-SERV-SWMAINT 4.28% CSC500-LDE-VL-SWMAINT 4.28% CSC500-CTRAC-4-SWMAINT 4.28% CSC500-CTRAC-6-SWMAINT 4.28% CSC500-CTRACKR-P-SWMAINT 4.28% 4.28% 4.28% 4.28% EMS-1 4.28% EMS-1R 4.28% EMS-2 4.28% EMS-2R 4.28% EMS-3 4.28% 4.28% 4.28%4.28% 4.28% 4.28% 4.28% General Consulting - 5 Days Customer Launchpad Training (Professional Services) Special Ops Consultant (Professional Services) in hourly rates Client Director (Professional Services) in hourly rates. Blackberry Installation Blackberry Maintenance Blackberry Training Perpetual Support Renewal - Silver - Premium WatchDox by BlackBerry Professional Services - Software Installation of AppliancePerpetual Support New - BBOS - Premium Anaplan Maintenance Anaplan Training Datalocker Training CompassLDE AVL and Mobile Resource Management Server Software Software Maintenance starting in year 2. Pricing based on 20% of initial software purchase CompassLDE Per Device (Vehicle/Laptop) Software Maintenance starting in year 2. Pricing based on 20% of initial software purchase price (Fee Per Device) CompassTrac 4 Viewing LicenseSoftware Maintenance starting in year 2. Pricing based on 20% of initial software purchase price CompassTrac 6 Viewing License Software Maintenance starting in year 2. Pricing based on 20% of initial software purchase price CompassTracker Per Device Software Maintenance starting in year 2. Pricing based on 20% of initial software purchase price (per device phone/tablet license) IronKey EMS Cloud (per device) - 1 Year of Management Service for an IronKey Enterprise USB flash drive, and IronKey Enterprise H300 hard drive. CompassCom Installation CompassCom Maintenance General Consulting - 20 Days General Consulting - 25 Days Blackbag Technologies Blackberry Box Training Akamai Maintenance Akamai Training Alfresco Installation Alfresco Maintenance Alfresco Training Anaplan Installation General Consulting - 10 DaysGeneral Consulting - 15 Days CompassCom Training Business Partner (Professional Services) in hourly rates.Solution Implementation (Professional Services) in hourly rates. Field Enablement Consultant (Professional Services) in hourly rates. Blackbag InstallationBlackbag Maintenance Blackbag Training Alfresco Akamai Akamai Installation Box Installation Box Maintenance Druva MaintenanceDruva Training RENEWAL: IronKey EMS Cloud (per device) - 1 Year of Management Service for an IronKey Enterprise USB flash drive, and IronKey Enterprise H300 hard drive. Datalocker Installation Datalocker Maintenance Druva Installation IronKey EMS Cloud (per device) - 2 Years of Management Service for an IronKey Enterprise USB flash drive, and IronKey Enterprise H300 hard drive. RENEWAL: IronKey EMS Cloud (per device) - 2 Years of Management Service for an IronKey Enterprise USB flash drive, and IronKey Enterprise H300 hard drive.IronKey EMS Cloud (per device) - 3 Years of Management Service for an IronKey Enterprise USB flash drive, and IronKey Enterprise H300 hard drive. Datalocker Druva Anaplan Box Inc. CompassCom DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 F5-CST-S 3.00%F5-SVC-BIG-PRE-HW53 7.00%F5-SVC-BIG-PRE-HW198 7.00%F5-TRG-BIG-AFM-CFG 12.00%F5-TRG-BIG-EGW-APM 12.00% 3.00% 5.00%7.00% CS-OS-T 2.00% CS-HX-JS-B 2.00%CS-SPA 2.00% CS-DI-JS-ADV 2.00% CS-PX-JSB 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% GVS-HC101-SM 5.00% TAP-232-SM 5.00% TAP-233-SM 5.00% GVS-HB101-0416-SM 5.00% GVS-HC201-SM 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 1.26%1.26%1.26% HYT-PSO-1D 5.65% 5.65% 5.65% 5.65% 922-00300-3 4.28% 922-00300-5 4.28% 960-00922-W1 4.28% 960-00922-W2 4.28% 940-02000 4.28% 4.28% 4.28% 4.28% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% AF1000-4ON-1YR 7.50% AF1000-2F-11T-1-4ON-1YR 7.50% AF1000-2F-17T-2-4ON-1YR 7.50%AF1000-2F-23T-1-4ON-1YR 7.50%AF1000-2F-29T-2-4ON-1YR 7.50% 7.50% 7.50% 7.50% 5.00% 5.00%5.00% 13.00% 13.00% 13.00% OpenGov Training 1 YR 4HR ONSITE Support for AF1000-2F-29T-2 1 YR 4HR ONSITE Support for AF1000-2F-11T-1 1 YR 4HR ONSITE Support for AF1000-2F-17T-2 1 YR 4HR ONSITE Support for AF1000 Nimble Training ProofPoint Installation ProofPoint MaintenanceProofPoint Training OpenGov Installation OpenGov Maintenance Nimble Installation Nimble Maintenance HyTrust Training 2 yr. Hardware Warranty and Software Maintenance: 2 year extension to standard Hardware Warranty and Software Maintenance Spike: Laser-based smartphone solution with standard measuring tools, software, accessories. IkeGPS Installation MapSight 3: Device with standard measuring tools, desktop software, accessories. MapSight 5: Device with standard measuring tools, TrueSize photo license, desktop software, integration to GE FieldSmart, ikeAnnotate PLS (if required), 1 yr. Hardware Warranty and Software Maintenance: 1 year extension to standard Hardware Warranty and Software Maintenance IkeGPS 12 Months Standard Support and Software Maintenance for GigaVUE-HC2 base unit w/ chassis Control Card 1 Fan Tray CLI 2 power supplies AC power IkeGPS Maintenance Professional Services- per day- excludes T&E FireEye Installation FireEye Maintenance FireEye Training Gigamon Installation Liferay Training Liferay Installation Liferay Maintenance BIG-IP Service: Premium CAT HW53 BIG-IP Service: Premium