7967 - Amendment 2 Executed Docusign City Council Transmittal Coversheet File Name Purchasing Contact City Council Target Date Piggy Back Option Contract Expiration Ordinance DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 No RFP Christa Christian 7967 FS 9, GMP Amendment 2 N/A NOVEMBER 15, 2022 22-2313 Document A133™ – 2019 Exhibit A.2 Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment Init. / AIA Document A133™ – 2019 Exhibit A. Copyright © 1991, 2003, 2009, and 2019 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at 13:12:05 ET on 10/21/2022 under Order No.2114332942 which expires on 06/09/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail copyright@aia.org. User Notes: (945050954) 1 This document has important legal consequences. Consultation with an attorney is encouraged with respect to its completion or modification. AIA Document A201™–2017, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, is adopted in this document by reference. Do not use with other general conditions unless this document is modified. This Amendment dated the day of in the year Two Thousand Twenty-Two , is incorporated into the accompanying AIA Document A133™–2019, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction Manager as Constructor where the basis of payment is the Cost of the Work Plus a Fee with a Guaranteed Maximum Price dated the Twenty-Eighth day of June in the year Two Thousand Twenty-Two (the "Agreement") (In words, indicate day, month, and year.) for the following Work, which is a portion of the PROJECT: (Name and address or location) City of Denton’s Fire Station No. 09 GMP Amendment #02 5000 Airport Rd Denton, Texas 76207 THE OWNER: (Name, legal status, and address) City of Denton 215 East McKinney Street Denton, Texas 76201 (940) 349-8307 THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: (Name, legal status, and address) CORE Construction Services of Texas, Inc 6320 Research Road Frisco, TX 75033 TABLE OF ARTICLES A.1 GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE A.2 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A.3 INFORMATION UPON WHICH AMENDMENT IS BASED A.4 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER’S CONSULTANTS, CONTRACTORS, DESIGN PROFESSIONALS, AND SUPPLIERS ARTICLE A.1 GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE § A.1.1 Guaranteed Maximum Price Pursuant to Section 3.2.6 2.2.6 of the Agreement, the Owner and Construction Manager hereby amend the Agreement to establish a Guaranteed Maximum Price. Guaranteed Maximum Price for the scope of Work set forth in Exhibit "A.2.C" – Scope of the Work – GMP Amendment #01. All references in this Exhibit "A" to the Guaranteed Maximum Price shall mean and refer to the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the entire scope of Work set forth in Exhibit "A.2.C" – Scope of the Work – GMP Amendment #01, unless the context DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Init. / AIA Document A133™ – 2019 Exhibit A. Copyright © 1991, 2003, 2009, and 2019 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at 13:12:05 ET on 10/21/2022 under Order No.2114332942 which expires on 06/09/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail copyright@aia.org. User Notes: (945050954) 2 clearly indicates otherwise. As agreed by the Owner and Construction Manager, the Guaranteed Maximum Price is an amount that the Contract Sum for the scope of Work set forth in Exhibit "A.2.C" – Scope of the Work – GMP Amendment #01 shall not exceed. The Contract Sum consists of the Construction Manager’s Fee plus the Cost of the Work, as that term is defined in Article 6 of the Agreement. § A.1.1.1 The Contract Sum is guaranteed by the Construction Manager not to exceed seven million five hundred three thousand five hundred sixty-two dollars ($ 7,503,562.00 ), subject to additions and deductions by Change Order as provided in the Contract Documents. § A.1.1.2 Itemized Statement of the Guaranteed Maximum Price. Provided below is an itemized statement of the Guaranteed Maximum Price organized by trade categories, including allowances; categories; the Construction Manager’s contingency; alternates; Contingency; the Owner’s Contingency; the Construction Manager’s Fee; and other items that comprise the Guaranteed Maximum Price as defined in Section 3.2.1 of the Agreement. (Provide itemized statement below or reference an attachment.) See Exhibit "A.2.N" – Itemized Statement of the GMP and Clarifications § A.1.1.3 The Construction Manager’s Fee is set forth in converted to and fixed as a lump sum in accordance with Section 6.1.2 of the Agreement. § A.1.1.4 The method of adjustment of the Construction Manager’s Fee for changes in the Work is set forth in Section 6.1.3 Sections of the Agreement. § A.1.1.5 Alternates § A. Alternates, if any, included in the Guaranteed Maximum Price: Item Price See Exhibit "A.2.J" – Alternates with Costs and Expiration Dates § A. Subject to the conditions noted below, the following alternates may be accepted by the Owner following execution of this Exhibit A. Upon acceptance, the Owner shall issue a Modification to the Agreement. (Insert below each alternate and the conditions that must be met for the Owner to accept the alternate.) Item Price Conditions for Acceptance See Exhibit "A.2.J" – Alternates with Costs and Expiration Dates § A.1.1.6 Unit prices, if any: (Identify the item and state the unit price and quantity limitations, if any, to which the unit price will be applicable.) Item Units and Limitations Price per Unit ($0.00) See Exhibit "A.2.K" – Unit Costs ARTICLE A.2 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION § A.2.1 The date of commencement of the Work shall be: (Check one of the following boxes.) [ X ]The date of execution of this Amendment. [ ]Established as follows: (Insert a date or a means to determine the date of commencement of the Work.) If a date of commencement of the Work is not selected, then the date of commencement shall be the date of execution of this Amendment. DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Init. / AIA Document A133™ – 2019 Exhibit A. Copyright © 1991, 2003, 2009, and 2019 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at 13:12:05 ET on 10/21/2022 under Order No.2114332942 which expires on 06/09/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail copyright@aia.org. User Notes: (945050954) 3 § A.2.2 Unless otherwise provided, the Contract Time is the period of time, including authorized adjustments, allotted in the Contract Documents for Substantial Completion of the Work. The Contract Time shall be measured from the date of commencement of the Work. § A.2.3 Substantial Completion § A.2.3.1 Subject to adjustments of the Contract Time as provided in the Contract Documents, the Construction Manager shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work:Work by the date set forth in: (Check one of the following boxes and complete the necessary information.) [ ]Not later than ( ) calendar days from the date of commencement of the Work. [ ]By the following date: Exhibit "A.2.D" – Construction Manager’s Project Schedule. § A.2.3.2 Subject to adjustments of the Contract Time as provided in the Contract Documents, if portions of the Work are to be completed prior to Substantial Completion of the entire Work, the Construction Manager shall achieve Substantial Completion of such portions by the following dates: If the Construction Manager fails to achieve Substantial Completion as provided in this Section A.2.3, liquidated damages, if any, shall be assessed as set forth in Section 8.6 of the General Conditions of the Agreement. Portion of Work Substantial Completion Date § A.2.3.3 If the Construction Manager fails to achieve Substantial Completion as provided in this Section A.2.3, liquidated damages, if any, shall be assessed as set forth in Section 6.1.6 of the Agreement. ARTICLE A.3 INFORMATION UPON WHICH AMENDMENT IS BASED § A.3.1 The Guaranteed Maximum Price and Contract Time set forth in this Amendment are based on the Contract Documents and the following: § A.3.1.1 The following Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract: AIA A201 – General Conditions (2017) as amended and included in the original AIA A133 – O-CMaR Agreement, which shall remain unchanged by this Amendment. Document Title Date Pages § A.3.1.2 The following Specifications: (Either list the Specifications here, or refer to an exhibit attached to this Amendment.) See Exhibit "A.2.C" – Scope of the Work – GMP Amendment #01 Section Title Date Pages § A.3.1.3 The following Drawings: (Either list the Drawings here, or refer to an exhibit attached to this Amendment.) See Exhibit "A.2.C" – Scope of the Work – GMP Amendment #01 Number Title Date § A.3.1.4 The Sustainability Plan, if any: (If the Owner identified a Sustainable Objective in the Owner’s Criteria, identify the document or documents that comprise the Sustainability Plan by title, date and number of pages, and include other identifying information. The Sustainability Plan identifies and describes the Sustainable Objective; the targeted Sustainable Measures; DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Init. / AIA Document A133™ – 2019 Exhibit A. Copyright © 1991, 2003, 2009, and 2019 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at 13:12:05 ET on 10/21/2022 under Order No.2114332942 which expires on 06/09/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail copyright@aia.org. User Notes: (945050954) 4 implementation strategies selected to achieve the Sustainable Measures; the Owner’s and Construction Manager’s roles and responsibilities associated with achieving the Sustainable Measures; the specific details about design reviews, testing or metrics to verify achievement of each Sustainable Measure; and the Sustainability Documentation required for the Project, as those terms are defined in Exhibit C to the Agreement.) Title Date Pages Not Applicable Other identifying information: § A.3.1.5 Allowances, if any, included in the Guaranteed Maximum Price: (Identify each allowance.) Item Price See Exhibit "A.2.L" – Allowances § A.3.1.6 Assumptions and clarifications, if any, upon which the Guaranteed Maximum Price is based: (Identify each assumption and clarification.) See Exhibit "A.2.N" – Itemized Statement of the GMP and Clarifications § A.3.1.7 The Guaranteed Maximum Price is based upon the following other documents and information: (List any other documents or information here, or refer to an exhibit attached to this Amendment.) Exhibit "A.2" – Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment Exhibit "A.2.B" – Insurance and Bonds – GMP Amendment #01 Exhibit "A.2.C" – Scope of the Work – GMP Amendment #01 Exhibit "A.2.D" – Construction Manager’s Project Schedule Exhibit "A.2.E" – Construction Manager’s Soft Costs and Fee Exhibit "A.2.F" – Key Personnel Exhibit "A.2.G" – Confidentiality of the Project Exhibit "A.2.H" – Customary and Usual Labor Rates Exhibit "A.2.I" – Rental Rates Exhibit "A.2.J" – Alternates with Costs and Expiration Dates Exhibit "A.2.K" – Unit Costs Exhibit "A.2.L" – Allowances Exhibit "A.2.M" – Schedule of Values – GMP Amendment #01 Exhibit "A.2.N" – Itemized Statement of the GMP and Clarifications Exhibit "A.2.O" – Escrow and Financing Conditions Exhibit "A.2.P" – Disputed Work Schedule Exhibit "A.2.Z" – Schedule of Exhibits ARTICLE A.4 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER’S CONSULTANTS, CONTRACTORS, DESIGN PROFESSIONALS, AND SUPPLIERS § A.4.1 The Construction Manager shall retain the consultants, contractors, design professionals, and suppliers, as may (or may not) be identified in the Exhibit referenced below: (List name, discipline, address, and other information.) See Exhibit "A.2.N" – Itemized Statement of the GMP and Clarifications This Amendment to the Agreement entered into IN WITNESS WHEREOF, intending to be bound, the Parties have entered into this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. OWNER (Signature)CONSTRUCTION MANAGER (Signature) DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Init. / AIA Document A133™ – 2019 Exhibit A. Copyright © 1991, 2003, 2009, and 2019 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at 13:12:05 ET on 10/21/2022 under Order No.2114332942 which expires on 06/09/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail copyright@aia.org. User Notes: (945050954) 5 (Printed name and title)(Printed name and title) DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Init. / AIA Document A133™ – 2019 Exhibit A. Copyright © 1991, 2003, 2009, and 2019 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at 13:12:05 ET on 10/21/2022 under Order No.2114332942 which expires on 06/09/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail copyright@aia.org. User Notes: (945050954) 6 THIS