Exhibit 2 - Pricing EvaluationLine #Description Mfgr QTY UOM Unit Extended Unit Extended 1 Hourly Rate: Non-Emergency- 8:00am-5:00pm Mon-Fri 200 Per Hour $90.00 $18,000.00 $200.00 $40,000.00 2 Hourly Rate: After Hours, Weekends 50 Per Hour $135.00 $6,750.00 $300.00 $15,000.00 3 Hourly Rate:Overtime 25 Per Hour $135.00 $3,375.00 $300.00 $7,500.00 4 Hourly Rate: Emergency Repairs 25 Per Hour $150.00 $3,750.00 $300.00 $7,500.00 5 Parts Percent Mark-Up Rate 1 Percentage 20.0%15.0% 6 Replacement of 9 Model 735 GE Multilins with current equivalent model GE Multilins 9 LS $12,406.00 $111,654.00 $7,239.00 $65,151.00 7 Replacement of 2 Model 750 GE Multilins with current equivalent model GE Multilins 2 LS $7,923.00 $15,846.00 $12,464.50 $24,929.00 8 Replacement of 2 Model 489 GE Multilins with current equivalent model GE Multilins 2 LS $6,377.00 $12,754.00 $16,611.00 $33,222.00 Item # 1 2 3 4 Total: Evaluation Exhibit 2 RFP 7969 - Pricing Evaluation for Industrial Electrical Services Carrollton, TX Allen, TX Respondent's Business Name: Principal Place of Business (City and State): Total Score: Scoring Criteria Delivery/Project Schedule - 20% Compliance with Specifications - 30% Probable Performance - 30% Price, Total Cost of Ownership - 20% 26.00 17.81 51.3385.81 Denali Construction Services, LP 9.33 12.00 10.00 20.00 Denali Construction Services, LP Jasco Enterprises, Inc. dba Real Power Technologies Jasco Enterprises, Inc. dba Real Power Technologies 16.00 26.00 $193,302.15$172,129.20