Exhibit 2 - Pricing EvaluationInfra Construction, LLC Swift Corporation Dallas, TX Round Rock, TX Line #Description Unit Unit 1 Total Proposal Amount $677,856.00 $728,000.00 Item #Scoring Criteria Infra Construction, LLC Swift Corporation 1 Safety - 5%4.00 3.67 2 Price, Total Cost of Ownership - 20%20.00 18.62 3 Offeror’s Key Personnel - 10%9.33 4.33 4 Quality, Reputation, and Ability to Complete Similar Projects on Schedule and Within Budget - 30%26.00 12.00 5 Detailed Schedule and Written Plan - 35%35.00 7.00 94.33 45.62 RFP 7819 - Pricing Evaluation for the Construction of Service Center Fence Exhibit 2 Total Score: Evaluation