6590-032 - Assignment of Contract Executed Procurement 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201  (940) 349-7100 OUR CORE VALUES Inclusion • Collaboration • Quality Service • Strategic Focus • Fiscal Responsibility Assignment of Contract #6590-032 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, RPS Infrastructure, Inc. (“Assignor”) hereby assigns and otherwise transfers to Tetra Tech Inc. (“Assignee”) all rights, title, and interest held by Assignor in and to the “Contract” described as follows (this “Assignment”): Contract approved September 18, 2018, by and between the City of Denton, RPS Infrastructure, Inc. for the Bonnie Brae Phase 6 ~ University (US 380) to Loop 288 street improvement project; said Contract being in the original not to exceed amount of $2,031,479.50. Amendment 1 approved March 26, 2019, by and between the City of Denton, RPS Infrastructure, Inc. for the Bonnie Brae Phase 6 ~ University (US 380) to Loop 288 street improvement project; said Amendment being in the not to exceed amount of $397,760.00, with a total not to exceed amount of $2,031,479.50. Amendment 2 approved October 13, 2020, by and between the City of Denton, RPS Infrastructure, Inc. for the Bonnie Brae Phase 6 ~ University (US 380) to Loop 288 street improvement project; said Amendment being in the not to exceed amount of $340,609.00, with a total not to exceed amount of $2,769,848.50. Amendment 3 approved December 12, 2023, by and between the City of Denton, RPS Infrastructure, Inc. for the Bonnie Brae Phase 6 ~ University (US 380) to Loop 288 street improvement project; said Amendment being in the not to exceed amount of $368,038.20, with a total not to exceed amount of $3,137,886.70. Assignor warrants and represents that said Contract is in full force and effect and is fully assignable. Assignor further warrants that it has the full right and authority to transfer said Contract and that Contract rights herein transferred are free of liens, encumbrances, and adverse claims. Said Contract has not been modified and remains on the terms and conditions originally contained therein. If said Contract has been modified, then all modifications to said Contract are attached hereto and made a part hereof. Assignor grants, bargains, sells, conveys, transfers, assigns, and delivers all of its rights, interests, obligations, and duties under the Contract to Assignee. Assignee fully assumes and agrees to perform all remaining covenants, duties, and obligations of Assignor under the Contract in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract and agrees to indemnify and hold Assignor harmless from any claim or demand resulting from non-performance by Assignee. Assignor agrees that Assignee shall be entitled to all monies remaining to be paid under the Contract, which rights are also assigned hereunder. The City of Denton’s obligations to make payment to Assignee shall only be effective following the date this Assignment becomes effective. In the event that a dispute arises between Assignor and Assignee as to the allocation or division of any payments payable or paid to Assignor of Assignee, such dispute shall be resolved strictly between Assignor and Assignee. This Assignment shall become effective as of the date the Consent to Assignment is executed by the City of Denton after this Assignment is executed by the Assignor and Assignee and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Assignor and Assignee, their heirs, administrators, successors and assigns. DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Procurement 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201  (940) 349-7100 OUR CORE VALUES Inclusion • Collaboration • Quality Service • Strategic Focus • Fiscal Responsibility IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Assignor and Assignee execute and affix their respective approval and signature on this Assignment on the dates herein set forth. Dated: _________________ ___________________________ Assignor Dated: _________________ ___________________________ Assignee Consent to Assignment of Contract In accordance with the provisions of the Contract, the City of Denton hereby consents to the Assignment of Contract affirming that no modification of the Contract is made or intended, except as noted hereinabove, and that Assignee is now and hereafter substituted for Assignor. The Assignee shall provide to the City of Denton the following documentation before the Assignment of Contract shall become effective: (1) a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (2) a certificate of insurance which meets or exceeds the insurance requirements of the Contract. Attached: Contract #6590-032 Amendments 1 - 3 Dated: _________________ Approved by: ____________________ Lori Hewell Purchasing Manager City of Denton 901B Texas Street Denton, Texas 940-349-7100 lori.hewell@cityofdenton.com DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 5/17/2024 5/17/2024 5/17/2024 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA PROFESSIONALSERVICESAGREEMENT FORARCHITECTORENGINEER FILE6590-032 THISAGREEMENTismadeandenteredintoon ____________________________, byand betweentheCityofDenton, Texas, aTexasmunicipalcorporation, withitsprincipalofficeat215East RPS Infrastructure, Inc., withitscorporateofficeat5810TennysonParkway, Suite280, Plano, Texas 75024 ndthroughtheirdulyauthorized representatives. AllcapitalizedtermsnototherwisedefinedinthisAgreementshallhavethemeaning scribedtothemintheGeneralConditions. Inconsiderationofthecovenantsandagreementshereincontained, thepartiesheretodomutually agreeasfollows: SECTION1 EMPLOYMENTOFDESIGNPROFESSIONAL TheOwnerherebycontractswiththeDesignProfessional, alicensedTexasarchitector engineer, asanindependentcontractor. TheDesignProfessionalherebyagreestoperformtheservices asdescribedhereinandintheProposal, theGeneralConditions, andotherattachmentstothis AgreementthatarereferencedinSection6, inconnectionwiththeProject. TheProjectshallinclude, withoutlimitation, professionalengineeringservicesforthepreparationofconstructionplansand constructionphaseservicesassociatedwithBonnieBraePhase6ReconstructionfromUS380toLoop 288inDentonCounty . SECTION2 COMPENSATION TheOwnershallcompensatetheDesignProfessionaltotalcompensationsnottoexceed $2,031,479.50as follows: 2.1 BASICSERVICES 2.1.1 ForBasicServicesthetotalcompensationshallnotexceed $1,051,517.50 without amendmenttothisAgreement. 2.2SPECIALSERVICES 2.2.1 ForSpecialServicesthetotalcompensation shallnotexceed $979,962withoutamendmentto thisAgreement. SECTION3 INVOICES Page1 C:\\ProgramData\\activePDF\\Temp\\DocConverter\\API\\Input\\$ebe43b78478e$DDADC8C299BD4FD59FBC4640CC454FB9.doc DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA Invoices shallbesentdirectlytotheCityofDentonAccountsPayableDepartment, 215EMcKinney St, Denton, TX, 76201-4299. Apro-formainvoiceshallbesenttothecontractadministratoras identifiedintheNoticetoProceed. ItistheintentionoftheCityofDentontomakepaymenton completedorderswithinthirtydaysafterreceiptofinvoiceoritems; whicheverislater, unlessunusual circumstancesarise. Invoicesmustbefullydocumentedastolabor, materials, andequipment provided, ifapplicable, andmustreferencetheCityofDentonPurchaseOrderNumberinorder tobeprocessed. NopaymentsshallbemadeoninvoicesnotlistingaPurchaseOrderNumber. SECTION4 CONTRACTTERM Thecontracttermshallbecomeeffectivefromdateofawardornoticetoproceedasdeterminedbythe CityofDentonPurchasingDepartment. TimeisoftheessenceforthisAgreement. TheDesign Professionalshallperformandcompleteitsobligationshereininapromptandcontinuousmanner, so astonotdelaytheconstructionoftheProjectinaccordancewiththeschedulesapprovedbytheCity. Thecontractshallremaineffectiveforaperiodwhichmayreasonablyberequiredforthecompletion oftheProject, unlessterminatedasprovidedintheGeneralConditions, untilcompletionand acceptanceoftheProjectbyanauthorizedrepresentativeoftheOwner. SECTION5 CertificateofInterestedPartiesElectronicFiling In2015, theTexasLegislatureadoptedHouseBill1295, whichaddedsection2252.908ofthe GovernmentCode. ThelawstatesthattheCitymaynotenterintothiscontractunlesstheContractor submitsadisclosureofinterestedparties (Form1295) totheCityatthetimetheContractorsubmitsthe signedcontract. TheTexasEthicsCommissionhasadoptedrulesrequiringthebusinessentitytofile Form1295electronicallywiththeCommission. ContractorwillberequiredtofurnishaCertificateofInterestPartiesbeforethecontractis awarded, inaccordancewithGovernmentCode2252.908. Thecontractorshall: 1. LogontotheStateEthicsCommissionWebsiteat : https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/whatsnew/elf_info_form1295.htm 2. RegisterutilizingthetutorialprovidedbytheState 3. PrintacopyofthecompletedForm1295 4. EntertheCertificateNumberonpage2ofthiscontract. 5. CompleteandsigntheForm1295 6. Emailtheformtopurchasing@cityofdenton.com withthecontractnumberinthesubjectline. EX: Contract1234 Form1295) TheCitymustacknowledgethereceiptofthefiledForm1295notlaterthanthe30thdayafterCouncil websitewithinsevenbusinessdays. Page2 C:\\ProgramData\\activePDF\\Temp\\DocConverter\\API\\Input\\$ebe43b78478e$DDADC8C299BD4FD59FBC4640CC454FB9.doc DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA SECTION6 ENTIREAGREEMENT ThisAgreementincludesthisexecutedagreementandthefollowingdocumentsallofwhichareattached heretoandmadeaparthereofbyreferenceasiffullysetforthherein: Exhibit1 - CityofDentonGeneralConditionstoAgreementforArchitecturalorEngineering Services. Exhibit2 - Exhibit3 HouseBill89 GovernmentCode2270VerificationForm Exhibit4- SenateBill252 GovernmentCode2252CertificationForm Thesedocumentsshallbereferredtocollectivelya oneshallbeasbindingasifcalledforbyall. Intheeventofaninconsistencyorconflictinthis AgreementandanyoftheprovisionsoftheContractDocuments, theinconsistencyorconflictshallbe resolvedbygivingprecedencefirsttothisAgreementthentotheContractDocumentsintheorderin whichtheyarelistedabove. Thepartiesagreetotransactbusinesselectronically. Anystatutoryrequirementsthatcertaintermsbe inwritingwillbesatisfiedusingelectronicdocumentsandsigning. Electronicsigningofthisdocument willbedeemedanoriginalforalllegalpurposes. Page3 C:\\ProgramData\\activePDF\\Temp\\DocConverter\\API\\Input\\$ebe43b78478e$DDADC8C299BD4FD59FBC4640CC454FB9.doc DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA ThisAgreementissignedbythepartiesheretoeffectiveasofthedatefirstabovewritten. THISAGREEMENTHASBEEN BOTHREVIEWEDANDAPPROVED CITYOFDENTON astofinancialandoperational obligationsandbusinessterms. BY:__________________________ TODDHILEMAN CITYMANAGER SIGNATURE PRINTEDNAME TITLE ATTEST: JENNIFERWALTERS, CITYSECRETARY BY: __________________________________ APPROVEDASTOLEGALFORM: AARONLEAL, CITYATTORNEY BY: __________________________________ RPSINFRASTRUCTURE, INC DESIGNPROFESSIONAL BY:__________________________ Signature) TEXASETHICSCOMMISSION CERTIFICATENUMBER Page4 C:\\ProgramData\\activePDF\\Temp\\DocConverter\\API\\Input\\$ebe43b78478e$DDADC8C299BD4FD59FBC4640CC454FB9.doc DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA EXHIBIT1 CITYOFDENTON GENERALCONDITIONS TO AGREEMENTFORARCHITECTURALORENGINEERINGSERVICES ARTICLE1. ARCHITECTORENGINEER'SRESPONSIBILITIES 1.1TheArchitectorEngineer'sservicesconsistofthoseservicesfortheProject (asdefinedinthe ignProfessional'semployeesandconsultantsas enumerate 1.2 TheDesignProfessionalwillperformallServicesasanindependentcontractortotheprevailingprofessionalstandardsconsistentwiththelevelofcareandskillordinarily exercisedbymembersofthesameprofessioncurrentlypracticinginthesamelocalityundersimilarconditions, includingreasonable, informedjudgmentsandprompttimely beperformedasexpeditiouslyasisconsistentwiththeDegreeofCarenecessaryfortheorderlyprogressoftheProject. UponrequestoftheOwner, theDesignProfessionalshallsubmitfortheOwner'sapprovalaschedulefortheperformanceoftheServiceswhichmaybeadjustedastheProject proceeds, andshallincludeallowancesforperiodsoftimerequiredfortheOwner'sreviewandforapprovalofsubmissionsbyauthoritieshavingjurisdictionovertheProject. TimelimitsestablishedbythisscheduleandapprovedbytheOwnershallnot, exceptforreasonablecause, beexceededbytheDesignProfessionalorOwner, andany adjustmentstothisscheduleshallbemutuallyacceptabletobothparties. ARTICLE2SCOPEOFBASICSERVICES 2.1 BASICSERVICESDEFINED scribedinSections2.2through2.6oftheseGeneralConditionsandinclude withoutlimitationnormalstructural, civil, mechanicalandelectricalengineeringservicesandanyotherengineeringservicesnecessarytoproduceacompleteandaccuratesetof ConstructionDocuments, asdescribedbyandrequiredinSection2.4. TheBasicServicesmaybemodifiedbytheAgreement. 2.2SCHEMATICDESIGNPHASE 2.2.1 TheDesignProfessional, inconsultationwiththeOwner, shalldevelopawrittenprogramfortheProjecttoascertainOwner'sneedsandtoestablishthe requirementsfortheProject. 2.2.2 TheDesignProfessionalshallprovideapreliminaryevaluationoftheOwner'sprogram, constructionscheduleandconstructionbudgetrequirements, eachin termsoftheother, subjecttothelimitationssetforthinSubsection5.2.1. 2.2.3 TheDesignProfessionalshallreviewwiththeOwneralternativeapproachestodesignandconstructionoftheProject. 2.2.4 Basedonthemutuallyagreed-uponprogram, scheduleandconstructionbudgetrequirements, theDesignProfessionalshallprepare, forapprovalbytheOwner, SchematicDesignDocumentsconsistingofdrawingsandotherdocumentsillustratingthescaleandrelationshipofProjectcomponents. TheSchematicDesignshall contemplatecompliancewithallapplicablelaws, statutes, ordinances, codesandregulations. 2.2.5 TheDesignProfessionalshallsubmittotheOwnerapreliminarydetailedestimateofConstructionCostbasedoncurrentarea, volumeorotherunitcostsand whichindicatesthecostofeachcategoryofworkinvolvedinconstructingtheProjectandestablishesanelapsedtimefactorfortheperiodoftimefromthe commencementtothecompletionofconstruction. 2.3DESIGNDEVELOPMENTPHASE 2.3.1 BasedontheapprovedSchematicDesignDocumentsandanyadjustmentsauthorizedbytheOwnerintheprogram, scheduleorconstructionbudget, theDesign ProfessionalshallprepareforapprovalbytheOwner, DesignDevelopmentDocumentsconsistingofdrawingsandotherdocumentstofixanddescribethesizeand characteroftheProjectastoarchitectural, structural, mechanicalandelectricalsystems, materialsandsuchotherelementsasmaybeappropriate, whichshallcomply withallapplicablelaws, statutes, ordinances, codesandregulations. NotwithstandingOwner'sapprovalofthedocuments, DesignProfessionalrepresentsthatthe DocumentsandspecificationswillbesufficientandadequatetofulfillthepurposesoftheProject. 2.3.2 TheDesignProfessionalshalladvisetheOwnerofanyadjustmentstothepreliminaryestimateofConstructionCostinafurtherDetailedStatementasdescribed inSection2.2.5. 2.4CONSTRUCTIONDOCUMENTSPHASE 2.4.1 BasedontheapprovedDesignDevelopmentDocumentsandanyfurtheradjustmentsinthescopeorqualityoftheProjectorintheconstructionbudget authorizedbytheOwner, theDesignProfessionalshallprepare, forapprovalbytheOwner, ConstructionDocumentsconsistingofDrawingsandSpecificationssetting forthindetailrequirementsfortheconstructionoftheProject, whichshallcomplywithallapplicablelaws, statutes, ordinances, codesandregulations. 2.4.2 TheDesignProfessionalshallassisttheOwnerinthepreparationofthenecessarybiddingorprocurementinformation, biddingorprocurementforms, the Conditionsofthecontract, andtheformofAgreementbetweentheOwnerandcontractor. 2.4.3 TheDesignProfessionalshalladvisetheOwnerofanyadjustmentstopreviouspreliminaryestimatesofConstructionCostindicatedbychangesinrequirements orgeneralmarketconditions. 2.4.4 TheDesignProfessionalshallassisttheOwnerinconnectionwiththeOwner'sresponsibilityforfilingdocumentsrequiredfortheapprovalofgovernmental authoritieshavingjurisdictionovertheProject. 2.5 CONSTRUCTIONCONTRACTPROCUREMENT 2.5.1 TheDesignProfessional, followingtheOwner'sapprovaloftheConstructionDocumentsandofthelatestpreliminarydetailedestimateofConstructionCost, shallassisttheOwnerinprocuringaconstructioncontractfortheProjectthroughanyprocurementmethodthatislegallyapplicabletotheProjectincludingwithout Page5 C:\\ProgramData\\activePDF\\Temp\\DocConverter\\API\\Input\\$ebe43b78478e$DDADC8C299BD4FD59FBC4640CC454FB9.doc DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA limitation, thecompetitivesealedbiddingprocess. AlthoughtheOwnerwillconsidertheadviceoftheDesignProfessional, theawardoftheconstructioncontractisin thesolediscretionoftheOwner. 2.5.2 IftheconstructioncontractamountfortheProjectexceedsthetotalconstructioncostoftheProjectassetforthintheapprovedDetailedStatementofProbable ConstructionCostsoftheProjectsubmittedbytheDesignProfessional, thentheDesignProfessional, atitssolecostandexpense, willrevisetheConstruction DocumentsasmayberequiredbytheOwnertoreduceormodifythequantityorqualityoftheworksothatthetotalconstructioncostoftheProjectwillnotexceed thetotalconstructioncostsetforthintheapprovedDetailedStatementofProbableConstructionCosts. 2.6 CONSTRUCTIONPHASE - ADMINISTRATIONOFTHECONSTRUCTIONCONTRACT 2.6.1 TheDesignProfessional'sresponsibilitytoprovideBasicServicesfortheConstructionPhaseunderthisAgreementcommences withtheawardoftheContract forConstructionandterminatesattheissuancetotheOwnerofthefinalCertificateforPayment, unlessextendedunderthetermsofSubsection8.3.2. 2.6.2 TheDesignProfessionalshallprovidedetailedadministrationoftheContractforConstructionassetforthbelow. Fordesignprofessionalstheadministration shallalsobeinaccordancewithAIAdocumentA201, GeneralConditionsoftheContractforConstruction, currentasofthedateoftheAgreementasmaybe amendedbytheCityofDentonspecialconditions, unlessotherwiseprovidedintheAgreement. Forengineerstheadministration shallalsobeinaccordancewiththe StandardSpecificationsforPublicWorksConstructionbytheNorthCentralTexasCouncilofGovernments, currentasofthedateoftheAgreement, unlessotherwise providedintheAgreement. 2.6.3 ConstructionPhaseduties, responsibilitiesandlimitationsofauthorityoftheDesignProfessionalshallnotberestricted, modifiedorextendedwithoutwritten agreementoftheOwnerandDesignProfessional. 2.6.4 TheDesignProfessionalshallbearepresentativeofandshalladviseandconsultwiththeOwner (1) duringconstruction, and (2) attheOwner'sdirectionfrom timetotimeduringthecorrection, orwarrantyperioddescribedintheContractforConstruction. TheDesignProfessionalshallhaveauthoritytoactonbehalfofthe OwneronlytotheextentprovidedintheAgreementandtheseGeneralConditions, unlessotherwisemodifiedbywritteninstrument. 2.6.5TheDesignProfessionalshallobservetheconstructionsiteatleastonetimeaweek, whileconstructionisinprogress, andasreasonablynecessarywhile constructionisnotinprogress, tobecomefamiliarwiththeprogressandqualityoftheworkcompletedandtodetermineiftheworkisbeingperformedinamanner indicatingthattheworkwhencompletedwillbeinaccordancewiththeContractDocuments. DesignProfessionalshallprovideOwnerawrittenreportsubsequentto eachon-sitevisit. Onthebasisofon-siteobservationstheDesignProfessionalshallkeeptheOwnerinformedoftheprogressandqualityofthework, andshall exercisetheDegreeofCareanddiligenceindiscoveringandpromptlyreportingtotheOwneranyobservabledefectsordeficienciesintheworkofContractororany subcontractors. TheDesignProfessionalrepresentsthathewillfollowDegreeofCareinperformingallServicesundertheAgreement. TheDesignProfessionalshall promptlycorrectanydefectivedesignsorspecificationsfurnishedbytheDesignProfessionalatnocosttotheOwner. TheOwner'sapproval, acceptance, useofor paymentforalloranypartoftheDesignProfessional'sServiceshereunderoroftheProjectitselfshallinnowayaltertheDesignProfessional'sobligationsorthe Owner'srightshereunder. 2.6.6 TheDesignProfessionalshallnothavecontroloverorchargeofandshallnotberesponsibleforconstructionmeans, methods, techniques, sequencesor procedures, orforsafetyprecautionsandprogramsinconnectionwiththework. TheDesignProfessionalshallnotberesponsiblefortheContractor'sschedulesor failuretocarryouttheworkinaccordancewiththeContractDocumentsexceptinsofarassuchfailuremayresultfromDesignProfessional'snegligentactsoromis- sions. TheDesignProfessionalshallnothavecontroloverorchargeofactsoromissionsoftheContractor, Subcontractors, ortheiragentsoremployees, orofany otherpersonsperformingportionsofthework. 2.6.7 TheDesignProfessionalshallatalltimeshaveaccesstotheworkwhereveritisinpreparationorprogress. 2.6.8 ExceptasmayotherwisebeprovidedintheContractDocumentsorwhendirectcommunicationshavebeenspeciallyauthorized, theOwnerandContractor shallcommunicatethroughtheDesignProfessional. CommunicationsbyandwiththeDesignProfessional'sconsultantsshallbethroughtheDesignProfessional. 2.6.9 BasedontheDesignProfessional'sobservationsatthesiteoftheworkandevaluationsoftheContractor'sApplicationsforPayment, theDesignProfessional shallreviewandcertifytheamountsduetheContractor. 2.6.10 TheDesignProfessional'scertificationforpaymentshallconstitutearepresentationtotheOwner, basedontheDesignProfessional 'sobservationsatthesiteas providedinSubsection2.6.5andonthedatacomprisingtheContractor'sApplicationforPayment, thattheworkhasprogressedtothepointindicatedandthatthe qualityoftheWorkisinaccordancewiththeContractDocuments. TheforegoingrepresentationsaresubjecttominordeviationsfromtheContractDocumentscor- rectablepriortocompletionandtospecificqualificationsexpressedbytheDesignProfessional. TheissuanceofaCertificateforPaymentshallfurtherconstitutea representationthattheContractorisentitledtopaymentintheamountcertified. However, theissuanceofaCertificateforPaymentshallnotbearepresentationthat theDesignProfessionalhas (1) reviewedconstructionmeans, methods, techniques, sequencesorprocedures, or (2) ascertainedhoworforwhatpurposetheContractor hasusedmoneypreviouslypaidonaccountoftheContractSum. 