8176 Bid Invitation8176 Addendum 1 Electric Utility Distribution Hardware Issue Date:1/13/2023 Questions Deadline:1/25/2023 05:00 PM (CT) Response Deadline:2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT) Denton - Purchasing Contact Information Contact:Crystal Westbrook Address:Senior Buyer 901-B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 Phone:(940) 349-7100 Email:crystal.westbrook@cityofdenton.com Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 1 of 84 pages Event Information Number:8176 Addendum 1 Title:Electric Utility Distribution Hardware Type:Invitation for Bid Issue Date:1/13/2023 Question Deadline:1/25/2023 05:00 PM (CT) Response Deadline:2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT) Notes:The City highly recommends that respondents do not wait until minutes before the due date and time to submit proposal. The submittal process may take significant time. Submissions accepted via IONWAVE or hard copy ONLY (no emails). Questions must be submitted by the deadline via IONWAVE only (no emails/no phone calls) A virtual public opening will be conducted for this solicitation. To attend follow the link or call in: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting +1 940-208-1678 United States, Denton (Toll) Conference ID: 681 965 986# Wednesday, February 15, 2023 @ 2pm If you would like to attend in person, opening will be held at the following location: City of Denton Civic Center 321 E McKinney St Denton, TX 76201 Community Room The City of Denton (the City) is seeking a primary, and secondary vendor to supply electric utility distribution hardware to the Warehouse. The responses and the cost solutions shall be submitted to the City of Denton in a sealed submission. The awarded individual or business shall possess a proven track record of using innovative approaches to providing goods and services that represent the best value to their clients. The awarded individual or business shall have the ability to accomplish all aspects of the requested services. The selected individual or firm should be able to provide innovative methods to deal with municipal challenges, and cost effective solutions. A firm may submit a solicitation response for one or more of the categories of product or services requested in this solicitation. It is the intent of the entity to consider interlocal cooperative agreements and state/federal contracts in determining the best value for the entity. Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 2 of 84 pages Billing Information Contact:City of Denton Address:Accounts Payable 215 E McKinney St Denton, TX 76201-4299 Bid Attachments 8176 SOW.pdf Download Scope of Work 8176 Sample Contract.pdf Download Sample Contract CIQ.docx Download Conflict of Interest Questionnaire SAFETY RECORD QUESTIONNAIRE.docx Download Safety Record Questionnaire Local Preference Resolution.pdf Download Local preference resolution that includes application 8176 Worksheet.xls Download Worksheet Use Only--Submit Pricing on Line Items tab in IONWAVE Requested Attachments Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (Attachment required) The individual or business must disclose any business relationship that would have an effect, of a conflict of interest. Please attach a signed copy of the conflict of interest questionnaire. Invoice example (Attachment required) Please attach an example of your invoice based on the City requirements in Attribute 5. Safety Record (Attachment required) The City of Denton desires to avail itself of the benefits of Section 252.0435 of the Local Government Code, and consider the safety records of potential contractors prior to awarding City contracts. Pursuant to Section 252.0435 of the Local Government Code, the City of Denton has adopted the written definition and criteria as shown in the Safety Record Questionnaire for accurately determining the safety record of a respondent prior to awarding City contracts. Bid Attributes 1 SECTION 1 General Information Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 3 of 84 pages 2 Contract Term It is the intention of the City of Denton to award a primary, and secondary vendor based on delivery times. If the primary contractor is not able to provide the requested commodities or services, then the secondary contract will be contacted. The award is a contract for three (3) year, effective from date of award. The City and the Supplier shall have the option to renew this contract for an additional two (2) one-year periods. The contract shall commence upon the issuance of a Notice of Award by the City of Denton and shall automatically renew each year, from the date of award by City Council. At the sole option of the City of Denton, the contract may be further extended as needed, not to exceed a total of six (6) months. 3 Pricing Unit Pricing shall include all fees and costs to provide the goods and services to the City. Unit pricing for goods shall include delivery costs, F.O.B. Destination Firm Price Pricing and discounts submitted are firm for the initial one-year period specified in the solicitation. Price decreases are allowed at any time. Price increases shall only be considered as stipulated below in “PRICE ADJUSTMENTS”. Price Decreases/Discount Increases Respondents are required to immediately implement any price decrease or discount increase that may become available. The City of Denton must be notified in writing for updating the contract. Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 4 of 84 pages 4 Price Adjustments Prices quoted for the commodities or services described in the solicitation must be firm for a period of one year from date of contract award. Any request for price adjustment must be based on the, U.S Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Producer Price Index (PPI) or the manufacturer published pricing list. The maximum escalation will not exceed +/- 8% for any individual year. The escalation will be determined annually at the renewal date. The price will be increased or decreased based upon the annual percentage change in the PPI or the percentage change in the manufacturers price list. Should the PPI or manufacturer price list change exceed a minimum threshold value of +/-1%, then the stated eligible bid prices shall be adjusted in accordance with the percent change not to exceed the 8% limit per year. The supplier should provide documentation as percentage of each cost associated with the unit prices quoted for consideration. Request must be submitted in writing with supporting evidence for need of such increase to the Purchasing Manager at least 60 days prior to contract expiration of each year. Respondent must also provide supporting documentation as justification for the request. If no request is made, then it will be assumed that the current contract price will be in effect. Upon receipt of such request, the City of Denton reserves the right to either: accept the escalation as competitive with the general market price at the time, and become effective upon the renewal date of the contract award or reject the increases within 30 calendar days after receipt of a properly submitted request. If a properly submitted increase is rejected, the Contractor may request cancellation of such items from the Contract by giving the City of Denton written notice. Cancellation will not go into effect for 15 calendar days after a determination has been issued. Pre-price increase prices must be honored on orders dated up to the official date of the City of Denton approval and/or cancellation. The request can be sent by e-mail to: purchasing@cityofdenton.com noting the solicitation number. The City of Denton reserves the right to accept, reject, or negotiate the proposed price changes. 5 Invoices A. The Contractor shall submit separate invoices in duplicate on each purchase order or purchase release after each delivery. If partial shipments or deliveries are authorized by the City, a separate invoice must be sent for each shipment or delivery made. B. Proper Invoices must include a unique invoice number, the purchase order or delivery order number and the master agreement number if applicable, the Department’s Name, and the name of the point of contact for the Department. Invoices shall be itemized and transportation charges, if any, shall be listed separately. A copy of the bill of lading and the freight waybill, when applicable, shall be attached to the invoice. The Contractor’s name, remittance address and, if applicable, the tax identification number on the invoice must exactly match the information in the Vendor’s registration with the City. Unless otherwise instructed in writing, the City may rely on the remittance address specified on the Contractor’s invoice. C. Invoices for labor shall include a copy of all time-sheets with trade labor rate and deliverables order number clearly identified. Invoices shall also include a tabulation of work-hours at the appropriate rates and grouped by work order number. Time billed for labor shall be limited to hours actually worked at the work site. D. Unless otherwise expressly authorized in the Contract, the Contractor shall pass through all Subcontract and other authorized expenses at actual cost without markup. E. Federal excise taxes, State taxes, or City sales taxes must not be included in the invoiced amount. The City will furnish a tax exemption certificate upon request. A sample invoice must be submitted with this solicitation Acknowledge (Required: Check if applicable) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 5 of 84 pages 6 Cooperative Purchasing Agreement As permitted under Interlocal Cooperation Act C Texas Government Code, Chapter 791, other governmental entities may wish to also participate under the same terms and conditions contained in this contract. The governmental entities will have the option to use the pricing as agreed to within the resulting contract. Governmental entities will issue their internal purchase orders directly to the contractor(s). Yes No (Please Select) (Required: Check only one) 7 Submittal Instructions The City of Denton will accept electronic submittals in Ionwave or hard copy submittals until the date and time on the cover sheet of this solicitation. Any submission received after the date and/or hour set for solicitation opening will be returned unopened. The City will not allow late submissions due to technical difficulties. Each respondent is responsible for taking the necessary steps to ensure their submission is received by the date and time noted herein. The City is not responsible for technical difficulties that may result in the submission arriving after the set time. Hard copy submissions may be hand delivered (by firm or express courier) to the address listed below: City of Denton Materials Management SOLICITATION NUMBER AND NAME 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 The City of Denton reserves the right to accept or reject in part or in whole any submission, and to waive technicalities of the submission, in the best interest of obtaining best value for the City. Each respondent is responsible for taking the necessary steps to ensure their submission is received by the date and time noted herein. The City is not responsible for missing, lost or late mail or any mail delays, internal or external, that may result in the submission arriving after the set time. HARD COPY SUBMISSION FORMAT Respondents shall provide detailed information to allow the City to properly evaluate the submission. The City requests the following format be used: 1. Hard copy submissions shall be bound only utilizing a staple or binder clip. Do not submit responses in a binder or file folder. 2. Submission shall be no more than 200 pages in length 3. Utilize tabs to identify exhibits and attachments 4. Hard Copy Submittals shall include one (1) original signed by an officer authorized to bind the firm 5. Submit response, before the published due date. Hard copy submittals must be in a sealed envelope with the solicitation number and name. 6. The submission shall include the following: a. Completed Bid Invitation b. Pricing Sheet c. Safety Record (if applicable form will be attached) d. Conflict of Interest Questionnaire e. Appendices may be used for additional documentation or clarification at the respondent's option f. USB flash drive with all submittal documents Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 6 of 84 pages 8 Evaluation Procedures Selection of a firm(s) to provide the aforementioned materials and services shall be in accordance with the City of Denton Purchasing Policies and procedures. The City of Denton shall evaluate each submission utilizing the following process: Step 1: A virtual nad public opening will be conducted. Responses will be read at the time and date published on the coversheet. Step 2: The City of Denton will evaluate the submissions in accordance with the minimum qualifications and adherence to the specifications. Step 3: Upon selection of the lowest responsible respondent meeting the specifications, a written recommendation will be presented to the appropriate approving authority for the City of Denton (the City Manager, Public Utility Board, City Council) requesting authorization to proceed with contract execution for the proposed services. Provided the City of Denton cannot successfully contract with the lowest responsible respondent, the City of Denton shall formally, and in writing, end all negotiations with that firm and the City of Denton may elect to proceed to negotiate with the next lowest responsible respondent until a contract is reached or negotiations with all responsible respondents end. 9 Protests Any interested party who is aggrieved in connection with a solicitation or award of a contract may protest per the City of Denton policy located here on page 52 - Procurement Policy 1 0 Section 2 Business Overview Questionnaire 1 1 Firm's Legal Name (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 1 2 Address Line 1 (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 1 3 Address Line 2 (Optional: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 1 4 City (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 7 of 84 pages 1 5 State (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 1 6 Zip Code (Required: Maximum 15 characters allowed) 1 7 Agent Authorized to sign contract The agents name and email who is authorized to sign the contract (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 1 8 Subsidiary of: (Optional: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 1 9 Organization Class Partnership Corporation Individual Association (Required: Check only one) 2 0 Tax Payer ID (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 2 1 Date Established __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ (Required) 2 2 Historically Underutilized Business Yes, We are a registered HUB. (Optional: Check if applicable) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 8 of 84 pages 2 3 Please provide a detailed listing of all products and/or services that your company provides. (Required: Maximum 4000 characters allowed) 2 4 Has your company filed or been named in any litigation involving your company and the Owner on a contract within the last five years under your current company name or any other company name? If so provide details of the issues and resolution if available. Include lawsuits where Owner was involved. (Notice: Failure to disclose this information during proposal submission, and later discovered, may result in contract termination at the Owner's option.) (Optional: Maximum 4000 characters allowed) 