6425 - Computer Aided Design Services, 3.Statement of Work/ SpecificationsThe City of Denton, Texas seeks to engage one or more firm/entities to provide Computer Aided Design Services (CAD), on an “on-call basis,” relating to but not necessarily limited to the following: Preparation of plans, mapping, as requested graphics, presentations and other CAD services and assistance to the City of Denton, including but not limited to civil engineering construction plans for water, wastewater, storm drainage, sidewalks and roadway projects, property and topographic surveys, maps, presentations, graphics, and related work and all work necessary and incidental thereto. All completed work shall be delivered via electronic means in “Civil 3D AutoCAD 2016 format. In addition, such plans/drawings shall be provided in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. When attached examples do not provide the information, use TxDOT standards. Professional Information and Qualifications: Each interested firm shall submit the following information: Name of Firm, address of principal place of business and all of firm’s Offices and corresponding telephone numbers and email addresses. Please note specifically which CAD technicians or other individuals would be assigned to work with the City, and in what capacity. Description of education, experience, qualifications, number of years with the firm, for the firm’s CAD technicians and other individuals who would work with the City. Include a descriptive narrative of their experience with projects similar to those described above. Experience related to prior work similar in nature and listing of other clients and contact information (including telephone numbers and email addresses) for which similar work was successfully completed. At least four references, two of which must have knowledge of your work for a governmental entity with names and numbers of contact persons. Examples of your record of success providing such services and of your work products related to the type of work being requested. The firm’s ability to provide the services in a timely fashion (including staffing, familiarity with the work, office locations and approximate percentage of involvement each person would have in providing the required services). A copy of your firm’s Quality Control Plan. A copy of your state or local business license. State of Texas Vendor Registration number. Any other information which the interested firm deems relevant. The following procedures will be implemented for each contract/job/task assigned by the City to the CAD provider(s) selected: Each job for which services are requested will be based upon an estimate from the CAD provider. Pricing per project may be requested for Lump Sum, but RFP evaluation will be based upon per hourly computation. Based upon the estimate and/or proposal, a Purchase Order or a written order will be issued for which services are required prior to commencement of work. CAD provider will be required to invoice the City on a monthly basis for the previous month’s work. CAD Consultants are to provide monthly billing that provides the name of the person, person’s title, hour’s spent, hourly rate and a description of work. Consultations with City staff members regarding work scope, assignments, revisions and similar administrative coordination are considered to be included in the hourly or lump sum prices quoted and are not to be billed.