6366C - Construction of Pecan Creek Water Plant Hydraulic Improvements, 3.Statement of Work/ SpecificationsCity of Denton Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant Raw Sewage Pump Station No. 2 Hydraulic Improvements Contract 5718 January 18, 2017 TBPE Firm Registration No. F-13618 Seal Sheet This page left blank intentionally Seal Sheet CITY OF DENTON PECAN CREEK WATER RECLAMATION PLANT RAW SEWAGE PUMP STATION NO. 2 HYDRAULIC IMPROVEMENTS SEAL SHEET - MECHANICAL Division Section Title 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 Summary of Work 01040 Coordination 01043 Flow Diversion / Bypassing 01070 Abbreviations 01090 Reference Standards 01111 Schedule of Work 01200 Project Meetings 01271 Measurement and Payment 01291 Schedule of Values 01300 Submittals 01520 Maintenance of Utility Operations During Construction 01530 Protection of Existing Facilities 01540 Demolition and Removal of Existing Structures and Equipment 01550 Site Access and Storage 01590 Field Office, Temporary Utilities, Equipment and Services 01600 Materials and Equipment 01700 Project Closeout 01740 Cleaning 01751 Starting and Placing Equipment in Service 01752 Field Testing of Equipment 01782 Record Drawings 2 SITEWORK 02050 Demolition 9 FINISHES 09900 Painting 11 EQUIPMENT GENERAL PROVISION 11000 Equipment General Provisions 11100 Pumps – General 15 MECHANICAL 15000 Basic Mechanical Requirements 15006 Ductile Iron Pipe 15020 Pipe Supports 15030 Piping and Equipment Identification Systems 15095 Valves, General 15100 Valve Operators and Electric Valve Actuators 15105 Check Valves 15108 Gate Valves (Including Knife Gate Valves) 15109 Plug Valves 15390 Schedules TBPE Firm Reg. No. F-13618 Seal Sheet This page left blank intentionally 00003-1 Table of Contents CITY OF DENTON PECAN CREEK WATER RECLAMATION PLANT RAW SEWAGE PUMP STATION NO. 2 HYDRAULIC IMPROVEMENTS SECTION 00003 TABLE OF CONTENTS Division Section Title 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 Summary of Work 01040 Coordination 01043 Flow Diversion / Bypassing 01070 Abbreviations 01090 Reference Standards 01111 Schedule of Work 01200 Project Meetings 01271 Measurement and Payment 01291 Schedule of Values 01300 Submittals 01520 Maintenance of Utility Operations During Construction 01530 Protection of Existing Facilities 01540 Demolition and Removal of Existing Structures and Equipment 01550 Site Access and Storage 01590 Field Office, Temporary Utilities, Equipment and Services 01600 Materials and Equipment 01700 Project Closeout 01740 Cleaning 01751 Starting and Placing Equipment in Service 01752 Field Testing of Equipment 01782 Record Drawings 2 SITEWORK 02050 Demolition 3 CONCRETE 03100 Concrete Formwork 03200 Reinforcing Steel 03250 Concrete Accessories 03290 Joints in Concrete 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete 03350 Concrete Finishes 03370 Concrete Curing 03600 Grout 03732 Concrete Repairs 00003-2 Table of Contents TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Division Section Title 4 MASONRY (NOT USED) 5 METALS 05010 Metal Materials 05035 Galvanizing 05050 Metal Fastening 05061 Stainless Steel 05120 Structural Steel 05500 Metal Fabrications 6 WOOD AND PLASTICS (NOT USED) 7 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION (NOT USED) 8 DOORS AND WINDOWS (NOT USED) 9 FINISHES 09900 Painting 10 SPECIALTIES (NOT USED) 11 EQUIPMENT GENERAL PROVISION 11000 Equipment General Provisions 11100 Pumps – General 12 FURNISHINGS (NOT USED) 13 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION (NOT USED) 14 CONVEYING SYSTEMS (NOT USED) 15 MECHANICAL 15000 Basic Mechanical Requirements 15006 Ductile Iron Pipe 15020 Pipe Supports 15030 Piping and Equipment Identification Systems 15095 Valves, General 15100 Valve Operators and Electric Valve Actuators 15105 Check Valves 15108 Gate Valves (Including Knife Gate Valves) 15109 Plug Valves 15390 Schedules 16 ELECTRICAL (NOT USED) 17 CONTROL AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (NOT USED) City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01010-1 Summary of Work SECTION 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The Work to be done under this Contract and in accordance with these Specifications consists of furnishing all equipment, superintendence, labor, skill, material and all other Items necessary for the construction of the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant Raw Sewage Pump Station No. 2 hydraulic improvements. The components of work to be performed under this contract include: Demolition and removal of existing piping, valves, appurtenance, pipe supports, pumps and concrete to the extent shown and described. Installation, vibration testing and field start-up / testing of four dry-pit submersible pumps provided by the Owner. Installation of new suction and discharge piping, valves, appurtenances and pipe supports. Relocation of existing piping, valves and supports. Reorientation of existing HVAC ductwork to avoid conflicts with proposed piping. Removal and replacement of a yard gate valve. Miscellaneous structural upgrades in the wet well as shown on the Contract Drawings. The Owner will be responsible for all electrical or instrumentation workrequiredfora complete and operable system. The Contractor shall perform all work required for such construction in accordance with the Contract Documents and subject to the terms and conditions of the Contract, complete and ready for use B. The foregoing description(s) shall not be construed as a complete description of all work required. 1.02 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. The Work to be done is shown on the set of Drawings entitled Pecan Creek Water Reclamation PlantRawSewagePumpStationNo.2HydraulicImprovements. Thenumbers and titles of all Drawings appear on the cover sheet of the Drawings. All drawings so enumerated shall be considered an integral part of the Contract Documents as defined herein. B. Certain Document Sections refer to Divisions of the Contract Specifications. Sections are each individually numbered portions of the Specifications (numerically) such as 01111, 15105, etc. The term Division is used as a convenience term meaning all Sections within a numerical grouping. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01010-2 Summary of Work 1.03 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT A. Drawings indicate the extent and general arrangement of the work. If any departures from the Drawings are deemed necessary by the Contractor to accommodate the materials and equipment proposed to furnish, details of such departures and reasons therefore shall be submitted as soon as practicable to the Engineer for approval. No such departures shallbe made without the prior written approval of the Engineer. B. The specific equipment proposed for use by the Contractor on the project may require changes, in structures, auxiliaryequipment, piping, electrical, mechanical, controls or other work to provide a complete satisfactoryoperatinginstallation. TheContractorshallsubmitto the Engineer, for approval, all necessary Drawings and details showing such changes to verify conformance with the overall project structural and architectural requirements and overall project operating performance. The Bid Price shall include all costs in connection with the preparation of new drawings and details and all changes to construction work to accommodate the proposed equipment, including increases in the costs of otherContracts. 1.04 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS, EASEMENTS AND ENCROACHMENTS A. The Contractor shall obtain, keep current and pay all fees for any necessary construction permits from those authorities, agencies, or municipalities having jurisdiction over land areas, utilities, or structures which are located within the Contract limits and which will be occupied, encountered, used, or temporarily interrupted by the Contractor's operations unless otherwise stated. Record copies of all permits shall be furnished to the Engineer. C. When construction permits are accompanied by regulations or requirements issued by a particular authority, agency or municipality, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to familiarize himself and comply with such regulations or requirements as they apply to his operations on this Project. 1.05 ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES A. In the event that the Engineer is required to provide additional engineering services as a result of substitution of materials or equipment which are not "or equal" bytheContractor,or changes bythe Contractor in dimension, weight, power requirements,etc.,oftheequipment and accessories furnished, or if the Engineer is required to examine and evaluate any changes proposed by the Contractor for the convenience of the Contractor, then the Engineer's charges in connection with such additional services shall be charged to the Contractor by the Owner. B. Structural design shown on the Contract Drawings is based upon typical weights for major items of equipment as indicated on the Contract Drawings and specified. If the equipment furnished exceeds the weights of said equipment, the Contractor shall assume the responsibility for all costs of redesign and for any construction changes required to accommodate the equipment furnished, including the Engineer's expenses in connection therewith. C. In the event that the Engineer is required to provide additional engineering services as a result of Contractor's errors, omissions, or failure to conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents, or if the Engineer is required to examine and evaluate any changes proposed bythe Contractor solelyfor the convenienceoftheContractor,thentheEngineer's City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01010-3 Summary of Work charges in connection with such additional services shall be charged to the Contractor by the Owner. 1.06 ADDITIONAL OWNER'S EXPENSES A. In the event the Work of this Contract is not completed within the time set forth in the Contract or within the time to which such completion may have been extended in accordance with the Contract Documents, the additional engineering or inspection charges incurred bythe Owner maybe charged to the Contractor and deductedfromthemoniesdue him. Extra work or supplemental Contract work added to the original Contract, as well as extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor, will be given due consideration by the Owner before assessing engineering and inspection charges against the Contractor. B. Unless otherwise specificallypermitted,thenormaltimeofworkunderthisContractislimited to 8 hours per day, Monday through Friday. Work beyond these hours will result in additional expense to the Owner. Any expenses and/or damages, including the cost of the Engineer's on site personnel, arising from the Contractor's operationsbeyondthehoursand days specified above shall be borne by the Contractor. C. Charges assessed to the Contractor for additional engineering and inspection costs will be determined based on actual hours charged to the job by the Engineer. Per diem rates will depend on the number and classifications of employees involved, but in no case shall such charges exceed $400 per day for field personnel and $600 per day for engineering personnel, based on an eight hour workday. D. Charges for additional Owner's expenses shall be in addition to any liquidated damages assessed in accordance with the Contract. 1.07 TIME OF WORK A. The Contractor shall work the hours necessary to complete the scope of work within the specified time frame described in Section 01043. All costs incurred by the Owner for additional engineering outside of normal working hours of 7:00am – 6:00pm, Monday through Friday, shall be borne bythe Contractor. As describedinSection01043and01520, bypass pumping or flow diversion required to perform the Work shall be manned 24 hours per day by a qualified bypass pump operator for the duration required by the Contractor. 1. The Owner shall deduct the cost ofadditionalengineeringcostsfrommoniesduethe Contractor. B. If it shall become imperative to perform work at night, the Owner and Engineer shall be informed a reasonable time in advance of the beginning of such work. Temporary lighting and all other necessary facilities for performing and inspecting the work shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor. C. Unless otherwise specifically permitted, all work that would be subject to damage shall be stopped during inclement, stormy or freezing weather. Only such work as will not suffer injury to workmanship or materials will be permitted. Contractor shall carefully protect his work against damage or injuryfrom the weather, and when work is permittedduringfreezing City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01010-4 Summary of Work weather, he shall provide and maintain approved facilities for heating the materials and for protecting the finished work. 1.08 SURVEYS AND LAYOUT A. All Work under this Contract shall be constructed in accordance with the lines and grades shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Elevation of existing ground and appurtenances are believed to be reasonablycorrect but are not guaranteed to be absolute and therefore are presented onlyas an approximation. Anyerrororapparentdiscrepancyin the data shown or omissions of data required for accurately accomplishing the stake out survey shall be referred immediately to the Engineer for interpretation or correction. B. All survey work for construction control purposes shall be made by the Contractor at his expense. The Contractor shall provide a Licensed Surveyor as Chief of Party, competently qualified men, all necessary instruments, stakes, and other material to perform the work. C. Existing or new control points, property markers and monuments that will be or are destroyed during the normal causes of construction shall be reestablishedbytheContractor and all reference ties recorded therefore shall be furnished to the Engineer. All computations necessary to establish the exact position of the work shall be made and preserved by the Contractor. D. The Engineer may check all or any portion of the work and the Contractor shall afford all necessary assistance to the Engineer in carrying out such checks. Any necessary corrections to the work shall be immediatelymade bythe Contractor. Such checking bythe Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of any responsibilities for the accuracy or completeness of his work. E. At completion of the work, the Contractor shall furnish Record Drawings indicating the final layout of all structures, roads, all structures, existing bench marks, etc. The Record Drawings shall indicate all critical elevations of piping, structures, finish grades, etc. F. Contractor shall have all weirs surveyed by a licensed land surveyor and adjusted to match specified elevations as shown on the Contract Drawings. Weirs shall be surveyed at no more than ten (10) feet spacing, but no less than 2 points shall be surveyed on each section of weir plate. Final elevations shall be set to within a tolerance of+/-0.05inchesofspecified elevation. If a greater tolerance is allowed, it will be noted on the Contract Drawings. Afinal report showing all specified and surveyed elevations shall be certified by the surveyor and delivered to the Engineer. 1.09 FIRE PROTECTION A. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent fires at or adjacent to the Work, buildings, etc., and shall provide adequate facilities for extinguishing fires which do occur. B. When fire or explosion hazards are created in the vicinity of the Work as a result of the locations of fuel tanks, or similar hazardous utilities or devices, the Contractor shall immediatelyalert the local Fire Marshal, the Engineer,andtheOwnerofsuchtankordevice. The Contractor shall exercise all safety precautions and shall comply with all instructions City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01010-5 Summary of Work issued by the Fire Marshal and shall cooperate with the Owner of the tank or device to prevent the occurrence of fire or explosion. 1.10 CHEMICALS A. All chemicals used during project construction or furnished for project operation, whether herbicide, pesticide, disinfectant, polymer, or reactant of other classification, must show approval of either the EPA or USDA. Use of all such chemicals and disposal of residues shall be in strict conformance with all applicable rules and regulations. 1.11 FIRST AID FACILITIES AND ACCIDENTS A. First Aid Facilities 1. The Contractor shall provide at the site such equipment and facilities as are necessary to supply first aid to any of his personnel who may be injured in connection with the work. B. Accidents 1. The Contractor shall promptly report, in writing, to the Engineer and Owner all accidents whatsoever out of, or in connection with, the performance of the work, whether on or adjacent to the site, which cause death, personal injury or property damage, giving full details and statements of witnesses. 2. If death, serious injuries, or serious damages are caused, the accident shall be reported immediately by telephone or messenger to both the Owner and the Engineer. 3. If anyclaim is made byanyone against the ContractororaSubcontractoronaccount of any accidents, the Contractor shall promptly report the facts, in writing, to the Engineer and Owner, giving full details of the claim. 1.12 ULTIMATE DISPOSITION OF CLAIMS BY ONE CONTRACTOR ARISING FROM ALLEGED DAMAGE BY ANOTHER CONTRACTOR A. During the progress of the work, otherContractorsmaybeengagedinperformingotherwork or may be awarded other Contracts for additional work on this project. In that event, the Contractor shall coordinate the work to be done hereunder with the work of such other Contractors and the Contractor shall fully cooperate with such other Contractors and carefully fit its own work to that provided under other Contracts as may be directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not commit or permit any act which will interfere with the performance of work by any other Contractor. B. If the Engineer shall determine that the Contractor is failing to coordinate his work with the work of the other Contractors as the Engineer directed, then the Owner shall have the right to withhold anypayments otherwise due hereunder until theContractorcompletelycomplies with the Engineer's directions. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01010-6 Summary of Work C. If the Contractor notifies the Engineer in writing that another Contractor is failing to coordinate his work with the work of this Contract as directed, the Engineer will promptly investigate the charge. If the Engineer finds it to be true, he will promptly issue such directions to the other Contractor with respect thereto as the situation may require. The Owner, the Engineer, nor any of their agents shall not, however, be liable for any damages suffered bythe Contractor byreason of the other Contractor'sfailuretopromptlycomplywith the directions so issued by the Engineer, or by reason of another Contractor's default in performance, it being understood that the Owner does not guarantee the responsibility or continued efficiency of any Contractor. D. The Contractor shall indemnifyand hold theOwnerandtheEngineerharmlessfromanyand all claims of judgments for damages and from costs and expenses to which the Owner may be subjected or which it may suffer or incur by reason of the Contractor's failure to comply with the Engineer's directions promptly. E. Should the Contractor sustain any damage through any act or omission of any other Contractor having a Contract with the Owner for the performance of work upon the site or of work which may be necessary to be performed for the proper execution of the work to be performed hereunder, or through any act or omission of a Subcontractor of such Contract, the Contractor shall have no claim against the Owner or the Engineer for such damage, but shall have a right to recover such damage from the other Contractor under the provision similar to the following provisions which have been or will be inserted in the Contracts with such other Contractors. F. Should any other Contractor having or who shall hereafter have a Contract with the Owner for the performance of work upon the site sustain any damage through any act or omission of the Contractor hereunder or through any act or omission of any Subcontractor of the Contractor, the Contractor agrees to reimburse such other Contractor for all such damages and to defend at his own expense any suit based upon such claim and if any judgment or claims against the Owner shall be allowed, the Contractor shallpayorsatisfysuchjudgment or claim and pay all costs and expenses in connection therewith and shall indemnify and hold the Owner harmless from all such claims. G. The Owner's right to indemnification hereunder shall in no way be diminished, waived or discharged, by its recourse to assessment of liquidated damages as provided in the Contract, or by the exercise of any other remedy provided for by Contract Documents or by law. 1.13 LIMITS OF WORK AREA A. The Contractor shall confine his construction operations within the Contract limitsshownon the Drawings and/or propertylines and/or fence lines. Storage of equipment and materials, or erection and use of sheds outside of the Contract limits, if such areas are the property of the Owner, shall be used only with the Owner's approval. Such storage or temporary structures, even within the Contract's limits, shall be confined to the Owner's property and shall not be placed on properties designated as easements or rights-of-way unless specifically permitted elsewhere in the Contract Documents. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01010-7 Summary of Work 1.14 WEATHER CONDITIONS A. No work shall be done when the weather is unsuitable. The Contractorshalltakenecessary precautions (in the event of impending storms) to protect all work, materials, or equipment from damage or deterioration due to floods, driving rain, or wind, and snow storms. The Owner reserves the right, through the opinion of the Engineer, to order that additional protection measures over and beyond those proposed by the Contractor, be taken to safeguard all components of the Project. The Contractor shall not claim anycompensation for such precautionary measures so ordered, nor claim any compensation from the Owner for damage to the work from weather elements. B. The mixing and placing of concrete or pavement courses, the laying of masonry, and installation of sewers and water mains shall be stopped during rainstorms, if ordered bythe Engineer; and all freshlyplaced work shall be protected bycanvasorothersuitablecovering in such manner as to prevent running water from coming in contact with it. Sufficient coverings shall be provided and kept ready at hand for this purpose. The limitations and requirements for mixing and placing concrete, or laying of masonry, in cold weather shallbe as described elsewhere in these Specifications. 1.15 PERIODIC CLEANUP: BASIC SITE RESTORATION A. During construction, the Contractor shall regularly remove from the site of the Work all accumulated debris and surplus materials of any kind which result from his operations. Unused equipment and tools shall be stored at the Contractor's yard or base of operations for the Project. B. When the Work involves installationofsewers,drains,watermains,manholes,underground structures, or other disturbance of existing features in or across streets, rights-of-way, easements, or private property, the Contractor shall (as the Work progresses) promptly backfill, compact, grade, and otherwise restore the disturbed area to the basic condition which will permit resumption of pedestrian or vehicular traffic and anyothercriticalactivityor functions consistent with the original useoftheland. Therequirementsfortemporarypaving of streets, walks, and driveways are specified elsewhere. Unsightlymounds of earth, large stones, boulders, and debris shall be removed so that the site presents a neat appearance. C. The Contractor shall perform the cleanup work on a regular basis and as frequently as ordered by the Engineer. Basic site restoration in a particular area shall be accomplished immediately following the installation or completion of the required facilities in that area. Furthermore, such work shall also be accomplished, when ordered by the Engineer, if partiallycompleted facilities must remain incompleteforsometimeperiodduetounforeseen circumstances. D. Upon failure of the Contractor to perform periodic cleanup andbasicrestorationofthesiteto the Engineer's satisfaction, the Owner may, upon five (5) days prior written notice to the Contractor, without prejudice to anyother rights or remedies of the Owner, causesuchwork for which the Contractor is responsible to be accomplished to the extent deemed necessary by the Engineer, and all costs resulting therefrom shall be charged to the Contractor and deducted from the amounts of money that may be due him. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01010-8 Summary of Work 1.16 USE OF FACILITIES BEFORE COMPLETION A. The Owner reserves the right to enter and use anyportion oftheconstructedfacilitiesbefore final completion of the whole Work to be done under this Contract. However, only those portions of the facilities which have been completed to the Engineer's satisfaction, as evidenced by his issuing a Certificate of Substantial Completion covering that part of the Work, shall be placed in service. B. It shall be the Owner's responsibility to prevent premature connections to or use of any portion of the installed facilities by private or public parties, persons or groups of persons, before the Engineer issues his Certificate of Substantial Completion covering thatportionof the Work to be placed in service. C. Consistent with the approved progress schedule, the Contractor shall cooperate with the Owner, his agents, and the Engineer to accelerate completion of those facilities, or portions thereof, which have been designated for early use by the Owner. 1.17 NOTED WORK AREA CONTRAINTS AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS A. The following constrains shall be considered in developing the overall construction sequence plan. These items are not intended to release the Contractor from the responsibility to coordinate the Work in any manner which will ensure project completion within the time allowed and to complete work in a safe manner. 1. Raw Sewage Pump Station No. 2 influent channel isolation – the existing Raw Sewage Pump Station No. 2 influent channel maybe fullyisolatedfrominfluentsewer flows by closing the two influent gates downstream of the bar screens to allow for demolition and construction of the new and modified facilities. i. The reliability of the gates against leakage or gate failure cannot be guaranteed. Accordingly, the Contractor shall take all necessaryprecautions to safeguard workers and the Work in areas downstream of the closed gates. The Contractor shall also provide temporary pumps or other means of handling anyleakage of wastewater flows from the closed gates into the work area. ii. Contractor shall provideallnecessarypumpingandappurtenancenecessary to drain and clean existing out-of-service structures and piping of remaining wastewater, sludge, grit and debris including the force mains between Raw Sewage Pump Station No. 1 and No. 2 and the grit removal structure for the yard valve replacement shown in the Contract Documents. 2. Maintenance of sewer flows during construction – to accomplish the Work, pumped bypass of flows from the upstream grit trap box to the North and South Plant flow split channels will be required as part of the work of this Contract. See Section 01043 for requirements related to pumped bypass operations. The Contractor is advised that flows may increase rapidly in the event of wet weather and shall plan his bypass and work operations accordingly. 3. Ventilation and safe working atmospheres – Provide and maintain safe working conditions for all employees. The existing facilityor wet well ventilation systems may not be adequate to properly protect workers from atmospheric conditions within the City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01010-9 Summary of Work facility, and furthermore, maybe temporarilyremoved from service during the course of the Work. The Contractor shall provide for all temporary ventilation as required to maintain safe atmospheric working conditions during the course of the Work at all times. Safe-guards shall include temporary ventilation system equipment, gas detection equipment, respiratoryequipment and other equipment as required. Some areas of work are defined as confined space: Contractor shall supply fresh air continuously to confined spaces through the combined use of existing ventilation systems, existing openings, forced-draft fans and temporary ducts to the outside, or direct air supply to individual workers as required. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01010-10 Summary of Work This page left blank intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01040-1 Coordination SECTION 01040 COORDINATION PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The Contractor shall allow the Owner or his agents to enter upon the workforthepurposeof constructing, operating, maintaining, removing, repairing, altering, or replacing equipment, pipes, sewers, conduits, manholes, wires, poles, or other structures and appliances which may be required to be installed at or in the work. The Contractor shall cooperate with all aforesaid parties and shall allow reasonable provisionsfortheprosecutionofanyotherwork bythe Owner, or others, to be done in connection with his work, or in connectionwithnormal use of the facilities. B. The Contractor shall cooperate fully with the Owner, the Engineer, and all others employed on the work, to effect proper coordination and progress to complete the project on schedule and in proper sequence. Insofar as possible, decisions of all kinds required from the Engineer shall be anticipated by the Contractor to provide ample time for inspection, or the preparation of instructions. C. Each Contractor shall assume full responsibilityforthecorrelationofallpartsofhisworkwith that of other Contractors. Each Contractor's superintendent shall correlate all work with other Contractors in the laying out of work. Each Contractor shall lay out his own work in accordance with the Drawings, Specifications, and instructions of latest issue and with due regard to the work of other Contractors. D. Periodic coordinating conferences shall be held per Section 01200, Project Meetings, of these Contract Documents. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01040-2 Coordination This page intentionally left blank City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01043-1 Flow Diversion / Bypassing SECTION 01043 FLOW DIVERSION/ BYPASSING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. The intent of this Section is to provide Contractor a sequence to perform the Work in such a manner that continuous, uninterrupted collection and conveyance of the wastewater flows and all essential facilities are maintained operational throughout the construction period. B. Contractor’s means and methods shall be implemented such that wastewater collection and conveyance shall remain continuous and in satisfactory operation during the entire construction period. Work shall be so scheduled and conducted by Contractor such that it shall not impede wastewater collection and conveyance, create potential hazards to wastewater collection and conveyance facilities or cause odor or other nuisances. In performing the Work shown and specified, Contractor shall plan and schedule the Work to meet both the constraints outlined in this Section and Owner’s operating requirements. C. All references to days in this Section are calendar days. D. Contractor has the option of providing additional temporary facilities that can eliminate a constraint provided it is done without additional cost to the Owner, presents no safety or environmental hazards, and provided that all requirements of these Contract Documents are fulfilled. E. Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all shutdowns with the Engineer. Shut downs shall be planned by the Contractor such as to minimize the impacts wastewater collection and conveyance. F. Contractor shall not shut-off or disconnect any wastewater collection and conveyance facilities, unless approved by the Owner, in writing. G. This Section of the Specifications contains several references to facilities/ appurtenances to be removed. Contractor shall also refer to the Contract Drawings for additional information. H. Contractor shall be responsible for supplying all temporary pipelines, valves, pumps, meters, spare parts, electrical, controls, fuel, and any other appurtenances required for the installation and operation of temporary bypass lines, pumping systems, or conveyance systems required to maintain wastewater collection and conveyance operations during construction activities. Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01043-2 Flow Diversion / Bypassing review and approval, the design for all temporary lines, pumping, or conveyance systems at least thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the Work. 1.2 GENERAL CONSTRAINTS A. Draining Collection System Facilities: 1. Unless otherwise specified, the contents of structures, junction boxes, pipes, and conduits undergoing modifications shall be transferred to downstream wastewater collection and conveyance facilities using temporary piping, or pumps. 2. No uncontrolled spillage of a pipe's contents shall be allowed. Contractor shall be responsible for all additional piping, valves, fittings, and pumping facilities needed to connect and transfer all contents either to the downstream flow split structure or the upstream collection system manhole and shall be at no additional cost to the Owner. 3. Any spillage shall be brought to the Engineer and Owner’s attention immediately. Contractor shall wash down any spillage to floor drains, sumps and sump pump discharge piping and then flush out by the system to prevent clogging and septic odors. If spillage/ contents is not suitable for transfer to downstream wastewater collection and conveyance facilities, Contractor shall remove spillage/contents by other method such as Vactor truck, as approved by the Engineer. For spillage on the ground, Contractor shall us Vactor truck or other approved means to remove spillage and shall properly remove and dispose of contaminated soil. 4. Contractor shall not at any time dispose of any construction debris (concrete, miscellaneous metals, etc.) in the existing collection and conveyance facilities. Contractor is responsible for removal and offsite disposal of all construction debris at no additional expense to the Owner. 1.3 BYPASSES A. General: 1. A bypass shall be defined as a portion of the normal operation of a wastewater collection/ conveyance facility that has to be suspended or taken out of service in order to perform the specified Work. Bypasses shall not be initiated on Fridays. 2. The Contractor shall bypass the sewage around the section or sections of sewer or pump stations to be rehabilitated and/or replaced as needed. The bypass shall be made by isolating the influent channel using existing gates and/or plugging the existing influent channel if the gates are not sufficient for isolation and pumping the sewage into the downstream splitter box or other method as may be approved by the Engineer. The pump and bypass lines shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle the flow without sewage backup occurring to facilities connected to the sewer. Driveways and street crossings shall be shut down as shown in the Contract Documents so as not to interrupt flow in the bypass system. Fabricated road crossings will not be permitted due to the potential for clogging from unscreened raw sewage. Under no circumstances will the Contractor be permitted to discharge sewage into trenches. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01043-3 Flow Diversion / Bypassing 3. Sufficient pumping system (pumps, pipes, fittings, etc.) capacity shall be provided such that peak flows can be conveyed with one pump out of service. Contractor shall provide and plumb a standby pump with equivalent capacity to the largest pump. Where possible bypass pumping shall be performed under low flow or off peak conditions. The pumping systems shall be capable of operating 24 hours a day for needed duration. 4. Power required for bypass pumping is not available at the sites and power generators or diesel powered pumps shall be provided by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. If electric pumps are used, the flow diversion pumps will be provided with a backup power generator. Contractor is responsible for all incidental costs of delivering, installing, operating, decommissioning and removal of all temporary bypass pump systems. 5. The Work required herein and any other Work required by the Engineer which may interrupt the normal collection and conveyance of wastewater shall be accomplished at such times that will be convenient to the Owner. 6. Contractor shall also have on hand and located in close proximity to the Work area, all tools, equipment, spare parts and materials, both temporary and permanent, necessary to complete each Work category without interruption. Adequate numbers of personnel shall be scheduled for each bypass, so that the Work shall be accomplished within the specified time frame. Prefabrication and assembly of all piping and other assemblies shall be completed, to the greatest degree possible, prior to any bypasses. The Engineer shall be satisfied that Contractor has complied with these requirements, to the fullest extent possible, before bypasses will be authorized. 7. If Contractor's procedures cause an unscheduled bypass of the facilities, Contractor shall perform Work as necessary to immediately re-establish satisfactory operation. Contractor shall notify the Owner and Engineer, verbally and in writing, immediately of any unscheduled bypass. Contractor shall permit Owner’s personnel to work with Contractor’s personnel, as required, to maintain wastewater collection and conveyance in continuous and satisfactory operation. Unscheduled bypass and/or interruptions of continued safe and satisfactory operation of the facilities that result in fines levied by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Texas Commission of Environmental Quality, shall be the responsibility of Contractor if it is demonstrated that Contractor was negligent in his Work or did not exercise proper precautions in the conduct of his Work. 1.4 MAINTENANCE OF FACILITIES OPERATIONS SCHEDULE A. In order to maintain a continuous plant operation during construction, a Maintenance of Facilities Operations Schedule is included at the end of this Section B. Within each Maintenance of Facilities Operations item's procedural steps, time and scheduling constraints and milestone dates may be outlined and are intended to City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01043-4 Flow Diversion / Bypassing assist Contractor in developing a sequence of Work and timing in order to maintain continuous operation of the plant. C. Contractor shall develop a detailed description of the complete sequence of construction for all the Maintenance of Facilities Operations events contained herein. The sequences shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval within 30 calendar days following the Notice to Proceed. D. The procedures contained herein were developed based upon available information. Contractor is to field verify all site conditions before commencement of Work. E. Contractor is required to make all tie-ins, connections, and replacements necessary to perform the Work. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a temporary wastewater flow management plan, including detailed plans and descriptions outlining all provisions and precautions to be taken by the Contractor regarding the handling of existing wastewater flows. This plan must be specific and complete, including such items as schedules, locations, elevations, capacities of equipment, materials and all other incidental items necessary and/or required to insure proper protection of the facilities from damage due to the discharge flows, and compliance with the requirements and permit conditions specified in these Contract Documents. Installation of the temporary wastewater flow management system shall not begin until all provisions and requirements have been reviewed by the Engineer. The plan shall include but not be limited to details of the following (depending on type of temporary flow management system used): 1. Staging areas for pumps; 2. Wastewater conduit plugging method and types of plugs; 3. Number, size, material, location and method of installation of suction piping; 4. Number, size, material, method of installation and location of installation of discharge piping; 5. Size, method of installation, location and invert elevation of temporary manholes (if necessary); 6. Bypass pump sizes, capacity, number of each size to be on site and power supply; 7. Calculations of static lift, friction losses, and flow velocity (pump curves showing pump operating range shall be submitted); 8. Power generator size, location; 9. Downstream discharge plan into downstream diversion structure; 10. Temporary thrust and restraint systems/ appurtenances; 11. Sections showing suction and discharge pipe placement; 12. Method of noise control for each pump and/or generator; 13. Any temporary pipe supports and anchoring required; 14. Calculations for selection of bypass pumping pipe size; City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01043-5 Flow Diversion / Bypassing B. The Contractor shall submit a health and safety plan to the Engineer for review and approval prior to commencement of any work. At a minimum, this plan will address the following: a. The monitoring of oxygen levels and hazardous and explosive gases inside confined spaces and manhole structures. b. The Contractor will demonstrate that all personnel have been trained and certified in all local, state, and federal laws to work in hazardous environments and confined spaces and in the use of personal protective equipment as required by OSHA. 1.6 PAYMENT A. For each bypass, Contractor shall compile an inventory of labor and materials required to perform tasks, an estimate of the time required, and a written description of steps required to complete all tasks. The inventory, the estimate, and written procedures shall be submitted to the Engineer for review 30 calendar days prior to the proposed start date of the bypass. Contractor shall also request, in writing from the Engineer, approval for each bypass a minimum of 10 calendar days prior to the proposed bypass date. No bypass shall be initiated until the inventory of materials and labor is verified by the Engineer on site at least 3 calendar days prior to the proposed start date. B. For each bypass, Contractor shall also submit a unit price ($/day) for each additional day of pumping required (at or below the listed peak flows) or associated with non- Contractor delays (e.g., inclement weather or Owner associated delays) for each site where flow bypassing is required. Bypass durations listed in the schedule at the end of this Section are estimates only. C. All overtime Work by Contractor necessary to conform to the requirements of this Section shall be performed by Contractor, at no cost to the Owner and shall be performed in accordance with the General Conditions. Contractor shall make no claims for extra compensation as a result thereof. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 EQUIPMENT A. All pumps used shall be fully automatic self-priming units that do not require the use of foot-valves or vacuum pumps in the priming system. The pumps may be electric or diesel powered. B. The Contractor shall provide the necessary stop/start controls for each pump. C. Discharge and Gravity Flow Piping - In order to prevent the accidental spillage of flows all discharge systems shall be temporarily constructed of rigid pipe with positive, restrained joints. Under no circumstances will aluminum “irrigation” type piping or glued PVC pipe be allowed. Discharge hose will only City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01043-6 Flow Diversion / Bypassing be allowed in short sections and by specific permission from the Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. It is essential to the operation of the existing sewage system that there be no interruption in the flow of sewage throughout the duration of the project. To this end, the Contractor shall provide, maintain and operate all temporary facilities such as dams, plugs, pumping equipment, conduits, all necessary power, and all other labor and equipment necessary to intercept the sewage away from the area where the Work is to be performed and bypass as necessary to conduct inspection. B. The design, installation and operation of the temporary flow management system shall be the Contractor’s responsibility. The bypass system shall meet the requirements of all codes and regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. C. The Contractor shall provide all necessary means to safely convey the sewage past the work area. Once the temporary flow management system is in place and operational, the Contractor will not be permitted to stop or impede the flows under any circumstances. D. The Contractor shall maintain flow around the work area in a manner that will not cause surcharging of sewers, damage to sewers and that will protect public and private property from damage and flooding. E. The Contractor shall protect water resources, wetlands and other natural resources. In the event of a wastewater spill, Contractor shall immediately take action to remedy the spill and shall report the spill to the Engineer. 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL AND MAINTENANCE A. Inspection: Contractor shall inspect temporary flow management system at all times to ensure that the system is working correctly. B. Maintenance Service: The Contractor shall insure that the temporary pumping system is properly maintained and a responsible operator / mechanic shall be on hand at all times when pumps are operating. C. Extra Materials: CONTRACTOR shall provide 1. Spare parts for pumps and piping shall be kept on site as required. 2. Adequate hoisting equipment for each pump and accessories shall be maintained on the site. 3. Any other auxiliary equipment required. - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01043-7 Flow Diversion / Bypassing MAINTENANCE OF UTILITY OPERATION DURING CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ITE M NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION WW COLLECTION/ CONVEYANCE FACILITY TO BE BYPASSED PROCEDURE CONSTRAINTS AND REMARKS DURATION OF BYPASS 1 Base Bid: Raw Sewage Pump Station No. 2 hydraulic improvements and yard valve replacement. Raw Sewage Pump Station No. 1, Raw Sewage Pump Station No. 2 and grit removal facility The Contractor shall isolate the influent channel using the existing isolation gates. In the event that the isolation gates are not adequate, the Contractor shall provide any necessary isolation required to perform the Work such as temporary cofferdams. The Contractor shall by-pass pump all unscreened sewage from the upstream grit box to the North and South Plant diversion structure as shown in the Contract Documents. Approximately half of the peak design flow shall be directed to the North Plant well and half of the flow directed to the South Plant well. The Contractor shall dewater all remaining wastewater between the Raw Sewage Pump Stations No. 1 and 2 wet wells, discharge force mains and grit removal facility to perform the Work. Coordinate all work with the City of Denton Pecan Creek WRP Superintendent, at (940) 297-7665 prior to beginning construction. Refer to the drawings for location designations. Expected WW flows are as follows: 1. Peak Dry Weather Flow into the structure: 21 MGD. 2. Peak Wet Weather Flow could be as high as 46 MGD. Grit Trap Box No. 1 maximum WSEL is 547.0+/-. 15 calendar days City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01070-1 Abbreviations SECTION 01070 ABBREVIATIONS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The following is a partial list of typical abbreviationswhichmaybeusedintheSpecifications, and the organizations to which they refer: ACI - American Concrete Institute ACIFS - American Cast Iron Flange Standards AFBMA - Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturer's Association AGMA - American Gear Manufacturers Association AIA - American Institute of Architects AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction AISI - American Iron and Steel Institute ANSI - American National Standard Institute ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials AWS - American Welding Society AWWA - American Water Works Association CRSI - Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute DIPRA - Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association Fed Spec - Federal Specifications IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IPCEA - Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association ISO - Insurance Services Offices NBS - National Bureau of Standards TXDOT - Texas Department of Transportation NEC - National Electric Code NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Act PCI - Precast Concrete Institute UL - Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. USGS - United States Geological Survey PART 2 – PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 – EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01070-2 Abbreviations This page left blank intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01090-1 Reference Standards SECTION 01090 REFERENCE STANDARDS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Wherever reference is made to anypublished standards, codes, or standard specifications, it shall mean the latest standard code, specification,ortentativespecificationofthetechnical society, organization, or body referred to, which is in effect at the date of invitation for Bids. B. All materials, products, and procedures used or incorporated in the work shall be in strict conformance with applicable codes, regulations, specifications, and standards. C. A partial listing of codes, regulations, specifications, and standards includes the following: Air Moving and Conditioning Association (AMCA) American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) American Concrete Institute (ACI) American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) American Hot Dip Galvanizers Association (AHDGA) American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. (AISC) American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) American Standards Association (ASA) American Water Works Association (AWWA) American Welding Society (AWS) Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association (AFBMA) Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA) Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01090-2 Reference Standards Factory Mutual (FM) Federal Specifications Instrument Society of America (ISA) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) National and Local Fire Codes Lightning Protection Institute (LPI) National Electrical Code (NEC) National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) National Electrical Testing Association (NETA) National Fire Protection Association (NFiPA) Regulations and Standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (SBCCI) Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACCNA) Standard Building Code Standard Mechanical Code Standard Plumbing Code Uniform Building Code (UBC) Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) D. Contractor shall, when required, furnish evidence satisfactoryto the Engineerthatmaterials and methods are in accordance with such standards where so specified. E. In the event any questions arise as to the application of these standards or codes, copies shall be supplied on-site by the Contractor. PART 2 – PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 – EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01111-1 Schedule of Completion SECTION 01111 SCHEDULE OF COMPLETION PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 WORK SUMMARY A. Contractor is responsible for determining means and methods to complete the Work. Section 01520 – Maintenance of Plant Operations and Sequence Work, provides specific requirements pertaining to sequence of the Work and maintaining operation. Substantial Completion – As a minimum the following Work shall be completed for the Work to be considered Substantially Complete: Demolitions Wet well structural improvements Installation and satisfactory field testing of dry-pit submersible pumps Installation of dry pit piping and valve modifications Any other work required and necessary for the system(s)/plant to be operated as intended Delivery of all shop drawings and acceptable preliminary O&M manuals Completion of training Final Acceptance – The following Work shall be completed by Final Acceptance in addition to the Work completed by Substantial Completion: • Punch-list Work • Site cleanup and demobilization • Delivery of final O&M manuals, and construction record drawings PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01111-2 Schedule of Completion This page intentionally left blank City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01200-1 Project Meetings SECTION 01200 PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 PRE-BID MEETING A. A pre-bid meeting will be held at the time and place to be designated in the Instructions to Bidders. B. The Engineer will be available to discuss the project and answer pertinent questions. No oral interpretation will be made as to the meaning of the Documents. Interpretation, if deemed necessary by the Engineer, will be in the form of an Addendum to the Contract Documents. 1.02 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING A. A preconstruction meeting will be held after Award of Contract, but prior to starting Work at the site. B. Attendance: 1. Owner 2. Engineer 3. Contractor C. Minimum Agenda: 1. Tentative construction schedule 2. Critical work sequencing 3. Designation of responsible personnel 4. Processing of Field Decisions and Change Orders 5. Adequacy of distribution of Contract Documents 6. Submittal of Shop Drawings and samples 7. Procedures for maintaining record documents 8. Use of site and Owner's requirements 9. Major equipment deliveries and priorities City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01200-2 Project Meetings 10. Safety and first aid procedures 11. Security procedures 12. Housekeeping procedures 13. Processing of Partial Payment Requests 1.03 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. A minimum of three progress meetings will be held at the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant’s Conference Room during the performance of the Work of this Contract: one after equipment is in place to being Work but before bypass operation begins, one 7 days after bypass operation began, and one before the facility is placed back into service. Additional meetings may be called as progress of work dictates. B. Engineer will preside at meetings and record minutes of proceedings and decisions. Engineer will distribute copies of minutes to participants. C. Attendance: 1. Engineer 2. Contractor 3. Subcontractors, onlywith Engineer's approval or request, aspertinenttotheagenda D. Minimum Agenda: 1. Review and approve minutes of previous meetings. 