2 5 Have you ever defaulted on or failed to complete a contract under your current company name or any other company name? If so, where and why? Give name and telephone number of Owner. (Optional: Maximum 4000 characters allowed) 2 6 Have you ever had a contract terminated by the Owner? If so, where and why? Give name and telephone number (s) of Owner (s). (Optional: Maximum 4000 characters allowed) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 9 of 84 pages 2 7 Has your company implemented an Employee Health and Safety Program compliant with 29 CFR 1910 "General Industry Standards"​ and/or 29 CFR 1926 "General Construction Standards"​ as they apply to your Company's customary activities? http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owasrch.search_form? p_doc_type=STANDARDS&p_toc_level=1&p_keyvalue=1926 (Optional: Maximum 4000 characters allowed) 2 8 Resident/Non-Resident Bidder Determination Texas Government Code Section 2252.002: Non-resident bidders. Texas law prohibits cities and other governmental units from awarding contracts to a non-resident firm unless the amount of such a bid is lower than the lowest bid by a Texas resident by the amount the Texas resident would be required to underbid in the non-resident bidders state. In order to make this determination, please provide the name, address and phone number of: a. Responding firms principle place of business: b. Company's majority owner principal place of business c. Ultimate Parent Company's principle place of business (Optional: Maximum 4000 characters allowed) 2 9 Prohibition on Contracts with Companies Boycotting Israel Pursuant to Section 2270.002 of the Texas Government Code, Respondent certifies that either (i) it meets an exemption criteria under Section 2270.002; or (ii) it does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract resulting from this solicitation. Respondent shall state any facts and provide documentation that make it exempt from the boycott certification in its Response. Exemption criteria includes the following: 1. Company is a sole proprietorship; 2. Company employs less than 10 full-time employees; 3. Value of the contract is less than $100,000 “Boycott Israel” is defined to mean refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations specifically with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli-controlled territory, but does not include an action made for ordinary business purposes. “Company” is defined to mean a for-profit sole proprietorship, organization, association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company, including a wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company, or affiliate of those entities or business associations that exists to make a profit. Sole proprietorship Employs less than 10 Full time employees Value of the contract is less than $100,000 Does not Boycott Israel (Required: Check only one) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 10 of 84 pages 3 0 Section 3 Minimum Qualifications 3 1 Three (3) years experience providing similar products or services Yes No (Please Select) (Required: Check only one) 3 2 Reference 1 - Government/Company Name Person who you have done business with in the past. **Cannot be a City of Denton employee** (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 3 3 Reference 1 - Phone Enter phone number. (__ __ __) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ext: (Required) 3 4 Reference 1 - Contact Person & Title (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 3 5 Reference 1 - Email Address (Required: Email address) 3 6 Reference 1 - Scope of Work (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 3 7 Reference 1 - Contract Period (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 3 8 Reference 2 - Government/Company Name Person who you have done business with in the past. ***Cannot be a City of Denton employee*** (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 11 of 84 pages 3 9 Reference 2 - Phone Enter phone number. (__ __ __) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ext: (Required) 4 0 Reference 2 - Contact Person & Title (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 4 1 Reference 2 - Email Address (Required: Email address) 4 2 Reference 2 - Scope of Work (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 4 3 Reference 2 - Contract Period (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 4 4 Reference 3 - Government/Company Name Person who you have done business with in the past. **Cannot be a City of Denton employee** (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 4 5 Reference 3 - Phone Enter phone number. (__ __ __) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ext: (Required) 4 6 Reference 3 - Contact Person & Title (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 4 7 Reference 3 - Email Address (Required: Email address) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 12 of 84 pages 4 8 Reference 3 - Scope of Work (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 4 9 Reference 3 - Contract Period (Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed) 5 0 Registered with the State of Texas The responding individual or business must be registered in the State of Texas, or the County of Denton, to provide the products or services required in the solicitation, and the individual or business must have all licensure required by the State to provide any services required under this contact. To learn how to obtain information about filing with the State of Texas, or obtaining copies or certificates from the Secretary of State visit Webpage: http://www.sos.state.tx.us/corp/copies.shtml; Phone 512-463-5578; or email corpcert@sos.state.tx.us. 5 1 Authorized Manufacturer Authorized manufacturer or distributor authorized by the manufacturer for products identified in the Technical Specifications to sell to the City of Denton, Texas. Attach documentation such as a letter from the manufacturer or a line card. 5 2 Section 4 Terms and Conditions 5 3 General Provisions 1. SILENCE OF SPECIFICATIONS The apparent silence of these specifications as to any detail or the apparent omission from it of a detailed description concerning any point, shall be regarded as a meaning that the only best commercial practices are to prevail. All interpretations of these specifications shall be made on the basis of this statement. 2. RESPONDENTS COST TO DEVELOP SUBMITTAL Respondents to this solicitation are responsible for all costs of submittal preparation, delivery and any oral presentations required as part of the selection process. All materials submitted in response to the solicitation become property of the City of Denton and will be returned only at the option of the City. 3. MINIMUM RESPONSE Submittals that do not, at a minimum, contain the response Attachments will be subject to disqualification at the sole discretion of the City of Denton. If any firm submitting a proposal is a corporation, it must be registered to conduct business in the State of Texas. Proof of this registration must be included as part of the submittal. 4. VALIDITY PERIOD The information included in the solicitation response(s), and any cost information obtained from a negotiation Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 13 of 84 pages process, remain valid for 120 days from the response due date or until the contract is approved by the governing body. 5. REJECTION OF SUBMITTAL ANY PROPOSAL SUBMITTED AFTER THE DUE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED WITHIN SECTION III, SHALL BE REJECTED. THE CITY SHALL REJECT RESPONSES SUBMITTED BY FIRMS THAT DO NOT MEET MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS. The City of Denton reserves the right to reject any and all submittals received in response to the solicitation and to waive any minor technicalities or irregularities as determined to be in the best interest of the City. 6. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION If a respondent does not desire proprietary information in the submission to be disclosed, the respondent shall identify all proprietary information in the submission. This identification will be accomplished by individually marking each page or line item detail with the words “Proprietary Information”. If the respondent fails to identify proprietary information, the respondent agrees that by submission of its response, that those sections shall be deemed non- proprietary and made available upon public request. Respondents are advised that the City, to the extent permitted by law, will protect the confidentiality of all submissions. Respondent shall consider the implications of the Texas Public Information Act, particularly after the solicitation process has ceased and the contract has been awarded. While there are provisions in the Texas Public Information Act to protect proprietary information, where the respondent can meet certain evidentiary standards, please be advised that a determination on whether those standards have been met will not be decided by the City of Denton, but by the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas. In the event a request for public information is made, the City will notify the respondent, who may then request an opinion from the Attorney General pursuant to 552.305, Texas Government Code. The City will not make a request of the Attorney General. 7. NON-ENDORSEMENT If a submission is accepted, the successful respondent shall not issue any news releases or other statements pertaining to the award or servicing of the agreement that state or imply the City of Denton’s endorsement of the successful respondent’s services. 8. ASSIGNMENT The successful contractor shall not sell, assign, transfer or convey this contract in whole, or part, without the prior written consent of the Purchasing Manager. 9. UNAUTHORIZED COMMUNICATIONS After release of this solicitation, respondent contact regarding this solicitation with members of the evaluation, interview or selection panels, employees of the City or officials of the City other than the Purchasing Manager, or authorized City of Denton purchasing staff, or as otherwise indicated is prohibited and may result in disqualification from this procurement process. No officer, employee, agent or representative of the respondent shall have any contact or discussion, verbal or written, with any members of the City Council, members of the evaluation, interview, or selection panels, City staff or City’s consultants, or directly or indirectly through others, seeking to influence any City Council member, City staff, or City’s consultants regarding any matters pertaining to this solicitation, except as herein provided. If a representative of any respondent violates the foregoing prohibition by contacting any of the above listed parties with who contact is not authorized, such contact may result in the respondent being disqualified from the procurement process. Any oral communications are considered unofficial and non-binding with regard to this solicitation. 10. DISQUALIFICATIONS Any terms and conditions attached to a solicitation will not be considered unless specifically referred to on a Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 14 of 84 pages solicitation and may result in disqualification. Any submissions that do not clearly outline all qualifications may be disqualified. 11. INTELLECTUALLY PROPERTY INDEMNIFICATION The contractor will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Denton, and its authorized users, against any action or claim brought against the City of Denton, or its authorized users that is based on a claim that software infringes any patent rights, copyright rights or incorporated misappropriated trade secrets. Contractor will pay any damages attributable to such claim that are awarded against the City of Denton or its authorized users, in a judgment or settlement. If the City of Denton or its authorized users’ utilization of the software becomes subject to a claim, or is likely to become subject to a claim, in the sole opinion of the City of Denton, or its authorized users, the Contractor shall, at its sole expense (1) procure for City of Denton or its authorized users, the right to continue using such software under the terms of this Contract; or (2) replace or modify the software so that it is non- infringing. 12. RIGHTS TO DATA, DOCUMENTS, AND COMPUTER SOFTWARE (GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY OWNERSHIP) Any software, research, reports studies, data, photographs, negatives or other documents, drawings or materials prepared by contractor in the performance of its obligations under this contract shall be the exclusive property of the City of Denton and all such materials shall be delivered to the City by the contractor upon completion, termination, or cancellation of this contract. Contractor may, at its own expense, keep copies of all its writings for its personal files. Contractor shall not use, willingly allow, or cause to have such materials used for any purpose other than the performance of contractor’s obligations under this contract without the prior written consent of the City; provided, however, that contractor shall be allowed to use non-confidential materials for writing samples in pursuit of the work. The ownership rights described herein shall include, but not be limited to, the right to copy, publish, display, transfer, prepare derivative works, or otherwise use the works. 13. PATENT RIGHTS The contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any claim involving patent right infringement or copyrights on goods supplied. 14. AWARD The City reserves the right to award a contract or contracts to various respondents by line item, section(s), or by entire proposal; whichever is most advantageous, or provides the "best value" to the City, unless denied by the respondent. The City reserves the right to award a contract to a primary vendor, and one or multiple secondary vendors; whichever is most advantageous, or provides the "best value" to the City, unless denied by the respondent. The City reserves the right to consider interlocal cooperative agreements and state/federal contracts in determining the best value for the City. Additional approvals could be required if outside funding is used. 15. CONTRACTS The successful awarded vendor(s) will be required to sign an original contract. A sample contract is attached. 16. INSURANCE The City requires standard insurance for services performed on site. The successful awarded vendor will be required to provide a certificate of insurance as outlined in the contract. 17. CHANGES DURING CONTRACT TERM Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 15 of 84 pages The awarded contractor shall not change specifications during the contract term without prior approval. Any deviation in the specifications or change in the products must be approved in advance by the City of Denton. Notice of a change shall be submitted in writing to purchasing@cityofdenton.com, with the solicitation number in the subject line, for review. Products/Services found to have changed specifications without notification, and acceptance, will be returned at the supplier’s expense. Products that have been installed will be replaced at the contractor’s expense. 