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Contractor shall file with the Purchasing Department satisfactory certificates of insurance including any applicable addendum or endorsements, containing the contract number and title of the project. Contractor may, upon written request to the Purchasing Department, ask for clarification of any insurance requirements at any time; however, Contractor shall not commence any work or deliver any material until he or she receives notification that the contract has been accepted, approved, and signed by the City of Denton.  All insurance policies proposed or obtained in satisfaction of these requirements shall comply with the following general specifications, and shall be maintained in compliance with these general specifications throughout the duration of the Contract, or longer, if so noted: x (DFKSROLF\VKDOOEHLVVXHGE\DFRPSDQ\DXWKRUL]HGWRGREXVLQHVVLQWKH6WDWHRI7H[DV ZLWKDQ$0%HVW&RPSDQ\UDWLQJRIDWOHDVW$RUEHWWHU  x $Q\GHGXFWLEOHVRUVHOILQVXUHGUHWHQWLRQVVKDOOEHGHFODUHGLQWKHSURSRVDO,IUHTXHVWHG E\WKH&LW\WKHLQVXUHUVKDOOUHGXFHRUHOLPLQDWHVXFKGHGXFWLEOHVRUVHOILQVXUHGUHWHQWLRQV ZLWKUHVSHFWWRWKH&LW\LWVRIILFLDOVDJHQWVHPSOR\HHVDQGYROXQWHHUVRUWKHFRQWUDFWRU VKDOOSURFXUHDERQGJXDUDQWHHLQJSD\PHQWRIORVVHVDQGUHODWHGLQYHVWLJDWLRQVFODLP DGPLQLVWUDWLRQDQGGHIHQVHH[SHQVHV x /LDELOLW\SROLFLHVVKDOOEHHQGRUVHGWRSURYLGHWKHIROORZLQJ  ƒ 1DPHDV$GGLWLRQDO,QVXUHGWKH&LW\RI'HQWRQLWV2IILFLDOV$JHQWV(PSOR\HHV DQGYROXQWHHUV  ƒ 7KDWVXFKLQVXUDQFHLVSULPDU\WRDQ\RWKHULQVXUDQFHDYDLODEOHWRWKH$GGLWLRQDO 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&RQWUDFWRUZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRIXUQLVKD&HUWLILFDWHRI,QWHUHVW3DUWLHVEHIRUHWKHFRQWUDFWLV DZDUGHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK*RYHUQPHQW&RGH  7KHFRQWUDFWRUVKDOO  /RJRQWRWKH6WDWH(WKLFV&RPPLVVLRQ:HEVLWHDW KWWSVZZZHWKLFVVWDWHW[XVZKDWVQHZHOIBLQIRBIRUPKWP 5HJLVWHUXWLOL]LQJWKHWXWRULDOSURYLGHGE\WKH6WDWH 3ULQWDFRS\RIWKHFRPSOHWHG)RUP (QWHUWKH&HUWLILFDWH1XPEHURQSDJHRIWKLVFRQWUDFW &RPSOHWHDQGVLJQWKH)RUP (PDLOWKHIRUPWRSXUFKDVLQJ#FLW\RIGHQWRQFRPZLWKWKHFRQWUDFWQXPEHULQWKHVXEMHFWOLQH (;&RQWUDFW±)RUP   7KH&LW\PXVWDFNQRZOHGJHWKHUHFHLSWRIWKHILOHG)RUPQRWODWHUWKDQWKHWKGD\DIWHU &RXQFLO DZDUG 2QFH D )RUP  LV DFNQRZOHGJHG LW ZLOO EH SRVWHG WR WKH 7H[DV (WKLFV &RPPLVVLRQ¶VZHEVLWHZLWKLQVHYHQEXVLQHVVGD\V                        RFP No: 7198 Providing Inmate Telephone Services for City of Denton Deadline: Thursday, December 12, 2019 11:00 am Deliver to: City of Denton Materials Management 901-B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 Prepared by: Ryan Bartula, President Crown Correctional Telephone, Inc. 305 W. 3rd Street Clifton, TX 76634 Telephone: 254-708-0087 Fax: 888-557-0769 ORIGINAL Exhibit G          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Transmittal Letter 3 Scope of Work 4 Company Profile 5 References 5 Credentials 8 Security and Background Checks 8 Maintenance and Support 9 Implementation Plan 10 Trained Staff 12 Specific Requirements 13 Rates and Fees 38 Backup and Disaster Plan 51 Crown’s Certification 53          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 3 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Thank you for the opportunity to present our response to the City of Denton’s RFP No. 7198 for Inmate Telephone Service. We are confident that our products and services will be reliable, profitable and extremely beneficial for the City of Denton. Crown Correctional Telephone, Inc. has read the City’s Bid No. 7198 and accepts all terms and conditions outlined. Crown Correctional Telephone, Inc. (hereafter referred to as ‘Crown’) offers proven Inmate Telephone Service and the experience, expertise and technology Crown has developed will meet or exceed the City’s needs and expectations. Our experience in the inmate communications industry spans more than ten years. We are a proudly Texas-based company with many references in the State. The Inmate Telephone Service we are proposing, provides inmate communications in multiple facilities and countries. The platform was the first-ever VoIP inmate telephone platform installed in correctional facilities, has set the standard on cutting-edge technology for the corrections industry and was the first to integrate cloud-based call recording for security and tamper-proofing of call recordings which can be stored for up to seven years (and longer, if needed). The call platform is centrally located at Longview, Texas in a highly available data center with completely redundant back-up platform located in downtown Dallas. This proposal is a turn-key, no-cost inmate communications solution to the City of Denton and the offer will remain in effect for at least the next 180 days. As you review our proposal, you will note that Crown is proposing a compensation offer that is far superior to what is currently in place, while also providing much lower calling rates than those currently in place. We believe this proposal provides a great solution for the City of Denton and also the City’s constituents – inmates and their friends and families. Please review the enclosed proposal and contact me for any questions or clarifications. Sincerely, Ryan Bartula, President Crown Correctional Telephone, Inc.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 4 Scope of Work – Inmate Telephone Services RFP # 7198 SCOPE The City of Denton is requesting proposals interested and capable vendors to provide inmate telephone service including telephones for inmates in custody at the Denton Police Department Jail. The City intends to enter into a concession-type contract for a period of three (3) years from date of award, with the option to renew for an additional two (2) one (1) year terms, which will automatically renew unless either party notifies the other party in writing at least 60 days in advance of the expiration of the contract of its intent not to extend the agreement. Proposals must clearly explain how any alternatives meet or exceeds the RFP requirements and how the alternatives will achieve the same goals and results. g Crown is well-positioned to meet or exceed all requirements as stated herein. Throughout our response, Crown has endeavored to explain, in detail, how our proposed ITS (including all supplemental technology), will enhance the operations of the City Jail. In addition to the traditional, Inmate Telephone System (ITS), Crown is an experienced provider of a range of complementary correction technologies, as outlined below.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 5 BIDDER QUALIFICATIONS City requirements are as follows but not limited to the following; The selected contractor will be required to assume prime responsibility for the contract and will be the sole point of contact with regards to the Inmate Telephone System (ITS), installation and maintenance. Services must include the ability for collect calls, prepaid calls and payment of calls through a payment platform. Bidders must be a reputable, qualified and experienced in providing inmate telephone services in a detention facility. Bidders must meeting the following minimum qualifications: 1. Company Profile – Bidder must include a brief history of the company and shall be regularly and continuously engaged in the business of providing and administering inmate telephone services and installation for the past five (5) years to a minimum of three (3) within a city and/or county jail facility. yyjy Crown Correctional Telephone, Inc. (Crown) established in 2007 provides reliable service to Community, City and County Corrections. With 19 years’ experience, President Ryan Bartula brings value and honesty to a dynamic market and recently finished his two-year term on the Texas Jail Association Board of Directors. In the last nine years, Crown has seamlessly installed inmate telephone platforms in 137 facilities while providing quality customer service. In addition, Crown has installed approximately 500-plus coin operated telephones in 26 states at substance abuse treatment centers and halfway houses. 2. References – Experience must be demonstrated by references provided by the bidder at the time of the bid, all references must be individuals working directly with or managing the day-to-day operations of the inmate telephone system. y yy Please find Crown’s references with required information below. In addtion, following the references is Crown’s Texas Facility List. Government/Company Name: Balch Springs Police Department Phone: 972-557-6000 Contact Person/Title: Chief of Police Jonathan Haber Email Address: haber425@balchspringspd.com Scope of Work: Inmate & Visitation Telephones Contract Period: April 9, 2018 to April 9, 2022 Government/Company Name: Mansfield Law Enforcement Center Phone: 817-804-5733 Contact Person/Title: Kerry Robinson, Jail Administrator Email Address: Kerry.robinson@mansfield-tx.gov Scope of Work: Coin, Inmate and Visitation Telephones Contract Period: May 18, 2007 to January 1, 2021          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 6 Government/Company Name: North Richland Hills Police Department Phone: 817-427-7089 Contact Person/Title: Michael Lara, Jail Administrator Email Address: MLARA@nrhtx.com Scope of Work: Inmate Telephones Contract Period: January 9, 2015 to January 9, 2025 CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE – TEXAS FACILITY LIST NAME CITY/STATE 33rd & 424th Judicial District ISF Burnet, TX 38th Judicial District CCF Uvalde, TX ABODE Treatment Dallas, TX ABODE Treatment White Settlement, TX Armstrong County Jail Claude, TX Bailey County Jail Muleshoe, TX Balch Springs Police Department Balch Springs, TX Baytown Police Department Baytown, TX Benbrook Police Department Benbrook, TX Bosque County Jail Meridian, TX Brewster County Jail Alpine, TX Callahan County Jail Baird, TX Cameron County Restitution Center Brownsville, TX Carson County Jail Panhandle, TX Castro County Jail Dimmitt, TX Childress County Jail Childress, TX Clay County Jail Henrietta, TX Concho Valley Female CCF San Angelo, TX CoreCivic – Austin Transitional Del Valle, TX CoreCivic – Corpus Christi Transitional Corpus Christi, TX          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 7 NAME CITY/STATE CoreCivic – Dallas Transitional Hutchins, TX CoreCivic – El Paso Transitional El Paso, TX CoreCivic – Fort Worth Transitional Fort Worth, TX Crockett County Jail Ozona, TX Crosspoint Treatment – 4 Locations San Antonio, TX Donley County Jail Clarendon, TX Edinburg Transitional Center Edinburg, TX Everman Police Department Everman, TX Fisher County Jail Roby, TX Forest Hill Police Department Forest Hill, TX Freestone County Jail Fairfield, TX GEO Group – Mid Valley House Edinburg, TX GEO Group – Reality House Brownsville, TX Gray County Jail Pampa, TX Hardeman County Jail Quanah, TX Kendall County Jail Boerne, TX La Porte Police Department La Porte, TX LaSalle County Jail Cotulla, TX Leon County Jail Centerville, TX Lynn County Jail Tahoka, TX Mansfield Law Enforcement Center Mansfield, TX McCulloch County Jail Brady, TX Mills County Jail Goldthwaite, TX North Richland Hills Police Department North Richland Hills, TX Parmer County Jail Farwell, TX Reagan County Jail Big Lake, TX Roy K. Robb Men’s CCF San Angelo, TX Sachse Police Department Sachse, TX          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 8 NAME CITY/STATE Scurry County Jail Snyder, TX Seagoville Police Department Seagoville, TX Shackelford County Jail Albany, TX Stephens County Jail Breckenridge, TX Sutton County Jail (Upcoming Install) Sonora, TX Upton County Jail Rankin, TX Volunteers of America – Avenue J Fort Worth, TX Volunteers of America – Riverside Fort Worth, TX Volunteers of America – Hutchins Hutchins, TX Young County Jail Graham, TX Zapata County Female Jail Zapata, TX Zapata County Regional Jail Zapata, TX Zavala County Jail Crystal City, TX 3. Credentials – Bidder shall possess, at the time the proposal is submitted and through the term of the contract, all permits, licenses and professional credentials necessary to supply and perform services as specified under this RFP. pp Crown complies and will provide all licenses and professional credentials required by the City to supply and perform services as specified under this RFP. Please reference Crown’s certification for the State of Texas on Page 53. 