Exhibit 2 - Original Ordinance, Contract, and Amendment 17 j ) '.... ,, , + a R / y , , ' ! r a , . # ' r i • r, , 1 , , i ', ' R • • ' ! 1 r . *, :. . , . r w `• - - -• . • , • , ` ` ` # . . * . . r` ` # ` " .. . ` # -• - , I 1.^ , ii . # .. . -, i . ` f . i i! ## "` . ` *'* + ; . ` *, ,, . t . • : • `! R ! . .; + ,, i` .* , . • ' • - - - ', ` # ` . + * .* i i / SECTION l. The items shown in the "File Number" referenced herein and on file in office of the Purchasing Agent, are hereby accepted and approved as being the lowest responsible bids for such items: FILE NUM ER VEN OR A O T 6873 Ion Wave Technologies, Inc, $1d1,500 w r i 4 . ,. . * -! • !* ` f ` `l . . i ' i ' # ` , . r . ` ' # . . . ' * ,. . . i ` 4 i f # `i . ` .* . .; i ' , . . ! . ' . . . . . , . City's ratification of bids awarded by the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network, the City Manager, or his designated representative, is hereby authorized to execute the written contract which shall be attached hereto; provided that the written contract is in accordance with the terms, conditions, specifications and standards contained in the Proposal submitted to the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Network, and related documents herein approved and accepted. SECTION 4. The City Council of the City of Denton hereby expressly delegates the authority to take any actions that may be required or permitted to be performed by the City of Denton under File 6873 to the City Manager of the City of Denton, or his designee. SECTION 5. By the acceptance and approval of the items set forth in the referenced file number, the City Council hereby authorizes the expenditure of funds therefor in the amount and in accordance with the approval purchase orders or pursuant to a written contract made pursuant thereto as authorized herein. S,E,CTION 6. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval, C c i s a this ordmance was made bY ..... .._ f°"... ..._ and c i _r ',+ ° the ordinance was u sed and approved bym.......... dlr 89 i. vr* N ..." .., Mayor Chris Watts: Gerard Hudspeth, District 1: Keely G. Briggs, District 2: Don Duff, District 3: John Ryan, District 4: Deb Armintor, At Large Place 5: Paul Meltzer, At Large Place 6: Aye Nay Abstain Absent PASSED AND APPROVED this the , __ ti J day f ....., : " . ............. 2018. m. g , v CHRIS WATTS, MAYOR ATTEST: JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY t ,, BY: - , ___ _°__. ; x APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: AARON LEAL, CITY ATTORNEY BY: __. . - '_° .__" : :::. DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D72B6-E69E-4896-89CB-35330CCD83CB 5 /źƷǤ /ƚǒƓĭźƌ ƩğƓƭƒźƷƷğƌ / ƚǝĻƩƭŷĻĻƷC bƒĻ t /ƚƓƷğĭƷźƷǤ /ƚǒƓĭźƌ ğƩŭĻƷ 5t . ğĭƉh ƚƓƷƩğĭƷ DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D72B6-E69E-4896-89CB-35330CCD83CB THISMASTER LICENSE ANDSERVICES AGREEMENT 1stday of October, 2018 ("Effective Date"), byandbetween IonWave Technologies, Inc., aMissouri corporation having itsprincipal offices located at3653 South Avenue, Springfield, Missouri 65807 City ofDenton, Texas, having itsprincipal offices located at215 EastMcKinney, Denton, TX76201 WHEREAS, IWT isengaged inthe business ofthedevelopment, marketing, andsupport ofInternet based software ofalltypes. NOW THEREFORE, inconsideration ofthepremises, covenants, and mutual promises contained inthis Agreement, andother good andvaluable consideration, thereceipt and sufficiency ofwhich ishereby acknowledged, theparties dohereby agree as follows: 1. Software Licensing andUse 1.1 License Grant. Inaccordance withand subject totheterms and conditions provided herein andinconsideration ofpayment ofthelicense feessetforth inany Exhibit A, IWThereby grants toClient andClient accepts from IWT anon-exclusive, non- transferable license tousetheIWT products specified inExhibi 1.2 albusiness purposes, specifically end user community, asdefined inExhibit A. Unless specified inExhibit A, Client willnotpermit others, including butnot limited tosubsidiaries, affiliates, and contractors, toaccess oruse theLicensed Products, norwill Client usetheLicensed Products ontheir behalf. 1.3 UseLimits. Client isprohibited from performing anyload testing against prior express written permission ofIWT. Client isprohibited from reverse engineering, decompiling, and disassembling the Licensed Products. 1.4 Work Products. Any Work Products, asdefined below, that are software, shall besubject tothesame license limitations of thisAgreement andanyadditional limitations assetforth inany Exhibit hereto. 1.5 Rent, Lease, andSublicense Restrictions. Client shallnot rent, lease, sublicense, grant asecurity interest in, orotherwise 1.6 Copies andProprietary Notices. AnyLicensed Products, together with any accompanying technical orsystem documentation that isdelivered toClient pursuant tothis Agreement shall notbe copied, except that one (1) copy may be made forbackup orarchival purposes, provided anysuchcopyisclearly marked asproprietary toIWT, licensed toClient, tted tomake additional copies ofdocumentation specifically designated fortraining ofend users. Client shall notremove anyproprietary notices orlabels onthe Licensed Products or itsdocumentation. 1.7 Violation. Violation ofanyprovision ofthisSection 1shall breach theAgreement andbethebasis for immediate termination ofthisAgreement and thecorresponding license grant tothe Licensed Products with norefund toClient offeespaidto IWT. 2. Maintenance andSupport 2.1 Support Services. Subject tothe payment ofthe applicable licensing andsupport feesassetforth inExhibit A, IWTshall fortheLicensed Products. Exhibit Bmay b written notice toClient, provided saidupdates donotmaterially diminish theSupport Services provided toClient without 2.2 Payment andTerm. Provided that this Agreement andthe license for the applications which theSupport Services are tobe performed, IWTwill provide Support Services asspecified inExhibit BofthisAgreement for thesupport feesindicated in Exhibit A. Intheevent (i) IWThas notreceived prior tothelastdayofthecurrent term; and/or (ii) this Agreement and/orthelicense isnolonger ineffect, Support Services shall bediscontinued. 2.3 On-SiteServices. Support Services do notinclude any on- ineffect. 3 Professional Services 3.1 Professional Services. IWT shall provide Client with professional consulting services asdescribed intheStatements of this Agreement. Anyadditional services beyond those described inany Exhibit Cshall beatthemutual, written agreement oftheparties. IonWave Technologies, Inc. Confidential Master License & Services Agreement Page 1of10 DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D72B6-E69E-4896-89CB-35330CCD83CB 3.2 Client Obligations. Inorder tofacilitate theprovision oftheProfessional Services byIWT, Client shall haveinstalled the recommended hardware and software and willhave completed the required preparatory work described inthe Exhibit(s) attached hereto. 3.3 Contact Person. Each party will appoint inwriting, intheapplicable Exhibit, anemployee oragent ofsuch party toactas change itsContact Person upon written notice totheother. 4Proprietary Rights 4.1 Ownership. Client acknowledges andagrees that, asbetween Client and IWT, IWT isthesoleandexclusive owner ofall right, title and interest inandto theLicensed Products, aswell asall alterations, modifications, additions, and derivative works made with respect totheLicensed Products andallwork products produced from theProfessional Services rightorlicense tothe Licensed Products orWork Products; and (ii) Client shallnotuse, reproduce, publish, ormake available toothers, modify, orcreate any derivative works of, allor any partoftheLicensed Products or Work Products. 