AGREEMENT HAS BEEN BOTH REVIEWED AND APPROVED as to financial and operational obligations and business terms. _______________ ________________ SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME __________________________________ TITLE __________________________________ DEPARTMENT ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY By;_______________________________ APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: MACK REINWAND, CITY ATTORNEY By;_______________________________ CONSTRUCTION MANAGER BY: _______________________________ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Date: _______________________________ Printed Name: ________________________ Title: _______________________________ _______________________________ PHONE NUMBER _______________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS _______________________________ TEXAS ETHICS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE NUMBER CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS A Texas Municipal Corporation By: _________________________ SARA HENSLEY CITY MANAGER DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 10/31/2022 Gary Aanenson 2022-949777 Vice President garyaanenson@coreconstruction.com 214-885-1039 Facilities Management Interim Director of Facilities Trevor Crain AIA Document D401™ – 2003. Copyright © 1992 and 2003 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at 13:12:05 ET on 10/21/2022 under Order No.2114332942 which expires on 06/09/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail copyright@aia.org. User Notes: (945050954) 1 Certification of Document’s Authenticity AIA® Document D401™ – 2003 I, Chris Squadra, hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, that I created the attached final document simultaneously with this certification at 13:12:05 ET on 10/21/2022 under Order No. 2114332942 from AIA Contract Documents software and that in preparing the attached final document I made no changes to the original text of AIA® Document A133™ – 2019 Exhibit A, Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment, as published by the AIA in its software, other than changes shown in the attached final document by underscoring added text and striking over deleted text. _____________________________________________________________ (Signed) _____________________________________________________________ (Title) _____________________________________________________________ (Dated) DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 10/31/2022 Chris Squadra, Peak Program Value, LLC Denton Fire Station #9 - GMP #2 Exhibit ‘A.2.B’ Insurance and Bonds To be sent after GMP Amendment is signed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Denton Fire Station #9 - GMP #2 Exhibit ‘A.2.C’ Scope of Work for GMP Amendment #2 See attached Enumeration of Documents. DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 ENUMERATION OF DOCUMENTS City of Denton Fire Station No.9 GMP 2 October 17, 2022 Specification/ Drawing Description Spec Date Stamp Date CORE Received Date RevisionDIVISIONS 00-02 Not Used 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISION 03 CONCRETE 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE03 10 00 Concrete Forming and Accessories 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE03 20 00 Concrete Reinforcing 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE03 30 00 Structural Cast-in-Place Concrete 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISION 04 MASONRY 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE04 20 00 Unit Masonry 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE DIVISION 05 METALS 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE05 12 00 Structural Steel Framing 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE05 21 00 Steel Joists 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 05 31 00 Metal Roof Deck 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 05 31 13 Composite Metal Floor Deck and Field Welded Shear Studs 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE05 40 00 Cold-Formed Metal Framing 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE05 50 00 Metal Fabrication 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE05 51 13 Metal Pan Stairs 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE05 52 13 Pipe and Tube Railings 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISION 06 WOOD, PLASTICS, AND COMPOSITES 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE06 10 00 Rough Carpentry 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE06 16 00 Sheathing 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 06 41 16 Plastic-Laminate-Clad Architectural Cabinets 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISION 07 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE07 14 16 Cold Fluid-Applied Waterproofing 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 07 21 00 Thermal Insulation 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE07 27 26 Fluid-Applied Membrane Air Barriers 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE07 42 13.23 Metal Composite Material Wall Panels 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 07 62 00 Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE07 72 00 Roof Accessories 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE07 84 13 Penetration Firestopping 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE07 84 43 Joint Firestopping 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE07 92 00 Joint Sealants 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE07 92 19 Acoustical Joint Sealants 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISION 08 OPENINGS 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE08 41 13 Aluminum-Framed Entrances and Storefronts 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 08 71 00 Door Hardware 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE08 80 00 Glazing 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE08 87 00 Decorative Window Film 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 08 87 33 Decorative Film 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISION 09 FINISHES 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE09 22 16 Non-Structural Metal Framing 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE09 29 00 Gypsum Board 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE09 30 13 Ceramic Tiling 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE09 51 13 Acoustical Panel Ceilings 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE09 65 13 Resilient Base and Accessories 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE09 65 66 Resilient Athletic Flooring 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 09 68 13 Tile Carpeting 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE09 72 00 Wall Coverings 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE09 72 20 Decorative Fiberglass Reinforced Wall Panels 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 09 77 00 Fiberglass Reinforced Panels and Wall Panels and Corner Guards 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 09 91 23 Interior Painting 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 09 96 00 High Performance Coating 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE DIVISION 10 SPECIALTIES 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 10 14 19 Dimensional Letter Signage 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 10 26 00 Wall and Door Protection 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 10 28 13 Toilet Accessories 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 10 44 13 Fire Protection Cabinets 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 10 44 16 Fire Extinguishers 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE10 51 13 Metal Lockers 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE DIVISION 11 EQUIPMENT 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONENot Used 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISION 12 FURNISHINGS 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE PROJECT MANUAL Page 1 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 ENUMERATION OF DOCUMENTS City of Denton Fire Station No.9 GMP 2 October 17, 2022 Specification/ Drawing Description Spec Date Stamp Date CORE Received Date Revision 12 24 13 Roller Window Shades 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE12 36 16 Metal Countertops 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE12 36 19 Wood Countertops 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 12 36 23.13 Plastic-Laminate-Clad Countertops 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE12 36 61 .16 Solid Surfacing Countertops 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE12 36 61.19 Quartz Agglomerate Countertops 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISIONS 13-14 Not Used 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISION 21 FIRE SUPPRESSION 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE21 05 00 Common Work Results for Fire Suppression 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE21 13 13 Wet-Pipe Sprinkler Systems 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE21 13 16 Dry-Pipe Systems 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE DIVISION 22 PLUMBING 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE22 05 23 General Duty Valves for Plumbing Piping 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 22 05 29 Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Valves 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE22 07 00 Plumbing Insulation 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 22 10 00 Plumbing Piping 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE DIVISION 23 HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR-CONDITIONING (HVAC) 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 23 05 29 Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE23 05 53 Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE23 05 93 Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing foir HVAC 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE23 07 00 HVAC Insulation 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE23 08 00 Commissioning of HVAC 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE23 09 23 Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE23 09 93 Sequence of Operations for HVAC Controls 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE23 31 00 HVAC Ducts and Casings 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 23 33 00 Air Duct Accessories 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE23 34 00 HVAC Fans 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE23 37 00 Air Outlets and Inlets 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 23 81 26 Split-System Air Conditioners 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISION 25 INTEGRATED AUTOMATION 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONENot Used 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE DIVISION 26 ELECTRICAL 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE26 05 00 Basic Electrical Methods 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE26 05 13 Building Wire and Cable 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE26 05 26 Grounding and Bonding 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE26 05 29 Supporting Devices 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE26 05 33 Conduit 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE26 05 33.16 Boxes 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE26 05 53 Electrical Identification 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 26 05 73 Power System Studies 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE26 09 24 Lighting Controls 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE26 18 39 Enclosed Motor Controllers 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 26 24 16 Switchboards and Panelboards 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE26 27 26 Wiring Devices 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE26 28 16.16 Enclosed Switches 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE26 41 00 Facility Lightning Protection 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE26 51 00 Interior Lighting 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISION 27 COMMUNICATIONS 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE27 10 00 Structured Cabling System 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE27 41 13 Audiovisual Infrastructure 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 27 41 16 Audiovisual Systems 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISION 28 ELECTRONIC SAFETY AND SECURITY 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE28 00 00 Electronic Security 