2. Review progress of Work since last meeting. 3. Review proposed 30-60 day construction schedule. Note and identify problems which impede planned progress. Develop corrective measures and procedures to regain planned schedule. Revise construction schedule as indicated and plan progress during next work period. 7. Maintaining of quality and work standards. 8. Complete other current business. 9. Schedule next progress meeting. PART 2 – PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 – EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01271-1 Measurement and Payment SECTION 01271 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. The items listed below beginning with Article 1.03, refer to and are the same pay items listed in the Bid Form. They constitute all of the pay items for the completion of the Work. No direct or separate payment will be made for providing miscellaneous temporary or accessory works, plant services, Contractor’s field offices, layout surveys, signs, sanitary requirements, testing, safety devices, record drawings, water supplies, power, maintaining traffic, removal of waste, watchmen, bonds, insurance, and all other requirements of the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. Compensation for all such services, things and materials shall be included in the prices stipulated for the lump sum and unit price pay items listed herein. B. Each lump sum and unit bid price shall be deemed to include an amount considered by Contractor to be adequate to cover Contractor's overhead and profit for each separately identified item. 1.02 RELATED PROVISIONS A. Payments to Contractor: Refer to General Conditions. B. Changes in Contract Price: Refer to General Conditions. C. Schedule of Values: Refer to Section 01291. 1.03 PAY ITEMS Measurement and Payment: The payment shall be full compensation for completing the Work, as shown on the Drawings and specified under Divisions 1 through 16, and as outlined in the following pay items: Item 1- Mobilization, Demobilization, Bonds and Insurance: The lump sum payment for Item 1 shall be full compensation for mobilization, demobilization, bonds, and insurance (not to exceed 5% of the total contract amount). Item 2 – Demolition: The lump sum payment for Item 2 shall be full compensation for the demolition and removal of existing pumps, piping, appurtenance, pipe supports and concrete to the limits shown in the Contract Documents. Item 3 – Construction of Wet Well Hydraulic Improvements: The lump sum payment for Item 3 shall be full compensation for materials, installation and testing of concrete, concrete baffle walls, grout filets, wall construction; and all other items for complete installation, including any other items not covered by the remaining pay items. This item includes the submittal processing, submission of final operations and maintenance manuals and record documents (drawings and field data) for the wet well improvements. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01271-2 Measurement and Payment Item 4 – Construction of Dry-pit Hydraulic Improvements and Yard Valve Replacement: The lump sum payment for Item 4 shall be full compensation for materials, installation and testing of valves, operators, piping, pumps, pipe supports, pipe hangers, concrete supports; and all other items for complete installation, including any other items not covered by the remaining pay items. This item includes the submittal processing, submission of final operations and maintenance manuals and record documents (drawings and field data) for the dry-pit improvements. Item 5 – Bypass Pumping: The lump sum payment for Item 5 shall be full compensation for materials and installation of bypass pumping requirements for a 15 day period including mobilization, demobilization, oversight, fuel costs; and all other items for complete construction, including any other items not covered by the remaining pay items. Record drawings for the pump suction and discharge locations shall be provided by the City for information purposes. Item 6 – Additional Bypass Pumping: The unit price (per day) payment for this item shall be for compensation for running the bypass pumps in addition to the 15 days included in Item 5, if deemed necessary by Owner. The cost shall include oversight, fuel costs and all other items necessary to operate the bypass pumping system. Item 7 – Structural Crack Repair: Payment for Structural Crack Repair, 1/16” and Wider will be made at the unit price bid per linear foot under Item No. 7. This price shall constitute full compensation for providing all labor, equipment and material to perform the required work when ordered by the Engineer. All work shall be in accordance with the requirements of Specification Section 03732- Concrete Repairs. The quantity of structural crack repair in linear feet, to be measured for payment under this Contract Item, will be the actual length of repaired crack measured in-place within the limiting lines established by the Engineer. Measurements for structural crack repair shall be approved by the Engineer. Item 8 - Waterproof Injection Grout: Payment for Waterproof Injection Grout, 1/4” and Smaller will be made at the unit price bid per linear foot under Item No. 8. This price shall constitute full compensation for providing all labor, equipment and material to perform the required work when ordered by the Engineer. All work shall be in accordance with the requirements of Specification Section 03732- Concrete Repairs. The quantity of waterproof injection grout crack repair in linear feet, to be measured for payment under this Contract Item, will be the actual length of repaired crack measured in-place within the limiting lines established by the Engineer. Measurements for waterproof injection grout crack repair shall be approved by the Engineer. Item 9 – Spall Repair: Payment for Spall Repair will be made at the unit price bid per square foot under Item No. 9. This price shall constitute full compensation for providing all labor, equipment and material to perform the required work when ordered by the Engineer. All work shall be in accordance with the requirements of Specification Section 03732- Concrete Repairs. The quantity of concrete spall repair in square feet, to be measured for payment under this Contract Item, will be the actual surface area of repaired spall measured in-place within the limiting lines and areas established by the Engineer. Measurements for spall repair shall be approved by the Engineer. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01291-1 Schedule of Values SECTION 01291 SCHEDULE OF VALUES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. The Schedule of Values is an itemized list that establishes the value or cost of each part of the Work. It shall be used as the basis for preparing progress payments and may be used as a basis for negotiations concerning additional work or credits which may arise during the construction. Quantities and unit prices shall be included in the schedule when approved by or required by the Engineer. 1.02 PREPARATION A. Schedule of Values shall be prepared on 8-1/2-inch by 11-inch white paper. B. Identify Schedule with: 1. Title of Project and Location. 2. Contract or Project Number. 3. CONTRACTOR’s Name and Address. 4. Date of Submittal. C. Organize the schedule based on the Pay Items shown in Section 01271, Measurement and Payment. Use Table of Contents of the Specifications as basis for Schedule format and identify each item with the specification number and title in the Table of Contents. List sub-items of major products or systems as appropriate or when requested by ENGINEER. D. Schedule shall show a breakdown of labor, materials, equipment and other costs used in preparation of the Bid. E. Costs shall be in sufficient detail to indicate separate amounts for each Section of the Specifications. F. Each item shall include a directly proportional amount of Contractor's overhead and profit. G. For items on which progress payments will be requested for stored materials, break the values down into: 1. Value of materials delivered and unloaded. 2. Total installed value. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01291-2 Schedule of Values H. Contractor may include an item for bond, insurance, temporary facilities and job mobilization. This item will be included for payment at a rate of 50 percent per month for the first two months of the Project. I. The sum of the individual values shown on the Schedule of Values must equal the total Contract Price. J. When requested by Engineer, support values with data that will substantiate their correctness. 1.03 SUBMITTAL A. Submit Schedule of Values to Engineer for approval at least 20 days prior to submitting first application for a progress payment. Refer to Section 01300, Submittals, for number of copies and further distribution. After review by Engineer, revise and resubmit Schedule as required until it is approved. No application for progress payment will be processed until the Schedule of Values is approved by the Engineer. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01300-1 Submittals SECTION 01300 SUBMITTALS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Progress Schedule 1. Within fifteen (15) days after issuance of the Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall prepare and submit one electronic copy in PDF format and three (3) hard copies of his proposed progress schedule to the Engineer for review and approval. 2. If so required, the schedule shall be revised until it is approved by the Engineer. 3. Schedule shall be updated monthly, depicting progress to the last day of the month and one electronic copy in PDF format and three (3) hard copies submitted to the Engineer prior to the monthly progress meetings, and prior to the application for progress payment. Failure to provide monthlyschedule updates will be grounds for the Engineer or Owner to withhold progress payment approval. 4. Schedule shall be prepared in the form of a horizontal bar chart showing indetailthe proposed sequence of the work and identifying construction activities for each structure and for each portion of work. 5. Schedule shall be time scaled, identifying the first day of each week. The Schedule shall be provided with estimated dates for Early Start, Early Finish, Late Start and Late Finish. The work shall be scheduled to complete the Project withintheContract time. The Late Finish date shall equal the Contract Completion Date. 6. Schedule shall show duration (number of days) and float for each activity.Floatshall be defined as the measure of leeway in starting or completing a scheduled activity without adversely affecting the project completion date established by the Contract Documents. 7. Updated schedule shall show all changes since the previous submittal. 8. All revisions to the schedule must have the prior approval of the Engineer. B. Working Drawings 1. Within thirty (30) days after the Notice to Proceed, Contractor shall prepare and submit one electronic copy on PDF format of his preliminary schedule of Working Drawing submittals to the Engineer for review and approval. If so required, the schedule shall be revised until it is approved by the Engineer. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01300-2 Submittals 2. Working Drawings include, but are not limited to, Shop Drawings, layout drawingsin plan and elevation, installation drawings, elementary wiring diagrams, interconnecting wiring diagrams, manufacturer's data, etc. Contractor shall be responsible for securing all of the information, details, dimensions, Drawings, etc., necessary to prepare the Working Drawings required and necessary under this Contract and to fulfill all other requirements of his Contract. Contractor shall secure such information, details, Drawings, etc., from all possible sources including the Drawings, Working Drawings prepared bysubcontractors,Engineers,suppliers,etc. 3. Working Drawings shall accurately and clearly present the following: a. All working and installation dimensions. b. Arrangement and sectional views. c. Units of equipment in the proposed positions for installation, details of required attachments and connections, and dimensioned locationsbetween units and in relation to the structures. d. Necessary details and information for making connections between the various trades including, but not limited to, power supplies and interconnecting wiring between units, accessories, appurtenances, etc. 4. In the event that the Engineer is required to provide additional engineering services as a result of a substitution of materials or equipment by the Contractor, the additional services will be provided in accordance with Section 01010 - Summaryof Work, and will be covered in supplementaryorrevisedDrawingswhichwillbeissued to the Contractor. All changes indicated that are necessary to accommodate the equipment and appurtenances shall be incorporated into the Working Drawings submitted to the Engineer. 5. Working Drawings specifically prepared for this Project shall be on mylar or other approved reproducible material sheets of the same size as the Drawings. Working Drawings shall conform to recognized drafting standards and be neat, legible and drawn to a large enough scale to show in detail the required information. 6. The Drawings are used for engineering and generalarrangementpurposesonlyand are not to be used for Working Drawings. 7. Shop Drawings a. Contractor shall submit for review by the Engineer Shop Drawings for all fabricated work and for all manufactured items required to be furnished by the Contract Documents. b. Structural and all other layout Drawings prepared specifically for the Project shall have a plan scale of not less than 1/4-inch = 1 foot. c. Where manufacturer's publications in the form of catalogs, brochures, illustrations or other data sheets are submitted in lieu of prepared Shop City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01300-3 Submittals Drawings, such submittals shall specifically indicate the item for which approval is requested. Identification of items shall be made in ink, and submittals showing only general information are not acceptable. 8. Layout and Installation Drawings a. Contractor shall prepare and submit for review by the Engineer layout and installation drawings for all pipes, valves,fittings,sewers,drains,heatingand ventilation ducts, all electrical, heating, ventilating and other conduits, plumbing lines, electrical cable trays, lighting fixture layouts, and circuiting, instrumentation, interconnection wiring diagrams, communications, power supply, alarm circuits, etc., under this Contract. The final dimensions, elevation, location, etc., of pipe, valves, fittings, sewers, ducts, conduits, electrical cable trays, equipment, etc., may depend upon the dimensions of equipment and valves to be furnished by the Contractor. b. Layout and installation drawings are required for both interior and exterior piping, valves, fittings, sewers, drains, heating and ventilation ducts, conduits, plumbing lines, electrical cable trays, etc. c. Layout and installation Drawings shall show connections to structures, equipment, sleeves, valves, fittings, etc. d. Drawings shall show the location and type of all supports, hangers, foundations, etc., and the required clearances to operatevalves,equipment, etc. e. The Drawings for pipes, ducts, conduits, etc., shallshowall3-inchandlarger electrical conduits and pressure piping, electrical cable trays, heating and ventilation ducts or pipes, structure, manholes or any other feature within four (4) feet (measured as the clear dimension) from the pipe duct, conduit, etc., for which the profile is drawn. 9. Contractor Responsibilities a. All submittals from subcontractors, manufacturers or suppliers shall be sent directly to the Contractor for checking. Contractor shall thoroughlycheck all Drawings for accuracy and conformance to the intent of the Contract Documents. Drawings found to be inaccurate or otherwise in error shall be returned to the subcontractors, manufacturers,orsuppliersbytheContractor for correction before submitting them to the Engineer. b. All submittals shall be bound, dated, properly labeled and consecutively numbered. Information on the label shall indicate Specification Section, Drawing number, subcontractor's, manufacturer'sorsupplier'snameandthe name or type of item the submittal covers. Each part of a submittal shall be marked and tabulated. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01300-4 Submittals c. Working Drawings shall be submitted as a single complete package including all associated drawings relating to a complete assembly of the various parts necessary for a complete unit or system. d. Shop Drawings shall be submitted as a single complete package for any operating system and shall include all items of equipment and any mechanical units involved or necessary for the functioning of such system. Where applicable, the submittal shall include elementary wiring diagrams showing circuit functioning and necessary interconnection wiring diagrams for construction. e. All Submittals shall be thoroughly checked by the Contractor for accuracy and conformance to the intent of the Contract Documents before being submitted to the Engineer and shall bear the Contractor’s stamp of approval certifying that they have been so checked. Submittals without the Contractor’s stamp of approval will not be reviewed by the Engineer and will be returned to the Contractor. f. If the submittals contain any departures from the Contract Documents, specific mention thereof shall be made in the Contractor's letter of transmittal. Otherwise, the review of such submittals shall not constitute approval of the departure. g. No materials or equipment shall be ordered, fabricated, shipped or anywork performed until the Engineer returns to the Contractor the submittals, herein required, annotated "Furnish as Submitted", "Furnish as Corrected", or “Furnish as Corrected – Confirm.” If a submittal is returned “Furnish as Corrected – Confirm” the portions of work covered by the submittal that require confirmation by the Engineer shall not be ordered, fabricated, shipped, or any work performed until those portions are approved in a subsequent submittal either "Furnish as Submitted" or "Furnish as Corrected". h. Where errors, deviations, and/or omissions are discovered at a later date in any of the submittals, the Engineer's prior review of the submittals does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibilityforcorrectingallerrors,deviations, and/or omissions. 10. Procedure for Review a. Submittals shall be transmitted in sufficienttimetoallowtheEngineeratleast fifteen (15) working days for review and processing. b. Contractor shall transmit one electronic copy in PDF format and three (3) hard copies of all technical data or drawing to be reviewed. c. Submittal shall be accompanied by a letter of transmittal containing date, project title, Contractor's name, number and titles of submittals, a list of relevant specification sections, notification of departures from any Contract requirement, and any other pertinent data to facilitate review. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01300-5 Submittals d. Submittals will be annotated by the Engineer in one of the following ways: "Furnish as Submitted" (FAS) - no exceptions are taken "Furnish as Corrected" (FAC) - minor corrections are noted and shall be made. “Furnish as Corrected – Confirm” (FACC)-somecorrectionsarenotedanda partial resubmittal or additional information are required as specifically requested. "Revise and Resubmit" (R&R) - major corrections are noted and a full resubmittal is required. "For Information Only – Not Reviewed” (FIO) – submittal was received and was distributed for record purposes without review. e. If a submittal is satisfactoryto the Engineer in full or in part, the Engineer will annotate the submittal "Furnish as Submitted", "Furnish as Corrected", or “Furnish as Corrected – Confirm”. In the case of “Furnish as Corrected – Confirm” a partial resubmittal or additional information are required as specifically requested. f. If a full resubmittal is required, the Engineer will annotate the submittal "Revise and Resubmit" for appropriate action. g. Contractor shall continue to resubmit submittals in part if they are returned “Furnish as Corrected – Confirm” or in full if they are returned “Revise and Resubmit” as required bythe Engineer until submittals are acceptable to the Engineer. It is understood by the Contractor that Owner may charge the Contractor the Engineer's charges for review in the event a submittal is not approved (either "Furnish as Submitted" or "Furnish as Corrected") by the third submittal for a system or piece of equipment. These charges shall be for all costs associated withengineeringreview,meetingswiththeContractor or manufacturer, etc., commencing with the fourth submittal of a system or type of equipment submitted for a particular Specification Section. h. Acceptance of a Working Drawing bytheEngineerwillconstituteacceptance of the subject matter for which the Drawing was submitted and not for any other structure, material, equipment or appurtenances indicated or shown. 11. Engineer's Review a. Engineer's review of the Contractor's submittals shall in no way relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibilities under the Contract. An acceptance of a submittal shall be interpreted to mean that the Engineer has no specific objections to the submitted material, subject to conformance with the Contract Drawings and Specifications. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01300-6 Submittals b. Engineer's review will be confined to general arrangement and compliance with the Contract Drawings and Specifications only, and will not be for the purpose of checking dimensions, weights, clearances, fittings, tolerances, interferences, coordination of trades, etc. 12. Record Working Drawings a. Contractor shall maintain current record drawings onsite for the Engineer’s review. Record drawings shall be updated monthly at a minimum. b. Prior to final payment, the ContractorshallfurnishtheEngineeronecomplete set of all accepted Working Drawings, including Shop Drawings, for equipment, piping, electrical work, heating system, ventilating system, air conditioning system, instrumentation system, plumbing system, structural, interconnection wiring diagrams, etc. c. Working Drawings furnished shall be corrected to include any departures from previously accepted Drawings. C. Operation and Maintenance Manuals 1. One electronic copy in PDF format of preliminary Operation and Maintenance Manuals, prepared specifically for this Project, shall be furnished for each item of equipment furnished under this Contract. Thepreliminarymanualsshallbeprovided to the Engineer not less than 60 days prior to the start-up of the respective equipment. 2. The preliminary manuals shall be reviewed by the Engineer prior to the Contractor submitting final copies for distribution to the Owner. Following review of the preliminary copies of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals, one (1) electronic copy in PDF format will be returned to the Contractor with required revisions noted, or the acceptance of the Engineer noted. 3. Manuals shall contain complete information in connection with assembly,operation, lubrication, adjustment, wiring diagrams and schematics, maintenance, and repair, including detailed parts lists with drawings or photographs identifying the parts. 4. Manuals furnished shall be assembled and bound in separate volumes, by major equipment items or trades, and properly indexed to facilitate locating any required information. In addition, manuals should be labeled in the front cover with the project, name, equipment description, and manufacturer contact information. 5. Engineer and the Owner shall be the sole judge of the acceptability and completeness of the manuals and may reject any submittal for insufficient information included, incorrect references and/or the mannerinwhichthematerialis assembled. 6. Following the Engineer’s review of the preliminary manuals, the Contractor shall submit five (5) paper copies and two (2) electronic copies of the final Operation and Maintenance Manuals to the Engineer. The manuals shall reflect the required City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01300-7 Submittals revisions noted during the Engineer’s review of the preliminary documents. Failure of the final manuals to reflect the required revisions noted by the Engineer during a review of the Preliminary documents will result in the manuals being returned to the Contractor. Acceptable final Operation and Maintenance Manualsshallbeprovided not less than two week prior to equipment start-up. D. Construction Photographs 1. The General Contractor shall engage a competent photographer to take digital photographs at the locations and at such stages of the construction as directed by the Engineer. 2. Provide a minimum of 30 different exposures per month for the duration of the Contract time with the Payment Application. When directed by the Engineer, frequency of photographs may be increased to weekly sessions provided that the equivalent number of exposures isnotexceeded. Engineermaywaiverequirements for photographs during inactive construction periods. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01300-8 Submittals This page left blank intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01520-1 Maintenance of Utility Operations SECTION 01520 MAINTENANCE OF UTILITY OPERATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The existing plant will be maintained in continuous operation bythe Owner during the entire construction period of the Contract as hereinafter specified. The intent of this section is to outline the minimum requirementsnecessarytoallowtheOwnertocontinuouslyoperateand maintain the treatment facilityin order to remain in compliance with all permit requirements. B. Work under the Contract shall be scheduled and conducted by the Contractor so as not to impede anytreatment process, reduce the qualityof the plant effluentorcauseodororother nuisance except as explicitly permitted hereinafter. In performing the Work shown and specified, the Contractor shall plan and schedule his Work to meet the plant and collection system operating requirements, and the constraints and construction requirements as outlined in this Section. No discharge of raw or inadequately treated wastewater shall be allowed. The Contractor shall pay all civil penalties, costs, assessments, etc., associated with any discharge of raw or inadequately treated wastewater associated with the Contractor's Work. C. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the general constructionandelectrical, HVAC and plumbing construction schedules and for ensuring that permanent or temporary power is available for all existing, proposed, and temporary facilities that are required to be on line at any given time. D. The Contractor has the option of providing additionaltemporaryfacilitiesthatcaneliminatea constraint, provided it is done without cost to the Owner and provided that all requirements of these Specifications are fulfilled. The Contractor shall submit anysuch plan for providing additional temporary facilities to eliminate a constraint to the Engineer for review. Such plans must be approved by the Engineer and Owner prior to the Contractor proceeding. Work not specifically covered in the following paragraphs may, in general, be done at any time during the contract period, subject to the operating requirements and constraints and construction requirements outlined hereinafter. AllreferencestodaysinthisSectionshallbe consecutive calendar days. 1.02 GENERAL CONSTRAINTS A. The Contractor shall schedule the Work so that the plant is maintained in continuous operation. All treatment processes shall be maintained in continuous operation during the construction period except during approved process interruptions. All short-term system or partial systems shutdowns and diversions shall be approved by the Engineer. Long-term process shutdowns and diversions shall conform to the requirements hereinafter specified and shall be minimized by the Contractor as much as possible. If in the judgement of the Engineer a requested shutdown is not required for the Contractor to perform the Work, the Contractor shall utilize approvedalternativemethodstoaccomplishtheWork. Allshutdowns shall be coordinated with and scheduled at times suitable to the Owner. Shutdowns shall City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01520-2 Maintenance of Utility Operations not begin until all required materials are on hand and readyfor installation. Each shutdown period shall commence at a time approved by the Owner, and the Contractor shall proceed with the Work continuously, start to finish, until the Work is completed and normal plant operation is restored. If the Contractor completes all required Work before the specified shutdown period has ended, the Ownermayimmediatelyplacetheexistingsystembackinto service. B. The Contractor shall schedule short-term and long-term shutdowns in advance and shall present all desired shutdowns in the 30 and60-dayschedulesattheprogressmeetings(see Section 01200). Shutdowns shall be fullycoordinated with thePlantSuperintendentatleast 96 hours before the scheduled shutdown. Owner personnel shall operate Owner's facilities involved in the short-term and long-term shutdowns and diversions. C. Short term shutdowns in plant flow will be allowed for tie-ins to existing facilities, installation of temporarybulkheads, etc. All such shutdowns shall be scheduled for week-end low-flow periods and shall be limited to less than two (2) hours depending on incoming flow rate and storage volume in the collection and treatment system. Any shutdown of two (2) hours or longer duration shall be defined as a long-term shutdown. The Contractor shall provide appropriate diversion facilities to be approved bythe Owner, and at no additional cost to the Owner, when the plant cannot be shut down for a sufficient long time to accomplish the required work. The Contractor maybe allowed additional time for short-term interruptions if he can demonstrate to the Owner and Engineer that the collection systemwillnotsurcharge or overflow during the requested shutdown period. Duration of short-term interruptions allowed will depend on incoming wastewater flow rate and prevention of any discharge of raw wastewater from the collection system. The schedule and duration of short-term shutdowns shall be at the discretion of the Owner. D. Any temporary work, facilities, roads, walks, protection of existing structures, piping, blind flanges, valves, equipment, etc. that may be required within the Contractor's work limits to maintain continuous and dependable plant operation shall be furnished bytheContractorat the direction of the Engineer at no extra cost to the Owner. E. The Owner shall have the authority to order Work stopped or prohibited that would, in his opinion, unreasonablyresult in interrupting the necessaryfunctions of the plant operations. F. If the Contractor impairs performance or operation of the plant as a result of not complying with specified provisions for maintaining plant operations, then the Contractor shall immediatelymake all repairs or replacements and do all work necessaryto restoretheplant to operation to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Such work shall progress continuously to completion on a 24-hours per day, seven work days per week basis. G. The Contractor shall provide the services of emergency repair crews on call 24-hours per day to affect repairs to portions of the plant affected by the Contractor’s operations. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01520-3 Maintenance of Utility Operations 1.03 GENERAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS, CONSTRAINTS, AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS A. Access to Plant Site, Roadways, and Parking Areas 1. An unobstructed traffic route through the Main Gate shall be maintained at all times for the Owner's operations personnel and maintenance equipment. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing access to and for preparing and maintaining/approved parking areas. 2. An unobstructed traffic route around the plant site shall be maintainedatalltimesfor the Owner's operations personnelandmaintenanceequipment. Vehicularaccessto the treatment units and buildings for Owner personnel shall be maintained at all times by the Contractor. 3. The Contractor shall provide temporary measures to protect the existing pavement by filling over with earthen material or supplying other measures acceptable to the Engineer, and he shall repair any damage to existing paved surfaces that occurs during the construction period. Any areas disturbed along the shoulders of the access road and interior roads and elsewhereinsideandoutsideoftheplantshallbe repaired, graded, seeded, etc. as necessary to match pre-existing conditions. B. Personnel Access 1. Treatment plant personnel shall have access to all areas which remain in operation throughout the construction period. The Contractor shall locate stored material, dispose of construction debris and trash, provide temporary walkways, provide temporary lighting, and other such work as directed by the Engineer to maintain personnel access to areas in operation. Access and adequate parking areas for plant personnel must be maintained throughout construction. C. Plumbing Facilities 1. Unless otherwise allowed bythe Engineer,sanitaryfacilitiesintheexistingstructures shall be operational at all times for plant operating personnel. All other building plumbing systems such as roof and floor drains, pumping, etc., shall be maintained for all structures. D. Building Heating and Ventilating 1. Building heating and ventilating for the existing plant structuresshallbeinservicefor the entire construction period. Additional temporaryheating and ventilation shall be provided as required to maintain facilities under constructionadequatelyheatedand vented. E. Power, Light and Communications Systems (General) 1. Electric power, lighting service and communications systems shall be maintained in uninterrupted operation in all areas which remain in operation. Individual units may be disconnected as required for replacement, but service shall be available at all City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01520-4 Maintenance of Utility Operations times including periods when plant elements are out of service. Shutdown of electrical facilities shall be limited to not more than two (2) hours. The Owner may allow longer outages under conditions determined by the Owner by making use of the existing and/or the proposed engine-generator at the plant. All costs associated with operation of the engine-generators shall be paid by the Contractor. The Owner's phone service to the plant shall be maintained in continuous operation during construction. F. Draining Process Pipes and Conduits (General) 1. The contents of all pipes and conduits to be removed, replaced or relocated (or dewatered for a specific purpose) shall be transferred to a suitable facility in a manner approved by the Owner through hoses or piping, or by using pumps if hydraulic conditions so requirethem. TheContractorshallprovidethepumps,piping and hoses at no additional cost to the Owner. No uncontrolled spillage of a pipe or conduit shall be permitted. Any spillage, other than potable water, shall be immediately washed down and flushed into the appropriate process flow train. G. Potable Water System 1. Potable water service shall be maintained in continuous service at all times during construction. Existing fire hydrants within the plant site shall be operational at all times, unless otherwise approved by the Owner. H. Non-potable Water System 1. The existing non-potable water service shall be maintained in continuous operation during construction. I. Sump Pumps and Sumps 1. All existing sumps shall be maintained in an operable condition with either existing pumps or temporarypumps. Interim piping, power and controls shallbeprovidedas required by the staged construction sequence. 1.04 SPECIFIC OPERATIONAL CONSTRAINTS A. The Contractor shall schedule the Work based on the constraints given in Section 01043. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01530-1 Protection of Existing Facilities SECTION 01530 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation and protection of property adjacent to the work site against damage or injuryas a result of his operations under this Contract. Any damage or injury occurring on account of any act, omission or neglect on the part of the Contractor shall be restored in a proper and satisfactory manner or replaced by and at the expense of the Contractor to an equal or superior condition than previously existed. B. Contractor shall comply promptly with such safety regulations as may be prescribed by the Owner or the local authorities having jurisdiction and shall, when so directed, properly correct anyunsafe conditions created by, or unsafe practices on the part of, his employees. In the event of the Contractor's failure to comply, the Owner may take the necessary measures to correct the conditions or practices complained of, and all costs thereof will be deducted from any monies due the Contractor. Failure of the Engineer to direct the correction of unsafe conditions or practices shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility hereunder. C. In the event of any claims for damage or alleged damage to property as a result of work under this Contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for all costs in connection with the settlement of or defense against such claims. Prior to commencement of workinthevicinity of property adjacent to the work site, the Contractor, at his own expense, shall take such surveys as maybe necessaryto establish the existing condition of the property. Beforefinal payment can be made, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence that all claims for damage have been legallysettled or sufficient funds to cover such claims havebeenplaced in escrow, or that an adequate bond to cover such claims has been obtained. 1.02 PROTECTION OF WORK AND MATERIAL A. During the progress of the work and up to the date of final payment, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the care and protection of all work and materials covered by the Contract. B. All work and materials shall be protected against damage, injury or loss from any cause whatsoever, and the Contractor shall make good any such damage or loss at his own expense. Protection measures shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. 1.03 BARRICADES, WARNING SIGNS AND LIGHTS A. The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain as necessary, strong and suitable barricades, danger signs and warning lights along all roads accessible to the public, as required bythe authorityhaving jurisdiction, to insure safetyto the public. Allbarricadesand City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01530-2 Protection of Existing Facilities obstructions along public roads shall be illuminated at night and all lights for this purpose shall be kept burning from sunset to sunrise. B. The Contractor shall provide and maintain such other warningsignsandbarricadesinareas of and around their respective work as may be required for the safety of all those employed in the Work, the Owner's operating personnel, or those visiting the site. 1.04 EXISTING UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES A. The term existing utilities shall be deemed to refer to both publicly-owned and privately-owned utilities such as electric power and lighting, telephone, water, gas, storm drains, process lines, sanitary sewers and all appurtenant structures. B. Where existing utilities and structures are indicated on the Drawings, it shall be understood that all of the existing utilities and structures affecting the Work may not be shown and that the locations of those shown are approximate only. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ascertain the actual extent and exact location of existing utilities and structures. In every instance, the Contractor shall notify the proper authority having jurisdiction and obtain all necessarydirections and approvals before performing anyworkin the vicinity of existing utilities. C. Prior to beginning any excavation work, the Contractor shall, through field investigations, determine any conflicts or interferences between existing utilities and new utilities to be constructed under this project. This determination shall be based on the actual locations, elevations, slopes, etc., of existing utilities as determined in the field investigations, and locations, elevation, slope, etc. of new utilities as shown on the Drawings. If an interference exists, the Contractor shall bring it to the attention of the Engineer as soon as possible. If the Engineer agrees that an interference exists, he shall modify the design as required. Additional costs to the Contractor for this change shall be processed through a Change Order as detailed elsewhere in these Contract Documents. In the event the Contractor fails to bring a potential conflict or interference to the attention of the Engineer prior to beginning excavation work, any actual conflict or interference which does arise during the Work shall be corrected bythe Contractor, as directed bythe Engineer, at no additional expense to the Owner. D. The Work shall be carried out in a manner to prevent disruption of existing services and to avoid damage to the existing utilities. Temporaryconnectionsshallbeprovided,asrequired, to insure uninterruption of existing services. Any damage resulting from the Work of this Contract shall be promptly repaired by the Contractor at his own expense in a manner approved by the Engineer and further subject to the requirements of any authority having jurisdiction. Where it is required by the authority having jurisdiction that they perform their own repairs or have them done by others, the Contractor shall be responsible for all costs thereof. E. Where excavations bythe Contractor require anyutilitylines or appurtenantstructurestobe temporarily supported and otherwise protected during the construction work, such support and protection shall be provided by the Contractor. All such work shall be performed in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer and the respective authority having jurisdiction over such work. In the event the Contractor fails to provide proper support or protection to any existing utility, the Engineer may, at his discretion, have the respective authority to provide City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01530-3 Protection of Existing Facilities such support or protection as may be necessary to insure the safety of such utility, and the costs of such measures shall be paid by the Contractor. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01530-4 Protection of Existing Facilities This page left blank intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01540-1 Demolition and Removal SECTION 01540 DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. This Section covers the demolition, removal, and disposal of existing buildings, structures, pavement, curbs, and sidewalk, and any existing equipment including electrical, plumbing, heating and ventilating equipment and piping not required for the operation of the rehabilitated plant as indicated on the Drawings and as specified hereinafter. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment to demolish buildings and structures and to remove fixtures, anchors, supports, piping and accessories designated to be removed on the Drawings. 1.02 TITLE TO EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS A. Contractor shall have no right or title to any of the equipment, materials or other items to be removed from the existing buildings or structures unless and until said equipment,materials and other items have been removed from the premises after approval by the Owner. The Contractor shall not sell or assign, or attempt to sell or assign any interest in the said equipment, materials or other items until the said equipment, materials or other items have been removed. Owner shall bear no liability or claims of any kind from any equipment/ material removed from the premises by the Contractor. Contractor shall dispose of any disposal material safely and in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations. B. Contractor shall have no claim against the Owner because of the absence of such fixtures and materials. 1.03 CONDITION OF STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT A. The Owner does not assume responsibility for the actual condition of structures and equipment to be demolished and removed. B. Conditions existing at the time of inspection for bidding purposes will be maintained by the Owner so far as practicable. C. The information regarding the existing structures and equipment shown on the Drawings is based on visual inspection and a walk-through survey only. Neither the Engineer nor the Owner will be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn therefrom by the Contractor. PART 2 – PRODUCTS (NOT USED) City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01540-2 Demolition and Removal PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 DEMOLITION AND REMOVALS A. The removal of all equipment and piping, and all materials from the demolition of buildings and structure, when released by the Owner and Engineer, shall be done by the Contractor and shall become the Contractor's property, unless otherwise noted, for disposition in any manner not contraryto the Contract requirements and shall be removed from the site to the Contractor's own place of disposal. B. The Contractor, shall de-energize all panelboards, lighting fixtures, switches, circuit breakers, electrical conduits,motors,limitswitches,pressureswitches,instrumentationsuch as flow, level and/or other meters, wiring, and similar power equipments prior to removal. Any electric panels or equipment which are to be retained shall be relocated or isolated by the Contractor, prior to the removal of the equipment specified herein. C. The Contractor shall proceed with the removal of the equipment, piping and appurtenances in a sequence designed to maintain the plant in continuous operation as described in Section 01520, Maintenance of Utility Operations During Construction, and shall proceed only after approval of the Engineer. D. Anyequipment piping and appurtenances removed without proper authorization, which are necessary for the operation of the existing facilities shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no cost to the Owner. E. Excavation caused by demolitions shall be backfilled with fill free from rubbish and debris. 3.02 PROTECTION A. Demolition and removal work shallbeperformedbycompetentexperiencedworkmenforthe various type of demolition and removal work and shall be carried out through to completion with due regard to the safety of Owner employees, workmen on-site and the public. The work shall be performed with as little nuisance as possible. B. The Work shall comply with the applicable provisions and recommendation of ANSI A10.2, Safety Code for Building Construction, all governing codes, and as hereinafter specified. C. The Contractor shall make such investigations, explorationsandprobesasarenecessaryto ascertain anyrequired protective measures before proceedingwithdemolitionandremoval. The Contractor shall give particular attention to shoring and bracing requirements so as to prevent any damage to new or existing construction. D. The Contractor shall provide, erect, and maintain catch platforms, lights, barriers, weather protection, warning signs and other items as required for proper protection of the public, occupants of the building, workmen engaged in demolition operations, and adjacent construction. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01540-3 Demolition and Removal E. The Contractor shall provide and maintain weather protection at exterior openings so as to fullyprotect the interior premises against damage from theelementsuntilsuchopeningsare closed by new construction. F. The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary protection of the existing structure designated to remain where demolition, removal and new work is being done, connections made, materials handled or equipment moved. G. The Contractor shall take necessary precautions to prevent dust from rising by wetting demolished masonry, concrete, plaster and similar debris. Unalteredportionsoftheexisting buildings affected by the operations under this Section shall be protected by dust-proof partitions and other adequate means. H. The Contractor shall provide adequate fire protection in accordance with local Fire Department requirements. I. The Contractor shall not close or obstruct walkways, passageways, or stairways and shall not store or place materials in passageways, stairs or other means of egress. The Contractor shall conduct operations with minimum traffic interference. J. The Contractor shall be responsible for anydamage to the existing structure or contents by reason of the insufficiency of protection provided. 3.03 WORKMANSHIP A. The demolition and removal work shall be performed as described in the Contract Documents. The work required shall be done with care, and shall include all required shoring, bracing, etc. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage which may be caused by demolition and removal work to any part or parts of existing structures or items designated for reuse or to remain. The Contractor shall perform patching, restoration and new work in accordance with applicable Technical Sections of the Specifications and in accordance with the details shown on the Drawings. B. All supports, pedestals and anchors shall be removed with the equipment andpipingunless otherwise specified or required. Concrete bases, anchor bolts and other supports shall be removed to approximately1-inch belowthesurroundingfinishedareaandtherecessesshall be patched to match the adjacent areas. Superstructure wall and roof openings shall be closed, and damaged surfaces shall be patched to match the adjacent areas, as specified under applicable Sections of these Specifications, as shownontheDrawings,orasdirected by the Engineer. Wall sleeves and castings shall be plugged or blanked off, all openings in concrete shall be closed in a manner meeting the requirements of the appropriate Sections of these Specifications, as shown on the Drawings, and as directed and approved by the Engineer. C. Materials or items designated to remain the property of the Owner shall be as hereinafter tabulated. Such items shall be removed with care and stored at a location at the site to be designated by the Owner. D. Where equipment is shown or specified to be removed and relocated, the Contractor shall not proceed with removal of this equipment without specific prior approval of the Engineer. Upon approval, and prior to commencing removal operations, the equipment shall be City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01540-4 Demolition and Removal operated in the presence of representatives of the Contractor, Owner and Engineer. Such items shall be removed with care, under the supervision of the trade responsible for reinstallation and protected and stored until required. Material or items damaged during removal shall be replaced with similar new material or item. Anyequipment that is removed without proper authorization and is required for plant operation shall be replaced at no cost to the Owner. E. Wherever piping is to be removed for disposition, the piping shall be drained by the Contractor and adjacent pipe and headers that are to remain in service shall be blanked off or plugged and then anchored in an approved manner. F. Materials or items demolished and not designated to becomethepropertyoftheOwnerorto be reinstalled shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the property and legally disposed of. G. The Contractor shall execute the work in a careful and orderly manner, with the least possible disturbance to the public and to the occupants of the building. H. In general, masonryshall be demolished in small sections, and where necessaryto prevent collapse of any construction, the Contractor shall install temporary shores, struts, and bracing. I. Where alterations occur, or new and old work join, the Contractor shall cut, remove, patch, repair or refinish the adjacent surfaces to the extent required bythe constructionconditions, so as to leave the altered work in as good a condition as existed prior to the start of the work. The materials and workmanship employed in the alterations, unless otherwise shown on the Drawing or specified, shall comply with that of the various respective trades which normally perform the particular items or work. J. The Contractor shall finish adjacent existing surfaces to new work to match the specified finish for new work. The Contractor shall clean existing surfaces of dirt, grease,loosepaint, etc., before refinishing. K. The Contractor shall cut out embedded anchorage and attachment items as required to properly provide for patching and repair of the respective finishes. L. The Contractor shall confine cutting of existing roof areas designated to remain to the limits required for the proper installation of the new work. The Contractor shall cut and remove insulation, etc., and provide temporaryweather tight protection as required untilnewroofing and flashings are installed. M. The Contractor shall remove temporary work, such as enclosures, signs, guards, and the like when such temporary work is no longer required or when directed at the completion of the work. 3.04 MAINTENANCE A. The Contractor shall maintain the buildings, structures and public properties free from accumulations of waste, debris and rubbish, caused by the demolition and removal operations. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01540-5 Demolition and Removal B. The Contractor shall provide on-site dump containers for collection of waste materials, debris and rubbish, and he shall wet down dry materials to lay down and prevent blowing dust. C. At reasonable intervals during the progress of the demolition and removal work or as directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall clean the site and properties, and dispose of waste materials, debris and rubbish. 3.05 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS RETAINED BY OWNER A. The following equipment and materials will be retained by the Owner: Dry pit submersible pumps RSP-05, 06, 07 and 08 Four (4) 24-inch knife gate valves One (1) 20-inch plug valve One (1) 20-inch check valve B. The equipment and materials shall be moved bythe Contractortostorageareas,onthesite, to be designated by the Owner. - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01540-6 Demolition and Removal This page left blank intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01550-1 Site Access and Storage SECTION 01550 SITE ACCESS AND STORAGE PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Access Roads 1. The Contractor shall use existing access roads. Construct of temporary access roads are not required as part of this Contract. 2. Existing access roads used by the Contractor shall be suitably maintained by the Contractor at his expense during construction. Contractor shall not be permitted to restrict Owner access to existing facilities. Engineer may direct Contractor to perform maintenance of existing access roads when Engineer determines that such work is required to insure all weather access by the Owner. B. Parking Areas 1. Contractor shall construct and maintain suitable parking areas for his construction personnel on the project site where approved by the Engineer and the Owner. C. Restoration 1. At the completion of the work, the surfaces of land used for access roads and parking areas shall be restored by the Contractor to its original condition and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. At a minimum, such restoration shall include establishment of a permanent ground cover adequate to restrain erosion for all disturbed areas. D. Traffic Regulations 1. Contractor shall obey all traffic laws and comply with all the requirements, rules and regulations of the TXDOT and other local authorities having jurisdiction to maintain adequate warning signs, lights, barriers, etc., for the protection of traffic on public roadways. E. Storage of Equipment and Materials 1. Contractor shall store his equipment and materials at the job site in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions, the Supplemental Conditions, and as hereinafter specified. All equipment and materials shall be stored in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and as directed by the Owner or Engineer, and in conformity to applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations and rulings of the public authority having jurisdiction. Where space or strip heaters are provided within the enclosure for motors, valve operators, motor starters, panels, instruments, or other City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01550-2 Site Access and Storage electrical equipment, the Contractor shall make connections to these heaters from an appropriate power source and operate the heaters with temperature control as necessary until the equipment is installed and being operated according to its intended use. 2. Contractor shall enforce the instructions of Owner and Engineer regarding the posting of regulatory signs for loadings on structures, fire safety, and smoking areas. 3. Contractor shall not store materials or encroach upon private property without the written consent of the owners of such private property. 4. Contractor shall not store unnecessary materials or equipment on the job site, and shall take care to prevent any structure from being loaded with a weight which will endanger its security or the safety of persons. 5. Materials shall not be placed within ten (10) feet of fire hydrants. Gutters, drainage channels and inlets shall be kept unobstructed at all times. 6. Contractor shall provide adequate temporary storage buildings/facilities, if required, to protect materials or equipment on the job site. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01590-1 Field Office, Temporary Utilities Equipment and Service SECTION 01590 FIELD OFFICE, TEMPORARY UTILITIES, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Contractor's Field Office 1. Contractorshallfurnish,equipandmaintainafieldofficeatthesiteofasizeifrequired for his operations located within the stage area designed in the Contract Documents. Contractorshallprovidehisowntelephoneserviceandshallhavereadilyaccessibleat thefieldoffice,copiesoftheContractDocuments,latestapprovedShopDrawingsand all field Project related correspondence, Change Order, etc. B. Temporary Utilities 1. Temporary utility connection points required by the Contractor will be provided bythe Owner. The Contractor shall provide all labor and materials to make temporary connections as directed by the Owner and maintain the connections. The monthly service cost for temporary utilities will be billed directly to the Owner through existing utility contracts. The Contractor shall not include monthly temporary utility service costs as part of the proposal. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01590-2 Field Office, Temporary Utilities Equipment and Service This page left blank intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01600-1 Materials and Equipment SECTION 01600 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Furnish and Install 1. Where the words "furnish", "provide", "supply", "replace", or "install" are used, whether singularly or in combination, they shall mean to furnish and install, unless specifically stated otherwise. 2. In the interest of brevity, the explicit direction "to furnish and install" has sometimes been omitted in specifying materials and/or equipment herein. Unless specifically noted otherwise, it shall be understood that all equipment and/or materials specified or shown on the Drawings shall be furnished and installed under the Contract as designated on the Drawings. B. Concrete Foundations for Equipment 1. Contractor shall provide all concrete foundations shown, specified or required for all equipment furnished under their respective Contract. 2. Anchor bolts and templates for equipment foundations shall be furnished under the respective Contract for installation the Contractor. 3. All concrete foundations for equipment shall be treated, by the Contractor, with an approved sealer to prevent oil from seeping into the concrete. 1.02 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS A. All equipment, materials, instruments or devices incorporated in this project shall be new and unused, unless indicated otherwise in the Contract Documents. Equipment and materials to be incorporated into the Work shall be delivered sufficiently in advance of their installation and use to prevent delay in the execution of the Work, and they shall be delivered as nearly as feasible in the order required for executing the Work. B. The Contractor shall protect all equipment and materials from deterioration and damage, including provisions for temporary storage buildings as needed and as specified in Section 01550, Site Access and Storage. Storage of equipment and materials shall be in locations completely protected from flooding, standing water, excessive dust, falling rock, brush fire, etc. Storage areas shall be located sufficiently distant from all construction activities and the movement of construction vehicles to minimize the potential for accidental damage. Any equipment or materials of whatever kind which may have become damaged or deteriorated from any cause shall be removed and replaced by good and satisfactory items at the Contractor's expense for both labor and materials. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01600-2 Materials and Equipment 1.03 INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT A. Equipment and materials shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions, Supplemental Conditions and the respective Specification Sections. B. Concrete foundations for equipment shall be of approved design and shall be adequate in size, suitable for the equipment erected thereon,properlyreinforced,andtiedintofloorslabs by means of reinforcing bars or dowels. Foundation bolts of ample size and strength shall be provided and properly positioned by means of suitable templates and secured during placement of concrete. Foundations shall be built and bolts installed in accordancewiththe manufacturer's certified drawings. C. Before mounting equipment on a foundation, the Contractor shall clean the top surface; if necessary, rough it with a star chisel and clean again; and clean out all foundation bolt sleeves. The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of steel plate shims about 2-inches wide and 4-inches long, and of a varying thickness from 1/8 to 1/2-inch. A combination of these shims shall be placed next to each foundation bolt to bring the bottom of the bedplate or frame about 1/8-inch above the final setting. The equipment shall be lowered by changing the combination of shims. Using brass shim stock of various thicknesses, continue to level the equipment a little at a time and in rotation until it is at the correct elevation in both directions. When the equipment is level, tighten down on the foundation bolts a little at a time in rotation to make certain the equipment remains leveland does not shift on the shims. A preliminary alignment check shall be made before grout is placed. D. Equipment shall be set, aligned and assembled in conformance with manufacturer's drawings or instructions. Run out tolerances by dial indicator method of alignment shall be plus or minus .002-inches, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. E. All blocking and wedging required for the proper support and leveling of equipment during installation shall be furnished by the Contractor. All temporary supports shall be removed, except steel wedges and shims, which may be left in place with the approval of the Engineer. F. Each piece of equipment or supporting base, bearing on concrete foundations, shall be bedded in grout. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 1-1/2-inch thick grouting under the entire baseplate supporting each pump, motor drive unit and other equipment. Grout shall be non-shrink grout, as specified under Section 03600, Grout. 1.04 CONNECTIONS TO EQUIPMENT A. Connections to equipment shall follow manufacturer's recommendations as to size and arrangement of connections and/or as shown in detail on the Drawings or approved Shop Drawings. Piping connections shall be made to permit ready disconnection of equipment with minimum disturbance of adjoining piping and equipment. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01600-3 Materials and Equipment B. The Contractor shall be responsible for bringing proper electrical service to each item of equipment requiring electrical service as shown on the Drawings or approved Shop Drawings. Electrical connections to equipment requiring electrical service shallbemadeby the Contractor, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings or in the Technical Specifications. C. The Contractor exists shall bring and connect HVAC servicetoallequipmentitemsrequiring same as shown on the Drawings. Electrical connections to equipment requiring electrical service shall be made by the Contractor, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings or in the Technical Specifications. D. The Contractor shall bring and connect plumbing service to all equipment items requiring same as shown on the Drawings. 1.05 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Requests for substitutions of equipment or materials shall conform to the requirements of the General Conditions, Supplemental Conditions, and as hereinafter specified. 1. Contractor shall submit for each proposed substitution sufficient details, complete descriptive literature and performance data together with samples of the materials, where feasible, to enable the Owner and Engineer to determine if the proposed substitution is equal. 2. Contractor shall submit certified tests, where applicable, by an independent laboratory attesting that the proposed substitution is equal. 3. A list of installations where the proposed substitution is equal. 4. Requests for substitutions shall include full information concerning differences in cost, and anysavings in cost resulting from such substitutions shall be passed on to the Owner. B. Where the approval of a substitution requires revision or redesign of any part of the work, including that of other Contracts, all such revision and redesign, and all new drawings and details therefore, shall be provided bythe Contractor at his own cost andexpense,andshall be subject to the approval of the Owner and Engineer. C. In the event that the Engineer is required to provideadditionalengineeringservices,thenthe Engineer's charges for such additional services shall be charged to the Contractor by the Owner in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions, and the Supplemental Conditions. D. In all cases the Owner and Engineer shall be the judge as to whether a proposed substitution is to be approved. The Contractor shall abide bytheir decision when proposed substitute items are judged to be unacceptable and shall in such instances furnish the item specified or indicated. No substitute items shall be used in the workwithoutwrittenapproval of the Owner and Engineer. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01600-4 Materials and Equipment E. Contractor shall have and make no claim for an extension of time or for damages byreason of the time taken bythe Engineer in considering a substitutionproposedbytheContractoror by reason of the failure of the Engineer to approve a substitution proposed by the Contractor. F. Acceptance of anyproposed substitution shall in no wayrelease the Contractor from anyof the provisions of the Contract Documents. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01700-1 Project Closeout SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Final Cleaning 1. At the completion of the Work, the Contractor shall remove all rubbish from and about the site of the Work, and all temporary structures, construction signs, tools, scaffolding, materials, suppliesandequipmentwhichheoranyofhisSubcontractors mayhave used in the performance of the work. Contractor shall broom cleanpaved surfaces and rake clean other surfaces of grounds. 2. Contractor shall thoroughlyclean all materials, equipment and structures;allmarred surfaces shall be touched up to match adjacent surfaces; dirtyfilters and burnedout lights replaced as required; all glass surfaces cleaned and floors cleaned and polished so as to leave work in a clean and new appearing condition. 3. Contractor shall maintain cleaning until project, or portion thereof, isoccupiedbythe Owner. C. Spare Parts and Special Tools 1. As soon as practicable after approval of the list of equipment, the Contractor shall furnish spare parts data for each different item of equipment listed. The data shall include a complete list of parts and supplies, with current unit prices and source or sources of supply. 2. Contractor shall also furnish a list of parts, and supplies that are either normally furnished at no extra cost with the purchase of the equipment or specified to be furnished as part of the Contract and a list of additional items recommended by the manufacturer to assure efficient operation for a period of one-hundred and twenty (120) days for the particular installation. 3. All parts shall be securely boxed and tagged, and clearly marked on the box and individually for identification as to the name of manufacturer or supplier, applicable equipment, part number, description and locationintheequipment. Allpartsshallbe protected and packaged for a shelf life of at least ten (10) years. 4. Contractor shall furnish at no additional cost to the Owner with each piece of equipment as a minimum, one (1) complete set, or the number of sets called for in the Technical Specifications, of suitablymarked special tools and appliances which may be needed to adjust, operate, maintain, or repair the equipment. 5. Contractor shall submit, for approval by the Engineer, a complete list of the special tools and appliances to be furnished. Such tools and appliances shall be furnished City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01700-2 Project Closeout in approved painted steel cases properly labeled and equipped with good grade cylinder locks and duplicate keys. D. Equipment Start-Up Services 1. Equipment start-up period, for the training of plant personnel, shall begin after satisfactory completion and acceptance of the field tests and coincidentallywith the certified date of substantial completion for the part of the Work for which the equipment is included. If the equipment is not covered bya certificate of substantial completion for a part of the Work, the period shall begin uponsubstantialcompletion of the project. 2. During the equipment start-up periodtheContractorshallcoordinate,atnoadditional cost to the Owner, the services of factory trained representatives of the equipment manufacturers for the equipment designated in the Specifications to: a. Assist in the start-up and operations of the equipment. b. Assist in the training of plant personnel, designated by the Owner in the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment. 3 The Owner shall: a. Provide the necessary plant personnel to be instructed in the operation and maintenance of the equipment. The Owner's personnel shall operate all equipment. b. Payfor all fuel, power and chemicals consumed beyond quantities specified in the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall pay for fuel, power, and chemicals consumed up to the date of "certified substantial completion" except as otherwise specified herein. 4. Contractor shall be available to promptlyrepair all work during the start-up period so as to cause minimum disruption to the total plant operation. 5. Upon completion of a minimum of ten (10) consecutive and continuous days of satisfactory operation, or the number of days called for in the Technical Specifications, the Owner will assume operation and operating cost of the equipment. If the equipment malfunctions during this start-up period, the start-up period will be repeated until satisfactory operation is achieved. 6. In the event a system, equipment or component proves defective or is unable to meet specified performance criteria, the Contractor shall replace the defective item and the minimum one (1) year guarantee period, ortheguaranteeperiodcalledforin the Technical Specifications for the item shall start after satisfactory replacement and testing of the item. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01700-3 Project Closeout E. Final Cleanup; Site Rehabilitation 1. Before finally leaving the site, the Contractor shall wash and clean all exposed surfaces which have become soiled or marked, and shall remove from the site of work all accumulated debris and surplus materials of any kind which result from his operation, including construction equipment, tools, sheds, sanitary enclosures, etc. The Contractor shall leave all equipment, fixtures, and work, which he has installed, in a clean condition. The completed project shall be turned over to the Owner in a neat and orderly condition. 2. The site of the Work shall be rehabilitated or developed in accordance with other sections of the Specifications and the Drawings. In the absence of any portion of these requirements, the Contractor shall completely rehabilitate the site to a condition and appearance equal or superior to that which existed just prior to construction, except for those items whose permanent removal or relocation was required in the Contract Documents or ordered by the Owner. F. Final Inspection 1. Final cleaning and repairing shall be so arranged as to be finished upon completion of the construction work. The Contractor will make his final cleaning and repairing, and any portion of the work finally inspected and accepted by the Engineer shall be kept clean by the Contractor, until the final acceptance of the entire Work. 2. When the Contractor has finallycleaned and repaired the wholeoranyportionofthe Work, he shall notifythe Engineer that he is readyfor final inspection of the whole or a portion of the Work, and the Engineer will thereupon inspect theWork. IftheWork is not found satisfactory, the Engineer will order further cleaning, repairs, or replacement. 3. When such further cleaning or repairing is completed, the Engineer, upon further notice, will again inspect the Work. The "Final Payment" will not be processed until the Contractor has complied with the requirements set forth, and the Engineer has made his final inspection of the entire Work and is satisfied that the entire Work is properly and satisfactorily constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. G. Project Close Out 1. As construction of the project enters the final stages of completion, the Contractor shall, in concert with accomplishing the requirements set forth in the Contract Documents, attend to or have alreadycompleted the following itemsastheyapplyto his contract: a. Scheduling equipment manufacturers' visits to site. b. Required testing of project components. c. Scheduling start-up and initial operation. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01700-4 Project Closeout d. Scheduling and furnishing skilled personnel during initial operation. e. Correcting or replacing defective work, including completion of items previouslyoverlooked or work whichremainsincomplete,allasevidencedby the Engineer's "Punch" Lists. f. Attend to anyother items listed herein orbroughttotheContractor'sattention by the Engineer. 2. Just before the Engineer's Certificate of Substantial Completion is issued, the Contractor shall accomplish the cleaning and final adjustmentofthevariousbuilding components as specified in the Specifications and as follows: a. Clean all finish hardware after adjustment for proper operation. b. Touch up marks or defects in painted surfaces and touch up any similar defects in factory finished surfaces. 3. In addition, and before the Certificate of Substantial Completion is issued, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer (or to the Owner if indicated)certainrecords, certifications, etc., which are specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents. A partial list of such items appears below, but it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to submit any other items which are required in the Contract Documents: a. Test results of project components. b. Performance Affidavits for equipment. c. Certification of equipment or materials in compliance with Contract Documents. d. Operation and maintenance instructions or manuals for equipment. e. One set of neatlymarked-up record drawings showing as-built changes and additions to the work under his Contract. f. Any special guarantees or bonds (Submit to Owner). g. Licensed surveyor’s report showing elevations of weirs specified in the Contract Drawings and the final surveyed elevation. 4. The Contractor's attention is directed to the fact that required certifications and information under Item 3 above, must actually be submitted earlier in accordance with other Sections of the Specifications. PART 2 – PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 – EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01740-1 Cleaning SECTION 01740 CLEANING PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Conduct cleaning and waste-removal operations to comply with local laws and ordinances and Federal and local environmental and anti-pollution regulations. 1.02 PROGRESS CLEANING A. General: Clean the Site, Work areas and other areas CONTRACTOR is permitted to occupy by Laws and Regulations at least weekly. Dispose of materials lawfully according to Laws and Regulations: 1. Comply with requirements in NFPA 241, Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration and Demolition Operations, for removal of combustible waste materials and debris. 2. Do not hold other materials more than 7 days during normal weather or 3 days if the temperature is expected to rise above 80 F. 3. Provide suitable containers for storage of waste materials and debris. 4. Containerize hazardousandunsanitarywastematerialsseparatelyfromotherwaste. Mark containers appropriately. B. Project: 1. Maintain Project free of waste materials and debris. 2. Keep exterior dust generating areas wetted down. 3. At least weekly, or more often per OWNER request, brush sweep all existing plant roadways affected by the Work at no additional cost to the OWNER. 4. Weekly cleaning of OWNER's field office to OWNER's satisfaction. C. Work Areas: Clean areas where Work is in progress to the level of cleanliness necessary for proper execution of the Work. 1. Remove liquid spills promptly. 2. Where dust would impair proper execution of the Work, broom-clean or vacuum the entire Work area, as appropriate. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01740-2 Cleaning D. Installed Work: Keep installed Work clean. Clean installed surfaces according to written instructions of manufacturer or fabricator of product installed, using only cleaning materials specifically recommended. If specific cleaning materials are not recommended, use cleaning materials that are not hazardous to health or property and that will not damage exposed surfaces. E. Concealed Spaces: Remove debris from concealed spaces before enclosing the space. F. Exposed Surfaces: Clean exposed surfaces and protect as necessary to ensure freedom from damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. G. Cutting and Patching: Clean areas and spaces where cutting and patching are performed. Completely remove paint, mortar, oils, putty, and similar materials. 1. Thoroughlyclean piping, conduit, and similar features before applying paint or other finishing materials. Restore damaged pipe covering to its original condition. H. Waste Disposal: 1. Burying or burning waste materials on the Site will not be permitted. 2. Dispose of all waste materials, surplus materials, debris and rubbish off the site. 3. Do not dispose of volatile or hazardous wastes such as mineral spirits, oil, or paint thinner in storm or sanitary drains. 4. Washing waste materials down sewers or into waterways will not be permitted. 5. Use of the OWNER's landfill to dispose of materials is not permitted. I. During handling and installation, clean and protect construction in progress and adjoining materials already in place. Apply protective covering where required to ensure protection from damage or deterioration at Substantial Completion. J. Clean and provide maintenance on completed construction as frequently as necessary through the remainder of the construction period. Adjust and lubricate operable components to ensure operability without damaging effects. 1.03 FINAL CLEANING A. General: Provide final cleaning. 1. Complete the following cleaning and waste-removal operations before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial CompletionforentireProjectorforaportion of Project: a. Clean and remove from the Project rubbish, waste material, litter, and other foreign substances. b. Sweep paved areas broom clean. Remove petrochemical spills, stains, and other foreign deposits. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01740-3 Cleaning c. Hose clean sidewalks and loading areas. d. Rake grounds that are neither planted nor paved to a smooth, even-textured surface. e. Leave water courses, gutters, and ditches open and clean. f. Clean exposed exterior and interior hard-surfaced finishes to a dirt-free condition, free of spatter, grease, stains, fingerprints, films, and similar foreign substances. g. Clean, wax and polish wood, vinyl and painted floors. h. Remove debris and surface dust fromlimitedaccessspaces,includingroofs, plenums, shafts, trenches, equipment vaults, manholes, and similarspaces. i. Sweep concrete floors broom clean in unoccupied spaces. j. Clean transparent materials, including mirrors and glass in doors and windows.Removeglazingcompoundsandothernoticeable,vision-obscuring materials. Replace chipped or broken glass and other damaged transparent materials. k. Remove tags and labels that are not permanent. l. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore chipped, scratched, dented or otherwise marred surfaces to specified finish and match adjacent surfaces. i. Do not paint over "UL" and similar labels, including mechanical and electrical nameplates. m. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment, and similar equipment. Remove excess lubrication, paint and mortar droppings, and other foreign substances. n. Clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitarycondition,freeofstains,includingstains resulting from water exposure. o. Clean light fixtures, lamps, globes, and reflectors to function with full efficiency. Replace burned-out bulbs, and thosenoticeablydimmedbyhours of use, and defective and noisy starters in fluorescent and mercury vapor fixtures to comply with requirements for new fixtures. p. Maintain the cleaning until OWNER occupies the Project or portion thereof. q. Leave Project clean and in a neat and orderly condition satisfactory to ENGINEER. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01740-4 Cleaning PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- XECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01751-1 Starting and Placing Equipment in Service SECTION 01751 STARTING AND PLACING EQUIPMENT IN OPERATION PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. CONTRACTOR shall initially start-up and place all equipment into successful operation according to manufacturer's written instructions and as instructed by manufacturer's field representative. Provide all material, labor tools, equipment, and expendables required. B. General Activities Include: 1. Cleaning. 2. Removing temporary protective coatings. 3. Flushing and replacing greases and lubricants, where required by manufacturer. 4. Lubrication. 5. Check shaft and coupling alignments and reset where needed. 6. Check and set motor, pump and other equipment rotation, safetyinterlocks,andbelt tensions. 7. Check and correct if necessary leveling plates, grout, bearing plates, anchor bolts, fasteners, and alignment of piping which may put stress on pumping equipment connected to it. 8. All adjustments required. C. Provide initial filling of lubricants and all other required operating fluids. D. Provide fuel, electricity, water, filters, and other expendables required for initial start-up of equipment unless otherwise specified. E. Owner will provide sufficient personnel to assist Contractor in the initial start-up, but the prime responsibility for proper mechanical operation will belong to Contractor. Manufacturer/s representatives shall be present during initial startup and operation. F. Start-up of either the heating or air conditioning systems is dependent upon the time of year that the plant start-up is initiated. Contractor will be required to return at the beginning of the next heating or air conditioning season (whichever is applicable) to start the appropriate system. G. Immediately upon completion of successful start-up and placing of equipment in City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01751-2 Starting and Placing Equipment in Service operation Owner will assume responsibility for operation of equipment. 1.02 MINIMUM START-UP PROCEDURES A. Bearings and Shafting: 1. Inspect for cleanliness, clean and remove foreign materials. 2. Verify alignment. 3. Replace defective bearings, and those which run rough or noisy. 4. Grease as necessary, and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Motors: 1. Check each motor for comparison to amperage nameplate value. 2. Correct conditions which produce excessive current flow, and which exist due to equipment malfunction. C. Pumps: 1. Check glands and seals for cleanliness and adjustment before running pump. 2. Inspect shaft sleeves for scoring. 3. Inspect mechanical faces, chambers, and seal rings, and replace if defective. 4. Verifythat piping system is free of dirt and scale before circulating liquid through the pump. D. Valves: 1. Inspect both hand and automatic control valves, clean bonnets and stems. 2. Tighten packing glands to assure no leakage, but permit valve stems to operate without galling. 3. Replace packing in valves to retain maximum adjustment after system is judged complete. 4. Replace packing on any valve which continues to leak. 5. Remove and repair bonnets which leak. 6. Coat packing gland threads and valvestemswithasurfacepreparationof"Molykote" or "Fel-Pro", after cleaning. E. Verify that control valve seats are free from foreign material, and are properly positioned City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01751-3 Starting and Placing Equipment in Service for intended service. F. Tighten flanges and all other pipe joints after system has been placed in operation. 1. Replace gaskets which show any sign of leakage after tightening. G. Inspect all joints for leakage. 1. Promptly remake each joint which appears to be faulty, do not wait for rust to form. 2. Clean threads on both parts, apply compound and remake joints. H. After system has been placed in operation, clean strainers, drives, pockets, orifices, valve seats and headers in fluid system, to assure freedom from foreign materials. I. Remove rust, scale and foreign materials from equipment and renew defaced surfaces. J. Inspect each pressure gage and thermometer for calibration. 1. Replace items which are defaced, broken, or which read incorrectly. K. Vent gasses trapped in any part of systems. 1. Verify that liquids are drained from all parts of gas or air systems PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01751-4 Starting and Placing Equipment in Service This page left blank intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01752-1 Field Tests of Equipment SECTION 01752 FIELD TESTS OF EQUIPMENT PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. In addition to testing required by this Section 01752, Contractor shall perform all other tests required by detailed equipment Specifications. 1.02 PRELIMINARY TESTS A. Contractor shall make preliminary field tests of all equipment as soon as conditions permit. B. Purpose of tests is to determine if equipment is: 1. Properly installed. 2. Complies with operating cycles. 3. Operational and free from overheating, overloading, vibration or other operating problems. C. Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, instruments, fuel, incidentals, and expendables required, unless otherwise provided. D. Contractor shall make all changes, adjustments and replacements required to place equipment in service and test it. E. Engineer and Owner shall be given sufficient prior notice to witness tests. 1.03 FINAL TESTS A. To the maximum extent possible, Contractor shall perform final field tests of equipment prior to initial start-up and operation of the Project. Where this is not practicable, final field tests shall be performed during initial start-up and operation of the Project, as approved by Engineer. B. Purpose of the tests is to demonstrate that equipment is: 1. Properly installed. 2. Completely ready for operation by the Owner. 3. In compliance with design conditions, material specifications and all other requirements of the Contract Documents. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01752-2 Field Tests of Equipment C. Contractor shall furnish all fuel and energy, labor, materials, instruments, lubricants and expendables required for the tests except where otherwise specified. D. Until final field tests are completed and approved, Contractor shall make all necessary changes, adjustments and replacements. E. Contractor shall notify Engineer at least 3 days prior to beginning of tests. F. Contractor shall keep notes and data on tests and submit copy to the Engineer. Engineer and Owner’s operating personnel shall witness all tests. G. Contractor shall require the manufacturer to prepare a letter certifying they have reviewed the installation and that it is acceptable. This certification is required for each piece of equipment where startup or manufacturer's field services are required. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01782-1 Record Documents SECTION 01782 RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. Contractor shall maintain and provide the Engineer with record documents as specified below, except where otherwise specified or modified in Divisions 2-17. B. Maintenance of Documents: 1. Up to five (5) sets of black line sets of plans, including Addenda, of the Contract Drawings will be furnished to the Contractor by the Owner. 2. Maintain in Contractor’s field office in clean, dry, legible condition complete sets of the following: Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, approved Shop Drawings, Samples, photographs, Change Orders,othermodificationsofContractDocuments, test records, survey data, Field Orders, and all other documents pertinent to Contractor’s Work. 3. Provide files and racks for proper storage and easy access. File in accordance with filing format of Construction Specification Institute (CSI). 4. Make documents available at all times for inspection by Engineer and Owner. 5. Record documents shall not be used for anyotherpurposeandshallnotberemoved from the Contractor’s office without Engineer’s approval. 6. Record documents must be maintained throughout the project. Progress payment approval by Engineer and Owner may be delayed if it is deemed by Engineer and Owner that record documents are not up to date. C. Marking System: Provide colored pencils or felt tipped pens for marking changes, revisions, additions and deletions, to the record set of Drawings. Use following color code: 1. Process and Mechanical: Red 2. Structural: Purple 3. HVAC: Green 4. Electrical: Orange 5. Other Printed Notations: Black City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01782-2 Record Documents D. Recording: 1. Label each document "PROJECT RECORD" in 2-inch high printed letters. 2. Keep record documents current. 3. Do not permanentlyconceal anyWork until required informationhasbeenrecorded. 4. Drawings: Legibly mark to record actual construction including: a. Depths of various elements of foundation in relation to datum. b. Horizontal and vertical location of underground utilities and appurtenances referenced to permanent surface improvements. c. Location of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in construction referenced to visible and accessible features of structure. d. Field changes of dimensions and details. e. Changes made by Change Order or Field Order. f. Details not on original Drawings. g. Stapling of addenda, change orders, field orders, and other changes to the drawings is not an acceptable substitute for clearly marking the changes on the drawings or in the specifications. 5. Specifications and Addenda: Legibly mark up each Section to record: a. Manufacturer, trade name,catalognumber,andsupplierofeachproductand item of equipment actually installed. b. Changes made by Change Order or Field Order. c. Other matters not originally specified. E. Submittal: 1. At Completion of all Work the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer the record documents showing the actual in-place installation of the items installed under this Contract. The Drawings shall show the Work in plan and sections as required for claritywith reference dimensions and elevationsforcompleteRecordDrawings.The Record Drawings shall include all addenda items, change orders, field orders, and other changes or revisions to reflect actual conditions. The submittal shall be furnished not later than thirty(30) days after Substantial CompletionoftheWorkand prior to final payment. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01782-3 Record Documents 2. Accompany submittal with transmittal letter containing: a. Date. b. Project title and number. c. Contractor’s name and address. d. Title and number of each record document. e. Certification that each document as submitted is complete and accurate. f. Signature of Contractor, or his authorized representative PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 01782-4 Record Documents This page left blank intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 02050-1 Demolition SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment in accordance with the requirements of Section 01520 - Maintenance of Utility Operations During Construction and Section 01540 - Demolition and Removal of Existing Structures and Equipment. B. In addition, the Contractor shall demolish and remove all concrete and asphaltic paving, curbs, sidewalk, and miscellaneous yard structures as required and shown on the Contract Drawings during the construction work. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 01090 - Reference Standards B. Section 01520 - Maintenance of Utility Operations During Construction C. Section 01540 - Demolition and Removal of Existing Structures and Equipment 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS A. References shall be in accordance with reference standards, codes, and specifications as set forth herein and in Section 02100 - Clearing, Grubbing, and Site Preparation. PART 2 -- EXECUTION 2.01 DEMOLITION A. Existing concrete and asphaltic paving, curbs, sidewalk and miscellaneous yard structures within the areas designated for new construction work shall be completely demolished and all debris removed from the site. B. Excavation caused by demolition shall be backfilled with fill free from rubbish and debris. C. Work shall be performed in such manner as not to endanger the safety of the workmen or the public or cause damage to nearby structures. D. Provide all barriers and precautionary measures in accordance with Owner's requirements and other authorities having jurisdiction. E. Where parts of existing structures are to remain in service, demolish the portions to be removed, repair damage, and leave the structure in proper condition for the intended use. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 02050-2 Demolition Remove concrete and masonry to the lines designated by drilling, chipping, or other suitable methods. Leave the resulting surfaces reasonably true and even, with sharp straight corners that will result in neat joints with new construction and be satisfactory for the purpose intended. Where existing reinforcing rods are to extend into new construction, remove the concrete so that the reinforcing is clean and undamaged. Cut off other reinforcing 1/2-inch below the surface and fill with epoxy resin binder flush with the surface. F. Prior to the execution of the work, the Contractor, Owner and Engineer shall jointly survey the condition of the adjoining and/or nearby structures. Photographs and records shall be made of any prior settlement or cracking of structures, pavements, and the like, that may become the subject of possible damage claims. 2.02 DISPOSAL OF MATERIAL A. All debris resulting from the demolition and removal work shall be disposed of by the Contractor as part of the work of this Contract. Material designated by the Engineer to be salvaged shall be stored on the construction site as directed. All other material shall be disposed of off site by the Contractor at his expense. B. Burning of any debris resulting from the demolition will not be permitted at the site. - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03100-1 Concrete Formwork SECTION 03100 CONCRETE FORMWORK PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Provide materials, labor, and equipment required for the design and construction of all concrete formwork, bracing, shoring and supports in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 03200 - Reinforcing Steel B. Section 03250 - Concrete Accessories C. Section 03290 - Joints in Concrete D. Section 03300 - Cast-in-Place Concrete 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generality of the other requirements of the specifications, all work herein shall conform to the applicable requirements of the following documents. All referenced specifications, codes, and standards refer to the most current issue available at the time of Bid. 1. State of Texas Building Code 2. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 3. ACI 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings 4. ACI 347 - Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork 5. U.S. Product Standard for Concrete Forms, Class I, PS 1 6. ACI 117 - Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals. 1. Manufacturer's data on proposed form release agent 020210BR City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03100-2 Concrete Formwork 2. Manufacturer's data on proposed formwork system including form ties 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Concrete formwork shall be in accordance with ACI 301, ACI 318, and ACI 347. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 FORMS AND FALSEWORK A. All forms shall be smooth surface forms unless otherwise specified. B. Wood materials for concrete forms and falsework shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Lumber for bracing, shoring, or supporting forms shall be Douglas Fir or Southern Pine, construction grade or better, in conformance with U.S. Product Standard PS20. All lumber used for forms, shoring or bracing shall be new material. 2. Plywood for concrete formwork shall be new, waterproof, synthetic resin bonded, exterior type Douglas Fir or Southern Pine high density overlaid (HDO) plywood manufactured especially for concrete formwork and shall conform to the requirements of PS1 for Concrete Forms, Class I, and shall be edge sealed. Thickness shall be as required to support concrete at the rate it is placed, but not less than 5/8-inch thick. C. Other form materials such as metal, fiberglass, or other acceptable material that will not adversely affect the concrete and will facilitate placement of concrete to the shape, form, line and grade indicated may be submitted to the Engineer for approval, but only materials that will produce a smooth form finish equal or better than the wood materials specified will be considered. 2.02 FORMWORK ACCESSORIES A. Form ties shall be provided with a plastic cone or other suitable means for forming a conical hole to insure that the form tie may be broken off back of the face of the concrete. The maximum diameter of removable cones for rod ties, or of other removable form-tie fasteners having a circular cross-section, shall not exceed 7/8-inch, and all such fasteners shall be such as to leave holes of regular shape for reaming. B. Form ties for water-retaining structures shall have integral waterstops. Removable taper ties may be used when acceptable to the Engineer. A preformed mechanical EPDM rubber plug shall be used to seal the hole left after the removal of the taper tie. Plug shall be X-Plug by the Greenstreak Group, Inc., or approved equal. Friction fit plugs shall not be used. C. Form release agent shall be a blend of natural and synthetic chemicals that employs a chemical reaction to provide quick, easy and clean release of concrete from forms. It shall not stain the concrete and shall leave the concrete with a paintable surface. Formulation of City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03100-3 Concrete Formwork the form release agent shall be such that it would minimize formation of "bug holes" in cast- in-place concrete. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 FORM DESIGN A. Forms and falsework shall be designed for total dead load, plus all construction live load as outlined in ACI 347. Design and engineering of formwork and safety considerations during construction shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. B. Forms shall be of sufficient strength and rigidity to maintain their position and shape under the loads and operations incident to placing and vibrating the concrete. The maximum deflection of facing materials reflected in concrete surfaces exposed to view shall be 1/240 of the span between structural members. C. All forms shall be designed for predetermined placing rates per hour, considering expected air temperatures and setting rates. 3.02 CONSTRUCTION A. The type, size, quality, and strength of all materials from which forms are made shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. No falsework or forms shall be used which are not clean and suitable. Deformed, broken or defective falsework and forms shall be removed from the work. B. Forms shall be smooth and free from surface irregularities. Suitable and effective means shall be provided on all forms for holding adjacent edges and ends of panels and sections tightly together and in accurate alignment so as to prevent the formation of ridges, fins, offsets, or similar surface defects in the finished concrete. Joints between the forms shall be sealed to eliminate any irregularities. The arrangement of the facing material shall be orderly and symmetrical, with the number of seams kept to a practical minimum. C. Forms shall be true to line and grade, and shall be sufficiently rigid to prevent displacement and sagging between supports. Curved forms shall be used for curved and circular structures. Straight panels joined at angles will not be acceptable for forming curved structures. Forms shall be properly braced or tied together to maintain their position and shape under a load of freshly-placed concrete. Facing material shall be supported with studs or other backing which shall prevent both visible deflection marks in the concrete and deflections beyond the tolerances specified. D. Forms shall be mortar tight so as to prevent the loss of water, cement and fines during placing and vibrating of the concrete. Specifically, the bottom of wall forms that rest on concrete footings or slabs shall be provided with a gasket to prevent loss of fines and paste during placement and vibration of concrete. Such gasket may be a 1 to 1-1/2 inch diameter polyethylene rod held in position to the underside of the wall form. E. All vertical surfaces of concrete members shall be formed, and side forms shall be provided for all footings, slab edges and grade beams, except where placement of the concrete against the ground is called for on the Drawings. Not less than 1-inch of concrete shall be City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03100-4 Concrete Formwork added to the thickness of the concrete member as shown where concrete is permitted to be placed against trimmed ground in lieu of forms. Such permission will be granted only for members of comparatively limited height and where the character of the ground is such that it can be trimmed to the required lines and will stand securely without caving or sloughing until the concrete has been placed. F. All forms shall be constructed in such a manner that they can be removed without hammering or prying against the concrete. Wood forms shall be constructed for wall openings to facilitate loosening and to counteract swelling of the forms. G. Adequate clean-out holes shall be provided at the bottom of each lift of forms. Temporary openings shall be provided at the base of column forms and wall forms and at other points to facilitate cleaning and observation immediately before the concrete is deposited. The size, number and location of such clean-outs shall be as acceptable to the Engineer. H. Construction joints shall not be permitted at locations other than those shown or specified, except as may be acceptable to the Engineer. When a second lift is placed on hardened concrete, special precautions shall be taken in the way of the number, location and tightening of ties at the top of the old lift and bottom of the new to prevent any unsatisfactory effect whatsoever on the concrete. For flush surfaces at construction joints exposed to view, the contact surface of the form sheathing over the hardened concrete in the previous placement shall be lapped by not more than 1 inch. Forms shall be held against hardened concrete to prevent offset or loss of mortar at construction joints and to maintain a true surface. I. The formwork shall be cambered to compensate for anticipated deflections in the formwork due to the weight and pressure of the fresh concrete and due to construction loads. Set forms and intermediate screed strips for slabs accurately to produce the designated elevations and contours of the finished surface. Ensure that edge forms and screed strips are sufficiently strong to support vibrating screeds or roller pipe screeds if the nature of the finish specified requires the use of such equipment. When formwork is cambered, set screeds to a like camber to maintain the proper concrete thickness. J. Positive means of adjustment (wedges or jacks) for shores and struts shall be provided and all settlement shall be taken up during concrete placing operation. Shores and struts shall be securely braced against lateral deflections. Wedges shall be fastened firmly in place after final adjustment of forms prior to concrete placement. Formwork shall be anchored to shores or other supporting surfaces or members to prevent upward or lateral movement of any part of the formwork system during concrete placement. If adequate foundation for shores cannot be secured, trussed supports shall be provided. K. Runways shall be provided for moving equipment with struts or legs. Runways shall be supported directly on the formwork or structural member without resting on the reinforcing steel. 3.03 TOLERANCES A. Unless otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents, formwork shall be constructed so that the concrete surfaces will conform to the tolerance limits listed in ACI 117. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03100-5 Concrete Formwork B. Structural framing of reinforced concrete around elevators and stairways shall be accurately plumbed and located within 1/4 in. tolerance from established dimensions. C. The Contractor shall establish and maintain in an undisturbed condition and until final completion and acceptance of the project, sufficient control points and bench marks to be used for reference purposes to check tolerances. Plumb and string lines shall be installed before concrete placement and shall be maintained during placement. Such lines shall be used by Contractor's personnel and by the Engineer and shall be in sufficient number and properly installed. During concrete placement, the Contractor shall continually monitor plumb and string line form positions and immediately correct deficiencies. D. Regardless of the tolerances specified, no portion of the building shall extend beyond the legal boundary of the building. 3.04 FORM ACCESSORIES A. Suitable moldings shall be placed to bevel or round all exposed corners and edges of beams, columns, walls, slabs, and equipment pads. Chamfers shall be 3/4 inch unless otherwise noted. B. Form ties shall be so constructed that the ends, or end fasteners, can be removed without causing appreciable spalling at the faces of the concrete. After ends, or end fasteners of form ties have been removed, the embedded portion of the ties shall terminate not less than 2 inches from the formed face of the concrete that is exposed to wastewater or enclosed surfaces above the wastewater, and not less than 1 inch from the formed face of all other concrete. Holes left by the removal of form tie cones shall be reamed with suitable toothed reamers so as to leave the surface of the holes clean and rough before being filled with mortar as specified in Section 03350 - Concrete Finishing. No form-tying device or part thereof, other than metal, shall be left embedded in the concrete. Ties shall not be removed in such manner as to leave a hole extending through the interior of the concrete member. The use of snap-ties which cause spalling of the concrete upon form stripping or tie removal will not be permitted. No snap ties shall be broken off until the concrete is at least three days old. If steel panel forms are used, rubber grommets shall be provided where the ties pass through the form in order to prevent loss of cement paste. 3.05 APPLICATION - FORM RELEASE AGENT A. Forms for concrete surfaces that will not be subsequently waterproofed shall be coated with a form release agent. Form release agent shall be applied on formwork in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.06 INSERTS AND EMBEDDED ITEMS A. Sleeves, pipe stubs, inserts, anchors, expansion joint material, waterstops, and other embedded items shall be positioned accurately and supported against displacement prior to concreting. Voids in sleeves, inserts, and anchor slots shall be filled temporarily with readily removable material to prevent the entry of concrete into the voids. 3.07 FORM CLEANING AND REUSE City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03100-6 Concrete Formwork A. The inner faces of all forms shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to concreting. Forms may be reused only if in good condition and only if acceptable to the Engineer. Light sanding between uses will be required wherever necessary to obtain uniform surface texture. Unused tie rod holes in forms shall be covered with metal caps or shall be filled by other methods acceptable to the Engineer. 3.08 FORM REMOVAL AND SHORING A. Forms shall not be disturbed until the concrete has attained sufficient strength. Sufficient strength shall be demonstrated by structural analysis considering proposed loads, strength of forming and shoring system, and concrete strength data. Shoring shall not be removed until the supported member has acquired sufficient strength to support its weight and the load upon it. Members subject to additional loads during construction shall be adequately shored to sustain all resulting stresses. Forms shall be removed in such manner as not to impair safety and serviceability of the structure. All concrete to be exposed by form removal shall have sufficient strength not to be damaged thereby. B. Provided the strength requirements specified above have been met and subject to the Engineer's approval, forms may be removed at the following minimum times. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the strength of all such components from which forms are removed prior to the concrete attaining its full design compressive strength. Shoring may be required at the option of the Engineer beyond these periods. Ambient Temperature (°F.) During Concrete Placement Over 95° 70°-95° 60°-70° 50°-60° Below 50° Walls 5 days 2 days 2 days 3 days Do not remove until directed by Engineer (7 days minimum) Columns 7 days 2 days 3 days 4 days Beam Soffits 10 days 7 days 7 days 7 days Elevated Slabs 12 days 7 days 7 days 7 days C. When, in the opinion of the Engineer, conditions of the work or weather justify, forms may be required to remain in place for longer periods of time. D. An accurate record shall be maintained by the Contractor of the dates of concrete placings and the exact location thereof and the dates of removal of forms. These records shall be available for inspection at all times at the site, and two copies shall be furnished the Engineer upon completion of the concrete work. - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03200-1 Reinforcing Steel SECTION 03200 REINFORCING STEEL PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENTS A. Provide all concrete reinforcing including all cutting, bending, fastening and any special work necessary to hold the reinforcing steel in place and protect it from injury and corrosion in accordance with the requirements of this section. B. Provide deformed reinforcing bars to be grouted into reinforced concrete masonry walls. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 03100 - Concrete Formwork B. Section 03250 - Concrete Accessories C. Section 03300 - Cast-in-Place Concrete D. Section 03400 - Precast Concrete 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generality of the other requirements of the specifications, all work herein shall conform to the applicable requirements of the following documents. All referenced specifications, codes, and standards refer to the most current issue available at the time of Bid. 1. State of Texas Building Code 2. CRSI - Concrete Reinforcing Institute Manual of Standard Practice 3. ACI SP66 - ACI Detailing Manual 4. ACI 315 - Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcing 5. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 6. WRI - Manual of Standard Practice for Welded Wire Fabric 7. ASTM A 615 - Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcing 060515BR City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03200-2 Reinforcing Steel 8. ASTM A 1064 - Standard Specification for Steel Wire and Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain and Deformed, for Concrete 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals. 1. Detailed placing and shop fabricating drawings, prepared in accordance with ACI 315 and ACI Detailing Manual - (SP66), shall be furnished for all concrete reinforcing. These drawings shall be made to such a scale as to clearly show joint locations, openings, and the arrangement, spacing and splicing of the bars. 2. Mill test certificates - 3 copies of each. 3. Description of the reinforcing steel manufacturer's marking pattern. 4. Requests to relocate any bars that cause interferences or that cause placing tolerances to be violated. 5. Proposed supports for each type of reinforcing. 6. Request to use splices not shown on the Drawings. 7. Request to use mechanical couplers along with manufacturer's literature on mechanical couplers with instructions for installation, and certified test reports on the couplers' capacity. 8. Request for placement of column dowels without the use of templates. 9. Request and procedure to field bend or straighten partially embedded reinforcing. 10. International Code Council–Evaluation Services Evaluation Services Report (ICC-ES ESR) for dowel adhesives. 11. Certification that all installers of dowel adhesive are certified as Adhesive Anchor Installers in accordance with the ACI-CRSI Anchor Installer Certification Program. 12 Adhesive dowel testing plan. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide samples from each load of reinforcing steel delivered in a quantity adequate for testing. Costs of initial tests will be paid by the Owner. Costs of additional tests due to material failing initial tests shall be paid by the Contractor. B. Installer Qualifications for Drilled-In Rebar: Drilled-in rebar shall be installed by an Installer with at least three years of experience performing similar installations. Installer shall be City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03200-3 Reinforcing Steel certified as an Adhesive Anchor Installer in accordance with ACI-CRSI Adhesive Anchor Installation Certification Program. C. Installer Training: Conduct a thorough training with the manufacturer or the manufacturer’s representative for the Installer on the project. Training shall consist of a review of the complete installation process for drilled-in anchors, to include but not be limited to the following: 1. Hole drilling procedure. 2. Hole preparation and cleaning technique. 3. Adhesive injection technique and dispenser training/maintenance. 4. Rebar doweling preparation and installation. 5. Proof loading/torquing. D. Inspections of the adhesive dowel system may be made by the Engineer or other representatives of the Owner in accordance with the requirements of the ESR published by the manufacturer. Provide adequate time and access for inspections of products and anchor holes prior to injection, installation, and proof testing. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 REINFORCING STEEL A. Bar reinforcing shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 615 for Grade 60 Billet Steel reinforcing. All reinforcing steel shall be from domestic mills and shall have the manufacturer's mill marking rolled into the bar which shall indicate the producer, size, type and grade. All reinforcing bars shall be deformed bars. Smooth reinforcing bars shall not be used unless specifically called for on Drawings. B. Welded wire fabric reinforcing shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 1064 and the details shown on the Drawings. C. A certified copy of the mill test on each load of reinforcing steel delivered showing physical and chemical analysis shall be provided, prior to shipment. The Engineer reserves the right to require the Contractor to obtain separate test results from an independent testing laboratory in the event of any questionable steel. When such tests are necessary because of failure to comply with this Specification, such as improper identification, the cost of such tests shall be borne by the Contractor. D. Field welding of reinforcing steel will not be allowed. E. Use of coiled reinforcing steel will not be allowed. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03200-4 Reinforcing Steel 2.02 ACCESSORIES A. Accessories shall include all necessary chairs, slab bolsters, concrete blocks, tie wires, dips, supports, spacers and other devices to position reinforcing during concrete placement. Slab bolsters shall have gray plastic-coated legs. B. Concrete blocks (dobies), used to support and position bottom reinforcing steel, shall have the same or higher compressive strength as specified for the concrete in which it is located. 2.03 MECHANICAL COUPLERS A. Mechanical couplers shall develop a tensile strength which exceeds 100 percent of the ultimate tensile strength and 125 percent of the yield strength of the reinforcing bars being spliced. The reinforcing steel and coupler used shall be compatible for obtaining the required strength of the connection. B. Where the type of coupler used is composed of more than one component, all components required for a complete splice shall be supplied. C. Hot forged sleeve type couplers shall not be used. Acceptable mechanical couplers are Dayton Superior Dowel Bar Splicer System by Dayton Superior, Dayton, Ohio, or approved equal. Mechanical couplers shall only be used where shown on the Drawings or where specifically approved by the Engineer. D. Where the threaded rebar to be inserted into the coupler reduces the diameter of the bar, the threaded rebar piece shall be provided by the coupler manufacturer. 2.04 DOWEL ADHESIVE SYSTEM A. Where shown on the Drawings, reinforcing bars anchored into hardened concrete with a dowel adhesive system shall use a two-component adhesive mix which shall be injected with a static mixing nozzle following manufacturer's instructions. B. All holes shall be drilled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions except that core drilled holes shall not be permitted unless specifically allowed by the Engineer. Cored holes, if allowed by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer, shall be roughened in accordance with manufacturer’s requirements. C. Thoroughly clean drill holes of all debris, drill dust, and water in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions with compressed air and a wire brush prior to installation of adhesive and reinforcing bar. D. Degree of hole dampness shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer recommendations. Installation conditions shall be either dry or water-saturated. Water filled or submerged holes shall not be permitted unless specifically approved by the Engineer. E. Injection of adhesive into the hole shall be performed in a manner to minimize the formation of air pockets in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03200-5 Reinforcing Steel F. Embedment Depth: 1. The embedment depth of the bar shall be as shown on the Drawings. Although all manufacturers listed below are permitted, the embedment depth shown on the Drawings is based on “PE 1000+” by Powers Fasteners. If the Contractor submits one of the other named dowel adhesives from the list below, the Engineer shall evaluate the required embedment and the Contractor shall provide the required embedment depth stipulated by the Engineer specific to the approved dowel adhesive. 2. Where the embedment depth is not shown on the Drawings, the embedment depth shall be determined to provide the minimum allowable bond strength equal to the tensile strength of the rebar according to the manufacturer’s ICC-ES ESR. 3. The embedment depth shall be determined using the actual concrete compressive strength, a cracked concrete state, maximum long term temperature of 110 degrees F, and maximum short term temperature of 140 degrees F. In no case shall the embedment depth be less than the minimum, or more than the maximum, embedment depths stated in the manufacturer’s ICC-ES ESR. G. Engineer's approval is required for use of this system in locations other than those shown on the Drawings. H. The adhesive system shall be IBC compliant for use in both cracked and uncracked concrete in all Seismic Design Categories and shall be "Epcon C6+ Adhesive Anchoring System" as manufactured by ITW Redhead, " HIT-HY 200 Adhesive Anchoring System" as manufactured by Hilti, Inc. “SET-XP Epoxy Adhesive Anchors” as manufactured by Simpson Strong-Tie Co. or “PE-1000+ Epoxy Adhesive Anchor System” by Powers Fasteners. Fast- set epoxy formulations shall not be acceptable. No or equal products will be considered, unless pre-qualified and approved. I. All individuals installing dowel adhesive system shall be certified as an Adhesive Anchor Installer in accordance with the ACI-CRSI Anchor Installation Certification Program. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.01 TEMPERATURE REINFORCING A. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or in the absence of the concrete reinforcing being shown, the minimum cross sectional area of horizontal and vertical concrete reinforcing in walls shall be 0.0033 times the gross concrete area and the minimum cross sectional area of reinforcing perpendicular to the principal reinforcing in slabs shall be 0.0020 times the gross concrete area. Temperature reinforcing shall not be spaced further apart than five times the slab or wall thickness, nor more than 18 inches. 3.02 FABRICATION City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03200-6 Reinforcing Steel A. Reinforcing steel shall be accurately formed to the dimensions and shapes shown on the Drawings and the fabricating details shall be prepared in accordance with ACI 315 and ACI 318, except as modified by the Drawings. B. The Contractor shall fabricate reinforcing bars for structures in accordance with the bending diagrams, placing lists and placing Drawings. C. No fabrication shall commence until approval of Shop Drawings has been obtained. All reinforcing bars shall be shop fabricated unless approved to be bent in the field. Reinforcing bars shall not be straightened or rebent in a manner that will injure the material. Heating of bars will not be permitted. D. Welded wire fabric with longitudinal wire of W9.5 size or smaller shall be either furnished in flat sheets or in rolls with a core diameter of not less than 10 inches. Welded wire fabric with longitudinal wires larger than W9.5 size shall be furnished in flat sheets only. 3.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. All reinforcing shall be neatly bundled and tagged for placement when delivered to the job site. Bundles shall be properly identified for coordination with mill test reports. B. Reinforcing steel shall be stored above ground on platforms or other supports and shall be protected from the weather at all times by suitable covering. It shall be stored in an orderly manner and plainly marked to facilitate identification. C. Reinforcing steel shall at all times be protected from conditions conducive to corrosion until concrete is placed around it. D. The surfaces of all reinforcing steel and other metalwork to be in contact with concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, grease, loose scale and rust, grout, mortar and other foreign substances immediately before the concrete is placed. Where there is delay in depositing concrete, reinforcing shall be reinspected and if necessary recleaned. 3.04 PLACING A. Reinforcing steel shall be accurately positioned as shown on the Drawings and shall be supported and wired together to prevent displacement, using annealed iron wire ties or suitable clips at intersections. All reinforcing steel shall be supported by concrete, plastic or metal supports, spacers or metal hangers which are strong and rigid enough to prevent any displacement of the reinforcing steel. Where concrete is to be placed on the ground, supporting concrete blocks (or dobies) shall be used in sufficient numbers to support the reinforcing bars without settlement. In no case shall concrete block supports be continuous. B. The portions of all accessories in contact with the formwork shall be made of plastic or steel coated with a 1/8 inch minimum thickness of plastic which extends at least 1/2 inch from the concrete surface. Plastic shall be gray in color. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03200-7 Reinforcing Steel C. Tie wires shall be bent away from the forms in order to provide the specified concrete coverage. D. Reinforcing bars additional to those shown on the Drawings, which may be found necessary or desirable by the Contractor for the purpose of securing reinforcing in position, shall be provided by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. E. Reinforcing placing, spacing, and protection tolerances shall be within the limits specified in ACI 318 except where in conflict with the Building Code, unless otherwise specified. F. Reinforcing bars may be moved within one bar diameter as necessary to avoid interference with other concrete reinforcing, conduits, or embedded items. If bars are moved more than one bar diameter, or enough to exceed placing tolerances, the resulting arrangement of bars shall be as acceptable to the Engineer. G. Welded wire fabric shall be supported on slab bolsters spaced not less than 30 inches on centers, extending continuously across the entire width of the reinforcing mat and supporting the reinforcing mat in the plane shown on the Drawings. H. Reinforcing shall not be straightened or rebent unless specifically shown on the drawings. Bars with kinks or bends not shown on the Drawings shall not be used. Coiled reinforcement shall not be used. I. Dowel Adhesive System shall be installed in strict conformance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and as required in Article 2.04 above. A representative of the manufacturer must be on site prior to adhesive dowel installation to provide instruction on proper installation procedures for all adhesive dowel installers. Testing of adhesive dowels shall be as indicated below. If the dowels have a hook at the end to be embedded in subsequent work, an approved mechanical coupler shall be provided at a convenient distance from the face of existing concrete to facilitate adhesive dowel testing while maintaining required hook embedment in subsequent work. J. Adhesive Dowel Testing 1. At all locations where adhesive dowels are shown on the Drawings, at least 25 percent of all adhesive dowels installed shall be tested to the value indicated on the Drawings, with a minimum of one tested dowel per group. If no test value is indicated on the Drawings but the installed dowel is under direct tension, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer to verify the required test value. 2. Contractor shall submit a plan and schedule indicating locations of dowels to be tested, load test values and proposed dowel testing procedure (including a diagram of the testing equipment proposed for use) prior to conducting any testing. The testing equipment shall have a minimum of three support points and shall be of sufficient size to locate the edge of supports no closer than two times the anchor embedment depth from the center of the anchor. 3. Where Contract Documents indicate adhesive dowel design is the Contractor’s responsibility, the Contractor shall submit a plan and schedule indicating locations of dowels to be tested and load test values, sealed by a Professional Engineer City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03200-8 Reinforcing Steel currently registered in the State of Texas. The Contractor shall also submit documentation indicating the Contractor’s testing procedures have been reviewed and the proposed procedures are acceptable. 4. Adhesive Dowel shall have no visible indications of displacement or damage during or after the proof test. Concrete cracking in the vicinity of the dowel after loading shall be considered a failure. Dowels exhibiting damage shall be removed and replaced. If more than 5 percent of tested dowels fail, then 100 percent of dowels shall be proof tested. 5. Proof testing of adhesive dowels shall be performed by an independent testing laboratory hired directly by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for costs of all testing, including additional testing required due to previously failed tests. 3.05 SPLICING A. Reinforcing bar splices shall only be used at locations shown on the Drawings. When it is necessary to splice reinforcing at points other than where shown, the splice shall be as acceptable to the Engineer. B. The length of lap for reinforcing bars, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings shall be in accordance with ACI 318 for a class B splice. C. Laps of welded wire fabric shall be in accordance with ACI 318. Adjoining sheets shall be securely tied together with No. 14 tie wire, one tie for each 2 running feet. Wires shall be staggered and tied in such a manner that they cannot slip. D. Mechanical splices shall be used only where shown on the drawings or when approved by the Engineer. E. Couplers which are located at a joint face shall be a type which can be set either flush or recessed from the face as shown on the Drawings. The couplers shall be sealed during concrete placement to completely eliminate concrete or cement paste from entering. After the concrete is placed, couplers intended for future connections shall be plugged and sealed to prevent any contact with water or other corrosive materials. Threaded couplers shall be plugged with plastic plugs which have an O-ring seal. 3.06 INSPECTION A. The Contractor shall advise the Engineer of his intentions to place concrete and shall allow him adequate time to inspect all reinforcing steel before concrete is placed. B. The Contractor shall advise the Engineer of his intentions to place grout in masonry walls and shall allow him adequate time to inspect all reinforcing steel before grout is placed. 3.07 CUTTING OF EMBEDDED REBAR A. The Contractor shall not cut embedded rebar cast into structural concrete without prior approval. - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03250-1 Concrete Accessories SECTION 03250 CONCRETE ACCESSORIES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Furnish all materials, labor and equipment required to provide all concrete accessories including waterstops, expansion joint material, joint sealants, expansion joint seals, contraction joint inserts, and epoxy bonding agent. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 03100 - Concrete Formwork B. Section 03290 - Joints in Concrete C. Section 03300 - Cast-in-Place Concrete 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generalityof the other requirements of the specifications,allworkherein shall conform to the applicable requirements of the following documents. All referenced specifications, codes, and standards refer to the most current issue available at the time of Bid. 1. ASTM C881 Standard Specification for Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete 2. ASTM D412 Standard Tests for Rubber Properties in Tension 3. ASTM D 624 Standard Test method for Rubber Property - Tear Resistance 4. ASTM D 638 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics 5. ASTM D1751 Standard Specifications for Preformed Expansion Joint fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (nonextruding and resilient bituminous types) 6. ASTM D 1752 Standard Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction 7. ASTM D 1171 Standard Test Method for Ozone Resistance at 500 pphm 8. ASTM D 471 Standard Test Method for Rubber Properties 030415BR City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03250-2 Concrete Accessories 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals. 1. Manufacturer's literature on all products specified herein including material certifications. 2. Proposed system for supporting PVC waterstops in position during concrete placement 3. Samples of products if requested by the Engineer. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 EPOXY BONDING AGENT A. Epoxy bonding agent shall conform to ASTM C881 and shall be Sikadur 32 Hi-Mod, Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, N.J.; Euco #452 Epoxy System, Euclid Chemical Company, Cleveland, OH, MasterInject 1500 by BASF Master Builder Solutions (BASF). PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 EPOXY BONDING AGENT A. The Contractor shall use an epoxy bonding agent for bonding fresh concrete to existing concrete as shown on the Drawings. B. Bonding surface shall be clean, sound and free of all dust, laitance, grease, form release agents, curing compounds, and any other foreign particles. C. Application of bonding agent shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. D. Fresh concrete shall not be placed against existing concrete if epoxybondingagenthaslost its tackiness. - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03290-1 Joints in Concrete SECTION 03290 JOINTS IN CONCRETE PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENTS A. Provide all materials, labor and equipment required for the construction of all joints in concrete specified herein and shown on the Drawings. B. Types of joints in concrete shall be as follows: 1. Construction Joints - Joints between adjacent concrete placements continuously connected with reinforcement. 2. Expansion Joints - Joints in concrete which allow thermal expansion and contraction of concrete. Reinforcement terminates within concrete on each side of joint. 3. Contraction Joints - Joints formed in concrete to provide a weakened plane in concrete section to control formation of shrinkage cracks. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 03100 - Concrete Formwork B. Section 03250 - Concrete Accessories C. Section 03300 - Cast-in-Place Concrete 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generality of the other requirements of the specifications, all work herein shall conform to the applicable requirements of the following documents. All referenced specifications, codes, and standards refer to the most current issue available at the time of Bid. 1. ACI 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings 2. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 3. ACI 350 – Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals. 021706BR City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03290-2 Joints in Concrete 1. Layout drawings showing location and type of all joints to be placed in each structure. 2. Details of proposed joints in each structure. PART 2 -- MATERIALS 2.01 MATERIALS A. All materials required for joint construction shall comply with Section 03250 - Concrete Accessories, and Section 07900 - Joint Fillers, Sealants and Caulking. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS A. Construction joints shall be as shown on the Drawings. Otherwise, Contractor shall submit description of the joint and its location to Engineer for approval. B. Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, construction joints shall be located near the middle of the spans of slabs, beams, and girders unless a beam intersects a girder at this point. In this case, the joints in the girders shall be offset a distance equal to twice the width of the beam. Joints in walls and columns shall be at the underside of floors, slabs, beams, or girders and the top of footings or floor slabs unless noted otherwise on Drawings. Beams, girders, brackets, column capitals, haunches, and drop panels shall be placed at the same time as slabs. Joints shall be perpendicular to the main reinforcement. C. Maximum distance between horizontal joints in slabs and vertical joints in walls shall be 45'-0". For exposed walls with fluid or earth on the opposite side, the spacing between vertical and horizontal joints shall be a maximum of 25’-0”. D. All corners shall be part of a continuous placement, and should a construction joint be required, the joint shall not be located closer than five feet from a corner. E. All reinforcing steel and welded wire fabric shall be continued across construction joints. Keys and inclined dowels shall be provided as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Longitudinal keys shall be provided in all joints in walls and between walls and slabs or footings, except as specifically noted otherwise on the Drawings. Size of keys shall be as shown on the Drawings. F. All joints in water bearing structures shall have a waterstop. All joints below grade in walls or slabs which enclose an accessible area shall have a waterstop. 3.02 EXPANSION JOINTS A. Size and location of expansion joints shall be as shown on the Drawings. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03290-3 Joints in Concrete B. All expansion joints in water-bearing structures shall have a center-bulb type waterstop. All expansion joints below grade in walls or slabs which enclose an accessible area shall have a center-bulb type waterstop. Waterstop shall be as shown on Drawings and specified in Section 03250, Concrete Accessories. 3.03 CONTRACTION JOINTS A. Location of contraction joints shall be as shown on the Drawings. B. Contraction joints shall be formed with contraction joint inserts as specified in Section 03250, Concrete Accessories. C. Sawcutting of contraction joints in lieu of forming will not be allowed unless otherwise noted on the Drawings. Where sawcutting is allowed, joints shall be sawed as soon as the concrete can support foot traffic without leaving any impression, normally the same day as concrete is placed and in no case longer than 24 hours after concrete is placed. D. Unless noted otherwise on Drawings, depth of contraction joints shall be 1-1/2 inches in reinforced concrete and 1/3 of concrete thickness in unreinforced concrete. 3.04 JOINT PREPARATION A. No concrete shall be allowed to enter the joint or the space for the sealant and destroy the proper functions of the joint. B. The surface of the concrete at all joints shall be thoroughly cleaned and all laitance removed by wire brushing, air or light sand blasting. C. The joint shall be thoroughly clean and free from dirt and debris before the primer and the sealant are applied. Where the finished joint will be visible, masking of the adjoining surfaces shall be carried out to avoid their discoloration. The sealant shall be neatly tooled into place and its finished surface shall present a clean and even appearance. D. All joints shall be sealed as shown on the Drawings and specified in Section 03250, Concrete Accessories. - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03290-4 Joints in Concrete This Page Left Blank Intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-1 Cast-in-Place Concrete SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Provide all labor, equipment, materials and services necessary for the manufacture, transportation and placement of all plain and reinforced concrete work, as shown on the Drawings or as ordered by the Engineer. B. The requirements in this section shall apply to the following types of concrete: 1. Class A1 Concrete: Normal weight structural concrete to be used in all structures qualifying as environmentalconcretestructuresthataredesignedinaccordancewith ACI 350 including pump stations, tanks, basins, process structures, and any structures containing fluid or process chemicals or other materials usedintreatment process. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 03100 - Concrete Formwork B. Section 03200 - Reinforcing Steel C. Section 03250 - Concrete Accessories D. Section 03290 - Joints in Concrete E. Section 03350 - Concrete Finishes F. Section 03370 - Concrete Curing G. Section 03600 - Grout 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generality of the Specifications, all work herein shall conform to or exceed the applicable requirements of the following documents. All referenced specifications, codes, and standards refer to the most current issue available at the time of Bid. 1. State of Texas Building Code 2. ACI 214 Recommended Practice for Evaluation of Strength Test Results of Concrete 052416BR City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-2 Cast-in-Place Concrete 3. ACI 301 Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings 4. ACI 304 Guide for Measuring, Mixing,Transporting,andPlacingConcrete 5. ACI 305 Hot Weather Concreting 6. ACI 306 Cold Weather Concreting 7. ACI 309 Recommended Practice for Consolidation of Concrete 8. ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 9. ACI 350 Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures 10. ASTM C 31 Standard Methods of Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field 11. ASTM C 33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates 12. ASTM C 39 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens 13. ASTM C42 Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete 14. ASTM C 88 Standard Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate 15. ASTM C 94 Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete 16. ASTM C 114 Standard Test Method for Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement 17. ASTM C 136 Standard Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate 18. ASTM C 138 Standard Test Method for Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete 19. ASTM C 143 Standard Test Method for Slump of Portland Cement Concrete 20. ASTM C 150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement 21. ASTM C 172 Standard Method of Sampling Fresh Concrete 22. ASTM C 192 Standard Method of Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-3 Cast-in-Place Concrete 23. ASTM C 231 Standard Test Method for Air Content of FreshlyMixed Concrete by the Pressure Method 24. ASTM C 260 Standard SpecificationforAir-EntrainingAdmixturesforConcrete 25. ASTM C 295 Standard Guide for Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for Concrete 26. ASTM C 457 Standard Recommended Practice for Microscopical Determination of Air-VoidContentandParametersoftheAir-Void System in Hardened Concrete 27. ASTM C 494 Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete 28. ASTM C 595 Standard Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements 29. ASTM C 618 Standard Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete 30. ASTM C 989 Standard Specification for Slag Cement for Use in Concrete and Mortars 31. ASTM C 1077 Recommended Practice for Labs Testing Concrete 32. ASTM C 1260 Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivityof Aggregates (Mortar Bar Method) 33. ASTM C 1567 Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Combinations of Cementitious Materials and Aggregate (Accelerated Mortar-Bar Method) 34. ASTM C 1602 Standard Specification for Mixing Water Used in the Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete 35. ASTM C 1778 Reducing the Risk of Deleterious Alkali – Aggregate Reaction in Concrete 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals. 1. Sources of all materials and certifications of compliance with specifications for all materials. 2. Certified current (less than 1 year old) chemical analysis of the Portland Cement or Blended Cement to be used. 3. Certified current (less than 1 year old) chemical analysis of flyash or slag cement to be used. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-4 Cast-in-Place Concrete 4. Aggregate test results showing compliance with required standards, i.e., sieve analysis, aggregate soundness tests, petrographic analysis, mortar bar expansion testing, etc. 5. Manufacturer's data on all admixtures stating compliance with required standards. 6. Concrete mix design for each class of concrete specified herein. 7. Field experience records and/or trial mix data for the proposed concrete mixes for each class of concrete specified herein. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Tests on materials used in the production of concrete shall be required as specified in PART 2 -- PRODUCTS. These tests shall be performed by an independent testing laboratory approved by the Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Trial concrete mixes shall be tested when required in accordance with Article 3.01 at no additional cost to the Owner. C. Field quality control tests, as specified in Article 3.06, unless otherwise stated, will be performed by a materials testing consultant employed by the Owner. However, the Contractor shall be charged for the cost of any additional tests and investigation on work performed which does not meet the Specifications. Any individual who samples and tests concrete to determine if the concrete is being producedinaccordancewiththisSpecification shall be certified as a Concrete Field Testing Technician, Grade I, in accordance with ACI CP-2. Testing laboratory shall conform to requirements of ASTM C-1077. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 HYDRAULIC CEMENT A. Portland Cement 1. Portland Cement shall be Type II conforming to ASTMC150. TypeIcementmaybe used provided either flyash or slag cement is also included in the mix in accordance with Articles 2.02 or 2.03 respectively. 2. When potentially reactive aggregates as defined in Article 2.05 are to be used in concrete mix, cement shall meet the following requirements: a. For concrete mixed with only Portland Cement, the total alkalies in the cement (calculated as the percentage of NA2O plus 0.658 times the percentage of K2O) shall not exceed 0.40%. b. For concrete mixed with Portland Cement and an appropriate amount of fly ash (Article 2.02) or slag cement (Article 2.03) the total alkalies in the Portland Cement (calculated as thepercentageofNA2Oplus0.658timesthe percentage of K2O) shall not exceed 0.85%. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-5 Cast-in-Place Concrete 3. When non-reactive aggregates as defined in Article 2.05 are used in concrete mix, total alkalies in the cement shall not exceed 1.0%. 4. The proposed Portland Cement shall not contain more than 8% tricalciumaluminate and more than 12% tetracalcium aluminoferrite. B. Blended Cement 1. Blended cements shall be Type IP (Portland Fly Ash Cement) or Type IS (Portland Slag Cement) conforming to ASTM C 595. 2. Type IP cement shall be an interground blend of Portland Cement and fly ash in which the fly ash constituent is between 15% and 25% of the weight of the total blend. 3. Type IS cement shall be an interground blend of Portland Cement and slag cement in which the slag constituent is between 35% and 50% of the weight of the total blend. 4. Fly ash and slag cement used in the production of blended cements shall meet the requirements of Articles 2.02 and 2.03, respectively. 5. When reactive aggregates as defined in Article 2.05 are used in concrete mix, the total alkalies in the Portland Cement (calculated as the percentage of Na2O plus 0.658 times the percentage of K2O) shall not exceed 0.85%. The percentage of fly ash or slag cement shall be set to meet provisions of Article 2.05.G.2. C. Different types of cement shall not be mixed nor shall theybe used alternatelyexcept when authorized in writing by the Engineer. Different brands of cement or the same brand from different mills maybe used alternately. A resubmittal will berequiredifdifferentcementsare proposed during the Project. D. Cement shall be stored in a suitable weather-tight building so as to prevent deterioration or contamination. Cement which has become caked,partiallyhydrated,orotherwisedamaged will be rejected. 2.02 FLY ASH A. Fly ash shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 618 for Class F, except that the loss on ignition shall not exceed 4%. Flyash shall also meet the optional physical requirements for uniformity as shown in Table 3 of ASTM C 618. B. For fly ash to be used in the production of type IP cement, the Pozzolan Activity Index shall be greater than 75% as specified in Table 3 of ASTM C 595. C. Where reactive aggregates as defined in Article 2.05 are used in concrete mix, the fly ash constituent shall be between 15% and 25% of the total weight of the combined Portland Cement and fly ash. The percentage of fly ash shall be set to meet the provisions of Article 2.05.F.2. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-6 Cast-in-Place Concrete D. For Type A1 concrete as required for use in environmental concrete structures, i.e. process structures or fluid containing structures, inclusion of fly ash or slag cement in the concrete mix, is mandatory. E. Additional fly ash shall not be included in concrete mixed with Type IS or IP cement. 2.03 SLAG CEMENT A. Slag cement shall meet the requirements of ASTMC 989 including testsforeffectivenessof slag in preventing excessive expansion due to alkali-aggregate reactivity as described in Appendix X-3 of ASTM C 989. B. Where reactive aggregates as defined in Article 2.05 are used in concrete mix, the slag cement constituent shall be between 35% and 40% of the total weight of the combined Portland Cement and slag. The percentage of slag cement shall be set to meet the provisions of Article 2.05.G.3. C. For Type A1 concrete as required for use in environmental concrete structures, i.e. process structures or fluid containing structures, inclusion of fly ash or slag cement in the concrete mix, is mandatory. D. Additional slag cement shall not be included in concrete mixed with type IS or IP cement. 2.04 WATER A. Water used for mixing concrete shall be clear, potable and freefromdeleterioussubstances such as objectionable quantities of silty organic matter, alkali, salts and other impurities. B. Water shall not contain more than 100 PPM chloride. C. Water shall not contain more than 500 PPM dissolved solids. D. Water shall have a pH in the range of 4.5 to 8.5. E. Water shall meet requirements of ASTM C 1602. 2.05 AGGREGATES A. All aggregates used in normal weight concrete shall conform to ASTM C 33. B. Fine Aggregate (Sand) in the various concrete mixes shall consist of natural or manufactured siliceous sand,cleanandfreefromdeleterioussubstances,andgradedwithin the limits of ASTM C 33. C. Coarse aggregates shall consist of hard, clean, durable gravel, crushed gravel or crushed rock. Coarse aggregate shall be size #57 or #67 as graded within the limits given in ASTM C 33 unless otherwise specified. D. Aggregates shall be tested for gradation by sieve analysis tests in conformance with ASTM C 136. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-7 Cast-in-Place Concrete E. Aggregates shall be tested for soundness in accordance with ASTM C 88. The loss resulting after five cycles shall not exceed 10 percent for fine or coarse aggregate when using either magnesium sulfate or sodium sulfate. F. Non-reactive aggregates shall meet the following requirements: 1. All aggregates shall be evaluated in accordance with ASTM C 1778 to determine potential reactivity. 2. A petrographic analysis in accordance with ASTM C295 shall be performed to identifythe constituents of the fine and coarse aggregate. Non-reactive aggregates shall meet the following limitations: (1) Optically strained, microfractured, or microcrystalline quartz, 5.0%, maximum. (2) Chert or chalcedony, 3.0%, maximum. (3) Tridymite or cristobalite, 1.0%, maximum. (4) Opal, 0.5%, maximum. (5) Natural volcanic glass in volcanic rocks, 3.0%, maximum. 3. If aggregates are deemed potentially reactive as per ASTM C-1778 and fly ash or slag cement is included in proposed concrete mix design, proposed concrete mix including proposed aggregates shall be evaluated by ASTM C-1567. Mean mortar bar expansions at 16 days shall be less than 0.08%. Tests shall be made using exact proportion of all materials proposed for use on the job indesignmixsubmitted. 4. If aggregates are deemed potentially reactive as per ASTM C-1778 and a straight cement mix without fly ash or slag cement is proposed for concrete mix design, aggregates shall be evaluated byASTMC-1260. Mean mortar bar expansionsat16 days shall be less than 0.08%. G. All aggregates shall be considered reactive unless they meet the requirements above for non-reactive aggregates. Aggregates with a lithology essentially similar to sources in the same region found to be reactive in service shall be considered reactive regardless of the results of the tests above. H. Contractor shall submit a new trial mix to the Engineer for approval whenever a different aggregate or gradation is proposed. 2.06 ADMIXTURES A. Air entraining agent shall be added to all concrete unless noted otherwise. The agent shall consist of a neutralized vinsol resin solution or a purified hydrocarbonwithacementcatalyst which will provide entrained air in the concrete in accordance with ASTM C 260. The admixture proposed shall be selected in advance so that adequate samples may be City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-8 Cast-in-Place Concrete obtained and the required tests made. Air content of concrete, when placed, shall be within the ranges given in the concrete mix design. B. The following admixtures are required or used for water reduction, slump increase, and/or adjustment of initial set. Admixtures permitted shall confirm to the requirements of ASTMC 494. Admixtures shall be non-toxic after 30 days and shall be compatible with and made by the same manufacturer as the air-entraining admixtures. 1. Water reducing admixture shall conform to ASTM C 494, Type A and shall contain no more than 0.05% chloride ions. Acceptable products are “Eucon Series” by the Euclid Chemical Company, “Master Pozzolith Series” by BASF, and “Plastocrete Series” by Sika Corporation. 2. High range water reducer shall be sulfonated polymer conforming to ASTM C 494, Type F or G. The high range water reducer shall be added to the concrete at either the batch plant or at the job site and may be used in conjunction with a water reducing admixture. The high range water reducer shall be accurately measured and pressure injected into the mixer as a single dose byan experienced technician. A standby system shall be provided and tested prior to each day’s operation of the job site system. Concrete shall be mixed at mixing speed for a minimum of 100 mixer revolutions after the addition of the high range water reducer. Acceptable products are “Eucon 37” or Plastol 5000 by the Euclid Chemical Company, “Master Rheobuild 1000 or Master GleniumSeries”byBASF,and“Daracem100orAdvaflow Series” by W.R. Grace. 3. A non-chloride, non-corrosiveacceleratingadmixturemaybeusedwherespecifically approved by the Engineer. The admixture shall conform to ASTM C 494, Type C or E, and shall not contain more chloride ions than are present in municipal drinking water. The admixture manufacturer must have long-term non-corrosive test data from an independent testing laboratory (of at least a year’s duration) using an acceptable accelerated corrosion test method such as that using electrical potential measures. Acceptable products are “Accelguard 80/90 or NCA” by the Euclid Chemical Company and “Daraset” by W.R. Grace. 4. A water reducing retarding admixture may be used where specifically approved by the Engineer. The admixture shall conform to ASTM C494, Type D and shall not contain more than 0.05% chloride ions. Acceptable products are “Eucon NR or Eucon Retarder 100” by the Euclid Chemical Company, “Pozzolith Retarder” by BASF, and “Plastiment” by Sika Corporation. C. Admixtures containing calcium chloride, thiocyanate ormorethan0.05percentchlorideions are not permitted. The addition of admixtures to prevent freezing is not permitted. D. The Contractor shall submit manufacturer's data including the chloride ion content of each admixture and certification from theadmixturemanufacturerthatalladmixturesutilizedinthe design mix are compatible with one another and properly proportioned prior to mix design review. 2.07 CONCRETE MIX DESIGN City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-9 Cast-in-Place Concrete A. The proportions of cement, aggregates, admixtures and water used in the concrete mixes shall be based on the results of field experience or preferably laboratory trial mixes in conformance with Section 5.3. "Proportioning on the Basis of Field Experience and/or Trial Mixtures" of ACI 318 and ACI 350. When trial mixes are used they shall also conform to Article 3.01 of this Section of the Specifications. If field experience records are used, concrete strength results shall be from concrete mixed with all of the ingredients proposed for use on job used in similar proportions to mix proposed for use on job. Contractor shall submit verification confirming this stipulation has been followed. Field experience records and/or trial mix data used as the basis for the proposed concrete mix design shall be submitted to the Engineer along with the proposed mix. B. Structural concrete shall conform to the following requirements. Cementitious materials refer to the total combined weight of all cement, fly ash, and slag cement contained in the mix. 1. Compressive Strength (28-Day) a. Concrete Class A1 5,000 psi (minimum at 28-Day) and 3,375 psi (minimum at 3-Day) 2. Water/cementitious materials ratio, by weight Maximum Minimum a. Concrete Class A1 0.42 0.39 3. Slump range 4" nominal unless high range water reducing admixture is used. 8” max if high range water reducing admixture is used. 4. Air Content a. Class A1 6% ±1.5% PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 TRIAL MIXES A. When trial mixes are used to confirm the quality of a proposed concrete mix in accordance with Section 5.3, "Proportioning on the Basis of Field Experience and/or Trial Mixtures" of ACI 318 and ACI 350, an independent qualified testing laboratory designated and retained bythe Contractor shall test a trial batch of each of the preliminaryconcrete mixes submitted by the Contractor. The trial batches shall be prepared using the aggregates, cement and admixtures proposed for the project. The trial batch materials shall beofaquantitysuchthat the testing laboratory can obtain enough samples to satisfy requirements stated below. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-10 Cast-in-Place Concrete Tests on individual materials stated in PART 2 -- PRODUCTS should alreadybe performed before any trial mix is done. The cost of laboratory trial batch tests for each specified concrete mix will be borne bythe Contractor and the Contractor shall furnish and deliver the materials to the testing laboratory at no cost to the Owner. B. The independent testing laboratory shall prepare a minimum of fifteen (15) standard test cylinders in accordance with ASTM C 31 in addition to conducting slump (ASTMC 143), air content (C 231) and unit weight (C 138) tests. Compressive strength test on the cylinders shall subsequently be performed bythe same laboratoryin accordance with ASTM C 39 as follows: Test 3 cylinders at age 7 days; test 3 cylinders at age 21 days; test 3 cylinders at age 28 days and test 3 cylinders at 56 days. The cylinders shall be carefully identified as "Trial Mix, Contract No. , Product ." If the average 28-day compressive strength of the trial mix is less than that specified, or if any single cylinder falls below the required strength by more than 500 psi, the mix shall be corrected, another trial batch prepared, test cylinders taken, and new tests performed as before. Anysuch additionaltrial batch testing required shall be performed at no additional costtotheOwner. Adjustmentsto the mix shall be considered refinements to the mix design and shall not be the basis for extra compensation to the Contractor. 3.02 PRODUCTION OF CONCRETE A. All concrete shall be machine mixed. Hand mixing of concrete will not be permitted. The Contractor may supply concrete from a ready mix plant or from a site mixed plant. In selecting the source for concrete production the Contractor shall carefully consider its capabilityfor providing qualityconcrete at a rate commensurate withtherequirementsofthe placements so that well bonded, homogenous concrete, free of cold joints, is assured. B. Ready-Mixed Concrete 1. At the Contractor's option, ready-mixed concrete may be used meeting the requirements for materials, batching, mixing, transporting, and placing as specified herein and in accordance with ASTM C 94. 2. Truck mixers shall be equipped with electrically-actuated counters by which the number of revolutions of the drum or blades may be readily verified. The counter shall be of the resettable, recording type, and shall be mounted in the driver's cab. The counters shall be actuated at the time of starting mixers at mixing speeds. 3. Each batch of concrete shall be mixed in a truck mixer for not less than 100 revolutions of the drum or blades at the rate of rotation designated by the manufacturer of equipment. Additional mixing, if any, shall be at the speed designated by the manufacturer of the equipment as agitating speed. All materials including mixing water shall be in the mixer drum before actuating the revolution counter for determining the number of revolutions of mixing. 4. Truck mixers and their operation shall be such that the concrete throughout the mixed batch, as discharged, is within acceptable limits of uniformity with respect to consistency, mix and grading. If slump tests taken at approximatelythe 1/4 and 3/4 points of the load during discharge give slumpsdifferingbymorethanoneinchwhen the specified slump is 3 inches or less, or if they differ by more than 2 inches when City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-11 Cast-in-Place Concrete the specified slump is more than 3 inches, the mixer shall not be used on the work unless the causing condition is corrected and satisfactoryperformance is verifiedby additional slump tests. All mechanical details of the mixer, such aswatermeasuring and discharge apparatus, condition of the blades, speed of rotation, general mechanical condition of the unit and clearance of the drum, shall be checked before a further attempt to use the unit will be permitted. 