6425 - Computer Aided Design Services, 0.Main Solicitation / Materials Management Department 901-B Texas Street Denton, Texas 76209 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP 6425 The City of Denton is seeking the best value solution for the: SUPPLY OF COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN SERVICES NIGP CLASS and ITEM 907-00 907-35 906-38  907-35 906-40 906-64   Issue Date: May 5, 2017 Response due Date and Time (Central Time): Thursday, May 23, 2017, 11:00 A.M. C.S.T Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 3 2. COMMODITY OR SERVICE DESCRIPTION 3 3. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 3 4. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 4 5. PRE-SUBMITTAL CONFERENCE AND WALKTHROUGH 4 There will be no pre-submittal conference for this solicitation. 4 6. CONTRACT TERM 4 7. PRICING 4 8. PRICE ADJUSTMENTS 5 9. ADDENDA 5 10. BUSINESS OVERVIEW 5 11. EXCEPTIONS 5 12. SAFETY RECORD 6 13. DISCLOSURES 6 14. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 6 15. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 6 16. SUBMISSION FORMAT 7 17. ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 7 18. EVALUATION CRITERIA 8 19. CONTACT BETWEEN RESPONDENT AND THE CITY 9 SOLICITATION CHECKLIST 10 ATTACHMENT A-BUSINESS OVERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE AND FORMS 11 ATTACHMENT B-SUBMISSION EXCEPTIONS/CLARIFICATIONS 14 ATTACHMENT C-SAFETY RECORD QUESTIONNAIRE 15 ATTACHMENT D-REFERENCES 17 ATTACHMENT E-CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE 19 ATTACHMENT F-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 20 Exhibit 1 Pricing Sheet Exhibit 2 General Provisions, Standard Terms and Conditions and Appendices Exhibit 3 Scope of Work or Technical Specifications Exhibit 4 Technical Drawings as Samples Exhibit 5 NOT APPLICABLE Exhibit 6 NOT APPLICABLE INTRODUCTION In accordance with the provisions of Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 252 and 271, the City of Denton (the City) is requesting submissions to contract with an individual or business with considerable experience in providing goods or services of this solicitation. The responses and the cost solutions shall be submitted to the City of Denton in a sealed submission. The awarded individual or business shall possess a proven track record of using innovative approaches to providing goods and services that represent the best value to their clients. The awarded individual or business shall have the ability to accomplish all aspects of the requested services. The selected individual or firm should be able to provide innovative methods to deal with municipal challenges, and cost effective solutions. A firm may submit a solicitation response for one or more of the categories of product or services requested in this solicitation. COMMODITY OR SERVICE DESCRIPTION The City is seeking a term contract for the supply of Computer Aided Design Services (CAD Services) to be purchased as needed over the contract term. The products and services shall be accomplished per all exhibits identified in the table of contents. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS The following minimum requirements must be demonstrated in order for the submission to be considered responsive to the City of Denton. Any submission received, which is determined to not meet these mandatory requirements shall be immediately disqualified and rejected as non-responsive. Three (3) years experience providing similar products or services. Four (4) references, two from governmental entities for the products or services requested. The City prefers references from municipalities of similar size. The responding individual or business must be registered in the State of Texas, or the County of Denton, to provide the products or services required in the solicitation, and the individual or business must have all licensure required by the State to provide any services required under this contact.  To learn how to obtain information about filing with the State of Texas, or obtaining copies or certificates from the Secretary of State visit Webpage: http://www.sos.state.tx.us/corp/copies.shtml; Phone 512-463-5578; or email corpcert@sos.state.tx.us. Submittal documents including a cover sheet, Solicitation Checklist, Attachments A -F and Exhibit 1, per the method described in SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS The City of Denton reserves the right to change the dates indicated below: Solicitation Schedule: Issue Solicitation: 5/05/2017 Deadline for Submission of Questions: 5/16/2017 at 11:00 AM CST Deadline for Submission of Responses: 5/23/2017 at 11:00 AM CST Evaluate and rank initial results: 5/26/2017 Interview(s) with top ranked firms: 6/02/2017 Completion of Negotiations: 6/09/2017 Official Award: 6/20/2017 The City of Denton is using the solicitation ‘Issue Date’ as noted in the Schedule of Events above as the official 30 day notification requirement for an interview with a firm. PRE-SUBMITTAL CONFERENCE AND WALKTHROUGH There will be no pre-submittal conference for this solicitation. CONTRACT TERM It is the intention of the City of Denton to award a contract for a one (1) year period. The City and the Awarded Contractor shall have the option to renew this contract for an additional four (4) one-year periods. Materials and services undertaken pursuant to this solicitation will be required to commence within fourteen (14) days of delivery of a Notice to Proceed. The Contract shall commence upon the issuance of a Notice of Award by the City of Denton and shall automatically renew each year, from the date of award by City Council, unless either party notifies the other prior to the scheduled renewal date in accordance with the provision of the section titled “price adjustments”, or the section(s) titled “termination” in Exhibit 2. At the sole option of the City of Denton, the Contract may be further extended as needed, not to exceed a total of six (6) months. PRICING Unit Pricing in Exhibit 1 shall include all fees and costs to provide the goods and services to the City.  