Exhibit 3 - PresentationRay Roberts Water Treatment Plant Capacity Re-Rate and Performance Improvements Project ID24-1149 –June 18, 2024 1 Katherine Koch Project Manager Water Utilities RRWTP Capacity Re-Rate •The Ray Roberts Water Treatment Plant (RRWTP) was placed into service in 2002 and has not received any major maintenance since. •The project includes significant improvements to treatment processes. •The project will improve operational flexibility and reduce maintenance. •It is anticipated that the project add up to 10 million gallons a day (MGD) of additional treatment capacity. Yielding between 28 and 30 MGD of total capacity at the site. •The project is anticipated to be completed in Q4 of 2028. ID24-1149 –June 18, 2024 2 Major Project Components •Replacement of valves and actuators throughout RRWTP to improve reliability. •Rehabilitation of the solids removal equipment within the sedimentation basins. •Replacement of the outdated filter media with Granular Activated Carbon in all eight filters to increase filtration efficiency. •Construction of a new backwash system to increase flexibility for the operations staff to clean filters. •Construction of a new Variable Frequency Drive Building to support the replacement of the two existing 1000 HP soft starters to variable frequency drives. 3ID24-1149 –June 18, 2024 4 Competitive Sealed Proposals ID24-1149 –June 18, 2024 Through the procurement evaluation process for this Competitive Seal Proposal staff received two competitive bids. Staff Recommends awarding the construction contract to Archer Western Construction. This project is in the 5-year CIP and will leverage The Utility Extendable Commercial Paper program as appropriation authority for this contract. These services will be funded by Water Utilities. Questions? Katherine Koch Project Manager Water Utilities 5ID24-1149 –June 18, 2024