5. Ready-mixed concrete shall be delivered to the site for the work and discharge shall be completed before the drum has been revolved300revolutionsandwithinthetime requirements stated in Article 3.03 of this Section. 6. Each and every concrete delivery shall be accompanied by a delivery ticket containing at least the following information: a. Date and truck number b. Ticket number c. Mix designation of concrete d. Cubic yards of concrete e. Cement brand, type and weight in pounds f. Weight in pounds of fine aggregate (sand) g. Weight in pounds of coarse aggregate (stone) h. Air entraining agent, brand, and weight in pounds and ounces i. Other admixtures, brand, and weight in pounds and ounces j. Water, in gallons, stored in attached tank k. Water, in gallons, maximum that can be added without exceeding design water/cementitious materials ratio l. Water, in gallons, actually used (by truck driver) m. Time of loading n. Time of delivery to job (by truck driver) 7. Any truck delivering concrete to the job site, which is not accompanied bya delivery ticket showing the above information will be rejected and such truck shall immediately depart from the job site. 8. The use of non-agitating equipment for transportingready-mixedconcretewillnotbe permitted. Combination truck and trailer equipment for transporting ready-mixed concrete will not be permitted. The quality and quantity of materials used in ready- mixed concrete and in batch aggregates shall be subject to continuousinspectionat the batching plant by the Engineer. C. Site Mixed Concrete 1. Scales for weighing concrete ingredients shall be accurate when in use within ±0.4 percent of their total capacities. Standard test weights shall be available to permit checking scale accuracy. 2. Operation of batching equipment shall be such that the concrete ingredients are consistently measured within the following tolerances: a. Cement, fly ash, or slag cement ± 1 percent City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-12 Cast-in-Place Concrete b. Water ± 1 percent c. Aggregates ± 2 percent d. Admixtures ± 3 percent 3. Each batch shall be so charged into the mixer that some water will enter in advance of the cement and aggregates. Water shall continue for a period which mayextend to the end of the first 25 percent of the specified mixing time. Controls shall be provided to prevent batched ingredients from entering the mixer before the previous batch has been completely discharged. 4. The concrete shall be mixed in a batch mixer capable of thoroughly combining the aggregates, cement, and water into a uniform mass within the specifiedmixingtime, and of discharging the concrete without harmful segregation. Themixershallbeara manufacturer's rating plate indicating the rate capacity and the recommended revolutions per minute and shall be operated in accordance therewith. 5. Mixers with a rate capacity of 1 cu.yd. or larger shall conform to the requirements of the Plant Mixer Manufacturers' Division of the Concrete Plant Manufacturers' Bureau. 6. Except as provided below, batches of 1 cu. yd. or less shall be mixed for not less than 1 minute. The mixing time shall be increased 15secondsforeachcubicyardor fraction thereof of additional capacity. 7. Shorter mixing time may be permitted provided performance tests made in accordance with of ASTMC 94 indicate that the time is sufficient to produce uniform concrete. 8. Controls shall be provided to insure that the batch cannot be discharged until the required mixing time has elapsed. At least three-quartersoftherequiredmixingtime shall take place after the last of the mixing water has been added. 9. The interior of the mixer shall be free of accumulations that will interfere with mixing action. Mixer blades shall be replaced when they have lost 10 percent of their original height. 10. Air-entraining admixtures and other chemical admixtures shall be charged into the mixer as solutions and shall be measured by means of an approved mechanical dispensing device. The liquid shall be considered a part of the mixing water. Admixtures that cannot be added in solution may be weighed or may be measured by volume if so recommended by the manufacturer. 11. If two or more admixtures are used in the concrete, theyshallbeaddedseparatelyto avoid possible interaction that might interfere with the efficiency of either admixture or adversely affect the concrete. 12. Addition of retarding admixtures shall be completed within 1 minute after addition of water to the cement has been completed, or prior to the beginning of the last three- quarters of the required mixing, whichever occurs first. Retarding admixtures shall not be used unless approved by the Engineer. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-13 Cast-in-Place Concrete 13. Concrete shall be mixed onlyin quantities for immediate use and within thetimeand mixing requirements of ASTM C 94. 3.03 CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. No concrete shall be placed prior to approval of the concrete mix design. Concrete placement shall conform to the recommendations of ACI 304. B. Prior to concrete placement, all reinforcement shall be securelyand properlyfastened in its correct position. Formwork shall be clean, oiled and form ties at construction joints shall be retightened. All bucks, sleeves, castings, hangers, pipe, conduits, bolts, anchors, wire,and anyother fixtures required to be embedded therein shall be in place. Forms for openings to be left in the concrete shall be in place and anchored by the Contractor. All loose debris in bottoms of forms or in keyways shall be removed and all debris,water,snow,iceandforeign matter shall be removed from the space to be occupied by the concrete. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in advance of placement, allowing sufficient time for a concurrent inspection and for any corrective measures which are subsequently required. C. On horizontal joints where concrete is to be placed on hardened concrete, flowing concrete containing a high range water reducing admixture or cement grout shall be placed with a slump not less than 8 inches for the initial placement at the base of the wall. Concrete or cement grout shall meet all strengthandservicerequirementsspecifiedhereinforapplicable class of concrete. This concrete shall be worked well into the irregularities of the hard surface. D. All concrete shall be placed during the daylight hours except with the consent of the Engineer. If special permission is obtained to carry on work during the night, adequate lighting must be provided. E. When concrete arrives at the project with slump below that suitable for placing, as indicated by the Specifications, water may be added to bring the concrete within the specified slump range provided that the design water-cementitious materials ratio is not exceeded. The water shall be incorporated by additional mixing equal to at least half of the total mixing required. Water may be added only to full trucks. On-site tempering shall not relieve the Contractor from furnishing a concrete mix that meets all specified requirements. F. Concrete shall be conveyed as rapidly as practicable to the point of deposit by methods which prevent the separation or loss of the ingredients. It shall be so deposited that rehandling will be unnecessary. Discharge of the concrete to its point of deposit shall be completed within 90 minutes after the addition of the cement to the aggregates. In hot weather, or under conditions contributing to quick stiffening of the concrete, the time between the introduction of the cement to the aggregates and discharge shall not exceed the requirements stated in Article 3.05 of this Section. G. Where concrete is conveyed to position bychutes, a practicallycontinuous flow in thechute shall be maintained. The angle and discharge arrangement of the chute shall be such as to prevent segregation of the concrete ingredients. The delivery end of the chute shall be as close as possible to the point of deposit and in no case shall the free pour from the delivery end of the chute exceed five feet, unless approved otherwise. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-14 Cast-in-Place Concrete H. Special care must be exercised to prevent splashing of forms or reinforcement with concrete, and any such splashes or accumulations of hardened or partially hardened concrete on the forms or reinforcement above the general level of the concrete already in place must be removed before the work proceeds. Concrete shall be placed in all forms in such way as to prevent any segregation. I. Placing of concrete shall be so regulated that the pressure caused bythe wet concreteshall not exceed that used in the design of the forms. J. All concrete for walls shall be placed through openings in the form spaced at frequent intervals or through tremies (heavyduct canvas,rubber,etc.),equippedwithsuitablehopper heads. Tremies shall be of variable lengths so the free fall shall not exceed five (5) feet and a sufficient number shall be placed in the form to ensure the concrete is kept level at all times. K. When placing concrete which is to be exposed,sufficientilluminationshallbeprovidedinthe interior of the forms so the concrete, at places of deposit, is visible from deck and runways. L. Concrete shall be placed so as to thoroughlyembed all reinforcement, inserts, and fixtures. M. When forms are removed, surfaces shall be even and dense, free from aggregate pockets or honeycomb. To achieve this, concrete shall be consolidated using mechanical vibration, supplemented by forking and spading by hand in the corners and angle of forms and along form surfaces while the concrete is plastic under the vibratory action. Consolidation shall conform to ACI 309. N. Mechanical vibration shall be applied directlyto the concrete, unless otherwiseapprovedby the Engineer. The bottom of vibrators used on floor slabs must not be permitted to ride the form supporting the slab. Vibration shall be applied at the point of deposit and in the area of freshly placed concrete by a vertical penetration of the vibrator. Vibrators shall not be used to move concrete laterally within the forms. O. The intensity of vibration shall be sufficient to cause settlement of the concrete into place and to produce monolithic joining with the preceding layer. It shallbeofsufficientdurationto accomplish thorough compaction and complete embedment of reinforcement and fixtures with a vibrator transmitting not less than 7,500 impulses per minute. Since the duration of vibration per square foot of surface is dependent on the frequency (impulses per minute), size of vibrator, and slump of concrete, the length of time must therefore be determined in the field. Vibration, however, shall not be continued in any one location to the extent that pools of grout are formed. P. Care shall be taken to prevent cold joints when placing concrete in any portion of the work. The concrete placing rate shall be such as to ensure that each layer is placed while the previous layer is soft or plastic, so that the two layers can be made monolithicbypenetration of the vibrators. Maximum thickness of concrete layers shall be 18 inches. The surface of the concrete shall be level whenever a run of concrete is stopped. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-15 Cast-in-Place Concrete Q. To prevent featheredges, construction joints located at the tops of horizontal lifts near sloping exposed concrete surfaces shall be inclined near the exposed surface, sotheangle between such inclined surface and the exposed concrete surface will be not less than 50°. R. In placing unformed concrete on slopes, the concrete shall be placed ahead of a non- vibrated slip-form screed extending approximately 2-1/2 feet back from its leading edge. The method of placement shall provide a uniformfinishedsurfacewiththedeviationfromthe straight line less than 1/8 inch in any concrete placement. Concrete ahead of the slip-form screed shall be consolidated by internal vibrators so as to ensure complete filling under the slip-form. Prior to placement of concrete on sloped walls or slabs, the Contractor shall submit a plan specifically detailing methods and sequence of placements, proposed concrete screed equipment, location of construction joints and waterstops, and/or any proposed deviations from the aforementioned to the Engineer for review and approval. S. Concrete shall not be placed during rains sufficiently heavy or prolonged to wash mortar from coarse aggregate on the forwardslopesoftheplacement. Onceplacementofconcrete has commenced in a block, placement shall not be interrupted by diverting the placing equipment to other uses. 3.04 CONCRETE WORK IN COLD WEATHER A. Cold weather concreting procedures shall conform to the requirements of ACI 306. B. The Engineer mayprohibit the placing of concrete at anytime when air temperatureis40°F. or lower. If concrete work is permitted, the concrete shall have a minimum temperature, as placed, of 55°F. for placements less than 12" thick, 50°F. for placements 12" to 36" thick, and 45°F. for placements greater than 36" thick. The temperature of the concreteasplaced shall not exceed the aforementioned minimum values bymore than 20°F, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. C. All aggregate and water shall be preheated. Precautions shall be taken to avoid the possibility of flash set when aggregate or water are heated to a temperature in excess of 100°F. in order to meet concrete temperature requirements. The addition of admixtures to the concrete to prevent freezing is not permitted. All reinforcement, forms, and concrete accessories with which the concrete is to come in contact shall be defrostedbyanapproved method. No concrete shall be placed on frozen ground. 3.05 CONCRETE WORK IN HOT WEATHER A. Hot weather concreting procedures shall conform to the requirements of ACI 305. B. When air temperatures exceed 85°F., or when extremely dry conditions exist even at lower temperatures, particularly if accompanied by high winds, the Contractor and his concrete supplier shall exercise special and precautionarymeasuresinpreparing,delivering,placing, finishing, curing and protecting the concrete mix. The Contractor shall consult with the Engineer regarding such measures prior to each day's placing operation and the Engineer reserves the right to modifythe proposed measures consistent with the requirements ofthis Section of the Specifications. All necessarymaterials and equipment shallbeonhandanin position prior to each placing operation. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-16 Cast-in-Place Concrete C. Preparatory work at the job site shall include thorough wetting of all forms, reinforcing steel and, in the case of slab pours on ground or subgrade, spraying the ground surface on the preceding evening and again just prior to placing. No standing puddles of water shall be permitted in those areas which are to receive the concrete. D. The temperature of the concrete mix when placed shall not exceed 90°F. E. Temperature of mixing water and aggregates shall be carefullycontrolled and monitored at the supplier's plant, with haul distance to the job site being taken into account. Stockpiled aggregates shall, if necessary, be shaded from the sun and sprinkled intermittently with water. If ice is used in the mixing water for cooling purposes, it must be entirelymelted prior to addition of the water to the dry mix. F. Deliveryschedules shall be carefullyplanned in advance so that concrete is placed assoon as practical after it is properly mixed. For hot weather concrete work (air temperature greater than 85°F), discharge of the concrete to its point of depositshallbecompletedwithin 60 minutes from the time the concrete is batched. G. The Contractor shall arrange for an ample work force to be on hand to accomplish transporting, vibrating, finishing, and covering of the fresh concrete as rapidly as possible. 3.06 QUALITY CONTROL A. Field Testing of Concrete 1. The Contractor shall retain a qualified materials testing consultant and pay for all concrete testing. The contractor shall coordinate with the Engineer's project representative the on-siteschedulingofthematerialstestingconsultantpersonnelas required for concrete testing. Copies of all testing reports shall be furnished to the Owner and Engineer. 2. Concrete for testing shall be supplied by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner, and the Contractor shall provide assistance to the materials testing consultant in obtaining samples. The Contractor shall dispose of and clean up all excess material. B. Consistency 1. The consistency of the concrete will be checked by the materials testing consultant by standard slump cone tests. The Contractor shall make any necessary adjustments in the mix as the Engineer and/or the materials testing consultant may direct and shall upon written order suspend all placing operations in the event the consistency does not meet the intent of the specifications. No payment shall be made for any delays, material or labor costs due to such eventualities. 2. Slump tests shall be made in accordance with ASTM C 143. Slump tests will be performed as deemed necessary by the materials testing consultant and each time compressive strength samples are taken. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-17 Cast-in-Place Concrete 3. Concrete with a specified nominal slump shall be placed having a slump within 1” (higher or lower) of the specified slump. Concrete with a specified maximum slump shall be placed having a slump less than the specified slump. C. Unit Weight 1. Samples of freshly mixed concrete shall be tested for unit weight by the materials testing consultant in accordance with ASTM C 138. 2. Unit weight tests will be performed as deemed necessarybythe Engineer and each time compressive strength samples are taken. D. Air Content 1. Samples of freshly mixed concrete will be tested for entrained air content by the materials testing consultant in accordance with ASTM C 231. 2. Air content tests will be performed as deemed necessary by the materials testing consultant and each time compressive strength samples are taken. 3. In the event test results are outside the limits specified,additionaltestingshalloccur. Admixture quantity adjustments shall be made immediately upon discovery of incorrect air entrainment. E. Compressive Strength 1. Samples of freshly mixed concrete will be taken by the materials testing consultant and tested for compressive strength in accordance with ASTM C 172, C 31 and C 39, except as modified herein. 2. In general, one sampling shall be taken for each placement in excess of five (5) cubic yards, with a minimum of one (1) sampling for each dayof concreteplacement operations, or for each one hundred (100) cubic yards of concrete, or foreach5,000 square feet of surface area for slabs or walls, whichever is greater. 3. Each sampling shall consist of at least eight (7) 6x12 cylinders or (9) 4x8 cylinders. Each cylinder shall be identified by a tag, which shall be hooked or wired to the side of the container. The materials testing consultant will fill out the requiredinformation on the tag, and the Contractor shall satisfy himself that such information shown is correct. 4. The Contractor shall be required to furnish labor to the Owner for assisting in preparing test cylinders for testing. The Contractor shall provide approved curing boxes for storage of cylinders on site. The insulated curing box shall be of sufficient size and strength to contain all the specimens made in anyfour consecutiveworking days and to protect the specimens from falling over, being jarred or otherwise disturbed during the period of initial curing. The box shall be erected, furnished and maintained by the Contractor. Such box shall be equipped to provide the moisture and to regulate the temperature necessary to maintain the proper curing conditions required by ASTM C 31. Such box shall be located in an area free from vibration City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-18 Cast-in-Place Concrete such as pile driving and traffic of all kinds and such that all specimen are shielded from direct sunlight and/or radiant heatingsources. Noconcreterequiringinspection shall be delivered to the site until such storage curing box has been provided. Specimens shall remain undisturbed in the curing box until ready for delivery to the testing laboratory but not less than sixteen hours. 5. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the temperatures of the curing box during the initial curing of test specimens with the temperature preserved between 60°F and 80°F as measured by a maximum-minimum thermometer. The Contractor shall maintain a written record of curing box temperatures for each day curing box contains test specimens. Temperature shall be recorded a minimum of three times a daywith one recording at the start of the work dayandonerecordingat the end of the work day. 6. When transported, the cylinders shall not be thrown, dropped, allowed to roll, or be damaged in any way. 7. Compression tests shall be performed in accordance with ASTM C 39. For 6x12 cylinders, one test cylinder at three and 5 days, two test cylinders will be tested at seven days and two at 28 days. For 4x8 cylinders, one test cylinder at three and five days, three test cylinders will be tested at seven days, three at 28 days. The remaining cylinders will be held to verify test results, if needed. F. Evaluation and Acceptance of Concrete 1. Evaluation and acceptance of the compressive strength of concrete shall be according to the requirements of ACI 214, ACI 318, and ACI 350. 2. The strength level of concrete will be considered satisfactory if all of the following conditions are satisfied. a. Every arithmetic average of any three consecutive strength tests equals or exceeds the minimum specified 28-day compressive strength for the mix (see Article 2.07). b. No individual compressive strength test results falls below the minimum specified strength by more than 500 psi. c. No more than 10% of the compressive tests have strengths greater than the maximum strength specified. 3. In the event anyof the conditions listed above are not met, the mix proportions shall be corrected for the next concrete placing operation. 4. In the event that condition 2B is not met, additional tests in accordance with Article 3.06, paragraph H shall be performed. 5. When a ratio between 7-day and 28-day strengths has been established by these tests, the 7-day strengths shall subsequently be taken as a preliminaryindication of City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-19 Cast-in-Place Concrete the 28-day strengths. Should the 7-day test strength from any sampling be more than 10% below the established minimum strength, the Contractor shall: a. Immediately provide additional periods of curing in the affected area from which the deficient test cylinders were taken. b. Maintain or add temporary structural support as required. c. Correct the mix for the next concrete placement operation, if required to remedy the situation. 6. All concrete which fails to meet the ACI requirements and these specifications is subject to removal and replacement at no additional cost to the Owner. G. When non-compliant concrete is identified, test reports shall be sent immediately to the Engineer for review. H. Additional Tests 1. When ordered by the Engineer, additional tests on in-place concrete shall be provided and paid for by the Contractor. 2. In the event the 28-daytest cylinders fail to meettheminimumstrengthrequirements as outlined in Article 3.06, paragraph F, the Contractor shall have concrete core specimens obtained and tested from the affected area immediately. a. Three cores shall be taken for each sample in which the strength requirements were not met. b. The drilled cores shall be obtained and tested in conformance with ASTM C 42. The tests shall be conducted by a materials testing consultant approved by the Engineer. c. The location from which each core is taken shall be approved by the Engineer. Each core specimen shall be located, when possible,soitsaxisis perpendicular to the concrete surface and not near formed joints or obvious edges of a unit of deposit. d. The core specimens shall be taken, if possible, so no reinforcing steel is within the confines of the core. e. The diameter of core specimens should be at least 3 times the maximum nominal size of the course aggregate used in the concrete, but must be at least 2-inches in diameter. f. The length of specimen, when capped, shall be at least twicethediameterof the specimen. g. The core specimens shall be taken to the laboratory and when transported, shall not be thrown, dropped, allowed to roll, or damaged in any way. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-20 Cast-in-Place Concrete h. Two (2) copies of test results shall be mailed directly to the Engineer. The concrete in question will be considered acceptable if the average compressive strength of a minimum of three test core specimens taken from a given area equal or exceed 85% of the specified 28-daystrength and if the lowest core strength is greater than 75% of the specified 28-day strength. 3. In the event that concrete placed bythe Contractor issuspectedofnothavingproper air content, the Contractor shall engage a materials testing consultant approved by the Engineer, to obtain and test samples for air content in accordance with ASTM Specification C 457. 4. Concrete placed with compressive strengths greater than the maximum strength specified shall be removed and replaced or repaired as deemed necessary by the Engineer. 3.07 CARE AND REPAIR OF CONCRETE A. The Contractor shall protect all concrete against injuryor damage from excessiveheat,lack of moisture, overstress, or any other cause until final acceptance by the Owner. Particular care shall be taken to prevent the drying of concrete and to avoid roughening or otherwise damaging the surface. Care shall be exercised to avoid jarring forms or placing any strain on the ends of projecting reinforcing bars. Anyconcretefoundtobedamaged,orwhichmay have been originally defective, or which becomes defective at any time prior to the final acceptance of the completed work, or which departs from the established line or grade, or which, for any other reason, does not conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents, shall be satisfactorily repaired or removed and replaced with acceptable concrete at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Areas of honeycomb shall be chipped back to sound concrete and repaired as directed. C. Concrete formwork blowouts or unacceptable deviations in tolerances for formed surfaces due to improperlyconstructed or misaligned formworkshallberepairedasdirected. Bulging or protruding areas, which result from slipping or deflecting forms shall be ground flush or chipped out and redressed as directed. D. Areas of concrete in which cracking, spalling, or other signs of deterioration develop priorto final acceptance shall be removed and replaced, or repaired as directed. This stipulation includes concrete that has experienced cracking due to drying or thermal shrinkage of the concrete. Structural cracks shall be repaired using an approved epoxy injection system. Non-structural cracks shall be repaired using an approved hydrophilic resin pressure injected grout system, unless other means of repair are deemed necessary and approved. All repair work shall be performed at no additional cost to the Owner. E. Concrete which fails to meet the strength requirements as outlined in Article 3.06, paragraph F, will be analyzed as to its adequacy based upon loading conditions, resultant stresses and exposure conditions for the particular area of concrete in question. If the concrete in question is found unacceptable based upon this analysis, that portion of the structure shall be strengthened or replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03300-21 Cast-in-Place Concrete Owner. The method of strengthening or extent of replacement shall be as directed by the Engineer. - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03350-1 Concrete Finishes SECTION 03350 CONCRETE FINISHES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Furnish all materials, labor, and equipment required to provide finishes of all concrete surfaces specified herein and shown on the Drawings. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 03100 – Concrete Formwork B. Section 03300 – Cast-in-Place Concrete C. Section 03600 – Grout 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generality of the other requirements of the specifications, all work herein shall conform to the applicable requirements of the following documents. All referenced specifications, codes, and standards refer to the most current issue available at the time of Bid. 1. ACI 301 – Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings 2. ACI 318 – Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01300 – Submittals. 1. Manufacturer's literature on all products specified herein. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 FINISHES ON FORMED CONCRETE SURFACES A. After removal of forms, the finishes described below shall be applied in accordance with Article 3.03 - Concrete Finish Schedule. Unless the finish schedule specifies otherwise, all 030415BR City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03350-2 Concrete Finishes surfaces shall receive at least a Type I finish. The Engineer shall be the sole judge of acceptability of all concrete finish work. 1. Type I - Rough: All fins, burrs, offsets, marks and all other projections left by the forms shall be removed. Projections, depressions, etc. below finished grade required to be removed will only be those greater than ¼-inch. All holes left by removal of ends of ties, and all other holes, depressions, bugholes, air/blow holes or voids shall be filled solid with cement grout after first being thoroughly wetted and then struck off flush. The only holes below grade to be filled will be tie holes and any other holes larger than ¼-inch in any dimension. Honeycombs shall be chipped back to solid concrete and repaired as directed by the Engineer. All holes shall be filled with tools, such as sponge floats and trowels, that will permit packing the hole solidly with cement grout. Cement grout shall consist of one part cement to three parts sand, epoxy bonding agent (for tie holes only) and the amount of mixing water shall be as little as consistent with the requirements of handling and placing. Color of cement grout shall match the adjacent wall surface. 2. Type II - Grout Cleaned: Where this finish is required, it shall be applied after completion of Type I finish. After the concrete has been predampened, a slurry consisting of one part cement (including an appropriate quantity of white cement in order to produce a color matching the surrounding concrete) and 1-1/2 parts sand passing the No. 16 sieve, by damp loose volume, shall be spread over the surface with clean burlap pads or sponge rubber floats. Mix proportions shall be submitted to the Engineer after a sample of the work is established and accepted. Any surplus shall be removed by scraping and then rubbing with clean burlap. 3. Type III - Smooth Rubbed: Where this finish is required, it shall be applied after the completion of the Type II finish. No rubbing shall be done before the concrete is thoroughly hardened and the mortar used for patching is firmly set. A smooth, uniform surface shall be obtained by wetting the surface and rubbing it with a carborundum stone to eliminate irregularities. Unless the nature of the irregularities requires it, the general surface of the concrete shall not be cut into. Corners and edges shall be slightly rounded by the use of the carborundum stone. Brush finishing or painting with grout or neat cement will not be permitted. A 100 square foot example shall be established at the beginning of the project to establish acceptability. 3.02 FINISHES ON EQUIPMENT PADS A. Formed surfaces of equipment pads shall receive a Type III finish. B. Top surfaces of equipment pads, except those surfaces subsequently required to receive grout and support equipment bases, shall receive a Type "D" finish, unless otherwise noted. Surfaces which will later receive grout shall, before the concrete takes its final set, be made rough by removing the sand and cement that accumulates on the top to the extent that the aggregate will be exposed with irregular indentations in the surface up to 1/2 inch deep. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03350-3 Concrete Finishes 3.03 CONCRETE FINISH SCHEDULE Item Type of Finish All interior exposed concrete walls and vertical surfaces III - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03350-4 Concrete Finishes This Page Left Blank Intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03370-1 Concrete Curing SECTION 03370 CONCRETE CURING PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Protect all freshly deposited concrete from premature drying and from the weather elements. The concrete shall be maintained with minimal moisture loss at a relatively constant temperature for a period of time necessary for the hydration of the cement and proper hardening of the concrete in accordance with the requirements specified herein. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 03100 – Concrete Formwork B. Section 03300 – Cast-In-Place Concrete C. Section 03350 – Concrete Finishes 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generality of the other requirements of the specifications, all work herein shall conform to the applicable requirements of the following documents. All referenced specifications, codes, and standards refer to the most current issue available at the time of Bid. 1. ACI 301 – Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings 2. ACI 304 – Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete 3. ACI 305 – Hot Weather Concreting 4. ACI 306 – Cold Weather Concreting 5. ACI 308 – Standard Practice for Curing Concrete 6. ASTM C171 – Standard Specifications for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete 7. ASTM C309 – Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete 8. ASTM C1315 – Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds Having Special Properties for Curing and Sealing Concrete 1.04 SUBMITTALS 070114BR City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03370-2 Concrete Curing A. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals. 1. Proposed procedures for protection of concrete under wet weather placement conditions. 2. Proposed normal procedures for protection and curing of concrete. 3. Proposed special procedures for protection and curing of concrete under hot and cold weather conditions. 4. Proposed method of measuring concrete surface temperature changes. 5. Manufacturer's literature and material certification for proposed curing compounds. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 LIQUID MEMBRANE-FORMING CURING COMPOUND A. Clear curing and sealing compound shall be a clear styrene acrylate type complying with ASTM C 1315, Type 1, Class A with a minimum solids content of 30%. Moisture loss shall not be greater than 0.40 kg/m2 when applied at 300 sq.ft./gal. Manufacturer’s certification is required. Acceptable products are Super Diamond Clear VOX by the Euclid Chemical Company, MasteKure CC 300 SB by BASF Master Builder Solutions, and Cure & Seal 30 Plus by Symons Corporation. B. Where specifically approved by Engineer, on slabs to receive subsequent applied finishes, compound shall conform to ASTM C 309. Acceptable products are “Kurez DR VOX” or “Kurez W VOX” by the Euclid Chemical Company. Install in strict accordance with manufacturer’s requirements. 2.02 EVAPORATION REDUCER A. Evaporation reducer shall be BASF, "MasterKure ER 50”, or Euclid Chemical "Euco-Bar". PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 PROTECTION AND CURING A. All freshly placed concrete shall be protected from the elements, flowing water and from defacement of any nature during construction operations. B. As soon as the concrete has been placed and horizontal top surfaces have received their required finish, provision shall be made for maintaining the concrete in a moist condition for at least a 5-day period thereafter except for high early strength concrete, for which the period shall be at least the first three days after placement. Horizontal surfaces shall be kept covered, and intermittent, localized drying will not be permitted. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03370-3 Concrete Curing C. Walls that will be exposed on one side with either fluid or earth backfill on the opposite side shall be continuously wet cured for a minimum of five days. Use of a curing compound will not be acceptable for applications of this type. D. The Contractor shall use one of the following methods to insure that the concrete remains in a moist condition for the minimum period stated above. 1. Ponding or continuous fogging or sprinkling. 2. Application of mats or fabric kept continuously wet. 3. Continuous application of steam (under 150°F). 4. Application of sheet materials conforming to ASTM C171. 5. If approved by the Engineer, application of a curing compound in accordance with Article 3.04. E. The Contractor shall keep absorbent wood forms wet until they are removed. After form removal, the concrete shall be cured by one of the methods in paragraph D. F. Any of the curing procedures used in Paragraph 3.01-D may be replaced by one of the other curing procedures listed in Paragraph 3.01-D after the concrete is one-day old. However, the concrete surface shall not be permitted to become dry at any time. 3.02 CURING CONCRETE UNDER COLD WEATHER CONDITIONS A. Suitable means shall be provided for a minimum of 72 hours after placing concrete to maintain it at or above the minimum as placed temperatures specified in Section 03300, Cast-In-Place Concrete, for concrete work in cold weather. During the 72-hour period, the concrete surface shall not be exposed to air more than 20°F above the minimum as placed temperatures. B. Stripping time for forms and supports shall be increased as necessary to allow for retardation in concrete strength caused by colder temperatures. This retardation is magnified when using concrete made with blended cements or containing fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag. Therefore, curing times and stripping times shall be further increased as necessary when using these types of concrete. C. The methods of protecting the concrete shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be such as will prevent local drying. Equipment and materials approved for this purpose shall be on the site in sufficient quantity before the work begins. The Contractor shall assist the Engineer by providing holes in the forms and the concrete in which thermometers can be placed to determine the adequacy of heating and protection. All such thermometers shall be furnished by the Contractor in quantity and type which the Engineer directs. D. Curing procedures during cold weather conditions shall conform to the requirements of ACI 306. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03370-4 Concrete Curing 3.03 CURING CONCRETE UNDER HOT WEATHER CONDITIONS A. When air temperatures exceed 85°F, the Contractor shall take extra care in placing and finishing techniques to avoid formation of cold joints and plastic shrinkage cracking. If ordered by the Engineer, temporary sun shades and/or windbreakers shall be erected to guard against such developments, including generous use of wet burlap coverings and fog sprays to prevent drying out of the exposed concrete surfaces. B. Immediately after screeding, horizontal surfaces shall receive an application of evaporation reducer. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Final finish work shall begin as soon as the mix has stiffened sufficiently to support the workmen. C. Curing and protection of the concrete shall begin immediately after completion of the finishing operation. Continuous moist-curing consisting of method 1 or 2 listed in paragraph 3.01D is mandatory for at least the first 24 hours. Method 2 may be used only if the finished surface is not marred or blemished during contact with the coverings. D. At the end of the initial 24-hour period, curing and protection of the concrete shall continue for at least six (6) additional days using one of the methods listed in paragraph 3.01D. E. Curing procedures during hot weather conditions shall conform to the requirements of ACI 305. 3.04 USE OF CURING COMPOUND A. Curing compound shall be used only where specifically approved by the Engineer. Curing compound shall never be used for curing exposed walls with fluid or earth backfill on the opposite side. A continuous wet cure for a minimum of five days is required for these applications. Curing compound shall not be used on surfaces exposed to water in potable water storage tanks and treatment plants unless curing compound is certified in accordance with ANSI/NSF Standard 61. B. When permitted, the curing compound shall maintain the concrete in a moist condition for the required time period, and the subsequent appearance of the concrete surface shall not be affected. C. The compound shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations after water sheen has disappeared from the concrete surface and after finishing operations. Maximum coverage for the curing and sealing compound shall be 300 square feet per gallon for trowel finishes and 200 square feet per gallon for floated or broom surfaces. Maximum coverage for compounds placed where subsequent finishes will be applied shall be 200 square feet per gallon. For rough surfaces, apply in two directions at right angles to each other. 3.05 EARLY TERMINATION OF CURING A. Moisture retention measures may be terminated earlier than the specified times only when at least one of the following conditions is met: City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03370-5 Concrete Curing 1. The strength of the concrete reaches 85 percent of the specified 28-day compressive strength in laboratory-cured cylinders representative of the concrete in place, and the temperature of the in-place concrete has been constantly maintained at 50 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. 2. The strength of concrete reaches the specified 28-day compressive strength as determined by accepted nondestructive methods or laboratory-cured cylinder test results. - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03370-6 Concrete Curing This Page Left Blank Intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03600-1 Grout SECTION 03600 GROUT PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Furnish all materials, labor, and equipment required to provide all grout used in concrete work and as bearing surfaces for base plates, in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Requirements of related work are included in Division 1 and Division 2 of these Specifications. 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generality of the other requirements of the specifications, all work herein shall conform to the applicable requirements of the following documents. All referenced specifications, codes, and standards refer to the most current issue available at the time of Bid. 1. CRD-C 621 Corps of Engineers Specification for Non-shrink Grout 2. ASTM C 109 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2 inch or 50 mm cube Specimens) 3. ASTM C 531 Standard Test Method for Linear Shrinkage and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Chemical-Resistant Mortars, Grouts and Monolithic Surfacings 4. ASTM C 579 Test Method for Compressive Strength of Chemical-Resistant Mortars and Monolithic Surfacings 5. ASTM C 827 Standard Test Method for Early Volume Change of Cementitious Mixtures 6. ASTM C 144 Standard Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar 7. ASTM C 1107 Standard Specification for Packaged Dry, Hydraulic Cement Grout (Nonshrink) 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01300 - Submittals. 040416BR City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03600-2 Grout 1. Certified test results verifying the compressive strength and shrinkage and expansion requirements specified herein. 2. Manufacturer's literature containing instructions and recommendations on the mixing, handling, placement and appropriate uses for each type of grout used in the work. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Field Tests 1. Compression test specimens will be taken during construction from the first placement of each type of grout and at intervals thereafter as selected by the Engineer to insure continued compliance with these Specifications. The specimens will be made by the Engineer or its representative. a. Compression tests and fabrication of specimens for cement grout and non- shrink grout will be performed as specified in ASTM C 109 at intervals during construction as selected by the Engineer. A set of three specimens will be made for testing at seven days, 28 days and any additional time period as appropriate. b. Compression tests and fabrication of specimens for epoxy grout will be performed as specified in ASTM C 579, Method B, at intervals during construction as selected by the Engineer. A set of three specimens will be made for testing at seven days and any other time period as appropriate. 2. The cost of all laboratory tests on grout will be borne by the Owner, but the Contractor shall assist the Engineer in obtaining specimens for testing. The Contractor shall be charged for the cost of any additional tests and investigation on work performed which does not meet the specifications. The Contractor shall supply all materials necessary for fabricating the test specimens, at no additional cost to the Owner. 3. All grout, already placed, which fails to meet the requirements of these Specifications, is subject to removal and replacement at no additional cost to the Owner. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Cement Grout 1. Cement grout shall be composed of Portland Cement and sand in the proportion specified in the Contract Documents and the minimum amount of water necessary to obtain the desired consistency. If no proportion is indicated, cement grout shall consist of one part Portland Cement to three parts sand. Water amount shall be as City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03600-3 Grout required to achieve desired consistency without compromising strength requirements. White Portland Cement shall be mixed with the Portland Cement as required to match color of adjacent concrete. 2. The minimum compressive strength at 28 days shall be 4000 psi. 3. For beds thicker than 1-1/2 inch and/or where free passage of grout will not be obstructed by coarse aggregate, 1-1/2 parts of coarse aggregate having a top size of 3/8 inch should be added. This stipulation does not apply for grout being swept in by a mechanism. These applications shall use a plain cement grout without coarse aggregate regardless of bed thickness. 4. Sand shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C144. B. Non-Shrink Grout 1. Non-shrink grout shall conform to CRD-C 621 and ASTM C 1107, Grade B or C when tested at a max. fluid consistency of 30 seconds per CDC 611/ASTM C939 at temperature extremes of 45°F and 90°F and an extended working time of 15 minutes. Grout shall have a min. 28-day strength of 7,000 psi. Non-shrink grout shall be, "Euco N-S" by the Euclid Chemical Company, "Sikagrout 212" by Sika Corporation, “Conspec 100 Non-Shrink Non-Metallic Grout” by Conspec, “Masterflow 555 Grout” by BASF Master Builder Solutions. C. Epoxy Grout 1. Epoxy grout shall be "Sikadur 32 Hi-Mod" by Sika Corporation, "Duralcrete LV" by Tamms Industries, or "Euco #452 Series" by Euclid Chemical, “MasterEmaco ADH 1090 RS” by BASF Master Builder Solutions. 2. Epoxy grout shall be modified as required for each particular application with aggregate per manufacturer's instructions. D. Epoxy Base Plate Grout 1. Epoxy base plate grout shall be “Sikadur 42, Grout-Pak” by Sika Corporation, or “Masterflow 648” by BASF Master Builder Solutions. 2.02 CURING MATERIALS A. Curing materials shall be as specified in Section 03370, Concrete Curing for cement grout and as recommended by the manufacturer for prepackaged grouts. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03600-4 Grout A. The different types of grout shall be used for the applications stated below unless noted otherwise in the Contract Documents. Where grout is called for in the Contract Documents which does not fall under any of the applications stated below, non-shrink grout shall be used unless another type is specifically referenced. 1. Cement grout shall be used for grout toppings and for patching of fresh concrete. 2. Non-shrink grout shall be used for grouting beneath base plates of structural metal framing. 3. Epoxy grout shall be used for bonding new concrete to hardened concrete. 4. Epoxy base plate grout shall be used for precision seating of base plates including base plates for all equipment such as engines, mixers, pumps, vibratory and heavy impact machinery, etc. B. New concrete surfaces to receive cement grout shall be as specified in Section 03350, Concrete Finishes, and shall be cleaned of all dirt, grease and oil-like films. Existing concrete surfaces shall likewise be cleaned of all similar contamination and debris, including chipping or roughening the surface if a laitance or poor concrete is evident. The finish of the grout surface shall match that of the adjacent concrete. Curing and protection of cement grout shall be as specified in Section 03370, Concrete Curing. C. All mixing, surface preparation, handling, placing, consolidation, and other means of execution for prepackaged grouts shall be done according to the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer. D. The Contractor, through the manufacturer of a non-shrink grout and epoxy grout, shall provide on-site technical assistance upon request, at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.02 CONSISTENCY A. The consistency of grouts shall be that necessary to completely fill the space to be grouted for the particular application. Dry pack consistency is such that the grout is plastic and moldable but will not flow. 3.03 MEASUREMENT OF INGREDIENTS A. Measurements for cement grout shall be made accurately by volume using containers. Shovel measurement shall not be allowed. B. Prepackaged grouts shall have ingredients measured by means recommended by the manufacturer. 3.04 GROUT INSTALLATION A. Grout shall be placed quickly and continuously, shall completely fill the space to be grouted and be thoroughly compacted and free of air pockets. The grout may be poured in place, pressure grouted by gravity, or pumped. The use of pneumatic pressure or dry-packed City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03600-5 Grout grouting requires approval of the Engineer. For grouting beneath base plates, grout shall be poured from one side only and thence flow across to the open side to avoid air-entrapment. - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03600-6 Grout This Page Left Blank Intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03732-1 Concrete Repairs SECTION 03732 CONCRETE REPAIRS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The Contractor shall furnish all materials, labor, equipment, tools, etc., required for the repair, renovation, and replacement of concrete and/or reinforcing steel as indicated on the Drawings, specified herein, and determined by field survey. The Contractor, in conjunction with the Engineer, shall determine the extent of cracked or deteriorated concrete to be rehabilitated and/or resurfaced. A summary of the work to be performed shall be submitted to the Engineer for review, and such summary shall be approved by the Engineer prior to commencement of the Work. B. Concrete repairs include areas at RSPS1 and RSPS2 indicated on the drawings. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Division 1 - General Requirements B. Division 3 - Concrete 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS A. Shall be as specified in Section 01090, Reference Standards. 1.04 SUBCONTRACTOR/APPLICATOR QUALIFICATIONS The Contractor shall furnish the name ofallsubcontractors/applicatorswhichheproposesto use for this work, including necessaryevidence and/or experience records toascertaintheir qualifications in the application of epoxy, urethane, and polymer-modified mortars and grouts. Approved applicator qualifications shall include: A. A minimum of 5 years experience in applying epoxy, urethane, and polymer-modified and cement-based compounds similar to those specified in this Section. B. A letter from the manufacturer of the specified materials, on the manufacturer's letterhead, signed by an officer of the company, stating that the subcontractor/applicator has been trained in the proper techniques for applying the product, including surface preparation and mixing, placing, curing, and caring for the manufacturer's products. This letter shall further state that the subcontractor/applicator is on the manufacturer's approved list of contractors.060514BR City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03732-2 Concrete Repairs 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Material certifications and technical data sheets on all grouts, mortars, epoxy resins, aggregates and repair products specified in this Section. B. Subcontractor/Applicator qualifications as specified in Section 1.04. C. Shop Drawings detailing any planned deviation from the proposed construction sequence and/or method of repair. D. The Contractor, based on their experience in their profession, may submit to the Engineer for approval, alternative materials and/or methods of work to assure the durability and watertight integrity of the repair work performed. 1.06 ADDITIONAL GUARANTEE A. The Contractor shall guarantee allrepairworkperformedunderthisContractagainstdefects in workmanship resulting in leakage and/or failure of concrete bond foraperiodoftwoyears from the date of the Certificate of Substantial Completion. PART 2 -- MATERIALS 2.01 WATER A. The water used for mixing concrete repair products shall be clear, potable, and free of deleterious substances. 2.02 AGGREGATE A. All aggregate shall conform to ASTM C-33. The aggregate supplier shall submit to the Engineer documentation that the proposed aggregates comply with ASTM C-33 and the requirements listed below: B. Pea Gravel - Pea gravel shall meet the gradation and material requirements of Standard Size 14 as defined by ASTM C-33. Pea gravel shall be clean and free from deleterious matter and shall contain no limestone. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03732-3 Concrete Repairs 2.03 EPOXY BONDING AGENT A. An epoxy bonding agent shall be used when applying fresh concrete to previously placed concrete. Epoxybonding agent shall conform to ASTMC-881 Type I, II, IV or V;Grade2for epoxy resin adhesives, depending on the application. The class of epoxy bonding agent shall be suitable for all ambient and substrate temperatures. The epoxy resin shall be "Sikadur Hi-Mod Series” as manufactured by the Sika Corp, Lyndhurst, NJ, "CR 246" as manufactured by Sto Corporation, Atlanta, GA, "Duralbond" as manufactured by Euclid Chemical Company, Cleveland, OH, “Euco #452 Series” bythe Euclid Chemical Company, or “MasterEmaco ADH series” by BASF Master Builder Solutions. 