24-856 - 8426 - Ordinance ExecutedORDINANCENO.24-856 AN ORDINANCEOF THE CITY OF DENTON, A TEXAS HOME-RULE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH MSM SIGNSLLC DBA FASTSIGNSDENTON, FORINTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SIGNSFOR VARIOUSCITY BUILDINGS FOR THE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS THEREFOR;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (RFP 8426 – AWARDED TO MSM SIGNS LLC DBA FASTSI(JNS DENTON, FORONE (1) YEAR, WITH THE OPTION FORFOUR (4) ADDITIONAL ONE (1)YEAREXTENSIONS,IN THE TOTAL FIVE (5) YEAR NOT-TO-EXCEEDAMOUNT OF $2,000,000.00). WHEREAS, the City hassolicited, received, and evaluated competitive proposals for interior andexterior signs for various City buildings for the Facilities Management Department; and WHEREAS, the City Manager,or a designatedemployee, hasreceived, reviewed, and recommended that the herein described proposals arethe most advantageous to the City considering therelative importanceof price andthe otherevaluation factorsincluded intherequestfor proposals;and WHEREAS, this procurement wasundertaken aspart of the City’s governmental function; and WHEREAS,theCity Councilhasprovided in theCity Budgetfortheappropriationof funds to beused for the purchaseof the materials, equipment, supplies, or services approved and accepted herein;NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OFDENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. The items in the following numbered requestfor proposalfor materials, equipment,supplies,or servicesshown in the “Request Proposals” on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, are hereby accepted and approved as being the most advantageous to the City consideringtherelative importanceof priceandtheotherevaluationfactorsincludedin the request for proposals. RFP NUMBER CONTRACTOR AMOUNT 8426 MSMSignsLLC dbaFastsignsDenton $2,000,000.00 SECTION 2. That by the acceptanceand approval of the abovenumbereditems ofthe submitted proposals, the City acceptsthe offer of thepersons submitting the proposalsfor such items andagreesto purchase the materials, equipment, supplies, or services in accordance with the terms, specifications, standards, quantities, and for the specified sums contained in the Proposal Invitations, Proposals,and related documents. SECTION 3. That should the City and person submitting approved and accepted items wish to enter into a formal written agreement asa result of the acceptance, approval, and awarding of the proposals, the City Manager, or their designated representative, is hereby authorized to execute the written contractwhich shallbeattachedhereto;providedthatthewritten contractis in accordance with theterms, conditions, specifications, standards, quantities, and specified sums contained in the Proposal and related documents herein approved and accepted. SECTION 4. The City Council of the City of Denton hereby expressly delegatesthe authorityto take any actionsthat may be required or permitted to be performed by the City of Denton underthis ordinanceto the City Manager of the City of Denton, or their designee. SECTION5. By theacceptanceand approvalof the aboveenumeratedbids, the City Council herebyauthorizesthe expenditure of funds therefor in the amount and in accordancewith the approvedbids. SECTION6. Thisordinanceshall becomeeffective immediatelyupon its passageand approval. The motion to approvethjs secondedbyJoe (qI>II,,,.J following vote [1 - ILl : ordinance was madeby 7\r',, h,._ B,ah and ' This ordinance was passed and approved by the Aye Nay Abstain Absent Mayor Gerard Hudspeth:,/ ,Z ,/ b/ b/,/ VickiByrd,District1: Brian Beck.District 2: PaulMeltzer,District3:P/ JoeHolland,District4: Brandon ChaseMcGee, At Large Place 5: ChrisWatts,At LargePlace6: PASSED AND APPROVED this the I dayof HAy ,2024 bgPN ATTEST: LAUREN THODEN, CITY SECRETARY APPROVEDAS TO LEGAL FORM: MACK REINWAND. CITY ATTORNEY DigitallysignedbyMaKella Lunn DN:dc=com,dc=cityofdenton. dc=codad,ou=DepartmentUsersn Tr andGroups,ou=General BY:I hMS \X}\\\-===:::lIFat'LlliFeqal‘ email=Marcella.Lunn@cityofdenton.comDate:2024.Q4.0817:38:114)5'00' Lil A