CAT HW198 BIG-IP Training: Configuring AFM ATC (2 Day) BIG-IP Training: Edge Gateway and Access Policy Manager (3 Days) 12 Months Standard Support and Software Maintenance for GigaVUE-HC1 node, 12 1G/10G cages, 4 10/100/1000M Copper, fan tray, 2 power supplies, AC power12 Months Standard Support and Software Maintenance for 10GigaTAP-4SR for GigaVUE-2404 850nm Multimode tap blade with 4 taps12 Months Standard Support and Software Maintenance for 10GigaTAP-4LR for GigaVUE-2404 1310nm Singlemode tap blade with 4 taps12 Months Standard Support and Software Maintenance for GigaVUE-HB1-0416 branch node 4 10G cages 8 1G cages 8 1G copper 2 Fan Trays Single AC power IkeGPS Training Gigamon MaintenanceGigamon Training HyTrust Installation HyTrust Maintenance Gridless Power Training Gridless Power Maintenance Gridless Power Installation PX Basic jumpstart, install of up to 3 appliances,knowledge trasfer, fixed price 5 days of service including travel expenses 1 YR 4HR ONSITE Support for AF1000-2F-23T-1 HX basic jumpstart 3 days of service - instal and knowledge transfer Security Program Assesment, fixed price, 6 weeks Up to 5 days, install of multiple different types of appliances, fixed price, travel included F5 Installation F5 Training F5 Maintenance Consulting: Standard Hourly (M-F 8AM-6PM) Liferay Nimble Storage OpenGov ProofPoint F5 Networks FireEye Gigamon Gridless Power HyTrust DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 1.00%1.00%1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% GRC-PCI-P-T1-E 11.00%GRC-PCI-P-T2-E 11.00%GRC-PCI-P-T3-E 11.00% 8.00% 10.00% 11.00% 10.00% SNCLEARNCREDIT 1.50% PROD00100 1.50% SVCTSOWTAILIMP 1.50% SNTRAININGTAIL 1.50% 1.50% 1.50% 1.50% AS-DED-SAA 1.50% PS-UPGRD-LRG-US 1.50% EDU-DEPL-1 1.50% PS-CLDMIG-LRG 1.50% 1.50% 1.50% 1.50% 18390-M0010 4.50%4.50%4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% Installation, Training, and Other Technical Services 10.00% Order Total Products Original DIscount Additional Discount Total Discount $100,000 All Gridless Power Products 1.26%2.00%3.26% $250,000 All Gridless Power Products 1.26%4.00%5.26% $500,000 All Gridless Power Products 1.26%6.00%7.26% $1,000,000 All Gridless Power Products 1.26%8.00%9.26% $1,000,000 All ServiceNow Software 4.50%5.00%9.50% $500,000 All ServiceNow Installation 1.50%5.00%6.50% $5,000 VMware TPP Eligible Products 3.50%5.00%8.50%$60,000 VMware TPP Eligible Products 3.50%7.00%10.50%$100,000 VMware TPP Eligible Products 3.50%10.00%13.50% $175,000 VMware TPP Eligible Products 3.50%13.00%16.50% $100,000 All F5 Hardware/Software Products 7.00%2.00%9.00% $250,000 All F5 Hardware/Software Products 7.00%4.00%11.00% $500,000 All F5 Hardware/Software Products 7.00%6.00%13.00% $100,000 Veritas New Hardware 15.64%2.00%17.64% $100,000 Veritas New License 16.39%2.00%18.39%$100,000 Veritas Cloud Solutions 11.43%2.00%13.43%$250,000 Veritas New Hardware 15.64%4.00%19.64%$250,000 Veritas New License 16.39%4.00%20.39% $250,000 Veritas Cloud Solutions 11.43%4.00%15.43% $1,000,000 Veritas New Hardware 15.64%6.00%21.64% $1,000,000 Veritas New License 16.39%6.00%22.39% $1,000,000 Veritas Cloud Solutions 11.43%6.00%17.43% ServiceNow MaintenanceServiceNow Training PCI Management Perp Enh Maint $/100 RSA PCI Management Maintenance Qualtrics Training Qualtrics Installation ServiceNow Installation PCI Management Perp Enh Maint $/emp PCI Management Perp Enh Maint $/100 Red Hat InstallationRed Hat Maintenance Qualtrics Maintenance ServiceNow® Learning Credit ServiceNow® System Administration Training (3 days) - Public (per attendee) with Certification VoucherServiceNow® Implementation - Tailored - T&MServiceNow® Training - Tailored - T&M Red Hat Training RSA Installation RSA All Other MaintenanceRSA Training Splunk Advisory Services - Dedicated Advisory Architect Splunk Professional Services, Upgrade - LargeArchitecting and Deploying Splunk V6, 1 studentSplunk Professional Services - Cloud Data Migration Service - Up to 1,000TB BCS Veritas Services VMware Installation VMware Maintenance VMware Training Splunk Training Veritas InstallationVeritas Maintenance VeritasTraining All Veritas Maintenance Renewals Veritas Vmware Technical Services Splunk MaintenanceSplunk Installation Volume Discount Qualtrics Red Hat RSA ServiceNow Splunk DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Amendment 1   Contract DIR‐TSO‐3926  rev. 10/2017 Page 1 Amendment Number 1  to  Contract Number DIR‐TSO‐3926  between  State of Texas, acting by and through the Department of Information Resources  and  Carahsoft Technology Corporation        This Amendment Number 1 to Contract Number DIR‐TSO‐3926 (“Contract”) is between the  Department of Information Resources (“DIR”) and Carahsoft Technology Corporation (“Vendor”).  DIR and Vendor agree to modify the terms and conditions of the Contract as follows:    1. Contract, Section 2. Term of Contract is hereby amended as follows:    DIR and Vendor hereby agree to extend the term of the Contract for two (2) years through  June 28, 2021, or until terminated pursuant to the termination clauses contained in the  Contract.  