4520 RFP Bonnie Brae Road Purchasing Department 901-B Texas St. Denton, TX 76209 (940) 349-7100 www.dentonpurchasing.com RFP #4520 Request for Proposals For Engineering Design of Bonnie Brae Road Widening and Improvements PROPOSALS DUE: June 17, 2010 2:00 P.M. Bid submitted by: Company Name Page 1 of 8 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #4520 Proposals due: 2:00 P.M. on June 17, 2010 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Engineering Design of Bonnie Brae Road Widening and Improvements RFP No. 4520 I. INTRODUCTION The City of Denton is interested in receiving proposals pertaining to the provision of professional services. It is the City’s intent to contract with a qualified engineering consulting firm for the design of improvements to Bonnie Brae Road from U.S. Highway 377 north to Interstate Highway 35 East (IH35E). This effort will include, but not be limited to, preparation of construction plans and bid documents, opinions of probable construction costs, identification of right-of-way requirements and any necessary ROW acquisitions, and identification of any additional steps through the bidding and construction phases that may be necessary to bring the project to completion. Receipt of appropriate responses to this Request for Proposals (RFP) comprises the initial phase of identifying and selecting a qualified and available team to perform this scope of work. II. SCOPE OF WORK A. EFFORT REQUIRED Bonnie Brae Road is classified as a secondary arterial on the City’s Mobility Plan, having a four- lane, divided cross-section with 110-feet of right-of-way (ROW). The City has received funding for the construction of the widening and improvements to Bonnie Brae Road through Regional Toll Revenue funding from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), from Denton County Precinct No. 4, and from the sale of bonds. Although State funds are involved in financing the project, the Bonnie Brae Road Widening and Improvements project will be permitted and designed as a local project in accordance with the Advance Funding Agreement (AFA) between the State and the City. The selected Consultant’s scope of services will include but not be limited to the following items: 1. Project management. 2. Public involvement and meetings. 3. Topographic and boundary surveying. 4. Bridge design. 5. Railroad crossing design and permitting. 6. Roadway plan and profile design. 7. Environmental studies and permitting. 8. Geotechnical investigations and pavement design. 9. Hydrologic and hydraulic studies and associated storm system design (the City of Denton designs its systems to 100-year storm frequency capacity). 10. Water and wastewater line relocations. 11. Storm water pollution prevention. 12. Traffic signals and illumination design. 13. Pavement markings and signage. Page 2 of 8 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #4520 Proposals due: 2:00 P.M. on June 17, 2010 14. Working with and through City of Denton project manager, provide coordination of activities with City of Denton, TxDOT, University of North Texas (UNT), Kansas City Southern (KCS) Railroad, Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR), USACE, various utility providers and permitting agencies as necessary and appropriate. Design services included as part of project delivery will include but may not be limited to the following major tasks: 1. Preliminary Design Phase: a. Develop a schematic layout of roadway route alternatives with tasks to include field survey, preliminary opinions of probable construction costs, and pertinent preliminary right-of-way (ROW) and drainage analysis information needed for review by the City in selecting a final route. b. Preliminary subsurface evaluation including test borings as appropriate along the selected route. c. Perform a market study of land value(s) for ROW acquisition. d. Perform a sub-surface evaluation and utility impacts assessment. e. Provide permit recommendation(s), including but not limited to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, KCS Railroad, UPRR and TxDOT. This project crosses through UNT property along existing ROW from IH35E south to Willowwood Street, crosses a KCS freight rail line south of Willowwood Street, crosses Hickory Creek and three of its tributaries, crosses the UPRR freight line just north of the U.S. Hwy. 377 intersection and connects to two TxDOT roadways, U.S. Hwy. 377 and IH35E. It is anticipated that the current intersection of Bonnie Brae and U.S. Hwy. 377 will move slightly north and east in order to “square up” the intersection, meaning that the UPRR crossing will also have to be relocated. f. Provide preliminary bridge and culvert layouts as appropriate for the various creek crossings. The KCS Railroad crossing was anticipated as an at-grade crossing, but the City will consider a separated crossing pending consultant recommendation, property owner access and ROW coordination and affordability. 2. Final Design Phase: a. Prepare detailed construction plan(s) and specification(s) for bidding and construction purposes. b. Perform full geotechnical investigation for project structures, profiles and pavement design. Pavement design will be based on 40-year design life with 10% truck traffic mix using volumes in the City’s Transportation Design Criteria Manual for LOS-D on a primary arterial at a minimum. c. Coordinate utility relocation(s) for various providers. Design relocations of any affected City water and sewer utilities. d. Prepare all necessary permit(s)/application(s). RFP submittal should reflect a thorough knowledge of all permits necessary to construct project. e. Prepare a Metes and Bounds description of ROW tract(s) and easement documents as applicable and negotiate for acquisition of same. f. Perform an evaluation(s) to determine if a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) should be processed. LOMR preparation, if necessary, will be included in scope of services. 