7878 - Amendment 1 Executed Docusign Transmittal Coversheet File Name Purchasing Contact Contract Expiration DocuSign Envelope ID: 931A7A20-2184-4D13-9527-9A9AADAD9657 7878 - Roadway Funding Strategy Amendment #1 N/A Cori Power DocuSign Envelope ID: 931A7A20-2184-4D13-9527-9A9AADAD9657Senior BuyerCori PowerAmendment #19/20/2022 1 City of Denton FILE 7878 – Roadway Funding Strategy Attachment A - Scope of Work SPECIAL SERVICES AUTHORIZATION #1 Task F: Roadway Management Strategy Dynamic Modeling Tool FNI will work with the City to automate components of the roadway management process using available software tools to minimize the manual effort required for infrastructure investment planning. FNI’s approach intends to maximize use of the City’s existing software tools, including, Cartegraph, CityWorks, ESRI ArcGIS, ESRI Model Builder, as well as readily available programs such as Microsoft PowerBI to assist in coordinated evaluation and effective communication of results with stakeholders. This scope is based on the following assumptions: • Infrastructure inventory and attributes are populated in ESRI ArcGIS • Priority purpose of the software tool: o Automate the analysis and decision-making process for infrastructure investment planning activities o Visualization dashboard for stakeholder communication F.1 Roadway Management Tool Options Analysis: FNI will prepare an evaluation of software tools, emphasizing existing software used by the City, to automate components of the roadway management process. Software options to be evaluated include ESRI ArcGIS Model Builder, Microsoft Excel, Power BI, and Tableau. FNI will identify conceptual approaches for each software to enhance the process execution, including pros and cons of each option. Factors for consideration in the evaluation of each approach will include existing implementation of software by City, staffing requirements to maintain and use software, functionality, integration capability with existing City systems, and cost. F.2 Meeting - Roadway Management Tool Review: FNI will conduct one (1) workshop with the City to discuss software automation/standardization options. FNI will present the results of the software tool options analysis. FNI will facilitate discussion with City staff to identify the preferred software approach for development, as well as the anticipated users of the software tool. F.3 Meeting - Roadway Management Tool Requirements: FNI will conduct one (1) workshop with the City to identify and document the specific requirements for the software tool. FNI will walk through the roadway management standardized process as applicable to identify components that can be automated through the software tool, as well as current constraints. FNI will facilitate discussion with the City’s anticipated software tool users to identify preferred user interfaces for entering data, modifying parameters, conducting analyses, and generating output. DocuSign Envelope ID: 931A7A20-2184-4D13-9527-9A9AADAD9657 2 F.4 Roadway Management Tool Requirements Document: FNI will prepare a draft Software Requirements Document to detail the scope of the software tool to be developed. The draft document will include: • Tool overview (purpose and scope) • Functional logic (user process and experience) • Design considerations (system requirements, assumptions, constraints, user access, etc.) FNI will provide the draft Software Requirements document to the City for review. FNI will address the City’s feedback and finalize the Software Requirements document. An electronic PDF of the document will be delivered to the City. F.5 Initial Draft Roadway Management Tool: FNI will develop a draft software tool, adhering to the Software Requirements Document. F.6 Meeting - Initial Draft Roadway Management Tool Review: FNI will conduct one (1) workshop with City staff to present the draft software tool, demonstrate the functionality, and facilitate discussion about features and desired modifications. FNI will document requested modifications and note changes that can be made within the scope of the project and modifications that require additional effort to be implemented. F.7 Final Draft Roadway Management Tool: FNI will develop a final draft version of the software tool, adhering to the Software Requirements Document and incorporating implementable feedback obtained in the Initial Draft Roadway Management Tool Review Meeting. F.8 Meeting - Final Draft Roadway Management Tool Review: FNI will conduct one (1) workshop with City staff to present the final draft software tool, demonstrate the functionality, and facilitate discussion about features and desired modifications. FNI will document requested modifications and note changes that can be made within the scope of the project and modifications that require additional effort to be implemented. F.9 Final Roadway Management Tool: FNI will develop a final version of the software tool, adhering to the Software Requirements Document and incorporating implementable feedback obtained in the Final Draft Roadway Management Tool Review Meeting. FNI will deliver the Final Roadway Management Tool to the City in preparation for staff training. F.10 Training Workshop: FNI will conduct one day of training for City staff. The goals of the training workshop are to train staff on the Process Workflow and use of the Roadway Management Tool in the development of prioritized improvement planning. FNI will provide up to five (5) laptop computers for the training workshop. Licensing accommodations are dependent of the software selected for the