2.6.11 TheDesignProfessionalshallhavetheresponsibilityandauthoritytorejectworkwhichdoesnotconformtotheContractDocuments. WhenevertheDesign ProfessionalconsidersitnecessaryoradvisableforimplementationoftheintentoftheContractDocuments, theDesignProfessionalwillhaveauthoritytorequire additionalinspectionortestingoftheworkinaccordancewiththeprovisionsoftheContractDocuments, whetherornotsuchWorkisfabricated, installedor completed. However, neitherthisauthorityoftheDesignProfessionalnoradecisionmadeingoodfaitheithertoexerciseornotexercisesuchauthorityshallgiverise toadutyorresponsibilityoftheDesignProfessionaltotheContractor, Subcontractors, materialandequipmentsuppliers, theiragentsoremployeesorotherpersons performingportionsofthework. 2.6.12 TheDesignProfessionalshallreviewandapproveortakeotherappropriateactionuponContractor'ssubmittalssuchasShopDrawings, ProductDataand Samplesforthepurposeof (1) determiningcompliancewithapplicablelaws, statutes, ordinancesandcodes; and (2) determiningwhetherornotthework, when completed, willbeincompliancewiththerequirementsoftheContractDocuments. TheDesignProfessionalshallactwithsuchreasonablepromptnesstocauseno delayintheworkorintheconstructionoftheOwnerorofseparatecontractors, whileallowingsufficienttimeintheDesignProfessional'sprofessionaljudgmentto permitadequatereview. Reviewofsuchsubmittalsisnotconductedforthepurposeofdeterminingtheaccuracyandcompletenessofotherdetailssuchasdimensions andquantitiesorforsubstantiatinginstructionsforinstallationorperformanceofequipmentorsystemsdesignedbytheContractor, allofwhichremainthe responsibilityoftheContractortotheextentrequiredbytheContractDocuments. TheDesignProfessional'sreviewshallnotconstituteapprovalofsafetyprecautions or, unlessotherwisespecificallystatedbytheDesignProfessional, ofconstructionmeans, methods, techniques, sequencesorprocedures. TheDesignProfessional's approvalofaspecificitemshallnotindicateapprovalofanassemblyofwhichtheitemisacomponent. Whenprofessionalcertificationofperformancecharacteristics Page6 C:\\ProgramData\\activePDF\\Temp\\DocConverter\\API\\Input\\$ebe43b78478e$DDADC8C299BD4FD59FBC4640CC454FB9.doc DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA ofmaterials, systemsorequipmentisrequiredbytheContractDocuments, theDesignProfessionalshallbeentitledtorelyuponsuchcertificationtoestablishthatthe materials, systemsorequipmentwillmeettheperformancecriteriarequiredbytheContractDocuments. 2.6.13 TheDesignProfessionalshallprepareChangeOrdersandConstructionChangeDirectives, withsupportingdocumentationanddataifdeemednecessaryby theDesignProfessionalasprovidedinSubsections3.1.1and3.3.3, fortheOwner'sapprovalandexecutioninaccordancewiththeContractDocuments, andmay authorizeminorchangesintheworknotinvolvinganadjustmentintheContractSumoranextensionoftheContractTimewhicharenotinconsistentwiththeintent oftheContractDocuments. 2.6.14 OnbehalfoftheOwner, theDesignProfessionalshallconductinspectionstodeterminethedatesofSubstantialCompletionandFinalCompletion, andif requestedbytheOwnershallissueCertificatesofSubstantialandFinalCompletion. TheDesignProfessionalwillreceiveandreviewwrittenguaranteesandrelated documentsrequiredbytheContractforConstructiontobeassembledbytheContractorandshallissueafinalcertificateforPaymentuponcompliancewiththe requirementsoftheContractDocuments. 2.6.15 TheDesignProfessionalshallinterpretandproviderecommendationsonmattersconcerningperformanceoftheOwnerandContractorundertherequirements oftheContractDocumentsonwrittenrequestofeithertheOwnerorContractor. TheDesignProfessional'sresponsetosuchrequestsshallbemadewithreasonable promptnessandwithinanytimelimitsagreedupon. 2.6.16 InterpretationsanddecisionsoftheDesignProfessionalshallbeconsistentwiththeintentofandreasonablyinferablefromtheContractDocumentsandshall beinwritingorintheformofdrawings. Whenmakingsuchinterpretationsandinitialdecisions, theDesignProfessionalshallendeavortosecurefaithfulperformance bybothOwnerandContractor, andshallnotbeliableforresultsorinterpretationsordecisionssorenderedingoodfaithinaccordancewithalltheprovisionsofthis Agreementandintheabsenceofnegligence. 2.6.17 TheDesignProfessionalshallrenderwrittendecisionswithinareasonabletimeonallclaims, disputesorothermattersinquestionbetweentheOwnerand ContractorrelatingtotheexecutionorprogressoftheworkasprovidedintheContractDocuments. 2.6.18 TheDesignProfessional (1) shallrenderservicesundertheAgreementinaccordancewiththeDegreeofCare; (2) willreimbursetheOwnerforalldamages causedbythedefectivedesignstheDesignProfessionalprepares; and (3) byacknowledgingpaymentbytheOwnerofanyfeesdue, shallnotbereleasedfromany rightstheOwnermayhaveundertheAgreementordiminishanyoftheDesignProfessional'sobligationsthereunder. 2.6.19 TheDesignProfessionalshallprovidetheOwnerwithfoursetsofreproducibleprintsshowingallsignificantchangestotheConstructionDocumentsduring theConstructionPhase. ARTICLE3 ADDITIONALSERVICES 3.1GENERAL 3.1.1 TheservicesdescribedinthisArticle3arenotincludedinBasicServicesunlesssoidentifiedintheAgreementorProposal, andtheyshallbepaidforbythe OwnerasprovidedintheAgreement, inadditiontothecompensationforBasicServices. TheservicesdescribedunderSections3.2and3.4shallonlybeprovidedif authorizedorconfirmedinwritingbytheOwner. IfservicesdescribedunderContingentAdditionalServicesinSection3.3arerequiredduetocircumstancesbeyond theDesignProfessional'scontrol, theDesignProfessionalshallnotifytheOwnerinwritingandshallnotcommencesuchadditionalservicesuntilitreceiveswritten approvalfromtheOwnertoproceed. IftheOwnerindicatesinwritingthatallorpartofsuchContingentAdditionalServicesarenotrequired, theDesignProfessional shallhavenoobligationtoprovidethoseservices. OwnerwillberesponsibleforcompensatingtheDesignProfessionalforContingentAdditionalServicesonlyif theyarenotrequiredduetothenegligenceorfaultofDesignProfessional. 3.2PROJECTREPRESENTATIONBEYONDBASICSERVICES 3.2.1 IfmoreextensiverepresentationatthesitethanisdescribedinSubsection2.6.5isrequired, theDesignProfessional shallprovideoneormoreProject Representativestoassistincarryingoutsuchadditionalon-siteresponsibilities. 3.2.2 ProjectRepresentativesshallbeselected, employedanddirectedbytheDesignProfessional, andtheDesignProfessionalshallbecompensatedthereforas agreedbytheOwnerandDesignProfessional. 3.3 CONTINGENTADDITIONALSERVICES 3.3.1MakingmaterialrevisionsinDrawings, Specificationsorotherdocumentswhensuchrevisionsare: 1. inconsistentwithapprovalsorinstructionspreviouslygivenbytheOwner, includingrevisionsmadenecessarybyadjustmentsintheOwner's programorProjectbudget; 2. requiredbytheenactmentorrevisionofcodes, lawsorregulationssubsequenttothepreparationofsuchdocuments, or 3. duetochangesrequiredasaresultoftheOwner'sfailuretorenderdecisioninatimelymanner. 3.3.2 ProvidingservicesrequiredbecauseofsignificantchangesintheProjectincluding, butnotlimitedto, size, quality, complexity, ortheOwner'sschedule, except forservicesrequiredunderSubsection2.5.2. 3.3.3 PreparingDrawings, Specificationsandotherdocumentationandsupportingdata, andprovidingotherservicesinconnectionwithChangeOrdersand ConstructionChangeDirectives. 3.3.4 Providingconsultationconcerningreplacementofworkdamagedbyfireorothercauseduringconstruction, andfurnishingservicesrequiredinconnectionwith thereplacementofsuchwork. 3.3.5 ProvidingservicesmadenecessarybythedefaultoftheContractor, bymajordefectsordeficienciesintheworkoftheContractor, orbyfailureofperformance ofeithertheOwnerorContractorundertheContractforConstruction. Page7 C:\\ProgramData\\activePDF\\Temp\\DocConverter\\API\\Input\\$ebe43b78478e$DDADC8C299BD4FD59FBC4640CC454FB9.doc DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA 3.3.6 ProvidingservicesinevaluatinganextensivenumberofclaimssubmittedbytheContractororothersinconnectionwiththework. 3.3.7 Providingservicesinconnectionwithapublichearing, arbitrationproceedingorlegalproceedingexceptwheretheDesignProfessionalispartythereto. 3.3.8 ProvidingservicesinadditiontothoserequiredbyArticle2forpreparingdocumentsforalternate, separateorsequentialbidsorprovidingservicesinconnection withbiddingorconstructionpriortothecompletionoftheConstructionDocumentsPhase. 3.3.9 NotwithstandinganythingcontainedintheAgreement, ProposalortheseGeneralConditionstothecontrary, allservicesdescribedinthisArticle3thatare causedornecessitatedinwholeorinpartduetothenegligentactoromissionoftheDesignProfessionalshallbeperformedbytheDesignProfessionalasapartofthe BasicServicesundertheAgreementwithnoadditionalcompensationaboveandbeyondthecompensationduetheDesignProfessionalfortheBasicServices. The 3.3.9. 3.4OPTIONALADDITIONALSERVICES 3.4.1 Providingfinancialfeasibilityorotherspecialstudies. 3.4.2 Providingplanningsurveys, siteevaluationsorcomparativestudiesofprospectivesites. 3.4.3 Providingspecialsurveys, environmentalstudiesandsubmissionsrequiredforapprovalsofgovernmentalauthoritiesorothershavingjurisdictionoverthe Project. 3.4.4 Providingservicesrelativetofuturefacilities, systemsandequipment. 3.4.5 Providingservicestoinvestigateexistingconditionsorfacilitiesortomakemeasureddrawingsthereof. 3.4.6 ProvidingservicestoverifytheaccuracyofdrawingsorotherinformationfurnishedbytheOwner. 3.4.7 ProvidingcoordinationofconstructionperformedbyseparatecontractorsorbytheOwner'sownforcesandcoordinationofservicesrequiredinconnectionwith constructionperformedandequipmentsuppliedbytheOwner. 3.4.8 Providingdetailedquantitysurveysorinventoriesofmaterial, equipmentandlabor. 3.4.9 Providinganalysesofoperatingandmaintenancecosts. 3.4.10 Makinginvestigations, inventoriesofmaterialsorequipment, orvaluationsanddetailedappraisalsofexistingfacilities. 3.4.12 Providingassistanceintheutilizationofequipmentorsystemssuchastesting, adjustingandbalancing, preparationofoperationandmaintenancemanuals, trainingpersonnelforoperationandmaintenanceandconsultationduringoperation. 3.4.13 Providinginteriordesignandsimilarservicesrequiredfororinconnectionwiththeselection, procurementorinstallationoffurniture, furnishingsandrelated equipment. 3.4.14 ProvidingservicesotherthanasprovidedinSection2.6.4, afterissuancetotheOwnerofthefinalCertificateforPaymentandexpirationoftheWarranty periodoftheContractforConstruction. 3.4.15 Providingservicesofconsultantsforotherthanarchitectural, civil, structural, mechanicalandelectricalengineeringportionsoftheProjectprovidedasapartof BasicServices. 3.4.16 ProvidinganyotherservicesnototherwiseincludedinthisAgreementornotcustomarilyfurnishedinaccordancewithgenerallyacceptedarchitectural practice. 3.4.17 PreparingasetofreproduciblerecorddrawingsinadditiontothoserequiredbySubsection2.6.19, showingsignificantchangesintheworkmadeduringcon- structionbasedonmarked-upprints, drawingsandotherdatafurnishedbytheContractortotheDesignProfessional. 3.4.18 NotwithstandinganythingcontainedintheAgreement, ProposalortheseGeneralConditionstothecontrary, allservicesdescribedinthisArticle3thatare causedornecessitatedinwholeorinpartduetothenegligentactoromissionoftheDesignProfessionalshallbeperformedbytheDesignProfessionalasapartofthe BasicServicesundertheAgreementwithnoadditionalcompensationaboveandbeyondthecompensationduetheDesignProfessionalfortheBasicServices. The ligationsunderthisSubsection3.4.18. ARTICLE4OWNER'SRESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 TheOwnershallconsultwiththeDesignProfessionalregardingrequirementsfortheProject, including (1) theOwner'sobjectives, (2) scheduleanddesign constraintsandcriteria, includingspacerequirementsandrelationships, flexibility, expendability, specialequipment, systemsandsiterequirements, asmorespeci- ficallydescribedinSubsection2.2.1. 4.2 TheOwnershallestablishandupdateanoverallbudgetfortheProject, includingtheConstructionCost, theOwner'sothercostsandreasonablecontingencies relatedtoallofthesecosts. 4.3 IfrequestedbytheDesignProfessional, theOwnershallfurnishevidencethatfinancialarrangementshavebeenmadetofulfilltheOwner'sobligationsunderthis Agreement. 4.4 TheOwnershalldesignatearepresentativeauthorizedtoactontheOwner'sbehalfwithrespecttotheProject. TheOwnerorsuchauthorizedrepresentativeshall renderdecisionsinatimelymannerpertainingtodocumentssubmittedbytheDesignProfessionalinordertoavoidunreasonabledelayintheorderlyandsequential progressoftheDesignProfessional'sservices. Page8 C:\\ProgramData\\activePDF\\Temp\\DocConverter\\API\\Input\\$ebe43b78478e$DDADC8C299BD4FD59FBC4640CC454FB9.doc DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA 4.5 Whereapplicable, theOwnershallfurnishsurveysdescribingphysicalcharacteristics, legallimitationsandutilitylocationsforthesiteoftheProject, andawritten legaldescriptionofthesite. Thesurveysandlegalinformationshallinclude, asapplicable, gradesandlinesofstreets, alleys, pavementsandadjoiningpropertyand structures; adjacentdrainage; rights-of-way, restrictions, easements, encroachments, zoning, deedrestrictions, boundariesandcontoursofthesite; locations, dimensionsandnecessarydatapertainingtoexistingbuildings, otherimprovementsandtrees; andinformationconcerningavailableutilityservicesandlines, both publicandprivate, aboveandbelowgrade, includinginvertsanddepths. Alltheinformationonthesurveyshallbereferencedtoaprojectbenchmark. 4.6 Whereapplicable, theOwnershallfurnishtheservicesofgeotechnicalengineerswhensuchservicesarerequestedbytheDesignProfessional. Suchservicesmay includebutarenotlimitedtotestborings, testpits, determinationsofsoilbearingvalues, percolationtests, evaluationsofhazardousmaterials, groundcorrosionandre- sistivitytests, includingnecessaryoperationsforanticipatingsub-soilconditions, withreportsandappropriateprofessionalrecommendations. 4.6.1 TheOwnershallfurnishtheservicesofotherconsultantswhensuchservicesarereasonablyrequiredbythescopeoftheProjectandarerequestedbytheDesign ProfessionalandarenotretainedbytheDesignProfessionalaspartofitsBasicServicesorAdditionalServices. 4.7 WhennotapartoftheAdditionalServices, theOwnershallfurnishstructural, mechanical, chemical, airandwaterpollutiontests, testsofhazardousmaterials, andotherlaboratoryandenvironmentaltests, inspectionsandreportsrequiredbylawortheContractDocuments. 4.8 TheOwnershallfurnishalllegal, accountingandinsurancecounselingservicesasmaybenecessaryatanytimefortheProject, includingauditingservicesthe OwnermayrequiretoverifytheContractor'sApplicationsforPaymentortoascertainhoworforwhatpurposestheContractorhasusedthemoneypaidbyoron behalfoftheOwner. 4.9 Theservices, information, surveysandreportsrequiredbyOwnerunderSections4.5through4.8shallbefurnishedattheOwner'sexpense, andtheDesign ProfessionalshallbeentitledtorelyupontheaccuracyandcompletenessthereofintheabsenceofanynegligenceonthepartoftheDesignProfessional. 4.10 TheOwnershallgivepromptwrittennoticetotheDesignProfessionaliftheOwnerbecomesawareofanyfaultordefectintheProjectornonconformancewith theContractDocuments. 4.11 DesignProfessionalshallproposelanguageforcertificatesorcertificationstoberequestedoftheDesignProfessionalorDesignProfessional'sconsultantsand shallsubmitsuchtotheOwnerforreviewandapprovalatleastfourteen (14) dayspriortoexecution. TheOwneragreesnottorequestcertificationsthatwouldrequire knowledgeorservicesbeyondthescopeoftheAgreement. ARTICLE5 CONSTRUCTIONCOST 5.1 CONSTRUCTIONCOSTDEFINED 5.1.1 TheConstructionCostshallbethetotalcostorestimatedcosttotheOwnerofallelementsoftheProjectdesignedorspecifiedbytheDesignProfessional. 5.1.2 TheConstructionCostshallincludethecostatcurrentmarketratesoflaborandmaterialsfurnishedbytheOwnerandequipmentdesigned, specified, selectedor speciallyprovidedforbytheDesignProfessional, plusareasonableallowancefortheContractor'soverheadandprofit. Inaddition, areasonableallowanceforcon- tingenciesshallbeincludedformarketconditionsatthetimeofbiddingandforchangesintheworkduringconstruction. 5.1.3 ConstructionCostdoesnotincludethecompensationoftheDesignProfessionalandDesignProfessional'sconsultants, thecostsoftheland, rights-of-way, financingorothercostswhicharetheresponsibilityoftheOwnerasprovidedinArticle4. 5.2 RESPONSIBILITYFORCONSTRUCTIONCOST 5.2.1 EvaluationsoftheOwner'sProjectbudget, preliminaryestimatesofConstructionCostanddetailedestimatesofConstructionCostpreparedbytheDesign ProfessionalrepresenttheDesignProfessional'sbestjudgmentasadesignprofessionalfamiliarwiththeconstructionindustry. Itisrecognized, however, thatneither theDesignProfessionalnortheOwnerhascontroloverthecostoflabor, materialsorequipment, overtheContractor'smethodsofdeterminingbidprices, orover competitivebiddingormarket conditions. Accordingly, theDesignProfessionalcannotanddoesnotwarrantorrepresentthatbidsorcostproposalswillnotvary fromtheOwner'sProjectbudgetorfromanyestimateofConstructionCostorevaluationpreparedoragreedtobytheDesignProfessional. 5.2.2 NofixedlimitofConstructionCostshallbeestablishedasaconditionoftheAgreementbythefurnishing, proposalorestablishmentofaProjectbudget, unless suchfixedlimithasbeenagreeduponinwritingandsignedbythepartiesthereto. Ifsuchafixedlimithasbeenestablished, theDesignProfessionalshallbepermitted toincludecontingenciesfordesign, biddingandpriceescalation, todeterminewhatmaterials, equipment, componentsystemsandtypesofconstructionaretobe includedintheContractDocuments, tomakereasonableadjustmentsinthescopeoftheProjectandtoincludeintheContractDocumentsalternatebidstoadjustthe ConstructionCosttothefixedlimit. Fixedlimits, ifany, shallbeincreasedintheamountofanincreaseintheContractSumoccurringafterexecutionoftheContract forConstruction. 5.2.3 IftheProcurementPhasehasnotcommencedwithin90daysaftertheDesignProfessionalsubmitstheConstructionDocumentstotheOwner, anyProject budgetorfixedlimitofConstructionCostshallbeadjustedtoreflectchangesinthegenerallevelofpricesintheconstructionindustrybetweenthedateofsubmission oftheConstructionDocumentstotheOwnerandthedateonwhichproposalsaresought. ARTICLE6OWNERSHIPANDUSEOF DOCUMENTS 6.1 TheDrawings, SpecificationsandotherdocumentspreparedbytheDesignProfessionalforthisProjectareinstrumentsoftheDesignProfessional'sserviceandshall becomethepropertyoftheOwneruponterminationorcompletionoftheAgreement. TheDesignProfessionalisentitledtoretaincopiesofallsuchdocuments. Such OwnerusesanyoftheinformationormaterialsdevelopedpursuanttotheAgreementinanotherprojectorforotherpurposesthanarespecifiedintheAgreement, theDesign Professionalisreleasedfromanyandallliabilityrelatingtotheiruseinthatproject 6.2 SubmissionordistributionofdocumentstomeetofficialregulatoryrequirementsorforsimilarpurposesinconnectionwiththeProjectisnottobeconstruedaspublication inderogationoftheDesignProfessional'sreservedrights. Page9 C:\\ProgramData\\activePDF\\Temp\\DocConverter\\API\\Input\\$ebe43b78478e$DDADC8C299BD4FD59FBC4640CC454FB9.doc DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA ARTICLE7 TERMINATION, SUSPENSIONORABANDONMENT 7.1TheDesignProfessionalmayterminatetheAgreementuponnotlessthanthirtydayswrittennoticeshouldtheOwnerfailsubstantiallytoperforminaccordancewiththe termsoftheAgreementthroughnofaultoftheDesignProfessional. OwnermayterminatetheAgreementoranyphasethereofwithorwithoutcauseuponthirty (30) days priorwrittennoticetotheDesignProfessional. Allworkandl notice. Beforetheendofthethirty (30) dayperiod, DesignProfessionalshallinvoicetheOwnerforallworkitsatisfactorilyperformedpriortothereceiptofsuchnotice. No amountshallbedueforlostoranticipatedprofits. Allplans, fieldsurveys, andotherdatarelatedtotheProjectshallbecomepropertyoftheOwneruponterminationofthe AgreementandshallbepromptlydeliveredtotheOwnerinareasonablyorganizedform. ShouldOwnersubsequentlycontractwithanewDesignProfessionalforcontinuation ofservicesontheProject, DesignProfessionalshallcooperateinprovidinginformation. 7.2 IftheProjectissuspendedbytheOwnerformorethan30consecutivedays, theDesignProfessionalshallbecompensatedforservicessatisfactorilyperformedpriorto noticeofsuchsuspension. WhentheProjectisresumed, theDesignProfessional'scompensationshallbeequitablyadjustedtoprovideforexpensesincurredintheinterruption andresumptionoftheDesignProfessional'sservices. 7.3 TheAgreementmaybeterminatedbytheOwneruponnotlessthansevendayswrittennoticetotheDesignProfessionalintheeventthattheProjectispermanently abandoned. IftheProjectisabandonedbytheOwnerformorethan90consecutivedays, theDesignProfessionalortheOwnermayterminatetheAgreementbygivingwritten notice. 7.4 FailureoftheOwnertomakepaymentstotheDesignProfessionalforworksatisfactorilycompletedinaccordancewiththeAgreementshallbeconsideredsubstantialnon- performanceandcausefortermination. 7.5 IftheOwnerfailstomakepaymenttoDesignProfessionalwithinthirty (30) daysofreceiptofastatementforservicesproperlyandsatisfactorilyperformed, theDesign Professionalmay, uponsevendayswrittennoticetotheOwner, suspendperformanceofservicesundertheAgreement. 