3. ROW: Perform ROW negotiations and acquisitions. RFP submittal should reflect project team makeup to accomplish this task. Page 3 of 8 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #4520 Proposals due: 2:00 P.M. on June 17, 2010 4. Bidding and Contract Award Phase: Provide support during the bid process including preparation of all addenda as necessary, answering bid phase questions, participation in the pre-bid meeting and the technical evaluation of bids received. 5. Construction Administration and Inspection Phase: Show capabilities to perform full- service construction general administration and full-time onsite representation. B. PROJECT SCHEDULE The City’s AFA with the State calls for compliance with the following schedule: Phase I (engineering) FY 2010 Phase II (ROW acquisition) FY 2011 Phase III (utility relocations) FY 2011 Phase IV (construction) FY 2012 For the purposes of the AFA, the fiscal year begins on September 1st. Funds are required to be encumbered within 30 days after the beginning of the fiscal year. Based on the AFA requirements, the City has developed the following preliminary project schedule: Notice to Proceed August 18, 2010 Preliminary Design Complete January 15, 2011 Final Design Complete May 15, 2011 Bid Package Available June 1, 2011 Contract Awarded September 15, 2011 Substantial Completion September 15, 2014 III. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS The responses should address each of the following areas in the same order in which they are set forth below. A. STATEMENT OF INTEREST Provide a statement of interest pertaining to this specific project, including a statement of availability to undertake this project with respect to personnel proposed for the project team and the time frame defined by the City. B. RFP ORGANIZATION 1. Name and address of respondent and each sub-consultant firm (if applicable). 2. Data and general qualifications for each firm. 3. Firm and each sub-consultant’s profile, including: a. Age of firm. b. Type of firm (e.g. partnership, professional corporation, etc.). c. Firm history. d. Firm size (professionals by discipline). e. Areas of specialty/concentration. f. Contact information. 4. Description of the team: a. Identification of the single point of contact for the team. Page 4 of 8 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #4520 Proposals due: 2:00 P.M. on June 17, 2010 b. Identification of key personnel for respondent and sub-consultants to be assigned to the project, including specific roles and time allocation by individual. c. Organizational chart illustrating reporting lines with names and titles for key participants proposed by the respondent and each sub-consultant, if applicable. 5. Resumes for each key individuals on the team and definition of that person's role in developing the design for the subject project. 6. Project Understanding and Approach: State what you believe to be the most pertinent considerations and challenges that must be addressed in developing this design. 7. Discuss your proposed team organization and communication. Be specific with regard to internal and external communications, quality control, and individual responsibilities. 8. Include anticipated percentage of time that each key team member will allocate to the project, for each phase. 9. Show an outline schedule for the anticipated project duration. Schedule should include each anticipated phase of work, as you currently understand the project’s scope. 10. Include any alternate approaches which may reduce costs, including but not limited to routing alternatives and phasing as applicable or relevant. 11. Provide a statement of projected deliverables: Reports, models, traditional graphics, computer-generated graphics, data collected, etc. C. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE AND CAPABILITIES Relevant experiences and capabilities for the respondent and team members will be judged through a review of both completed and ongoing projects; however, greater weight will be given to projects completed in the past 5 years containing the team members proposed. 1. The key areas of interest for which project data is to be submitted: a. Urban street/highway and drainage design. b. Floodplain issue(s)/LOMR processing. c. Permitting experience, including but not limited to: USACE and TxDOT. d. Utility coordination and design experience. e. Bridge design experience and certifications. f. Subsurface and geotechnical evaluations. g. Railroad crossing facilities coordination and design. 2. Relevant project experience information to include: a. Institution name. b. Location. c. Project description with specifics related to project scope, d. Nature of professional service delivered by your firm(s) on each of these relevant projects including proposed team member participation. e. Nature of your firm's control on each of these relevant projects (i.e., joint venture, prime professional, consultant, etc.). f. List of client references for relevant projects with contact name(s) and telephone number(s). Page 5 of 8 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #4520 Proposals due: 2:00 P.M. on June 17, 2010 IV. SELECTION PROCEDURE/DESCRIPTION OF PROCESS All RFP submittals must be received by 2:00 p.m. (local time) on June 17, 2010 to be considered. A. SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSALS 1. One original copy signed by an officer authorized to bind the company, and 6 copies of your completed RFP must be submitted in a sealed envelope by 2:00 p.m. on June 17, 2010. RFPs may be mailed or hand delivered. However, if sent by mail, the responsibility of timely delivery is entirely up to the respondent. 2. Primary RFP shall be no more than 30 pages in length. Appendices may be used for general firm information and resumes. 3. Each sealed RFP shall be properly addressed with the name of the Firm/proposer and the item description "RFP # 4511 Engineering Design of Bonnie Brae Road Widening and Improvements" written on the outside of the package and delivered or mailed to: City of Denton Purchasing Department 901 Texas Street Denton, TX 76201 Attn: Karen Smith 4. Submittals received after 2:00 p.m. on June 17, 2010, will not be considered, and any RFP received after the scheduled closing time shall be returned to the respondent unopened. 