24-901 - 8055 - GMP 2 Ordinance ExecutedORDINANCENO. 24-901 AN ORDINANCEOF THE CITY OF DENTON, A TEXAS HOME-RULE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION,AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CMAR GUARANTEEDMAXIMUM PRICEAMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AT RISK CONTRACTWITH SUNDT CONSTRUCTION,INC., FOR THECONSTRUCTIONPHASE SERVICESOF THE SECOND WORK PACKAGE FOR NEIGHBORHOOD 2 AND 6 IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CAPITAL PROJECTS DEPARTMENT;PROVIDINGFORTHE EXPENDITUREOF FUNDSTHEREFOR;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (RFP 8055 – AWARDED TO SUNDT CONSTRUCTION, INC., INCLUDING THE SECOND GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICEIN THE PARTIAL NOT-TO-EXCEEDAMOUNT OF $37,615,516.43AND A TOTAL CONTRACT PRICEOF $51,505,116.43). WHEREAS, theCity of Dentonhasengagedin a requestfor proposalsfor Neighborhood 2 & 6Improvementsfor theCapital ProjectsDepartment;and WHEREAS, SundtConstruction,Inc. was selectedasthe mostqualified firm to provide construction managerat risk (“CMAR”) servicesfor the Neighborhood 2 & 6 Improvements, and on November 1,2022, the City Council approved the CMAR agreementfor preconstruction phase serviceswith Sundt Construction,Inc., and funded preconstructionservicesin the not-to-exceed amount of $452,147.00(Ordinance 22-2195); and WHEREAS, onNovember 14,2023,SundtConstruction,Inc., andtheCity, in accordance with therequirementsof theCMAR agreement,awardedapartial CMAR GuaranteedMaximum PriceAmendmentNo. 1, in the not-to-exceedamount of $13,889,600.00(Ordinance23-2117);and WHEREAS, the City Council desiresto establish a not-to-exceedamount of $37,615,516.43for the construction of the Neighborhood 2 & 6 Improvements; and WHEREAS, this project hasbeen phasedandthis guaranteedmaximum price(“GMP”) proposal is the secondof several GMP proposals that make up the entire project; and WHEREAS, this procurementwas undertaken aspart of the City’s governmental function; and WHEREAS, upon full review of all mattersattendant andrelatedthereto, the City Council is of the opinion that the City Manager,or their designee,should be authorizedto execute a ConstructionPhaseServicesContractwith Sundt Construction,Inc., for aGuaranteedMaximum Price that will not exceed $37,615,516.43 for the renovation of the Neighborhood 2 & 6 Improvements. NOW, THEREFORE,THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DENTON HEREBY ORDAINS : SECTION 1. The recitalscontained in the preamble of this ordinance aretrue and correct andareincorporated herewith aspart of this ordinance. SECTION 2. A not-to-exceed amount of $37,615,516.43 for the construction of the Neighborhood 2 & 6 Improvements hasbeen establishedand reviewed by the City Council and foundto bein the bestinterestof the City of Denton andits citizens,andis in all things approved. SECTION3. The City Manager, or their designee,is authorized to executea second GuaranteedMaximum PriceAmendment, attachedhereto and incorporated herein, to the CMAR agreementpreviously approved by City Council, and all other necessary and related documents afterthe samehavebeenreviewedandapprovedby the City Attorney, or their designee,with SundtConstruction,Inc., for the constructionof the Neighborhood2 & 6 Improvements with a CMAR GuaranteedMaximum Pricethat will not exceed$37,615,516.43for this phaseandatotalContractPriceof$51,505,116.43. SECTION4. Thisordinanceshallbecomeeffectiveimmediatelyuponits passageand approval. ,...„d.T;y“"tR.“ T{P=Tr;:bi; ''di"’"'' "” "y;eb:rdi££fLaJk£ Jd andapproved’::thefollowingvoteU-U: Aye J / ,Z Nay Abstain Absent Mayor Gerard Hudspeth: VickiByrd,District1: BrianBeck,District2: PaulMeltzer,District3:,“‘ JoeHolland.District4:/ P/ ,/Brandon ChaseIVlcGee,At Large Place 5: Chris Watts, At Large Place6: P Jr!IIILSSE 1:11 Jr!IILL IN11:)JrEIIILP PROVED this the J day of J)#,2024. fERARD HUDgm MAYOR ATTEST: LAUREN THODEN, CITY SECRETARY APPROVEDASTOLEGALFORM: MACK REINWAND,CITY ATTORNEY I DigitallysignedbyMarcella Lunn DN:dc=com,dc=cityofdenton, dc=codad,ou=Department Users andGroups,ou=General BY: Xhyt\\R\\\IhT\cn=MarcellaLunn, email=Marcella.Lunn@cityofdentorI.corrlDate: 2024.04.2210:56:03 -05'00'