2.04 ANTI-CORROSION REBAR COATING A. All reinforcing steel cut or exposed during demolition and/or repair operations shall be protected with an anti-corrosive coating. The anti-corrosive coating shall be a two- component, polymer-modified cementitious material such as "Sika Armatec 110 EpoCem " manufactured by Sika Corp., Lyndhurst, NJ, "CR 246" manufactured by Sto Corporation, Atlanta, GA, “Duralprep A.C.” bythe Euclid Chemical Company,or“MasterEmacoP124”by BASF Master Builder Solutions. 2.05 STRUCTURAL CRACK REPAIR MATERIAL A. Structural crack repair material shall be a two-component, polymer-modified or silica fume enhanced cementitious mortar and shall conform to EPA/USPHS standards for surface contact with potable water supplies. Structural crack repair material shall be "Sikatop 123 Plus" manufactured bySika Corp., Lyndhurst,NJ,or“EmacoS88CI”or“MasterSeal590”by BASF Master Builder Solutions. 2.06 EPOXY CRACK REPAIR BINDER A. Epoxy crack repair binder shall be a two-component, 100% solids, high-modulus, low viscosity epoxy adhesive designed for structural repair. The epoxy adhesive shall be "Sikadur 52" manufactured by Sika Corp., Lyndhurst, NJ, "Duralcrete LV" manufactured by Euclid Chemical Company, Cleveland, OH, “Sto PoxyBinder CR633” manufactured bySto Corporation, Atlanta, GA, “EucopoxyInjection Resin” bythe Euclid Chemical Company,or“ MasterInject 1500” by BASF Master Builder Solutions. 2.07 WATERPROOF INJECTION GROUT A. Waterproof crack repair material shall be a one-component, water-activated polyurethane hydrophilic injection grout capable of 700% expansion. Polyurethane grout shall form a tough flexible foam seal that is impenetrable to water. Hydrophilic injection grout shall be "Prime Flex 900 XLV" manufactured by Prime Resins, Conyers, GA, "AV-333 Injectaflex" manufactured byAvanti International, Webster, TX, or "DeNeefSealfoam"manufacturedby Grace Construction Products. Hydrophobic injection grout shall be "Prime Flex 920" manufactured byPrime Resins, Conyers, GA, "Sikafix HHLV or “SikafixHH+”manufactured bySika Corp., Lyndhurst, NJ, or "DeNeef Flex PURe" manufactured byGrace Construction Products. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03732-4 Concrete Repairs 2.08 SPALL REPAIR PATCHING MATERIAL A. All spall repairs not requiring formwork shall be repaired using a two-component, polymer- modified non-shrink cementitious mortar and shall have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 7,000 psi. Spall repair mortar for use in horizontal applications shall be "Sikatop 122 Plus" manufactured by Sika Corp., Lyndhurst, NJ, "CR 700" manufactured by Sto Corporation, Atlanta, GA, “Eucocrete Supreme” by the Euclid Chemical Company, or MBT SD-2 or Emaco R310 by BASF Construction Chemicals. Spall repair mortar for use in vertical applications shall be "Sikatop 123 Plus" manufactured bySikaCorp.,Lyndhurst,NJ, "Duraltop Gel" manufactured byEuclid Chemical Company, "CR 702" manufactured bySto Concrete Restoration Division, Atlanta, GA, “Verticoat or Verticoat Supreme” by the Euclid Chemical Company, or “MasterEmaco N 425” or “MasterEmaco N 400” by BASF Master Builder Solutions. B. All spall repairs requiring formwork shall be repaired using a two-component, polymer- modified cementitious mortar/pea gravel mixture and shall have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 7,000 psi. Spall repair mortar shall be "SikaTop 111 PLUS" manufactured by Sika Corp., Lyndhurst, NJ, "Eucocrete Supreme” manufactured by Euclid Chemical Company, Cleveland, OH, “Sto Flowable Mortar CR730” manufactured by Sto Corporation, Atlanta, GA, or “MasterEmaco T 310 CI” by BASF Master Builder Solutions. C. All spall repair materials shall conform to EPA/USPHS standards for surface contact with potable water supplies. 2.09 STORAGE OF MATERIALS A. The Contractor shall provide an area for repair material storage free from exposure to moisture in any form, before, during, and after delivery to the site. Manufactured materials shall be delivered in unbroken containers labeled with themanufacturer'snameandproduct type. All mortar products shall be stored on raised platforms. Materials susceptible to damage by freezing shall be stored in a dry, heated, insulated area. Any material that has hardened, partially set, become caked and/or has been contaminated or deteriorated shall be rejected. All aggregates shall be stored in clean bins, scows or platforms. PART 3 -- INSTALLATION 3.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. No repair work shall be undertaken when ambient temperatures are below manufacturer's safe recommendations. No admixtures, exceptthoserequiredbythemanufacturer,shallbe used in the repairs specified herein. All products shall be applied in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The Contractor shall furnish and install safe scaffolding and ladders for the Engineer's prework inspection, the repair work activities, and the Engineer's final inspection B. Sandblast or waterblast (3000-4000 psi waterjet) deteriorated areas to remove all loose concrete, existing coatings, unsound material, debris, and laitance. All surfaces shall be City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03732-5 Concrete Repairs clean, free of dirt, grease, loose particles, and deleterioussubstancesandshallbeprepared according to manufacturer's requirements. 3.02 EPOXY BONDING AGENT A. Existing concrete surfaces shall be roughened prior to application of bonding agent. Concrete surface shall be clean and sound, free of all foreign particles and laitance. Repair material shall be placed while bonding agent is still tacky. If bonding agent cures prior to placement of repair material, bonding agent shall be reapplied. B. Repairing concrete with epoxy mortars shall conform to all the requirements of ACI 503.4 "Standard Specification for Repairing Concrete with Epoxy Mortars" (latest edition), except as modified herein. 3.03 ANTI-CORROSION REBAR COATING A. Reinforcing steel cut or exposed during demolition and/or repair operations shall be sandblasted and cleaned prior to coating with an anti-corrosive coating. Anti-corrosive coating shall be applied as soon as the reinforcement is exposed and cleaned. Coating shall thoroughly cover all exposed parts of the steel and shall be applied according to manufacturer's recommendations. 3.04 STRUCTURAL CRACK REPAIR MATERIAL A. Where indicated on the Drawings, all existing structural cracks 1/16" and wider shall be repaired with a structural crack repair material. Rout crack to3/4"wideby3/4"deepV-notch to expose sound concrete. Where rebar has deteriorated, crack shall be routed to expose 3/4" all around rebar. The resulting void in concrete shall be patched flush with the existing concrete surface using structural crack repair material. 3.05 EPOXY CRACK REPAIR BINDER A. Where indicated on the Drawings, all existing structural cracks 1/4" or smaller shall be repaired by pressure injecting an epoxy crack repair binder into the prepared crack. Seal crack surface and install injection ports per manufacturer's recommendations. Holesdrilled for injection ports shall not cut rebar. If rebar is encountered during drilling, the holeshallbe abandoned and relocated, and the abandoned hole shall be patched immediatelywith non- shrink grout flush with the surface of the existing concrete. Once the surface sealing material has cured, inject crack with epoxy crack repair binder using standard pressure injection equipment as directed by the manufacturer. B. Where indicated on the Drawings, all existing structural cracks wider than 1/4" shall be repaired by gravity feeding an epoxy crack repair binder into the prepared crack. First rout the concrete surface to form a 1/4" wide by1/4" deep v-notch and clean the cracktoremove all loose and foreign particles. Fill the crack with clean, drysand and then pour epoxycrack repair binder into V-notch, completely filling crack. As binder penetrates into crack, additional binder shall be applied to the V-notch. 3.06 WATERPROOF INJECTION GROUT City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 03732-6 Concrete Repairs A. All existing, leaking cracks 1/4" or smaller shall be repaired by pressure injecting a waterproof injection grout into the prepared crack. Seal crack surface and install injection ports per manufacturer's recommendations. Holes drilled for injection ports shall not cut rebar. If rebar is encountered during drilling, the hole shall be abandoned and relocated, and the abandoned hole shall be patched immediately with non-shrink grout flush with the surface of the existing concrete. Once the surface sealing material has cured, inject crack with waterproof injection grout using standard pressure injection equipment as directed by the manufacturer. 3.07 SPALL REPAIR PATCHING MATERIAL A. All voids or spalled areas to be repaired shall be chippedbacktosoundconcreteaminimum 1/8" deep, cleaned and repaired with spall repair patching material according to manufacturer's recommendations. All patchingshallprovideafinalfinishedsurfacewhichis flat, level and even with the existing concrete surface. Repair mortar shall not be feathered to meet existing concrete surface. Final patching on horizontal surfaces shall receive a broom finish consistent with the finish on the existing structure. 3.08 CURING A. All repair products shall be cured in strict accordance with manufacturer recommendations. 3.09 WORK IN CONFINED SPACES A. The Contractor shall provide and maintain safe working conditions for all employees and subcontractors. Fresh air shall be supplied continuously to confined spaces through the combined use of existing openings, forced-draft fans and temporaryducts to the outside, or bydirect air supplyto individual workers. Fumes shall be exhausted to the outside from the lowest level of the confined space. Electrical fan motors shallbeexplosion-proofifincontact with fumes. No smoking or open fires shall be permitted in or near areas where volatile fumes may accumulate. - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05010-1 Metal Materials SECTION 05010 METAL MATERIALS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Metal materials not otherwise specified shall conform to the requirements of this Section. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Materials for fasteners are included in Section 05050, Metal Fastening. B. Requirements for specific products made from the materials specified herein are included in other sections of the Specifications. See the section for the specific item in question. 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. ASTM A36 Standard Specification for Structural Steel B. ASTM A47 Standard Specification for Malleable Iron Castings C. ASTM A48 Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings D. ASTM A53 Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc- Coated Welded and Seamless E. ASTM A167 Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium- Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip F. ASTM A276 Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes G. ASTM A307 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners H. ASTM A446 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process, Structural (Physical) quality I. ASTM A500 Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes J. ASTM A501 Standard Specification for Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing 042315BR City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05010-2 Metal Materials K. ASTM A529 Standard Specification for Structural Steel with 42 000 psi (290 Mpa) Minimum Yield Point (1/2 in. (12.7 mm) Maximum Thickness) L. ASTM A536 Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings M. ASTM A570 Standard Specification for Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip, Structural Quality N. ASTM A572 Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbium- Vanadium Structural Steel O. ASTM A992 Standard Specification for Structural Steel Shapes P. ASTM A666 Standard Specification for Austenitic Stainless Steel, Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Flat Bar for Structural Applications Q. ASTM A1085 Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded Carbon Steel Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) R. ASTM B26 Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Sand Castings S. ASTM B85 Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Die Castings T. ASTM B108 Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Permanent Mold Castings U. ASTM B138 Standard Specification for Manganese Bronze Rod, Bar, and Shapes V. ASTM B209 Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate W. ASTM B221 Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Shapes, and Tubes X. ASTM B308 Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Standard Structural Shapes, Rolled or Extruded Y. ASTM B574 Standard Specification for Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Rod Z. ASTM F468 Standard Specification for Nonferrous Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs for General Use a. ASTM F593 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Fasteners 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Material certifications shall be submitted along with any shop drawings for metal products and fabrications required by other sections of the Specifications. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Owner may engage the services of a testing agency to test any metal materials for conformance with the material requirements herein. If the material is found to be in City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05035-1 Galvanizing SECTION 05035 GALVANIZING PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Where galvanizing is called for in the Contract Documents, the galvanizing shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of this Section unless otherwise noted. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Further requirements for galvanizing specific items may be included in other Sections of the Specifications. See section for the specific item in question. 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generality of the other requirements of the specifications, all work herein shall conform to the applicable requirements of the following documents. All referenced specifications, codes, and standards refer to the most current issue available at the time of Bid. 1. State of Texas Building Code 2. ASTM A123 - Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, and Strip 3. ASTM A153 - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware 4. ASTM A924 - Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process 5. ASTM A780 - Standard Practice of Repair of Damaged Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings 6. ASTM F2329 - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating, Hot-Dip, Requirements for Application to Carbon and Alloy Steel Bolts, Screws, Washers, Nuts, and Special Threaded Fasteners 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals. 010615BR City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05035-2 Galvanizing 1. Certification that the item(s) are galvanized in accordance with the applicable ASTM standards specified herein. This certification may be included as part of any material certification that may be required by other Sections of the Specifications. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 GALVANIC COATING A. Material composition of the galvanic coating shall be in accordance with the applicable ASTM standards specified herein. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATED PRODUCTS A. Products fabricated from rolled, pressed, and forged steel shapes, plates, bars, and strips, 1/8 inch thick and heavier which are to be galvanized shall be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123. Products shall be fabricated into the largest unit which is practicable to galvanize before the galvanizing is done. Fabrication shall include all operations necessary to complete the unit such as shearing, cutting, punching, forming, drilling, milling, bending, and welding. Components of bolted or riveted assemblies shall be galvanized separately before assembly. When it is necessary to straighten any sections after galvanizing, such work shall be performed without damage to the zinc coating. The galvanizer shall be a member of American Galvanizers Association. B. Components with partial surface finishes shall be commercial blast cleaned prior to pickling. C. Sampling and testing of each lot shall be performed prior to shipment from the galvanizer’s facility per ASTM A123. 3.02 HARDWARE A. Iron and steel hardware which is to be galvanized shall be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153 and ASTM F2329. 3.03 ASSEMBLED PRODUCTS A. Assembled steel products which are to be galvanized shall be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123. All edges of tightly contacting surfaces shall be completely sealed by welding before galvanizing. 3.04 SHEETS A. Iron or steel sheets which are to be galvanized shall be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A924. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05035-3 Galvanizing 3.05 REPAIR OF GALVANIZING A. Galvanized surfaces that are abraded or damaged at any time after the application of zinc coating shall be repaired by thoroughly wire brushing the damaged areas and removing all loose and cracked coating, after which the cleaned areas shall be painted with 2 coats of zinc rich paint meeting the requirements of Federal Specification DOD-P-21035A and shall be thoroughly mixed prior to application. Zinc rich paint shall not be tinted. The total thickness of the 2 coats shall not be less than 6 mils. In lieu of repairing by painting with zinc rich paint, other methods of repairing galvanized surfaces in accordance with ASTM A780 may be used provided the proposed method is acceptable to the Engineer. - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05035-4 Galvanizing This Page Left Blank Intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05061-1 Stainless Steel SECTION 05061 STAINLESS STEEL PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. The Contractor shall furnish, install and erect the stainless steel work as shown on the Contract Drawings and specified herein. B. Stainless steel work shall be furnished complete with all accessories, mountings and appurtenances of the type of stainless steel and finish as specified or required for a satisfactory installation. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 01300 - Submittals B. Section 05010 - Metal Materials C. Section 05050 - Metal Fastening D. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications 1.03 REFERENCES A. ASTM A193 - Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High- Temperature Service. B. ASTM A194 - Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure and High-Temperature Service. C. ASTM A262 - Practice for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steel. D. ASTM A276 - Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes. E. ASTM A314 - Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Billets and Bars for Forging. F. ASTM A380 - Practice for Cleaning and Descaling Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment and Systems. G. ASTM A473 - Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Forgings. 122109BR City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05061-2 Stainless Steel H. ASTM A666 - Austenitic Stainless Steel, Sheet, Strip, Plate and Flat Bar. I. ASTM A774 - Stainless Steel Pipe Fittings J. ASTM A778 - Stainless Steel Pipe K. ASTM F593 - Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws and Studs. L. ASTM F594 - Stainless Steel Nuts. M. ANSI/ASME B1.1 - Unified Inch Screw Thread (UN and UNR Thread Form). 1.04 TESTS A. All stainless steel materials including stainless test welds, shall be checked for compliance with tests for susceptibility to intergranular attack. Such tests shall be Practices A, B and E of ASTM A262. Detailed procedures for the tests shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to start of work. Practice A shall be used only for acceptance of materials but not for rejection of materials, and shall be used for screening material intended for testing in Practice B and Practice E. The maximum acceptable corrosion rate under Practice B shall be 0.004 inch per month, rounded off to the third decimal place. If the certified mill report indicates that such test has been satisfactory performed, the fabricator may not be required to repeat the test. Material passing Practice E shall be acceptable. B. Sample selection for the susceptibility to intergranular attack tests shall be as follows: 1. One (1) sample per heat per heat treatment lot for plates and forgings; 2. One (1) sample per each Welding Procedure Qualification regardless of the joint design; 3. If tests indicate a reduction in corrosion resistance, welding procedure shall be adjusted or heat treatment determined as needed to restore required corrosion resistance. 4. The samples so chosen shall have received all the post-weld heat treatments identical to the finished part. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval shop drawings for all stainless steel fabrication in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals. B. Submittals shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Certified test reports for susceptibility to intergranular attack. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05061-3 Stainless Steel 2. Affidavit of compliance with type of stainless steel shown on the Contract Drawings or specified herein. 3. Certified weld inspection reports. 4. Cleaning and handling of stainless steel in accordance with Paragraph 3.04, Cleaning and Handling. C. Samples of finish, on each type of stainless steel to be furnished, shall be submitted to the Engineer upon request. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Shop inspections may be made by the Engineer. The Contractor shall give ample notice to the Engineer prior to the beginning of any stainless steel fabrication work so that inspection may be provided. The Contractor shall furnish all facilities for the inspection of materials and workmanship in the shop, and the inspectors shall be allowed free access to the necessary parts of the works. B. Inspectors shall have the authority to reject any materials or work which does not meet the requirements of the Contract Drawings or the Specifications. C. Inspection at the shop is intended as a means of facilitating the work and avoiding errors, but is expressly understood that it will in no way relieve the Contractor from his responsibility for furnishing proper materials or workmanship. 1.07 HANDLING, STORAGE AND DELIVERY A. Mechanical damage (e.g., scratches and gouges) to the stainless steel material shall not be permitted and is cause for rejection. Care shall be taken in the material handling since such mechanical damage will result in the passive oxide film being "punctured" leading to a possible lower resistance to the initiation of corrosion than the surrounding chemically-passivated surface. B. Stainless steel plates and sheets shall be stored vertically in racks and not be dragged out of the racks or over one another. Racks shall be protected to prevent iron contamination. C. Heavy stainless steel plates shall be carefully separated and chocked with wooden blocks so that the forks of a fork-lift could be inserted between plates without mechanically damaging the surface. D. Stainless steel plates and sheets laid out for use shall be off the floor and be divided by wooden planks to prevent surface damage and to facilitate subsequent handling. E. Plate clamps, if used, shall be used with care as the serrated faces can dig in, indent and gouge the surface. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05061-4 Stainless Steel F. Stainless steel fabrications shall be loaded in such a manner that they may be transported and unloaded without being overstressed, deformed or otherwise damaged. G. Stainless steel fabrications and packaged materials shall be protected from corrosion and deterioration and shall be stored in a dry area. Materials stored outdoors shall be supported above ground surfaces on wood runners and protected with approved effective and durable covers. H. Stainless steel fabrications shall not be placed in or on a structure in a manner that might cause distortion or damage to the fabrication. The Contractor shall repair or replace damaged stainless steel fabrications or materials as directed by the Engineer. 1.08 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. The Contractor shall verify all dimensions and shall make any field measurements necessary and shall be fully responsible for accuracy and layout of the work. B. The Contractor shall review the Contract Drawings and any discrepancies shall be reported to the Engineer for clarification prior to starting fabrication. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS AND FINISHES A. Stainless steel shall be Type 304 unless it is used for underwater service. Stainless steel for underwater service shall be Type 316. Minimum mechanical finish shall be No. 4 as stated in Table 2 unless otherwise noted on the Contract Drawings. B. The basic mill forms (sheet, strip, plate and bar) are classified by size as shown on Table 1. Tables 2, 3 and 4 identify finishes and conditions in which sheet, bar and plate are available. C. Tables 2, 3 and 4 show numbered finishes and conditions for sheet, bar and plate. While there are no specific designations for polished finishes on bar or plate, the sheet finish designations are used to describe the desired effect. This also applies to finishes on ornamental tubing. D. There are three standard finishes for strip, which are broadly described by the finishing operations employed: 1. No. 1 Strip Finish No. 1 strip finish is approximately the same as No. 2D Sheet Finish. It varies in appearance from dull gray matte to a fairly reflective surface, depending largely on alloy composition and amount of cold reduction. 2. No. 2 Strip Finish is approximately the same as a No. 2B sheet finish. It is City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05061-5 Stainless Steel smoother, more reflective than No. 1, and likewise varies with alloy composition. 3. Bright annealed finish is a highly reflective finish that is retained by final annealing in a controlled atmosphere furnace. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer MS05061.MAS:07-11-05 05061-6 HS MASTER SPEC Table 1 Classification of Stainless Steel Product Form Item Description Dimensions Thickness Width Diameter or Size Sheet Coils and cut length: Mill finishes Nos. 1, 2D and 2B Polished finishes Nos. 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8 under 3/16" under 3/16" 24" and over all widths -- -- Strip Cold finished, coils or cut lengths Polished finishes Nos. 3, 4, 6,7 & 8 under 3/16" under 3/16" under 24" all widths -- -- Plate Flat rolled or forged 3/16" and over over 10" -- Bar Hot finished rounds, squares, octagons and hexagons Hot finished flats Cold finished rounds, squares, octagons and hexagons Cold finished flats -- 1/8" to 8" incl. -- 1/8" to 4-1/2" -- 1/4" to 10" incl. -- 3/8" to 4-1/2" 1/4" and over -- over 1/8" -- Wire Cold finishes only: (in coil) Round, square, octagon, hexagon and flat wire under 3/16" under 3/8" -- Pipe & Tubing Several different classifications, with differing specifications, are available. Extrusion Not considered “standard” shapes. Currently limited in size to approximately 6-1/2" diameter or structurals. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer MS05061.MAS:07-11-05 05061-7 HS MASTER SPEC Table 2 Standard Mechanical Sheet Finishes Unpolished or Rolled Finishes: No. 1 A rough dull surface which results from hot rolling to the specified thickness followed by annealing and descaling. No. 4 A polished surface obtained by finishing with a 120-150 mesh abrasive, following initial grinding with coarser abrasives. This is a general purpose bright finish with a visible "grain" which prevents mirror reflection. No. 2D A dull finish which results from cold rolling followed by annealing and descaling, and may perhaps get a final light roll pass through unpolished rolls. A 2D finish is used where appearance is of no concern. No. 6 A dull satin finish having lower reflectivity than No. 4 finish. It is produced by Tampico brushing the No. 4 finish in a medium of abrasive and oil. It is used for architectural applications and ornamentation where a high luster is undesirable, and to contrast with brighter finishes. No. 2B A bright cold-rolled finish resulting in the same manner as No. 2D finish, except that the annealed and descaled sheet receives a final light roll pass through polished rolls. This is the general purpose cold-rolled finish that can be used as is, or as a preliminary step to polishing. No. 7 A high reflective finish that is obtained by buffing finely ground surfaces but not to the extent of completely removing the "grit" lines. It is used chiefly for architectural and ornamental purposes. Polished Finishes: No. 3 An intermediate polish surface obtained by finishing with a 100 grit abrasive. Generally used where a semi-finished polished surface is required. A No. 3 finish usually receives additional polishing during fabrication. No. 8 The most reflective surface, which is obtained by polishing with successively finer abrasives and buffing extensively until all grit lines from preliminary grinding operations are removed. It is used for applications such as mirrors and reflectors. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer MS05061.MAS:07-11-05 05061-8 HS MASTER SPEC Table 3 Conditions and Finishes for Bar Conditions Surface Finishes1 Hot worked only (a) Scale not removed (excluding spot conditioning) (b) Rough turned2 (c) Pickled or blast cleaned and pickled. Annealed or otherwise heat treated. (a) Scale not removed (excluding spot conditioning) (b) Rough turned (c) Pickled or blast cleaned and pickled (d) Cold drawn or cold rolled (e) Centerless ground (f) Polished Annealed and cold worked to high tensile strength3 (d) Cold drawn or cold rolled (e) Centerless ground (f) Polished 1 Surface finishes (b), (e) and (f) are applicable to round bars only. 2 Bars of the 4xx series stainless steels which are highly hardenable, such as Types 414, 420, 420F, 431, 440A, 440B and 440C, are annealed before rough turning. Other hardenable grades, such as Types 403, 410, 416 and 416Se, may also require annealing depending on their composition and size. 3 Produced in Types 302, 303Se, 304 and 316. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05061-9 Stainless Steel Table 4 Conditions and Finishes for Plate Condition and Finish Description and Remarks Hot rolled Scale not removed. Not heat treated. Plates not recommended for final use in this condition.4 Hot rolled, annealed or heat treated Scale not removed. Use of plates in this condition is generally confined to heat resisting applications. Scale impairs corrosion resistance.1 Hot rolled, annealed or heat treated, blast cleaned or pickled Condition and finish commonly preferred for corrosion resisting and most heat resisting applications. Hot rolled, annealed, descaled and temper passed Smoother finish for specialized applications. Hot rolled, annealed, descaled cold rolled, annealed, descaled, optionally temper passed Smooth finish with greater freedom from surface imperfection than the above. Hot rolled, annealed or heat treated, surface cleaned and polished Polished finishes refer to Table 2. 4 Surface inspection is not practicable on plates which have not been pickled or otherwise descaled. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION A. Holes for bolts and screws shall be drilled. Fastenings shall be concealed where practicable. Joints exposed to the weather shall be formed to exclude water. B. As far as practicable, all fabricated units shall be fitted and assembled in the shop, with all cuts and bends made to precision measurements in accordance with details shown on approved shop drawings. C. Work shall be fabricated so that it is installed in a manner that will provide for expansion and contraction, prevent the shearing of bolts, screws and other fastenings, ensure rigidity, and provide close fitting of sections. D. All finished and/or machined faces shall be true to line and level. Stainless steel sections shall be well formed to shape and size with sharp lines and angles; curved work shall be sprung evenly to curves. E. All work shall be fitted together at the shop as far as possible, and delivered complete City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05061-10 Stainless Steel and ready for erection. Proper care shall be exercised in handling all work so as not to injure the finished surfaces. 3.02 WELDING A. Welding shall be done in a manner that will prevent buckling and in accordance with Specification 05050 – Metal Fastening, and as modified hereinafter. B. All welds exposed in the work shall be ground smooth and finished to match the finish of the adjacent stainless steel surfaces. C. Select weld rods that provide weld filler metal having corrosion resistant properties as nearly identical or better than the base metal to insure preservation of the corrosion- resistant properties. Provide heat treatment at welds where testing of weld procedure indicates it is required to restore the corrosion resistance. D. Thermal conductivity of stainless steel is about half that of other steels; and the following methods may be used to accommodate this situation: 1. Use lower weld current setting. 2. Use skip-weld techniques to minimize heat concentration. 3. Use back-up chill bars or other cooling techniques to dissipate heat. E. Edges of the stainless steel to be welded shall be cleaned of contaminants. 3.03 FASTENERS A. Stainless steel fasteners shall be used for joining stainless steel work. B. Stainless steel fasteners shall be made of alloys that are equal to or more corrosion resistant than the materials they join. 3.04 CLEANING AND HANDLING A. All stainless steel surfaces shall be precleaned, descaled, passivated and inspected before, during and after fabrication in accordance with the applicable sections of ASTM A380 and as detailed in the procedures to be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to start of work. Degreasing and passivation of stainless steel articles shall be conducted as the last step after fabrication. B. Measures to protect cleaned surfaces shall be taken as soon as final cleaning is completed and shall be maintained during all subsequent handling, storage and shipping. 1. The Contractor shall submit for approval specific procedures listing all the steps to be followed in detecting contamination and in descaling, cleaning, passivation and protecting of all stainless steel. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05061-11 Stainless Steel 2. Area showing clear indications of contamination shall be recleaned, repassivated and reinspected. C. At approved stages in the shop operations, contaminants such as scale, embedded iron, rust, dirts, oil, grease and any other foreign matter shall be removed from the metal, as directed or approved by the Engineer. The adequacy of these operations shall be checked by the Engineer. Operations in the shop shall be conducted so as to avoid contamination of the stainless steel and to keep the metal surfaces free from dirt and foreign matter. D. In order to prevent incipient corrosion during fabrication, special efforts shall be made at all times to keep all stainless steel surfaces from coming in contact with other metals. 1. Stainless steel and stainless steel welds shall be cleaned with clean sand free of iron, stainless steel wool, stainless steel brushes, or other approved means and shall be protected at all times from contamination by any materials, including carbon steel, that shall impair its resistance to corrosion. 2. Approved methods of cutting, grinding and handling shall be used to prevent contamination. If air-arc, or carbon-arc cutting is used, additional metal shall be removed by approved mechanical means so as to provide clean, weldable edges. All grinding of stainless steel shall be performed with aluminum oxide or silicon carbide grinding wheels bonded with resin or rubber. Grinding wheels used on carbon steel shall not be used on stainless steel. 3. Sand, grinding wheels, brushes and other materials used for cleaning stainless steel shall be checked periodically by the Engineer for contaminants. Cleaning aids found to contain contaminants shall not be used on the work. 3.05 INSTALLATION A. All stainless steel fabrications shall be erected square, plumb and true, accurately fitted, adequately anchored in place, set at proper elevations and positions. B. All inserts, anchor rods and all other miscellaneous work specified in the Detailed Specifications or shown on the Contract Drawings or required for the proper completion of the work, which are embedded in concrete, shall be properly set and securely held in position in the forms before the concrete is placed. C. All stainless steel fabrications shall be installed in conformance with details shown on the Contract Drawings or on the approved shop drawings. -END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05061-12 Stainless Steel This Page Left Blank Intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05120-1 Structural Steel SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Furnish all equipment, labor, materials, and services required to provide all structural steel work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The term "structural steel" shall include items as defined in the AISC "Code of Standard Practice". 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 05010 - Metal Materials B. Section 05035 - Galvanizing C. Section 05050 - Metal Fastening 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generality of the Specifications, all work specified herein shall conform to the applicable requirements of the following documents. 1. State of Texas Building Code 2. AISC - "Code of Standard Practice." 3. AISC - "Specification for Structural Steel Buildings". 4. AISC 348 - "The 2009 RCSC Specification for Structural Joints”. 5. AWS - "Structural Welding Code". 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals. 1. Certified Mill Test Reports 2. Affidavit of Compliance with grade specified 3. Shop Drawings which include the following: a. Layout drawings indicating all structural shapes, sizes, and dimensions. b. Beam and column schedules. 042415BR City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05120-2 Structural Steel c. Detailed drawings indicating jointing, anchoring and connection details. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Shop inspection may be required by the Owner at his own expense. The Contractor shall give ample notice to the Engineer prior to the beginning of any fabrication work so that inspection may be provided. The Contractor shall furnish all facilities for the inspection of materials and workmanship in the shop, and the inspectors shall be allowed free access to the necessary parts of the work. Inspectors shall have the authority to reject any materials or work which do not meet the requirements of these Specifications. Inspection at the shop is intended as a means of facilitating the work and avoiding errors, but is expressly understood that it will in no way relieve the Contractor from his responsibility for furnishing proper materials or workmanship under this Specification. B. The erector shall be a qualified installer who participates in the AISC Certification program and is designated an AISC Certified Erector, Category ACSE. C. The fabricator shall be a qualified fabricator who participates in the AISC Certification program and is designated an AISC Certified Plant, Category STD. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Structural Steel 1. Structural steel for W shapes shall conform to ASTM A992 unless otherwise indicated. 2. Structural steel for HP shapes shall conform to ASTM A572 Grade 50 unless otherwise indicated. 3. Structural steel for S, M, C, and MC shapes and angles and plates shall conform to ASTM A36 unless otherwise indicated. 4. Steel pipe shall be ASTM A53, Grade B. 5. HSS shall be ASTM A500, Grade C or ASTM A1085. All members shall be furnished full length without splices unless otherwise noted or accepted by the Engineer. 6. All unidentified steel will be rejected and shall be removed from the site and replaced by the Contractor, all at the expense of the Contractor. 7. Fasteners for structural steel shall be in accordance with Section 05050, Metal Fastening. B. Welds City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05120-3 Structural Steel 1. Electrodes for welding shall be in accordance with Section 05050, Metal Fastening. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 MEASUREMENT A. The Contractor shall verify all dimensions and shall make any field measurements necessary and shall be fully responsible for accuracy and layout of work. The Contractor shall review the Drawings and any discrepancies shall be reported to the Engineer for clarification prior to starting fabrication. 3.02 FABRICATION A. Fabrication shall be in accordance with the AISC "Specification for Structural Steel Buildings and AISC "Code of Standard Practice". Fabrication shall begin only after Shop Drawing approval. B. Except where otherwise noted on the Drawings or in this Specification, all shop connections shall be welded. C. All holes in structural steel members required for anchors, anchor rods, bolts, sag rods or other members or for attachment of other work shall be provided by the fabricator and detailed on the Shop Drawings. D. All materials shall be properly worked and match-marked for field assembly. E. Where galvanizing of structural steel is required, it shall be done in accordance with Section 05035, Galvanizing. 3.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Structural members shall be loaded in such a manner that they may be transported and unloaded without being over-stressed, deformed or otherwise damaged. B. Structural steel members and packaged materials shall be protected from corrosion and deterioration. Material shall be stored in a dry area and shall not be placed in direct contact with the ground. Materials shall not be placed on the structure in a manner that might cause distortion or damage to the members or the supporting structures. The Contractor shall repair or replace damaged materials or structures as directed. 3.04 ERECTION A. The erection of all structural steel shall conform to the applicable requirements of the AISC "Specification for Structural Steel Buildings" and AISC "Code of Standard Practice". All temporary bracing, guys and bolts as may be necessary to ensure the safety of the structure until the permanent connections have been made shall be provided by the Contractor. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05120-4 Structural Steel B. Structural members shall be set accurately to the lines and elevations indicated. The various members shall be aligned and adjusted to form a part of a complete frame or structure before permanently fastened. C. No cutting of structural steel members in the field will be allowed except by the written approval of the Engineer. D. Bearing surfaces and other surfaces which will be in permanent contact shall be cleaned before assembly. E. Field welding shall not be permitted unless specifically indicated in the Drawings or approved in writing by the Engineer. All field welding shall comply with Section 05050, Metal Fastening. F. All bolted connections shall use high strength bolts in accordance with Section 05050, Metal Fastening. High strength bolts shall be installed in accordance with AISC 348 “The 2009 RCSC Specification for Structural Joints”. Bolts specified or noted on the Drawings to be a tension or slip critical “SC” type connection shall be fully pretensioned with proper preparation of the faying surfaces. All other bolts shall be snug tightened unless otherwise noted on the Drawings. G. All field connections shall be accurately fitted up before being bolted. Drifting shall be only such as will bring the parts into position and shall not be sufficient to enlarge the holes or to distort the metal. All unfair holes shall be drilled or reamed. H. Misfits at Bolted Connections 1. Where misfits in erection bolting are encountered, the Engineer shall be immediately notified. The Contractor shall submit a method to remedy the misfit for review by the Engineer. The Engineer will determine whether the remedy is acceptable or if the member must be refabricated. 2. Incorrectly sized or misaligned holes in members shall not be enlarged by burning or by the use of drift pins. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately and shall submit a proposed method of remedy for review by the Engineer. 3. Where misalignment between anchor rods and rod holes in steel members are encountered, the Engineer shall be immediately notified. The Contractor shall submit a method to remedy the misalignment for review by the Engineer. I. Grouting of Base Plates and Bearing Plates 1. The bottom surface of the plates shall be cleaned of all foreign materials, and concrete or masonry bearing surface shall be cleaned of all foreign materials and roughened to improve bonding. 2. Accurately set all base and bearing plates to designated levels with steel wedges or leveling plates. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05120-5 Structural Steel 3. Baseplates shall be grouted with non-shrink grout to assure full uniform bearing. Grouting shall be done prior to placing loads on the structure. Non-shrink grout shall conform to Section 03600, Grout. 4. Anchor rods shall be tightened after the supported members have been positioned and plumbed and the non-shrink grout has attained its specified strength. J. Where finishing is required, assembly shall be completed including bolting and welding of units before start of finishing operations. 3.05 PAINTING A. Painting shall be performed according to Section 09900, Painting and the following additional requirements. 1. Concrete Encased Steel: Steel members which will be encased in concrete shall be cleaned but not painted prior to encasement. 2. Contact Surfaces: Contact surfaces such as at field connections, shall be cleaned and primed but not painted. 3. Finished Surfaces: Machine finished surfaces shall be protected against corrosion by a rust-inhibiting coating which is easily removed prior to erection or which has characteristics that make removal unnecessary prior to erection. 4. Surfaces Adjacent to Field Welds: Surfaces within 2 inches of any field weld location shall be free of materials that would prevent proper welding or produce objectionable fumes while welding is being done. - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05120-6 Structural Steel This Page Left Blank Intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05500-1 Metal Fabrications SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENT A. Furnish all materials, labor, and equipment required to provide all metal fabrications not specifically included in other Sections, complete and in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Work shall include but may not be limited to pipe supports. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 05010 - Metal Materials B. Section 05050 - Metal Fastening C. Section 05035 - Galvanizing D. Certain specific items are included in other Sections of the Specifications. See the section for the specific item in question. 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generality of other requirements of the Specifications, all work specified herein shall conform to the applicable requirements of the following documents. All referenced specifications, codes, and standards refer to the most current issue available at the time of Bid. 1. State of Texas Building Code 2. AISC - Specification for Structural Steel Buildings 3. AISI - Specifications for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members 4. Aluminum Association Specifications for Aluminum Structures 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals. 1. Complete fabrication and erection drawings of all metalwork specified herein. 011705BR City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05500-2 Metal Fabrications 2. Other submittals as required in accordance with Section 05010, Metal Materials, and Section 05050, Metal Fastening. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 METAL MATERIALS A. Metal materials used in metal fabrications shall conform to Section 05010, Metal Materials, unless noted otherwise. 2.02 METAL FASTENING A. All welds and fasteners used in metal fabrication shall conform to Section 05050, Metal Fastening, unless noted otherwise. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION A. All measurements and dimensions shall be based on field conditions and shall be verified by the Contractor prior to fabrication. Such verification shall include coordination with adjoining work. B. All fabricated work shall be shop fitted together as much as practicable, and delivered to the field, complete and ready for erection. All miscellaneous items such as stiffeners, fillets, connections, brackets, and other details necessary for a complete installation shall be provided. C. All work shall be fabricated and installed in a manner that will provide for expansion and contraction, prevent shearing of bolts, screws, and other fastenings, ensure rigidity, and provide a close fit of sections. D. Finished members shall conform to the lines, angles, and curves shown on the Drawings and shall be free from distortions of any kind. E. All shearings shall be neat and accurate, with parts exposed to view neatly finished. Flame cutting is allowed only when performed utilizing a machine. F. All shop connections shall be welded unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings or specified herein. Bolts and welds shall conform to Section 05050, Metal Fastening. All fastenings shall be concealed where practicable. G. Fabricated items shall be shop painted when specified in Section 09900, Painting. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Assembly and installation of fabricated system components shall be performed in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05500-3 Metal Fabrications B. All miscellaneous metalwork shall be erected square, plumb and true, accurately fitted, adequately anchored in place, and set at proper elevations and positions C. Metal work shall be field painted when as specified in accordance with Section 09900, Painting. - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 05500-4 Metal Fabrications This Page Left Blank Intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 09900-1 Painting SECTION 09900 PAINTING PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Furnish labor, materials, equipment and appliances required for complete execution of Work shown on Drawings and Specified herein. B. Section Includes: 1. Paint Materials 2. Shop Painting 3. Field Painting a. Surface Preparation b. Piping and Equipment Identification c. Schedule of Colors d. Work in Confined Spaces e. OSHA Safety Colors 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 15030 - Piping and Equipment Identification Systems 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generality of these specifications the Work shall conform to the applicable requirements of the following documents: 1. SSPC – The Society for Protective Coatings Standards a. SSPC-Vis 1 Pictorial Surface Preparation Standards for Painting Steel Structures b. SSPC-SP2 Hand Tool Cleaning c. SSPC-SP3 Power Tool Cleaning d. SSPC-SP5 White Metal Blast Cleaning City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 09900-2 Painting e. SSPC-SP6 Commercial Blast Cleaning f. SSPC-SP10 Near-White Metal Blast g. SSPC-SP13/NACE6 Surface Preparation of Concrete 2. NACE - National Association of Corrosion Engineers 3. ASTM D1737 - Test Method for Elongation of Attached Organic Coatings with Cylindrical Mandrel Apparatus 4. ASTM B117 - Method of Salt Spray (Fog) Testing 5. ASTM D4060 - Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coating by the Taber Abraser 6. ASTM D3359 - Method for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. In accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in Section 01300 - Submittals, submit the following: 1. Manufacturer's literature and Material Safety Data Sheets for each product. 2. Painting schedule identifying surface preparation and paint systems proposed. Cross-reference with Tables 9-1 and 9-2. Provide the name of the paint manufacturer, and name, address, and telephone number of manufacturer's representative who will inspect the work. Submit schedule for approval as soon as possible following the Award of Contract, so approved schedule may be used to identify colors and specify shop paint systems for fabricated items. 1.05 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Work shall include surface preparation, paint application, inspection of painted surfaces and corrective action required, protection of adjacent surfaces, cleanup and appurtenant work required for the proper painting of all surfaces to be painted. Surfaces to be painted are designated within the Painting Schedule and may include new and existing piping, miscellaneous metals, equipment, buildings, exterior fiberglass, exposed electrical conduit and appurtenance. B. Perform Work in strict accordance with manufacturer's published recommendations and instructions, unless the Engineer stipulates that deviations will be for the benefit of the project. C. Paint surfaces which are customarily painted, whether indicated to be painted or not, with painting system applied to similar surfaces, areas and environments, and as approved by Engineer. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 09900-3 Painting D. Piping and equipment shall receive color coding and identification. Equipment shall be the same color as the piping system. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Painting operations shall be accomplished by skilled craftsman and licensed by the state to perform painting work. B. Provide a letter indicating that the painting applicator has five years of experience, and 5 references which show previously successful application of the specified or comparable painting systems. Include the name, address, and the telephone number for the Owner of each installation for which the painting applicator provided services. 