7779 - Contract Executed EMPHASYS SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into effective the day of ________, 2021 ("Effective Date") by and between Emphasys Computer Solutions, Inc. a Michigan corporation, with its principal place of business located at: 1200 SW 145th Street, Suite 301 Pembroke, FL 33027("Emphasys"), and City of Denton, a Texas City, with its principal place of business located at: 215 E. McKinney, Denton, TX 76201 ("Licensee"). PRELIMINARY STATEMENT Emphasys has designed and developed a software program known as the SymPro Treasury Management Software, which consists of computer software programs in machine-readable form and related user documentation (“Software”). Licensee has an existing Emphasys Software License Agreement (“License”), which grants Licensee a personal, nontransferable; non-exclusive limited right and license to use the Software within the terms of such License. This Emphasys Software Maintenance Agreement (“Maintenance Agreement”) grants Licensee maintenance and support services for the Software and Term set forth in Exhibit “A” attached hereto, as follows: EMPHASYS AND LICENSEE MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Software Maintenance 1.1. Emphasys shall provide to Licensee all modifications and enhancements to the Software in the form of fixes and further releases that Emphasys makes generally available to all end-users. Such modifications shall be released at least once each year. Emphasys reserves the option to require the payment of an additional fee if substantial additional functions or improved performance are provided. 1.2. Such modifications, when delivered, shall become part of the Software, shall be maintained in accordance with this Agreement, and shall otherwise be subject to all of the terms of the License Agreement. Section 2. Error Correction Emphasys shall correct, within a reasonable period of time, any material, documented, reproducible error or malfunction in the System. Emphasys agrees to commence correction as soon as reasonably possible after such error or malfunction is detected. If Emphasys, in its discretion, requests written verification of an error or malfunction discovered by Licensee, Licensee shall immediately provide such verification, by email, setting forth in detail the respects in which the System fails to perform. An error or malfunction shall be “material” if it represents a nonconformity to Emphasys’ specifications pertaining thereto, as set forth in the current published user documentation for the Software. Emphasys shall determine if the reported error or malfunction interferes with the Licensee’s utilization of the Software. DocuSign Envelope ID: 072E7125-E3AA-48FB-B9CF-7FF23B6E7353 31 August 2 Section 3. Technical Support 3.1 Telephone and email technical support is provided during normal business hours (8:00AM to 5:00PM – Pacific Time) Monday through Friday for questions dealing with the operations of the Software. 3.2 Support issues may be reported via voicemail, fax or email, 24 hours a day. 3.3 The resolution of some issues may require that Licensee provide Emphasys with a copy of Licensee’s portfolio. Licensee agrees to provide Emphasys with a copy of their portfolio for the purpose of resolving Licensee’s issue and Emphasys agrees to maintain full confidentiality of any required portfolio data and will use it only for the resolution of the Licensee’s issue. 3.4 Unlimited telephone support will be provided in the following areas: a) Loading and configuring of SymPro Software b) Operational Questions, including standard SymPro reports c) Data Entry Questions for all investment & debt types supported in SymPro, including: Investments: Certificates of Deposits Negotiable Certificates of Deposits Checking Accounts Commercial Paper Medium Term Notes Commercial Paper Discount United States Treasury Issues, Coupon & Discount Federal Agency Issues, Coupon & Discount GNMA, Pass Through Bankers Acceptances Corporate Bonds Rolling Repurchase Agreements 3.5 EXCLUSIONS. CONSULTING ON ISSUES CONCERNING INVESTMENT ACCOUNTING, SPECIFIC FINANCIAL OR INVESTMENT MATTERS, MATTERS REQUIRING PROFESSIONAL LICENSING, RESEARCH ON INVESTMENTS NOT SUPPORTED WITHIN THE LICENSED SOFTWARE OR DATA ENTRY FOR INVESTMENTS NOT SUPPORTED IN THE LICENSED SOFTWARE ARE NOT INCLUDED IN SUPPORT SERVICES. Section 4. Other Modifications Licensee may request that Emphasys make additional modifications to the System to add functions or improve performance. Emphasys shall, within thirty (30) days after receiving Licensee’s request in writing, take one of the following actions, in its sole discretion: A. Notify Licensee that Emphasys has determined that the modification would be of sufficient general interest to that Emphasys intends to provide such modification as part of its regular maintenance service at some future time. Such notice shall specify an estimated date on which the modification may be available. Licensee will have the DocuSign Envelope ID: 072E7125-E3AA-48FB-B9CF-7FF23B6E7353 3 option to