Exhibit 1 - Agenda Information SheetCity of Denton _____________________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET DEPARTMENT: Procurement ACM: Cassey Ogden DATE: November 7, 2023 SUBJECT Consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Blink Network LLC, for Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure for the Environmental Services and Sustainability Department; providing for the expenditure of funds therefor; and providing an effective date (RFP 8297 – awarded to Blink Network LLC, in the three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $228,500.00). The Public Utilities Board recommends approval (5 - 0). STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT This action supports Key Focus Area: Promote Sustainability and the Environment. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND One of City Council’s priorities is to Expand the Electric Fleet and Infrastructure. As part of that effort, the City is seeking electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure for the City’s fleet. The City has historically used a variety of EV charging infrastructure for its fleet. To better prepare for the growth in the City’s EV fleet, staff are seeking to standardize the EV infrastructure to ensure users have a consistent experience, easy access, and that the infrastructure provides useful data for Fleet Services. The City issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure that outlined three types of EV chargers: Level 1 (120 volts); Level 2 (240 volts); and Fast Chargers (480+ volts). The RFP also requested the lead time for each type of charger; electric needs for each type of charger; details on a Mobile Device Application Software with a preference for the software to include: user specific tracking, unit number tracking, waitlist or queuing of vehicles, remote notification when vehicle is fully charged, external user access (tied to a credit card or similar), variable charging rate (e.g., adjust charging to reduce strain on grid at certain times), and system lock out (e.g., no charging during set time periods). Warranty and repair information was also requested as part of the RFP response. This contract provides EV charging infrastructure options to the City to support its current EV fleet as well as expand the EV fleet. While this EV infrastructure can allow external users to connect, the primary focus of this RFP is to support the City’s fleet. External users may include other government agencies and even the public, depending on location and availability. City Hall 215 E. McKinney Street Denton, Texas www.cityofdenton.com FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 Total Equipment 25,000 105,000 70,000 200,000 Contingency 3,500 15,000 10,000 28,500 Total $28,500 $120,000 $80,000 $228,500 Requests for Proposals were sent to 559 prospective suppliers of this item, including 22 Denton firms. In addition, specifications were placed on the Procurement website for prospective suppliers to download and advertised in the local newspaper. Nineteen (19) proposals were received and evaluated based upon published criteria including delivery, compliance with specifications, and price. Based upon this evaluation, Blink Network LLC was ranked the highest and determined to be the best value for the City. NIGP Code Used for Solicitation: 060, 280, 285, and 287 Notifications sent for Solicitation sent in IonWave: 559 Number of Suppliers that viewed Solicitation in IonWave: 35 HUB-Historically Underutilized Business Invitations sent out: 50 SBE-Small Business Enterprise Invitations sent out: 221 Responses from Solicitation: 19 PRIOR ACTION/REVIEW (COUNCIL, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS) On October 23, 2023, the Public Utilities Board (PUB) recommended this item to the City Council for consideration. RECOMMENDATION Award a contract with Blink Network LLC, for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure for the Environmental Services and Sustainability Department, in a three (3) year not-to-exceed amount of $228,500. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS Blink Network LLC Phoenix, AZ ESTIMATED SCHEDULE OF PROJECT This is a three (3) year contract. FISCAL INFORMATION These products and services will be funded through the using department’s budget on an as-needed basis. The City will only pay for services rendered and is not obligated to pay the full contract amount unless needed. EXHIBITS Exhibit 1: Agenda Information Sheet Exhibit 2: Pricing Evaluation Exhibit 3: Ordinance and Contract Respectfully submitted: Lori Hewell, 940-349-7100 Purchasing Manager For information concerning this acquisition, contact: Michael Gange, 940-349-7165. Legal point of contact: Marcella Lunn at 940-349-8333.