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 28 05 00 Common Work for Electronic Safety and Security 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE28 08 00 Commissioning of Electronic Security 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE28 10 00 Access Control and Intrusion Detection 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE28 23 00 Video Surveillance 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE28 26 00 Intercommunications 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE28 31 00 Fire Alarm System 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE28 51 29.10 Two-Way Communication System 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISION 31 EARTHWORK 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE Page 2 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 ENUMERATION OF DOCUMENTS City of Denton Fire Station No.9 GMP 2 October 17, 2022 Specification/ Drawing Description Spec Date Stamp Date CORE Received Date Revision 31 63 29 Drilled Concrete Piers 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISION 32 EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE32 33 00 Site Furnishings 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE 32 84 00 Planting Irrigation 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE32 91 13 Soil Preparation 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE32 92 00 Turf and Grasses 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE32 93 00 Plants 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISION 33 UTILITIES 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE33 41 00 Storm Utility Drainage Piping 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONEDIVISIONS 34-48 Not Used 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE Specification/ Drawing Description Drawing Date Stamp Date CORE Received Date Revision G-001 Cover Sheet & Index 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE G-011 Symbols, Legends & Abbreviations 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE G-021 Accessibility Standards 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE G-022 Accessibility Standards 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE G-023 Accessibility Standards 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE G-024 Accessibility Standards 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE G-111 Life Safety PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE G-112 Life Safety PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE G-120 Storm Shelter Requirements 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE L101 Landscape Planting Plan 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE L102 Enlarged Landscape Planting Plan 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE L500 Landscape Details 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE LI001 Landscape Irrigation Notes & Schedules 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONELI101 Landscape Irigation Plan 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE LI500 Landscape Irrigation Details 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-001 Architectural / Interior Legends 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-002 Interior Partition Schedule 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-003 Interior Partition Schedule 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-111 Dimensioned Floor PlansFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-112 Dimensioned Floor PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-121 Annotated Floor PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-122 Annotated Floor PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-131 Reflected Ceiling PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-132 Reflected Ceiling PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-141A Roof Plan 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-201 Exterior Elevations 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-202 Exterior Elevations 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-211 Interior Elevations 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-212 Interior Elevations 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-213 Interior Elevations 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-301 Building Sections 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-302 Building Sections 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-310 Wall Sections 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-311 Wall Sections 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-312 Wall Sections 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-313 Wall Sections 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-401 Enlarged Plans 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-405 Enlarged Stair 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-410A Stairs and Elevator 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-500 Details 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-501 Details 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-502 Details 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-505 Plan Details 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-506 Plan Details 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-510 Roof Details 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-515 Stair Details 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE DRAWINGS Page 3 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 ENUMERATION OF DOCUMENTS City of Denton Fire Station No.9 GMP 2 October 17, 2022 Specification/ Drawing Description Spec Date Stamp Date CORE Received Date Revision A-520 Millwork Sections 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-601 Door Schedule 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-602 Hollow Metal Frame & Door Details 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE A-605 Aluminum Frame Schedule 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE I-001 Interior Legends & Abbreviations 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE I-101 Finish PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE I-102 Finish PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE I-111 Floor Finish PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE I-112 Floor Finish PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE I-121 Wall Finish PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE I-122 Wall Finish PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE I-131 Furniture PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE I-132 Furniture PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE Q-111 Equipment PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE Q-112 Equipment PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE F-111 Fire Protection Plan 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE P-001 Plumbing Abbreviations & Legends 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE P-110 Plumbing PlanBelow Grade 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE P-111 Plumbing PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE P-112 Plumbing PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE P-501 Plumbing Details 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE P-601 Plumbing Schedules 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE M-001 Mechanical Abbreviations & Legends 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE M-111 Mechanical PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE M-112 Mechanical PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE M-121 Mechanical Piping PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE M-122 Mechanical Piping PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE M-501 Mechanical Details 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE M-601 Mechanical Schedules 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-001B Electrical Abbreviations & Legend 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-100B Electrical Site Plan 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-111 Lighting PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-112 Lighting Plan Second Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-121 Power PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-122 Power PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-123 Mechanical Power PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-124 Mechanical Power PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-131 Fire Alarm PlanFirst Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-132 Fire Alarm PlanSecond Floor 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-501B Electrical Riser Diagram 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-502 Electrical Details 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-601 Electrical Schedules 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-602 Electrical Schedules 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE E-603 Electrical Schedules 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE AV-001 Legend and NotesAudiovisual 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE AV-002 RISER DIAGRAMAudiovisual 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE AV-111 First Floor Plan -Audiovisual 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE AV-112 Second Floor Plan -Audiovisual 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE AV-131 Reflected Ceiling PlanFirst FloorAudiovisual 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE AV-132 Reflected Ceiling PlanSecond FloorAudiovisual 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE AV-301 One Line DetailsAudiovisual 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE AV-401 General DetailsAudiovisual 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE AV-402 General DetailsAudiovisua 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE SC-001 Legend and NotesSecurity 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE SC-100 Site PlanSecurity 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE SC-111 First Floor PlanSecurity 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE SC-112 Second Floor PlanSecurity 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE SC-301 Door DetailsSecurity 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE Page 4 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 ENUMERATION OF DOCUMENTS City of Denton Fire Station No.9 GMP 2 October 17, 2022 Specification/ Drawing Description Spec Date Stamp Date CORE Received Date Revision SC-401 General DetailsSecurity 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE SC-402 General DetailsSecurity 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE T-001 Legend and NotesCommunications 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE T-002 Riser DiagramCommunications 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE T-100 Site PlanCommunications 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE T-111 First Floor PlanCommunications 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE T-112 Second Floor PlanCommunications 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE T-141 Roof PlanCommunications 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE T-301 Telecom Room DetailsCommunications 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE T-302 General DetailsCommunications 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 9-Sep-22 NONE Addendums Description Drawing Date Stamp Date CORE Received Date Revision 03 35 43 Polished Concrete Finishing 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 04 22 00 Concrete Unit Masonry 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 08 11 13 Hollow Metal Doors & Frames 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 08 31 31 Access Doors and Frames 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 08 33 26 Overhead Coiling Doors 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 08 35 13 Folding Doors 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 08 36 13 Sectional Doors 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 08 91 19 Fixed Louvers 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 10 14 23.16 Room-Identification Panel Signage 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 10 28 00 Toilet, Bath & Laundry Accessories 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 22 14 29 Sump Pumps 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 22 15 19 General Service Packaged Air Compressors and Receivers 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 22 33 00 Electric Domestic Water Heaters 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 23 09 93 Sequence of Operations for HVAC Controls 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 