The  contract  will  renew  automatically  in  one‐year  increments  for  one  (1)  additional year under the same terms and conditions unless either party provides notice to  the other party 60 days in advance of the renewal date stating that the party wishes to  discuss modification of terms or not renew.  Additionally, the parties by mutual agreement  may extend the term for up to ninety (90) additional calendar days.    1. Appendix A, Standard Terms and Conditions for Products and Related Services Contracts  is hereby replaced in its entirety with Appendix A, Standard Terms and Conditions (per  Amendment 1) as attached.    All other terms and conditions of the Contract, not expressly amended herein, shall remain in  full force and effect.  In the event of conflict among the provisions, the order of precedence  shall be Amendment Number 1 and then the Contract DIR‐TSO‐3926.        (Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank)     DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Amendment 1   Contract DIR‐TSO‐3926  rev. 10/2017 Page 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby execute this amendment to be effective as of the date  of the last signature, but in all events, no later than June 28, 2019.      Carahsoft Technology Corporation        Authorized By:     Signature on File      Name:    Kristina Smith      Title:     Contract Manager            Date:   7/17/2019        The State of Texas, acting by and through the Department of Information Resources        Authorized By:    Signature on File      Name:  Hershel Becker      Title:   Chief Procurement Officer      Date:  7/18/2019                                           Office of General Counsel:       M.H.                     7/18/2019        DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Amendment 2 Contract DIR-TSO-3926 rev. 10/2017 Page 1 Amendment Number 2 to Contract Number DIR-TSO-3926 between State of Texas, acting by and through the Department of Information Resources and Carahsoft Technology Corporation This Amendment Number 2 to Contract Number DIR-TSO-3926 (“Contract”) is between the Department of Information Resources (“DIR”) and Carahsoft Technology Corporation (“Vendor”). DIR and Contractor agree to modify the terms and conditions of the Contract as follows: 1. Appendix C, Pricing Index, is hereby restated in its entirety and replaced with Appendix C, Pricing Index (per Amendment 2), as attached. All other terms and conditions of the Contract not specifically modified herein shall remain in full force and effect. In the event of a conflict among provisions, the order of precedence shall be this Amendment Number 2, and then Amendment Number 1, and then the Contract. (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Amendment 2 Contract DIR-TSO-3926 rev. 10/2017 Page 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby execute this amendment to be effective as of the date of the last signature. Carahsoft Technology Corporation Authorized By: Signature on File Name: Kai Hollenhorst Title: Contracts Specialist Date: 9/3/2019 The State of Texas, acting by and through the Department of Information Resources Authorized By: Signature on File Name: Hershel Becker Title: Chief Procurement Officer Date: 9/5/2019 Office of General Counsel: MH 9/5/2019 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Amendment 3 Contract DIR-TSO-3926 rev. 05/2020 Page 1 Amendment Number 3 to Contract Number DIR-TSO-3926 between State of Texas, acting by and through the Department of Information Resources and Carahsoft Technology Corporation This Amendment Number 3 to Contract Number DIR-TSO-3926 (“Contract”) is between the Department of Information Resources (“DIR”) and Carahsoft Technology Corporation (“Vendor”). DIR and Vendor agree to modify the terms and conditions of the Contract as follows: 1.Introduction, Section C. Order of Precedence, is hereby updated and restated as follows: C. Order of Precedence For purchase transactions under this Contract, the order of precedence shall be as follows: this Contract; Appendix A, Standard Terms and Conditions For Products and Related Services Contracts; Appendix B, Vendor’s Historically Underutilized Businesses Subcontracting Plan; Appendix C, Pricing Index; Appendix D, Proofpoint General Terms and Conditions; Appendix E, Proofpoint Security Products Exhibit; Exhibit 1, Vendor’s Response to RFO DIR-TSO-TMP-398, including all addenda; and Exhibit 2, RFO DIR-TSO-TMP-398, including all addenda; are incorporated by reference and constitute the entire agreement between DIR and Vendor governing purchase transactions. In the event of a conflict between the documents listed in this paragraph related to purchases, the controlling document shall be this Contract, then Appendix A, then Appendix B, then Appendix C, then Appendix D, then Appendix E, then Exhibit 1, and finally Exhibit 2. In the event and to the extent any provisions contained in multiple documents address the same or substantially the same subject matter but do not actually conflict, the more recent provisions shall be deemed to have superseded earlier provisions. 