18. ADDING NEW PRODUCTS OR SERVICES TO THE CONTRACT AFTER AWARD Following the Contract award, additional services or products of the same general category that could have been encompassed in the award of this contract, and that are not already on the contract, may be added. A formal written request may be sent to successful Contractor (s) to provide a proposal on the additional services and shall submit proposals to the City of Denton as instructed. All prices are subject to negotiation with a Best and Final Offer (“BAFO”). The City of Denton may accept or reject any or all pricing proposals, and may issue a separate solicitation for the services/products after rejecting some or all of the proposals. The commodities and services covered under this provision shall conform to the statement of work, specifications, and requirements as outlined in the request. Contract changes shall be made in accordance with Local Government Code 252.048 19. SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS The City does not warrant or guarantee against the possibility that safety or environmental hazards or potential hazards (including premises and special defects) may exist at the City’s facilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for identifying any hazardous conditions and notifying the City of these conditions in writing no later than 30 days after contract award and prior to initiation of service delivery on the property. This will be accomplished by the Contractor conducting an environmental assessment and an occupational health, and safety inspection of the service bay or field service areas by competent, qualified and appropriately licensed practitioners. The costs of these inspections and any subsequent corrective action will be negotiated between the City and the Contractor. All contractors to the City of Denton are required to ensure absolute safety standards are applied and enforced. The City of Denton will not be responsible for individual contractor safety, and the awarded contractor shall not hold the City of Denton responsible. Known hazards shall immediately be reported and all safety precautions shall be taken to prevent potential safety issues from occurring. 20. CONTRACTOR STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE Monthly Time Standards - Contractors shall fully understand that the City relies on the product or service of the solicitation to provide vital municipal services, and the availability and reliability of the equipment is of the essence. With this in mind, the Contractor shall meet the following performance standards at all times. Labor disputes, strikes, and other events, except those beyond the Contractor's control such as acts of God, shall not relieve the Contractor from meeting these standards. For service category, the Contractor must ensure the given level of service is achieved, within the designated number of working hours. Contractor shall deliver goods or services within specified delivery times for 95% of all orders. 21. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND PROPOSED SOLUTIONS Respondent shall offer written observations, based upon previous experiences in public projects of this magnitude, addressing any anticipated problems and offer proposed solutions to those problems. 22. ADDITIONAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 16 of 84 pages A. Prior to commencement of the services, the City and selected individual or business will conduct an initial meeting to review the overall scope, schedule, deliverables and planning process to implement a successful program. B. The awarded Contractor shall provide to the City of Denton, detailed reports of time and services provided to the City on a monthly basis. C. Staff available to assist the selected provider is limited; the proposals submitted should not anticipate extensive staff assistance during equipment repairs or maintenance. 23. PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS a. PAYMENT AND INVOICES: Payment processing: The City review, inspection, and processing procedures for invoices ordinarily require thirty (30) days after receipt of invoices, materials, or services. Submissions which call for payment before thirty (30) days from receipt of invoice, or cash discounts given on such payment, will be considered only if, in the opinion of the Purchasing Manager, the review, inspection, and processing procedures can be completed as specified. It is the intention of the City of Denton to make payment within thirty days after receipt of valid invoices for which items or services have been received unless unusual circumstances arise. The 30 day processing period for invoices will begin on the date the invoice is received or the date the items or services are received, whichever is later. Direct deposit for payments: Contractors are encouraged to arrange for receiving payments through direct deposit. Information regarding direct deposit payments is available from the City of Denton Purchasing website: www.dentonpurchasing.com. Invoices shall be sent directly to the City of Denton Accounts Payable Department, 215 E McKinney St, Denton, TX, 76201-4299. A pro-forma invoice shall be sent to the contract administrator as identified in the Notice to Proceed. It is the intention of the City of Denton to make payment on completed orders within thirty days after receipt of invoice or items; whichever is later, unless unusual circumstances arise. Invoices must be fully documented as to labor, materials, and equipment provided, if applicable, and must reference the City of Denton Purchase Order Number in order to be processed. No payments shall be made on invoices not listing a Purchase Order Number. b. PAYMENT TO PERFORMANCE MILESTONES Awarded contractor shall prepare and submit invoices after completion of specific project milestones. The invoice shall detail the major milestones accomplished and detailed cost information for project. These milestones shall be submitted to the City of Denton and the City’s Project Staff shall review such for completion and accuracy, prior to payment authorization. c. TAX EXEMPTION The City of Denton qualifies for sales tax exemption pursuant to the provisions of Article 20.04 (F) of the Texas Limited Sales, Excise and Use Tax Act. Any Contractor performing work under this contract for the City of Denton may purchase materials and supplies and rent or lease equipment sales tax free. This is accomplished by issuing exemption certificates to suppliers. Certificates must comply with State Comptroller’s ruling #95-0.07 and #95-0.09. 24. SUBMISSION ERRORS Prices offered shall be used for submission analysis and for agreement pricing. In case of errors in the pricing extension or totals, the unit pricing offered by the respondent will govern. 25. RIGHT TO PROTEST Any interested party who is aggrieved in connection with a solicitation or award of a contract above the formal Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 17 of 84 pages threshold may protest to the Procurement Director. Protests based upon alleged improprieties in a solicitation that are apparent before the solicitation due date shall be filed not less than five (5) working days before the solicitation due date. In all other cases, protests shall be filed within five (5) days of notice of intent to award or in the absence of a notice of intent to award, prior to the award date. Filing of a protest must be in accordance with Article 12 of the Procurement Policy Manual found on the City of Denton webpage, Materials Management department page, under the Standard Terms, Conditions, and Policies section. 5 4 General Provisions - Additional for Goods & Services 1. PREFERENCES A. LOCAL PREFERENCES 1. It is the intent of the City of Denton to comply with Sections 271.905 and 271.9051 of Texas Local Government Code allowing for consideration of the location of a bidder’s principal place of business in award of a bid. 2. Scope-This policy applies to the purchase of real property and personal property that is not affixed to real property or services (including construction services) through a Competitive Bid. Lowest Responsible Bid – Price is the single determinant factor when awarding a bid to a responsible bidder. Best Value Bid – Price is only one of a number of determining factors that are weighted for evaluation purposes. (Texas Local Government Code 252.043 3. Criteria A. Lowest Responsible Bids A five percent (5%) price differential will apply to construction bids less than $100,000 and all other bids, including services, less than $500,000. Excludes telecommunication and information services. A three percent (3%) price differential will apply to bids, excluding construction and services, greater than $500,000. The chart below is a summary of the criteria for Lowest Responsible Bids: oLocal Government Code 271.9051 oLocal Government Code 271.905 o 5% price differential o 3% price differential o Construction bids less than $100,000 o All other bids, excludes construction and services, greater than $500,000 o All other bids, including services, less than $500,000 B. Best Value Bids-Price is only one of a number of determining factors that are weighted for evaluation purposes as provided in Local Government Code 252.043. As a result, an additional weighted factor will be added to all such bids for bidders meeting local preference criteria. The appropriate weight, either 5% or 3%, will be consistent with the criteria outlined in the chart above. C. Local Bidder Preference Consideration Application A new and complete application must be submitted with each competitive bid by the due date, including Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 18 of 84 pages a Tax Certification from the Denton County Tax Assessor/Collector. This application serves to ensure the qualification of a bidder as a local bidder and serves as the basis for meeting the statute’s requirement that the governing body find, in writing, that a bidder is a local bidder. D. Bidders seeking local preference must meet all specifications and minimum requirements contained in the bid documents. E. Exceptions-This policy does not apply to purchases obtained through a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), Request for Proposals (RFP), bids involving Federal funds, Cooperative Programs or Interlocal Agreements. F. Award of Contract-The City Council may award a competitively bid contract to the lowest responsible bidder, local bidder or reject all bids. B. VENDORS THAT MEET OR EXCEED AIR QUALITY STANDARDS 1. This section applies only to a contract to be performed, wholly or partly, in a non-attainment area or in an affected county, as those terms are defined by Section 386.001, Health and Safety Code. 2. A governmental agency procuring goods or services may: give preference to goods or services of a vendor that demonstrates that the vendor meets or exceeds any state or federal environmental standards, including voluntary standards, relating to air quality; or require that a vendor demonstrate that the vendor meets or exceeds any state or federal environmental standards, including voluntary standards, relating to air quality. The preference may be given only if the cost to the governmental agency for the goods or services would not exceed 105 percent of the cost of the goods or services provided by a vendor who does not meet the standards.” 2. PERFORMANCE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES The Contractor shall incur contractual payment losses, as initiated by the City for performance that falls short of specified performance standards as outlined below: Delivery beyond contracted lead times Performance below contracted levels (services only) The Contractor shall be assessed a one (1%) percent fee each month when any one of the performance standards outlined above are not met in full. The Contractor shall be assessed a two (2%) percent profit fee each month when any two (2) or more performance standards outlined above are not met in full. At the end of each month, the City will review the monthly reports and determine the percentage of penalty to be assessed to the Contractor’s monthly profit margin. 3. WARRANTIES The contractor shall provide a warranty that is standard in the industry. Repair or Maintenance of fleet not performed to industry standards shall be accomplished at the contractor’s expense, at the option of the City. 4. QUANTITIES Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 19 of 84 pages The quantities indicated on the Pricing Sheet are estimates based upon the best available information. The City reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantities to meet its actual needs without any adjustments in the prices. Individual purchase orders will be issued on an as needed basis. 5. SAMPLES Respondents must make samples available upon request by the City of Denton prior to award with no costs to the City. 6. AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR The respondent shall be the manufacturer or authorized distributor of the proposed products. The distributor shall be authorized to sell to the City of Denton, and make available the manufacturer’s representative as needed by the City. 7. SUBSTITUTIONS Substitutions are not permitted without the written approval of The City of Denton Purchasing Department. If specific manufacturers, brands or part numbers are listed in the exhibits, the City will not accept substitutes. If the manufacturer part numbers provided has been updated, but do not change the material functionality, please note the change in bid exceptions. 8. SHIPPING, DELIVERY, AND PACKAGING Identification of Shipments: In addition to the complete destination address, each delivery must be clearly marked with the purchase order number. Each shipment must be accompanied by a packing slip. Packaging and Labeling: All items shipped must be properly labeled, with weather resistant labeling, showing the brand name, package quantity, lot number (if applicable) and any other necessary identifying information. Special Delivery Requirements: City Department representatives may have specific, internal delivery rules and policies. These will be provided on each purchase order issued. The contractor(s) will be required to adhere to those requirements. Hours of Delivery: Delivery shall be made during the hours of 8:00 am to 3:00 pm (CST) unless prior approval for after-hours delivery has been obtained from the City. In the event of any approval by the City for after-hours delivery, Contractor may not invoice any additional charges for that delivery. Contractor is encouraged to obtain City's hours of operation at time of order. Delivery Schedule: Respondent's shall furnish, in the space indicated on the price sheet, a delivery schedule for each line item as to time required for delivery after receipt of order (ARO) under normal conditions. Delivery Days means calendar days, unless otherwise specified. Failure to state delivery time may disqualify Respondent. The City of Denton, at its sole option, may choose to negotiate delivery times. Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 20 of 84 pages Delivery Delays: If delay is foreseen, Contractor shall give written notice to the City and must keep City advised at all times of the status of order. Default in promised delivery (without accepted reasons) or failure to meet specifications authorizes the City to purchase goods and services of this solicitation elsewhere and charge any increased costs for the goods and services, including the cost of re-soliciting, to the Contractor. Failure to pay a damage assessment is cause for contract cancellation and/or removal of the contractor from the City's authorized list of suppliers. Compliant Products: Providing products or materials which do not meet all specification requirements does not constitute delivery.Delivery does not occur until the contractor delivers products ormaterials in full compliance with the specifications to City's F.O.B. destination, unless delivery is specifically accepted, in whole or in part, by the Customer. City reserves the right to require new delivery or a refund in the event that materials or products not meeting specifications are discovered after payment has been made. Restocking Fee: The City may request that a contractor accept return of merchandise already delivered or that a contractor cancel an order prior to delivery. If the return is required through no fault of the contractor, the contractor may request a reasonable restocking charge. The Customer may pay a restocking charge if the City determines that the charge is justifiable. As a guideline, such charges shall not exceed 10%. There shall be no fees charged for cancellation of an order prior to shipment by the Contractor. 5 5 Bid Acceptance I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions, Specifications, and Insurance requirements, contained herein, and further agree to abide and accept said Terms, Conditions and Specifications. Yes Yes - with exceptions (Please Select) (Required: Check only one) 5 6 Bid Acceptance Exceptions If you answered yes - with exceptions to the above question please list the exceptions. (Additional exceptions will not be allowed during the negotiation process) (Optional: Maximum 4000 characters allowed) 5 7 Additional Agreement Any additional agreement that the supplier wishes to have considered as part of the resulting contract shall be attached and submitted with the response to this solicitation. Any agreement that is submitted after the closing date of the solicitation shall not be considered. Please note that agreements in direct conflict with the terms and conditions of this solicitation may result in rejection of your response to the solicitation. Acknowledged (Required: Check if applicable) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 21 of 84 pages 5 8 Acknowledgement The undersigned agrees this submission becomes the property of the City of Denton after the official opening. The undersigned affirms he has familiarized himself with the specification, drawings, exhibits and other documents; the local conditions under which the work is to be performed; satisfied himself of the conditions of delivery, handling and storage of materials and equipment; and all other matters that will be required for the work before submitting a response. The undersigned agrees, if this submission is accepted, to furnish any and all items/services upon which prices are offered, at the price(s) and upon the terms and conditions contained in the specification; The period for acceptance of this submission will be 120 calendar days unless a different period is noted. The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this submission has not been prepared in collusion with any other respondent, nor any employee of the City of Denton, and that the contents of this submission have not been communicated to any other respondent or to any employee of the City of Denton prior to the acceptance of this submission. Respondent hereby assigns to the City any and all claims for overcharges associated with this contract which arise under the antitrust laws of the United States, 15 USCA Section 1 et seq., and which arise under the antitrust laws of the State of Texas, Tex. Bus. & Com. Code, Section 15.01, et seq. The undersigned affirms that they have read and do understand the specifications, all exhibits and attachments contained in this solicitation package. The undersigned agrees that the solicitation package posted on the website are the official specifications and shall not alter the electronic copy of the specifications and/or pricing sheet, without clearly identifying changes. The undersigned understands they will be responsible for monitoring the City of Denton Purchasing Website at: City of Denton Solicitations to ensure they have downloaded all addendum(s). I certify that I have made no willful misrepresentations in this submission, nor have I withheld information in my statements and answers to questions. I am aware that the information given by me in this submission will be investigated, with my full permission, and that any misrepresentations or omissions may cause my submission to be rejected. Acknowledge (Required: Check if applicable) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 22 of 84 pages 5 9 Certificate of Interested Parties Electronic Filing In 2015, the Texas Legislature adopted House Bill 1295, which added section 2252.908 of the Government Code. The law states that the City may not enter into this contract unless the Contractor submits a disclosure of interested parties (Form 1295) to the City at the time the Contractor submits the signed contract. The Texas Ethics Commission has adopted rules requiring the business entity to file Form 1295 electronically with the Commission. Contractor will be required to furnish an original Certificate of Interest Parties before the contract is awarded, in accordance with Government Code 2252.908. The contractor shall: 1. Log onto the State Ethics Commission Website at : https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/whatsnew/elf_info_form1295.htm 2. Register utilizing the tutorial provided by the State 3. Print a copy of the completed Form 1295 4. Enter the Certificate Number on page 2 of this contract. 5. Sign the Form 1295 6. Email the form to purchasing@cityofdenton.com with the contract number in the subject line. (EX: Contract 1234 - Form 1295) The City must acknowledge the receipt of the filed Form 1295 not later than the 30th day after Council award. Once a Form 1295 is acknowledged, it will be posted to the Texas Ethics Commission's website within seven business days. Acknowledge (Optional: Check if applicable) Bid Lines 1 Package Header SECTION A: ANCHORING & GROUND Total:$ No bid Package Items 1.1 ANCHOR 10 WAY + (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE# 1082 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1.2 ANCHOR SHACKLE GA ^ (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:W/BOLT,NUT&C-KEY, #AS25WBNK Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 23 of 84 pages 1.3 ANCHOR, SCREW REINFORCED 10"+ (Response required) Quantity:160 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 102-5205 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1.4 CLAMP PUNCH-LOCK 4" TP-16 (Response required) Quantity:250 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:DIXON# F16 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1.5 CLAMP, GROUND ROD 5/8" +\ (Response required) Quantity:600 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:JOSYLN # CP58 / BURNDY GRC58 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1.6 COMPRESSION COU FOR 3/4" G ROD (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ERITECH CC34 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1.7 POLE PLATE + (Response required) Quantity:350 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HOMAC 5575 / BLACKBURN GP100 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1.8 ROD FOR SCREW REINFORCED 10"+ (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:DIXIE# D-75-D W/3/4 / CHANCE E102-0044 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1.9 ROD, ANCHOR 1" X10' W/TWINEYE+ (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:FOR 10 WAY, CHANCE 5370 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 24 of 84 pages 1.10 ROD, FOR 8"-10'' SCREW ANCHOR+ (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:JOSLYN#J12253R.2 W/TWINEYE NUT Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1.11 ROD, GROUND, COPPER 3/4"x10'+ (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ERICO/CADWELD #613400 10 MIL Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1.12 ROD, GROUND, COPPER 5/8" X 8'+ (Response required) Quantity:400 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ERITECH# 615883 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1.13 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1.14 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2 Package Header SECTION B: CONDUCTOR SUPPORT Total:$ No bid Package Items 2.1 BAIL FOR STRANDVISE 3/8 (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HUBBELL # 3005152 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 25 of 84 pages 2.2 CLAMP HOTLINE #4-300 MCM+ (Response required) Quantity:500 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SQ. D AH-7-GP/CHANCE S-1545AGP Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.3 CLAMP HOTLINE #6-3/0 +\ (Response required) Quantity:600 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE S-1534AGP (50/BX) / MUST HAVE 3/4" HEX NUT HEAD - #6-3/0 ONLY! Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.4 CLAMP, DEADEND 3/0-477 + (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MACLEAN HDSO-88/ ANDSN ADEZ88N Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.5 CLAMP, 2/0-250 (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY# GAR1529 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.6 CLAMP-GR, 2/0-250 CA TO 2 (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY GAR1829 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.7 CLAMP, GROUND CONNECTOR 4/0 ^ (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SEFCOR# GTC-14B Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.8 CONDUIT STANDOFF BRACKET + (Response required) Quantity:100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HPS C6CSO / ALUMAFORM 6-CSO Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 26 of 84 pages 2.9 CONDUIT, ALUMINUM 2" x 10' + (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:JT Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PURCHASE & SOLD AS 10' JOINT Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.10 CONDUIT, ALUMINUM 2.5 "x 10' + (Response required) Quantity:60 UOM:JT Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PURCHASE & SOLD AS 10' JOINT Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.11 CONDUIT, ALUMINUM 3" x 10' (Response required) Quantity:60 UOM:JT Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PURCHASE & SOLD AS 10' JOINT Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.12 CONDUIT, ALUMINUM 4" x 10' + (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:JT Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PURCHASE & SOLD AS 10' JOINT Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.13 CONDUIT, ALUMINUM 6" x 10' + (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:JT Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PURCHASE & SOLD AS 10' JOINT Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.14 DEADEND, AUTO 2AL- 4ACSR CLEV+ (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MACLEAN #7652 AP LD Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.15 DEADEND, AUTO CU 6 SOL, LOOP+ (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MACLEAN 61 FD /HUBBELL GD-111 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 27 of 84 pages 2.16 HEAD, WEATHER 2" + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BRIDGEPORT# 1256 / TOPAZ #736 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.17 HEAD, WEATHER 2.5" + (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BLACKBURN# DEH250 / STEEL CITY SH107 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.18 HEAD, WEATHER 3" (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:T&B Steel City# SH108 or Equivalent Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.19 HEAD, WEATHER 4" + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BRIDGEPORT# 1260 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.20 LOCKNUT, CONDUIT 2 1/2" + (Response required) Quantity:600 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:T & B - STEEL CITY LN107 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.21 POSITIONER CABLE + (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ALUMA CS-820 / CHANCE CCS-820 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.22 STRANDLINK 3/8" + (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RELIABLE 5002 /HUBBELL GLS5002 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 28 of 84 pages 2.23 STRANDVISE 3/8" + \ (Response required) Quantity:1000 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RELIABLE 5202/HUBBELL GDE-5202 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.24 STRAP AL, CONDUIT 2 HOLE 2" + (Response required) Quantity:130 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ALUMAFORM# STK-2"/HPS CSTK2 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.25 STRAP AL, CONDUIT 2 HOLE 2.5"+ (Response required) Quantity:75 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ALUMAFORM STK-2.5" /HPS CSTK25 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.26 STRAP AL, CONDUIT 2 HOLE 3" + (Response required) Quantity:75 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ALUMAFORM# STK3/HPS# CSTK3 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.27 STRAP AL, CONDUIT 2 HOLE 4" + (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ALUMAFORM STK-4/ HPS CSTK4 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.28 STRAP AL, CONDUIT 2 HOLE 6" + (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ALUMAFORM STK-6"/ HPS CSTK-6 / ALUMAFORM, CHANCE, STEEL CITY, BRIDGEPORT, OR REGAL Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.29 STRAP, CONDUIT 2 HOLE 2" + (Response required) Quantity:25 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:STEEL CITY HS906 / ALUMAFORM, CHANCE, STEEL CITY, BRIDGEPORT, OR REGAL Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 29 of 84 pages 2.30 STRAP, CONDUIT 2 HOLE 4" + (Response required) Quantity:25 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:/ ALUMAFORM, CHANCE, STEEL CITY, BRIDGEPORT, OR REGAL Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.31 SUPPORT, CABLE TRAY 14" + (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:UG DEVICES # RA 14 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.32 T SLOTS, STANDOFF BAR 5' + (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ALUMINUM, CHANCE C4WT-60 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.33 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2.34 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 3 Package Header SECTION C: CONDUIT PLUGS-ETCO Total:$ No bid Package Items 3.1 PLUG,CONDUIT,4”,3H,FOR #2 TRI (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ETCO # SZ-395-3125 ONLY / ETCO ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 30 of 84 pages 3.2 Plug, Conduit 4" 3H for 4/0 (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ETCO# SZ-395-3132 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 3.3 PLUG,CONDUIT,6”,4H, 500CU (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ETCO # SZ-595-3144-1505 ONLY / ETCO ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 3.4 PLUG,CONDUIT,6”,4H, 750CU (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ETCO #SZ-595-3177-1505 ONLY / ETCO ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 3.5 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 3.6 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4 Package Header SECTION D: CONNECTORS Total:$ No bid Package Items 4.1 CONNECTOR, 1 BOLT 4/0 + (Response required) Quantity:500 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:FARGO # GC-8040 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 31 of 84 pages 4.2 CONNECTOR, 1-BOLT,#1/0STR-#8SOL+\ (Response required) Quantity:750 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HPS GC8010 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.3 CONNECTOR, ARRESTER LUG + (Response