1.07 STORAGE AND DELIVERY A. Bring materials to the job site in the original sealed and labeled containers. B. Container label to include manufacturer's name, type of paint, brand name, lot number, brand code, coverage, surface preparation, drying time, cleanup requirements, color designation, and instructions for mixing and reducing. C. Store paint materials at minimum ambient temperature of 45 degrees F (7 degrees C) and a maximum of 90 degrees F (32 degrees C), in ventilated area, and as required by manufacturer's instructions. PART 2 -- MATERIALS 2.01 GENERAL INFORMATION A. The term "paint" is defined as both paints and coatings including emulsions, enamels, stains, varnishes, sealers, and other coatings whether organic or inorganic and whether used as prime, intermediate, or finish coats. B. Purchase paint from an approved manufacturer. Manufacturer shall assign a representative to inspect application of their product both in the shop and field. The manufacturer's representative shall submit a report to the Engineer at the completion the Work identifying products used and verifying that surfaces were properly prepared, products were properly applied, and the paint systems were proper for the exposure and service. C. Provide primers and intermediate coats produced by same manufacturer as finish coat. Use only thinners approved by paint manufacturer, and only within manufacturer's recommended limits. D. Ensure compatibility of total paint system for each substrate. Test shop primed equipment delivered to the site for compatibility with final paint system. Provide an acceptable barrier coat or totally remove shop applied paint system when incompatible with system specified, and repaint with specified paint system. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 09900-4 Painting E. Use painting materials suitable for the intended use and recommended by paint manufacturer for the intended use. F. Require that personnel perform work in strict accordance with the latest requirements of OSHA Safety and Health Standards for construction. Meet or exceed requirements of regulatory agencies having jurisdiction and the manufacturer's published instructions and recommendations. Maintain a copy of all Material Safety Data Sheets at the job site of each product being used prior to commencement of work. Provide and require that personnel use protective and safety equipment in or about the project site. Provide respiratory devices, eye and face protection, ventilation, ear protection, illumination and other safety devices required to provide a safe work environment. 2.02 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Subject to compliance with the Specifications, provide products from one of the following manufacturers: 1. Tnemec Company Inc. 2. Ameron 3. CARBOLINE 4. Sherwin-Williams PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 SHOP PAINTING A. Shop prime fabricated steel and equipment with at least one shop coat of prime paint compatible with finish paint system specified. Prepare surface to be shop painted in strict accordance with paint manufacturer's recommendations and as specified. Finish coats may be shop applied, if approved by the Engineer. Package, store and protect shop painted items until they are incorporated into Work. Repair painted surfaces damaged during handling, transporting, storage, or installation to provide a painting system equal to the original painting received at the shop. B. Identify surface preparation and shop paints on Shop Drawings. Verify compatibility with field applied paints. 3.02 SURFACE PREPARATION A. General 1. Surfaces to be painted shall be clean and dry, and free of dust, rust, scale, and foreign matter. No solvent cleaning, power or hand tool cleaning shall be permitted unless approved by the Engineer. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 09900-5 Painting 2. Protect or remove, during painting operations, hardware, accessories, machined surfaces, nameplates, lighting fixtures, and similar items not intended to be painted prior to cleaning and painting. Reposition items removed upon completion of painting operations. 3. Examine surfaces to be coated to determine that surfaces are suitable for specified surface preparation and painting. Report to Engineer surfaces found to be unsuitable in writing. Do not start surface preparation until unsuitable surfaces have been corrected. Starting surface preparation precludes subsequent claim that such surfaces were unsuitable for the specified surface preparation or painting. 4. Surface preparation shall be in accordance with specifications and manufacturer's recommendations. Provide additional surface preparation, and fill coats where manufacturer recommends additional surface preparation, in addition to requirements of specification. 5. Touch-up shop or field applied coatings damaged by surface preparation or any other activity, with the same shop or field applied coating; even to the extent of applying an entire coat when required to correct damage prior to application of the next coating. Touch-up coats are in addition to the specified applied systems, and not considered a field coat. 6. Protect motors and other equipment during blasting operation to ensure blasting material is not blown into motors or other equipment. Inspect motors and other equipment after blasting operations and certify that no damage occurred, or where damage occurred, the proper remedial action was taken. 7. Field paint shop painted equipment in compliance with Color Coding and as approved by Engineer. B. Metal Surface Preparation 1. Conform to current The Society for Protective Coatings Standards (SSPC) Specifications for metal surface preparation. Use SSPC-Vis-1 pictorial standards or NACE visual standards TM-01-70 or TM-01-75 to determine cleanliness of abrasive blast cleaned steel. 2. Perform blast cleaning operations for metal when following conditions exist: a. Moisture is not present on the surface. b. Relative humidity is below 80%. c. Ambient and surface temperatures are 5°F or greater than the dew point temperature. d. Painting or drying of paint is not being performed in the area. e. Equipment is in good operating condition. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 09900-6 Painting f. Proper ventilation, illumination, and other safety procedures and equipment are being provided and followed. 3. Sandblast ferrous metals to be shop primed, or component mechanical equipment in accordance with SSPC-SP5, White Metal Blast. 4. Sandblast field prepared ferrous metals in accordance with SSPC-SP10, Near White Metal Blast, where metal is to be submerged, in a corrosive environment, or in severe service. 5. Sandblast field prepared ferrous metals in accordance with SSPC-SP6 Commercial Blast, where metal is to be used in mild or moderate service, or non-corrosive environment. 6. Clean nonferrous metals, copper, or galvanized metal surfaces in accordance to SSPC-SP1, Solvent Cleaning, or give one coat of metal passivator or metal conditioner compatible with the complete paint system. 7. Prime cleaned metals immediately after cleaning to prevent rusting. 8. Clean rusted metals down to bright metal by sandblasting and immediately field primed. C. Concrete Surface Preparation 1. Cure concrete a minimum of 30 days before surface preparation, and painting begins. 2. Test concrete for moisture content using test method recommended by the paint manufacturer. Do not begin surface preparation, or painting until moisture content is acceptable to manufacturer. 3. Prepare concrete surfaces to receive coatings in accordance with SSPC-13 – Concrete Surface Preparation. Remove contaminants, open bugholes, surface voids, air pockets, and other subsurface irregularities. Do not expose underlying aggregate. Use dry, oil-free air for blasting operations. Surface texture after blasting shall be similar to that of medium grit sandpaper. Remove residual abrasives, dust, and loose particles by vacuuming or blowing with high pressure air. 4. Acid etch (Reference ASTM D 260) concrete floors to receive paint. Following method is a minimum requirement. Remove residual dust and dirt. Wet surface of concrete until surface is damp. Etch surface with 15% to 20% muriatic acid solution to produce a "medium sandpaper" texture. Do not allow acid solution to dry on concrete. Rinse concrete when bubbling action of the acid begins to subside. Continue rinsing process until pH is 7 or higher. Remove excess water and allow concrete to thoroughly dry before coating. Other methods may be used, if approved by Engineer. 5. Surface defects, such as hollow areas, bugholes, honeycombs, and voids shall be filled with polymeric filler compatible with painting system. Complete fill coats may City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 09900-7 Painting be used in addition to specified painting system and as approved by the Engineer. Fins, form marks, and all protrusions or rough edges shall be removed. 6. Repair existing concrete surfaces which are deteriorated to the point that surface preparation exposes aggregate with fill coats or patching mortar as recommended by paint manufacturer and as directed by the Engineer. 7. Clean concrete of all dust, form oils, curing compounds, oil, tar, laitance, efflorescence, loose mortar, and other foreign materials before paints are applied. D. Castings 1. Prepare castings for painting by applying a brush or a knife-applied filler. Fillers are not to be used to conceal cracks, gasholes, or excessive porosity. 2. Apply one coat of primer with a minimum thickness of 1.2 mils in addition to coats specified. Allow sufficient drying time before further handling. E. Previously-Painted Surfaces 1. Totally remove existing paint when: surface is to be submerged in a severe environment, paint is less than 75% intact, brittle, eroded or has underfilm rusting. 2. Surfaces which are greater than 75% intact require removal of failed paints and then spot primed. Spot priming is in addition to coats specified. 3. Remove surface contamination such as oil, grease, loose paint, mill scale, dirt, foreign matter, rust, mold, mildew, mortar, efflorescence, and sealers. 4. Clean and dull glossy surfaces prior to painting in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 5. Check existing paints for compatibility with new paint system. If incompatible, totally remove existing paint system or apply a barrier coat recommended by the paint manufacturer. Remove existing paints of undetermined origin. Prepare a test patch of approximately 3 square feet over existing paint. Allow test patch to dry thoroughly and test for adhesion. If proper adhesion is not achieved remove existing paint and repaint. 3.03 APPLICATION OF PAINT A. Apply paint by experienced painters with brushes or other applicators approved by the Engineer, and paint manufacturer. B. Apply paint without runs, sags, thin spots, or unacceptable marks. C. Apply at rate specified by the manufacturer to achieve at least the minimum dry mil thickness specified. Apply additional coats, if necessary, to obtain thickness. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 09900-8 Painting D. Special attention shall be given to nuts, bolts, edges, angles, flanges, etc., where insufficient film thicknesses are likely. Stripe paint prior to applying prime coat. Stripe painting shall be in addition to coats specified. E. Perform thinning in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, and with the full knowledge and approval of the Engineer and paint manufacturer. F. Allow paint to dry a minimum of twenty-four hours between application of any two coats of paint on a particular surface, unless shorter time periods are a requirement by the manufacturer. Longer drying times may be required for abnormal conditions as defined by the Engineer and paint manufacturer. Do not exceed manufacturer's recommended drying time between coats. G. Suspend painting when any of the following conditions exist: 1. Rainy or excessively damp weather. 2. Relative humidity exceeds 85%. 3. General air temperature cannot be maintained at 50F or above through the drying period, except on approval by the Engineer and paint manufacturer. 4. Relative humidity will exceed 85% or air temperature will drop below 40F within 18 hours after application of paint. 5. Surface temperature of item is within 5 degrees of dewpoint. 6. Dew or moisture condensation are anticipated. 7. Surface temperature exceeds the manufacturer's recommendations. 3.04 INSPECTION A. Each field coat of paint will be inspected and approved by the Engineer or his authorized representative before succeeding coat is applied. Tint successive coats so that no two coats for a given surface are exactly the same color. Tick-mark surfaces to receive black paint in white between coats. B. Use magnetic dry film thickness gauges and wet fiber thickness gauges for quality control. Furnish magnetic dry film thickness gauge for use by the Engineer. C. Coatings shall pass a holiday detector test. D. Determination of Film Thickness: Randomly selected areas, each of at least 107.5 contiguous square feet, totaling at least 5% of the entire control area shall be tested. Within this area, at least 5 squares, each of 7.75 square inches, shall be randomly selected. Three readings shall be taken in each square, from which the mean film thickness shall be calculated. No more than 20 percent of the mean film thickness measurements shall be below the specified thickness. No single measurement shall be below 80 percent of the specified film thickness. Total dry film thickness greater than twice the specified film City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 09900-9 Painting thickness shall not be acceptable. Areas where the measured dry film thickness exceeds twice that specified shall be completely redone unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. When measured dry film thickness is less than that specified additional coats shall be applied as required. E. Holiday Testing: Holiday test painted ferrous metal surfaces which will be submerged in water or other liquids, or surfaces which are enclosed in a vapor space in such structures. Mark areas which contain holidays. Repair or repaint in accordance with paint manufacturer's printed instructions and retest. 1. Dry Film Thickness Exceeding 20 Mils: For surfaces having a total dry film thickness exceeding 20 mils: Pulse-type holiday detector such as Tinker & Rasor Model AP- W, D.E. Stearns Co. Model 14/20, shall be used. The unit shall be adjusted to operate at the voltage required to cause a spark jump across an air gap equal to twice the specified coating thickness. 2. Dry Film Thickness of 20 Mils or Less: For surfaces having a total dry film thickness of 20 mils or less: Tinker & Rasor Model M1 non-destructive type holiday detector, K-D Bird Dog, shall be used. The unit shall operate at less than 75-volts. For thicknesses between 10 and 20 mils, a non-sudsing type wetting agent, such as Kodak Photo-Flow, shall be added to the water prior to wetting the detector sponge. F. Paint manufacturer or his representative shall provide their services as required by the Engineer. Services shall include, but not be limited to, inspecting existing paint, determination of best means of surface preparation, inspection of completed work, and final inspection of painted work 11 months after the job is completed. 3.05 PROTECTION OF ADJACENT PAINT AND FINISHED SURFACES A. Use covers, masking tape, other method when protection is necessary, or requested by Owner or Engineer. Remove unwanted paint carefully without damage to finished paint or surface. If damage does occur, repair the entire surface adjacent to and including the damaged area without visible lapmarks and without additional cost to the Owner. B. Take all necessary precautions to contain dispersion of sandblasting debris and paint to the limits of the work. Take into account the effect of wind and other factors which may cause dispersion of the sandblasting debris and paint. Suspend painting operations when sanding debris or paint cannot be properly confined. Assume all responsibilities and cost associated with damage to adjacent structures, vehicles, or surfaces caused by the surface preparation and painting operations. 3.06 PIPING AND EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION A. Piping and equipment identification shall be in accordance with Section 15030, Piping and Equipment Identification Systems. 3.07 SCHEDULE OF COLORS A. Match colors indicated. Piping and equipment colors are indicated in Section 15030. Colors which are not indicated shall be selected from the manufacturer's full range of colors by the City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 09900-10 Painting Engineer. No variation shall be made in colors without the Engineer's approval. Color names and numbers shall be identified according to the appropriate color chart issued by the manufacturer of the particular product in question. 3.08 WORK IN CONFINED SPACES A. Provide and maintain safe working conditions for all employees. Supply fresh air continuously to confined spaces through the combined use of existing openings, forced-draft fans and temporary ducts to the outside, or direct air supply to individual workers. Exhaust paint fumes to the outside from the lowest level in the contained space. Provide explosion-proof electrical fans, if in contact with fumes. No smoking or open fires will be permitted in, or near, confined spaces where painting is being done. Follow OSHA, state and local regulations at all times. 3.09 OSHA SAFETY COLORS A. Paint wall around wall-mounted breathing or fire apparatus with the appropriate safety red color; area not exceed 2-feet wide by 3-feet high, unless apparatus covers the area. Fire apparatus include fire hoses, extinguisher, and hydrants. B. Paint hazardous areas and objects in accordance with OSHA regulations. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 09900-11 Painting TABLE 9-1 PAINTING SCHEDULE SURFACE APPLICATION PAINTING SYSTEM & NO. OF COATS PRODUCT REFERENCE (TABLE 9.2) TOTAL MIN. DRY FILM THICKNESS (MILS) Concrete and Masonry Interior masonry and concrete walls and ceilings All new structures 1 coat sealer 2 coats acrylic epoxy 101 116 75-85 sq.ft./gal. 4-6/coat Exterior masonry cavity walls on cavity face of inner wythe All new structures Dampproofing See Section 07150 Submerged wastewater Water retaining side of new wall surfaces where opposite side of wall is interior and dry and where indicated "epoxy waterproofing" on drawing 2 coats high solids epoxy Provide filler as required and recommended by manufacturer 119 6-10/coat Metals Interior and exterior nonsubmerged (gloss) All new blowers, pumps, motors and mechanical equipment, piping, etc. 1 coat epoxy polyamide primer 1 coat epoxy polyamide 1 coat aliphatic polyurethane 104 102 115 4-6 4-6 3-5 Submerged Wastewater 2 coats high solids epoxy 119 8-10/coat Steel doors, windows and door frames, steel stairs, monorails, structural steel, misc. metals (steel) 1 coat epoxy polyamide 1 coat aliphatic polyurethane 102 115 5-8 3-4 Aluminum surfaces in contact with concrete 2 coats coal tar 107 26 Shop Primed Structural Steel Pre-Engineered Buildings 1 barrier coat 1 coat epoxy 1 coat epoxy 113 114 120 2-3 3-4 3-4 1. Painting manufacturer shall verify compatibility of containment liner and chemical to be contained. Where incompatible substitute a compatible coating system. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 09900-12 Painting TABLE 9-2 PRODUCT LISTING PRODUCT REF. SYSTEM PURPOSE Tnemec Series PPG1 AMERON CARBOLINE Sherwin-Williams 101 Acrylic filler Primer-sealer 130-6601 BLOXFIL 4000 Sanitile 100 Cement-Plex 875 102 Epoxy polyamide Finish coat semi-gloss or gloss 66 AMERLOCK 2/400 Carboguard 890 Macropoxy 646 103 Acrylic latex Sealer 6 PITT TECH PLUS Carbocrylic 3359DTM DTM Acrylic Primer/Finish 104 Epoxy Polyamide – metal Primer 66 AMERCOAT 385 Carboguard 893SG Macropoxy 646 105 Epoxy Primer/Finish 20 AMERLOCK 2 Carboguard 561/56LT Macropoxy 646 PW 106 Coal tar epoxy Finish high-coat build 46H-413 AMERCOAT 78HB Bitumastic 300M Hi-Mil Sher Tar Epoxy 107 Coal tar Sealer 46-465 AMERCOAT 78HB Bitumastic 300M Hi-Mil Sher Tar Epoxy 108 Alkyd-medium oil Finish coat 2H DEVGUARD 4308 Carbocoat 8215 Industrial Enamel 109 Alkyd-long oil Finish coat 1029 DEVGUARD 4308 Carbocoat 8215 Industrial Enamel 110 Epoxy polyamide Primer 66-1211 AMERCOAT 385 Carboguard 893SG Macropoxy 646 112 Epoxy polyamide Sealer 66-1211 AMERCOAT 385 Carboguard 893SG Macropoxy 920 Pre-Prime 113 Urethane Barrier coat 530 AMERLOCK SEALER Rustbond -- 114 Polyamine Epoxy Intermediate coat 27 AMERLOCK 385 Carboguard 893SG -- 115 Aliphatic Polyurethane Finish coat 1074 or 1075 AMERCOAT 450 HS Carbothane 134HG Acrolon 218HS 116 Acrylic epoxy Finish coat 113 or 114 AQUAPON WB Sanitile 255 Water-Based Catalyzed Epoxy 117 Epoxy block filler Sealer 54-562 AMERLOCK 400 BF Sanitile 600 Cement Plex 875 118 Catalyzed epoxy Finish coat 84 AMERLOCK 2/400 Carboguard 890 Macropoxy 646 119 High solids epoxy Finish coat 104 AMERLOCK 400 Carboguard 890 Dura-Plate 235 120 Epoxy Top coat N69 AMERLOCK 2/400 Carboguard 890 -- - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11000-1 Equipment General Provisions SECTION 11000 EQUIPMENT GENERAL PROVISIONS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The Contractor shall install, test, and place in acceptable operation all mechanical equipment and all necessary accessories as specified herein, as shown on the Drawings, and as required for a complete and operable system including the dry-pit submersible pumps provided by the Owner. B. The mechanical equipment shall be provided complete with all accessories, special tools, spare parts, mountings, and other appurtenances as specified, and as may be required for a complete and operating installation. C. It is the intent of these Specifications that the Contractor shall provide the Owner complete and operational equipment/systems. To this end, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate all interfaces with related mechanical, structural, electrical, instrumentation and control work and to provide necessary ancillary items such as controls, wiring, etc., to make each piece of equipment operational as intended by the Specifications. D. The complete installation shall be free from excessive vibration, cavitation, noise, and oil or water leaks. E. The requirements of this section shall apply to equipment furnished under Divisions 11, 13, 14, and 15. 1.02 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS A. All equipment, materials, and installations shall conform to the requirements of the most recent editions with latest revisions, supplements, and amendments of the specifications, codes, and standards listed in Section 01090, Reference Standards. 1.03 PERFORMANCE AFFIDAVITS A. When required in the individual equipment Specifications, the Contractor shall submit manufacturer's Performance Affidavits for equipment to be furnished. B. By these affidavits, each manufacturer must certify to the Contractor and the Owner, jointly, that he has examined the Contract Documents and that the equipment, apparatus, or process he offers to furnish will meet in every way the performance requirements set forth or implied in the Contract Documents. C. The Contractor must transmit to the Engineer three (3) original copies of the affidavit given him by the manufacturer or supplier along with the initial Shop Drawing submittals. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11000-2 Equipment General Provisions D. The Performance Affidavit must be signed by an officer of the basic corporation, partnership, or company manufacturing the equipment and witnessed by a notary public. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 ANCHORS AND SUPPORTS A. The Contractor shall furnish, install, and protect all necessary guides, bearing plates, anchor and attachment bolts, and all other appurtenances required for the installation of the devices included in the equipment specified. Working Drawings for installation shall be furnished by the equipment manufacturer, and suitable templates shall be used by the Contractor when required in the detailed equipment Specifications. B. Anchor bolts and fasteners shall be furnished in accordance with Section 05050, Metal Fastening, and with the individual equipment Specifications. All anchor bolts shall be a minimum of 1/2-inch diameter. All anchor bolts, handrail bolts, washers, clips, clamps, and fasteners of any type shall be constructed of 316 stainless steel, unless otherwise specified the individual equipment Specifications. C. The Contractor shall provide all concrete pads or pedestals required for equipment furnished. All concrete equipment pads shall be a minimum of 6” high, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings and shall be doweled. D. Other means of adjusting anchor bolts shall be provided where indicated or required. Equipment shall be leveled by first using sitting nuts on the anchor bolts, and then filling the space between the equipment base and concrete pedestal with non-shrink grout, unless alternate methods are recommended by the manufacturer and are acceptable to the Engineer (such as shim leveling pumps, or chemical grout). Non-shrink grout shall be as specified in Section 03600, Grout. 2.02 STRUCTURAL STEEL A. Structural steel used for fabricating equipment shall conform to the requirements of Section 05120, Structural Steel. B. All materials shall conform to applicable provisions of the AISC Specifications for the design and fabrication of structural steel, and to pertinent ASTM Standard Specifications. 2.03 DISSIMILAR METALS A. All dissimilar metals shall be properly isolated to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 2.04 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION A. All mechanical equipment shall be provided with a substantial stainless steel nameplate, mechanically fastened with stainless steel hardware in a conspicuous place, and clearly inscribed with the manufacturer's name, year of manufacture, serial number, and principal rating data. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11000-3 Equipment General Provisions B. Each pump and other piece of mechanical equipment shall also be identified as to name and number by a suitable laminated plastic or stainless steel nameplate mechanically fastened with stainless steel hardware; for example, "Raw Water Pump #1". Coordinate name and number with same on remotely located controls, control panel, and other related equipment. C. Nameplates shall not be painted over. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS A. Contractor shall store his equipment and materials at the job site in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as directed by the Owner or Engineer, and in conformity to applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, and rulings of the public authority having jurisdiction. Equipment and materials shall not be delivered to the site prior to 90 days in advance of the scheduled installation. Partial payment requests will not be processed for materials delivered prior to 90 days before installation or for materials that are not properly stored. B. Material or equipment stored on the job site is stored at the Contractor's risk. Any damage sustained of whatever nature shall be repaired or replaced to the Engineer's satisfaction at no additional expense to the Owner. Stored electrical equipment is to be protected from the elements and shall have space heaters energized. C. Contractor shall not store unnecessary materials or equipment on the job site and shall take care to prevent any structure from being loaded with a weight which will endanger its security or the safety of persons. D. Contractor shall observe all regulatory signs for loadings on structures, fire safety, and smoking areas. E. Contractor shall not store materials or encroach upon private property without the written consent of the owners of such private property. 3.02 MANUFACTURER’S FIELD SERVICES (Field services for the dry pit submersible pumps to be installed by the Contractor were included as part of the pump procurement package previously bid by the Owner. The Purchase Order and reference specifications are attached, which outline the field services included as part of their scope.) A. The Contractor shall arrange for a qualified Technical Representative from each manufacturer or Contractor of equipment who is regularly involved in the inspection, installation, start-up, troubleshooting, testing, maintenance, and operation of the specified equipment. Qualification of the Technical Representative shall be appropriate to the type of equipment furnished and subject to the approval of the Engineer and the Owner. B. For each site visit, the Technical Representative shall submit jointly to the Owner and the Engineer a complete signed report of the results of his inspection, operation, adjustments, and testing. The report shall include detailed descriptions of the points inspected, tests and adjustments made, quantitative results obtained if such are specified. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11000-4 Equipment General Provisions C. The manufacturer's Technical Representative shall provide the following services. 1. Installation: The Technical Representative shall inspect the installed equipment to verify that installation is in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. Where required by individual equipment specifications, the Technical Representative shall also supervise the installation of the equipment. 2. Testing: After installation of the equipment has been completed and the equipment is presumably ready for operation, but before it is operated by others, the Technical Representative shall inspect, operate, test, and adjust the equipment as required to prove that the equipment is in proper condition for satisfactory operation under the conditions specified. Unless otherwise noted in the signed site visit report, the report shall constitute a certification that the equipment conforms to the requirements of the Contract and is ready for startup and that nothing in the installation will render the manufacturer's warranty null and void. The report shall include date of final acceptance field test, as well as a listing of all persons present during tests. 3. Startup: The Technical Representative shall start up the equipment for actual service with the help of the Owner. In the event that equipment or installation problems are experienced, the representative shall provide the necessary services until the equipment is operating satisfactorily and performing according to the specifications at no additional cost to the Owner. Unless otherwise noted in the signed site visit report, the report shall constitute a certification that the equipment conforms to the requirements of the Contract and is ready for permanent operation and that nothing in the installation will render the manufacturer's warranty null and void. 4. Training: The Technical Representative shall instruct the Owner's operating personnel in correct operation and maintenance procedures. The instruction shall demonstrate start-up, operation, control, adjustment, trouble-shooting, servicing, maintenance, and shutdown of each item of equipment. Such instruction shall be scheduled at a time arranged with the Owner at least 2 weeks in advance of the training and shall be provided while the respective Technical Representative's equipment is fully operational. The Contractor shall have submitted, and had accepted, the O&M Manuals prior to commencement of training. Training shall be provided to one shift of the Owner's personnel between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. as necessary. 5. Services after Startup: Where required by the individual equipment specifications, the Technical Representative shall return to the project site thirty (30) days after the start up date to review the equipment performance, correct any equipment problems, and conduct operation and maintenance classes as required by the Owner. This follow-up trip is required in addition to the specified services of Technical Representative prior to and during equipment startup. At this time, if there are no equipment problems, each manufacturer shall certify to the Owner in writing that his equipment is fully operational and capable of meeting operating requirements. If the equipment is operating incorrectly, the Technical Representative will make no certification to the Owner until the problems are corrected and the equipment demonstrates a successful thirty (30) days operating period. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11000-5 Equipment General Provisions D. Services of the Technical Representative will require a minimum of two (2) site visits, one for installation inspection, one for startup and training, and will be for the minimum number of days recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer but will not be less than the number of days specified in individual equipment sections. E. The Contract amount shall include the cost of furnishing the Technical Representative for the minimum number of days specified, and any additional time required to achieve successful installation and operation. The times specified for services by the Technical Representative in the equipment Specifications are exclusive of travel time to and from the facility and shall not be construed as to relieve the manufacturer of any additional visits to provide sufficient service to place the equipment in satisfactory operation. F. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 14 days in advance of each equipment test or Owner training session. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. The Contractor shall obtain written installation manuals from the equipment manufacturer prior to installation. Equipment shall be installed strictly in accordance with recommendations of the manufacturer. A copy of all installation instructions shall be furnished the Engineer's field representative one week prior to installation. B. The Contractor shall have on hand sufficient personnel, proper construction equipment, and machinery of ample capacity to facilitate the work and to handle all emergencies normally encountered in work of this character. To minimize field erection problems, mechanical units shall be factory-assembled insofar as practical. C. Equipment shall be erected in a neat and workmanlike manner on the foundations at the locations and elevations shown on the Drawings. D. All equipment sections and loose items shall be match-marked prior to shipping. E. For equipment such as pumping units, which require field alignment and connections, the Contractor shall provide the services of the manufacturer's qualified mechanic, millwright, or machinist, to align the pump and motor prior to making piping connections or anchoring the pump base. Alignment shall be as specified herein. F. The Contractor shall furnish oil and grease for initial operation and testing. The manufacturer and grades of oil and grease shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. 3.05 ALIGNMENT A. Set equipment to dimensions shown on drawings. Dimensions shall be accurate to +/- 1/16 inch unless otherwise noted on the drawings. Wedges shall not be used for leveling, aligning, or supporting equipment. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11000-6 Equipment General Provisions B. General Equipment Leveling: Non-rotating equipment shall be set level to +/- 1/16 inch per 10 foot length (.005 inch per foot) unless otherwise noted on the drawings. Shims shall be used unless equipment is furnished with leveling feet. Set shims flush with equipment baseplate edges. When grouting is required, equipment shall be shimmed to allow a minimum of one inch grout thickness. Grout shall cover shims at least 3 inches. Final level check shall be held for inspection and approval by Engineer before proceeding. C. Grouting 1. Fill anchor bolt holes or sleeves with grout, after bolt alignment is proven, and prior to placing grout under equipment bases. 2. Surface Preparation. Roughen surface by chipping, removing laitance, and unsound concrete. Clean area of all foreign material such as oil, grease, and scale. Saturate area with water at least 4 hours prior to grouting, removing excess water ponds. 3. Application. Place grout after the equipment base has been set and its alignment and level have been approved. Form around the base, mix grout, and place in accordance with the grout manufacturers published instructions. Eliminate all air or water pockets beneath the base using a drag chain or rope. 4. Finishing. Point the edges of the grout to form a smooth 45 degree slope. 5. After grout has cured (not before 3 days after placement) paint exposed surfaces of grout with shellac. 6. Level Verification. After grout has cured, and immediately prior to drive alignment, recheck equipment for level and plumb. Re-level and square as necessary. Hold final checks for inspection and approval by Engineer. D. Inspect for and remove all machining burrs or thread pulls in female holes on mating surfaces of mounting frame and machine feet. E. Inspect and clean equipment mounting base pads, feet, and frames to remove all grease, rust, paint and dirt. F. Assembled equipment shafts shall be set level to .0015 inches per foot of shaft length (+/- .0005 inches) up to a maximum of 0.015 inches for any length shaft unless the manufacturers requirements are more stringent or unless otherwise noted in the equipment specifications. Use the machined surfaces on which the equipment sets for the base/mounting frame leveling plane. Use the machined shaft surface for equipment leveling plane. G. Sprocket and Sheave Alignment. Check shaft mounted components for face runout and eccentricity (outside diameter) runout by magnetically mounting a dial indicator on a stationary base and indicating over 360 degrees on a continuous machined surface at the outside diameter of the component. Maximum allowable total indicated face runout and eccentricity for sprockets and sheaves will be per ANSI Standard B29.1-1975. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11000-7 Equipment General Provisions H. Belt tensioning. Set drive belt tension to manufacturer's specification for the belt type. Recheck alignment after drive tensioning. I. Thermal/Mechanical Growth. Thermal/mechanical growth corrections for driver and driven machines will be used in vertical and horizontal alignment where applicable. The equipment manufacturer will determine thermal/mechanical growth applicability for any machine and provide the correction offsets to be used. J. Rotating Shaft Alignment 1. Fixtures will be set up on the driver and driven machine, machines shaft surfaces. Machined coupling hubs may be used only if there is no clearance to mount fixtures directly on the shafts. 2. Primary alignment method for direct drive machines is when coupled. Uncoupled alignment will be used only when approved by the Engineer. 3. Account for possible coupling flex by always rotating coupled machines in the same direction during alignment. 4. Uncoupled machines must be connected so that both shafts turn together without relative motion during alignment. 5. Indicator bar sag will be measured and included for each reverse indicator alignment setup. 6. Reverse Dial Indicator. The final maximum allowable misalignment: vertical and horizontal from the desired targets of .000 inches (for a non-thermal growth machine) or from the given target readings (for a thermal growth machine) must meet BOTH of the following conditions simultaneously: 1/2 the final total indicator reading at each indicator will be no more than shown in the table below AND the final remaining correction at each machine foot be no more than .001 inches of required movement. Machine Speed (RPM) Total Misalignment* (inches) Up to 1800 .002 1800 and greater .001 * 1/2 indicator reading 3.06 FIELD TESTING A. All equipment shall be set, aligned and assembled in conformance with the manufacturer's drawings and instructions. Provide all necessary calibrated instruments to execute performance tests. Submit report certified by the pump manufacturer’s representative. B. Preliminary Field Tests, Yellow Tag 1. As soon as conditions permit, after the equipment has been secured in its permanent position, the Contractor shall: City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11000-8 Equipment General Provisions a. Verify that the equipment is free from defects. b. Check for alignment as specified herein. c. Check for direction of rotation. d. Check motor for no load current draw. 2. Contractor shall flush all bearings, gear housings, etc., in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, to remove any foreign matter accumulated during shipment, storage or erection. Lubricants shall be added as required by the manufacturer's instructions. 3. When the Contractor has demonstrated to the Engineer that the equipment is ready for operation, a yellow tag will be issued. The tag will be signed by the Engineer, or his assigned representative and attached to the equipment. The tag shall not be removed. 4. Preliminary field tests, yellow tag, must be completed before equipment is subjected to final field tests, blue tag. C. Final Field Tests, Blue Tag 1. Upon completion of the above, and at a time approved by the Engineer, the equipment will be tested by operating it as a unit with all related piping, ducting, electrical and controls, and other ancillary facilities. 2. The equipment will be placed in continuous operation as prescribed or required and witnessed by the Engineer or his assigned representative and the Owner or his assigned representative. 3. The tests shall prove that the equipment and appurtenances are properly installed, meet their operating cycles and are free from defects such as overheating, overloading, and undue vibration and noise. Operating field tests shall consist of the following: a. Check equipment for excessive vibration and noise as specified herein. b. Check motor current draw under load conditions. The rated motor nameplate current shall not be exceeded. c. Recheck alignment with dial indicators where applicable, after unit has run under load for a minimum of 24 hours. D. In addition to the above described field tests, any other tests specifically required by Section 11100, Pumps-General, the individual equipment Specifications, or by the manufacturer shall be performed. E. Until final field tests are acceptable to the Engineer, the Contractor shall make all necessary changes, readjustments and replacements at no additional cost to the Owner. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11000-9 Equipment General Provisions F. Upon acceptance of the field tests, a blue tag will be issued. The tag will be signed by the Engineer and attached to the unit. The tag shall not be removed and no further construction work will be performed on the unit, except as required during start-up operations and directed by the Engineer. G. Defects which cannot be corrected by installation adjustments will be sufficient grounds for rejection of any equipment. H. All costs in connection with field testing of equipment such as lubricants, temporary instruments, labor, equipment, etc., shall be borne by the Contractor. Power, fuel, chemicals, water, etc. normally consumed by specific equipment shall be supplied by the Owner unless otherwise specified in the individual equipment specifications. I. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the proper operation of equipment during tests and instruction periods and shall neither have nor make any claim for damage which may occur to equipment prior to the time when the Owner formally takes over the operation thereof. J. Field testing of electric motors shall be in accordance with Section 15170, Electric Motors; Section 15171, Medium Voltage Electric Motors, and Section 16000, Basic Electrical Requirements. 3.07 VIBRATION TESTING A. Unless specified otherwise in the detailed equipment specifications, each pump, blower, compressor, motor or similar item of stationary rotating equipment having a rated power in excess of 40HP shall be tested after installation for acceptable vibration levels. B. Vibration testing shall be performed by an experienced factory-trained and authorized third- party analysis expert (not a sales representative) retained by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. Each unit or pump system shall be first tested separately without duplicate equipment running and subsequently tested with any combination of equipment that comprise a fully functional system. All field testing shall be done in the presence of the Engineer. The Engineer shall be furnished with four (4) certified copies of vibration test data for each test performed. C. For systems with variable speed drives, tests shall be conducted at various speeds between minimum and maximum settings. For systems with two-speed drives, tests shall be conducted at both speeds. For systems with constant-speed drive, tests shall be conducted under various loading conditions as determined by the Engineer. D. All field vibration tests shall be performed with the equipment operating on the product for which it is intended, or a substitute acceptable to the Engineer. E. The term displacement, as used herein, shall mean total peak-to-peak movement of vibrating equipment, in mils; velocity or speed of the vibration cycle, measured in G's. Displacement and velocity shall be measured by suitable equipment equal to IRD Mechanalysis, Bentley, Nevada. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11000-10 Equipment General Provisions E. Frequency of vibration, in cycles per minute (cpm), shall be determined when vibration exceeds specified levels or as otherwise necessary. Vibration shall be measured on the bearing housing, unless other locations are deemed necessary by the vibration analysis expert and Engineer. F. For all equipment tested, vibration shall be checked in the radial and axial directions. Unless otherwise specified elsewhere, axial vibration shall not exceed 0.1 in/sec; and radial vibration shall not exceed 0.2 in/sec. For pumps radial vibration shall not exceed that permitted by the Hydraulic Institute Standards except that, at vibration frequencies in excess of 8,000 cpm, the velocity shall not exceed 0.2 in/sec. G. Copies of test results shall be submitted to the Engineer for review. Should the vibration field test results exceed shop test results, the manufacturer’s recommendations, or the limits specified herein, the Contractor shall correct the deficiencies within thirty (30) days. After corrections have been completed, the vibration testing shall be re-run and the results re- submitted to the Engineer for review. H. Noise or vibration in any rotating equipment which the Engineer judges to be excessive or damaging, shall be cause for rejection. 3.08 FAILURE OF EQUIPMENT TO PERFORM A. Any defects in the equipment, or failure to meet the guarantees or performance requirements of the Specifications shall be promptly corrected by the Contractor by replacements or otherwise. B. If the Contractor fails to make these corrections, or if the improved equipment shall fail again to meet the guarantees or specified requirements, the Owner, notwithstanding his having made partial payment for work and materials which have entered into the manufacture of said equipment, may reject said equipment and order the Contractor to remove it from the premises at the Contractor's expense. C. The Contractor shall then obtain specified equipment to meet the contract requirements or upon mutual agreement with the Owner, adjust the contract price to reflect not supplying the specific equipment item. D. In case the Owner rejects said equipment, then the Contractor hereby agrees to repay to the Owner all sums of money paid to him for said rejected equipment on progress certificates or otherwise on account of the lump sum prices herein specified. E. Upon receipt of said sums of money, the Owner will execute and deliver to the Contractor a bill of sale of all his rights, title, and interest in and to said rejected equipment; provided, however, that said equipment shall not be removed from the premises until the Owner obtains from other sources other equipment to take the place of that rejected. F. Said bill of sale shall not abrogate Owner's right to recover damages for delays, losses, or other conditions arising out of the basic contract. 3.09 PAINTING City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11000-11 Equipment General Provisions A. All surface preparation, shop painting, field repairs, finish painting, and other pertinent detailed painting specifications shall conform to applicable sections of Section 09900, Painting. - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11000-12 Equipment General Provisions This Page Left Blank Intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11100-1 Equipment General Provisions SECTION 11100 PUMPS - GENERAL PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The Contractor shall furnish, install, test, and make fully operational all pumping equipment, complete with all necessary accessories, in compliance with the Contract Documents. B. All pumping equipment shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 11000, Equipment General Provisions. C. The provisions of this section shall apply to all pumps and pumping equipment specified except where specifically noted otherwise in the Contract Documents. D. The pumps shall be provided complete with all accessories, shims, sheaves, couplings, and other appurtenances as specified, and as may be required for a complete and operating installation. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Shop Drawings shall include the following information in addition to the requirements of Section 01300, Submittals and Section 11000, Equipment General Provisions. 1. Details of shaft sealing system. 2. Pump performance curves at rated speed and reduced speed (if reduced speeds are specified). Curves shall indicate flow, head, efficiency, brake horsepower, NPSH required, and minimum submergence. Curves shall include limits (minimum and maximum flows) for stable operation without cavitation, overheating, recirculation, or excessive vibration. 3. General cutaway sections, materials, dimension of shaft projections, shaft and keyway dimensions, shaft diameter, dimension between bearings, general dimensions of pump, suction head bolt orientation, and anchor bolt locations and forces. 4. Foundry certificates and results of Brinnell hardness testing showing compliance to ASTM A 532 (where required in the individual pump specifications). 5. Pump submittals shall also include: a. Product data sheets for power and control cables and length of cables. b. Details on mounting requirements. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11100-2 Equipment General Provisions PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. All materials employed in the pumping equipment shall be suitable for the intended application. Material not specifically called for shall be high-grade, standard commercial quality, free from all defects and imperfection that might affect the reliability/ serviceability of the product for the purpose for which it is intended, and shall conform to the following requirements unless otherwise specified in individual pumping equipment Specifications: 1. Cast iron pump casings and bowls shall be of close-grained gray cast iron, conforming to ASTM A 48, or equal. 2. Stainless steel pump shafts shall be of Type 400, Series. Miscellaneous stainless steel parts shall be of Type 316. B. Suction and discharge flanges shall conform to ANSI standard B16.1 or B16.5 dimensions. C. Handholes on pump casings shall be shaped to follow the contours of the casing to avoid any obstructions in the water passage. 2.02 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS A. All pumps shall be furnished with motors such that the motor shall not be overloaded throughout the full range of the pump operation, unless otherwise specifically approved by the Engineer. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating between pump supplier and existing VFD equipment to ensure a complete and operational system. Motor starters and controls shall be furnished and installed. Reference specifics in the individual pump specifications. 2.03 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION A. In addition to the requirements of Section 11000, Equipment General Provisions, nameplate data for each pump shall include the rating in gallons per minute, rated head, speed, and efficiency at the primary design point. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Installation of pumps shall be in accordance with the pump manufactures recommendation and supervision. Contractor shall coordinate drawings with pump manufacturer prior to preparation of shop drawings and shall get and submit certification of proper installation to the Owner. Any potential deviations from the design intent are to be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval prior to fabrication or installation. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11100-3 Equipment General Provisions 3.02 SHOP TESTING A. Shop tests shall be performed in accordance with Section 11000, Equipment General Provisions, and except where stated otherwise herein, shall be conducted in accordance with the latest version of Hydraulic Institute Standard, Hydraulic Performance Acceptance Tests. B. Pump testing shall be witnessed by the Owner/Engineer where specified in the individual pump specifications. The testing procedure shall be submitted to the Engineer for review before scheduling the testing. The Engineer shall be given at least 2 weeks advanced notice of the scheduled testing date. C. Certified test curves for shall be provided for all centrifugal pumps unless otherwise specified in the individual pump specifications. D. Pumps shall be within the tolerances specified for Acceptance Grade 1U, in accordance with the latest version of Hydraulic Institute Standards. E. Where required in the individual pump specifications, each individual casting shall be Brinnell tested in a minimum of two places, in an area of representative casting thickness to ASTM Method E-10. Results shall be certified by a registered professional ENGINEER. Test results shall verify the satisfaction of the required Brinnell hardness of the finished product as specified in respective subsections. 3.03 FIELD TESTING A. Field tests shall be performed in accordance with in Section 11000, Equipment General Provisions and additionally as specified below and in the individual pump specifications. B. Final acceptance tests shall demonstrate the following: 1. Certification from the pump manufacturer that the pumps have been properly installed and are in proper alignment per manufacturer’s recommendations. 2. The pumps operate without overheating or overloading of any parts and without objectionable vibration. Vibration shall be within the Hydraulic Institute limits, or manufacturer's limits if more stringent. 