Asphalt and Concrete Street Section and Repair Services-4974-Original Pricing i° COLT~I~` ~B~T~ ~ ~.E~~BT, made and entered into this ~ dad of October A.~., ~a ~ by and bet~~reen Cat of Benton ~ of the County of Benton and State of ~'e~as, acting thrau~h eor e ~ Cam bell ~here~~nto dull authorized so to dog he~ie~n~after te~n~ed ~~~~~~~r~ ~a~ae-public horn an PO Boy X50 Benton, ~~~D~ of the City of Dentan, Ca~~nty of Denton and State of ~'e~as , hereinafter ter.ed ~~l 'f I1 1~~\.J ~rl~ l~'~1~SSET ghat for and xn eansideratian the pa~~nents and ~g~+eerne~ts herei~~.er . mentioned, to be made and erfor.ed by and unde~• the conditions expressed in the bonds attached hereto, I~TRA.~'~~ hereby ~.rees with Q'NE~ to commence and corr~plete perfo~rn~ar~ce of the ~vo~.• specified below: . Bid ~~4~Best value did for ~`l~ree ~ea~r Contract far ~s halt and Street Section and ~e air Se~+v~ces in the estimated. amount of ~Oa ~~0 with ~nlt Prlcin s ~ha~vn on B~~.bit ~ and alb extra mar in cor~r~ection there~~ith unde~~ the terms as stated in the enera~ Conditions of the agreement; and at his or them awn ro er cost and expense to furnish a~~ rnteria~s, suppixes, machinery, ~ ~ e~~ipment, tools, superintendence, labar, insurance, and other accessories and ser~~ces necessary to cam lete the ~~ror ecified above, in acco~•dance with the conditians and prices stated in the ~ ~ PraposaX and the perfor~nanee and pa~n~er~t Bands} attached hereto, and in accordance with the general Conditions of the agreement, the pecxa~ Conditions, the ~otlce to Bidders ~Adve~-tise~nent far Bids at~d ~nstzructions to Bidders, as referenced herein and on file in the office of the ~u~chasin agent, and in aecardance with all local, state and federal lames; and plans, ~rhich i~zel~rdes a~~ maps, plats, luep~;rots, aid athe~~ dx~ins axed printed or ~rrYtten e~planatar~ matter theraf, and the pecrflcatrons therefore, as prepared by. . fit Staff alb of h~ch are referenced herein and made a pa~~t hereof and collecti~re~y evidence and eonstit~~te the enure i/~nt~r~ctr . 1 The shall have the right to audit and ~nal~e copies a~ the ~baol~s, records and computations pertaining to this agreement. The shall retain such haol~s, records, documents and other e~ldence pertaining to this agreement during the contract period and eve dears thereafter, eC~~t 1~ a~~d~t ~s I~ progress o~' audit findings are het u.+esolved, In ~vhxch case records shall be Dept until alb a~~dit tasl~s are competed and resolved. These oohs, records, documents ar~d other evidence shall he avaxlahle, ~~rlthin ~ a husine~ dais o~ written re~~uest. ~'u~thcr, the ~T.CT~ shall also require all Subcontractors, material suppliers, and other payees to retain all books, records, documents and othez evidence pertaining to this agreement, and to alla~v the ~~ER similar access to those daeurrler~ts. ail hoods and records ~ri~l be made available ~r~thin a mile radir~s of the its a~ ]~entan4 The cost of the audit gill be borne b~y the ~~ER unless the audit reve~.ls an o~e~pa~n~e~t of ~ °Io ar greate~•, if an overpa~n~ent a~ 1 °Io or greater occurs, the reasonable cast a~ the audit, including and travel casts, must be boc b~ the DNTAT~1~ which must be payable within eve business dais of receipt oaf are ir~~oice. Failure to cornlOl~ with the provxsians of this sect~or~ shall be a ~.ate~{~al breach a~ this contract anal shah constit~~te~ in the S sole discretion, grounds ~o~{ termination thereof Each o~ the te~•ms "boas", 'records", "docurr~er~ts" and "other ev~der~ce'~~ as used above, shall be canst~~ued to include drafts and electronic files, even i such drabs or electran~c die are su6seuentl~ used to generate ar pziepare a ~"~nal printed document. A , 3  I ]N ~TNESS VV'HERF.OF, tha parties of these p~~es~n#s live exECUted this agreement iu the year and day fast above written. AT.~'l3ST: 7 . Signatiu~e aF Fle City of Denton 1} i~ 518 Of Fle B~: g~r~h,re o~ Ali e CaNTRAG'f~R . a , zsa . ~ ~r rb~r, ~~x~s 76a.cz _ - MAII~INC~ ADDRESS PH~I~IE N`CTiVffiSR ~l~Q~ ~ ~a - 9 73 ~ ~ A V 7a1'Y 71 R~L'~ Si~a~~u~e of Fle BY: _ AVTHDRi2F~D SI4N~'C]RE APP~~V.E~]] AS T4 Fa1~M: FRINTE~] NAME, 'TITLE Signalire ofi Fli e SEAL) . HY: A'A BURGESS, C AfiTOR1+TEY ~A-~ ~ ~ac~e~~'~s ~`~~er~~io~~ is ~~r'reted fo ~~~s~~~~ace rer~~~e~te~fs ~e~ow, is ~~~g~~~~ reeox~~~n~~c~ ~r'clc~e~*s cone~~ ~~it~~ ~~~er~~ ~~es~vec~iv~ ins~~r~r~rce carriers ~r ~#~o~~e~s t~ c~efer~~i~e ~dv~rnce of ~r'~~ s~~~~niss~o~z ~~~e c~vc~r'Iabr~~~y o i~sr~~~~~r~ce er~~frcc~~cs a~~c~ enci~rsee~s as ,~~~escribet~ rcnc~ ~ravidec~ 1~e~~er'~~. ~ c~~par~~~f ~a~s~ bir~rie~~ c~i~s ~o ca~r~~,y str~c~~,~ wr~~~ ~~~e ~~sr~ra~~ce rcc~z~ir~~~cr~~st ~1~~r~ ~rc~~~e~• ~a~r~,~ be dis~~cc~~~;e~~ fro~t~ a~~arci o ~~~e co~r~r~ac~, ~Ipa~~ did r~~~arr~, ~r~s~~ra~~ce ret~~rire~n~~fs s~~c~~~ ~~co~ne co~~~~~c~cta~a~ o~~r~a~~ons, ~v1~~~ s~~ccess~'~~~ ~rde~~ s1~a~~ ~~a~e tr c~rrty ~o r~rrin~crr~ ~~~~~o~~~~~~r~~ ~~~e co~~rse ~~'~%is c~~frt~e~, ~t~o~t ~iitr~ c~~y o tie over o~ii~tiar~s or ~ic~bi~ities of tie 'on~~c~or, tie C'ona~c~or s~~~ i rovic% a~~ maintain ~~r~~ii the contracted wore cis been co~n~p~e~ed and ~cce~ted ~y tie 'i o ~cnton, ~~~re~~y the rnini~nrrt ins~c~#ance co~c~{arc as in~icate~~crer~after, ~s soon as pr~~ctica~~c a~~cr no~ca~ion of did c~~ar 'onactor saki f ~~e tie ~~~ccrsr~ ~eartcnt S'~~~Sf C[t~~'~ ~~~`~d ~C~~es Of ~Y~s?~l"~'~~~, COn~G~Indn n~~n~le~` C~Y~L{ O~ ~ra~ect. 'o~t~iactor ~na~, ~~on ~vritten rec~~~st tie P~rc~tasin ~cpart~nen~, ash ,~or~ c~a~rcc~tion o an~r ins~~r~c~nce re~ire~nc~ts at an~r ti~ne,F ~o~eve~~, contractors strong~~~ advised to rn~~~c sic requests p~~~or ~ici opening, since rnsu~•ance r~~~ircents ~a~ not be n~ocired or ~~aived c~~ f~c~ b~c~ o~en~~ ~un~ess c~ wri~~en ~~cep~~~n has ~ee~ s~b~~~~ed w~~~ ~~e ~r'~ or~t~~acto~+ s1~~rII ~~ot co~r~ece an,~ ~vo~~ o~~ c~c~~~e~~ and ~riafe~~i~ci a~~ti~ ~~e o~~ she receives ~ati~ict~troa~~ tl~ttt t~~e co~~tr~cct bias ~ee~t r~cc,~te~~, approved} trr~d s~~~cc~ b,~ ~~ie ~~y o Denton i~rs~~~~~nce po~~cics proposed o~ obtained in satr'sfaction of these req~irer~ents s~a~I ~or~~y ~it~r the o~io~~in~ ~en~rai scci c~~ions, c~~ s~~~d ~e ~n~in~~~irrd ~r~ co~~~c~~ce ~r~ ~]~es~ general s~ccrf nations ~hro~o~ ~~re d~r~~~o~ o, ~~c 'on~~~c~c~, ~r ~one~, i f so no~ed,• Each poiic~ shall be issued ~ a co~npan~ autho~~~ed to do business ire the State of ~'e~a~ ~~ith ~~1~~. Best o~an gating ofat least A.- ~~Z or fetter, ~ Ax~~ de~lct~bies o~ self cured retentions shall be decia~ed in ~e bid p~oposa~~ If req~~es~ed the pity, the ~n~~e~ sha~i ~eduee or elirr~inate Leh deductible o~ self ~n~ured ~ etention~ v~th respect to the 1t, its offie~a, agents, ernio~ees and ~o~~~nteers; o~~> the ~ontrac~or sbai~ p~ocu~ie . bond ua~anteeing payment of losses and rebated investigations, elan adrnistration and defense e~er~ses, Eiabi~ity poixcies shad be endorsed to p~o~ride the fo~~ovr~ng~ ~ an~e as additional insu~~ed the it~r of Denton, ids ~ffie~a~, agents, E.piayee and v~iunteers. Z-9 i , ~ ~r'~c~~~r's a~~e~tfr'~~ d~recfec~ ~o ~e i~ts~~~a~ce r~c~r~i~~ee~~s ~~~o~. rs ~~rhl~y ~eco~r~~tde ~~~~~s co~fe~4 ~e~~ r~s~ec~~~e ~~sr~rc~~~ce cr~~~~~~s o~ ~ro~ers ~o d~ter~r~~r~e r~~ ac~~~~ce o~ f sr~b~r~ssio tyre c~vr~r'~~c~r~~ ~f ir~sz~ra~tc~ c~rt~f ~cas r~~td e~tc~o~se~t~e~~ts acs ~pr~~~~~~ec~ and ~~ov~r~ed e~~~~r~. f c~~ r~~~~c~~e~~ ~o~ ~~c~e~ fr~~~s ~o co~rp~y st~rc~~y ~~~h ~~~e r~as~~~r~~~e ~~c~~~~e~ne~~s, ~r~c~~r may b~ drsq~~cr~r ~edr~o ~c~a~c~ of ~~~e c~~trr~c~. ~po~t rrwa~d, a~~ i~s~~~a~ce ~~er~a~r~e~e~~s s~~r~~ ~ecorne co~~~c~ct~ral ~b~~a~r'ons~ ~v~ri~~~ ~~e s~~c~essf~~ ~rr~de~~ s~r~rl~ ~~~~e c~ r~~~~y ~o r~~~fc~r'~a ~~~~~o~~g~o~~~ ~~t~ co~~~se of ~~r's c~~f~c~~. T~ARD P~Zi~; ir~o~ct a~~ o~ f the o~~e~ ob~~ga~i~~s o~• ~ia~i~i~~~s o~'~~t o~t~ac~o~; the 'o~r~rac~~r s~c~~~ p~~~~e a~c~ afr~ta~~ ~t~r~ t~~ ~~~~~R~c~ed has ~~en c~r~p~e~ea~ aid acce~p~~d ~y ~e City of ~e~~o~, v~e~•J ~e ~n~~nr~ rr~s~~a~ce cave~~re cis ir~di~~~~d ~~r~~~rc~~'~er. ~s soon as ~~•ac~~ca~~e a~e~ ~~a~ron o Ord award, C'or~~r~ac~o~ shc~~~~~~ ~v~~ ~~re ~'~~rc~asr' ~e~a~~~te~tt sa~~sfc~c~or~ ce~•~i ~ca~~s i~s~~~•a~~~, a~~a~~r ~~e brd aid ti~~e off' ~~e ~o~e~ o~~rac~o~ ~tc~y, ~~por~ wri~~e~ ~•~~~s~ ~o ~~~cas~ .De~pa~~e~~, ash fog ~~~1 ~ ~{.+LLi~~ld iJ ~~w3i~~~~LG ~~~L~~! sr116~~~.1 ~L 4~fL~ 6~lfd~j* ~~~'YG3~Gl~ ~.I~GI i.4~~V~j] G s6l~tJ~~~ ac~~~sea~ t~ ~ra~e such ~•eq~~s~s ~arro~ ~o Ord ~e~~~t, sr~tce r~ts~~~•c~~c~ ~•e~~ir~r~~~s mad r~o~ ~e~ o~ ~~a~v~d a~e~ ~ic~ openi~~ ~~~~ess a ~i~~~ exce~ro~ has ~ee~t s~bmi~te~ ~~e b~ o~~t~~rc~o~~ shr~~~ ~to~ co~t~e~e ~vo~~k e~~~e~~ ~~y ~rcr~~r~cr~ ~~~r~ he a~ s~~e r~~eives ~ro~~a~io~ co~rac~ has ~~e ~rcce~fec~, ~,~,~~o~e~~, aid s~g~ec~ fete ~'it~ a~~~~o~~ insu~•a~c~ po~i~i~s ~ro~aosed o~ ~~~ar~e sa~r~sfac~ror~ of ~~~se regir~e~te~ts s~c~~~ co~~~ with ~e fa~~o~~~n ~~e~•a~ s~~cr ~ca~i~ns, c~~d s~c~~~ ~na~~~a~~ed i~r cop~~a~c~ ~v~~ ~~s ~~~e~a~ s~ecr r~c~~~o~s ~~rro~~o~~ ~ d~~ratior~ o, ~~e `or~~ac~, ~r ~o~te~r Aso n~~~: ~ each volley shall ~e ~ss~ed b~ a com~ar~~ a~tl~orized to de hus~ne~ ~ the State of ~'e~s ~~t~ hest orr~pan~ rating ~f t least ~ or defter: ~ 1~ny dedi~ctlhles or self lr~~xed r~tent~ons shall he declared In the bxd ~~o~osal. I~ requested b the City, the Insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self cured xetent~ons Frith respect to tine ity# Its o~~cial, agents, employees and ~clu~.teers; or, the contract~~+ half roc ~ a hand guarar~tee~n~ payment of dosses and rebated in~restigatio~s, claim administration and ~.e~ense epenses~ ~ ~iabilzty policies shat ~ be endorsed to pro~ride the #~allo~ing: ~ dame as additional insured the City o~~enton, its f~icials, A.ents, Employees ar~d ~rolunteers.  cl -9 i ~ `~ha~ such insurance ~ prin~a~~~r to an~r other insurance a~a~~able to the additional insured with respee~ to cairns co~e~ed under the ~olic~ a.d that this insurance ap~ie sepa~atel~ to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought. ~'he inclusion of amore than one insured shall nab operate to increase the insurer's limit of libili, ~ '~cr~c~~~~fio~~: ~'e '~t~ ~r~~~~~~es .0 ray rv~~~~e~ r~o~ic~ s~io~c~ and off` ~~~e o~ic~~~s c~escr~~ec~ ~~a e ce~~~ ~cr~~e ~e c~~ce~~~d o~ ~c~~e~~a~~y ch coed ~eo~~e ~~~e e~~irc~~io~~ d~~e. ~ Should and of the required insurance be pra~ided under clairnsy~nade farm, ontractox shall maintain such caverae contir~uausl thraughaut the tee of this eantrac~ and, ~ithot lapse, for a period of three years ~e~ond the contract expiration, such that occurrences arising during the con~rac~ term which ~i~e rise to claims made aver expiration of the contract shall be covered. ~ Should of the required insurance ~e pro~rided under a form of coverage that Includes a general annual aggregate ~~mit providing far claims investigation or Zeal defense costs to be included the general annual aggregate I~n~xt, the ontracta~ shall either double the occurrence l~n~its or obtain ~ncrs and antractors protective ~ia~ilit insurance. ~ Sha~ld and required insurance lapse during the contract tern, requests for patents originating aver such lapse shlX not be processed until the pity receives satisfacto~~ e~rdence off` reinstated coverage ~ required ~ this co~.tract, effective as of the lapse date, if insurance is not reinstated, ~it~ rna~, at its sale option, terminate this agree.ent effective on the date of the lapse.  l"10 4I ~~I..i +J ~/L ~ ~J~~~ V ~i iii V JLl ~~~JVf~~ ~ rsa~~~r~~ce ~po~~cr'es ~p~o~pose~ o~ a~~r~rner~ r~~ ~r~frsf~c~~o~ off' hr's o~~ac~ r~c~c~r""~r'oncr~~y c~~~~~y ~~~h the o~~ow~~ r~ar~C~r~ s~a~c~~~r~~~~~~s, aid s~cr~~ ~e ~nar~r~c~~r~e cornp~ra~c ~~t~~ ~h~~~ c~r~d~~~~~~~ s~ecaf ~ca~~or~s ~~1~or~g~i~a~t ~~e du~c~~ror~ of ~~~e o~~ra~~, ~~ner~ ~o r~o~~~~ enera~ ~~~bi~~#~ ~~urance: F C~enerai Liability insurance with can~bined single limits of not less than ~,~D~~~~~~0~ shall be prodded and rnaintair~ed by the contractor. ~~e policy shall he written an an occur~•en~e basis either in ~ single palxcy ar in combination of u.nder~yin and umbrella or excess palieies, ~fthe Commercial general Liability form Farm C ~~a~ current editian} is used: ~ Ca~erae ~ shad include premises, operations, products, and co.pleted operations, independent contractors, cantraetual ~iabilit~ covering this contract . and broad form praperty damage eo~erae. ~ average ~ shall include personal injury. ~ o~e~~ae , ~nedioal pay~nnts, is not required, the Comprehens~~e general ~ia~iiit fog ~`orm. ~x~ Oaa~ ~u~~ent ~dtt~ar~ and ~C~ farm ~ a4a4~ is used, it shad include at least: ~ bodily injury and property I~arnae ~,iability for prernises, operations, products and completed operations, independent cantrctors and p~~ope~~ty damage resulting ~ronz explosion, collapse ar urYderground exposures, ~ ~raad ~orr~. cantractuai liability {preferably by endorsements covering this cantraet, persanai injury liability and broad ~'orrn property damage liability, ~ntnmabYle L~ah~~Y~y ~~~urncc: Cantractar shall provide Commercial Autamabiie liability insurance with Carnbined ingic ~i~nit ~L~ of not leis tbr~ ~~O,U~~,~~ either in ~ singe policy or in a combination a~ basic anal u.brell ar excess policies. ~`he policy will include bodily injury and prope~~ty damage liability arising out of the operation, maintenance and use of ail autarnab~les and i mobile equipment used in ean~ur~ct~on ~vi~h this contract. satisfaction, of the above requirer~er~t shah be in the ~'o~~n of a policy er~dorsernent far; ~ any auto, or . ~ ail armed, hired and nor-owned autos,  ' I - 1 1 ~r~ers' om~en~s~io~ Xsu~raaace ontractar shall u~chase a~ad ~naitain ar~er" o~apensation i~su~a~ce which, i~a ad~txar~ t~ e~t~~a~ the r~~r~um tatato ~'~~~I1~'elel~ts ~~a~ ~SSUa~1Ce such ~ns~~a~ce, has ua~o~e~'s Liab~l~t~ bait o~ at least ~ aa,0~~ ~o~ each accide~.t, ~ a~,0~~ ~e~ each e~npla~ee, a~ad a 5~a,~00 pa~ic~ limit fay accu~atia~al disease. Thy ~it~ geed ~aat 6e named ~ a~ ""Additional ~r~su~ed"# bit the i~aure~i shall a~iee t~ ~ai~re ail rights of subrQatio~a against the City, its a~~cials, agents, e~a~layees d ~olu~atecrs ~`or at~~ ~vorl~ perfor~m.ed for the City the Named Insured, ~o~ bu~l~~ag ar ca~ast~ucti~~. pxa~ects, the or~t~acto~ shall co~npl~ with the provisions off' Attachment ~ i~a accordance with ~~a~. afthe ~'es labor bode ar~d ~e l 10,1 l0 o~the ~`e~as o~e~~s ~a~enati~n Caaaissi~~a ~~'C~. ~ ~ ~~~ncrr~'s Co~.t~rae#n~~s F~o~ect~v ~iabr~rt ~~asurance ~'he ar~tz{a.ct~~ ~ial~ obta1~, pay fay a~ r~i~tain at all tine burin the ~rosecutior~ a~` the ~ror under this co~at~act, an ~~v~aex's ar~d Cantractoa~"s Pzatect~~e I1iab~lit~ insua~ancc palie~ nanai~. the City as insured fax pr~pe' da.age and badil~ injury which naafi arise i~ the prosecutian of the a~l~ ar Contractor's ope~atians wader this ca~at~act. o~e~age shah be on an "faccrrence'f basis, aaad the p~lic~ shah be issued b~ the same insurance carnpa~~ that caries the Contractor"s l~abilit~ insurance, alic~ limits gill be at least combined badxl~. ~~~u~y aid ~Orope~~~ damage Ica' occucnce with a aggregate. ~ ~ r~f~ssion~~ ~za~i~~t~ ~nsurncc Pra~essia~aal liab~lxt~ insurance with l~naits uat less tha~a peg claim rich respect to ~aeglxgent acts, ears or onaissio~.s i~a can~aectian nth p~~o~ess~Qnal services i~ required under dais A.greeme~.t. ~ ~uidcr' Zn~rance builders' Risl~ Insurance, on an ~.ll4Risl~ forte. for l ~~°~o of the ca.pleted value shall be pra~vided, such polio shall include as ""Named Insured'" the City of Denton grad all subcantract~rs as theixi interests ~a~ ap~ear~  Cl " 12 ~ ~ o~aerc~~~ x~e ~~av~de~ co~c~ae ~a~ the theft a~ di~a~ea~ance of cash ~ a~ chec~~, robber i~.s~da~aut~de the premise, b~~~a~~ of the pre~e, aid e~z~~a~ee de~xty, The en~p~o~ee f~de~~t~ par~ian of this ea~erae shell be mitten on a `~b~et" basis to aver emp~a~ees, inc~~dxn.g ~e~ hlre~, e i~s`ance sha~ld ~e required i~' e cetraa~or has access td pity finds. ~in~its o~ not less than each accuence are required. ~ ~ ~.d.d~~xa~a~ Z~asurnce ~the~ insurance n~a~ be required an an ir~di~idual basis far extra ha~ardaus cantraets and spec~f~c ~e~~~ce agreements. such additional insurance is required ~`ar a speclt~~c contract, that ~ie~u~rernent mill ~e described ire the r'pecific onditions'f ofthe contract speci~cat~~n,  Cl « 1 3 markers' 'a~apea~sa~io~ coverage fo~~ ~uiidi~g ar fans#ruction ~~o~ects fns av~r~a~.en~ai entities Defi.tions; certificate ~f coverage ~"certificate"}~~ caps Q a certificate of insurance, a certificate of autharit~ to self~insure issued the comrnissio~., or coverage agreement S T~~-$~, T~~83, ar ~'-84}# showing statutory ~varl~ers~ cornpensation irrurance coverage for the person's or etit~' ernpla~ees providing services on a project, far the duratio~a of the project. ~urat~on of the pro j eat ~ ~~~~ude~ the tuna frame the beirng of tie ar a~ tie prod oat u~.til the eo~tractor'slpersanrs orb on the pra~ect has been co.pleted and accepted the gaver,~nentai entity, persons providing services on the project ~'"u~contraCtOr" in 4~,0~~~ ~ i~.cludes all persons or entities performing all ar part the services the contracto~+ has undertaken to perfora. on the pra~ect, rega~~diess of whether that person co~atracted directly with the cantraet~r and rea~clless of whether that person has en~p~oees. This includes, ~vith~ut limitation, independent cantracta~~s, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, over-operators, e~nplo~ees of and such, entit~r, ar employees of and entity which furnishes persons to provide services an the project. ~'ervices" include, ,th~ut li~nittian, providing, hauXing, or delivering e~uxp~.ent or materials, ar providing labor, transportation, or other service related to a proj ecta r' services does got include activities unrelated to the project, such as faad~beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery ofpartable toilets, B. The contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll ar~eunts and fling of any average agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of ~'es Labor bode, Section ~ l {44~ far all e.p~oyees of the contractor providing services an the project, for the duration ofth pra~ect. The contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governn~.en# entity prior to being awarded the contract, D~ if the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends ding the duration of the project, the contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, fide a near certificate of coverage ~v~th the governn~.ental entity showing that coverage has been extended. 1 The contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on ~ project, and provide to the governmental entity;  l - 14 ~ certificate of coverage, prior to that petsar~ beg~rg work on tho pra~ect, a the over~menta~ ent~t~ ~v~~~ have an cert~f~cate of coverage ha~.g o~e~e for a~~ person. pravxdx~.g service ors the pra j ect} ~,d na dater than seven days after receipt b~ the ~ontrcto~•, a ne~v cert~~cate of coverage sho~~r~ng e~ter~s~or~ of coverage, the coverage period shown an the current ce~~ficate of coverage ends dur~r~g the duratiar~ of the pro~cct. ~'he eantractor sha~~ retain requzred ~eif~cate of coverage ~`ar the duration of the praject and for ore dear there~ftcr. ~'he contractor sha.~~ not~f~ the goverrenta~ entlt~ ~n ~vr~t~~.g ce~ti~ied ~na~~ or per~or~a~ de~~ver~, with ~ ~ dais after the contxiactar ~ne~v ar shau~d have mown, of a~.y change that ater~al~ affects the prov~s~Q~ of coverage of and person prov~d~ng services a~. the project, . ~'he cantractor ~hal~ ost an each ~ro~ect site a notice, in ~e test, fo~~ and maser p~escr~~ed b~ the ~'e~as orers' ompe~satiorr o~iss~on, i~f`ar~~g aZ~ persons prov~d~ng ~erv~ces on the p~+oject that they are required to be covered, a~.d tatin.g how person a~ very coverage and report ~acl~ of cove~~ae. ~"ie contractor shah conactua~~ re u~re each person ~v~th ~vhorn it contracts to provide ~ ~ services on a pro~eet, to: ~ ~ provide coverage, based orr proper reporting of c~asstf~cat~an codes ~ar~d pa~rra~~ amounts ar~d f~~~g of and coverage agreements, ~h~ch meets the statutory re~utrernent~ of ~'e~a Labor bode, ect~an ~0 ~ ~a ~ ~ ~~4} for a~~ of its employee prov~~ir~g se~~vtces on the prod ect, far the durat~an of the prod ect; provide to the contractor, prior to that person beg~nr~r~ ~vorl~ an the prod ect, a certtf~cate of coverage shorn that coverage ~ being provided for alb empla~ees of the person prov~dxn services on the prod ect, `ar the duration of the pray ect; } provide the contractor, prlar to the er~d of the coverage period, a new certifteate of coverage sha~v~ng extensxo of coverage, if the coverage period how on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration. of the p~~oject; o~tai~ from each other person ~rhor~ it eor~traets, and prav~de to the contractor; a} certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginng Ivor on the pro~ect~ and ~ a ne~v cert~f~cate of coverage shoving e~tensiou. of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period ha~vn on the current certificate of coverage e.tis during the du~~at~on of the pt+a~ect;  cl- 15 5 retx~ all required ce~~f~eate of ca~erage an f~~e for the d~.~at~~n of the project and fir ane ~ea~ thereafter; nat~f~ the go~errenta~ ent~t~ in rit~r~ by certified a~~ ~erona~ de~~~er~, -ithin ~ ~ dais after the persa one' or sho~i~ have know, of are change t.at ateriaii~ affects the p~~~rision of co~erae person pr~~riding ~ services on the project; and 7~ contrctul~~ require each persan with barn it contracts, to perform a required a~agraphs } - with the certificates coverage to be pra~rtded to the person for horn they are pro~id~ng eices. B~ signing this cantrat ar providing or causing to be provided a certificate of ca~rerae, the contractor ~ representi~ag to the go~ern~nentai entity that aii e~o~ees of the contractor ha iit ~~ovide services an the project ~e covered ~ ~vor~ers~ co~npensa~tion coverage for the duration afthe ~ro~ect, that the coverage ~vi~i be based o~. proper ~•epartin of ciass~f~cation codes and .~oa.~rroil a.ounts, and that aii coverage agreement be flied ~v~th the appropriate ins~u~ance carrier or, in the case of a seif~ inured, v~ith the corr~r~ission's ~iviion of Seib X~surance ~eguiat~on, providing false ar ~nisieading information naafi subject the coutrctor to adrninistrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil ~enaitie, or other c~vii actions. The co~.tractor's failure to con~~ly with any of these provisions is a breach of ca~tract by the cantractar h~ch entities the go~ernn~entai eut~t~ to declare the contract void ~f the contractor does not rcn~edy the breach within terndays after receipt off` notice of breach from the goverx~.entai entity, i ~  l~~ ~ 1 U CITY OF Purchasing Depa~Ement 90'[-B Texas St. Den#on, TX 7G209 X940} 349-7100 www.t{entonpurchasing,com F B # 4974 Best Value Bid for Three Year Contract Asphalt and Concrete Street Sections and Repair Services NIGP CLASS and ITEM 913 50 9'i 3 84 The award of fhis cantracf will be based upon a "best value" evaluation as allowed by Chapter 252 of fhe Texas Local Govemmenf Code. The criferia for fhe evaluation ~s lisfed in fhe invitation to bid docurrients. Only those items Irsted can be used fo determine "besf value': BADS DUE: July 31, 2012 2:4~ P.11~. Bid submitted by. Company Name ~ ~ ~ ~ l ` S Ayl AyJ ` ` 1 W ~ ~ o ~ ~ r~ o ~ ~ ~ N i~3 ~V N W ~ W ~ ~ 4 ~ 4 ti ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 1 ~ ~ w 4 ~ ti ~ 1 ~ ~ ti ♦ w ~ ti \ 3 ~ ~ \ ~o~ooacna~cnc~u~ocnc~ou~~~cnr~u~c~~nu~u~u~~ncn~ cn~ ~oraca~~oo~ooc~~~aao~~oaooa~c~~~c~ ~~~~r~vo~a~~~ooaao~ooc~v~o~c~~o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ c c ~ ro c ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ c ~ o ~ ~ n n ~ ~ n n ~ n n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n n a ~ n n ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1. ~ ~ fD ~ 4 C3. N fU ~l ~ f~ ~Q C~. N fD G1.. ~ ~D f,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~oooo~~arnrn~a~c~cr~~~v~+~~~~ ~ ,rte ~~~~~~~~n~~nn3~~~~~~ ~ O C7 ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ p p 0 O p p C~ D p q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W ~ N {►~lJ ~ N rJa~a{ 'I~R' ~ ~ ~ ~ pp p3 [D ~p ~1 p1 N (R ~ iD ~4 ~ ~ ~D ~ ~ ~ ~ f D N ~ ~ `~J { 1-~f i , A ! i `I Af f /'1 ► I ~ J ;'f /1J t J'r ~ l 1 ~ m ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ro ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ r~ ~ ~ r~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rt rt rt rt flf t-t` r-r ~ ~ rt rr C] ~ ~ ~ C'~ ~ N C~ ~ ~ ~ r~r b r~ ~ ~ 't1 ~ ~ Lf1 U'1 ~ ~ V~ U1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C? ~ Q ~ rt ~ ~ ~ a ~ N 41 N N ft ~ ~ ~ ~ O a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N U1 N U~ D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~'1 ~ ~ U1 rr 0 ~ N in ~ O ~ Q ~ fD fp D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~c~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~°v o~~°o~'~'a a ~~o rtrt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ° ~ a ~ ~ o a ~ ~ o o ~ o ca ~ ° ~ ° o ° ~ ~ o w ~ (f1 ~!f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ul ~ C~ Q ~ ~ ~ C? ~ D O O Q O~ p ~ O p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w w a~ ~ ~ c~ ~ ~ ~ ~a ~ ~ ~ w .p ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ r~ r~ ~a b n~c~.~co~woocoN.pc~~•~~crf~~oa~~€~•~w~~~r~oo ~ ro ~ + ~ 7h ' a~ l a ~y y +w Y fr n ~y ~~y f ~ n r • r• M y-y + • ~ ~{y f• r~ r• ~ a i y-y rt a 7 7 ~ ~,+'V+~yi ~i~y +F L , ~V--y~ V I ~Ly V ~ kJ l ~~~y {V~i 4{.yJ ~ ~L++y1 ~ hJ ~V-~yI V ~~-y ~~~y ~~--/y ~V--y~ V l V { ~f [ ~ LJ V' V 1 ~ V ~ k..i ~ ~ 4~ 4.J i1 4J ~ 1..1 ~ ~ 4J ~ 11 L ~J ~J ~ ~ ~a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.ft- ~ ire ~ ~ ~ t~ i,1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V9 rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~4 ~F F~ t1~ F~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ C~ ~ ~ Cfl U1 OQ {J,f ~ ~J tD ~ ~ N (!'I ~ Q1 ~ [D Q~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~I W hD ~ ~ 01 ~l ~ N ~ 1~-i 07 i~] 00 U~ ~ ~0 0~ ~ ~1 ~ Oo C4 ~ ~ t t~~ nn t* ~ v ti ti+n v~y ti`'~ ti ~ w w 4 4 ti ti w w t{~ ti ti w 4 ~i i ti 3 M+ ~y t ti k V' * ~ V f L' L f W ~i V w./ ~ i V ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ LJ L V 1/ 1 V V I ~ U' V ~ ~a D O O ~ C7 ~ (n D D ~ C~ C7 q ~ ~ O C] ~ ~ O D C3 ~3 ❑ O ~ O ~ # + + • ••+~y f f • ~a~++~~yy ~ + ~ ~a~++yy a r f • •~~yy 1 + f ~ 0 0~ o 0 0 0~~~ o o v o a o~~ a~ o o~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cn cn ~ €n cn to ~ cn cn ~ ~ .p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w w w ~ w ~ ~ , a ° w W w W w W w~ w W w w o w W w' w w~ w N V! ~ V7 iJ! 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C~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o ~ ~ cn ~o o ~ ~o v ~ a ~ ~ ~ o ~ o ~ ~ cn ~ ~a ~ o~c~~oaoo~o~ooc~aoaaov~~~~c~oo~~o~ ~ c~a~oc~~c~oac~a~oac~c~ ~vo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (al Ql ~ I E I f f I I x4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ c~ m ~ c ~ c ~ cn ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o' ~ ~ ~c~ ~ U1 U1 _ ~ ~ / ~ I ~ i~! ~1 ill W _T r~ rt rt ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ aa~~ D fD ~ ~ ~ ~ O O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O M'' ~ r~t ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U~ C~ O ~ ~ C~ ~ O ~ ~ O ~ O ~ C~7 O ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . k ~ ifs ifs ~ i!~ ih ~h ~ i!~ ~h t1~ iFt• ~ ~ th t~ ~ ~ ~ ~f1 µ ~ w ~ w ~ t/~y r •~y f~ ~ •~-~y • a a ■~-y a~ y F y,~ ~}-y s~ y • a r ~ ~~--y +~--y ~~--y +a ~ a~ ` ! {y /a--y ~ ,y f n + ~ ~J k~Jy ~V~yy L' ~{{J~y ~ /~/---yy L~iy V 1~~--*--~yy ~ }U}--~~~t~ ~ ~~~..yyi 1 ~ ~ V' ~..1 {L~ V V ~ ~~~+yy[ ~V~-~~yy ~ ~ l ~V~~++yyi ~~~-~~yy ~~~~~yy V 4..i ~ 4J ~ V V 4J ~ V ~ V ~ V ~ ~ V' ~ ~ V ~ ~ V ~ V ~ ~ V V tiJ ~ ~ ~ rid H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ w ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ui ~ ~ ra rn ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ w ~ oo ~ cn c~ c~ ~ o~ cD oo ~o \ X 4 w ~ w ti ti 4 ~ ♦ w ti X \ ~ k ♦ X 1 ~ ♦ ~ ~ 4 * ti ti ti ♦ k U~ ~ ~ Crl µ ~ ~ N O 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ W ~ CA ~!1 i!'I ~l ~ H 0 o to ~ ~n a ~ ~ o v ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o ~ ~ a o o cn ~ ~ ~ c~o~~nc~oo~~~v~a~~nooo~~o~ov~~~~c~~ ~ a a ~ ~ ~ • s ~ ~ a a r a • ~ ~~-~y ~ ~ ~ i a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y ~ of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ • ~ ~ ~ r~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~r~' ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a~ ~ ~ ,k ~ ~ ti.~ ~ ~ ~ ti ~ ~ ~ m titi; ~ ~ .r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u~i o a v v CITY OF DENTON THREE YEAR CaNTl~AsCT FOR ASPHALT AND C~NCREFE S'FR~ET SECT[DNS A~1D C~EPAIR SERYIC~ ATTACHI~ENT A A~KN~WLEDGEMENT 5LIRPLEMENTI~i.. FORMS Tate ~r~derslgned agues thls b[d becomes the properfy o€ the Glty o~ Denton after the dal apenir~g. Tire unde~slgne~ ai~m~s he has famAieriz~ hMself with the local co~dltlans under which fhe work is to ~e perrtaimad; wed hidraa~f of the cor►dttio~s of de~tvsry, hander and stoke of equipment and eke other medtasa thgt mey be tnddental t4 #~'~e work. before submitting ~ I~dd. The ur~dersi~ned agrees. if this bid ~s. accepted, to iurnlsh any and ail ~msfsenrlces ups ~Id~ prices are offered, at tie p~cs(s~ and span the tams ~n~ oondStla~ ~o~ined !~1 the 8pec~ations. 1'he period far acceptance of this Bid Prvpose~l w1A he ninety (9D} caler~ar d~q►s unless a dlff~~er~ period is r~oled dy the ~idd~r. The ~nder~n~d aR~+ms that fey are duly a~mnrized to euaecuba this c~r~ract, that This bid has na ~a~n prepared I~ cdluslor~ with any Sher Ridcler~ nar am employee of fhe dty aF ~entan, and that the oar~erit~s of this old have not been communicated to any ether ~Idder or to any employee of tl~e ~I~ ~t Denton friar ~n tie atllclaE apeni~~ a~ tl'~~ bDd. . The undersigned awes that the LFS posted nn the websita are tote afRdel specl~cetlons and shell not att~err the eladt~+nt~ic oapry ofthe speaC~tlor►s ~ctlae prEdn~ street ~l~tt 1]. wkhaut clearly ide~ttity+rtg change, Tie undersl~ned under~nds they wig he respansfble for maNt~ring #~e Cify aF Denfion Purch~sing 1AFsbslta a~ n. a ~ #a ensUr~ they ha~re downloaded std signed all addendum{sy required far s~misslo[t tn~ the[r pr~oposa[. Shauki a oa~ict arise between the Pit suppffer iem~, ar bract; fie temps ar~d candl~ar~s set forth In ttr~s I~B sfi~li prevail. . Vendor heredy assigns to pu~+ct~aser airy end all olakns far overd~a~g~s assodat~f with this aar~traat vr~ivh Elsa under the antitrust laws of the Ur~ted 5#atas~ i 5 USCA Sec~idn 1 and w~fch a~dse undue tf►~ ar~trust taws of the 8~aba o~Te~~ Tex. Bars. ~ Gom. Code, $actla~ 1~.D~, et sea. The unde~gned af~irrres ~tt~atthey ~v~a r~ea~ ar~d da understand the specmr~ailons and any ~tac~rnerr~ts ~oritalned In this ~1d paeke~e. . NAME ANO ADDRESS QF CaMPANY: AUTN~E~ ~ F~RESE~[TA`I'NE: w~I.c, CQ a~ Si~neture' ~ ~r +~I ~ Name Tal. No. - 3~P~ Zs~~ Fax i~o. _ - ~ ~x - Q73 ~ - COMPAN1r IS: Business tnr~uded IR a CQrpafate Inoama Tax Retum~ ~1f~S ~~~I~ ~aporatton orgeeized ~ eodsdr~ udder the i~ws of ~a~Stste flf ~ ~ A Partnership oonsisthg of indi►ri~d~el tra~r~ as !1~~ndpst oiAces are !n t#~a any ~f a PA[3E 2~d OF lFB ~45~'4 TH~~~ YEAS C~NT~T FDR ~P~~LT ANA ~N~~~T~ ~TR~~T F~T~ON ANA ~EP~~~ ~1~1~~C~ ATTA~~~~T` ~ AF~~` ~CD~D ~CT~'~~(~~~IR~ ~~nst Be Submitted kith did ubr~} ~e ~ ofDentan. desixes to avail i~seh`afthe henef~ts of ~ect~on ~~.~435 afthe ~aa~ a~e~unent Cade; and. cor~sidcr the s~#`c records of otentl~. contra tars prior t~ awaxd~. bids o~. C~~ cantr~.cts, Pursuant t~ Section 25~.~43 of the ~oc.I C~o~ern~nent Cade, the City of Denton hay adapted the fo~la~ri~g Witten de~.~.tian and criteria far accu~ateiy deter ~e safety record of a bidder pria~ to a.~varding bids on contracts. ~'hc definition criteria faar deterxrrining the safety record of ~ bidder far this consideration shah be; 'P~ae Ci of Dentn~ shall consider the sa~ehy r~eeord of the bidder's in detexminxn~ the responsibility thereof, tY ~'he i ~a consider ~.ny incideaace invoZvin ~arkex safety or safety of the citizens of the City of ~entan, tY ~ be it re~at~d ar caused b environ~nenta~~ mechanical operational, supervision oar any athe~r cause factor. ~eeifically, the pity nay consider, arnor~~ other things; a. Com la~nts ta, ar ~na1 orders entered hya the C~cupatian~ Safety and ~eai~ l~e~.c~v Can~i~sxon {~~RC}} against the bidder foz ~.olations of ~~A reguiations ith the past three ~3~ years. b. Citations a. de~.ned beio} franc ~n~ixanr~er~tul Protection Agency ~ dezed ~ . heia~} for violations within the past eve years. Envxrann~.entai P~otcctxon .en.c~es incxude, but are not neeearily iirnxted ta, the Army Carps of ~n,gineer A.C~~, the Fish and il~.life Serce ~l]F~, the Env~onmentl Protection ~ ' i a A enc PA~~, the ~e~ Ca~~ss~on an l~nvrronental ~r~ai~ty the ~`e~a ~a~iral Resource nervation Con~nisxan ~T~IRC~ ~predecessar to the 'f}, the ~e~as De anent ofeaith ~ c ~'exas Pars andildlife I]eparlxnent ~~'PD}~ the 5t~untuarai Pest Control Board ~PC~~, agencies of lacai gaverents respansibie far enforc~n envixanmental protection or over safety re~atnd la~~l ar zegu.la~.ons, and sear x~ atar~ agencies of other states afthe ~nitcd Mates. Citations rnlnde notices of ~riola~an, notices of enfarcen~ent, suspensio~revacatia~ of state ar federal ~~cense ar rcitra~.ons, fines assessed, pend~g criminal na~.plamts, mdict~ments, ar can.~ctions, administrative orders, drab ordersa final orders, and ~udicia~. ~ judgments. . c. Can~.c~.o~us of a crinal a~en~e within the past tern ~lD~ years, which resulted in bndi~y ha~'n nr death. d, other safety rc~ated matter deemed by the ~ Corancil to be matea~al i~ y detering the responsibility aftlie bidder and. his or her abx~ity to perfa~rm the ser~.ces or ands re aired. by the bid doc~eats in a. safe en~ronn~ent, both far the ~arl~er and ~ ~ other ernplayees of bidder and the eiti~en of tl~c City of Denton. r er to abta~n. ro er infarrnation from hxdders sa that City of Denton ~ consider the safely arecards of dad A ~ atential contractors riar to a~vard~ bids an City contracts, City of Denton requires that bidden answer tl~e ~ p g falla~~g three {3~ ~uestinns and cubit theme nth their bids; bidder or the co ora~.o ar~nership, or insti~.tian represented by the h~dder, or anyone acting ~`or has the ~ ~ ~ sr~ch ~r~m ca ara~on artnershi or ~stitutian, received citat~ans for violations of w~thm the past three ~p p years ~A~ IFB #~~74 iT F ~~i~~i~ . ' Tl~l ~EA~ I~TR~ ~~I~~F~ALT f~~ l~#T~ ~r~~[~~ !D #P~41~ _ ~ ' bier and ~ nber ~ av t t ~ ~ ~ b tie i~ , . ~ rpt ~ ~ t ~f~ low ~ldt ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mss, 1 rs~ d j~di~ fib the ~ ~s~n~ 'S~ ~ nor ~ tip ~idd~r mint pra~id~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I1~ rw~~w w biddy ~ 1 ~r ~ ~ ~ < , a~ ~ ~ m~ ~ doh? It bar ~ id DES far #i ~r #br t bit ~ ~ a~~ bid ~ ~ to ~ ~uc~ ~ ~ T~ ~11'Y ~~1~1+1 I ~ that I h r~~ wlilF~il ~Ipnf~tlo~ I~ #hls ~~tl~r~r~~l~~ ~ h I l#hl'~d Inr~fi~n ~r~ ~ end ~nsw t~ qs#1. I ~ ~ t[~at ~f~ Ir~f~m~~n ~Iv~r~ m~ Ire the q~tl~nn~~ will b~ InYlgl, W~1 ill ~1'~'ll~~~ d ~F1~ ~.,.;..~....,~,.r~..~~ `It.~~~.r~.~~ ~~~a. 1~ ~ . ~ur~ ~ Fla ~~@~. _ ~ . Ti~l~ ~ ~ ~ i Hod MixAspl~al~ t~r~luckio~F Sales & Road Cons~r~~rlon - ~ s ..,~inc~ ~~23,,, 34a ~t~ ~orl~ a~. Box ~~a ~enta~, ~ 7~~ ~~a~~n # ~~40} ~~~258~ fax # ~~40~ ~$~-9~~2 ~EFE~ENCE; Te~cas ~epa~ment of ~`ran~po~~~~on ~~~4 Pl~~irie ~l'eef aen~on, Te~cas ~~~a~ r~ hri 8ehl~~Ce, P~ ~ ~ng~ne~er Pane; 94a-38~-~ 41 ~ T~x~~ ~ep~r~men~ a~ Tr~n~par~a~~an F~rtfal~h afsf~rc~ 50~ E~ie~s B~~~, E~l~e~s, Texas ~6~~40 Mr. ~ical'dQ on~a~e~ PE -~l"ea ~ng~neer ~ . Phone: 8~ ~-3~~~4~a~ Te~c~ aepar~rnent of Tranpa~a~~an ioh~~a ~al~ Dis~l~~o~ ~G~5 , U Hey 8~ ~~nes~~~~e, Te~cas 7~~4a Mr, ~~ke M~~l~m, P,E, ~ Aria Eng~nee~ ~~40-~~5-5a7~ ~ ' THREE YF! I~Ff RA'f R ~FIALT Apl~ r~E Y ~E~~ ~ 1~~~41R ~ER~ ~ T~a~~~ ~ ~l~L~T F ~I~f EFT ~ . ~o~ a~h~r din bu~ln w~#h lam rn~t~n#~I 1'ftl~ ~~~n~lr~ ~I ~ m~clr I~ by H.~ ~~L.# #~I~r ~FF1 ~1r~ ~~~n. a~ ~ T ~ue,~ [~Ir'~ 1 !r~ v~th ~r~p~ter ~ ~t ~ . pin why des ~ ~ r~leil~rlp ~s deb ~I~n ~1 ~~-a~ ~ lal u~~~rn~rr~l a end p its ~~r tr~r~ 17~.~}. ~ f #h!~ qunnr~ trr ~ ~ admi~lr ~ 1h~ f l ~m~t ~rldl~r t tl T~h ~u~ne day a#~r d~ tt~ p ~~s ~ # tl r~qul~e rn~# ~ Ind. 1~ L ~nrnt pin ~t~rr~l~ ~n a ~ ~ ~ fi7.~, l..a! ~rr~tn~t A~ ~f1 ~~r IS ~ ~ ~lam~na~. . ~ I~rn~ ~ man ~ ~ r~ ~ ~I ~~wrnma n~ . k#6~ ~ ~a~ ~r1 up~at~1~ ~ p~~ qu+lar~nalr~ (~1~ le~w t~t~lran u ~e upd~ed ~ample~ed quan w~ the ~ fl~ ~hariq► e~ i~an #~a ~sy ~#er tha a n<il ff~d cinnna~ ~nle~ ~r iu~~#~~ ma ~~I ~~int car ~rlth ~ho~ 11~r h~ ~r r~l~~nnl~lp~ damn qtr 1'hi~ fin. ~I ~ ~ E, ~ I~, m~el h~ cowed fnr Cdr ~r ~~h wean thatllnr ~ er~pl ~r r ~d~ r~la#i~nel~ ~ deed b~ n t7~1~1-~ #.~i ~a~rn ne~nt pe~ee #a I•~m ~ ~~Y• ~ ~I~ Ia~C rear d~kw ~am~ ~ the ~ r'~ ~ lid rrr$ irk ~~ar #hnn ~ f~onr d~ #Iler ~f ~eeae Y~ ~ Na E. fe IIra [Iler ~ gbnneire rece~ a lrel~ r~ tm~b~c ~ men# In~an~ ar ~ ~ #ha Ip~l ~t o~Iaer ~ a ih6 s~dfon ~ il~t~ Inoo~a Id nok resod ~~om ~s ~arnm~n~l ~ Y~ ~ Ida ~#h~ lift ~tl~ qu~tfi~nn~ eld k~r ~ carpnr or dyer ~u®inee~ w~ t #O ~rh6d4 I ~ ~mant r r ~ ~ e~6~ar ~ ~kr, cr hoada an aenelsl~ el` 1 ~ ~r rr7 ❑ D. ~ ~Illfe~c~ ~r lIn~ ~a~a~hip. ~ 1~1~JI'~ ~f FIB . pne ~ p bu~lnee~ rr~h t~ ~o~rnirmn~l en~ICjr , ~ . ~4 F AFB .  a C~TYOF DENTIN THREE YEAR CONTRACT FOR ASPHALT ANp CONCRETE sTR~ET sETIDNS ANp REPAIR sER111CE t~~dar~ ~u~c~.~~ Te~.s n~ o~d~t~ons These standard Terms and Conditions and the Terms and Conditions, Specifications, Drawings and other requirer~ents included in the City of Denton's solicitation are applicable to Contracts~Purchae orders issued by the City of Denton hereinaf#er referred to as the City or Buyer and the Seller herein after referred to as the Bidder, Contractor or Supplier. Any deviations must be in ~rriting .and signed by a representative of the Ci#y's Procurement Department and the supplier. Flo Terms and Conditions contained in the Sellers Proposal response, Invoice or Statement shall serve #o modify the terms set forth herein. If there is a conflict between the provisions on the face of the Contract~Purchase order these written pro~rision will take precedence By subrr~itfing an Offer in response to the Solicitation, the Contractor agrees that the Contract shall be governed by the following terns and conditions, unless excep#ions are duly noted and fully negotra#ed, Unless atherw~se spec~f~ed ~n the Contrac#, Sect~an 4, ~F 7, f and fi shall apply only #o a Solicitation to purchase Coods, and sections 9, ~ ~ ~ and shall apply only to a Bolici#ation to purchase Services #o be perforr~ed principally at the City's premises or on public rights-of~w~. ~ , C~NTRACTDR~S ~BLtATI~NS, The Contractor shall fu#ly and timely provide all deliverables described in the Solicitation and in the Contractor's offer in strict accordance with the terms, covenants, and conditions of the Contract and all applicable Federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regula#ions. Ii~FETIVE DATE~TE~I~I. Unless otherwise specified in the Solicitation, this Contract shall be effective as of the date the contrsct is signed the City, and shall continue in effect until all obligations are performed in accordance with the Contrac#, CDNTI~ACT~ T~ PACI~CAE DEt.