Unit pricing for goods shall include delivery costs, F.O.B. Destination Firm Price Pricing and discounts submitted are firm for the initial one-year period specified in the solicitation. Price decreases are allowed at any time. Price increases shall only be considered as stipulated below in “PRICE ADJUSTMENTS”. Price Decreases/Discount Increases Respondents are required to immediately implement any price decrease or discount increase that may become available. The City of Denton must be notified in writing for updating the contract. PRICE ADJUSTMENTS Prices quoted for the commodities or services described in the solicitation must be firm for a period of one year from date of contract award. Any request for price adjustment must be based on the, U.S Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Producer Price Index (PPI) for Non Residential Building Construction (PCU2365002365002). The price will be increased or decreased based upon the annual percentage change in the PPI. The maximum escalation will not exceed +/- 8% for any individual year. The escalation will be determined annually at the renewal date. Should the PPI change exceed a minimum threshold value of +/-1%, then the stated eligible bid prices shall be adjusted in accordance with the PPI change not to exceed the 8% limit per year. The supplier should provide documentation as percentage of each cost associated with the unit prices quoted for consideration. Request must be submitted in writing with supporting evidence for need of such increase to the Purchasing Manager at least 60 days prior to contract expiration of each year. Respondent must also provide supporting documentation as justification for the request. Upon receipt of such request, the City of Denton reserves the right to either: accept the escalation as competitive with the general market price at the time, and become effective upon the renewal date of the contract award or reject the increases within 30 calendar days after receipt of a properly submitted request. If a properly submitted increase is rejected, the Contractor may request cancellation of such items from the Contract by giving the City of Denton written notice. Cancellation will not go into effect for 15 calendar days after a determination has been issued. Pre-price increase prices must be honored on orders dated up to the official date of the City of Denton approval and/or cancellation. The request can be sent by e-mail to: purchasing@cityofdenton.com noting the solicitation number. The City of Denton reserves the right to accept, reject, or negotiate the proposed price changes. ADDENDA Respondents are required to acknowledge addenda with their submission.  Respondents will be responsible for monitoring the City of Denton Purchasing website at www.dentonpurchasing.com to ensure they have downloaded and signed all addenda required for submission with their submission. Respondents should acknowledge each individual addendum on Attachment F. BUSINESS OVERVIEW Respondent shall complete the Business Overview Questionnaire as applicable per Attachment A. EXCEPTIONS The Request for Proposal (RFP) process allows for negotiation of the terms and conditions of this proposal. The respondent shall note any exceptions to the solicitation document, on Attachment B. The exceptions will be reviewed to ensure they meet the minimum specifications and requirements and will be ranked in accordance with the evaluation criteria. The City reserves the right to accept, reject or negotiate the exceptions provided. Respondents shall itemize all exceptions on Attachment B. Additional pages may be added as necessary. Do not mark or change the text of the solicitation document, exceptions shall be noted only on Attachment B. If no exceptions are taken, the respondent shall sign and return Attachment B in the appropriate signature block. SAFETY RECORD The City of Denton desires to avail itself of the benefits of Section 252.0435 of the Local Government Code, and consider the safety records of potential contractors prior to awarding City contracts. Pursuant to Section 252.0435 of the Local Government Code, the City of Denton has adopted the written definition and criteria as shown in the Safety Record Questionnaire (Attachment C) for accurately determining the safety record of a respondent prior to awarding City contracts. DISCLOSURES The individual or business must disclose any business relationship that would have an effect, of a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest statement must be signed as part of the contract negotiated with the awardee(s). (Attachment E) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Submit a signed acknowledgement by authorized agent of the responding firm (Attachment F). SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS The City of Denton will accept electronic or hard copy submittals until the date and time on the cover sheet of this solicitation. Any submission received after the date and/or hour set for solicitation opening will be returned unopened. Electronic submittals may be emailed to ebids@cityofdenton.com with the solicitation number and name in the subject line. Please consolidate attachments as much as possible, and do not exceed 35MB total for attachments. Emails received by the City will remain unopened until after the due date and time. Only authorized Materials Management Staff will have access to the e-bid email inbox. Please do not email the buyer directly to ensure security of the proposal. Electronic proposals must be received by the City before the due date and time.  The date and time used by the City shall be the official time.  It is highly recommended that respondents do not wait until minutes before the due date and time to email their submission.  It can take significant time for the email to reach the City. Hard copy submissions may be hand delivered (by firm or express courier) to the address listed below: City of Denton Materials Management SOLICITATION NUMBER AND NAME 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 The City of Denton reserves the right to accept or reject in part or in whole any submission, and to waive technicalities of the submission, in the best interest of obtaining best value for the City.