wait for the regular maintenance release or to request an estimate of the costs for custom modification to be made available to the Licensee. B. Notify Licensee that Emphasys has determined that the modification will be undertaken only on an individual custom basis and provide Licensee with a written estimate of the charges for performing such modification. If Licensee accepts Emphasys’ proposal by written notice, Emphasys agrees to perform the modification for the estimated costs and for any required travel on a prepaid basis. Licensee acknowledges that Emphasys may impose additional charges, calculated at its then current rates, for work performed to accommodate revisions to the request for modification if such revisions are requested by Licensee after Licensee accepts the estimate. Section 5. Delivery In order to satisfy any delivery obligation hereunder, Emphasys may send Licensee in magnetic form, or by electronic transmission, a single copy of any modification, error correction, fix, or release to the Software provided pursuant to this Agreement, together with instructions for Licensee’s installation and implementation thereof. Section 6. Fees 6.1. Licensee shall pay Emphasys fees for the term and at the rate set forth in Exhibit “A”, (“Fees”), attached hereto. 6.2 For subsequent terms, Fees may be reset by Emphasys, on an annual basis at the then current rates and Emphasys will provide Licensee 60 day’s written notice of such increase, via email at Treasury@cityofdenton.com. 6.3. Fees shall be due and payable in full on or before the beginning date of the term set forth in Exhibit “A” attached hereto. 6.4. If applicable to the Licensee, Licensee agrees to pay when due (or, if necessary, reimburse Emphasys for) any applicable sales, use, property, excise, and other similar taxes. City of Denton is exempt from federal excise taxes, state taxes, and city sales tax and will furnish a tax exemption certificate upon request. Section 7. Ownership The modifications to the Software, including all intellectual property rights associated therewith, made or provided by Emphasys pursuant to this Agreement, whether alone or with any contribution from Licensee or its personnel, shall be owned exclusively by Emphasys. Licensee shall maintain and enforce agreements and policies with its personnel sufficient to give effect to the provisions of this Section. Section 8. Limited Warranty For the term of this Agreement and the Software listed in Exhibit “A”, Emphasys warrants that such Software will conform to Emphasys’ specifications pertaining thereto, as set forth in the DocuSign Envelope ID: 072E7125-E3AA-48FB-B9CF-7FF23B6E7353 4 current published user documentation for the Software, provided that said warranty shall apply only to the most current version of the Licensed Products, as used on a supported operating environment and to defects that can with reasonable effort be recreated by Emphasys using a supported operating environment. As Emphasys’ sole responsibility and Licensee’s exclusive remedy in the event of any material failure to meet such specifications, Emphasys shall make a reasonable effort to remedy any resulting discrepancies. Any claim based on the foregoing warranty must by submitted in writing in accordance with Emphasys’ reporting procedures, as set forth in Section 2. EXCEPT AS EXPRESLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, EMPHASYS MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ITS SERVICES, THE SYSTEM, THE DESIGN OR CONDITION OF THE EQUIPMENT OR ANY PROGRAMMING, OR ANY OUTPUT BASED ON USE OF THE SYSTEM. EMPHASYS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Section 9. Term 9.1. Unless sooner terminated in accordance with this Section 9, this Maintenance Agreement shall continue for the period and dates specified in Exhibit “A”; 9.2. Thereafter, this Maintenance Agreement may be renewed by the parties, by revision of Exhibit “A”, for successive terms, unless and until either party elects to terminate this Agreement upon expiration of the then current term. Neither party shall be obligated to renew this Agreement. Emphasys acknowledges and agrees that the awarding or continuation of this Contract is dependent upon the availability of funding. Licensee’s payment obligations are payable only and solely from funds appropriated and available for this Contract. The absence of appropriated or other lawfully available funds shall render the Contract null and void to the extent funds are not appropriated or available and any deliverables delivered but unpaid shall be returned to Emphasys. Licensee will not incur a debt or obligation to pay Emphasys any amounts Licensee does not have the current funds available to pay. 9.3. In addition to its termination rights set forth in Section 9.2 hereof, Emphasys may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice of termination to Licensee upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) Licensee defaults in the performance of any material requirement or obligation created by this Agreement, or in any other agreement, entered into between Emphasys and Licensee and such failure has not been remedied by the end of such 30-day period. (b) Licensee fails to make any payment to Emphasys within sixty (60) days of its receipt of invoice, whether under this Agreement, or the License Agreement; (c) Licensee ceases doing business; (d Licensee is the subject of any state or federal bankruptcy, insolvency, or similar proceeding, becomes insolvent, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors. DocuSign Envelope ID: 072E7125-E3AA-48FB-B9CF-7FF23B6E7353 5 9.4 All communications from Licensee relating to the termination of this Agreement shall be directed to Emphasys at the address indicated in Section 11. 