4. Security and Background Checks – Bidder’s employees, agents and subcontractors entering the facilities, must submit to and pass a security and background check performed by the Denton Police Department and will be subject to Jail security procedures while on- site. a. Failure to pass or comply with the background process will prohibit an individual from entry into the Denton Police Department on behalf of or to perform work for the Contractor. b. If a Clearance is refused for any individual, the Contractor will be notified and the - Contractor shall provide a replacement suitable to the Denton Police Department. p p p Crown’s field technicians and employees have completed thorough background checks, and will repeat this process as needed, prior to accessing any systems that house, transmit or process the City’s data.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 9 5. Maintenance and Support – Bidders must describe in detail how the proposed systems will be maintained and supported for the duration of the contract term, to ensure reliable service for inmates and consistent access to system controls and reporting capabilities by the Denton Police Department. Crown’s Bi-Lingual Customer Service Department is available 24x7x365 and can be contacted by telephone at 903-757-4455 or toll-free 888-686-3699, or through email (for trouble-ticketing). Callers can easily access a live agent within a few seconds, by following the easy prompts. Crown directly provides the technical services including customer service and also facility support. Crown does not subcontract any portion of our customer support, ensuring it is all based within the United States. Crown has service technicians conveniently located in the DFW metroplex (2 in Fort Worth, 1 in Greenville, 1 in North Richland Hills, and 1 in Seagoville) which will result in same day service response in most cases. All service issues are reported via call or e-mail. An assessment will be made to determine if the issue is hardware or software-related. If it is hardware-related, a technician will be dispatched immediately. If it is a software issue, a service ticket will be created and sent to support where it is assigned a ticket number and tracked until the issue is resolved in a timely manner. Crown personnel are fully engaged and work with our customer to give them updates until the service ticket is resolved. This occurs on a 24/7/365 basis. Upon submission, the users will receive a notification email that their ticket has been received and is currently being worked on as shown by the sample notification here.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 10 Implementation Plan – Bidders shall provide a narrative description and proposed timeline for the implementation of the required inmate telephone system and services. y Crown is proposing an all-encompassing Inmate Telephone System (ITS) including all related software, hardware and network components, customer and facility support, and ongoing maintenance. The proposed system is highly configurable and customizable based on the specific requirements of the City. Crown is fully responsible for all costs associated with the complete installation and ongoing maintenance of the proposed ITS. Crown’s proposed platform is a fully turnkey telephone system and service solution which includes all technologies, network installation requirements, wiring, software, and all necessary equipment, service and maintenance. All items listed above shall be provided to the City of Denton at no cost. Crown will assume all costs associated with the proposed ITS, including initial installation and on-going service and support. Crown’s standard process for cutting over our ITS from the previous provider, involves little to no downtime in phone service for the inmate populations. Our experienced Field Technicians carefully plan the cutover such that the new Crown Inmate Telephone hardware is installed over the previous provider’s network for a short period. After the hardware installation has been successfully completed, Crown’s network equipment is activated to bring the Crown system online, through the new hardware. If needed, the actual cutover can be completed outside of normal inmate telephone availability (e.g. early morning or late evening), to ensure there is zero disturbance to the inmate population. Should Crown be awarded, we recommend a thorough Site Visit to ensure that equipment counts/positioning and all other considerations are fully understood in order to meet and exceed City of Denton expectations.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 11 Sample Installation Plan          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 12 6. Trained Staff – Bidder’s organization must have qualified, trained and certified staff dedicated to the sole purpose of supporting the inmate telephone system installed including, but not limited to, service technicians and technical support for the life of the contract awarded pursuant to this RFP. Crown’s highly qualified and trained employees are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and support for the City of Denton.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 13 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS The following are the minimum requirements for services, including equipment to be provided. Advanced or alternative technology that provides at least the levels of the specific functionality of the equipment and services described may be proposed with a description of how the alternative(s) meets or exceeds the specified requirements. All services are to be provided at no cost to the City. y In addition to meeting or exceeding all stated requirements related to the Inmate Telephone System, Crown is proposing a range of complementary Correctional Technologies which the City of Denton might wish to leverage. Please see a summary of such technologies, below. Separation/Suicide Watch Cells: The City of Denton would have the option to replace any phones in the separation/suicide cells with hands-free phones. This would eliminate the risk of suicide or self-harm with the phone cord while allowing the inmates to make phone calls as needed without having to be removed from the cell by jail staff. These phones would have the ability to be cut on and off at any time the jail staffed thought it was necessary. Inmate Tablets: Crown’s proprietary Inmate Tablets are multi-functional, secure, and able to be provided at no cost to the City of Denton. The proposed Inmate Tablets are able to deliver all of the same functions and applications that are available on the Inmate Kiosks, including inmate messaging, Video Visitation, access to Law Library, Commissary Ordering, Inmate Messaging, and even access to the Inmate Telephone System for audio calling. Should the City wish to explore the option of Inmate Tablets, Crown will be glad to provide a comprehensive on-site demonstration of Inmate Tablet functionality, features and benefits. Crown will provide Inmate Tablets and all associated equipment and infrastructure (including charge carts, wireless access points, etc.), at the quantities required by the City and at no cost. Mail Scanning Solution: Crown’s proposed Mail Scanning Solution can help the Facility significantly cut down on incoming contraband, and provides an additional revenue source for the agency. We developed our Mail Scanning Solution in response to our customer’s needs to eliminate physical mail entering the facility, laced with drugs and other contraband. With the proposed solution, physical incoming mail (aside from legal mail which is typically handled separately) can simply be scanned in to the in-pod inmate kiosks for secure retrieval by the inmates. Inmates then have the option to initiate electronic messaging with their outside contacts. This solution has assisted our Facility customers in cutting down on incoming physical mail by up to eighty percent (80%).          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 14 Lobby Kiosks: Multi-functional lobby kiosks will continue to be provided at no cost to the City. We offer deposits with the lowest fees in the industry. The kiosk allows family members to deposit money into inmate phone or commissary accounts, allowing the inmate to spend the money on phone time or other services. Contraband Cell Phone Detection Crown has partnered with several industry technology leaders to source the most effective and reliable cellphone detection solutions available. Crown’s menu of cellphone & contraband detection options include handheld devices, portable towers, managed access systems (MAS), and data analytics solutions designed to pinpoint the presence of contraband cellphones. Shown here are various options for cellphone and contraband detection solutions that Crown is able to implement, based on the unique requirements of each facility (pricing information is listed here, however, this technology would be provided at no cost to the City):          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 15 Live Operator vs. IVR (Interactive Voice Response) Crown’s unique use of a LIVE customer service representative for every initial call, versus the cumbersome, awkward IVRs preferred by other providers, results in a higher ratio of successful account set-ups, and consequently, more completed first calls and satisfied end users. Message Broadcasting to Inmates: The City of Denton will continue to have the option to send Broadcast messages to the entire inmate population, groups of inmates or individual inmates regarding facility news or notifications, eliminating the workload of posting signage in each pod or dormitory. The system timestamps when the inmate listened to the message and how many times that inmate listened to the message. The recorded message will remain in our Call History for the duration of the Agreement and beyond, if necessary, allowing staff to review the recordings at any time in the future. Broadcast messages can be sent using the traditional wall-mounted phones or videophones. Inmate Customer Service Voicemail: The feature that relieves the most workload from facility staff is our Inmate Customer Service Voicemail. The City’s inmates will continue to have the ability to leave a message for our customer service department when they have questions about their account or wish to call a specific number. Crown’s Customer Service Department will leave a pre-recorded message back to the inmate’s inquiry to customer service via their personal I.D. How it works: When an inmate picks up to make a call, a prompt will announce “you have a message, please press 1”. The message will indicate whether the problem has been          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 16 resolved with some 30 “canned” disposition messages. Additionally, a manager can leave an actual voice message if the nature of the request is not available in our pre-recorded messages. We can also set thresholds on how many messages an inmate can leave in an 8-hour period, in order to prevent inmates from leaving harassing messages. Time of Day: This little common-sense feature allows the inmates to just lift the handset and hear the current time and date. With the “Time of Day” option activated, each time an inmate picks up the phone, they will immediately hear the current time. This will reduce headaches to the facility staff who have to provide this information to the inmates. Off-Hook Covert Recording: The system can be set to begin covert recording immediately upon “off hook” which allows the system to record inmate chatter while waiting for their call to be connected. This feature can assist city staff obtain vital information not part of the actual call. Web-Based Account Funding for Inmate’s Friends & Family: Crown offers a user-friendly website that allows friends & family members to deposit funds onto their inmates account or establish a Secure Collect account which allows the inmates to only call certain numbers designated by the friend or family member. Court-Alert: Many issues face our corrections industry today with compliance of inmates and defendants. A prominent issue of the probationary sector is the increasing trend of defendant’s failure to appear for court when released on their own recognizance. Crown’s Court-Alert notification system our system is intuitive, straight-forward, and easy to use. Once the City personnel enters the defendant’s name, cell phone number, email address, court date and time an automated reminder of an up-coming court appearance is immediately sent out via text, voice message and email from our VoIP servers. This messaging service will extend for the life of the court case, in some instances is over a year. Aside from initial entering of information, this is a completely automated service. The defendant’s failure to appear for court dates creates back logs for the courts and jails. Our goal with Court-Alert notification service is to assist the City by saving time and money, thereby reducing the number of bench warrants and other court costs Crown plans to offer Court-Alert optionally and confidentially to the City, for the nominal price of $0.50 per Message (after a year of free service). Inmate Telephone System Contractor shall provide a comprehensive ITS package. 