2.Contract, Section 6. Notification is hereby updated and restated as follows: 6. Notification All notices under this Contract shall be sent to a party at the respective address indicated below. DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Amendment 3 Contract DIR-TSO-3926 rev. 05/2020 Page 2 If sent to the State: Hershel Becker or Successor in Office Department of Information Resources 300 W. 15th St., Suite 1300 Austin, Texas 78701 Phone: (512) 475-4700 If sent to the Vendor: Kia Hollenhorst Carahsoft Technology Corporation 11493 Sunset Hills Rd, Ste 100 Reston, VA 20190 Phone: (703) 871-8501 Email: kai.hollenhorst@carahsoft.com 3.Contract, Section 7. Software License Agreements, are hereby renamed Section 7. Software License Agreements and Service Agreements and updated and restated as follows: 7. Software License Agreements and Service Agreements A.Shrink/Click-wrap License Agreement Regardless of any other provision or other license terms which may be issued by Vendor after the effective date of this Contract, and irrespective of whether any such provisions have been proposed prior to or after the issuance of a Purchase Order for products licensed under this Contract, or the fact that such other agreement may be affixed to or accompany software upon delivery (shrink- wrap), the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract shall supersede and govern the license terms between Customers and Vendor. It is the Customer’s responsibility to read the Shrink/Click-wrap License Agreement and determine if the Customer accepts the license terms as amended by this Contract. If the Customer does not agree with the license terms, Customer shall be responsible for negotiating with the reseller to obtain additional changes in the Shrink/Click- wrap License Agreement language from the software publisher. B.Conflicting or Additional Terms In the event that conflicting or additional terms in Vendor Software License Agreements, Shrink/Click Wrap License Agreements, Service Agreements or linked or supplemental documents amend or diminish the rights of DIR Customers or the State, such conflicting or additional terms shall not take precedence over the terms of this Contract. In the event of a conflict, any linked documents may not take precedence over the printed or referenced documents comprising this contract; provided further that any update to such linked documents shall only apply to purchases or leases of the associated Vendor DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Amendment 3 Contract DIR-TSO-3926 rev. 05/2020 Page 3 product or service offering after the effective date of the update; and, provided further, that, if Vendor has responded to a solicitation or request for pricing, no update of such linked documents on or after the initial date of Vendor’s initial response shall apply to that purchase unless Vendor directly informs Customer of the update before the purchase is consummated. In the event that different or additional terms or conditions would otherwise result from accessing a linked document, agreement to said linked document shall not be effective until reviewed and approved in writing by Customer’s authorized signatory. Vendor shall not [without prior written agreement from Customer’s authorized signatory,] require any document that: 1) diminishes the rights, benefits, or protections of the Customer, or that alters the definitions, measurements, or method for determining any authorized rights, benefits, or protections of the Customer; or 2) imposes additional costs, burdens, or obligations upon Customer, or that alters the definitions, measurements, or method for determining any authorized costs, burdens, or obligations upon Customer. If Vendor attempts to do any of the foregoing, the prohibited documents will be void and inapplicable to the contract between DIR and Vendor or Vendor and Customer, and Vendor will nonetheless be obligated to perform the contract without regard to the prohibited documents, unless Customer elects instead to terminate the contract, which in such case may be identified as a termination for cause against Vendor. The foregoing requirements apply to all contracts, including, but not limited to, contracts between Customer and a reseller who attempts to pass through documents and obligations from its Manufacturer of Publisher. C.Services Agreements Services provided under this Contract for Proofpoint shall be in accordance with the Services Agreement as set forth in Appendix D Proofpoint General Terms and Conditions and Appendix E Proofpoint Security Products Exhibit of this Contract. No changes to the Services Agreement terms and conditions may be made unless previously agreed to by Vendor and DIR. 4.Appendix A. Standard Terms and Conditions for Product and Related Services Contracts dated 9/29/2017, is here by restated in its entirety and replaced with the attached Appendix A. Standard Terms and Conditions for Product and Services Contracts dated 11/06/2019. 5.Appendix D, Proofpoint General Terms and Conditions, is hereby added in its entirety (per Amendment 3). 