22-1103 - 7086 - Change Order 5 Ordinance ExecutedORDiNANCE NO. 22-1103 AN ORD[NANCE OF THE CITY OF DENTON, A TEXAS HOME-RULE MUNICIPALCORPORATION, AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DENTON AND QUALITY EXCAVATION, LTD, FORTHE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MCKINNEY STREET SIDEWALK SEGMENT FOR THEDOWNTOWN STORM SEWER TRUNK LINE PH I PROJECT; PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS THEREFOR; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (IFB 7086– CHANGE ORDER NO. 5, 1N THE NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT OF $65,757.40 FOR A TOTAL CONTRACT AWARD AGGREGATED TO $1,289,375.65). WHEREAS, on October 20, 2020, by Ordinance No. 20-2061, the City Council awarded a contract to Quality Excavation, LTD, in the amount of $1,141,102.20, for the construction of the Downtown Storm Sewer Trunk Line PH 1 Project for the City of Denton; and WHEREAS, on May 12, 2021, Purchasing awarded a Change Order No. 1 between the City of Denton and Quality Excavation, LTD, to reduce the amount of the contract by $4,710.00; and WHEREAS, on May 13, 202 1, Purchasing awarded Change Order No. 2 between the City of Denton and Quality Excavation, LTD, using $59,048.20 of contingency funds and additional funds in the amount of $19,121.80; and WHEREAS, on July 13, 2021, Purchasing awarded Change Order No. 3 between the City of Denton and Quality Excavation, LTD, to reduce the amount of the contract by $43,767.00; and WHEREAS, on August 10, 2021, by Ordinance No. 21-1587, the City Council awarded a Change Order No. 4 to Quality Excavation, LTD, in the amount of $102,45 1 .25, for construction of the McKinney Street sidewalk segment for the Downtown Storm Sewer Trunk Line PH I Project; and WHEREAS, the Staff having recommended, and the City Manager having recommended to the Council that a change order be authorized to amend such contract agreement with respect to the scope of work and an increase in the payment amount; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Change Order No. 5, increasing the amount of the contract between the City and Quality Excavation, LTD, which is on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, in the amount of Sixty-Five Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty-Seven and 40/100 ($65,757.40) dollars, is hereby approved, and the expenditure of funds therefore is hereby authorized in accordance with said change order which shall be attached hereto. The total purchase order amount increases to $ 1 ,289,375.65. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. *..„KarL';Ju*#!=='””"ndinan,assedam8ia= /::the following vote La - ILI : Aye Nay Abstain Absent Mayor Gerard Hudspeth:Vicki Byrd, District 1 :Brian Beck. District 2: Jesse Davis, District 3 : Alison Maguire, District 4: Brandon Chase McGee, At Large Place 5 : Chris Watts, At Large Place 6: \/ZJar/ IZZ P/ PASSED AND APPROVED this the It d,y,f (JbLnp . 2022 mRDIRmmrNml–oR ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY \11111111 A APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: MACK REINWAND, CITY ATTORNEY Digitally signed by MarcellaLunn DN: cn=Marcella Lunn. o. A ––lton.eoTI, e=JF–––Date: 2022.05.16 13:08:1 7 -05'OO’ IN\\fb :Y,=:=,=,FSFJF,"i,@,iv,fd,BY:\X/X&cUtt