1. Inmate telephone service network package must have reliability, stability and ease of use. g The proposed ICE platform is a fully integrated and self-contained system that includes a suite of investigative features, operation efficiencies with remote monitoring and a centralized platform to ensure higher security than traditional premise-based inmate phone platforms.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 17 2. Contractor is responsible for paying for and installing all physical plant requirements (power, security, data, cabling, physical space, HVAC, etc.) unless otherwise specified in writing by the City. gy y 3. Contractor is responsible for all cost associated with its system including but not limited to payment of City costs associated with developing and maintaining the software interface. Any cabling, wiring or conduit installed becomes the property of the City at the termination of the contract, unless the City specifically requests that the Contractor remove any or all of the installed cable wiring or conduit, which shall be done at the Contractor’s expense. g At no time will the City of Denton be responsible for any costs associated with any aspect of the proposed Inmate Communications System. Integration The Inmate Telephone Service (ITS) shall have the capability to accurately import current call list, which includes blocked, confidential, pre-programmed and others as identified by the Denton Police Department. Contractor must successfully complete importation of the current call list prior to the ITS becoming operational. g Crown, at our sole expense, will develop the required real-time interfaces to ensure seamless movement of inmate data and funds between the applicable Facility systems. Any required interface work will be completed at no cost to the City. During the pre-installation phase, Crown’s implementation team will work closely with the appropriate City/Facility staff and/or the outgoing ITS provider to carefully import the required lists from the incumbent ITS. Crown will deploy our internal resources to carefully review these lists to ensure that they are updated (e.g. checking that all attorney numbers are current and are, in fact, associated with an actual legal representative). Contractor shall provide a web-based platform to allow Denton Police Department personnel access to the system from any portal. Contractor shall not limit the number of logins assigned to Department personnel. Proposals should include a description of how access will be provided and any levels of administration access, for example passwords and levels of customized access, such as for blocking numbers and making administrative changes. g The proposed system allows Authorized Users to securely perform all functions of the system remotely, via any internet-connected device. The system is a fully centralized web-based platform and was written using the newest technology in web tools. The system is compatible with any Windows-based computer and various web browsers including Internet Explorer, Chrome (recommended), Safari and Firefox. All functions of the system are accessible 24/7/365 via any internet-enabled computer, tablet or smart-phone allowing authorized users access throughout the platform based on their level of access authorization. The system provides multiple tiered security access levels based on the City’s specific needs.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 18 The proposed ICE system is password protected and allows only authorized administrators to access security features for each individual user. The User Activity Log allows only authorized City of Denton / Facility administrators to monitor usage and page views and/or changes made by all employees and outside agencies accessing the interface with authorized access to the system, preventing any abuse of privileges. Each time a user logs into the platform, a unique session is generated and corresponding record required. All page views and modifications to the database during this session are logged to provide an audit trail in our Activity Log report. With these checks in place, any views or changes are logged with the user's login information, date/timestamp and their location allowing the change to be tracked back to the user, and undone if necessary. All information is stored in multiple redundant, geographically separate locations to ensure 100% reliability. Following are sample screenshots depicting User Security Details and Activity Log:          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 19 All moves, add-ons, changes to and new installs of the equipment, hardware and software (collectively Modifications) that occur during the contract term, will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. All modifications must be pre-approved by the City and once approval is given, the Contractor shall proceed with the Modifications at their own cost. Crown commits to providing any additional or updated equipment, as needed, at any time during the Contract term and at no cost to the City. Schedule Contractor shall submit a detailed schedule to the Denton Police Department for approval that includes plans and schedules for installation and operation of telephones. The schedule shall be prepared and implement to minimize impact to facility operations. Please refer to Crown’s proposed Installation Plan, included on Pages 9 and 10. Upon award, Crown will promptly schedule a thorough technician walk-through of the Facility, and will submit to the City an updated Installation Plan for review and approval, prior to commencing any work. The ITS shall become fully operational upon the successful competition of all system integration testing and acceptance by the City, including review and approval by the Detention Manager and/or Deputy Chief overseeing the Denton Police Department Jail. System integration and acceptance test criteria shall include: 1. Telephones: all telephones shall be tested and verified as operational without deficiencies. p p 2. Administrative functions: there shall be a test run of administrative functions including Denton Police Department password access, the Payment Platform and reports. y 3. Phone Numbers: a test to verify that the current call list, including blocked, confidential, pre- programmed and others identified by the Denton Police Department as fully imported and functional. Crown follows an extremely rigorous Acceptance Testing process, which ideally, includes review and approval by the appropriate City / Facility personnel. All installed devices and stations will be assessed and “checked off” for full functionality and quality, prior to full acceptance. General Equipment/Hardware Requirements Contractor shall provide telephones suitable for an inmate environment, meaning that the telephones shall be of rugged construction, stainless steel or in combination with a corrosion resistant finish equipped with durable housings and reinforced 12 inch cords, unless the City requests an alternate length. Each telephone is to be a non-coin and tamper-resistant.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 20 Equipment must not contain any external removable parts. The wall mounted telephones shall be mounted to cement wall, block wall, stainless steel shrouded columns or protected external enclosures and meet all the requirements for detention and correction grade phones. Crown offers new, correctional-grade and dependable inmate communications products, equipment and hardware equipment with a full lifetime warranty covering the full duration of the proposed Agreement, including any extensions/renewals. At no time will the City of Denton be responsible for any costs associated with the installation or ongoing maintenance of the equipment and hardware being proposed. All equipment and hardware being proposed is fully tested with a proven track record of performance of at least several years’ operation. Please see descriptions and information regarding Crown’s proposed inmate telephone hardware below: 1. All handsets, ear and mouthpieces, shall be of heavy-duty construction with no removable parts, and installed in such a manner that no safety hazard is present to the user. y 2. Telephones shall be durable, tamper-proof, and consist of rugged steel encased housings and shockproof keypads suitable for the detention and corrections environments to minimize vandalism and destruction of property. p p y 3. All inmate telephones will have adjustable volume control. The volume control on the housing is fully ADA compliant.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 21 4. Telephones must be compatible with the use of TDD/TTY units that may be required for hearing impaired inmates. g Crown’s inmate telephone offers volume control and is hearing aid compatible. Additionally, Crown proposes the Ultratec Superprint 4425 TDD unit. This feature-packed TDD includes sophisticated capabilities, giving the City more choices than ever. It features direct connect with two built-in telephone jacks and advanced calling features like auto-busy redial, three way calling, and TTD transfer. Call progress indicates whether the phone being called is ringing or busy. Auto-Answer takes messages for when the recipient is unavailable. See below for Ultratec 4425 specification sheet. In addition to providing TTY/TDD devices as required, Crown is able to offer cutting-edge Video Relay Service (VRS) which is quickly becoming the preference for deaf/hearing-impaired inmates. VRS acts as a video visitation service for deaf/hearing-impaired inmates allowing for face-to-face interactions between these inmates and the outside party. Crown can provide VRS at no cost to the City. Please see below for a visual example of a VRS session in-progress.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 22 5. An uninterruptible filtered power source must be provided for any hardware maintained at each of the facilities. In the event of a commercial power failure, the uninterruptible power source will provide a minimum backup power of at least fifteen (15) minutes to the system. All equipment is connected to a network-enabled Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) backup in order to prevent down-time during power failures or conversations from power to generator. The UPS units allow for remote power management by our Network Operations Center (NOC) for up to four (4) hours. In an effort to guard against VoIP router outages, we utilize UPS battery backup units, which also provide surge protection. 