5. Supplemental information for the respondent’s use in the preparation of the RFP submittal (including the project AFA and the City’s standard professional services agreement) are available on-line at http://www.cityofdenton.com/index.aspx?page=454. Refer to the folder labeled “Bonnie Brae Road” on the web page. 6. Questions concerning this RFP should be directed to Frank G. Payne, P.E., City Engineer at 940-349-8946 or frank.payne@cityofdenton.com. B. RFP WITHDRAWAL No RFP may be withdrawn after having been formally opened by the City of Denton. C. LEGAL DISPUTES Respondent agrees and stipulates that, in the event any litigation should occur concerning or arising out of any submittals made in response to this RFP, the sole venue of any such legal action shall be in Denton County Texas. D. LICENSES AND FEES Firm must be licensed by the State of Texas. Any and all fees and taxes are the responsibility of the offeror. Page 6 of 8 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #4520 Proposals due: 2:00 P.M. on June 17, 2010 E. REJECTION OF SUBMITTALS The City of Denton reserves the right to: 1. Reject any and all RFPs received, and 2. Issue subsequent Requests for Proposals. F. RESPONDENT RESPONSIBILITY - RFP COSTS It is to be understood and agreed by offeror that this Request for Proposals does not obligate the City of Denton to pay any costs incurred by offeror in the preparation and submission of an RFP, or any subsequent oral interview. G. PROPOSALS - PUBLIC INFORMATION RFPs are subject to open records requests. After evaluation and award by the City of Denton, the unsuccessful offeror(s) may request a debriefing regarding their submittal. Please contact Frank G. Payne, P.E. to arrange a debriefing. H. PROPOSAL FORMAT Facsimile or electronic proposals will not be accepted by the City of Denton. I. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION All Equal Employment Opportunity laws apply to this project. J. STANDARD REQUIREMENTS Any resulting contract will be subject to the standard requirements, terms and conditions of the City of Denton covering such contracts. An official and signed copy of the contract requirements (Professional Services Agreement) will be furnished to the firm selected for negotiations for the provision of professional services for this contract. Any objection or modification(s) to the Agreement, other than the information needed to consummate it, needs to be addressed in the proposal. The City of Denton reserves the right to consider or reject these objections or modifications. K. SUB-CONSULTANTS The City of Denton reserves the right to approve or reject any sub-consultants proposed for work under this proposal. L. CANCELLATION The City of Denton reserves the right to cancel any subsequent contract negotiated if the services provided are not meeting the City of Denton's needs. Notification will be provided in writing. Payment will only be provided on those services that are performed prior to cancellation of the contract. Page 7 of 8 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #4520 Proposals due: 2:00 P.M. on June 17, 2010 V. EVALUATION AND SELECTION PROCESS A. SUBMITTAL REVIEW A Selection Team will review the RFPs. This Selection Team will include the City Engineer, the Project Manager and members from within the staff of the City of Denton familiar with this proposed project. Selection of a project team for negotiation of the professional engineering services associated with this RFP will be made on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications to perform the services required. The firms deemed most highly qualified and responsive to the City of Denton’s needs will be invited for an oral interview. Once this selection has been made the City will attempt to negotiate a contract with the selected firm at a fair and reasonable price, all in accordance with the Professional Services Procurement Act. The respondents should be aware that it is the City’s intent to incur costs below that shown in the project AFA for each phase of the work, including the engineering services. Evaluation of proposals will be based on the following: 1. Identification and understanding of the City's requirements for this project. FACTOR: 20% 2. Firm's/sub-consultant’s past performance and experience on projects of this magnitude and complexity. FACTOR: 20% 3. Firm's/sub-consultant’s experience with specific issues (engineering designs for pavement and bridges, drainage, permits, utility coordination, ROW acquisitions) related to this project. FACTOR: 20% 4. Experience and qualifications of key personnel available for this project. FACTOR: 20% 5. Schedule and information/alternatives presented for this scope of services as defined in the scope of work. FACTOR: 20% B. FURTHER INFORMATION The City of Denton has the option to request that further information be provided by a firm in order to complete the evaluation. C. CONTRACTING The selected firm will be offered a contract (with possible extensions for future phases, if applicable); although, the City of Denton reserves the right to select other firms for future phases. D. NOTIFICATION All respondents will be notified of the firm selected to perform the requested work upon final determination by the City of Denton, E. RFP SCHEDULE Following is the proposed schedule for the selection process: Page 8 of 8 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #4520 Proposals due: 2:00 P.M. on June 17, 2010 RFP Issue Date: May 21, 2010 Pre-proposal Meeting: May 28, 2010 Proposal Due Date: June 17, 2010 (2:00 P.M. local time) Short List Notification Date: June 25, 2010 Oral interviews/Presentations: July 8, 2010 Receive Fee Proposal: July 19, 2010 Complete Consultant Negotiations: July 26, 2010 City Council Authorization: August 17, 2010 Notice to Proceed August 18, 2010 These are proposed and estimated dates only.