required) Quantity:1500 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HUB#GC207LA(#6-1/0)/BVC207IT / BVC-207IT Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.4 CONNECTOR, INSULATED MULITAP 3+ (Response required) Quantity:70 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ILSCO - NIMBUS # PBTD3-500 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.5 CONNECTOR, INSULATED MULITAP 5+ (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ILSCO - NIMBUS# PBTD5-500 / BURNDY BIBD6005 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.6 CONNECTOR, SHEAR BOLT (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:3M #QCI-350-750 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.7 CONNECTOR, TRANS,STUDMOUNT 5/8"+ (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CMC# RLS350-6I (5/8") Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.8 INSULINK, #2 TO #4 + \ (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY ES2R2W / BLKBRN ICS72-1 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 32 of 84 pages 4.9 INSULINK, #4 T0 #4 +\ (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY ES2W2W/BLKBRN ICS68-1 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.10 LUG, #2 CU, 1 HOLE, 1/2" DIA + (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY YA2C-L6-BOX / BLACKBURN CTL2-12 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.11 LUG, #2 CU, 1 HOLE, 3/8" DIA + (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY YA2C-L4-BOX / BLACKBURN CTL2-38 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.12 LUG, 4/0 CU, 2 HOLE, 1/2" DIA+ (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY YA282N/ BLKBRN LCN-40 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.13 LUG, TAP #2 350MCM SINGLE + (Response required) Quantity:600 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PENN UNION LSN-035N-TN Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.14 LUG, TAP 2/0 100MCM DOUBLE+ (Response required) Quantity:550 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ANDERSON TLD89L Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.15 LUG, TAP, SINGLE 350-750MCM + (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PENN-UNION LSN-075-TN Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 33 of 84 pages 4.16 LUG, TRANSFORMER GROUND 3/8+ (Response required) Quantity:600 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HUBBELL GC-207/MACLEAN BVC-207 / #8-1/0 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.17 SLEEVE DISCONNECT TB-7 (MTR)+ (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PLASTIC DESIGN# ZWS-2 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.18 SPLICE TENS AL 1/0-2/0 AUTO+\ (Response required) Quantity:25 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MACLEAN 7654 AP, FARGO GL-407 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.19 SPLICE TENSION AL #2-#4 STR +\ (Response required) Quantity:75 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RELIABLE# 7652 / FARGO GL4042A Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.20 SPLICE TENSION AL 4/0 + \ (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MACLEAN 7656AP/FARGO GL-409A Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.21 SPLICE TENSION CU #4 SOL +\ (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RELIABLE #41 / FARGO GL-112 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.22 SPLICE TENSION CU #6 SOL +\ (Response required) Quantity:100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RELIABLE #61 OR FARGO #GL-111 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 34 of 84 pages 4.23 SQUEEZON, 2/0-1/0 TO #2-#6 +\ (Response required) Quantity:1100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BLACKBURN WR289/ KEARNEY502-82 / BURNDY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.24 SQUEEZON, #2-#6 TO #2-#6 +\ (Response required) Quantity:1000 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BLACKBURN WR159/KEARNEY 506-82 / BURNDY WILL NOT BE ACCPETED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.25 SQUEEZON, 1/0-#2 TO #2-#6 +\ (Response required) Quantity:1000 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BLACKBURN WR189/KEARNEY 508-82 / BURNDY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.26 SQUEEZON, 2/0-1/0 TO2/0-1/0 +\ (Response required) Quantity:300 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BLACKBURN WR279/KEARNEY 504-82 / BURNDY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.27 SQUEEZON, 4/0 TO 2/0-1/0 +\ (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BLACKBURN WR399/KEARNEY 505-82 / BURNDY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.28 SQUEEZON, 4/0 TO 4/0 +\ (Response required) Quantity:250 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BLACKBURN WR419/KEARNEY 507-82 / BURNDY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 35 of 84 pages 4.29 SQUEEZON, FOR 4/0 TO #2-#6 +\ (Response required) Quantity:900 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BLACKBURN WR379/KEARNEY 503-82 / BURNDY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.30 SQUEEZON, STREETLIGHT CONN +\ (Response required) Quantity:550 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY 421-82 /BLACKBURN WR-9 Additional notesItem Notes:KEARNEY 421-82 /BLACKBURN WR-9 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.31 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 4.32 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5 Package Header SECTION E: CONNECTORS-BURNDY AND KEARNEY Total:$ No bid Package Items 5.1 AIRSEAL, 8"X8" PAD + (Response required) Quantity:15 UOM:BX Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY # 18415-1 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.2 CONNECTOR, CRIMP ON,3450-4/0^ (Response required) Quantity:60 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:B# 25003484, BIPC5004/0 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 36 of 84 pages 5.3 CRIMPIT, CU 2SOL-2 STR,8S-4STR+ (Response required) Quantity:600 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY YC2C4 ONLY (100/BX) Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.4 CRIMPIT, CU 2SOL-2STR +\ (Response required) Quantity:1200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY YC2C2 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.5 CRIMPIT, CU 6S-4ST, 4SOL-4STR+\ (Response required) Quantity:500 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY YC4C4 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.6 CRIMPIT, CU 6S-4ST, 8SOL-4STR+\ (Response required) Quantity:250 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY YC4C8 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.7 CRIMPIT, CU 6SOL-4STR,6S-6ST+\ (Response required) Quantity:300 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY YC4C6 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.8 INSULINK #2 TO #2 + \ (Response required) Quantity:250 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY ES2R2R Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.9 INSULINK #4 TO #8 +\ (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY ES2W6W Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 37 of 84 pages 5.10 LUG, 2H FOR 750 MCM (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY# YA392NG5 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.11 LUG, 500MCM UNISHIELD + (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY YA34-2N Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.12 LUG-COMP 2 HL 2/0 AWG 1/2"BOLT (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:TIN PLTD BURNDY YA262N / N125 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.13 SLEEVE, NEUTRAL #2 STR AL +\ (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY #30010 / BURNDY YSS2R Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.14 SLEEVE, NEUTRAL #4 +\ (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY#30009/BURNDY YSS4R Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.15 SPLICE 4/0 CU FULL TENSION + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY # YDS28 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.16 SPLICE CU 4/0 COMPRESS. + (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY#YS28 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 38 of 84 pages 5.17 SPLICE FULL TENSION,AL,556+ (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY#YDS351AT FOR( 556.5MCM) / FOR 556.5 MCM Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.18 SPLICE TENSION AL 795 AUTO AAC (ARBUTUS), MUST BE 18,000 # (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MACLEAN AL55795 ONLY / CAN NOT ACCEPT HUBBELL # FTA- 795 HPS or FARGO # BL-1385A Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.19 SPLICE TENSION,AL,477-556 AAC+ (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MACLEAN # 7659 (918354) Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.20 SQUEEZON 301 #6-#6 +\ (Response required) Quantity:125 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY 301-82 ONLY / BLACKBURN WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.21 SQUEEZON COPPER BUTTON +\ (Response required) Quantity:600 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY YC8C8 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.22 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 5.23 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6 Package Header Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 39 of 84 pages SECTION F: CONNECTORS-SHOOT-ON AMP Total:$ No bid Package Items 6.1 CONNECTOR, SHOOTON, 336 AAC-336AAC (Response required) Quantity:12 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 602006 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.2 CONNECTOR, SHOOTON, 4/0-4/0 (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 600466 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.3 CONNECTOR, SHOOTON, 477/556AAC-336 (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 1-602031-4 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.4 CONNECTOR, SHOOTON, 477/556AAC-4/0 (Response required) Quantity:60 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 1-602031-6 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.5 CONNECTOR, SHOOTON, 477/556AAC-477 (Response required) Quantity:500 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 1-602031-3 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.6 CONNECTOR, SHOOTON, 556.5-#6 (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 2-602031-2 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 40 of 84 pages 6.7 CONNECTOR, SHOOTON, 556AAC-#2ACSR/#2 (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 602031-8 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.8 CONNECTOR, SHOOTON, 556AAC-2/0ACSRCU (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 1-602031-8/69338-4 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.9 CONNECTOR, SHOOTON, 556AAC-556AAC (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 1-602031-2 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.10 CONNECTOR, SHOOTON, 795AAC-336AAC (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 602121-7 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.11 CONNECTOR, SHOOTON, 795AAC-4/0 (Response required) Quantity:15 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 602121-9 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.12 CONNECTOR, SHOOTON, 795AAC-477AAC (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 602121-5 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.13 CONNECTOR, SHOOTON, 795AAC-795AAC (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 602121-2 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 41 of 84 pages 6.14 CONNECTOR, SHOOTON, 795AAC-795AAC (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 602121 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.15 INLINE SWITCH SHOOTON 477 (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 83843-5 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.16 INLINE SWITCH SHOOTON 795 (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 83843-6 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.17 SHELLS, AMPACT BLUE (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 69338-1 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.18 SHELLS, AMPACT YELLOW (Response required) Quantity:2000 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP # 69338-4 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.19 STIRRUP, CONNECTOR, SHOOTON 477AAC (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:397-556 TO 1/0; AMP# 602047 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.20 STIRRUP, CONNECTOR, SHOOTON 556 AAC (Response required) Quantity:100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:556 TO 1/0; AMP# 602104 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 42 of 84 pages 6.21 STIRRUP, CONNECTOR, SHOOTON 795 AAC (Response required) Quantity:100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AMP# 602162 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.22 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 6.23 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 7 Package Header SECTION G: CUTOUTS-ABB Total:$ No bid Package Items 7.1 CUTOUT BLADE SOLID FOR ABB + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ABB 278C310A14( 200 AMP) / ABB ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 7.2 CUTOUT BLADE, SOLID, ABB + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ABB 7194C60GO4 (100 AMP) / ABB ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 7.3 CUTOUT DOOR 200 AMP + (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ABB# 278C310A13 / ABB ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 43 of 84 pages 7.4 CUTOUT, 200AMP (ABB ONLY) 15KV+ (Response required) Quantity:80 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ABB Y1NCBNUA21 W/ LOAD BREAK / ABB ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 7.5 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 7.6 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 8 Package Header SECTION H: FIBERGLASS PRODUCTS Total:$ No bid Package Items 8.1 ARM, DEADEND,10' HD FBGLS + (Response required) Quantity:75 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SHAKESPEARE # IDB120G12242 / ALUMAFORM FDA40-4-120-EB- IP Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 8.2 ARM, DEADEND,FBRGLS HD 8',10K+ (Response required) Quantity:75 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MC PY08SD0042ESM /IDB096G12242 / ALUMAFORM FDA40-4-96- EB-IP Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 44 of 84 pages 8.3 ARM, FBRGLS, SLIM LINE 18" + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CONTINENTAL # GPB.5668M.16V / CONTINENTAL # GPB.5668M.16V MAC G1HDA118DV1/ CHCE 1SBH18V1 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 8.4 ARM, TANGENT FBRGLASS HD 8' + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MACLEAN PW08ST-003 / SHAKESPEARE # HTB09N12602 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 8.5 BRACKET, F/GLASS POTHEAD 1PH + (Response required) Quantity:40 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MACLEAN G1MDA112AD (20/PK) / HUBBELL 1SBM12AMT Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 8.6 BRACKET, F/GLASS POTHEAD 3PH+ (Response required) Quantity:60 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MACLEAN G3MA014013DD Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 8.7 BRACKET, FIBERGLASS 18" + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ALUMAFORM#FICA-MVA-18-S1H / CHANCE 1SBM18AMTB NOT ACCEPTED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 8.8 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 8.9 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 