7.6 IntheeventofterminationnotthefaultoftheDesignProfessional, theDesignProfessionalshallbecompensatedforservicesproperlyandsatisfactorilyperformedpriorto termination. ARTICLE8 PAYMENTSTOTHEDESIGNPROFESSIONAL 8.1 DIRECTPERSONNELEXPENSE 8.1.1 DirectPersonnelExpense isdefinedasthedirectsalariesoftheDesignProfessional'spersonnelengagedontheProjectandtheportionofthecostoftheir mandatoryandcustomarycontributionsandbenefitsrelatedthereto, suchasemploymenttaxesandotherstatutoryemployeebenefits, insurance, sickleave, holidays, vacations, pensionsandsimilarcontributionsandbenefits. 8.2 REIMBURSABLEEXPENSES 8.2.1ReimbursableExpensesareinadditiontocompensationforBasicandAdditionalServicesandincludeexpensesincurredbythe DesignProfessionaland DesignProfessional'semployeesandconsultantsintheinterestoftheProject, asidentifiedinthefollowingClauses. ExpenseoftransportationinconnectionwiththeProject; expensesinconnectionwithauthorizedout-of-towntravel; long-distancecommunications; andfeespaidforsecuringapprovalofauthoritieshavingjurisdictionovertheProject. Expenseofreproductions (exceptthereproductionofthesetsofdocumentsreferencedinSubsection2.6.19), postageandhandlingofDrawings, Specificationsandotherdocuments. IfauthorizedinadvancebytheOwner, expenseofovertimeworkrequiringhigherthanregularrates. Expenseofrenderings, modelsandmock-upsrequestedbytheOwner. Expenseofcomputer-aideddesignanddraftingequipmenttimewhenusedinconnectionwiththeProject. OtherexpensesthatareapprovedinadvanceinwritingbytheOwner. 8.3PAYMENTSONACCOUNTOFBASICSERVICES 8.3.1 PaymentsforBasicServicesshallbemademonthlyand, whereapplicable, shallbeinproportiontoservicesperformedwithineachphaseofservice, onthe basissetforthinSection2of theAgreementandthescheduleofwork. 8.3.2 IfandtotheextentthatthetimeinitiallyestablishedintheAgreementisexceededorextendedthroughnofaultoftheDesignProfessional, compensationforany servicesrenderedduringtheadditionalperiodoftimeshallbecomputedinthemannersetforthinSection2of theAgreement. 8.3.3 WhencompensationisbasedonapercentageofConstructionCostandanyportionsoftheProjectaredeletedorotherwisenotconstructed, compensationfor thoseportionsoftheProjectshallbepayabletotheextentservicesareperformedonthoseportions, inaccordancewiththeschedulesetforthinSection2ofthe Agreementbasedon (1) thelowestbonafidebidor (2) ifnosuchbidorproposalisreceived, themostrecentpreliminaryestimateofConstructionCostordetailed estimateofConstructionCostforsuchportionsoftheProject. 8.4PAYMENTSONACCOUNTOFADDITIONALSERVICES 8.4.1 PaymentsonaccountoftheDesignProfessional'sAdditionalServicesandforReimbursableExpensesshallbemademonthlywithin30daysafterthe presentationtotheOwner oftheDesignProfessional'sstatementofservicesrenderedorexpensesincurred. 8.5 PAYMENTSWITHHELD NodeductionsshallbemadefromtheDesignProfessional'scompensationonaccountofpenalty, damagesorothersumswithheldfrom paymentstocontractors, oronaccountofthecostofchangesintheworkotherthanthoseforwhichtheDesignProfessionalisresponsible. 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ARTICLE9 INDEMNITY 9.1 TheDesignProfessionalshallindemnifyandsaveandholdharmlesstheOwneranditsofficers, agents, andemployeesfromandagainstanyandallliability, claims, demands, damages, losses, andexpenses, including, butnotlimitedtocourtcostsandreasonableattorneyfeesincurredbytheOwner, andincluding, without limitation, damagesforbodilyandpersonalinjury, deathandpropertydamage, resultingfromthenegligentactsoromissionsoftheDesignProfessionaloritsofficers, shareholders, agents, oremployeesintheperformanceoftheAgreement. 9.2 NothinghereinshallbeconstruedtocreatealiabilitytoanypersonwhoisnotapartytotheAgreement, andnothinghereinshal bothatlaworequity, toanyclaim, causeofaction, orlitigationfiledbyanyonenotapartytotheAgreement, includingthedefenseofgovernmentalimmunity, which defensesareherebyexpresslyreserved. ARTICLE10INSURANCE DuringtheperformanceoftheServicesundertheAgreement, DesignProfessionalshallmaintainthefollowinginsurancewithan insurancecompanylicensedorauthorizedtodobusinessintheStateofTexasbytheStateInsuranceCommissionoranysuccessoragencythathasaratingwithBest RateCarriersofatleastanA- orabove: 10.1ComprehensiveGeneralLiabilityInsurancewithbodilyinjurylimitsofnotlessthan $1,000,000foreachoccurrenceandnotlessthan $2,000,000intheaggregate, andwithpropertydamagelimitsofnotlessthan $100,000foreachoccurrenceandnotlessthan $250,000intheaggregate. 10.2AutomobileLiabilityInsurancewithbodilyinjurylimitsofnotlessthan $500,000foreachpersonandnotlessthan $500,000foreachaccident, andwithproperty damagelimitsofnotlessthan $100,000foreachaccident. 10.3 each accidentincludingoccupationaldisease. 10.4ProfessionalLiabilityInsurancewithlimitsofnotlessthan $1,000,000annualaggregate. 10.5TheDesignProfessionalshallfurnishinsurancecertificatesorinsurancepoliciestotheOwnerevidencinginsuranceincompliancewiththisArticle10atthetime oftheexecutionoftheAgreement. TheGeneralLiabilityandAutomobile CompensationpolicyshallcontainawaiverofsubrogationinfavoroftheOwner, andeachpolicyshallcontainaprovisionthatsuchinsuranceshallnotbecanceledor onalshall, priortotheeffectivedateofthe changeorcancellation, furnishOwnerwithsubstitutecertificatesofinsurancemeetingtherequirementsofthisArticle10. ARTICLE11 MISCELLANEOUSPROVISIONS 11.1 TheAgreementshallbegovernedbythelawsoftheStateofTexas. VenueofanysuitorcauseofactionundertheAgreementshalllieexclusivelyinDentonCounty, Texas. 11.2 TheOwnerandDesignProfessional, respectively, bindthemselves, theirpartners, successors, assignsandlegalrepresentativestotheotherpartytothisAgreementandto thepartners, successors, assignsandlegalrepresentativesofsuchotherpartywithrespecttoallcovenantsofthisAgreement. TheDesignProfessionalshallnotassignits interestsintheAgreementwithoutthewrittenconsentoftheOwner. 11.3 ThetermAgreementasusedhereinincludestheexecutedAgreement, theProposal, theseGeneralConditionsandotherattachmentsreferencedinSection3ofthe AgreementwhichtogetherrepresenttheentireandintegratedagreementbetweentheOwnerandDesignProfessionalandsupersedesallpriornegotiations, representationsor agreements, eitherwrittenororal. TheAgreementmaybeamendedonlybywritteninstrumentsignedbybothOwnerandDesignProfessional. Wheninterpretingthe AgreementtheexecutedAgreement, Proposal, theseGeneralConditionsandtheotherattachments referencedinSection3oftheAgreementshalltotheextentthatis reasonablypossiblebereadsoastoharmonizetheprovisions. However, shouldtheprovisionsofthesedocumentsbeinconflictsothattheycannotbereasonablyharmonized, suchdocumentsshallbegivenpriorityinthefollowingorder: 1. TheexecutedAgreement 2. AttachmentsreferencedinSection3oftheAgreementotherthantheProposal 3. TheseGeneralProvisions 4. TheProposal 11.4 NothingcontainedintheAgreementshallcreateacontractualrelationshipwithoracauseofactioninfavorofathirdpartyagainsteithertheOwnerorDesign Professional. 11.5 UponreceiptofpriorwrittenapprovalofOwner, theDesignProfessionalshallhavetherighttoincluderepresentationsofthedesignoftheProject, includingphotographs oftheextelsshallnotincludetheOwner's confidentialorproprietaryinformationiftheOwnerhaspreviouslyadvisedtheDesignProfessionalinwritingofthespecificinformationconsideredbytheOwnertobeconfi- dentialorproprietary. TheOwnershallprovideprofessionalcreditfortheDesignProfessionalontheconstructionsignandinthepromotionalmaterialsfortheProject. 11.6 ApprovalbytheOwnershallnotconstitute, norbedeemedareleaseoftheresponsibilityandliabilityoftheDesignProfessional, itsemployees, associates, agents, subcontractors, andsubconsultantsfortheaccuracyandcompetencyoftheirdesignsorotherwork; norshallsuchapprovalbedeemedtobeanassumptionofsuch responsibilitybytheOwnerforanydefectinthedesignorotherworkpreparedbytheDesignProfessional, itsemployees, subcontractors, agents, andconsultants. Page11 C:\\ProgramData\\activePDF\\Temp\\DocConverter\\API\\Input\\$ebe43b78478e$DDADC8C299BD4FD59FBC4640CC454FB9.doc DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA 11.7 Allnotices, communications, andreportsrequiredorpermittedundertheAgreementshallbepersonallydeliveredormailedtotherespectivepartiesbydepositing sameintheUnitedStatesmailtotheaddressshownbelowsignatureblockontheAgreement, certifiedmail, returnreceiptrequested, unlessotherwisespecifiedherein. Allnoticesshallbedeemedeffectiveuponreceiptbythepartytowhomsuchnoticeisgiven, orwithinthree (3) daysaftermailing. 11.8 IfanyprovisionoftheAgreementisfoundordeemedbyacourtofcompetentjurisdictiontobeinvalidorunenforceable, itshallbeconsideredseverablefromthe remainderoftheAgreementandshallnotcausetheremaindertobeinvalidorunenforceable. Insuchevent, thepartiesshallreformtheAgreementtoreplacesuch strickenprovisionwithavalidandenforceableprovisionwhichcomesascloseaspossibletoexpressingtheintentionofthestrickenprovision. 11.9 TheDesignProfessionalshallcomplywithallfederal, state, andlocallaws, rules, regulations, andordinancesapplicabletotheworkcoveredhereunderasthey maynowreadorhereinafterbeamendedduringthetermofthisAgreement. 11.10 InperformingtheServicesrequiredhereunder, theDesignProfessionalshallnotdiscriminateagainstanypersononthebasisofrace, color, religion, sex, nationaloriginorancestry, age, orphysicalhandicap. 11.11 ThecaptionsoftheAgreementareforinformationalpurposesonly, andshallnotinanywayaffectthesubstantivetermsorconditionsoftheAgreement. Page12 C:\\ProgramData\\activePDF\\Temp\\DocConverter\\API\\Input\\$ebe43b78478e$DDADC8C299BD4FD59FBC4640CC454FB9.doc DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA Exhibit2 Page13 C:\\ProgramData\\activePDF\\Temp\\DocConverter\\API\\Input\\$ebe43b78478e$DDADC8C299BD4FD59FBC4640CC454FB9.doc DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA 5810TennysonParkway, Suite280, Plano, Texas75024 T9722024242 D9722024248 Wrpsgroup.com July18, 2018 Mr. LeePerry ProjectManagerÏCapitalProjects 901-ATexasStreet Denton, Texas76209 Re: BonnieBraeStreetÏPhase6Reconstruction DearMr. Perry, ThankyoufortheopportunitytosubmitRPSInfrastructureÔsproposalforprovidingprofessionalengineering servicestoprepareconstructionplansfortheproposedBonnieBraePhase6projectinDentonCounty. The proposalincludesascopeofworkanddetailedestimateincludinglaboranddirectexpenses. Aschedulefor thecompletionoftheprojectisalsoprovided. Thefeeestimateisbasedonthefollowinginformation: ProjectUnderstanding Theprojectisgenerallydescribedasprofessionalengineeringservicesforthepreparationofconstruction plansandconstructionphaseservicesassociatedwithBonnieBraeStreetPhase6ReconstructionfromUS380 toLoop288. TheprojectwillbebasedonstandardindustrypracticefollowingproceduresinaccordancewithCityof DentonTransportationCriteriaManual, CityofDentonDrainageCriteriaManual, CityofDentonWaterand WasteWaterCriteriaManual, TexasManualonUniformTrafficControlDevices, andanyFederal, State, and Locallawsthatapply. ProjectTeam ProjectManagerÏ KevinHowlett, P.E. QA / QCÏPhilUllman, P.E. ProjectSponsorÏBrianClark, P.E. SeniorProjectEngineerÏRonaldThomas, P.E. ProjectEngineerÏEliasMouhamed, P.E. HydrologyandHydraulicsÏKennethTillman, P.E. TrafficLeadÏBethShelton, P.E. EnvironmentalLeadÏJeffAnderson, P.E. UtilityServicesÏKCITechnologies SurveyandRight-of-WayServicesÏGorrondona & Associates GeotechnicalServicesÏHVJAssociates TravelDemandModelingÏWalterP. Moore DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA ScopeofServices AcompletescopeofservicesisincludedasAttachmentA. TheservicesprovidedbytheEngineeraredivided intothefollowingTasks: BaseServices: Task1ÏDesignManagement Task3ÏPreliminaryDesign Task2ÏConceptualDesign Task4ÏFinalDesign SpecialServices: Task5ÏFEMACoordinationServices Task11ÏROWServices Task6ÏTrafficCorridorStudy - Capacityand Task12ÏGeotechnicalInvestigation OperationalAnalysis Task13ÏROWAcquisitionExhibits Task7ÏPublicInvolvement Task14ÏUtilitiesCoordination Task8ÏEnvironmentalServices Task15ÏWaterLineAdjustments / Schematic Task9ÏUtilitiesServices (SUE) Task16ÏWastewaterLineAdjustments Task10ÏSurveyServices DirectExpenses DeliverablesforeachindividualtaskaresetforthwithintheScopeofServices (AttachmentA). BidPhaseServices, ConstructionPhaseServices, MaterialTesting / InspectionServices, andLandscaping relatedserviceswillbeaddedasanadditionalworkauthorizationatalatertime. BasisofEstimate Theestimateisbasedonthetasksmentionedabove. Modificationstothetasksafterconfirmationwillbe deemedtobeadditionalservicesandwillrequiresubsequentauthorizationfromtheCityofDentonandwill beperformedonanhourlyfeebasisinaccordancewiththeratesshownintheWorkBreakdownStructure AttachmentC). Totalfeesfortheprojectarebasedonthescheduleprovided. Exclusions Thisscopeofservicesdoesnotincludethefollowing: Revisionstotheplansduetosplittingprojectintomorethanonebidpackage. Anyaddendumstoprojectafterfinalissuance. BiddingPhaseservicesiftheprojectmustbebidmorethanonce. Designservicesbeyondthosespecificallystatedinthisscope, includingrevisionstoplansafterfinal submittalandapproval. Directexpensesassociatedwithanyadditionalservicesprovided. AnymodificationstoUS288. ProvidingSeparateBidPackages. Planrevisionsduetochangingfieldconditionsfollowingthe90% submittal. Additionalservicesnotprovidedherein. BridgeDesignServices. DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA AnyexclusionlistedintheScopeofServices (AttachmentA). Theseservices, ifrequired, anduponagreementfromtheCityofDenton, willbeperformedasanadditional service. ProjectSchedule AProjectBaselineScheduleisincludedasAttachmentB. RPSInfrastructurewillcommenceworkuponreceipt ofsignedauthorizationfromtheCityofDenton (NoticetoProceed). CityofDentonreviewtimehasbeenincludedwithintheProjectbaselineschedule, however, itisbeyondthe controlofRPSInfrastructure. RPSInfrastructurewillrespondtoanycommentsfromtheCityofDenton within3weeks (15businessdays) afterreceiptofsaidcommentsandpreparedocumentsforthenext submittal. AnydelaytothereceiptofCityofDentoncommentsoradditionalscopeofworksupplementalto theserviceswithinthiscontractrequiresarevisiontotheprojectbaselineschedule. SummaryofCost Thesummaryofcostforeachtaskisshowninthetablebelow. Thesub-totalforprovidingBaseServicesis 1,051,517.50andSpecialServicesis $979,962.00. ThetotalforBaseandSpecialServicesis $2,031,479.50. BaseServicesandSpecialServices: Task MethodofCompensation Amount Task1ÏDesignManagement - RPS Hourly $133,960.00 Task2ÏConceptualDesign - RPS Hourly $195,820.00 Task3ÏPreliminaryDesign - RPS Hourly $450,910.00 Task4ÏFinalDesign - RPS Hourly $260,790.00 DirectExpenses Cost $10,037.50 BaseServicesSubtotal $1,051,517.50 Task5ÏFEMACoordinationServices - RPS Hourly $32,190.00 Task6ÏTrafficCorridorStudy - Capacityand Hourly $83,355.00 OperationalAnalysis - RPS Task7ÏPublicInvolvement - RPS Hourly $51,270.00 Task8ÏEnvironmentalServices - RPS Hourly $52,570.00 Task9ÏUtilitiesServices(SUE) - KCI TimeandMaterial $68,845.00 Task10ÏSurveyServices - Gorrondona TimeandMaterial $172,184.00 Task11ÏROWServices - Gorrondona TimeandMaterial $143,750.00 Task12ÏGeotechnicalInvestigation - HVJ TimeandMaterial $96,724.00 Task13ÏROWAcquisitionExhibits - Gorrondona TimeandMaterial $86,250.00 Task14ÏUtilitiesCoordination - KCI Hourly $87,251.00 Task15ÏWaterLineAdjustments / Schematic Hourly $43,300.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA Task16- WastewaterLineAdjustments Hourly $13,440.00 DirectExpenses Cost $48,833.00 SpecialServicesSubtotal $979,962.00 BaseandSpecialServicesTotal $2,031,479.50 AdetailedcostbreakdownperTaskisprovidedintheWorkBreakdownStructure (AttachmentC). Thehourlyratesforlaborclassificationsusedtoperformservicesonatimeandmaterialbasisaswellasany additionalservicesareshowninAttachmentC. Exceptasnotedontheattached, allinvoiceswillbepreparedmonthlyandaredueandpayablewithin30days ofreceipt. Oncethefinaldeliverablesaresubmittedforfinalreview, theprojectwillbeconsideredcomplete andinvoicedaccordingly. Inclosing, weappreciatetheopportunitytoprovidethisproposal. PleasefeelfreetocallourProjectManager, KevinHowlett, P.E., at972-202-4248ifyouhaveanyquestions. Sincerely, BrentChristian, P.E. SeniorVicePresident DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA o o o DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA o o o o o o o o DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA DentonÔsComprehensiveplan o o DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA o o o DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA o o o DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA ReviewStandardsforArcheologicalBackgroundStudies DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA PCRReviewStandard SOU: Non-ArcheologicalHistoric-AgeResourceResearchDesignsReviewchecklist DraftCRMGuidefor AccuratelyIdentifyingNon-ArcheologicalCulturalResources StandardsofUniformityforNon-ArchaeologicalHistoric-Age ResourceReconnaissanceSurveyReportsReviewChecklist DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDADocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA Exhibit HouseBill89 - GovernmentCode2270 VERIFICATION I, _______________________________________________, theundersigned representativeof ______________________________CompanyorBusinessname hereafterreferredtoascompany), being anadultovertheageofeighteen (18) yearsofage, verifythatthecompanynamed-above, undertheprovisionsof SubtitleF, Title10, GovernmentCodeChapter2270: 1. DoesnotboycottIsraelcurrently; and 2. WillnotboycottIsraelduringthetermofthecontracttheabove-named Company, businessorindividualwithCityofDenton. PursuanttoSection2270.001, TexasGovernmentCode: 1. with, orotherwisetakinganyactionthatisintendedtopenalize, inflict economicharmon, orlimitcommercialrelationsspecificallywithIsrael, or withapersonorentitydoingbusinessinIsraelorinanIsraeli-controlled territory, butdoesnotincludeanactionmadeforordinarybusiness purposes; and 2. -profitsoleproprietorship, organization, association, corporation, partnership, jointventure, limitedpartnership, limitedliabilitypartnership, oranylimitedliabilitycompany, includinga whollyownedsubsidiary, majority-ownedsubsidiary, parentcompanyor affiliateofthoseentitiesorbusinessassociationsthatexisttomakeaprofit. NameofCompanyRepresentative (Print) SignatureofCompanyRepresentative Date DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSignEnvelopeID: 9C380547-BFF8-4EB6-979D-747F112C9EDA Exhibit SenateBill252 -GovernmentCode2252 CERTIFICATION I, ______________________________________________, theundersigned representativeof ________________________________________________ Companyorbusinessname) beinganadultovertheageofeighteen (18) yearsof age, pursuanttoTexasGovernmentCode, Chapter2252, Section2252.152and Section2252.153, certifythatthecompanynamedaboveisnotlistedonthe websiteoftheComptrolleroftheStateofTexasconcerningthelistingof companiesthatareidentifiedunderSection806.051, Section807.051orSection 2253.153. Ifurthercertifythatshouldtheabove-namedcompanyenterintoa contractthatisonsaidlistingofcompaniesonthewebsiteoftheComptrollerof theStateofTexaswhichdobusinesswithIran, SudanoranyForeignTerrorist ManagementDepartment. NameofCompanyRepresentative (Print) SignatureofCompanyRepresentative Date DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 CertificateOfCompletion EnvelopeId: 9C380547BFF84EB6979D747F112C9EDAStatus: Completed Subject: CityCouncilDocusignItem - 6590-032BonnieBraeStreet - Phase6 SourceEnvelope: DocumentPages: 61Signatures: 7EnvelopeOriginator: CertificatePages: 6Initials: 0JamieCogdell AutoNav: Enabled901BTexasStreet EnvelopeIdStamping: EnabledDenton, TX 76209 TimeZone: (UTC-06:00) CentralTime (US & Canada)Jamie.Cogdell@cityofdenton.com IPAddress: RecordTracking Status: OriginalHolder: JamieCogdellLocation: DocuSign 9/6/201810:20:10AM Jamie.Cogdell@cityofdenton.com SignerEventsSignatureTimestamp JamieCogdellSent: 9/6/201810:21:37AMCompletedjamie.cogdell@cityofdenton.comViewed: 9/6/201810:21:42AM SeniorBuyerSigned: 9/6/201810:22:30AM UsingIPAddress: SecurityLevel: Email, AccountAuthentication None) ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: NotOfferedviaDocuSign MackReinwandSent: 9/6/201810:22:32AM mack.reinwand@cityofdenton.comViewed: 9/6/201810:25:10AM CityofDentonSigned: 9/6/201810:26:35AM SecurityLevel: Email, AccountAuthentication SignatureAdoption: Pre-selectedStyleNone) UsingIPAddress: ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: NotOfferedviaDocuSign PeterFearnSent: 9/6/201810:26:37AM peter.fearn@rpsgroup.comViewed: 9/6/201810:22:55PM PresidentSigned: 9/7/20181:33:13PM RPSGroup SignatureAdoption: DrawnonDeviceSecurityLevel: Email, AccountAuthentication UsingIPAddress: ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Accepted: 9/6/201810:22:55PM ID: a5eb5ab1-66a6-47dd-9b01-7a771cef8827 ToddEstesSent: 9/7/20181:33:16PM todd.estes@cityofdenton.comViewed: 9/7/20186:35:50PM Director/CityEngineerSigned: 9/7/20186:36:45PM SecurityLevel: Email, AccountAuthentication SignatureAdoption: DrawnonDeviceNone) UsingIPAddress: Signedusingmobile ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Accepted: 9/7/20186:35:50PM ID: 44c19848-a44b-4220-8f3f-3c582d2a6b77 DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 SignerEventsSignatureTimestamp TabithaMillsopSent: 9/7/20186:36:51PMCompleted tabitha.millsop@cityofdenton.comViewed: 9/19/20189:05:31AM CityofDentonSigned: 9/19/20189:06:16AM UsingIPAddress: Email, AccountAuthentication None) ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: NotOfferedviaDocuSign JenniferWaltersSent: 9/19/20189:06:20AM jennifer.walters@cityofdenton.comViewed: 9/20/20189:26:16AM CitySecretarySigned: 9/20/20189:26:38AM CityofDenton SignatureAdoption: Pre-selectedStyleSecurityLevel: Email, AccountAuthentication UsingIPAddress: ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: NotOfferedviaDocuSign ToddHilemanSent: 9/20/20189:26:43AM todd.hileman@cityofdenton.comViewed: 9/20/20189:27:37AM CityManagerSigned: 9/20/20189:27:47AM CityofDenton SignatureAdoption: Pre-selectedStyleSecurityLevel: Email, AccountAuthentication UsingIPAddress: ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: Accepted: 7/25/201711:02:14AM ID: 57619fbf-2aec-4b1f-805d-6bd7d9966f21 InPersonSignerEventsSignatureTimestamp EditorDeliveryEventsStatusTimestamp AgentDeliveryEventsStatusTimestamp IntermediaryDeliveryEventsStatusTimestamp CertifiedDeliveryEventsStatusTimestamp CarbonCopyEventsStatusTimestamp SherriThurmanSent: 9/7/20186:36:49PM sherri.thurman@cityofdenton.com CityofDenton SecurityLevel: Email, AccountAuthentication None) ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: NotOfferedviaDocuSign JaneRichardsonSent: 9/7/20186:36:50PM jane.richardson@cityofdenton.comViewed: 9/10/20188:27:07AM AssistantCitySecretary CityofDenton SecurityLevel: Email, AccountAuthentication None) ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: NotOfferedviaDocuSign DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 CarbonCopyEventsStatusTimestamp JenniferBridgesSent: 9/20/20189:26:42AM jennifer.bridges@cityofdenton.com ProcurementAssistant CityofDenton SecurityLevel: Email, AccountAuthentication None) ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: NotOfferedviaDocuSign JaneRichardsonSent: 9/20/20189:27:51AM jane.richardson@cityofdenton.comViewed: 10/25/201812:47:49PM AssistantCitySecretary CityofDenton SecurityLevel: Email, AccountAuthentication None) ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: NotOfferedviaDocuSign AnnieBungerSent: 9/20/20189:27:51AM annie.bunger@cityofdenton.comViewed: 9/20/20189:38:00AM SecurityLevel: Email, AccountAuthentication None) ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure: NotOfferedviaDocuSign NotaryEventsSignatureTimestamp EnvelopeSummaryEventsStatusTimestamps EnvelopeSentHashed/Encrypted9/20/20189:27:51AM CertifiedDeliveredSecurityChecked9/20/20189:27:51AM SigningCompleteSecurityChecked9/20/20189:27:51AM CompletedSecurityChecked9/20/20189:27:51AM PaymentEventsStatusTimestamps ElectronicRecordandSignatureDisclosure DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 ELECTRONICRECORDANDSIGNATUREDISCLOSURE Fromtimetotime, CityofDenton (we, usorCompany) mayberequiredbylawtoprovideto youcertainwrittennoticesordisclosures. Describedbelowarethetermsandconditionsfor providingtoyousuchnoticesanddisclosureselectronicallythroughyourDocuSign, Inc. DocuSign) Expressuseraccount. Pleasereadtheinformationbelowcarefullyandthoroughly, andifyoucanaccessthisinformationelectronicallytoyoursatisfactionandagreetotheseterms andconditions, pleaseconfirmyouragreementbyclickingthe 'Iagree' buttonatthebottomof thisdocument. Gettingpapercopies Atanytime, youmayrequestfromusapapercopyofanyrecordprovidedormadeavailable electronicallytoyoubyus. Forsuchcopies, aslongasyouareanauthorizeduserofthe DocuSignsystemyouwillhavetheabilitytodownloadandprintanydocumentswesendtoyou throughyourDocuSignuseraccountforalimitedperiodoftime (usually30days) aftersuch documentsarefirstsenttoyou. Aftersuchtime, ifyouwishforustosendyoupapercopiesof anysuchdocumentsfromourofficetoyou, youwillbechargeda $0.00per-pagefee. Youmay requestdeliveryofsuchpapercopiesfromusbyfollowingtheproceduredescribedbelow. Withdrawingyourconsent Ifyoudecidetoreceivenoticesanddisclosuresfromuselectronically, youmayatanytime changeyourmindandtellusthatthereafteryouwanttoreceiverequirednoticesanddisclosures onlyinpaperformat. Howyoumustinformusofyourdecisiontoreceivefuturenoticesand disclosureinpaperformatandwithdrawyourconsenttoreceivenoticesanddisclosures electronicallyisdescribedbelow. Consequencesofchangingyourmind Ifyouelecttoreceiverequirednoticesanddisclosuresonlyinpaperformat, itwillslowthe speedatwhichwecancompletecertainstepsintransactionswithyouanddeliveringservicesto youbecausewewillneedfirsttosendtherequirednoticesordisclosurestoyouinpaperformat, andthenwaituntilwereceivebackfromyouyouracknowledgmentofyourreceiptofsuch papernoticesordisclosures. Toindicatetousthatyouarechangingyourmind, youmust withdrawyourconsentusingtheDocuSign 'WithdrawConsent' formonthesigningpageofyour DocuSignaccount. Thiswillindicatetousthatyouhavewithdrawnyourconsenttoreceive requirednoticesanddisclosureselectronicallyfromusandyouwillnolongerbeabletouseyour DocuSignExpressuseraccounttoreceiverequirednoticesandconsentselectronicallyfromus ortosignelectronicallydocumentsfromus. Allnoticesanddisclosureswillbesenttoyouelectronically Unlessyoutellusotherwiseinaccordancewiththeproceduresdescribedherein, wewillprovide electronicallytoyouthroughyourDocuSignuseraccountallrequirednotices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, andotherdocumentsthatarerequiredtobeprovidedor madeavailabletoyouduringthecourseofourrelationshipwithyou. Toreducethechanceof youinadvertentlynotreceivinganynoticeordisclosure, weprefertoprovidealloftherequired noticesanddisclosurestoyoubythesamemethodandtothesameaddressthatyouhavegiven us. Thus, youcanreceiveallthedisclosuresandnoticeselectronicallyorinpaperformatthrough thepapermaildeliverysystem. Ifyoudonotagreewiththisprocess, pleaseletusknowas describedbelow. Pleasealsoseetheparagraphimmediatelyabovethatdescribesthe consequencesofyourelectingnottoreceivedeliveryofthenoticesanddisclosures electronicallyfromus. DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 HowtocontactCityofDenton: Youmaycontactustoletusknowofyourchangesastohowwemaycontactyouelectronically, torequestpapercopiesofcertaininformationfromus, andtowithdrawyourpriorconsentto receivenoticesanddisclosureselectronically asfollows: Tocontactusbyemailsendmessagesto: purchasing@cityofdenton.com ToadviseCityofDentonofyournewe-mailaddress Toletusknowofachangeinyoure-mailaddresswhereweshouldsendnoticesanddisclosures electronicallytoyou, youmustsendanemailmessagetousatmelissa.kraft@cityofdenton.com andinthebodyofsuchrequestyoumuststate: yourpreviouse-mailaddress, yournewe-mail address. Wedonotrequireanyotherinformationfromyoutochangeyouremailaddress.. Inaddition, youmustnotifyDocuSign, Inctoarrangeforyournewemailaddresstobereflected inyourDocuSignaccountbyfollowingtheprocessforchanginge-mailinDocuSign. TorequestpapercopiesfromCityofDenton Torequestdeliveryfromusofpapercopiesofthenoticesanddisclosurespreviouslyprovided byustoyouelectronically, youmustsendusane-mailtopurchasing@cityofdenton.comandin thebodyofsuchrequestyoumuststateyoure-mailaddress, fullname, USPostaladdress, and telephonenumber. Wewillbillyouforanyfeesatthattime, ifany. TowithdrawyourconsentwithCityofDenton Toinformusthatyounolongerwanttoreceivefuturenoticesanddisclosuresinelectronic formatyoumay: i. declinetosignadocumentfromwithinyourDocuSignaccount, andonthesubsequent page, selectthecheck-boxindicatingyouwishtowithdrawyourconsent, oryoumay; ii. sendusane-mailtopurchasing@cityofdenton.comandinthebodyofsuchrequestyou muststateyoure-mail, fullname, ISPostalAddress, telephonenumber, andaccount number. Wedonotneedanyotherinformationfromyoutowithdrawconsent.. The consequencesofyourwithdrawingconsentforonlinedocumentswillbethattransactions maytakealongertimetoprocess.. Requiredhardwareandsoftware OperatingSystems: Windows2000? orWindowsXP? Browsers (forSENDERS): InternetExplorer6.0? orabove Browsers (forSIGNERS): InternetExplorer6.0?, MozillaFireFox1.0, NetScape7.2 (orabove) Email: Accesstoavalidemailaccount ScreenResolution: 800x600minimum EnabledSecuritySettings: Allowpersessioncookies UsersaccessingtheinternetbehindaProxy ServermustenableHTTP1.1settingsvia proxyconnection Theseminimumrequirementsaresubjecttochange. Iftheserequirementschange, wewill provideyouwithanemailmessageattheemailaddresswehaveonfileforyouatthattime providingyouwiththerevisedhardwareandsoftwarerequirements, atwhichtimeyouwill havetherighttowithdrawyourconsent. DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Acknowledgingyouraccessandconsenttoreceivematerialselectronically Toconfirmtousthatyoucanaccessthisinformationelectronically, whichwillbesimilarto otherelectronicnoticesanddisclosuresthatwewillprovidetoyou, pleaseverifythatyou wereabletoreadthiselectronicdisclosureandthatyoualsowereabletoprintonpaperor electronicallysavethispageforyourfuturereferenceandaccessorthatyouwereableto e-mailthisdisclosureandconsenttoanaddresswhereyouwillbeabletoprintonpaperor saveitforyourfuturereferenceandaccess. Further, ifyouconsenttoreceivingnoticesand disclosuresexclusivelyinelectronicformatonthetermsandconditionsdescribedabove, pleaseletusknowbyclickingthe 'Iagree' buttonbelow. Bycheckingthe 'IAgree' box, Iconfirmthat: IcanaccessandreadthisElectronicCONSENTTOELECTRONICRECEIPTOF ELECTRONICRECORDANDSIGNATUREDISCLOSURESdocument; and IcanprintonpaperthedisclosureorsaveorsendthedisclosuretoaplacewhereIcan printit, forfuturereferenceandaccess; and UntilorunlessInotifyCityofDentonasdescribedabove, Iconsenttoreceivefrom exclusivelythroughelectronicmeansallnotices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, andotherdocumentsthatarerequiredtobeprovidedormade availabletomeby CityofDentonduringthecourseofmyrelationshipwithyou. DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Docusign City Council Transmittal Coversheet File Name Purchasing Contact City Council Target Date Piggy Back Option Contract Expiration Ordinance DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7F Lori Hewell 6590-032 No RFQ Bonnie Brae Phase 6 March 26, 2019 N/A 19-602 DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 1 THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DENTON § FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS AND RPS INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. NO. 6590-032 THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT 6590-032 (this “Amendment”) by and between the City of Denton, Texas (“City”) and RPS Infrastructure, Inc. (“Consultant”) to that certain contract executed on September 18, 2018, in the original not-to-exceed amount of $2,031,479.50 (the “Agreement”); for services related to professional engineering services for the preparation of construction plans and construction phase services associated with Bonnie Brae Phase 6 Reconstruction from US 380 to Loop 288 in Denton County WHEREAS, Consultant has substantially completed the work called for in the Agreement, and the City deems it necessary to further expand the services provided by Consultant to the City, and to provide an additional not-to-exceed amount $397,760 with this First Amendment for an aggregate not-to-exceed of $2,429,239.50. FURTHERMORE, the City deems it necessary to further expand the goods/services provided by Consultant to the City; NOW THEREFORE, the City and Consultant (hereafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”), in consideration of their mutual promises and covenants, as well as for other good and valuable considerations, do hereby AGREE to the following First Amendment, which amends the following terms and conditions of the said Agreement, to wit: 1. The additional services described in Exhibit “A” of this First Amendment, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, for professional services related to the Bonnie Brae Phase 6 Reconstruction, are hereby authorized to be performed by Consultant. For and in consideration of the additional services to be performed by Consultant, the Owner agrees to pay, based on the cost estimate detail attached as Exhibit “A” to this First Amendment, a total fee, including reimbursement for non- labor expenses an amount not to exceed $397,760. 2. This Amendment modifies the Agreement amount to provide an additional $397,760 for the additional services with a revised aggregate not-to-exceed total of $2,429,239.50. The Parties hereto agree, that except as specifically provided for by this Amendment, that all of the terms, covenants, conditions, agreements, rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the Parties, set forth in the Agreement remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Consultant, have each executed this Amendment, by and through their respective duly authorized representatives and officers on this date_______________________________________. DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7F 3/26/2019 DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 2 “CITY” CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS A Texas Municipal Corporation By: _______________________________ TODD HILEMAN CITY MANAGER ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY By: __________________________________ APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: AARON LEAL, CITY ATTORNEY By: ___________________________________ “CONSULTANT” RPS Infrastructure, Inc By: _________________________________ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, TITLE THIS AGREEMENT HAS BEEN BOTH REVIEWED AND APPROVED as to financial and operational obligations and business terms. _______________ ________________ SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME __________________________________ TITLE __________________________________ DEPARTMENT DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7F President Capital Projects City Engineer Todd Estes DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Exhibit ADocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 DocuSign Envelope ID: 282F706C-74D9-4F57-B1C6-1B13E2E63F7FDocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: 282F706C74D94F57B1C61B13E2E63F7F Status: Completed Subject: Please DocuSign: City Council Contract 6590-032 Bonnie Brae Phase 6 Source Envelope: Document Pages: 19 Signatures: 5 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 6 Initials: 1 Lori Hewell AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 lori.hewell@cityofdenton.com IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 3/5/2019 3:14:41 PM Holder: Lori Hewell lori.hewell@cityofdenton.com Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Lori Hewell lori.hewell@cityofdenton.com Purchasing Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 3/5/2019 4:14:55 PM Viewed: 3/5/2019 4:15:13 PM Signed: 3/5/2019 4:18:07 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Lori Hewell lori.hewell@cityofdenton.com Purchasing Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 3/5/2019 4:18:08 PM Viewed: 3/5/2019 4:18:45 PM Signed: 3/5/2019 4:19:20 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Mack Reinwand mack.reinwand@cityofdenton.com City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 3/5/2019 4:19:22 PM Viewed: 3/6/2019 1:46:37 PM Signed: 3/6/2019 1:57:58 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Peter Fearn peter.fearn@rpsgroup.com President RPS Group Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 3/6/2019 1:58:00 PM Viewed: 3/6/2019 2:17:08 PM Signed: 3/6/2019 2:32:07 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 3/6/2019 2:17:08 PM ID: 5b93da76-d167-4816-af46-59834fe497b3 DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Signer Events Signature Timestamp Todd Estes todd.estes@cityofdenton.com City Engineer Capital Projects Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Drawn on Device Using IP Address: Signed using mobile Sent: 3/6/2019 2:32:09 PM Resent: 3/8/2019 8:27:38 AM Viewed: 3/9/2019 6:33:54 AM Signed: 3/9/2019 6:34:32 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 3/9/2019 6:33:54 AM ID: 068c5345-9976-44f1-a20e-0635690e1147 Tabitha Millsop tabitha.millsop@cityofdenton.com City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 3/9/2019 6:34:34 AM Viewed: 3/27/2019 3:30:01 PM Signed: 3/27/2019 3:30:24 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Todd Hileman Todd.Hileman@cityofdenton.com City Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 3/27/2019 3:30:27 PM Viewed: 3/27/2019 3:31:47 PM Signed: 3/27/2019 3:31:55 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 7/25/2017 11:02:14 AM ID: 57619fbf-2aec-4b1f-805d-6bd7d9966f21 Rosa Rios rosa.rios@cityofdenton.com Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 3/27/2019 3:31:57 PM Viewed: 3/27/2019 5:02:53 PM Signed: 3/27/2019 5:05:31 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 3/27/2019 5:02:53 PM ID: aa1324b3-4d5f-4689-bb44-05fccad939fc In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Sherri Thurman sherri.thurman@cityofdenton.com City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 3/5/2019 4:18:08 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Annie Bunger annie.bunger@cityofdenton.com Administrative Assistant IV City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 3/6/2019 2:32:09 PM Viewed: 3/6/2019 2:35:30 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Jane Richardson jane.richardson@cityofdenton.com Assistant City Secretary City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 3/27/2019 3:30:26 PM Viewed: 3/27/2019 4:28:32 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Jane Richardson jane.richardson@cityofdenton.com Assistant City Secretary City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 3/27/2019 5:05:33 PM Viewed: 4/1/2019 10:42:50 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 3/27/2019 5:05:33 PM Certified Delivered Security Checked 3/27/2019 5:05:33 PM Signing Complete Security Checked 3/27/2019 5:05:33 PM Completed Security Checked 3/27/2019 5:05:33 PM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, City of Denton (we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. 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Please also see the paragraph immediately above that describes the consequences of your electing not to receive delivery of the notices and disclosures electronically from us. Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure created on: 7/21/2017 3:59:03 PM Parties agreed to: Peter Fearn, Todd Estes, Todd Hileman, Rosa Rios DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 How to contact City of Denton: You may contact us to let us know of your changes as to how we may contact you electronically, to request paper copies of certain information from us, and to withdraw your prior consent to receive notices and disclosures electronically as follows: To contact us by email send messages to: purchasing@cityofdenton.com To advise City of Denton of your new e-mail address To let us know of a change in your e-mail address where we should send notices and disclosures electronically to you, you must send an email message to us at melissa.kraft@cityofdenton.com and in the body of such request you must state: your previous e-mail address, your new e-mail address. We do not require any other information from you to change your email address.. 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DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Acknowledging your access and consent to receive materials electronically To confirm to us that you can access this information electronically, which will be similar to other electronic notices and disclosures that we will provide to you, please verify that you were able to read this electronic disclosure and that you also were able to print on paper or electronically save this page for your future reference and access or that you were able to e-mail this disclosure and consent to an address where you will be able to print on paper or save it for your future reference and access. Further, if you consent to receiving notices and disclosures exclusively in electronic format on the terms and conditions described above, please let us know by clicking the 'I agree' button below. By checking the 'I Agree' box, I confirm that: • I can access and read this Electronic CONSENT TO ELECTRONIC RECEIPT OF ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURES document; and • I can print on paper the disclosure or save or send the disclosure to a place where I can print it, for future reference and access; and • Until or unless I notify City of Denton as described above, I consent to receive from exclusively through electronic means all notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to me by City of Denton during the course of my relationship with you. DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Docusign City Council Transmittal Coversheet File Name Purchasing Contact City Council Target Date Piggy Back Option Contract Expiration Ordinance          ! #$   !%""   &##!$!  %!