6366C - Construction of Pecan Creek Water Plant Hydraulic Improvements, Addendum 1 ClarificationsHazen and Sawyer • 8350 North Central Expressway, Suite 775 • Dallas, TX 75206 • 214.382.5750 Addendum No. 1 Jobno60702-000March 1, 2017 Re: Addendum No. 1 for RFP #6366 Construction of Pecan Creek Water Plant Hydraulic Improvements for the City of Denton Project The following are clarifications to the Request for Proposal (RFP) #6366 based on the questions raised during the non-mandatory pre-bid meeting and site visit held on February 22, 2017 at 1:30 pm. Question: Does the contract require dewatering and cleaning of the RSPS2 wet well? Response: Yes, the Contractor is responsible for completely draining the RSPS2 wet well and forcemain to complete the Work. The wastewater can be pumped to either Grit Trap Box No. 1 or No. 2 so that the bypass pumps pump it to the treatment plant. The Contractor is responsible for cleaning the wet well suficiently to perform the Work required as described in the documents. Question: Could the junction box upstream of Grit Box No. 2 (Junction Box No. 1) be utilized for bypass pumping? Response: The City is flexible on the installation location of bypass pumps to complete the Work. Grit Trap Box No. 1 (west of RSPS2) must be used at a minimum to keep solids from settling at the interceptor low point. If an additional bypass pump installation location is required either Grit Trap Box No. 2 or the Junction Box No. 1 may be utilized. The invert elevation of Junction Box No. 1 varies between 537.60 and 538.60. The water surface elevation shall not exceed 547.00 during operation. The record drawings for Junction Box No.1 are included as part of this clarification for information purposes only. Question: Could the Contractor install a permanent tap on the existing forcemain with a flange above grade to connect the bypass pump forcemain? Response: The Engineer and Owner will not dictate means and methods for bypass pumping logistics. However, the installation of a permanent tap on the forcemain to facilitate bypass pumping would be acceptable. See addendum changes below for further requirements on pipe taps. The record drawing information available for this forcemain is attached: “Modified Yard Piping – Area 1” Sheet C-11 from the PCWRP Expansion, September 2001. Profile information for this forcemain is not available at this time. Question: Is the existing access hatch the only access location for retrieving and installing equipment? Response: The existing access hatch and door are the only locations for equipment and material egress. Clarification: The 15 days of bypass pump operations included in the lump sum bid item number 5 assumes the Contractor working 24/7 to complete the Work. March 1, 2017 RFP 6366 Addendum #1 Page 2 of 2 The following are changes to the Request for Proposal (RFP) #6366: Section 01043: Table MAINTENANCE OF UTILITY OPERATION DURING CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE;ADD the following paragraph to the end of the “CONSTRAINTS AND REMARKS” column: “Contractor shall utilize Grit Trap Box No. 1 for bypass pump installation at a minimum. If additional structures are required then Grit Trap Box No. 1 and Junction Box No.1 may be utilized. The maximum WSEL for these structures is the same as Grit Trap Box No. 1 listed above.” Section 15000:ADD the following paragraph after Paragraph 2.02: “2.03 TAPPING SLEEVES AND TAPPING SADDLES A. Tapping sleeves shall be similar to Mueller Outlet Seal, American Uniseal or Kennedy SquareSeal. All sleevesshall haveaminimumworkingpressureof150psi. All sleeves larger than twelve (12) inches shall be ductile iron. All taps shall be machine drilled; no burned taps will be allowed. B. Tappingsaddlesmaybeusedonmainssixteen(16)inchesandlargerwheretherequired tap size does not exceed one-half the size of the main (i.e. 8-inch tapping saddle for use on a 16-inch main). Tapping saddles shall be manufactured of ductile iron providing a factorofsafetyofatleast2.5ataworkingpressureof250psi. Saddlesshallbeequipped with a standard AWWA C-110-77 flange connection on the branch. Sealing gaskets shall be "O" ring type, high quality molded rubber having an approximate seventy durometer hardness, placed into a groove on the curved surface of the tapping saddles. Straps shall be of alloy steel. The tapping saddle shall be the American tapping saddle, U.S. Pipe tapping saddle, or equal. All taps shall be machine cut, no burned taps will be allowed.” There are no other changes at this time. Please acknowledge Addendum No. 1 on the Attachment F in the Main RFP document when submitting your proposal. Thank you, Brandt Miller, PE Project Manager