45 of 84 pages 9 Package Header SECTION I: FIBER ACCESSORIES Total:$ No bid Package Items 9.1 1715 DEADEND, THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER IS OD .661" (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PLP 2872105C1E1 / DULMISON#AS02-FDEM1715 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 9.2 SUPPORT, IN LINE PLP , OD .661 (Response required) Quantity:400 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AFL-TELE-ATGN626/675 ONLY / THE DIAMETER OF THIS ITEM NEEDS TO BE .661" Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 9.3 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 9.4 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1 0 Package Header SECTION J: FORMED WIRE Total:$ No bid Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 46 of 84 pages Package Items 10.1 MOLDING, GUY GUARD, YELLOW 8'+ (Response required) Quantity:325 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PREFORMED #PG-5405 or PG-5518 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 10.2 TIE, DOUBLE SIDE 556.5 + (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PREFORMED DBST 1110 -(50/BX) / HPS # LLDU4162AS Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 10.3 TIE, DOUBLE SIDE FOR 795 + (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PREFORMED DBST 1111 (50/BX) / HPS # LLDU4163AS Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 10.4 TIE, DOUBLESUPORT 556.5 19W AL+ (Response required) Quantity:250 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PREFORMED#DST0160 (50/CTN) / HPS # LDID0556 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 10.5 TIE, DOUBLESUPORT 795 37W AL+ (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PREFORMED#DST-0161 50/CTN / HPS # LDID0795 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 10.6 TIE, SPOOL 4/0 BARE AL EZ-WRAP+ (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PREFORMED# EZSP-4378 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 10.7 TIE, SPOOL FOR 556.5 + (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PREFORMED EZSP-4382 ONLY / EZ-WRAP Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 47 of 84 pages 10.8 TIES SERVICE GRIP #2 +\ (Response required) Quantity:1000 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PREFORMED #SG-4504 (200/BX) / HPS # SGFW4504 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 10.9 TIES SERVICE GRIP #4 + \ (Response required) Quantity:300 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PREFORMED #SG-4502(300/BOX) / HPS # SGFW4502 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 10.10 TIES SERVICE GRIP 4/0 +\ (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PREFORMED #SG-4509 (100/BOX) / HPS # SGFW4509 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 10.11 TIES TOP FOR 795 ARBUTUS + (Response required) Quantity:400 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PREFORMED # WTF-0228 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 10.12 TIES TOP FOR AL 556 AAC MISTLETOE+ (Response required) Quantity:800 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PREFORMED# WTF 0225 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 10.13 TIES, SERVICE GRIP 2/0 +\ (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PREFORMED# SG4507 / HPS # SGFW4507 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 10.14 WIRE, GUY CAGE DISP + \ (Response required) Quantity:75 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SGD-0700 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 48 of 84 pages 10.15 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 10.16 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1 1 Package Header SECTION K: FOUNDATION PRODUCTS Total:$ No bid Package Items 11.1 BOX, STREETLIGHT 12X12 WITH ELECTRIC ON LID AND 3/8" LARGE PENTA HEAD BOLTS (Response required) Quantity:100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ARMORCAST A6001423A / QUAZITE PG1212Z50ITE OR PC1212500T Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 11.2 RACK, CABLE 36" X 4" + (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:UG DEVICES # CR 36 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 11.3 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 11.4 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 49 of 84 pages 1 2 Package Header SECTION L: FUSING AND PROTECTION-KEARNEY Total:$ No bid Package Items 12.1 FUSE LINK, 10 AMP T + \ (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51010 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.2 FUSE LINK, 100 AMP T +\ (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51100 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.3 FUSE LINK, 12 AMP T +\ (Response required) Quantity:75 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51012 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.4 FUSE LINK, 140 AMP T +\ (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51140 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.5 FUSE LINK, 15 AMP T +\ (Response required) Quantity:100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51015 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.6 FUSE LINK, 2 AMP T + \ (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51002 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 50 of 84 pages 12.7 FUSE LINK, 20 AMP T +\ (Response required) Quantity:75 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51020 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.8 FUSE LINK, 25 AMP T + \ (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51025 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.9 FUSE LINK, 3 AMP T +\ (Response required) Quantity:75 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51003 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.10 FUSE LINK, 30 AMP T +\ (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51030 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.11 FUSE LINK, 40 AMP T +\ (Response required) Quantity:125 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51040 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.12 FUSE LINK, 50 AMP K +\ (Response required) Quantity:100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 31050 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.13 FUSE LINK, 50 AMP T +\ (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51050 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 51 of 84 pages 12.14 FUSE LINK, 6 AMP T + \ (Response required) Quantity:225 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51006 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.15 FUSE LINK, 65 AMP T + \ (Response required) Quantity:350 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51065 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.16 FUSE LINK, 8 AMP T +\ (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY# 51008 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.17 FUSE LINK, 80 AMP T +\ (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:KEARNEY #51080 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.18 FUSE, BUTTON FOR 200A CUTOUT+\ (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:FOR 140 & 200 AMP T FUSE-12049 / KEARNEY 12049 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.19 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 12.20 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1 3 Package Header SECTION M: FUSING AND PROTECTION-S&C FUSES Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 52 of 84 pages Total:$ No bid Package Items 13.1 FUSE, S&C 100E + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SMU-20, #612100 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 13.2 FUSE, S&C 10E + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SMU-20 #612010 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 13.3 FUSE, S&C 125E + (Response required) Quantity:15 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SMU-20, #612125 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 13.4 FUSE, S&C 150E + (Response required) Quantity:15 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SMU-20 #612150 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 13.5 FUSE, S&C 15E + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SMU-20 #612015 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 13.6 FUSE, S&C 20E (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SMU-20, #612020 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 53 of 84 pages 13.7 FUSE, S&C 25E + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SMU-20 #612025 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 13.8 FUSE, S&C 30E + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SMU# 612030 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 13.9 FUSE, S&C 40E + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SMU, #612040 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 13.10 FUSE, S&C 50E + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SMU-20, #612050 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 13.11 FUSE, S&C 65E + (Response required) Quantity:80 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SMU-20, #612065 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 13.12 FUSE, S&C 80E + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SMU-20, #612080 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 13.13 FUSE, S&C, END FITTING + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SML20-3097- (CABINET FUSE) Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 54 of 84 pages 13.14 FUSE, S&C, END FITTING, PME GEAR+ (Response required) Quantity:15 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SME#20 3093- Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 13.15 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 13.16 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1 4 Package Header SECTION N: FUSING AND PROTECTION-BAY-O-NET FUSES AND FUSTRON Total:$ No bid Package Items 14.1 FUSE, BAYONET, 100 AMP + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RTE 353C 16 100AMP01284 / HOWARD 0061.002803.000 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 14.2 FUSE, BAYONET, 125 AMP + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RTE 4038361C05CB Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 14.3 FUSE, BAYONET, 15 AMP + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RTE 358C 08 15 AMP 785 / HOWARD 0061.002800.000 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 55 of 84 pages 14.4 FUSE, BAYONET, 25 AMP + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:COOPER 4000358C10B Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 14.5 FUSE, BAYONET, 40 AMP + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RTE 358C12 / HOWARD 0061.002802.000 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 14.6 FUSE, BAYONET, 50 AMP + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RTE 0061-002822-000B Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 14.7 FUSE, BAYONET, 65 AMP + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RTE 358C14 / HOWARD 0061.002823.000 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 14.8 FUSE, BAYONET, 8 AMP + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RTE 358C 05 8 AMP 23988 / HOWARD 0061.002821.000 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 14.9 FUSETRON 10 AMP FNM 250V + (Response required) Quantity:120 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:GOULD# TMR-10 / FERRAZ SHAWMUNT TRM 10 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 14.10 FUSETRON 20 AMP MAX500V + (Response required) Quantity:100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BUSSMAN#FNQ-20 / FERRAZ SHAWMUT ATQ20 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 56 of 84 pages 14.11 FUSETRON 30 AMP MAX500V +\ (Response required) Quantity:75 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BUSSMAN#FNQ-30 / FERRAZ SHAWMUT # ATQ30 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 14.12 FUSETRON 60 AMP FRN + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BUSSMAN # FRN-R-60 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 14.13 FUSETRON 60 AMP FRS + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BUSSMAN # FRS-6-60 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 14.14 FUSETRON 7 AMP FNM + (Response required) Quantity:70 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:GOULD# TMR-7/BUSS FNM7 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 14.15 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 14.16 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1 5 Package Header SECTION O: FUSING AND PROTECTION-MISCELLANEOUS Total:$ No bid Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 57 of 84 pages Package Items 15.1 ARRESTER, W/CAP W/O BRACKET + (Response required) Quantity:600 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HUBBELL #221609-7314 / JOSLYN WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 15.2 CUTOUT DOOR, 100AMP NEW STYLE (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE # T710-112T Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 15.3 CUTOUT, 100 AMP NO HARDWARE+ (Response required) Quantity:325 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HPS C710112P , ABB X1NCANAM11 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 15.4 CUTOUT, POLY, 100A 15KV + (Response required) Quantity:325 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HPS CP710-112P Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 15.5 CUTOUT, POLY, 200A 15KV + (Response required) Quantity:325 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HPS CP710-143P Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 15.6 DISCONNECT, RISER 600 AMP + (Response required) Quantity:60 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:LINE TAP SW,BRIDGES LER164Y-02 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 15.7 DISCONNECT, RISER 900 AMP + (Response required) Quantity:40 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:LINE TAP SWTCH BRIDGES LER394Y Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 58 of 84 pages 15.8 FUSE HOLDER, "BUSSMAN" + (Response required) Quantity:190 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BUSSMAN# HEB-AA/FEB-11-11 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 15.9 FUSE HOLDER, "HOMAC" + (Response required) Quantity:80 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HOMAC DYU-M - NON FUSED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 15.10 FUSE HOLDER, KEARNEY DOORS ^ (Response required) Quantity:75 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:COOPER IND #184101-000S6 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 15.11 FUSE LIMITRON KTK 30 AMP + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BUSS # KTK-30 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 15.12 FUSE, CAPACITOR 40AMP 8.3K + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:COOPER#FA5J40 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 15.13 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 15.14 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1 6 Package Header SECTION P: HARDWARE Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 59 of 84 pages Total:$ No bid Package Items 16.1 BOLT DA 5/8 X 16" +\ (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8866 / JOSLYN J8866 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.2 BOLT DA 5/8 X 20" +\ (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8870 / JOSLYN J8870 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.3 BOLT DA 5/8 X 24" +\ (Response required) Quantity:300 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8874 / JOSLYN J8874 