1953 ~I ax w D G U A P n f nlI if 1`Y C 01M PA ICJ Y A t t F+n+ney 2. Ivey CONTINUATION CFRTIFICATE Denton, Tex. or 11, C'iTF'?CI:,:I",' IJC:'71-' EG,:D PREMIUM $ 5.C0 Bond No. 671£"0-12-`'C-49 Art. of > ord. k1000 In favor of C.Ity of Donton, Texas On behalf of Cardncr-Barbor 111cotric Co ipany Period: From January 8, 1953 to Janu ry 8, 1954 In consideration of the premium herein stated, the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND OUARANTY COMPANY hereby continues in force, for the period described, the Bond deslgnWd above, sabject to all the agreements, limitations and conditions thereof and provided that tho liability under said Bond and all continua. Ilons thereof ehall not be cumulative. Signed, pealed and dated Octobcr 1, 1952 UNfTED STA FID 'L Y OU NTY COMPANY $y. + 1F'ranl' W. Graffli By...........attoa nay..1 n••.5 aat a.eerd 67 4 sx••• 2- CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE ISSUED BY I. ! &G. U,NI1•ED STATES FIDELITY and GUARANTY COMPANY BALTIMORE. 3, bill. f i A -r -e,- FILE T1119 CERTIMATE M111 YOUR BOND , ~ H~~ i STATEMENT MACK MASSEY MOTOR COMPANY PONTIAC s NEW AND USED CARS 416 South Elm Street Phone 520 DENTON, TEXAS A~l~. 21 f L.-1 9 6, - ^__Oit1 of Denton L___ - Denton, Texas DATE DETAIL CHAROEd CREDITS RALANC®- V ACCOUNT RENDERED H. Hooper 001lu e---_--- SALES PARTS SERVICE r rye N a a. w 5 r.~ rv.+. s 1 u~ ~Yrr ,rlar,fl7bllar ' MACK MASSEY MOTOR Cam'<~''!NY ~~os~ c+aut idea t A ' ~i 416 South Elm Central 5481 :~?1TTIAC DIWON, TEXAS I j August 211 1953 Oity of Denton Denton, Texas Dnntlemen: Enolosed are invoioes of repair order 4 32318 for the oollision between a Oity of Denton garbage truok and Us He Hooper of Denton* This Oity truok was driven by John De Williaus on August 14, 19539 and oollided with the 1953 Pontiao of Me H. Hooper owner on the oorner of East Hiokory and Industrial streets at approximately 8:15 aeme Please deliver the enolosed bill to the proper department for payment to MAOK WSEY MOTOR OOe, Denton, Te7sase Your promptness and oooperation will be greatly appre o is t ed e Very truly yours, MkOK MASSW MOTOR 00e 0~ owner MVM: jb eaol. o/oi Us Hs Hooper, Denton Universal Undorwritbre, Kansas 0ity Maok Massey Finanoe Ooe, Denton . 0 r Yion Dc.la~r. Tema, in<.~ U.mm~. Tew . r (A 01 ol p F, N fc~+ to 0 14 ob (n 0 W to ()I 0 ;h O Q , yd w 31 00 m F W R m m lo r - - - - - - { - - N ep ~P N A W - la) 1 13 :D 1111 F N I V 10 0 P-4 fNr 0 o s - trri I I~f w ~ i qo - - R - 6, y W ~'11x 5 o cmr 6k lot j r I 1` r n - ►i •M to F N (A cl K ~ R~~! Z w „°e Y m C3 0 A d y # m o ~~ga I , vpk 1 a O w n N ~ .0 la .4 Z U M ,A }x Ya s o U to ' ~a r - T (a Fl ""PPP Z • QQ ~ q ~ - - -yo n - D y 13 r~ z till A T-FF9-1 ,t1~r s o uwu Yuderq ►yp~y Ine.~ T ,O,., Tou r ITj r .4 A C , ,t r 8 " n `Y a CO ~ V 6,~~~ _ ~ s ~ A ' i it , <i a G o P y i F r ~ f E pif ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 A ❑ g o ❑ a PLO Ilk m a u • r `A I, the undersigned, G. H. Brammer, for the purposes set forth herein do certify as follows; 1. That I was a member of the City Council and Chairman of that body in the months of July and August, 1953; and 2. That I was present when under date of August 6, the City Council passed a resolution instructing the Mayor and the City Secretary to execute an intervention on the part of the City of Denton in the matter of the S inta Ve annlirMinn to rnnstrurt a railroad into nallas through Denton County that bypassed Denton; and 3. That ':hen such resolution was authorized, the City Council knew that the following Attorneys had been -employed to represent the intervenors; Goneral Preston A, Weatherred, Mercantile Bank Building, Dallas, Texas; Phinney, Hallman, Reed & Holley, General Carl L. Phinney and Mr. Leroy Hallman, 617 First National Ba:L% Building, Dallas, Texas; and 4. That I was present at a meeting of the v:! s7ouncil on or about August 18, in which a committee from the Chamber of Commerce, headed by Tom Harpool, then its President, and E. W. Morrison, Chairman of the Railroad Committee, read to the City Council a letter outlining the under standing with the Attorneys employed for the intervenors, including the amount of their remuneration, and the scope of their authority, as outlined in E. W. Morrison's letter dated August 12, 1953s to General Preston A. Weatherred, copy attached. Followirg the reading of the let4ee referred to, acting for the Chamber of Commerce, E. W. Morrison made request of the City of Denton that the sr I A I • M City should share in the expense of such employment, in a total sum to be not less than one-half of the total expense; aLd 5. Following discussions, inclu-1ing questions and answers of the members of the Committee by members of the Commissicn, and following the departure of the Committee; in this and later meetings, the Council reached the following conclusions, which I was instructed to convey to the Propident of the Chamber of Cornmerro and to E. W. Morrison, Chairman of the Railroad Committee, viz, : (Quote) That in the event the efforts of the intervenors were successful and Denton secured the Railroad, the City would pay the $7500.00 fee due the Attorneys under the terms of their employment agreement, in the event Denma got the Railroad. Moreover, the amount included for contingencies in the 1953-54 budget was made adequate to cover sudh anticipated payment. (End Quote) And, as instructed by the City Council, I did present to Tom Harpool, E, We Morrison, Ben Ivey, and other members of the Chamber of Commerce Committee such decision. It Is, therefore, my understanding that the City did then commit and obligate the City at that time to snake such payments and is morally and legally obligated now to do to. W 4 L, CU H. Brammer Prepared and Signed December 22, 1954 , ! 1 s Argust 12, 195) 01111l1'~i prnrttpn ~R~therred ltl~rargtila 1Vnk :4+Slding ra~ilu, Toxsui tam door dlrrlrGII no ABM of Liruotors of the Denton Qavber of Com oroo ant yesterday awning IA 1',q el4rPVMy o►lied mating anal u M~ PAtltied and approved the aottor of tho Milrold Q~ituo iprl~lws "a se lAA~t: l oormel and row eolsotloo of Ass"iatioso r~e~! Vs 4opted a Moluti6n to to worded by yoY aowd%tia DwAton'sr Chambst of Colan►A0 to your i)ro rum of tatervention a-A ppmtt'lon to BantA W& upplie.iw Moil top irm rellrersd sottstraaMon over a routs tbot byweosx'antot►`lllad trite Of. WwrOtisbs OGWOP f Coanisaiorf My O0 19S)> 26': 50 thit the matter of y eer esfploymsnt could tan proeost*4 to the knotors ih w • orderly laa>>t o ri 1 rwiaoed our undt>rrttanding of the Agr **Mt botwmO os tq' wrxUf 440 follmp vigil Cho FrbUyr Jlvjx,§t ?v In triterriAvr at xV office in Dentonf with ;rou»elf amt Corrsrelt 0arl Phinra r proner~t ae "wwol to bd ! plopd Ord preaont aoting for }his 04tiVa CDa s#Ar of Nomoroo arA this oo"Aarnity Vr, 1112.ey Croi'a, 1°r. Id 4, 11114*p mikorop WA ~'s ro Uorriaano to 1`Asixon of the 61%roed Coe. %,bi,trW Of W D"t" 0*010 of (kWA repri:c'AW* "t'ngoK+ml "'R "r* m4Atasd as Dpr4ml oovneelt 0,Aploy" by the 0entAM Cbsatar of C**icrw )A this ' •t~ fello«rit:g btnlr'i L: Xav fill po»aasktt►+tat as pnwa>l 6601"l, 4a.- ±;otam VI J1 b+ n snood (AIri+u¢► pull )<ca s9 raD hatvir ongod Waorai" Ctrl 9blaho + 4ssitAt, ho qa !o t ,a~oooiar f r~,1~+ y~u1' toiYrll a► tr ~h fir. a;~11~a of Ibehi,a WO Pi ID~r ta, 4 o?~d ry~iia~.~t dt eonao~►lo ! s . t~M4 f~y"412011 wt, to A' mid " aDw0p or errd►a Draghllax ~ •1 idf'' J • 11*4 on I* Aw ia"diatels frith 110011100. v'.~ set dao>W#s~s6n s lrioiiadla+ Owi tgT.t~+6! Privilege of irl~rresai • P 'Ai to,,.{s>,'onili► VM04 to the Coau►l~,014" ISIM to %a t3ilrcad oar »oom"Aded roate~ id th k o OVOT t< tzf liottogd tlobedv) (i to bs h*U in Zont4n;wItth dogt4 rd *t(tg&"'U Lrll~t A'0*' 2~dEi rab;ltad too tb* 46% moth cowito"10 s sow vwie% 1 , ,r 1 1 ' t3ebe ireetun A„ +aatt,trrod Auguat 120 145) ► 7 apaliastion to eosrer a rrnsts thst vorv" ront,.)n, you will tholvorter fife a formal e07411'Snt tioith ttt 1CC and plaad thet %,he eovoissfon "Quire the Santa tb ilrosd to ecrve !~s7jton in its cont#.NL%txd mor+eaent to taproom the Santa pseo Entry into g1,41ARO and ae If all 310h efforts are unsdOcessfuls re.9ort to Wit courts co.-1j tl}en be tAk*n ewul.i our Community tt,on dcaire to pursue the zatter furthere 6e o. You repripuentsd yourself as tha PO.PWrel 001.ir A &M contmotorp avo your aveooistoa as oxployeas Of yovroelf to to r414 entirely by yui from your feva then agmaj u'vns as v ooriod l.olor O be roar fbe for coverini ooVletoly tho carrying of tha ratter entiroly Vtrou;1► all Comission pmeocjin.o was sot by ynu at M00e00 Pluv opt-of4 poCks t ox'*n aos xrx! It W49 a~raod in case nAmeOlA t iono vUb tha ftnla` to minted in Vmtr oomdUolmt to aaeersf their epP1leaZio M to"' r4 routo svviM Dorton *ithovt a ft$wt tefom the Coan"Mon bei{S mulmdeo than sue 0" ahpeld be ranotWated do rd to set a fair tipx* foie tie work done arsi ;nod aooaaglfiinad; a, In the event you am roqul.M,, to pursue tbs.m%t^r, beyarxi, the Interstate Comreroo t iieion'a aUtions you will to paid an additipnax sun bered an gor diem for tte work donee de In the event that our efforts sm swoessful ArA we AaWal i me a+A IM14 follorinf a firhts You are to via paid an a4ditionel, fee of ~ e e. You G61 Oonerel +binney •stivaUd roar probable exp♦risoa .ff+1e, a►rryinf ths..ma,tloor thro-ach tke Cmiseions proolosingg the armai for +~to ty 7Ing ex• pert treffio or, engimerisng adviser at UWO to $1500 aax,ire ma Sbould sngineer. int, Triffte or Other axivrt aaaistanos bs requlnds their *oat i►ill be added to above *at ~restea e J. L.Yt was agm*4 that'you thwild to 041 aspenwe U the matter ae inaurrsd AM billede Rills for ex;wnsea' will be rei*"d to the pent i QA%trr of CONWIVO, A, apeoial fiiaanos oomIttoo tray, be Aseigred to luar>dle tole mettars 4 The tire, for gar,►ant or y" r fee wept not 4ettattoly o"d upon " atw antsr-b 040s brit in this v*mInals tslephot» eonmIsAttore you euj„*eat1R4 th.At An initial r"nt of $50QOom should U. *14 1,10dtatelys Q4 " aucartt►sl th4t VA' balAreoo of the taaio As of 1?500000 411aubd W 04 14 At .the.. ftte. of #q%00 Ddr 'Iecnth li,eft4le after# all of videh iraa a ►er1 seems 1*1t genoft'1 *►0ersyed 1, te.liera " `ydrio~ re oaailude s is Mn abc'cnt~e t vital of 04 armr~" htihta .e tiredly d Mterseri M#$ All of at: t AMA be pleauraA to ,are . ; You Mcrae to make our ieuord ooWlate. +di rrry kj*;jO t 1e0as* ard slpoere rieaea 3Mr ourtSWv4r; +aM ;ri. ' AMOM QUIM U1' COMM L$~0~1 DAMN ~~,~pxra! G`~+4f~Ef:ti 0!r GONg1:AC,6 1 Ike go Ire k#VMeoa thairrSA I~llxwad Ooaeai~EAe: . J I I I, the undersigned, A. A. Calvert, for the purp--s--s set Furth herein do certify as follows: 1. That I was a member of the City Council in the months of July and Auk,,ust, 1953, and 2. That I was present when under date of August b, the City Council passed a resolution instructing the Mayor and the City Secretary to execute an intervention on the pp.rt of the City of Menton in the r,a•;ter of the Santa Fe apl.lication to constraot a railroad into Dallas through Denton County that bypasBedDenton , and 3. That I was present at a meeting of the City Council on or about Augur 18 in which a copunittee from the Chamber of Commerce headed by Tom Harpool, then it's president anti E. iN. Morrison, read to the City Council a letter outlining the understanding with the attorneys employed for the interventions, including the amount of their fee, and the scope of their authority. Fol.lowing the reading of the letter referred to, E. ii. Morrison made request of the City of Denton to share in the expense of the employment in a total sum to bp not less than one-half of the total expense. In discussions of the Commicsion, following the departure of the Co ugittee and in subsequent meetings, the opinion of the members of the Commission seered to be that the City should not make expenditure as long as there was an element of doubt. It was my opinion, and is now, that if private funds were used to eliminate the uncertainty, the City should pay a prop..rtionate share of the total cost. The chairman of the City Commission wis advised to instruct the chairman of the Railroad Corunittee accordingly. It is my opinion that the City of Denton is therefore obligated to share subslantiaily in the expense of obtaining the Railroad through the City of Denton. VIC Q~ ;v. A. Calvert December 23, 1954 A 1 L' 7 Z 011 1 11 G P E T I T I O N DENTON, TEXAS. day cf U4,tztt44 19 TO THE dONOR4,M CITY COIVISSION OF THE CITY O DENTON, TEYASt Gentlement The undersigned hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body to amend the present Zoning Ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, and the Zoning Map therein referred to, so as to change the designation of the following described property as a part of the dwelling district, and cause the salne to be classified, shown, and designated, as a part of the business district of the City of Denton, Toxast Lot Block JC~O v~' C14 iVlt 4 Street RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED by the undersigned, constituting the owners of fifty per cent of the area of all real estate included within the boundaries of the abovo described tract of lands L THE UNDERSIGNED, constituting the owners of fifty per cent of the area of all real estate lying outside of the above dos•:ribed tract, but within two hundred fact of the boundaries thereof, intervening streets and alleys not included in the computation of said two hundred feet he cbyOin in the above petition, L2p ELON, pioase find map or plat of the ove described property, all real estate within two hundred feet thereof, exclusive of intervening streets and alloys, the block in which said above described property is situated, and the footage of each owner within 700 fedt of said property. ti 5 i Asia dla.~- 2 0 11 I N G P E T I T I O N DENTON, TEXAS, day of 19 M TO THE HONOkhB LE CITY COWISS ION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXASI Gentlemen: The undersigned hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body to amend the present Zoning; Ordinance of tho City of Denton$ Texas, and the Zoning Map therein referred to, so as to change the dosignation of the following described property as a part of the dwelling district, and cause the sar.ke to be classified, shown, and designated, as a part of the business district of the City cf Donton, Toxast Lot Block 30/- Street /0?8 X /~o Nor/ifi a"'.. a dvrenue ¢ v /P/ RESPECTFULLY SM ITTED by the undersigned, constituting the owners of fifty per cent of the area of all real estat9 includes Kithin the boundaries of the above described tract of laadi THE TMERSIGNED, constituting the owners of fifty per. cent of the area of all real estate lying outside) ct the above described tract, but within two hundred feet of the bowndaries theroof,,inter ening streets and alleys not included in the computation of said two hundred feet, hereby 'oin in the above petition. / w v r BELOIY, please find map or plat of he above described property, all real estate within two hundred feet thereof, exclusive of intervening stroeta and Oleys, the block in wh!ch said above described property is situated, and the footage of each owner within 200-feet of said \ y i i ik -1, y A F k ss•.-.-r.•, American Cpsualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania -,w. When p3ymenS o1 the total premium has been made by the due date, this should be attached to •our policy as a continuation certificate. Your canc,lled check Is your rocelpt. 4 Term in Premium Dee Date ti Agent: Months ti W. E. Lanford 12 7 Day of Oat 1953 Danto t, faxes ? $289.05 Premium VD- 2412 Poilcy Number 2942535 Insured: lt,y of Denton Denton, Texas ti ~~:,',!•,%•,-.-.~.lAccldent - Health Hospitalization Department Form AB-IaD0 a' F It 7W t J Charter of the City of DentoTL, Texas Article III. Section 18, Paxe 15: The bonds of all officers and employees of the City of Denton shell be made payable to the Mayor or his successors in office, conditioned upon the faithful performance of their duties, and the amount of such hone shall be fixed by the Commission. Codification of Ordinances of the City of Denton. Texas. ,941 i . Chapter 1, Article X BONDS OF OFFICERS AND EFIPLOYEFS Section 39a Bonds fixeds The bonds of all officers and employees of the City of Denton, Texas, are hereby fixed as follows (A) Mayor a. a a a $2000.00 i ,.-(B) City Attorney . $100040 Q, City Marshal, . $1000600 (D) Each Deputy City Marshal . . $1000600 (E) Street Commissioner . . . ` . $1000000 (F) City Health Officer a $1000300 (G) City Scavenger and Pound Man $1000.00 (H)'Sup t Water and Light and Sever Department $10006-00 (I) Secretary, Water, Lig)rt and Sewor Department $1000.00 ~0) Cashier and Bill Clerk$ water, Light and Sewer Department . . a , a $1000400 (K) Asst Cashier & Bill Clerk, Water, Light and Sewer Department a . . a . . . . . . . $1000.00 (L)'''City Treasurer . . . a a . . a . ► a . $5000600 (M) City Secretary , a a . . . . . . $6000000 (N)' Eaah Deputy City 5ecretery a . . . $1000.00 (0) City Fire Marshal . . . . a 0 it a a a $1000400 (P) City' Meal and Dairy Inspector . a a $1000600 (Q) City Electrical Inspector, a . $1000400 (R) City Store Keeper a $1000.00 ;x I I Section 40. Surety Requiredi (A). The surety on all bonds above prescribed shall be some good and solvent surety company authorized to trnnsact business in the State of Texas, or two solvent resident citizens of the City of Benton, (B). All bonds shall be approved by the City Commission before filed. Section 410 Record in Office of City Socretaryi There shall be at all times on file xith,the City Secretary some written proof, executed by an authorized agent of tha surety I company (if such bond is executed by a surety company) that such bond is in force and that the premium has been paid. Section 42. Refusal to Give Bends (A), Any official or employee required to give bond as hereinabove set out who shall fail or refuse to so file such written prrjof shall not be entitled to pay for any work performed after requested by the City Secretary to so file ifich statement,'inless`such official or employee shall ao file such written iitatemint within 24 hours after such request is made,` (B). Such request shall be made by the City Secretary if no.bo6d has 'boon filed, and such request'ehall be in written form. DR. CHAS. F. CLAYTON 1017 MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING BONE AND JOINT SURGERY FORT WCRTH 2. TEXAS April 9, 1954 City of Denton Att: C. L. Aldridge Comptroller of Account.e Denton, Texas RE: W. K. Mulkey account Dear Sir: I have recerez.y rece76,red from the Medical and Surgical Clinic Association, in Denton, a reminder thal the Yhoxge for services rendered in this case by Dr. Miller is still unpaid. In reviewing, the file, I react( your etter of November 20th in reply to one from my secretary. This is thelfirst time that this letter has been called to my attention. In order to mako my position in this matter clear, the following information is supplied. This patient wa., referred to me on December 17, 1951- Considerable treatment was given to the patient before surgery was advised. The charges for this servYce aggr4gated $40.00. When surgery was advised it was requested by Mr. Mulkey that the surgery be done in Denton. I therefore discussed the matter with Mr. Gambill advising him that my fee for coming to Denton and performing this surgery would be $250.00. This did not include the services previously rendered nor any after care in the hospital since it would have been impossible for me to render this service while the patient was in Denton. The $250.00 fee was to cover the charges for going to Denton and performing the surgery. It was understood that all necessary local arrangements would be made by Mr. Mulkey and this was d%~ne. I kl8re continued to see Mr. Mulkey since he left the hospital, the last observation having been April 8th. For these visits no charges have been made. The total charges for my services in this case amounted to $290.00. Of this amount, $203.00 has been paid. The service• of Dr. Miller were rendered in good faith, and he should of course be compensated thew. Trusting that this will throw some light on the confused situation) I am Sincerely yours, .`-4''~z Chas. F. Clayton, M.D. CFC:mt .4 + 1 4 . 1 . DR. CHAS. F. CLAYTON INWK J3 1017 MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING BONE AND JOINT SURGERY FORT WORTH 2. TExAB February 97 1954 City of Denton Denton, Texas tie: W. K. Mulkey Gentlemen : I am in receipt of a letter from the business manager of the Medical Surgical Clinic, in Denton, concerning the fee charged by Dr. Miller for assisting in the operation on the above named, and supervising the after care of the patient. I made a smaller charge than customary for ay services in connection with this case, in order that the work might be done in Denton, with a local doctor caring for the patient. It would therefore be appreciated by me if the city will take care of Dr. Miller's bill. Yoyra very truly Chas. F. Clayton, M.D. CdWI:mt I r ~ P. W. HINKLE. M.D. RoSEAT H. wtim , M.D. H. M. EVRam. M.D. MAL V. NORaAARo. M.D. PAUL P. GLASS. M.D. W. S. MILLER. JR.. M.D. J. H. JONES. M.D. J. DAV10 THOMAS. M.D. CONRAD KINMO. M.D. Medical-Surgical Clinic Association NORMAL AT SCRIPTURE Tong L. JONES. JR. EVSINSOS Mon. DENTON. TMAIII W. K. Mulkey 1204 W. Mulberry St. City PLEASE PAT LAST AMOUNT IN THIS COLUMN DATE DESCRIPTION CNAR3E!_.1 CnSCIT SALANCS §0,00 November 20, 1953 Dr. Charles F. Clayton 1017 Medical Arts Bldg. Fort Worth 2, Texas Sugjeots W. K. Mulkey Surgery Dear Biro Referenos is made to your letter of November 19 concerning payment made by the city on the above referenced case. You refer to your letter of Oct. 20 ststir,g that there was a 1225.00 balance remaining after cridit of 175900 received b7 you from the Insurance aCoapany under Mr. Mulkey's insurance pommy Y'he statement from your office Uted August 31, and itemising tho servioses was in the amount of $28540. We deducted the 175.00 from that figure and mailed you the Oity's check for Vw difference =210.00. We reimbursed Mr. Mulkey the =7540 his insurance policy had paid you. The total coat to the City for services involved wav 1285.00. We did not know of aiW other charges. We did not, as suggested, in your letters deduct anything. We were wondering if an error had not been made in your office on the origin& billing. It is the writer's impression that there was an agro4ment between you and Mr. Oembill, member of tho City Commission ( at that time chairman) acting for the City prior to the time you performed the services for Mr. W- key that the coat to the City for surgery and all incidental charges would be 1250.00. We weave billed and you have been paid 128540. Theake very unsb for your consideration of theee statements. Very truly youss CITY OF DBMQ1f 8yt O. L. Aldridge Ooaptroib r of Accounts CZAmms DR. CHAS. F. CLAYTON oaf Kxl ]z>mtTlcidtlclttFf m7ffS[ 1017 Mf OICLL ARTS BUILDING ■ONf ANO JOINT SURGERY FORT WORTH 2. TEXAS 19 November 1953 City of Denton 221 North Elm Denton, Texas Subject: K.K. Mulkey 120+ West Mulberry Denton, Texas 0entlemenl Under date of October 20 final balance of bill in the amount of $225.00 on subject patient was forvorded to your office. We have received a cbe ck in the amount of $210.00, marked balance. Please advise tats office the reason of deduction of the $15.00, difference. Thank you. Very truly yours, ens ?ra~sier, 0.400. DR. CHAS. F. CLAYTON it yRR~cx~BQz~tz7blf~lmd>~fN t017 MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING FONT WORTH 2. TEXAS l BONE AND JOINT SURGERY 20 October 1953 The City of Denton 221 north Elm Street Denton. Tezas Subject: W.K. Mulkey Gentlemen: Under this date we have received a total of $75.00 to cover entire liability undec the American FospitAl and Life Insurance Cosparq. This leaves a balance of $225.00 to date unpaid-on subject's bill. Your a`tentlon to this account will be appreciated. Thank ynu. Very truly yturs, ` 4i ~ 7~t " II N r+ ene ~rasi I $Sol cos Amer. Hosp. lifo Ohsck #21850 $75.00 N-190 t ub 17 t road I-log Acv. =Caste C41181 odbuyu • car Memorandum of Agreement 1, PARTIES. This agreement this date made and entered into between HUMBLE OIL & REFINING COMPANY of HOUSTON. TEXAS, hereinafter Called SEL11M and CITY OF DMTCif _ d j~ntonA Texas hereinafter Called Buyer, Witnesseth: 2, AGREEMENT. Buyer agrees to purchase from and pay Seller for, and Seller agrees to sell and deliver to Buyer, the Humble Lubricating Oils, Greases and Special Products listed below or in the scbedule attached, in quantities between the respective Minimum and Maximum limits stated for each product, and at the prices designated. All deliveries sbali be made to Buyer at- _ Dentong Texas 3, PERIOD. Between Yarah 130 1953 end March 120 195 4. BRANDS, QUANTITIES AND PRICES. (Prices exclude taxes= see Paragraph 4, General Provisions) Oita QUANTITY IN GALLONS Il PER GALLON•BULR 1 Brae Naga or Pneart Mistiness M•xlaa■ Will Ota•rnlw taekst•e) 1 $asolubs FD Oilop All tirades 1.52 Velvet 00 Was All Grades •48 N*oVn B oils, All Oradea •48 Dioi 65 •h4} Diol 80 •45J GBtASCS QUANTITY IN POUNDS t °t r7f33F• Aet o e Bnaa Nana at h•dae/ rtlalraa Kill ! . ~ . sil3. to ~urbr • 6, CONTl It is agreed tlr! Seller shall have the option and privilege hereunder of delivering liquid pnducts in eitber light or heavy type berl or & w in an effort to traintain prompt delivery schedules. Rider "l attached, co"neS container pdkyr subject to change from time to time, is made a part od this Memorandum of Agreement as if copied berola. Q All Will !burro above are subject to the Price AdjuRmrnt Clause on the reverse side hereotl and said prices are f,ab_..~. MQtonru Texan f. TUNS OF PAYWYNI'a .It---I bcalm. i! pw col 10 days (tote date at delivery. So days net Discounts shall not be allowtd fnm or be applied to Car b computed upod taxis ra freight L GENERAL PROVISIONS. The general proviiloSe appearing On the rerave aide hereof are Lereby made A pact of !tile contl a. W(ECVTTON AND VALIDITY. We instrument contains the entire agrement It cannot be transferred ev sssigrivd by Buyer without Written cooseat of Seller. Thera are no oral promises repratmtatiams or warranties affecting it, and this agressoent or any t amdwnt thereof l ant 6 valid ontil it has been approved in "Citing by a duly authorised representative of tba ivnler, Wl" oeigwtew ill-ol By FI=T lNo coup , (;Idler) Hera* fides Reptrr..*ntatheJ . r..-------- YVitalss k, GENERAL PROVISIONS "ENGINEERING SERVICE. Seller's Lubrication Engineers will without charge advise and cooperate with Buyer In the proper spplication of (fumble products to obtain the most economical results. 2. 1NSTAILMENTS Deliveries or shipments must be taken by Buyer in fairly equal monthly allotmeats. 3 QUALITY AND UNIFORMITY. Seller warrants this products listed in this Memorandum of Agreement to be uniform in quality and at all timer up to its biea standards of refining. 4. TAXES. It is agreed that any duty, tax or other cha.b Seller may be required to collect or pay under any Munirlpal, States Federal or other law now in effect or hereafter enacted with respect to the manufacturing, processing, gale, transportation, delivery or use of the commodities covered hereby will bt added to Sellers currently posted list prices and be pad by the buyer. S. PAYMENTS. Notwithstanding the acceptance of this contract by Seller, if Seller is not satisfied with the Cutendal responsibility of Buyer, or if the financial responsibility of Buyer hereafter becomes impaired, or unsatisfactory to Seller, or if buyer faril, to mate payment as provided, Seller sball have the right to demand cosh payment or satisfactory security and may withhold shipments until it receives such payment or security. d. DELIVERIES DELAYED OR PREVENTED. All orders shall be filled with reasonable promptness, excepting that In the case of fire, riots, strikes, accidents, acts of God or governmental rrtiuirements, restrictiors or other action under any law, r%do or regulation of lawful authority, or any other condi!ions beyond Sellers control at any time, whether or not a ' imilar in character to those specifi• tally named, which unavoidably stop the manufacturing, processing, sale or the making of deliveries, deliveries contracted for may be cancelled or partially cancelled, as the case may require upon written or telegraphic notice to Buyer. Such interruption of deliveries. however, shall not invalidate the remainder of this agreement but upon removal of the rise of the interruption, deliveries shall be continued u before. d 1. MEASURES. Unless otherwise specified in the memorandum, (1) a gallon shall be taken to mean an American gallon of 231 cubic inches, (2) iron barrels in which products are so.d by the gallon shad contain not less than 50 nor more than 55 American gallons, and if products, oils or greases are ordered in ;..'tinges other than barrels, Sellar's regular package differentials will apply and will be added to bulk or barrel prices. 8. ADJUSTMENT OF PRICES AND CONTAINER POLICIES. Seller may at any time during the term bereof, rkn thirty (30) days' notice mailed to Buyer, revise container policy and adjust the price or prices of any products contracted for herein. If Seller's regular list price schedule is reduced, a corresponding reduction will apply to these prices during the period of wc6 -'eduction. In the event Sellers regular list price schedule is advanced, then before the effective date of such advance Buyer sball have the option of purchasing at the prise schedule in affect at the thne such notice is given, a quantity of any product sold hereunder, not In excess of his average monthly pmci.eses previously delivered heivander. It is further understood that if revision in container policy or advance in list price schedule are net acceptable to Buyer, Buyer may within such thirty (30) days' period gip written notice to Seller of any lower price at which Buyer can purchase such product of equal quality, and if Seller refuses to meet such prkv, Buyer may, by giving Seller written notice forthwith, terminate this agreement as to the profucta affected by the notice. 0. CLAIMS. Any Claim for defect or variance in quality or shortage shall be made and Seller shell be notified and given on oppor- tunity to Inspect, within two days after grinds each their destination, and Its tsm of delivesiv In tart can or transport trucks, this notice and opportunity shall be givai bidve the goods an unloodedi and a Wart of Buyer to *home this provisiaa shall operate u a waiver of such claim. Ik TANK CARS AND TRANSPORT TRUCKS. Any tank cars and/or transport trucks furnished by the Seller shall be discharged by Buyer Immediately upon udvaL Tank cars an to be released to the carrier from which they were received and billed in accordance with forum furnished by Seller. For any tank can of Seller detained more than 48 hours, Buyer, besides paying such- railway demurrage it may accrue, shall pay Seller an amount at least equal to the railway demurrage. In urn of tank car ship. menu- - -mall proet(ra necessary cars. For any transport truck detained more then twn hours, Buyer shall pay Selte: an amount at least equal to demurrage charged by carrier. If. APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES. In toss deliveri,x are made In carload, tank r&r, I.artsport tru( cc tank wagon IotA quantities. within ten per cent of amounts called for by this contract or any iwtallment thereof shall be deemed sufficient deliveries by Seller, only, tl'e actual amounts delivered to be p•dd for. 11 RETURNS. N;rma of the goods purchased hereutifer may be returned for credit to Buyer's ecraunt or exchanged for other goods .except with tae written consent of Seller and ulinn tuck terms u it may fix. 13. MINIMUM DELIVERIES. No oil will be dasivarad in bulk or peckagn in lots of lees than fire (5) galloosi greases, one (I) earton. Cart ices, Light Iron Barrels (1,113) and Cans are to be sold in full original pack site only. it CHANGE OF BRAND NAME. Selii7 metre this right to chaop at any time the brand name us any ether distinctlvs deaiitna- lion of any of its products. Should iy do an, this r cstract shall be deemed to curer the products under the new names or desipta• ti.ms, being of the smno nature and specilks6om sod for the some tun, t2 the come extent a If sold new names or dasignstiav were specifically net forth herein. I rsrsressrrrnrs. RIDER "A" ;Rt,v, 5/16/51) MITAIIIER POLICY Supplementinv,, Hur,Jble Oil Y.: Refining Ccmpany ilemoraudum of ACreement Form S-403 Revised, of which this Rider "A" is made a party the following, effective May 16, 1951 is the drum policy cf Humble 011 & Refining Company, Grease Containers Automotive and Industrial grease containers are not returnable and become the property of the Buyer, The cost of the container is included in selling price, 5-Gallon or Smaller Containers When deliveries are m[sde in 5-Cullon or smaller containers, Seller's regular package differentials will -apply. These containers become the property of the Buyer and are not returnable for credit, 15-Gallon Drums Frr delivery of Motor and Industrial Oil in this size container, a differential of 12.0N per gallon will be added to bulk posted schedule. The drum becomes the property of the Buyer and is not returnable for credit, Licht Iron Barrels and Heavy Iron Dcrrels (55-Gallon CapscitY) Light iron barrels and heavy black iron barrels) when used in making delivery of all industrial and motor oils) white oils, solvents, diesel fuel, gasoline and kerosene, will remain the property of and must be returned to Humble Oil & Refining Company as promptly as poeaible. A deposit of $5.00 per barrel will be required at the time of delivery) however; when such barrels are returned in good condition, Buyer will be credited an amount per barrel equal to that amount ~,f money placed with us as deposit. Cost of 55-gallon light iron barrels used in delivering marine products is included in the cost of producty however) when returned to us in good condition) a credit of $1.75 per';arrel will be made to Buycrfs account. 55-gallon barrels used in delivering all other products remain the property of Buyer auu ere not returnable for credit, Galvanized Iron Barrels 55-Gallon Capacity) Those barrels will remain the property of Humble Oil & Refining Company and should be returned as promptly as possible. The deposit required for galvanized iron barrels will be $10.00 per barrel, This deposit will be invoiced at the time of delivery, will be collected with the price of the product, end will be held until the empty galvanized iron barrel ie returned, at which time the deposit will be returned. MIDLB OIL & REFINRIG COIPAIIY - ~a33 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMINISTRATION DLst:iot Office Nos 1 F o Boot 1689, F'ts forth, 1, Texas. Oct, 123 19534 The Honorable Lark Hannah, Mayor, City of Dt>,' a, Denton, Texass Dear Mayor Hannaht In recent telephone conversations both you and Mrs Orr expressed an interest in revieng the master plan of the Denton Municipgl Airports We have been giving this matter sours study since " feel that a periodic evaluation of the master plan is necessary to most the changing needs of aviation and the growth of the oommunitys You are of course aware of the fact that the agreement with the United States Goverment under which the Denton airport was constructed, binds the City to operate and maintain the facilities resulting from such constructions 1hils we may study the aviation needs of the City and suggest a revised master plan for the airport, W modification of the agreement between the Government and the City, will not be effective until formally accepted by both partiese The existing agreement will remain in full force and effect during the interims The property acquired at the time the airport was constructed was ndlquate for considerable more development than was over realised as you well knows 1 study of the aviation needs of your community indioates that the paved ruws&y and taxiway which were constructed will most the needs c~ the oomunity up to and including the time when feeder line eeryice may be justified at this airports General aviation however will require landing strips in other directions and it appears that this requirement might be met by retaining the port6ons of the existing strips lying East of the paved runways I an enclosing a drawing outlining the revisions discussed above, It will be noted that the suggested revised master plan wi)l considerably reduce the maintneanco obligations of the Citys The revised plan also indicates that approximately 200 acres of land, now in airport use, will be rarplns to airport needas DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMINISTRATION it is suggested that this revised master plan of the airport be carefully studied by your City officials and the airport managers If you have any suggestions or comments for the improvement of the plan, these should be transmitted to this office so that we may finally arrive at a master plan acceptable to both the City at+d this offices ften and if such a plan is developed it might very well serve as a basis for requesting a mod- ification of the existing agiesment covering the operation and maintenance of the airports Wo will be glad to discuss this setter and the "ration of your airport with you at any time. Sin.ersly yours, g. t, District port Ergi~eor% 0 UNITED Vwr _E5 PIDLEFUITY AND G~l/x R;, f~lTY C(0 I~~Wf~~ IAL716"ACIR8 P.1AVt9+'J4AHD A?te Seay & Hall CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE 'alas, Texas FOR HOUSE TO HOUSE CANVASS AND PHOTOGRAPHER'S LICENSE BOND PREMIUM b 10.00 (two years) Bond No. 67002_12_4626-51 Ant. of Borxit $500.00 In favor of City of Denton, Texas On behalf of Olan Mille Studios, Inc. Period: From December 12, 1953 to December 12, 1955 In consideration of Cie premium herein stated, the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY C031PANY hereby continues in force, for the period deacribnl, the Bond designated above, subject to all the agreements, limitations and conditions thereof and provided that the liability under said Bond and all continua- tions thereof shall not be cumulative. Signed, scaled and dated October 13, 1953 UNITED STATES FIDDEfATTYi AND GUARANTY COMPANY By....n~r~"` Babble R. Mitchell By Attorney In Fact 04 Omen1 55 4.52" CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE ISSUED BY fie so to & Go TINTED STATES FIDELITY and GUARANTY COMPANY BAL"310RE 3, MD. FILE TIUS CERTIFICATE WITH YOUR BOND " t • 1111.41 11INI I T I I E T ■ 1AItA3, 11111 December li 1953 City Clerk Denton# Texas Dear Sir: Enclosed is the Continuation Certificate extending our 0500 surety bond there to December 120 1955. We, will appreciate your attaching this certificate to the bond in your files so that they are readily available for inspection. Very truly yours, OLAN MILLS INCORPORATED Karla Kirohheine kk Enclosure I a' o , I . , r 4 1 Denton,Texas,May 10,103 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITX OF DENTON,TEXASt Now comes the Denton Sus Line,Xno.A Texas Corporation,and files this application for a permit to operate a bus line over and along car. tain streets and routes heroinafter designaded,and respectfully shows to said Commissiont 11 l.That the name of said applioant ie,Denton Bus Line,Ino,T)aat the place of business from with said bus line shall be operated is 108 West MoKinnoy,8t.in the City of Denton, Texas ttelephone 0-7942, 2.T1u%t the applicant is the owner and opperator of aatd bus line that has operated over the routes and etreste herenafter doeignated,an4 the owners of the CorporF.tion are twelve Denton Texas mend 34That the buses to be operated over saIA line oonsist of two Yellow Coach 29 passenger buses,eight Yellow Coa& 28 Pas3onger buses and ore White 21 passenger bus,all of which are fully enclosed and built upon a ohasdae no heavier than that of a three ton truok,and that sale are so oonstruoted that each will seat th*i number of passengers abovs designated. 4,That the routes over Khieh said busse'are proposed to operate, is as tollowe t A, Beginning at the southwest corner of the Publio Square in the City of Denton,at the intersection of the west line of South Elm Street and the mouth line of Test Hiokory StrestJTHE-NOE east aoross said Square to its southeast oorneriMNOE north along the east side of said Publio Square on Korth Looust Street to Oakland AvenusITHrNOE In xa easterly.o nd southerly direction on Oakland Avenue to Bann Ave- nue TkINOE Nest on Hann Avenue to North 1toust StreatjTHENOV south on Nor h = fist Street , to Weet MoklnneYs*re • o THCROIC 'west on, wo s uo- kinney Street to North Elm 8jreetjTxwX 's ti %'on North Elm S,Irdet to North host corner of Public Square and 4r. Elm Street to West Hiokory StreetjTxs'NOE Nest on Went Hickory St. a to Avenue BjTHENOS-, mouth on Avenue B to West Chestnut StreetITHENCE west on West Chestnut Lstreet to Avenue O THENOS south on Avenue 0 to Highland StroetjTHENOS e,aat on Highland Street to Avenue AjTHENOE north on Avenue A to West Hlokory 8troot)THENOE east on West Hickory Street to Xooabhveof :corner of 8quare,ths place of beginning B4BogInAj at the northwest oornsr of th Public Sqcare in the Olty of Denton at the tntersOotion Of the north line West Oak, Street and the Wesline of North X14 StreetJThenoo West on West Oak street to Houn3s AvenueJTHENOE north or Mounts Avenue to'Gonnggrreeso Avenugj~ THINGS west on Oongress Avenue to Amarillo Street)THENOS North on Amarillo Street to Egan Street Thenoe "a% on Egan Street to M&10na Str et THtltOg south oh lesions ~trwet to Scripture StreetJ2HEN08 erect on ~or~pture 8t" et to Thomas StreetlIHENOE mouth on Thomas Street to west Oak street 'IHENOS east on West Oak ,Straac t: ft1t0n Street THSNOE north on Vulton Street to Oongreas Avenue JS1MI;,E east On ton Street to uouots AvenusITHENOX south on Mounts Avenue to West Oak 'StreeTHENOS east o West Oak Street to Cedar StroolITIMM north on Osdar street to Pecan 8troatITHENOE east on Pecan Street to North Ella StreetITHENOE north on !forth Elm street to Highway 24JT&nNOE east on Highway 24 to North Locust 8trestjTHEN09 port on Nor h 'Locust Street 1 to l aoh StroeV;THENOE 4"4 on Peaoh Street to fowler 8treetI THINGS 10 'gout; On Fowler Street to Vcrrest Street THENOS east on Forrest Atlyet to Pincer StreetItgnJOE south on Paler Street to Sherman Drive jTHZNOJC east; on Sherman Drive to Bali AvenualTHENCFr south on,Bell Avenue to Texan 8t stJTHENOE,east on Texas Street to FreAs StrottJ THI"OZ iqquuth on Frame Street to East motinney StrestITHENOt 0&$b on SaSt'M0jj noy Street to Wood EaresttokoryhStrost fioBRai Lrcad Aasnue;i~'~NOEShorthJ ,THINGS vest on Bast 1Hi~l ~e 0h Rail load Avenue to Seat HaKinn%r reeet T hNon lor~h6n S&Ot Moo Mney ptrost to'North Slot treat TH ftin re ♦w1 . IL a ~A YAm Page 2 0. Beginning at the mouth line of Walnut Street and the tr+stline of South hoottst Street in the City of Denton#THENOE east on WsJ,« nut ~ traof to Austin ItrestiTHENOE south_ on, 4,1,jtin Btrost to Rul- Sr berrx itreet'ITHENCE east on .Xulborry;'ltre4t to Industrial. 1trlstf TH`ZN 9 south on Industrial'Ytreit j*644r the undorpaes to'Roberson Atreot=aoross the rail read tracks to Morse Street;THENCg oast; on Morso Street to Bushey Atreet;THENOE ;north on Bushey Street to Nilson Street;THENOE west on West on Wilson Street to Lakey Street 'WHENCE north on Lakvy Street to Prairie Street;THENOE Brost on Prairie Street to Industrial Street;THENCS north on Industrial. etroet to Mulberry St;reet;THENCE went on Mulberry fitraet to South Elm Strest;THME sjorth on South Elm Street to Walnut Street) THENCE east on Walnut Street to South Locust Street the plans of beginning. $a That yova, applicant will operate said buses in aooordanggo with law and the ordinanoe■ of the City of Denton and partioula~rIy in aooordanoo with the Chapter B,Artiole 8 of the 1941 CoditioatLon of ordinanoe of the said 01ty of Donton,duly aaopt;ed by said City on the 316t day of Ootober 1941 by an ordinanoe duly0pasoed by the City pox=ssion of said City of Denton. 4~. That a reposed 8rdinanoe, granting to this applicant a franobA iso,or Per pt t) so operates bursa over routes hersinabovii designated is presented herewith 7,. Whtreforo our applicant 'pray t' ghat he opposed ordll Monh Y►gri'sxlth'subm ted bi dy1 rseebmm>{iong said franohise fora r,;it to this aCa pllBadt i as , with,ths tests and provis ons of said ordinanoe for the period' .of time, therin designated. Apy~lioatlt r. Sony-Txeamr ~U88gRSN D BWORH TO btforq me on "shim the - •y,- dar.of ' Oary` i+ab46 in and or AentoA, . ~ounty,Texa~ . 1 f 1 r ~ AN ORDINANOS GRANTING TO DENTON BUS LINEOINO. THE RI0HT.PRIYIi.::Gli' FRANCHISE AND PERMIT TO OPZRATE STRUT BUSNA OVER AND ALONG OERTAIN DESIGNATED STREETS WITHIN THE OORPORATE LIMITS OF THE OYTY OF DENTON TEXAS REGUL ATA ING THt OPERATION THEREOF Pk6VIDN& !OR A LINATATION UPON CARES TO A8 O ED PATRONSO PROVIDING OTHER RMLATIONS FORM CONDUCT OF SAID BUS LINE BY THE OWNER AND OPERATOR TIMMOF, PAOVIDING FOR THE: PAYMENT OF LIOENSE FEES TO BE OIiARGED FOR THE USE OF SAID STREEETS$ DESIGNATING THE PERIOD OF TIME FOR WHIOH MID FRAN0HI9E OR PEIWIT SHALL BE GRANTED AND DF.I. CLARING AN LWGENCY, BE IT ORDAIN D BY THE OITY GOWAI83ION OF TH.: OITY OF DENTON, TEXAS S Section 1. Subject to the terms and oonditiona mentioned in this ordinanoe,the Oity of Denton,Texas hereinafter oAlled City,hereby grants to Denton Bus Line,lno.herinaftor call-~ ov,Aer,their heirs said aosipsrooneent to use the streets heroin- after designated for tho purpose of operating street bust's over and alera the same for the transportation of passengers for hire rhloh said consent#franohise and permit to use said. streets shalt be and the same is hereby granted for a period of ten years from and after the passage of this ; ordnance s MA"' election 2. The routes over which said buses ,Oall b# operated undop, tbo rightepfranchise ;and pe.rdts herein&ft,ls-; sr"toft- ad shall be as followal MA" aEGINNINO at the southwest oorner.of the Public Square in the Oity of Denton at the interseotion of the west line of Jouth Elm Street and Jhe south line of West Hickory StrestiTHENOE east across said SgVers to its southeast cornertTHENOE north`,Along the east side of maid Publio Square on North Locust Street to Aakto land AvenuejTHENOIti in an easterly and`southerly direction on Oak- rand Avenue to Hau3n Avenue,Tiitr' OPr ~r, et on rents Avenue to North Locust StrestjjTHENOE south oSouth°cust street to rite t YclCrn- ey Street fTHE Ot vast on west 8mxihney Street to North M Strestf THENOZ south on Forth Elm Street to North Neat Oorner'of Public Square _ and on,on Ella Street to Wag* Hickory Strat T P92 west on Yes. Hickory Street to Avenue BIT99NUE south on AU-8 B to'Weat Chestnut StreetjTHENU vast on Went, Ohestnut Street to Avenue 0= Tf{ V, south on Avenge 0 to Highland Street)THENOS east On 'High land Streat to Avenue AJTHENOZ north on Avenue A,to West Hickory streetiTHENO$ eaot on West Hlokory Street to Nouthweet corner of Square the place of beginningq rBM BKO KING at the North West corner of the Public 02yars in the Oity of Denton,at the intersection Of the north line o West Oak street and the crest line of North Elm Street=THEN03' crest on !fast oak street to Kwnts Avenue)THENOR north on !founts Avenue to congress AvenusjTHENOE west on 0e ass Avenue to A4.- rlti0 street=THENOFr sev%hon Amarillo Street to Egan StreetITHENOR west on Egan Street to Woma streetjTHENOS south on !talons Street to SCRIPT= Strest{THF.,NOE west on Scripture Street to Thom<As BtreetITHENO$ south on Thomas Street to !feat Oak 0treet;THFN0X east on Wvvt Oak Street to Fulton Stree4=TH04E north on Fulton street to OangreMa 6t aSITHENOR east on OongressStroet to !founts ApenuolTMOE South 04 Mounts Awnue to west Oak 8trsetjTHE40It ear % on test Oak, Street to gedar StreetITIMNOT north on Oedar St- root to Pecan S etiTHENCPr east on P094n street to North Elm Street TWOS north on North glsa 8eleet to Xighvray 241THEROX east to Hi 24 to North Locust Stmt fMNOE'rsorth on North Loaus+ tree to peach fttreet:THZN0X east on Peach Street to Fowler Street. 2 THBR6S eouth on Fowler Street to Forrest Street:THENCE east ,on For rast Street td Palmer Street; THENCE south on Palmer Street to Sharman Drive;THENCS east on .Shernan nrive to Bell Avente;TYPNICE `south on Bell -Avenue to Texas Street;TT42NCE east on Texas Street to'Prame Street;THH.lrCE south on' Frame Street to East, VcKinney Street;TKNCE east on Bast McKinneyStreet to Wood Street;THEINCE south- oil 'k6od Streat. to East ki,okory Street;THLNCg west on`,East Hickory ~,Stftet'toRatlrQad Avenue;T}i.