4.2 theLicensed Products, with respect tothe materials thatIWT delivers toClient pursuant toany SOW. 4.3 Client Data. Any client data and any materials orequipment furnished toIWT byClient inconnection with anyofthe Professional Services provided under anExhibit shall bedeemed proprietary toClient. 4.4 Trademarks. Alltrademarks, service marks, trade names and logos ofIWT appearing onorwithin theLicensed Products or Work Products used inconnection with theSupport Services ortheProfessional Services provided byIWT arethe property 5Fees andPayment Terms 5.1 Fees. Client will payIWTthefeesassetforth intheExhibits. Except forinitial payments, which payments, unless provided otherwise, shall be due andpayable upon theexecution ofthisAgreement andany Exhibit hereto, IWTwill submit toClient aninvoice fortheamounts due. Unless provided otherwise, allinvoices submitted byIWTshall bedueandpayable infull, without reduction for any offset, withholding orother claims, within thirty (30) days ofthe datethereof. Ifpayment isnot made when due, interest shall accrue ontheunpaid balance atthelesser ofthe rate specified inTexas Government Code Section 2251.025orthe maximum lawful rate; except, ifpayment isnottimely made for areason for which the Client may withhold payment under theterms ofthisAgreement, interest shall notaccrue until ten (10) calendar days after thegrounds forwithholding payment have been resolved. 5.2 Taxes. Fees donotinclude any taxes. Client isexempt bylawfrom payment ofState and Local Sales TaxandFederal Excise Tax. Intheevent that taxes areassessed by anygovernmental body onany deliverable provided under this Agreement, inwhich Client isnotexempted frompaying, IWTshall have theoption toterminate the Agreement inlieuof assessment ofthetaxes against IWT. Provided however, that Client shall havethe option topay IWTallsuch taxamounts Client shall provide IWT with avalid taxexemption certificate upon request. 5.3 Travel Expenses. Any travel expenses shall bemutually agreed upon inwriting prior totravel taking place. 5.4 Non-Payment. Asopposed toexercising itsright toterminate anExhibit orthisAgreement inits entirety, IWT may, atIWT sole discretion, suspend performance ofanyobligations under theapplicable Exhibit fornonpayment, but onlyuntil such time aspayment ismade. 5.5 Currency. All feesarestated inUS dollars andarepayable inUScurrency. 5.6 Invoices. All invoices toClient shall beemailed ormailed tothefollowing address, which maybechanged from time to time, provided Client provides IWT with written notice ofsuchchange: Client Name: City ofDenton, Texas Attn: Accounts Payable 215E. McKinney Street Materials Management Denton, TX76201 Email: accountspayable@cityofdenton.com 6Term and Termination 6.1 Term andTermination. The term ofthisAgreement shallcommence on theEffective Dateandwill run for the periods as indicated intheExhibits. 6.2 Termination forBreach. ThisAgreement maybeterminated byeither party upon abreach bytheother party ofanymaterial term oftheAgreement oritsExhibits, which breach isnotcured (unless such breach isincapable ofcure, such as breach oftherestrictions onuseand license grant described herein orofanyconfidentiality agreement between theparties hereto) within thirty (30) daysofwritten notice ofthebreach. Upon termination forbreach, alluseandaccess totheLicensed Products shall cease and Client shall immediately return toIWT ordestroy allcopies oftheLicensed Products, together with alldocumentation andany other IWT proprietary information initspossession. Furthermore, Client shall provide IWT a certification from anofficer ofClient thatallLicensed Products, documentation, andallcopies thereof, have been returned toIWT ordestroyed inaccordance with this Agreement. 6.3 Effects ofTermination. Upon termination orexpiration ofthisAgreement forreasons other than the breach ofthis Agreement: (i) alluseandaccess toproducts licensed onatermbasis shall cease and Client shall immediately return to IWT ordestroy all copies oftheterm licensed products, together with alldocumentation andany other IWT proprietary information initspossession. Client shall provide IWT acertification from anofficer ofClient that allterm licensed products andallassociated documentation, have been returned toIWT ordestroyed inaccordance withthis Agreement. (ii) alluse IonWave Technologies, Inc. Confidential Master License & Services Agreement Page 2of10 DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D72B6-E69E-4896-89CB-35330CCD83CB and access toproducts licensed on aperpetual basis shall continue, subject totheterms ofthis Agreement andany Exhibits, including but not limited to, the provisions for access anduseofthe Licensed Products (Section 1), Proprietary Rights (Section 4), Warranties andIndemnification (Section 7), andConfidentiality (Section 8). Upontermination or expiration ofthisAgreement, all Support Services and Professional Services asdiscussed inthisAgreement orany Exhibits will cease. 7Warranties, Indemnity, andLimitations 7.1 Licensed Products Warranty. IWTwarrants that itistheowner oftheLicensed Products orotherwise hastheright and authority togrant thelicenses toClient, which areprovided forherein. IWT represents thatfortheentire term covered by dance withandas specified inthe applicable documentation when operated inthedesignated environment. IWT does notrepresent thatthe uninterrupted orerror free. Intheevent that Client does notpay therequired Support Services fees orthisAgreement is terminated, Client agrees that allwarranty provisions andassociated remedies shall beterminated. 7.2 warranties inthis Section 7shallonly apply totheIWT Products developed byIWT orits Section 7.2, IWT shall assign toClient anywarranty granted bythesupplying party fortheLicensed Products, totheextent 7.3 error(s) intheunmodified IWT Application asreported inwriting byClient shall bethatIWT, atitsoption, willuseits reasonable good faith efforts tocorrect theerror(s), or, upon return oftheLicensed Product andaccompanying documentation toIWT, terminate thisAgreement ortheapplicable license tothe Licensed Product, asthecasemaybe, andrefund toClient asum equal toaportion ofthelicense feespaid, prorated onamonthly basis for theperiod inwhich theapplication wasrendered unusable, fortheLicensed Product forwhich thelicense isterminated. 7.4 Services Warranty. IWTrepresents andwarrants that itisexperienced inproviding the Professional Services andSupport Services described herein and further warrants that itwillperform theProfessional Services and Support Services ina performance oftherelevant Professional Services freeofcharge. 7.5 Disclaimer. Inno event will IWT beliable foranylossofprofits, loss ofuse, business interruption, lossofdata, cost of cover, orindirect, special, incidental, orconsequential damages ofany kind inconnection with orarising out ofthe furnishing, performance oruse ofthe Licensed Products, Professional Services and/orSupport Services provided toClient under this Agreement asapplicable, whether arising incontract ortortious conduct, orany other legal theory, including negligence, orwhether arising frommistakes, omissions, interruptions deletion offiles, errors, defects, viruses orother malicious code, delays inoperation oftransmission, orthe useorperformances ofaWork Product, or the delay orfailure of performance the Professional and/orSupport Services provided under this Agreement, even ifIWT has been advised ofthe possibility ofsuchdamages. 