22-2313 - 7967 - Amendments 1 & 2 Ordinance ExecutedORDiNANCE NO. 22-23 13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DENTON, A TEXAS HOME-RULE MUNICIPALCORPORATION, AUTHORiZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE TWOGUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE (GMP) AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTRUCTIONMANAGER AT RISK CONTRACT WITH CORE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES OF TEXAS,INC., AMENDING THE CONTRACT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JUNE 28.2022, IN THE NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT OF $25,000.00; SAID GMP AMENDMENTSFOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR FIRE STATION NO. 9 FOR THE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS THEREFOR; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (RFQ 7967 – CMAR GUARANTEEDMAXIMUM PRICE AMENDMENTS AWARDED TO CORE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES OF TEXAS, INC, IN THE FIRST GMP AMENDMENT AMOUNT OF $4,550,786.00 AND THE SECOND GMP AMENDMENT AMOUNT OF $7,503,562 FOR A TOTAL NOT-TO-EXCEEDAMOUNT TO $ 12,079,348.00) WHEREAS, the City of Denton has engaged in a two-step solicitation for the construction of Fire Station No. 9; and WHEREAS, CORE Construction Services of Texas, Inc. was selected as the most qualified firm to provide construction manager at risk (“CMAFC’) services for the construction of Fire Station No. 9, and on June 28, 2022, the City Council approved the CMAR agreement with CORE Construction Services of Texas, Inc., and funded preconstruction services in the not-to-exceed amount of $25,000.00 (Ordinance 22-1290); and WHEREAS, CORE Construction Services of Texas, Inc. and the City, in accordance with the requirements of the CMAR agreement, solicited, received, and tabulated competitive bids and proposals for the CMAR agreement in accordance with the procedures of state laws and city ordinances, and rejected and re-solicited certain bids and proposals. The City Council ratifies and approves any such rejections and finds that the bids and proposals included in the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment are the lowest responsible bids, provide the best value, and are in the best interest of the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish a not-to-exceed amount of $ 12,079,348.00 for the construction of Fire Station No. 9; and WHEREAS, upon full review of all matters attendant and related thereto, the City Council is of the opinion that the City Manager, or their designee, should be authorized to execute aGuaranteed Maximum Price Amendment with CORE Construction Services of Texas, Inc., for a Guaranteed Maximum Price that will not exceed $12,079,348.00.00 for the renovation of the construction of Fire Station No. 9; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. The recitals contained in the preamble of this ordinance are true and correct and are incorporated herewith as part of this ordinance. SECTION 2, A not-to-exceed amount of $12,079,348.00 for the renovation of the construction of Fire Station No. 9 has been established and reviewed by the City Council and found to be in the best interest of the City of Denton and its citizens, and is in all things approved. SECTION 3. The City Manager, or their designee, is authorized to execute a Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendments, attached hereto and incorporated herein, to the CMAR agreement previously approved by City Council on June 28, 2022 under Ordinance No. 22-1290, and all other necessary and related documents after the same have been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney, or their designee, with CORE Construction Services of Texas, Inc., for the construction ofFire Station No. 9 with a CMAR Guaranteed Maximum Price that will not exceed $ 12,079,348.00. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. Th, m,ti,„ t, ,pp„„, thi, „di„,„„ w„ m,d, by (~J',As L\As and ,econded by kzxj~&4h C+v(££ P&ck© . This ordinance was passed and approved by the following vote q[al Aye/r rV‘ K‘ y/ IZ Nay Abstain Absent Gerard Hudspeth, Mayor:Vicki Byrd, District 1 :Brian Beck. District 2 : Jesse Davis, District 3 : Alison Maguire, District 4:Brandon Chase McGee,At Large Place 5 : Chris Watts, At Large Place 6: PASSED AND APPROVED thi, th, \ Sb d,y ,f NJavevr\\Ipr–2022 GERARD HUDSPETH, MAYOR ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY b\\\11111111, ran– P+22;, J APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: MACK REINWAND, CITY ATTORNEY BY: _ blILV(tUI\ Digitally signed by Marcella Lunn DN: cn=Marcella Lunn, o, ou=CityaNL:I on.com, c=USDate: 2022.11.01 17:35:1 S <)5'00'