9.5 If this Agreement is terminated, Emphasys acknowledges Licensee’s right to the perpetual use of the Software pursuant to the Emphasys Software License Agreement between Licensee and Emphasys. 9.6 Either party may terminate this agreement, with or without cause, by thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination, the Licensee shall pay the Company for all work previously authorized and performed prior to the termination date. Section 10. Delays The date on which Emphasys’ obligations are required to be fulfilled will be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of any delay arising directly or indirectly from (1) acts of God, unforeseeable circumstances, acts (including a delay or failure to act) of any governmental authority (de jure or de facto), war (declared or undeclared), riot, revolution, priorities, earthquakes, fires, floods, strikes, labor disputes, sabotage, or epidemics; (2) inability due to causes beyond Emphasys’ reasonable control to timely obtain instructions or information from Licensee, necessary and proper labor, materials, components, facilities, or transportation; or (3) any other cause beyond Emphasys’ reasonable control. The foregoing extension will apply even though such cause(s) may occur after Emphasys’ performance of its obligations has been delayed for other causes. Section 11. Notices Any notice to either party required or permitted hereunder shall be sufficiently given only when provided in writing, and either personally delivered or sent via certified or registered mail to the authorized persons indicated herein. Licensee shall promptly give Emphasys notice of any address change. The persons and their addresses having the authority to give and receive notices under this Agreement include the following: Licensee Emphasys City of Denton, TX Emphasys Treasury Manager or Director of Finance 215 E. McKinney 3675 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Denton, TX 76201 Lafayette, CA 94549 Section 13. Miscellaneous 13.1 A failure by either party to enforce any right under this Agreement shall not at any time constitute a waiver of such right or any other right, and shall not modify the rights or obligations of either party under this Agreement. 13.2 No assignment or transfer of any interest in this Agreement may be made by Licensee without the prior written consent of Emphasys (which consent may be withheld in Emphasys’ sole and absolute discretion). Emphasys may freely assign any interest and/or obligations under this Agreement and will provide Licensee with thirty (30) days written notice of any such assignment. DocuSign Envelope ID: 072E7125-E3AA-48FB-B9CF-7FF23B6E7353 6 13.3 The invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision, the remaining provisions being deemed to continue in full force and effect. 13.4 Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the laws of the State of Texas shall govern the validity and construction of this Agreement and the interpretation of the parties' rights and duties without reference to conflicts of laws. Each party hereto hereby submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of any state or federal court located in Denton County, Texas. 13.5 This Agreement and the Emphasys Software License Agreement are the entire agreements of the parties, and supersede all prior agreements and communications, whether oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. No amendment or modification of these Agreements shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by Emphasys and Licensee. BY EXECUTION HEREOF, the person signing for Licensee below certifies that he/she has read this Agreement and that he/she is duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of Licensee. “EMPHASYS” “LICENSEE” By: ____________________________ By: ____________________________ Name: Ken Reimer Name: __________________________ Its: CEO Its: ____________________________ DocuSign Envelope ID: 072E7125-E3AA-48FB-B9CF-7FF23B6E7353 Buyer Erica Garcia 7 EXHIBIT “A” Software, Fees, Payment Period and Term: 1. Software: Fixed Income General Ledger Module Market Pricing Multi User - 3 Concurrent User 2. Fees and Terms Investment Software: Annual Maintenance and Support Fee: $4,862.03 (10/01/2021– 9/31/2022) DocuSign Envelope ID: 072E7125-E3AA-48FB-B9CF-7FF23B6E7353