7.6 . intellectual property rightsofanythird party. Client acknowledges that IWT may, inappropriate circumstances and atits ofthisprovision. Client willbesolely 7.7 Limited Warranty. THE ABOVE ISALIMITED WARRANTY AND IT ISTHEONLY WARRANTY MADE BYIWT. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, IWT MAKES NOREPRESENTATIONS ORWARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED ORSTATUTORY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE ORNONINFRINGEMENT, AND IWT HEREBY DISCLAIMS THE SAME. 7.8 SPECIFICATIONS ISCAUSED ACCESS TO THE LICENSED PRODUCTS OTHER THAN ASINTENDED OR INVIOLATION OFTHIS AGREEMENT; OR III) UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS MADE TO THE IWTLICENSED PRODUCTS ORSOFTWARE WORK PRODUCT BYCLIENT. 7.9 Indemnification. (a) ByIWT. IWT SHALL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND ANDHOLD HARMLESS CLIENT AGAINST ANYLOSS, DAMAGE OREXPENSE INCURRED BY CLIENT ASARESULT OFCLAIMS, ACTIONS, ORPROCEEDINGS BROUGHT BYANY THIRDPARTY ALLEGING INFRINGEMENT BYAIWTLICENSED PRODUCT ORAWORK PRODUCT, OFCOPYRIGHT, TRADEMARK, PATENT, OROTHER PROPRIETARY RIGHTS, AND AGAINST ITS REASONABLE ATTORNEYS DAMAGES ORCOSTS AWARDED INRESPECT OFANY SUCH CLAIM(S) ANDANYSUITARISING FROM ANYSUCH CLAIM(S); provided, however, that (i) Client shallhave given IWT prompt written notice ofsuch claim, demand, suit oraction; (ii) Client shall cooperate with said defense by iddefense; and (iii) IWT shall have control ofthe defense ofsuchclaim, suit, demand, oraction andthesettlement orcompromise thereof. Further, IWT shall have noliability forany infringement action orclaim that isbased upon orarising from thematters described inthis paragraph iftheapplicable Licensed Product orWork Product ismodified oraltered byaparty other than IWTorisused for apurpose other than thatforwhich itisintended orassetforth intheappropriate documentation. Ifatemporary or IonWave Technologies, Inc. Confidential Master License & Services Agreement Page 3of10 DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D72B6-E69E-4896-89CB-35330CCD83CB described inthis paragraph, IWT shall, atitsoption andexpense, either procure forClient theright tocontinue using the Licensed Product orWork Product orreplace ormodify theLicensed Product orWork Product orinfringing portion thereof sothatitnolonger infringes thealleged proprietary right. Inthe event that IWT concludes, initssole discretion, thatsuch procurement, replacement ormodification isnotreasonably practical, IWT may terminate theapplicable Exhibit and/orthis Agreement without penalty and refund that portion oftheFees attributable totheinfringing product, prorated onamonthly basis. Client shall cease alluseofaLicensed Product orWork Product forwhich arefund isgiven. This paragraph sets described herein. (b) ByClient. Client, totheextent allowed bylaw, shall indemnify, defend andhold harmless IWT against any loss, damage orexpense incurred byIWT asaresult ofclaims, actions, orproceedings arising from any bodily harm or orthe allegation ofinfringement oractual infringement byClient ofanycopyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, orother proprietary right ofany third party. Client, totheextent allowed bylaw, fees incurred inconnection withsuch claim(s), anymoney damages orcosts awarded in respect ofanysuchclaim(s) and any suitarising from anysuch claim(s). Client shallbeentitled tohavesole control over the defense ofsuchclaim, unless theclaim involves orrelates toanintellectual property right of IWT inwhich case IWT mayelect tohave solecontrol over thedefense ofsuch claim asdescribed inthepreceding paragraph, andsuch election byIWTshall havenoeffect upon such claim asprovided inthissection, IWT may participate insuchdefense and IWTshall have the right todefend the claim insuch manner, asitmay deem appropriate, atthe costandexpense ofClient, but only totheextent allowed bylaw. IWT understands andacknowledges thatClient isapolitical subdivision oftheState ofTexas andassuchClient maybe entitled tostatutory andcommon law immunity from anyclaims alleged tobeindemnified under this Agreement. Nothing in thisAgreement is intended tobeawaiver ofany immunity towhich Client might beentitled. 7.10Limi EXCEED THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OFPAYMENTS RECEIVED BYIWT FROM CLIENT UNDER THE EXHIBIT GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM. ADDITIONALLY, INNO EVENT WILL IWTBE LIABLE FORANY CLAIM BROUGHT BY CLIENT MORE THAN ONE (1) YEAR AFTER THE CAUSE OFACTION AROSE OR REASONABLY SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED. 8. Confidentiality 8.1 proprietary or confidential and which isdisclosed byeither party totheother inany form inconnection with thisAgreement. During the term ofthis Agreement andforaperiod offive (5) years afterthedate oftermination ofthisAgreement orforaperiod of five (5) years after thetermination ofuseoftheLicensed Products, whichever period islonger, each party: (i) shalltreatas confidential allConfidential Information provided bytheother party; (ii) shall notuse suchConfidential Information except asexpressly permitted under the terms ofthisAgreement orotherwise previously authorized inwriting bythedisclosing party; (iii) shall implement reasonable procedures toprohibit thedisclosure, unauthorized duplication, reverse engineering, disassembly, decompiling, misuse orremoval ofsuch Confidential Information; and (iv) shall not disclose suchConfidential Information toanythird party. Without limiting theforegoing, eachofthe parties shalluseatleast the same procedures and degree ofcaretoprevent thedisclosure ofConfidential Information asitusestoprevent thedisclosure ofitsown confidential information oflikeimportance, andshall inanyevent use nolessthanreasonable procedures anda reasonable degree ofcare. 8.2 Exceptions. Notwithstanding theabove, neither party shall have liability tothe other with regard toanyConfidential Information that: (i) was generally available tothepublic atthe time itwasdisclosed, orbecomes generally available tothe public through no faultofthe receiver; (ii) was known tothereceiving party atthe time ofdisclosure asshown bywritten records inexistence atthetimeofdisclosure; (iii) was developed independently bythereceiving party prior tothe disclosure, asshown bywritten records inexistence prior tothe disclosure; (iv) isdisclosed with the prior written approval ofthe disclosing party; (v) becomes known tothereceiving party from asource other thanthe disclosing party without breach ofthis Agreement bythe rece rights; or (vi) isdisclosed pursuant tothe order orrequirement ofacourt, administrative agency, orother governmental body, including the Texas Public Information Act, Government Code § 552.001 etal., provided thatthe receiving party shall provide reasonable advance notice toenable the disclosing party toseekaprotective order orotherwise prevent such disclosure andfurther provided thatany suchdisclosure shall not destroy ordiminish the confidential status ofsuch Confidential Information. 9Miscellaneous 9.1 Force Majeure. Neither party shallbe liable tothe other byreason ofanyfailure ofperformance hereunder (except failure to pay) ifsuch failure the fault ornegligence ofsuch party. Without limiting thegenerality oftheforegoing, IWTshall notbeliable toClient inany wayforany failure ordelay intheperformance ofitsobligations hereunder which failure iscaused, directly orindirectly, by thefailure ofany matter forwhich Client isresponsible under thisAgreement orwhich isasuspension ofservices for 9.2 Assignment. Neither party mayassign this Agreement without theprior written consent oftheother, which consent willnot beunreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, IWTmay assign thisAgreement toany entity acquiring substantially all ofitsstock orassets or theassets to which this Agreement oranyExhibit relates. 9.3 Governing Law. ThisAgreement shall begoverned byandconstrued inaccordance with the laws ofthe State ofTexas, without regard toconflicts oflaw principles. IonWave Technologies, Inc. Confidential Master License & Services Agreement Page 4of10 DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D72B6-E69E-4896-89CB-35330CCD83CB 9.4 Exhibits. Each Exhibit tothisAgreement shall incorporate the terms ofthisAgreement. Intheevent ofanyconflict between theterms ofthis Agreement andtheterms ofany Exhibit, theterms ofthisAgreement shall control unless anExhibit expressly provides otherwise. Additional Exhibits added tothisAgreement from timetotime by themutual written agreement oftheparties shallbenumbered sequentially under the letters oftherespective Exhibit title (e.g. Exhibit A Licensed Products shallbeA-1, A-2, etc.) and each shall beinaddition totheprevious Exhibit. 9.5 for theexpress purpose ofdetermining whether Client isincompliance with the terms ofthisAgreement. Should IWT findthat Client isnot incompliance, Client shallpayforadditional services, ifany, received dueto such noncompliance. 9.6 Independent Contractor. IWT isanindependent contractor andisnotanagent oremployee of, andhasnoauthority to bind, Client bycontract orotherwise. IWT willperform the Services under the general direction ofClient, but IWT will htor authority tocontrol themanner ormeans bywhich theServices areaccomplished. 9.7 Waiver. Nodelay oromission byeither party toexercise anyright orpower unless inwriting andsigned bytheparty waiving rights ithas under thisAgreement shall impair orbeconstrued asawaiver ofsuch right orpower. Awaiver by either party ofanycovenant orbreach shall notbe construed tobeawaiver ofanysucceeding breach orofany other covenant. 9.8 Notices. Anynotice required tobesent toaparty under this Agreement will beinwriting, shall besentby: facsimile; first- class mail return receipt requested; personal delivery; orovernight courier totheAddress forNotices given forthatparty below, andshall beconsidered delivered upon proof ofsuch delivery. Either party may change its notice address bygiving written notice totheother party. IftoIWT: IftoClient: IonWave Technologies, Inc. CityofDenton 3045 South Scenic, Suite 104 Attn: City Manager Springfield, Missouri 65807 215East McKinney Street Phone: 417-823-7773 Denton, TX 76201 Fax: 417-823-7778 Phone 940-349-7130 Fax: 940-349-7302 9.9 Severability. Ifanyprovision ofthis Agreement isheldtobeunenforceable, thenbothparties shall berelieved ofall obligations arising under such provision, but onlytotheextent thatsuch provision isunenforceable, andthis Agreement shall bedeemed amended by modifying such provision tothe extent necessary tomake itenforceable while preserving its intent or, ifthatisnotpossible, bysubstituting another provision that isenforceable and achieves the same objective and economic result. Itisexpressly understood and agreed that eachprovision ofthisAgreement that provides for alimitation ofliability, disclaimer ofwarranties, indemnification orexclusion ordamages orother remedies are intended tobeenforced assuch. Further, itisexpressly understood and agreed thatintheevent anyremedy under this Agreement isdetermined to have failed itsessential purpose, all limitations ofliability and exclusions ofdamages orother remedies shall remain in effect. 9.10Non-Solicitation. IWT andClient agree that theemployees ofIWT andClient may possess technical abilities thatarein great demand and further agree thateach party has incurred substantial expense inrecruiting andtraining such employees andwould incur even greater expense ifrequired toreplace any such employee. Therefore, IWT and Client each agree not torecruit, either directly orindirectly, apresent employee ofthe other during theterm ofthis Agreement oranyother agreement between them, and forone yearfollowing termination ofall suchagreements, without the express written consent oftheother party. Upon breach ofthisprovision, thebreaching party agrees topaytheother twotimes theyearly compensation oftheaffected employee. This remedy provided inthis paragraph shall betheonly monetary remedy for breach oftheterms ofthisparagraph. Neither party isprevented fromseeking equitable relief for breach ofthisparagraph. 9.11Survival. Payment obligations and any other provisions, which bytheir terms ortheir nature are intended tosurvive, shall survive theexpiration ortermination ofthisAgreement. 9.12Entire Agreement and Amendment. ThisAgreement, with allExhibits, istheentire agreement between the parties with respect toitssubject matter, and supersedes andreplaces anyprior agreement between theparties withrespect tosaid subject matter andthere areno other representations, understandings oragreements between the parties relative tosuch subject matter. Amendments orwaivers ofany provision ofthisAgreement oritsExhibits shall bevalid only asclearly identified assuch, inwriting and signed bytheparties. Nopurchase order submitted byClient, even ifaccepted byIWT, shall bedeemed tomodify anyterms ofthisAgreement, unless IWT has expressly stated inwriting itsintent todo so. INWITNESS WHEREOF, eachparty hereto hascaused this Agreement tobeexecuted byitsduly authorized representative. IWT - IonWave Technologies, Inc. Client: City ofDenton, Texas Signed: Signed: Printed Name: Printed Name: Printed Title: Printed Title: Date: Date: IonWave Technologies, Inc. Confidential Master License & Services Agreement Page 5of10 DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D72B6-E69E-4896-89CB-35330CCD83CB IonWave Technologies, Inc. Confidential Master License & Services Agreement Page 6of10 DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D72B6-E69E-4896-89CB-35330CCD83CB ExhibitA LicensedProducts 1. License Grant. IWTGrants toClient, inaccordance with and subject totheterms and conditions set forthinthis Agreement, alicense totheIWT products asspecified below: i) IWTSourcing subject tothe following terms andrestrictions: The license grant shallbeforafive (5) yearperiod starting upon theexecution ofthis Agreement, withusage limited toClient employees. The IWTSourcing license shall include the Electronic Bidding (eRFx) and Supplier Management / Registration Modules. TheBidEvaluation Scoring module, theReverse Auction module, theBid Workflow module, andany future modules released byIWT arespecifically excluded. Client maypurchase additional modules and incorporate anadditional Exhibit intothisagreement. The cost ofthelicense shall bepaid annually asoutlined inthe payment section below. 2. Support Services. IWTwill provide Support Services totheClient, inaccordance withandsubject tothe terms and conditions setforthinthis Agreement, asspecified below: i) Support andMaintenance: IWT will provide Support Services asdetailed inExhibit Bfortheproducts listed above during thelicense period at noadditional cost toClient. 3. Payment. Payment for the license fees shall be due asfollows: i) $20,000Annual License Fees dueOctober 1, 2018 fortheservice period 10/01/2018 to09/30/2019. ii) $20,000Annual License Fees due October 1, 2019fortheservice period 10/01/2019 to09/30/2020. iii) $20,000Annual License Fees dueOctober 1, 2020 forthe service period 10/01/2020 to09/30/2021. iv) $20,500Annual License Fees due October 1, 2021 fortheservice period 10/01/2021 to09/30/2022. v) $21,000Annual License Fees dueOctober 1, 2021fortheservice period 10/01/2022 to09/30/2023. 4. Non-Appropriation ofFunds. Client intends toremit toIWT allannual payments forthe fullterm ofthisAgreement if funds are available. Inthe event Client isnotgranted anappropriation offunds fortherequired annual payments under this Agreement, Client shall have theright toterminate this Agreement onthe lastdayoftheannual period for which payment wasmade without penalty orexpense toClient. Client agrees toprovide written notification of itsintent toterminate the agreement nolater than 30days priortoananniversary date asdescribed herein. INWITNESS WHEREOF, each party hereto hascaused this Exhibit tobeexecuted and amended totheAgreement byitsduly authorized representative. IWT - IonWave Technologies, Inc. Client City ofDenton, Texas Signed: Signed: Printed Name: Printed Name: Printed Title: Printed Title: Date: Date: IonWave Technologies, Inc. Confidential Master License & Services Agreement Page 7of10 DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D72B6-E69E-4896-89CB-35330CCD83CB ExhibitB SupportServices 1. a.m. Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and theFriday immediately following Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, andChristmas Day), and24x7 access forreporting Level 1 (asdefined below) situations, toadesignated, authorized, qualified, andtrained o b) use commercially reasonable efforts tocorrect reproducible errors ormalfunctions to enable the IWT Products tosubstantially perform inaccordance withandasspecified intheaccompanying documentation. 2. IWT shall usecommercially reasonable efforts todeliver asolution oraction plan tocorrect reported errors that IWT arepartially ortotally inoperative, including butnotlimited to, total system failure, data loss, data corruption, oraprocessing offunctions andprocesses soslow asto render the application unusable, orany Level 2error where areasonable alterna twenty (120) daysfrom theusability ofthe product being restricted andforwhich areasonable alternative work process canbe established; (iii) tocorrect within the next scheduled operate optimally, butwhere impact onfunctionality and/orusability isagreed byClient andIWT tobeminor and result ina commercially reasonable efforts tocorrect within thenext scheduled production release oftheIWT Applicati including butnotlimited toacosmetic ordocumentation error. 3. IWT shall provide allextensions, enhancements, andother changes, which are logical improvements toaIWT Product andto which IWT makes generally available onacommercial basis, without charge, toanyother licensee oftheIWT Product are then made generally available onacommercial basis asseparate, price-listed options or additions toanIWT Product nordothey include any Professional Services Fees that may berequired forimplementation. 4. IWT shall have noobligation toprovide Support Services except toClient Support Contact andonly with respect tothe unmodified Supported Releases. When anIWT Product isdeployed inconjunction with other software products, including but notlimited towebservers, browsers, databases, andoperating systems, IWT isnot responsible forproviding Support Services forthese other products, orforensuring correct interoperation withthese products. 5. Client shall use commercially reasonable efforts toassist IWT inreproducing the specific situation inwhich aIWTProduct, standing alone, demonstrates afailure tosubstantially conform inallmaterial respects tothe functional specifications setforth quate research with respect toaDefect orrelated issue prior tocontacting IWT for assistance. Hosting Services 1. IWT shall use commercially reasonable efforts tomake allhosted IWT Products available toClient foratleast ninety-nine percent (99%) ofthetime (determined monthly), seven (7) days aweek, twenty-four (24) hours perday, notincluding any unavailability that; (i) lasts lessthan fifteen (15) minutes; (ii) results from regularly scheduled IWT maintenance; (iii) results fromfailure ofClie 2. Data Backup. In recognition t commercially reasonable backup pla INWITNESS WHEREOF, eachparty hereto has caused thisExhibit tobeexecuted and amended tothe Agreement byitsduly authorized representative. IWT - IonWave Technologies, Inc. Client - Signed: Signed: Printed Name: Printed Name: Printed Title: Printed Title: Date: Date: IonWave Technologies, Inc. Confidential Master License & Services Agreement Page 8of10 DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D72B6-E69E-4896-89CB-35330CCD83CB ExhibitC StatementofWork ("SOW") 1. Introduction Client seeks toimplement theIWTSourcing application (the "Solution"). The primary objective oftheproject istoconfigure and implement theSolution fortheClient. This willbedone inaway that utilizes thestandard features oftheSolution andisbased on theSolution standard configurations. This SOW describes thescope ofservices andtheservices investment necessary tocomplete the Solution implementation project. IWT Professional Services will usecommercially reasonable efforts inamanner consistent with software industry standard guidelines and asoutlined inthis SOW toprovide theguidance and expertise necessary tohelp Client successfully implement theSolution. 2. Summary ofIWTResponsibilities Thefollowing major activities areincluded inthescope ofthis project and willbeperformed byIWT: i) Coordinate and lead allmeetings, workshops, andtraining sessions. ii) Provide uptothree web--time employees. iii) Provide project management, including coordination andmanagement activities, issue tracking, andweekly status reporting toClient. iv) Coordinate Client acceptance testing. v) Provide configuration guides totheClient offering configuration choices. vi) After initial training iscompleted, prepare theSolution forgo-live. vii) Provide issue resolution according totheseverity levels and response times asoutlined intheAgreement. 3. Summary ofClientResponsibilities Client agrees toundertake atitssoleexpense, thefollowing responsibilities: i) Assignment ofaninternal dedicated project manager tomanage the Solution and itsimplementation. ii) Coordinate internal participation inproject related meetings. iii) Provide materials andfacilities forproject related activities, including Internet-capable machines fortraining sessions. iv) Purchase, install, andvalidate any third-party software required. v) Develop and implement test scripts foracceptance oftheSolution. vi) Plan, coordinate, and participate intraining sessions and complete alltraining assignments. vii) Plananddirect theproduction deployment (Go-live). 4. Technical Requirements Client willberesponsible for procurement, installation, and operational verification ofallsoftware, software licenses, equipment, andhardware required tosupport the Solution intheproduction deployment. This includes: i) Web Browsers. Client willberesponsible for procurement, installation, andoperational verification ofallweb browser licenses. IWTwillprovide itsminimum browser requirements during the Workshops. ii) Commodity Code. Client will beresponsible forprocurement and licensing ofanydesired proprietary commodity code structure(s). iii) Network Performance. Client isresponsible for maintaining thesatisfactory network performance needed toconduct thedeployment oftheproduction system. iv) IWT may modify anyofthe above hardware and software requirements fromtime totime, upon ninety (90) days written notice toClient. 5. Project Organization andOperating Procedures i) Project Organization. Client andIWT agree toassign dedicated staff toperform their respective project activities. ii) Change Control Process. IWTprojects follow astandard change control process. Ifduring the course ofaproject, a scope change isidentified, then theIWT project manager will document thechange and associated cost orschedule impacts onachange authorization form. Once documented, theIWT project manager reviews thechange with the Client project manager. Scope changes are defined asanymodification tothe agreed scope ofaproject, including but notlimited torequirements, software modules, configuration changes, project delays andenhancements or modifications totheproduct. Scope changes canrequire modification tocost, schedule, quality or other project deliverables andtherefore require sign-off from theClient project manager. No work onscope changes willbe conducted until sign offisobtained. Changes thatimpact scope require approval from the IWT project manager and theClient project manager. IonWave Technologies, Inc. Confidential Master License & Services Agreement Page 9of10 DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D72B6-E69E-4896-89CB-35330CCD83CB iii) Acceptance Process. Client will review any Work Product requiring explicit acceptance within five (5) business days ofdelivery and will document required adjustments. IfIWT does notreceive notice within thedefined five-day period, each Work Product willbeconsidered accepted. Within five (5) days, IWT will provide arevised Work Product that incorporates the agreed adjustments. Intheevent that Client doesnot accept therevised Work Product, theparties may agree torepeat this review andacceptance process one additional time. Ifdisputes remain after repeating the iv) Work Location. Unless otherwise specified, Client and IWT will perform allwork attheir respective locations. 6. Project Investment Project Payment Schedule Payment Item Amount Payment Schedule Mobilization Fee $0 Remitted toIWTupon thestart ofthe project. Remitted toIWT upon thepreparation oftheGo-LiveFee $0 system forGo-Live following training and configuration. TotalServices $0 Travel andAdministrative Expenses Estimate -0- Notravel isexpected forthisengagement. INWITNESS WHEREOF, each party hereto hascaused this Exhibit tobeexecuted and amended totheAgreement byitsduly authorized representative. IWT - IonWave Technologies, Inc. Client City ofDenton, Texas Signed: Signed: Printed Name: Printed Name: Printed Title: Printed Title: Date: Date: THIS AGREEMENT HASBEENATTEST: BOTH REVIEWED ANDAPPROVEDJENNIFERWALTERS, CITY SECRETARY astofinancial and operational obligations and business terms. BY: __________________________________ APPROVED AS TOLEGAL FORM: SIGNATURE PRINTED NAMEAARONLEAL, CITY ATTORNEY TITLEBY: _______________________________ DEPARTMENT IonWave Technologies, Inc. Confidential Master License & Services Agreement Page 10of10 DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D72B6-E69E-4896-89CB-35330CCD83CB Exhibit House Bill89 - Government Code 2270 VERIFICATION I, _______________________________________________, theundersigned representativeof ______________________________CompanyorBusinessname hereafterreferredtoascompany), being anadultovertheageofeighteen (18) yearsofage, verifythatthecompanynamed-above, undertheprovisionsof SubtitleF, Title10, GovernmentCodeChapter2270: 1. DoesnotboycottIsraelcurrently; and 2. WillnotboycottIsraelduringthetermofthecontracttheabove-named Company, businessorindividualwithCityofDenton. Pursuant toSection 2270.001, Texas Government Code: 1. with, orotherwise taking anyaction that isintended topenalize, inflict economic harm on, orlimit commercial relations specifically withIsrael, or withaperson orentity doing business inIsrael orinan Israeli-controlled territory, butdoes notinclude anaction made forordinary business purposes; and 2. -profit sole proprietorship, organization, association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, oranylimited liability company, including a wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company or affiliate ofthose entities orbusiness associations that exist tomake aprofit. NameofCompanyRepresentative (Print) SignatureofCompanyRepresentative Date DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D72B6-E69E-4896-89CB-35330CCD83CB Exhibit Senate Bill 252 -Government Code 2252 CERTIFICATION I, ______________________________________________, theundersigned representativeof ________________________________________________ Companyorbusinessname) beinganadultovertheageofeighteen (18) yearsof age, pursuanttoTexasGovernmentCode, Chapter2252, Section2252.152and Section2252.153, certifythatthecompanynamedaboveisnotlistedonthe websiteoftheComptrolleroftheStateofTexasconcerningthelistingof companiesthatareidentifiedunderSection806.051, Section807.051orSection 2253.153. Ifurthercertifythatshouldtheabove-namedcompanyenterintoa contractthatisonsaidlistingofcompaniesonthewebsiteoftheComptrollerof theStateofTexaswhichdobusinesswithIran, SudanoranyForeignTerrorist ManagementDepartment. NameofCompanyRepresentative (Print) SignatureofCompanyRepresentative Date DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D72B6-E69E-4896-89CB-35330CCD83CB Exhibit CONFLICTOFINTERESTQUESTIONNAIRE - FORMCIQ Forvendororotherpersondoingbusinesswithlocalgovernmentalentity Thisquestionnaire reflectschangesmadetothelawbyH.B. 23, 84thLeg., RegularSession. This questionnaire isbeing filed inaccordance withChapter 176, Local Government Code, byavendor whohasabusiness relationship as defined bySection 176.001(1-a) with alocal governmental entity and the vendor meets requirements under Section 176.006(a). By law this questionnaire must befiled with therecords administrator ofthelocal government entity notlater than the 7thbusiness day after the date thevendor becomes aware offacts that require thestatement tobefiled. SeeSection 176.006(a-1), Local Government Code. Avendor commits anoffense ifthevendor knowingly violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. Anoffense under thissection isa misdemeanor. Nameofvendor whohasabusiness relationship withlocalgovernmental entity. 1 2 Check thisboxifyouarefilinganupdatetoapreviously filedquestionnaire. thThelawrequiresthatyoufileanupdatedcompletedquestionnairewiththeappropriatefilingauthoritynotlaterthanthe7business dayafterthedateonwhichyoubecame aware thattheoriginally filedquestionnaire was incomplete orinaccurate.) 3 Name oflocalgovernment officer about whom theinformation inthissection isbeingdisclosed. Name ofOfficer Thissection, (item 3including subparts A, B, C & D), must becompleted foreach officer with whom thevendor hasanemployment orother business relationship asdefined bySection 176.001(1-a), Local Government Code. Attachadditional pages tothisFormCIQ asnecessary. A. Isthelocalgovernment officer named inthissection receiving orlikelytoreceive taxable income, other than investment income, from thevendor? Yes No B. Isthevendor receiving orlikely toreceive taxable income, other than investment income, from oratthedirection ofthelocalgovernment officer named inthis section AND thetaxable income isnot received from thelocal governmental entity? Yes No C. Isthefiler ofthisquestionnaire employed byacorporation orother business entitywithrespect towhich thelocal government officer serves asan officer ordirector, orholdsanownership ofonepercent ormore? Yes No D. Describe eachemployment orbusiness andfamily relationship withthelocal government officer named inthis section. 4 IhavenoConflictofInterest todisclose. 