6. If the system fails, all inmate phones must be automatically disconnected. y Call Monitoring/Recording System 1. Contractor’s inmate telephone service shall have call monitoring features which monitors every call made through the system. The ITS shall identify calls in order to store recorded calls in a manner that identifies them so to be easily located and searched. y The Live Monitoring feature of the proposed system allows authorized users to monitor all non- privileged calls in real-time using a web-interface. All calls are recorded (unless flagged for attorney/client privilege) and can be monitored simultaneously, without affecting the performance of the system. The live monitoring feature allows the authorized user to sort monitoring/call history by a large variety of search criteria. All the information can be sorted in real-time and calls can be easily terminated with a single click of the mouse, if required. Please refer to a sample screen shot of the Live Monitoring screen, below:          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 23 2. A manual on/off switch for each phone shall be located in a secured office or area specified by the Denton Police Department. y The system can be manually switched on/off via the secured web page using any computer with internet access or by manual switches located in any area designated (Demarcation location, central control center, selected housing units, selected telephone) by the authorized personnel. 3. Permit one-way outgoing calls that are prepaid, billed to the Payment Platform, or charged to the called party. p y The proposed system allows one-way, out-going service only, preventing any inmate telephone from receiving incoming calls. The centralized call switching uses a VoIP network connection to the inmate phones and not the public switched phone network (PSTN). Inmate calls are able to be completed via the traditional wall-mounted inmate telephones, as well as via the secure tablet solution. 4. Provide an automated operator telephone system for all calls. y All calls are processed via an automated operator. The inmate cannot access a live operator at any time. 5. At the time of an inmate’s attempted collect call to a number that cannot receive collect calls (due to billing restrictions, cell phone, etc.), the system shall put the inmate on hold and offer the called party the option to set up a prepaid account using a credit or debit card. This payment method will allow the collect call that would have otherwise been blocked to be connected as soon as the account is set up. If the called party elects not to set up an account, the inmate is to be informed and the call attempt terminated. If a call cannot be billed collect then the system provides the inmate with several pre-paid options to complete the call, as well as options immediately available to the called party, including live customer service to assist in account setup. Traditional Collect calling is          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 24 essentially obsolete, in the ITS industry, with the vast majority of calling being completed by pre-paid means (inmate debit, pre-paid collect, etc.). Traditional Collect makes up less than two percent (2%) of overall inmate calling on the ITS platform – the majority of calling is processed as Pre-Paid Collect or Debit (inmate pre-paid) calling. However, Crown does support traditional Collect calling to several international destinations, and provides a “Direct Bill” (post-paid) option for qualifying high-volume users, such as bail bondsmen and attorney offices. 6. Provide international call services through Canada, Mexico, South America and to overseas destinations. All calls are completed via the automated call prompts including international collect calls. The prompts provided for an inmate when placing a call include dialing steps for International Calls. Please see the dialing steps typically provided below. x “Press 1 for English, Oprima 2 para Español.” x “Please enter your PIN. You will also be prompted to enter in a 4-digit PIN code, please use a number that you will remember such as last 4 digits of social security number.” x “To place a collect call or pre-paid collect call, press 1. To place a call using your pre-paid minutes, press 2.” x “Dial the Area Code and Number you wish to call. For International Calls, please dial 011+Country Code+number you wish to call.” x “Please wait while we connect your call; Your party has answered, please hold for billing acceptance; All calls are subject to monitoring and recording.” Automated call prompts (on both the inmate and Called Party side) are customizable, based on the requirements of the City of Denton. 7. The system shall provide an automated operator with friendly voice prompts that give information and instructions to both the inmate and the called party. The automated voice prompts must be capable of facilitating an inmate’s call from off the hook to hang up. Explain the types of prompts available thought the automated operator system. y g Crown always provides the lowest-cost Bill Types as the first option presented to consumers. Crown has provided a description of the overall calling process, including calling prompt sequence and call completion process on the following page. Note, calling prompt sequence is custom based on the needs of the City of Denton, services available through the inmate telephones, etc. ALL CALLS SUBJECT TO MONITORING AND RECORDING x Press 1 for English. Oprima 2 para Espanol. x Enter your Resident ID number. x Please enter your personal ID number, or for customer service, press 9. x For a Pre-Paid Destination or Collect Call, press 1. o Enter the area code and number you wish to call. o Please wait while I connect your call.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 25 x For a Pre-Paid Call, press 2. o You have $XX.XX on your account. o To make a Pre-Paid call, press 1. o To add funds to your account, press 2. x For Speed Dial, press 7. o For Immigration and Customs Enforcement, press 4. o For Commissary, press 7. x For Customer Service, press 9. x 3-way calls are subject to being disconnected without warning, For Customer Service regarding your Pre-Paid telephone account, have your family call 1-800- 943-2189 or visit www.ncic.com. 8. The system must be capable of responding to English and Spanish speaking inmates. There shall be dialing instructions provided in English and Spanish on each inmate phone set. System prompts, warnings and messages must be available in English and Spanish. The vendor must describe how this will be accomplished with the proposed phone sets. If needed, additional languages must be available at no cost to Waller County. gg The proposed platform allows inmates to select the preferred language of either English or Spanish. The prompts and greetings are pre-recorded in both English and Spanish, as standard. The inmate selects the language at the beginning of each call by pressing a “1” or a “2” on the keypad. The selected language then plays the initial prompts/greetings, as well as any interjected warnings/messages during the actual call to the inmate and called party. Other languages are available upon request, at no cost to the City of Denton. Each inmate telephone set provided includes a concise set of dialing instructions, to complement the user-friendly voice prompts available through the system. A sample of the typical dialing instructions can be seen below – these are customizable based on the needs of the City.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 26 9. Free Calls - Telephone located in the intake area will be configured to allow inmates to make unlimited free local calls to landline and cell phones, at no cost to the City. These calls shall not require a booking number PIN/ID. g Free call configurations available within the proposed system are extremely granular and customizable, and will only be configured and allowed based on the preferences of the City of Denton and Facility administration. 10. The ITS shall at all times: a. Mute the inmate’s ability to speak to the call recipient until the call is accepted b. Not allow the inmate to hear the recipient until the call is accepted c. Disable the telephone keypad during a call yg The proposed system requires positive, acceptance by the called party, before a call is allowed to connect. The inmate and the called party cannot communicate until the call is positively accepted. The inmate is placed on hold while the system confirms that someone has answered and accepted the call prior to connecting the two parties. Billing for the call will not commence until positive acceptance is achieved. Telephone keypad is deactivated during the course of the call. An available investigative feature through the proposed ITS is the ability to begin recording phone calls at “off-hook,” meaning that the call recording can capture any chatter that might be occurring between inmates prior to the call actually connecting. This can help gather valuable investigative data. 11. The inmate telephone system must generate a detailed call record for every inmate call attempt. All call detail records must be collected and stored in real-time at a central, secure location with redundancy. y The proposed ITS uses multiple, geographically separate storage sites to provide the utmost redundancy and security in call recording and call detail storage. The system utilizes Amazon’s S3 (Simple Storage Solution) storage services where call recordings are stored in a minimum of 3 separate locations and encrypted in AWS’ proprietary encryption code. All call records and system data are backed up in real-time and available through any Internet enabled device. The call recordings and call detail are immediately copied to Amazon Cloud for off-site redundancy, in addition to the two geographically separate physical storage locations. 12. All call detail records shall be stored on-line, available at the system workstation, for the entire duration of the contract. All call detail records are available for the full term of the agreement and longer if so desired. 13. Call Detail Reports should be available to Denton Police Department on a real time basis via the on-site PC workstation. The system must be capable of allowing the user to specify          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 27 limiting parameters for call searches, such as a search for all calls during a specified time period, calls placed by a specific inmate, calls to a specific destination number, etc. y The proposed system’s powerful Call History tab provides the Authorized User access to the search, reporting and sorting features to easily find any completed or attempted call. Our search parameters allow a myriad of ways for searching including specific date range, individual inmate phone, by call disposition such as answering machine, no answer, busy line, call denied by caller, call blocked by caller, PIN, inmate name, destination number and over 20 more options. Once the search is completed, the grid populates automatically with call details that match the Selection Criteria. All information is stored in redundant location to ensure 100% reliability. Crown can easily create custom reporting and automated / pre-scheduled reports that can be emailed to appropriate staff as needed all at no cost to the City. Please see the sample Call Detail Record below. Call Detail Record (Sample) 14. The system shall have 100% digital call recording as a feature; however, calls to attorneys will not be recorded. This feature will allow real time recording of individual calls, online storage of each recording for a minimum of one (1) year, and shall have the ability to off- load a specific call to a recording medium that retains a chain of evidence admissible in a court of law. The recording feature must be able to be deactivated on a per-number dialed and/or per PIN basis. The system must allow for the ability to mark individual recorded calls to prevent the deletion when the normal storage period is expired. Such protected calls shall be maintained until such protection is removed. All call recordings will be stored online for the life of the Agreement, and longer, as required by the City of Denton, and at no cost. The proposed system provides all call attempt and completion data to be accessible for the life of the contract, and beyond. All call records are available anywhere the authorized user has a reliable internet-connected device, using a secure login (username and password).          