22-1833 - 8022 - Ordinance Executed - BWIORDINANCE NO. 22-1833 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DENTON, A TEXAS HOME-RULE MUNICIPALCORPORATION. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACTWITH BWI COMPANIES, INC., FOR THE SUPPLY OF LANDSCAPE AND TURFFERTILIZER, INSECTICIDES, HERBICIDES, AND FUNGICIDES FOR THE CITY OFDENTON PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, FOR SECTION A – HERBICIDE, SECTION B – FUNGICIDES, SECTION C – INSECTICIDES/MITICIDES/RODENTICIDES,SECTION D – ORGANIC PRODUCTS, AND SECTION E – MISCELLANEOUS;PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS THEREFOR; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (IFB 8022 – AWARDED TO BW 1 COMPANIES, INC., FOR ONE (1) YEAR, WITH THE OPTION FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR EXTENSIONS, IN THE TOTAL THREE (3) YEAR NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT OF $244,000.00). WHEREAS, the City has solicited, received, and tabulated competitive bids for the purchase of necessary materials, equipment, supplies, or services in accordance with theprocedures of state law and city ordinances; and WHEREAS, the City Manager, or a designated employee, has reviewed and recommended that the herein described bids are the lowest responsible bids for the materials, equipment, supplies, or services as shown in the “Bid Proposals” submitted therefore; and WHEREAS, this procurement was undertaken as part of the City’s governmentalfunction; and WHEREAS, the City Council has provided in the City Budget for the appropriation of funds to be used for the purchase of the materials, equipment, supplies, or services approved andaccepted herein; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. The following competitive bids for the materials, equipment, supplies, or services as described in the “Bid Invitations”, “Bid Proposals”, or plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City’s Purchasing Agent filed according to the bid number assigned hereto, are hereby accepted and approved as being the lowest responsible bids: BIDNUMBER VENDOR AMOUNT 8022-Sec. A,B,C,D,E BWI Companies, Inc.$244,000.00 SECTION 2. That the acceptance and approval of the above competitive bids shall not constitute a contract between the City and the person submitting the bid for such items, and agrees to purchase the materials, equipment, supplies, or services in accordance with the terms, specifications, standards, quantities, and for the specified sums contained in the Bid Invitations, Bid Proposals, and related documents. SECTION 3. Should the City and the winning bidder(s) wish to enter into a formal written agreement as a result of the acceptance, approval, and awarding of the bids, the City Manager, or their designated representative, is hereby authorized to execute a written contract, which shall be attached hereto; provided that the written contract is in accordance with the terms, conditions, specifications, standards, quantities, and specified sums contained in the Bid Proposal and related documents, and to extend that contract as determined to be advantageous to the City of Denton. SECTION 4. The City Council of the City of Denton, hereby expressly delegates the authority to take any actions that may be required or permitted to be performed by the City of Denton under this ordinance to the City Manager of the City of Denton, or their designee. SECTION 5. By the acceptance and approval of the above enumerated bids, the City Council hereby authorizes the expenditure of funds therefor in the amount and in accordance with the approved bids. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. s e c o n d =t:y rr1 o t i o n WE: e t h&:#: n c e vv a s rr: I : i : : Mill ) jnpH the following vote [L - a:,ife and ) d by Aye Nay Abstain Absent Mayor Gerard Hudspeth:Vicki Byrd, District 1 :Brian Beck, District 2:Jesse Davis, District 3 : Alison Maguire, District 4: Brandon Chase McGee, At Large Place 5 : Chris Watts, At Large Place 6: V/ 1/ Jd IZb/P Z PASSED AND APPROVED this the ACh day of $4+ew\h'r , 2022. mD KPmrMRv–Ol ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY b\11111111f on APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: MACK REINWAND, CITY ATTORNEY Digitally signed by MaKella Lunn DN: cn=Marcella Lunn, o, ou=CityIn =tlaJunn@dtyddenton.com, c=USDate: 2022.08.31 11 :47:57 -05'00’ A3W£vdLJJ\BY: