24-1561 - 8454 - Ordinance ExecutedORDINANCENO. 24-1561 AN ORDINANCEOF THE CITY OF DENTON, A TEXAS HOME-RULEMUNICIPAL CORPORATION,AUTHORIZING THECITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICESAGREEMENT WITH QUORUM ARCHITECTS, INC., FORTHE DESIGNOFTHE RENOVATIONTO THE SERVICECENTERFOR MULTIPLE DEPARTMENTSAS SET FORTH IN THE CONTRACT; PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS THEREFOR; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (RFQ 8454 – PROFESSIONAL SERVICESAGREEMENT FOR DESIGN SERVICES AWARDED TO QUORUM ARCHITECTS, INC., IN THE NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT OF $5,906,100.00). WHEREAS, QuorumArchitects,Inc., theprofessionalservicesprovider(the“Provider”) set forth inthis ordinance,isbeing selectedasthe most highly qualified on thebasisof its demonstrated competenceandqualificationsto performthe proposedprofessionalservices;and WHEREAS, this procurementwas undertakenaspart of the City’s governmental function; and WHEREAS, the fees under the proposed contract are fair and reasonable and are consistent with, and not higher than, the recommendedpracticesand fees published by the professional associationsapplicableto the Provider’s profession, and suchfeesdo not exceedthe maximum providedby law; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCILOFTHECITY OFDENTON HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. The City Manager, or their designee, is authorized to enter into the service contract attached hereto with Quorum Architects, Inc., for the designofthe renovation to the Service Centerfor multiple departments. SECTION 2. The City Manager, or their designee, isauthorized to expend funds asrequired bytheattachedcontract. SECTION3. The City Council of the City of Denton,Texasexpresslydelegatesthe authority to take any actionsthat may be required or permittedto be performed by the City of Dentonunderthis ordinancetothe City Managerof the City of Denton,or their designee. SECTION 4. The findings in the preamble of this ordinance are incorporated herein byreference. SECTION 5. This ordinanceshall becomeeffective immediately upon its passageand approval. =....dJ"b'y "'''==.''T'.'J'"”'“''"'''”TIT;:Li„,l=,ILl;kId,pp,.„.dby'I followingvoteB- A : Aye Nay Abstain Absent Mayor GerardHudspeth: VickiByrd,District1: BrianBeck.District2: PaulMeltzer.District3: JoeHolland. District 4: Brandon ChaseMcGee, At Large Place 5: Jill Jester,At LargePlace6: -L ,/‘ / a / / ,// PASSEDAND APPROVEDthi, th, 26*- dayof RuSh.A _,2024. Z-,/Z>GERARDHUDSPETH,MAYOR ATTEST: LAUREN THODEN,CITY SECRETARY w=(}(ShLbR Jh,cl APPROVEDAS TO LEGAL FORM: MACK RE[NWAND,CITY ATTORNEY ?rLahQ&££&turboBY: