Exhibit 2 - QuoteTEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT PURCHASING COOPERATIVE BUYBOARD PRODUCT PURCHASING BASED ON CONTRACT 11/22/2021 Customer City of Planoof Denton Product Description CRANE CARRIER LET2 A.Base Price in Bid/Proposal Number 601-19 $157,156.00 B.Published Options *itemize each item below) L9-350 5795 R.Aluminum Wheels 1102 Remote Radiator Fill 561 315/80 Rear Tires 1707 Dash Mounted Filter Minder 124 Double Frame 2379 Pre Cleaner 504 Wheel Base 182"665 3-Battery 160 6S/6M ABS 638 Fuel Tank 80 Gallon 93 2-Round Mirrors 8"120 4500RDSR Trans W/Retarder 29821 LH Air ride Seat 310 Auto Neutral 1010 RH Fold up Seat 280 Front Aluminum Wheels 304 RH Guage Package 309 Dual Drive RH Stand up/Sit Dwn 5890 Console 2-Way Radio Wiring 134 134 D46-170P Axles 5.57 859 Flaming River Disconnect 201 Wide Brake Package 8.62 386 Durapack 5000/25 yard 118900 Subtotal column 1 45507 Subtotal column 2 126745 Pubished Options added to Base Price (Subtotal of Column1 Column 2 )$172,252 C.Subtotal of A+ B $329,408 D.Unpublished Options (Itemize each item below. Not to exceed + 25% of Unpublished) Adj.Seat Shock 346 Frt Tow Pins 346 Orange Seat Belts 466 46,000 Up Grade 4674 DCDL 1412 Freight to Heil 2818 Surcharge 525 Payment After Delivery 3900 Total Column 1 14487 Total Column 2 Unpublished Options added to Base Price (subtotal of Column 1 + 2)14,487 Dealer Install E.Contract Price Adjustment (if any explain)DSRPT Promo (17,940) F.Total of C +D + E(Not including Buyboard Fee)325,955 G.Quantity Ordered (Units x F)2 # of Units 651,910 H.Buyboard Fee 400 400 I.Non-Equipment Charges & Credits (ie Ext. Warranty, Trade In, Cost of Factory Trips etc.)Cummins Extended Warranty 2090.00X 2 2090.00 X 2 4,180 ***Price Subject to Change*** Subtotal non equipment changes 4,180 J.TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE INCLUDING (G +H +I)656,490 Bond Equipment Company Inc.Andy Bond 2946 Irving Blvd 214-637-0760 Dallas, TX 75247