#   DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 6590-032 PSA – Amendment #2 Page 1 of 2 SECOND AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS AND RPS INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. FILE 6590-032 THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT 6590-032 (“Amendment”) by and between the City of Denton, Texas (“City”) and RPS Infrastructure, Inc. (“Consultant”); to that certain contract executed on September 18, 2018, in the original not-to-exceed amount of $2,031,479.50 (the “Original Agreement”); amended on March 26, 2019 in the additional amount of $397,760 aggregating a not-to-exceed amount of $2,429,239.50 (the “First Amendment”) (collectively, the Original Agreement and the First Amendment are the “Agreement”) for services related to professional engineering services for the preparation of construction plans and construction phase services associated with Bonnie Brae Phase 6 Reconstruction from US 380 to Loop 288 in Denton County; WHEREAS, the City deems it necessary to further expand the services provided by Consultant to the City pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, and to provide an additional not-to-exceed amount $340,609 with this Amendment for an aggregate not-to-exceed of $2,769,848.50. FURTHERMORE, the City deems it necessary to further expand the goods/services provided by Consultant to the City; NOW THEREFORE, the City and Consultant (hereafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”), in consideration of their mutual promises and covenants, as well as for other good and valuable considerations, do hereby AGREE to the following Amendment, which amends the following terms and conditions of the said Agreement, to wit: 1. The additional services described in Exhibit “A” of this Amendment, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, for professional services related to the Bonnie Brae Phase 6 Reconstruction from US 380 to Loop 288 in Denton County, are hereby authorized to be performed by Consultant. For and in consideration of the additional services to be performed by Consultant, the Owner agrees to pay, based on the cost estimate detail attached as Exhibit “A” to this Amendment, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, a total fee, including reimbursement for non-labor expenses an amount not to exceed $340,609.         DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 6590-032 PSA – Amendment #2 Page 2 of 2 2. This Amendment modifies the Agreement amount to provide an additional $340,609 for the additional services with a revised aggregate not to exceed total of $2,769,848.50. The Parties hereto agree, that except as specifically provided for by this Amendment, that all of the terms, covenants, conditions, agreements, rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the Parties, set forth in the Agreement remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Consultant, have each executed this Amendment electronically, by and through their respective duly authorized representatives and officers on this date _________________________. “CONSULTANT” RPS INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. By: _________________________________ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, TITLE APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: AARON LEAL, CITY ATTORNEY By: _____________________________ “CITY” CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS A Texas Municipal Corporation By: _______________________________ TODD HILEMAN, CITY MANAGER ATTEST: ROSA RIOS, CITY SECRETARY By: ________________________________ THIS AGREEMENT HAS BEEN BOTH REVIEWED AND APPROVED as to financial and operational obligations and business terms. _______________ ________________ SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME __________________________________ TITLE __________________________________ DEPARTMENT                    DocuSign Envelope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ƒ#;83.,= *7*0.;D.?278@5.==# ƒ$$ *7*0.;D#125(556*7# ƒ&.728;#;83.,=7027..;D%87*5-'186*<# ƒ87<=;>,=2877<9.,=8;D.;.72,.&*5*2,.< ƒ.<2077027..;D><=27*&*6**7' ƒ%.02<=.;.-,,.<<2+252=B&9.,2*52<=D*6.<;>.0.; #$#%)& ,8695.=.<,89.8/<.;?2,.<2<27,5>-.-*<==*,16.7='1.<.;?2,.<9;8?2-.-+B=1.7027..;*;.-2?2-.- 27=8=1./8558@270'*<4< &%)&  '*<4 D.<207 *7*0.6.7= '*<4 D87,.9=>*5.<207 Exhibit A         DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489  '*<4D7?2;876.7=*5&.;?2,.< '*<4 D2-#1*<.&.;?2,.< '*<4 87<=;>,=287#1*<.&.;?2,.< &&#&'!' 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       DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 dd,DEdŝƚLJŽĨĞŶƚŽŶŽŶŶŝĞƌĂĞ^ƚƌĞĞƚZĞĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶͲWŚĂƐĞϲtKZ<Z<KtE^dZhdhZDEDEdϮ^ŚĞĞƚŽƵŶƚWƌŝŶĐŝƉĂůƐĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚDĂŶĂŐĞƌ^ĞŶŝŽƌWƌŽũĞĐƚDĂŶĂŐĞƌWƌŽũĞĐƚDĂŶĂŐĞƌ^ĞŶŝŽƌWƌŽũĞĐƚŶŐŝŶĞĞƌWƌŽũĞĐƚŶŐŝŶĞĞƌƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌ/ͬ//ƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌ///'/^^ƉĞĐŝĂůŝƐƚDĂŶĂŐĞƌ^ĞŶŝŽƌĞƐŝŐŶĞƌĞƐŝŐŶĞƌ^ĞŶŝŽƌdĞĐŚŶŝĐŝĂŶdĞĐŚŶŝĐŝĂŶ^ĞŶŝŽƌŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůWůĂŶŶĞƌŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůWůĂŶŶĞƌůĞƌŝĐĂůdŽƚĂů>ĂďŽƌ,ŽƵƌƐdŽƚĂů>ĂďŽƌŽƐƚƉĞƌdĂƐŬΨϮϴϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϮϱϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϮϯϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϭϵϬ͘ϬϬ Ψϭϲϱ͘ϬϬ ΨϭϰϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϭϬϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϭϮϱ͘ϬϬ ΨϭϬϬ͘ϬϬΨϭϰϳ͘ϬϬ Ψϭϯϱ͘ϬϬ ΨϭϬϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϭϭϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϵϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϮϮϬ͘ϬϬ Ψϭϯϱ͘ϬϬ ΨϵϬ͘ϬϬd^<dĂƐŬϭͲĞƐŝŐŶDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚŝƌĞĐƚdĞĂŵĐƚŝǀŝƚŝĞƐϰϰ ΨϳϲϬ͘ϬϬYͬYϰϴϭϮ ΨϮ͕ϱϮϬ͘ϬϬŽŽƌĚŝŶĂƚŝŽŶDĞĞƚŝŶŐƐ;ϯͿϭϱ ϭϱϯϬ Ψϰ͕ϵϱϬ͘ϬϬdŽƚĂů Ϭ ϰ ϬϮϳϬϭϱϬϬϬϬϬϬϬϬ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ ϰϲΨϴ͕ϮϯϬ͘ϬϬdŽƚĂů>ĂďŽƌŽƐƚΨϬ͘ϬϬ Ψϭ͕ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϬ͘ϬϬ Ψϱ͕ϭϯϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϮ͕ϭϬϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϬ͘ϬϬΨϴ͕ϮϯϬ͘ϬϬdĂƐŬϮͲŽŶĐĞƉƚƵĂůĞƐŝŐŶ;ϯϬWĞƌĐĞŶƚͿĂƚĂŽůůĞĐƚŝŽŶĐƋƵŝƌĞƐͲƵŝůƚƐϰϰϰϭϮ Ψϭ͕ϲϲϬ͘ϬϬZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ&ƵƚƵƌĞĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚϮϰϰϭϬ Ψϭ͕ϮϴϬ͘ϬϬ^ŝƚĞZĞĐŽŶŶĂŝƐƐĂŶĐĞ;ϮƚƌŝƉƐͿϰϴϴϮϬ 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ΨϬ͘ϬϬΨϭϲϬ͕ϳϰϬ͘ϬϬ>KZdKd>ΨϮϵϮ͕ϭϳϬ͘ϬϬ/ZdyWE^^ΨϮϮ͕ϭϱϵ͘ϬϬdKd>Ψϯϭϰ͕ϯϮϵ͘ϬϬΨϯϭϰ͕ϯϮϵ͘ϬϬ^Z/Wd/KEK&tKZ<d^<^^Zs/^^^/'E^Zs/^dKd>&KZ^^Zs/^WĂŐĞϭŽĨϯ        DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 dd,DEdŝƚLJŽĨĞŶƚŽŶŽŶŶŝĞƌĂĞ^ƚƌĞĞƚZĞĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶͲWŚĂƐĞϲtKZ<Z<KtE^dZhdhZDEDEdϮ^ŚĞĞƚŽƵŶƚWƌŝŶĐŝƉĂůƐĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚDĂŶĂŐĞƌ^ĞŶŝŽƌWƌŽũĞĐƚDĂŶĂŐĞƌWƌŽũĞĐƚDĂŶĂŐĞƌ^ĞŶŝŽƌWƌŽũĞĐƚŶŐŝŶĞĞƌWƌŽũĞĐƚŶŐŝŶĞĞƌƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌ/ͬ//ƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌ///'/^^ƉĞĐŝĂůŝƐƚDĂŶĂŐĞƌ^ĞŶŝŽƌĞƐŝŐŶĞƌĞƐŝŐŶĞƌ^ĞŶŝŽƌdĞĐŚŶŝĐŝĂŶdĞĐŚŶŝĐŝĂŶ^ĞŶŝŽƌŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůWůĂŶŶĞƌŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůWůĂŶŶĞƌůĞƌŝĐĂůdŽƚĂů>ĂďŽƌ,ŽƵƌƐdŽƚĂů>ĂďŽƌŽƐƚƉĞƌdĂƐŬΨϮϴϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϮϱϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϮϯϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϭϵϬ͘ϬϬ Ψϭϲϱ͘ϬϬ ΨϭϰϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϭϬϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϭϮϱ͘ϬϬ ΨϭϬϬ͘ϬϬΨϭϰϳ͘ϬϬ Ψϭϯϱ͘ϬϬ ΨϭϬϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϭϭϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϵϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϮϮϬ͘ϬϬ Ψϭϯϱ͘ϬϬ ΨϵϬ͘ϬϬ^Z/Wd/KEK&tKZ<d^<dĂƐŬϴͲŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂů^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐdĂƐŬϭͲhƉĚĂƚĞWƌŽũĞĐƚ^ĐŽƉĞĨŽƌƐ ϭϮ ϯ ΨϱϮϬ͘ϬϬdĂƐŬϮͲWƌĞƉĂƌĞZĞƋƵĞƐƚĨŽƌůĂƐƐŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ Ϯϭϲ ϭϴ ΨϮ͕ϲϲϬ͘ϬϬdĂƐŬϴͲdƌĂĨĨŝĐEŽŝƐĞŶĂůLJƐŝƐ ϰϭϰϰ ϭϰϴ ΨϮϬ͕ϰϰϬ͘ϬϬdĂƐŬϵͲDŽďŝůĞ^ŽƵƌĐĞŝƌdŽdžŝĐƐŶĂůLJƐŝƐ ϭϴ ϵ Ψϭ͕ϯϯϬ͘ϬϬdĂƐŬϭϬͲŝƌYƵĂůŝƚLJŶĂůLJƐŝƐ ϭϴ ϵ Ψϭ͕ϯϯϬ͘ϬϬdŽƚĂů Ϭ ϵ ϬϬϬϬϬϬϬϬϬϬϬϬ Ϭ 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law by H.B. 23, 84th Leg., Regular Session. This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with Chapter 176, Local Government Code, by a vendor who has a business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a) with a local governmental entity and the vendor meets requirements under Section 176.006(a). By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the local government entity not later than the 7th business day after the date the vendor becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See Section 176.006(a-1), Local Government Code. A vendor commits an offense if the vendor knowingly violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. An offense under this section is a misdemeanor. 1 Name of vendor who has a business relationship with local governmental entity. 2 Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed questionnaire. 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laura.hermosillo@cityofdenton.com Senior Buyer City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 9/11/2020 2:40:34 PM Viewed: 9/11/2020 2:40:47 PM Signed: 9/11/2020 2:40:50 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Lori Hewell lori.hewell@cityofdenton.com Purchasing Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 9/11/2020 2:40:53 PM Viewed: 9/14/2020 7:19:27 AM Signed: 9/14/2020 7:19:55 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Mack Reinwand mack.reinwand@cityofdenton.com City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 9/14/2020 7:19:58 AM Viewed: 9/14/2020 10:12:10 AM Signed: 9/14/2020 10:15:19 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Doug Matthys Doug.Matthys@rpsgroup.com President & CEO RPS Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Uploaded Signature Image Using IP Address: Sent: 9/14/2020 10:15:22 AM Resent: 9/15/2020 1:50:16 PM Resent: 9/16/2020 10:03:43 AM Viewed: 9/16/2020 12:26:43 PM Signed: 9/16/2020 12:29:24 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 9/16/2020 12:26:43 PM ID: 453686f7-067b-4f6f-b55d-b45598cc42d5 DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Signer Events Signature Timestamp Rebecca Diviney Rebecca.Diviney@cityofdenton.com Director of Capital Projects/City Engineer Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 9/16/2020 12:29:27 PM Viewed: 9/16/2020 3:05:28 PM Signed: 9/16/2020 3:07:29 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 9/16/2020 3:05:28 PM ID: 15634eaf-993d-4018-9d9a-cc6555d7510c Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Contract Administrator City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 9/16/2020 3:07:32 PM Viewed: 10/14/2020 10:07:29 AM Signed: 10/14/2020 10:07:54 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Todd Hileman Todd.Hileman@cityofdenton.com City Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 10/14/2020 10:07:57 AM Viewed: 10/14/2020 10:41:20 AM Signed: 10/14/2020 10:41:28 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 7/25/2017 11:02:14 AM ID: 57619fbf-2aec-4b1f-805d-6bd7d9966f21 Rosa Rios rosa.rios@cityofdenton.com City Secretary Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 10/14/2020 10:41:32 AM Viewed: 10/14/2020 10:49:11 AM Signed: 10/14/2020 10:49:31 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 10/14/2020 10:49:11 AM ID: f0b6e4b2-d53e-4b96-bedd-e05e4ea1b6e1 In Ierson Signer 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Seth.Garcia@cityofdenton.com Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 10/14/2020 10:49:34 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Iitness Events Signature Timestamp IotarI Events Signature Timestamp Envelope SummarI Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 10/14/2020 10:49:34 AM Certified Delivered Security Checked 10/14/2020 10:49:34 AM Signing Complete Security Checked 10/14/2020 10:49:34 AM Completed Security Checked 10/14/2020 10:49:34 AM IaIment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, City of Denton (we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. 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DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Docusign City Council Transmittal Coversheet File Name Purchasing Contact City Council Target Date Piggy Back Option Contract Expiration Ordinance DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721 6590-032 Cori Power Not Applicable PSA Bonnie Brae Ph 6 Design Amendment #3 DECEMBER 12, 2023 N/A 23-2405 DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 6590-032 PSA – Amendment #3 Page 1 of 2 THIRD AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS AND RPS INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. FILE 6590-032 THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § THIS THIRD AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT 6590-032 (“Amendment”) by and between the City of Denton, Texas (“City”) and RPS Infrastructure, Inc. (“Consultant”); to that certain contract executed on September 18, 2018, in the original not-to-exceed amount of $2,031,479.50 (the “Original Agreement”); amended on March 26, 2019, in the additional amount of $397,760 aggregating a not-to-exceed amount of $2,429,239.50 (the “First Amendment”); amended on October 13, 2020, in the additional amount of $340,609 aggregating a not-to-exceed amount of $2,769,848.50 (the “Second Amendment”) (collectively, the Original Agreement, the First Amendment, and the Second Amendment are the “Agreement”) for services related to professional engineering services for the preparation of construction plans and construction phase services associated with Bonnie Brae Phase 6 Reconstruction from US 380 to Loop 288 in Denton County; WHEREAS, the City deems it necessary to further expand the services provided by Consultant to the City pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, and to provide an additional not-to-exceed amount of $368,038.20 with this Amendment for an aggregate not-to-exceed of $3,137,886.70. FURTHERMORE, the City deems it necessary to further expand the goods/services provided by Consultant to the City; NOW THEREFORE, the City and Consultant (hereafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”), in consideration of their mutual promises and covenants, as well as for other good and valuable considerations, do hereby AGREE to the following Amendment, which amends the following terms and conditions of the said Agreement, to wit: 1. The additional services described in Exhibit “A” of this Amendment, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, for professional services related to the Bonnie Brae Phase 6 Reconstruction from US 380 to Loop 288 in Denton County, are hereby authorized to be performed by Consultant. For and in consideration of the additional services to be performed by Consultant, the Owner agrees to pay, based on the cost estimate detail attached as Exhibit “A” to this Amendment, a total fee, including reimbursement for non-labor expenses an amount not to exceed $368,038.20. DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 6590-032 PSA – Amendment #3 Page 2 of 2 2. This Amendment modifies the Agreement amount to provide an additional $368,038.20 for the additional services with a revised aggregate not to exceed total of $3,137,886.70. The Parties hereto agree, that except as specifically provided for by this Amendment, that all of the terms, covenants, conditions, agreements, rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the Parties, set forth in the Agreement remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Consultant, have each executed this Amendment electronically, by and through their respective duly authorized representatives and officers on this date _________________________. “CONSULTANT” RPS INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. By: _________________________________ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, TITLE APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: MACK REINWAND, CITY ATTORNEY By: _____________________________ “CITY” CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS A Texas Municipal Corporation By: _______________________________ SARA HENSLEY, CITY MANAGER ATTEST: JESUS SALAZAR, CITY SECRETARY By: ________________________________ THIS AGREEMENT HAS BEEN BOTH REVIEWED AND APPROVED as to financial and operational obligations and business terms. _______________ ________________ SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME __________________________________ TITLE __________________________________ DEPARTMENT DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721 Executive Director Director of Capital Projects Trevor Crain, PMP Capital Projects 12/12/2023 DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 5810 Tennyson Parkway, Suite 280, Plano, Texas 75024 T 972 202 4242 D 972 202 4248 W rpsgroup.com November 2, 2023 Mr. Jesus Perez Project Manager – Capital Projects 401 N. Elm Street Denton, Texas 76201 Re: Bonnie Brae Street Phase 6 Reconstruction – Amendment 3 Dear Mr. Perez, Thank you for the opportunity to submit RPS Infrastructure’s proposal for Amendment 3 to contract 6590- 032: professional engineering services for the proposed Bonnie Brae Phase 6 project in Denton County. The proposal includes a scope of work and detailed estimate including labor and direct expenses. The fee estimate is based on the following information: Project Understanding The project is generally described as professional engineering services during the bidding and construction of Bonnie Brae Street between US 380 (University Drive) and US 77 (Elm Street). The scope also includes ROW / Easement Exhibits, Utilities Coordination, and ROW Acquisition Support during the Bid and Construction Phases. The project will be based on standard industry practice following procedures in accordance with City of Denton Transportation Criteria Manual, City of Denton Drainage Criteria Manual, TxDOT Roadway Design Manual, TxDOT Hydraulic Design Manual, Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and Federal, State, and Local laws that apply. Project Team  Senior Project Manager – Kevin Howlett, P.E.  QA / QC Manager – Lynn Pipkin, P.E.  Senior Project Engineer – Ronald Thomas, P.E.  Project Engineer – Berenice Salaices, P.E.  Construction Inspector – Conrad Gonzales, E.I.T.  Design Engineer – Nicole Roeglin, E.I.T.  Utility Coordinator – Cole Preston, P.E.  ROW Support – Joseph Khammash Scope of Services A complete scope of services is included as Attachment A. The services provided by the Engineer are divided into the following Tasks: Base Services: Task 13 – ROW Acquisition Exhibits Task 14 – Utilities Coordination Task 18 – ROW Acquisition Support Task 19 – Bid Phase Services Exhibit A DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Task 20 - Construction Phase Services Basis of Estimate The fee estimate for this proposal is based on the base services identified above. Modifications to the base services after confirmation will be deemed additional services and will require subsequent authorization from the City of Denton. Additional services and will be performed on an hourly fee basis in accordance with the rates shown in the Work Breakdown Structure (Attachment C). Total fees for the project are based on the schedule provided. Exclusions This scope of services does not include the following:  Design services beyond those specifically stated in this scope.  Direct expenses associated with additional services, if required.  Additional services not provided herein.  Exclusions listed in the Scope of Services (Attachment A). These services, if required, and upon agreement from the City of Denton, will be performed as an additional service. Project Schedule A Project Schedule has been provided in Attachment B. Summary of Cost The summary of cost for each base service is shown in the table below. The total for providing base services is $368,038.20. Base and Special Services: A detailed cost breakdown per base service is provided in the Work Breakdown Structure (Attachment C). Task Method of Compensation Amount Task 13 – ROW Acquisition Support - GAI Hourly / Unit Cost $28,750.00 Task 14 – Utilities Coordination - KCI Hourly / Unit Cost $64,662.20 Task 18 – ROW Acquisition Support - HDR Hourly / Unit Cost $50,600.00 Task 19 – Bid Phase Services - RPS Hourly $26,540.00 Task 20 – Construction Phase Services - RPS Hourly $180,170.00 Direct Expenses Cost $17,316.00 Services Total $368,038.20 DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 The hourly rates for labor classifications used to perform engineering services on a time and material basis as well as any additional services are shown in Attachment C. Except as noted on the attached, all invoices will be prepared monthly and are due and payable within 30 days of receipt. Once the final deliverables are submitted for final review, the project will be considered complete and invoiced accordingly. In closing, we appreciate the opportunity to provide this proposal. Please feel free to call our Project Manager, Kevin Howlett, P.E., at 972-202-4248 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Brent Christian, P.E. Executive Director, Infrastructure DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Page 1 of 6 ATTACHMENT “A” Amendment 3 Scope of Services for Bonnie Brae Phase 6 reconstruction bid and construction phase services. The scope set forth defines the work to be performed by the ENGINEER in completing the project. Both the CITY and ENGINEER have attempted to clearly define the work to be performed and address the needs of the Project. Under this scope, “ENGINEER” is expanded to include sub-consultants, including surveyor, employed or contracted by the ENGINEER. GENERAL OVERVIEW RPS Infrastructure, Inc., (ENGINEER) has been contracted by the City of Denton (CITY) to provide the bid phase and construction phase services for Bonnie Brae Phase 6. This scope includes additional ROW exhibits, Utility Coordination, and ROW acquisition support. For this amendment, the ENGINEER shall provide bid phase services and construction phase services for Bonnie Brae Phase 6 reconstruction from US 380 to US 77. WORK TO BE PERFORMED Task 13. ROW Acquisition Exhibits Task 14. Utilities Coordination Task 18. ROW Acquisition Support Task 19. Bid Phase Services Task 20. Construction Phase Services DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Page 2 of 6 TASK 13. ROW Acquisition Exhibits. ENGINEER will support and perform activities related to ROW and easements as outlined below, per scoping direction and guidance from the CITY’s Project Manager  Prepare a metes and bounds description of the proposed ROW take. A “drawing” exhibit with the focus being on the proposed ROW take will accompany the metes and bounds descriptions. The metes and bounds descriptions along with the drawing exhibits will be signed and sealed. No platting or re-platting is scoped for any properties for ROW takes. TASK 14. Utilities Coordination. See attached proposal from KCI TASK 18. ROW Acquisition Support.  