- "north on Railroad. Avenue` to Ebst McX nrey Street,,, TUNCE viust on East LieKinney Street to North Elm Street;THENCE south on North E2%, Street to,cornev of hest Oak Street the place of berinnins, "C" BE'G1:NNIA'G at the south" line of Walnut Street and the west line o7 South Locust Street in the City of Denton;THENCE east on Walnut F3tw reet to Austin 5treet;TMECE south on Austin Street Xx i to Mulborry 5treetoMENCE east on Mulberry Street to Industrial Street:TH:.NC, south on. Industrial Street and under the underpass t,o Roberson Street; THENOic southeast on Roberson Streit to Morse Street;THFNCE east on Morel Street to Bushey Stree;;THE;NCE north on Bushey Street to Wilson Street TH I':CE. west un vest on Wilson street to Lokeia Street;THENCE north one Lte.key Street to Prairie Street;THENCE west on Prairie Street to Incl- ustrial Str'eet;THENCr north on Industrial Street to Mulberry Street; Th ,NCE west on Fiulberry Street to South .fir Street;THfENCE north on South Elm Street' to Walnut Street;TKE14CS east on Walnut Street to South Locust Street the place of beginning. section 3. That the type of buss's which the owners shall be required to operatu under the ri~;its and privilegse herein grantel shall ba of modern (iesign and shall be fully encloses and built upon a chassis no heavier than that of a three ton truok and be so constructed .that each will comfortably seat not less than fourteen paaeen ere at a time. Section 4. That it shall be unlawful for vaid. owners and operator to ehe.r;;e a f ,re of ;;:ore ton sent4 prr passerj;a„ tre.ns- ported frD:t point to point within t.hc sf.id City of Denton,io•",rier t;iat the owners and operator Of Said bus or buaes,pay--tell tokens repre- eentliv' fares on said bus or buses,pr vided that the sale of such tokens shall not laalce the fee for ridin gore than tan cant's per passenger transported for the rice. Section 5. This franchise and permit is granted subject to any and all provisions of the existin;; charter of 1,0he City of Denton, Texas and the ordinance;, of the City of Denton regulating the oper- ation of street buses and all o:' said charter provisions and. ord i nnnees which are applicable hereto are ;Wade a part of this franchise s.s fully and as effectively hs thoM;z copied at lenJth herein. Section 0. Nothing; herein shall be construed as abrid.E;ing the r1k;ht of the City of Denton to pass other ordinance regulating the operation of street buses for the protection of the citizens and their persons and property and the propevty of the owners of said buses anc bue line,and this franc:,Ise shall be subject to :any 1r.; zul urdiue.nce which way nereaft.r be passed which ore not ir,con- si.strant herewli h. Section.'l. No gale, assl nnent or len3F of this franchise shall be offeotecd unless and until the` vendee,assignae or .lenses ' shall have filed in the office of,the City 5e011etarl.' on isatru:Il9nt duly executed recitinC the fact of such sale,asulgwaent or, lef:se accepting the terias of, the franchise and agreeing to perform al1 the conditions' thersof. Section 3... The, fact that the prOerit franchiEe and pe-,'sit'for vpoi'ati9k,oi: stre~.t buechs by the said ownebe mill pres'pntly expire and 'that, tho owners are at;pr© ent operatinP bases 'over And. aloP9 soe~e.of said' itreete only on, a LeiiporRry,franchise or'perrait from the City of nenton,,8410 that . the 't'anefor of the stock of . said ' oiyner, tr.) 'inolude looal ;mqn _and tbat the moutep, tie, drought up to date an$ said fi~o:nchiae' Rr?d''¢ermit.be' ektah, d,or,~4tes an imper-. ativa pub?.ic` nocesi-d y' t!iat this ordinance be ~reaaron' three several days be suspended and waived-.ay required by the rule $overninb orninancee and be Imxiedlately paesed,and that this ordinance be 'place on its third and final reading,snd that tl-A) Bane 'shall hhcome effective iramediately from any: a.ftar its final Possa-„ and it is so ordained and enacted, PASSED AIvD APPItOVLD this -the - aay of 1q - Crairma'n,City Comiaaion' _ ArrES City gecretary APPROVED *a----------------- City Attorney , . i •r - 4 f r 1 1 , ~ f ~ 7 ~ a 4 l 4 / Y~ ~i~' 3 ; ter 4~• 'a Eb ~ti « C l a 'amrsulle I+, '.''I' J RICHCY t'R 1; ORR , /I~ O Heedialtine a I ' kU~T oSH~. En I I I' i e ST. DE~INTON~ • TEXAS $7 LAIN w OAK Gat NW S ...r...., 1Al FERRO AWN. r - New F a A o Donlon counfor. R RTS SPi ,E .74 Fair Grounds a~, a my R. B- rJflos N 4j b wOMAND r u:,• Y /no. 8. Denton 1 d HIENNFN St. Pnv<Aer, Lassies, vnd Seld?w SUN 21 041 To Uv~uur STATE HWY. 24 .~'E.. ATENWY.EI WEST /AY G T y.T. -catiev Aleen r. e r ,I For We+nv Q ApmO A E.P.. EMERY iii illo EMERY fllt < COLLEGE ar Amar illo I i:: ~e. Ardlrson ` 11950 U. S. Censusi COB DELL'" D\b r r Anne Ale. AIRA,50UARE MITES ' nfM~ A Bonnll Bne y . ; a X HT CRF SVC E T Ala Awel Grove BradilY rj AITITUOL LEOrt NoI Braad 7WEY G AVERAG4MEAK TENPCRATURE... M Iii ! Ic a: Schoo! 09M I k` N AVERAGE ANNUAL RA%TALL Correll . SS Fl Yi I ; SEC P E harpfs5 G+ VaRATE 3.18 a NERAHiehS<Aool; Coil y rrA~A A.1.hM i;;"t.. LINDEN DR. rAleUe R<Id< m FlRST Crescent cenl yip a NAS TWO LARGE 57 RTE COLLEGES a; BROADWAY t Jn i. Yf erm y *A RICH AGRICULTURAL A140 LIVE. R; O ; V fEA NN 11121"[16a s7ocR crR [R n!! WITHERS Denton ! SEVERAL OUTSTANDING INDUSTRIES CROW < P Ai > A e O M1Ff S r i1 Egan V Wit A r7Py{oAUfTU LT. :SrS WIERT D r1ve Fate . 3 x SCRIPTURE 3 Hasture" r Senior ~R PinrL BAR ER LE 'Au on A 5<Aool.r.PAR AY 71TglcarnAY C FIM 6n(( G Ti ON Pl. r L<i ea Na! h Hs 5 hnha dir A I HOUSTON HA l.Rin< E T Rtlr Political PUCE AMO ° z R ' School City •'`=r ..o: r: Nilkresl jcorde( `iy S A post !Ke AN ST, NowtMn )$(oa Refe AK ST. s " IhpoE linden Drive SErlPtwa t - trnen :ena `I KORY wilone state M' R Afar etta A}ntel Urin O' ° T RSFcAool AI Tntmal is aF A Normal Wp1Wal AR it < SYCAMORE YCAMORF Normal Williams N.Td.C. EDW ADS DEA SL n• CHESTN it <4T. r STAOUD• Sl, OaA IL &,ykr n Carl A a. Vera CrpM PRAR11 Adlwk rYRa,1w'A g i J .0 < G MAPLE 1. O.O. F. G = Pa, N h Cantle" < et T C Aver A Avenues B A.ii(ht < < s n ~ F School Avenue C Lan! MILL Avon- D llndsq A < IISNIR „ Avenue E Louise Nolan Avenue F tlap~a < FA IN i 1 rn G v Avenue a TA! fie MIN"! Avenue H Ua,om Ct LL SIMMONS AvMw f mckiafe !:u fm~AY z z 4~ cMAMeERS Blatry MkAI(11 r °o `~sd° SoKR A T. J. C. < 8 J ^t L~ i Centif min t6erry Sr lW' rr1:k ; Gov Cower 's+ z z H Ceentraal Rio„ an z O.pA<n'I 0 SMIT z _ ~~i 1 rl , 'I! GKII LEE y CMllmd OnAidd Dr. 37 DA A; Cleveland hat 1 TI h:n c r MICkI L i A FAQ -!c CIr~! Llmir! ° C0111nS Filter IM ICfRIl li'i 1 : k f i ' I. ~ AE :,:Il ! r.,.' ` IIi1r STalNal k LINDSEY 4~ Inman Fannin S rt ore BreenNe Tionellane N ~hlmd SI.J keAWeee .y;1 M!(tland Pat Rd. WAlpol"ViM 1.041, Williams ORR-KID DR. Kendolph WIIaAIn 1► i!'! ' I!';€ h;il4r: 'F:`5.4 i , To fr. A'onh C,, r iehr B7 W'm. M. 14M. Lo. Aorn r. IY~R~~i SI 'i t mi L TB~~r o Ciainen illr ; To SNrcman ~ RICHEY DR He,dlel Line M it l0 XAS 4r~ HUR~i I 4/LI\1QI'r DENT ON Y '.:i!!+i!ni!.!rr '!!.:i• uii `1t PEACH Si d ; r .:i.'!.;s Um etwood CHAMBER Of Ct~f : FAIN >VIOODLAND TAU FERRO Dmjon Comwif R o Now F R" O o Hlmwoel 7 21 Far Caoande l nST.- S1a1a~,1~ LI Y 1{ r o CYy ! 1 r r, N ST. { .1 1' BlNNrt BA 1 .r 151t luli i s ■ ' ATE H" El f Tr~ISlmr Eofvd s : wAi aDer r s. traivv { ~ , Cd8 ~ nn ~ , a I B" EMERY I,. EMEI Y DR. < COL C4 Pee Wooten LoneR/ CORDELL? C t , p rt 'No n/CrlwSr Irf Lim RESC T IR I Geshrood Place CRESCENT : Slon<uall Grove R p Dowsm r iii M• r S Schaol.r VIA i1I1 E!?Bi!: VERA!::!!ci`i High School SE P!RT L MEN DR. rhlrncFielol' t O RRSI SA TEXAS r < ad Twill W BROADWAY ; " lower _I "d S O O , FER _ ` • `•.1'.: 1 MANN WNNEAS W 9iillii~IiiEiiii.•'•:;:::0" rt FfihN S 5 ..........5, Cory r' 1 Z Y ' ,..1,, cnrvw OW; Z 111 eU111 U111 CR d t1y {aunty l CL.h EA[ ..:`ni 9ii:. L:ri ,.riiE irii'ir:; ::i•::r ..ei'rc.i. grant In. t; SCAMP[ N~prrad r Im _ !}CI IRA ER to Fat, Word W ~ Mtliieq A Schea ARK AY •Amryka.'t FRrt DAVIS 'I mum l1~ON " AN , [.hsioa H. 11Mi IIA Z HAYS_ .r' . kE TAMS it Schoo! v' fli LaNim,rl C&y a I l I r O 3 LJYfeI DI. J AK All C luntor Palo/ia 'OAk1 ST pr,".f K r 4i.E,r;rLr 3uicriS!iiiiii!`!!iErii?~ m: .il °c IL, R! Kent A~l , ST. ~ AK ~ i llErmin w < a: F."d+'.a5ac:,d:: iidlhiGili Cluii!r.-dilii Locust ORY dEet ^w a ■ G4Pae E ~i Sf us w Nughen STL Into EIER ; 191- j a "d Rig M A Y .3 S;•. P AMOAF E. Lee{l:j:., YLI ti,3 ~'!9 + EDW DS School SYCAMORE ,r'• 'y ~.CZ ri C. CHi IT <41T. ~eryief • OaLu•ood i N! .!::;w a:w o+froe y t;j 1:2 School Z" 1e x N PRA I ; , Y PRARI AJ1faNc PkW T- 1p' 0.A < HIGHLAND' EIEr Nr <0,l, =Ukr AlfiarKe BIT. y W'•= P r1 Alfen 0 t; 1. O. O. F. v = S~ 'R'R ce Bailey [ _ C<mnn7 y ¢ yr °i ,,.Y W Iltri < < 8 NeR+s y f' Bushey 1 A.~ n n v` School Z c- F I~ Rg ; CgamDert 1 < N ; Cleveland usM,R A _ < FA tH 1TN 5 ! Clifton Cdllnt C, L Loon c OLLINS off! s:MMCMS 'R R[ Y Crlwford i' CN,IMICRS na Cross Tinder { ourM >r s f CV I7 i~' au<. Drive T ITH ti. T I OYacln rry F OrP6orr SMITH Z 'P r REENLEE 0 R. Elm r' tie ~.:...~~y = Home Imposition ref 37 DA H Graham MICHIAL EA , cyc S pi urwd~ x Coy ! rmN M i iifid I UNDSfY ifl, RIpURtDr. w jt - lomlq Indotlritl n ilj Inman lot+nson rpim Aem; N _ Nepdns Or. '1 ORR-KID DR. EwE . C d. N wY, )l L4 1 mi. , ro fr. Ww.n ra Isla, i lift , .y:.. (n Kerman 1 I.,,RICHFY R ti ORR ii HUasr sr 7ku Map I?Oeew~iwa~ I DENTCNJ IN PEACH ST. L~orelw'Ord\or.. , CHAMBER OF COMMERCE :i'~ ..y:`GRECNW * £ A3 \ TALI FERRO OAK F < LAWN !f_'::',?. 67t n~ = i <~/J•' rw ! F o R RTS PalmroaQ_.ir:i' ...:s;!;'f•."~;'~:.ri =obtrKrnn n;[r ra: QV AND State HwY.21 b sE • ke/r all 1 MIaEMe16ap N. / Monerl Mulkey Palmer Northwood Terratt T T"" Stage 0ailland Balior Oak Gwn C CPL EGE feeC cof/!~ t~na'`,x .IEF. t lrownf" DR St. Z _ r - N We ere C Cedar rywood lane Paiar Pelmr m •~b P F. CoDaaa Palmated z Crawlarl Parkway Crestwood Place ':•rwww7At i r Fouling Grove d Dula PtK% r4Aoo! Demison Pertain [m wiw a !'i Foairnlvsan ^rtMff RST SA MI ~y runt hesue fl TEXAS ~ < Ferret Redwood Akl!trr Dr. Filter FERG s Framt Aobe s A AebtAagQ W1I RS AY l~F.';!.i:!;i!E:i! !::::j::us;;iuiii!iit a!' Gary Aata _ P w, mod Z ' ^Cz Jr. s mod souls,tl - L'Irh .5'} A NERT Horn ~n RDmitl t Par L( HRMAN R > rail $ICON AAA I;;E Fail - t; fR Scbaot nl Fail Sherman' "t" • E KW Y ! . i ee s, Hw FRITZ DA < F j Nawnnle !I IIert0 K~ tffF t~QAVK :Ispit d Teat y Post O tllj Liltme waTne • f a .R lh r P it d D, We OAK St. hurt new r ; ,•-!r•71bE-.:._ "n Klnl Third < A I tocust Willis ` ~ ¢ ~ r.::, :a• Joust Wood . e: e. < u. • Marshall WDOanaM ICK A t ..:I .;r M R Y m 'r7 'ui itl ji Q R. E. Lee r~~'`•%. ji Iii ii! CAMCRE ''Z. gp ij!EI 1)' ST, i fin i Oelaood %t i .4 Cement) F ar PRARI 3 lr r T-r x < i K ~ ♦ iii: sly ,Nrpro.,<..,.. ir''?c{tri AIlnMe locust r G G FRJc'.. ~oM ...gryl t .t Alit, S Sleddot t er _`ryY d!l Raitey McDlt < T W Pisani pledgee Bradshaw Moore ^ V F SrAnei z :fir Ausht~I Morse RSf t ChamFere Mulberry Cleveland Mettle A TH Clifton Reston jS Collins Old flt Rallis Hwy. V S ~-yl SIMMONS z t; kRy y r4i CI1wl,,d fierce Q, l1 cNeMUen Crag T his peer Oenaf t'rive Prairie 4' C• 2 lTH Oun~thinrly L SMITH z pvth Q p m Simmons r < 'aposilion Spanner s DA aaMm Smirk City LIM114 l!okOry Stroud Sycamore Hrllll Tnrla Repkins Dr. Weinwrifht tamaa lnQuslrial walnut Irrjn Warren Johnson Wilson Raley Rood C`GM u. a. tilt, To lh'fag o ianea dlr II RILNfY DA'j Needle) Lan/` • HUPST St. <H ST DENT® -TEXAS PA. tqtt FAIN ff , t' GRFL W TALI F6~ ' b W €L F w ~o " New RTS *164 ,V ANC r!.I 1no. B. Denton Y .11 Prerche., Lrwrr. And Soldln 4 ,r Cray lfnuu i;i, I UNiF 04T r" b." a fur STATE HWY. 24 AI HWY. 11 T Aleen T, H, ? SS AY to Wl6t1Y F-V Alamo E. s, mMt S.ulm.ily ..r Fop tYwRp _ C Arica EMERY EMERY DR Z CC?L EDE ` Amarillo POPULATION 21,345 Anderson 119W U. S. Consist CORD Mai COADELL it i: AYl. AREA. SODAR[ MILS e $ F - Ionm~ Bn! T RESC NT . CRESCENT : T I ~rpvo Ikid ALTITUDE , 120 n. Stoma all Wit 1!' Broadway C AVERAGE MEAN TEMPERATURE ...M f I 'I! I,i t;, School an T MIRAGE ANNUAL RAINFALL 55 a,` PINT CJrrdl Ef:'t High School ? Congress 471 TAX RATE , a.il LINDEN DR. } SA7PY[R CGI V66 I.dt It Sdnl T.. PiS - thlede Field FIRST JLI Cordell ~Q 0HASTWOLARGE STATE COLLEGES gt! C BROADWAY Crescent I:t O Crew y e A RICH AGRICULTURAL AND IIY4 :I V FEA e3 Deaaisee STOCK f.10111 HA .E > L , wTtHERS u,;r / Denton a SEVERAL DUTStANUING INDUSTRIES M~ Ectn i w CAOW,jpj /V Y~ c •r < .I '11.x.., i~~ Z E Al Envy Drive 4:.... Eli il` x'11 J 1Yo w f 5 '.•u.... '...:C • Plyy CunnY CINb p FRI& SCIPUR HotprlJT nlor BAR ra LE Fallon 14 Sch AR AY 7l ngicnn A Goter r I dOUSTON s r- i li ron Ha A PEAR ~j' FT. Hag IIee Panhandle .p HOUSTON yk H h B17R}} }JrAwa} ::g o PLAC y. ! r nior .w• ,:iir ,w,.5 i i:3 bbb Gal ah kAoo! Ci a Nilterest peso f r;:, < Lr~r Pon :c. Nouslan Ponder ,4 r OAK S1. E AK AK T. Linden Drive Sedpture J $ Dspoe Air Lovell Sema Malone S:/ Hwy i{ O IAa :tro to0 saA WALK ua r Marietta Sunset Drv[ I:! L 1; ~.E M Lkly 'D Mary Thomas j yytr~ A A. E. Lee Mounts Vera rf AP. Tl < YAM RE C~Bee~ Schad ORE RdmaE WesewJy CAM Oat $I. Williams IJ.T.S.C. FDW II C14ESTN STROUD. F :..a..::. SMA SPI ff IL - Cam a r Cesm am ho "On t; 2 i PRA 1 160 " • PRARrE FaJJek FuT1 School VZT" r x ,n 49 C hIKsFTL, 11D IV Sit. ARI Lt; L O.O. F. C Z G < ' q . •..r of < o Avenue A v W LNCA" Avenue C Lem Ifil a r`. < MR.L ST. < s ti v F Scholl Annul D liMSey < LA Are Mae E LOU1k7fp/!e r~ISHIR L < FA IN 1. UTHI Avenue F M[Pt► uw,a;M" Avenue C Mar+le Annul H McCamkt 'ChOOTe i 44 Gl S7MMDN3 INS Avenue I MicMals E1R Z o 2 << CHANteERS t^ Beatty Miehipn ea n N. T. S. C, x ~r SSSSSS~~ Bernard min bT UM I' GoU Course I ITH Calif Vubb CenNd NOrmuLP Y Z O.PA.ni ' ITH Z. lI Ran Charlotte Chesi estnut On Kidd BL nr ne 37 OAt/AH P !Po : I ,I AlICHIAL GAEA FE W H me GI Lrm:ra 7 Clweland Plat 'i Collins Floor EA'hl alrwlll I• T Y Collier nalrll - Earl RP ooed a Edwards $Ie1IJ UNDSEY € MnaA Fannin g~umae ~:i Mre,nlel T+RnaE Lane t :t Nighlond St, Mekh i I Highland Part Rd, whippoorwill Ali 'Re ORR KID DR. LDO.I. Williams i!.I'.[ik<~'iIP`+i'iiaill Ke olph Wilshire Q A a fl SS Si I: I mi. Cepnllhr 1tP N'm. .NV. HITT, Lm Anp.rr, rro FI, 0.'nr t7 / / o Gamrluge : R Tu 56rrmun ' gICHEY : fig y Neadlea Lane < 19 r~ ra,: l i . ` n HURST ST E M F 1 ; a :rzd:.: ar,:•,;i •,ir' i i fl t Ei un~N ! ~ I pEN7Gf'I i" PI)t(H - 57 Laoilrwod! CHAMBER OF (Olsw FAW t K ` GREENW 'i TALI FE t; 3 n WN i New E Demon Cairnry• - R " s 1r Kinn Far Caounda i RSS ° P+Imw a/ ' p A~' ' '~i:iy?"1113yihIl:iN^k. a!iit : u - rl ANd a C Stale N lll :t E RY b u.[C % . t, G HNEN ST. r ":'i's°. Nc6inney Mill NiajFFla:7ep t . n - e uy ! r h r _ d. IEanned `€i! NutYry OR 10, horrityworyd ATE ill" la 1 .J Tau Jove sell O+kl,nd fern. ' ST AY C d,~ /direr Oak Lawn Ies Caal SL e< !w Wv wre g cols' Bm own EMERY OR. < Ccx GE , , r' .va 1 a Drr r: Ceder Paisley l !9 ; Chen1*ood UM Palmer e. I We nl P i C` Parkway ES[ ENT : v ~ Collin 11 F 1r e. a --k Parkway c ; Stor:nraR ! Drove f1 ` J Old Pt91 Peach n:r LCAIOT 'r} a W Schml Damn10A Poll l. GA x L Dm ~VC111 ii lH1aA School ' SEC Y W, ►IwT i fa~in~non pecan LINDEN DR. E A ' FnwtlfOA Pret~eIf AeFlda 1,1111 t; r Redwood Po. 1.0 Y DROADWAY 51 S TEXAS TEXAS f er ICh"Or. O ~s FER J50 4 Frame rli " HAH WITHERS • Z _ Y Y .:!:II ...S:i d W. y n. ....._,+..,'{7;: Noses ..::EL r,_.....,..... N~ HAN FC" c May y: f < CIO UM A n T G y::n:::]:••:q::::-r..:u• i re'c?" flijiit a'iiiiiiii!iuj?tl nw00d It1 R NULI) E A'o S p Ernl W ryy{'ounry E ; Cl.h CRT i Nann ScAalitr X WE l HogDila! ScAee I Port IAA ER EH MA rest word next SAlrom n Stewart f ~`e RK AY j me;?n Ha Yira RITZ DA 2{ ij joie Tali+ferre: its, = a, HA * yrn oR ST. 1 RE a p DAMS fr 6 mo+A Taal Third aA ScAo:,. < ° _ ` Ll Vi nt Cit a r •v., •'r''•.. mime Y Pore rcw . • Ay niweod or. Wayne AK AK Si him WilliA Z wrrr ~ fi: < iiii E~ 1'Eui' 3c' a!E°uiuriiiLliicEaci:»i;:&7 Lxesl wood IL i Woodland e~Y iron aw =.10o a WALK r harshen "1 to e:t pry a MAM ST M tirs, Tows. --7- 0 CAMOAE St. $ w RSct,oo! SYCAMORE ARDS a:» CHESTI 7R 1• ST, i q OoLwoed 3,;' iEffiiia 1 Ctrnrtrry AIE , " Adreate ETeeJ ` TSchodron ax ' , x N Pill n ee IrI~RR N'4r c < hi ALM l, -C K HIGHL HO Alliance Lilly Npro 4W';i;`;j •`'d. Alien Locust r ~p O I. O. O. h. t;, 3 < Rl IMM Wrj Ar:. A Maddox ,U _v r Railey Metro _ Crmr n7 loliNt Meadow < T Z r' ru Bradanow ll < R < T sL kiwi < 3 z r jnsAe) Iwage a 7 R eAM~(11 Mulberry r;; Cleveland Ny th .NIA y I E < FAN INm Sli~ < V 1 ilt Cliflar Newton BSI Q GPIE Calling Old Ft. Worth N LIN O V f;: + :N Cod Paciric .y~ $1401 z R Z.. G+wiad Piute r ox. Z C, CNI1waLR4 Y Cross timber Pins < C• '~O C~ i ,yx k, ? n; CDaNujaM s Drive li r W ITH 1y TaE.rtson rphan t•REENLEE OHvme r ' a ITH S . 2 k R Duncan Ruth Dm Simmcn s I z • + A < Exposilor, Skinner MICHIAL EA 377 OA H A Graham Smith earwi t Ili t a Cary Lmrii Nick ty Sleoud it Nia1~ lend Sycamore 14 ail L:NDSEY Vint! Sycamore Napkins it. +inwrijht LTV kme Inauslrial walnut Inman Warren Johnson Wilson Ridgy Wood CIA KID DR. Nlpkln, Dr I L. d kpyy, t~ 1 mi. To Fr, tiVorrn 7'o Dwl:.x ti e T• 5 hrr mcrt RiCHfY p4 • rAR - 3` 10 HURST St V r oEearoN Pl cH st CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ~i~elwood Or ; ~:E10. N OAK GRECNW Y o Wh a X $ f R C'~' ~J w0 a `u S hm 3 u- rO hl,ICinne ATS ° i y 1w01d T , Atc Sute Nrry 24 4 - ac MtXilvity HENNEN SF. I .Msun ~nplisltrq RI. Ianoed Mu" ` swig AcelPwood Terrace 1'r. k0 Oaslind Toad vew klivir OA Lawn •c.R.se r S r IrII a~dsmhY Sir St. L r;E Pa TV.,n<g CeU , ' a hb Prlsley g Chenywovd Line Palmer 26 4 . •.+I O war Cole" Polmwwal PAF 5T. ~i w CRfhmod Place hukAney TH a), Grove Gen Ptah ew Y pnn'sen Pertain t'``: Gm Pain ST < Rut FAR Pirtle YER C li Euw^ Faille I edwood PI. Si TEXAS < Nrnl IirMrrW Er re loEwor r intr poll HANN reei F!r 1 Y loses WITHERS 9Mwood line lou r IC' z s C4 All &tenwood Iluddell 'JU F zCIrAiM1 S EAt lr: IklM SEhmiM PR+S 11111 s C' cast 1t'nrd :i• Nenoln Se-DA IAA £A IEHRMAH ti, Fran! Wig S' ~arnln mgitan S RITZ DAVI 2 ~5? hnAia Tiliefino ~p'on Hah w DAVIS Teas k LryRVed CA > KEr p 3 Nrttimarr Vine Pa.r ,c< T GurelwrOd Ill. wash Willis 8 OAK SC < A Lotust Wood yr` DfDot K RY l' BID v Ygsloll Woci M L R A A. E. Lee jpq School SYCAM00.E Y Y •.j i~:'I'i 04luOrd -W ii Crm<IVS Bd `i a PRARI 9 x < AIR tree c Ai e y J Ie < •s•s.,r Allen locast , N<pro.. Teri !!r Ave $ 10100% W0.. • Briley Maple Iloent all s y T N IradsMw Moore VV W F Nfrra gush ~r Morse CNampuy Mulberry < Schoet Cleve4nd MsrUe TH S Clifton Nerlon r v Collins Old h. worth Key 2 O,~Y SIMMONS Z G kAYY WArford Pierce Z CHAMBERS A:r .Sd,~ LL j AYA ;N"~ve Pramle I*bids" - fIH ? R• Ouncin luth t k ISH ST. R. Elm Simmons Gpnsision SArnner `A •HERTY Grhrm serim kill lAlad Stroud Cr ~ E n is Nil trivo e Napkins III WdnwryM man Induslrie Walnut Inman Wrrren tohnwo Wilswo Pertly Wood Or T Nopb no v ham. 77 Jb Uv'!ms r 7.N: iW 1 y ( r~ To Gain r !U iL: t~lr~l'Jy Affl0 F PEACH...,.,... r,.: L DENTON ~ TEXAS :tr R FORE < 1:, I e S;. R RTS 40-00 W AND ST. y \jr t1 HENNEN ST. ` ?[Jas Nam A~lat C'u 1.1n:fn • ~ .::::::....:.•ATE HWY. l1::•::::::::: 1 n o. B. D e n t o n j Texas Slate PreacAar, la. yar and Soldier To Daar n Z4 STWAY t, W College To State ''•K :i;i For Womerr POPULATION M112 EtPnimrnr Srmlo,a COLL_GE IC. L A.1 AREA, SQUARE MILES s.r EMERY DR. < . th, tic W < Fie~d CIA IA ALTITUDE 62ort. C RD L & E° AVERAGE MEAN TEMPERATURE . 64 AVERAGE ANNUALRAINFALL °tE CRESCENT' Stonewall ~T GR VE H RD7 TAX RATE , 1.60 ....,•r.. 1, lachion iii' School d'Sk6lndrdn Pehlk SaEbai L: ON • HAS TWO LARGE STATE COLtEGES • A RICH AGRICULTURAL AND LIVE. lily;::: 1iii High School SA R VERA F Athletic Field FIASr E. STOCK CENTER i ' G< r xA 'ri MARY p ai• v •~t• FERGUSO r < HANN (20W NHANDLE WA ER A A PAULI E A E. J < A Clahi~ SCRIPT ,E hsc$clhool.., a 4 t f Sar~ • AA Y ne p pUSTON i. < t 2 AN PEAR lerloectin 1~~ of r A AMO > GRUSL- ~Hi=hSchoo( t C AS :"r City a ♦ CA • Pme O rice F::..._.,., OAK ST. 5 QIr Z ~rt Po HICKORY S ~Z H •,:i tTOC soo 1l0o Ow .,sm WALN T 4Z 10) O o A ELL , M B£R Y 'o. Texa E, Lee State CHAR Ott < < RCA MORE _ 7.a Aer. School Cf IL M Co11eEe 11 = L CHEST SI, T ^ STR ID• T• a . E s~ am ounon PRA < < PRARIE ST. Athletic Field 5i school At" N- ia!G:I::I:EfE1:1E:i:::IL.a.:a:~:i' W HIGHLAN < ST. < z I s HIGHL ND'' , 71 ♦ 4 AF' E ST. !n _i L1~0 . MAPLE _ lid, < t' Ner MILL ST, < n L/ School AN ~ R 11 < F IN !E t CC)i , IN Z r r z I 4' se 5 ST. GREENL£E ic!iii!ii+i i'. A• t D 5i th Yi t EARL < 7 DA H R 7 i r,,han t Home (it1 E rrr:fr r Cop wltht By Win. M. HITT, Sig No. Wiedror 04d., Lot Anyelet I To G°I n+tlt' To SAo~nan 4 7 10 TEXZ,AS :FAIN PEACH ST. 7" Map ll?" a/bW004 D` lLii W ELLA MAE iDENTON _f FORE cF ; CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A s o BE ' " r R RTS iii! Ea AND ST. . ~IENNFN ST ii 4DR i rrlfJ G+ :Hi ? .........•o.. iii:...: . a:i~ w. 1 balkfulit DR. ! 6V.tE~HWY.14 ~ TeYirStatr iiii liii • • STWAY For College Women fMEAY DR. Z COLLEGE iC'f'A'i > Athletic- ii:'i OAR < ild < ii? O L RD qTH ► i Si. s CRESCENT-' StaAGROVE it. iii r•.t. lae7on i School _G_AT U1 > E CM _J .t° SECO ID ST. < ve !u?:iiji High School SA YE0. ' Athletic Field'. SC Tz ~i i'•i> y FIRST TEXAS r C) ~t u < fEA M KHANDLE HANN O 'r < z LT < WITHERS h L>.. taut' Z EY l A < PAUIf E ENA Wo n ' 5 INERT i i r S NGRIE Clap, i1iy :N RIPTVRE 3 for QPa LEHRMA L Hi h School.;, < i C DA . < AN N AY linefl ST ur HH r'~ FRIT2 vts . IL? ' PEAR Oiran z HAY ,AR t el $ a ^ i I W. ith ScAoo! ,:i ::r :.r•• : - i. . < a _ mij i < GA City I a ECA B Port O (ice TO I Leallae T3 v overt Depot K li ST. S law ag j X is s troo t trou t+oo sa . WALNUT t Fair dU R m Grow ndi 1•,~ $ F:? L1 R Y ST. Va. Teo -IN 1. E. Lee AMORE Sir, T!a_hee. _ School Sh i` Co12e=r SYCAMORE ST. CHEST T, ~ 1 STROUD• ST. yt, Oakwood V am ownon < Crmeter7! PRA 19 iE Athletic Ftefd Schoci T" < ARR Z f f7 Z Y9 » i H A < Si. < s HIGHL < . < ,'4rr~~fF{ 7 A E d 1.0. 0. F. MAPLE < 111.99 ST. U,j Caeetery < iiif a ? < < 2 NeRr i _ MILL ST. < _ r P Schol Ct MORSE < FAN IN _ R T . J GIE W COLLINS ~a z Q O Z i" SMITH ST. lip I 0 z ! AEENLEE A. < ...:ria ~rj ii: DAUGHER fM "i-< 7 t haneHnmt l l fFill rr t~,,e i? L}'ii.iE!ii~i:iii''~ '.a ~ ' 't •";;r .i..1 e:. :i°° ..r Ill. N nA, ..i r.... { x 1 H f !M.^ . W r. I F; ~ `r ` N~ , ~ t ~ ~ t~'~ ~L y~ll ' f?~T ~ . ~ eft` 1 . r ; ~ _ i. i n i ~ i rr' ~ . u`'J 't t ) ' r All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County Texas, being r,~rt of the William R. Teague Survey Abstract No. 1266, and being part of a certain 14 acre tract of land conveyed by W. C. Collier and wife to Jin Johnson by deed dated March 15, 1.944, and shown of record in Volume 303, Pape 597, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and nore particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of said 14 acre tract of land at the southwest corner of a certain 2 acre tract of land convoyed by J. H. George to Raymond~H. Sweatman by deed shown of record in Volume 316, papa 564, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; TH.4 E North along the east line of said 14 acre tract and the west line of said 2 acre tract at 196 feet pass the northwest corner of said 2 acre tract and the southwest corner of-a certain 2 acre tract conveyed b R. L. McNabb and wife to Pearl May Ellis by deed dated July 1 1947, and continuing north along the east line of said 14 acre tract In all 392 feet more or less to the northwest corner of said Pearl May Ellis 2 acre tract; THENCE West parallel with the south line of said 14'aere tract 472 feet for corner in the west line of a certain 9 acre tract conveyed by Jim Johnson and wife to W. J. Biagg by dead dated lfiarch 25 1950; THF,NCE South along the west line of said 9 acre tract 30 feet to its southwest corner at ti+e southwee., corner of said 14 acro tract; THENCE East 472 feet to the place of beginning. And being the same land conveyed by M. V1. McNett and wife Irene McNett to Denton Industries, Inc., a corporation, by deed date,l May 6, 1953, and filed for record in the office of the County Clerk of Denton County, Texas, May .120 1953, under File No. 2222, and shown ume 388, page 79, Deed Records of. Denton County) Texas of,reco4 in,Yq ti I ' Jb'11-3-53 All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land,eituated in the. " Oounty of Denton, State of Texas, being partof the'Willie'ai R.-" Teague 160 acre survey, Abstract No. 1206, patented September 1, 1859, by Patent No. 526, Vol. 20, L,nd being a part of a 24 sore tract of l ani, conveyed by W. C. Collier to J. He deorgo by deed dated March 21, 1911!}, end shown of record in volume 305, at page 1388 Deed Records of Denton County, Textje, and more particularly described ly metee and bounds as follows, to-wit: 3EGUNTHO at a point in the west line of a publto road and the east lino of usid 21~ sore tract, said point being the northeast corns. of a.tract of land deede4 by J. H. George and wife, Ruth Elizabeth George to Chester Sparks'and described in an instrtment of reoord in Voluma 581 on page 3371 of the Release Records of ''enton County, Texas; iHENOR West along the north line of said Chester Sparks tract 445 feet to,the southeast corner of a 14 sore tract of Is nd dead-ad by W. Co Collier and wife to Jim Johnson; TWOR North along the east line of said Johnson tract 196 feet for oorner; TERM Riot, parallel with the north line of said Ohsstor~Spsrko treat 445 felit to the east line of acid 211 acre tract dnd wont ,;line of said public rdad; TMWOS South along the east line of ebid 24 sore tract 194 feet to the place of beginning, and containing two sores of lend, more or l,esa. And boina the sgmo lend conveyed, by Raymond H. Swestman and wife Dpris g 3wosttman to Denton Industrlaq, Iqo., a corporation.. b dead dated May l4s' 1953, and filed for record in the office of the, younty':Clerk oif Denton . g enntoton jaunty, T.gxz1e1}a, May 168, P lg53, 11: 30 A No , end, tieing of record , Deed cords, Denton 0ounttys `.axes. fib' 11-3-53 All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying aiA being eituated in the County of Denton$ State of Texas, snd being out of the William Aeague Survey, Abstract Eo. 1266, and being a part of a 45.1 sore tract described in Dead from A. C. Morse to R. E, Morse as shown of record in Vol. 244, age IE1, Dead Records of Denton Cou"nty, Texaa, and being a part of a 7.3 sore tract desoribed In Deed fron W. C. Collin to Sam Cleerman as shown of record in Vol. 3()5# page 264, Deed Records of Denton County, Texaa, and being mom particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a fence corner in the North boundary line of the Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad Right-of-way, said beginning oonnar being thb'.Southeast corner of said 45.1 sore tract and the Southeast corner of said 7.313 sore tract; THENCE North 2'deg. 44 min. Heat with fence and with the Best boundary line of said 115.1 sore tract and the 7.38 sore' trsctj, 668.0 feet'to a oorner; THENCE North 76 deg. 60min. West with fence, 419.0 feet to 'a corner; THENCE South 11 deg. O.min. bleat 1{89.0 feet to s aorner''in the North boundary line'of said Railroad right-of-way; 'TIMPOR South.s8"de8.'30 min. east with the North boundary 'line of said Railroad right-of-way, 547.0 feet to the place of beginnings end cantoininp 6.0 sores of land. And being t4a same ld convoyed by Mark H. 'Duke and wife Sevens; Duke ,ta Denton •Ind~iotrieap Ino, a corporation, by deed dated 1[eq 11}, 1953 and tiled for reoord,in-the office of the, County Clerk of Denton County Texas, -May 181 1953s M 30•A.Mo and being of record in Volume', 387,' page 113, Deed Records, Denton County, lbxae. 1 , • jb• 11-3-53 All those certain two lots, tr,cta or parcels of lend,, situated in Denton County, Texas; about one mile southeast of the City`cr Denton, and being parts of the w. C, Hiram Survey, Abstract No 616, and the Wm. R. Teague. Survey, Abstract Noo 1266, and more particularly, described as follows, toi-*it: FIRST TRACT: BEIINNINO at a rook in the seat line of the Denton Grapevine Road, and at the southeast oorncr of a part of said Hiram Survey, owned by the estate of J.B.Duncen, deceased; THENCE North one-half degree west, onthe east side of said road 664 vares, to the intersection of the south line of the Right-ofoway of D. u W. R. a post; THENCE With said right-of-way south 63 degrees east 140 versa; THENCE 69 degrees east 130 vares to a rook in said line marked X. THENCE South one-half degree east 553 versa to the south Nina Cf 66id Dunegh tract, a rook marked X; THENCE west on said line 245 vares to the place of beginning. SECOND TRACTS Being a pert of the 'ltm. R. Teague and s.Q.titram Surveye, situated in said Denton County, Texas, ands BEGINNING at a point on the south line of the M6 K• &`To no A. Co. right-of-way at its intersection with the.east line of a 25 sore tract of ,land deeded to J, 8. Dunosn,Jr., by No J. Duncen, et all. on November 17, 1914, and reuorded in'Vol, 1331 ipage 600 of the Dead Records'of Denton County, Texas, A atone for corner; a THENCL South along the east line of saki J. B, Dunoen, Jr 25 sore traot,to its intersection with the westeoly prolongationof the +south line of said Wm. R. Teague Survey; THENCE in an easterly dirsotion along the said prolon ation and along the 'south line., of said Teague survey, a distance of 07'1 feet; T in a nortreely dirtiotion along a line parallel with the jest nine oi' said Teague survey to its interaeotiori with the south dine of the ~4. K.; Sc T! R+ R6 right-of-wgy; ; i' TMNQE in a northwesterly, dirbotion 6.lOng'the south. lIna ^df'.said )4K; & T.R4R+ right-oftwoy t"o the pisce"of bdginningr r And being some land oonv6yad by LT6Ablsa and wife Fhoasid Ables to Da,nton"Induatries, !no „ a Corporation, by deed dated May 1; 1853, end filed for record in the office of the County Clerk of Danto County, Tax&s, May 13, 1953, 3300 P.zr., and 4*1ruA of r.oaaa.1n vos.w,. ~ . n~~« t,OE,, Deed Reoorde, Denton (l.ounty, Texas. A 11-3"53 ((71 All that certain trout of 16nd situated in the County of Denton, State of Taxes, in the William Teague Survey, Abstraot No, l2u6, being part of a 13.26 acre tract conveyed by J. H. George and wire to Chester Sparks and wife by deed dated March 9, 1945, recorded in Volume 314, page 33, Den;on County Deed Reaorda, more partioularly desorlbed as follows: 13EGINNING at a poin'- in the east line of said 13!26 sore tract 514.4 feet north of the ;southeast corner of some and at that northeast corner of sorb and at the northeast corner of a 5.5C sore treat con- veyed by Chester Sparks and wife to Elizabeth H . Sparks by deed dated July 6th, 19451 and recorded in Volume 315, at page 489 of said Deed Records; r THENCE West 917 feet with the north line of said 5,50 acre tract to the Northwest corner of some, in the Vest line of said 13.26 sore tract; THRNCH North 366.6 feet with the west line of said 13.26 sore tract to the northwest corner thereof; THENCE East 917 feet with the north line of said 1;.26 sore tract to the northeast oorner of same; THENC$ South 366.6 feet with the seat line oi' said 13.26 sore treat to the:plaue of beginning and oontaintng 7.76 sores, more or leas. And being the same U nd conveyed by'Cheater'.Sparke end.wird Anne Lee Sparks to Denton Industries, Ino., a corporation, by deed dated May 7, 1953, and filed for record in the office of the County Clerk of Denton County, Texas, May 9, 1953, 9100 A. M., and being of rooord"in Volume 386, page 579, Deed Recorde, Denton County, Texas. P: jb 11-3-53 All that certain tract of land situated in the County of Denton , State ofTexes, inthe William Teague Survey, Abstract No.12660 being part of a 13.26 acre tract conveyed by J.H. George and wits to Cho ter Sparks and wife by deed dated March 9, 1945, reoordad in Volume 314, :page 33, Denton County Deed Records, more particularly desoribed as follows: $4INNINa at the southeast corner of said 13.2b sore tract at the intersection of the north line of the M. X. do 2. Railroad right of way with the west line of a public road; THENCE North along the west line of said road 514.4 feet to a stake; THENCE West parallel to the north line of acid 13.26 scretraot 917 feet to a stake in the west line of said 13.26 sores; THENCE South 8all feet to the southwest corner of said 13.26 acre tract, a stake in the north line of said railroad; THENCE along the north line of said railroad 61 degrees east 1045 feet to the place of toginntng, containing 5.50 sores. And beingg the same lend conveyed by Elisabeth Be Sparks and husband W.F. Sparks to Denton Industries, Inc., a oorporA tlon, by dead dated May 7, 1953, and filed for record in the offioe of the County Mirk of Denton County, Texas, May 9, 1953 at 900 A.Y. Arid'being of reoord in Volume 386, page 5760 Dend Records, Denton County, Texas. i 1J % ~ r I r ~ Ii ~I ~7 b •ti' v , N ~ 1 !{rI i ~9 Y , G %So ~ O a 1 1 Vol ~rl O 0 - N V r t, y i r. - IO EE SAAR GNLCOMPANj S E,JIEN INVE31'b4FNT II~_THE DFNiO_ TF:XA5 DISTRIBUTIOIV_SYATEid PFt .ML AS Off' DF_,CE4KU_31. 1953 Investment Land $ 14 556 64 LF,nd Rights and Rights of Way 246 97 Structures and Improvements 63 444 48 Distribution Lines 328 682 08 Pipe $ 152 070 44 Construction Costs 158 397 91 s Line Fittings 18 213 73 Measuring &nd Regulating Equipment 9 241 00 3ervics Line Equipment 118 590 92 Meters 110 339 72 Meter Installations 12 980 11 liouse Regulators 20 769 19 House Rogulato r Installations 4 323 18 Other Distribution System Equipment 13 883 90 Total Investment As of December 31, 1953 $ ~S 0.. * Exclusive of Construction Work in Progress, Tools and 'Mork Equipment, Transportation Equipment, Portion of Central Meter Shop - December 31, 1953• STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DAL1.ASs I, the undersigned, L. L. Dyer, Comptroller of the Lone Star Gas Conpany, on my e% ti, 31iy that the above statement has been prepared under my di:-eotion; that x have carefully examined sa.,ne and declare it to ro a complete and correct statement of fixed capital charges for the period named. Subscribed and Sworn to be or<<~me day of ~ 1954 My Commission Expires __195dr VOR07 i lY I J511, Notcry Public L•1 WA for bwkas County, Tuxes LONE STAR AS COMPANY GENERAL SUMMARY ADA LONTAAND RETIREMENT OF PROPER For Year 1953 Investment Investment Jan. -_13 Additions $1cilement Dean, 11_51 Land $ 14 556 64 $ 14 556 64 Land Rights 245 67 1 30 246 97 Structures and Improvements 9 248 04 54 196 44 63 444 48 Distribution Lines Pipe 148 141 63 3 997 22 68 41 152 070 44 Construction. Cost 155 248 24 3 209 54 59 87 158 397 91 Line Fittings 17 014 11 1 227 03 27 41 18 213 73 Measuring and Regulating Equip. 5 637 39 3 899 02 295 41 9 241 00 Service Line Equipment 96 445 19 22 564 38 418 65 118 590 92 Meters 88 177 92 22 161 80 110 339 72 Meter Installations 12 730 34 290 34 40 37 12 980 11 House Regulators 18 710 48 2 256 71 198 00 20 769 19 House Regulator Installations 4 208 54 114 64 4 323 18 Other Distribution System Equipment 13„$$3 90 Total $ 521 as 6~6C 0 2 1.UL $ 6 ~~r + ~ ~ I I 1 { 1 i I' AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FORM OF CONTRACT WITH FAIRBANKS, MORSE AND COMPANY, FOR LEASE OF ELECTRIC GENERATING EQUIPMENT AND AUTHORIZING ITS EXECUTION i THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON I(E i The City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, convened in } Special session at the regular meeting place within said City on the 17th day of December, 19530 with the following members pre- sent, to-wits I Mark Hannah Mayor 3 G. H. Brammer, Sr. Chairman 'I Claude Castleberry Vice-Chairman Jack Bryson Commissioner u Wilbur A. Calvert Commissioner R, B. GiAmbilt Commissioner , Chas. C, Orr, Jr. City Secretary , 1 when the following business was tansactedt Commissioner Gambill introduced a resalution and - i ordinance and moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by h Commissioner C' '3z`3ffsbri. and carried by the following vote: AYESs Commissioners Gambill, Bratamer, Brysong Calvert and Castleberry.1ii NOESt None. The ordinance thus adopted follo*st AN OADINA,dCE APPROVING THE FORM OF CONTRACT WITH rAIAHANIfB, MOR$R AND COMPANY r OR LEASE OV ELECTRIC GENERA7ING EQUIPMENT AND AUTHORIZINQ ITS EXECUTION, BIB IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of fhe City of Dentont That the form of contract by and between the City of Denton and kairbanke, Morse and Company relating to the leasing by the City of cot- WA generating equipment, a copy of said con%zaot being att4ched hereto and made P. Pirt,of this a:dinante ao though fully written herein is hereby ll' approved and tho Mayor and City Secretary are hereby authorised, and 4 ontratt for and oz: behalf of the City of Denton, . directed to eneouto said c i I . ~ f I! f r ' I and when same has been fully executed, to deliver a counterpart of said j" Contract to Fairbankf, Morse and Company as the binding and valid agree. i ment of the City of Denton. PASSED and APPROVED this 17th day of December, 1953. { Chairman, City Commission, " City of Denton, Texas i ATTESTI n 3, City sectstary, I" THE STATE Or TEXAS COUNTY O$ DStNTON I, the undersigned, City Secretary.rof the City of Denton, Texas, j certify that the attached and'foregoing to a true and coirect copy of an ordinance passed by the City Commission of Paid City, together with an ex- cerpt from the minutes of said meeting sk• wMg the adoption thereof, as ~ same appear in the minutes of said Board of COL mmitsionas on file in lay office. WITNISS my hand rud the official seat of said City, this 7th dar 1~ ai Dece~ribei; i9s3. ' c ty a tta` city c►n, f Taxis { (SEAL) N 1I • 1 I~ 1 i i r, 4ZA8% A©Rr'SMENT Sidi WZZN O'AIKI3ANK3s MQRSZ AND COMPANY AND CITY OF DENTCN s TEXAS THI3 LEA8L AGREElU~NT made and entered tat* thiSs the lltk day of December, 19330 by &M between s AIRSANKSO Ats)RSE AND COMPANYt a corporatime as Leosars bersinafter called the "Company"e and the CITY ;)F DZNTON, TEXAS# a municipal corporation duty wrpanised %6%der the laws of the Stats of Texas and situated in Dentea CouvATo Toxass as Ltsoess hotel- 11~ 1 P after reiorxed to as the "City". 1 WITNUBSETHt a Tiet is ConsWerationefe dad subject tot the porformoacd lby tw City qt tkd co►sawetd a64 s3re0rxse114 herdta cos►tat44de the COMPWty 4008 tcrreby loose Dad d* mtso Nato tho Gity Ue mashln4rys dquiprnoa! 0'M t"lorials doom i';irAsd i,%;,peuicetlvss Avoubers ends one At to*m throes loos ftrr and $too keirrdrta att~Ci~eti, maxkedl Exhibit 41Ar,0 all +dUde a part bereoif foe all purpsodls ~ N3 th14% fefly written herein, Am followat one (1) Tairbankss Morse 3300 lbri►ke Horse Aowier IM K W M O fo pwoe itstor; Model JIAD-16 Drat Faol Aimiel Miseric, O hxatlaa tlrtite todeth W Vilh 6axttltuty.0quiprara4 and $4kof !*~trtatrart¢exs All to boar* epee U 44y sot forth attd o,Wer'iba4 a by >rseM 6tta4he4 eptttlkatioU the 1904r tog teimas 40UMHOUS a" 1twav*44*141 1. 4 tiwr tell+etUm TOO C oMp"y r+til 44111Y610 M Wood pre• it ",w w tits city 1000%A Aeateu. TgxksI aid oomyletely irstell ties sac ;014 t1r •+Mt~`'~t sc The City agm M p>rnvlde srtttr►b1e howiap txtttiij+ts WA stce .rit#tr ward n~oaeeas w t6ue ttt4ettdloctritt ll~>~t aed yerores pihuut, pro+ ehwhl aot !0 aAsArc004 say shtrrastox e4 rotdal0b: VirGrb, bowevots tbo to To* Tke City wilts 61 its GW* bmp"1404 4%$*%y "A Wtatl 00 maim swltak+ ~ "rd sgalp ood lost the Mtom*tev W fulturp" 13 1 ~ ',i 2, Maintynacce and Operation. The City agrees ;I (a) That it will keep, operate and maintain sold machinery and equip- ment in good, operable condition in struc't complia.,sce with the Company's f instructions regarding operating and maintenance pertaining to the type of { machinery and equipment beroii, ucribed and shall operate the leased pro- parties in a careful and prudent manner in compliance with the Company's l ~E said instructions. (b) That the Company, or its assigns, agents or representatives, ~ i I shall at all reasonable times have access to the leased properties for examiz ation and inapectiona f (c) That it will keep the leased properties well and sufficiently in- sured igainst fire and windstorm at all times in the sum of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($10'1, 000.00) provided that at the end of tree years from the Wa r,f the first monthly rental payment hereunder, the City may reduce such insurancs to an amount of not less than One Hundred f Eighty Thousand Dollars ($180, 000♦ 00), and the city shall pay all premiums aatd surds required for maintaining said insurance in full force with a loss pajabli clause 1:0 the Company as its interest shall appear, Should the City fall to miWabi iucb insurance to herpia provided, the Company shall be authorised to +lifect such insurance, and the City.agrees tb pay to the Company upoti demand all aupenses lnoourred by the Company in that'+4oaneco tioni (d) t'pon terminstlon of this lease the City will furnish and pay for all common as,d akill•d labor aax other mervtses rKatred to dismantle tho leased prarirtll r and load S&MO, for ehipmsn! as directed t y !.he Cob,pany or its assiP", which dismantlieg sad toadis►g rh+all he dam* under the Super- vlr+A 0 eZ tke company# its Agents or cesigne. is ; ;i ii it 'll r (e) That it will not, and shall have no authority to, place or suffer to be placed any lien upon, sell, assign, mortgage, eucumber or ntrrender possession, except to Company or its assigns, of the leased properties, or any part therwoij shall keep the same free from aIL legal processes) and shall not sell, transfer, alien or is sign this Agreement or any of its rights ;hereunder. f, f~3. Term. The primary term of this lease shraU be for a period of 15hirty days, beginning on the date on which the leased properties are install, 1,ed in the City's generating plant and accepted by the City after prescribed III,tsst, which date is herein sometimes gilled the "beginning date". The Com- 'pany, however, grants to the City the right and privilege of renewing and ex- i tending the termof taxis lease from month'to motAlor' a -_tkaximum period of 1 seventy two months from the beginning date.I Monthly renewal of the lease form by the City shall be conclusively presumed unless the City gives 30 days' notice in.writing to the Company, or its assigns, of the City's desire sot to rsnAw the loasq after 'thd date specified in such written notice. ''his 14ass shall, in all events, tortninati not later than seventy4wo (73) months from the "ji"ittg WOE The right of renewal herein granted to the City is sub-' ect and suborditatd to the, right of the Company to terminate this lease upon tho terms and ec-nditione herein prbvidO. ~4. Aentalr, As full and complete c+impensation and rentp.le for the use laar, l.oessssion of the t9ased propertias, Vie! City agrees is ray to thil Voom y, or its aselpns, the sash of Vour Thouaand Eight Hundred Dollariu (i~, 600.04) four osch and every month during wh'teh this 14a0e agreement re- aistii is foxoe;1'p±tfilok thirty (36) days after the 4spinning date and ot► each «6w . ~i i7 j ~I I 1I E~ I fl '1 monthly anniversary thereafter, and, In addition, the City agrees to pay, (1 before delinquency, all taxes and assessments whatsoever which may be- ti come payable on the leased propte•rtles during the period this lease remains Insforce. Monthly cash rentals shall be payable to the Company at its i office at 600 South Michigan, CUcago, Illinois, or at such other place as the Company, or its arsigne, shall designate in writing to the City, Any 11 j rentals not paid on their due dente by the City shall bear interest at the rate 1i of four (4%) per cent par annum from the due date until paid, should the li City fail to pay nay taxes or assessments that may become &A on the leased proyertles prior to delinquency, the Company shall be authorised to make j such payment, 16nd the City agrees to reimburse the Company promptly upr i demand t6orefor. All cibUgatione payable by the City hereunder shall be an operating ahalge against the Bross .income of the Cityea electric light and power systtu,A stA shall be payable saltily from the gross revenues of i the system. The City represents that all Burrs which the City is obligated to llay heraimder during the current budget year of the City has been duly provided for in tho City's annual budget and the City tovenstets and agrees that so long at thin liw* remains In force, all sums payable hereunder shall be duly '"properly iefcluded in each respeotil►e chant budget adopteal by the City and *tbif,,Via limfts of the reasonably anticipated reveuvas of said irystem for the curent year in which such obligation is incarred, Promptly upon the adoption of stick annual budget bji the City, it shall forward a ces- Ufied copy of same to the Company or its assigns, including a copy of the culvem lb"544 which is futnished irnultaneously with the exscutlon of this agreerssant~ B. &.rcWt oEtiep. )Provided t tt the e,ity isnot then in default In the payment of any sum 4aa :Areevaor or An. the porforni"ce of any covenant or dbligatioA Iiaapabol Mpori tb,i, City ber6yo that <Iempaxy bareby grants to tke +6. . i I ii I i ~i i it City the ri fht and option to purchase the leased properties from the Company, r; or its &*signs. by payment in cash to the Company, or its assigns, the res- pective sums at the respective times as followsii the sum of $264,093.00 at the end of twelve (12) months from the beginning date, or the sure of $2310 437.50 at the and of twenty-four (2t) months from the beginning date, i or the sum of $173, 837.50 at the and of thirty-six (36) months from the be- ginning date, or the sum of $116, 237.50 at the end of forth-eight (48) months ,i from the beginning date, or the sum of $58, 637, 50 at the And of sixty (60) ~I months from the beginning date, or the sum of $10 037.50 at the end of seventy-two (72) months from the beginning date. If the City elects to pur- chase the leased properties on any one of the six dates mentioned, it shall ` give notice in writing to the Company, or its assigns, to that effect, at h least thirty (30) days before the data on which the option it to be exercised and shall pay the full purchase price in cash on or before the date on which the twelfth, twenty-fourth, thirty sixth, forty-eighth, sixtieth or seventy- second monthly rental payment is due as, herein provided. Such options are expressly limited to tht six dates and re ive sums harain set forth, and time is of the spsence in the exe•cibo of such options, Upon payment of the ,full purchase price as hszein prodded, the Companyor its assigns, shell, i Apon the exercise of such option, execute end deliver to the City such con- i , a veyaness as shall be necessary to vest in the City good and merchantable title in the leased properties, 14rhersupon this lease shall be of no fwrther force or effect, 6. , , re~'a'j~M' D•.~•,~a-~~o~y Notwithstanding the right of the City to renew this lease from month to month for a period of sevaatyr-two (72) months from the beginning date as here.mabove prov;..ad, the Company atw its assigns shall hays the right to terminate thif l ails Agrsitnettt and to reposssso tta bared properties if the City shaU default in th payment 6f any Walla reneals• !axes, asjeesmouts er inswraltce premiums on the leased pro- 1 it 1 e V 1 porttes when due or defaults in the timely perlormaa;e of ally covenant or obi ligation imposed upon the City herein and, in any and all such easel, such de- fault continues for a period of sixty (60) days after notice in writing has been given as in this paragraph provided, In the event of any such default, the q Company or its assigns may, at its or their option, give notice in writing by registared mail, properly stamped and addressed to "The City of Denton, Texas", and deposited in the United States Mails, which notice shall specify the nature of such default* if such default is not corrected within sixty (60) r days from the mailing of such notice, the Company or its assigns may, but ihall not be obligated to, terminate this lease abd shall thereupon be entitled td possession of the leased properties as herein provided! Irailure of the Company or its asotgns to terminate this lease for out or more defaults shall apt conltitute a waiver of the right of kerrninatitA !or subsequent default,. Upe termination of this lease agreement, either by expiration of the maximum- renewable term of seventy-two (72h months or by pxior termination at the in. stance of the company or the Clay as herein provided, the City agrees, at W own expense, promptly to dismantle the leased properties and let►d Dame t1¢ ; shipment is strict compliance with reasonabld iaetructio ze by the Company or les,assiloo eand.skall peaeekbly s~Vronder poeeessies► o(the leased propirti tb the Compaily or its assl,ena, In as good coW(Ut z es,.whea;reosivar, the. { tnatural.woar arnd tear incident to its reasonable use, laid da"e by the elegy ppepte Only exaopted• 'If the roity. fails to diemantie add Wad the iesse4 pro., ' pertles promptly upon requeet of tba Comnpaay dr its assigns, the City agroo , that the Company Qv its assia:* may proe44d witk such dismaatiias and toady WS and the City rr 11 raimhur#o A" Company for all reasonable Qesti 1o ids' ewrred, eight of entry hsbd lrlgh! to take peacel►bla p~sMs4eslofi of,C,e leased r e0estt4e ter tha C~ipaaY of ,its'aeatos,; or reptosontatires of the Cenapray 14 gti t1a.ei,i, r1>y1+o*lT tw Cur, c . I • I Tit e. Unless land until the City purchases the leased properties under the options herein granted, title to the teased properties shall remain in the Company or its assigns. It is eirpreasly understood and ajteed that th6 leased properties constitute personal property and shall so remain through- out the term of this lease or any renewal thferlaof, notwithstanding the fact N that earn* may be attached to real property belonging to the City or that the removal of the leased properties upon termination of this lease may inflict some damage upon the building or premi,te9 wherein same are hogsed by the i, City. y A, Aisianment by Company Assl~t it Is expressly agreed that the Company shall have the ri,ht and ptivilege of assigning, teansterria; and cos- vhfitj WO lease a AA' i4y assignee hereof shall have the same right sad priv44 legal In the eveet of asrignpt►eiit, ail covenants, terms and conditions ho~"i shall extend and apply to the assignees who shall thereupgn, become, the.xight- ful owner of,the leased properties and shall thereby become subrojomed to all claims, rights and title whether in law or in equityo stcurod to the Compoy " ander thle lease, sad such assigaees stall be.