5 Signature ofvendor doing business withthegovernmental entity Date Certificate OfCompletion Envelope Id: EB5D72B6E69E489689CB35330CCD83CBStatus: Completed Subject: Please DocuSign: City Council Contract 6873 Ionwave Source Envelope: Document Pages: 14Signatures: 14Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 6Initials: 0Jamie Cogdell AutoNav: Enabled901B Texas Street EnvelopeId Stamping: EnabledDenton, TX 76209 Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)Jamie.Cogdell@cityofdenton.com IPAddress: Record Tracking Status: OriginalHolder: Jamie CogdellLocation: DocuSign 10/15/2018 9:55:31AM Jamie.Cogdell@cityofdenton.com Signer EventsSignatureTimestamp Jamie CogdellSent: 10/15/2018 10:06:29 AMCompleted jamie.cogdell@cityofdenton.comViewed: 10/15/2018 10:06:37 AM Senior BuyerSigned: 10/15/2018 10:07:33 AM Using IPAddress: Security Level: Email, Account Authentication None) ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Not Offered viaDocuSign Mack ReinwandSent: 10/15/2018 10:07:36 AM mack.reinwand@cityofdenton.comViewed: 10/15/2018 11:04:29 AM City of DentonSigned: 10/15/2018 11:11:27 AM Security Level: Email, Account Authentication Signature Adoption: Pre-selected StyleNone) Using IPAddress: ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Not Offered viaDocuSign Darren HendersonSent: 10/15/2018 11:11:29 AM dhenderson@ionwave.netViewed: 10/15/2018 12:34:23 PM CEOSigned: 10/15/2018 12:37:26 PM IonWave Technologies, Inc. Signature Adoption: Pre-selected StyleSecurityLevel: Email, Account Authentication Using IPAddress: ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Accepted: 10/15/2018 12:34:23PM ID: 56fe8266-efa1-4ff0-b7d8-46b5b943b7c2 Cassandra OgdenSent: 10/15/2018 12:37:29 PM cassandra.ogden@cityofdenton.comViewed: 10/15/2018 1:43:09 PM Director of Procurement and ComplianceSigned: 10/15/2018 1:52:16 PM City ofDenton Signature Adoption: Pre-selected StyleSecurityLevel: Email, Account Authentication Using IPAddress: ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Not Offered viaDocuSign Signer EventsSignatureTimestamp Tabitha MillsopSent: 10/15/2018 1:52:18 PMCompleted tabitha.millsop@cityofdenton.comViewed: 11/7/2018 9:55:09 AM City of DentonSigned: 11/7/2018 9:55:32 AM Using IPAddress: Email, Account Authentication None) ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Not Offered viaDocuSign Todd HilemanSent: 11/7/2018 9:55:36 AM Todd.Hileman@cityofdenton.comViewed: 11/7/2018 10:50:22 AM City ManagerSigned: 11/7/2018 10:50:37 AM City ofDenton Signature Adoption: Pre-selected StyleSecurityLevel: Email, Account Authentication Using IPAddress: Signed using mobile ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Accepted: 7/25/2017 11:02:14AM ID: 57619fbf-2aec-4b1f-805d-6bd7d9966f21 Jennifer WaltersSent: 11/7/2018 10:50:40 AM jennifer.walters@cityofdenton.comViewed: 11/8/2018 1:31:54 PM City SecretarySigned: 11/8/2018 1:32:23 PM City ofDenton Signature Adoption: Pre-selected StyleSecurityLevel: Email, Account Authentication Using IPAddress: ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Not Offered viaDocuSign InPerson Signer EventsSignatureTimestamp Editor Delivery EventsStatusTimestamp Agent Delivery EventsStatusTimestamp Intermediary Delivery EventsStatusTimestamp Certified Delivery EventsStatusTimestamp Carbon Copy EventsStatusTimestamp Sherri ThurmanSent: 10/15/2018 10:07:35 AM sherri.thurman@cityofdenton.com City ofDenton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication None) ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Not Offered viaDocuSign Jane RichardsonSent: 11/7/2018 9:55:35 AM jane.richardson@cityofdenton.com Assistant CitySecretary City ofDenton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication None) ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Not Offered viaDocuSign Carbon Copy EventsStatusTimestamp Jennifer BridgesSent: 11/8/2018 1:32:27 PM jennifer.bridges@cityofdenton.com Procurement Assistant City ofDenton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication None) ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Not Offered viaDocuSign Jane RichardsonSent: 11/8/2018 1:32:28 PM jane.richardson@cityofdenton.comViewed: 11/9/2018 3:32:47 PM Assistant CitySecretary City ofDenton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication None) ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Not Offered viaDocuSign Rebecca HunterSent: 11/8/2018 1:32:29 PM Rebecca.Hunter@cityofdenton.com Assistant Purchasing Manager City ofDenton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication None) ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Not Offered viaDocuSign Notary EventsSignatureTimestamp Envelope Summary EventsStatusTimestamps Envelope SentHashed/Encrypted11/8/2018 1:32:29 PM Certified DeliveredSecurity Checked11/8/2018 1:32:29 PM Signing CompleteSecurity Checked11/8/2018 1:32:29 PM CompletedSecurity Checked11/8/2018 1:32:29 PM Payment EventsStatusTimestamps Electronic Record andSignature Disclosure ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE Fromtimetotime, CityofDenton (we, usorCompany) mayberequired bylawtoprovide to youcertainwritten noticesordisclosures. 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Acknowledging your access andconsent toreceive materials electronically Toconfirmtousthatyoucanaccessthisinformation electronically, whichwillbesimilarto otherelectronic noticesanddisclosures thatwewillprovidetoyou, pleaseverifythatyou wereabletoreadthiselectronic disclosureandthatyoualsowereabletoprintonpaperor electronically savethispageforyourfuture referenceandaccessorthatyouwereableto e-mailthisdisclosureandconsenttoanaddresswhereyouwillbeabletoprintonpaperor saveitforyourfuturereference andaccess. Further, ifyouconsenttoreceiving noticesand disclosuresexclusively inelectronicformat onthetermsandconditions describedabove, pleaseletusknowbyclickingthe 'Iagree' button below. Bychecking the 'IAgree' box, Iconfirm that: IcanaccessandreadthisElectronicCONSENT TOELECTRONIC RECEIPTOF ELECTRONIC RECORDANDSIGNATURE DISCLOSURES document; and Icanprintonpaperthedisclosure orsaveorsendthedisclosure toaplacewhereIcan printit, forfuturereferenceandaccess; and UntilorunlessInotifyCityofDentonasdescribed above, Iconsenttoreceive from exclusively through electronic meansallnotices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, andotherdocuments thatarerequiredtobeprovidedormade availabletomeby CityofDenton duringthecourseofmyrelationship withyou. AMENDMENT NUMBER 1 TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS AND ION WAVE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. This Amendment Number 1 entered into and effective on December 1, 2019, modifies the Master License and Services Agreement (“Agreement”) between the City of Denton, Texas, (“Client”) and Ion Wave Technologies, Inc. (“IWT”) entered into on October 1, 2018, as follows: 1. Definitions: All definitions set forth in the Agreement shall have the same meaning unless stated otherwise in this Amendment. 2. This Amendment Number 1 is issued to add the Bid Evaluation Scoring module for an additional $22,200 over the term of the previous Agreement, as detailed in the attached Exhibit A-1. 3. The remaining four annual payments and services periods on Exhibit A are removed and superseded by this Amendment’s Exhibit A-1. 4. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain unchanged. Exhibit A-1 Licensed Products 1. License Grant. IWT Grants to Client, in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, a license to the IWT products as specified below: (i) IWT Sourcing • The previous license grant shall be extended until September 30, 2023, with usage limited to Client employees. • The IWT Sourcing license shall include the Electronic Bidding (eRFx) module, the Supplier Management / Registration module, and the Bid Evaluation Scoring module. The Reverse Auction module, the Workflow/Collaboration module, and any future modules released by IWT are specifically excluded. Client may purchase additional modules and incorporate an additional Exhibit into this agreement. • The cost of the license shall be paid annually as outlined in the payment section below. 