ENGINEER shall provide engineering professional services as described below: As a sub consultant:  HDR will coordinate with City Real Estate Staff to determine each condemnation case’s ability to be closed and resume sending monthly reports to all City and TxDOT staff regarding the status of each open condemnation case.  When a condemnation case closes, HDR will follow up with the City’s real estate department to request copies of final judgements and coordinate with the title company to issue the title insurance policies to the city for each parcel.  Upon the issuance of a title policy, HDR will gather all relevant documentation required by TxDOT and fill out the LPA Tabulation of costs sheet for each parcel eligible for reimbursement under the AFA.  HDR will complete a QC check of the Tabulation form and provide to City for review and execution.  HDR will enter all relevant information into the TxDOTConnect System and forward all reimbursement items to the TxDOT Dallas District.  HDR will generate and monitor each reimbursement payment in the TxDOTConnect System to ensure that the proper amount is reimbursed and processed in a timely manner to expedite funds back to the City.  HDR will provide links to City staff for file turnover for all relevant documentation associated with the real property purchase and the TxDOT reimbursement.  HDR will make its personnel available for any relocation appeals or city meetings to discuss any real property questions or discussions associated with the project. Any additional work for HDR authorized by the City outside of the original scope would be billed at the following rates, with an approved estimated hours for each defined role below: Role Proposed Hourly Rate Accountant $135.00 Project Principal $350.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Page 3 of 6 Project Manager $250.00 Real Estate Agent $200.00 TASK 19. BID PHASE SERVICES. ENGINEER will support the bid phase of the project as follows.  The ENGINEER will assemble the bid Package in accordance with CITY requirements.  The ENGINEER will provide technical assistance with questions from contractors and plan revisions as needed. Addenda shall be prepared and issued for the contract documents if necessary.  Attend one pre-bid conference in support of the CITY.  The ENGINEER will prepare a comparison of bid tabs submitted by contractors (up to 6 bids)  ENGINEER will check contractor references and prepare letter of recommendation of award. ASSUMPTIONS  The project will be bid only once and awarded to one contractor.  Cost for publications and Notice To Bidders shall be paid for by the CITY. DELIVERABLES A. Plan Revisions (if required) B. Letter of Recommendation TASK 20. CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES. ENGINEER will support the construction phase of the project as follows. 20.1 Construction Support shall include:  The ENGINEER shall register the project with Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). The ENGINEER shall provide a 3rd party review of the Plans and inspection of constructed facilities from a Registered Accessibility Specialist for all the pedestrian elements and their compliance with 2012 Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS).  The ENGINEER shall make revisions to final plans to address TDLR review comments.  The ENGINEER shall attend the preconstruction conference in support of the CITY.  The ENGINEER shall provide a Roadway Construction Inspector on an as-needed basis as determined by the CITY. DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Page 4 of 6  The ENGINEER shall visit the project site twice (2) per month as construction proceeds to observe and report on progress. ENGINEER shall create meeting agenda and record meeting minutes for each meeting.  The ENGINEER shall review shop drawings, samples and other submittals submitted by the contractor for general conformance with the design concepts and general compliance with the requirements of the contract for construction. Such review shall not relieve the Contractor from its responsibility for performance in accordance with the contract for construction, nor is such review a guarantee that the work covered by the shop drawings, samples and submittals is free of errors, inconsistencies or omissions. The ENGINEER shall log and track all shop drawings, samples and other submittals.  As requested by the CITY, the ENGINEER shall provide necessary interpretations and clarifications of contract documents(RFI’s), review change orders, and make recommendations as to the acceptability of the work.  The ENGINEER shall make investigations into contractor requests for deviation from plans or specifications as approved by CITY.  The ENGINEER shall provide a 3rd party inspection of all the pedestrian facilities constructed on the project by a Registered Accessibility Specialist.  The ENGINEER shall attend the “Final” project walk through and assist with preparation of final punch list.  The ENGINEER shall assist the City in Meeting with Affected Property Owners during construction on an as-needed basis. 20.2 Record Drawings The ENGINEER shall prepare record drawings from information provided by the CITY depicting any changes made to the Final Drawings during construction. The following information shall be provided by the CITY: o As-Built Survey o Red-Line Markups from the Contractor o Red-Line Markups from City Inspector o Copies of Approved Change Orders o Approved Substitutions The ENGINEER shall modify the Final Drawings electronically and shall place a stamp on the plans indicating that they represent Record Drawings of the project as constructed per the redline markups from the contractor and the inspector. The stamp shall be signed and dated by the ENGINEER and shall be placed on each plan sheet, whether there are any revisions on the sheet or not. Each sheet shall clearly indicate all changes which apply to that sheet by clouding and numbering, or other suitable means. This work does not include modifications made to traffic control during construction. ASSUMPTIONS  2 site visits by ENGINEER per month are assumed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Page 5 of 6  Construction schedule is assumed at 18 months.  10 submittal reviews by ENGINEER are assumed.  10 RFI Reviews by ENGINEER are assumed.  5 Change Order Reviews by ENGINEER are assumed.  Assume 10 meetings with Affected Property Owners.  Record Drawings do not include changes to traffic control sheets. DELIVERABLES A. Response to Contractor’s Request for Information B. Review of Change Orders C. Review of shop drawings D. Final Punch List items E. Record Drawing DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Page 6 of 6 EXCLUSIONS: ADDITIONAL SERVICES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY and ENGINEER agree that the following services are beyond the Scope of Services described in the tasks above. However, ENGINEER can provide these services, if needed, upon the CITY’s written request. Any additional amounts paid to the ENGINEER as a result of any material change to the Scope of the Project shall be agreed upon in writing by both parties before the services are performed. These additional services include the following:  Any noise / sound wall design.  Direct expenses associated with any additional services provided.  Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) permitting  Preparation of Environmental Information Document or an Environmental Impact Statement.  Presence/absence surveys for federally listed threatened/endangered species.  Preparation of a mitigation plan to compensate for impacts to waters of the U.S.  Phase I or Phase II Environmental Site Assessment.  Any Asbestos investigations / mitigations, lead level in paint investigations / mitigations, or other hazardous material investigations or mitigations.  The preparation of a Section 4(f) Evaluation (required for taking parkland, recreation land, historic sites), Biological Assessment/Biological Evaluation (associated with endangered species/habitat impacts), Section 7 Consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Coast Guard Section 9 permit, any USACE Section 10 or Section 404 permit.  Performing analysis or investigations proposed by contractor to correct defective construction work.  Construction Staking, Materials Testing, or a full time Roadway Construction Inspector.  Tree survey and/or mitigation plan to comply with the City of Denton Tree Protection Ordinance.  Design, contract modifications, analysis that is required to comply with local, State, or Federal guidelines that become effective after the date of this agreement.  Services required to resolve bid protests or re-bid the project for any reason unless protest or re-bid is caused by actions or negligence of the engineering professional.  Providing services or modifications to contract documents made necessary due to site conditions being different then what they are at time of this agreement.  Providing services beyond an 30 month construction time. DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Professional Services Agreement October 26, 2023 Page 1 October 26, 2023 RPS Group 5180 Tennyson Parkway STE 280 Plano, TX 75024 Client's Authorized Representative(s): Kevin Howlett, PE, Senior Project Manager Subject: Bonnie Brae Phase 6 Supplemental QLA and UC Services KCI Project Number: 802… KCI Technologies, Inc. (KCI) is pleased to submit this professional services agreement (the "Proposal") to RPS Group ("Client") for the work (the "Work") described in detail in the Scope of Services section of this Proposal. The Work will be performed for the following: Location: Bonnie Brae St from US380 to US77 in Denton, TX PROJECT DESCRIPTION Client is Requesting Scope and Fee for SUE (Sub-Surface Utility Engineering services) and UC (Utility Coordination Services), for a proposed roadway improvements along Bonnie Brae St from US380 to US77 in Denton, TX. KCI is providing this proposed scope of work to obtain the desired quality levels, upgrade the existing utility mapping information and perform utility coordination services. SCOPE OF SERVICES This Proposal is limited exclusively to the Work as described in this Scope of Services section and anything not expressly described shall be considered expressly excluded from the Work. KCI proposes to perform the Work in accordance with ASCE Standards 38-22 Quality Level (QL) Standard Guidelines for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data, which is described as follows: QL-A - Utility Locating (Test Holes) – KCI will utilize its in-house crews and equipment to perform 8 Test Holes on existing utilities, exact Test Hole locations will be provided by the Client. Test Holes will be performed using vacuum excavation equipment and will determine the depth of the utilities from existing grade and their estimated size and material type. Excavation will include the removal of existing pavement, base paving and soil extraction, backfill of excavated material with compaction and paving repair with High Performance Permanent Pavement Repair QPR. KCI will not “hot patch” the holes. If the property owner/Jurisdiction requires hot patch, this will need to be added as EWO. While ground water, large rock and other irregularities inhibit this process, KCI will make every effort with our standard equipment to gain a visual confirmation of the existing utility to document its horizontal and vertical position. A survey marker will be installed directly over each Test Hole with a minimum of three swing ties to existing features. A Test Hole sketch will be prepared summarizing the above information. Upon completion of the Test Hole process, a KCI Survey Crew will survey the Test Hole locations. It is assumed that all applicable permits, if required, will be obtained by client. Complex Traffic Control (lane closures) is not included as a part of this submission. DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Professional Services Agreement October 26, 2023 Page 2 QL-B – Mapping of Toneable Utilities– KCI will use Geophysical Electromagnetic equipment to interpret the presence of the existing metallic subsurface utilities within the proposed project area. • First: When an access point is available Direct Connection method will be applied to mark utilities crossing through the Project Areas. • Second: When no access point is present or are not close to the Project Area, Induction methods will be applied. Placing an EM transmitter box over the desired utility. These signals will be interpreted to mark the approximate horizontal location of the existing utility. • Third: By placing an EM transmitter box on the ground in a 50’ grid pattern around the Boring Locations in an attempt to broadcast signals to conductive utilities within the pattern will be performed. These signals will be interpreted to mark the approximate horizontal location of the existing metallic toneable utility. The ground surface will be marked with the approximate horizontal location of the existing utilities in accordance with APWA/ULCC Uniform Marking Standards. KCI will attempt to designate any sanitary sewer, or non-metallic utility lines not having tracer wire placed with them by utilizing a toneable rodder as part of the designation effort. KCI will attempt to verify storm, showing general directions at their surface or employ the use of a rodder as necessary. Utility Coordination with EagleRidge Energy - Provide utility accommodation coordination including utility coordination meetings with EagleRidge Energy (ERE), communication and coordination with ERE, and preparation of utility agreement assemblies including, but not limited to utility agreements, joint use agreements, notice of proposed installation, and advanced funding agreements for ERE. The UC shall: • Perform utility coordination and liaison activities with involved utility owners, consultants, and City of Denton to achieve timely project notifications, formal coordination meetings, conflict analysis and resolution. • Act as the "Responsible Party" as indicated in Chapter 2 Utility Cooperative Management Process and Sub-process of TXDOT's ROW Utility Manual. • Coordinate all activities with City of Denton, or the designee, to facilitate the orderly progress and timely completion of City of Denton's design phase. • Coordinate a work plan to include, but not be limited to a list of the proposed meetings, coordination activities, and related tasks to be performed, a schedule and an estimate for completion of the related tasks. The work plan shall meet the requirements of the project and shall be submitted to City of Denton for approval, prior to commencing work. • Prepare and present, in collaboration with City of Denton staff, instruction and orientation sessions, as required by City of Denton. The instruction shall facilitate the preparation of work DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Professional Services Agreement October 26, 2023 Page 3 orders, invoices, and other related documentation. • Attend an initial project meeting and an on-site inspection, when requested by City of Denton, to ensure familiarity with existing conditions, project requirements and prepare and submit a written report of the meeting to City of Denton. • Coordinate all activities with City of Denton and consultants, other vendors or representatives, as authorized by City of Denton. • Provide City of Denton copies of diaries, correspondence and other documentation of work related communications between the UC, utility owners and other outside entities, when requested by City of Denton. • Implement a schedule of periodic meetings with each utility owner's representatives for coordination purposes. Meetings shall commence as early as possible in the design process and shall continue until completion of the project. Notify City of Denton a minimum of two business days in advance of each meeting to allow City of Denton the opportunity to participate in the meeting. Provide meeting minutes of all meetings with utility owners' representatives to City of Denton within seven business days after completion of each meeting. Meetings shall be held as frequently as required to manage the matters under discussion with each utility owner. • As required, coordinate with local utilities committees (if applicable) to present a footprint of City of Denton's projects with represented utility owners. • Coordinate with any other utility committees, which may include county, city or other officials, if needed. • Provide City of Denton and all affected utility owners a Utility Contact List for each project with all information, to include, but may not be limited to owner's name, contact person, telephone numbers, emergency contact number, e-mail addresses, and all pertinent information concerning the respective affected utility facilities, including but not limited to; size, number of poles, material, and other information which readily identifies the utilities owners' facilities. • Advise utility owners of the general characteristics of the project and provide an illustration of the project footprint for mark-up of the utility facility locations that occupy the project area. • Coordinate which utilities conflict with highway construction in accordance with Texas Administrative Code, Title 43, Part 1, Chapter 21, Subchapter C and UAR and make the utility owner aware of the conflict by written notice. The notice shall include, but not be limited to sufficient plans and specifications to enable the utility to reasonably determine the future location, including depth of cover and required clearances, and survey datum. • Assist the utility owners in the preparation of required agreements associated with the funding of adjustments and the occupation of City/State right of way. DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Professional Services Agreement October 26, 2023 Page 4 • Assist the utility companies in the preparation of utility agreement assembly packages. All documents shall be complete and acceptable for execution by City of Denton. NOTE: Engineering of relocation plans relative to a particular utility agreement is not required for this solicitation. • Determine whether or not a compensable interest exists and the utility owner's degree of eligibility. • Assist the utility owner with adjustment plans and a cost estimate for these adjustments. Plans shall include the design, proposed location vertical elevations, and horizontal alignments of the utility facility based on City of Denton's survey data, the relationship to existing highway facilities and the right of way line, location of existing utility facilities that may be affected by the proposed utility facility, and as directed in the UAR and TXDOT's ROW Utility Manual NOTE: Engineering of relocation plans relative to a particular utility agreement is not required for this solicitation • Review the relocation plans to ensure compliance with UAR and to ensure that the proposal does not conflict with highway construction. • Submit all non-reimbursable utility adjustments through the City of Denton • Assist the utility owner with the submission of the permit request. • Notify City of Denton's PM, for approval, upon determination that the utility needs to be adjusted as part of the highway contract. • Submit two originals, two copies, and an electronic PDF file of the Utility Agreement Assembly Package. Each original, copy, or PDF file shall include the checklist agreement, all attachments, and supporting documentation for submission to City of Denton with a transmittal letter recommending approval. • NOTE: The utility should be reimbursed eligible costs incurred within the easement limits for replacement in kind. • Be solely responsible for determining which utilities shall be installed by "Permit', or by "Agreement'. • Assist in the preparation, compilation, gathering, and collection of all required and supporting documents to be included with the utility agreements. • Have the UC maintain a complete set of records for all Utility Adjustment Costs, for each utility until all final payments to the utility owners have been completed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Professional Services Agreement October 26, 2023 Page 5 Deliverables 1) SUE QL-A Test Hole Data Sheets in PDF format 2) DGN and CSV file of surveyed Test Hole locations 3) Monthly Progress Reports 4) Utility Adjustment Status Reports 5) Updated Utility Conflict Matrix SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1) KCI will not be responsible for damage to utilities caused by others. 