23 34 00 HVAC Fans 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE 23 81 27.00 SFL Variable Refrigerant Flow Air Conditioning Systems 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE G-101 Code Information 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE G-120 Storm Shelter Requirements 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE S-101A Structural Notes 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE S-104S Storm Shelter Structural Notes & Plans 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE S-105S Storm Shelter Plans, Elevations & Details 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE S-111 Foundation Framing Plan 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE S-121 Second Floor Framing Plan 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE S-131 Low & High Roof Framing Plans 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE S-310 Foundation Details 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE S-311 Site Plans & Details 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE S-501 Typical Steel Details 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE S-511 Second Floor Details 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE S-512 Roof Details 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE A-121 Annotated Floor Plan First Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE A-131 Reflected Ceiling Plan First Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE A-202 Exterior Elevations 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE A-211 Interior Elevations 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE A-212 Interior Elevations 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE A-213 Interior Elevation 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE A-312 Wall Sections 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE A-521 Millwork Sections 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE A-602 Hollow Metal Frame & Door Details 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE A-605 Aluminum Frame Schedule 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE I-121 Wall Finish Plan First Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE I-122 Wall Finish Plan Second Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE F-111 Fire Protection Plan 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE P-110 Plumbing Plan Below Grade 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE ADDENDUMS Page 5 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 ENUMERATION OF DOCUMENTS City of Denton Fire Station No.9 GMP 2 October 17, 2022 Specification/ Drawing Description Spec Date Stamp Date CORE Received Date Revision P-111 Plumbing Plan First Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE P-112 Plumbing Plan Second Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE P-121 Condensate Piping Plan First Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE P-122 Condensate Piping Plan Second Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE P-501 Plumbing Details 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE P-601 Plumbing Schedules 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE P-901 Riser Diagrams 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE M-111 Mechanical Plan First Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE M-112 Mechanical Plan Second Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE M-121 Mechanical Piping Plan First Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE M-122 Mechanical Piping Plan Second Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE M-501 Mechanical Details 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE M-601 Mechanical Schedules 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE E-001B Electrical Abbreviations & Legend 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE E-100B Electrical Site Plan 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE E-111 Lighting Plan First Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE E-112 Lighting Plan Second Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE E-121 Power Plan First Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE E-122 Power Plan Second Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE E-123 Mechanical Power Plan First Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE E-124 Mechanical Power Plan Second Floor 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE E-501B Electrical Riser Diagram 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE E-601 Electrical Schedules 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE E-602 Electrical Schedules 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE E-603 Electrical Schedules 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE AV-111 Floor Plan First Floor AudioVisual 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE AV-131 Reflected Ceiling Plan First Floor AudioVisual 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE SC-001 Legends and Notes Security 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE SC-111 First Floor Plan Security 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE SC-112 Second Floor Plan Security 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE SC-301 Door Details Security 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE T-111 Floor Plan First FloorCommunications 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE T-112 Floor Plan Second Floor Communications 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE T-141 Roof Plan Communications 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE T-301 Telecom Room Details Communications 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 27-Sep-22 NONE Page 6 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Denton Fire Station #9 - GMP #2 Exhibit ‘A.2.D’ Construction Managers Project Schedule Unchanged in this Amendment Unchanged in this amendment, provided again here for reference. DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 ID Task Name Actual Duration Remaining Duration DO NOT EDIT Start DO NOT EDIT Finish Notes 1 Denton Fire Station No. 9 0 days 459 days?Wed 6/29/22 Tue 4/16/24 2 Key Milestones 0 days 459 days?Wed 6/29/22 Tue 4/16/24 3 GMP 1- Early Procurement 0 days 317 days Wed 6/29/22 Mon 9/25/23 4 Receive Bid Package 1- Early Procurement 0 days 0 days Wed 6/29/22 Wed 6/29/22 5 Receive Bids, Prepare GMP 1 0 days 30 days Wed 6/29/22 Wed 8/10/22 6 GMP 1 Review by City Staff 0 days 67 days Thu 8/11/22 Mon 11/14/22 7 City Council to Consider GMP 1 0 days 0 days Tue 11/15/22 Tue 11/15/22 8 Critical Material Deliverys 0 days 215 days Tue 11/22/22 Mon 9/25/23 9 Structural Steel 0 wks 24 wks Tue 11/22/22 Wed 5/10/23 10 Elevator 0 wks 26 wks Tue 11/22/22 Wed 5/24/23 11 Roofing 0 wks 30 wks Tue 11/22/22 Thu 6/22/23 12 Generator(Allow 10 months allowance per Owner)0 wks 43 wks Tue 11/22/22 Mon 9/25/23 13 Switch gear 0 wks 40 wks Tue 11/22/22 Fri 9/1/23 14 GMP 2- Full Project Scope 0 days 56 days Mon 8/29/22 Tue 11/15/22 15 Receive Bid Package 2- Full Project Scope 0 days 0 days Mon 8/29/22 Mon 8/29/22 16 Receive Bids, Prepare GMP 2 0 days 30 days Mon 8/29/22 Mon 10/10/22 17 GMP 2 Review by City Staff 0 days 26 days Tue 10/11/22 Tue 11/15/22 18 City Council to Consider GMP 2 0 days 0 days Tue 11/15/22 Tue 11/15/22 19 Construction 0 days 357 days?Tue 11/22/22 Tue 4/16/24 20 Building Permit Approval 0 days 1 day?Tue 11/22/22 Tue 11/22/22 6/29 11/15 8/29 11/15 J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M Half 2, 2022 Half 1, 2023 Half 2, 2023 Half 1, 2024 Updated Schedule 10.20.22 UPDATE 01 - Superintendent Input Status Date: Fri 3/27/20 Printed on: Thu 10/20/22 Page 1 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 ID Task Name Actual Duration Remaining Duration DO NOT EDIT Start DO NOT EDIT Finish Notes 21 Notice To Proceed 0 days 0 days Tue 11/22/22 Tue 11/22/22 22 Project Substantial Completion 0 days 0 days Tue 3/5/24 Tue 3/5/24 23 CMAR Completion of Punch List 0 days 20 days Wed 3/6/24 Tue 4/2/24 24 Owner Float 0 days 10 days Wed 3/6/24 Tue 3/19/24 25 Systems Start up/Commissioning 0 days 10 days Wed 3/20/24 Tue 4/2/24 26 Owner Training 0 days 5 days Wed 4/3/24 Tue 4/9/24 27 Owner Move In 0 days 5 days Wed 4/10/24 Tue 4/16/24 28 Fire Station Fully Operational 0 days 0 days Tue 4/16/24 Tue 4/16/24 29 Construction 0 days 327 days?Tue 11/22/22 Tue 3/5/24 30 Rough Site 0 days 74 days?Tue 11/22/22 Tue 3/7/23 37 Foundations 0 days 42 days Wed 1/11/23 Thu 3/9/23 44 Structure / Shell 0 days 70 days Thu 5/11/23 Fri 8/18/23 51 Finishes 0 days 164 days Wed 6/14/23 Tue 2/6/24 64 Schedule Allowances 0 days 325 days Mon 11/28/22 Tue 3/5/24 65 Receive/Install Generator(Per Owner Allowance)0 days 10 days Tue 9/26/23 Mon 10/9/23 66 Weather Days included in this schedule(thru Building Dry in)0 days 20 days Wed 2/7/24 Tue 3/5/24 67 Masonry 0 days 87 days Mon 11/28/22 Tue 3/28/23 68 Switchgear 0 days 110 days Mon 11/28/22 Fri 4/28/23 11/22 3/5 J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M Half 2, 2022 Half 1, 2023 Half 2, 2023 Half 1, 2024 Updated Schedule 10.20.22 UPDATE 01 - Superintendent Input Status Date: Fri 3/27/20 Printed on: Thu 10/20/22 Page 2 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Denton Fire Station #9 - GMP #2 Exhibit ‘A.2.D’ Construction Managers Project Schedule Unchanged in this Amendment Exhibit 'A.2.E' Construction Manager's Soft Costs and Fee This is a not to exceed cost for these cost items, which will be billed at Contractor's actual cost per the terms of the Agreement, and the General Conditions Responsibility Matrix included in this Exhibit DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton Fire Station No. 9 GMP Amendment #2 Updated on October 7, 2022 Exhibit A.2.E - Construction Manager's Soft Costs and Fee GMP #1 + GMP #2 Item # Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Total Cost 2.000 FS # 3 - CMAR's Proposal of Costs to Be Reimbursed (Not to Exceed Topset) 2.A Insurance 2.001 Performance & Payment Bonds 1 LS 31,937 1 LS 44,730 44,730 76,667 2.002 Maintenance Bond 1 LS 3000 3,000 1 LS 3000 3,000 6,000 2.003 Builder's Risk Insurance 1 LS 4,195 4,195 1 LS 5,250 5,250 9,445 2.004 General Liability Insurance 1 LS 44,751 44,751 1 LS 64,617 64,617 109,368 2.005 Professional Liability Insurance LS INCLUDED LS INCLUDED INCLUDED 2.006 Pollution Liability Insurance LS INCLUDED LS INCLUDED INCLUDED 2.007 Excess\Umbrella Liability Insurance LS INCLUDED LS INCLUDED INCLUDED 2.008 Other Insurance Requirements LS NOT IN PROJECT LS NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.009 Subcontractor Default Insurance 1 LS 67,127 67,127 1 LS 96,925 96,925 164,052 2.ACMAR's Estimated Cost of Insurance - Subtotal 151,011 214,522 365,533 1.0%1.0% 2.B CMAR's Onsite Staff 2.009 Project Manager 3 MO 17,500 52,500 12 MO 17,500 210,000 262,500 2.010 Project Superintendent 3 MO 18,229 54,688 10.5 MO 18,229 191,406 246,094 2.011 Assistant Superintendent MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.012 Mechanical/Electrical Coordinator MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.013 Working Foreman MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.014 Project Engineer MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.015 Project Manager MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.016 Field Engineer MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.017 Field Estimator MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.018 General Laborer MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.019 Timekeeper MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.020 Field Office Manager MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.021 Warehouse Manager MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.022 Field Secretary MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.023 Other On-site Contractor Staff LS NOT IN PROJECT LS NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.024 Project Accountant MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.025 Project Coordinator 3 MO 1,500 4,500 10.5 MO 1,500 15,750 20,250 2.026 Safety Manager 3 MO 1,200 3,600 10.5 MO 1,200 12,600 16,200 2.027 QA/QC Manager 3 MO 1,000 3,000 10.5 MO 1,000 10,500 13,500 2.BCMAR's Estimated Cost of Onsite Staff - Subtotal 118,288 440,256 558,544 2.C CMAR's Onsite Reimbursable Expenses Mobilization 2.024 Field Engineering Equipment LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.025 Site Survey LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.026 Layout Within Site LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.027 Office Trailer 3 MO 1,500.00 4,500 10.5 MO 1,500.00 15,750 20,250 2.028 Office Supplies & Equipment 3 MO 500.00 1,500 10.5 MO 500.00 5,250 6,750 2.029 Storage Trailer 3 MO 750.00 2,250 10.5 MO 750.00 7,875 10,125 2.030 