6.Appendix E, Proofpoint Security Products Exhibit, is hereby added in its entirety (per Amendment 3). DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Amendment 3 Contract DIR-TSO-3926 rev. 05/2020 Page 4 All other terms and conditions of the Contract, not expressly amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect. In the event of conflict among the provisions, the order of precedence shall be this Amendment Number 3, then Amendment Number 2, then Amendment Number 1, and then the Contract. {REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK} DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Amendment 3 Contract DIR-TSO-3926 rev. 05/2020 Page 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby execute this amendment to be effective as of the date of the last signature. Carahsoft Technology Corporation Authorized By: Name: Title: Date: The State of Texas, acting by and through the Department of Information Resources Authorized By: Name: Hershel Becker Title: Chief Procurement Officer Date: Office of General Counsel: 1/11/2021 | 8:27 AM CST David Marshall-Pinko Contracts Specialist 1/20/2021 | 9:43 AM CST 1/20/2021 | 3:15 PM CST Signature on File Signature on File MH DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Amendment 4 Contract DIR-TSO-3926 rev. 05/2020 Page 1 Amendment Number 4 to Contract Number DIR-TSO-3926 between State of Texas, acting by and through the Department of Information Resources and Carahsoft Technology Corporation This Amendment Number 4 to Contract Number DIR-TSO-3926 (“Contract”) is between the Department of Information Resources (“DIR”) and Carahsoft Technology Corporation (“Vendor”). DIR and Vendor agree to modify the terms and conditions of this Contract as follows: 1.Appendix C, Pricing Index (Per Amendment 2), is hereby replaced in its entirety with Appendix C, Pricing Index (per Amendment 4), as attached. 2.Appendix D, Proofpoint General Terms and Conditions (per Amendment 3), is hereby replaced in its entirety with Appendix D, Proofpoint Information Compliance Products Exhibit (per Amendment 4), as attached. 3.Appendix E, Proofpoint Security Products Exhibit (per Amendment 3), is hereby replaced in its entirety with Appendix E, Proofpoint Security Products Exhibit (per Amendment 4), as attached. All other terms and conditions of the Contract, not expressly amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect. In the event of conflict among the provisions, the order of precedence shall be this Amendment Number 4, then Amendment Number 3, then Amendment Number 2, then Amendment Number 1, and then the Contract. REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DocuSign Envelope ID: F1471815-9317-452D-A191-D6080B4903B8DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Amendment 4 Contract DIR-TSO-3926 rev. 05/2020 Page 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby execute this amendment to be effective as of the date of the last signature. Carahsoft Technology Corporation Authorized By: Name: Title: Date: The State of Texas, acting by and through the Department of Information Resources Authorized By: Name: Hershel Becker Title: Chief Procurement Officer Date: Office of General Counsel: DocuSign Envelope ID: F1471815-9317-452D-A191-D6080B4903B8 Contracts Specialist David Marshall-Pinko 7/27/2021 | 2:48 PM CDT 7/29/2021 | 9:51 AM CDT 7/29/2021 | 10:52 AM CDT MG Signature on File Signature on File DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Exhibit 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-4317 Vendor Contract No. ________________ Department of Information Resources Page 1 of 5 (DIR rev 03/2018) STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES CONTRACT FOR PRODUCTS AND RELATED SERVICES SHI Government Solutions, Inc. 1. Introduction A. Parties This Contract for products and related services is entered into between the State of Texas, acting by and through the Department of Information Resources (hereinafter “DIR”) with its principal place of business at 300 West 15th Street, Suite 1300, Austin, Texas 78701, and SHI Government Solutions, Inc. (hereinafter “Vendor”), with its principal place of business at 3828 Pecana Trail, Austin, Texas 78749. B. Compliance with Procurement Laws This Contract is the result of compliance with applicable procurement laws of the State of Texas. DIR issued a solicitation on the Comptroller of Public Accounts’ Electronic State Business Daily, Request for Offer (RFO) DIR-TSO-TMP-416, on February 26, 2018, for Software Products, Software as a Service, and Enterprise Resource Planning Software Modules Products and Services. Upon execution of this Contract, a notice of award for RFO DIR-TSO-TMP-416 shall be posted by DIR on the Electronic State Business Daily. C. Order of Precedence For purchase transactions under this Contract, the order of precedence shall be as follows: this Contract; Appendix A, Standard Terms and Conditions For Products and Related Services Contracts; Appendix B, Vendor’s Historically Underutilized Businesses Subcontracting Plan; Appendix C, Pricing Index; Exhibit 1, Vendor’s Response to RFO DIR-TSO-TMP-416, including all addenda; and Exhibit 2, DIR-TSO-TMP-416, including all addenda; are incorporated by reference and constitute the entire agreement between DIR and Vendor governing purchase transactions. In the event of a conflict between the documents listed in this paragraph related to purchases, the controlling document shall be this Contract, then Appendix A, then Appendix B, then Appendix C, then Exhibit 1, and finally Exhibit 2. In the event and to the extent any provisions contained in multiple documents address the same or substantially the same subject matter but do not actually conflict, the more recent provisions shall be deemed to have superseded earlier provisions. 2. Term of Contract The initial term of this Contract shall be two (2) years commencing on the last date of approval by DIR and Vendor, with two (2) optional two (2) year renewals. Prior to expiration of each term, the contract will renew automatically under the same terms and conditions unless either party provides notice to the other party 60 days in advance of the renewal date stating that the party wishes to discuss modification of terms or not renew. Additionally, the parties by mutual agreement may extend the term for up to ninety (90) additional calendar days. DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Exhibit 5 DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-4317 Vendor Contract No. ________________ Department of Information Resources Page 2 of 5 (DIR rev 03/2018) 3. Product and Service Offerings A. Products Products available under this Contract are limited to Software products, including Software as a Service specified in Appendix C, Pricing Index. Vendor may incorporate changes to their product offering; however, any changes must be within the scope of products awarded based on the posting described in Section 1.B above. Vendor may not add a manufacturer’s product line which was not included in the Vendor’s response to the solicitation described in Section 1.B above. B. Services Services available under this Contract are limited to Related and Technical Services specified in Appendix C, Pricing Index. Vendor may incorporate changes to their service offering; however, any changes must be within the scope of services awarded based on the posting described in Section 1.B above. C. Emerging Technologies and Future Acquisitions DIR recognizes that technology is ever-evolving and advancing. DIR reserves the right to consider the addition of emerging technology such as next generation, enhancements and upgrades for services that are within the scope of Software Products, Software as a Service, Software Services. Vendor may propose such services throughout the term of the contract. Pricing and terms will be negotiated upon DIR acceptance. Any determination will be at DIR’s sole discretion and any decision will be final. In addition, Texas DIR and Vendor may mutually agree to add future acquisitions of Vendor to the contract. Subsequent terms of the acquisition(s) and pricing will be mutually agreed upon in writing and amended under the contract. 4. Pricing Pricing to the DIR Customer shall be as set forth in Appendix A, Section 8, Pricing, Purchase Orders, Invoices and Payment, and as set forth in Appendix C, Pricing Index, and shall include the DIR Administrative Fee. 5. DIR Administrative Fee A. The administrative fee to be paid by the Vendor to DIR based on the dollar value of all sales to Customers pursuant to this Contract is three-fourth of one percent (.75%). Payment will be calculated for all sales, net of returns and credits. For example, the administrative fee for sales totaling $100,000 shall be $750.00. B. All prices quoted to Customers shall include the administrative fee. DIR reserves the right to change this fee upwards or downwards during the term of this Contract, upon written notice to Vendor without further requirement for a formal contract amendment. Any change in the administrative fee shall be incorporated by Vendor in the price to the Customer. 6. Notification All notices under this Contract shall be sent to a party at the respective address indicated below. DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-4317 Vendor Contract No. ________________ Department of Information Resources Page 3 of 5 (DIR rev 03/2018) If sent to the State: Hershel Becker or Successor in Office Chief Procurement Officer Department of Information Resources 300 W. 15th St., Suite 1300 Austin, Texas 78701 Phone: (512) 475-4700 If sent to the Vendor: Kristina Mann Sr. Lead Contract Specialist SHI Government Solutions, Inc. 3828 Pecana Trail Austin,Texas 78749 Phone: ( 800 ) 764-6479 Ext. 5648536 Fax: (512) 732-0232 Email: Kristina_Mann@SHI.com 7. Software Agreements A. Shrink/Click-wrap License Agreement Regardless of any other provision or other license terms which may be issued by Vendor after the effective date of this Contract, and irrespective of whether any such provisions have been proposed prior to or after the issuance of a Purchase Order for products licensed under this Contract, or the fact that such other agreement may be affixed to or accompany software upon delivery (shrink-wrap), the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract shall supersede and govern the license terms between Customers and Vendor. Regarding license terms provided by a software publisher via Shrink/Click-wrap, it is the Customer’s responsibility to read the Shrink/Click-wrap License Agreement and determine if the Customer accepts the license terms as amended by this Contract. If the Customer does not agree with the license terms, Customer shall be responsible for negotiating with the reseller to obtain additional changes in the Shrink/Click-wrap License Agreement language from the software publis her. B. Conflicting or Additional Terms 1. In the event that conflicting or additional terms in Vendor Software License Agreements, Vendor Shrink/Click Wrap License Agreements, Vendor Service Agreements or linked or supplemental Vendor documents amend or diminish the rights of DIR Customers or the State, such conflicting or additional terms shall not take precedence over the terms of this Contract. 2. In the event of a conflict, any linked documents may not take precedence over the printed or referenced documents comprising this contract; provided further that any update to such linked documents shall only apply to purchases or leases of the associated Vendor product or service offering after the effective date of the update; and, provided further, that, if Vendor has responded to a solicitation or request for pricing, no update of such linked documents on or after the initial date of Vendor’s initial response shall apply to DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-4317 Vendor Contract No. ________________ Department of Information Resources Page 4 of 5 (DIR rev 03/2018) that purchase unless Vendor directly informs Customer of the update before the purchase is consummated. 3. In the event that different or additional terms or conditions would otherwise result from accessing a linked document, agreement to said linked document shall not be effective until reviewed and approved in writing by Customer’s authorized signatory. 4. Vendor shall not [without prior written agreement from Customer’s authorized signatory,] require any document that: 1) diminishes the rights, benefits, or protections of the Customer, or that alters the definitions, measurements, or method for determining any authorized rights, benefits, or protections of the Customer; or 2) imposes additional costs, burdens, or obligations upon Customer, or that alters the definitions, measurements, or method for determining any authorized costs, burdens, or obligations upon Customer. 5. If Vendor attempts to do any of the foregoing, the prohibited documents will be void and inapplicable to the contract between DIR and Vendor or Vendor and Customer, and Vendor will nonetheless be obligated to perform the contract without regard to the prohibited documents, unless Customer elects instead to terminate the contract, which in such case may be identified as a termination for cause against Vendor. 6. The foregoing requirements do not apply to contracts between Customer and a software publisher. 8. Authorized Exceptions to Appendix A, Standard Terms and Conditions for Product and Related Services Contracts. A. Appendix A, Section 5, Intellectual Property is hereby deleted and replaced in its entirety as follows: This contract does not contemplate, authorize or support acquisition of custom software products or services. If Vendor and Customer seek to contract for such product or service, they must use a separate contract or seek amendment with DIR of this contract. If DIR and Vendor decide to authorize customized software or hardware products; then the intellectual property language will be negotiated and applied. (Remainder of page left blank intentionally) DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-4317 Vendor Contract No. ________________ Department of Information Resources Page 5 of 5 (DIR rev 03/2018) This Contract is executed to be effective as of the date of last signature. SHI Government Solutions, Inc. Authorized By: Signature on File Name: Kristina Mann Title: Senior Lead Contract Specialist Date: 4/15/2020 The State of Texas, acting by and through the Department of Information Resources Authorized By: Signature on File Name: Hershel Becker Title: Chief Procurement Officer Date: 04/27/2020 Office of General Counsel: Signature on File Date: 04/23/2020 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Brands Name (*Vendor is authorized to sale any and all products, SaaS and services for the following Brands) DIR Discount % off MSRP Activepdf 5.00% Carbonite 5.00% Citrix Networking Software 15.00% App Virt/VDI/Ent Mobility 25.00% XenApp to XD TradeUp 8.00% File Sync & Sharing 6.00% CommVault 9.00% CrowdStrike Falcon Platform 10.00% All Other Software 25.00% Cylance 5.00% Decision Lens 5.00% Docker Government Licenses 5.00% Education Licenses 3.00% GovQA 2.00% Idera/Embarcadero 3.00% Impulse 15.00% Ivanti New & Volume License 10.00% Kaseya 10.00% CONTRACT DIR-TSO-4317 APPENDIX C - PRICING INDEX 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Brands Name (*Vendor is authorized to sale any and all products, SaaS and services for the following Brands) DIR Discount % off MSRP CONTRACT DIR-TSO-4317 APPENDIX C - PRICING INDEX LogMeIn /SaaS 3.00% McAfee Software Perpetual & Subscription 24.00% Software Solution bundled w/Hardware/Peripherals 19.00% MicroStrategy Perpetual Software Licensing 25.00% SaaS, Subscription, Term Software Licensing 2.00% MongoDB 2.00% NetFlow Auditor 8.00% Software Licenses QTY 1-9 0.50% Software Licenses QTY 10-74 3.00% Software Licenses QTY 75 or greater 8.00% NeverFail Engine 10.00% Migrate 2.00% HybriStor 5.00% NOVASTOR 10.00% OnSolve (CodeRED) 5.00% Portswigger 0.00% Quest Software 10.00% Hardware (bundled with software Solutions)7.50% 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Brands Name (*Vendor is authorized to sale any and all products, SaaS and services for the following Brands) DIR Discount % off MSRP CONTRACT DIR-TSO-4317 APPENDIX C - PRICING INDEX SaaS 2.00% Sailpoint (formerly IdentityIQ) IdentityIQ Base Product: Single Production Instance 4.00% IdentityIQ SecurityIQ & Identity Software & SaaS 15.00% SeamlessDocs 2.00% ServiceNow 0.25% Socrata 0.25% SolarWinds 2.00% Syn-Apps 12.00% Tableau 0.75% Tetra4D (Tech Soft 3D) 3.00% Thales Security (Vormetric) 9.50% Trustwave 5.00% Veritas Education Licenses 10.00% License + Essential Maintenance Bundles 13.00% Perpetual Licenses 13.00% Subscriptions + Essential Maintenance Bundles 13.00% Essential Subscriptions 13.00% Media 0.00% Vmware 3.50% 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Brands Name (*Vendor is authorized to sale any and all products, SaaS and services for the following Brands) DIR Discount % off MSRP CONTRACT DIR-TSO-4317 APPENDIX C - PRICING INDEX Services DIR Discount % off MSRP Carbonite 5.00% Citrix Customer Success Services 8.00% Appliance Maintenance 8.00% CommVault Software Maintenance 0.25% Training 5.00% Technical Service 0.25% CrowdStrike Maintenance / Support 5.00% Services 5.00% Cylance 5.00% Decision Lens 5.00% Docker 2.00% Idera/Embarcadero Maintenance / Support 0.50% Technical Services 2.00% GovQA 2.00% Impulse 15.00% Ivanti Maintenance and Renewals 5.00% Technical Service 4.00% 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Brands Name (*Vendor is authorized to sale any and all products, SaaS and services for the following Brands) DIR Discount % off MSRP CONTRACT DIR-TSO-4317 APPENDIX C - PRICING INDEX Kaseya Maintenance and Renewals 5.00% Technical Service 5.00% McAfee Software Support 24.00% Hardware sold with Software Solution Support 7.00% MicroStrategy 2.00% MongoDB 2.00% Netflow Auditor Support, Services & Training 0.50% NeverFail (Services) Engine Support & Renewals 2.00% Maintenance, Technical Support, Training & Services 2.00% NOVASTOR Annual Site Support 15.00% Technical Service 10.00% Portswigger 0.00% Quest Maintenance, Renewals 7.50% Services 2.00% Sailpoint (formerly IdentityIQ) IdentityIQ Standard & Premium Support Renewals 1.00% Technical Service 5.00% SeamlessDocs 0.25% 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Brands Name (*Vendor is authorized to sale any and all products, SaaS and services for the following Brands) DIR Discount % off MSRP CONTRACT DIR-TSO-4317 APPENDIX C - PRICING INDEX Socrata 0.25% Syn-Apps Support & Services 5.00% Tableau Technical Services and Training 0.75% Tetra4D (Tech Soft 3D) Support 3.00% Services 3.00% Thales Security (Vormetric) Services 9.50% Trustwave 0.50% Veritas Business Critical Services Extended Support 0.50% Essential Support (Initial and Renewal)3.50% Services 0.50% Vmware Maintenance / Support 7.00% Services 3.50% Important Note: Vendor's quote to DIR customers shall include the DIR Administrative Fee. The fee will be added after the discount is applied to the MSRP. 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76C5144D-CC8E-415D-9541-CE595B9D78B7 Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: 76C5144DCC8E415D9541CE595B9D78B7 Status: Completed Subject: ***Purchasing Approval*** Contract 7047 - Software, Products, and Related IT Services - Amendment #3 Source Envelope: Document Pages: 67 Signatures: 2 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 2 Initials: 1 Cori Power AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 cori.power@cityofdenton.com IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 11/8/2021 1:14:06 PM Holder: Cori Power cori.power@cityofdenton.com Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Cori Power cori.power@cityofdenton.com Senior Buyer City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 11/8/2021 1:20:51 PM Viewed: 11/8/2021 1:21:04 PM Signed: 11/8/2021 1:22:32 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Lori Hewell lori.hewell@cityofdenton.com Purchasing Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 11/8/2021 1:22:35 PM Viewed: 11/9/2021 7:35:54 AM Signed: 11/9/2021 7:36:04 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Leisha Meine Leisha.Meine@cityofdenton.com Chief Technology Officer City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 11/9/2021 7:36:07 AM Viewed: 11/9/2021 8:36:26 AM Signed: 11/9/2021 8:38:30 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Stephanie Padgett Stephanie.Padgett@cityofdenton.com TS Administrative Assistant City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 11/9/2021 8:38:33 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Contract Administrator City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 11/9/2021 8:38:34 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 11/8/2021 1:20:51 PM Certified Delivered Security Checked 11/9/2021 8:36:26 AM Signing Complete Security Checked 11/9/2021 8:38:30 AM Completed Security Checked 11/9/2021 8:38:34 AM Payment Events Status Timestamps