Roadway Management Tool. The training workshop will be held at the City of Denton office. F.11 On-Call Support: FNI will provide 40 hours of on-call support to City staff for implementation assistance of the Roadway Management Tool. Additional support will be provided to the City upon request as an Additional Service. DocuSign Envelope ID: 931A7A20-2184-4D13-9527-9A9AADAD9657 3 Task G: Roadway User Fee Evaluation G.1 Roadway User Fee Kickoff Meeting: FNI will meet with the City to discuss key policy issues for the creation of the Roadway User Fee. The following policy issues will be discussed at the initial meeting to discuss and finalize the methodological approach for the development of the Roadway User Fee. a) Identification of system users expected to receive assessment b) Approach to assessing fee to individual properties c) Fee structure d) Exemptions e) Appeals policy G.2 Data Collection: This effort will be limited to existing, available information. FNI will collect and integrate into a GIS database the following information, as available: a) Existing parcel information from the City and/or Denton County Appraisal District. b) Current utility billing records c) Building development area from Appraisal District data or other existing GIS data approved by the City d) Land use data from the City, Denton Central Appraisal District, FNI’s internal files, and the City’s recently completed impact fee study e) Trip factors for the various land uses – FNI will utilize the service unit equivalency table prepared as part of the current city roadway impact fee study as a basis for defining tiered fee structuring. G.3 Roadway User Fee Rate Model: FNI will create up to three (3) Roadway User Fee Rate Models using a combination of the information collected in Task GS.2. Each model option will assume a single rate for each single-family residential property, and non-single family residential property rates will be determined based on a combination of the data collected in Task G.2. Options will include: a) Basis for classification of travel characteristics b) Fee structure c) Rates (Residential and non-residential fee options) by classification and/or tier d) Exemptions e) FNI will meet with the City to discuss fee structure options, and based on meeting input from the City staff, FNI will modify the three (3) fee rate options for consideration by City Council. G.5 Fee Table Structure: FNI will provide the City with a fee table structure for the Roadway User Fee to be added into the City’s existing utility billing system. G.9 Roadway User Fee Evaluation Final Report: FNI will prepare a final report that documents the basis and approach for the development, implementation and maintenance of the City’s DocuSign Envelope ID: 931A7A20-2184-4D13-9527-9A9AADAD9657 4 Roadway User Fee. FNI will provide the City with five (5) hard copies and one (1) electronic file of the draft Roadway User Fee Report upon completion of the project. Upon receipt of the City’s final comments, FNI will finalize the report and deliver five (5) hard copies and one (1) electronic file to the City. SPECIAL SERVICES AUTHORIZATION #1 SUMMARY OF DELIVERABLES: Task F – Roadway Management Strategy Dynamic Modeling Tool • Roadway Management Tool Requirements Document (Task F.4) • Initial Draft Roadway Management & Funding Tool (Task F.5) • Final Draft Roadway Management & Funding Tool (Task F.7) • Final Roadway Management & Funding Tool (Task F.9) Task G – Roadway User Fee Evaluation • Roadway User Fee Policies and Goals Memo (Task G.1) • Roadway User Fee Model Fee Structure Options (Task G.3) • Draft Roadway User Fee Rate Structure (Task G.5) • Final Roadway User Fee Evaluation Report (Task G.9) SPECIAL SERVICES PROJECT SCHEDULE: Task F – Roadway Management Strategy Dynamic Modeling Tool • To be determined in coordination with City staff to meet key deliverable presentation for December 6th City Council Work Session. Task G – Roadway User Fee Evaluation • To be determined in coordination with City staff to meet key deliverable presentation for December 6th City Council Work Session. DocuSign Envelope ID: 931A7A20-2184-4D13-9527-9A9AADAD9657 5 SPECIAL SERVICES YET TO BE AUTHORIZED Task G: Roadway User Fee Implementation Support G.10 Roadway User Fee Ordinance, Fee Schedule and Appeals Process: FNI will support the city in the development of a draft Roadway User Fee ordinance, fee schedule and appeals process for Council adoption. The City will be responsible for all public outreach, required noticing and publishing of public noticing consistent with state and/or local requirements. G.11 Fee Table Structure: FNI will provide the City with a fee table structure for the Roadway User Fee to be added into the City’s existing utility billing system. G.12 City Council Meeting for Utility Ordinance and Fee Schedule Adoption: The City will present the Roadway User Fee Ordinance and Fee Schedule to be considered for adoption. FNI will support with the development of meeting materials for public hearings. G.13 Roadway User Fee Utility Billing Integration: FNI will coordinate with City staff to integrate the Roadway User Fee data developed in GIS into the City’s utility billing system. FNI will utilize the City’s unique identifiers for each property to allow for ongoing maintenance of the appropriate Roadway User Fee between the City’s GIS and utility billing system. a) Quality control testing prior to transition: FNI will coordinate with City staff to conduct up to two (2) trial billing runs. Following each cycle FNI will conduct trial data exports to GIS