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.4 BOLT DA 5/8 X 30" +\ (Response required) Quantity:75 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8878 / JOSLYN J8878 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.5 BOLT EYE 5/8 X 14" +\ (Response required) Quantity:250 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 29964 / JOSLYN J9414 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.6 BOLT MACHINE 1/2" X 7" +\ (Response required) Quantity:1100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8707 / JOSYLN J8707 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 60 of 84 pages 16.7 BOLT MACHINE 3/4 X 12" +\ (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8912 / JOSLYN J8912 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.8 BOLT MACHINE 3/4 X 14" W/ NUT+ (Response required) Quantity:300 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8914 / JOSLYN J8914 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.9 BOLT MACHINE 3/4 X 16" +\ (Response required) Quantity:250 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8916 / JOSLYN J8916 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.10 BOLT MACHINE 3/4' X 18" + (Response required) Quantity:15 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8918/ JOSLYN J8918 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.11 BOLT MACHINE 5/8 X 10" +\ (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8810 / JOSLYN C8810 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.12 BOLT MACHINE 5/8 X 12" +\ (Response required) Quantity:400 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8812 / JOSLYN J8812 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.13 BOLT MACHINE 5/8 X 14" +\ (Response required) Quantity:2000 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8814 / JOSLYN J8814 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 61 of 84 pages 16.14 BOLT MACHINE 5/8 X 16" +\ (Response required) Quantity:1500 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8816 / JOSLYN J8816 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.15 BOLT MACHINE 5/8 X 6" +\ (Response required) Quantity:350 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8806 / JOSYLN J8806 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.16 BOLT MACHINE 5/8" X 18" +\ (Response required) Quantity:400 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8818 / JOSYLN J8818 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.17 BOLT MACHINE 5/8" X 2 1/2" +\ (Response required) Quantity:350 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:JOSLYN J8802-1/2 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.18 BOLT SET, 1/2" X 1 1/2" S.S. +\ (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:W/LOCK & FLAT WASHER & NUT / THIS ITEM COMES WITH LOCK&FLAT WASHER AND NUT KITTED TOGETHER - MUST BE PREASSEMBLED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.19 BOLT SET, 1/2" X 2 1/2" S.S. +\ (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:W/ LOCK WASHER, WASHER AND NUT Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.20 BOLT SET, 1/2" X 2" S.S. +\ (Response required) Quantity:350 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:W/ LOCK WASHER, WASHER AND NUT Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 62 of 84 pages 16.21 BOLT SET, 3/8" X 1" S.S. +\ (Response required) Quantity:15 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:W/LOCK WASHER,WASHER & NUT Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.22 BOLT SET, GALVANIZED 1/2"X2.5" (Response required) Quantity:850 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:FULL THREAD, HEX HEAD / THIS ITEM COMES WITH 2 FLAT WASHERS, 1 LOCKWASHER AND NUT KITTED TOGETHER - MUST BE PREASSEMBLED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.23 BOLT, CARRIAGE 3/8 X 8"W/NUT +/ (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:JOSLYN J8638, HPS E807-0208P Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.24 BOLT, CARRIAGE 3/8"X4.5 W/NUT+/ (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 8634-1/2 /JOS J8634-1/2 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.25 BOLT, EYE 5/8"X16" +\ (Response required) Quantity:100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE# 29966/JOSLYN-J9416 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.26 BRACKET, TRANSX ARRESTER + (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HUBBELL #TRBGS OR EQUAL / ADJUSTABLE, KIT INCLUDES: BRACKET COPPER STRAP 1/2" LOCK WASHER 1/2" FLAT WASHER 1/2"X 2" BOLT Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 63 of 84 pages 16.27 CLEVIS FORK, INSULATED +\ (Response required) Quantity:1000 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 468 / JOSLYN J093 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.28 GUY ATTACHMENT + (Response required) Quantity:100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:JOSYLN #J2575 / MACLEAN GE66 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.29 GUY ATTACHMENT SIDEWALK + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MACLEAN SWGB-20-54 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.30 GUY STRIP ATTACHMENT + (Response required) Quantity:100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:COOPER#DG6H1/ CHANCE 5004 / JOSLYN NOT ACCEPTED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.31 HARDWARE, 100/200 AMP CUTOUT + (Response required) Quantity:300 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE#C206-0283 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.32 HOOK "J" DRIVE 5/8 + (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:JOSYLN J3316/CHANCE C205.0190 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.33 HOOK, CANT 48" HANDLE, 12" HOOK (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:DIXIE 06240, WOODEN HANDLE ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 64 of 84 pages 16.34 LOCKNUT, 3/4" SQ (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HUBBELL# 3513 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.35 LOCKNUT, CONDUIT 2" + (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:T & B - STEEL CITY LN106 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.36 LOCKNUT, CONDUIT 3" (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:T&B Steel City# LN108 or Equivalent Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.37 LOCKWASHER, SPRING COIL 1/2"+\ (Response required) Quantity:2000 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE C205-0185 /JOSLYN J176 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.38 LOCKWASHER, SPRING COIL 3/4"+\ (Response required) Quantity:800 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE#C205-0187/JOSLYN#J178 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.39 LOCKWASHER, SPRING COIL 5/8"+\ (Response required) Quantity:6000 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE C205-0186 / JOSLYN J177 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.40 MOUNT TRAN CLUSTER + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HPS C11MW24L ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 65 of 84 pages 16.41 NUT, OVAL EYE 5/8" +\ (Response required) Quantity:500 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE#6502/MCL#EN-5/H#EN60 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.42 NUT, SQUARE 5/8" +\ (Response required) Quantity:800 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:JOSLYN J8563 /CHANCE C55084P Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.43 PIN, ARM WOOD W/NYLON THRD + (Response required) Quantity:1400 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:JOSLYN J203Z , HPS 881P / CHANCE 881 WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.44 PIN, INSULATOR- LONG SHANK + (Response required) Quantity:60 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:COOPER & CHANCE DP2S9 / JOSLYN J204, J206Z & J203Z NOT EQUAL, TOO SHORT JOSLYN J2802Z HAS ROUND WASHER, NEED SQUARE Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.45 PIN, POLETOP W/NYLON THRD+ (Response required) Quantity:400 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:JOSLYN J1220Z / CHANCE 2174P Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.46 SCREW LAG 1/2 X 4" \ (Response required) Quantity:350 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 508754 / JOSLYN 8754P Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 66 of 84 pages 16.47 STAPLE 2"X1/2"X.162, 100/BX +\ (Response required) Quantity:230 UOM:BX Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE C205-0216/ JOSLYN J156 / 100/BOX 10 BOXES/CARTON - WILL NOT ACCEPT BULK PACKAGING Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.48 WASHER, SQ 2 1/4",5/8" HOLE +\ (Response required) Quantity:4200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 6813 / JOSLYN J1075 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.49 WASHER, SQ 2", W/ 1/2" HOLE +\ (Response required) Quantity:1750 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 6811/ JOSLYN J1073 / COOPER DF2W1 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.50 WASHER, SQ CURVED 2 1/4"X5/8"+\ (Response required) Quantity:2200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE 6810-1/2 , JOSLYN J6821 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.51 WASHER, SQ CURVED 4"X4"X1/4"+\ (Response required) Quantity:600 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:JOSLYN#J6836 (3/4"BOLT)13/16H / CHANCE DFW415 IS NOT APPROVED Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.52 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 16.53 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 67 of 84 pages 1 7 Package Header SECTION Q: INSULATORS Total:$ No bid Package Items 17.1 INSULATOR, 4/O - 795 PORCELAIN, "F" NECK INSULATOR (Response required) Quantity:1900 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:LAPP 6183R-70 ONLY / THIS IS AN "F" NECK INSULATOR Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 17.2 INSULATOR, BELL POLYMER + (Response required) Quantity:850 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:OB# 4010150215/MCL#DSI5M ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 17.3 INSULATOR, HOUSE KNOB +\ (Response required) Quantity:75 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:JOSLYN JO89Z ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 17.4 INSULATOR, POST, 45 KV (Response required) Quantity:60 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:GAMMA 9345-70 W/SHORT STUD ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 17.5 INSULATOR, SPOOL, J-93 FORK +\ (Response required) Quantity:1000 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:LAPP 8442.70 OR EQUAL / DULHUNTY 53-2 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 17.6 INSULATOR,GUY STRAIN FGLS 54"\ (Response required) Quantity:220 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HPS GS16054CP1/ MPS GCTE15-54R / ALUMAFORM FGS516- 54RT Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 68 of 84 pages 17.7 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 17.8 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1 8 Package Header SECTION R: LIGHTING Total:$ No bid Package Items 18.1 ARM, HWY LIGHT STEEL 11"6 (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:TXDOT, MILLERBERND 50A790-H / BRAND NAME: MILLERBERND MODEL # 50A790-H ONLY NO SUBSTITUTIONS Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.2 ARM, STREETLIGHT, AL 8',FLAT + (Response required) Quantity:40 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CURLEE#2009032TG-FLAT BASE / INCLUDES HARDWARE Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.3 ARM, STREETLIGHT,AL 8',CURVED+ (Response required) Quantity:85 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SHAKESPEARE #OPAR-8-H / INCLUDES HARDWARE Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.4 BRACKET, SINGLE M.H. + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:UTILITY METALS# SF-18G 2" PIPE Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 69 of 84 pages 18.5 BRACKET, TWIN M.H. GALVANIZED + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AEL # 9252-G / UTILITY METALS PF-30G Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.6 FLOODLIGHT ULTRA H.DUTY 250W+ (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AEL #75-25M-CA-MT1-76-TM-PC-NL Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.7 FLOODLIGHT ULTRA H.DUTY 400W+ (Response required) Quantity:40 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AEL #75-40M-SC-MT1-76-TM-PC-NL Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.8 FLOODLIGHT, LED, 128W,120/277W (Response required) Quantity:40 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:Cooper# UFLD-CA2-120-730-U-66-S-BZ-20K-PR7-10X Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.9 FLOODLIGHT, LED, 145W,V120/277 (Response required) Quantity:40 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:Cooper# UFLD-CA2-150-730-U-66-S-BZ-20K-PR7-10X Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.10 GLARE SHIELD, ULTRA FLOOD + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AEL # RK 75-GS-BZ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.11 LAMP, 100W HPS WITH STARTER + (Response required) Quantity:1000 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:EYE#LU100/I/EN/G Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 70 of 84 pages 18.12 LAMP, 1500 W METAL HALIDE + (Response required) Quantity:40 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PHILLIPS#MVR1500/HBU/EBT- / MH1500/U Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.13 LAMP, 250W HPS WITH STARTER + (Response required) Quantity:400 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:EYE#LU250/I/EN/G Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.14 LAMP, 400 W METAL HALIDE + (Response required) Quantity:90 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SYLVANIA M400U/HOWARD MH400/U Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.15 LAMP, 400W HPS WITH STARTER + (Response required) Quantity:100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:EYE#LU400/I/EN/G Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.16 LAMP, FLOURESCENT 48" (Response required) Quantity:100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PHILLIPS F32T8/TL 741 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.17 LAMP, FLOURESCENT 48" D. PIN + (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:LUMAPRO#47463 / PHILLIPS# F34CW/RS/EW-A LTO Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.18 LAMP, FLOURESCENT 96" D. PIN (Response required) Quantity:15 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PHILLIPS 381764/SLYVANIA 25001 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 71 of 84 pages 18.19 LAMP, FLOURESCENT 96" S. PIN (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:F96T12/CW Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.20 LAMP, METAL HALIDE 250W + (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PHILLIPS# 27484-5 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.21 PHOTO CELL +\ (Response required) Quantity:1100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:FP#7790B-SSS-105285-VACW2 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.22 PHOTO CELL 480V + (Response required) Quantity:40 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:F. PIERCE/ DTL DE480-1.0-T-J / FISHER PIERCE 7794-EPS Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.23 PHOTO CELL BLANK + (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:FISHER PIERCE#S1038-1 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.24 STREETLIGHT, 100W HPS COBRA + (Response required) Quantity:120 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AEL115-10S-RN-120-R2-FG-4B-SN / COOPER OVH10SR22DU0517 WITHOUT STARTER Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.25 STREETLIGHT, 250W 480V HPS + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AEL# 125-25S-CA-480-R3-FG-HP Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 72 of 84 pages 18.26 STREETLIGHT, 250W HPS CUT + (Response required) Quantity:100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AEL 125-25S-CA-MT1-R3-FG-SN / COOPER OVH25SWW3D4 WITHOUT STARTER Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.27 STREETLIGHT, 400W 120/240 + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:AEL 125-40S-CA-MT1-R3-FG-SN Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.28 STREETLIGHT, DECORATIVE TYPE III + (Response required) Quantity:140 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:HADCO # C1891G / #R33AANN2AGRG100SE Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.29 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 18.30 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 1 9 Package Header SECTION S: MARKING Total:$ No bid Package Items 19.1 MARKER, CABLE 3X8 + (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PNA#CM-P300DMP8F Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 73 of 84 pages 19.2 MARKER, ELECTRONIC 3M, BALL + (Response required) Quantity:50 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:S.M.