Warehouse MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.031 Set Up Onsite Office 1 LS 10,000.00 10,000 1 LS 10,000.00 GMP#1 10,000 2.032 Set Up Onsite Storage\Laydown Areas 1 LS 5,000.00 5,000 1 LS 5,000.00 GMP#1 5,000 2.033 Set Up Onsite Parking Area(s) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.034 Temporary Roadways LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.035 Temporary Fencing LF BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LF BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.036 Temporary Toilets 3 MO 750.00 2,250 10.5 MO 750.00 7,875 10,125 2.037 Project Sign 1 EA 1,250.00 1,250 1 EA 1,250.00 GMP#1 1,250 2.038 All Other Temporary Project Site Signage EA BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) EA BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) Safety 2.038 Safety Equipment 1 LS 3,500.00 3,500 1 LS 3,500.00 GMP#1 3,500 2.039 First Aid Supplies 3 MO 150.00 450 10.5 MO 150.00 1,575 2,025 2.040 Fire Protection LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) GMP #2 Costs OnlyGMP #1 Costs (Previously Approved) Percentage of Cost Proposed for CMAR's Insurance on Change Orders 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton Fire Station No. 9 GMP Amendment #2 Updated on October 7, 2022 Item # Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Total Cost 2.041 Fire Extinguishers 3 EA 75.00 225 10.5 EA 75.00 788 1,013 2.042 Fall Protection 1 LS 13,650.00 GMP#2 1 LS 13,650.00 13,650 13,650 2.043 Third Party Safety Inspections MO EXCLUDED MO EXCLUDED EXCLUDED 2.044 Temporary Walkways LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.045 Barricades LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.046 Traffic Control LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.047 Security\Watchman Services MO EXCLUDED MO EXCLUDED EXCLUDED 2.048 Temp Walls and Enclosures MO BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S)MO BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) Utilities 2.048 Install Temporary Electric Service at Site Office LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.049 Install Temporary Teledata Service at Site Office LS NOT IN PROJECT LS NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.050 Install Temporary Water & Sewer Service at Site LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.051 Install Temporary Gas Service at Site LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.052 Ongoing Electric Charges for the Site Office 3 MO 500.00 1,500 10.5 MO 500.00 5,250 6,750 2.053 Ongoing Teledata Charges for the Site Office MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.054 Ongoing Water & Sanitary District Charges 3 MO 250.00 750 10.5 MO 250.00 2,625 3,375 2.055 Ongoing Gas Utility Charges (exluding Temp Heat)3 MO 300.00 900 10.5 MO 300.00 3,150 4,050 Ongoing Expenses 2.056 Jobsite Cell Phone(s) for Site Staff 3 MO 400.00 1,200 10.5 MO 400.00 4,200 5,400 2.057 IT Expenses for Staff MO INCLUDED MO INCLUDED INCLUDED 2.058 Project Schedule Setup & Maintenance LS INCLUDED LS INCLUDED INCLUDED 2.059 BIM Model Setup & Maintenance 1 LS 3,130.00 3,130 1 LS 10,000.00 GMP#1 3,130 2.060 Project Extranet Setup & Maintenance 1 LS 11,250.00 11,250 1 LS - GMP#1 11,250 2.061 Project Photo Documentation 13 WK 25.00 325 45.5 WK 25.00 1,138 1,463 2.062 Video\Webcam Documentation MO INCLUDED MO INCLUDED INCLUDED 2.063 Employee Parking MO BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) MO BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.064 Home Office Travel Costs LS NOT IN PROJECT LS NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.065 Moving & Subsistence LS NOT IN PROJECT LS NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.066 Additional Plans & Specs during Construction 1 LS 2,500.00 2,500 1 LS 2,500.00 GMP#1 2,500 2.067 Shipping, Couriers, & Postage 3 MO 50.00 150 10.5 MO 50.00 525 675 2.068 Project-specific Delivery & Hauling to\from Site LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.069 Temporary Radios LS NOT IN PROJECT LS NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.070 Temporary Wiring & Lights MO BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S)MO BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.071 Water, Ice & Cups 3 MO 50.00 150 10.5 MO 50.00 525 675 2.072 Ladders & Stairs LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.073 Erosion Control LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.074 Shoring LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.075 Weekly Clean-up 3 WK 400.00 1,200 42.5 WK 400.00 17,000 18,200 2.076 Final Clean-up sf BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) sf BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.077 Dumpster Rental 3 MO 100.00 300 10.5 MO 100.00 1,050 1,350 2.078 Dumpster Pulls 5 EA 450.00 2,250 60 EA 450.00 27,000 29,250 2.079 Temporary Generator MO BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) MO BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.080 Misc. Power Equipment LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.081 Equipment Repairs & Maintenance LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.082 Temporary Partitions SF BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) SF BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.083 Pick-Up Rental 3 MO 700.00 2,100 21 MO 700.00 14,700 16,800 2.084 Automobile Rental MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.085 Pick-Up Fuel & Maintenance 3 MO 250.00 750 21 MO 250.00 5,250 6,000 2.086 Automobile Fuel & Maintenance MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.087 Water Truck MO BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) MO BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) Hoisting & Material Management 2.088 Forklift Rental LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.089 Tower Crane Rental/Mobilization/Demobilization LS NOT IN PROJECT LS NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.090 Hydro-Crane Rental WK BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) WK BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.091 Other Crane Costs LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.092 Material Hoist WK NOT IN PROJECT WK NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton Fire Station No. 9 GMP Amendment #2 Updated on October 7, 2022 Item # Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Total Cost 2.093 Personnel Hoist LS NOT IN PROJECT LS NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.094 Erect Hoists LS NOT IN PROJECT LS NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.095 Hoist Landings LS NOT IN PROJECT LS NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.096 Temporary Hoist Operation MO NOT IN PROJECT MO NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.097 Hoisting for Subs LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.098 Scaffolding LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.099 Other Hoisting & Materials Management Costs LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) Temporary Protection of the Work 2.100 Temporary Site Protection not w/Erosion Control LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.101 Temporary Building Protection WK BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) WK BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.102 Temporary Building Heat not w/Gas Charges WK BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) WK BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.103 Dewatering System & Other Water Removal LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.104 Snow Removal LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.105 Other Protection of Work Items WK BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) WK BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) Testing 2.106 Soil Testing LS BY OWNER LS BY OWNER BY OWNER 2.107 Concrete Testing LS BY OWNER LS BY OWNER BY OWNER 2.108 Masonry Testing LS BY OWNER LS BY OWNER BY OWNER 2.109 Weld Testing LS BY OWNER LS BY OWNER BY OWNER 2.110 Other Materials Testing LS BY OWNER LS BY OWNER BY OWNER Permits & Fees 2.111 Building Permit LS BY OWNER LS BY OWNER BY OWNER 2.112 Plan Check Fee LS BY OWNER LS BY OWNER BY OWNER 2.113 Water Tap Fees LS BY OWNER LS BY OWNER BY OWNER 2.114 Sanitary Sewer Tap Fees LS BY OWNER LS BY OWNER BY OWNER 2.115 Elevator Permit & Inspections LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.116 Mechanical & Electrical Permits & Inspections LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.117 Health Department Permits & Inspections LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) 2.118 Other Government Fees\Permits Required for FCO LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) LS BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) BY SUBCONTRACTOR(S) Other CMAR Onsite Reimbursable Costs 2.119 Other CMAR's Onsite Costs Needed for the Work LS NOT IN PROJECT LS NOT IN PROJECT NOT IN PROJECT 2.CCMAR's Estimated Onsite Reimbursable Expenses - Subtotal 59,380 135,175 194,555 2.000CMAR's Total Proposed Costs to Be Reimbursed 328,678 789,953 1,118,632 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 1.0 1.01 ARCHITECTURAL SELECTION X 1.02 STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND OTHER DESIGN CONSULTANTS X 1.03 SPECIAL CONSULTANT SELECTION X 1.04 SURVEYOR SELECTION X 1.05 SITE SELECTION RECOMMENDATIONS X 1.06 REVIEW DESIGN CONCEPTS X 1.07 DEVELOP BID PACKAGES AND PROCUREMENT STRATEGY X 1.08 SITE USE RECOMMENDATIONS X 1.09 MATERIAL SELECTION RECOMMENDATIONS X 1.10 BUILDINGS SYSTEMS RECOMMENDATONS X 1.11 BUILDING EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATIONS (MOVEABLE) X 1.12 BUILDING EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATIONS (FIXED) X 1.13 CONSTRUCTION FEASIBILITY RECOMMENDATIONS X 1.14 PROJECT MASTER SCHEDULING X 1.15 LIFE CYCLE COST ANALYSIS X 1.16 INFORMAL AND FORMAL VALUE ENGINEERING X PRECONSTRUCTION SERVICES 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 1 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 1.17 ENERGY USE ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS X 1.18 INITIAL PROJECT PRO FORMA AND FEASIBILITY REVIEW\APPROVAL X 1.19 SUBCONTRACTORS’ LABOR AVAILABILITY REVIEW X 1.20 MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT AND SUBCONTRACTOR AVAILABILITY X 2.0 2.01 TOTAL PROJECT COST BUDGET X 2.02 CONSTRUCTION COST BUDGET X 2.03 CONSTRUCTION COST BUDGET ESTIMATES X 2.04 PRELIMINARY COST MODEL X 2.05 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ESTIMATE X 2.06 50% SCHEMATIC DESIGN ESTIMATE X 2.07 100% SCHEMATIC DESIGN ESTIMATE X 2.08 50% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ESTIMATE X 2.09 100% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ESTIMATE X 2.10 50% CONSTRUCTION DOCS ESTIMATE X 2.11 BID PACKAGE/ SUBCONTRACT ESTIMATES X 2.12 CASH FLOW PROJECTIONS X PROJECT BUDGETING AND COST CONTROL 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 2 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 2.13 FUNDING MODEL & REVENUE PHASING X 2.14 MATERIAL QUANTITY SURVEYS X 2.15 TRADE, VENDOR & SUB ESTIMATES X 2.16 CHANGE ORDER ESTIMATES X 2.17 COST ACCOUNTING SET-UP X 2.18 REPORTING METHODS SET-UP X 2.19 PAYMENT PROCEDURES SET-UP X 2.20 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES SET-UP X 2.21 PROJECT COST MONITORING X 3.0 3.01 SET SUB PRE- QUALIFICATION CRITERIA X 3.02 RECOMMEND SUBCONTRACTOR PREQUAL & SELECTION METHODS X 3.03 RECOMMEND SUBCONTRACTOR BIDDING & AWARD METHODS X 3.04 DEVELOP SUBCONTRACTOR INTEREST X 3.05 PREPARE BIDDING SCHEDULES X 3.06 ISSUE PLANS, SPECS & BIDDING DOCS X 3.07 CONDUCT PRE-BID CONFERENCE X SUB-CONTRACTING SELECTION, PURCHASING, & SCOPE MANAGEMENT 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 3 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 3.08 RECEIVE BIDS X 3.09 ANALYZE BIDS X 3.10 RECOMMEND AWARD X 3.11 VERIFY UNIT COSTS X 3.12 NEGOTIATE UNION RATES & LABOR COSTS (AS REQUIRED) X 3.13 CONDUCT PRE-AWARD CONFERENCE X 3.14 PREPARE CONTRACTS X 3.15 SUPPLIER AND SUBCONTRACTOR REVIEW X 3.16 ORIGINATE RFI’S AFTER SCREENING X 3.17 VALIDATE & PREPARE CHANGE ORDERS X 3.18 VERIFY CORRECTNESS OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES OF CHANGE ORDERS X 3.19 COORDINATE OWNER- SUPPLIED FIXED EQUIPMENT X 4.0 4.01 DRAWING, SPEC & DOCUMENT REVIEW & COORDINATION RECOMMENDATIONS X 4.02 CONSTRUCTIBILITY REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS X 4.03 SUBCONTRACTOR WORK PACKAGE SCOPE COORDINATION X CONTRACT DOCUMENTS COORDINATION 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 4 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 4.04 RESPONSIBILITY FOR: SAFETY PRECAUTIONS X 4.05 SAFETY PROGRAMS X 4.06 TEMPORARY FACILITIES X 4.07 COMMON USE EQUIPMENT X 4.08 COMMON USE SERVICES X 4.09 REVIEW FOR: JURISDICTIONAL OVERLAP X 4.10 INCLUSION OF ALL WORK X 4.11 CONSTRUCTION PHASING SCOPE & SCHEDULE COORDINATION X 4.12 IDENTIFY LONG LEAD ITEMS X 4.13 OBTAIN APPROVALS OF AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION (AHJ) X 4.14 ASSIST IN OBTAINING PERMITS & APPROVALS (AS NEEDED) X X 5.0 5.01 PROJECT MANAGER (AS NEEDED)X PM MAY ALSO BE WITH FEE 5.02 PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT X 5.03 ASSISTANT PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT (IF REQUIRED) X 5.04 MECHANICAL COORDINATOR (IF REQUIRED) X 5.05 ELECTRICAL COORDINATOR (IF REQUIRED) X CONSTRUCTION PHASE STAFF 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 5 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 5.06 OFFICE ENGINEER (AS REQUIRED)X 5.07 FIELD ENGINEER AND SURVEY CREW: SITE\BUILDING LAYOUT (IF REQUIRED) X 5.08 FIELD ENGINEER AND SURVEY CREW: LINE AND GRADE (IF REQUIRED) X 5.09 RODMAN AND ASSISTANT (IF REQUIRED) X 5.10 TIME KEEPER/ CHECKER (IF REQUIRED) X 5.11 SCHEDULING ENGINEER (IF REQUIRED) X 5.12 PROJECT COORDINATOR (IF REQUIRED) X 5.13 COST ENGINEER (IF REQUIRED)X 5.14 ADMIN ASSISTANT SITE SECRETARY (IF REQUIRED) X 5.15 SAFETY ENGINEER & SAFETY INSPECTOR(S)X 5.16 GENERAL LABORER (IF REQUIRED)X 6.0 6.01 STAFF TRAVEL COST X 6.02 STAFF TRANSPORTATION X 6.03 PROJECT STAFF MOVING EXPENSES X 6.04 PROJECT STAFF SUBSISTENCE COSTS X TRAVEL AND LODGING STAFFING DESCRIPTIONS SHOWN HERE, & THOSE SHOWN IN THE CONTRACTOR’S STAFFING PLAN AND\OR FEE & COST PROPOSAL MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN HERE. PROJECT COST ALLOCATIONS, HOWEVER, WILL BE CONSISTENT WITH THIS MATRIX. 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 6 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 7.0 7.01 SAFETY EQUIPMENT AND FIRST AID SUPPLIES X 7.02 HANDRAILS AND TOE BOARDS X 7.03 OPENING PROTECTION X 7.04 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS X 7.05 WATCHMAN SERVICE (IF NEEDED)X 7.06 OFFICE OR TRAILER RENTAL X 7.07 WATER, ICE AND CUPS X 7.08 TEMPORARY STAIRS/RAMPS X 7.09 PROJECT SIGNS X 7.10 BULLETIN BOARDS X 7.11 CONSTRUCTION FENCING X 7.12 BARRICADES AND COVERED WALKWAYS (AS NEEDED) X 7.13 SAFETY NETS (AS NEEDED)X 7.14 ARCHITECT’S/ ENGINEER’S/ OWNER’S TEMPORARY ONSITE OFFICE X 7.15 TEMPORARY TOILETS X TEMPORARY FACILITIES 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 7 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 7.16 TRAILER SECURITY & SITE SECURITY MONITORIING X 7.17 TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE WALKWAYS & WALLS X 8.0 8.01 TEMPORARY TELEPHONE INSTALLATION AND EXPENSE X 8.02 TEMPORARY POWER SERVICE & DISTRIBUTION ON SITE X 8.03 PERMANENT POWER SERVICE X POWER TO ONE POINT 8.04 TEMPORARY WATER AND HEATING SERVICE X INCLUDING ALL TEMPORARY HEAT FOR SUBS 8.05 HEATING ENERGY CHARGES X 8.06 TEMPORARY WIRING X 8.07 LIGHT BULBS FOR TEMP LIGHTING X 8.08 DAILY CLEAN-UP X 8.09 WEEKLY TRASH- REMOVAL X 8.10 FINAL CLEAN-UP X 8.11 DUMP PERMITS AND FEES X 8.12 DEBRIS HAULING/REMOVAL X 8.13 FLAGMAN/TRAFFIC CONTROL (AS NEEDED)X ON-SITE UTILITIES AND SERVICES 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 8 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 8.14 FUELS FOR INITIAL TANK FILLING X 8.15 TEMPORARY ROADS X 8.16 TEMPORARY ROADWAY MAINTENANCE X 8.17 DUST CONTROLS X 8.18 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL X 8.19 TEMP. WATER/SEWER EXPENSE & WATER EXPENSES - SITE GRADING & COMPACTION X 8.20 TEMPORARY WATER & SEWER EXPENSES for OFFICE TRAILER X 8.21 TWO-WAY RADIO EQUIPMENT & CELL PHONES (AS NEEDED) X 8.22 TRASH CHUTE AND HOPPERS (AS NEEDED)X 8.22 SOFTWARE LICENSES for PROJECT FIELD STAFF X 8.23 PROJECT FIELD INTERNET & WAPS X 8.24 SITE CLEANING X 9.0 9.01 AUTOMOBILE AND FUEL (AS NEEDED)X 9.02 PICK-UP TRUCK AND FUEL (AS NEEDED)X 9.03 FLATBED TRUCK AND FUEL (AS NEEDED)X ON-SITE EQUIPMENT 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 9 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 9.04 WATER TRUCK (AS NEEDED)X 9.05 AIR COMPRESSOR AND FUEL (AS NEEDED)X 9.06 DEWATERING EQUIPMENT AND FUEL (AS NEEDED) X 9.07 TEMPORARY GENERATOR AND FUEL (AS NEEDED) X 9.08 DEBRIS REMOVAL/HAULING EQUIPMENT (AS NEEDED) X 9.09 TIRES AND MAINTENANCE COST (AS NEEDED) X 9.10 FORKLIFT OPERATOR X 9.11 MATERIAL HOIST OPERATOR (AS REQ’D)X 9.12 PERSONNEL HOIST OPERATOR (AS REQ’D)X 9.13 FIXED CRANE OPERATOR X 9.14 TRAVEL CRANE OPERATOR X 9.15 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION X 9.16 TEMPORARY INTERIOR SIGNAGE X 9.17 TOTAL STATION RENTAL X 10.0 10.01 REMOVE SNOW AND ICE (AS NEEDED)X 10.02 TEMPORARY ENCLOSURES (AS NEEDED) X TEMPORARY PROJECT PROTECTION 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 10 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 10.03 TEMP BUILDING PIPING (AS NEEDED)X 10.04 FUEL COST FOR HEATING (AS NEEDED)X 10.05 POWER COST FOR HEATING (AS NEEDED)X 10.06 TEMP FURNACE RENTAL (AS NEEDED)X 10.07 TEMP HEATER RENTAL (AS NEEDED)X 10.08 TEMP BOILER RENTAL (AS NEEDED)X 10.09 OPERATOR - TEMPORARY SYSTEMS (AS NEEDED) X 10.10 OPERATION FIRE WATCH (AS NEEDED)X 10.11 CLEANING COST (AS NEEDED)X 10.12 MAINTENANCE COST (AS NEEDED)X 10.13 EXTENDED WARRANTY COST IN ADDTION TO STD ONE YR WARRANTY (IF REQUIRED) X 10.14 FILTER CHANGE (AS NEEDED)X 10.15 TEMPORARY OFFICE HEATING (AS NEEDED)X 10.16 TEMP WEATHER PROECTION & HEATING FOR ALL SUBCONTRACTORS (AS MAY BE REQ’D) X 10.17 TEMP ELEVATOR USAGE/PROTECTION X 11.0 REPRODUCTION/PRINTING AND IT/DATA PROCESSING COSTS 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 11 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 11.01 COST ESTIMATING DOCUMENTS X 11.02 SYSTEMS STUDY DOCUMENTS X 11.03 BID PACKAGE SETS X 11.04 BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS X 11.05 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ORIGINAL X 11.06 POSTAGE AND EXPRESS COSTS (CONTRACTOR-ISSUED PLANS) X 11.07 AS-BUILT SUB- DOCUMENTS X 11.08 AS-BUILT DOCUMENTS X 11.09 ACCOUNTING FORMS X 11.10 FIELD REPORTING FORMS X 11.11 SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT FORMS X 11.12 SCHEDULE REPORT FORMS X 11.13 ESTIMATING FORMS X 11.14 COST REPORTING FORMS X 11.15 VALUE ANALYSIS STUDIES X 11.16 IT INFRASTRUTURE & DATA PROCESSING X X 11.17 REFERENCE MATERIALS X 11.18 SHOP DRAWING PRINTING X 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 12 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 11.19 ON-SITE FAX, SCANNER AND COPIER X 11.20 LAPTOPS, IT & DATA PROCESSING (ON-SITE)X 11.21 IT LICENSING FEES & SUPPORT SERVICES (HOME OFFICE & FIELD) X X 11.22 MAINTENANCE MANUALS (FROM SUBS) AND OPERATIONS MANUALS (FROM SUBS) X 11.23 SUBMITTAL REPRODUCTION COSTS X 12.0 12.01 GC’S FIELD QC INSPECTOR (AS NEEDED) X 12.02 GC’S FIELD QC OFFICE (AS NEEDED)X 12.03 GC’S QC INSPECTORS’ TRANSPORTATION (AS NEEDED) X 12.04 GC’S QC INSPECTORS’ EQUIP (AS NEEDED)X 12.05 SPECIAL INSPECTION CONSULTANTS X 12.06 SPECIAL TESTING CONSULTANTS X 12.07 CONCRETE SUBSTRUCTURE- OBSERVATIONS X 12.08 CONCRETE TESTING X 12.09 MASONRY TESTING X 12.10 COMPACTION TESTING X 12.11 WELDING TESTING X QUALITY CONTROL AND TRAINING 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 13 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 12.12 PIER INSPECTION/TESTING X 12.13 SOILS INVESTIGATION X 12.14 SPECIAL TESTING SERVICES (EXCEPT AS NOTED) X 12.15 PROJECT PHOTOGRAPHS X 12.16 WARRANTY INSPECTIONS X 12.17 AIR AND WATER BALANCING X 12.18 ON-SITE TRAINING OF OWNER’S FACILITY STAFF & OPERATORS (BY GC) X 12.19 ON-SITE TRAINING OF OWNER’S FACILITY STAFF & OPERATORS (SUBCONTRACTORS) X 12.20 COLLATE & PRESENT OPERATION/ MAINTENANCE MANUALS X 12.21 PREPARE SUBCONTRACTOR’S OPERATION/ MAINTENANCE MANUALS X 12.22 GC DAILY REPORTS AND PHOTO DOCUMENTATION X 12.23 VIDEO MONITORING & DOCUMENTATION X 13.0 13.01 STORAGE YARD RENTAL X 13.02 PARKING LOT RENTALS AND SHUTTLE EXPENSES (AS NEEDED) X STORAGE, PARKING, PERMITS, LICENSING AND SPECIAL FEES 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 14 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 13.03 FIELD OFFICE STAFF PARKING FEES X 13.04 SIGN PERMITS X 13.05 STREET/CURB PERMIT X 13.06 BUILDING PERMITS X 13.07 PLAN CHECK FEES X 13.08 WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE X 13.09 SEWER USE & DRAINAGE PERMIT/DEV. FEE X 13.10 PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL PERMITS X 13.11 ELEVATOR PERMIT FEE X 13.12 STORM CONNECTION FEE X 13.13 GAS AND POWER SERVICE CHARGE (PERMANENT) X 13.14 GAS AND POWER SERVICE CHARGE (TEMPORARY) X 13.15 STEAM SERVICE CHARGE (IF ANY)X 13.16 CHILLER WATER SERVICE CHARGE (IF ANY) X 13.17 SPECIAL TAP FEES X 13.18 SOFTWARE LICENSES (ALL PROGRAMS/APS)X 13.19 CONTRACTORS LICENSES X 13.20 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT LICENSES X 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 15 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 13.21 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT PERMITS X 14.0 14.01 BUILDERS RISK INSURANCE X 14.02 GENERAL LIABILITY, INCLUDING AUTOMOBILE X 14.03 POLLUTION INSURANCE X 14.04 PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY X 14.05 PRODUCT LIABILITY X 14.06 EXCESS LIABILITY COVERAGE X 14.07 WORKERS COMPENSATION (FIELD OFFICE STAFF) X 14.08 FICA INSURANCE (FIELD OFFICE STAFF)X 14.09 FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT (FIELD OFFICE STAFF) X 14.10 STATE UNEMPLOYMENT (FIELD OFFICE STAFF) X 14.11 CONTRACTOR’S PAYMENT BOND (IF REQUIRED) X 14.12 CONTRACTOR’S PERFORMANCE BOND (IF REQUIRED) X 14.13 CONTRACTOR’S MAINTENANCE BOND (IF REQUIRED) X 14.14 * SUBCONTRACTOR BONDS X 14.15 STATE/LOCAL BONDS X 14.16 INSURANCE AND BONDS * ONLY AS MUTUALLY AGREED UPON IN ADVANCE IN WRITING BETWEEN THE OWNER AND THE CONTRACTOR. 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 16 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 15.0 15.01 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT X 15.02 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LABOR (GC)X 15.03 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LABOR (SUBS) X 15.04 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS X 15.05 COST OF DESIGN AND ENGINEERING X 15.06 A/E FAST TRACK COST IMPACTS X 15.07 PRELIMINARY SOILS INVESTIGATION X 15.08 TITLE/DEVELOPMENT COST X 15.09 BUILDING OPERATION AFTER MOVE-IN X 15.10 BUILDING MAINTENANCE AFTER MOVE-IN X 15.11 MOVING COORDINATION X 15.12 MOVING COSTS X 15.13 COSTS OF EMERGENCY WORK X 15.14 GC’S GENERAL & HOME OFFICE OVERHEAD X 15.15 GC’S PROFIT MARGIN X 15.16 GMP FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES X 15.17 INSPECTIONS REQUIRED BY AHJ X OTHER COSTS 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 17 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station #9 CMAR RFP - General Conditions & General Requirements Responsibility Matrix Updated on 05 MAY 2022 Printed on 5/5/2022 at 6:28 PM Item #DESCRIPTION PRE- CONST SERVICES FEE CONST SERVICES FEE GC REIMB GEN COND COST DIRECT COST OF SUB'S WORK COMMENTS REQUIRED OF OWNER AND/OR DESIGN TEAM 16.0 16.01 CORPORATE EXECUTIVES (AS REQUIRED) X X 16.02 PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE (AS REQUIRED)X X 16.03 PROJECT EXECUTIVE (AS REQUIRED)X X 16.04 LEGAL - BASIC SERVICES (AS REQUIRED) X X 16.05 ACCOUNTING (AS REQUIRED)X X 16.06 PURCHASING (AS REQUIRED)X 16.07 SAFETY OFFICER (AS REQUIRED)X 16.08 EEO OFFICER (AS REQUIRED)X X 16.09 SECRETARIAL AND CLERK-TYPIST (AS REQUIRED) X X 16.10 BENEFITS, BONUSES AND VACATIONS FOR ABOVE X X CONSTRUCTION PHASE: OFF-SITE SERVICES 220505 DFS9 CMAR's Gen REV 01.00 to CMARs Page 18 of 18 ○ 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All rights reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Denton Fire Station #9 - GMP #2 Exhibit ‘A.2.F’ Key Personnel Unchanged in this Amendment DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Denton Fire Station #9 - GMP #2 Exhibit ‘A.2.H’ Customary and Usual Labor Rates Construction Manager will provide labor rates as mutually agreed with the Owner not later than ten (10) business days prior to Notice to Proceed with Construction, or November 12th (whichever is earlier). The following agreed to hourly rates will be used to determine and define “Actual Costs”. The Actual Costs for each of the agreed to rates includes all normal and customary payroll paid by the Contractor plus all fringe benefits, taxes, and insurances: Standard Rate Overtime Rate Project Management: Project Director 135 - Sr. Project Manager 125 - Project Manager 118 - Scheduler 105 Asst. Project Manager 90 - Construction Coordinator 85 - Project Accountant 80 - Contracts Administrator 75 - Information Systems Technician 70 - Intern 31 46.50 Field Operations: Director of Field Operations 145 - The Construction Manager acknowledges the Owner's requirement to confirm in writing with all subcontractors performing Work they will be paying their labor at or above the State of Texas Prevailing Wage Rates current as of the date of this Amendment. The Owner likewise confirms certified payrolls are not a requirement on this project. Construction Manager will provide Labor Rates for billing of the cost of the Construction Manager's staff" as mutually agreed with the Owner not later than ten (10) business days prior to Notice to Proceed with construction, or 22 NOV 2022 (whichever is earlier). DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Exhibit ‘A.2.H’DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Denton Fire Station #9 - GMP #2 Exhibit ‘A.2.I’ Rental Rates Unchanged in this Amendment DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Exhibit G Rental Rates for CORE owned Equipment Equipment Equipment Specs UR Rate/Daily UR Rate/Weekly UR Rate/Monthly Air Compressor Portable diesel air compressor $81 $195 $650 Air Compressor Sullair Compressor $81 $195 $650 Coring Machine Coring Machine and Accessories $50 $150 $450 Equipment Attachment Jack Hammer $50 $140 $390 Generator 3500W or 3,800W Honda Generator $50 $150 $380 Generator Honda Generator 5000 Watt $50 $180 $395 Skid Steer Multi Terrain Loader $250 $1,000 $4,200 Skid Steer Auger Attachment $30 $225 $675 Sweeper Ride on Broom 6' 3-wheel $250 $1,000 $4,200 Welder Miller Bobcat 225 Welder $50 $150 $450 Drop Deck Trailer 14 ft. - 16 ft., Tandem Axle $125 $339 $879 Drop Deck Trailer 16 ft. - 18 ft., Tandem Axle $61 $182 $559 Drop Deck Trailer 18 ft. - 20 ft., Tandem Axle $146 $394 $1,020 Dump Trailer 10 ft. x 12 ft., Tandem Axle $261 $749 $2,045 Equipment Trailer Double Axle $67 $135 $404 Hydraulic Ground Level Equip Trailer 6 ft. x 14 ft., Single Axle $47 $327 $572 Hydraulic Ground Level Equip Trailer 6 ft. x 14 ft., Tandem Axle $63 $258 $551 Mobile Restoration Trailer N/A N/A N/A Mobile Restoration Trailer 14 ft. N/A N/A N/A Permanent Fuel Tank for Trailer N/A N/A N/A Tilt Trailer 12 ft., Single Axle $55 $158 $402 Tilt Trailer 14 ft. - 16 ft., Tandem Axle $70 $303 $649 Tilt Trailer 14 ft. - 16 ft., Tandem Axle $58 $189 $515 Trailer Hitch Slide-in Pintle Ball Combination $11 $32 $86 Utility Trailer 10 ft. - 14 ft., Tandem Axle $75 $281 $571 Utility Trailer 8 ft. to 10 ft., Single Axle $66 $193 $424 Vacuum Trailer 512-575 CFM, Diesel Powered $431 $1,699 $3,736 Walk-behind Trencher Trailer $33 $66 $147 Water Trailer 500 Gallons $149 $492 $946 Track Loader Large, 2,800-4,107 lbs.$709 $1,683 $3,337 Track Loader Small, 1,300-1,699 lbs.$499 $1,319 $2,725 Track Loader Small, 1,700 lbs.$524 $1,385 $2,861 Track Loader Small, 2,000-2,399 lbs.$531 $1,489 $3,247 Track Loader Small, 2,400-2,999 lbs.$647 $1,674 $3,336 Walk-behind Track Loader $285 $757 $2,430 Skid Steer Loader 1,351-1,699 lbs.$413 $1,105 $2,900 Skid Steer Loader 1,700-1,899 lbs.$434 $1,160 $3,045 Skid Steer Loader 1,900-1,999 lbs.$435 $1,161 $3,309 Skid Steer Loader 2,001-2,799 lbs.$436 $1,233 $3,509 Skid Steer Loader 2,600-3,499 lbs.$416 $1,175 $3,969 2-seat UTV 2WD, Electric Powered $85 $267 $681 2-seat UTV 2WD, Gas Powered $164 $322 $718 2-seat UTV 4WD, Diesel Powered $169 $332 $746 2-seat UTV 4WD, Diesel Powered, Rollover Protection $163 $320 $716 2-seat UTV 4WD, Gas Powered $160 $314 $709 Pressure Washer Chemical Injector Attachment $12 $35 $69 Pressure Washer Hose $11 $35 $77 Pressure Washer Hose, 50 ft.$16 $35 $68 Pressuer Washer Spray Wand $12 $24 $69 Pressuer Washer Surface Cleaner, 4,000 PSI, Hydro Scrubber $41 $112 $231 Sandblast Pot XL350 $207 $628 $1,098 4-set UTV 2WD, Gas or Electric Powered $113 $285 $729 4-seat UTV 4WD, Diesel Powered, Rollover Protection $173 $342 $969 4-seat UTV 4WD, Gas Powered, Rollover Protection $170 $334 $751 Golf Cart Gas Powered $89 $281 $615 Industrial Electric Cart 2WD $90 $282 $728 UTV 4WD, Diesel $186 $436 $1,692 Pressure Washer 3,000 PSI, Gas Powered $98 $257 $690 Pressure Washer 3,000-3,500 PSI, Towable, Gas Powered $206 $904 $1,962 Pressure Washer 3,500 PSI, Gas Powered $95 $369 $751 Pressure Washer 3,500 PSI, Towable, Gas Powered $324 $1,155 $2,414 Pressure Washer 4,000 PSI, Gas Powered $112 $404 $789 Pressure Washer Hot Water, 3,500 PSI, Gas Powered $189 $520 $1,435 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Denton Fire Station #9 - GMP #2 Exhibit ‘A.2.J’ Alternates with Costs and Expiration Dates Alternate #1 – Terminal Work: $XXX,XXX This alternate expires 30 days after Notice to Proceed. $88,432 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Denton Fire Station #9 - GMP #2 Exhibit ‘A.2.K’ Unit Costs Unchanged in this Amendment: a. Piers - DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Denton Fire Station #9 - GMP #2 Exhibit ‘A.2.L’ Allowances GMP #1 Allowances (Already Approved): Allowance #1 - Permit Review Comments: $50,000 Allowance #2 - Fiber Line Conduit: $50,000 Allowance #3 - Franchise Utility: $50,000 Allowance #4 - Temporary Generator: $50,000 Allowance #5 - Pier Casing: $75,000 GMP#2 Allowances: Allowance #1 - Alerting System Equipment: $75,000 Allowance #2 - Alerting System Installation: $25,000 Allowance #3 - Cascade SCBA Compressor: $71,000 Allowance #4 - Appliances: $12,400 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Denton Fire Station #9 - GMP #2 Exhibit ‘A.2.M’ Schedule of Values for GMP #2 To be issued after the GMP Amendment #2 has been fully executed as mutually agreed by Owner and Contractor. DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Denton Fire Station #9 - GMP #2 Exhibit ‘A.2.N’ Itemized Statement of GMP and Clarifications DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 October 21st, 2022 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Sara Hensley City Manager City of Denton 215 East McKinney Street Denton, Texas, 76201 RE: GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE PROPOSAL | Denton Fire Station #9 | GMP #2 of 2 Dear Sara, On behalf of CORE Construction, I am pleased to submit our Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP #2) proposal for the Denton Fire Station #9. GMP Summary: Guaranteed Maximum Price #1 Guaranteed Maximum Price #2 Total of Guaranteed Maximum Price #1 & #2 $4,550,786 $7,503,562 $12,054,348 We look forward to a successful and enjoyable project together. Thank you for this opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact me directly with any questions or comments. Respectfully submitted, Steven Normand Steven Normand Director of Preconstruction CORE Construction DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 BASIS OF ESTIMATE Denton Fire Station #9 | Denton, TX October 21st, 2022 Page 2 of 6 ASSUMPTIONS, CLARIFICATIONS, & EXCLUSIONS Schedule Project Construction Duration and Substantial Completion shall remain dependent upon the Building Permit Approval and the following criteria: · The following milestones are to be met. The dates listed below are the latest possible dates to meet these milestones and any delays will impact the Substantial Completion Date. o GMP approval by City Council to be received no later than 11/15/2022 o NTP received by 11/22/2022 o If NTP is received prior to the date listed above, the Substantial Completion date will not adjust to an earlier date, due to material lead times. o If the above criteria are unachievable Substantial Completion will need to be adjusted or acceleration costs further discussed. · Substantial Completion: March 5th, 2024 · This schedule assumes that masonry will arrive within 4 months of GMP, and that electrical switchgear will arrive within 7 months of NTP. Both items are critical path items to achieving the substantial completion date. CORE reserves the right to delay construction start and adjust the date of substantial completion without the penalty of liquidated damages if these lead times are extended. Owner Items · The City of Denton and CORE each acknowledge that national and international markets, have been and will continue to be, affected by COVID-19 and other factors, impacting the availability of materials as well as pricing. In the event labor and/or materials or pricing are affected by COVID-19 or other factors, the parties shall negotiate an equitable adjustment to the Contract Price and Schedule as needed due to negative impacts to the Project arising from market conditions. Additionally, substitutions or materials, equipment, systems, etc. may be necessary or partially necessary if specified items are not available. · Material Testing, Assembly Testing, as well as and Special Inspections, are by Owner, and are not included. · Third-party Commissioning is by Owner and is not included. CORE will provide coordination as required. · Platting and/or re-platting, licensing agreements, land-use permitting, and site development permits as well as any cost related thereto, is not included. · General Condition expenses included through date of Final Completion. · Contractor Fee shall be considered a Lump Sum and remain in the amount as stated in Exhibit 1-A. · Building permit costs, plan expediter fees, plan check fees, impact fees and their associated permits, site development permits/fees, gas and electrical service charges, utility recovery or tap fees, and/or water meter fees shall be paid for by Owner and are not included. DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 BASIS OF ESTIMATE Denton Fire Station #9 | Denton, TX October 21st, 2022 Page 3 of 6 Contingency and Allowances · PreConstruction Contingency of 1% ($75,036 direct cost) is included in this proposal · Additional Marketplace Risk of 1% ($75,036 direct cost) – is included in this proposal · Construction Phase Contingency of ($57,816 direct cost) – is included in this proposal · Owner Construction Phase Contingency ($979,532 direct cost) – is included in this proposal a. This allowance shall account for an increase in price of materials equipment or products between the date of this proposal and the time when the job is ready for the installation of the affected material. The allowance shall be used to reflect the additional cost to obtain the materials, pending approval by the Owner and provided that the Contractor gives the Owner written notice and documentation of the increased costs. · Allowance #1 – Alerting System Equipment: $75,000 · Allowance #2 – Alerting System Installation: $25,000 · Allowance #3 – Cascade SCBA Compressor: $71,000 · Allowance #4 – Residential Appliances: $12,400 General Assumptions 1. Price is based on documents issued by Parkhill as enumerated in the List of Documents. 2. We assume normal working hours. However, to maintain the schedule we may perform work outside of normal working hours. We will request permission from the City, as required by local ordinances, when we plan to work outside of normal work hours. Alternates: Alternate #1- Terminal Improvements: $88,415 This alternate is good for 30 days. Specific Exclusions to GMP a. Fee is excluded from the contingency and allowance section. Fee to be incorporated into the cost upon authorization of usage. DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 BASIS OF ESTIMATE Denton Fire Station #9 | Denton, TX October 21st, 2022 Page 4 of 6 Other Scope Specific Assumptions and Clarifications: LINE ITEM 2 | Public Utility Infrastructure 1. Excluded: a. Relocation or removal of public utilities not shown on the contract drawings. b. Relocation of the fiber lines and telephone lines (by owner). Relocating these lines is critical to the contract schedule. Any delay in the relocation of these lines will adjust the substantial completion date. LINE ITEM 15 | Landscaping & Irrigation 1. Excluded: a. Any sod, or landscaping required due to city relocation of fiber lines LINE ITEM 18 | Fencing & Gates 1. Included: a. Fencing and gates per plan, no spec provided. 2. Excluded: a. Any fencing & gates on west side of fire station, none shown. LINE ITEM 21 | Flagpole 1. Included: a. (1) 35’ Internal halyard with winch clear anodized finish, no spec provided. LINE ITEM 30 | Steel 1. Included: a. Changes to structural steel to date. Remainder of steel was bought in GMP#2. LINE ITEM 40 | Glass & Glazing 1. Excluded: a. Decorative window films, they are not shown on the plans. DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 BASIS OF ESTIMATE Denton Fire Station #9 | Denton, TX October 21st, 2022 Page 5 of 6 LINE ITEM 41 | Metal Wall Panels 1. Included: a. Pricing for improvements for one side of the terminal building as shown in the drawings. LINE ITEM 42 | Masonry 1. Included: a. Masonry veneer with 4-month lead time is included. 2. Excluded: a. Specified brick is not included due to the 12-month lead time. LINE ITEM 56 | HM Frames, Doors, & Hardware 1. Included: a. Standard PLAM doors, spec not provided. LINE ITEM 57 | Overhead Coiling Doors 1. Included: a. Door engineering FF30 assumed, no spec provided. LINE ITEM 61 | Painting 1. Included: a. Pricing for improvements for one side of the terminal building as shown in the drawings. LINE ITEM 86 | Residential Appliances 1. Included: a. Extractor, Gas burners 2. Excluded: a. Any other residential appliance, no specifications provided. LINE ITEM 98 | Plumbing Systems 1. Included: a. Fixture and trench drains as scheduled or equal. 