3. The pumps can meet the specified operating conditions. All pumps shall be checked at maximum speed for a minimum of four points on the pump curve for capacity, head, and amperage. The rated motor nameplate current shall not be exceeded at any point. - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 11100-4 Equipment General Provisions This page left blank intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15000-1 Basic Mechanical Requirements SECTION 15000 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The Contractor shall furnish and install to the required line and grade, all piping together with all fittings and appurtenances, required for a complete installation. All piping located outside the face of structures or building foundations and all piping embedded in concrete within a structure or foundation shall be considered exterior piping. B. The Contractor shall furnish and install fittings, couplings, connections, sleeves, adapters, harness rods and closure pieces as required to connect pipelines of dissimilar materials and/or sizes herein included under this Section and other concurrent Contracts for a complete installation. C. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, tools, and services required for the furnishing, installation and testing of all piping as shown on the Drawings, specified in this Section and required for the Work. Piping shall be furnished and installed of the material, sizes, classes, and at the locations shown on the Drawings and/or designated in this Section. Piping shall include all fittings, adapter pieces, couplings, closure pieces, harnessing rods, hardware, bolts, gaskets, wall sleeves, wall pipes, hangers, supports, and other associated appurtenances for required connections to equipment, valves, or structures for a complete installation. D. Piping assemblies under 1-inch size shall be generally supported on walls and ceilings, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or ordered by the Engineer, being kept clear of openings and positioned above "headroom" space. Where practical, such piping shall be run in neat clusters, plumb and level along walls, and parallel to overhead beams. E. The Contractor shall provide taps on piping where required or shown on the Drawings. Where pipe or fitting wall thicknesses are insufficient to provide the required number of threads, a boss or pipe saddle shall be installed. F. The work shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Connections to existing piping. 2. Installation of all new pipe and materials required for a complete installation. 3. Cleaning, testing and disinfecting if required. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Division 1, General Requirements City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15000-2 Basic Mechanical Requirements B. Division 9, Finishes C. Division 11, Equipment 1.03 MATERIAL CERTIFICATION AND SHOP DRAWINGS A. The Contractor shall furnish to the OWNER (through the Engineer) a Material Certification stating that the pipe materials and specials furnished under this Section conform to all applicable provisions of the corresponding Specifications. Specifically, the Certification shall state compliance with the applicable standards (ASTM, AWWA, etc.) for fabrication and testing. B. Shop Drawings for major piping (> 2-inches in diameter) shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with Section 01300 – Submittals. In addition to the requirements of Section 01300 – Submittals, the Contractor shall submit laying schedules and detailed Drawings in plan and profile for all piping as specified and shown on the Drawings. C. Shop Drawings shall include, but not be limited to, complete piping layout, pipe material, sizes, class, locations, necessary dimensions, elevations, supports, hanger details, pipe joints, gaskets, bolt specifications, torque requirements, and the details of fittings including methods of joint restraint. No fabrication or installation shall begin until Shop Drawings are approved by the Engineer. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. All specials (fittings, appurtenances, couplings, etc.) and every length of pipe shall be marked with the manufacturer's name or trademark, size, class, and the date of manufacture. Special care in handling shall be exercised during delivery, distribution, and storage of pipe to avoid damage and unnecessary stresses. Damaged pipe will be rejected and shall be replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. Pipe and specials stored prior to use shall be stored in such a manner as to keep the interior free from dirt and foreign matter. B. Testing of pipe before installation shall be as described in the corresponding ASTM or AWWA Specifications and in the applicable standard specifications listed in the following sections. Testing after the pipe is installed shall be as specified in Section 3.09. C. Joints in piping shall be of the type as specified in the appropriate Piping System Schedule in Section 15390, Schedules. D. Where necessary, piping shall have thrust protection unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings. All exposed piping shall have flanged joints unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15000-3 Basic Mechanical Requirements E. The Contractor shall verify existing above ground and buried piping tie-in connections before fabricating new piping assemblies. The Contractor shall take all the necessary measurements required to complete the work as shown or specified. F. Before setting wall sleeves, pipes, castings and pipes to be cast in place, the Contractor shall coordinate with the Drawings and equipment manufacturer's drawings which may have a direct bearing on the pipe locations. G. Piping shall be attached to pumps, valves, equipment, etc., in accordance with the respective manufacturers' recommendations. This includes the use of flexible connectors as required. H. All changes in directions or elevations shall be made with fittings, unless otherwise shown. D. Cast iron mechanical joint adapter sleeves shall be Clow # 1429, as manufactured by the Clow Corp., or equal. Mechanical joint adapter sleeves shall be provided with suitable gasket, follower ring, and bolts to effect a proper seal. In general, sleeves installed in walls, floors, or roofs against one side of which will develop a hydrostatic pressure, or through which leakage of liquid will occur, shall be so sealed. If welded waterstop flanges are employed, welds shall be 360 degree continuous on both sides of flange. 2.02 HARNESSED SLEEVE TYPE COUPLINGS A. Sleeve type, flexible couplings shall be furnished and installed where shown on the Drawings or otherwise required to resist internal operating pressures. B. Materials shall be of high strength steel and couplings shall be rated for the same pressures as the connecting piping. C. Gaskets shall be rubber. Bolts and nuts shall be alloy steel, corrosion-resistant and prime coated. D. Couplings shall be shop primed with a premium quality primer compatible with the painting system specified in Section 09900 - Painting. Field painting of wetted area shall be done prior to installation. E. Harnessing 1. Harness couplings to adjacent flanges as shown, specified or otherwise required to restrain all pressure piping. 2. Dimensions, sizes, spacing and materials for lugs, tie rods, washers, and nuts shall conform to the standards for the pipe size, and design pressure specified. 3. No less than two (2) bolts shall be furnished for each coupling. 4. Tie bolts, nuts and washers shall be ASTM A 193, Grade B7 steel or better. 5. Harness rods shall have lengths less than 10 feet between adjacent flanged joints on fittings and shall be coated in accordance with Section 09900 – Painting. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15000-4 Basic Mechanical Requirements F. Couplings shall be as manufactured by Dresser Industries, Style 38, or equal as required and shown on the Drawings. All couplings shall be provided without interior pipe stop. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. All piping shall be installed by skilled personnel and in accordance with the best standard practice for piping installation as shown on the Drawings, specified or recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Proper tools and appliances for the safe and convenient handling and installing of the pipe and fittings shall be used. Care shall be taken to prevent any pipe coating from being damaged on the inside or outside of the pipe and fittings. All pieces shall be carefully examined for defects, and no piece shall be installed which is known to be cracked, damaged, or otherwise defective. If any defective pieces should be discovered after having been installed, it shall be removed and replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. Pipe and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned before they are installed and shall be kept clean until they are accepted in the complete work. All piping connections to equipment shall be provided with unions or coupling flanges located so that piping may be readily dismantled from the equipment. At certain applications, Dresser, Victaulic, or equal, couplings may also be used. All piping shall be installed in such a manner that it will be free to expand and contract without injury to itself or to structures and equipment to which it is connected. All piping shall be erected to accurate lines and grades with no abrupt changes in line or grade and shall be supported and braced against movement, temporary, or permanent. All exposed piping shall be installed with vertical and horizontal angles properly related to adjoining surfaces or pipes to give the appearance of good workmanship. Unless otherwise shown or approved, provided a minimum headroom clearance under all piping of 7 feet 6 inches. B. All piping shall be adequately supported and braced by means of hangers, concrete piers, pipe supports, or otherwise as may be required by the location. C. All piping shall be installed in such a manner that it will be free to expand and/or contract without injury to itself or to structures and equipment to which it is connected. All piping shall be erected to accurate lines and grades with no abrupt changes in line or grade and shall be supported and braced against movement, temporary, or permanent. All exposed piping shall be installed with vertical and horizontal angles properly related to adjoining surfaces or pipes to give the appearance of good workmanship. D. Proper and suitable tools and appliances for the safe convenient handling and laying of pipe shall be used and shall in general agree with manufacturer's recommendations. E. During the laying of pipe, each pipe manufacturer shall provide his own supervisor to instruct the Contractor's pipe laying personnel in the correct procedure to be followed. 3.02 DUCTILE IRON PIPE City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15000-5 Basic Mechanical Requirements A. Ductile iron pipe (DIP) shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Ductile Iron Pipe Handbook published by the Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association, and AWWA C600. B. Where it is necessary to cut ductile iron pipe in the field, such cuts shall be made carefully in a neatly using approved methods to produce a clean square cut. The outside of the cut end shall be conditioned for use by filing or grinding a small taper, at an angle of approximately 30 degrees. 3.03 JOINTS IN PIPING A. Flanged joints shall be brought to exact alignment and all gaskets and bolts or studs inserted in their proper places. Bolts or studs shall be uniformly tightened around the joints. Where stud bolts are used, the bolts shall be uniformly centered in the connections and equal pressure applied to each nut on the stud. Pipes in all lines subject to temperature changes shall be cut short and cold sprung into place to compensate for expansion when hot. B. Dielectric unions shall be installed wherever dissimilar metals are connected except for bronze or brass valves in ferrous piping. Unions shall be provided downstream of each valve with screwed connections. The Contractor shall provide screwed or flanged unions at each piece of equipment, where shown, and where necessary to install or dismantle piping. C. Eccentric reducers shall be installed where air or water pockets would otherwise occur in mains because of a reduction in pipe size. 3.04 FLUSHING AND TESTING A. All piping shall be properly flushed and tested unless specifically exempted elsewhere in the Specifications or otherwise approved by the Engineer. All other liquid conveying pipelines shall be flushed and tested with water. The Contractor shall furnish and install all means and apparatus necessary for getting the air or water into the pipeline for flushing and testing including pumps, compressors, gauges, and meters, any necessary plugs and caps, and any required blow-off piping and fittings, etc., complete with any necessary reaction blocking to prevent pipe movement during the flushing and testing. All pipelines shall be flushed and tested in such lengths or sections as agreed upon among the Owner, Engineer, and Contractor. Test pressures shall be as specified in Section 15390 – Schedules, and shall be measured at the lowest point of the pipe segment being tested. The Contractor shall give the Owner and Engineer reasonable notice of the time when he intends to test portions of the pipelines. The Engineer reserves the right, within reason, to request flushing and testing of any section or portion of a pipeline. B. The Contractor shall provide water for all flushing and testing of liquid conveying pipelines. Raw water or non-potable water may be used for flushing and testing liquid pipelines not connected to the potable water system. C. At the conclusion of the installation work, the Contractor shall thoroughly clean all new liquid conveying pipe by flushing with water or other means to remove all dirt, stones, pieces of wood, etc., which may have entered the pipe during the construction period. If after this cleaning any obstructions remain, they shall be corrected by the Contractor, at his own expense, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Liquid conveying pipelines shall be flushed at City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15000-6 Basic Mechanical Requirements the rate of at least 2.5 feet per second for a duration suitable to the Engineer or shall be flushed by other methods approved by the Engineer. D. During testing the piping shall show no leakage. Any leaks or defective piping disclosed by the leakage test shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor, at his own expense, and the test repeated until all such piping shows tight. E. After flushing, all liquid conveying pipelines shall be hydrostatically tested at the test pressure specified in the appropriate Piping System Schedule in Section 15390 – Schedules. The procedure used for the hydrostatic test shall be in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C600. Each pipeline shall be filled with water for a period of no less than 24 hours and then subjected to the specified test pressure for 2 hours. During this test, exposed piping shall show no leakage. F. Any leaks or defective pipe disclosed by the hydrostatic test shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor, at his own expense, and the test repeated until all such piping shows tight. 3.05 PAINTING AND COLOR CODING SYSTEM A. All exposed piping specified shall be color coded in accordance with the Owner's standard color designation system for pipe recognition and in accordance with Section 15030 – Piping and Equipment Identification Systems. In the absence of a standard color designation system, the Engineer will establish a standard color designation for each piping service category from color charts submitted by the Contractor in compliance with Section 09900 – Painting. B. All piping specified in this Section shall be painted in accordance with Section 09900. - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15006-1 Ductile Iron Pipe SECTION 15006 DUCTILE IRON PIPE PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. All ductile iron pipe (DIP) and specials shall be marked with the manufacturer's name or trademark, size, weight, thickness class, the date of manufacture, and the word "Ductile". B. Ductile iron pipe (DIP) of the sizes shown or specified shall conform to ANSI A21.51 (AWWA C151), Grade 60-42-10 for ductile iron pipe centrifugally cast in metal molds or sand-lined molds. All ductile iron pipe shall conform to ANSI A21.50 (AWWA C150) for thickness design and shall be supplied in 18 or 20 foot nominal lengths or as required to meet the requirements of the Drawings. Fittings and specials shall be cast iron or ductile iron, conforming to the requirements of ANSI A21.10 (AWWA C110) or ANSI A21.53 (AWWA C153) and shall have a minimum rated working pressure of 250 psi. C. Minimum Class 53 pipe shall be used for flanged spools. D. Reference Section 15000, Basic Mechanical Requirements PART 2 -- PRODUCT 2.01 DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS A. All DIP pipe and fittings, with the exception of glass lined pipe and sleeves, shall be cement mortar lined. Linings shall conform to American Standard Specifications for Cement Mortar Lining for Cast Iron Pipe and Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings, ANSI A21.4 (AWWA C104) and shall be standard thickness. The mortar lining shall be protected with the bituminous seal coat. All exposed DIP and fittings shall have a shop applied prime coat in accordance with Section 09900 - Painting. B. Requirements for various types of joints are described in the following paragraphs. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED HEREIN OR ON THE DRAWINGS, ALL EXPOSED DUCTILE IRON PIPING SHALL HAVE FLANGED JOINTS. C. Flanged joints and fittings shall have a minimum pressure rating of 250 psi with 125 lb. American Standard flanges. All flanges and fittings shall conform to the requirements of ANSI B16.1. Flanges shall be ductile iron and shall be of the threaded or screw on type. The face of the flanges shall be machined after installation of the flange to the pipe. No raised surface shall be allowed on flanges. Flanged pipe shall conform to the requirements of ANSI Specification A21.15, (AWWA C115). Pipe lengths shall be fabricated to meet the requirements of the Drawings. D. Gaskets shall be the "Ring Gasket" type, 1/8-inch minimum thickness, cloth inserted rubber, red rubber or neoprene and shall be suitable for the service intended. Bolts shall be of the City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15006-2 Ductile Iron Pipe size and length called for and in accordance with the "American Standard" and comply with the requirements of the ANSI/AWWA Standards. The bolts for flanged joints shall be a minimum ASTM A307; Grade B carbon steel and be in accordance with ANSI A21.10, (AWWA C110). The bolts shall have hexagonal heads and nuts, no washers shall be used. - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15020-1 Pipe Supports SECTION 15020 PIPE SUPPORTS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Furnish all equipment, labor, materials, and design calculations required to provide pipe supports in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 01300, Submittals B. Division 3, Concrete – Appropriate and Related Sections C. Division 5, Metals – Appropriate and Related Sections D. Section 15000 – Basic Mechanical Requirements 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Applicable and associated cut sheets and drawings for materials and support components shall be submitted with the Shop Drawings in accordance with or in addition to the submittal requirements specified in Section 01300 – Submittals; Section 15000 - Basic Mechanical Requirements and other referenced Sections above. 1. Catalog cut information on all system components such as pipe supports, hangers, guides, anchors, and channel-type supports. 2. Drawings of the piping support systems, locating each support, brace, hanger, guide, component and anchor. Identify support, hanger, guide and anchor type by catalog number and Shop Drawing detail number. 3. With each piping support system Shop Drawing, the Contractor shall attach calculations prepared and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Texas showing that the piping support system complies with the specified requirements, including all building code requirements pertaining to support of piping and other non-structural components. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Piping support systems shall be designed and Shop Drawings prepared and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Texas. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15020-2 Pipe Supports PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the design of all piping support systems not specifically designed by the Engineer and detailed on the Drawings. The supports typically detailed on the Drawings, not included on Standard Detail Drawings, are designed to resist resulting external thrust forces in addition to gravity, seismic and other applicable loads required by the governing building code. B. No attempt has been made to show all of the required pipe supports either on the main Drawings or on the standard detail drawings. The absence of pipe supports and details on the Drawings shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of providing them throughout the project at no additional cost to the Owner. C. Where special pipe support fabrications are required, products and execution shall be as specified in Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications and other related and referenced Sections of the Specifications. . D. Existing piping support systems to support new piping shall only be used if the Contractor can show and demonstrate by submitting supporting calculations that they are adequate for the additional load imposed by the new piping, or if they are strengthened to support the additional load. E. Design Criteria for Piping Support Systems: 1. Design pipe supports for dead loads imposed by the weight of the pipes filled with water. 2. Design for the thermal expansion and contraction of the piping and its associated pipe support and pipe expansion systems and couplers. 3. A minimum safety factor of 2 or as approved by the Engineer, based upon the yield strength of the support material, shall be used for pipe supports, braces, hangers, and guides as well as for beam and column members used in channel-type support systems. 4. The horizontal pipe hanger and/or floor support spacing shall be as recommended by the pipe and/or hanger manufacturer, but shall not exceed 10 feet on center unless indicated otherwise herein or on the Drawings. 5. The design, sizing and spacing of anchor bolts, including concrete anchors, shall be based on withstanding shear and pullout loads imposed by loading at each particular support. The minimum anchor bolt size shall be ½ inches in diameter. Refer to Section 05830 – Bearing Devices and Anchoring. 2.02 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. All piping shall be adequately supported and braced by means of steel hangers and/or supports, concrete piers, supplemental lateral bracing components, pre-fabricated brackets, or otherwise as may be required by the location and forces applied per governing code, City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15020-3 Pipe Supports including gravity and lateral forces from earthquake and/or wind (if exterior). Generally, concrete supports shall be used where pipe centerline is less than 3 feet above floor, and hangers above 6 feet unless specified or shown otherwise. Supports shall be not more than 10 feet on center unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or required by the specific manufacturer. All necessary inserts or appurtenances shall be furnished and installed in the concrete or structures for adequately securing hangers and supports to the structure. Refer to Standard Detail Drawings. 1. Metal pipe support materials, where ductile or other ferrous pipe is supported, shall be galvanized carbon steel meeting Section 05120 - Structural Steel and Section 05035 - Galvanizing unless indicated otherwise on the Drawings or in the specifications or by the Engineer. 2. Metal pipe supports indicated as standard type pipe hangers are designed and detailed for gravity loading only. Resulting lateral loads from other lateral loads per code, or special loading conditions during construction, shall be applied to the pipe in accordance with the governing building code. Supplemental lateral stiffening members (when necessary) shall be provided along pipe or at gravity supports using appropriate supplemental members and connections when required by calculations. The Contractor shall include design calculations and details with all pipe hangar and support submissions for review by the Engineer. The main structure and structural components that will support the pipe hangers and other appurtenant components of the facility have been designed to resist all resulting secondary lateral loading from pipe hangers and other non-structural members for gravity and resulting lateral loads. B. Hangers and supports shall conform to the following requirements: 1. All fabricated metal hangers and supports shall be capable of adjustment after installation. Different types of hangers and supports along a pipe length, including bends, shall be kept to a minimum. 2. Hanger rods shall be straight and vertical. Chain, wire, strap, or perforated bar hangers shall not be used. Hangers shall not be suspended from other piping. 3. Vertical piping shall be properly supported at each floor and between floors by stays or braces to prevent rattling and vibration. 4. Hanger and supports shall prevent contact between dissimilar metals by use of copper plated, rubber, vinyl coated or stainless steel hangers. 5. Ferrous pipes to be painted shall be painted in accordance with Section 09900 - Painting. Ferrous pipes that require painting or galvanizing shall be supported by galvanized hangers and supports. 6. Hangers and supports shall provide for thermal expansion throughout the full operating temperature range. 7. Expansion and adhesive type anchors used for pipe hangers and supports shall be Type 304 stainless steel. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15020-4 Pipe Supports C. Metallic hangers and supports may be standard make by Anvil International, Inc., "Witch" by Carpenter & Paterson, Ltd., B-Line Systems, Inc., or equal; and data on the types and sizes to be used shall be furnished to the Engineer for approval. Metallic support system brackets, rods, support clips, clevis hangers, hardware, etc. shall be cast iron or welded steel construction. All gravity type hangers and supports shall be restrained laterally to resist loading as required by the governing code. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Support piping connections to equipment by pipe support and not by the equipment. B. Support large or heavy valves, fittings and appurtenances independently of the connected piping. C. Support no pipe from the pipe above it. D. Support piping at changes in direction or in elevation, adjacent to couplings and where shown. E. The Contractor shall not install piping supports and hangers in equipment access areas or bridge crane runs. F. Brace hanging pipes against horizontal movement by both longitudinal and lateral sway bracing. G. Install pipe anchors (fixed supports and/or guides) where shown and/or as may otherwise be required to withstand expansion thrust loads and to direct and control thermal expansion. The Contractor may install additional pipe anchors and flexible couplings to facilitate piping installation, provided that complete details describing location, pipe supports and hydraulic thrust protection are submitted. - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15030-1 Piping and Equipment Identification Systems SECTION 15030 PIPING AND EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The Contractor shall furnish and install all components of the system for identification of piping and equipment as specified hereinafter. The system shall include the application of color coding to all new and altered plant piping. The Contractor shall paint the equipment and piping of all Contracts in the colors herein specified, and in accordance with the requirements of Section 09900, Painting. B. In addition to the legends specified herein the Engineer may request the Contractor to furnish and install additional identification legends and arrows at no additional cost to the Owner. Such additional signs may be requested near completion of the work and shall be limited to no more than five (5) signs for each type specified herein. The legends and color combinations for additional signs shall conform to the requirements specified herein. C. The Contractor shall submit a schedule of the colors and designations proposed in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals, and this Section. A minimum of four (4) color charts with cross-references to the colors listed herein shall be included with the Submittal. D. Reference Section 15000, Basic Mechanical Requirements. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPING IDENTIFICATION LEGEND A. The Contractor shall apply identification legends to all types and sections of piping as shown on the Drawings or as designated by the Engineer. Such legends shall be in the form of plain block lettering giving the name of the pipe content in full or abbreviated form, and showing the direction of flow by arrows. All lettering and arrows shall be of the plastic snap-on type, Seton nameplate "setmarks", or equal, or they shall be formed by stenciling in an approved manner using white or black as directed and shall have an overall height in inches in accordance with the following table: City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15030-2 Piping and Equipment Identification Systems Diameter of Pipe or Pipe Covering Height of Lettering Over 10-inches 3-1/2-inches B. Identification lettering shall generally be located each fifteen (15) feet in pipe length, and shall be properly inclined to the pipe axis to facilitate easy reading. C. The colors referenced in the legend are as manufactured by KOP-COAT. They are used for convenience only. D. Piping and Equipment Identification Service Legend Base Raw Sewage RS Grey (match existing) - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15095-1 Valves, General SECTION 15095 VALVES, GENERAL PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The Contractor shall furnish and install, complete with all assemblies and accessories, all valves shown on the Drawings and specified herein including all fittings, appurtenances and transition pieces required for a complete and operable installation. B. All valves shall be constructed of quality materials which have strength, wearing, and corrosion resistance characteristics entirely suitable for the types of service for which the individual valves are designated. Except where noted otherwise, valves designated for water service shall conform to pertinent sections of the latest revision of AWWA C500 Specifications. Cast iron valve bodies and parts shall meet the requirements of the latest revision of ASTM Designation A-126, "Standard Specifications for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings, Class B." C. All valve body castings shall be clean, sound, and without defects of any kind. No plugging, welding, or repairing of defects will be allowed. D. Valves shall have flanged ends for exposed service unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or specified herein. Flanged ends shall be flat-faced, 125 lb. American Standard unless otherwise shown or specified in accordance with ANSI B16.1. All bolt heads and nuts shall be hexagonal of American Standard size. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating connecting piping. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner, through the Engineer, a Performance Affidavit, utilizing the format specified in Section 11000, Equipment General Provisions. Performance tests shall be conducted in accordance with the latest revision of AWWA C500 and affidavits shall conform to the requirements of the Specifications. B. Shop Drawings conforming to the requirements of Section 01300, Submittals, are required for all valves, and accessories. Submittals shall include all layout dimensions, size and materials of construction for all components, information on support and anchoring where necessary, pneumatic and hydraulic characteristics and complete descriptive information to demonstrate full compliance with the Documents. C. Operation and maintenance manuals and installation instructions shall be submitted for all valves and accessories in accordance with the Specifications. The manufacturer(s) shall delete all information which does not apply to the equipment being furnished. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15095-2 Valves, General 1.03 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. The Contractor shall provide the services of a qualified representative of the manufacturer(s) of the equipment named below to check out and certify the installation(s), to supervise the initial operation, and to instruct the Owner's operating personnel in proper operation and maintenance procedures in accordance with the following schedule: Item Valve/Operator Type Minimum On-Site Time Requirements 1. Knife Gate Valves One (1) 2-hour trip 2. Plug Valves One (1) 2-hour trip 3. Gate Valves One (1) 2-hour trip 4. Check Valves One (1) 2-hour trip B. Any additional time required to achieve successful installation and operation shall be at the expense of the Contractor. The manufacturer's representative shall sign in and out with City Staff on each day he is at the project. C. A written report covering the representative's findings and installation approval shall be mailed directly to the Engineer covering all inspection and outlining in detail any deficiencies notes. D. The times specified are exclusive of travel time to and from the facility and shall not be construed as to relieve the manufacturer of any additional visits to provide sufficient service to place the equipment in satisfactory operation. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 As specified in Division 15 specifications related to valves and associated appurtenances PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Except where noted otherwise herein, all valves shall be installing and tested in accordance with the latest revision of AWWA C500. Before installation, all valves shall be lubricated, manually opened and closed to check their operation and the interior of the valves shall be thoroughly cleaned. Valves shall be placed in the positions shown on the Drawings. Joints shall be made as directed under the Piping Specifications. The valves shall be so located that they are easily accessible for operating purposes, and shall bear no stresses due to loads from the adjacent pipe. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating connecting piping. B. All valves shall be tested at the operating pressures at which the particular line will be used. Any leakage or "sweating" of joints shall be stopped, and all joints shall be tight. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15095-3 Valves, General C. Provide valves in quantity, size, and type with all required accessories as shown on the Drawings. D. Install all valves and appurtenances in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Install all valves so that operating handwheels or wrenches may be conveniently turned from operating floor but without interfering with access, and as approved by Engineer. Unless otherwise approved, install all valves plumb and level. Valves shall be installed free from distortion and strain caused by misaligned piping, equipment or other causes. 3.02 SHOP AND FIELD TESTING A. Shop and field testing of valves shall be as follows: 1. Certified factory testing shall be provided for all components of the valve and operator system. Valves and operators shall be shop tested in accordance with the requirements in the latest revision of AWWA C500, including performance tests, leakage test, hydrostatic tests, and proof-of-design tests. The manufacturer through the Contractor shall submit certified copies of the reports covering the test for acceptance by the Engineer. 2. Shop testing shall be provided for the operators consisting of a complete functional check of each unit. Any deficiencies found in shop testing shall be corrected prior to shipment. The system supplier through the Contractor shall submit written certification that shop tests for the electrical/pneumatic system and all controls were successfully conducted and that these components provide the functions specified and required for proper operation of the valve operator system. 3. The Contractor shall conduct field tests to check and adjust system components, and to test and adjust operation of the overall system. Preliminary field tests shall be conducted prior to start-up with final field tests conducted during start-up. The factory service representative shall assist the Contractor during all field testing and prepare a written report describing test methods, and changes made during the testing, and summarizing test results. The service representative shall certify proper operation of the valve operator system upon successful completion of the final acceptance field testing. 4. Preliminary and final field tests shall be conducted at a time approved by the Engineer. The Engineer shall witness all field testing. 5. All costs in connection with field testing of equipment such as energy, light, lubricants, water, instruments, labor, equipment, temporary facilities for test purposes, etc. shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the proper operation of equipment during tests and instruction periods and shall neither have nor make any claim for damage which may occur to equipment prior to the time when the Owner formally takes over the operation thereof. 6. Preliminary field tests shall be conducted prior to start-up and shall include a functional check of the entire valve operator system and all system components. Preliminary field tests shall demonstrate that the valve operator system performs according to specifications and that all equipment, valves, controls, alarms, interlocks, etc., function properly. The preliminary field test report must be approved City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15095-4 Valves, General by the Engineer prior to conducting final field acceptance tests. Based on results of preliminary field tests, the Contractor shall make any adjustments required to settings, etc., to achieve the required valve closing time and operation specified or otherwise directed by the Engineer. 7. Final field acceptance tests shall be conducted simultaneously with the start-up and field testing of the pumps, air compressors, process air blowers, etc. Field tests shall be conducted for the full range of operating modes and conditions specified and as directed by the Engineer. Each of the valves shall be tested at minimum, maximum, and normal head/flow conditions, and under all specified conditions of opening and closing. Performance of pneumatic valves and compressed air system under normal operating conditions and during simulated power failures shall be checked. 8. The Contractor shall provide the means for accurate measurement of pipeline pressures as directed by the Engineer. - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15100-1 Valve Operators and Electric Valve Actuators SECTION 15100 VALVE OPERATORS AND ELECTRIC VALVE ACTUATORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Equipment shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 11000 – Equipment General Provisions and Section 15000 – Basic Mechanical Requirements. B. Valve operators shall be designed to unseat, open or close, and seat the valve under the most adverse operating condition to which the valves will be subjected. C. Operator mounting arrangements shall be as indicated on the Drawings or as directed by the manufacturer and/or Engineer. There shall be no mounting restrictions on the electric valve actuator. D. The valve operators and electric actuators shall be the full and undivided responsibility of the valve manufacturer in order to ensure complete coordination of the components and to provide unit responsibility. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. The following items shall be submitted with the Shop Drawings in accordance with, or in addition to the submittal requirements specified in Section 01300, Submittals; and Section 11000, Equipment General Provisions: 1. Certification that the force required to operate all valves is as specified herein. 1.03 WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE A. Warranty and Guarantee shall be as specified in Section 11000. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Manual operators shall be provided on all valves. Manual operator type shall be as specified herein and as shown on the Drawings. B. Gate valves 14” and greater in size shall have geared operators. C. Operators/actuators shall be furnished with conservatively sized extension bonnets, extension stems, or torque tubes, and all required appurtenances required for a complete City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15100-2 Valve Operators and Electric Valve Actuators installation. Operators furnished with extension bonnets shall include stainless steel extension stems, or stainless steel torque tubes. 2.02 MANUAL OPERATORS A. Unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings, manual operator type shall be as follows: 1. Exposed valves 8-inches and larger shall be handwheel operated. 2. Exposed gate valves shall be handwheel operated. 3. Valves with centerline of operator located more than 6-feet above the floor or platform from which it is to be operated shall have a chainwheel operator unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. B. Manual operators shall be rigidly attached to the valve body unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings. C. All operators shall turn counter-clockwise to open and shall have the open direction clearly and permanently marked. D. Valve operators shall be designed so that the force required to operate the handwheel, or chain (including breakaway torque requirements) does not exceed 80 pounds applied at the extremity of handwheel or chainwheel operator. Design pressures for sizing of valve operators shall be the piping test pressure for the piping in which the valve is to be installed. E. Handwheels for valves operators shall not be less than 12 inches in diameter. The maximum diameter of any handwheel shall not exceed 24 inches. F. Geared manual operators shall be of the worm gear, traveling nut or scotch yolk type unless otherwise indicated in the individual valve specification. Gear operators shall be of the worm gear or bevel gear type. Gear box designs incorporating end of travel stops in the housing shall be equipped with AWWA input stops. Each gearbox shall require a minimum of 10 turns for 90 degree rotation or full valve stem travel and shall be equipped with a mechanical valve position indicator. 2.03 SPARE PARTS A. Spare parts shall be provided in accordance with Section 11000, Equipment General Provisions. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. All valve actuators shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's published City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15100-3 Valve Operators and Electric Valve Actuators recommendations and the applicable specification sections for valves. B. Valve actuators shall be factory coated in accordance with the manufacturer’s standard paint system. 3.02 SHOP TESTING A. Shop testing shall be in accordance with Section 11000, Equipment General Provisions and with the following additional requirements: 1. Conduct a complete functional check of each unit. Correct any deficiencies found in shop testing prior to shipment. 2. Each actuator shall be performance tested and individual test certificates shall be supplied free of charge. The test equipment shall simulate each typical valve load and the following parameters should be recorded: a. Current at maximum torque setting b. Torque at maximum torque setting c. In addition, the test certificate should record details of specification, such as gear ratios and closing direction. d. Verification of actuator torque rating with valve. 3.03 FIELD TESTS A. Field testing shall be in accordance with Section 11000, Equipment General Provisions and with the following additional requirements: 1. Valve actuators shall be field-tested together with the associated valves. 2. Test all valves at the operating pressures at which the particular line will be used. 3. Test all valves for control operation as directed. B. Preliminary Field Tests 1. General: Preliminary field tests shall be conducted prior to start-up and shall include a functional check of the entire valve operator system and all system components. 2. Scope: Preliminary field tests shall demonstrate that the valve operator system performs according to specifications and that all equipment, valves, controls, alarms, interlocks, etc., function properly. 3. Based on results of preliminary field tests, the Contractor shall make any adjustments required to settings, etc., to achieve the required valve closing time City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15100-4 Valve Operators and Electric Valve Actuators and operation, as specified or otherwise directed. C. Final Field Tests 1. Final field tests shall be conducted in accordance with the latest revision of AWWA C500. 2. Final field tests shall be conducted simultaneously with the start-up and field testing of the pumps. 3. Final field tests shall be conducted for the full range of operating modes and conditions specified and as directed by the Engineer. Each of the valves shall be tested at minimum, maximum, and normal head/flow conditions, and under all specified conditions of opening and closing. 4. Certification of Equipment Compliance: After the final field tests are completed and passed, submit affidavit according to Section 11000. - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15105-1 Check Valves SECTION 15105 CHECK VALVES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Reference Section 15000, Basic Mechanical Requirements and Section 15095, Valves, General. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 SWING CHECK VALVES A. Check valves larger than 3-inches shall be cushioned swing check valves rated for a minimum working pressure of 200 psi and shall be of the "Shockless Swing-Check" type as manufactured by G.A. Industries, Dezurik, or equal. B. Valve closure shall be controlled by an external weighted lever arm, the action of which is cushioned by a pneumatic cylinder. Counterweights and cushion cylinders shall be designed so that adjustments can be made in the field to minimize surge and to prevent backflow and hammering noises during actual service conditions. C. Valve bodies, cover discs, levers, and disc arms shall be constructed of heavy cast iron or cast steel fully conforming to the latest revision of ASTM A-126 Class B or Class WCB, respectively. Valve ends shall be Standard American 125 pound flat-faced flanged, in accordance with ANSI B16.1. Each valve disc shall be suspended from a noncorrosive shaft which shall pass through a stuffing box and be connected on the outside of the valve to the cushion and counterweight mechanism. D. Valve seating shall be rubber-to-metal designed for drop-tight shutoff. The body seat ring shall be made of bronze or stainless steel and the disc seat ring of 80 Durometer rubber. Body and disc seats shall be renewable. E. With the exception of the valve body and seat, all parts in contact with water shall be manufactured from noncorrosive materials. Internal corrosive surfaces shall be shop painted with two coats of epoxy for corrosion resistance. Exterior surfaces shall be painted in accordance with the requirements of Section 09900, Painting. - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15105-2 Check Valves This page left blank intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15108-1 Gate Valves (Including Knife Gate Valves) SECTION 15108 GATE VALVES (INCLUDING KNIFE GATE VALVES) PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Reference Section 15000, Basic Mechanical Requirements. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 GATE VALVES A. Gate valves shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of 250 psi and a test pressure of 500 psi. B. Gate valve body and bonnet shall be cast iron conforming to ASTM A126, Class B with resilient seat gate and O-ring seals. The gate shall be cast iron with a vulcanized rubber coating with no metal to metal contact when in the fully closed position and a smooth unobstructed waterway when in the fully opened position. Gate valves 18 inches and larger shall fully comply with the requirements of AWWA C515 and shall be resilient seated gate valves with spur geared operator, unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings. Valves shall be American Darling Series 2500, Mueller A-2361, or equal. C. All internal ferrous components and surfaces of the valves, with the exception of stainless steel and finished or bearing surfaces, shall be shop painted with two coats (10 mils min. dry film thickness) of the manufacturer's premium epoxy for corrosion resistance. Damaged surfaces shall be repaired in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 2.02 KNIFE GATE VALVES A. Knife gate valves shall be cast iron conforming to ASTM A126, Class B with resilient ring seal seat. The gate shall be stainless steel with a beveled, knife-like edge. The knife gate valve shall be flanged in accordance with ANSI B-16.1, 125 pound flange with a handwheel operator as manufactured by DeZurik, or equal. - END OF SECTION – City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15108-2 Gate Valves (Including Knife Gate Valves) This page left blank intentionally City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15109-1 Plug Valves SECTION 15109 PLUG VALVES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Contractor shall furnish and install all plug valves and associated appurtenances required for a complete install as shown on the Drawings and as specified. B. Valves shall comply with Section 15000, Basic Mechanical Requirements and Section 15095, Valves, General. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 PLUG VALVES A. Plug valves shall be of the non-lubricated, eccentric seating plug type with synthetic rubber-faced plugs as manufactured by DeZurik Company, Pratt, or equal. All valves shall be provided with limit stops and rotate 90° from fully open to fully shut. The minimum working pressure for all valves shall be 150 psi, and the test pressure shall be at least least 230 psi for valves 14-inch and larger. The port area of valves shall be at least 80 percent of full pipe area for valves less than 24-inches, unless otherwise specified herein. The body materials shall be of epoxy coated cast iron or semi-steel, unless specified otherwise. Seats shall have a welded overlay of 90 percent pure nickel and machined to a finish containing no stress cracks. Plug facings shall be of Hycar, or equal and completely suitable for use with domestic sewage. B. The shaft seal shall be either the bronze cartridge type with at least two O-Rings, monolithic V-Type, U-Cup Type, or pull down packing type. If monolithic V-Type, U-Cup Type, or pull down packings are utilized, it shall be self-adjusting, self-compensating type. Packing shall be as manufactured by Chevron, or equal. Plug valves with pull down packings shall be designed with an extension bonnet so that repacking can be done without removal of the actuator. C. Unless otherwise shown, all exposed valves 4-inches in diameter and larger shall have flanged ends conforming to ANSI B16.1-125/150 pound standard with face-to-face dimensions of standard plug valves. D. Valves 8-inches in diameter and larger shall be handwheel operated through totally enclosed worm gear actuators, unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings. Manual operators for plug valves mounted above 6 feet from the operating floor shall be equipped with worm gear chainwheel actuators. E. The manufacturer shall certify that the plug valves are capable of operating in continuous duty service under these pressures and flow conditions. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15109-2 Plug Valves F. Each valve shall by hydrostatically tested and tested for bubble tightness after the operator has been mounted and adjusted. Copies of the hydrostatic and leakage test certification and certification of conformance shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to shipment. G. All internal and external ferrous components and surfaces of the valves, with the exception of stainless steel and finished or bearing surfaces, shall be shop painted with two coats (10 mils min. dry film thickness) of the manufacturer's premium epoxy for corrosion resistance. Damaged surfaces shall be repaired in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. - END OF SECTION - City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15390-1 Schedules SECTION 15390 SCHEDULES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Reference Section 15000, Basic Mechanical Requirements. 1.02 PIPING SYSTEM SCHEDULES A. Piping requirements for this Section are outlined on the Drawings, and in the Piping System Schedule. In the absence of a specified test pressure, pipe shall be tested at a 150 percent of the normal operating pressure as determined by the Engineer or 10 psig, whichever is greater unless the Schedule indicates that no test is required. B. If the pipe material is not shown on the Piping System Schedule or otherwise specified, the following materials shall be used: Pipe Size Material Type of Joint Class/Design Test Pressure 4-in and larger DIP Flanged (Exposed) Class 53 164 feet (1) (1) Test at 150 percent of normal operating pressure or 10 psi, whichever is greater. 1.03 VALVE SCHEDULES A. Performance Affidavits shall be required for all valves listed in the valve schedule(s). Performance Affidavits shall be provided in accordance with Section 11000, Equipment General Provisions and Section 01300, Submittals. All valves shall be tagged by the manufacturer according to the control valve designations listed in the Schedule. B. Valves not listed in the valve schedule(s) shall be manually operated, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. City of Denton Hazen and Sawyer 15390-2 Schedules PIPING SYSTEM SCHEDULE PIPE DESIGNATION MATERIAL TYPE OF JOINT CLASS/DESIGN RESTRAINT SYSTEM DESIGN (1) PRESSURE TEST PRESSURE RS DIP FLANGED (EXPOSED) CLASS 53 75 PSI 40 PSI (1) DESIGN PRESSURE SHALL BE USED TO DETERMINE THE SIZE, NUMBER, MATERIAL AND DIMENSIONS OF TABS AND THREADED-RODS FOR PIPING SPECIFIED OR SHOWN TO HAVE THREADED-RODS FOR THRUST RESTRAINT. VALVE SCHEDULE VALVE TYPE SIZE (in) CLASS SERVICE LOCATION PLUG 20 150 RS RSP-05 CHECK VALVE 20 200 RS RSP-05 KNIFE GATE VALVE 24 250 RS RSP-01 KNIFE GATE VALVE 24 250 RS RSP-02 KNIFE GATE VALVE 24 250 RS RSP-03 KNIFE GATE VALVE 24 250 RS RSP-04 GATE VALVE 36 250 RS Yard Valve PIPING AND VALVE SYSTEM DESIGNATIONS RS RAW SEWAGE RSP-# RAW SEWAGE PUMP NO. - END OF SECTION -