~1~El~AB~.E~ The Contractor gill package deliverables in accordance with good cor~rnercial practice and shall include a packing list showing the description ~f each item, the quan#i#~ and unit price unless otherwise provided in the Specifications or Supplemental Terms and Conditions, each shipping container shall be clearly ar~d perr~anently marked as follows; ~a~ The Cor~trac#or's nave and address, fib} the City's nsr~e, address and purchase order or purchase release number and the price agreement number if applicable, ~c} - Container number and total number of containers, e.g~ box ~ of ~ boxes, and ~d~ the n~r~ber of the con#ainer bearing the packing lis#. Tne Con#ractor shall bear cost of packaging Deliverables shall _ be suitably packed to secure lowest transports#ion casts and to conform #o all the requirements of con~rnon carriers and any applicable specification, The City~s count or weight shall be final ar~d conclusive on shipments not accor~panied by packing lists, 4. H~~~IENT I~IMIDER i~ES~R1~ATl~N P~H~BIT~D; The Contractor is not authorised to ship the deliverables under reservation and na tender of a bill of lading gill operate as a tender of deliverables. TiT~,~ RISC ~F L~: Title #o and risk of loss of the deliverables shall pass to the City only when the City actually receives and accepts the deliverables DEI~IV~R~ TERMS AND TRANPDRTAT~DN C~ARGE~ Deliverables shall be shipped PAF ~F !FB#~9~~ CITY ~Ir pE~TON THREE YEAS CONTRACT FAR AsPHAI,T A~1D C~~IC~ETE sTREET ECT~~NS AID REPAIR sERV~CEs F.D,B. point of delivery unless otherwise specified in the Supplemental Te~n~s and Conditians. finless otherwise stated in the offer, the Contractors price shall be deemed to include ail delivery and transportation charges, The City shall have the right to designate what method of transportation shall be used to ship the deliverabCes~ The place of delivery shall be that set forth the purchase orderF ~ . 1. RIGHT ~F ~NPECTI~N AND ~EJECT~N; The City expressly reserves ~I[ rights under law, includin but nat limited to the Uniform Comrnerciai Code; to inspect the deliverables at delivery before accepting there, and to reject defective ar non~conform~ng del~verabies. If the City has the right to inspect the ~ontractorrs, or the Cantractor's Subcontractor's, facilities, or the deliverables at the Contractor's, or the Cantractor's Subcontractor's, premises, the Contractor shall furnish, or cause to be furnished, without additions! charge, all ~easanable facilities and assistance to the City . to facilitate such inspection. 8, N~ ~EPLACEI~ENT 0~ DEF`ECTI~IE TENDER; Every tender or delivery of deliverables must fully comply with all provisions of the Contract as to time of deli~rery, quality, and quantity. Any nan~ . complying tender shall constitute a breach and the Contractor shall not have the right to substitute a conforming tender; provided, where the time for perfarmance has not yet expired, the Contractor may notify the City o the intention to cure and may then make a canforming tender within the time allotted in the contract PLACE A~iD CDNDITI~N ~F` wDRI~; The City shall provide the Contractor access to the sites where the Contractor is to perforr~ the services as required in order for the Contractor to perform the services in a timely and efficient manner, in accordance with and subject to the applicable security laws, rules€ and regulations. The Cantractar acknowledges that it has satisfied itself as to the nature of the City's service requirements and specificatians, the location and essential - characterlstics of the worl~ sites, the quality and quantity of materials, equipment, labor and facilities necessary to perform the services, and any ather condition or state of fact which could in any way affect performance of the Contractor's obligations under the contract. The Contractor hereby releases ar~d holds the City harmless from and against any liability or claim far damages of any kind or nature if the actual site, including premises and special defects, or service conditions differ from expected conditions. ~ g. w~RKIr~RCE A. The Contractor shall employ only orderly and competent workers, skilCed in the performance of the services which they will perform under the Contract. B, The Contractor, its employees, subcontractors, and subcontractor's employees may eat while engaged in participating or responding to a solicitation or while in the course and scope of delivering goods orservices under a City of Qenton contract ar an the City's property . i. use ar possess a firearm, including a concealed handgun that is licensed under sta#e law, except as required by the terms of the contract; ar ii. use or passers alcoholic or other intoxicating beverages, illegal drugs or controlled substances, nor ray such workers Ise intoxicated, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, on the job. C, If the City or the City's representative notifies the Contractor that any worker is incompetent, disorderly ar disobedient, has knavuingly or repeatedCy violated safety regulation, has possessed any ~irearrn, or has possessed or was under the influence of alcohol or drugs on the jab, the Contractor shall immediately remove such worker from Contract services, and may eat employ such worker again on Contract services without the City's. priorwrittn consent. Immigration: The Cantractar represents and warrants that it shah comply with the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of ~~98 and ~99a regarding en~ployrnent verification and PACE 2~ AFB #~~?4 C[TY~P DI~NTOh! TNR~~ YEAR ~~ITRACT ~~R AsPHALT ANp Ca[~~R~T~ sTRE~T s~CTI~NS ANp Fi~PA~R sERVIC~~ retention of verification forms far any individuals hired an ar after l~avernber , ~ 98~, who will erforrn an labor or services ender the Contract and the Illegal Irr~rni~ration Reform and In~igrant p Y l~iespansibilityAtt of ~ 9 ~"I I RI IAA} enacted on September 4, ~ 99. CD~PLIA~Ci~ 'WITH H~A~,TH~ AF~TY~ ANA ~IIIVCR~NIVI~I~TAI~ R~GUI~ATi~N: The Contractor, itfs Subcontractors, and their respective en~plvyees, shall comply fully with all applicable federal, state, and local health, safety, and environmental iav~rs, ordinances, rules and regulations in the perfo~n~ance of the services, including but not limited to those promulgated by the Cit~r and by the occupational Safety and Health Administration ~~SHA~. incase of conflict, the mast stringent safety requirement shall govern. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against all claims, demands, suits, actions, ~.udgments, fines, penalties and liability of every kind arising from the breach of the Cantractarfs obligations under this paragraph. ~nvlromm~tal Protection The Despondent shall be in compliance with aII applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the mandates of the Clean Air Act U. , C. ~4~~ o~ seq.} and the Federal dater Pollution Control Act, as amended, ~ U.S.C. ~2~'i e~ seq.}, ~ IIVVDICE: A. The Contractor shall submit separate invoices in duplicate on each purchase order ar purchase release afker each delivery. If partial shipments ar deliveries are authorized by the City, a separate invoice must be sent for each shipment or delivery made. B. Proper Invoices must include a unique invoice number, the purchase order or delivery order number and the master agreement number if applicable, the epartment~ I~arne~ and the Warne of tlne point of contact for the ~epartrnent. Invoices shall be iterr~ized and transportation charges, if any, shall be listed separately. A copy of the bfll of lading and the freight raybill, when applicable, shall be attached to the invoice. The Contractors Warne, remittance address and, if applicable, the tax identification number on the invoice must exactly rr~atch the information in the llendor~s registration with the City. Unless otherwise instructed in writing, the City may rely an the remittance address specified on the Contractors invoice. Invoices for iabar shall include a copy of all time«sheets v~rith trade labor rate and deliverables order number clearly identified, Invoices shall also include a tabulation of ~rark~haurs t the appropriate rates and grouped bywark order number. Time billed far iabarshall be limited to hours actually ~rorked at the ~rark site, Unless otherv~rise expressly authorized in the Car~tract, the Contractor shall pass through all Subcontract and other authorized expenses t actual cost r~ithout markup. I". I*ederl excise taxes, State takes, ar City sales tastes must not be included in the invoiced arnount~ The City will furnish a tax escernptian certificate upon request. ~ PAY~I*NT; A. All proper invoices need to be sent to Accounts Payable. Approved invoices will be paid ~rithin thin 3a calendar da s of the City's receipt of the deliverables ar of the invoice being received in y~ ~ Y Accounts Payable, ~uhichever is later. B. if pa n~ent is not timeCy made, per paragraph ~4}; interest shall accrue on the unpaid y balance at the lesser of the rate pec~f~ed in Texas government Code Section or the maxirrrum lawful rate; except if payment is not tln~ely made for a reason for which the ity nay withheld payment hereunder, interest shall not accrue until ten 0~ calendar days after the grounds forwithholding payment have been resolved. C~ If parfial shipments or deliveries are authari~ed by the City, the Contractor v~ill be paid far the partial ~A~ AFB #4974 ~TY~ D~I~IT~N THREE YEAR ~NTRACT 1=aR AsPNALT ANA C~N~R~TE sTREET sECTI~IVS ANA REPAID sERV~Es shipment or delivery, as stated above, provided that the invoice r~atches the shiprnent ar delivery. D. The City nay withhold ar set off the entire payment or park of any payment otherwise due the Contractor to such extent as may be necessary on account of; i. delivery of defective ar nonconforming deliverables by the Contractor; ii. third party clair~s, which are not covered by the insurance which the Contractor is required to provide, are filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such ciairs; iii failure of the Contractor to pay ubcantractor, or for labor, materials ar equipment; iv, damage to the property of the City or the City's agents, e~ployees ar contractors, which is not covered by insurance required to be pavided by the Contractor; v, reasonable evidence that the Contractor's obligations will not be completed within the time specified in the Contract, and that the unpaid balance would na# be adequate to cover actual or liquidated damages far the anticipated delay; vi~ failure of the Contractor to submit proper invoices with purchase order nurnber, with all required attachments and supporting dacumenta#ion; or vii. failure of the Contractor to comply with any material provision of the Contract Documents. Notice is hereby given that any awarded firr~ who is in arrears to the City of Denton far delinquent taxes, the City may offset indebtedness awed the City through payment withholding. l', Payrnen# will be made by checlt ar ACH unless the parties n~utualiy agree to payment by credit card or other electronic jeans such a wire transfer of funds, The Contractor agrees that there shall be no additional charges, surcharges ar penalties to the City far payments made by credit card ar electronic funds transfer. The awarding ar continuation of this contract is dependent upon the availability of funding. The City#s payment obligations are payable only and solely from funds Appropriated and available far this contract The absence of Appropriated or other lawfully available funds shall render the Contract null and void to the extent funds are not appropriated ar available and any deliverables delivered but unpaid shall be returned to the Contractor. The City shall provide the Cantractar written native of the failure of the City to made an adequate Appropriation far any fiscal gear to pay the amounts due under the Contract, or the reduction of any Appropriation to an ar~aunt insufficient to permit the City to pay its abligat~ons under the Contract. In the event of none or inadequate appropriation of funds, there wil! be no penalty nor removal fees charged to the City. ~ TRA1~~L ~~CPEN~; ~Il travel, lodging and per diem expenses in connection with the Contract shall be paid by the Contractor, unless otherwise stated in the contract terns. ~ ~I~VA~#.., PAYI~I~I'VT Ai~D CLE~~UT~ A. if a DB~~M~~IVB~ Program Plan is agreed to and the Cantra~tor has identified Subcontractors, the Cantractar i required to submit a Contract Clos~~ut MS~IUl~B~ Compliance Report to the Purchasing Manager na later than the ~ nth calendar day after completion of ail work under the contract. l*inai payment, retainae, or bath may be withheld if the Cantrstar i not in compliance vuith the requirements as accepted by the City. B~ The mal~ing and acceptance of final payment gill constitute; . i. a waiver of all claims by the City against the Contractor, except claims which have been previously aserked in writing and not yet settled arising Pram defective work appearing after final inspection, arising from failure of the Contractor to comply with the Contract or the terms of any warranty specified herein, ~G~ arising from the Contractor's continuing obligations under the Contract, including but not limited to indemnity and warranty obligations, or arising under the City's right to audit and ii. a waiver of all claims by the Contractor against the City other than those previously asserted in writing and not yet settled. ~ P~CIAL T~~L & TAT ~C~UIPM~I~T: If the price stated on the Dffer includes the cast of PAS 2~ i+ ~i"~ #~9~~4 IT~'~F DNT~N TNRE~ YEAR ~NTRAT FDR APHA~.T ANp CC~NCR~T~ sTR~FT sECTIDNS A~~ REPAIR s~I~vlC~s an eaial taalin or s ecial test equipment fabricated or required by the Contractor far the Y ~ 9 ~ purpose of i'illin this order, such special tooling equipment and any process sheets related thereto shall became the property of the City and shall be identified by the Contractor a such. ~ RIGHT T~ AItDIT: A. The Contractor agrees that the representatives of the office of the City ~uditar ar other authorised representatives of the City shall have access ta, and the right to audit, examines or reproduces, any and all records of the Contractor related to the performance under this Contract The Contractor shall retain all such records for a period of four ~4~ }rears after final payment on this Contract or until all audit and litigation natters that the City has brought to the attention of the Contractor are resolved, whichever Es longer, The Contractor agrees to refund to the City any averpayn~ents disclosed by any such audit B~ The Contractor shall include section a. above in all subcontractor agreements entered into in connection with this Contract. ~8. UBCONTRACT~R~~ A. If the Contractor identified Subcontractors in a D~~~MBEIV~B~ agreed to Plan, the Contractor shall comply ~vith all requirements appra~ied by the City, The Contractor shall not initially employ r any Subcontractor e~ccept as provided irr the Contractor's Plan The Contractor shall not substitute any Subcontractor identified in the Pian, unless the substitute has been accepted by the City in uvriting. i~o acceptance by the City of any Subcontractor shall constitute a wai~rer o~ any rights ar remedies of the City with respect to defecti►~e deliverables provided by a Subcontractor if a Plan has been approved, the Contractor is additionally required to submit a Monthly Subcontract swards and expenditures Repor# to the Procurement ivlanager, na later than the tenth calendar day of each n~onth~ 6.11vork performed for the Contractor by a Subcontractor shall be pursuant to a written contract between the Contractor and Subcontractor. The terms of the subcontract may not conflict with the terms of the Contract, and shall contain provisions that: i. require that all d~iiverabies to be provided by the subcontractor be provided in strict accordance with the provisions} pepifications and terms of the Contract; ii. rohibit the Subcontractor from further subcontracting any portion of the Contract without p the prior vuritten consent of the City and the Car~tractor. The City may require, as a cond~t~vn to such further subcontracting, that the Subcontractor past a payment band in form, substance and amount acceptable to the City; iii. require Subcontractors to submit all invoices and applications for payments, including any claims far additional payments, damages or athervuie, to the Contractor in sufficient time to enable the Contractor to include same with its invoice ar application far payment to the City in accordance with the terms of the Contract; iv. require that ail Subcontractors obtain and maintain, throughout the term of their contract, insurance in the type and amounts specified for the Contractor, with the City being a nar~ed insured as its interest shall appear; and v. require that the Subcontractor indemnify and hold the City harrriless to the same extent as the Contractor is required to indemnify the City. . C. The Contractor shall tae fully responsible to the pity for all acts and orissions of the Subcontractors just as the Cantract~or i responsible for the Contractor's awn acts and anissions~ Nathin in the Contract shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontractor any contractual g relat~onh~p between the City and any such Subcontractor, nor shall it create any obligat~an an the part of the City tv pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any such Subcontractor except as may otherwise be required by law, D~ The Contractor shall pay each Subcontractor its pprapriate share of payments made to the Contractor not later than ten 0} calendar days after receipt of payment from the City. PAS ~ IB #974 CITY ~F ~~~TaN THREE YEAR Ca~[TRACT FAR As~~ALT ANp caNCR~TE sTR~ET ~cTI~N AND R~PA~R sERV~cEs ~ 9, WARRANTY-PRICK: . A. The Contractor warrants the prices quoted in the offer are no higher than the Contractor's current ricer on orders by ethers far like deliverables under similar terms of purchase. p 'out The C~ntractar certifies that the prices in the offer have been arrived at ~r~dependentfy with consultation, car~r~unication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating tv such fees with any other firrr~ or with any competitor. in addition to any other remedy available, the City may deduct from any amount awed to the Contractor, or otherwise recover, any arnvunts paid for iterr~ in excess of the Contractor3s current prices on orders by others far Cike deliverables under similar terms of purchase. ~4, WARRANTY ~ TiT>..~: The Contractor warrants that it has gaud and indefeasible title to ail deliverables furnished under the Contract, and that the deliverables are free and clear of all liens, . claims, security interests and encumbrances, The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against ail adverse titCe claims to the deliverables, , wARRAIVTY - ~~~~VERABL~: The Contractor warrants and represents that all deliverables sold the City under the Contract shall be free from defects in design, workmanship or rr~anufacture, ar~d conform in all material respects to the specifications} drawings, and descriptions in the oiicitation, to any samples furnished by the Contractor, to the terms, covenants and conditions of the Contract, and to all applicable state, Federal yr local laws, rules, and regulations, and industry cods and standards, Unless otherwise stated in the oiicitatian, the deiive~ables shall be ne~u or recycled merchandise, and not used or r~canditioned~ A. Recycled deliverables shall be clearly identified as such. The Contractor may not limit, exclude or disclaim the foregoing v~rarranty ar any ~rarranty implied by law; ar~d any attempt to da so shall be without force or effect. C. finless otherwise specified in the Car~tract, the v~arranty period shall be at feast one year from the date of acceptance of the deliverables ar from the date of acceptance of any replacement deliverabCes, If during the warranty period, one or mare of the above warranties are breached, the Contractor shall promptly upon receipt of demand either repair the r~on-conforming deCiverables, or replace the non~canforrning deliverables with fully canforrning deliverabCes, at the City's option and at no additional cast to the City All costs incidental to such repair or replacement, including but not limited to, any packaging and shipping costs shall be borne exclusively by the Cantractor~ The City shall endeavor to give the Contractor written notice of the breach of warranty within thirty €0~ calendar days of discovery of the breach of warranty, but failure to give timely notice shall not impair the City's rights under this section. C~. if the Contractor is unabCe yr unwilling to repair ar replace defective ar non-conforming deliverables as required by the City, then in addition to any other available remedy, the City may reduce the quantity of deliverables it may be required to purchase under the Contract from the Contractor, and purchase canforn~ing deliverables from other sources, fn such event, the Contractor shall pay to the City upon demand the increased cost, if any, incurred by the City to procure such deliverables from a~ather source. if the Contractor is not the manufacturer, and the deliverables are covered by a separate manufacturer's ~rarranty, the Contractor shat! transfer and assign such manufacturer's warranty to the Cit~r. if for any reason the manufacturer's warranty cannot be fully transferred to the City, the Contractor shall assist and cooperate Frith the City to the fullest extent to enforce such manufacturer's warranty for the benefit of the City wA~RANTY ~RUIC~; The Contractor warrants and represents that ail services to be provided the City under the Contract will be fully and tirneiy performed in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance Frith generally accepted industry standards and practices, the terms, PAS 0 aF lFB ~497~ CITE ~F ~~~NTUN THREE YEAR oNTRAT FUR AsPHAE~T AND CoNCRETI~ STREET sECTIUNS AND REPAIR sERVICEs conditions, and covenants of the Contract, and all applicable Federal, State and Iocal laws, rules or regulations. A. The Contractor nay not lirr►it, exclude ordiaclairn the foregoing warranty or anywarrar~ty implied by lair, and any attempt to do o shall be without farce or effect. E~. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the warranty period shall be at least one year franc the Acceptance Date. If during the warranty period, one ar more of the above warranties are breached, the Contractor shall promptly upon receipt of demand perform the services again in accordance with above standard at no additionaE cost to the City. AEI casts incidental to such additional perrorr~ance shall be borne by the Contractor. The City shall endeavor to give the Contractor written notice of the breach of warranty within thirty ~~D~ calendar days of discovery of the breach warranty, but failure to give timely notice shall not impair the City's rights under this section. C. if the Contractor is unable or unwilling to perform its services in accordance with the above standard as required by the City, then in addition to any other available rerr~edy, the City may reduce the amount of services it may be required to purchase under the Contract l'ror~ the Contractor, and purchase conforming services #ram other sources. In such event, the Contractor .shall pay to the City upon demand the increased cast, if any, incurred by the City to procure such services from anothersaurce. ACC~P~`ANC~ INC~l1~~L>~TE OR N~N~G~NI~~R~ING Dt_1~1ERABI~~~ If, instead of requiring immediate correction ar removal and replacement of defective or non-conforming deEiverables, the City prefers to accept it, the City ray do so, The Contractor shall pay all claims, casts, lasses and damages attributable to the City's evaluation of and determination to accept such defective or nonconforming deliverables. If any such acceptance occurs prior to final payment, the City ray deduct such amounts as are necessary to compensate the City for the di~inished value of the defective or non-conforming deliverables. if the acceptance occurs after final payment, such arr~ountgill be refunded to the City by the Contractor. . ~4. RIGHT TG ASUI~ANC~: whenever one party to the Contract in good faith has reason to question the other party's intent to perfarrn, demand ray be made to the other{ party far written assurance of the intent to perfarrn.~ In the event that no assurance is given within the tune specified after demand is made: the demanding party may treat this failure as an anticipatory repudiation of the Contract, Z~. STEP wGRK N~~'1CE; The City may issue an immediate Stap IlVark Notice in the event the Contractor i observed performing in a manner that i in violation of FederaE, State, or local guidelines, or in a manner that is determined by the City to be unsafe to either life or property. Upon notification, the Contractor will cease all warp untiE notified by the City that the violation ar unsafe condition has been corrected. The Contractor shall be liable for alE casts incurred by the City a a result of the issuance of such Stop livork Notice. D~FAUL~~. fibs Contractor shall be in default under the Contract if the Contractor ~a} fails to fully, tin~el}v and faithfully perl:orrn any of its material obligations under the Contract, fib} fails to provide adequate assurance of perrormar~ce under Paragraph ~4, ~c} became insolvent or seeks reEief under the bankruptcy lags of the United States or ~d~ makes a material misrepresentation in Contractor's Offer} ar in any report or deEiverable required to be submitted by the Contractor to the City. ~7. T~R~i[NATi~N F0~ CA~J~: In the event of a default by the Contractor, the City shall have the right to terminate the Contract far cause, by written notice effective ten D} calendar days, unless otherwise specified, after the date of such notice, unless the Contractor, within such ten PAE~~ ~F ~FB#4974 ` CIT~~F D~NT~N TREE YEAS C~NTR~cT FOR AsPH~I~T AID CQNRETE STREET EpTipNS ANp REPAIR RV[CE~ ~ ~ da period, cures such default, or pro~rides evidence sufficient to prove to the City's { ~ Y reasonable atisf~ctian that such default does not, in fact, exist. In addition to any other remedy available under la~u or in equity, the City shall be entitled to recover all actual damages, costs, losses and expenses, incurred by the City as a result of the Contractor}s default, including, ~vithout limitation, cast of saver, reasonable attorneys' fees, court casts, end prejudgment and post ~ud ment interest at the rnaxin~um laful rate. Additionally, in the event of default by the ~ g Contractor, the City may rer~ave the Contractor from the Cityfs vendor list far three years and an offer submitted by the Contractor may be disqualified far up to three {3} years. All rights and y remedies under the Contract are cumulative and are not exclusive of any other right or remedy provided by ~av~~ TERM~NATI~h! V1~lTH~I~T CAUSE. The City shall have the right to terminate the Contract, in ~rhole or in part, without cause any time upon thirty {g~ calendar days' prior ~vritten native, Upon receipt of a native of terr~inativn, the Contractor shall promptly cease ail further ~rork pursuant to the Contract, u~ith such exceptions, if any, specified in the notice of termination. The City shall pay the Contractor, to the extent of funds Appropriated or otherv~ise legally available far such purposes, far all Dods delivered and services performed and obligations incurred prior to the date of g termination in accordance v~ith the terms hereof. FRA~JD; Fraudulent statements by the Contractor an any offer or in any report or deliverable required to be submitted by the.Contravtor to the City shall be grounds far the termination of the Contract for cause by the City and may result in legal action. ~0. ~~L~AYS: A, The Cit ma delay scheduled delivery or other due dates ley Britten notice to the Contractor if Y y. F of the ~ror~ the City deems ~t ~s ~n its best interest. If such delay causes an increase ~n the cost under the Contract, the City and the Contractor shall negotiate an equitable adaustrnent far costs incurred by the Contractor in the Contract price and execute an amenCitynt to the Contract. The Contractor must assert its right to an adjustment ~rithin thirty {fig} calendar days from the date of revel t of the notice of delay. Failure to agree an any adjusted price shall be handled under the p Dis ute Resolution process specified in paragraph ~9, Ho~rever, nothing in this provision shall p excuse the Contractor fram delaying the delivery as natified~ B, Neither arty shall be liable for any default or delay in the performance of its obligations under P this Contract if, chile and to the extent such default or delay is caused by acts of God, fire, rots, civil comn~ation, lobar disruptions, sabotage, sovereign conduct, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of such Party, In the event of default or delay in contract performance due to an of the foregoing vauses, then ~ the time for completion of the services vuiil be extended; y rovided, horever, in such an event, a conference v~i4l be held ~vithin three business days to establish a mutually agreeable period of time reasonably necessary to overcame the effevt of such failure to perform. 3~, I~D~IV~NITY: A. ~efinitiona i, "Indemnified Clairns'r shall include any and all claims, demands, suits, causes of action, judgments and liability of every vharacter, type ar description, including all reasonable casts and expenses of litigation, mediation or other alternate dispute resolution mechanism, includin attorney and other professional fees forF }damage to or lass of the property of any person {including, but not l~r~~ted to the City, the Contractor, their respective agentsi officers, employees and subcontractors; the officers, agents, and employees of such ubcantractars; and third parties; andfor death, bodily injury, illness, disease, vuorkers' corn ensation, lass of services, or loss of income or wages to any person {including but not p RAGE 3~ CAF IFS ~49~4 CITY OF DENTIN THEE YEAR CONTRACT FAR As~HALT ANA C~NRETE sTREET sECTIO~s AND REPAIR sERVIEs limited to the agen#, officers and employees of the City, the Contractor, the Contractor's subcontractors, and third parties, ii. "Fault" shat! include the sale of defective or non conforming deliverables, negligence, willful rniseonduct or a breach of any legally irnpcsed strict liability standard, B. THE C~~ITRACT~R SHALL DEFEND SAT THE ~PTI~N ~F THE ~ITY~, ItVD~MNIFY, AND HELD THE CITY, ITS SUCE~R, AIN, OFFICER, ~MPL~YEE AID ELECTED OFFICIALS HARMLE FRAM AND A~AINT ALL INDEMNIFIED CLAIM DIRECTLY ARIII~1 OUT OF, II~CII~ENTAL TD, COI~fCERNIN OR REULTIN FROM THE FAl~L7 DF THE C~t~TRACT~R, ~R THE CONTRACTOR' AGENT, EMPLOYEES OR tJI~CGNTRACTORa IIV THE PERFORMAhtCE DF THE CONTRACTGR' GILIGATI~N . DNDI~R THE CC~tVTRACT. I~GTHIIU HEREIN SHALL DID DEEMEq TO ~.IMIT THE RIOH~' OF THE CITY OR THE CGNTRACTOR ~INCLUDINO, BtaT NOT LIMITED TO, THE RIGHT TO EEI~ CONTRIBUTION AGAINST ANY THIRD PARTY wHC~ MAY LIABLI~ FGR AN INDEMI~I~'IED } CLAIM. 2. lNURAIVCE~ The following insurance requirements are applicable, in addition to the specific insurance requirements detailed in Attachment . The successful firm shall procure and maintain insurance of the types and in the minimum amounts acceptable to the City of Denton. The ~ insurance shall be written by a company licensed to do business in the State of Texas and satisfactory to the City of Denton. A~ General Requirements, i. The Contractor shall at a minir~urn carry insurance in the types and amounts indicated and agreed to, a submitted to the City ar~d approved by the City within the procurement racers, far the duration of the Contract, including e~ctensian options and hold over periods, p and during any warranty period ii, The contractor shall provide Certificates of Insurance with the coverage's and endorsements required to the City as verif iatian of coverage prior to contract execution and within fourteen ~~4} calendar days after written request from the City, Failure to provide the required Certificate of Insurance may subject the offer to drqualificatian frarn consideration far award The Contractor must also forward a Certificate of Insurance to the City whenever a previously identified policy period has expirod, or an extension option ar hold over periad is exercised, as verification of continuing coverage. iii. The Contractor shall net carrnence work until the required insurance is obtained and until such insurance has been revie~ved by the City. Approval of insurance by the City shall net relieve ar decrease the liability of the Contractor hereunder and shall not be construed to be a limitation of liability on the part of the Contractor. iv. The Contractor must submit certificates of insurance to the City far ail subcontractors prier to the subcontractors commencing work on the project, v, The Contractor's and all subcontractors' insurance coverage shall be written by corn anies licensed to do lousiness in the State of Texas at the time the policies are issued and shall be written by can~panies with A.. Best ratings of A-1111 or Ioet~e~. The City Mill eccept workers' compensation coverage written by the Texas workers' Cor~pensation Insurance Fund vi. Afl endarsernents naming the City as Additional Insured, wai~rers of subrogation, and notices of cancellation endorsements ~s well a the Certificate of Insurance shall contain the solicitation number and the following lnforrnationF City of Denton Materials lVlanagement Department g4~B Texas Btreet Denton, Texas X209 PAS 33 ~F lFB #4~7~4 CITY q~NT~N T~~~~ ~o~ ~s~~~L~ co~uc~~~~ s~~~~r s~c~~o~s ~~a ~~v~c~ t~ii. The ~othe~' insurance clause shall not apply to the City ~rhere the City i an Additional Insured shorn on any policy, It is intended that policies required in the Contract, covering bath the City and the Contractor, shall be considered primary coverage as applicable. viii. if insurance policies are not ~uritten far amounts agreed to pith the City, the Contractor shall carry lrJrnbrella or Excess Liability Insurance for any differences in amounts specified. If Excess Liability Insurance is provided, it shall folio the form of the primary caverae.~ lx. The City shall be entitled, upon request, at an agreed upon location, ar~d r~ithout expense, to revie certified copies of palicies and endorsements thereto and may make any reasonable requests for deletion or revision or rnadification of particular policy terms, conditions, limitations, or exclusions except There policy pro~risior~s are established by la~ or regulations binding upon either of the parties hereto or the under~rriter on any such palicies. x. The City reserves the right to revieu~ the insurance requirements set forth during the effective period of the Contract and to make reasonable adjustments to insurance coverage, limits, and exclusions ~rhen deemed necessary and prudent by the City based upon changes in statutory laver, court decisions, the claims history of tho industry or financial condition of the insurance cor~pany as v~ell as the Contractor. xi. The Contractor shall not cause any insurance to be canceled nor permit any insurance to lapse during the term of the Contract or a required in the Contract, xii. The Contractor shall be responsible for premiums, deductibles and self-insured retentions, if any, stated in palicies, All deductibles or self-insured retentions shall be disclosed on the Certificate of Insurance, xiii. The Contractor shall endeavor to provide the City thirty ~g~ calendar days' Britten native of erosion of the aggregate limits belay occurrence limits for all applicable coverage's indicated v~ithin the Contract xiv. The insurance coverage's specified in ~vithin the solicitation and requirer~ents are required r~inimums and are not intended to limit the responsibility or ,liability of the Contractor. . specific Coverage Requirements: Specific insurance requirements are contained in the solicitation instrument. 3. LAIC; if any claim, demand, suit, or other action is asserted against the Cantractar ~vhich arises under or concerns the Contract, or Which could have a~ material adverse affect on the Contractor}s ability to perform thereunder, the Contractor snail give written notice thereof to the City v~ithin ten calendar days after receipt of notice by the Cantractar, Such notice to the City shall state the date of notification of any such claim, demand, suit, or other action; the naves and addresses of the clain~ant~}; the basis thereof; and the name of each person against ~uhom such claim is being asserted; such notice shall be delivered personally or by mail ar~d shall be sent to the City and to the Denton City Attorney. Personal delivery to the City Attorney shall be to City l-loll, East Mcl~Cinr~ey Street, Denton, Te~cas 7~~g~. 4. N~TIES; finless otherise specified, ail notices} requests, or other communications required or appropriate to be given under the Contract shall be it v~riting and shall be deeed delivered three business days after postmarked if sent by L1.S. Postal Service Certified or Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested. Notices delivered by other ears shall be deemed delivered upan receipt by the addressee. Routine cor~munications may be made by first class mail, telefax, or other comrr~ercially accepted means. Natives to the Cantractar shall be sent to the address specified in the Contractor's offer, ar at such other address as a party nay natif~i the other in v~riting. Notices to the City shat! be addressed to the City at g0~ ~ Texas Street, Denton, Texas 76~Og and rnari'Cod to the attention of the Purchasing Manager PAS 4 0~ IFS #474 CITY ~ ~ENTN THREE YEAR C~~ITRACT EAR APHA~.T AND CONCRETE s~'REET sECTI~NS ACID REPAIR sERV~CEs IHT T~ BID, ~R~~~AL AIV~ C~I~TI~ACTUAL ~IAT~RIAL; All material submitted by the Contractor to the City shall becor~e property of the City upar receipt, Any partior~s a~ such material claimed by the Contractor to be proprietary must be clearly marked as such, Determination of the public nature of the material is subject to the Texas Public lnforrnatior Act, Chapter and Texas avernment Code, N~ V1~ARRAI~TY' ~Y CITY AAINT INFRINEMEh~T; The Contractar represents and -warrants to the City that: ~i} the Contractor shall provide the City good and indefeasible title to the deliverables .and iii} the deliverables supplied by the Contractor in accordance with the specifications in the Contract gill not infringe, directly ar contributorily, any patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, or any other intellectual property right of any kind of any third partyf that no . claims have been made by any person or entity with respect to the ownership or operation of the deliverables and the Contractor does not know of any valid basis for any such claims. The Contractor shall, at its sole expense, defend, indernify, and hail the City harmless from and against all liability, damages, and casts ~inciuding court casts ar~d reasonable fees of attorneys and other profesianals~ arising out of or resulting from; ~i} any claim that the City's exercise anywhere it the world of the rights associated with the City's' ownership, and'if applicable, license rights, and its use of the deliverables infringes the ir~teflectual property rights o~ ar~y third party; ar iii} the Contractor's breach of any of Contractor's representations ar warranties stated ire this Contract. In the event of any such ciairn, the City shall have the right to rnonitar such claim ar at its option engage its awn separate counsel to act as co~counsel an the City's behalf. further, Contractor agrees that the City's specifications regarding the deliverables shall in no way diminish