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 28 15. The system must be able to detect, alert and mark (flag) three-way calling. Such detection of each three-way call attempt shall have the ability to mark (or flag) in the call detail record such call attempt as a fraudulent call attempt. The system shall monitor each line for events that appear to be a three-way call attempt from the called party. y Our patented Three-Way Call Detection system listens for silence detection on a near-real time basis using various algorithms developed based on research on thousands of three- way call attempts. When the system determines that a three-way or call forward has been attempted, a warning message is played to the parties on the call, and the call record is permanently marked as a three-way attempt (providing administrators an easy way to go back and listen to the call). If required by the City, the system can be configured to terminate any detected three-way calls. However, we typically find that correctional agencies prefer to allow them to continue, to help gather valuable investigative data. Our three-way call detection offers varying levels of confidence on detected calls with an option to block, flag and alert users in the case of suspected or confirmed three-way call attempts and is the first in the industry to offer DTMF digit collection on the called party end, which results in significantly less “false positives,” as it does not only rely on silence detection like most systems. Further, our ECHO™ Voice Biometrics can count voices on both the inmate and the Called- Party side, indicating possible three-way activity or collusion. Our voice biometrics can alert users when identifying multiple parties on the call, and the system can be configured to either terminate such calls, or simply flag the call for later review. 16. The system shall not allow chain dialing and secondary tones, “hook and switch dialing,’ and other fraudulent activities. Inmates shall be required to hang up before dialing a new number. The proposed system prevents chain dialing and secondary dial-tone; inmates cannot make a second call until the first call is completed and the handset is replaced onto the phone cradle. The centralized call switching uses a VoIP network connection to the inmate phones and not the Public Switched Phone Network (PSTN). 17. Calls may be blocked for collect calls to unbillable numbers or when the call recipient refuses to pay for calls. However, for any number that is blocked related to the inability or failure of the call receipt to pay past or current charges, the call recipient and inmate shall be provided the opportunity to complete the call by a prepaid format. If both the call recipient and inmate decline to continue the call in a prepaid format, the service provider may block/not authorize the call to continue. y The proposed ITS allows the Called Party to connect immediately with a live bi-lingual          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 29 customer service representative in order to set-up a prepaid account while the inmate is on hold waiting to be connected. Family and friends can contact our customer service department via a toll-free number to establish a prepaid account. Account setup is also available via our user- friendly website. The proposed system offers automated collect, prepaid collect and debit calls. The prepaid collect application supports prepaid collect international calls to any country, in addition to domestic calling. Calls to Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico, a majority of international calling, can be processed as automated collect calls; all other countries require prepayment. The proposed system is the only one in the industry that allows traditional collect calling to these countries. Called parties have the option to bill their calls: x Prepaid Collect x Local Exchange Carrier Billing (assuming positive validation) x Bank Card – All major credit cards x Valid prepaid debit card x MoneyGram and Western Union x International Collect to Mexico, Canada and Puerto Rico Tracking The system inmate telephone services must have the ability to locate and provide information in a simple format that can search, at minimum, using any or all of the following criteria: 1. Inmate PIN/Booking number 2. Date and time 3. Call type (i.e. payment platform, collect, free) 4. Called number; and 5. Call status including incomplete, complete calls and three-way call detection 6. Geo-tracking and locating called numbers gg The proposed system provides advanced search features through Call Detail Records, such as the ability to search by date, call status, inmate, destination number and phone location. Additionally, the powerful Call History tab provides the search, reporting and sorting requirements to easily find any completed or attempted call. Quick search shortcuts allow administrators to search for calls “today,” “this week,” “Last Month,” etc. A sample Call Detail screen is shown below.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 30 Security 1. Flag, archive and generate alert reports for unauthorized call attempts, including attempts to Restricted Numbers. The proposed platform utilizes an innovative “Briefcase” for management of call recordings. A configuration/alert can be set that automatically organizes call recordings from particular inmates, phones, or called numbers into an unlimited number of designated investigative Briefcase. This allows for quick access to these calls for the user to view, listen, share with others, or download for investigative purposes. Users can easily manage downloaded recordings for saving in .zip files, ISO files, .wav formats and .mp3 formats for listening on all devices, PC’s, Macs, tablets and smart phones. The user can also burn the files to a CD or DVD or ZIP file. Windows XP or newer has the capability to burn disks built in. Please see screenshots below and on following page:          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 31 2. Provide the ability for authorized Denton Police Department personnel to selectively monitor call activity in real time and to immediately terminate any call. y y The Live Monitoring feature of the proposed ICE system allows authorized users to monitor all non-privileged calls. All the information can be sorted in real-time and calls can be easily terminated with a single click of the mouse, if required. Please refer to a sample screen shot of the Live Monitoring screen, below: 3. Retrieve and generate inmate unauthorized call activity logs for call periods as specified by the City. y The proposed ITS is effective at preventing unauthorized calls. Additionally, the proposed Voice Biometrics system provides alerts and reporting covering instances of Multi-Speaker events (when multiple inmates are participating in the same call) and cases of PIN theft/sharing (when inmates are trying to disguise their calling activity using other inmate’s PINs).          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 32 4. Provide for all calls to be monitored, recorded and archived with the exception of calls made to unmonitored numbers. Phone numbers for Criminal defense attorneys, Denton County Public Defender will be identified as unmonitored numbers. Phone numbers for criminal defense attorneys must be verified by the Denton Police Department and shall be programmable by the Contractor into the ITS. Contractor shall not delete, add or change any unmonitored number without the approval of the Denton Police Department. y All calls except for those marked as verified attorney-client privilege will be recorded. Crown works diligently to ensure that all calls between inmates and their verified attorneys are not recorded. Crown has never faced any claims or legal action resulting from mis-handling attorney calls; issues which have plagued other inmate telephone providers in recent times. If required, Crown will work with the incumbent provider (or the Facility / City) to receive an export of existing ‘Privileged’ numbers from the existing system, however, rather than blindly dumping that list into the proposed ICE system, we take the following precautions: x Before entering that list into the system, our team thoroughly “scrubs” the list (including actually calling each and every number) to verify that: 9 All numbers still belong to legitimate legal representatives; 9 There is a BAR number associated with each number; 9 The name of the attorney firm is noted with each number, and; 9 That the attorneys actually want to receive calls from inmates at that Facility. x Once the list is “scrubbed” and updated, it is provided to the agency for review, and to add any other known, verified, approved legal numbers. x Once finalized and approved by the City, Crown loads the list into our Inmate Call Engine as “Do Not Record,” along with all pertinent details for each destination number. x On a quarterly basis (at least, or at a frequency specified by the City), our team repeats the “scrub” of the Do Not Record list, sharing an updated file with the City each time. The entire process for scrubbing/updating/managing Privileged inmate calls is designed to take the maximum amount of legwork off the City of Denton, but provide the maximum amount of coverage for the agency, from both a liability and security standpoint. As an added feature that provides coverage for the City, Crown’s system starts recording at “Off-Hook,” meaning that our system captures all the call setup prompts. If an inmate is speaking to an attorney that is NOT on the “Do Not Record” list, the call recording will include the call setup greeting stating that “This call may be monitored or recorded.” Crown is able to customize this greeting as needed. For example: “This call may be monitored or recorded. If this is a legal call, hang up and dial (XXX) XXX- XXXX.” 5. The system must have the ability to report user activity within the system. Such report shall list the user logged into the system at the time, the date, and activity. The system must allow authorized Denton Police Department staff options to generate audit reports for all users and for individual users and for all activities and specified activities.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 33 The proposed ICE platform includes a detailed User Activity Logging feature which allows a quick audit of any or all users of the system to identify work efficiencies and user access to the system. This eliminates potential abuse by staff members monitoring calls outside of their authorization, such as listening to high profile inmates or incarcerated family members. Through the Activity Log tab of the proposed system, every single action completed by a User is logged so City/Facility administrators can view all User interactions with the system, and reverse those actions, if needed. Below is a sample screen shot of the Activity Log area of the proposed system, showing all recent user activity displayed: 6. Provide sufficient security safeguards to preclude fraudulent use of the system. Such safeguards shall include, but not limited to: a. The prevention of incoming calls; g The proposed system allows one-way, out-going service only, preventing any inmate telephone from receiving incoming calls. b. Detection and rejection of outgoing calls to Restricted Numbers and otherwise unauthorized numbers and calls; and The centralized call switching uses a VoIP network connection to the inmate phones and not the public switched phone network (PSTN). Calls to any restricted numbers are not able to be processed. c. Attempts to initiate 3-way calls, call forwarding and calls to non-billable numbers. yg Our patented Three-Way Call Detection system listens for silence detection on a near- real time basis using various algorithms developed based on research on thousands of          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 34 three- way call attempts. When the system determines that a three-way or call forward has been attempted, a warning message is played to the parties on the call, and the call record is permanently marked as a three-way attempt (providing administrators an easy way to go back and listen to the call). 7. Provide for automated turn on and shut off of telephones at times designated by the Denton Police Department. The proposed system features include automated on/off controls allowing authorized users to shut down individual telephones, blocks of telephones or the entire telephone system. Only authorized Facility personnel with proper username and password will be allowed access to this particular area of the system.