►'ithorisad,to collect 64 suuai: , 4" here"44f and td give 1a~1 receipt wed acquttt►ace them or, T4 OtyI hov►ever,. $hah be duly notifisd in Wr#iag of iAy or all asot anaaats tkoredt, sad it the rbr+tnee of ouch notice shall not be liable for ray rot!►1 sbusroar swots ,mach 0 114 last owner 01 the lease kA6" to the City. y, arrant . The.Company "toveaants "A agrees with the City~tllit it will Al tha leased prbpertler an or about the lbtti day e! Aprils 1lS4. WA will fwtui k hod 91 ckarge the services of a 'Nupervisiag ensla sr to sap t- . vies two iaitall►tiod of the leased pro1erti4s, wises the 14sod properties "Yes baen ipstaUed t►nd aCOOpted by the City after preaoritiN trots 'she City shall to ttify tro A46, of such complotiea to the, Compasty,' wklrh state. shall be t1►+ 'beg ~,ti,r 1►eresarabeve ~rotlldl~. f "''k kt * thst 'the Gify. 440 Uj tW spa ii 144'r6 ~ . soaditiost pia lafreis ,r Wtrw! 4" o"rats A6 same Accord* 10 W usual in. • t A r tructlons given by the Company for the operation of such machinery, the Comw any ► W&ntees the machinery and materials herein leased to be well made f ; nel sat and in a workmanlike manner, If any parts of said, machinery j' f err leased or hereafter furnished, in compliance with the proWsions of his paragraph, fail through defect in workmanship or material within ono ear from the date of shipment thereof respectively, the Company 0:01 re- lace, such defective party, free of charger, but the Compa3y shall not be hie for repairs or alterations unleso,the same are made rrttbin its writ- en consent and approval, The Company shall not be liable for damages or r s . eltys caused by Such defective material or workmanship: , The liability, of' she Company under all guarantees, either exprissed or. !replied, •is specifi- ally limitod to the replacement, free of charge, of parks tailing through }le- ct woskmomehip or materials within the time and to tiro, xnaaarr,aloresaid its claimed to be detective are to be returned by the City to the Company at to option, transportation prepaid, 0. 14 tbe,ovent the' company One to m complete,the installation Of tko loaied roperties sad placing satne in operation by Jut, td, 19',54,* the Company lrreeo' pay to the. City is liquidated damages the sun! Of Fifty Dollars ($4104 06) 064 Y lot oath d evotV day of deli] after Daly to, 1~~1 'rpbiedt,to +.hs r slehd of 0'eQtion, lit hired!,` Tk* d440auteed tinge of completion of the irtstaltatioA 4t tbo,leafed pro• rtiea a" pLsth~ Matzo lu goiatl6n'epetifled in 4e4144 ip 64toot ~htu tm ' lf►e~od by ibs period ol.any dolaIr oscte ood by, or toMUlti * om,Arda, r t20* 1f seta Qf°0040'labof4iffied yr w0i ►s►d,aeAlltieas thereat, Ovor,11 . s mta{ ,regalatIAM11 abd ot1►er d4JA 4 fn iustallatton fu'r lamse/ reaeostably Compt~ly s'et,4rdl.add. the D1 US tlod,agd l &MUtios of tke'Coadpaay art sa "diet lQ, of tkiej 1►gooeiaaen4 suit bs er61oet to,ahe prorisions of ''I ' } P Leo if any segtonte, clause, paragraph or provision of this asrsemout . shall be held unenforceable of invalid, such decision shall not affect ally .okher provisions hereof, 's IN WITNESS WHEREOFs the parties hereto have caused this instta- meat to be executed as of the date first above wrilden. FAI"A WQRS$ AND COWPAA $y VICY Palgm6Nr a TRIASURIA Its P0s4X ATTESTi /n~ Q r ss stall Secre a y CITY bT DXXTOAI, TEXAS 1SY ~k. ask", ATUOT'l Ciw Clark ♦ r IS-746A il.dtct, rase) 196227 ltd 7.32 ""Ift" *S } FAIRBANKS-MORSE Standard General Provisions of Diesel Engine Sales The following General Provisions form a part of the proposal or contract (hereinafter referred to as tl.e "proposal") of Fairbanks, Morse & Co., (the "Company") dated Dft&AW as 19" , to furnish certain Diesel Engines and other machinery, apparatus, and materials (referred to collectively as the "equipment") to the following named Purchaser: 1. HORSEPOWER: The Company guarantees that each Diesel Engir, furnished under the proposal will be tested at the factory before shipment and wilt produce at much test the rated seadevel horsepower stated therefor in the Company's specifications. II. ERECTION AND TESTS A.-Frectiont Unless otherwise expressly agreed by the Company, the Purcaser shall (a) properly construct and prepare all suitable and n"essacy foundations and structured, (b) furnish all necessary common labor, cartage, water, waste, lights, fuel, lubricating oil, r,nd other necessary materials, supplies, and incidentals necessary for proper . erection at the site which may be required pursuant hereto. B.-Company's Engineer; When the one or more Diesel engines to be furnished under the proposal are at the site of erection and all preparations for erection are completed by the Purchaser, the Company will, at the request of the Purchaser, furnish a competent Engineer to superintend the erection and all required testing of the machinery, who shall do all work requiring skilled labor and instruct the Purchaser's operators as to the proper operation and care of the machinery. The Purchititer shall at all times render friendly and needed assistance and shall, on demand pay the Company for such services of such ~ ~lneer at the per diem rate specified in the proposal plus all expenses of said engineer, except that if the proposal states thalge services of said Engineer are to be furnished at the expense of the Company, the Purchaser shall, in such case pay foe sdch Engineer's rervices at such rate and expenses only for such time as, without fault of the Company, said Engineer la, unreasonably delayed in the erection or test or required to remain longer than the specified V,riod of test to complete the testing of the machinery and instructing the Porchaser'a operators. C.-Test for Successful Operation According to Guaranties of Duty: (1) The Company makes no guaranty or warranty of operation or efficiency except such "Guaranties of Duty" as may be statedd In the proposal, which, it stated and hm-,-ter stated, are expressly limited strictly to successful operation according thereto of the machinery, when proper{y Installed, o a test to be conducted promptly after completion of the erection of the machinery and only if requested by and at the expense of the Purchaser at or before such completion. If such test Is not requested by the Purchaser, or if, for any reason, other than the fault or neglect of the Company or its Engineer such test is not properly conducted promptly as aforesaid, all Guaranties of Duty shall be null .%ad void, and the Purchaser shall ive to the Companyy's Engineer or other representative, on demand, a written acceptance t d the equipment as properly fulfilling the requirements of the contract. (2) If such test be requested by the Purchaser, It shall be performed only at the time aforesaid for the period stated in the proposal and strictly fr. the following manner and subject to the following conditions. the Pudirecti of rcaser's en~giit er Engineer other Co pa)yuwhoes all have eenti entire ar chge thereo! inclu ding nder it on Co The Purchaser shall furnish the load necessary for such test, a careful, competent en ineer, and all necessary fuel] and lubricating oil, as well as all Items hereinbefore specified as required for er" on or otherwise needed therefor. (b) At the termination of such test, or at any time at which the Company (having substantially_ compiled with other siecified reqau~irements of the proposal and these General Provisions) claims that the machinery has F xn operated successfully, the Purchaser shall give the Compana Engineer a written acceptance of the machirv. or acknowledgment that the machinery has operated successfu y In accordance with the Guaranties of Duty, or if the Purchaser claims that the machinery has not been so operated successfully, the Purcbaser thou Immediately. and, at the attest, within ten (to days after the completion of such test or such claim of successful operation, notify the Company by registered mt~1 at its office at which the proposal specifies payments are to be made, stating in what particulars the Purchaser claims said machinery to be defective or deficient within the requirements of sold Guar. anties of Duty. The Company shall thereupon have a reasonable time after receipt of notification by the Purchaser to remedy any defects or de&tiencles claimed to exist If It tall then appear to be beyond the power of the Company to make the machinery perfo.m according to said Guaranties of Duty, the Company shall within a reasonable time thereafter remove the machinery, at no expense to the Purchaser, after giving thlrtgy (3o) days' notice to the Pur- chaser, re ending to the Purchaser all purchase money paid Thereon whereupon all . Uga ons and liability of either of the parties hereto to the other with respect to the subject matter hereof sh,,l1 cease and determine, and this agree- ment shall thereby become null and void. (e) Failure of the Purchaser to give the Company notice of defects or deficiencies within the time and In the manner hereinbefore specified shall establish conclusively between the parties that the machinery operated success- fully lecording to said Guaranties of Duty and shall constitute compl=ete and final acceptance of the manchnnery. IlI., GUARANTY OF MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP: The Company guarantees and agrees that the machinery manufactured by it which it proposes to furaM hereunder will be well made, of good material and in a workmanlike manner and that it, within one year from the date of shipment thereof, any guaranteed part should fall because of defective material or workmanship In the manufacture thereof and specific written notice of such failure be given the Company within such time, the Company shall replace such defective t, free of charge. F.O.B. cars its factory; provided, that at the option of the Company parts claimed to be defective shall ppar be returned to the Company's factory for inspection, w1N all transportation charges thereon prepaid by the Purchaser. Ali guaranties and warran es with respect to machinery apparatus, ecceuories, materials, or supplies not manufactured by the Company shall be limited to the respective guarantlem or warranties of the manufacturers thereof. The Company shell not be liable for any repairs or alterations except those made with its specific written consent and approval and 1.411 not be liable for damages or delays, whether caused by defective material or work. manshlp or otherwise) and it is expressly agreed that all liability of the Comppany with respect to such machinery, or Its use of operation, including that under any and all guaranties or warranties, whether express or Implied, is strictly limited to the replacement, in the manner aforesaid, of guaranteed parts failing, within the time hereinbefore stated, by reason of defective material or workmanship in the mrnufacture thereof, S-0e60. (1 Jecq ba. t) 1)6:27 4M T-Sa . IV.. EQUIPMENT REMAINS PERSONALTY; RETENTION OF TITLE; REMLDIES ON DEFAULT: As stated in the proposal, but whether or not there so stated, the equipment is furnished upon and subject to the following conditions: A.--The machinery, apparatus, and accessories shall be and remain strictly personal property, regardless of the manner in which it may be situated or affixed to the realty or in or upon any structure, the consequences rf its removal, or the uses or pu, poses to or for which applied or dedicated. B.-The title to and ownership of the equipment shall remain in tae Company until a,. yams, however evidenced, which may be or become owing or payable by the Purchaser under or pursuant to the proposal or these General Provisions or otherwise owing to the Company (including any judgment taken thereon) shall have been fully paid in money, satisfied, and dis.-harged; and, until such time, the Purchaser shall do and perform all acts and things anywise necessary for the preserva• tion of the Company's title, in respect of legal requirements or otherwise and shall not remove the equipment or any part thereof from the place of its original installation and shall not anywise sell, assign, or transfer the equipment or this egree• ment or any interest of Purchaser in the equipment or in, to, or under this a ceement without the Company's prior written consent, Should the Company discount or otherwise transfer any notes or its interest in or in respect of the contract or the equipment, the title to and right of possession of the equipment and all right to enforce the rights and remedies hereunder shall pass to the legal holder of such notes or transferee o: such Interest. C.-In the event of any default in any of the obligations of the Purchaser, or in the event that an action In bankruptcy, or for a reorganization, or composition or arrangement under the bankruptcy laws, or for a receivership for Purchaser's business, property, or affairs, be instituted by or against Purchaser and be not dismissed within sixty days, the Company may, at its election at any time thereafter, declare all moneys owing to it by Purchaser to be immediately due and payable and shall be entitW to receive, In addition to any moneys anywise owing to it by Purchaser, all costa of collection or enforce. ment of obligations of or remedies against the Purchaser (including, in so far as permitted by law, reasonable attorneys' fees), and shall have the right to and may seize, repossess, remove, and dispose of the equipment, or any part thereof, wherever found without liability for so doing. Should there be, in the jurisdiction in whit, said equipment or part thereuf Is • found, any statutory or other law applicable to and governing this conditioual sale which, in respect of contracts of this character, requires that the remedies upon default shall be enforced only in a particular manner o. specifies exclusively all or any of the rights and remedies which atlwr or both of the respective parties shall have thereunder then, and in such case, the manner of seizure and disposal shall be in the required manner and the respective rights and remedies of the parties shall be those so specified, as though it was herein expresaly so provided. It is, nevertheless, agreed that, in the absence of such applicable law or in to far as not in conflict therewith, the Company may seize said property forth or without order of court and may sell the same at public or private sale, after mailing or otherwise giving to the Purchaser, not less than ter (l0 days in advance of the date of sale, notice of the time and place of sale, at which sale the Company may bid and become a buyer and the Company shall apply the proceeds of such sale to the payment of the costs of enforcement, seizure, and sale and of moneys otherwise owing to the Company by the Purchaser, remitting the excess, if any, thereof to the Purchaser, but shall have the right to be paid by and to collect from the Purchaser, on demand, the amount of imy dtfi6ency or unpad balance of sums owing by Purchaser after such application of the proceeds of sale. V. RECEIVINO THE EQUIPMENT; FREIGHT CHARGES; INSURANCE; TAXES; RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE: Upon arrival of the equipment, the Purchaser shall promptly receive the same, pay all freight or other charges thereon, and insure the same against loss cr damage by fire, and such other hazards, if any, as may be expressly required by the proposal to be insured In an amount sufficient to cover any such loss or damage, but et least to the extent of the amount remaining unpaid to tha Company, in policies and insurance companies satisfactory to the Company with loss, if any, payable to the Company a its Interests may, appear, and shall thereafter keep like Insurance in force until the Company has been filly paid. Such policies, or evidence thereof satisfactory to the Company, shall be deposited with the Company. Should the Purchaser fail to comply strictly with these provisions as to Insurance, the Company may procure insurance to protect its interest in the property at the Purchasers' expense. The occurr.-rice of am loss or damage covered by such r while any sum remains unpaid to the Company shali have the effect of Immediately assigning all insurance on said property to the Company, with power to collect thereon and satisfy its interest therefrom, remitting any excess of the proceeds thereof to the Purchaser, whether or not such Insurance was taken out for the Company's benefit. The Purchaser agrees, also to pat all taxes which may be assessed against the equipment or its purchase or use, and shall make good any loss suffered by te Company by reason of loss of or damage to the equipment, whether caused by fire, carelessness, or otherwise. The Purchaser shall pay to the Company, not as penalty but as agreed 11 ufdated damages, twenty (20a/o) per centum of the net amount of the purchase price stated in this proposal in the event that the Purchaser should refute to receive the equipment when delivered or in the event that Purchaser should rescind the contract or countermand the propgial after its acceptance; provided, that as to any Items of the equipment which are of special design or construction malting them unsuitable for conversion to other use, the Purchaser shall, nevertheless, at the option of the Company, take such items and psq therefor the full portion of the contract price thereby represented, according to their state of completion and the fore. !o I pro rid of res ec t to t he payment of twenty per cent (20%) ithall be In addition thereto but shall aen apply only VI. EXTENT OF COMPANYS LIABILITY: It Is expressly understood and agreed that the Company shall in nowise be deemed or held to be obligated, liable, or accountable upon or under any guaranties or wairanties, express or Implied, statutory, by operation of law or otherwise, In any manner or form beyond its express agreements relative to the determfna• tion of the capacity, of each )diesel engine at s factory test, the &termination of successful operation of the machinery at it s edfied test, and the replacement of defective guaranteed parts, all hereinbefore specifically set forth; and that to such end the Company shall In nowise be held liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or In connection with the purpose, use, or operation of the equipment or resulting from delays occasioned by causes not fully within its full ontrol (inciudini, among other such causes fires strikes, labor dif i;cultles, delay In procuring materials or governmental restrictions), the recefpt of the equipment on art~val stall eoatstitute a waiver of all (lability or claims for delay and In no event whatsoever shall the Com• pacyhiever for lithe period able for of anq delay damages, or in any measure beyond !fie reasonable coat of the rental of similar VII. TPH PROPOSAL OR CONTRACT OF WHICH THESE GENERAL PROVISIONS ARE A PART: The term "proposal' as used herein shall be deemed to mean any vroposal or contract resulting therefrom, acceptance of an offer or order,, or other contract or agreement whatsoever of the Company to wh[ch thla fore.: is annexed or In which,,bas General Provisions are referred to or Incorporated by reference and In all cases these General Provisions %hall be paramount and control the agreements and obligations of the parties unless and except as may be clearly rind specifically otherwise provided by the express agreements of the Company. w a 1... .or c is 4 e r [M1 }r yi ~ 1. \l / ~ M t, ~k. ~r R., ,r ~~,t', 1 x _ , F ~ _'.a r t ~ E fi~'~1: , n tai ' 1 K" 1. „3j~~ ~ f ~ 3.~ n~ "f .f.+ . s ~ .y.. aY, ~ .N AN ORDINANCE' ANNhX-fNG CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF D1,NTJN, TLXAS, PLACINt: SAME IN `'7[E SIDI-"NTTAL IIISTRIC. AND DECLARING AN i;.NtER(,INCY. BE IT ORDAINU) AY T1;L CITY C.),IDTISSION OF ILIIE CITY OF D%NTON, T3!CAS. Section One, That the followini= described tract of land is hereby annexed to Pnd made a Tart of and brought into the corporate limits of the City of Denton, Texas in compliance with an election held on the lltlha day of December, A, Da, 19539 and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: All of that certain tract or pa rcel of land situated in the County of Denton and State of Texas, and being more particularly descri.bod by metes and botnds as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the Nest line of Stuart Lane and the West boundary line of the Sherman-Denton Highway. TUNCE Nortkpar,terly with the West boundary line of said highway, a distance of 1,868' more or less, the NrrthEast corner of this tract; THENCE West 830 feet, more or less, to the West boundary line of Stuart Lane; TEIENCE South W th the West line of Stuart Lane 915 feet, more or less, to the North East corner of atwo acre tract owned by Kenneth Spillman= TILENCE West 470' more or less, to Spillman's North West corner; THENCE South with Spillman's West boundary M ne 187' passing his Southwest corner, continuing 187 additional feet to the Southwest corner~of the Oscar Owens tract passing his Southliest corner, and continuing an additional 400 feet more or less, to the South boundary line of the Grover Stuart property; THENCE Fast 4701, more or less, to the place of beginning It being necessary that the a'-ove described tract of land be annexed to the City of Denton in er,mpliance with an election held in said City on the 11tho day of December, 1953, in order that the property owners may proceed with development programs, create an emergency and imperative public necessity that the rule requiring that ordinances be read on three saveral occ&sions be, and the some is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect frum and after its cossage. It is further decreed that the above described tract of land Mall for zoning purposes be classified as dwelling or residential property. Passed and Approved this the , ILDday of December A. D., 19 53 Chairman City. Comm ss on City of Benton, Texas ATTEST: A PPROYEDj y S riitary yor City of Denton, Texas City of Denton, Texas ,o ~ 7 g~~ . ` 1 f \ ~ ~\j ~ vl t. ~ 4r1 r. ~ ~ ~ f_ . ~ I , I No. ,5-3_.27 I AN ORDINANCis OI.Dl:i Ti~C AN F,UCTION TO BE HELD IN 'IIIE CITY OF D,:NTONI 1EXAS N IpE 11Tll. PAY OF DECEMBER, A. DI , 1953 FOR THE PUJWI ,ISE' OF SUNNITTTING TO THE %UAL TFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY THE PROPOSITION OF RATIFYING CERTAIN ILOPOSED ThI&TTORY TO BE ADDED TO THE PRESENT CITY LIKtTS OF SAID CITY: PROVIDING FOR NOTICE, OF SUCH ELFCTTON: APPOINTING A PRESIDING OFFICER FOR SUCH ELECTION AND DULA NO AN EXERC;L,NCY. AIL 11' ORD.ITNh;D BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE. CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. Section One. That there shall be held an election at the City Hall in the City of Denton, Texas on the 11th, of Deceaber A. D., 1953, for the purpose or submitting to the qualified voters of the City of Lepton, 'texas, at said election, the following nronositionv: TRACT ONE: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Denton and State of Texas, and being more narticula:ly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEG LINING at the intersection of the West line of Stuart Lane and the West boundary line of the Sherman-Denton 11 1 g sway . THU CH Northeasterly with the West boundary line of said highway, a distance of 1,888' more or less, the No rthEast corner of this tract; THENCE West 830 feet more or less, to the West boundary line of Stuart Inane= THENCE South with the West line of Stuart Lane 915 feet more or less, to the North East corner of a -two acre tract owned by Kenneth Spillman; THENCE West 4'.01, more or less, to Spillman's Northwest corner; I THENCE South with Spillman's West boundary line 187' nassing his Southwest corner, continuing 187 additional feet to the Southwest corner-of the Oscar Owens tract passing his Southwest corner, and continuing an additional 400 feet more or less, to the South bo uldary line of the Grover Stuart property; TUEN CE East 4701, more or less, to the place of beginning. FOR RATIFICATION AND ADDING. SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIXITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. AGATNST RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO TXL )'RESENT LTMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, T,0AS. SECTY0 TWO: The City Secretary shall cause to be printed the official ballots to be used at such election, and he shall cause tbem tob a printed as in section one above. SECTION MHEM That Gorrlgoa is hereby appointed presiding officer a an or, said a e on, and ho r shall appoint such assistance as +y he necessary to properly hold and conduct said election. S':C11 7 ;1 J'OiI) That said election shall be held under the Texas, siand of the Cliarter u and nJrand laws dinances ooft the SCity of Kenton, Texas. SECTI,!h FIVE': That due returna of the results of said election shall be made by the nresidin« officer as required by law. SL:CTION SIX: That due and legal notice of such election shall he riven by the posting of three true copies of this ordinance, in three public places within the City of Denton, for thirty consecutive days prior to the date of the election, onL' of which notices shall rc nosted in the City Hall. SECTIA SEVEN: The fact that the above described property is urgently needed for buildin.- dwellings, together with the fait that construction has been hindered by the inability of the owners to obtain utilities until such territory is annexed to the City of Denton, creates an emergency, an imperative public necessity requiring that the rule requir- ing that ordinances be rearl on three several occasions at three several meetings be and the same is hereby suspended an_i this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its third and final reading. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 10th - day of November ,A. D. , 1953. a rman City Commission City of i,entnn, Texas AMST: A'PROVED: City ecretary May or Anproved ss to legal form: City Attorney i i i i } 1 < ' 111 r: it : xEP0RT OF THL COMMITTEE. APPOINTED TO CANVASS THE RETURNS OF THE SPECIAL I LECTTON HELD IN THE CITY OF USTIN, TEXAS, ON THE 11th. DAY OF DT:CEMBER, A, D. 1953. C,)mes now the'special committee appointed to canvass the returns of the Special Election held in the City of lienton, Texas on the 11tho day of December, A. De, 1953, and respectively makes the following report) We have carefully canvassed the returns of said elections and find the results thereof to be as foilowst FOR annexation of Tract No. One as described upon the official ballot, 23 votes were cast. Ar,AINST annexation of Tract Noe One as described on the official ballot, 0 votes were caste Respectfully submitted on this the 151h day of December , Ae De, 4 19^~ e a =E At o+-,'-"' i AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF U[iF' CITY COMUSSI N OF TELL CITY OF DINTON, TENAS, AT THE CITY HALL OF SAT1) CITY ON Dezembor 15 , 19539 RESOLUTION On this the .1~. day of December A. D., 1953, came on to be considered at a special meeting of the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, the matter of canvassing the returns of An election heretofore held on the 11th., day of December, A. D. _953, said election having heretofore been duly ordered by said City Commission for the purpose of submitting to the Voters of the City of Denton, Texas, the question of annexing a certain tract of land to the City of Denton, and the City Commission having duly canvassed the returns of said election, declares the following to be the results. FOR annexation of Tract Number One described upon the officlai ballot 23 votes were cast. AGAINST annexation of Tract Number One described upon the official ballot 0 were cast. It APPEARS from the canvass of said returns of said election that the action of the City Commission of the City of Denton in approving the petition of property owners of the tract of land for annexation to said City of Denton, Texas, was approved by the voters voting in said election, it is tinerefore ordered and declared that the said certain tract of land described upon the official ballot, is duly anproved for annexation to theCity of Denton] Texas. PASSED AND tD PROVED THIS 16th DAY OF De"smbAr_, A. D., 1988. ha rman y nmm. as on City of Lent cn, Texas ATIAST t APPROVED s 00 9 -0 j en on, Texas yor, y o 'C{yY e Yt 5ef o Y i. f u~ pr r e }I i • ~l December 10, 1963 Denton, Texas City of Denton 221 North Blm Street Denton, Texas 'ATTE)M ONE Honorable Nark Hannah Gentlemeni The Citizens' Water Ccamittee of the City of Denton wishes to inform you that an acceptable contract far water storage space in the Garza-Little Elm Dan and Reservoir between the CITY OF DBNTON, TEXAS and the UNITED STATES OF ANBRICA has finally been worked out with the Corps of Enginesrs, Fort Worth Distriot, representing the Secretary of the Armye Negotiations for adequate water storage space :n the Garza-Little Elm Dsa and Reservoir which have been under way since Xav, 1948, have resulted in the securing of 21,000 aora feet of rater storage space for the City of Denton under a contract for a term of fifty years and subject to renewal at the expiration of the first tern. The Citizens' Water Cosmittes at a called meeting held today at the City Hall took a unanimous action to recomaend the attached contract and request that it be executed by the CITY OF DENTON so as to i adequately provide a future water supply for the Citizens of the City of Denton, Texas. Respectfully submitted, CI NS' WATER CONNI'1TEE after B. NcClurkan, Chairs ~I IA 7y~ S S `a td'., t 1 AN 0c92rd,:;'CE, AIPfF 1itI7,?Nrr 'PFi' 1-.1`0? A?F1~ T1iF C'l'ti SFCfi TARY CI11"!' 0 u' IVCN) TO "r''f'iIT!:' A"ih $'vTiR I`.'TO A CONTHACT 'orIT11 THe: If;TTED SP TES ~1' AI1; SIC^. ~i{ I15IALF' OF T'11e; CITI OF n?!IT)11, `?~~~ti'•5, A P1f1ICIPAL C0',?05ATiOP?: SUCH COPT,!, CT TO t FRTAIN 1).~ 'it Fu CNASF; BY S!IT.1 C1,111 OF TWENTY-01'x; THOUS.',1:P AC`ZF~ Y' :^'.T OF TI _T-,R STOR.AGE SPACE IN THE CAA'L.1-LITT'F ELI' :CFSERVOIJ O1? T11t, TRI'.'ITl' TtI'Jr,R IN DI'WO1! WbNq'Y, TF U.S; PROVIW,Td i 2 OA THE ANTNAL 135ES'a1114T A"D Coil JITt011 Or, t. Sl j, I' C1?;ITT TAX TO PAY THP, NTER:-;t'T 01T gi1(;ti DE 4T O> 1)E "1'•S AS I AY Pc: rRaE1T?;p HY T'HG CO!I'IiZ4CT .'t"1P FPOVIDI??"' F'OR A. SINYING YLIND 01, AT 1J,,AST A10 PRRCZiNT Th;Rt ,03j DFCL4RING Al' E1ERO:;NL'!. RE IT UZDAMM BY THE CITY (C)1%l ;ISSIO?1 OF TF',F; CITY OF DA;bITOV, T1;XAS: SECTI%T 1. That the Nay,)r and the City Secretary of the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to execute and enter into a contract with thQ Severnment of the UNITFD STAPES OF' AVERICA in behalf of said City of Denton, Texas, Such contract is to pertain to the purchase from the VNITED STATF,S OF AbTPJCA of twenty-one tt,ousand. acre feet of water storage space in the Garza-Little Elm Reservoir on the Trinity River in Dentcn County, Texas. A true copy of sttch contract, as heroin,canteaq,Iated, is to be attached to this ordinance and all of its provisions Are hereby at-opted and made a part hereof the stone as if they were fn]ly set out at length herein. SECTION 2. That there is to be levied, assessed and collected annually) for the duratior of this contract, a sufficient tax to pay the interest provided (3% per arniun on the unpaid balance) on such debt or debts as are created by this contract and provide a sinking fund''gqf at leaet two percent (2%) thereon. The firs'w such tax levy as herein contemplated ,llIs to be made at the regttler nesting of the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, in June of 19541 end then a. levy shall be made at each regular meeting in June of each succeeding year thereafter until all monies due and payable hereunder shall have b=sn pa;.d in full. SECTION 3. The fact that the City of Denton is in dire need of the water storage specs to he acquired by the contrast attached hereto, and the further fact that the City must acquire necessary right-of-way for water lines, acquire the necessary materials for the construction of an adequatr, wstcr intake structure at the reservoir and rake ,any other necessary preparations :tncident to such construction, and. the further fact that such structure must be constructed before wat,_r is impoundeLi in the reservoir, creates an emergency and imperative public necessity requiring that the rule requiring that ordii:)nces be read on three several occasions At three several meetings be, and the same is, hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and afterits passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this yy of r~/j7(,~~/Z! , A.D., 1953 ATTFSTI ' a,, a rr:an*City4r r r ss on City of Denton, Texas City ecre ry P Appro ed as to Legality APPROOVVEfb_I y At orney 2:ayor I it {a y a iA .~a'!:n~ ~ P', S r ~ rt (f. t J b'¢t ~ pie s r^ ~ ~ ~ - AUTH011}EO Mimi n PHILLIPS RADIO SHOP 129 XAST McKINNEY STREET PHONE: c-6121 DENTON, TEXAS DATE ORDER NO, MA%E: MOO[Lr SERIAL No,; MATERIAL USED REPAIR WORK DONE CUAN. PART No. NAME PRICE DESCRIPTION PRIG[ r~ 1. ~ ~ E'` 1^l L~ O TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL AMOUNT 1R•~fa D I P I N 0 A I L I 1'IORK E APPROVED STANDARD PRICES Ly"M RAI d -bQ.i...,.~ i 4 .r i AIL l? ~ ~ t . i Contract No. DA-41-443-eng-1098 CONTRACT CONSUVATION STORAGE O,~LRZA-LITTLE ELM DAM AND FdSERVOIR THIS CONTRACT, eL ered into this day of 1953, by and between the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (hereinafter called the Government), represented by the Contracting Officer executing this contract, and the City of DentoL, and instrumentality of the State of Texas (hereinafter called tho City), WITNFSSUH THAT; WHEREAS, the Government is constructing the Garza-Little Elm Dam and Reservoir on the Elm Fork of the Trinit River in Denton County. Texas, (here- inafter called the Project) pursuant to the authority contained in the River and Harbor Act approved 2 March 1945 (Public Law 14, 79th Congress, lot Session); and, WHEREAS, storage space exists in the reservoir between elevation 481 feet above mean sea level and elevation 515 feet above mean sea level which will be surplus to the requirements of the Government for operation of the Project; and, WHUI&S, the City desires to acquire storage space in the -eservoir in the amount of 21,000 acre-feet; and, WMIOIAS, on 14 March 1949, the board of Water Engineers for the State of Texas granted a permit to the City to impound 21,000 acre-feet of water in the Garza-Little r,lm Reservoir and to divert and appropriate public waters there- from in an amount not to exceed 11,000 acre-feet of water per annum, subject to the authorisation of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and such restrictions, conditions and liuitatione as the Board iay deem proper under the law, rules and regulations of the Board, and subject to the rights of prior appropriators whatever they may be; and WHEREAS, the Government is authorised by the hot approved May 23, 1952 (Public Law 360, 82nd Congress, 2nd Session) which revived and reenacted the authorizing provisions of the Flood Control Act approved December 22, 19440 (Public Law 534, 78th Congress, 2ad Session), to make contracts with States, municipalities, private concerns, or individuals at such prices and on such terms as a-ee deemed reasonable, for domestic and industrial uses for surplus eater that may be available at any reservoir under the control of the Department of the Army; and, WHERW , pursuant to the requirements of Section 5 and Section 7 of Article 11 of the Constitution of the State of Texas and as a condition precedent to the validity of this contract, the City has duly passed and approved Onlinance No, on the day of 19_1 at a regular* (or special) meeting of the City Council of Denton, Texas, and hue therein provided for the annual assessment and collection of a sufficient tax to pay the interest hereinafter provided on such debt or debts as are credited by this contract and provide a sinking fund of at least two percent (2,%) thereon; NOW TfU:REy"CIiE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE 1, WATIM STORAGE SPACE.- Upon completion of the Project the City shall have the right to utilize an undivided 4.8 percent of the storage space in the Project between elevation 481.0 feet abova mean sea level and elevation 51$.0 feet above mean sea level as deemed necessary by the City to impo=d in the Project and make such diversions as presently granted or as may hereinafter be granted to the City by the Board of Water Engineers for the State of Texas, or its successors, to the extent that such storage apace will provide, and subject to the retention by the Government and others of the remaining undivided 95.2 per cent of the storage space for such purposes as the Government may deem advisable,. The Government shall not be responsi- ble for diversion by others, nor will it become a party to any controversies between users of the aforesaid storage apace. Withdrawals from the reservoir will be made by the City at outlet installations and facilities to bd constructed by the City at its expense, The design and location of said City installations and facilities shall be subject to the approval of the Contracting Officer. The Government reserves the right to take such measures as may be necessary in the operation of the Project to preserve life and/or property. ARTICLE 2. FEDERAL USAGE,- The City agrees that the utilization of such storage shoes shall not conflict with the use of the Project by the Government for flood control, and allied purposes. ARTICLE 1, REGULATION OF USE OF WATER STORED IN Q'UBJECT SPACE,- The regulation of use of water stored in the aforesaid space shall not bri con- sidered apart of this contract. The City shall have the right of ingress and egress for the purpose of making full use of the rights provided herein, including the right to protect its water supply. ARTIOU 4, CONSIDEdATION,- In consieration of the payments provided in this contract to be paid by the City to the Government it is agreed that the Government will provide storage space in the Project as provided in Article 1. In consideration of the Government's providing the aforementioned storage space to the City, it iii agreed that the City shall pay to the Government; • Delete one 2 (1) The incremental cost of providing the said storage space, and interest at the rate of three per cent (3%) per annum on the incremental cost for one-half (J) of the constructio*: period of the project; and (2) The prorate. share of the annual coat of operation and maintenance of the said storage space as defined under Article 5. ICLE . PAYMENT.- In accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of this contract the City shall pay the following sums to the Government; (1) $239►200.50 which is the cost of providing the said storage space to be utilised by the City. The incremental cost of providing the said storage space shall be on an annual installment basis and shall be payable in twenty (20) consecutive yearly installments. Such installments shall include accrued interest at the rate of three per cent (3%) per annum on the unpaid balance. The first installment in the amount of 15,60944 ` shall be due and payable on 1 January 1955 (estimated date of completion of Project). Annually thereafter during each year the City binds itself to set aside the sum of $15,609.74 and to pay the same to the Government on ti next succeeding January let of each year up to and including 1974. Said sum of $15,609.74 so to be paid annually from 1 January 1956 until 1 January 1974, includes interest at the rate of three percent (3%) per annum from 1 January 1955 (estimated date of completion of Project) on the unpaid balance until 1 January 1974. The City shall have the righ` to pay the aforementioned interest bearing payments in consecutive order on, or prior to, due dates stated and, payments so made shall be credited with unearn9d interest. In the event the actual incremental first cost of construction to provide the storage space set out herein exceeds the estimated coat of $219,450.00 (exclusive of interest during construction) the aforesaid annual payments shall be increased to reflect the actual incremental first cost including interest during construction as determined by the Contracting Officer. If such actual cost is lees than the estimate, the aforesaid annual payments shall be decreased to reflect the actual incremental first cost including interest during construction as determined by the Contracting Officer. In the event the annual payments are increased or decreased, as provided above, an sdjustment, as determined by the Contracting Officer, of payments made prior to the determination of the actual incremental first cost shall be made in the first payment due after the final project costs are determined. (2) 1.0 per cent of the annual actual experienced cost of operation and maintenance of tho Project oxolueive of the operation and maintenance cost for land management and public utilization and outlet facilities provided for City of Dallas. An advance payment in the amount of $554.00 shall be made on the first day of the year that th;+ Project will become operative for water coLser- vation purposes as determined by the Contracting Officer, and annually there- after an amount equal to 1.0 per cent of the said actual experienced cost of operation and maintenance for the preceding Government. fiscal year shall be 3 7 - paid in advance on the let day of January for each succeeding year during the contract period. The advance payment for the second year shall be increased or decreased in an amount to reflect the difference between the initial payment of $554-00 paid for the first year and 1.0 per cent of the annual actual experienced cost of operation and maintenance for the first year or portion thereof as set forth above. It is further provided that additional contributions shall be made by the City for maintenance cost not annually recurring„ at the same rate of 1.0 per cent of actual cost. Items of operation and maintenance which fora basis of computation and which will be used in future computation of maintenance and operation charges are included as Exhibit "A". Records of cost of operation and maintenance of the Project shall be available for inspection and examination by the City. The extent of operation and maintenance of the Project shall be determined by the Contracting Officer and all records and accounting shall be maintained by the Contracting Officer. In the event that the City should require addi- tional operation and maintenance for the conservation storage over and above that determined by the Contracting Officer and over and above that which formed the basis for determination of the above percentage as set out in Exhibit "A", the City shall bear the entire cost of such additional expense. (3) 2.4 per cent of the total sedimentation resurvey costs when incurred. (4) In the event of default in the payment of the costs contained in Article 5 (1), (z), and (3), the City shall pay interest bi-monthly on such overdue paymen"s at the rate of three per cent (3%) per annum thereon; and such interest shall be charged from the date such payments are due until paid, ARTICLE 6. PERIOD OF CONTRACT.- The poriod of this contract eha11 be fifty (50) years from the date hereof, ARTICLE . RMWAL9.- It is the understanding and expectation of the parties hereto that upon expiration of this contract the City shall have the prior right, subject to any required approval of appropriate State authorities, to negotiate for further use of storage space then available for water supply purposes. The terms of the new contract shall be subject to mutual agreement at the time, it being the further expectation of the parties that in determi- ning the properly allocable charges to be specified in such new contract due consideration will be given to the fact that the original investment of the Government may have been reimbursed. Consideration will also be given to any extraordinary expenditures made or expected to be made by the Government and which are not recovered during the original contract period. ARTICILA. DEFAULT.- In the event the City refuses or fails to comply with the foregoing pro-Isions with respect to payments and transfer and assign- ment, the Government reserves the right to terminate this contract. 4 TICLB . OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE.- The Government shall operate and maintain the project owned by the Government. The City shall be responsi- ble for the operation and maintenance of all features and appurtenances to be provided and owned by the City for withdrawal of rater from the reservoir. The City shall have the right to make withdrawals of water for its Jarposes as needed in accordance with Article 1. In the event the Government should tempo- rarily suspend maintenance and operation of the Project due to lack of appropri- ated funds, then and in that event the City shall be privileged and shall have the right to enter upon the premises and operate the same for its own use and benefit in supplying itself with water to the extent provided in this contract. ARTICLE 10. RIGHTS-OF-WAY.- The granting of such rights-of-way over or other interests in Government-owned land required for withdrawal and/or transmission of the water from the Project by the City and as approved by the Contracting Officer will be accomplished by separate instruments, subject to approval by the Secretary of the Army. ARTICLE 11. RELEASE OF CLAIMS.- The City shall hold and save the Govern- ment including its officers, agents and employees, harmless from liability of any nature or kind for or on account of any claic for damages which may be filed or asserted as result of withdrawal of water from the Project by the Uity, or Ps a result of the construction, operation, and/or maintenance of the features and appurtenances owned and operated by the City. However, it is agreed and understood that it Is not the intention of the foregoing to impose liability upon the City for claims that may be asserted by the Government concessionaires. ARTICLE 12. TRANSFER OR ASSIGWWT.- The City shall not transfer or assign this contraot nor any rights acquired thereunder, nor suballot said couservation storage space or any part thereof, nor grant any interest, privilege or license whatsoever in connection with this contract, without permission in writing from the Secretary of the Army; provided, that this restriction shall not be construed to apply to any water which may be obtained from the conservation storage space by the City and furnished to any third party or parties nor any method of allocation thereof. ARTICLE 1, OFFICIALS NOT TO B E!WiT.- No member of or delegate to Congress, or resident commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this contract, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom; but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this contract if made with a corporation for its general benefit. ARTICLE 14. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEW.- The City warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingeet fee, excepting bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by the City for the 4 5 i purpose of securing business. For breach or violation of this warranty the Government shall have the right to annul this contract withc.ut liability or in its discretion to add to the contract price or consideration the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. ARTICLE 15. DISPUTES.