#1402 4" 3M#80610231054 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 19.3 MARKER, FLAG ORANGE FOR FIBER+ (Response required) Quantity:30 UOM:BN Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:4"X 5"X 18", 100/BUNDLE / SCREEN PRINTED BLACK "DME FIBER 940-349-7650" Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 19.4 MARKER, FLAG WHITE 4"X 5"X 18 (Response required) Quantity:40 UOM:BN Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:100/BUNDLE, W/ NO SCREEN PRINT Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 19.5 MARKER, FLAG "BURIED CABLE RED"+ (Response required) Quantity:280 UOM:BN Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:P458W (100/BUNDLE) - RED / SCREENED WITH: BURIED CABLE DME 940-349-7650" WHITE LETTERING ON RED 4"X 5"X 18" Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 19.6 TAG, ELECTRIC "HOLD" + \ (Response required) Quantity:600 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ELECTROMARK LOT 004.J.PI.T93 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 19.7 TAG, MARKING PH B-WHITE 25/PK+\ (Response required) Quantity:25 UOM:PK Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:UTICOM#URD-B-WHITE (3.25"X5.5) / 25TAGS/PACK 3.25" X 5.5" PRINTED BLACL TEXT ON TWO SIDES ONE EYELET & SELF LAMINATING FLAP ON ONE SIDE TO READ: "URD PRIMARY CABLE IDENTIFICATIONPHASE B" Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 74 of 84 pages 19.8 TAG, MARKING PH C-BLUE 25/PK +\ (Response required) Quantity:25 UOM:PK Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:UTICOM#URD-C-BLUE 3.25 "X 5.5 / 25/PACK 3.25" X 5.5" PRINTED BLACK TEXT ON TWO SIDES ONE EYELET & SELF LAMINATING FLAP ON ONE SIDE TO READ: "URD PRIMARY CABLE IDENTIFICATION PHASE C" Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 19.9 TAG, MARKING PHASE A RED25/PK+\ (Response required) Quantity:25 UOM:PK Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:UTICOM# URD-A-RED (3.25X5.5) / 25 TAGS/PACK 3.25" X 5.5" PRINTED BLACK TEXT ON TWO SIDES ONE EYELET&SELF LAMINATING FLAP ON ONE SIDE TO READ: "URD PRIMARY CABLE IDENTIFICATION PHASE B" Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 19.10 TAPE, FLAGGING + (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:1 3/16" X 150' - SAFETY ORANGE Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 19.11 TAPE, UG, MARKING 6"X1000' + (Response required) Quantity:180 UOM:RL Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:B6104R6 / RED TAPE "CAUTION ELECTRIC LINE BURIED BELOW" Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 19.12 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 19.13 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2 0 Package Header SECTION T: TOOLS AND INSTALLATION ACCESSORIES Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 75 of 84 pages Total:$ No bid Package Items 20.1 CEMENT PVC - QUART + (Response required) Quantity:1100 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:PVFCCEMENTQT ,GENE-55017 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 20.2 CLEANER CABLE + (Response required) Quantity:350 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CRC#2069***ONLY*** Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 20.3 CLEANER, PVC CEMENT, 1 QT + (Response required) Quantity:260 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RECTORSEAL CLEAR P-2 OR EQUAL Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 20.4 COMPOUND, WIRE PULLING, SUMMER, 5 GAL+ (Response required) Quantity:396 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:LUBADUK 15-STD-5GAL ONLY (36/PL) / W/MICROSHEARS Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 20.5 FOAM POLECRETE 1 GAL + (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BMK# BMK01PS Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 20.6 FOAM POLECRETE 3 GAL + (Response required) Quantity:600 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BMK# BMK03PS (36/PALLET) Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 76 of 84 pages 20.7 FOAM, SPRAY FOAM, UTILITY + (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:SS-LF-15 BOARD FEET (GRAY) Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 20.8 PENETROX, 8 OZ + (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY # P8A, 1 (10 PER CASE) Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 20.9 SILICONE, GREASE 2 OZ. TUBE + (Response required) Quantity:250 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CHANCE C417-0287 OR EQUAL Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 20.10 SILICONE, RTV ADHESIVE -CLEAR+ (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CRC 14055 /RAINBOW 88000 (8OZ) Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 20.11 TAPE, WIRE PULLING , 1800# + (Response required) Quantity:35 UOM:RL Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MULE WP1800 P (3000'/RL) Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 20.12 TAPE, WIRE PULLING 2500# + (Response required) Quantity:175 UOM:RL Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:NEPTCO WP2500P (3000'/RL) / FIBERTEK WP2500-3 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 20.13 TWINE- OVERHEAD P-LINE DOLLY+ (Response required) Quantity:20 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:NOT TO BE USED BY CONTRACTORS / LOW COST TWINE 2200' PER BOX/BUCKET Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 77 of 84 pages 20.14 WRENCH, " T " 3/4 " (11 MM ) + (Response required) Quantity:15 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:TECHLINE 9076T / PENTA SOCKET# 590001 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 20.15 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 20.16 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2 1 Package Header SECTION U: WOOD ARMS Total:$ No bid Package Items 21.1 BRACE, CROSSARM WOOD 60" + (Response required) Quantity:500 UOM:PR Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ALUMAFRM RA6018/ HPS PSCRA6018 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 21.2 ARM WOOD 3 3/4" x 4 3/4" X 8'+ (Response required) Quantity:350 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BROOKS LUMBER BXARM8FC Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 21.3 ARM WOOD 3.75"X4.75"X10' + (Response required) Quantity:300 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BROOKS LUMBER BXARM10FC / TYPE-05FS Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 78 of 84 pages 21.4 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 21.5 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2 2 Package Header SECTION V: WILDLIFE COVERS-RELIAGUARD Total:$ No bid Package Items 22.1 COVER, WILDLIFE, 1" EEL ^ (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:BX Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:EEL-0750 1000-50-Y (50'/BOX) / Reliaguard only Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 22.2 COVER, WILDLIFE, ARRESTER + (Response required) Quantity:500 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RELIAGUARD # LA-13002 / Reliaguard only Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 22.3 COVER, WILDLIFE, EXIT CABLE TERMINATION^ (Response required) Quantity:250 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BC-15002 (24/BOX) / Reliaguard only Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 22.4 COVER, WILDLIFE, GUARD, CROSS ARM (Response required) Quantity:25 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RELIAGUARD BB-30520-S / Reliaguard only Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 79 of 84 pages 22.5 COVER, WILDLIFE, POLE WRAP + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RELIAGUARD RW-36048, 36” X48” / Reliaguard only Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 22.6 COVER, WILDLIFE, WIRE,#4-1/0 + (Response required) Quantity:250 UOM:BX Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:EEL-02503750-50-Y, 50'/BX+TOOL / Reliaguard only Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 22.7 COVER, WILDLIFE, WIRE,266-397 + (Response required) Quantity:15 UOM:BX Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:EEL-05000750-50-Y, 50'/BX+TOOL / Reliaguard only Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 22.8 COVER, WILDLIFE, XFMR BUSHING+ (Response required) Quantity:700 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:RELIAGUARD BC-15001, SMALL / Reliaguard only Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 22.9 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 22.10 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 2 3 Package Header SECTION W: MISCELLANEOUS Total:$ No bid Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 80 of 84 pages Package Items 23.1 BRACKET,STANDOFF W/16" T-SLOT+ (Response required) Quantity:300 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ALUMAFORM# 6B-CSO-16 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.2 CLAMP, DEADEND 566 & 795, 12K+ (Response required) Quantity:750 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MCLN. HDSO-116 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.3 DEADEND, BOLTED 2-336 + (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:MACLEAN# HDSO-70 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.4 OIL, TRANSFORMER + (Response required) Quantity:5 UOM:DR Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:EXXON UNIVOLT N-61 (55 GA) / 55 GALLON DRUM Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.5 POISON, FIRE ANT KILLER + (Response required) Quantity:800 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:NATUR-CHEM # 78404195379 ONLY Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.6 PROTECTOR, NYLON CABLE + (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CONDUX #08042300 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.7 SPRAY, WASP & HORNET (Response required) Quantity:500 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:NON-CONDUCT ONLY #88500/14009 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 81 of 84 pages 23.8 STIRRUP, BAIL HOT LINE CLAMP+\ (Response required) Quantity:200 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:BURNDY#J990 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.9 GLOVES, 27CAL GROUND L (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:PR Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:YOUNGSTOWN# 12-3265-60 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.10 GLOVES, 27CAL GROUND XL (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:PR Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:YOUNGSTOWN# 12-3265-60 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.11 GLOVES, 27CAL GROUND 2X (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:PR Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:YOUNGSTOWN# 12-3265-60 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.12 GLOVES LEATHER UTILITY PLUS 2X (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:PR Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:YOUNGSTOWN# 11-3245-60 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.13 GLOVES LEATHER UTILITY PLUS L (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:PR Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:YOUNGSTOWN# 11-3245-60 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.14 GLOVES LEATHER UTILITY PLUS M (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:PR Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:YOUNGSTOWN# 11-3245-60 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 82 of 84 pages 23.15 GLOVES, 27CAL GROUND M (Response required) Quantity:10 UOM:PR Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:YOUNGSTOWN# 12-3265-60 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.16 WIRE-FLEX 2/0 AWG 1274/30 STR (Response required) Quantity:300 UOM:FT Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:CU WELDING CABL/HWC HW25320101 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.17 WIRE, SHIELD 3/8" EHS 7-STR (Response required) Quantity:1500 UOM:FT Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:1000' REEL Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.18 PAD, TRAN 48"X48" FIBERCRETE (Response required) Quantity:150 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:ARMORCAST# A6001658 NEW BASIS 970Z Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.19 Pad-Mount Green Transformer Paint (Response required) Quantity:24 UOM:EA Price:$Total:$ Item Notes:Rainbow# 4648 Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.20 Estimated Delivery (Business Days) (Response required) Quantity:1 Days:$Total:$ Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) 23.21 Special Order (Response required) Quantity:1 UOM:% Discount Total:% Supplier Notes: Additional notes (Attach separate sheet) Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 83 of 84 pages Supplier Information Company Name: Contact Name: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Supplier Notes The undersigned agrees this submission becomes the property of the City of Denton after the official opening. The undersigned affirms they have familiarized themselves with the specification, drawings, exhibits and other documents; the local conditions under which the work is to be performed; satisfied himself of the conditions of delivery, handling and storage of materials and equipment; and all other matters that will be required for the work before submitting a response. The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this contract, that this submission has not been prepared in collusion with any other respondent, nor any employee of the City of Denton, and that the contents of this submission have not been communicated to any other respondent or to any employee of the City of Denton prior to the acceptance of this submission. The undersigned affirms that they have read and do understand the specifications, all exhibits and attachments contained in this solicitation package. I certify that I have made no willful misrepresentations in this submission, nor have I withheld information in my statements and answers to questions. I am aware that the information given by me in this submission will be investigated, with my full permission, and that any misrepresentations or omissions may cause my submission to be rejected. Print Name Signature Deadline: 2/15/2023 01:00 PM (CT)8176 Addendum 1Page 84 of 84 pages