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 35 8. Have the capability to record the content of all telephone connections. The recorded call must be stored for retrieval for a period of at least two (2) years after the call is placed and the system must have the capability to transfer the recorded calls to removable media for archiving, or review. Contractor must have the ability to search and access stored calls and deliver the call at the request of the Denton Police Department or pursuant to a court order, which shall be done at no cost to the City. y The proposed ITS has the ability to monitor and record calls once the inmate takes the telephone “off-hook,” meaning that the call recording can capture any chatter that might be occurring between inmates prior to the call actually connecting. This can help gather valuable investigative data. The proposed system utilizes the innovative Briefcase feature for the collection, organization and sharing of call recordings. Authorized Users can easily manage downloaded recordings for saving in .zip files, ISO files, .wav formats and .mp3 formats for listening on all internet-connected devices such as PC’s, laptops, tablets and smart phones. The User can also burn files to a CD, DVD or ZIP folder. Windows XP or newer has the built-in ability to burn disks. The Briefcase function allows for an unlimited number of designated recording folders that can be shared with other investigators or users. Training The contractor will provide training on the inmate telephone workstation features and usage for all workstations. Contractors shall provide a detailed scope of training, including training schedule, length of training, various times training can be provided and number of personnel that can attend a training session. Training should occur no later than fourteen (14) days from the “go live” date, at no cost to the City. g y If awarded, Crown will customize a detailed, on-site Training Plan which will cover all aspects of the proposed systems. Payment, Billing and Charges Payment Platform – Proposals must include a proposed payment platform with a discussion of what it will include and how it will interface with the City and systems of other vendors. The proposal should explain how the inmates will access the payment platform and how funds in and out of the payment platform will be tracked for the inmate. py p Crown offers an industry-leading Pre-Paid Collect service for Friends and Family members. Crown allows the account holder to add up to ten (10) different destination numbers to the Pre-Paid Collect account, with only one fee applicable for up to ten (10) numbers. This differs from the standard in the industry, which is to require a separate pre-paid account for each destination phone number – which is simply a method of maximizing non-commissionable fee revenue. Crown prefers to minimize non-commissionable fee activity while maximizing actual calling activity – while the industry standard is to do the opposite. Inmates are also able to place calls in pre-paid fashion, using their Inmate Debit account. Through the real-time interface developed between Crown and the Facility’s Trust / Commissary provider,          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 36 inmates are able to easily transfer funds from the trust balance over to their Crown Debit calling account. Within the proposed system, each inmate has a personal ‘Profile,’ within which all transactions associated with that inmate can be seen. Inmates are able to easily access the Debit Transfer system simply by pressing ‘7’ on the inmate telephone keypad (and following the Commissary prompts), however; Crown is also able to offer Debit transfers through multi- functional inmate kiosks. Inmates will be able to transfer funds for Debit calling in whatever denominations are allowed by the Facility. In the Sample Screenshot shown below (taken from the ‘Transactions’ tab of the Inmate Profile), we can see the individual transactions associated with phone calls, as well as where the inmate transferred $10.00 from their Trust account. These results can be exported as needed. Pre-Pay Calling Service – In addition to traditional collect call service, the City of Denton requires that the Contractor provide pre-pay options for called parties. The pre-pay calling option must allow friends and family members (Users) the ability to establish an account directly with the vendor. Contractor’s payment platform must meet the following minimum criteria: The vendor should describe available Pre-Pay Calling Options to include at a minimum the proposed approach to the following: 1. Prepaid account set up pp The proposed system allows for both pre-paid and debit calling allowing for pre-payment to both destination telephone numbers and inmate debit accounts. The pre-paid and debit applications are an integrated component of the proposed ITS.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 37 2. Accept funds for inmates, including funds from family and friends, for placement in an account established and operated by Contractor for use by an inmate y Inmate’s friends and family can make payments to the inmate’s debit account via commissary, deposit kiosk, website or phone (IVR or live operator) with deposits being credited to specific inmate’s account on a real-time basis. Prepaid collect balances can also be added via web, live operator and kiosks. 3. Account replenishment options and methods The proposed ITS provides inmate pre-paid calling through purchasing debit time via the interface with commissary. After booking, inmates can move balances from the commissary and their inmate phone account in order to make pre-paid debit calls. Crown allows an inmate’s friends and family to deposit funds at a lower rate onto an inmate account via our website or toll-free customer service number. Additionally, friends and family set up a pre-paid account for the inmate to call their destination number with a low initial setup fee of $5.95. Many providers are requiring minimum funding amounts in hopes of increasing the breakage (non-usage). This results in lower acceptance rates from friends and family of the inmate wanting to establish accounts. Crown requires no minimum funding amount, but recommends a minimum of $20.00 so that friends and family are not paying for funding fees excessively. With Crown, the account holder is allowed to add up to 10 additional phone numbers to their pre-paid account at no additional cost, allowing the inmate to more easily use the pre-paid balance and make more phone calls. Other providers are known to charge the account setup fees for each unique telephone number. Adding funds to a pre-paid account is achieved by calling the toll-free customer service number or online, or an inmate may purchase debit time via commissary. 4. Account balance inquiries and notifications q The inmate shall, in all cases, be provided the Debit account balance at the time of each call. Similarly, Friends and Family accepting calls that are billed with a Pre-Paid Collect account are able to be provided with a clear, accurate rate quote, as well as hear their account balance, if they so choose. Billing Contractor is responsible for the billing and collection of all inmate calls in accordance with the FCC and NCUC recorded and approved tariff rates and the contract. Contractor is responsible for revising and updating billing and collection practices to comply with changes in the law, including regulations, and with court orders and decisions. g g 1. The City will not responsible for any uncollectible charges, including but not limited to incomplete calls and bad debt on collect calls.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 38 Crown is providing a robust, transparent monthly commission structure that does not include any deductions or withholdings for uncollectible revenue, fraudulent calling, chargebacks, etc. 2. Contractor shall not bill users for incomplete calls (e.g. network intercept recordings, busy signals, no-answers. g Crown never applies any deductions or adjustments for bad debt, fraudulent calling activity, unbillable calls, etc. The proposed system uses a sophisticated answer detection algorithm which can distinguish between standard and artificial telephone tones, standard SIT tones, busy signals and even answering machines/voicemail to ensure accurate call answering, prevent erroneous billing and subsequent complaints. This technology helps to ensure that only customers who actively accept a call are connected and billed. 3. All billing must be direct to the inmates or third parties, such as family members, without involvement of the City. y At no time will there be any required involvement by the City, relative to billing of any calls. Rates, Fees and Revenue Share Fair rates to inmates and their families is an important part of the phone system. Bidders shall submit a proposal with one rate fee and revenue shared bid. Bidders shall not propose alternatives rates and revenue shared options. p 1. Per Minute Rates - Per Minute Rates ((1) local, (2) intralata, (3) interlata, (4) interstate, and (5) international) and Connect Fees for Payment Platform, Prepaid, and Collect calls. All rates shall comply with FCC-allowed rates and mandates. Bidders must provide these rates within the Bid Response Packet. Crown takes pride in complete transparency of all financial dealings, including compensation, and provides lowest calling rates and minimal ancillary fees. Crown pays commission on ALL call types, including Interstate calls. Please find Crown’s proposed rates on the following page.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 39 2. Fees - Each and every fee and surcharge that will be charged to anyone. This must include all call and call payment charges, including any for the Payment Platform and Collect call acceptors. Fees shall comply with all FCC-allowed rates and mandates. The successful bidder shall not charge any other fee or surcharge or impose any other cost or charge. gy g Crown’s fees listed below are in accordance with the recommendations of the FCC. At no time will Crown charge a fee that is not specifically outlined in the following fee schedule. 3. Revenue Share - The contractor shall describe the commission to be paid to the City based on a percentage of revenues. Explain in detail the method used to calculate commission (e.g. gross revenue, adjusted gross revenue, net revenue, etc.) State any applicable deductions from gross revenue before calculating the City’s revenue, (i.e. uncollectable calls, total calls, access line charges, etc.) g ) Crown’s method for calculating Total Gross Revenue is simple, due to our use of truly per- minute calling rates. Gross Revenue is calculated simply by multiplying the number of completed minutes by the agreed-upon per-minute calling rate. Crown never applies any deductions or adjustments for bad debt, fraudulent calling activity, unbillable calls, etc. 4. The Revenue Share Rate offered by the Contractor shall be payable to the City no later than the 10th of each month. Each commission check to the City shall be accompanied by a detailed statement of usage and call records, including but not limited to time period covered, commission rate applied, number of minutes and total revenue. If any payments CALL TYPE PREPAID COLLECT CARDLESS DEBIT / DEBIT CARDS CONNECTION FEE PER MINUTE CONNECTION FEE PER MINUTE LOCAL: $0.00 $0.20 $0.00 $0.20 INTRALATA / INTRASTATE: $0.00 $0.20 $0.00 $0.20 INTERLATA / INTRASTATE: $0.00 $0.20 $0.00 $0.20 INTERLATA / INTERSTATE: $0.00 $0.20 $0.00 $0.20 MEXICO: $0.00 $0.25 $0.00 $0.25 ALL OTHER INTERNATIONAL: $0.00 $0.35 $0.00 $0.35 INMATE TELEPHONE SYSTEM – FEES CHARGE/FEE NAME AMOUNT LIVE OPERATOR TRANSACTION FEE: $5.95 AUTOMATED OPERATOR TRANSACTION FEE: $3.00 WEB TRANSACTION FEE: $3.00          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 40 due are not received by the City within the period specified, the City shall be entitled to recover interest thereon. Said interest shall be at the rate of ten (10) percent per annum or any portion thereof (based upon a 365/66-day year) calculated from the date payment is due. Crown is proposing a sturdy, transparent revenue-share on all revenue-generating services. All commission payments shall include a commission summary report and shall arrive no later than the 10th day of following the calendar month for which commissions are being paid. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for any and all billing disputes, claims or liabilities that may arise in regard to its provision of this contract. yg Crown will remain responsible for any and all billing disputes, claims, or liabilities that may arise. Crown never applies any withholdings or adjustments for bad debt, fraudulent calling activity, uncollectible charges, theft, etc. Monthly Financial Reports The proposed ITS should be capable of generating monthly reports for the City including: Revenue Statement: (a) Total revenue by billing and call type (b) Total Revenue (c) Total City Revenue Share (d) Total Intestate Revenue () The proposed ITS allows for a myriad of reports, all exportable in a variety of file formats, allowing Authorized Users to search, view, and download live and historical call data and revenue information by any parameter. The required commission report / traffic detail report will be available via web-based reporting to Authorized Users and the proposed ITS includes a large range of standard reports from a management standpoint. Crown’s standard monthly commission report, and all reports, are fully customizable based on the requirements of the City. All reports are available to be exported in a range of file formats and can either be pulled on an “as-needed” basis by the City of Denton, or can be developed and pre-scheduled to automatically deliver to specified recipients at certain times, such as at the beginning of each month, covering the prior traffic month. Following are samples of Crown’s standard reports.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 41 Sample Commission Report (The above Sample Report is not indicative of the commission offer for the City of Denton) Sample Traffic Report          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 42 Sample Daily Summary Report Sample Call Jurisdiction Report          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 43 Summary Call Reports: Each report shall contain, at minimum, the following breakdowns: (a) Call type (b) Payment method (c) Number of calls (d) Percentage of total calls (e) Number of call minutes (f) Revenue generated from call (including all fees) (g) Percentage of total minutes (h) Calculation of City Revenue Share Payment (i) Total Revenue (j) Percentage of total revenue (j) g Sample Total Amount of Completed Calls Report Sample Total Amount in Seconds and Destination Report          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 44 Sample Total Revenue Report by Duration Sample Total Revenue Report by Month          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 45 Sample Invoice Total Taxes Report Sample Debit Revenue Report Sample User Activity Audit Trail Report          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 46 Sample Call Statistics Report Sample Frequently Called Numbers          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 47 Year-End Summary Reports 1. Contractor shall submit Year-End Summary Reports, including Annual ITS Management Reports to the County, pertaining to the Services. yg 2. Annual Summary Reports at a period to be determined by the City (e.g. fiscal, calendar year, or annually from service start date). y y) 3. The reports shall minimally provide total call volume, total minutes, and total revenue for each Bill Type (Collect, Prepaid, Payment Platform) and volume of usage through phones or by Call Type (Local, Intralata, Interlata, Interstate, and International calls), whether calls were placed by telephone of tablet and shall also include an aggregate total of each of these values. Maintenance and Repairs Contractor is responsible for all maintenance and repairs to telephones and the ITS. A single point of contact with the Contractor, via a toll-free telephone number and an e-mail address, must be provided and maintained by the Contractor for reporting all inmate telephone problems. The contractor shall provide a tiered response to service events: Contractor shall provide a tiered response to service events: Priority 1, 30% or more of system functionality adversely affected, within 2 hours; Priority 2, 5% - 29% of system functionality adversely affected, within 24 hours; and Priority 3, 5% or less of system functionality adversely affected, within 72 hours. yyy For typical maintenance requests, the technician responds to the Service Request by first contacting the Customer to acknowledge receipt of the request and gather additional information required to troubleshoot and resolve the issue (e.g., how many units are affected, location of issue, is system operational, is it a software or hardware issue, etc.). The technician uses a variety of tactics including conducting remote testing, if available. If on-site support is required, the technician contacts the facility to arrange access and escorts. The technician works on the problem through resolution. During the course of the Service Request, the technician provides ticket updates to ensure timely communication is shared with our customers and the account team. Upon resolution, the technician conducts on-site testing, notifies the on-site customer contact, and provides ticket documentation for trouble resolution and closure. A review of monthly usage and trends of activity (e.g., zero usage stations, stations where usage has dropped significantly, stations with high demand) are conducted monthly. By monitoring traffic, we can identify potential failure on ports and/or equipment. Where feasible, we conduct remote access testing to identify potential locations of concern.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 48 The primary technician is accountable for remaining familiar with the facility’s infrastructure, layout, daily contacts, and general protocol for entry and work in the facility (e.g., procedures for bringing in tools, getting gate passes, coordinating escort coverage). Our approach enables our field force to be nimble in moving through our customers’ clearance protocols so that problems are addressed promptly. Technicians work with designated facility personnel to keep the systems running at maximum efficiency, meet the telephone needs of the inmate population and eliminate operational problems and/or security hazards as quickly as possible after they are identified. In summary, technicians are available 24x7x365 and work in a close team environment so they back- up each other on after-hour coverage. Crown responds promptly to all service outages and maintenance requirements. Please reference our standard Service Priority Matrix. Service Priority Levels - Sample Description of Priority Levels with Examples Response Times (Maximum Time After Service Request) Repair Times (Maximum Time After Service Request) Priority Level 1 x Emergency service problems x More than 25% or more of all Offender phones down at a single facility x Any loss of blocking, monitoring or recording functionality 1 Hour 4 Hours Priority Level 2 x Normal Service Problems x 0%-25% of Offender phones down at a single facility x Workstation requiring trouble-shooting 4 Hours 24 Hours Additionally, the proposed ITS and all on-site equipment are monitored 24/7/365 using our self- diagnosing and reporting Orion Network Performance Monitoring (NPM) system. The routers contain self-diagnostics software capable of automatically rebooting the units if required. The Orion NPM software provides automated alerts to the Network Operations Center (NOC) whenever connectivity is lost. Adtran units can be rebooted manually and logged into remotely, configured and updated as required. Whenever the Solarwinds Orion NPM detects an anomaly an alert and a trouble ticket is created in our NOC. The NOC provides systematic monitoring such as on the VoIP gateway devices to proactively detect bandwidth interruptions or outages. For interruptions of more than 5 minutes during phone availability times, a call will be prompted to our bandwidth provider for resolution of the fault. This approach minimizes support issues from being noticed and reported by our clients in the first place. Following are screenshots which show details, alerts graphs and information displayed in the NOC:          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 49 All equipment, including installed items shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the Contractor and Contractor’s sole responsibility. y Crown will be fully responsible for the installed equipment required for the proposed ITS system. Contractor shall provide all necessary labor, parts, materials, technical personnel to maintain the ITS, including all telephones and related equipment, in good working order. Contractor shall perform preventive maintenance including all maintenance for compliance with the equipment manufacturer's specifications throughout the term of the contract. qp pg          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 50 The Contractor shall notify the City at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to any planned occurrence that may result in a service interruption to any inmate phone or service that lasts in excess of fifteen (15) minutes. () The City is not be responsible for any damage to equipment. y yg Contractor shall develop procedures and schedules and conduct Preventive Maintenance on ITS and all equipment. Contractor shall provide the schedule and procedures to the Denton Police Department. Crown’s proposed technologies always maintain operational uptime of at least 99.99%. In addition to our back-end Network Performance Monitoring application, Crown will implement a regular Preventative Maintenance schedule (at a frequency to be agreed upon by the City) to ensure that all aspects of the proposed systems are operating optimally. An example of Crown’s standard Preventative Maintenance schedule is provided below: Sample Preventative Maintenance Phone Repair Form Date Reported Device Type Device Location / Name Problem Reported Work Performed Date Fixed Reported By Ticket # Wednesday, May 1, 2019 Phone Unit B - Phone 17 Static on phone calls Replaced handset and tested the phone Thursday, May 2, 2019 Jailer Carl Mendez 658794 Wednesday, May 1, 2019 Phone Unit D - Phone 25 Cannot process calls Replaced entire phone unit and tested the phone Thursday, May 2, 2019 Jailer Carl Mendez 658794 Wednesday, May 1, 2019 Kiosk Lobby Area Reciever isn't accepting cash Replaced reciever Thursday, May 2, 2019 Jailer Carl Mendez 658794 Wednesday, May 1, 2019 Video Unit Visitation Area - Unit A Faulty Camera Replaced camera and tested a session Thursday, May 2, 2019 Jailer Carl Mendez 658794 Wednesday, May 1, 2019 Video Unit Visitation Area - Unit F Loose Handset Tightened and secured internal screws Thursday, May 2, 2019 Jailer Carl Mendez 658794 XYZ JAIL EQUIPMENT REPAIR FORM          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 51 Backup and Disaster Plans Contractor must have a detailed back-up or redundancy plan, as a well as a disaster recovery plan. Contractor must have clear processes, policies and procedures for continuation of the services consistent with all requirement in the RFP preceding and/or following a natural or human-induced disaster. These should be included in the proposal. The proposed ITS system is a fully integrated, custom-designed system comprised of both onsite and offsite network components to provide the utmost in network redundancy and higher security than standard cloud-based systems. All components for placing calls / video sessions, live monitoring, recording and data collections are located in high security, fully redundant locations in Longview, Texas and Dallas, Texas, with near real-time back up on Amazon Web Services cloud storage. NCIC Inmate Communications, Crown’s preferred technology provider for Inmate Communications, is the carrier of record, but will use AT&T and Level 3 as underlying providers for terminating calls domestically. NCIC has its own network for terminating international calls and the proposed Inmate Call Engine (‘ICE’) platform consistently maintains a network uptime of 99.99% due to our unique network architecture. The ICE