for maintenance updates. b) Utility billing maintenance methodology: FNI will coordinate with the City to develop a data integration approach for maintenance of the dataset. This will include maintenance of data through project development to keep dataset current. G.14 Cost of Service Evaluation: FNI will perform an independent Cost of Service Evaluation based on the roadway lifecycle and funding model and coordination with City staff. G.15 Public Outreach: FNI will develop up to two (2) mailers and/or social media postings to be distributed to the community. The mailers/postings will provide information to educate the community about the need for and benefit of proper pavement management, the equitable nature of funding this service through a Roadway User Fee, and the proposed fee recommended for approval by City Council. This information will be provided to the City in an electronic format for printing as a utility bill insert, separate mailer, handout, or social media posting. The City will be responsible for the logistics and cost of printing and distributing the information. G.16 Roadway User Fee Web Site: FNI will develop a roadway management web site for the community to learn about current activities, needed activities, and funding options to address both in the long term. The web site will be developed as a stand-alone site linked from the City’s web site. G.17 Stakeholder Meetings: FNI will provide technical support to the City for up to five (5) public stakeholder meetings to educate the community about pavement management and needs, to present funding recommendations, and to collect public input. The City will be responsible for securing a location for each meeting and providing seating for attendees. The City will provide presentation equipment, note boards, comment forms, handouts, and light refreshments. FNI will support with the development of a DocuSign Envelope ID: 931A7A20-2184-4D13-9527-9A9AADAD9657 6 PowerPoint presentation discussing the methodological approach to the development of the Roadway User Fee, the framework for fee structuring and program implementation. G.18 Road User Fee Implementation On-call Assistance: FNI will provide on-call implementation assistance to help the City initiate billing, proactively address key stakeholder concerns, respond to community questions, and other related activities requested by the City. SPECIAL SERVICES SUMMARY OF DELIVERABLES: Task G – Roadway User Fee Implementation • Roadway User Fee Draft Ordinance, Fee Schedule, and Appeals Process (Task G.4) • Public Outreach Content for Mailers, Social Media, Web Site (Tasks G.10, G.11) SPECIAL SERVICES PROJECT SCHEDULE: Task G – Roadway User Fee Implementation • To be determined in coordination with City staff. Typical schedule would be 4-6 months from Notice to Proceed. Additional time may be necessary to accommodate public outreach. TOTAL COMPENSATION FNI will provide the identified Authorized Special Services for the lump sum total of Two Hundred Ten Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Dollars ($210,650.00). Upon request of the City, FNI will provide Special Services for remaining Task G subtasks (Roadway User Fee Implementation) for the lump sum total of One-Hundred Ten Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($110,350.00) SPECIAL SERVICES AUTHORIZATION #1 Task F: Roadway Management Strategy Dynamic Modeling Tool $128,900.00 Task G: Roadway User Fee Evaluation $81,750.00 Authorized Special Services Subtotal $210,650.00 PROJECT TOTAL $440,550.00 SPECIAL SERVICES YET TO BE AUTHORIZED Task G: Roadway User Fee Implementation $110,350.00 Special Services Subtotal $110,350.00 PROJECT TOTAL $550,900.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 931A7A20-2184-4D13-9527-9A9AADAD9657 Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: 931A7A2021844D1395279A9AADAD9657 Status: Completed Subject: ***Purchasing Approval*** 7878 - Roadway Funding Strategy Amendment #1 Source Envelope: Document Pages: 8 Signatures: 1 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 5 Initials: 0 Cori Power AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 cori.power@cityofdenton.com IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 9/20/2022 4:48:00 PM Holder: Cori Power cori.power@cityofdenton.com Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Cori Power cori.power@cityofdenton.com Senior Buyer City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 9/20/2022 4:50:39 PM Viewed: 9/20/2022 4:50:48 PM Signed: 9/20/2022 4:51:40 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Tina Ek Tina.Ek@cityofdenton.com Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 9/20/2022 4:51:42 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 9/1/2022 12:59:41 PM ID: 17535ed5-30f2-4964-ab25-232f8511dcc2 Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Procurement Administration Supervisor City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 9/20/2022 4:51:43 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Cassandra Ogden cassandra.ogden@cityofdenton.com Chief Financial Officer City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 9/20/2022 4:51:43 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 9/20/2022 4:50:39 PM Certified Delivered Security Checked 9/20/2022 4:50:48 PM Signing Complete Security Checked 9/20/2022 4:51:40 PM Completed Security Checked 9/20/2022 4:51:43 PM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, City of Denton (we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. 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