2. Support Services. IWT will provide Support Services to the Client, in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, as specified below: (i) Support and Maintenance: • IWT will provide Support Services as detailed in Exhibit B for the products listed above during the license period at no additional cost to Client. 3. Payment. Payment for the license fees shall be due as follows: (i) $24,200 Annual License Fees due October 1, 2019 for the service period 10/01/2019 to 09/30/2020. (ii) $25,750 Annual License Fees due October 1, 2020 for the service period 10/01/2020 to 09/30/2021. (iii) $26,500 Annual License Fees due October 1, 2021 for the service period 10/01/2021 to 09/30/2022. (iv) $27,250 Annual License Fees due October 1, 2022 for the service period 10/01/2022 to 09/30/2023. 4. Non-Appropriation of Funds. Client intends to remit to IWT all annual payments for the full term of this Agreement if funds are available. In the event Client is not granted an appropriation of funds for the required annual payments under this Agreement, Client shall have the right to terminate this Agreement on the last day of the annual period for which payment was made without penalty or expense to Client. Client agrees to provide written notification of its intent to terminate the agreement no later than 30 days prior to an anniversary date as described herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party hereto has caused this Exhibit to be executed and amended to the Agreement by its duly authorized representative. IWT - Ion Wave Technologies, Inc. (IWT) Client – City of Denton, Texas Signed: Signed: lori hewell Printed Name: Darren C Henderson Printed Name: lori hewell Printed Title: CEO Printed Title: purchasing manager Date: Date: EXHIBIT C-1 Statement of Work ("SOW") 1. Introduction Client seeks to implement the IWT Bid Evaluation Scoring Module (the "Solution"). The primary objective of the project is to configure and implement the Solution for the Client’s initial affiliate partner. This will be done in a way that utilizes the standard features of the Solution and is based on the Solution standard configurations. This SOW describes the scope of services and the services investment necessary to complete the Solution implementation project. IWT Professional Services will use commercially reasonable efforts in a manner consistent with software industry standard guidelines and as outlined in this SOW to provide the guidance and expertise necessary to help Client successfully implement the Solution. 2. Summary of IWT Responsibilities The following major activities are included in the scope of this project and will be performed by IWT: (i) Coordinate and lead all meetings, workshops, and training sessions. (ii) Provide up to two web-based training sessions to Client’s full-time employees. (iii) Provide project management, including coordination and management activities, issue tracking, and weekly status reporting to Client. (iv) Coordinate Client acceptance testing. (v) Provide configuration guide to the Client offering and explaining configuration choices. (vi) After initial training is completed, prepare the Solution for go-live. (vii) Provide issue resolution according to the severity levels and response times as outlined in the Agreement. 3. Summary of Client Responsibilities Client agrees to undertake at its sole expense, the following responsibilities: (i) Assignment of an internal dedicated project manager to manage the Solution and its implementation. (ii) Coordinate internal participation in project related meetings. (iii) Provide materials and facilities for project related activities, including Internet-capable machines for training sessions. (iv) Purchase, install, and validate any third-party software required. (v) Develop and implement test scripts for acceptance of the Solution. (vi) Plan, coordinate, and participate in training sessions. (vii) Plan and direct the production deployment (Go-live). 4. Technical Requirements Client will be responsible for procurement, installation, and operational verification of all software, software licenses, equipment, and hardware required to support the Solution in the production deployment. This includes: (i) Web Browsers. Client will be responsible for procurement, installation, and operational verification of all web browser licenses. IWT will provide its minimum browser requirements during the Workshops. (ii) Network Performance. Client is responsible for maintaining the satisfactory network performance needed to conduct the deployment of the production system. (iii) IWT may modify any of the above hardware and software requirements from time to time, upon ninety (90) days written notice to Client. 5. Project Organization and Operating Procedures (i) Project Organization. Client and IWT agree to assign dedicated staff to perform their respective project activities. (ii) Change Control Process. IWT projects follow a standard change control process. If during the course of a project, a scope change is identified, then the IWT project manager will document the change and associated cost or schedule impacts on a change authorization form. Once documented, the IWT project manager reviews the change with the Client project manager. Scope changes are defined as any modification to the agreed scope of a project, including but not limited to requirements, software modules, configuration changes, project delays and enhancements or modifications to the product. Scope changes can require modification to cost, schedule, quality or other project deliverables and therefore require sign-off from the Client project manager. No work on scope changes will be conducted until sign off is obtained. Changes that impact scope require approval from the IWT project manager and the Client project manager. (iii) Acceptance Process. Client will review any Work Product requiring explicit acceptance within five (5) business days of delivery and will document required adjustments. If IWT does not receive notice within the defined five- day period, each Work Product will be considered accepted. Within five (5) days, IWT will provide a revised Work Product that incorporates the agreed adjustments. In the event that Client does not accept the revised Work Product, the parties may agree to repeat this review and acceptance process one additional time. If disputes remain after repeating the acceptance process, the project team will refer these to IWT’s and the Client’s executive teams for resolution. (iv) Work Location. Unless otherwise specified, Client and IWT will perform all work at their respective locations. 6. Project Investment Project Payment Schedule Payment Item Amount Payment Schedule Mobilization Fee $0 Remitted to IWT upon the start of the project. Go-Live Fee $0 Remitted to IWT upon the preparation of the system for Go-Live following training and configuration. Total Services $0 Travel and Administrative Expenses Estimate -0- No travel is expected for this engagement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party hereto has caused this Exhibit to be executed and amended to the Agreement by its duly authorized representative. IWT - Ion Wave Technologies, Inc. (IWT) Client - City of Denton, Texas Signed: Signed: lori hewell Printed Name: Darren C Henderson Printed Name: lori hewell Printed Title: CEO Printed Title: purchasing manager Date: Date: