22-523 - 7894 - Ordinance ExecutedORDINANCE NO.22-523 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DENTON, A TEXAS HOME-RULE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, FOR THE APPROVAL OF A PRE-QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL SERVICESLIST FOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTSERVICES FOR VARIOUS CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROJECTS WITHIN THE CITY OF DENTON; PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS THEREFOR; AND PROVIDINGAN EFFECTIVE DATE (RFQ 7894 – FOR TWO (2) YEARS, WITH THE OPTION FOR ONE ( 1 )ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR EXTENSION, IN THE TOTAL THREE (3) YEAR TERM). WHEREAS, the City of Denton, Texas (the “City”) desires to have a pool of professional firms ready to serve as contractors to provide the City with architectural services on a continuing contract basis; and WHEREAS, on December 17, 2021, the City issued a Request for QualiDcations No. 7894, Pre-QualifIed List for Construction Management and Inspection Services (“RFQ”), for the purpose of a list of construction inspection and construction management services for various Capital Investment Projects within the City of Denton, as detailed in the RFQ; and WHEREAS, in response to the RFQ, which was in accordance with the provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 2254, the City evaluated each submission in accordance with selection criteria in order to determine the most qualified firms to provide the services; and WHEREAS, the City staff has prepared a list attached as Exhibit “A“ representing those firms whose qualifications and references demonstrated to be the most advantageous to the City ; and WHEREAS, awards to a professional firm on the list, which exceed the City Manager’s delegation authority, will be brought to the City Council in compliance with all procurement statutes and local ordinances, considering the importance of price and other evaluation factors in the RFQ; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the selection of firms for the provision of services, pursuant to the terms, conditions, and specifications contained in the RFQ, should be approved andis in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Denton; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Denton, Texas, hereby approves the selection of professional contractors, which pre-qualified list is attached hereto as Exhibit “A“ and incorporated by reference herein, for the provision of social services on a continuing contract basis with the City of Denton, and pursuant to the Request for Quot Ocations No. 7894, Pre-QualiDed List for Construction Management and Inspection Services. SECTION 2. Any formal written agreement as a result of the acceptance, approval, and awarding of the proposals from the RFQ must be done in accordance with the procurement statues and local ordinances; provided that, the City Manager, or their designee, may take any actions that may be required or permitted to be performed within their previously delegated authority. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. The motion to approve this ordinance was made by h\ & k_ and seconded by Ie:SSP Lm LS . This ordinance was passed and approved by the following vote Ll - a: Aye Nay Abstain Absent Mayor Gerard Hudspeth:Vicki Byrd, District 1 :Brian Beck. District 2: Jesse Davis. District 3 : Alison Maguire, District 4:Deb Armintor, At Large Place 5 : Paul Meltzer, At Large Place 6: ./ / / /7 / PASSED AND APPROVED this the 2and day of Mural _, 2022. dMleE(M=R ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY ,lllllPf APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: MACK REINWAND, CITY ATTORNEY Digitally signed by Marcella LunnDN: cn=Marcella Lunn, o, ou=Cityal Date: 2022.03.03 10:33:37 .06'00' [\ \JM\rb =rrn:=}cellaJunn@dyofdennnW,LV .fans,BY: EXHIBIT A Construction Inspection Services SAM Construction Services Lamb-Star Engineering CONSOR Engineers, LLC VRX, INC Raba Kistner, Inc Construction Management Services CONSOR Engjneers, LLC o VRX, INC Lamb-Star Engjneerin