- Except as othorwise provided in this contract, any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under this contract which is not disposed of by agreement shall be decided by the Contracting Officer, who shall reduce his decision to writing and mail or otherwise furnish a copy thereof to the City. Within 30 days from the date of receipt of such copy, the City may appeal by mailing or otherwise furnishing to the Contracting Officer a written appeal addressed to the Secretary of the Army, and the decision of the Secretary of the Army or his duly authorized representative for the hearing of such appeals shall, unless determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to have been fraudulent, arbitrary, capricious, or so grossly erroneous as necessarily to imply bad faith, be final and con- clusive; provided that, if no such appeal is taken, the decision of the Contracting Officer shall be final and conclusive. In connection with any appeal proceeding under this clause, the City shall be afforded an oppor- tunity ' '"z heard and to offer evidence in support of its appeal. Pending final de. "in of a dispute hereunder, the City shall proceed diligently with the :,erformance of the contract and in accordance with the Contracting Officer's decision. ARTICLE 16. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT.- This contract shall be subject to the written approval of the Secretary of the Army, or his duly authorized representative and shall not be binding until so approved. ARTICLE 17. DEFINITIONS.- (a) The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Army; the terms "Secretary of the Army" or "Head of the Department" as used herein shall have one and the same meaning; and the term "his duly author- ized representative" means the Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, or an individual or board designated by him. (b) Bxcept for the original signing of this contract and except as otherwise stated he-rain, the term "Contracting Officer" as used herein shall include his duly appointed successor or his authorized representative. ARTICLE 18. NEGOTIATED CONTRACT.- This contract is authorised by and negotiated under the following laws: The River and Harbor Act approved 2 March 1945 (Public Law 14, 79th Congress, let Session), and the Act approved May 239 1952 (Public law 360, 82nd Congress, 2nd Session), which revived and re-enacted the authorizing provisions of the Flood Control Act approved December 221 1944 (Public Law 534, 78th Congress, 2nd Session). TICIZE lQ. AN RATIONS IN CONTRACT.- The following alterations have been made in the provisions of this contract, 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties: hereto have executed this agreement as of the day and year first above written. THE UNITED STATES Or AARICA By Contracting Officer) CITY OF DENTON$ TEXAS Mayor City of Denton, Texas ATTT„STs APPROVED AS TO PORMs City Secretary City Attorney City of Denton, Texas City of Denton, Texas L STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DENTON MOM HE, the undersigned, a Notary Publio in and for said County and State, on this day personFlly appeared known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the fore- going instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said City of Denton, Texas, and that he executed the same for the purposes and • consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVLN W.%R KY HAITD i.ND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of , A. D. 1953 NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF DENTON STATE OF TEXAS My commission expires the day of , 19.0 8 j p ~O O pG~iL ~ F ~ C3 R O "R q Hy oMQ7 p to •'Y.~fA Y~htO+cOh►+t~~yy ~p µ ^Qµ~~~~mW(~. ~m ~ ~ CC.w~rµf! ~ p 0 V V V~y V V pppp ~p VOA V V W V8 • R Hot vi .7 OC.bO Ni,9,, N~00 0001 C~ .mmp p ~ r~ vii Y ~ ~ f Y Y r.. y U to F~ N~ F-+ W N N N~ N N p~ ~ ~ t V V Vy V Y£ Y Y V Y£ • ~ 1. 's oCrQ, Kf ~~v'0,~25 X23 0 .3 Oil V 0 000ooov w o~`'o~~o oo2l NN ~ YY ~ ~ a ~ ~s r x O W N (y f F p co I `6 p M 8 m C+ o F'H h $ hh ~ F~` W ~ ao d N WR ;PQ L N N ci ga s ct* p~f (A M eN A is JACK BRYSON , do HEREBY FILE; THIS$ MY APPLICATION FOR THE OFFICE OF MAYOR, SUBJECT TO ELECTION. MY POST OBVICE ADDRESS IS 317 PANHA14DLE STREET. I Ahi A RESIDENT OF THE CITY OF DENTON. MY AGE IS 45 YEARS AND I WAS BORN AT STONY, TEXAS AND AM A NATURAL':BORN CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES AND HAVE RESIDED IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS FOR'445 YEARS. WITNESS MY HAND THIS 29th DAY OF December A.D., 1953 DEC 29 X953 DEt1~4~~,.t~, . ~r d THE STATE C'FA' TEXAS X COUNTY OF DENTON Y BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Denton County, Texas, on this day personally appeared ~~X~G /3~z~_a~✓ , and upon being duly sworn, epose and sa ; "My name is ./9&.*, 131z i v nI , and I am a candidate for he office o , of the City of Dentonj. Texas, a un o p Corpora ion. ba,lievo In. and approve of, and if nominated and eleoted to such office, I will support and defend our present representative form of government, and will resist any effort or movement from any force which see;.s to subvert or destroy the same or any part thereof. I do not belong to any party whose principles include any thought or purpose of setting aside our representative form of government and substitute therefor any other form of<government. I further swear that I am not a member of the Communist Party or the Pascist Party, or the Nays. Party. '.rlTNPSS MY HAND a6 Denton, Texas this day of March, A. D. 1954. 3d~SL S''FORN TO AND SUASCRIBED BEFORF ME, the undcoreigned f-,L `Nit'ary PlOnlio on this day of March, A. D. 1954. oor) l THE CITY Of OINTON • 441 North Elm Street, Denton, Traces OFFICE Of CITY SECRETARY I, Rogers Teel, do hereby file this, my application for the office of City ('ttorneyv subject to election. My post office address is 318J Congress Avenue, Denton, Texas. The County of my residence iA Denton. My age is 38 years. I was born at Rising Star, Eastland County, Texas, and am a native born citizen of the United States and have resided in Denton County, Texas for a.5 years, WT,TNESS my hand this 29th day of December, A. D. 1953• THE STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF DENTON BEFORE' ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Denton County, Texas, on this day personally appeared Rogers Teel , and upon being duly sworn, epose an saldi "My name is Rogers Teel , and I am a candidate for the office o C t Attorney of the City of Denton, Texas, a municipal orporstlon$"~T believe in and approve of, and if nominated and elected to such office, I will support and defend our pr<~ent representative form of governmento and will resist any effort or movement from any force which soaks to subvert or destroy the same or any part thereoft I do not belong to any party whose principles include any thought or purpose f)f setting aside our representative form of government and substitute therefor any other form of ;government. I further swear that I am not a member of the Communist Part' or the Fascist Party, or the Napi Party. I7ITNFSS MY HAND at Denton, Texas this day of March, A. D. 1954s r S"FORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, the undersigned Rotary Pli$)lic on this day of March, A. D. 1954. k ~.ti " r R T ma5m' +~~M A ~ S. a AN ORDPIANCE SETTING ASIDE CERTAIN SPACE ON BOLIVAR STREET MULBERRY STREET, AND CEDAR SMELT AS A FIRE LANE AND PROHIBITING THE PARKING OF ANY VEHICLE OTHER THAN A FIRE OR POLICE VEHICLE OR A PUBLIC UTILITY VEHICU3 ON DUTY, IN ANY SUCH FIRE LANE AND DECLARING AN EKERGENCY SECTI'>N I. There are hereby reserved and set apart in the hereinafter named streets, the spaces and areas hereafter described, A as Fire Lanesi It shall be unlawful for any person to park or stand any vehicle, other than, fire apparatus, a police vehicle, or a public utility vehicle, on duty, in any fire lane. (A). 90LIVAR STMETr Being on the west side of Bolivar Street, beginning at the North line of West Oak Street, Thence north along the West side of said Bolivar Street to the South line of State Highway number 24. (B). MULBERRY STREET= Being on theSouth side of Nest Mulberry Street, and beginning at a point on the Webt line of South L'lm Street, thence Kest along the South side of Kulberry Street to the East line of Center Street. (C). CEDAR STREETS Being on the West side of Cedar,Street and extending South from the first alley South of the intersection of Cedar Street and West Oak Street, to the North line of Mulberry Street. The fact that on the above named streets the movement of fire and emergency vehicles is hampered by traMe congestion and the further fact that stich Fire Lanes are made to expedite thb movement of fire vehicles along the above mentioned streets, crests an emergency I and an imperat+ve public necessity that the rile requiring that ordinances be read on three several occasions,be, and the same is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. P,kSSED AND APPROVED. this the '9 th day of Nbruary,A. D., 1964. ATTEST t e re ary - a r n y omm s s on City of Denton,texas C,'.ty of Kenton, Texas APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM APPROVEDi Clty ttorney i ayor city of Denton, Texas City of Denton, Texas i i 7 i. ~ r + 'j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ;;+y...~ ~ ~ 1« DENTON FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION • 210 AUSTIN AVENUE DENTON, TEXAS I~ ^ETITTO`I FOR, AM'1,Y„1TTO'N TIO: 5V T1; V TrYAS X COUNTY Of DINT(1 ~ 11[, 11. Laney, Jr., and G. L. Franks, of Denton County, Texas, owners of the hereincEftcr described nronerty in Denton County, Texas, which is cnntiguous and adjacent to the City of Penton, Texas, a 'funicitint Corporation, and in which less than three gvali led voters reside, for and In con-sideratiun of the benefits to us .nd our property to be gained from being annexed to the City of Fenton, Texas, do hereby petition your honorable body and request the annexation of the contiguous inO adjacent territory more particularly described below as follows: All that certain lot, tract or mircel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, part of the Robert Beaumont 1/3 Leag-e 5urvcy, Abstract n. 31, znd being a part of a cer- tain 23 acre tract of said survey conveyed by J. A. Carlton et al, to J. W. Carlton, by (iced dated 6th day of ,larch 1634, recorded in Book 246, Page 361 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas. T~1?CTI:NTNC at a point in the i'r'e .t line of Bolivar St., 186.5 ft. ?forth of the South line of saM 23 acre tract conveyed by J. A. Carlton et al, t) J. rnrlton, said point being 547 ft. South of the Nortti line of said Survcv and a short distance '.eat of the t;ast line of sold Survey; T111-'CL best parallel with the South line of said 23 acre tract, 1`0 ft. to a point for corner; T1rFNCI~ 1;^:-th parallel with the Past line of said tract, 125 ft., to a point for corner; TIfr1NC' lust 150 ft., to a print for corner in the West line of Bolivar St.; TIUNCE South 125 ft., to the place of beginning. Petitioners also request that all of Bolivar St, be annexed to the City of Dent-n, coextensive with the North and South call, in the tract above described. r.titioners °urther request that the City Commission hear such Petition and the arguments for and against the a<nme, and that after hearing such request, that annexation be granted and that an ordi- nance be odopted annexing such contiguous territory to the City of Denton, Texas, oral tlat hereafter such territory -,hall become a part of the City of Denton and that the said land and voy future inhabit- ants thereof, sY.ell be entitled to all the rights and privil,:ges of the citi2-_*.s of the City of Denton, Tows, and shall be hound by V,c actr and oiAlnances of the City of Denton, Texas. Y r / r, a,:~~ of A. D., lr'TTNrSS 0',T': ':':1:\; S t}115/ 1963. ~ &~jney, r. i'i•a nks - ~I I T" STA T' C u,5 i ^`P Y 01' h'::1T ~ ) Tf lj the undersigned "otarv "ublic, in and °or Penton Caunty, Texas, nersonally anncared Lai•ey, Jr,, and G. L. i, :nl;s, %nn•vn to me to he the -sons wl' os^ n-'tres are sul)scr,.Ued to the rorcrnfirt, inGlrumcnt, C"nd nc%tio'rled cd to me that they cxccuted '11r1 G''r1o for the `l'w,rocnr. 0 rr),v-, (,rati )n therein eXnl-eSSerl. !la-toe 'T thi S Ti da of or \'o acy Public in f1fid .s Dentr;n County, To r I I 4 z f I Nhl, r MIP FIDELITY UNION LIFE ~ i HOME OFFICE • DALLAS, TEXAS RAYM D. KING December 29, 1953 7 I C KINN[T TLLLPNONL/i 4 ■l1/, C•9022 RES. CENT ,TEXAS PRESI T8 CLUB Hon. (dark Hannah, lAyor City of Denton Denton, Texas Dear Mark) The Public and Business Affairs Csamittee of the Denton Kiwanis Club would like to make a recommendation to you in the interest of Traffic Safety in The City of Denton. It is our suggestion that you appoint, with the advice of our City Commission[ a Denton Traffic Safety Commission, To feel that Denton is large enough rt this time to justify such a group of interested citizens,. It would be the duty of this commission to meet with our Police and ether City Officials to discuss and recommend to you and the City Commission steps to improve traffic safety in our city. We feel that this is a worthwhile prefect worthy of your condideration and action. This commission could aid in raising ands, if necessary, to have a complete traffic survey made of our 01ty without asking the City to pay for such a survey. Your cooperation in setting up such a commission will be greatly appreciated by my committee. If there is any point that I have not made clear, I would appreciate hearing from you, Since Y yours, ' l -sa.~ o D, King, China. Public and Business Affairs Committee, Denton Kiwanis Oluts s ( ti _ - J ~ 1~ ti 1 r ~ i ti" i ~i \ ~4~' k. `4 y i 1 ' . S 1 i ~ ~ i ~ . i f 4 CITY OP DENTON IIMPRFAS, the Highway ConNlsston of the StIA e of Texas in Vinute No. 34579► dated A,igus+; 25, 1953, has declared U.S. Highway 77 to he a Freeway,and WHEREAS, the Highway Commission has requested the cities of Denton, Lewisville and Sanger to so declare the Highway a Freeway in their respective city limits, NOW ThTRt!FORE, the City Commission of Denton, Texas does hereby declare the portion of the route lying within the corporate limits of Depton to be a,Freeway in accordance with the provisions of House 8111 451, 52nd Legislature and in compliance with Highway Commission Vunute No. 34579. Dat-,d this the 5th day of December, 1953, A . D. ice Chairman, City Commissi ~ I "I as n6r r Comtniss•is~ e f i i ~ \"l ~ A 1~ C;~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ n} THE STATE OF ITMS I KNOB ALL MfN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON THAT I, George N. Hinkle, of Denton County, Texas, for and In consideration of the sum of (41.00) one dollar to me in hand paid by the City of Denton County, Texas, a municipal corporation, the re- ceipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents grant and convey unto the said Cllty of Denton, its successors and Lssigns a Sanitary Sewerage Easem6t under, over and in the following des- cribed tract of landl All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and be- ing situated in Denton County, Texas, out of the Robert Beaumont `jurvey and being out of a 27.28 acre tract of ,hand conveyed to George H. NNinklo by deed recorded-in Vol* 3a~ 0 Page 825 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texa o which reference for all purposes is hereby made! BEGINNING at a point 101195 ft. Fast of the Southwest corner of above mentioned 27.28 acre tract; THENCE North 80-489 East 408.4 f to to a point for cos r , r; THENCE North 410-121 west 524 ft* to a point for corner, same being in the South right-of-way line of State High- way #241 THENCE West 5.9 ft. to a point for corned THENCE South along a jag in said right-of-way line a dis- tance of 244 ft. L point for corned THENCE South 410-12' East a distance of 497.5 ft, to a point for cornerl THENCE South 30-481 West 400 fts to a point'for corner, One being in the South boundary line of said 27.28 acre traetN THENCE East 20 feet, sore or less to the place of beginning. Said Oity of Denton, Texas, shall have the right of ingress and egress at all times upon the hereinabove described property for the purpose of construction, reconstruction, and perpetually maintaining the sewer line to be constructed therein. Provided however, that in the event the Grantor herein, his heirs or assigns desire to build a daas and impound water in such a sznrer as to cover a portion or this Easement, then and in that event the Grantor herein, his heirs and assigns shall give the City reasonable notice of such intention, and thereupon the City of Denton shall have the following optionsf 10 To remove the Sewer line and relocate the same, at its expense, on the property In such a manner as not to in- terfare with such dam or lake. 2. To reconstruct and install, at its expense, a cast iron sewer pipe so that the lake can.be built over the same, the City assuming all responsibility therefore Nothing herein is to be construed as to prevent the Grantor herein, his heirs or assigns from constructing any such dam or reservoir, and the intention of the parties hereto is that the City shall be given the options above mentioned before such dam or reservoir is con- structed. TO HAVE AND TO HO1D the said premises, together with all and singular the rights, privileges and appurtenances thereto in any manner belonging to the said City of Denton, Texas, its successors and assigns so long as the same shall be used for the maintenance of a Sanitary Sewerage line. WITNESS XY HJkND THIS _ day of A. D. , 1958. 0 George n e THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON BEFORE KE, a N;,tary Public in and for Denton County, Texasi on this day personally appeared Norge We Hinkle of Denton County, Texas, known to as to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, oel Given under*S1 hand and seal of office, this ~ day of A. Do , 1958. / Notary Public-in an or ' Denton County, Texas t ''R titrtR of Texar MICATF OF 891DOND Th- Counly of Uur400' P'! "T, Clerk of tlv 0xinh Court to and E jr taM 00a, y bf hereby certify that the frnrµuiug r,n lit of %thluq, milli P;a certtfttute._- of aathiralleetloa ryu W1 for 20MUl t},r 414V of y A. D., 9413 , at VC1 t3Q, I(A bi Jly u wnrdcd the dry of CN. A. 1), 19 65)1, at k )MA., la Vdorne .+~1 ._.____.___...._...___Page._._•---_..___!?E._a... ~...ofthe II . Reeordr a Denton county, Tea". WMt M my 6rnd tud seal of (ANT at l),-ol,m Texas, the day and year List .bow written, I;cvk ut t}m ~'ount~ t:cnrt, ihotoo tiu.,'fYfy~ m Ali w Ci ! 7 ~ I ~ o \ wv I 3C dd •?1 ,I I t• ~ air ~+1^:C~•~ Tli.l."~1,'~, 1'S,, 1~~ l.hlJ l C OI'?'TY ^ C. I"" Curry and wife, F2I7 %~l1 ~Ll of !'cnton County, i'ex-s, for anO in considerr;tion of tale bcilefi is which will .e1ccruc to us clod wit, nroparty by tle locution of a street and the maintennnce of sa!ac, do 11^reby "Ivc, -rant, ,mcl dedicate unto the City of Topton, Texas, a Nunicipat Corporation, its successors and assi-ns, the fr'lowinc; described tract of land to he used as a pub- lic street, to-wi.tt All t1int certain tot, tract, or parcel of land, lyin.- and oeing situated in the City of 1lcnton, County of 11enton, State of Texas, and heinn a nart of a 12 acre tract of land as conveyed by Del Itolrles and bile, Lena 1'olmus, to C. I. Curry by deed, dated Aprtl 13, 11048, ns recorded in Vol. 345, 1,a!7c 2139 of the Dced !Zccords of "enton County, Texas, and hcin- a part of tllc J. 1). Lilly Survey, '.list. „1762, mW 1101-0 particularly described as follows; I1!:rrT`''.'7~'G at the N"-X of tl;c above mentioned Curry tract, slid point !king in the cente,• line of Glenwood `'/trcet, 25 feet West of the S';C of Lot ,L"1, >llocl, 09 of Extension 71, Crestwood 1101-11ts Addition to the City of Denton. T1'rM;CL' South, alon^ the 11ML of said Curry trnct, same bein- the center line of Clcnwood Mine 313.88 feet, a point for corner on said Curry tract, as recorded in decd; rirr,;C1; la;;t u feet, a point for corner; Tl1T,'\CE South 30 foot, to point for corner; said corner being 5 fact F.tst of a fence corner, as it _,xists on the I;roun(l, said fence corner apparently the NF:C of 1-l certain )cluck property; TYENCE Fast 12 feet, a stake' for SrC of tract herein described, said stake being in line with the S11L of llalmwood Place, and in the East curl) line of rlenwood Lane, ic1 ctirb line is extended on the -round; TPE,NCE North and parallel with Curry's l',T'L, also parallel with Nest curb line of Gleiwood Lane, 3.13.88 feet to the AiIL of said Curry tract, a stalce f 3r, ?11,0 of tract heroin described, said stake beinn 8 feet 'lost of the YX of hot 11, Block 0 of the above mentioned sub-1t'.visinn; T141I*;C11J !,lost 17 fee} to point of het*Nnin^, containin in all, .13 acres of land. TO 14111; A"T) TO HOLD the =ar1e unto the said City of Denton, Texas, a YUnicipal Corporation, its successors and. assigns, so lon7 as the same is being used for street or utility purpuses. 14TTKESS OUR IIAXDS this /Z-= day of 1953. F. urry 'Yid .tom tJf . TFI: ST,1T11 :ir V, Vs C.,t""L1 ;,'i?' tllc l!ndersi ;ned, n :'otary ltl')lic in and for Denton Cou11 Ly, 7c.Cn5, on Uis c!ay T~CVSOIall.y anner:rcd C. Curry and I?Ifc, A e, v}'Yy , 'no'.;n torte to ')c the persons whose 113t1e5 are sltll'."crj!wdl to tYtc follc:,Qit1., in _!trlu'.Cnt, Iin(l Oc, nowlCd„cd to e that they executad the s .lC for the pU1',v0 as Y'o" , ncl ylnl.iferofion therein cxpt'esse(l, and the said 777 n1Qc] apart from the said C. Curry, Navin- peen exm1ne(1 privily liar husban(l , a d liavln^ tho same fully explained to liar, the said ,r- ~ 7),Q FOr-rY , acl,.owlcd,•cd such instrument to be liar act and deed ,end 0ec ared that she lead willi,i„ly aligned t1,e sane for the purpusCL; one, cunsi(leration therein axri,CS3a(l, c:nd that she died not 'risk tc retract it, C7l'1;`.; 1>1'D!-1: YY 1'A?'U 111`;') 011,17CI! , 51~,AL this day of . , ary a c . n anc or - ~cntnn County, Texas The~+eteofTrXM (,r,RliNtt:y1I?OF'AfWAD CrnttiY .•f D'DIM ' E 1, ; f e, l'r, Oc4 4 the County Crnut in l1nd For ettLF.~ to hatti,y ' erd y th t thR fore ,0'11 f x,uwnl (d' wnDr,g, Myth its wrtih~ala,__ of ait Nat Fee rM ud tho b ~kMtfoe wN day of rnd t!n1y ta.adcd the L„ 193. el y~ Se lak.,..~ _ day of A. P. 19 /O.' ~ , 4/0 y P a' u.,1>, . _ - .b__..._.._ of 1w - - . » Fft'ords of Denton Comfy, Texee, MMrw tw lulnd end ra.l of nfNee It [)enlnn, Teue, the day rv~l y,%r bet abow w,ittm A. j. A.ti ANF rT putt' Cletk of the Caudy Gbutt, Degv p 00, ,s JJ~ 1 i' r p G ` r.. Qp WW1` v 1 J ~ 1n ez, y. y~~ { . S~ f T n I i~ ~„v. a THE. STATE OF m"XA X KNO'N ALT, MEN RY THFSY PRESENTS: COUNT'" OF DFNT,~N X TTTAT NF0 Lula Evers Tripp, Find husband Clarence A. Tripp, of Denton County, Texas, for and in nonsi_deration of tha benefits hereinafter specified to be given by the City of Denton, Texas, do hereby Give and Grant to the said City of Denton, Texas, the right to construot, reconstruct, and perpetually maintain a water main, in, upon, and across the following described tract of land lying and being sit- uated in Denton County, Texas, and being more partioularly described as follows: All that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land lying and being situatel in Denton County, Texas and being out of the R.T1.9 , and C.R.R, Survey, and being more particularly described as follows., BEGINNING at a point 341 feet, more or less North of the Northeast corner of a tract of land belong- ing to the Estate of W. O- Orr, deceased, which said tract of land is fully described in Vol- 197, page 751 of the Dead Records of Denton County, Tsxas,to which reference for all purposos is hereby made; TITHE West 8 deg., 48 min. Jouth, a distance of 341 ft- to a point for corner; THENCE West 681 ft• to s. point for oornor, same being in the East boundary of United States Highway number 77; THENCE in a Northwesterly tract s long the East right of way line of said U. S- higliway number 77, a distance of 37 ft, to a point for corner; THENCE East 690 feet, a point for corner; THENCE North 81 deg., 12 min. East for a distance of.348 ft-to a point for corner, same being i.n the East right of way of the Old Denton-Oainsville Road; THET?C1•; South 22 ft- along the West boundary of the Old Denton-GainsvU le Road to the place of beginning; 1 1 I 1 1 It is snecifically ai,reed by and between the grantors herein, and the City of Denton, Texas that., as consideration for the granting of the basement, the Grantors shall he en- titter'e, to two tans or connections with the said water main. 'rhe Grantors shall he entitled to use '3aid water on their premises as they wish and they shall. be charge(l the same rates as charred within the corporate Limits of the City of Denton, Texas. Provided, however, that the Grantors shall be governed and be subject in the use of City crater, by the same rules and regulations or ordinancr;s whirl, apply to Said two connections to be made the citizens of the City of De,?to+i, as specified by grantors. As further consideration the grantors herein, also herehy give and grant to the City of Menton, Texas, an Eascment off of the East side of their property for the nurpose of laying a ;eater line. The Easement ho granted, lies between the present right-of-way line of the old Trenton-Cainsville Road, and the new right-of-way line of said Road, which said new line is to be established by the Highway Department. It is hereby snecifically agreed and understood that the City of Denton, 'texas shall at all tames have the right and p Mvilege to enter in and upon said Easements to repair, construct, reconstruct, and maintain any water line therein. To have an to hold the above described Easement by the City of ?)enton, Texas,a nd to its successors and assigns so long as the said City shall maintain a water line in the hereinabove described premises. Witness our hands this day of .3 A. D.,1953. 1 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON Refore me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for Denton County, Texas, on this day personally appeared Clardnee A, Tripp and wife, Lula Evers Tripp, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing ins*rument, and the raid Clarance As Tripp acknowledged to me t.iat he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. And the Laid Lula Evers Tripp, wife of the said Clarance A. Tripp having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, *he said Lula Evers Tripp, acknowledged the same to be her act and deed, and declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration there- in expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of _Jjy, 1953 Notary Public in and for Denton County, Texas. ~ hriPOF bHD 7 vu,,a A. 1. 0trk of t1,e C:nty Quirt fn and for iatd Cofvl/, Ldvel To,et Clliry 11Wt Of M'rtflUr, ,l WJ aft .1~•,1rY O( of s1dj)r Mr,rded tM d.y f~D. !P110(ord. of Ihnton r'` 07A4 In 61 t6 tp 61fod god renl.d offk+e if Urnhm, Te~aA, Of rlyy W ""Tam. you k 4', ~(ywk eF the A. I. BAANEIT p: CaDV t,oor, Uot+tuE Qql 7 , o ~ F± 'Al X V - Ca n i (1'r ~JQ I r , 1 f 4 00 tia ` v 0 ~ I 14 p..-..aw TS'w ~ ~ ~ v li' It it I V~ ~ a . AT A S OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DFIITON, TEXAS, AT THE CITY HALL ON THE 15TH DAY OF DECEMBER, A. D., 1953. R E S O L U T I O N BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE FOLLOWING REMARKS BE ENTERED UPON THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXASt WHEREAS, the Mayor has recommended that City Employees be given a holiday on Christmas Eve; and, WHEREAS, it is further recommended that all monthly employees be paid their December salaries on December 23rd of each year, and to pay hourly employees their earnings through December 23rd of each year; NOW, THEREEFOREs BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTONt That Christmas Eve is hereby declared to be a holiday for all employees of the City of Denton and the Mayor is hereby authorized to make payment of salaries and wages ac set Out in the above recommendation that is, all monthly employees to receive their Dec- ember salaries on December 23rd of each year, and all hourly em- ployees to receive their wages earned through Decemb,- 23rd of each yeat. In the event that the 23rd of December falls on a non-working day, the Kayor is authorized to make payment on a day either before or after the 28rd of the month which will, in his judgment carry out the intention of this Resolution. I. t,19 further provided that the Mayor be authorized to make equitable arrv.ngements concerning those employees of the Power Plant, Police and Fire Departments, or others, who are necessarily required to be on duty during said holiday. This resolution shall apply and be in full force and effect for all successive years until countermanded by the Mayer or City Commission. Passed and approved this day of P~;,,,_,_, , A. D, 1953. a ratan, Vit: omm ss on Atteatt Approvedt I X-1 y acre ary yyor City of Dentoa, Texas ity of Denton, Texas y i o ~i f f\ ~ ~ r f rte, ~ ~ ~sw ` + 1 A. ' a ~~r h1w ORDINANCE # 53 -32 AN ORDINANCE DEANNEXTNG AND RELINQUISHING A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND IN THE CITY OF DENTON iN ORDER TO CORRECT CERTAIN ANNEXATION PETITIONS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMISSION OF THE CITY cF DENTON, TEXASs SECTION I. That the herei~Aafter described tract of land be, and the same is hereby deannexed and relinquished so that the same shall no longer be in the corporate limits of the City of Denton, Texas, said tract being described as follows, to-wits All that certain lot, tract or parcelof land lying and being bituated *ithin the corporate limits of the City of Denton Texas, same being out of the E. Puchalski Survey in Denton County; BEGTNNING 0 feet west of the Southwest corner of Block 13 of the ~wsiey Park Addition to the City of Denton, Texas; THENCE South 6,240.3 ft., more or less to a point for corner; THENCE East 60 ft., raore or less a point for eorner; THENCE North b, 240.8 ft., more or less, a point for corner; THENCE Kest 60 ft* to the place of beginning. The above described property is hereby deannexed in order to correct certain annexation petitions. Passed and approved th• day of , A. D., 1963. ATTEST t f City ?Se eery a roan Uity omm se nn City of Denton, Texas City of Benton, Texas APPR ~A,S/ LE GA FORXs/ APPROVEDt oMayor . City of Denton, Texas City of Dentony Texas 1 J i Y f r w .s. THE CITY OF UNUN 221 NORTH ELM STREET UTILITIES AND ENGINEE4iNG DEPARTMENT DENTON, TEXAS November 24, 1953 Honorable Mark Hannah, Mayor, and City Commission City of Denton, Texas Gentlemen: To start with no one even considered this engine on its merits. It had been decided by most of the City Commission that it was not enual in Q:ality to some other engines offered. After the action of September 16, price and the City's moral obligation became the issue. Unless the City Commission still feels bound by their action of September 8, End apparently the Company does not feel them- selves bound by their former action, then there seems to be no further reason for putting athird and to us relatively unknown make of engine in the plant than there was on August 11 wtoen the original proposals were opened. In view of the seeming reluctance of the Baldwin-Lima- Hamilton Corporation to submit a contract in line with the recommendation of the contract Committee, a recommendation which I personally made in the belief that it expressed the wishes of th(; entire City Commission as expressed in their motion to enter into the contract, Fn d recorded in the minutes of the meeting of October 19, 19531 I recommend that the City immediately reopen negotiations with all the original bidders, and if no better proposition is offered, the City take immediate steps to enter into a contract wi th Fairbanks, Morse & Company for a duplicate of the existing Fairbanks, Morse & Company installation as nearly as local conditions permit. I do this in the belief that it is decidedly to the best . interest of the City of Derr ton, and better fits into the space available. I would further recommend that in the event a contract should be entered into with Fairbanks, Morse & Company, that we enter into the same construction contract we used on the last installation. At least, so far as it pertains to co-operation in the project. Very truly yours 17. T. Elliott Power Plant Supt. a V ~.l 4 V u C V REMOVAL SLIP /0-7 _,9_S3 Received of the City Secretary of the City of Denton, Texas, the following described instrument or document from the files of the City of Denton: Number Title ~ 14-41t4 2 The undersigned hereby assumes complete responsibility for the safekeeping and return of the paper received. SIGNED:_.. REMOVAL SLIP 9-11 _ ._19S3--- Received of the City Secretary of the City of Denton, Texas, the following described Instrument or document from the files of the City of Denton; Number '4"07 Title qU4'zvr,o 644U 44 The undersigned hereby assumes complete responsibility for the safekeeping and return of the paper received. SIGNED: CLl1i}/ r~~o AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A TRACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS AND ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF DENTON$ TEXASt PLACING SAME IN A BUSINESS AREA AND DECLRRING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, Mr. George K. Hinkle, of Denton County, Texas, has filed a Petition for annexation to the City of Denton, Texas; and, KHFREAS, said Petition is in compliance with Article 974-G, Section I of Vernon's Civil Statutes of the State of Texas; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, held a hearing on such Petition and the arguments for and against the same were heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TF.XASa SECTION L That the hereinafter described tract of land be, and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Denton, Texas, and the same shall becoms a part of said City and the said land and any future inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other'cit'izeno of said City, and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of the said City now in effect or which may hereafter be enacted. It is further ordained that the Petition filed as aforesaid requesting annexation is tereby granted. The hereinafter described tract is hereby annexed to and made a part of the City of Denton, Texas, and is hereby classified as business. The tract of land here- by annexed is described as follows, to-witt All that certain lot, tract or-parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Denton, State of Texas, and being out of the Robert Beaumont Survey and being more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at the intersection of the South boundary line of State Highwav Number 24 and the East boundary line of Malone Street; THENCE, West along the South boundary line of State Highway Number 24, 818.feet to a point for cor- ner; THENCE Southeasterly along the old right-of-way, 528 feet more or less, to ant for corner, came being in the Bast boundary line of Malone Street; TRENCH North 421 feet, more or less, along the Blast boundary line of Malone Street to the place of be- ginninge SECTION II. The fact that the owners of the above described property have complied with all of the provisions of Article 974-G, Section I of Vernon's Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, and nothing further remains to be done to comply with the Statutes ex- cept the passage of this ordinance, creates an emergency, requiring that the rule providing that ordinances be read at three several meetings on three several occasions, be, and the same is hereby sus- pended and this ordinance shall he in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of December, A. D., 1958. ATTEST: V • v n Secretary airman City omm sa on City of Denton, Texas City of bonton, Texas tL-FORK: APPROVED: APP 0 ED AS TO LEGJ M/ orney Mayor tglyt t City of Denton, Texas City of Denton, Texas I I k t JP THE STATE OP TR AS COUNTY OF DENTON RIB W ALL WN BY THESE PRESFNTSJ That I, George W. Hinkle, the sole and only owner of the hereinafter described vacant property, which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Denton, Texas, a municipal corporation, for and in ecosideration of the benefits to me and any property to be gained troy being annexed to the City of Denton. Texas, do hereby 'petition your honorable body and request the annexation of the contiguous, adjacent and vacant territory more particularly described below an follows3 All that certair: lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Denton, State of Texas, and being out of the Robert Beaumont Survey and being more particularly described as follows) BEGINNING at the intersection of the South hc;:ndary tine of State Highway Number 24 and the East boundary line of Malone Street) THM4CE Nest along the South booddary, line of State H14 way Number 24, 318 feet t.o it point for corner)" T, CE Southeasterly along the old right-of•way, 526 feet sore or ls to a point for corner, same being in the East bounds line of.xalone.Streit THENCE Npr:th- 421, feet more or less along..ths East boundary' `line of Kalone Street to tie place of beginning, Petitioner further requests that the City Commission hoar such petition and the arguments for and .against the same, and that after hearing such request, the annexation be granted and that an ordinance be adopted annexing such contiguous and vacant territory to the City of Denton, Texas, and that thereafter such tarrit'ory shall become a part of the City of Denton, and that the'said land and any future inhabitants thereof, shall be entitled to all of the rights and 'privileges of the citizens of the City of Denton, Texas, and shall Vo bound IV the acts and ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas. Petitionerfurther requests that `he above described tract be annexed to and made a part of the Business District of the City, of Do ntoo, rexa.s. Wi wH;SS MY HAND this the 11th day of November, A. D•, 1858@ eor•ge . in e STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTONI BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in, and for Denton County, Texas, on +hie day personally appeared George K. Hinkle, known to me to be the pers n whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to as that he executed the sass for the purposes and considerat~:~n tharsi.n expressede tr.iven under my hand and seal of office, this the 11th day of Nov?tuber, A. D.-1988. Chase C Or •J (Seal) Notary lic, Denton Denton Couuty, Texas 53 - NO. AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A TRACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS AND ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF DENTON TFIASt PLACING SAXE IN A BUSTRESS AREA AND DECLARIISG AN EXERGENCY. NIiER'i?AS, Mr. George N. Hinkle, of Denton Copnty, Texas, has filed a Petition for annexation to the City of b-Inton, Texasl and, NHERRAS, said Petition is in compliance with Article 974.0, Section I of Verno►its Civil Statutes of the State of Texas; and, WHEREAS# the City Costission of the City of Denton, Texas, held a hea,,,ing on such Petition and tho arguments for and against the, same were heard) NOWO T119REFORE, HE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COVIISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS SECTION I. That the hereinafter described tract of land be, and the samo is hereby annexed to the City of Denton, Texts, and the sane shall become a part of esid City and tho said innd and any future inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges .!of other citizens of said City, and shall be bound by the sets and ordinances of the said City now in effect or which may hereafter be enacted. It is further ordained that the Petition filed as aforesaid requesting a mexation to hereby granted. The hereinafter desaribed tract is hereby annexed to and made a part of the City of "Denton, Texas, and to hereby 0lassifted as business. The tract of land hera• by annexed is described as follows, to•witt All that ca:htain lo"l tract or paroei 'of lend lying and being situated ~u .thy, Countyy of Denton, State of Tax-mot and being out of l;ho Robert Beaumont Survay and being sore particularly described As tollowso uonnITKC,At the interroeetion°of'thi 0 uth boundary line of St4t'* Hi' hway4uhber• 44 and the Srs; boundary. tins of Xa%one Streetl M 711ENCI3 Kett *toig the 4.outh boundary -fins of. State Nighmly Nm.b O 24; '81.81 Oat to a point for cor- nori Timag gouibasteriy siting theold'"~'rigbt•of»wayr 636 feat Mora 6r Ioso, tai a pOint for oornor, same heint to tbd ftfi boundary lino of Won* Street! THi~ X13 TNMIC'Sy • North tin of 421 i[feet#alon• more or loss along the !N%clt J Street to tie place of boo gintinge M1\ SECTTOH II. The fact that the o►mers of the above described property have complied with all of the provisions of Article 474-G, Section I of Vernon's Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, and nothing further remains to be done to comply with the Statutes ex- cept the passage of this ordinance, creates an emergency, requiring that the rule providing that ordinances be read at three several meetings on, *ree several occasions, bean! th+.sasaa is hereby sus- pended and this ordinance' shall be In fall-force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND AP PRQYND this ..$.kL. dam ,of ~Qecember , A. D., 1958s. .T,M Chgas C 0 G Hi, Braugr City Secretary- a roan Ulty Commission City of Denton, Texas City'of Benton,:Texas APPROVED AS TO LEGAIj PORXs APPROVED= i Ca e J Narik nnah UItY orney R yor City of Denton, Texas City of Denton, Texas Y ; THE STATE OF TEXAS RItON ALL llTN BY THESE PRE5F'N1'5: C"04 "Y OF DENTON THAT I# Chase Co Orr, Jr., the City Secretary in and for the City of Denton, Texas, a Nunicipal Corporation, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance hhereto attached is a true and correct copy of an ordinance heretofore passed by the City Com- aG mission of theCity of Denton, Texas, on the d day of A. D., 196$0 Chase C rr, fire City Secretary- City of Denton, Texas THE STATE OF TEXAS XNOK ALL XEN DY TUESE PRESENTS COMP OF DENTC91 UUT I, Chas, Ce Orr, Jr., City Secretary in and for the City of Dentonr Texas,'& M4nicipal Corporat(on',,do hereby; 4rtify that the Mtibn for Annexation attached hereto, executed by George Nq Hinkle and bearing date of November 119 19589 to a correct copy of the Pettion for Annexation filed with the City of Denton in compliance with Article 974.0 Section I of vernon's (I'MI Statdtee of the State of Texas. WITNESS NY BUD AND OFFICIAL SPAL, this day of?vx&.,Pw"-G" As D., 1968• av i y as. ; (4v, or, City Secretary- City of Denton, Texas /~,~:J ~1 pll y ~ is r*,• . ; ~ a ` , , e +r; Y, k r., t' 14 , ILI' _ _-_.a_..__~. - _ . ~ t '!.I a ~3L' QI•` .d'c,(JHLti t } y 1 i ~ i :rrk n: tic ('rrh• rot-r; fn a",! for sait1 Cwnm!y f r c tr ~.;.t C ur'._'t,' tr"','Ir li• cf vIrr( t.;n w:u z; c f A. D I [[Jyyo~ , at ~e o! P u', ock rL, i _ 11! ✓ . , 'J/. /V U Jf.<'K. =laC-:~'L'W l tr J~a.y Ff L). U ~O P ~i'itnas ny hand em: still nl al 1 " ' 't }e ' la',1 Pi7lWe K,Jt6L A J. Li{rig :T'C Ztt„. J,~ QQYQ~ %'y/'S!lrl~rYts (Icrl. of tl e C t I :y t'° 41, ]J_.r_n.-hm r... CO r T..Oa.; : t S r ~.7 j,!r~ r„'a,'i,.4"(•{, f. . t t J`. .t ' t'r,Yal~.. 1~.7 ii' fr ~.~1• e- A 1 t 1 I r r i J 5 a q. v Y ' r • . I i r~ Ol Est" i IJ r•.ri 1 f r k 1 y .r t.. &t y3^.,t"; ,a .r~k1 a -a, a "a fa:. t:.#~ 9~'"i' ct: ~'tisl~,n~'/~'~~.~~~" STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF DENTON X KNOW ALL MEN !1Y THESE 'RESENTS: That 1, George W. Hinkle, the sole and only owner of the hereinafter described vacant property, which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Denton, Texas, a municipal corporation, for and in consideration of the benef'it's to me and my property to he gained from being annexed to the City of Denton, Texas, do hereby petition your honorable body and request the annexation of the contiguous, adjacent and vacant territory more particularly described below r, follows: All that certain lot, tract or parcel bf land lying and being situated in the County of Denton, State of Texas, and being out of the Robert Beaumont Survey and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the South boundary line of State Highway Number 24 and the East boundary line of Malone Street; THENCE West along the A du ~ Highway Ntimber 29, 310 3iXMEA=.AX*1fx>bweI I 1 11x~asoo_~ntib[)rAEtsct3sgtio 7rx#>Q Xbm"Itpois jW THENCE Southeasterly along the old right-of-way A - I- I vt_j Mel 526 feet more or less,to a point for corner, same being in the East boundary line of Malone Street; THENCE North 421 feet, more or less, along the East boundary line of Malune Street to the place of beginning. Petitioner further requests that the City Commission hear such petition and the arguments for and against the same, and that after hearing such request, the annexation be granted and that an ordinance be adopted annexing such contiguous and vacant territory to the City of Denton, Texas, and that thereafter such territory shall become a part of the City of Denton, and that the said land and any future inhabitants thereof, shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of the citizens of the City of Denton, Texas, and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas. Petitioner further requests that the above described tteot he annexed to and made a part of the Business District of the City of Denton, Texas WITNESS MY HAND this the 11th day f November, A,D. 19 3. Gene . n e STATE OF TEXAS 1 COUNTY OF DENTON 1 BEFORE SSE, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for Denton County, Texas, on this day personally appeared George W. Hinkle, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office, this the 11th day of November, A.D. 1953. Notary, uPublic, Denton Denton County, Texas l ~h 1 `t ~ ~ ~ is. 1 y LI a '1 ~ ~ . I f' 1 ~ / ( 5 TIT STATE 01-1 TMIS ~ kXM ALL MEN I3Y TIIKSE Pi.I;3ENT5 i c0E NTV 0P DonT0Y THAT ''M, Lucy Yi-r+brcll and husband, J. W. Kimbrell, of the County of IJento,, 'Late of `exas, for and in consideration of the sum of one (?,1,00) dollar casli to us in hand paid by the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, recei,)t of 'which Is hereby acknowledg- ed, have quitclaimed, and by these presents do quitclaim, unto the said City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, all our and each of our right, title, interest, clam and demand, in and to a certain tract of land situated in the County of Denton and described as follows; All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lyin" and being situat- ed in J)enton County, Texas, same being out of the a, C. Iliram ;'urvey and bein,- more particularly described as follows; BECTNNINC at the northeast corner of an 8 acre tract of land owned by )Irs. Lucy Kiribrell and husband, J. W, Kimbrell in the S. C. Itiram Survey of "enton County, Texas, Abstract No. 616, said point being in the east boundary line of said ITiram Sur- vey and the west boundary of a tract of land owned by Geo. Hopkins in the R. M. Hopkins Survey, Abstract No. 1694, said point also being the south boundary line of an 801 right-of- way owned by the Texas 'lower and Light Company; ,I!fVCE in a westerly direction alone; the north boundary line of said Kimbrell 8 acre tract and the south boundary line of eaid 801 right-of-way, a distance of 1501 to a point for corner; TTIENCE in a southerly direction 1501 from and parallel to the east boundary line of said 8 acre tract, a distance of 1501 to a point for corner; THENCE in an easterly direction 1501 from and parallel to the north boundary'line of said tract a distance of 1501 to a point for corner, said corner beinf; in Ilia east boundary line of said tract; TII;,NCE in a northerly direction along said east boundary line and the above mentioned crest boundary line of said Hopkins tract, a distance of 1501 to th,) point of beginning. The above described tract of land contains 0,52 acres of land, with all and singular our and each of our right, title, interest, estate, claim and demand in and to the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise pertaining; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above released rights, titles, interests, claims and demands, to the said City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, its successors and assigns, forever. It is the intent of the ~'rantors herein to cancel and forever relinquish the right of repurchase of thea hove described tract of land retained by them in a certain Warranty Leed dated the 8th clay of January, A. D., 1953. Utr ess our hands this the day of 1953. Lucy K!Lribrcll J. ~"3Cimt~rel~- JOINT ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS Comm OF'..._. AZOL______._.. BEFORE ME.._....._._.