Exhibit 2 - Pricing EvaluationSundt Construction, Inc.Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavation Ed Bell Construction Company Irving, TX Frisco, TX Dallas, TX Line #Amount 1 Base Proposal Amount $38,240,172.90 $41,628,267.65 $42,279,544.83 2 Alternate 1 Proposal Amount $158,727.55 $164,165.15 $190,284.00 $38,398,900.45 $41,792,432.80 $42,469,828.83 $1,919,945.02 $40,318,845.47 Item #Scoring Criteria Sundt Construction, Inc.Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavation Ed Bell Construction Company 1 Offeror’s Key Personnel - 10%7.33 6.67 7.33 2 Quality, Reputation, and Ability to Complete Similar Projects on Schedule and Within Budget - 15%14.00 11.00 8.00 3 Detailed Schedule and Written Plan - 30%28.00 20.00 14.00 4 Offeror’s Safety Record - 5%5.00 5.00 2.00 5 Price, Total Cost of Ownership - 40%40.00 36.75 36.17 94.33 79.42 67.50 Total Proposal Amount: Total Score: Exhibit 2 CSP 8094-1 - Pricing Evaluation for the Bonnie Brae Phase 3 Widening & Reconstruction Project 5% Contingency Total Contract NTE Amount Evaluation Respondent's Business Name: Principal Place of Business (City and State):