2. Excluded: a. Anti-buoyancy slabs. Detail D4 on P501 dated 9/9/22. Eliminated in most recent set of documents. LINE ITEM 99 | HVAC Systems 1. Included: a. Kitchen hood DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 BASIS OF ESTIMATE Denton Fire Station #9 | Denton, TX October 21st, 2022 Page 6 of 6 b. Building Automation System LINE ITEM 102 | Electrical Systems 1. Included: a. Lightning Protection b. Generator Installation 2. Excluded: a. Generator (in GMP#1) LINE ITEM 110 | Security / Access Control Systems 1. Included: a. Conduit as shown in contract drawings. 2. Excluded: a. By Owner, no spec provided LINE ITEM 111 | Audio Visual Systems 1. Included: a. Conduit as shown in contract drawings. 2. Excluded: a. Any AV besides supporting components by various trades, AV is by owner. DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 LOCATION:Denton, TX ARCHITECT:Martinez & Parkhill DURATION(mnths):15 WARRANTY(yrs):1 SITE ACREAGE:4.0 SQUARE FOOTAGE:14,421 ALT #1: Terminal Improvements DEMOLITION/ OFF-SITE INFRASTRUCTURE $208,750 $0.00 4.07%$0 1 Demolition By Owner $0 5 General Requirements CORE $208,750 $14.48 4.07%$0 SITE WORK (ROUGH)$1,580 $0.11 0.03%$0 11 Soil Treatment Texoma Pest $1,580 $0.11 0.03%$0 SITE WORK (FINISH)$181,443 $12.58 3.54%$34,475 14 Site Signage & Striping CORE $11,693 $0.81 0.23% 15 Landscaping & Irrigation Choate $115,460 $8.01 2.25%$0 18 Fencing & Gates Viking Fence $41,115 $2.85 0.80%$0 21 Flagpole Spectrum Resource $10,175 $0.71 0.20%$0 24 Site Furnishings CORE $3,000 $0.21 0.06% STRUCTURE $295,816 $20.51 5.77%$0 30 Steel Package Patriot $285,000 $19.76 5.56%$0 32 Rough Carpentry CORE $10,816 $0.75 0.21% ENCLOSURE $966,578 $67.03 18.84%$22,897 37 Damproofing / Waterproofing / Air Barrier SCS $122,100 $8.47 2.38%$0 40 Glass & Glazing Sunbelt $91,750 $6.36 1.79%$0 41 Metal Wall Panels All Type Construction $435,256 $30.18 8.48%$22,897 42 Masonry Gay & Sons $317,472 $22.01 6.19%$0 INTERIOR FINISHES $1,335,023 $92.57 26.02%$5,522 55 Finished Carpentry & Millwork Frisco Brothers $155,477 $10.78 3.03%$0 56 HM Frames, Doors, & Hardware Piper Weatherford $109,458 $7.59 2.13%$0 57 Overhead Coiling Doors Overhead Door Company $416,875 $28.91 8.13%$0 59 Metal Studs & Drywall Package Vadens $433,650 $30.07 8.45%$0 61 Painting Willis $87,387 $6.06 1.70%$5,522 64 Tile Package O'Quinn Tile $63,950 $4.43 1.25%$0 65 Flooring Package One Source $13,680 $0.95 0.27%$0 66 Concrete Finishing Johnson & Sons $54,546 $3.78 1.06%$0 SPECIALTIES $118,131 $8.19 2.30%$9,481 72 Window Shades & Curtains Buffalo $7,289 $0.51 0.14%$0 73 Signage Package Benchmark $76,910 $5.33 1.50%$9,481 75 Toilet Partitions & Accessories Spectrum $5,220 $0.36 0.10%$0 77 Wall Protection & Corner Guards Southern Speciality $1,542 $0.11 0.03%$0 78 Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets Spectrum $1,610 $0.11 0.03%$0 79 Lockers Gear Grid $17,960 $1.25 0.35%$0 80 Other Building Specialties CORE $7,600 $0.53 0.15% EQUIPMENT $42,230 $2.93 0.82%$0 86 Residential Appliances / Furnishings CORE $34,230 $2.37 0.67%$0 87 Stainless Steel Countertops CORE $8,000 $0.55 0.16% MEP SYSTEMS $1,879,668 $130.34 36.64%$0 97 Fire Sprinkler Systems Accurate Fire $61,682 $4.28 1.20%$0 98 Plumbing Systems Capitol Plumbing $406,605 $28.20 7.93%$0 99 HVAC Systems Air 817 $562,398 $39.00 10.96%$0 101 Test & Balance Elite $8,150 $0.57 0.16%$0 102 Electrical Systems Harper $799,997 $55.47 15.59%$0 103 Fire Alarm Systems GSF $40,837 $2.83 0.80%$0 SPECIAL SYSTEMS $43,152 $2.99 0.84%$0 109 Structured Cabling Systems ACI Advance $43,152 $2.99 0.84%$0 110 Security/Access Control Systems By Owner $0 111 Audio Visual Systems By Owner $0 CMAR - Construction Phase Contingency $57,816 $4.01 1.13%$884 1.0%CMAR - Construction Phase Contingency $5,781,640 $57,816 $4.01 1.13%$884 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS BASED ON SUB TOTAL SUB TOTAL REQUIRED General Conditions $59,223 $651,453 $829,121 $9,304 INSURANCE, BONDS, AND BUILDERS RISK BASED ON SUB TOTAL SUB TOTAL REQUIRED General Liability 1%$61,906 $106,657 $884 REQUIRED Subcontractor Insurance 1.50%$92,858 $159,985 $1,326 REQUIRED Payment and Performance Bond $7,503,562 $42,995 $74,932 $614 REQUIRED Maintenance Bond $3,000 $3,000 $83 REQUIRED Builders Risk Insurance $7,503,562 $5,804 $9,999 $55 RATE CONTRACTOR'S FEE BASED ON SUB TOTAL SUB TOTAL 3.50%Construction Manager At Risk Fee $5,781,640 $202,357 $342,677 $2,890 RATE Contingency and Allowances SUB TOTAL SUB TOTAL 1.00%Preconstruction Contingency $75,036 Remove from GMP $0 1.0%Additional Marketplace Risk $75,036 $0 2.0%Owner Contingency $979,532 $0 AL1 Allowance #1 Alerting System Equipment $75,000 $0 AL2 Allowance #2 Alerting System Installation $25,000 $0 AL3 Allowance #3 Cascade SCBA Compressor $71,000 $0 AL4 Allowance #4 Residential Appliances $12,400 $0 ALT #1: Terminal Improvements $/SF $429.27 Subtotal (with General Requirements)$5,781,640 $5,988,202 $88,415 $88,415 $88,415 $5,130,187Subtotal Subtotal (with GR's, Prof. Services, & Insurance) $73,259 $85,525 Subtotal (GR's, Prof Services, Insurance, Tax, & Fee)$6,190,559 GMP#2 Total GMP Amount $7,503,562 Description# ALTERNATES Denton Fire Station #9 GMP 2 Estimate % (of direct cost total) $/SF (direct cost)Base PriceSUBCONTRACTOR $82,563 Subtotal (with Contingency and Allowances)$7,503,562 DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 City of Denton's Fire Station No. 9 GMP Amendment #01 - Site and Long Lead Items Exhibit "A.2.Z" - Schedule of Exhibits Updated 17 OCT 2022 Printed on 10/17/2022 at 1:48 PM Prepared By Status Exhibits to A133 Exhibit A.1 – Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment #01 Exhibit "A.2" – Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment Owner Attached Exhibit "A.2.B" – Insurance and Bonds - GMP Amendment #02 Construction Manager After GMP Amdmt #02 is Signed Exhibit "A.2.C" – Scope of Work - GMP Amendment #02 Construction Manager Attached Exhibit "A.2.D" – Construction Manager’s Project Schedule Construction Manager Unchanged in this Amendment Exhibit "A.2.E" – Construction Manager’s Soft Costs and Fee Construction Manager Attached Exhibit "A.2.F" – Key Personnel Construction Manager Unchanged in this Amendment Exhibit "A.2.G" – Confidentiality of the Project Owner TBD Exhibit "A.2.H" – Customary and Usual Labor Rates Construction Manager Attached Exhibit "A.2.I" – Rental Rates Construction Manager Unchanged in this Amendment Exhibit "A.2.J" – Alternates with Costs and Expiration Dates Construction Manager Not Applicable Exhibit "A.2.K" – Unit Costs Construction Manager Unchanged in this Amendment Exhibit "A.2.L" – Allowances Construction Manager Attached Exhibit "A.2.M" – Schedule of Values - GMP Amendment #02 Construction Manager After GMP Amdmt #02 is Signed Exhibit "A.2.N" – Itemized Statement of GMP and Clarifications Construction Manager Attached Exhibit "A.2.Z" – Schedule of Exhibits for Exhibit A.1 Construction Manager This Document Description Copy of 220822 DFS9 A133 Exhibit A.1.Z - Schedule of Exhibits (GMP) REV 01.00 to Team Page 1 of 1 © 2022 Peak Program Value, LLC All Rights Reserved DocuSign Envelope ID: 37816300-4E28-4F0A-93F6-EC349F096102 Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: 378163004E284F0A93F6EC349F096102 Status: Completed Subject: Please DocuSign: City Council Contract 7967 - FS 9, GMP Amendment 2 Source Envelope: Document Pages: 65 Signatures: 6 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 6 Initials: 1 Christa Christian AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 Christa.Christian@cityofdenton.com IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 10/26/2022 10:06:28 AM Holder: Christa Christian Christa.Christian@cityofdenton.com Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Christa Christian christa.christian@cityofdenton.com Senior Buyer City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 10/26/2022 10:12:39 AM Viewed: 10/26/2022 10:13:00 AM Signed: 10/26/2022 10:13:14 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Lori Hewell lori.hewell@cityofdenton.com Purchasing Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 10/26/2022 10:13:19 AM Viewed: 10/26/2022 10:39:32 AM Signed: 10/26/2022 10:40:40 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Marcella Lunn marcella.lunn@cityofdenton.com Deputy City Attorney City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 10/26/2022 10:40:45 AM Viewed: 10/26/2022 10:52:09 AM Signed: 10/26/2022 10:54:47 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Gary Aanenson garyaanenson@coreconstruction.com Vice President CORE Construction Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 10/26/2022 10:54:50 AM Resent: 10/31/2022 9:03:04 AM Resent: 10/31/2022 9:03:23 AM Viewed: 10/31/2022 9:08:19 AM Signed: 10/31/2022 9:08:47 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 6/13/2022 4:01:32 PM ID: 96bdaf13-b4a5-49f0-ae76-ac48511280c5 Signer Events Signature Timestamp Chris Squadra csquadra@peakprogramvalue.com Chris Squadra, Peak Program Value, LLC Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 10/31/2022 9:08:51 AM Viewed: 10/31/2022 10:54:47 AM Signed: 10/31/2022 10:55:03 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 10/31/2022 10:54:47 AM ID: de6e93c2-95ae-4a21-ab23-12d90c0ecbbf Trevor Crain trevor.crain@cityofdenton.com Interim Director of Facilities Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 10/31/2022 10:55:09 AM Viewed: 10/31/2022 10:58:22 AM Signed: 10/31/2022 10:58:41 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 10/31/2022 10:58:22 AM ID: 31ce20cd-cb37-4948-a4fb-45e1a083c159 Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Procurement Administration Supervisor City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 10/31/2022 10:58:47 AM Viewed: 11/16/2022 9:37:24 AM Signed: 11/16/2022 9:37:35 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Sara Hensley sara.hensley@cityofdenton.com City Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Signed using mobile Sent: 11/16/2022 9:37:39 AM Viewed: 11/16/2022 9:38:31 AM Signed: 11/16/2022 9:38:31 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Rosa Rios rosa.rios@cityofdenton.com City Secretary Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 11/16/2022 9:38:35 AM Viewed: 11/16/2022 4:30:29 PM Signed: 11/16/2022 4:30:57 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 11/16/2022 4:30:29 PM ID: 28464347-525d-4b8a-82de-7f24cf3eddf3 In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Procurement Administration Supervisor City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 10/26/2022 10:13:18 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Gretna Jones gretna.jones@cityofdenton.com Legal Secretary City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 10/31/2022 10:58:44 AM Viewed: 10/31/2022 11:16:18 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign City Secretary Office citysecretary@cityofdenton.com Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 11/16/2022 4:31:03 PM Viewed: 11/17/2022 9:18:38 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Hailey Payne hailey.payne@cityofdenton.com Administration Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 11/16/2022 4:31:06 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 10/26/2022 10:12:39 AM Certified Delivered Security Checked 11/16/2022 4:30:29 PM Signing Complete Security Checked 11/16/2022 4:30:57 PM Completed Security Checked 11/16/2022 4:31:06 PM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure ELECTRONIC RECORD 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Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure created on: 7/21/2017 3:59:03 PM Parties agreed to: Gary Aanenson, Chris Squadra, Trevor Crain, Rosa Rios How to contact City of Denton: You may contact us to let us know of your changes as to how we may contact you electronically, to request paper copies of certain information from us, and to withdraw your prior consent to receive notices and disclosures electronically as follows: To contact us by email send messages to: purchasing@cityofdenton.com To advise City of Denton of your new e-mail address To let us know of a change in your e-mail address where we should send notices and disclosures electronically to you, you must send an email message to us at melissa.kraft@cityofdenton.com and in the body of such request you must state: your previous e-mail address, your new e-mail address. We do not require any other information from you to change your email address.. 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