6590 - Professional Engineering Services, 2.General Provisions/ Terms and Conditions / Materials Management Department 901-B Texas Street Denton, Texas 76209 940-349-7100 purchasing@cityofdenton.com RFQ 6590 Exhibit 2 General Provisions –Terms and Conditions for Professional Services The following document provides details of the City’s General Provisions, Terms and Conditions, insurance requirements and sample contract for professional services. This exhibit governs the solicitation and supporting exhibits as identified in the Main Document Table of Contents. Table of Contents A. GENERAL PROVISIONS 3 1. SILENCE OF SPECIFICATIONS 3 2. RESPONDENTS COST TO DEVELOP SUBMITTAL 3 3. MINIMUM RESPONSE 3 4. VALIDITY PERIOD 3 5. REJECTION OF SUBMITTAL 3 6. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 4 7. NON-ENDORSEMENT 4 8. ASSIGNMENT 4 9. UNAUTHORIZED COMMUNICATIONS 4 10. DISQUALIFICATIONS 5 11. INTELLECTUALLY PROPERTY INDEMNIFICATION 5 12. RIGHTS TO DATA, DOCUMENTS, AND COMPUTER SOFTWARE (GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY OWNERSHIP) 5 13. PATENT RIGHTS 5 14. AWARD 6 15. CONTRACTS 6 16. INSURANCE 6 17. CHANGES DURING CONTRACT TERM 6 18. ADDING NEW PRODUCTS OR SERVICES TO THE CONTRACT AFTER AWARD 6 19. SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS 6 20. CONTRACTOR STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE 7 21. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND PROPOSED SOLUTIONS 7 22. ADDITIONAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 7 23. PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 8 a. PAYMENT AND INVOICES: 8 b. PAYMENT TO PERFORMANCE MILESTONES 8 c. TAX EXEMPTION 8 B. STANDARD PURCHASE TERMS AND CONDITIONS 9 APPENDIX A- INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS AND WORKERS’ COMPENSATION REQUIREMENTS 24 APPENDIX B – SAMPLE CONTRACT 31 GENERAL PROVISIONS SILENCE OF SPECIFICATIONS The apparent silence of these specifications as to any detail or the apparent omission from it of a detailed description concerning any point, shall be regarded as a meaning that the only best commercial practices are to prevail. All interpretations of these specifications shall be made on the basis of this statement. RESPONDENTS COST TO DEVELOP SUBMITTAL Respondents to this solicitation are responsible for all costs of submittal preparation, delivery and any oral presentations required as part of the selection process. All materials submitted in response to the solicitation become property of the City of Denton and will be returned only at the option of the City. MINIMUM RESPONSE Submittals that do not, at a minimum, contain the Attachments and Exhibit 1 Pricing Sheet will be subject to disqualification at the sole discretion of the City of Denton. If any firm submitting a proposal is a corporation, it must be registered to conduct business in the State of Texas. Proof of this registration must be included as part of the submittal. VALIDITY PERIOD The information included in the solicitation response(s), and any cost information obtained from a negotiation process, remain valid for 120 days from the response due date or until the contract is approved by the governing body. REJECTION OF SUBMITTAL ANY PROPOSAL SUBMITTED AFTER THE DUE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED WITHIN SECTION III, SHALL BE REJECTED. THE CITY SHALL REJECT RESPONSES SUBMITTED BY FIRMS THAT DO NOT MEET MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS. The City of Denton reserves the right to reject any and all submittals received in response to the solicitation and to waive any minor technicalities or irregularities as determined to be in the best interest of the City. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION If a respondent does not desire proprietary information in the submission to be disclosed, the respondent shall identify all proprietary information in the submission. This identification will be accomplished by individually marking each page or line item detail with the words “Proprietary Information”. If the respondent fails to identify proprietary information, the respondent agrees that by submission of its response, that those sections shall be deemed non-proprietary and made available upon public request. Respondents are advised that the City, to the extent permitted by law, will protect the confidentiality of all submissions. Respondent shall consider the implications of the Texas Public Information Act, particularly after the solicitation process has ceased and the contract has been awarded. While there are provisions in the Texas Public Information Act to protect proprietary information, where the respondent can meet certain evidentiary standards, please be advised that a determination on whether those standards have been met will not be decided by the City of Denton, but by the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas. In the event a request for public information is made, the City will notify the respondent, who may then request an opinion from the Attorney General pursuant to 552.305, Texas Government Code. The City will not make a request of the Attorney General. NON-ENDORSEMENT If a submission is accepted, the successful respondent shall not issue any news releases or other statements pertaining to the award or servicing of the agreement that state or imply the City of Denton’s endorsement of the successful respondent’s services. ASSIGNMENT The successful contractor shall not sell, assign, transfer or convey this contract in whole, or part, without the prior written consent of the Purchasing Manager. UNAUTHORIZED COMMUNICATIONS After release of this solicitation, respondent contact regarding this solicitation with members of the evaluation, interview or selection panels, employees of the City or officials of the City other than the Purchasing Manager, or authorized City of Denton purchasing staff, or as otherwise indicated is prohibited and may result in disqualification from this procurement process. No officer, employee, agent or representative of the respondent shall have any contact or discussion, verbal or written, with any members of the City Council, members of the evaluation, interview, or selection panels, City staff or City’s consultants, or directly or indirectly through others, seeking to influence any City Council member, City staff, or City’s consultants regarding any matters pertaining to this solicitation, except as herein provided. If a representative of any respondent violates the foregoing prohibition by contacting any of the above listed parties with who contact is not authorized, such contact may result in the respondent being disqualified from the procurement process. Any oral communications are considered unofficial and non-binding with regard to this solicitation.