------------ _ a-Notary rub.).j and for County, Texas, on this day personally appeared....J.a_.-.._K.j;nj rgj and wlfe of known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein exp -eased. And the said ..l.ltcy._. Ki7b1^ B1L___ _ wife of the f E said having I eon examined by me, privily and apart from her hus' and, and I having the some fully explained to her she the said ___.IAtfCy_.Ki01bY'1A11._...._....._..........._......._ acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed and declared that eht had willingly signed the came for the purposes and considers- tio.s therein expressed, and that efie did not wish to retract It. I. 1~ Olven under my hand and seal of office, this ~.T . day of r 19_ r The SWe of 'fews oyRF.(1C1RD L;orttRy Ca;K {n and far ~ (b"y da I Ur,L4' Lva' ~y iL11t t1;,_ t, u,Ulic'~Its of aut fe ltentferrtyyp wit r:f fre utirni t1c b y of ? f1 A b. 19v~ ai /i e~'clak led d5iry ttvrd,d the oZ~ r(10, of 91 A, U, tt~ '.ion. at ut;la]c_~ _ a(~1Q~.I' at the Records Ihvdon (knn,ty, 'Pex.+t. Wham FM hand ■ai stwl of 4fi(r At fh;,to,, 7'rx;ss, tFT tf,y Mud year 11151 Mrwve usitt&% A j, riARVFr`r' Deputy -Clerk of the Gouuty court, lhutou C0. 7111411 r t r ' f y ~ ~ a r g,~ ~ ~s r rI w oho' U a a; E Yi Irv t N} C•# 4 r to f t .t ! ? E T I T 1 0 THE STt T3 OF T-1CL3 # COUNTY OF DENTOI? # TO THE HOIT0::AM CITY C:1'_1M :IOY OF 7113 CITY D3NTOIT,T XAS: lie, the unCersi-ned residents of the County of Denton, Texas, who constitute a majority of the o~mers of the here- inafter described property, and representin and being a majority-of the qualified voters rWAIn^ ,Tithin the here- inafter described territory, hereby retition your :'onorable Body that the said followin^ described property and terri- tory t,e added and annexed to and incorporated within the present li:iits of the City of Denton, Texas, a 1"unicipal Corporation: ++A11 of that certain tract or rarcel of land situated in the County of Denton and State of Texas, and bein'" more particularly described by motes and bounds as follows: Farts of lots Numbers Four and Five of the Atkins Addition to City of Denton, Texas. beginning at the Northwest corner or said lot Five thence East eighty- five feet for corner in the North line of lot Four; thence South one-hundred feet for corner; thenco West eighty-five feet for corner in the West line of lot Five; thence North one-hundred feet to place of beginning. Your potitiono:s-ask that an election be held in the City of Denton, Texas, on the date of the next City Election, and that Ft such election the ques on o whether or not the above-described property shall be added and annexed to and incorporated within the present linits of the City of Denton, Texas; hL submitted to the qualified voters of'the City of Denton, Texas, for ratification or rejection, R SPECTFULLY SU31JTTED 0;! V13 the dly of 195.53....• C; ~S`, ~`~l Cn v G: t 3 > { r A y ra o Fa o ors c~ 14 r, ' i a :J i ti r c ' ~q h ypi 1 - nBDzCATiox OF.SHADOW OAKS SUBDIVI310N, A9 ADPITION'TO THR CITY OF DEMfON '3XAS r THE'STATH OF TSIAS UOUKY OF DBNTOI3 WHSRSAS 8stelle:Brown,.4 feme sole, of the County dP `f Denton State of Texas, is the ownerof the following,deaaribed traot off14nd', to=wit: x ` All that. ertain,tr'aot, 1qqL=or"pardel of 1bnd'ly-l- ing and' being lituated in the'G_1 y-and County of Dernton, State of. 'texas, r. 3- beingg out' of, the A6 N11 a. To4kinis 4 : 3urve• q; Abstraotq`. 1246; and being a `part 'of s .traot deadribId in, dead' frob C'. R. Wallis to J:.Har6ld Farmer, es'aho%a.Qf record in*Volume 3329,,Page .b09, Deed Rscortis, Denton County Texas, and:being more' particularly,_do soribt-4 as follower 690I0HINQ at an iron stake f46 r corner in the rsaet boundary lino, of Highland Paris Road, 'said, beginning corner , being the Noithxast"corner bf said tract desoribed in deed from Wallis to Farmer; THBRrCB Riot with `the Horth' boundary line of 'said Fsroetr`.trsct;and with fence, 615,0 feet:to'the Northeast corner, of ,said Farmer t act` iron atake fob!, Cornrr;' r p r THEY09 South, Od degrees -,and rb 14,huted Veit- with the Beet boundary Iinq of a$id.far~aoi '"trdaot,a'~d,> ith fence; 23•b flat to a'odrner; saiil'oorner being the' Ho~.thsaet corn r. Of a ti a3t`, described in" Need from J.- Harold Farnvar to" Donald W. Hemiiton, as ehor+n oP record in Volume 33L, Pags:3l, Dead Redords, Dontian County, Texas;' TIMG3 North 88 Degrees and 58 xinotes West with the a North boundary line of said Donald W. H►Mriit.On'txaat, 614.0 foat'to an.iron stake for corner'ih tha"Salt boundary line, of Highland Park, Acid, said cornnr'beirg,the North-,, . t , - • x xset• corner of said Donald -W Hamiitor trebt; r t ti ; ',THgN Rt,Wthj4ith tW Hsst boundary,lien of aaid Highland, ark 'iioad 272,0 felt' to t_he plage cil`' baginning, x as ppQfT* pd •on the ground byy R' T 'R~Iiy Jr, 'sand $ur~ta/or pn the $ fi 'da* C i T i `rat, r, K, tl y1 r .y +J .rr r k r' *W Bltslle R3r©irtr bait dlused "Id tract of` a R .W la~+d to ►be a~rb4i+rid04' into, lotti 'apk shO~m by t+~e ata , on slat iteret0 ` d Itt'"bed ass bade !part hl i~eoi` and dashes rto'•rRa :,iA ,y he 'ss ,r r 'c, r , t 4 w r , y' as An Addition to the City of, Denton, Texas; NOW9 THSREFORS, KNOW ALL NAN BY TNCSS PRBSENTS: 'That It the said'8stelle Brown, a fame sole,•of the Bounty of Dant6n, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the premises and of the benefits accruing to me and to` my. said property=, hate caused the same to be subdivided into lots numbered one (1) to sixteen (16), inclusive, and have this day and do by these preeents' DIDIOATS the same as an Addition to the, City of Denton, Texas, to be, known as "Shadow Oaks Subdivision, an Addition to the GAYy of . Denton, Texas", and the .lot a. shown thereon shall hereafter be. `identified and described by lot number, and'I do hiii6y`DSDICAT2 to public use the street laid oui~',and 'd`elineated-apo~ said' Oj4t , to be known'as "Shadow Lane". 4t That to Insutp an ~ord~r;I dsv 1ppawnt of.,,aaid,; property .4 ' the undersigned does hereby impose upon all of said'lots oonsti_ tuting said Subdi iision the 'following r6stricti6oWsl 1. ,No lot 'shall be used.sxcept`for residential` purposes,* ,.0 building shall be erected, altgred, placed, or.porSaitted to remain -on `any lot bthee than, 06 detaohed single-family dxelfl: ng, "-not to oxceed two and one-had,! stories; iri height and a p=irate garage for not more than two care. 29-The ground flbor area of the main structure, exclusive ro- f one-story open porohas and garages,'sholl be not less than 650 square feet,for gone-story dwelling, nor lens than 700 squary feed fora dwelling of more txien one &to"f lt4 building shall by locate- on any lot nearer to the front lot: ltne..4~' nesrer'tb' the side 'air' lins- thkn nus. buildift setback i,ina"a short„ oh, the recorded. plat. Jn sty noirAr, t~Kn 25 fa+lt erent•no building,shall be located on ehf ylot ' R to th,t , ; ; , o ;ffat;;t- lot •lii;e1 or nearer then- fiftee» festi, (iS) to any , r aide street line. No building ahall be located nearer then `6 feet to an interior lot line ex,;ept that a minimum 3 foot side yard shall be' required for a garage or other permitted accessory building located 50 feet or more from the minimum building set back line.` For the purposes of this covenant', eaves, etepe, and open porches shall not be considered as a part of a building, provided, however, that this shall not, be construed to permit eny portion of a building,on a lot to encroach upon another lot. 46 No dwellin 80911 r ' L.. erected o e, g placed on any lot having a kdth of less then 60 feet at the minimum building aet back line noir.'shall any dwallin'& be erected or placed on any `lot having an area of less than 6,000 aquare feet. No noxious'or,.offenaivo tictivity shalt be carried on Upon any' lot, nor shall anything ba done thereon which may, be or may become an anno ante;or nuieano ' y , y e to the nieghborhoo3. . 6. No'structure of a temporary character, trailer, b'pae■e»t, tetlt; shack,, garage, . barn, or other outbuilding shall. be 118i4d on any lot it any time as's residence, either temporarily or perma-. neatly. 7• The plans and specifications'for the'.construction of r, any improvements upon eny lot in said Subdivision, shall, to ap-, prov4,d by Estelle grown,, or by,her designated rsprrsentati*s.b0» .fofe.co"etrd,otiotl shall b.. begutp. ' 'Phase co,ao~nta ate tp:. run !With thi lard and shalf be , uinding Qtn all pertips and ,all perocna olaiding under bham for a > period hirty (}0) y4'06 from thi data these covenants are re- rind of t corded,. attei: whlob tima' aAld: nbrcr9 shall be eiatosa► ioally extended for.aueaeaai*s periods'b ten `(10) Y94'",unlocc an inatrw rrda4''eigi 1►lr.'a (Y joritli Qi thel-then ovoor6 o;i' t_be lots btl ;lies ; 7 4 , r K P fj n ! recorded, agreeing to change said covenants in whole or'in.part., Enforcement shall baby proceedings at laic or In equity against any person or persons violating or attempting-to violate, -any covenant either to restrain vikiiion or to recover, desiages. 10. Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment oir court order shall in 0 wise affeot any 'of the other provisions which shell remain in full force and effect. They above and foregoing restrictions shall constitute covenants running with the land and the.same shail'be binding Upon she" undersigned, her heirs, executors, adminiatrators and assig"e, kind each and every conveyahoe hereafter, made, of any of said1ots shall be subject to the above and foregoing restrictions se though` fully set out in such" dead 'of oontreyance.` *nTR ESS 14Y 'WA at ,Denton, Teices, this the `21st day of. 4snuiry, 14. ° D. 19%. ~I.CX-C- fJ.L~li , r _ `t$s`tol a rown)` $Fi$ S`IATg'OF TBYIIS `0DU)4 T OF D$NTO1~ BSFORS MB, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for Denton,Qounty Texas, on this da personally appeared BSTSLLB BROWN, a fame sole knot's to me to ~e the person whose name is eubsorieed to the hragoing instrument, and aoknowledged" to'e6"that she executed 4-he,same for,the,purposeti and oonsidera- tXon.the"in, exprissed. r , OIYBN UI~DS1t MY 'HANb `IND S$AL OF CFFI08, Thip; the it -day; of January; A. D. '19A0 otary. u o,., entot:. y. exae. j r , / ~f ~~.e. ~ ` t~ yJ ~ ~ V ~ r P I ~ - a'i ~ THE STATE OF TEXAS ANN 'XATTON nLTTTTOX COi1NTY OF DENT )X TO TUE 111NOT2A )UP4 CITY CO'MISITON OF THE CTTY` OF DENTON, TEXAS: WI, the undersigned residents or owners of 'the hereinafter described territory or tracts of land adjoining and contiguous to the City of Denton, Texas, a municipal corporation, who constitute a majority of such residents or owners of such territory or tracts of land desire such territory or tracts of land to be annexed to and made a nart of the City of Denton, Texas, and hereby.repuest that the pro- position of the annexation of such territory or tracts of land to the City of Denton, Texas, be presented in due H;d legali-manner to the voters residing in the City of Denton, Texas, and to the quali- fied voters residing within such territory as provided by law. Such territory nr tracts of land being more particularly described as follows: T1. All that certain tract or parcel of, land situated in the County of Denton, State of Texas, and being a part of the S C. Hiram Survey, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNTNG.at an iron wagon spindle set in they round at the Southwest corner of the oaid'S, C. ram Survey and the Northeast corner of the Wm. Daniels Survey, from which a post oak trunk hears South 75 degreas West G Maras; THLNCE North with the Wer3t line of the said Hiram Survey 340 varas to a rock on the West side of a large post oak on the East side of the roads THENCE East 211 varas to the right-of-way of the Texas' and Pacific Railway Coir_rany; TIright-of-way p3gNCE in a to southwethestSouterlh line of the the 111 with rthe said am Survey; THENCE West 47 1/2 vara'o to the place of beginning` containing sevbn and`78/100 acres of land. Your Petitionary pray that an 'election beheld In the mannor provided by law And the pi4oposition`of annexing the herein above described territory or tracts of land be submitted to the quati. fled voters of the City of Benton, Texas, and the qualified voters residing within the Bair, territory or tracts of land as provided by law. RESPECTFULLY SUaMITTRD, this the a~ dny of A. U., 1954. 0. . Cllark CO li. DIZ o Fe bmi t nna m h Nathan bolomon rte-, a olomon I .1 r' I J '14 k 5 { `Iw Fes, f r r~ +S. a ya C T~,4. uA~Y~ ~Pf 4- r I 'af R ufr> ..t a L.~ r P se wy.. r STATY, OF TFYJ.S KIRM ALL 1,EN BY TKESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON That we, LUCY KIMELL and husband J. W. XI.-:$REIL, of the County of Denton, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of w250.00 cash, to us in hand paid by the City of Denton, Texas, a municipal corporation) the receipt of which i.s hereby fully acknori, edved, have ('ranted, Sold and Conveyed, and by these presents do Grant, "ell end Convey unto the said City of Vrt.on, Texas) 'all that certain lot, tract, or parcel of lznd lying and being situated in Denton County, Texas, sane being out of the S. C. Hiram Survey and being more particularly described as follows: PF;INNING at the northeast corner- of u 8 acre tract of land owned by Yrs. Lucy Kimbrell and husband J. 11. Kimbrell in the C. Hiram Survey of Denton County, Texas, Abstract No. 616, said point being in the east boundary line of said Hirai, Survey and the vest boundary of a tract of 1?.nd ownci by Geo. Hopkins in the R. M. Hopkins Survey, Abstract No. 1694, said point also being the south boundary line of an 80' right-of-way owned by the Texas Power and Light Company; THPNCE in a westerly direction along the north boundary line of said Kimbrell 8 acre tract and the south boundary line of said 801 right- of-way, a distance of 150' to a point for corner; THF'NCE in a southerly direction 150' fron and parallel to the east boundary line of said 8 acre tract a distance of 350' to a point for cor uer; TFRNr'F in an easterly direction 1 01 from and parallel to the north boum ary Sins of said tract, a distance of 1501 to a point for corner, said corner being in the east boundary lins of said tract; THENCF in a nort.her3,y direction along, said east boundary line and the above me-itioned west boundary line of said Hopkins tract, a distance of 15r+' to the point of. beginning. The above described tract of land cont,,.ins 0.52 acres of land. It is hereby specifically agreed between the parties lhereto that in the event that the test hole which i.s to be drilled by the Contractor for the city of Dalton) Texas, shows insufficient water to be vorth developing, the City of Denton, Texas, shall reconvey the herelntbove described tract of land to the grantors herein for and in consideration of t: a sun of X25000. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wi.ss belonging unto ttR said City of Benton, Texas, a municipal corporation) its successors and assigns forever; r.ni we do hEraby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to warrant and forever defend all and sin-ular, the said premises unto the spid City of Denton, Texas, muni;ipal co_poration, its successors and assigns, ar7ainst any person whomsoever lawfully claimin;j, or to claim, the sane or any part t}ereof, Witness our hr.ads U14_ day of , 1953. STATE OF' TEXAS OOUHTY OF DEVTO[? Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Flzblic in and for Denton County, Texas, on this da,v personally appeared J. W. K.imbrall and wife Lucy Kimbrell, ]mown to me to be the persons whose names are s+ibscribed to the .fore- going, instrument, and the said J. W. Kimbrel.l acknowledged to try that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the sAid Lucy Fimbrell, wife of the said J. W. Ki.mbrell, having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and havin; the same fully explained to her, she, the said Lucy Kimbrell acknowledged th.: same to be her act and deed, and declared that she had willingly signed thb sand for the purposes and cons Ideratier therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. Given under my hand and seal of office this &day of 1953. o ry ib -M-oor+[)on n County, Texas r ~r v ~ j " ~J VN F~ r y L P L U M B 3 3 8 BOND STATE OF T&W OOUNTY OF DSNTON KNOW ALL UEN BY THESE PRBSENTSt Plumbing co WAny That we, LLULAUW~qr.A// 3tiova Atranlw. 98 principal and ~aryerl s,Uety ,Gorooratlgg„w,,, as surety, a: s held and firmly bound unto bVAH`'h... Mayor of the city of Denton, Texas and to his auooessors in offio6 in the sun of one Thousand Dollars, ($1#000.00), for the payment of wh1oh we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators and assiLma Jointly and severally. The condition of the above obligation is that whereas the prinoipal herein was granbol a Plumber's Licenso in the Oi,ty of Denton# Toxasj Now therefore, if tho said o Stgoler prinoipal horain, shall at all timos oomply with the Ordinanoos of the Oity of Denton govorning plumbing; in said Oity and all the laws of the State of Texas which rogulato plumbing, and oonditionod further that the prinoipal horoln shall fulfill any and all oontracts modo for plumbing work, then this obligation shall beoome null and void] otherwise to romain in full foroe and offeat. This bond shall be for the use and bonot'it of the Oity of Donton, Texas and for the use and bonefit or any person having a ousse of aotion growing out of the installation, alter- ation or ropairing of any part of any plumbing or gas system by said applioant or any of his erployees, or growing out of a broaoh of a oontraot for the inWAII]%tion, alteration or repairlnc of any part of any plumbing or ;as system by said applioant or an; of his employees@ IN THESTIN6Y YQY2PX0N' WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dontons f Texas this , th day of December 19 ' • Z J r' . e, nod "I LI ILI Ij t!dATT31 lkt~Y~ u. 11 AHnr~ ~dw.~wwr~ LXF IY A 14F r IN FACT ~ rv.~...waw.~r+r.►wr Sarotic+~ i t r l r f f f r r t f t r r n) t f t f r r r' i:, r r >ca f ,1 t +f f f e a °~a~a c~J ~.,~{a c a n a e e o era j4 ,,..yy a , tO,Y4y Pk! O'D'.CU6'. ~TfXa t p J x( o a J 1~ 9~s • s 6 J !-J a e .,l~ vY r/, 1W effi~jp' I T I i 1 1 ! J ° ''~••Vi 1 ( 1 1 1 i 1 i / i 1 1•'T 1 DD i '12yi~e! SURETY BONDS CURRIE MCCUTCHEON, President LAWYERS SURETY CORPORATION A Capital Stock Company Phoner Ri.etlide 8201 Home Office 90" Texas Bank Bldg. 32612 Dallas t, Texas Home oRice Bend No. SIDEWALK BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS ) County of Denton KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: City of Denton That we, DAVID MULKEY as Principal, and the other subscrib ers hereto as Sureties, are e d and firmly bound unto the City o_f~ Denton,TTex~as,a municipal corporation, its successors and assigns, a en on, Texas, in the sum of One Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars, fbvv th payment of which well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves our heirs, successors and assigns, firmly by these presents. WITNESS OUR HANDS on this the 29th'day of December, 1953. "'HE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION is such that whereas the said DAVID MULKEY has this day made application for a permit to construct, repair and reconstruct sidewalks in the City of Denton, , Texas; NOW, THEREFORE, if the said DAVID MULKEY shall do all wdrk in the construction, repair and reconstruction of any sidewalk in a good and workmanlike manne•:, and if the said DAVID MULKEY shall faithfully and strictly comply with the specifications and with the terms of all City ordinances, resolutions and regulations that.are now or may be in effect in Denton, Texas, relating to the construc- tion, reconstruction and repairs on sidewalks, and if the City of Denton shall be fully indemnified and held whole and harmless from * any and all cost, expense or damage, whether real or asserted, on account of any injury done to any person or property in the prosecu- tion of said work, that may arise out of or be occasioned by the performance of said work, by the principal herein, and if said principal shall, without additional cost to the person for whom the work was done, maintain all sidewalks so constructed, reconstructed or repaired by said principal for a period of one year from the date of such construction, reconstruction or repair, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Denton, and shall reconstruct or repair such sidewalk to the satisfaction of the said City Enginee at any time within one year after the construction, reeonatruetion or repair of such sidewalk, upon a ten days notice from said enginee then this obligation shall.be null and void; otherwise it shall re- main in full force and effect. The term of this bond shall be for a period of one year from the date hereof. WITNESS our hands on the day, month and year above written X_& Qt_, LAWYER RFTV r~UNDAtIfi ptrurv A'iruAra~r, Irv Fi+cr Apparoveds Mayor Approved: City Attorney, CD ova y . ~ N cl a A ~ b f `DP ~ r , i :j at , Y SIDL'iRIXi O'J?13, AND GUTTF,R MID TIZ STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON KNO7 ALL 1?,N BY THESE PRESENTSt UN OF NUNN That we, ~AJWsur c6 , as principal, and the other subscribers here o as e ties; are e a firmly bound onto the City of Dtinto•i, Texas, a municipal corporation, its successors and assigns, at Denton, Texass in the s,im of One Thousand, (81,400.00), the'payment of orhioh well and truly to he made, we hereby bind ourselvess our heirs, successors, and assigns, forever firm- ly by these ,resents= WITNESS OUR BANDS ON IBIS THE 7TH DAY OF DE;EMBER A,D, 1953 The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the said RAYMOND FLETCHER has made application for a permit to construct, reps r a reconstruct MewalKs and/or curbs and gutters in the City of Denton, Texas) 0 1 THEWORE, if the said RAYMOND Y L E T C H E R shall do all work in the construction, repair and recons ruc ono any s eaalk, and/or curb or gutter in a good and workmanlike manner, and if the said, shall faithfully and strictly comply rith the specifications a sirEh the o;M of all City ordinances,'resolutiuns, aml regulations,'that are now or may be in effect, in Denton, Texas, relating to the construction, reconstruction and repairs on sidewalks and/or curbs or guttnr~, and if the City of Denton shall be fully ide.-mi- fied and held whole and harm1w:n, rrom any and all cost, expense or danagep whether real or asserted on account of Any In;iurr done to any person or property in the prosecution of said works that rty arise out of or be occasioned by the perfor- mance of said work, by the prinv1pa), hereins and if said'prineipal shall Vdthout additional vat to the person for vrhom the work was done, maintain all sidmalks, and/or curbs or gutters, so constructed, reconstructFd, or repaired by uid principal for a period of one year from the date of such construction, region. struotion,or repair, to the satisfaction of the City Enr'inoer, and shall recom. struct or repair such sidewalk and/or curb or gutter to the satisfaction of the said City ftineer'of the City of Denton, Texas, at arq time within one year after the constructions reconstruction or repair of euch sidewalk and/or curb or gutter, upon a ton day notice from said engineer] then this ob'tigaticn shall be null and void) othorwise it shall remain in full force and effecto' The term of this bond ahe'il be for a period of one year from the date heroof• WrWSS OUTS HANDS 011 TIM DAY, UOU TH, AID YUR ABOVE TIRITTENs CAS c°~ ~ k-'c Principal APPROM i COMME nIAL `AAN RD INS, CO, Miyor. Qay M, G'• RAMEY A APF11O41ED 1 GrW orney I W ~r t 1 T ; I . I Ir •r ' rr f Y i ` y'I1. .I~ I a. • a r 1 r r THT STATE OF TLXC S J hYOW ALL 31%,X 13Y THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF 1)ENT0*4 1 THAT 1,'E, W. T. Evers, As 1''. lovers, Jr, j and it, 11. Firers, of the County of Uentrin, State of `texas, for and in consideration of the sum of. one hundred three dollars and thirty cents ($103.30) to us in hand paid by the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, the receipt of which is hereby fully acknowledged, have GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL AND CONVLY, unto the said City of Denton, Texas, a 'iunicipal Corporation, of the County of Denton, State of Texas; All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Denton ~uState of Texas, out of the C. R. Johns and Company y a being more particutrly described as follows: BEGINNING 40 feet north of the southeast corner of a 420 acre tract of land conveyed by A. F. Evers, a single man, by Deed dated April 2, 19V79 to R. 11. Evers, said Deed being shown of record in ol• 1044, page 453, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, re- ference is hereby made; THENCE north 150 feet to a point for corner; T11F'r'CE west 150 feet to a point for corner; THENCE south 150 feet to a point for corner; THENCE east 160 feet to the place of beginning. As further consideration for the sale of the hereinabove describ- ed land 0 the City of Denton, Texas, the City of Denton, by its acceptance of this Deed, agrees that the grantors herein or their heirs, shall have the right to one connection with, and to obtain water from, the City Water Worke to be located on the above described, property. As further consideration for this deed, any such water so ob+ained shall be paid for by the users on the same basis as City'of Denton resident City users are charged. The grantors herein certify that no part of the above described land constitutes a part of our homestead. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise be- longing to :he said City of Denton, a Municipal Corporation, its successors and aces gns forever; and we do hereby bind outse.ves, our heirs, executors and administrators to Warrant and Forever Defend f all and singular the said premises unto the said City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming the same or any part thereof. Witnass our hands this the clay of September, A.D., 1953. We T• Evers a 1 f, 4 i~ A• F• Hvers, r. J f R• He Evers THE STATE OF TEXAS ! COUNTY OF DENTON I BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Denton County, Texas, on this day personally appeared W. T. Evers,'A. Fe Evers, Jr. and R. M. Evers, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instr,iment, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. pp'' ' GIVEN TINDER MY IIAIr'D AND SEAL OF OFFICE thisthe ~day of September, 19633 4TTis Atcam orMaary 4b c n a o Denton County, Ttfaous The Stotts of TexAl O'"MICATE OF RECORD Ct+v..ty of D t' on A. ; (Jerk of the Crn efy Cant in and for ftm do Vert by [eftify thmt the edrq('Iti !i Ir V,,, zd R r Wrf.ing, with 1..+ crrltficrte...._~ pf mat}entfatfoe qW k1a1 kx rc••or3 tte ! ~ cfmy of •_A. D., 141 i?~ .rdduhy rcKadeJ t o day • of._` ' 1,.; pf ~ A. D. 19 b761 •I. ~~e a'clock!~t_ bf,, In VoluROe O_.O_ page ~7Q0 of the Pet 'M3 of INAN'n County, Tens. W*b m M hand mod sell of officemt Denton, Texas, the flay ar. yeiu Jill[ mha" writtm ~y Ax~F~c,1/;P -4_~~ J / A. 1. A 1RNET C llty Clerk fA (}l0 tt/UU()' t.NVtl. Co TIMM r s x cli O Y e , TAX ROLL OF REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY IN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS RENDERED FOR TAXATION FOR THE YEAR 1953 RECAPITULATION $ ,93 Total City Tax Accounts Value Assessed Total Tax Assessed 091 through 100 $ 6106209 $ 573914 101 through 200 100,530. 934.99 201 through 300 126,620. 1,177.60 301 through 400 100,420. 933.93 401 through 500 71,320. 663933 501 through 600 9905904 926.21 601 through 700 751940. 706029 701 through 800 524,610. 49878.93 801:through 900 270,410. 2,514.83 901 through 1000 75,270. 700.05 1,001 through 1100 126,610. 1,177,53 1101 through 1200 75,240. 699.76 1201 through 1301 58,350. 542.69 1301 through 1400 86,280. 802945 1401 through 1500 62,200. 578.52 1501 through 1600 639390. 589851 1601 through 1700 3790150. 31526.13 1101 through 1800 829980. 771*73 1.801 through 1900 88,8900 826,73 1901 through 2000 236,810. 2,202.34 2001 through 2100 960430, 896086 2101 through 2200 64,9609 604.14 2201 through 2300 1111160. 11033.83 2301 through 2.100 78,910. 733.85 2401 through 2500 54,340. 505.43 2501 through 2600. 396,480. 31687.30 2601 through 2700 841630. 767.12 2701 through 2800 68,6609 638.59 2801 through 2900 7236310. 6,726.83 2901 through 3000 152,530. 19418,56 3001 through 3100 871220. 8lls17 3101 through 3200 62,400• 580.34 3201 through 324' 37,410. 347.90 TOTAL PERSONAL PROPERTY $40784,670. $44,498.61 3247 through 3300 $ 446,810. $ 4,155.39 3301 through 3400 346,130. 3,119011 3401 through 3500 380,870. 3,542.14 3501 through 3600 421,490. 39919.91 3601 through 3700 358,490. 3,334.06 3701 through 3800 364,800. 3,392.67 3601 through 3900 75,070. 698.24 3901 through 4000 319,530, 21971.71 4001 through 4100 279,100. 2,595o65 4101 through 4200 223,690. 2,080.42 4201 through 4300 90,0306 837s35 4301 through 4400 98,230. 913.63 4401 through 4500 99,320. 925.60 4501. through 4600 87,200• 811022 4601 through 4700 70,850. 742,75 4701 through 4800 578,450. 5,379.62 . g Accounts Value Assessed Total Tax Assessed 4601 through 4900 $163,350, $19519.25 4901 through 5000 358,120. 3,330.60 5001 through 5100 92,540. 860.70 5101 through 5200 709660. 657.29 5201 through 5300 47,270. 439.81 5301 through 5400 371,520. 31455.23 5401 through 5500 42,030. 391.04 5501 through 5600 669940. 622.69 5601 through 5700 41,390. 385.15 5701 through 5600 3112350. 2,895.70 5801 through 5900 2572060. 2,390.69 5901 through 6000 126,670. 1,178.13 6001 through 6100 259,650. 2,414981 6101 through 6200 610,520. 51677.89 6201 through 6300 262,7109 2,443.30 6301 through 6400 294,050. 2,734.79 6401 through 6500 1590240. 1,481.01 6501 through 6600 135,540. 1,260.59 6601 through 6700 185,620. 10726.40 6701 through 6000 444,120. 4,130632 6801 through 6900 220,440. 9050018 6901 through 7000 191,640. 1,689.35 7001 through 710 38u,190a 3,535.82 7101 through 7200 287,270. 2,671.69 7201 through 7300 173,290. 19658925 7301 through 7400 1930640, 1,800994 7401 through 7500 461620• 433.74 7501 through 7600 2591720. 2,415.32 7601 through 7700 409,1504 3,805.13 7701 through 7800 275,2'10. 2,56OaO6 7801 through 7900 223,0704 2,074,62 7901 through 8000 279,590, 2,600923 8001 through 8100 282,3409 2,625.82 8101 through 8200 205,060. 1,907.09 8201 through 8300 176,1200 1,638.01 6301 through 8400 9801606 91300 8401 through 8500 79,3904 7"0933 0501 through 8600 14590709 1,349.18 8601 through 8700 252,060. 2,344,30 8701 through 0800 3140710. 2,926,87 8001 through 8900 1570080. 1,460890 6901 through 9000 3050230. 20838.69 9001 through 9100 28705601 2,674,35 9101 through 9200 309,490. 29878026 9201 through 9300 2890960. 2,696,74 4301 through 9400 320,510. 2j980,77 9401 through 9500 239,0009 2,222.80 9501 through 9600 3381370. 30146.93 9601 through 9700 278r290a 2,588421 9701 through 9800 146,580, 1,363.45 9801 through 9839 27,9004 259447. TOTAL REAL ESTATE; $15,737.400. $146,363,78 TOTAL VALUATION PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 4,784167000 TOTAL VALUATION REAL ESTATE PROPERTY 15,737 .400",0.0. . TOTAL PROPERTY VALUATION $ 20'522,07m; 93 1953 Tax Rote TOTAL TO COLLECT $ 1900862.39 II I I II i We, J. E. McCrary, Sam W. Fritz, and J. E. Fitzgerald, members of the Board of Equalization for the year 1953, having examJrncd the within tax roll, find the same correct. In t(Istimony hereof, witness ou- hands this the 30th day of September, 1953. c STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON CITY OF DENTON Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority, Chas. C. Orr, Jr., Assessor and Collector of Taxes of the City of Denton, Denton County, in the State of Texas and says he has made a diligent effort to ascertain all of the taxable property, both real and personal in the City of Denton, for the year 1953, and as far as he has been able to ascertain, the same is correctly set forth on said above and foregoing tax Roll. A Chas.'C. Orr, Jr;v Tax-Assessor and Collector SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO tefore me this the 30th day of September, 1953. Notary Public in and or Denton County, Texas APPROVED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION ATTESTS Chas. C, Orr, Jr, City Seoretary, City of Denton, Texas CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Fort Worth, Texas November 30, 1953 t:ity of Denton Denton, Texas Attention of Mr. Chas. C. Orr, Jr., Purchasing Agent Gentlemen: We are pleased to attach your copy of a sales contract covering your anticipated purchases of Conoco lubricating oils and grease for a period of one year, be- ginning November 29, 1953. It will be a pleasure to continue serving you with your requirements of Conoco produots, and we sineerelf hope that this contract will prove to our mutual advant,;ge during the term thereof. Yours ve rry~ ~t ru ly, H. M. McNeely Marketing Department HMM•FE Eno 1 CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY SALES CONTRACT CITY Of 'DMTO)ls an Inoor--porated Township at^_ _ DF2i'TOlis TLIAS hereinafter called "Buyer," (ats.,) (City) (state) agrees to buy from Continental Oil Company, a corporation, hereinafter called "Conoco" and Conoco agrees to sell to Buyer, the following goods and petroleum products, subject to the terms and conditions herein stated 1. TERM OF CONTRACT, This contract shall continue and be in force for a period of one year, commencing on the 29th day of Noyember __,19 S7 2. PRODUCTS AND QUANTITY, Automotive oils 3#000 gallons Automotive Greases pounds Industrial Oils "0000 gallons Industrial Greases _ pounds 3. TERMS: Lu'bricating Oils and Greases -1% 10 days frola date of inroioes net 30 d4all 5io ey of the Unl:ed States, or equiva- Payrneitt tor goods delivered on hhisrtcol r~otr0 t is 4o be made in lawful lent at the office of Conoco at-- 1't xa 1L: In the evtnt payment for goods is not made promptlq as stipulated, this coa ract may be cancelled at any time upon notice from Conoco, and no liability shall exist for any undeilvered commodities hereunder. If, in the opinion of Conoco, during the life of this contract, the financial responsibility of Buyer becomes impaired or unsatisfactory, cash payment or satisfactory security may be required by Conoco before any further deliveries are made here under. 4. DEPOSIT TO INSURE RETURK OF BARRELS AND DRUMS: . All iron barrels and drures (except 100 lb. grease drum) used in making deliveries under this contract shall remain the property of Conoco. Buyer agrees to return barrels and drums f.o.b. Conoco's warehouse in good condi. tion complete with plugs and heads in place, as soon as p, act!cable but not later than 90 days frorri date of delivery and at time of purchase shall deposit with Conoco, for each barrel or drum, the following amounts to insure the return of all barrels or_drums in good condition to Conoco: n0-5S gallon iron barrel or 400 pound grease drum_..._.._..._._._;4.00 each 29-36 gallon iron barrel or 220 pound grease drum 8.00 each 14-15 gallon iron barrel 2,00 each 3. PACKAGE DIFFERENTIALS: OIL 0 Additions to be nude to the 60-66 gallon iron barrel price Additions to be made to the=400--1b. Drum prices for other lot other packii4s packages: 20-30 gallon Iron Barrels _ 6 ( a gallon t,use Ae4 Or..N Ad. Oruw IWS,~ p~l11on Iron iris._,_ . 14 / a gallon 220 pound Drum 1 pit Ib, , 3i1 per lb. 14-16 gallon Iron Bi~rrel or 100.1b. 1YO d Drum rsee Dote). 2 $ b, lysl per lb. "rease drum non-returnable 1Pail per lb. - '1'rawralsslon Ous only), 16 1 agallon 11Pail (Gun i1U) per lb. - 6 a Pails 12 I a gallon 1/26 081'e. Pail ! ! per lb. el a11on Case 10 ! a gallun 1/10 Ga1y. Pat1 2%$ p#rlb. s 6 gallon KT 12 a gallon 6/10 Cases 2!41 perib. - s141~ 's 1 Quart Sealed Cans (cased~_ a gallon 1110 Caeca (see note) 2 par lb. 6 quart Seated Cana lased tot e/6 Cases ! 1 per lb. - Conoco I" Motor O only XW a gallon 24/1 Cases 6 1 per lb. 6 / per lb. *r 44r (bnocQ l,eur l►Sotot 0i1, Moto e, Conoco H D 124/1 Cases 6 1 per ltrt af~lUilon 011 only. 4 Conoco Pressure Lubricant only. t Oll and l)ooocw at INr Conoco Im Motor Oil Motorine, and Conoco $ Conoco T.R. Lubricant, Conoco Bu) Ind Grease, and Automatic Transmission Flujd, Type A, only. Cono:o Raceluba only. • f . Oils and creases listed above are obtainable only to the f P).nger type for Conoco Pressure Lubricant only. style and site package. In which the product is TOTE-Applles also for grease shipped In 14.16 gallon oil regularly marketed by Cono.o. barrel. In no cane shall said differential charged to Buyer be greater as to oA and grease, delivered hereunder, than Conoco charges other Buyer, of the ulna class at thne of each denysry Bu~( drylivaries o[ olL into Buyer's containers wll1 M dada only at points where Couooo maintains facilities for making web dUfverts: 6. PAICC Unless otherwise spo:iAcally indicated below, oll prices quoted below are in cents per gallon in W;allon Iron Barrels and grease prices in cents per pound, Ln 400-pound Drums (not including containers), for delivery in less than carload lots. f.osl @ A=1U OUA Denton# Conoco Super Motor 011 (All Diodes except $0 SAN W-20) 0744 Coaooo Super Motor 011 ME 5V-20 .9630 Kotorine (AU Oradea) MOO Oopooo H D Oil (All Oradea) .6400 j,~D~;{~i ..OILS Conoco nfinaalsoloa Oil so SP, 90 1P 140 8P 230 EP 06250 SAE 00 " 90 - 140 w 230 05230 Oouooo Deotol Medium.Heady 0.4900 Conoco Gem Prooellood Deotol Speolal-Beaty 05900 Coaooo Redind Hodita 03350 Conoco Circol 8 D ; „1830 Sam Coaooo Cup 4ri40e #2 00930 Conooo Cup Oresae 03 01000 Conoco T6 R, Lubricant ills 61175 Oocooo Preopurt Lubrioent .0973 0 Conoco Uniteraal Gear Lubriaent .1073 0 Conooo Treamiseion Oreaae 00923 Conoco tWind Oreaae 01123 Conoco Welube ,1375 Oopooo 4ueplube #1 (V5P Case) .2450 C4no00' bbalube'N4-18.25.33 13550 Priee# quoted harem":M Nj include the federal Was Stole* Tax of six 61) o~►ts • ra110~ rease~i ia>tbafee 'diN lu6iect to 1hd ,Q Inoludr the Tedbral Sales hoiee fag' BINDING MARGIN MINDING MARGIN I i ill n. ' ~ ~ ~ • 1 i i -7 In the event Conoco reduces its list pr. _es on the above nam:d oils and Breams, Buyer shall be entitled to such lower prices on goods delivered under this contract during time such reductions are in effect. If any tax or other charge collectable from Conoco is now or hereafter imposed by any federal government authority, state or municipal authority upon any of the goods herein described or the production, manufacture, storage, or withdrawal from storage, sale, transportation, delivery, or use thereof, the price to be paid by Buyer, may, unless such tax or charge is included in the pricy payable by Buyer, as herein elsewhere provided, be in- creased to the extent of such tax or charge, urlew such tax or charge is collectable by Conoco from Buyer as a tax, in v: hich case Buyer shall reimburse Conoco fir m~.~re as a tax. 7, ADDITIONAL STIPULATIONS: Conoco guarantees said goods to be uniform in quality and at all times up to its standard. Neither Conoco nor Buyer shall be liable for any lueses resulting it performance of any provision hereof is delayed or prevented by tsar or national omerggancy now or hereafter existing, or by reason of compliance with any order of, contract wi+h, or request of the UniteA States or any agency thereof or of any state or political subdivision thereof, or inability with reasonable diligence to obtain in the area in which deliveries are to be made hereunder, equipment, materials or supplies, or action of an enemy, revolution or other disorder, embargo import or export restriction, strike, lockout, Ilre, flood, windstorm, accident or act of God, disruption or breakdown of transportation, failure of or interference with supply from Conoco's present source or sources, perils of the sea, accidents of navigation, breakdown of or injury to any ship, loss of tanker tonnage or reduction thereof by reason of compliance with any order or request of any g. vernmental authority, or if performance is delayed or prevented Z by any cause not within the control of the party in default, or which with reasonable diligence such party is un- able to prevent, whether of any class of causes hereinbefore enumerated or not. In any such case the operation of this contract so far as necessary shat! he suspended, The cause of interrup- tion shall be remedied, if reasonably possible, with all dispatch, and performance resumed at the earliest practi- cable time after cessation of such interruption. Conoco shall not be required to make up deliveries omitted on account of any such cause or causes. If by reason of any of said causes Conoco shall be unable to supply the requirements of all of its customers of any product covered hereby in the area In which deliveries are to be made hereunder, Conoco's obligation while such inability exists shall at its option be reduced to the extent necessary in Its judgment to apportion fairly among its customers the amount which it is able to supply. Conoco shall have the right at any time during the life of this contract to change, alter or amend an of the trade names or brands under which products covered by this contract are now or may hereafter be sold, If Conoco shall at any time during the term of this contract discontinue the marketing of any or all of the brands of products covered by the contract, Conoco shall be relieved of all obligation to sell or deliver such discontinued brands to Buyer; and If Conoco shall market any other brand or brands of products in lieu of the discontinued brand or brands, th!s contract shall embrace such new brand or brands of products. .Any notice which may be given by Conoco to Buyer hereunder may be given by deposit!ng same in the United States registered mail addressee to Buyer at the address above given. This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties as to the subjects covered herein and is in lieu of any and all existing contracts between the parties involving products of the description of those sold here- under, and no agent shall have authority to vary the terms hereof. No variation or amendment hereof shall be effective unless and until approved by an authorized representative of Conoco. This contract is executed in dupli- cate; the counterpart hereof held by Conoco Is to be considered the original and shall be the binding agreement in the event of any variation between such counterpart and the one held by Buyer. This contract shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs executors administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto, but no assignment thereof by buyer shelf be valid without the writ- ten consent of Conoco. J04 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract them --day Of A em bete ,19~ CO:,"nNENTAL 0 COMPANY Byc2L~--~ i By - 1 1SMVIALK, CURE, AND OOTM 800 TIIE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON XNal ALL IV f!Y THESE PRESENTSi CITY OF DENTON That xe,: o 3„ C. r r a c , as principalp and the other subscribers here o as sur~ a eaj `are Mara `ieml,y bound onto the City of Denton, Texas, a =ti.cipa corporation, its buccossors and assigns, at Denton, Texas, in the bum of One ThIksand, ($1,000c00), the';Ayment of which well anI tnily to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, sucoppsors, and assigns, forever fir*. ay by these presentai WITNESS MR HANDS ON V IS TIM 4T~i~ DAY OF DECEMBER A ►D . 195 3 . The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the said QLL=O0 Rc.4 CS STR'C UJER has made application for a permit to construct, repair a reconstruct sla waal scea d/or curbs and gutters in the City of Denton, ,Texaej Of THEREFORE$ if the said shall do all work in the construction, repair and reoonetructio- n of alqny e~ewalk, and/or curb or gutter in a good and workmanlike manner, and if the said r shall faithfully and strictly comply with the specifications an N ft~TdLk etems of all City ordinances ,'resolutions p and regulations#*that are now or may be in effeot, in Denton, Texas, relating to the construction, reconstruction and repairs on sidewalks and/or curbs or gutters, and it the City of Denton shall be fully idemni+ Pied and held whole and harmloss from any and all cost, expense or damage, whether real or asserted on aoeo*nt of any injury done to W person or property in the prosecution of said work, that may arise out of or be occasioned by the perfor- mance of said Teo rk, by the principal heroin, and if said principal shall rd tholi4 additional cost to the person for wham the work was done, maintain all sidwsra?ka, and/or %iurbs or gutters, so constructed, reconstructed, or repaired bq said principal for a period of one year from the date of such construction, reoon. etruotian or repair, to the eatiefaotion of the City Engineer] and shall reaon. stnuot or rw, W such sidewalk and/or curb or gutter to the satiefaotion of the said City 8.ylineer'of the City of Denton, Texas, at any time within one year after the construction, reconstruction or repair of such sidewalk and/or curb or gutter, upon a ton day notice from said engineer; then this obligation shall bo null and "W1 othemice, it shall remain in full farce and effects The term of this bond shall be for a period of one year fray the date hereaf4 WITNESSR WR HANDS Oil TIM DAY, 1S0IiTH, AID YUR ADOYtl 1711ITTE11. e..._. A C _ r.._..,c.. rrinoipu APPROVW I L! F OE TY AN CUAR A TY C0 Surety layor 1 ev e ' APPRG~ ~ p~.r•o~, ~w u~wrrr~lrr .1L~OS'I1pjI . lof:' a I 'W 4. 1.1'1 !r 1 .17r+~ 1 . i ' r ' 1• ~ ~ r a, ~''r j[3.'.: !iii. t~.,..1 tr~t~~'}r: 'f4 ~ r. r • • 1 P E T I T I O N THE ST! T 3 OF TAU.;, I COUNTY OF DENT011 1 TO 71IE 1101?VADLE CITY CIM ION OF TI? CITY Or D3NTO11,T XAS1 Ne, the unCersi-ned residents of the County of Denton, Texas, who constitute a zajority of ::e o~mers of the here- inafter described property, and representing and boinZ a majority of the qualified voters resadin^ -.4thin the here- inafter described territory, hereby retilion your I:onorable Body that the said followinz described »ropperty and terri- tory be added and annexed to and incorvorated within the resent linits of the City of Denton, toxas, a Nunicipal Corporations "All of that certain tract or oarcol of land situated in the County of Denton and State of Texas, and being more particularly described by motes and bounds as foll,owes BEGINNING at the intersection of the West line of Stuart Lane and the West boundary line of the Sherman-1)enton,111ghway, THENCE Northeasterly with the West boundary line of said highway, a distance of 1,060' more or less the NorthEast corner of this tract, THENCE West 630 feet more or less to the West boundary line of Stuart Lanai THENCE South with the West line of Stuart Lane 915 feet more or less to the North East corner of a two acre tract owned by Kerneth Sppillman, T1IENCE West 470' more or less to Spillman's North West corner: THENCE South with Spillman's West boundary line 1071, passing his SouthWest corner, continuifig 107 additional feet to the Southwest corner of the Oscar Owens tract, passing his SouthWest corner, and continuing an additional 400 feet more or less to the South boundary line of the Grover Stuart property, ":HENCE East 470' more or less to the place of beginning. -~vot9ra-ar tna city zr -yonton,' Texas; r, or'rntifii~ rejections M-WECTPULLY SU13TTED 011 YS the 10t;day of 1 October , 19- q1- r .J l ✓ ~ f 01 z , yl~ ° E T I T I 0 N THE STI.T3 OF T U3 COUNTY OF DENTOI? 