platform was the first inmate telephone service to use the Cloud to provide the utmost redundancy and security in call recording and call detail storage. ICE utilizes Amazon’s S3 (Simple Storage Solution) storage services where call recordings are stored in a minimum of 3 separate locations and encrypted in AWS’ proprietary encryption code. All call records and system data are backed up in real-time and available through any Internet enabled computer. The call recordings and call detail are immediately copied to Amazon Cloud for off-site redundancy. Our co-location facility in downtown Dallas, Texas with Equinix handles up to 100% of our live data traffic in the case of an outage at our primary facility in Longview, Texas. On an average day, our network operates at 25% of capacity, running on 1 Gig of bandwidth with 4 separate bandwidth providers (AT&T, CenturyLink, Cogent and Conterra Networks). In 2016, we started a major network upgrade, mainly in anticipation of the FCC rate ruling which did cause an increase our call counts by about 40% over the following two years. NCIC chose the two, diverse Texas locations due to their central locations in the US because of the major fiber hubs and the lack of major weather disturbances, earthquakes or potential terrorist activity. First and foremost, our focus is on disaster prevention and is willing to offer a Service Level Agreement with penalties in order to alleviate any concerns to our customers. With that said, there are 6 levels of disaster recovery to guarantee Tier 1 carrier-grade services (99.99+% uptime): 1. Our core strength is running our platform on a RAID 6 array of asterisk (Dell PowerEdge) servers, most recently upgraded in the summer of 2018. Our primary site utilizes over 40 separate switching and database servers just for handling call and video visitation traffic. We utilize separate and diverse bandwidth providers to ensure network redundancy. AT&T is our primary and Conterra (formerly Network Communications) is our secondary provider, for a total of over 1 Gig of bandwidth. Each server is run on its own separate UPS/Battery backup which is, in turn, connected to a Caterpillar Olympian 75kVA generator with two diverse          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 52 natural gas providers for fueling scheduled for replacement in early 2020. Our Longview data center has 3 separate air-conditioning units to ensure optimal temperatures year-round. 2. Our secondary site, co-located with Equinix in downtown Dallas, offers us a virtual mirror of our primary Facility, utilizing 21 separate switch servers and capable of carrying 100% of our data network load. We utilize Cogent as the bandwidth provider allowing us a 4th diverse bandwidth provider with another 300megs of bandwidth. We utilize two new Dell PowerVault servers for the database which allows real-time back up between the primary and secondary facilities. Equinix offers auxiliary generators and multiple air-conditioning units. 3. For secure, tamper-resistant call recording storage, we have gone a step further than our competitors and utilize Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3), which provides us with a minimum of 3 data bunkers located throughout the USA to provide encrypted storage of call recordings and call detail for up to 5 years. Amazon Web Services allows us to maintain our PCI compliance standards, CPNI Compliance, along with their CJIS Compliance, ensuring the utmost security of our customers and their data. 4. We utilize four separate outbound providers to terminate our calls, allowing us network redundancy in the case of regional network interruptions. We utilize AT&T and Level 3 as primary, Network IP and First Data Communications as our secondary providers. We utilize THINQ to manage the dynamic routing between AT&T and Level 3 communications, meaning we can change network routing within seconds in the case of a regional outage by any of our providers. Our fourth provide is our own proprietary, international networks built out in Latin America. 5. SolarWinds/Orion Network Management interface allows us real-time network monitoring with alerts to our Network Operations Center indicating bandwidth outages at specific jails within 5 minutes of interruption. Our primary data center, in Longview, Texas, located in downtown is on the same power grid as our main hospital, Christus Good Shepherd Medical Center, is strategically situated in an area with rolling terrain, so not susceptible to flooding. Longview rarely has extreme weather, such as tornados, hurricanes or snow/ice storms, earthquakes, etc. so very rarely do we have problems with employees being able to come to work due to extreme weather or natural disasters.          CROWN CORRECTIONAL TELEPHONE, INC. INMATE TELEPHONE SERVICES RFP NO. 7198 Page | 53 Crown’s Certification          Exhibit CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE - FORM CIQ For vendor or other person doing business with local governmental entity This questionnaire reflects changes made to the law by H.B. 23, 84th Leg., Regular Session. This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with Chapter 176, Local Government Code, by a vendor who has a business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a) with a local governmental entity and the vendor meets requirements under Section 176.006(a). By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the local government entity not later than the 7th business day after the date the vendor becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See Section 176.006(a-1), Local Government Code. A vendor commits an offense if the vendor knowingly violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. An offense under this section is a misdemeanor. 1 Name of vendor who has a business relationship with local governmental entity. 2 Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed questionnaire. (The law requires that you file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriate filing authority not later than the 7th business day after the date on which you became aware that the originally filed questionnaire was incomplete or inaccurate.) 3 Name of local government officer about whom the information in this section is being disclosed. Name of Officer This section, (item 3 including subparts A, B, C & D), must be completed for each officer with whom the vendor has an employment or other business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a), Local Government Code. Attach additional pages to this Form CIQ as necessary. A. Is the local government officer named in this section receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income, from the vendor? Yes No B. Is the vendor receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income, from or at the direction of the local government officer named in this section AND the taxable income is not received from the local governmental entity? Yes No C. Is the filer of this questionnaire employed by a corporation or other business entity with respect to which the local government officer serves as an officer or director, or holds an ownership of one percent or more? Yes No D. Describe each employment or business and family relationship with the local government officer named in this section. 4 I have no Conflict of Interest to disclose. 5 Signature of vendor doing business with the governmental entity Date                             Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: BA6E6EDBA8E247AA9394DD98370343CD Status: Completed Subject: Please DocuSign: City Council Contract 7198-Inmate Phone Services Source Envelope: Document Pages: 85 Signatures: 6 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 6 Initials: 1 Crystal Westbrook AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) 901B Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 crystal.westbrook@cityofdenton.com IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 2/18/2020 10:53:51 PM Holder: Crystal Westbrook crystal.westbrook@cityofdenton.com Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Crystal Westbrook crystal.westbrook@cityofdenton.com Buyer City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 2/18/2020 11:01:37 PM Viewed: 2/18/2020 11:01:51 PM Signed: 2/18/2020 11:04:10 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Lori Hewell lori.hewell@cityofdenton.com Purchasing Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 2/18/2020 11:04:12 PM Viewed: 2/19/2020 7:40:40 AM Signed: 2/19/2020 7:41:41 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Mack Reinwand mack.reinwand@cityofdenton.com City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 2/19/2020 7:41:43 AM Viewed: 2/19/2020 2:37:37 PM Signed: 2/19/2020 2:38:23 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Ryan Bartula ryan@crownphoneservice.com Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 2/19/2020 2:38:25 PM Viewed: 2/20/2020 6:54:33 AM Signed: 2/20/2020 6:59:08 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 2/20/2020 6:54:33 AM ID: 7d61f109-7c85-4571-b440-e5e0b31390be Signer Events Signature Timestamp Frank Dixon frank.dixon@cityofdenton.com Chief of Police Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Signed using mobile Sent: 2/20/2020 6:59:11 AM Viewed: 2/20/2020 8:21:08 AM Signed: 2/20/2020 8:22:58 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 2/20/2020 8:21:08 AM ID: f6ed6ad3-0d35-40f5-8f28-1814f317bc83 Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Contract Administrator City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 2/20/2020 8:23:01 AM Viewed: 3/18/2020 10:15:56 AM Signed: 3/18/2020 10:16:39 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Todd Hileman Todd.Hileman@cityofdenton.com City Manager City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 3/18/2020 10:16:44 AM Viewed: 3/18/2020 11:23:52 AM Signed: 3/18/2020 11:24:08 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 7/25/2017 11:02:14 AM ID: 57619fbf-2aec-4b1f-805d-6bd7d9966f21 Rosa Rios rosa.rios@cityofdenton.com City Secretary Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 3/18/2020 11:24:12 AM Viewed: 3/19/2020 1:22:07 PM Signed: 3/19/2020 1:22:40 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 3/19/2020 1:22:07 PM ID: e62c6ae1-1cf7-4d5f-843e-d2f68d11fb39 In Ierson Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor DeliverI Events Status Timestamp Igent DeliverI Events Status Timestamp IntermediarI DeliverI Events Status Timestamp CertiIied DeliverI Events Status Timestamp CarIon CopI Events Status Timestamp Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Contract Administrator City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 2/18/2020 11:04:12 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: CarIon CopI Events Status Timestamp Not Offered via DocuSign Sherri Thurman sherri.thurman@cityofdenton.com City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 2/20/2020 8:23:01 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Fane Richardson jane.richardson@cityofdenton.com Assistant City Secretary City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 3/18/2020 10:16:44 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Zolaina Parker Zolaina.Parker@cityofdenton.com City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 3/18/2020 10:16:44 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Cheyenne Defee cheyenne.defee@cityofdenton.com Contract Administrator City of Denton Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 3/19/2020 1:22:45 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Shanika Mayo shanika.mayo@cityofdenton.com Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 3/19/2020 1:22:46 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Iitness Events Signature Timestamp IotarI Events Signature Timestamp Envelope SummarI Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 3/19/2020 1:22:46 PM Certified Delivered Security Checked 3/19/2020 1:22:46 PM Signing Complete Security Checked 3/19/2020 1:22:46 PM Completed Security Checked 3/19/2020 1:22:46 PM IaIment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, City of Denton (we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. 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