Cor~trctar's warranties ar obiiatians under this paragraph and the City makes na warranty that the production, development, or delivery of such deliverables will rat impact such warranties of Contractar. - ~IFIDENTIALITYa In order to rovide the deliverables to the City, Contractor may require p access to certain of the City's andlar its licensors' confiidential information including inventions, erployee infor~atian, trade secrets, confidential knaw~how, cat~fider~tial business infarrnation, and other inforrnatian which the City ar its licensors consider confidential} collectively} "Confidential Irfarrnation"}, Car~tractar acknowledges and agrees that the Confidential [nfarmatian is the valuable property of the City and~ar its licensors and any urauthari~ed use, disclosure, disserr~inatian, or ether release of the Confidential infarrnation will substantially inure the City and~or its licensors, The Contractor including its employees, subcor~tractarsx .agents, ar representatives} agrees that it will r~aintain the Confidential Inforrr~atian In strict confidence ar~d shall not disclose, disseminate, copy, divulge, recreate, or otherwise use the Confidential Int:ormation without the prior written consent of the City ar in a manner not expressly permitted under this Agreer~ent, unless the Confidential Infarrnatian is required to be disclosed by law ar ar order of any court ar other governmental authority with proper ~urisdictior, provEded the Contractor promptly ratifies the City before disclosing such infarrnation s.a as to permit the City reasonable time to seek an appropriate protective order, The Contractar agrees to use protective measures no less stringent than the Contractor uses within its awry business to protect its own mast valuable . inforrnatian, which protective measures shall under all circumstances be at least reasonable measures to ensure the continued confidentiality of the Confidential Infarmation~ ~wNE~Hi~ ACID SSE ~F gELl1~~t~A~LE; The City shall own ail rights, titles, and interests throughout the world in and to the deliverables, A, patents. A to any patentable subject matter contained in the deliverables, the Contractor agrees to disclose such patentable subject matter to the City. l~urther, if requested by the City, the Contractar a reel to assi n and, if necessary, cause each of its employees #o assign the entire g g PAGE 35 ~F lFB 49~~ t CI'I'Y~F ~~NTDN THREE YEAR DNTRAT AsPHALT AiV~ GaNCRETE sTR~ET SE~T~aN ADD RE~AlR sERVICEs right, title, and interest to specific inventions under such patentable subaect matter to the City and to executex acknowledge, and deliver and, if necessary, cause each of its employees to execute, . acknowledge, and deliver an assignr~ent of letters patent, in a form to be reasonably approved by the City, to the City upon request by the Cite Copyrights. As to any deliverables containing capyrightable subject matter, the Contractor agrees that upon their areatian, such deliverables shall be considered as work made-for-hire ~y the Contractor far the City and the City shall awn all copyrights in and to such deliverables, provided however, that nothing in this Paragraph 8 shad negate the City's sale or saint ownership of any such deliverables arising by virtue of the City's sale or~aint authorship of such deliverables should by operation of law, such deliverables not be cansidered works rnade~far-hire, the Contractor hereby assigns to the City hand agrees to cause each of its eployees providing services to the City hereunder to execute, acknowledge, and deliver an assignment to the City aft ail worldwide . right, title, and interest in and to such deliverables. With respect to such work made»for~hire, the Contractor agrees to execute, acknowledge, and deliver and cause each of its employees providing services to the City hereunder to execute, acknowledge, and deliver a v~ork~made-far hire agreement, in a form to be reasonably approved by the City, to the City upan delivery of such deliverables to the City or at such other time as the City nay request. C. Additional Assignments. The Contractor further agrees ta, and if applicable, cause each of its ernpiayee to, executer acknowledge, and deliver all applications, specificat~ans, oaths; assignments, and all other instruments which the City night reasonably deem necessary in order to apply far and obtain copyright protection, mask work registratianF trademark registration andlor protection, letters patent, or any similar rights in any and all countries and in order to assign and convey to the City, its successors, assigns and nominees, the sole at~d exclusive nigh#, title, and interest In and to the deliverables. The Contractor's abiigations to execute, acknowledge, and deliver {or cause to be executed, acknowledged, and delivered instruments or papers such as these described in this Paragraph 8 a., b., and c, shall continue after the termination of this Contract with respect to such deliverables, In the event the City should not seek to obtain copyright protection, mask uvork registration ar patent protection for any of the deliverables, but should desire to keep the same secret, the Contractor agrees to treat the same as Confidential lnfarmatian under the terms of Paragraph 7 above. ~9, P~~LIATI~i~: All published n~ateriai and written reports submitted under the Contract must be originally developed material unless otherwise specifically provided in the Contract, vvhen material not originally developed is included in a report in any farm, the source shall be ideritifiedF ~0. A~1~ERTlIN. The Contractor shall not advertise ar publish, without the City's prior consent, the fact tha# the City has entered into the Contract, except to the extent required by law. ~ N~ C~hl~'~NE~lT F~~: The Contractor warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure the Contract upan any agreement or understanding far commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees of bona fide established car~rnercial or selling agencies maintained by the Contractor far the purpose of securing business. For breach yr violation of this warranty, the City shall have the right, in addition to any other remedy available, to cancel the Contract without liability and to deduct frarr~ any amounts awed to the Contractor, ar atherw~se recover, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee, R~T'UiT'i~~ The City rnayf by written native to the Contractor, cancel the Contract without liability if it is determined by the City that gratuities were offered ar given by the Contractor or any agent ar representative of the Contractor to any officer ar employee of the City of entan with a view toward securing the Contract or securing favorable treatment wi#h respect to the awarding ar PACE 3~ ~F AFB #4974 lT~' D~i~lT~l~ RAE YEAR CONTRACT ~aR AsPHALT ADD CONCRETE sTREE~ s~pT[~~IS ANp RE~A1~ ERI~ICEs TH ' of n determinations with respect to the pe~forrning of such contract, In amending ar the making ~ e entitled e Contract i canceied by the City pursuant to this provision, the City she!! b , the event th ht end remedies to recover or withhold the amount of the cost incurred in addit~an to any other rig b the Contractor in providing~such gratuities. AAIhfT PER~NAt. ~NT~RET IN C~I~T~A~T; No officer, employee, 4~~ PR~H~~IT~~i~ devela meat ' dent consultant or elected official of the City who is involved in the p ~ndepen . cisian-r~akin rocess of the performance of any solicitation shat! have a financ~a evaluation, or de g p ul v~olat~on of this 'erect direct or indirect, in the cantract resulting from that solicitation. Any willf !nt F ' stitute ire ro riet in office, and any officer or employee guilty thereof she e section shall con p p y ~ ~ ~ is rovis~on with the subect to d~sc~ l~na act~an up to and ~ncludsng dismissa~~ Any v~olat~on of th p a ~ p he contract voidable b the City. knawled e, expressed ar implied, of the Contractor shall render t g ' ' Conflict of interest Questionnaire ~Attao~ment The Contractor shah complete and ubrn~t the City s F T~ACT~R: The Contract shah not be construed as creating an ~4~ IND~~~~D~iVT shad ern to ee relationshi , a partnership, or a joint ventureF The Contractor's services e[~ployer~ p Y p ds that the Contract be thaw of an inde endent contractor, The Contractor agrees and understan ~ ees of the Clt of Denton, Texas far dogs trot grant any rights or privileges established for employ y ` tax withholdin social security taxes, vacation or sick leave benefits, workers the purposes of ~ncorne g: ' 'o and cor►trol of cam ensation, ar any other City employee benefit. The City shad not have superv~si n to ee of the Contractor, and it is expressly understood that Contractor shall the Contractor or any ernp y eneral direction of the erfarrn the services hereunder according to the a~ached specifications at the g Cit Dana er of the Cit of Denton, Texas, ar his designee under this agreement; y ~ ~ - AT~~I~: The cantract shah be binding upon and ensure to the benef it of AINl~ENT DE~,E r that ' and the Contractor and their respective successors and assigns, provided haweve t the City ' he Contract shah be assigned and no obligation shad be delegated by the no right ar interest ire t or dele ation b Contractor without the riot written consent of the C~ty~ Any attempted assfignrnent g Y p be void unless made in conformity with this paragraph. The cantract ~s not the Contractor shall F ~ of it bein the ed to confer ri hts yr benefits on any person, firm ar entity net a paY beret , g intend ~ rect. intention of the attics that there are no third party beneficiaries to the Cont p or ri ht arisin aut~ of a breach of the cantract can be discharged in whale 4~.1~1~AlV~R. Na claim g g ~ F ' waiver or renunciation of the claim or right uniess the waver ar renunciation ~s or in part by a tiara and is in writ'rn si ned by the aggrieved party No waiver by either the supported by con~dera g g the Cit of an one or more events of default by the ether p~►rty shall operate as, or Contractor or y y der the cantract, or an be construed to be, ~ permanent waiver of any rights or obligations un ' ~ tance of an ether existing ar future default or defaults, whether of a express ar implied accep y similar ord~fferent character F be modified or amended only by a writing signed by bath 4~F II~DD~~ICATION~ The cantract can ' or similar terms on an the Contractor invoice, order ar ether document par#~es. No pre-panted Y . . arse ar effect to than e the termsF cavenantsf and car~d~tions of the Contract. shall have any f g :The Contract is intended by the parties as a final, complete and exclusive lNT~~I~R~TAT~~I~ the terms of their a reement~ loo course of prior dealing between the parties or course statement of g e of the trade shall be relevant to supplement ar explain any term used in of performance or usag h the Contract ma have been substantially drafted by one parley, it i the the Contract Alth~ug y attics readin ' of the attics that ali rovisians be construed in a manner to he fair to bath p ~ intent p p defined b the n~farm no rovisions more strictly against one party or the other. l~vhenever ~ term ~ p PACE 37 I~B #974 CITY ~F D~l1iT~~1 TI~RE~ ~~A~ CONTRACT ~aR APF~ALT ANA Ca~CR~T~ T~~~T sECT1~Ns ADD RE~A~R s~~Vl~s Cornr~ercil Code, as enacted by the Mate of Texaf is used in the Contract, the UCC definition shall control, unless otherwise del fined in the Contract. . ~9~ ~I~UT~ RES~LtJTI~i~; A~ if dis ute arises out of or relates to the Contract, ar the breach thereof, the porkies agree to p ` i the f ~l~n negotiate prior to prosecuting a suit for damages. However, thES sect~or~ does riot proh~b t g of a lawsuit to toll the running of ~ statute of iir~i~ations or to seek injunctive relief, Either pay may rr~ake a written re~ uest far meeting between representatives of each party within fourteen {14} calendar days after receipt of the request or such cater per~ad as agreed by the parties. Each party shad include, at a rninirnurn, one ~~}senior level individua~i with decisian~n~akir~g authority regardipg the dispute The purpose of this and any subsequent meeting is to attempt in good faith to negotiate a resolution of the dispute. If# within thirty ~3a~ calendar days after such meeting, the parties have not succeeded in pegatiating a resotutiar~ of the dispute, they wil! praceed. directly to mediation as described beio~u. Negotiation nay be waived by a written agree~ent signed by bath partied, in which event the porkies may praceed directly to media#ion as described below. 8. if the efarts to resolve the dispute through negotiation fail, or the parties waive the negotiation racers, the panties may select, within thirty ~g~ calendar days, a mediator trained in mediation p skiils to assist with resolution of the disputeF hauld they choose this option; the City and the Car~tractor agree to act in goad faith in the selection of the mediator and to give consideration to qualified individuals nominated tv act a mediator. Nothing in the Contract prevents the parties from relying op the skiils of a parson who is trained in the subject matter of the dispute or a contract interpretation expert. if the parties fail to agree on a mediator within thirty ~D~ calendar days of initiation of the mediation process, the mediator shall be selected by the Dentar~ County Alternative Dispute ~esolutian ~rograrn ~DC~~}. The parties agree to participate in r~ediatian in cad faith far up to thirty ~g}-calendar days from the date of the first mediation session, The Dity g and the Contractor will share the mediator's fees equally and the parties gill bear their awn costs of participation such as fees for any consultants ar attorneys they mar utilize to represent them ar otherwise assist them in the mediation. fig. JllRIDlCTIC~ AND 11Ehll~~F The Contract is rude under and shall be governed by the laws of the Mate of Texas, ir~ciudin, when applicable, the Uniform Cor~mercial Cade as adopted in Texas,ll.T.C,A,, ~us~ Carnrn. Cade, Chapter excluding any rule or principle that would refer to and apply the substantive law of another state or jurisdiction. Ali issues arising fror~ this Contract shall be resolved in the courts of Denton Caun#y, Texas ar~d the parties agree to submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of such courts. The foregoing, however, shall riot b construed ar interpreted #o limit ar restrict the right arability of the City to seek and secure injunctive relief from any competent authority as car~templated herein. 5~ ~ IN~ALI~~TY: The irivaiidit ills alit , ar ur~enfarceabiiity of any provision of the Contract shill Y~ g y in po .way affect the validity or er~for~eability of any other parkiop or provision of the Contract. Any void ravision shall be deemed severed from the Contract and the balance of the Contract shalt be p construed and enforced as if the Contract did nvt captain the particular portion ar provision held to be void., The parties further agree to reform the Contract to repiace any strickep provision with a valid praviion that comes as close a possible to the intent of the tricl~en provision. The ravisions of this section shall not prevent this eptire Contract frop~ being void shauid a provision p which is the essence of the Car~tract be determined to be void, HO~,I~AI~: The fallowing holidays are observed by the City DACE 38 i~B #~97~ ~ . DiTYOF DENTON THEE YEAR CDNTRA~T FAR ASPHALT ANR CONC~ET~ STREET sECTION AID REPAID SERVES New Fear's Day observed} - MLI~C Day Memorial Day 4th of J u ly - Lobar Day Thanksgiving Day - DayAfter Thanksgiving Christmas Eve ~observed~ Christmas Day observed} hlew Year's Da observed if a Legal Holiday falls on Saturday, it gill be observed on the preceding Friday. if a Legal Holiday falls are Sunday, it will be observed on the following Monday. Narn~ai hours of operation shall be between B;Og any and 4,g0 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding City of Denton Holidays, Any scheduled deliveries or work performance not within the normal hours of operation must be approved by the City Manager of Denton, Texas ar his authorized designee. SURVIVA~I~ITY OF OBLIGATIONS; All provisions of the Contract that impale continuing obli ations on the parties, including but not limited to the warranty, indemnity, and confidentiality ~ ~ ~ ~ obl~gatians of the parties, shall survi~re the expiration or term~natron of the Car~tract. ~4. NON-USP~NSiON D~BA~M~NT D~RTIFICATION: . The C`rty of Denton is prohibited from contracting with or making prime ar sub~awards to parties that are suspended or debarred or whose principals are suspended or debarred from Federal, State, or City of Denton Contracts. ~y accepting a Contract ~vith the City, the 1lendor certifies that its firm and its principals are not currently suspended ar debarred from doing business with the Federal Oo~vernnlent, as indicated by the general Services Administration List of Parties Bxcluded from Federal Procurement and Nan~Procurement Programs, the State of Texas, or the City of Denton. ~5, EQUAL OPPORTUNITY A. equal Employment Opportunity; No Offeror, ar Offeror's agent, shall engage in any discriminatory ernplayrnent practice. No person shall, on the grounds of race, sex, age, disability, creedr color, genetic testing, or national origin, be refused the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any activities resulting from this RF{. Americans with Disabilities Act DADA} ~ompl~ance~ No Offeror, or Offerar's agent, shall en a e in an discri~inato em la meat ractice against individuals with disabilities a defined g ~ y rY p ~ in the ADA. 5~. BUY AM~RIAN ACT~SUPPLIES {Applicable to certain federally funded requirements The following fed~r~lly funded requirements are applicable, in addition to the specific federally funded requirer~ents detailed in Attachr~ent C% A, Definitions, ~s used in this paragraph i.'Component"means an article, material, or supply incorporated directly into an end product. ii. "Cast of components" means ~ For components purchased by the Contractor, the acquisition cost, including transportation . costs to the place of incarparation into the end product whether ar riot such casts are paid to a domestic firrn~, and any applicable duty whether or not a duty~free entry certificate is issued}; or ~ Far components manufactured by the Contractor, all costs associated with the manufacture of ~ ~ i the carp anent, including transportation costs as described in paragraph of this defin~tton, plus p allocable o~rerhead costs, but excluding profit. Cast of components does not include any casts PAF ~F IFB X4974 ~lT~ DF DENTDN T~IR~E YEAR CONTRAST F~~ API~ALT AND C~N~RETE TR~~T SECTIONS AND R~PAI~ ~ERV~CES asac~ated with the manufacture of the end product. iii. "Dornesticend product'" means- } An unrr~anufactured end product mined or produced in the United States; ar ~2~ An end product manufactured in the United States, if the cost of its con~panents mined, produced, ar manufactured in the United States e~cceeds ~a percent of the cost of all its can~ponents, Carnpcnents of foreign origin of the same class or find as those that the agency determines are not mined, produced, ar manufactured in sufficient and reasonably available commercial quantities of satisfactory quality are treated as damestic~ Scrap generated, collected, and prepared for processing in the United States is considered domestic. iv. "end product"' means thane articlesr rya#erials, and supplies to be acquired under the contract far public use. vF "Foreign end product" means an end product other than a domestic end product. vi~ "United States" means the 5o States, the District of Columbia, and outlying areas. B. The Buy American Act ~ U.S. . ~ Da ~ ~ Odd provides preference far domestic end prad~rcts for supplies acquired far use in the United States . The City does not maintain a list of foreign articles that will be treated as domestic far this Contract; but will consider for approval foreign articles as domestic for this product if the articles are on a list approved by another Oovernn~ental Agency. The Offeror shall submit documentation with their Offer demonstrating that the article is on an approved Governmental list. D. The Contractor shall deliver only domestic end products except to the extent that it specified delivery of foreign end products in_ the provision of the Solicitation entitled "Buy American Act Certificate". RIGHT TO ~IVFDR~IATIONt The City of Doman reserves the right to use any and all information presented in any response to this solicitation, whether amended or not, except as prohibited by law, Selection of rejection of the submittal does not affect this right. ~8~ LICENSE FEES GR 7AES. Provided the solicitation requires an awarded contractor or supplier to be licensed by the State of Texas, any and all fees and taxes are the responsibility of the respondent. . P~EI~AILING lI1~A~E SATES;The awarded contractor shall comply with, prevailing wage rates as defined b the United States Department of Lobar Davis-Baran Uvage Determination at Y htt :~~www.dof. ov~whdlcantractsldbra.htm and at the page Determinations website wwv~.wdol. ov for Denton County, Texas fi0, CO~PLIANC~ 1lTH ALL STATE, FEDERAL, ANq LOCAL LAwS ~ The contractor ar supplier shah comply with all State Federal, and Focal laws and requirements. The Respondent must complywith all applicable laws t all times, including, without limitation, the followingF ~i~ ~,0~ of the Texas Penal Cade, which prohibits bribery; ~ii~ ~~.Og of the Texas Penal Cade, which prohibits the offering o~ conferring of benefits to public servants. The Responden# shall give all notices and comply with all laws and regulations applicable to furnishing and perfarr~ance of the Contract. F'~DERAL, STATE AID ~DCAL ~E~UIRE~EN~': Respondent shall demonstrate onRslte compliance with the Federal Tax Reform Act of 1 g8, SectEOn ~ ~o, amending Section 5g of the Revenue Act of of ~ g7S, dealing with issuance of Form vIE-~'s to carnmon 4aw employees Respondent is repansible,fprboth federal and State unemployment insurance coverage and standard ~IVarkers' Compensation insurance coverage. Respondent shall ensure compliance with all federal and State tax laws and withholding requirements. The City of Denton shall not be liable PAS 4Q OF AFB #97~ CITY ~F f)f;NT~N ~H~~~ cv~~~~c~ ~a~ ~as~H~~,r ca~vc~~~~ sr~~~r s~c~rior~s ~~Q ~~v~c~s to Respondent or its employees far any i~nerrrployrent or 1l~lori~ers' Cornpenation coverage, or federal or State withholding requirer~ents~ Contractor shall inder~rnify the City of Denton and shall pay all torts, penalties, or losses resulting from Respondent's orrrfssion or breach of this Section. 6~, DI~U ~'R~~ I~lf~~l'LACE; The contractarshall comply with the applicable provisions of the Drug-Free vl~ark Piave Act of ~ 98 ~Pubiic .aw ~ Og-Gg4, Title V, Subtitle D; 4~ lJ..C. 7D~ ET ~,}and maintain a drug«free ~vork environment; ar~d the final rule, governrent~wide requirement for drug-free work place ~grants~, Issued by the office of l~lanagernent and Budget and the Department of Defense CI~R Part 28a, Suf~part to implement the pravisians of the Drug~Free fork Place Act of ~9~~ is incorporated by reference and the contrattar shall Comply with the relevant previsions thereof, including any arnnitynts to the final rule that may hereafter be issued. . I~ESP~NDENT LIAB~L~TY lr~R DAI~ACE T~ 4~IElhll~l~f11T PROPERTY The Respondent shall be liable for all damages to government~owned, leased, or occupied property and egulprnent caused by the Respondent and its employees, agents, subcontractors, and suppliers, including any delivery or cartage company, in connection with any performance pursuant to the Contract The Respondent shall ratify the City of Denton Procurement Manager in writing of any such damage within one ~~}calendar day, ~4. l; ORE I~IAJ ICU R~; The City of Denton, any Customer, and the Respondent shelf not be responsible for performance under the Contract should it be prevented from performance by err act of war, order of legal authority, act of Ood, ar other unavoidable cause net attributable to the fault ar negligence of the City of Denton. In the event of an occurrence under this Section, the Respondent gill be excused from any further performance or observance of the ~equire~rents so affected for as long as s€~ch circumstances prevail and the Respondent continues to use tomn~ercially reasonable efforts to recarnmence performance or observance whenever and to Whatever e~ctent passible without delay. The Respondent shall immediately ratify the City of Denton Procurement l~ianager by telephone eta be canfirn~ed in ~rritirrg ~rithin five ~5} calendar days of the inception of such occurrence} and describe at a reasonable level of detail the circumstances causing the non-performance or delay in performance. fVDIV-wA11~ER F R~GH`~S; failure of a Party to require performance by another Party under the Cantratt will not affect the right of such Party to require performance in the future No delay, failure, ar waiver of either Partyrs exercise or partial exercise of any rlght ar remedy under the Contract shall operate to limit, impair, preclude, cancel, waive or otherwise affect such right or remedy, waiver by Party of any breach of any term of the Contract will not be Construed as a waiver of any continuing or succeeding breaCh~ fiF NO Al1~~R ~F ~11~REION iNfl~IUNITY; The Parties expressly agree that rio provision of the Contract i in any way intended to constitute a waiver by the City of Dentorr of any immunities from suitor frog liability that the City of Denton may have by operation of law RECRp RETEl1i:T1~N: The Respondent shall retain all financial records, supporting documents, statistical retards, and any other retards or boolCS relating to the performances tailed far in the Cantract~ The Respanderrt shall retain all such retards far a period of four ~4} years after the expiration of the Contract, ar until the City or State Auditorts office is satisfied that all audit and litigation matters are resolved, whichever period i IongerF The Respondent shall grant access to all beaks, records and documents pertinent to the Contract to the City, the State Auditor of Texas, and any federal governirrental entity that has authority to review records dui to federal funds being spent under the Contract. 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