2) Complex traffic control not included in this scope of services. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT • All permitting as required. FEES AND PAYMENTS The Schedule of fees for work defined in the scope of services is attached as exhibit A. Actual cost of test holes will be billed by the incremental depth noted in Exhibit A. For example, if all holes are 0’ to 5’ from ground surface to top of utility, the applicable rate will be billed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Professional Services Agreement October 26, 2023 Page 6 EXHIBIT A Bonnie Brae Phae 6 UC & QLA SUE Supplemental Budget Request Bonnie Brae St From US380 to US77 Denton, TX QL A SUE & Utility Coordination Specified Rate Cost TASK DESCRIPTION Admin Clerical Project Manager Senior Engineer Project Engineer EIT Senior Cad Operator SUE Field Manager Surveyor - Task Leader (RPLS) Totals Rates $70.58 $254.08 $228.67 $169.38 $107.28 $107.28 $127.05 $179.26 Project Management and Administration, Invoicing 12 24 4 40.00 Monthly Progress Reports 12 4 4 20.00 Status Meetings with City of Denton PM 2 4 6 12.00 Review and Updates Project Schedule 2 4 6 12.00 Prepare and Document Correspondence & Phone calls 4 16 20.00 Meetings with Utility Owners 4 16 20.00 Utility Conflict Matrix Updates 2 4 16 22.00 Utility Conflict Analysis, Coordination and Resolution 2 8 16 26.00 Preparing Utility Agreements 2 8 32 42.00 CADD project setup 8 8 16 32.00 QC of Plans 4 4 8 8 10 4 38.00 Total Hours 24 28 14 60 120 24 10 4 284.00 Percent By Hours 8.45% 9.86% 4.93% 21.13% 42.25% 8.45% 3.52% 1.41% 100.00% Subtotal - Specified Rate $1,693.92 $7,114.24 $3,201.38 $10,162.80 $12,873.60 $2,574.72 $1,270.45 $717.04 $39,608.15 DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Professional Services Agreement October 26, 2023 Page 7 Unit Cost COST / UNIT KCI QUANTITY UNIT Amount SUE Mobilization/Demobilization $500.00 1.00 EACH $500.00 SUE (Quality Level A) 0 feet to 5 feet $1,250.00 3 Each $3,750.00 SUE (Quality Level A) >5 feet to 8 feet $1,600.00 3 $4,800.00 SUE (Quality Level A) >8 feet to 13 feet $1,950.00 1 Each $1,950.00 SUE (Quality Level A) >13 feet to 20 feet $2,300.00 1 $2,300.00 SUE (Quality Level A) >13 feet to 20 feet (Excavation & Engineering) $2,170.00 0 Each $0.00 Two (2) Designating Person with equipment $187.50 8 Hour $1,500.00 Coring and repairing the pavement includes labor equipment and materials $250.00 2 Each $500.00 2 - Person Survey Crew $165.00 8 Hour $1,320.00 Subtotal - Unit Cost $16,620.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Professional Services Agreement October 26, 2023 Page 8 Direct Expenses Cost COST / UNIT KCI QUANTITY UNIT Amount Mileage $0.65 148 Mile $ 96.20 USB Flashdrive (up to 32gb) $10.00 10 Each $ 100.00 Photocopies B/W (11" X 17") $0.25 50 Each $ 12.50 Photocopies B/W (8 1/2" X 11") $0.15 100 Each $ 15.00 Photocopies Color (11" X 17") $1.25 50 Each $ 62.50 Photocopies Color (8 1/2" X 11") $1.00 100 Each $ 100.00 Fields Supplies $35.00 2 Day $ 70.00 Soil Disposal Fee $250.00 1 Each $ 250.00 Traffic Control Services $2,500.00 1 Day $ 2,500.00 Backfill (off-site purchase) $200.00 2 CY $ 400.00 Subtotal - Direct Expenses Cost $ 3,606.20 TOTAL $ 59,834.35 DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Professional Services Agreement October 26, 2023 Page 9 GENERAL PROVISIONS The attached General Provisions are specifically made a part of this Proposal. If this Proposal is accepted by Client, then the General Provisions along with the Proposal shall constitute a complete and binding contract between KCI and Client (the "Agreement"). Any other understandings, agreements, promises, inducements or representations are hereby void. Any modifications to the terms and conditions of this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by both parties hereto in order to be valid. The person executing this Agreement on behalf of the Client does hereby warrant that he/she has full authority to do so. If this Proposal and the General Provisions attached hereto are satisfactory and acceptable, and fully set forth the terms of our understanding, please sign the Acceptance and return a copy to KCI's office. This Proposal and the General Provisions will then constitute our entire Agreement. KCI reserves the right to terminate this contract in the event the Client, in the sole judgment of KCI, fails to establish sufficient credit to warrant proceeding with the work. In such event, Client shall be obligated to pay for all services rendered to date of termination, including any direct expenses, and no work will proceed thereafter unless Client provides a retainer which KCI, in its sole discretion, shall determine to be satisfactory for the continuation of the work. KCI welcomes the opportunity to serve RPS Group and looks forward to working with RPS Group on this project. The Project Principal to be assigned to the Work is Kyle Jones, P.E., and his telephone number is 214-808-6114. Very truly yours, Kyle Jones, P.E. Senior Associate KCI Technologies DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 IDTask ModeTask Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors1Notice to Proceed1 dayTue 10/2/18Tue 10/2/182Conceptual Design320 daysWed 10/3/18Fri 1/3/2013Project Kick‐off Meeting1 dayWed 10/3/18Wed 10/3/1814Data Collection30 daysWed 10/3/18Tue 11/13/1815Topographic Survey50 daysWed 10/3/18Thu 12/13/1816Geotechnical Investigation and Report50 daysWed 1/2/19Thu 3/14/197ROW Survey50 daysWed 10/3/18Thu 12/13/1818Existing Utility Investigation / SUE50 daysWed 10/3/18Thu 12/13/1819Traffic Studies75 daysWed 10/3/18Thu 1/24/19110Conceptual Plans Development30 daysFri 12/14/18Thu 1/31/19511Establish Typical Section5 daysFri 12/14/18Thu 12/20/1812Alignment Alternatives25 daysFri 12/21/18Thu 1/31/191113Horizontal Alignment3 daysFri 12/14/18Tue 12/18/1814Vertical Alignment3 daysWed 12/19/18Fri 12/21/181315Intersection Geometry3 daysWed 12/19/18Fri 12/21/181316Driveway Design3 daysThu 12/27/18Mon 12/31/181417Retaining Wall Layouts3 daysThu 12/27/18Mon 12/31/181418Cross Sections28 daysFri 12/14/18Tue 1/29/1919Internal QA/QC4 daysFri 2/1/19Wed 2/6/191020Conceptual Plans Submittal1 dayTue 9/3/19Tue 9/3/1921City of Denton Review10 daysWed 9/4/19Tue 9/17/192022TxDOT Review10 daysThu 9/5/19Wed 9/18/1923Environmental Documentation60 daysThu 9/19/19Wed 12/11/192224Submit Environmental Documentation to TxDOT1 dayThu 12/12/19Thu 12/12/192325Conduct Public Meeting 11 dayThu 11/7/19Thu 11/7/1926Collect Public Comments10 daysFri 11/8/19Thu 11/21/192527Incorporate Public Comments15 daysFri 11/8/19Thu 11/28/192528City of Denton Review1 dayFri 11/29/19Fri 11/29/192729Hydrologic Modeling / FEMA Coordination90 daysMon 9/2/19Fri 1/3/2030Preliminary Design100 daysMon 12/2/19Fri 4/17/203160% Plans Development90 daysMon 12/2/19Fri 4/3/202532Demolition Plans5 daysMon 12/2/19Fri 12/6/192833Roadway Plan / Profiles20 daysMon 12/2/19Fri 12/27/192834Driveway Details20 daysMon 12/2/19Fri 12/27/192835Drainage Area Maps10 daysMon 12/2/19Fri 12/13/192836Hydrology Calculations5 daysMon 12/16/19Fri 12/20/193537Drainage Design ‐ Culverts20 daysMon 12/23/19Fri 1/17/203638Drainage Design ‐ Storm Drain30 daysMon 12/23/19Fri 1/31/203639Signal Design30 daysMon 12/2/19Fri 1/10/202840Illumination Design30 daysMon 12/2/19Fri 1/10/202841Water / Waste Water Design90 daysMon 12/2/19Fri 4/3/202842Internal QA / QC4 daysMon 2/3/20Thu 2/6/20384360% Plans Submittal1 dayFri 2/7/20Fri 2/7/204244City of Denton Review10 daysMon 2/10/20Fri 2/21/204345FEMA Submittal40 daysMon 2/24/20Fri 4/17/204446TxDOT Review of Environmental Documents20 daysFri 12/13/19Thu 1/9/202447Agency Review of Environmental Documentation40 daysFri 1/10/20Thu 3/5/204648Public Hearing (If Necessary)1 dayFri 5/1/20Fri 5/1/2047FS+40 days49Obtain Environmental Clearance20 daysMon 7/20/20Fri 8/14/204850Final Design171 daysMon 2/24/20Mon 10/19/2051Final Plans Development20 daysMon 2/24/20Fri 3/20/204352Traffic Control Plans20 daysMon 2/24/20Fri 3/20/204453Signing and Pavement Marking Plans20 daysMon 2/24/20Fri 3/20/204454Erosion Control Plans10 daysMon 2/24/20Fri 3/6/204455Final Cross Sections20 daysMon 2/24/20Fri 3/20/204456Retaining Wall Plans10 daysMon 2/24/20Fri 3/6/204457Internal QA/QC4 daysMon 3/23/20Thu 3/26/205158Final Plans Submittal1 dayMon 8/17/20Mon 8/17/2059City of Denton Review10 daysTue 8/18/20Mon 8/31/205860Conduct Public Meeting 21 dayTue 9/1/20Tue 9/1/205961Construction Documents Development30 daysWed 9/2/20Tue 10/13/205962Incorporate Public Comments10 daysWed 9/2/20Tue 9/15/206063Finalize All Plan Sheets15 daysWed 9/16/20Tue 10/6/206264Specification Book / Bid Documents15 daysWed 9/2/20Tue 9/22/206065Final Quantities and Estimates5 daysWed 10/7/20Tue 10/13/206366Internal QA / QC 3 daysWed 10/14/20Fri 10/16/2063,6567100% Construction Documents Submittal1 dayMon 10/19/20Mon 10/19/2066,65,64,6368Right Of Way Acquisition120 daysMon 7/18/22Fri 12/30/224969Utility Relocations60 daysMon 11/20/23Fri 2/9/246870Procurement30 daysMon 2/12/24Fri 3/22/246971Construction570 daysMon 3/25/24Fri 5/29/26708/1710/19Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2202120222023202420252026ATTACHMENT BCity of DentonBonnie Brae Street Reconstruction - Phase 6 Page 1DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 ATTACHMENT CCity of DentonBonnie Brae Street Reconstruction ‐ Phase 6WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTUREAMENDMENT 3Sheet CountPrincipalsDepartment ManagerSenior Project ManagerProject ManagerSenior Project EngineerProject EngineerAssociate Engineer I/IIAssociate Engineer IIIGIS SpecialistCADD ManagerSenior DesignerDesignerSenior CADD TechnicianCADD TechnicianSenior Environmental PlannerEnvironmental PlannerClericalTotal Labor HoursTotal Labor Cost per Task$350.00 $325.00 $300.00 $250.00 $200.00 $150.00 $125.00 $140.00 $110.00 $170.00 $140.00 $125.00 $130.00 $115.00 $250.00 $150.00 $100.00TASKTask 19 ‐ Bid Phase ServicesAssemble Bid Package48816 36 $5,000.00Pre‐Bid Meeting44412 $2,300.00Bid Comparisons4812 $2,200.00Minor Plan Revisions483216 60 $8,240.00Contractor Questions881632 $5,600.00Letter of Recommendation484 16 $3,200.00Total 0 0 28 0 8 28 6800000016 0 020168$26,540.00Total Labor Cost$0.00 $0.00 $8,400.00 $0.00 $1,600.00 $4,200.00 $8,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,840.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00$26,540.00Task 20 ‐ Construction Phase ServicesPre‐construction Conference44412 $2,300.00Roadway Inspector (as needed basis)40 240280 $36,000.00Site Visits24 90 90204 $31,950.00Shop Drawing Review(10 submittals)24 2044 $9,700.00RFI Response(10 RFI's)24 8 40 80152 $24,800.00Investigations into contractor plan deviations 24 8 24 4096 $17,400.00Change Order Review(5 Change Orders)24 16 4080 $14,600.00Plan Revisions24 16 32 6024 156 $25,460.00Final Punch List88824 $4,600.00Record Drawings8164024 8 96 $13,360.00Total 0 0 164 0 32 270 62200000048 0 0 81144$180,170.00Total Labor Cost$0.00 $0.00 $49,200.00 $0.00 $6,400.00 $40,500.00 $77,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,520.00 $0.00 $0.00 $800.00$180,170.00LABOR TOTAL$206,710.00DIRECT EXPENSES$13,710.00TOTAL$220,420.00Task 13 ‐ ROW Acquisition Exhibits  ‐  Performed by Gorrondona & AssociatesField Survey and ROW/Easement exhibits$25,000.00Subtotal$25,000.00Total (Subtotal Plus 15%)$28,750.00Task 14 ‐ Utilities Coordination  ‐  Performed by KCI TechnologiesUtility Coordination$39,608.00Level A SUE$16,620.00Subtotal$56,228.00Total (Labor Subtotal Plus 15%)$64,662.20Task 18 ‐ ROW Acquisition Support  ‐  Performed by HDRReimbursement ‐ 11 Parcels$44,000.00Subtotal$44,000.00Total (Subtotal Plus 15%)$50,600.00LABOR TOTAL$144,012.20DIRECT EXPENSES$3,606.00TOTAL$147,618.20SPECIAL SERVICESSPECIAL SERVICESTOTAL FOR SPECIAL SERVICES $147,618.20TOTAL FOR ALL SERVICES ‐ AMENDMENT 2$368,038.20$220,420.00DESCRIPTION OF WORK TASKBASE SERVICESBASE DESIGN SERVICESTOTAL FOR BASE SERVICES Page 1DocuSign Envelope ID: 452959E9-11DC-4562-81A8-B0FE7A744721DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: 452959E911DC456281A8B0FE7A744721 Status: Completed Subject: Please DocuSign: City Council Contract 6590-032 Bonnie Brae Ph 6 Design Amendment #3 Source Envelope: Document Pages: 23 Signatures: 5 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 6 Initials: 1 Cori Power AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 cori.power@cityofdenton.com IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 11/27/2023 12:34:12 PM Holder: Cori Power cori.power@cityofdenton.com Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Cori Power cori.power@cityofdenton.com Purchasing Supervisor City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 11/27/2023 12:37:55 PM Viewed: 11/27/2023 12:38:07 PM Signed: 11/27/2023 12:38:16 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Lori Hewell lori.hewell@cityofdenton.com Purchasing Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 11/27/2023 12:38:18 PM Viewed: 11/27/2023 1:40:10 PM Signed: 11/27/2023 1:42:14 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Marcella Lunn marcella.lunn@cityofdenton.com Mack Reinwand City Attorney City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 11/27/2023 1:42:16 PM Viewed: 11/27/2023 5:54:09 PM Signed: 11/27/2023 5:54:30 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Brent Christian Brent.christian@tetratech.com Executive Director Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 11/27/2023 5:54:32 PM Resent: 11/30/2023 11:16:38 AM Viewed: 11/30/2023 11:39:04 AM Signed: 11/30/2023 12:08:14 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 11/30/2023 11:39:04 AM ID: 2b9af8e1-6638-4489-bb69-b2cd00227fe9 DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Signer Events Signature Timestamp Trevor Crain, PMP Trevor.Crain@cityofdenton.com Director of Capital Projects City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 11/30/2023 12:08:16 PM Viewed: 11/30/2023 12:13:23 PM Signed: 11/30/2023 12:13:49 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 11/30/2023 12:13:23 PM ID: 67caf701-4519-4949-a717-eccb7876ed43 Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Procurement Administration Supervisor City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 11/30/2023 12:13:52 PM Viewed: 12/13/2023 8:09:02 AM Signed: 12/13/2023 8:09:17 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Sara Hensley sara.hensley@cityofdenton.com City Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 12/13/2023 8:09:20 AM Viewed: 12/13/2023 8:24:25 AM Signed: 12/13/2023 8:24:29 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Jesus Salazar jesus.salazar@cityofdenton.com Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 12/13/2023 8:24:31 AM Resent: 12/14/2023 9:22:06 AM Viewed: 12/15/2023 8:29:08 AM Signed: 12/15/2023 8:30:06 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 12/15/2023 8:29:08 AM ID: 365fa9db-a11a-4834-be0c-37bd6c50e817 In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Procurement Administration Supervisor City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 11/27/2023 12:38:17 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Gretna Jones gretna.jones@cityofdenton.com Legal Secretary City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 11/30/2023 12:13:51 PM Viewed: 12/1/2023 8:47:58 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign City Secretary Office citysecretary@cityofdenton.com Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 12/15/2023 8:30:09 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Jesus Perez Jesus.Perez@cityofdenton.com Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 12/15/2023 8:30:10 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 9/14/2023 1:37:37 PM ID: ada6eb6d-9a6a-4074-92d3-5fd85195f04b Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 11/27/2023 12:37:55 PM Envelope Updated Security Checked 11/30/2023 11:16:37 AM Envelope Updated Security Checked 11/30/2023 11:16:37 AM Envelope Updated Security Checked 11/30/2023 11:16:37 AM Certified Delivered Security Checked 12/15/2023 8:29:08 AM Signing Complete Security Checked 12/15/2023 8:30:06 AM Completed Security Checked 12/15/2023 8:30:10 AM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, City of Denton (we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. Described below are the terms and conditions for providing to you such notices and disclosures electronically through your DocuSign, Inc. (DocuSign) Express user account. Please read the information below carefully and thoroughly, and if you can access this information electronically to your satisfaction and agree to these terms and conditions, please confirm your agreement by clicking the 'I agree' button at the bottom of this document. Getting paper copies At any time, you may request from us a paper copy of any record provided or made available electronically to you by us. For such copies, as long as you are an authorized user of the DocuSign system you will have the ability to download and print any documents we send to you through your DocuSign user account for a limited period of time (usually 30 days) after such documents are first sent to you. After such time, if you wish for us to send you paper copies of any such documents from our office to you, you will be charged a $0.00 per-page fee. You may request delivery of such paper copies from us by following the procedure described below. Withdrawing your consent If you decide to receive notices and disclosures from us electronically, you may at any time change your mind and tell us that thereafter you want to receive required notices and disclosures only in paper format. How you must inform us of your decision to receive future notices and disclosure in paper format and withdraw your consent to receive notices and disclosures electronically is described below. Consequences of changing your mind If you elect to receive required notices and disclosures only in paper format, it will slow the speed at which we can complete certain steps in transactions with you and delivering services to you because we will need first to send the required notices or disclosures to you in paper format, and then wait until we receive back from you your acknowledgment of your receipt of such paper notices or disclosures. To indicate to us that you are changing your mind, you must withdraw your consent using the DocuSign 'Withdraw Consent' form on the signing page of your DocuSign account. This will indicate to us that you have withdrawn your consent to receive required notices and disclosures electronically from us and you will no longer be able to use your DocuSign Express user account to receive required notices and consents electronically from us or to sign electronically documents from us. All notices and disclosures will be sent to you electronically Unless you tell us otherwise in accordance with the procedures described herein, we will provide electronically to you through your DocuSign user account all required notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to you during the course of our relationship with you. To reduce the chance of you inadvertently not receiving any notice or disclosure, we prefer to provide all of the required notices and disclosures to you by the same method and to the same address that you have given us. Thus, you can receive all the disclosures and notices electronically or in paper format through the paper mail delivery system. If you do not agree with this process, please let us know as described below. Please also see the paragraph immediately above that describes the consequences of your electing not to receive delivery of the notices and disclosures electronically from us. Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure created on: 7/21/2017 3:59:03 PM Parties agreed to: Brent Christian, Trevor Crain, PMP, Jesus Salazar, Jesus Perez DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 How to contact City of Denton: You may contact us to let us know of your changes as to how we may contact you electronically, to request paper copies of certain information from us, and to withdraw your prior consent to receive notices and disclosures electronically as follows: To contact us by email send messages to: purchasing@cityofdenton.com To advise City of Denton of your new e-mail address To let us know of a change in your e-mail address where we should send notices and disclosures electronically to you, you must send an email message to us at melissa.kraft@cityofdenton.com and in the body of such request you must state: your previous e-mail address, your new e-mail address. We do not require any other information from you to change your email address.. In addition, you must notify DocuSign, Inc to arrange for your new email address to be reflected in your DocuSign account by following the process for changing e-mail in DocuSign. To request paper copies from City of Denton To request delivery from us of paper copies of the notices and disclosures previously provided by us to you electronically, you must send us an e-mail to purchasing@cityofdenton.com and in the body of such request you must state your e-mail address, full name, US Postal address, and telephone number. We will bill you for any fees at that time, if any. To withdraw your consent with City of Denton To inform us that you no longer want to receive future notices and disclosures in electronic format you may: i. decline to sign a document from within your DocuSign account, and on the subsequent page, select the check-box indicating you wish to withdraw your consent, or you may; ii. send us an e-mail to purchasing@cityofdenton.com and in the body of such request you must state your e-mail, full name, IS Postal Address, telephone number, and account number. We do not need any other information from you to withdraw consent.. The consequences of your withdrawing consent for online documents will be that transactions may take a longer time to process.. Required hardware and software Operating Systems: Windows2000? or WindowsXP? Browsers (for SENDERS): Internet Explorer 6.0? or above Browsers (for SIGNERS): Internet Explorer 6.0?, Mozilla FireFox 1.0, NetScape 7.2 (or above) Email: Access to a valid email account Screen Resolution: 800 x 600 minimum Enabled Security Settings: •Allow per session cookies •Users accessing the internet behind a Proxy Server must enable HTTP 1.1 settings via proxy connection ** These minimum requirements are subject to change. If these requirements change, we will provide you with an email message at the email address we have on file for you at that time providing you with the revised hardware and software requirements, at which time you will have the right to withdraw your consent. DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Acknowledging your access and consent to receive materials electronically To confirm to us that you can access this information electronically, which will be similar to other electronic notices and disclosures that we will provide to you, please verify that you were able to read this electronic disclosure and that you also were able to print on paper or electronically save this page for your future reference and access or that you were able to e-mail this disclosure and consent to an address where you will be able to print on paper or save it for your future reference and access. Further, if you consent to receiving notices and disclosures exclusively in electronic format on the terms and conditions described above, please let us know by clicking the 'I agree' button below. By checking the 'I Agree' box, I confirm that: • I can access and read this Electronic CONSENT TO ELECTRONIC RECEIPT OF ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURES document; and • I can print on paper the disclosure or save or send the disclosure to a place where I can print it, for future reference and access; and • Until or unless I notify City of Denton as described above, I consent to receive from exclusively through electronic means all notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to me by City of Denton during the course of my relationship with you. DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE - FORM CIQ For vendor or other person doing business with local governmental entity This questionnaire reflects changes made to the law by H.B. 23, 84th Leg., Regular Session. This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with Chapter 176, Local Government Code, by a vendor who has a business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a) with a local governmental entity and the vendor meets requirements under Section 176.006(a). By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the local government entity not later than the 7th business day after the date the vendor becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See Section 176.006(a-1), Local Government Code. A vendor commits an offense if the vendor knowingly violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. An offense under this section is a misdemeanor. 1 Name of vendor who has a business relationship with local governmental entity. 2 Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed questionnaire. (The law requires that you file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriate filing authority not later than the 7th business day after the date on which you became aware that the originally filed questionnaire was incomplete or inaccurate.) 3 Name of local government officer about whom the information in this section is being disclosed. Name of Officer Describe each employment or other business relationship with the local government officer, or a family member of the officer, as described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(A). Also describe any family relations hip with the local government officer. This section, (item 3 including subparts A, B, C & D), must be completed for each officer with whom the vendor has an employment or other business relationship as defined by Section 176.00 1(1-a), Local Government Code. Attach additional pages to this Form CIQ as necessary. A. Is the local government officer named in this section receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income, from the vendor? Yes No B. Is the vendor receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income, from or at the direction of the local government officer named in this section AND the taxable income is not received from the local governmental entity? Yes No C. Is the filer of this questionnaire employed by a corporation or other business entity with respect to which the local government officer serves as an officer or director, or holds an ownership of one percent or more? Yes No D. Describe each employment or business and family relationship with the local government officer named in this section. 4 I have no Conflict of Interest to disclose. 5 Signature of vendor doing business with the governmental entity Date DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 NA X NA NA 5/17/2024 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE For vendor doing business with local governmental entity A complete copy of Chapter 176 of the Local Government Code may be found at http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/ Docs/LG/htm/LG.176.htm. For easy reference, below are some of the sections cited on this form. Local Government Code § 176.001(1-a): "Business relationship" means a connection between two or more parties based on commercial activity of one of the parties. The term does not include a connection based on: (A) a transaction that is subject to rate or fee regulation by a federal, state, or local governmental entity or an agency of a federal, state, or local governmental entity; (B) a transaction conducted at a price and subject to terms available to the public; or (C) a purchase or lease of goods or services from a person that is chartered by a state or federal agency and that is subject to regular examination by, and reporting to, that agency. Local Government Code § 176.003(a)(2)(A) and (B): (A) A local government officer shall file a conflicts disclosure statement with respect to a vendor if: (2) the vendor: (A) has an employment or other business relationship with the local government officer or a family member of the officer that results in the officer or family member receiving taxable income, other than investment income, that exceeds $2,500 during the 12-month period preceding the date that the officer becomes aware that (i) a contract between the local governmental entity and vendor has been executed; or (ii) the local governmental entity is considering entering into a contract with the vendor; (B) has given to the local government officer or a family member of the officer one or more gifts that have an aggregate value of more than $100 in the 12-month period preceding the date the officer becomes aware that: (i) a contract between the local governmental entity and vendor has been executed; or (ii) the local governmental entity is considering entering into a contract with the vendor. Local Government Code § 176.006(a) and (a-1) (a) A vendor shall file a completed conflict of interest questionnaire if the vendor has a business relationship with a local governmental entity and: (1) has an employment or other business relationship with a local government officer of that local governmental entity, or a family member of the officer, described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(A); (2) has given a local government officer of that local governmental entity, or a family member of the officer, one or more gifts with the aggregate value specified by Section 176.003(a)(2)(B), excluding any gift described by Section 176.003(a-1); or (3) has a family relationship with a local government officer of that local governmental entity. (a-1) The completed conflict of interest questionnaire must be filed with the appropriate records administrator not later than the seventh business day after the later of: (1) the date that the vendor: (A) begins discussions or negotiations to enter into a contract with the local governmental entity; or (B) submits to the local governmental entity an application, response to a request for proposals or bids, correspondence, or another writing related to a potential contract with the local governmental entity; or (2) the date the vendor becomes aware: (A) of an employment or other business relationship with a local government officer, or a family member of the officer, described by Subsection (a); (B) that the vendor has given one or more gifts described by Subsection (a); or (C) of a family relationship with a local government officer. City of Denton Ethics Code Ordinance Number 18-757 Definitions: Relative: a family member related to a City Official within the third 3rd degree of affinity (marriage) or consanguinity (blood or adoption) City Official: for purpose of this article, the term consists of the Council Members, Department Heads, or member of the Board of Ethics, Planning and zoning Commission Members, Board of Adjustment, Historic Landmark Commission, or Public Utilities Board Vendor: a person who provides or seeks to provide goods, services, and/or real property to the City in exchange for compensation. This definition does not include those property owners from whom the City acquires public right-of-way or other real property interests for public use. Per the City of Denton Ethics Code, Section 2-273. – Prohibitions (3) It shall be a violation of this Article for a Vendor to offer or give a Gift to City Official exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) per gift, or multiple gifts cumulatively valued at more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) per a single fiscal year. Per the City of Denton Ethics Code, Section 2-282. – Disposition (b), (5) Ineligibility If the Board of Ethics finds that a Vendor has violated this Article, the Board may recommend to the City Manager that the Vendor be deemed ineligible to enter into a City contract or other arrangement for goods, services, or real property, for a period of one (1) year. Form provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 11/30/2015 DocuSign Envelope ID: E7C072C3-97A8-4166-89FA-76437BC74489 Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: E7C072C397A8416689FA76437BC74489 Status: Completed Subject: Please DocuSign: Contract Assignment for Bonnie Brae Phase 6 Project - 6590-032 Source Envelope: Document Pages: 150 Signatures: 4 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 5 Initials: 0 Cheyenne Defee AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 5/9/2024 10:33:48 AM Holder: Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Brent Christian Brent.Christian@tetratech.com Executive Director Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 5/9/2024 10:39:43 AM Resent: 5/17/2024 8:32:43 AM Viewed: 5/17/2024 2:50:46 PM Signed: 5/17/2024 2:51:18 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 5/9/2024 10:20:41 PM ID: f92346e3-d202-4cd0-9541-1035d8d7e071 Leslie Turner Leslie.Turner@tetratech.com Vice President NA Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 5/17/2024 2:51:22 PM Viewed: 5/17/2024 3:10:57 PM Signed: 5/17/2024 3:12:28 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 5/17/2024 3:10:57 PM ID: 5139774d-4adf-4416-82d9-a24591375abf Lori Hewell Lori.Hewell@cityofdenton.com Purchasing Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 5/17/2024 3:12:32 PM Viewed: 5/17/2024 3:18:03 PM Signed: 5/17/2024 3:18:08 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Procurement Administration Supervisor City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 5/17/2024 3:18:12 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Leslie Turner Leslie.Turner@tetratech.com Vice President NA Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 5/17/2024 3:18:13 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 5/17/2024 3:10:57 PM ID: 5139774d-4adf-4416-82d9-a24591375abf Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 5/9/2024 10:39:43 AM Certified Delivered Security Checked 5/17/2024 3:18:03 PM Signing Complete Security Checked 5/17/2024 3:18:08 PM Completed Security Checked 5/17/2024 3:18:13 PM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, City of Denton (we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. Described below are the terms and conditions for providing to you such notices and disclosures electronically through your DocuSign, Inc. (DocuSign) Express user account. Please read the information below carefully and thoroughly, and if you can access this information electronically to your satisfaction and agree to these terms and conditions, please confirm your agreement by clicking the 'I agree' button at the bottom of this document. Getting paper copies At any time, you may request from us a paper copy of any record provided or made available electronically to you by us. For such copies, as long as you are an authorized user of the DocuSign system you will have the ability to download and print any documents we send to you through your DocuSign user account for a limited period of time (usually 30 days) after such documents are first sent to you. After such time, if you wish for us to send you paper copies of any such documents from our office to you, you will be charged a $0.00 per-page fee. You may request delivery of such paper copies from us by following the procedure described below. Withdrawing your consent If you decide to receive notices and disclosures from us electronically, you may at any time change your mind and tell us that thereafter you want to receive required notices and disclosures only in paper format. How you must inform us of your decision to receive future notices and disclosure in paper format and withdraw your consent to receive notices and disclosures electronically is described below. Consequences of changing your mind If you elect to receive required notices and disclosures only in paper format, it will slow the speed at which we can complete certain steps in transactions with you and delivering services to you because we will need first to send the required notices or disclosures to you in paper format, and then wait until we receive back from you your acknowledgment of your receipt of such paper notices or disclosures. To indicate to us that you are changing your mind, you must withdraw your consent using the DocuSign 'Withdraw Consent' form on the signing page of your DocuSign account. This will indicate to us that you have withdrawn your consent to receive required notices and disclosures electronically from us and you will no longer be able to use your DocuSign Express user account to receive required notices and consents electronically from us or to sign electronically documents from us. All notices and disclosures will be sent to you electronically Unless you tell us otherwise in accordance with the procedures described herein, we will provide electronically to you through your DocuSign user account all required notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to you during the course of our relationship with you. To reduce the chance of you inadvertently not receiving any notice or disclosure, we prefer to provide all of the required notices and disclosures to you by the same method and to the same address that you have given us. Thus, you can receive all the disclosures and notices electronically or in paper format through the paper mail delivery system. If you do not agree with this process, please let us know as described below. Please also see the paragraph immediately above that describes the consequences of your electing not to receive delivery of the notices and disclosures electronically from us. Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure created on: 7/21/2017 3:59:03 PM Parties agreed to: Brent Christian, Leslie Turner, Leslie Turner How to contact City of Denton: You may contact us to let us know of your changes as to how we may contact you electronically, to request paper copies of certain information from us, and to withdraw your prior consent to receive notices and disclosures electronically as follows: To contact us by email send messages to: purchasing@cityofdenton.com To advise City of Denton of your new e-mail address To let us know of a change in your e-mail address where we should send notices and disclosures electronically to you, you must send an email message to us at melissa.kraft@cityofdenton.com and in the body of such request you must state: your previous e-mail address, your new e-mail address. We do not require any other information from you to change your email address.. In addition, you must notify DocuSign, Inc to arrange for your new email address to be reflected in your DocuSign account by following the process for changing e-mail in DocuSign. To request paper copies from City of Denton To request delivery from us of paper copies of the notices and disclosures previously provided by us to you electronically, you must send us an e-mail to purchasing@cityofdenton.com and in the body of such request you must state your e-mail address, full name, US Postal address, and telephone number. We will bill you for any fees at that time, if any. To withdraw your consent with City of Denton To inform us that you no longer want to receive future notices and disclosures in electronic format you may: i. decline to sign a document from within your DocuSign account, and on the subsequent page, select the check-box indicating you wish to withdraw your consent, or you may; ii. send us an e-mail to purchasing@cityofdenton.com and in the body of such request you must state your e-mail, full name, IS Postal Address, telephone number, and account number. We do not need any other information from you to withdraw consent.. The consequences of your withdrawing consent for online documents will be that transactions may take a longer time to process.. Required hardware and software Operating Systems: Windows2000? or WindowsXP? 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Acknowledging your access and consent to receive materials electronically To confirm to us that you can access this information electronically, which will be similar to other electronic notices and disclosures that we will provide to you, please verify that you were able to read this electronic disclosure and that you also were able to print on paper or electronically save this page for your future reference and access or that you were able to e-mail this disclosure and consent to an address where you will be able to print on paper or save it for your future reference and access. Further, if you consent to receiving notices and disclosures exclusively in electronic format on the terms and conditions described above, please let us know by clicking the 'I agree' button below. By checking the 'I Agree' box, I confirm that: • I can access and read this Electronic CONSENT TO ELECTRONIC RECEIPT OF ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURES document; and • I can print on paper the disclosure or save or send the disclosure to a place where I can print it, for future reference and access; and • Until or unless I notify City of Denton as described above, I consent to receive from exclusively through electronic means all notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to me by City of Denton during the course of my relationship with you.