4 TO THE HOITO^.AUS, CITY 032113,-1011 OF TI13 CITE C:' D3NT4NIMSt 1 Your petitioners-ask that an election be held in the city of Denton, Texas, on the date of the next calla City Election and,that at such election the quoe en o whether or not the above-describe pproperty shall he added and annexed to.ani incorporated within the present iiz.1te of the City of Denton, Texas; )o submitted to'the qualified voters of'the City of Denton,,!;exas, for ratification or re~~ction• RESPECTFULLY SU11TTED NIT r;'IS the 10th day of October~ , 19 r • Y r Ai+ r~tia~'y 6- i F e~ 0 ~fro N 4 may. I. r ORDT lATIOE No. 53-25 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING A PART O AN ALIXY, Brun A PORI.TON OF SAID ALLEY LYING 13ETWEEN FAST MULBERRY STREET AND EAST SYCAMOR„ STREET _t TN Tim CITY OF DEN'TON, fIXkS, AND REL'NQUISIIING ALL PIG11f TITLN' AND INTEREST IN AND TO THE Stl r, AND DECLARTNG AN PX1RGI NCY. WHEIR AS, by deed dated July 23, 1930, shown of record in Vol- ume 2329 Page 395, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, W, so Lonb~ arrd 0. Me King conveyed to the City of Denton Texas a municipal corporation a right of way 25 feet in width lying between East Hickory ~treet and East Sycamore Street in the City of Denton, Texas, and alm extending along the east line of a tract of land then owned by the said if, S. Long and 0. M. King, and Immediately West of a tract then belonging to the City of Denton, Texas, and more fully described in the above mentioned deed; and I-711EREAS, the City of Denton, Texas, has heretofore sold the tract belonging to it and the same is niw owned by W. R. Blair, and the property belonging to the said M. S. Long and 0. M. King, lying between t}e norm side of East Mulberry Street and the north side of Fast Sycamore Street is now owned by North Texas Tank Company, and the adjoining owners desire thf,t said alley be closed and abandoned and the same is no longer used for nublic purposes; NOR, THEI PORE, BE IT ORDAINGD BY THE CITY COIDIISSTON OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, that that portion of said alley de- scribed as follows: HOMING at the north boundary line of Emit Sycamore Street and in the Beat line of said alley; THENCE North with the West line of said alley to the North boundary line of East Mulberry Street, which has heretofore been closed by an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas; THENCE East to the north boundary line of Said Mul- berry Street 25 feet] THENCE South aloe the Bast boundary lino of said alley to the Nort boundary line of East Sycamore Street; T111!!"CE ueet 25.'feet to the place of beginning; be closed and abandoned, and the same is hereby closed and abandoned, and all of the riRht, title and interest of the said City of Denton Texas, In and to said alley lying between the earth boundarg line ulberrytStreetois hereby relinquished, boundary line ine of of East t IM j , That the said City of Denton, Texas, acting by ahd through its mayor be and it is hereby instructed to execute a quitclaim deed to the above described property to the said North Texas I Tank Company and the $aid If. R. Blair, the owner of the prop- erty adjoining said alley, The fact that the owners of the adjoining properties are de- sirous of having their title cleared in order that a sale may be consummated creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring that tho rule that ordinances be read on 3 several days he and the samt is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage. PASSED and approved this the day of October, A. D., 1953. 1 ' h rman n ity Commissioft- At-test: Approvedi City ecre ary Mayor Approved as to Form and Legalitys erl' City Attorney i A a^~ j 1- f . P 9 A (~`e`e `~I 1`~"i~ i ~ ,1 ' ' 9 F f 1.. I ~ M r 1' ~ Ay4 „iXl3' ~ / ~ ~ _ ORDINANCE N0. 53^26 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON TUAS ^ROVIDING FOR THE CL.A SSIFICATION OF ALL PoLicEmEN AND FIIMMr,N OF THE CITY OF DENTON TMS: THE NUMBER OF POSITIONS OF EACH CLASSIFICATIONe REPEALINC ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES TN CONFLICT HEM-WITH AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHERElAS, Article 1260m of Vernon's Civil Statutes of the State of Texas Annotated, Section 8, makes the classification of all policemen and firemen in their respective jobs mandatory; and, WHEREAS, said provision above mentioned also provides that the City Commission shall prescribe by ordinance the number of positions of each such classification; nowtherefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMriISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TE.XASs SECTION ONES That there shallbe in the Dentin Police Depart- ment thefollowing job classifications covered by Civil Service Rules and Regulations and the number of such job classifications or positions is indi:ated by the numeral at the ri.gbte 1. Captain of Police 3 2• Radio Dispatcher 3 3. Motorcycle Patrolmen 3 46 Foot Patrolmen 8 66 Patrolmen 10 6. Identification Officer 1 All men in the above ranks except captain are eligible to take examinations for the advancement to captain, provided there is a vacancy. SECTION TWOS That there shall be in the Denton Fire Depart- ment the following job classifications covered by Civil Service Rules and Regulations and the number of such job classifications or positions are indicated by the numeral. 1. Fire Chief 1 2, Assistant Fire Chief in Charge of 1 operations 3. Assistant Fire Chief in Charge of 1 Maintenance d. Captains 2 S. Lieutenants + 2 6. Drivers 8 7. Firemen 0 . SECTION THREE: The position of Assistant Chief of the Police Department is hereby abolished and the Assistant Chief now in said position shall be, and he is hereby, appointed to Captain of Polioe. Nothing herein is intended to be construed in any manner so as to give any Policoman or Fireman a vested right in and to any of the positions hereby established, and nothing herein shall be construed so as to delimit the authority of the Civil Service Commission. All ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed. SECTION FOUR: The fact that now rules and regulations are being formulated in order to secure more efficient Police and Fire Departments forthe citizens of the pity of "enton and the fact that the applicable law requires the governing body of the City of "enton to make the above olassificatidns creates an emergency requiring that the rule providing that ordinances be read on three several occasions be and the some is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be in full force and offect from and after its passage and approval. P~SSED AND APPROVED t'As the 20th day of October, A.D., 1953• ~ltit, Cha rm , C y omm se on City of Denton ATTEST: !I. C4J1 C;tyr orstary APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: APPROVEDs y Attorney mayor I, i i s ~ 1 L9 k".. Denton Texas July 1,1953 THE HONORABLE VAYOR AND CITY 00111 MISSION OF DENTON TEXAB' ` Gentlemen; Wish to advise that.we are Qiscontinueing,the Collins street and Avenue G bus route for at,least,the duration of the summer months We have operated this lihe for a,period of twtj and 'one half-months on atrial basis and have 'lost ,continually. since the start and afte',rr the city schools are. out it has become more of a burden,to operateiWe nave posted signs to.this e'ffeot'in-the bus that'oper&t16n will cease after July 6th 19539' Thanking you `.for your co-operatioth US in this and all other masts:s pertaining to bus operation,, and assuring you that we will work with the city in any way for the future grAh of Denton, - Bincere3ly, , nAr}to Due.,;I i~ne,Ino., t € .O,panrle~2,Mgr. F • h, r . le- r~, 1 Z011I1; G PET I TI ON DENTON, TEXAS, f~ day of cf1~ 19.E TO THE HONORABLE CITY CO114ISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXASI Gentlsmeni The undersigned hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body to amend the present Zoning Ordinance :f the City of Denton, Texas, and the Zoning Map therein referred to, so as to change the designation of the following described property as a part of the dwelling district, and cause the same to be classified, shown, and designated, as a part of the hysiness district of the City of Donton, Texasi Too-tj-Block; 4y~~ A:e~ Street 7r e-&, 3s-&rz V0 X7 PESP CTFULLY SUBMITTED by the undersigned, constituting the owners of fifty per cent of the area of all real estate included within the boundaries of the above described tract of lands e ~'•4"1 THE UNDERSIGNED, constituting the owners of fifty per cent of the area of all real estate lying outside of the above described tract, but within two hundred feet of the boundaries thereof, intervening otreets and alleys not included in the computation of said two hundred feet, hereby join in the above petition. LELON, please find map or plat of the above described property, all real estate within two hundred feet thereof, oxclusive of intervening streets and alloys, the block in which said above described property is situated, and the footage of oaah vwner within 200 feet of said property, I < 10 f OA1 4,1 r' `T. k+. X~rc!' I J,'iJ J s.t-~i✓ vYL4-t~ y r ,a f /l AV 7M, c L t u i I 1 t 1 r Cv(f6UcAd,4 C4 THE STATE OA TMS ~ "OW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESrANTS: COUNTY OF D~TO~i I THAT the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, of Denton County, Texas, hereinafter called Lessor, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar ($1.00) cash in hand paid by American Legion Post 0.40, of Denton, Denton County, Texas, a body existing under charter of the American Legion, hereinafter called Lessee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, has leased and demised and by these presents does lease and demise unto the said Lessee the following tract or parcel of land located in the City of Denton, Den- ton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas, out of the S. C. Hiram Survey, Abstract No. 616, and being riore particularly described as follows: BEGINNING 290 feet west of the southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to the City of Denton, Texas, by deed dated Docem')er 9th. 19479 said Deed being recorded in Vol. 393, page'Geot''or tho Deed Records of D©nton County, Texas, to which reference is hereby made for the location of the said be;inning point; THENCE West 160 feet along the north lin? of Wilson Street to a poir` for corner, same being the intersection of the north li- of Wilson Street and the east line of Lakey btreet; THENCE North 100 feet along the east line of Lakey btreet to a point for corner; THENCE East 150 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 100 feet to the place of beginning. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the demised premises unto the said Lessee, from this date for and during and unto the end of the full tern: of ninety- nine (99) years hence next ensuing and fully to.be comptieted and ended. It is agreed and understood by and between the parties hereto that the Lessoe shall, at its own expense, construct anA maintain any build- ings placed on the above property, at its own expense. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that the hereinabove describ- ed property shall not, during the term of this lease, be sold or assign- ed to any other person, firm or corporation but shall be used entirely and exclusively by American Legion :post No. 840 of Denton, Texas, and shall at all times be under its dominion and control. Tt is agreed and understood by and between the parties hereto that nt oC till S, le: sc, all btcilclin-.~, structures and other egni'ment pl^ced oil the Of"Asec? p: ect:ises, shall vest in anct ':ecorie the pro-crt,; o' il,c Ciiy of Iaenton, 'texas. Executed tl;is da, of , lJ53. .1 ::?";ICIf':t[. CC;!'P0':P.TION 11y: Ts ::.zyor . gvw, - 9, OA Ct >ecretn~y__~ ::':'.•:I CA L: FONT 0 Co, inQe:• r :;o. 810 ~n•~.+Y n.r+ ~ r CO the undersi-ne(l nuthority, on this clay personally ap~)ear- ed ;,'Lwk Ilaonnh Vnd Chas. C, Orr, Jr., I:ayor and pity S^cretary, res- pectively, of the City of Denton, Texas, a :,Itinicipal Corporation, known to r:c to be the persons imose names are subscribed to the fore- %oin' instrunent and acl:nowleclned to rle that they executed the same for tl,e mirr-oscs and consideration therein expressed and in the capa- city therein :stated. • 1, 47il , 5 \ +T, S ,"AL OP Or 11i1ICL + .:Z it~.~: this As' day of , LJ53, ?:o ary ru Ijc n an o Denton County, Texas I.II; S T;1TI 01' C OUNTA Y 01 1)i . 70:r: IiI,VCI'.?; NEI theuncles si!rn cI authority, on this day hcr:,onrll t appear- ed '?oblc i'olland, and -:alto;, ? i::' lc, t:ot:rl~zr.dcr, 11djiitani, and "Cc^c Ir0Irr0IIr, I sec vc , of Ancrican Lc,,ion I o+t ?o. 840 of Denton, Texas, ?:noml to r:e to be the persons whose names are subscrib- ed to the forer-oin, instrument, an(' fc':no:aled;ed to rie tl.ai they exewAt- ed the sane for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. .1 ? :i111L 01O: I7C.. this Qay of AA , 153. Zvi e4a .1o -ry ut c in an or Denton, Cwinty, Texas 1 R • ~ ` ~1 l \y„ ` ti r I 4 a } a, . rV }1` J ~ 1 f j ~ ~R h', ti', vz F t r,. . 1' , 7 ~ ~ ~ s ~ •i) ~ ' ~ TIDE; STATE OF T W 5 TC70`: J'. LL M I'\, Pl' U FSY r1'F:51% TS : CI)UNTY ,rh Ilr,.1 IYAT Airs. Estelle Prown, a feme sole, E,areinaftcr referred to as Licensee and the iity of Penton, Texas, a ;4unicipal (,orporation, actiri* by and tlrrnu *h its dul,• elected "ayor, do hereby enter into the following a-rcoment anon the iollo,rin,terms. and conditions: That the City of T:cntun, Texas, for and in consideration of the acquisition of more off-street nar•kin,^, does hereby permit the other party to this agreement to use the hereinafter described tract of land in conjunction with the adjacent Property for narking, purposes. The property to he so used is part of a public -,treet in the City of Denton, Tcx,is, and its use as mentioned ahove will in no r-ray inter- fere with the flow and iioverient or traffic and such City property to be so used is described as follows, to-wit; All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land, the hulk of which is located in the hm. Loving, Survey in the City and Gounty of Penton, State of Texas; MrTN`'I1~0'at the southwest corner of a tract of land described in a need dated July 31st, 1946, and beins° recorded in Volume 328, Parre 462, Deed Pecords cf Denton County, Texas, to which reference is hereby made; THE",kC1✓ South 3 feet to a point for corner; TI'I?VCE East 140 feet parallel to the north line of Mulherry Street; TIFENCT North 3 feet to a ro.int for corner, same being in the north line of Afulberry Street; T1TFvCE 'b'est 140 feet to the place of beginning. It is hereby specifically agreed and understood by end between the parties hereto that this instrument does not In any manner operate to convey any chat-3cter of interest in and to the above described real estate to any person herein or otherwise, but merely operates to rive Mrs. lrMvile Dro,yrr, her heirs ov assigns, bare permission and license to use same in conjunction with a parking lot. It is speciricall.y a;;vecd and timderstood by and between the par- ties liereto that a metal marker shall be placed at each end of the above desnribt:d tract in such a manner as to clearly delineate City property and tl,e property of the Licensee herein. such narkers shall Ire set flush in the concrete at the: prupcr point by a licensed lance sur- veyor and is to be done at 'Irs. Brown's expensed the Licensee herein. Such markers so used shall he of a type approved by the My Englneerq and sbal emhedoed in the concrete in such a manner as to he easily located, The City of Penton, Texas, hereby gives permission for a concrete curb to be installed along; the south boundary tine of the hereinabove described tract, of land In such -.i manner as the City I'•n."ineer may re- commend. The licensee herein specifically agrees to maintain th:: above said tract in a good nncl safe manner at all times daring the term of this agreement and hereby a.(sees to indemnify the City of Penton, Texas, against all claims for damages or personal injuries of any nature what- soever which may occur on the above said tract or which may be caused by said curb to be so constructed. It is hereby specifically agreed and understood by and between the oart.1 es hereto that the term of this agreement is at the will of the City of Denton, Texas, and may be ended and terminated at any time here- after at the will of the City, after giving ten clays notice to the Li- censee, her heirs or assigns. It is the intent of the parties hereto that the three foot strip hereinabove mentioned to be used as tfore- said only so long and no longer as the City of Denton, Texas, desires, it being contemplated by and between the parties hereto that at some future date it may become necessary to widen the street and incorporate tl+e above mentioned tract. 11TTNF,SS OUR ILANDS this.0~ day of , 1953s IBT" CITY OF PENTON, T1 S ATTEST: BY: Mayor C:~26t: ~ ~GGu U. CTly Secretary *Irs. a e e Brown V Arr1t ,n AS TO Lrr. 170TI)l My r ornoy . 'f1Tr; STAT1-1 (W TiXAS 1 C 'INTY nr J)TNTm' illsl"P.1: ME, the undersi;r,nerl, a Notary Public In and for Penton COUnty, I'Vxas, personally appeared 'lark }Hannah and Chas. C. Orr, Jr., .Mayor Pnd City Secretary respectively of the City of Denton, Texas, ?mown to MC to 11)C tl`e persons whose names are subscribed to the fore- oing instrument, and ael.nowledged to me that they executed the same for the nurposes and consi(ler,tion therein stated and in the capacity therein expressed. GTVT,V i1DER ?lY VA\'1) ANN SFAL (T OTTI(1s, this, tray of A. 1). , 1953. \o ary pub c n and for Denton County, Texas Vtl 5T.ATF. OF TEXAS ~ I COUN1Y OF DI~dTON ~ 111"FO!": MR9 the undersigned, a \Totarv ?ublic In and for Denton County Texas, personally appeared Mrse ustelle Brown, a feme sole, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the fore- going Instrum,:nt, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consider<ltion therein stated and in the capacity therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER `tY HAND A\D SEAL OF (PrICIs, this day of , A. D., 1953. " N'o a ry ^u c n a l"F r-- Denton County, Texas V R t. U 1 . f . r r 1 r_ : f- a ~r ~ . ~'Sy 1 ~'a E:> ~ a': s'k&r $ S~,'.a +"t .~~t•• i t.l h ,}.sr. ~ t r c"1•~i .,s, t i TIN-] STATE, OF TENAS ~ VXV AU )ICY BY THESi; PRESPUSi COINTY OP DE TON ~ e That the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, act- ing by and through its duly elected mayor and duly appointed fire chief, by virtue of authority osted in the. by the City Commission, xi do hereby,by these presents, ainvey and sell unto 0. Be Adame for " and in consideration of the sum of $125,00 cash in hand paid to the F • City of Denton, Texas, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, one mahogany inbcard motor boat and trade-. }~t The City of Denton, Texas, hereby warrants the title to said boat and trailer unto the said 06 11. Adams, H!j heirs and assigns. Witness our hands this 25th day of April, A.D., 1953s ayor City of Denton, Texas Fire Chier City of Dentonp Texas ATTES t t'ity Se"cr ery• City of Denton, Texad I r C O M M ITS I O N Stet! eI.ew•r dR,R[SR C. 6 R E E R E. H. THOR IT., J. p 0 7tf ATOM, JR., CHAIRMAN ItO S TEXAS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT MARSHALL FORMBY F. OR Box 3067 Dallas 1, Texas October 13, 1953 IN RELY REFER TO FILE NO. _ Control 196-1 F.G. 117(8) & Fe 117(9) Denton County Minute Noe 24420 Honorable Mark Hannah Mayor, City of Denton Denton, Texas Dear Mayor Hannah: We are submitting herewith duplicate original copy of an Agreement between the State and City of Denton covering the construction of the above projects. This copy is for the Ciey of Denton's file on this project. s ve tru Frank WIS Cawthon District Nagineer 0 1,96.1+1o&11 FO 117(8)& F 117(9) Denton County STATE OF TEXAS OOUM OF TRAVIS /-Z 1 THIS AORBBl~NT# made this .Z~ day of 'tar 1953# by and between the City of Denton,% Texasp hereinafter called the *City*# Party of the First Part, acting by and through its My Council and the State of ?map hereinafter called the *SUte*# Party of the Second Parts acting by and through its State Highway It. Commissions 'WHSSW# the City desires the construction 4f cuts and gutter, storm sewers and incidental items on Us Ss Highva Nos 77 within the limits from locust Street to 4651 beyond south city limits of the City of Denton# which is solely the City's responsibilLIF and the City has requested the State to construct or has oonstruoted this works the State will construct or have constructed this work for and on behalf of the City and at the City's sole expenses the estimated cost of this work is Twenty Four Thousand Wins Hundred and 141100 Dollars (Ogh,900s00), including sontingenoise and soiin"Kn8# and IHLkUSs the City by the sx*oution of this agreement agrees to the tem and conditions of State Highway Commission Minute Nos 2440# as it applies to the City# a copy of which is attached 1s hereto and marked "4thibit A" and made a part of this ag7rsemants NOW THEREY=j it In understood that this proposed work will be constructed by the State and the City will transmit U% the Stab with the roturn of this agresment, executed by the Qitye a warrant made payabla to the State :!measurers Account of Trust Flux! Nos 927 in the smount of Twenty Your Thousand Nine Hundred and No/100 Dollars (i741900s,00)i to be used in paying for f%e proposed work required by the City in the City of Denton. It is further understood that the state will construct only those items for the City as requested and required by the City and the entire ,iat of sueh its= sill be borne by the City. If the State sleots to reoeive bids and if upon receipt of bids by the Stato and/or the actual oonstrdation and/or approved ehangeo in the contaplated improTsIN As it is found that this *.vat is insufficient td pyr tha Oity's portions then the City upon request of the State sill forthwith supplement this amount by an amount equal 'so the City's full estimated or actual share of the oat of this work 1"s. the amount previously paid to the States, In the event the amount as paid to the State is more than the actual oostp Um the exoees amount will be returned to the City. It is further understood that Wu work to be done on behalf of the Citgri as herein proridsdt will inoluds the cost of eontingrnoiss and sagineerings It is further understood that the City by the esoutioe of this agreement agrees to the terms and cot.ditione of Stab W$hway Commission fs, Minute Noe 9U2Oi f., it applies to the City a copy of vhieh is attached hereto and marked "Exhibit AN and =de a part of this agreemente IN TFSTDWr it}MB Ys the parties hereto hate caused Uwe* presents to be executed in duplioate on the day above stated. CITY OF 18NTON STATE OF TUAS Party of the First Part STATS BWAT 0 A WSION Party of the Second Fart $Y~ Certified as being r statd for the i purpose and effeot of activatiag and/ sotablishd o r cunt. polioie p ow heretofore approved a sd by the State Byi r i f►t : y oune "16.. authority of Comeiseion M! 4 30665 i\~' b~ for aaaeutiont y uno syl Mem er oT City Council WWAOW Joe" - of MA 70 3. . w BHF? Wes it is the expressed desire of the proper officials ,and citizenship of the City of Fronton and Denton county tr establish undsretanding with the Highway Department for the improvement of UU~...3 FFGDAY 77 and connections to adequate standards for proper traffic .era oe gh Denton County and the City of Dsaton# arA 111 AASs the proper officials of the City of Denton and Denton County hays expressed themselves as being ready and willing to proceed with the acquisition of rights-of-way and other requirements of local government units under the polio's of the Highway Department for such improvements, and 1M-MASS the requested improvements are considered essential to provide adequacy of traffic faoilities according to traffic data wud other studios and information available to the Department# and 'NMWA,na the improvements should be accomplished in proper sequence as speedily as funds can be made available) NOW, TH6RSYMO IT IS M MOT CEtD M that the State Highway Engineer bs directed to pr•oosed with investigationes surveyais prepara- tion of right-of-my deedsi and plans for the route of U. Ss Highwq 77 and connections across Denton County from the Dallas County Iine to the Oooko County Limp subject to the followingi Y. i.11 required right-of-uayw clear of propsrtyy damage and obatruotiones will be furnished free of oat to the Stateo is Ooawstruotiot~ and maintenance of routes in the City of Denton will be in acoordame with the policy prtyisions of the Department for the oonstruotion arA maintenance of h!$hver routes in oitios towns and villaf es (Minute Kos 20261aw dated October 6A 79th). 3. Ths business route of DTs Ss High%W 77 through the Oity of Denton generally alods the present routes will be ispaorrod to the best etardards for adequacy of traffic sarvioe consistent with right-of-way widths which can be made available# The improvements to such standards wiU be completed or under way prior to the starting of con• struation on the proposed altmate'routs from this inter» seotion of Us be Highway 377 south of Mniin to the intersection of the proposed route and State Highway trim west of Dentons }i. interaeot.ions of the bariness route and propoaed alternate route notfh and south of the Oity of Denton w1U be dsaipod and oonstruoted for the respeotiw traffio volumes s»i in such swum as to assure the oonvsniurt vie of tho business routes Minute Number WO - Continued 5. The route of Us 8• Highway 77 its connections cad all highway routes in Denton Coun will be designed, Oon- structed and maintained to adequate standards for traffic service consistent with the traffic volumes and the requirements of the State system. All designs, constrwo, Lion and maintenanve will hays as its yrlnoipal objective the present and future favorable development of the particular areas After receipt of official acceptance of the provisions of this Order by the proper offioi,als of the City of Denton and Denton County and upon completion of plans wJ riafitact-qay acquisition for sections the posed msmss as developedi the Stat;4 such sssttijrtes to the attention of the Highwey Commission for consideration of finance of constructions Ldnute Number WO January f7, 1948 COPY sFMOIT As 1 4000 r } i 6. . I LI ,k P. 0. Box 519 ' l I ' -1 Phone Cenlra! 5116 North Texas Tank Company Denton, Texas October 20, 1953 To The Mayor and City Commission, City of Denton, Denton, Texas. Gentlemens- It is agreed tha the North Texas Tank Company, is willing to pay for the construction of a Power Line on East Hickory Street along the Old Fatr Grounds to replace the line now in the alley or street to be closed, which your City Engineer, Mr. Creel, estimates to cost around Pour Hundred Dollars, urs very truly, . E. A1.en, President. PRECISION BUILT TANKS--BUTANE-PROPANE 4 DOMESTIC 4 MOTOR TUEL SPHERES • ST'ORAOE ~ TRUCK .'..,h k ~Pno #fate ~e ttrtmpttt n irttfff 00AR0 ufYx R1 GEO. W. COX, M. D., STATE HEALTH OFFICER .oARD YEU.Ea a.1 RIFL.Y 0, WICWTA FALLS AUSTIN t, TEXAS JAMES O. LONG, A.. Y., FORT ART" CHAIRMAN [LAVE. C MW, 0 0, AWIN JbIN M YRCMf LL,Y P. 11.p VICE •t..IRMAN August 3, 1953 J T. STRIKER,.HARVACISI, WOODfILLE MR J F .LROEN, 1 S. IAN ANGELO ULR TIANE TE.TERRELL, US, TORT rOR lM A IN .OC(M, 0 0 A, F A C P. CORSICA" J 0 COPELAND, Y 9, IAN ANIONIO ID reply ply lff LD File No, 1r Dr. M. L. Hutcheson City Health Officer Denton, Texas Dear Doctor Hutcheaons We are enclosing a copy of the Texas Milk Grading and Labeling Laws and the 1953 Specifications and Requirements in fulfillment of our re- sponsibility to furnish printed copies of this promulgation. The date of promulgation of these Specifications and Requirements was June 1, 1953, to become effective .'eptember 1, 1953• It ie our hope that the cities in T-Iyxas will adopt ordinances to become effective on the same date and that when they do, they will not deviate from the 1953 Public Health Service Ordinance and Code or the State Specifications and Requirements. Yours very truly, 1 ~ 4. F. Lakey, D motor Bureau of Food and Drugs JFLiva Eno. ,i V The National Cash Register Company Dayton 9, Ohio August 18, 1953• City cf Denton, Denton, Texas. Gentlemen: We are pleased to enolooe your approved Naintensnoe Serv- ice Agreement. This service plan will assure you of peak operating effiotenoy from your National equipment at all times. We have had expressions of satisfao',ion from thousands of users of our maintenance cervioe because our fsotory trained serv- ioemen assure a maximum of uninterrupted service to you with a min- imum of expense. If you should need service between the regular inspections, which are a part of your %intenanoe Plan, please contact the NCR of- fice in your locality. You will find our representatives most oarable and efficient in caring for your equipment and service requirements. We appreciate greatly this expression of your confidence, and you may be assured of our sincere determination to lave our ser4ioe measure up to your expectations. Very truly yours, Vice President, Salem. f ~ f , ti , 1 i , ey e, r ~ r,F k S t t w, d 1 1 r , 1 A ~ ~'Y~~ ~ ^~1 t`i,~•Y:`✓r`•, 1~~ de~G t ~I,i f ,~h VA. •r 'v.. ~v -0.i AN ire i The National Cash Register Company f? , j MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ♦ , THIS AGREEMENT Is between The National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohie, hereinafter referred to as 144 COMPANY, and , 1: t\ <l } City of Denton . Tax Department rc=: % Denton Texas " ( I a dr f. (hereinafter referred fo at the USER) 9 r. IN CONSIDERATION of the payment, yearly in advance, of the total amount listed on our current invoice taZ, the COMPANY agrees to furnish complete mechanical service and keep the equipment listed thereon in good ('`r operating condition. I! ' REGULAR INSPECTIONS for the purpose of lubricating and adjusting the mechanism will be made durin our regular business hours. 4 y EfIERCBNCY SERVICE necessary between inspections will be furnished at no additionai cost to the USER ♦ during our regular business hours. ALL REPLACEMENT PARTS required to insure proper operation of the equipment will be furnished at no , % f c. additionrl cost. ' I r RIBBONS AND INK ROLLS required at regular inspection time will be furnished and installed at no additional cost. 1 ANY SHOP OR OVERHAUL WORK required is included at no additional cost to the USER, except as .'I , a specified in the overhaul schedule below, ~tb All of the above services will be continued during the life of this agreement until P e equipment reaches the t N age fisted below. After that time, when in the COMPANY'S opinion an overhaul becomes necev-ir an itemized estimate covering the cost, including labor and material; will be presented for USER'S approval before [r , work is started. The cost of overhaul will be paid by the USER, in addition to the maintenance rate for such >7ryt equipment. tid ~ff :l ¢j Overhaul Schedule Imo' New Rebuilt Cash Registers (except Check-Out Machines) . , , , ,10 years 1 years Accounting Machines 8 „ d o- I t! C•2000 Bank Savings Machines.. 10 5 11 C-2000 Building & Loan Machines.. .10 S t Adding Machines 10 „ 3 „ x ? IT IS UNDERSTOOD that the equipment is in good mechanical condition on the date this agreement becomes effective. This agreement is subject to the approval of the Sales Service Depattment of The National Cash Register ,~5 1 j Company, Dayton 9, Ohio, and is to remain in effect until cancelled by tither party on thirty (90) days wntten h , rf notice. s~,#I Ribbons and ink rolls furnished between regular inspections wilt be charged for at current prices, plus standard installation charge. representatives of the COMPANY. - The equipment is to be repaired or ad'wted only by authorized ~.5, Supplies, such as paper, platene, lock 1eys, handles, tin tills, lids, coin trays, slabs or indicator glass are not included but will be furnished at current prices. Repairs made necessary by damage due to fire, water, stormy burglary, accident or abuse are to be paid by ► 1 t•. 1he USER. This agreement does not cover night, Sunday or holiday service, y s V ar The COMPANY is authorized to service the equipment covered by this agreement under the terms . ~ ~ slccifird. < H+ Not valid unfit property approved below by the \ Hoer Office at Dayton, Ohio. r . gars i y ie DEN TON, ON E, TES By CITY OF yYrj r . r ~~J APPROVED F1 Signekd I a AUGI ST 1 1953 AUG 12135,3 DatrA____.~ a TEE NATIONAL 4 ,A CASH REGISTER Co, DAYTON -OHIO }1 , he ,`'P':(~ V? r:ria-7 t st cis' r Ft s Mtn.: 't1s7tR'>n~.y~od coda, Zig 4b, t 1 S S J y1,•' r.rr+~ir` :q.'T' u... . )d ..4 • ' -r~1y1 II r"1, ty 'r''~".~ %•d k, ilk Y~la + )N,~~t~~ P I~.'~"r~. ?3e. `r,#i ~ ~.',',y.' + Fv. 'y.-~y~1, j i a~,i'r^'~i~'~ `~j'~±7~G r/~riY~ ~°1~ ~•~,,I~~~ kkI 10;" Z ?a ,i 3%i~i4f s • ..t ~~e~„f tq , i, h,f, 6• . 1p AW, W/ DATE ig" 10 19bi EFFECTIVE CUSTOMER Oily of Dwtioot W D"riilm * ADDRESS Dmtma Twma SERIAL SIZE 0 NET DATE NO. NO. Z i RATE INSTALLED THIS SECTION FOR CUSTOMER'S USE 4969234 al•10_10(19} 4 144900 lets 0 ti CHECKED IYs /RANCH MANAGER HEAD SERVICEMAN ~}L~- ~J MMYOFOHM - 0 Office of 221 North Elm Street, Denton, Texas Legal Department 1.ay 31, 1953 lTonorc.hlc :'au or and Ci t Cornrtissi on City of Denton, Texas Re: Site for ',,ell #/X GentleTen: T have exariined the Abstract of Title coverln~: a 150' x 150' tract to be used by the City of Menton for site of 14el l #/A , said tract beln^ o+,t of tl:e C. I;, Johns and Cwipany Survey and being covered by an abstract consisting; of 46 pi-es and hearing certificate dated Septenber 9, 1907, 3:30 o'clock P. and was prcplarecl by Du;l-7an and I3ty ",in it )stra ctors, and (rota such cxa tion, ywi are a(Tvised as follows: 1. The Abstract slio;rs that I%'. Y. Evers and wife, 11ary L'. Leers ha: e <*ood end ,nerchc,ntablc title to s: id lot subject only to a Deed of Truol note to the extent of ~)12,00C1.00 width does not ap- pear fro:: the :Abstract to have been raid. I have been i nforn„ed b, ' • the Ja^oe Abstract ConT.any tI:at all such indebtedness has been paid and tl,at no inclebtedw^ss now re- mains on said property. I art also informed by lie ja!,oe Abstract Company that the title to this property is nowt,, T. Lavers; A. F. Evers, Jr. and 11%, Evers and t1.cy should execute the Deed to the City. 311r. Jagoe also informed me that the Superior Oil Com- pany had the property leased for oil ant! ras purposes and a letter from the Superior Oil Company has been obtained, which subordin- ates their rights to that of the City in so far as water in the Trinitj Sand is concerned. This letter Is on file in the City Secretary's office. A supplemental abstract was not obtained from the date of the last certificate to the present because of personal information concernin'- the affairs of the present owners and also because of ! the costs for such supplement vo+_lld be soa:e,.abere between $70 and $75 expense to the City. Vcl•;• truly yours, hoot. L'. CairL1ae11, Jr. G' City Attorney 1:1TC/nbc i I 1H HTY H DENTON • office of 221 Norlh Elm Street, Denton, Texas Legal Department January 13, 1953 Honorable Kayor and City Com^1ission City of Denton, Texas Gentlemen: I have examined Abstract No. 35687 consisting of 52 pages prepared by the Jagoe Abstract Company and bearing certificate datod January 5, A.D., 19539 5t00 O'clock P.M, covering a tract of about eight acres out of which the city has purchased a tract of land 150 feet by 150 feet on which to sink a water teat-hole. From such examination you are advised as follows: 1. At page 16 of the abstract appears a Partition Deed executed by the heirs of Eliha or Elizha Chinn by virtue of which one Rachel A. Cash became owner of the tract under investigation. At page 19 of the abstract there appears a Deed dated'January 28, 18 81 from one Geo. T. Alford to Frank Craft, et al. There is no deed in the abstract from Rachel A. Cash to Geo. T. Alford. The above mentioned Partition Deed was dated June 12, 1876. 2, The Deed from Geo. T. Alford to Frank Craft, et al was executed in the name of Geo. T. Alford by W.J. Austin, "my agent & atty." No Power of Attorney appears in the abstract from Geo., T. Alford to W. J. Austin, 3. At page 33 of the abstract appears a Deed of Trust dated June 89 1896 covering the tract under Investigation and securing a note in the amount of $100.00 payable to the order of the First National Bank of Denton, Texas. This Deed of Trust does not appear to have been released. U 4. Regardless of the irregularaties appearing in the early history of this title, it is my opinion that Lucy Kimbrell has title to this property by limitation, hrs. Kimbrell has been in continuous possession forthe last 45 years. Since it does not appear from the abstract that ?hrs. Lucy Wallace, now Lucy Kimbrell, was a single woman what the property was purchased, I have prepared an affidavit as to that fact and also as to adverse possession and also as to identity of Mrs. Lucy Wallace and Lucy Kimbrell. This affidavit has already been executed by Mrs• Kimbrell. 5. It appears from the abstract that the amount of $2.76 is owing for School District taxes forthe year 1952. 6. There are several easements and right-of-way deeds appearing in the abstract and I have called these to the attention of the City Engineer. Restfully sub tted, Robt. tt. Caldwell, Jr. City Altorney STATE OP TI,XAS I P'V ALL NEN BY 11117SA7 PRESl1N'TS. CO!r:TY Or DENTOa ~ THAT I, Joe Skiles, of Denton County, Texas, for and in consideration of t1,e sun of One Dollar ($1,00) to etc in hand paid, receipt of which is here');; ac' nowledred, do Hereby give and Yrant to the City of Denton, Texas, the ri^ht and privile^e to construct, reconstruct and perpetually :aaintain utility lines in, upon, over and across the following described tract of land to-wit- All that certain lot, tract or Parcel of land lying anO bein situated in Denton County, Texas, and being out of the John Carter 160 acia survey and being more particularly described as follows: -f T3EC 71N'J r, at a mint 1408 feet and 33 inches North 11of the Southwest corner of the John Carter Survey; TIIEL*1CE Fast 1886 feet to a point for corner in the West rig ht-of-way line of Ili^,limay ,,10; Ti;l`,CF in a southwesterly direction 21-.')- feet along; the !Jest right-of-way line of State Ilichiray ,`/10 to a point for corner; TJTV'';CE 'lest 1876 feet to a point for corner; T"L\CE ?:nrth 20 feet to the place of bo"Innin:7. TO ITAVI; AND TO HOLD the above described premises perpe- tually unto the City of Denton, its successors and assi^ns to;;ethcr with the rinfht of ingress and e-rress, at any and all times, for the purpose of constructing, reconstroIcting and maintaining, any utility lines, of whatsoever character, so lon as same is being; used for utility purposes. JThlsSS ?IY U AND this clay of ,Tune, A. ll. , 1953. l' TUB STATE; OF TL`XAS COU\TY OF I ITON BEFORE PIE, the undersigned, a rotary Public, in and for Denton County, Texas, personally appeared Joe Skiles, known "to me to he the person whose name is subscribed to the forep ,oing instru- ment and acknol+rled3cd to me that lie executed the sar-o for the nur- poses and donsideration therein expressed. 1,1itness my liand and official seal this the ~ ~(lay of A. Dot 1953. 7 o ary Pu1)11c I -I n an( of Denton County, Tomas r '~1u Sh'e rjT•ne County ! r r' ..nip CN tt 6, Sol 6 uSd Corm audestiati,m wp. ' 4'kd tu. n v 'e 121P XLftl~~ A. D. s3J' ~t 7,, I scI wd duly itu❑ ,.S r 0 1 It M. h, vdume tj ~.,..._~.._..1~?•ir!GaC. 1'e f ~ ~ 1 ' 11 (~ir;r1V. ~'^Itf, kne" my hand eol oal of P41 , e ..I ! A~~,k~ i 7 ea.,;. Ih' tt!y a n' re:► 17 it above %nVm / ( A 1. BARNET!' Util, cA tj,C L.YII II ~.V4f!, UCCiOO j . 2 t7 If , a cri U, W ~ J 4 i j;: THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS? Mfrs. Laura Buster A1D61CitDfXK9C9t06k7nWJOX3d361C8C)CIQDPRi1C0?D~LXS4RH4 rRi RXJE I+A9~X XxftXRtiCftUI'l"1ft acting herein by its duly authorized representative, for and in consideration r the n of Thirty-tWo_..and.no%.00 r . - - • - Dollars to it in hand paid by _ City.. of...DentoII the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has this day granted, sold and cony .alto the hair ...Qity..-of...DentoII_-_______ Fill that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in said City, Cow, As in' _ rate, and being - LQts--6,11 --and... $].a. k.. Sion N, of the I r.. ~.r..Q _ 1emetery in said City as shown by the map or plat thereof now on file in the office of the City Secretary of saA City ill TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above descril*4 premf~e, unto the said _ - csty_-0f_Dentori_ its heirs and assigns for- ever, subject, however, to the herefnaftei maintained c,imlition< This deed does not convey title to the above described land, but only a right to sepulturc,'to erect monuments and every other right to use said land as a burial site, svbiect to the ordinances, rules and regula- tions of said City of Dentoi:. WITNESS this the day of A. D. 19.... ATTEST; Witness: By witne_sa_t- CITY CRETAA THE STATE OF'rEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument .,-so acknowledged to roe that tic executed the same for the purposes and consideratlon therein expressed, Bud :r the apacity as sct forth therein. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL CF OFFICE this the day of • NOTARY PUBLIC, DENTON COUNTY. TEXAS ►C d u ~ THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS! Mrs. Jewell Barton Hammitt heir of Mrs. J. C. Barton ~701QA1fa47[7C1D907G]FJfAy[7Ity[1mUChFIQ74~7~2[►9CfCl[9C~41f1)C9Q1I~llX7d4X~lSE• acting herein by Its duly authorized represeniativr, for and in consideration of the sum of Fifteen and NoAQQ Dollars to it in hand paid by .City _Qr gent.on the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has this day granted, sold and conveyed unto the said . C ty..or D.anton _ . - all that certain lot, tra t or parcel of land situated in said City, County and State, and being _ Lot-•-8,- Block-.3-2,._Division.--X- - - of the y,-_.Q-s.... -'---F. s--_...--- Cemetery in said City as shown by the map or plat thereof now on file in the office of the City Secretary of said City, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said .......gi.tp_ o r__.Aenton_ heirs and assigns for- ever, subject, however, to the hereinafter maintained conditions. This deed does not convey title to tL~ above described land, but only a right to sepulture, to erect monuments and every other right to use scid land as a burial site, subject to the ordinances, rules and regula- ticns of said City of Denton. WITNESS this the day of - - - , A. D. III_ ATTEST; Xi~~HtE~X>xi1~14l~X` Witnasil t W the s-s.: _ _ THE STATE CF T'r AS COUNTY OF DENTON Hc:are me, the underrlgned authority, on 01.; day personally appeared lire. Jewell Batton liamaf, t :n to me to be the - knc person whose name in subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes a.id consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity as set forth therein. WITNESS MY HAND AND O FICIAL SEAL OF OFFICE this the ._..29- day of X"10111 Septembe T..... ,A.D.19_ _ 1 - N6TA4Y PUBLIC. TEl(AS J)C8'iiZMA 00111TYj TXXAS l' i l d d Now t r [~i~ Z C1y~LI L9LT te~(~;~~ it THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Yrs. George II, 'sorrel W&K4tdSrafyKdQQYcy4l6R 1F7F sK9raraMalxat"ratm%6nm*dVi10d9o1MtKSm4K5t K acting herein by its duly authorized representative, for and In consideration of the sum of Forty a nd...No/1Qq... _ Dollars to it in hand paid by -0i..ty..sof-Denton the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has this i ay granted, sold and conveyed unto the said - --C i t~ - ----Den --on-------------------- - - , all that of rtain lot, tract or parcel of land situr,ted in said City, County 6-%d State, and being ~f N1- of Block 71 Division -J - - - of the F. •_._0.. --0,.... F .....-Cemetery in said City as shown by the map or plat thereof now on file in the office of the City Secretary of said City. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said ..............................z_._-_-_.-.__ I ti i ty.. o f - Denton i. t s heirs and assigns for- ever, subject, however, to the hereinafteO r.aintained conditions. This deed does not convey title to the above described land, but only a right to sepulture, to erect monuments and every other right to use sfld land as a burial site, subject to the ordinances, rules and regula- tions of said City of Denton. - WITNESS this the... day of s'¢f'f A. D. 1P.5.3. . AAry _ 4TTEST; ! ~ }LylYi177f 1 KxI~~fX Hess ; BY ~ LA7..-.lsldJ+/sAJ~!.......... XK (~-lilfid6l( 00, Witness; THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF 1°MN Before me, the undersigned authority, on lhia day personally appearei 6r P;wx 0 ~ .----.6¢d~y r......W..... /~'!o i~~?G_L known to nia to be the person whose -lame is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me thatfi,e execubd the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and In the capacity as set forth therein. day of WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL OF OFFICE this the 4if T!yw i' , A. D• 10 A NOYARY iUSUC, Ot'% [xAa RO 4J'C! WMERE A b p G~ f . THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Tha situated to sai tid-aisle, acting herein by its duly authorized representative, for and In consideration of the sum of _ .Ten Z. no/100---____----_.._.._..------- Dollars to it in hand paid by City of Denton, TAXas thereceIptofwhichIshereby acknowledged, has this day granted, sold and conveyed unto the said _ _ _ ._Ci_s.y.--01---Q.~_n_t.on.--.-Tt x- _s---_-----. , all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated In said City, County and State, and being Lots 1 G 2 Dlocjc 34 Division III 1 of the ._OA KWOO D._. • .__....--.__.i-°-° .....-.Cemetery In said City as shown by the map or plat thereof now on file in the office of the City Secretary of said City. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD th~ above described premises unto the said . CITY ---OB-- DEN TON.--ITEXAS__ heirs and assigns for- ever, subject, however, to the hereinafter maintained conditions. This deed does not convey title to the above described land, but only a right to sepulture, to erect n+onuments and every other right to use said land as a burial site, subject to the ordinances, rules and regula- tions of said City of Denton. WITNESS this the ...8t.h..f .............dayof5eptflaber 53 - - , A. D, 19--_1 ATTEST: THE CITY OF DENTON, T WS. CITY SECRETARY THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON ~Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and In the capacity as set forth therein, WITNESS MY AND AND OFFICIAL SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of A. D. - - - f NOTARY PUBLIC, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS lf:!]Ifd.{Y. t A M d AMERICAN-LAFRA__N_ _ AM1TE F I R E A P P A R A T U 5 F I R E F I G H T I N G f Q U I P M F N T 3310 Sviee Ave., DALLAS 4, TEXAS IN REPLY REFER To October 6, 1953 City of 6lenton, Texas Purchasing Department Denton, Texas Attn: Mr, C, C. Orr, Jr. Subject: Reg. IiL-3126 Purchasing Agent Short Block Assbly. Gentlemen: This is to advise that our factory has taken all things into consideration regarding- the engine assemble in the above register machine. They have authorized me to notify you that we are willing to furnish your City with a c^_mplete new short erigine block assembly on an exchange basic of 41040.00 less one-half price. This making a total of 4520.00 F.O.B. Elmira, New York, for the complete new short engine block assembly. Your old engine block assembly being returned to Elmira, factory, freight prepaid, Our factory will be happ:y,• to ship the new short engine block assembly immediately upon receipt of your order, expedienting shipment as quickly as possible either by express, freight or motor freight, as you so desire. We trust that this arrangement will be to your entire satisfaction and with very best wishes, Vory truly yours, I~IERICAN -LAFRANCE-FOAMITE CORP. X, B, Bus bey, epresentat ve Motor Fire Apparatus Division ABB:fw ~ ,tfylr.aoleJ Co.lrhb dyln«ri./ .S,r,irt ap~ln.l7h. OUR •[CONO CKN?UNY OR l[AOel,l<NI■ IN FII•e FROTe:CTION COPY COPY AMERICAN-LAFRAN - AMITE ELMIRA-HiWYORK -U" For Dallas Date October 6, 1953 From Elmira Office Attention of Mr. A. B. Busbey Pubject Denton, Texas, Reg. #L-3126 Answering yours Of Dictated by LCL-I~yt C - Mesers. J. U. Dinford - H. %alker F. J. :dathew This will confirm our telephone call today, advising you that it w&c: agreed that we would go along with this customer or a 50-50 basis in furnishing a short block the same as we furnished them for Res-. JL-3127 without chreirj;e. The price of the short bloc: is $1040.00 F.O.B. Elmira and we are willing to ro 50-50 with them on this price--in other words, the block would cost them $520.00, t!tiey to pay the transportation and rPcurn the damat-ed block to us by freight prepaid. You agreed to call dir. Parsons immediately and advise him that this ?s our final offer and we certainly fal that if they want to be fair, they will accept it because we have been more than fair with them if they will stop to consider that they have had more than six years service from both of these machines and we have already given them a short block for one of the machines and they are getting the same material way below our manufacutring cost for the other machine. L. C. LaVelle i I i A • AmERICAN-VRLM .-=AMITE.;s~~. . ' ELMIRA•NEWYOAK G►LCGGG(L F I R E A P P A R A T U 5 F I R E F I G H T I N G E Q U I P M E N T IN REPLY REFER TO September 24, 1953, Mr. Charles C. Orr, Jr. Purchasing Agent Denton, Texas Dear Sir: We are enclosing Manufacturer's 31~atement of Origin to a Motor Vehicle covering the American LaFrance pumper, Reg. L-4848, recently delivered to your City. This will enable you to secure the necessary license plates. If we can be of further service kindly advise. Very truly yours, AA ICAN-La FRANCE- FOAMITR CORPORATION BY Assistant Secretary TFSpotts/mcn encl. I ASy, lolej Como,!, &y(nl, n'n/ .~ervie, e0al~,l lir, OUR SECOND CENTURY OP LaADERSHIP IN FIRE PROTaCTION TOE CITY OF ORTON • 221 North Elm Street, Denton, Texas Ol a of the Mayor October 16, 1953 Honorable City Commission City of Denton Gentlemen: I strongly feel that it is my duty as Mayor to insist that the City Commission purchase from the lowest bidder the engine generating unit for the power plant. After observing the four different engine generating unite mar_- u£actured by the four bidders here, it is my sincere and unbiased opinion that the City should purchase the En- gine generating unit on the lowest bid submitted. You will recall that on Aipust 11, 1953, the original bids were opened. After some quite lengthy discussion it was decidod to have new bids submitted on a lease con- tract providing for 72 monthly payments. At that time the Commission strongly stressed that the bids so resub- mitted would be final. In response to this request$ the following bids were submitted and, opened on September 16, 19539 and they are as follows on a per KV basiss Nordberg 'anufacturing Company-x;152.47 per KW Fairbanks-Morse -1171:50 ^ KW Cooper-Ressemer - 1610 jr mKW Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton -$137.1(0, per, KW T?pon study bf the Fairbanks-Adorse and Baldwin-Lima- tiamilton bids, the substantial saving to the City through acceptanne of the Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton bid becomes obvious. Based on the pui-ohaso of 3100 KW the savinr to th9 City is I-106t464 me Based on the purchase of L500 KW the sav- ing to the City is 4?85,850409 Either of these savings can be obtained by purchase from the low bidder, Baldwin- Lima- Hamilton. I strongly urge that these negotiations be conolu9ed and an engine purohused in order to have the engine in operation by not later that June 1, 1954. Respectfully submitted, 01 Mark Hannah, Mayor M IT/ko I AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR TIM, YFAR 19888 TO BE ASSESSED ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY NITHO IN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE, CITY OF DUITC i 0 TLX* ASP AND DECLARING AN E{ER•',EKCY. BE IT ORDAIXED BY THE CITY COXXISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TWSo SECTION to That there shall bel and there is hereby levied the following taxes on each one hundred dollars 18100.00) va►lustiooj on all taxable property within the city of Dentons Texase to he assesso ed and collected by the Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Dentong To)mo a.?tupioipal Corporation, for the year 1968, and said taxes are so assessed and to be eolleoted, for the purpose hereina aftir stipulated for the year of 1908# are as follows, to»witl e It For the general fund allocation on the ono hundred dollnrsa 89.0700 contee 4e Bridge Construction 8onda•Serles 19270 on the one hund:yA dollars, .78998 cents. Be City WkI l Construction BondemSeriss 19270 on the one hundred dollars valuations 9.9901 czntes As Refunding BondsJorias 192?# oe the one hundred dollar voluAtiont 8.9119 oentse 6. Fire Stiation Construction Bondso5ories 1099, on the one hundred dollars valuation, .0800 cents. $a Park Purohxse and Improvement Boada•Series 19960 on . the one hundred dollars vaiustionj 48884 dents$ 7, Street"aprovement Donds•Beriss 1920, on the one hvadrod dollars va;lustione 10801 oentse e#' Ajrppt►t Purehoso'and Construction BondoeSeries 19421 on the one hundred dollars valuations L OW eentbe 40 City.Holl Improvement aondsmserier. v4ej on the one onto hundred dollars valvatlonr e6040 d 100 Fire Egatplleat Purchase 06ndo,44ri 1040 f on the of hundred dollars valuitiomp •648 dents, lte Stri,et Impfovsaent Bondseserier 10469 on the ono hundred dollar. lraluatioe, 8.91, 06 oentse 126 Park ratproveuent Dendsaseries 1946 on the one hundred dollars valurtioni'e6606 anent•e i8. Library, llarsdvaluation, ,6261 coatieo the one taau4e 14„ H*v ital Hondomseries 16Gdr on the one hundriei dr1 s►s~ valuationp 3.8600 cealtie i8e 0treet Xaprovement Poads48erl,e0 1948 on Wo ON* hv*drod dollar vaiaatit;,m, 464*4 den se TOTAL ALWA' XON 00,000 oentse ,r .UXTION 94 Tlwt said su%. s herein stipulated aggre~&ting the sum of $ •99 for said several purpososl aro hereby levied on etch one hundred dollars (=100.00) valuation of property subject to taxo ation within the Corporate Limits of hentonp Texas# the same to be Assessed and collected by the Tax Assessor and Collector'of the City of Denton, Toxas, for the year 1468• SVCT10W Be The facts that the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texael has been delayed In the preparation of its Hodget for the flecal year 1958w19841 and the further tact that payment of taxes begins in the nonth of October, requiring the Tsx Assessor end Collector of the City of nentong Texas, to prepare tax statements and Qthor records within p mattor of a few weeks conatitulon an *nor* geney and an imperative public necesoltyr that the rule requiring nrdinaneea t4 be read on thre6 several meetings of the City Commise sionl,be# and the same is heroV suspended and that this orstra►hes shall he and is hereby placid on its third and final'reading to its, passage and that the sane eha.il be and is hereby In full force and Wsot from and after its passage and approval. PASSED Asp APPROVED this 10th day of 5eptexbert A. D,#,loas► City of fentaal Tuts Atftsl i APPROVIM1; L: y+ sore '..o City of Denton) 'texas City of Dontonj texas Al PROYRD. AS TO LECAL FOPX1 Orl: ~~r Di r of n?nt'oae Texas. AN ORDINANCE: LEVYING SAXES FOR THE YEAR 19380 TO DE ASSESSED ON ALL TAXABLE: PROPERTY W1111. IN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, Me ASf AND T)WARING AN ENEVE- a BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Clrf CONXI$SION OF THE CITY OF AFATONg TWS1 SECTION 1. That there shall be, and there is hereby levied the following taxes on each one hundred dollars (510040) valuation, on all taxab,l.e property within the City of Penton, Texas, to be assess& ed and collected by the Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, for the year 1968, and laid taxes are so assessed and to be collected, for the purpose heroin* after stipulated for the year of 1968, are as follows, to-wits 1• For the general fund allocation on the one hundred dollars, 820700 cents, 2: Bridge Construction $onds4oriss 1027, on`ths one hundred dollersf 0768E Cents, Ef. City Hall Construction Bonds.Saries 1977, on the Ore hundred dollars valuation$ Z%4901 Cents. 4♦ Notuading nondu-Series 1927, on the one hundred dolinr valuation, 8,2119 Cents, So fire Station Construction Bonds-Series 1920, on the one hundred dollars valuation, .9800 osnts♦ '84 Park Purchase and Improvement Boods•Series 16200 on the one hundred dollars valuation, .8884 cents. T• Street Improvement Bohdaaberiee 1929, on the one hundred dollars valuptionj X1.0881 oents♦ B, Ai~poir Purchase and Cono3truotion Bond .Series 1942, on the one hundred dgllars valuation} 1,940Y o4ntb♦, 9 City Ball Improvement Bonds-Tories 1948, on the one' hundred dollars valuations .8046 oents♦ 104 "ire "rquipbent Purchase uonds-series 1046 oe trto 0114,.hunde'edl dollars valuation$ •0409 dentS♦ 116'6traii-Ipeproveaent Bonds•Sertas 1048, on the one hundred dollars valuation, 5.5106 osats. 12. Park raprovebent Bonds•Ssrfes 19480 on the one hundred dollars valuation, 68898 aente♦ l8• br ry S lidsa~ Pends«Sehie 19470 on the 0106 huee deed doll to valulatlon, .f28 de!itsf 14t'4Bes 1tat B(m4414erlos 19480 on the ono hundrhl dal~ar ratu~~i9n~ .8.0888 vent:f Lde street 1i1pt'ove2e01 $ondsos risf 1948 ov the an* handrod dallier w4lwltio"g lo4t" Beet s♦ ioTiL ALLOCA*109 966040 adatse -f SECTION 9# That old suns herein stipulated aggregating the sun of 1 to$ for said several purposes, are hereby levied on each one hundred dollars (¢100.00) valuation of property aubjeot to tax• anon within the Corporate Waite of Denton to the 'sa®e to be assessed end coit,doted by the 'fax Assessor and Gelleotor of the City of Denton] Taxaet for the ytor 19566 SPOTYON 84 The facts that t' City Comalselon of the City of Denton!. Texast has been delayed in the preparation of its Nudget for the fiscal year 1953-19640 and the further fact that payment of taxes.begins in the moniii of Ootobsr0 requiring the Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Denton, Texasl to propore tax statement' and other reoords within a matter of a few waoks a9netitute.8 iwn ems gondy and on imperative public fieciesity thht,the ruto requiring or4inanees to be road on three several meetings of the City Consi.s riont be, and the ease is hereby suspended and that •Jhis ordtrance shall. be and to hereby placed on itL third'end finRl reading to its passage and that the saso shall be and is hereby in full force and offset from and after tie pertage and approval, AAS.ShM AND APPROVED th.l• 16th day, of September, As Do# 19580 a n ow ton , i4y of lootonl Isme APPROYR01 ' ~!'i~"nter o ' City a'Denton$ Texas Ci~r yt' of liontenr''texa APPR Y0 AA fo' IjF"to FomtI. attr ,v.a,~aa, ,~c• 4'l., ~ ,q9`{L 5` j ~ e" l.1 s ~ ~ n c . ~ f,,♦ ; e r ORDINANCE NO. 53-2 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1953, TO BE ASSESSED ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITH- IN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTONI TEX- AS, AND DECLARING AN EMh`ZCENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXASs SECTION 1. That there shall be, and there is hereby levied the following taxes on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) valuation, on all taxable property within the City of Denton, Texas, to be assess- ed and collected by the Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, for the year 19530 and said taxes are so assessed and to be collected, for the purpose herein- after stipulated for the year of 1953, are as follows, to-wits le For the general fund allocation on the one hundred dollars 62.9700 cents. 2. Bridge Construction Bonds-Series 1927, on the one hundred dollars, .7533 cents. 3. City Hail Construction Bonds-Series 1927, on the one hundred dollars valuation, 2.3901 cents. 4. Refunding Bonds-Series 1927, on the one hundred J dollar valuation, 8.2119 centre 5. Fire Station Construction Bonds-series 1929, on the one hundred dollars valuation, .9800 cents. 6. Park Purchase and Improvement Bonds-Series 1929, on the one hundred dollars valuation, .8534 cents. T. Street Isxprovement Bonds-Series 1929, on the one hundred dollars valuation, 1.0881 cents. 6. .'Airport Purchase and Construotion Bonds-Sories 1942, on the one hundred dollars valuation, 1.9497 cents. 9. City Hall Improvement Bonds-Series 1948, on the one hundred dollars valuation, .8045 cents. 10e Fire Equipment Purchase Bonds-Series 1946, on the one hundred dollars valuation, .8469 contse it• Street Improvement Bonds-Series 1946, on the one rvndred dollars valuation, 5.3196 cents. :20, Park Improvement Bonds-Series 1946, on the one hundred dollars valuetionp ,8896 cents. 18. Ubrarlc Building Bonds-Series 1947, on the one bun- dred dollars valuation, •6281 cents. 14. Hobpital Bonds-Series 1946, on the one hundred dollar valuation, 8.6688 cents. 16. Street Improvement Donda-Series 1948 on the one hundred dotter vaiuation,,2.4278 cen~d. ;N. TOTAL. ALLOCATION 986000 cents. z SECTION 2. That said sums herein stipulated aggregating the sum of $ .93 for said several purposes, are hereby levied on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) valuation of property subject to tax- ation within the Corporate Limits of Dentont Texas, the same to be assessed and collected by the Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Denton, Texas, for the year 1953. SECTION 3. The facts that the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, has been delayed in the preparatior, cf its Budget for the fiscal year 1953-1954, and the further fact that payment of taxes begins in the month of October, requiring the Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Denton, Texas, to prepare tax statements and other records within a matter of a few weeks constitutes an emer- gency and an imperative public necessity that the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three several meetings of the City Commis- sion, be, and the same is hereby suspended and that this ordinance shall be and is hereby placed on its third and final roading to its passage and that the same shall be and is hereby in full force and affect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED'AYD APPROVED this 18th day of September, A."D., 1963. Chairman Uity omm ss on City of Menton, Texas ATTEST! APPROVEDe 21- ~WIZ(l city ec a ary ~ ayor City of Denton, Texas City of Denton, Texas APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FOW C orne'y~- City of Denton, Texas \ Rh I I ' 1 y f .A; s~l \ f~. + y~P * •a iee M' • r s AN OID1\11N'CI; REQUIRPNO Tl"E T'iMNEJ OF A BUILDING PEER111T FEE BEF0913 TI!1; ISSUANCL OF A BUILDING PEMIT: PROVIDING FOi F 1'ILINC 0^ A Y'ORN ST.R'1K'll'M IN WIZTTINIG OF AN I S., TI?LA1 OF TIIE COST OF CO:~ST'h?'CTION OF BUILddINGS AND I?I- PI.'UVI`d!JS: r ROVIDIN( TIIr1I TH FEES LEVIED AlY TO 1313 US,L TJ C0%"%R TWI► C(3SI OF INSPI ELTION AND SLI'l-AXISION OF !ILAN'S AND SPEC111CATI'1i0 AND SUPLVVJSIJ\ 01' CUNSTfiUCTTON, FINVING A N1~CES"ITY T'd:°,_,?1II','IR T)FIf..ARIX(I A?i 11;IT:I11CE CY. BE IT XT;ATNLD 13Y T11 1: CITY''rW1"PSSj)N 01' T111: CITY OF DLNTON, TIAA5: SECTION\ 1: Any pvt'Sori, firm at, cot-,oration ftesiring a building; permit as same is required by th,v Budkding, Code and Ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, Shall in addition to filing; an application as provided in said BuIlding Code anrd Ordinance, make E. sworn statement in writ- ing on a form to be provided for -aid purpose settinr, forth the a')- proximate total value or the buildingT 0r linrovement including any and all plumbing; and electrical equipment, devices, materials, -itc. SECTION 2s Said applicant shall pay to the City Secretary, before such per^tit is issued a fee in compliance with the following schedule; teased on the total value of said work; (a) 0 -$10,000----------------- - 3.00 per thousand or part thereof,. (b) 10,001 - $20,000------------- 11.50 per thousand or part thereof. (c) $20,001 up--------------------- $1.00 per thousand or part thereof. SECTION 3: In case any work for ulrich a permit is required by the Building Code and Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas, is started or proceeded with priorto the obtaining of said permit, the fee speci- fied shall be doubled. The payment of such doubled fee shall not rc- lieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of the Building Code and Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas, in the exe- cution of the work. SECTION 41 'there shall he no refunds of building permit fees paid 'under the terms of this ordinance except in the following instances: (a) In cases where the building permit has been issued, and the fee therefor raid, and it is made known to the Build- ing Inspector that the purpose for which the hermit was issued was, for any reason, not begun or carried out; and, (b) Tn cases where the building permit has been applied for, and the fee therefor oaicd, and, for any person, such per- i mit Io not issued. SECTTION 51 The City Secretary shall keep a permanent, accurate account of all fees collected and received under this ordinance and give the narn~ o}',the person upon whose account the same is paid and the date and wJ the amount thereof together wit11 the location of the building or pre- mises to which they relate. SECTIO\' 6: That all said fees shall he used to cover the cost of im- snection and annroval of said applications, and supervision of construc- tion of said buildings and .improvementss SECTION 7: Tiais ordinance slkill he and is hereby declared to he cumu- lative; of .ill other ordinances of the pity of 1•enton, Texas, affecting the construction of buildings and Improvements and shall not operate to reveal or affect any such orctin<incc or ordinances, exeent insofar as the provisions of s+1Ch ordinance or ordinances are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, in which instance or instances those provisions shall be and they are hereby repealed. SECTION 8: If any section or provision or part thereof in this ordi- nance shall be adjudged to he unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudication shall not affect the vali- dity of the ordinance as a Anle or of any section, provision or part thereof Plot ad,iudgled invalid or unconstitutional. adequate SECT O The fact that the ~,Ity of Denton, Texas, now has no/provt- sion for the collection of fees for t_1e issuance of building permits, and the further fact that the City is now unr?orgoing an unprecedented building and expansion proirram requirfng inspection and supervision of the Pire Marshal and Building Inspector creates an emergency and an urgent and imperative public necessity that the requireme-it that ordi- nances bo read on three several meetings of the City Commission, he, and the'same is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval, and it is herct)y adopted and approved. PASSED AND Ai'PROVLD THIS 18th DAY OP AUrUST, A. D., 19536 arm n, UjAy omm ss on A TTEEJST t APPROVED i &-%.A L mac- My secre or May APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FOVJfI ty Attorney s;! r. s. I " k yy4 y~ ~ r, t ' ,r AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF T11E CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, HELD ON THE 15TII DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A, D., 19539 AT THE CITY HALL OF SAID CITY. RESOLUTION WHE.'"S, notice was heretofore given of a hearing to be held concerning the Budget for the 1953-64 fiscal year according to law, and; WHEREAS, such hearing was held as prescribed by law, andl WHEREAS, the City Commission approves the Budget as prepared and upon it, a hearing was duly held, NOW, TIIEREFOREt e BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF UNTON, TEXASt That the Budget for the fiscal year 1953-54, in words and figures and shown by a copy of the Budget hereto attached and made a part hereof, is hereby finally approved and as so approved, it is hereby ordered to be filed with the City Secretary of the City of Denton, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 15th day of September, A. D., 19536 l j -Chairman city ommw es on City of Renton, Texas ATTESTt A PPROVEDt M`y"S &etary- yor City of Denton, Texas City of Denton, Texas e APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM= City Attorney City of Denton, Texas , r AT A SPECIAL XRE31NO OF THE CITY CO101ISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, HELD, OR T'kIS 15TR DAY OF SEPTEMBER, As De, 1958, AT THE CITY BALL OF SAID CITYe RESOLUTIOY NHFRBAS, notice was heretofore given of a hearing to be held concerning the Budget for the 195344 fiscal year according to law, ands WHEREAS, such hearing was held as prescribed by law, andl WHEREAS, the City Commission approve$ the Budget as prepared and upon it, a hearing was duly held, Nowt TH REFORM BE IT RESOLVED BY TOE CITY OMISSION OF THE CITY OP DENTONO TEUSt That the Budget for the fiscal year 198844, in words and figures and shown by a copy of the Budget hereto attached and made apart herQof, I.s hereby finally approved and as so approved, it is hereby ordered to be filed with the City Secretary of the City or Denton, Texas PASSED AND APPROVED this the 15th day of SeptemberAe De, 19580 a Ban! sr oa . ity of Denton, texas APPROVED t e re a~ Y~Y` ' Citr of DeB dnj Teryas ,a City of Denton, Toxs► i ,IFPR VM AS TO I&Alo .FOR110 .u....~~.r..or«.........~ Y ~U it D.01 r ton, Tetra! ,f -AT A SPMIAL MESTINC OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TMS, IIELD ON THE 15TH DAY OF SEPTENBER,.A4 Dog 1958, AT T11E CITY HALL OF SAID C1TYi A 10 1 HRPF,AS, notloo was heretofore given of a hearing to be held concerning the Budget for the 1953»54 fiscal year according to law, andl WIIFREAS, ouch hearing; was held as proscribed by taw, andl WHEREAS, the City Coiaaission approves the Budget as prepared, and upon it, a hearing ►aas dully held) NON, THEREFOREs BE IT RESOLVED BY ME CITY COXXISSIM OF THE CITY OF UENTON# TEXASI That The Budget for the fiscal year 195844, in words and figures and sbown by a copy of the Budget hereto attached and made 'a pert hereof, is hereby finatly approved and as so approvodg it is horoby ordered to be filed with the City Socretary of the City of Denton, Texas. PASSFM AND APPROM this the 15th day of September$ At Dip 19516 a ri city ro" ss on ity of 6onton, Texas A'!TlCS' 1 A PPROYM $ None" I re a yore city of bonton, 'texas My of Denton, togas APP1tOM AS TO LIGAIj FORM CITY oraor lty' of Denton, Tons , r , Denton, Texas Au;uct 29, 1953 City Secrotary: Board of City Cor4^ti.ssioners: Mayor: City Attorney: 'Aar Sirs: 4 'iM3 is to call to your attention and to state that on August 1j, 1953) afternoon N150 o'clock, is Williams, a City employee,drove a 1952 Chev- rolet garbage track into the back of my car,1950 Buick, license K/R 1312. Actual damage to my car,cost of repair was approximately to date, in excess of 13100. The car is being repaired now. I had ;50.00 deductable Insurance. Medical and Dr, bills, xrays, office calla in the ammount of ':40.007. Medicine u5.00. Loss from work ;;10.00, all deriving from accident. I would appreciate consideration in this matter and would like for tl),e City to take care of the actual expence that I paid out caused from the accident. I am presenting recipts and bills of the above expense as thoy are presented to me, to The City Attorney. I was informei by T } City Attorney, 11r Caldwell,that this would be sufficient claim for the a:pences paid out. Other information was eivon The Attorney. Coul4i you please look into the above mentiuned accident and let me know of airy decision you may decide on. I trust The City and its Goverment to investigate and rive j:st consideration in this matter in an honorable manner. Thank you. Yours truly, Elsie A. Dious AT A SPECIAL `i;I;TI C OF ill! ITY (wriISST(N II 11) :Vr TIII-; CITY IIALI, O1' SAID CTTY Till'. DAY ;lh u . r A. 1),, 1953. RESOVTIOV 11I11;!JEAS, the charges n vide by the City of Denton, Texas for open- in and closing graves is Inadequate to cover the act+aal expenses of such s-~rvice; and, WIILRFAS, hereto there has Ireen no distinction in charges for graves of different sizes; and, 1ti'1IE':I'AS, by virtue of an ordinance nassed by the City Commission on the 2Qth day of `[arch, 1943, wl-Ach provides that the City Commission shall set the fees to be charged by Vesolution; NOW9 TII]•,I']F'OI!1,, ]W' IT RVISOLUD BY TUE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY 0P D1:\To\, TI„XAS: TUAT hereafter in the cemeteries under the control of the City of Denton, Texas, the City of Denton shall make the following charges for the opening and closing of graves: 0-5 years.of Gage ...........................$10.00 Ovor 5 yea rs.of. Naa ................$20*00 The above schedule of charges shall go into effect the ist day of Sep- tember, A. 1y . , 1953s PASSED A\']) A"PROVED this dly'of 0, r A. D., 1953. hairman, City iss or. ATTEST AIPROUD: M! y Se .retary iayoy► APPRO J) AS TO Lr' 1,OM: fiY t orney ~ P I oil i AN 01,I)INA\CI. A711INPINC SI:CTIUv 547 OF Cif,11'TLR 8, ARTICLfs I 01' T11!• Cl)i I1`TCATV)\' .I 01'D11:A`;CES OF 'IHF CITY "T' Mi 2 T0\, V'.'5Si 13Y "PIVII)IV; 101; A C1'af.:C F' OF $15.00 TO 131: MDEJ FOR l•:ICIi 13! REAL S`ACL TX TP! cLII(!,) )fl CI:N:IJ! 1%Y AND KLPEALI\G ALL 0R))JVT" G,! S 0:I 'Y1 TS :W 011)T\AXC111S IN COVFLICT 11kPli,l ITfi, AND DLCIa1:ISG AN I:!I.I r:i' CY. 13f; IT ORDAIN 1') 1Y 1`111•: CITY CV"ISST'T\' r) HE CTTV OF DENTON SI:CTTO\` I. That Section 5,17 of Chanter A, Article T of the Codi- lll fication of the Ordinances of the City of Denton, Tex„s, he and the sane 1- hereby -:nded so as to read and be In effect hereafter as follows: SCCTIOS 547. COSTS OF I3IUJAL SITES: WK1)7001) CE'V;:,T[AZY: The nrices to be paid for burlat sites in tl e Oakwood Cemetery in the City of Denton, Texas, are her,:by fixed as follows, to-wit: All sMces in said cemetory shall be sold as pro- vided by ordinance for the sum r,f $15.00. This ordinance shall he In effect on the 1st day of September, A. D., 1953. SECTION IT. That all ordinances or parts of ordPances in con- flict herewith are hereby expressly repeated. The fact that the charges noI-; being made for such spaces are inadequate, creates an emer- gency, a public necessity requiring that the provision requiring ordi- nances to be read on three several occasi ons at three severa? meetings, he, and the same is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be in full force from and after its passaggle and apnroval. PASSED AND APPROVED, this ~a day of GGGG~. , A. D., 1953s hairmari, City Gomrnfss~ion ATT'ES'T: ATIPROVEMS- 9WU 94w,- - My Sc" retary May or APP" VED AS TO jq.A FOTOI: Cj ~ n City Attorney Sr. f I I f IA LONE SAGAS COMFY f Q I51imo u s7Rrrr bALLAY IF TIYCA* M. L. BIRD OPLRATING MANAGtN August 3, 1953 Hailed August hp 19$3• GtHtIIAL DIYNION O/ DIt TAIGUTION CITT 0 DENTON d 182-C-13 kUNICIPAL POWER PLANT tB DENTON TEXAS Tos Industrial Customers of Lone Star Gas Company As a valued industrial customer of this Company, we feel you shouit be informed about the existing circumstances which affect the cost and the future of your gas service. It has been our custom to so inform you from time to time .tgarding proposed new tax or price-fixing legislation which would affect the cost of gas in the field and the resulting cost of your gas service. We are now required by circumstances which have already developed and by those in immediate prospect to inform you of the very considerable impact upon the cost of gas in the field Pnd the cost of rendering your gas service which is resulting from a totally different cause--the vastly increased man• ket demand for gas throughout the United States and th9 bidding for gas re- serves by interstate pipe line companies to supply that demand. Competing fuels, such as oil and eoal* have advanced so materially in price during re- cent years that these interstate pipe line companiee are able to pay mounting prices for gas in the field and still hold and enlarge their market for gas. Under these circumstances, Company has been confronted with two alternatives as to the course it would follow. It could resist the increase in field prices to the point that it would be unable to obtain new reserves or hold all those now connected, with the eventual resui.t that it could no longer provide industrial gas service= ors it could compete vigorously for the gas reserves and thereby assure its ability to serve all its; customers over a long period of time. The CompaiW decided. to compete for gas reaervess and as a result the Company's cost of gas pur& ssed in the field has drastically increased. In addition to this added cost of our gas in the field, we are faced with fur- ther increases in the immediate future with a continuing upward trend due to certain provisions in existing gas purchase contracts. L Industrial Customers page two August 3, 1953 Lone Star Gas Company has responsibility for furnishing the fuel require- ments of over 6500000 residential and commercial gas customers in addition to the requirements of its more than 4;000 industrial gas customers, and Company's management takes most serinusly its responsibility to maintain gas reserves adequate to fully protect its service for many years in the future. It is not now possible for Company to successfully negotiate Ion -term contracts for gas in the field at a starting price less than ten cents r10f) per MOF with volume computed on a pressure base of four ounces gauge pressure and delivered to Company at the pressure in excc9s of 500 pounds per square inch required for delivery into Company's transmission lines. Such contracts provida for increases in price at intervals and approximately fifty per cent (50%) of Company's total requirements will cost eleven cents (11¢) per MCF as of January 1, 1954 with additional increases thereafter. On the basis of fully executed contracts and commitments, it is now known that the average price to be paid by Company for gas in the field for the year 1954 will be more than three cents (3Q) per L'CF higher than in 1952, or nearly one hundred per cent (100%) in excess of the average price paid in 1950• Although Company is able to enter into long-term contracts for the pur- chase of gas in the field at stated base prices with periodic increases, it still is not secure in depending on the stated contract price as its final pur- chase cost. It has been found necessary in order to obtain such contracts to include a provision to the effect that the Company will increase the contract price to any higher price which it may pay in the same area for gas delivered under like conditions of pressure, etc. Other gas purchase contracts include a further provision for adjustment of the price upward to meet the average of the three highest prices paid by others in the area, with the buyer's only escape being loss of the contract. As an indication of the constantly increasing competition for gas, the marketed production of gas produced in Texas in 1950 was almost double the volume for 1945 and the increase in current volumes over the volume in 1950 is in like proportion. It is moat difficult to forecast at this time for even one year in the future, the full effect on the cost of gas in the field which will result from this competitive situation. In fact, in several localities interstate pipe line companies have contracted for large reserves of gas at prices which are considerably higher than the lower steps of Company's indus- trial rate schedule. This information is given you so that you may know in advance the immediate and long range prospect with respect to your fuel supply and fuel coat. Prior to the strengthening of fuel oil prices in the period preceding World War II, the consumer price of industrial gas was based almost directly on the competitive price of fuel oil. Since that time, the comparison has drastically changed in this area so that the cost of industrial gas service '1 1 I 1 Industrial Customers page three August 3, 1953 is now far below the cost of fuel oil. With respect to larger volume users, it is as low as thirty per cent of the cost of fuel oil. Company's present margin between the average price it receives for industrial gay and the price it must pay for gas in the field is not sufficient to meet the other costa of rendering industrial gas service] accordingly it is necessary that the industrial gas rates be increased to meet the increased cost to Company in providing such service. Effective with the beginning of your next contract year, the net rate for each step in all of Companyta Industrial Rates will be increased two cents (2f) per 9CF in accordance with the attached rate schedule. Contract year Cemmences September 20p 3953. Under our present contract for industrial gas service, it is necessary in order to make effective any change in the rates, to give notice of contract cancellation effective at the end of the current contract year, such notice to be giv9n in writing at least fifteen (15) days prior to the end of such contract year. FoA that reason, this letter is Company's notice of cancella- tion of the Contract For Industrial Gas Service under which you are now served, effective at the close of your current contract year. We transmit herewith a revised contract in duplicate, incorporating the new schedule of rates, and request that you execute and return both copies to us as promptly as possible, and After execution by Company, a copy will be returned for your file. Service rendered subsequent to the end of the current contract year will be under the new Schedule of Industrial Rates and subject to the provisions of the new contract form, 1Je deeply appreciate your business and your cooperation, and we assure you that Company will continue to do all within its parer to render dependable service to you at the lowest possible rates consistent with its cost of ser- vice. Sincerely yours, W/n M, L. BIRD (C~~c attachments Operating Manager Interim Contract oevering the period frrA August 20, 1953 to September 200 1953 Milt be submitted for your appnvrd idVAn the next few days. Interim Contract win centiaue present 40B Contract until September 90i 1953o V.Y..Y..1~. AN OTZDTYANCE APPOT";TINT 11DIII'M OF THE BOARD OF EQ11ALIZA- TIO'~ FOR T11T, CITY OF DENTON, TPVS, FOR THE YEAR 1953, AND DECLARTNr, AN I-YFRr~ENCY. BE IT O':tATYSD nY T112, CITY CO?CFISSTO%T Or TIM CITY Or, DEXT~0N1 UMS: SECTION 1: That J.E. McCrary and Sam Fritz , and J. E. Fitzgerald , are hereby appointed as the Board of Equalization for the City of Denton, Texas, for the year 1953, with such rights, privileges, and duties as are provided by law. SECTION 2: That the above named Board shall, among its other duties, equalize the values of all property and properties rendered in the City of Denton, Texas, for the year 1953, for taxation; and shall assess the value of all property in the City of Denton, Texas, subject to taxation which has not been rendered for taxation. SECTION 3: That said Board hereinabove appointed shall meet on the 28th day of August , A.D., 1953, select its own Chairman and proceed upon its duties as provided by taw and Charter of the City of Denton, Texasi SECTION 4: That said members of said Board shall receive, each, the sum of $ 11.00 per hour for each hour actually spent in the performance of the duties of said hoard, to be paid by warrants drawn on the general fund of the City of Denton, Texas. SECTION 5: There being a necessity that a Board of Equaliza- tion be appointed immediately, creates an emergency and public neces- sity that the rule requiring this ordinance be placed on three several readings on three several days be, and the same is hereby suspended, and this ordinance, shall be placed on its third and final reacting to its passage, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of August , A.D., 1953. 010 '4 1 tJicG is 4kan, y-`Gomm As on° ATTEST: City of Denton, Texas city ocre ary APPROVED: City of Denton, Texas T[ayor City of Denton, Texas Y v t ...p ~ r/ a\! V i ' ~ ; j 1 I I Y ',.5 . .,L j.. ~1, - { _ _ - i` 1 , ~s' ~d. F' 1 r~ f~~ ~ 5 AT A SPECIAL MII-JI`G 017 T111: C_'IY f~01!1ISSI0N' IIFLD AT THE CITY JUTA, 01' SA11, CITY ON' 31H." LAY 01? f1v¢o5T , A. D., 1953. RLSOUOTIOV Sr11T;R1'AS, the City of Dcnt on now charges onto $.5O for Tax Certificates; and, h'IIENI-AS, such rrice is inadequate for the service rendered; and, WHERLAS, tl e last Legislature has, by statute, given author - ity to cities to charge $1.00 for Tax Certificates; NO;, TIF'REFOR'E, 13E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CONAITSSION' OF T11F CTTY OF DITTOS, TLXAS: THAT the T; x Assessor and Collector be and he is hereby authorized to issue 'l'ax Certificates and charge the sum of $1.00 there- for. It is further resolved that the autlinrity herein gran ted shall he mandatory upon tl)o Tax Assessor and Collector and he shall charge $100 for any Tax Certificates Issued. The authority herein granted to the Tax i.ssessor e;hall extend to and vest in all deputies of the Tax Assessor and Collector. Said $1.00 charge to become effective September t, 1953. PASSED AND APPROVED this IQ day of ZG , A. D., 1053. h irmnn, r Ulty ls`s on ATTEST: APPROVED: au. (9 City re ary Mayor A PPR 0 LD AS TO Lis(. FORM 'City Attorney AN 01,'DINKANCE ANNEXT\l' A TRACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS AND AT)JAC`-1`T TO TIT!' CITY 07 DI \TON, TEXAS: PLACING SAME IN A FFSTT)E,:TTAL A1'1?A 11 `;D DECLARING AN TMERr NCY. W1U.'EAS, Mrs. It, IT. Hughes and Rosa Lee `IcYurry of Denton County, Texas, have filed a Petition for anrexation to the City of Denton, Texas; and WELI LAS, said Petition is in compliance with Article 974-0, Sec- tion I of Vernon's Civil Statutes of the State of Texas; and WHERIAS, the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, held a hearing on such Petition and the arguments for and against the same were heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CWMISSION OF HE CITY OF PF.NTON, TEXAS: SECTION I. That the hereinafter described tract of land oe, and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Denton, Texas, and the same shall becohe a part of said City and the said land and any future inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of said City, and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of the said City now in effect or which,-may hereafter he enacted. It is further ordained, that the Petition filed as aforesaid requesting annexation is hereby granted. The hereinafter described tract is hereby annexed to and made a part of the City of Denton, Texas, and is hereby classified as residential. A tract of land here- by annexed is described as follows, to-wit= All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Denton, btate of Texas, and be in;; out of the J. Brock Survey; BEGINNING at the point it the west boundary line of the old Mingo-Pilot Point (toad due west of the northwest corner oP a tract owned by Co B. Fincher and the south- west corder of Mrs. Ii. 11, Ilughes tract, said point being an insida corner of the present city limits. TIIENCi in a northeasterl;r direction along the west boun- dary line of said Mingo-'pilot Point load, 1650 feet, more or less, to a ).point due ffst of the northwest corner of a tract of land owned by 'osa Lee McMurry. TIIENCE Fast 406 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of the McMurry tract, THEYCE ,oath 1555 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner (tf the above mentioned Hughes tract. TH NCF Yest 958 feet, more or less, to the place of 1)eginnirig. SECTION II. The fact that the owners of thF above described property have complied with all of the provisions of Article 974-G, Section I of Vernon's Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, and nothing further remains to be done to comply with the Statutes ex- cept the passage of this ordinance, creates an emergency, requiring that the rule providing that ordinances he read at three several meetin.s on three several occasions, he, and the some is hereby sus- pended and this ordinance shall he in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. / PASSED AND APPROVED this f~ day of A.D.,1953. r (itC'e, Chairman, 'City Commission City of Denton, Texas j ATTEST: APPROVED: lily"secretary mayor City of Denton, Texas City of :)enton, Texas APPROVED AS T0J,~('AL FORM; 00 City Attorney City of Denton, Texas r i, r _'t~ • ~ / , I„ j~MJj Pni t r r ' V' ~ , a f ' L ~?xl ~ ~ ~ ' s . , - !f 4 I NO. AN 01 DINAVCE ANNEXING A FIUCT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS AND AI)JACFN, T TO TI1F CITY OR W -470N TFJUSt PIACTNG SAME IN A 1.T5Tf)FNTTAG APFA AN)) DFCUPING -AN VMFPCF.'NCY. 1411EITAS, Mrs,' H. 110 11uphes and Rosa Lee Wfurry of Dentgn County, Toxas, have filed a Petition for annexation to the' City of Denton, Texasl and NUF14AS, said Petition le in conplinnce with Article, 974-G, Sec- tion I of Vernon's Civil Statutes of the State of Texasl and WHFRFASt the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, held a hearing on such Petition and the arguments for and against the saga were heard! NOHO TIIEREFORF,, HE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY Or DF'NTONq TFXASt SECTION T. That the hereinafter described tract of land het and the Same to h.eroby rnagred to the City of Dutton, To tas# and the same shall beectme a part of sild City and the said land and any future Inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all.the rights and privileges of other citizens of sAid City, and shall be bound by the att» and ordinances of the said City now in effect or which toy horeafter'be enacted. It is further ordained that the Potition filed as afoiseaid Fegh9sting annexation to hereby.grented. The hereinafter described ' tract is hereby annexed to and made a part 'of the City of Dentont T,oxast and is hereby classified as residential. A tract of land herew by annexed is described as followsp toewitt All that certain ioti tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Denton, State of Texas$ iaQd being out of the Jo Brock Survey! AFAINNINO At thr•point in the west bqundary line of the ,old Hinge-Pilot Point Road due west of the northwest corner of a tract owned by C# Bs PiAclor and the south- wtedt corner 'of Mrs# He Its Hughes tract said point being ern inside corner of the preeent city, I Mites , 111ENCE its a northeasterly direction ¢long the west bounce dary`line of said ?lingo-Pilot Point woad 1650 foot, more or toast to a point due st of the northeast corner of, a'tract of land owned by ea Lea XcXurryl, 111EXCF Feet 409 feet, move 'jr lesst'0 the northeast j cornea of. the XaMurry trnoto` 711F:3+1Cfs South 1565 feet;".pore orleeb, t0 the southeltst dornor of the above t►eiRinned, vuphoe trot, THENCE Vogt 056 Peat, more .or. iese~~ to the place of beginning+ ~ rj i~C'frf ; ."(fi rd, h`~1 thIve OWAIto Hof th~ i44"i ~ d0iribed i1 .3r y ii . h r property have complied with all of the provisions of Article 974•Go Section T of Vernon's Civil Statutes of the State of rexasp and nothing further remains to he done to comply with the Statutes ex- cept the passage of this ordinance, creates an omorgencyr requiring that the rule providing that ordinances he read at three several meetings on three several occasioilel bey and the some is hereby sue- ponded and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and. after, its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of „gim+ 1 A109~ Re Be Cambill a n J• oma 9S on~.....r City of bentono Texas ATTEST i A PPRG fF.D j Chase Ce Orr Jr Mark Hannah Mir Secretary yor , City of Denton$ Texas City of Denton Tuxes e ApPROVl:M AS TO LEGAL FORKI Kobt, Ile Cald.,w~ .lam-,.y.--.. C ty of Dentonr Texas 2 . : PETITION FOR ANNJMLIATION TIIG STATH' Ole' TMIS COUNTY OF DI'1TON ~ WEP Mrs. il. II. llughesy a feme solo`, and Rosa Leo McMurry, a force sQloq who constitute tho_only qualified voters residing in the horoinufter dcscrihod Proncrtyl Ififch -16 contiguoG's rind adjacent to Clio City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation# for and in con• sideration of the behefit"to'ks,nd Uar property to be gained` from being annexed to the di' of denton, xexast'do,hereby petition your honorable body and requout the annexa,tion'of the contigdous and. Ad- jacent territory more particularly doo'cribed below as foll,d0ii Ail that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being' situated in the County of Denton, State of Texas# and hoing out of the 7, -Brock Surveyt lit-alNNTNC.at the point in' the west boundary line of the Old'MingoaPilot.'point !toad does west of the northwest corner of a tract owned by C• U,~Flnchor,and the south- west corner of Mrs,14 Hughes tract said point being an; inside corner of the ,resent city limits. T1JMCC in'a northeasterly dire Lion along the Vest boon dary lfne of sgid llingo«Pilot ~oiht Load 1650`feetr more or !0980 to a point due west .ot"tho.noeth~weet corner of A, traQt of, land 'owned by Rosa' Lee Mc?(uiry.; entExCI;' last 440 feet, more -or, i scan to' thb northeast corner'of the xoMurry traott , T11EM South 1555''feet, more or lejar to the southeast corner of the above mentioned llughes tracts , T11MCE Neot 658 feeto more or less to the place, of t!nf; innings Peiittohers further request that'thb City.Commiseion hear-'such Petition and the arguments for and ugalAst the sainot and that after hearing such request, the annexation be granted'apd that an ordl-. neince lie adopted annexing such contiguous territory to the diiy"of pentono Texas, and that thereafter such territory shalt become a part of Via City of Denton and that the said land and any further Inhabi• tanta thsreofr shalt be entitled to, all the rights and privileges of . the citizens of the City of Dcntonr 'Pexa13 and $bell be bound by Ah's acts and ordinancen of the Catty of boutcn Akae• , FITNESS OUP HANDS #1 18 t,hdBY, of rulyp Ar D, o' 105se . 1 r } rq'~: rfr JIM** t , J2 Xc'1 1. s y e eye n • s t ' Han .14a, I-MyM ML r r , WE STATE OF TE MS 1 COUNTY of DUITON ~ I3EFORN ME, the undersigned Notary Public, in and for Denton County, Texas, personally appeared Mrs. It, It, Ifughe9, a feme oole, and Rosa Lee McXurr t a fc-ie sole, known to no to be the persons whose names are subbcribed to the forol;oing instrument, and acknow• ledged to mo that they executed the same for the purposes and c:On- sideration therein exprossed.vod the spity 1-___4„ ct*4*do GIYfN MDER W HAND AND S!'AL OF OFFICL't this. 14th day of July, At D,, 1053• "C Aofa y`=Fub9tio pn an o Denton County, -bas f i t ~ p 7 `~Y ~ i ti q , r r. ' n L '1 I f . TfTF' ST.1'f1'Of TF,~1S ~ v ALT. %,,\T 9Y TIIh:S! Pf:'F 5T'NTS Cq,\ fy CF PT,N'TD`S THAT I, Chas, C. Orr, Jr., the City Secretary in and for the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance hereto attached is a true and correct copy of an ordinance heretofore passed by the City Com- mission of the City of Denton, Texas, on the 11th-_ day of Auguo , A. D., 1953, 1JTTNGSS MY 11AND AND OFFICIAL SI.AL, this day of AuLrUst A. D., 1953. C a r C. Orr, City Secretary City of Denton, Texas THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ KNOW ALL BY T11FS% PRYSENTS: COL%ITY OF DENTON ~ THAT It Chas, C. Orr, Jre, City Secretary in and for thy: City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, do hereby certify that the Petition for Annexation attached, hereto, executed by Mrs. 11. 11. lfuKhes and Rosa Lee Mciturry and hearing date of July 14, 1953, is a correct copy of the Petition for Annexation filed with the City of Denton in compliance with Article 974-C Section I of Vernon's Civil Statutes of the State of Texasr WTTNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SFAL, this ,12th day of A, D, , 1953. ` ha srr City Secretary ' City of Denton, Texas J I p ~d • 7.a r' . r"'r'~""^f7`r"r r~+..waa..y`rw+rw.d~ . GkA'1tFlr1►7FOf kFrMOD 'lire ate trf' Tres r6a r'r'.oty hr-rt 4n rnA Rr raetd okertdtr Ile 1=r7vf iy 4at;iy 'Lsi I/ furlr ri1 f.,..f; ,ed tf w. t: ;v1r' .,te er{ 110 K*... wo f tw rwOf J the f dr+ of A i). I'. elf, A pli-I k.I,.4 C!6D . At., 441 rtwvlpJ du NOW, J y r'f . A. i 1. I j /4 dre ti . _w. kud+11 td lkrt'+I trn:r!{, 1!rra :y Witww r'' bo*4 and AW d tjftkA al D"*M, Trtraa. 14 rlay atxI ea last :tie r"rw,n. or y _ _ _ . Det trty Clerk of rl,e mfr t;ow t, l«rrh et C e., Tom P' a E`ot 44 1 r+.t +r '.i .~1'v. U",1C°i, it tiolc, Zl',"tL .17 Ilee C1:!nr , it f4_~::c sole, o constitute t:, c, only q'1.^,IIfIcd voters rcsiclin,- Ill. the 1xrc'm.! l'tcr r1oscri`;ed pro-orty, 1ol:icl: is co,ti,^un:ts n1l . rl jcee:;t to the City oi' ' enton, Texas, a "Linicipal Corporation, for anti in con- sidcration of' 04110 benefits to us and our property to be 7ai.ned frost 17e1 ng anncxe(l to the City or I)cnton, Texas, do hereby net it ion your r honorable 17ocly and rcgllest tl:c ann..,xntion of the conti,uo,.ts and ad- jacent territory ::are ,l rtlcLilnrl;; described below as follows: All Uat certain lot, tract or parcel of land lyin- nncl bcin~- situated in tk•c Cotulty o[' l enton, State of Texas, ariC 170in" QUt of tIIC %roc1; $111`VCr. at tl:e polrtt in the west bo',tnilarline of 04110 Old "in;-o-"-lot "Wilt ":o-d drat rrest of the nortl',".,cst corner of tract o'.;Ilect by C. pincher and tl:e south- west corner of ::I,S. 1'l1'-hes tr".ct, said Point bein- an inside corner oC tilt present city ll"Iits. 'i'' 1:;C11 ill n northeasterly direction r.loi- the -.,C;,t boull- davy•line of said 1.'1wo-Pilot Point .'otc1, 10,-T feet, yore or less, tO L Point tine arc3t of tl,c 110rtj!WC,,t cr7rncr of a to-ct or lt!ncl o:';ned 1, , llosa Lee '.c'lurry, T11rL"IXI', fast 400 feet, --1ore or less, to the n01•t1l0a3t corner of the Yc"urry tract; Sonth 1555 feet, :,ore or less, to ti,-, so11t1 0nst corner of the above r;entioned Vu;-11cs tract; T' 1.*'C , l.,est 958 feet, .lore or los", to the ;Ilse of becrinnin,;. retitiolers rlrtlicr request that the city Comr;ission hear such retition and 1110 .1,"urionts for alnd a,-ainst the sen:c, and that after licarinr such request, the nnnexrtion be -rantud and that an ordi- nance be adopted annexin,- stcch cmtl'tic Its torrItor. to the Cit;d of Denion, Texas, and that tlicrcnftel• !lucil territory sIinll %Ccorlc I Part of the city of Penton and that the said land and .ny f!lrtller inhahi- tallts tllercof, shall bo entitled to all the H.--its and rrivile„^s of the citizens of the City of "onion, Texas, rlnd sltnil 11c bound by the act: and or•di!,ances of the City of bent ul, ,icxas. 'r1TT;Il;i5 Ol'12 i'i"D"l~S this ~c1ay of July( A0 D., 10534 ~12106.11 G jfr:V ry T , VGc uncler:?1-nctl `'otarr 'WAIC, in -n(l for ? enton r"willty lC\iS, rersona1Ly L1TITIQ,R1'CCt "1'S• 1'r ' . 1111n11031 it fC'~C :01 C, 1;1:1 'io,,a Lce "CLI1'1" , R f,:"1C SOLC, "mol111 to !",C t0 !10 t11c 174.1'sons '111030 11,11les 'ill`, _`W)SCr1.1)C.d to the forC"'07.!11'' 1t73t1'll('1Cnt, 11 (t F1C1;no14.. 100.1.00 40 '10 t11i:t t11Cy C_`:CCUtC(l VIC SC`110 i'01- t11C ^I(1'7,06CS ?,Ild Coil- :"iLiC1':It~.0~1 t11C1'C1'1 C:;`I'C^.^,C(t.E111E' ~Il t;11e-cr;=e'Er-tllei=ezi't "--~i-iicQ. tIlls Ca or Jut;,,, tl}53. Dcnton County, Tc,%,1s f i R r 1 l ummoio& AN ORDINANCE A)MMING THE TONING AND USE DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, SO AS TO REMOVE CERTAIN TRACTS OF LAND LOCATED ON THE NEST SIDE OF AVENUE B. AND THE NORTH SIDE OF MULBERRY STREET, SOLE BEIM FULLY DFSCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE, FROM THE UMIING DISTRICT, PLACDFG SAME IN THE BUSINESS DISTRICT, FINDING A NECESSITY THEREFOR UNDER THE MASTER PLAN OF SAID ZONING AND USE MAP, AND DE- CLARINO AN EMFROENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DFNTON, TEXASt SECTION I. That the zoning and use district map of the City of Denton Texas, which is a part of Chapter 10, Article II of the Revised Ord1unces of said City be amended as followst All of the hereinafter described property is hereby removed from the dwelling district as shown on said Zoning and Use District Map and is here- by placed in the Business District, and allprovisions of said Zoning Ordi- nance and Zoning Map shall hereafter apply to said property as Busirean Pro- perty and as other property located in a business district, as that tens is defined in the Revised Zoning Ordinancej said property so rezoned being more particularly described as follows, to-write TRACT_ IN. All that certain lot, trait or parcel of land lying a~d beitg situated in the City and County of Denton, State of Texas, out of the Eugene Puchalski Survey, and being more particularly described as folloxst SEOINN M at the Northeast corner of Lot 010, Block 28 of the College Addition to the City of Denton, Texasj THENCE East 80 feet to a point for corner] THENCE North 10 feet to a point for corner] THENCE East 120 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 60 feet to a point for corner] TMWE Nest 200 feet to a point for cornerj THENCE North 50 feet to the place of beginning. TRACT, Tr. All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the City and Catiuzty of Denton, State of Texas, out of the Win. Neil and Was Loving Surveys and being more partio+ilarly described as followst BEOINNIM at the SoutheaeE corner of Lot 01j Block 3 of the Baines A14i- tion t!o the City of Denton) Texas, as shown by the map or plat theieof recorded in Volume Z, Page 507, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas= THENCE East lei feet to a point for corner] THENCE Borth 112 feet to a point for corner] THENCE Nest 50 feet to a point for corner; . THENCE South 112 feet to a point for corner] TUNCE East 35 feet to the place of beginning. SECTION II. The City Commission of the City of Denton, Texass hereby finds that such a change is in accortance with a comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the general welfare of the City of Dentons and with reasonable consideration among other thingss for the character of the district and for its peculiar suitability for particular uses, and with a view to en- couraging the most appropriate use of such land for the most benefit of the City of Denton and the citizens thereof. SECTION III. That the above described property is hereby placed in the Fire Zone or Fire Limits of the City of Denton and any frame structure ui struotures thereon shall not be used for WV"usiness purposes except in Tract #2 herein. SECTION IV. The fact that the owner of tho hereinabove described pro- perty desires to place on said property valuable business improvements, and the further fact that such improvements are needed in the City, and the further fact that the City Planning Board has invest'gated said matter and recommend. ed such rezoning, creates an emergency, an imperative public naceasity that the requirement providing that ordinances be read on three several oceasions, at three severalmeetingss has and the same is hereby suspended and this ordnance shall be in fvllforce and effect from and after its passage and approval, PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 19530 rmans y oirodes n ATTEST t APPROVEDe City Seer APPROVED AS TO LEULFCRMe City Attorney t Ct . We r ..e.96z, _ ~ rte.. a' y ~ kf' ~4 t TON AT A 5 HELD AT THE CITY HALL OF THE SAID CITY ON THE 6TH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D., 1953• ABSOLUTION WHEREAS, the Santa Fe Railroad now has on file with the interstate Commerce Commission an application for a new route through Denton County, Texas} and, WHEREAS, said route so proposed does not come through the City of Deno ton, Texasl and, WHERESAS, such proposed route is not calculated to serve the citizens 'ty of Denton Texas; and, WHEREAS, a hearing will be held on said application on the 28th day of August, A. D+j 1.953; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission deems 4hat the routing of said Santa To Railroad around the City of Denton will work a detriment to the eitisens of Denton and Denton Countyl and, WHEREAS, the routing of said railroad through the City of Denton will aid and benefit incaLoulably our colleges, manufacturing and businesses{ NOW, THEREYORE, BB IT RESOLVED BY THL CITY COMMISSION OF THS CITY OV DENTON, TEXASt That the City of Denton, Texas, intervene and oppose the aforesaid application of the Santa Fe Railroad for the route around Denton and the Mayor and City Secretary are hereby instructed and authorised to execute such intervention on the part of the City of Dentot, Texas. The City Commission takes this action with the belief that the convenience and nec• essity of all i..tE citizens will be bept subserved trereby and with the bow lief that such railroad through the City of Denton is vital to the oontin• ued trertth and development of the City of Denton and that such request for mob railroad Is in all things reasonable. PASSED AND APP RAYED this day of I A. D00 19530 ae- a rman, City yet es ion A!"tSg't1 APPROYBDt ayor VIVy 564 re ary APPRQY}iD Aa 'fV LEGAL FORKi Ulty army .r. ~ ~ , 3 tic _ - P. tr h.~' .1 :A ~ ~~4~ ~ { 4 1 - i ~ f1 ~t AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1952-1953 AND DECLARTc'G AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the expenditures of the City of Denton, Texas, have in cer- tain instances, exceeded the amount approved in the original 1952-1953 bud- get; and, . 'V;HEREAS, the constant growth and residential development of the City of Denton has required certain expenditures which were not originally bud- geted; NOW, THEliEFO iE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COI~IMISSICF OF THE CITY OF DENtCN, TEXAS: SECTION I. That the facts set out above are found to be true and cor- rect. That there existed a grave and public necessity which required the expenditures as shown by the attached exhibit to meet the unusual and un- forseen conditions which were not, and could not, by reasonable and dili- gent thought and attention, have been included in the original budget for the fiscal year 1952-1953 SECTION II. That the budget for the fiscal year 1952-1953 is here- by amended in the amounts and in the particulars as shown by the attached schedule. The schedule is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part thereof as if fully set out herein. SECTION III. 1A'hereas, it was necessary that the expenditures above mentioned be made as set out above, and the further fact that the City is required by law to amend its budget as necessary, creates an emergency, a public necessity requiring that the provisions requiring ordinances to be read on three several occasions at three several meetings, be, a;id the same is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED, this 6th day of August, A. D., 1953• 1 Irmo, 1 vice-Chairman, city Commission ATTESTS APPROVED: City Secretary Mayor APP1G D AS TO A GAL FORM: City Attorney 1 ~ M} t THE TEXAS ANO PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY J. A. MDCAUL. TEXAS AND PACIFIC BUILDING DIRkiDR O!• INDDI7R1lL DEVijAP1,19M7 DALLAS 2. TEXAS July 20, 1953 Files 99-55-126 Lease 18275 6" sewer line xing R/W, M.F. A-209.3, Denton, Texas, a/c City of Dentoa Mr. Henry 0. Creel, Jr. City Engineor The City of Denton Denton, Texas Dear Mr. Creels Herewith, for your permanent records, your Executed original counterpart of the above captioned lease. Yours very truly, actor -)f Industrial Development i MINUTES PERTAINING TO RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR LEASE OF ELECTRIC GENERATING UNIT THE STATE OF TEXAS I CITY OF DENTON COUNTY OF DENTON ON THIS, the 27th day of July, 1953, the City Com- mission of the City of Denton, Texas, convened in called session, at the regular meeting place thereof in the City {all, with the following members present, to-wit: ~ I R. B. GAMBILL, CHAIRMAN NILBUR A. CALVERT, JACK BRYSON, G. H. BRAMMER, SR., COMMISSIONERS CLAUDE CASTLEBERRY, and the following absent: None , constituting a quorum, at which time the following among other business was transacted, to-wit: The Chairman submitted to the City Commission a reso- lution pertaining to advertisement for bids for lease of an electric generating unit necessary to supplement the generating capacity of the City's present Electric Light and Power Plant. The resolution was read in full and upon motion of Rrammer for its adoption, duly seconded by Bryson_ _ the Chairman put the motion to a vote of the members of the Commission, with the following results: AYES: Chairman Gambill, and Commissioners Calvert; Bryson, Brammer and Castleberry. NAYS: None. f. Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the resolution I had been finally passed and adopted. MINUTES APPROVED, this the 27th day of July, 1953• Cha rm , City ~Commiss.on, City of Denton, Texas ATTEST 6 My Setretary, U y ~ eb -nta`ri, Texas. (City Seal) ii i j t . "A RESOLUTION by the lily Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, authorizing the Mayor to publish notice of intention to contract for lease of one dual-fuel diesel electric generating unit. The Engine-Generator unit offered will have a continuous. capacity of between 2000 Kwe and 3000 Kw. net, delivered to the switchboard or 'substation as saleable power, or the bidders next nearest site above or below the above sites, WHERFAS,•this'City Commission hereby finds and deter- mines that the demand of the citizens for electrical energy has inoreased to such extent that the city's plant and equipment are inadequate to meet such demands and to offer any margin of reserve 'in case of breakdown or removal for repair of any of the generating units comprising its present electric light and power plant, and that, therefore, there exists an emergency and ail imperative public necessity that the City Commission act at once in obtaining additional electrical energy and in appro- priating money therefor to relieve the necessity of the city and its inhabitants; and NBERFA,S, the City Commission has determined In order. that the City may completely control the source of adalt-ional electrical energy which will best serve the interest of the dity and its inhabitants, to lease additional electrical generat- ing equipment rather than to undertake to contract for electri- cal energy from some other available source; therefore BE IT RES,OLVFD BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF PIE'CITY OF DEITON 1 ' That the Mayo., be, and he is hereby# aathorizvd and instructed to do all things necessary and convenient to have published a notice of the city's intention to contract for lease of electric generating equipment; that said notice shall spedify the time and place when and where said lease 'contract t shall be let; that said notice shall be published in a news- pape•• of general circulation published in said City of Denton, once a week for two consecutive weeks prior to the t ime set j for letting said lease contract, the date of first publication to be of least fourteen (14) days prior to said date set for letting said lease contract; and that such notice shall contain additional data as required by Xaw• Ii . That sealed proposals`in respect of a contract to lease to the City of Denton, Texas, one dual-fuel diesel electric generFIcing unit. The Engine-Generator unit offered w:'.tl have a continuous capacity of between 2000 Kw, and 3000 Kw. net, delivered to the switchboard or substation as'saltable pourer, or the bidders next nearest size above or below the above sizes, will be received at the office of the City Secretary at the City Hall in the City of Denton, Texas, until 7:00 o'clock P. M., on the 11th day of August,,1953► at which time and place such proposals will be publicly opened and read. The engine shall be of the dual-fuel design and capable of operating on a combination of natural gas as the principal fuel, and liquid diesel fuel, the latter as an`igni. tion ag shall ant. In normal operation sration the proportions of fuels approximate 90 per vent gas and 10 per cent pilot fuel. The engine shall be so designed and equipped, as to automatically' change to full load operation on liquid fuel in case of natural gas failure or at the option of the operators.,, Rnd shall also return automatically to gas an,1 liquid fuel operation upon the return of gas at the engine receiving point. The lectric generator shall be of standard design, and proper size for the engine proposed and shall conform to the latast standards of the AIB'g. , life That said notice shall be substantially in words and figures-as follows, to-wit= ti NOTICE TO BIDDERS THAT THE CI'T'Y Or DENTON, TEXAS, WILL RECEIVE BID3 FOR CONTRACTS TO LEASE ELECTRIC GENF'RATING UNIT SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to the Mayor and City Com- mission of the City of Denton, Texas, will be received at the office of the City Secretary in the City Hail in the City of Denton, Texas, until 1:00 of eloek P.''VM , on the 11th day of August, 1953) for the lease to the City of one dual-fuel diesel electric generating unit. The Engine-Generator unit offered will have a continuous capacity of between 2000 Kw. and 3000 Kwe net, delivered to the switchboard or substation as saleable power, or the bidders next nearest siz'a above or below the above sizes, at which time and place Ouch proposals will be publicly opened and read. The engine shall be of the dual-fuel design and capable of operating on a combination of natural gas as the principal fuel, and liquid diesel fuel, the latter as an ignition agent. In'normal operation the proportions of fuel shall approximate`. 90 pAr cent gas and 10 per Bent pilot fuel. The engine shall be so designed and equipped, as to automatically change to full load operation on liquid fuel, in case of natural gas failure•or at the option of the operatorsj, and s,iall also return automatioally to gas and liquid fuel operation upon tjie"re.%irn Of, gas at the engine receiving point, The`blectric generator shall be of standard design, and proper size for the engine proposed and shall conform to the latest standards of the AIEE. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a lea8e'contraot with the City of Denton, Texas, on forms to . be provided. DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS covering the electric generat Ing equipment proposed to be leased may be examined at the office of the City Secretary in the City Hall at Denton, Texas, and copies thereof and details of the installation may be had request to We T, Elliott, Power Plant Superinte.ident. The City reserves the right to re3e4t any or`all bids and to waive 'all technicalities, and to arr•-trd the lease oontrLct to that bidder, who, in the opinion of the City Commission, offers the proposal which in their ,judgment appears to the best interest of the City. Mayor, City o Denton, Texas. - a 3 IV, This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED, this the 2 th day of July, 1953. C ir M' y omm sa on, rit y of Denton, Texas. ,APPROVED: y -le :r ayF city o en on, exas, ATTEST: Dom: W A,4 a re,ary, Ci y %.J en on, Texas. (City Seal)' i44 f r I~! 1 SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF DENTON COUNTY OF DENTON I, the undersigned, City Secretary of the City of Denton, Texas, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and fore- going is a true and correct copy of a resolution authorizing the Mayor to publish notice of intention to contract for lease of electric generating unit (and Minutes pertaining to its adoption),%passed by the City Commission of said City on the 27th - day of July, 1953, and entered of record in Book jr page 217 at seq:., of the Minutesof said City Commission. IW 19ITNESS WHERE 01? I have hereunto set my hand offs- oially and if£xed the`,peal=of said City, this the Ztbday of, July, 1953. a , i o y acre ary, y Cor Denton,, Texas. (City Seam) 1lt 1 a r THI CITY Of OIWON \ • 221 North Elm Street, Denton, Texas Office of the Mayor August l# 1953 Honorable City Commission City of Denton,Texas Gentlemen: I am in favor of a system of winter and sumer sir oonditioning for the City Hall as the the hosting system IS obsolete and inefficient# but before this projeot is undertaken$ I feel that the buarst uhioh has been prepared and submitted to the City Commission seveaal u.eks ago ah:uld be studied. Possibly some itemin the budget could be out out and others added by the ComQissionera. I strongly ;Argo the Commission to provide the money for this project in some manner other than by increasing taxes or utility rating It is my opinion that$ after studya this might be possible. Reopeotfnlly submitted, Nazi. Hannah Mayor, City of DeatcnaTexas NR/1 : ~ ~ lY~ f}sT~'2 }7w M r9 Gn P L U M B 3 R 3 B 0 N D STATE Oy TEXAS COUNTY OF D8I3TON "what we, HARRY MARTIN as principal C0 IPAI and=.Ii-;ERCIAL STANLARll INS Cis surety, are held and firmly bound unto Tli* mayor of the City of Denton, TOxa9 and to his successors in office in the sutra of one Thousand Dollars, ($1,000.00), for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, administrrt:f•;: rnd assiptis jointly and aeverally• The condition of tho obovo oblifation is that whereas the principal herein was grantod a Plumber's Lioenso in tho City of Dontont Toxasp Now therefore, if tho said HARRY MAnTIN principal heroin, shall at all timoe oomply with the Ordinances of the Oity of Denton governing plumbing in said Oity and all the laws of the 3tato'of Texas which rogulatu plumbing, and conditioned further that the principal heroin shall fulfill any and all contracts made for plumbing work, then this obligatiCIL shall became null and voidl otherwise to romain in full force arr~ effeat• This bond shal:+ be for the use and bonofit of the City of Donton, Texas and for the use and bonefit of any person having a euass of notion growing; out of the installation, altoro ation or repairing of any port of any plumbing or gas system by said applicant or any of his omployees, or growing out of a breach of a contract for the 1 stallation, alteration or repairing of any part of any plumbing or gas system by sold applicant or any of his employees, IN TH83TIMMiY WHIM OV WITNESS OL'R HANDS of Denton, Texas this 24th 17 of July 63 X r Principal Comme+rdial $'t ' and insurance Copany 3cirJtaic+e ~~~lAB tcllrNONK Cana P, n IOX II GEO. E. SURBER FURNITURE COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS DENTON,TEXAS 4 a~`~r July 16,1953 rt' Mr,Mark Hannah MayorlGity of Denton Denton,Texas Dear Mark, It is with regret,l find it necessary to extend to you,my resignation on the City planning board,effective at once. i This is due to other pressing duties,which pre- vents me giving giving the planning board the time it deserves. 1 have enjoyed working with the fine men and women that constitutes this board. Assuring you of my deep appreciation for having had the opportunity of serving the City, in a small way,l amp Yours very truly# (3 E.Surber MASTER ELECTRIOIANIS 1301m Bond no. hts_731333 STATE OF TEXAS ' KFUPi ALL tiffiN BY TfiF;3E YRE8ENT31 COUNTY OF DENTON That we# ~ Ol~en W* Beavers a Principal and Massachusltts Bondi" & Insurance Company , as sureties ' are hold and firmly bound unto !Lark Hannah , ldayor of the City of Denton, Texas and to his sueoessors in offioe, in the suz of One thousand (410000,00 Dollars for the paymont of which we hereby bind ourselves, our hotra, administrato.-n and aoeigns, jointly and severally. F-A The condition of the above obligation is that whereas, the prinaipa1 herein was granted a master oloctrioiar►s liconeo in the City of Denton, Texasl nOW VIMEFORE, if the said _ Olen W. Beavers , principal herein# attd 911 his personal emptoyene, ;t t,i.thPully comply with all ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas regulstiiir, thi installation, change, repair or aLteration of electric wiring and/or apt-,vatus, and that he and/or his ovloyees will fulfill an contract mAde for suoh worly then this obligation shall beoome null cad void# otherwise to rerain in full force and effects This bond shall be for the uss and benofit of the City of Dorton, Texas and for the use and benefit of any person having a oause of action against tho prinol.pai or any of his personal esployess groaning out of the installation, ohargo, repair or alteration of eleotrio wiring and/or apparatus, or growing out of a tr,•*"h of a contract by the principal herein or any of his porsona?, employers, for bt,e installation, change, repair or, alteration of electric wiring and/oe appal atu s, IN TESTIMONY TiIif w, V11TNEBS MR FUNDS at Denton, Texas We the 20th dAy of ~1+.1e 194Q~6 FRI>rC PAL ltl18180usafts Owing ana nsuro%c our N iWMiNMNNNNNMNINWNMNN. ..INN..N..WN H.NY. Attorney in rac! r -now 8 U R 2 T I I I x:x~aa, APPAOYEDt City AtteAaey r d • 4z x $ Z H S 3 ' w z ~ . 1 Du 00, THE STATE OF TEXAS + COUNTY OF DENTON 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 1 C. J. Young ~l[Citl69cDG14~DK)DCttl]GDG?~C7C3E1NCtAxOdDdRatxDG'DD[oa1iDQYaltf~[D2Dt]CKx~tdCYlXillbyXd6]CX:D(fX acting herein by its duly authorized representative, for and In considere.lon of the sum of Sixte~_Xb- alld__N,)/1.QQ---- 77. Dollars to it in hand paid by _ ity-- -of.. De teori _ , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has this day granted, sold and conveyed unto the said -#•}f--Q e-il r-4X1_-_---...__.. - , all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in said City, Cou,.ty and State, and being . L.o.ts---6-.and.-7,... Block.... 6..-..UYis.ion.- _ e f the ..._-_--.-..-1_..._Q.__0....- ..................Cemetery in said City as shown by the map or plat thereof now on file in the office of the City Secretary of said City. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said City._Of_..Dent_onL _ . _ . its---- helrs and assigns for- ever, subject, Luwever, to the hereinatte? maintained conditions. This deed does not convey title to the above described lard, but only a right to sepulture, to erect monuments and every other right to use said land as a burial Bite, subject to the ordinances, rules and regula- tions of said City of Denton. WITNESS his the _ _ . day of A. D. ATTE,9T: I1gJG~ADQPS4I~XlDQX'P~~C~tS.~• Witness: _ n By 1 Witness: THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON Ilefure me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose nane is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purl oses and consideration therein exprcesed, and In the capacity as set forth therein. WITNRIS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of 4 , A. D.1>7_-.. _ NOTARY YUeiIC, OENTON COUNTY, TEXAS i H ~ n 0 P. Ct 'C ~ rC d d c y b~ April d, 1983 xre Warren i'. Whitson Whitson Food Products Company Fort Korth Ifthway Dentoap Texas Dear Kr. Wb i t s on j This is to inform your company tt~a -tie ty Commissiob has adopted the enclosed ordinance pertaining tho die• posal and discharge of industris $tes ION Sanitary leverage syetem of the City of to ~ Texas. T is ordinance was the result o" aonsiderab e' tudy d consideratlon by the Commission and of the offic d s and is ho~+ed that it Wilt be-or some help to your coo In error t9 to pretreat the waste ,material from your n operstioa.which is nowt being disposed of to tho San t e+reragv System; This ordinance ado g~g as ensure to alleviate the unhoaltby conditio ow exist be Freon your plart,ai:d, the outh Port of Dent ary on the F t Worth ill hway oausod:by the. ~leropal of unuotaait ~imounte, ohgania as orisl Into the Sahiw tart' Sower from your nnino:►tion, ' As yo 44VO this aondrion.hoo existed aver a ton "riod of time a the Citr of Denton hae.been'out'considerab~a time and expo o in sitt ting to abolish the obnoxioub and unhealthy odors on tin aft, the sowar because of the unusual amount , of we 11 tes• ai posed in the sewer system trot yyoar oan ning;opira IOQA_~ wing the last Week or tong days tha`situam tion` has b6. ors-s6aewhat more aggravated coed the My !alit that its .duty 0 P41led it to take the aaawrso eabodted in `the enclose4 pprdIns,ce In ordor to"protect the health and',general, NeiCaro of its.aitixone. ♦h6 sewer was chackod a in• .th i aornin b the'Clty E !tear` aLnd was found to. conthin A substantial.quantity of nl g banal , or bean`;hitti`and the presepae of sewer its' in the air in' t t ar" 14e eur!'ialent,to cause a great deal of discomfort, ' r sf I - It is hoped that within the next ten deye your comp~ny will formulate plane and begin actupl'ooa~ fiance with this new ordinance and that the unhealthy condition now existing in that `area will be cleared to everyolte's satisfaction 'and that no further action W11 be required,. Very tr y yours, City Atto ~~~,1►► Qity of De t~ Texas` i'St flapnfih a or , 1 Y ,rw Cfty or Dontodo Texas - - J F n t 't it I De,-.to , ryas July 21, 1953 'rho City Com,issi ,n rnd V's Chief of Police City of Pent n D3nton, TaxSs GentleTi n a We the undersigned ~grea that Clint St,rr has mada us a vary efficiera night wv tchman ever since he Yeas beQn the fob t ~ request that he bo reinstted. / r > s~tlt' Ae- e, 4/04-A0 DR. CHAS. F. CLAYTON 1017 MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING FORT WORTH 2. TEXAS BONN AND JOINT SURGERY July 15, 1953 City of Denton Police Dept. Denton, Texas Amt W.I. Mulkey • Gentlemen,. ♦s you know, the above named bas been under the cars of my associate sine January, 1952, for the treatment of an injured shoulder. The patient was recently seen by me, along with X-ray films o? his shoulder. Thsde films reveal a condition not hitherto discovered, namely, a loose fragment of bone within the shoulder joint, A comparison of the recent with the original films rsTealt that the lama ooW tion is shown in all, Since a loose frapent of bone within a joint is always a source of irritatlon and interfs:enos with joint motions, the indications for treatment are removal of the loose f rapent, This treatment to hence reooem,iiaed in this case. The treatment would require =,4 nement in a hos- pital for a week to ten days, with a total estimated oonvalesoence of three to four "eke, It to believed that this treatment would be successful in relieving the condition. The fee for the operation and aftercare would be Wo.AQ, Your truly, Chad. 1. ozeytong Hato 070ibek .I ~ • ~ ~ t 1 V i ~ ~ , 1 e. V r ~ r' 5 1'J ♦AN 20111110 PE'f I T 1 0 N DENTON, TEXAS. day of June_ 19 53 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COM ISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS 0entlemeni The undersigned hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body to amend the present Zoning Ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, and the Zoning Map therein referred to, so as to change the designation of the following described property as a part of the dwelling district, and cause the same to be olassified, shown, And designated, as a part of the business district of the Oity of Denton, Texasl Lot~6looY. 311 lest MAlherry Street street the -st. 1511 of the South 111' of Lot 1 nik P and the Furst. 35, of the Sloth 1121 of Lot 1 nik 31 Taaines Addn. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED by the undersigned, constituting the owners of fifty per cent of the area of all real estate included within the boundaries of the above described trait of lands THE UNDERSIGNED, constituting the owners of fifty per cent of the area of all real estate lying outside of the above described tract, but within two hundred feat of the boundaries thorcrof,.intervening street euid alleys not included in the computation of said twu hundred foot, ereby join in the above petition, . (De►au~hlCr c~ ; 40 i 8EL , ass f n map o, plat of the P.bo described property$ all real estate wit}M two hundred feet thereof,.exclusive of intervening J streets and alloys, the block in which said above described property is situated, and the footage of oach owner within 200 foot of said property, 1 a- X 6L Yt/ ~ V 41- . or Put i r r ! { Z0It 111 0 PET I TION t~ DENTON* TEMS, day of 18 S-3 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COI4IISSIO0 OF THE CITY ON DENTON, TEW j Oentlement The undersigned hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body to amend the priaent Zoning Ordincnce of the City of Denton, Texas, and 'the Zoning ldap therein referred to, so as to change the designation of the following described property as a part of the dwelling district, and cause the same to be olasnified, showup and designated, as a part of the business district of the City of Denton, Texasi Lot /0 'Block 3cf5 ayz..c /e Street ©,twf ~ d~i,=lo 1~ J/~ tt J3~ a 8 C~ -~ctd.c~ add-Yv RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED by the undercigned, constituting the owners of fifty per cent of the area of all real estate included within the boi, arioo of the above described ttraannt~ of lando I THE UNDERSIONED, constituting the owners of fifty per cent of the area of all real estate lying outside of the above doscribed tract, but within two hundred feet of the boundaries thereof, intervening street3 and alle;s not included in the computation of said two hundred feet, hereby Join in the above petitions I y . E BELOW4 ploase f,tnd map or plat of the above described property, all real estate within two hundred feet thereof, oxclusive of intervening streets and alloys rr tho block in whIA said above described property is situated, and tho footage of oach owner within 200 feet of said property, cq~ a j0 I ,t ♦ t t ' DENTON, TEXASs day of 19 S3 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COMUSSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEUSt Gentlemen: The undersigned hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body to amend tho present Zoning Ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, and the Zoning Map therein referred to, so as to change the designation of the following described property re a part of the dwelling district, and cause the same to be classified, ,hown, and designated, as a part of the business district of the City of Denton, T~oxxast Lot9elock 3qA Z~r~c~i Street V drt" .2) ,f& eZM, RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED by the undersigned, constituting the owners of fifty per cent of the area of all real estate included within the boundaries of the above described tract of lands THE UNDERSIGNED, constituting the owners of fifty per cent of the area of all real estato ly'ng outside of the above described tract, but within two hundred feet of the bowidarios thereof, intervening streets and alleyo not included in the computation of said two hundred feet, hereby join in the above petition. /V Az BELOW ploasu find map or plat of the above described property, all real estate within two hundred feet thereof, exclusive of intervening streets an3 alloys, tho block in which said above described property is situates, and thu footnPe of ouch owner within 200 feet of said property, a; 7., i AN ORD", NCFt PLACI?,C MULBERRY STRIJO BEiTWVEW S01IT11 SUl STREET AND SOUTH LOCUST STWET ]N TUE QTY' qP '.U),NTU TEXAS IN A 1,11E;R ZONHI PROVIDING THAT' 4')11'~, CITY YARSIlAL 911AW, 11013 AUTHOR" ITY TO NARK OOP METER SPt%CI S A'D'D` Pfl& PARKIKC XLTE,RS 1`41T TO SUCH SPAC1 S AS 11% 'LAY D11,1-)1 NECLSSARY1 PROV DIN THAT I'VE AIl{7YH MENTION!,) P,1l njxi; 14i:'TER ARFA S11AI . U, SUaJ G'1; ~0 ALL 00`14 NANCES lir)ITATA '4) TO 1PAPHYNIfliglS IT OA ra,r',c~t 51y~ iii, {IF,RE• AFTER Br F1AC7t1 RY TifF. 'ClT~ lot 1) . T~\ ~ 5~`F iy AND Itr1CLARY>~C AN I-NtrRCF;NCY• t r BE IT ORDAIVFD BY THE CITY CONHISSION OF THE CITY, OP DI.NTON~ , TFX%S1 SRC'TIONI That the segment of Mulberry Street lying between the east lino of South Lira Streit and the west line of South Locuet"ytrebt is hero«`' by plaeod,in a parking motor zone and Parking heroin shall 'ho,siub3lat to all'ordinanchs and regulations which are now or ma'y hereafter be put into affect. S. r__CTYO~..~. ' The City Marshal of tho' City" ki' Denton ie'horeby gtvan expease atitilority td mark of> parkinp spaotn on cither'sido of said street and to placC parking motors next to such epacee as he may doom them necessary to'the:proper handling of traffic and parking -.`YON, kI ' That tho'"aliavo mentioned area shall'be dtiibjeot to all %ordtnihocol, and reg'ulatlone tirhlch are nob, 07waif h®reafter'be, adopted t$ the'Cify o!` , neriton,l'Texasti 1. t r SE 7x0 AV— .'fho;Sopt that,th0,itroot 808molij above hi'hti'onsd nod has no:prq• a yisi'uns ,re~+ sating the parking thoroon; ; spd tho' further fact ,that such fcguiatl,on'Is nocoseary tolthe movement. and flow,of'trafflot. oroator do vhlargencv'requir`itlg that the "t ate providing that. or44nkncip 1) 0' Oead oi►,thrdc+Rever l 9cpaeio6e tit Wee several meetings be pnd ' the dawe ie hype{ry;euppattidad and this ordinance,ehall 4o in full bras s and 1100ct from, aho afl* its passape,.Irnd" Eipprovil►i,` PASS6jAW1) A6ROVW' tthid'w.. . day dt' " dly' ar ~ tt x 1 t r It t1 r'1'. Voss, t Aflla. '!W it . 1 ' ~ ♦ M r T. 'r t ' ~ 1~ V 4 i / ' ti t Y r , {yY`Il ^XoM SA a ~l 1)f 1 ` 1 7~. f X11: 111 C 1 1!, n1 ni 11r ~ Cfi 1..T ~ S~1t"FTI A.L. ( JT.l1':f'. Ili l 1 f l \ f 1 1) SMTTT LOC''51 S T "1-":,P f\ TI1!: C I TY 01 T, , PI \AS, T\ A 1!isTER '/„1AN 1 1'z1!1'TU7'<r TEAT 'i'1a1; CITY I.L',S!`.:1L `~i:1LL 1N1',: A?.'1`I 01 ITY 110 K11J'T 01~11' }i1sTT:'.; SPAC' S ,'SAT) rL. CI; P:11JCj:x 711,;T1~,hS ';*tNT TO '"'VC11 SPACES AS 11' fakY D1M.1 \1.C1;SSAl:Y1 P!'oViwI :r. Tw,T T111' AMM'E' :'x::TT0\r,1) rAi'1't':G 111,;T1:!t A';11t SPALL W' SI'!IR',CT TO ALL OM)I- : A`,C',;S I`I';]ZUP:I\C TO PMZ!-- `:G NI-J"'S TKAT ARI: ):Or (1': ,~:MLL Ai'TE!: 0's "ACTED '1Y T1:N CITY 010 1)T,N"r1)\, TPWS, A\,!) T) AWRTNG Av tY'E1;! 1;\CY. BE, IT ORDAINEr 3Y THE CITY COMIISSTON OIL' THE CITY OF DENTON, TrINAS: SECTION I. That the se-n ont of ?Tulherry Street lyin,r, betwfeen the cast line of South 1:A1m Street and the ?;cst lino of South Locust Street is here- by placed in al park.inn meter zone and pnrl;.in^ herein shall he subject to all ordinances and ro uintions which are no;.• or may hes•eafter be put into effect. S;.CTION II. The City Marshal of the City of Denton is hereby given express authority to mark off parkin;- spaces 'on either side of said street and to place parking meters next to such spaces as he may (loom them necessary to the proper handling of traffic and parking. SFUTON III. That the above mentioned area shall be subject to all ordinances and reputations which nro now or may hereafter be adopted by the City of Denton, Texas. SLCTTOY NO The fact that the street se.-nont above nentioned now has no pro- visions regulatin,* the parl.ing thereon, and the further fact that sucli regulation is necessary to the movement and f' of trai'fic, creates an emerryenry requiring that the rile providinn t1;at ordinances be read on three several occasions at three several meetin-,s he and t1le same is horooy suspended and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after Its passage and approval. PASSG'D M APPROWl) this do of J , 1C53s C is rn omm s9 on ATTEST! APPROVED: y ec e ory :Mayor t I i~ n. µ . 1 >t ' ~ S,: S i„I ~Y~ vi a(t ~ 1. xY ~t- ~ 6i' t G Tilt MY [If 11HUN Office of 791 lrorth Elm Street, Denton, Yacas !Legal Department ,7aly 1, 13;3 Tfonora'ilc City Corrilssion City or T cnton, T,-,xas licnton Co.mty Control 1iC-1-10 I r, 117 (3) rentlencn: I hereb,- request your honorable body to pass the ordi- nance prepared 'ty the 1I.i^hway Department rcferrin- to the underpass at the intersection of 11. S. IIi,rttway r77 and the properties anti tracts of The Texas and Pacific I,ailway Con- pany and I further request that because of t3,e public co,i- venience and tweesstty to he served h,,- the pr.vapt construc- tion of such underpass, that stich ordinance to%o effect forthwith so that all contracts may he lot and all natters pertaining- thereto may he stas,ted with as little delay as possible. Kospectfuily suhta tted, Lark Hannah I Iayor COMMISSION usii N.Nwar aoiNRu C , C . O R S E R E. H. THOR NEON, J R., Ce+,iMIN TEXAS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ROS1.J.OTTS MISRSHALL T06MSY P. 0. Bor. 3067 Dallas 1, Texas REICH TO July 20, 1953 FILE N NO, F NO, Control 196-1-10 U. S. 771 T. 6 PR Ry, Underpass in Denton F.Q. 117 (8) Denton County Honorable Mark Hannah Mayor, City of Denton Denton, Texas Dear Ma7mr-Haw-' 11 F We note that the city inadvertently returned its original copy of the Ordinance and its reference copy of the Indemnification Agreement on the above project, Attached hereto are both copies and they are to be retained by the City of Denton for its file. Y e very truly, 04LX W Frank W. Caxthon District Engineer t Denton County J W Control 196-1-10 ro 117 (8) U. S. Highway 77 Ei AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLATION,,jCONSTRUCTION, EX1613NOE, US? AND MAINTENANCE OF AN UNDERPASS PROJECT AT THE INTERSECTION OF U. S. HIGHWAY ?r [G4 OF TSE WITS THE PROPERTIES AND TRAC AND.P,ACI,FI.C COMPANY _ . IN W LliTC OF.. AJWTODT ORIZ]W TSE MAYOR OF THE CITY TO M=(M" AND W b ftY SECRETARY TO AFFIX TER CORPORATE SEAL AND AITFST THE SAME, A CERTAIN CONTJAACT BETWEEN ISE CITY, THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE RAILROAD COMPANY PROVIDING FOR ME INSTALLATION; CONSTRUO- TIONs EXISTENCE, USE AND MAINTENANCE OF SAID UNDERPASS PROJECT) FOR THE GRANTING OF LICENSE AND PERMISSION BY THE RAILROAD COMPANY FOR SAID PROJECT; FOR THE PAYMENT, BY THE STATE OF TEXAS, OF THE COMMOTION COSTS OF RAID PROJEOTj FOR THE ASSUMPTION, BY THE CITYY, OF ALL DAMAGES TO ADJOINING, ABUT- TING AND OTHER PRCT'LM AND BUSINESS AND TO TENANT OR OCCUPANT THEREOF] FOR + ME PROTEOTION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE RAILROAD COMPANY AGAINST ALL f SUCH DAMAGES AND EXPENDS IN CONMION WITH ANY CLAIM OR SUIT THMEFORj FOR THE MAWT'EKANOE OF THE UNDERPASS PROJEOTj AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND PRO- VIDING TRAT 7818 ORDINANCE SM3AI.L BE EFFECTM FROM AND AFMI ITS PASSAGE WHEREAS) the public oonvinienoe, safety and necessity of the Oity, and the people of the City require that the grades of ..U•.S.x.~i.Ohw0.h 77_ art the traoka 'of the Texas and Pacific. R311way 0=2"y. at a' ' point 1330 northeast of RyM11e Poet 210 be eep.amta~ by.`:Ile oonstiruotion. of an .uciderj`be'e pro;; st ' 6Inds th'e "eicibtIng grade crossing at such street or road over the traol;: f said Railroad Company constitute a danger and serious inconvenience ~o the public which is urgently required to be remedied and that the only practical remedy is that of constructing an underpass as herein providedj and WM; MW, the City has requested the State of Texas to oontributo financial aid in the construction of the underpass projeotj and M2REAS, the Otty has requested the Railroad Ca *any to grant a license and permission for the construction of aaid underpass project across its property and under its traoks at such interseotionj and W REAS, 'the State of Texas has made it known to the Oity that 'Lt will assist the Oity in the oa►struotion of said underpass project by furnishing the necessary funds for the actual construction) by preparing plane and speoifioationej by awarding of construction contraotej by super- ' vicing oonstruotionj and by assisting in the maintenance of said project, providing the City approves the plane, grades and alignment for said proj• sots and after completion of construction will maintain certain features of said underpass project. l 11.47.2908 Ordinance .(Underpass) D-5 WHEREAS, the Railroad Company has made it known that it will grant a license and permission for said underpass project to be constructed across its property and under its tracks at the location herein stated; and WH.IiEAS, the City, in consideration of the providing of said underpass project, agrees to protect the State of Texas and the Railroad Company from any and all liability and any and all damages to adjoining and abutting property or other property or business or to any tenants occupying such property, caused by the installation, the construction, the existence, the use and the maintenance of said underpass project or the passage and enforcement of this ordinance; and WMEAS, the Railroad Company is to maintain and to be res- ponsitle for the maintenance of the underpass superstructure and its support- ing substructure, tracks, and other railroad facilities located upon the Railroad Company's property and without expense to the City or State. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY dOUNCIL: Section 1. That since the public convenience, Wety and necessity of the City and the people of the City require it, an underpass be constructed and provided at the intersection of, _„.U...S,..xighw,;LY..V,,,, with the properties and tracks of 4he ...Teaae..and.Pacifio Railvay...Company, at a e Poat 210 point 133.. .northeast..°f ~~il in the City, Section 2. That the State cut' Texas be and is hereby author- ized to construct said underposs project at the approximate location and in the general manner shown on the plan, attached Hereto and marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof in all respects. Detailed plane, shbwing location, grades, etc., are to be later prepared covering the construction of the proj- ect and when sold plans governing the construction of said project have been prepared and approved by the City, they are to be attached hereto, marked "Exhibit B" and made a part of this ordinance in all respects. Section 3. That nothing in this ordinonco shall be construed as to require said Railroad Company or the State of Texas to assume or pay any direct, incidental or consequential damages to adjoining, abutting or other property or business or to any tenants occupying adjoining, abutting or other property caused by, incidental to, or in any way connected with the passage and enforcement of this ordinance or by the installation, the construction, the existence, the use or the maintenance of the proj- ect authcrized herein or to defend any suit or suits which may be brouffht against s~Aid Railroad Company or the State of Texas by any party or pprtien for the recovery of any such damages. Section 4. For and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the City does %oreby agree that all damages and clait,s :or damages to adjoining, abutting or other property, if any there be, arising out of, incident to, or in any way connected with the installa- tion, the construction, the use, the existence, or the maintenance of said project shall be adjusted and paid solely by the City and the Clty shall and does hereby agree to hold harmless said Railroad Company and the State of Texas against any and all claims, demands and causes 2 Ordinance (Underpass) 11-47-2906 R D-5 I of action for recovery of any and all such damages arisin out of the in- stallation, the ocnetruotion, the use, the existence, andlor the mainte- nanoe of said project, and agrees to assume the defense of any and all suits brought for the recovery of all such alleged damages, and shall Intervene and make itself a party therein in its own name, if it is not already made a party thereto, for the purpose, and shall if requested in writin4 by the Railroad Company or the State of Texas so to do, wholly relieve said Rail- road Company and the Strste of Texas from defending the same, and hereby agrees to hold said Railroad Company, the State of Texas and each of them, harmless as to Count costs, attomeyts fees and all expenses in connection with such euits, arld hereby assumes and agrees to pay all 3udgnonts recovered against said Railroad Company or the State of Texas by reason of the oon- struotion, the installation, the use, the existence, or the maintenance of said project. Section 5o That the State will maintain the streeto, sidewalks, drainage under the street and drainage system for the underpass project. The City will maintain all street lights, traffic lights and signal devices and sweep, flush and otherwise keep said project in a clean and sanitary manner,, and nothing contained heroin shall ever be construed to place upon the Rail- road Compwq or the State of Texas any manner of liability for injury to, or death of persons, or for damage to, or loss of property arising from or in any manner connected with the maintenance or use of the street, sidewalks, light system or drainage under the street and drainage system for the under- pass projebt located either on or off of the Railroad CoapoMt s right-of-way and the City will save the Railroad Company and the State of Texas harmless from any damages arising from said maintenance or the use of said project. The Railroad company will maintain and be responsible for the maintenance of the grade separation superstructure and its substruoturep tracks and other railroad facilities located upon the Railroad Ccmpanyts right-of-un.V6 Section 6. That the City will pay to the State promptly tha cost of making repairs to the aubgrade or surfacing made necessary by reason of the installation, repairs removal, or adjustment or any such publicly or privately owned utilities or services, which may ocour after the oampletion of the said underpass project. Section 7. That the City will refrain from passing an ordi- nance fixing a speed 1im;4.t on said underpass project of under twenty (20) miles per hour nor will it allow the erection of signs, semaphores or signals that will give preference to local routes which intersect with the said project,, nor that will slow up, hinder or delay traffio on said under- pus project, Seotiwi S. That the Mayor be and is hereby authorised to exe- cute for and on behalf of the City an agreement arut contract with the State of Texas and the said Railroad Company -in accordance with and for the purpose of carrying out the terms and provisions of this ordinances in the form attached hereto and marked "Exhibit C"P The City Secretary is hereby direoted to attest the agreement and contract and to affix the proper seal of the City thereto. Ordinance (Underpass) 3 11.47.2906 R D-5 Section 9. That the State be and is hereby authorized, as agent of the City, to construct said underpass pro3ect at the location, to the grade and in the manner as shown on "Exhibit A" and to be shown on "Exhibit B". Section 10. That the Mayor of the City, having requested in writing that this ordinance take effect forthwith and there being in fact an emergenoy and imperative publio necessity that the work heroin provided for be begun and carried out promptly and with expedition, and that the contract afore- said shall be immediately made, executed and delivered to the end that such work therein provided for may be begun and carried out promptly and with expedition, The reading of this ordinance on three several days is hereby dispensed with and the same shall be in full force and effeot•from and after its passage. STATE OF WD= X COUNTY OF X the duly appointed, qualified and voting City 8 orotary of the, C y of D'axo , Texas, hereby certify that the foregoing pages constitute a true .,nd o ~ro~ t copy of an ordinancj~duly passed by the City Council at a meeting helland CLC,ct , . , A. D,, 1953 , at 1~ 30 0101P, . M. To certify which, witness my hand anApfficial esa}-~ the City of Denton Texas) this tho .3 - day oi' , 19 5~, at Denton , Texas. City Beorbtaioy of Denton , Texas 4 11-47.2906 Ordinance (Underpass) D-5 E I• y~W_ w_ rl tR II • I IIII I In I. l 'r. l ~ ~ I ~iii E IE III II' !i'' I I 'll I+ 1'! I IIII ~ \ ~ r~M III ~V I II IIII III III IIII..!I 4.`.jIIIIII;fI Y I II I / I;i ;11F r I \ ql I I I I II I~ 'II Ili "I 1 III !I I I I' r 1 f ' l I I ' II', Ill _ .II II ' Ijl II' I .III „II i IIII I I I I I I I', : ~ ; 4et i I I IIII:,. ,I I . , I'I I . : f I I I 'I , f I ~ I fj / I ! u III ! II I; ~ ~ I~ 1 I I I I! III ' l i I I il!' I I: I: I I I ~ I I I I I / I V I I I I / Ali i c I i 1 I I / \ ,I I 11' ' ill 111 F~ 1;1 111111111 1 I I ' { ill 111 . • I~I I I' I I III i. 1. I ' I I. I II I i41 I ; / I \ I:I 11 I ; I III' I , II 1 i + /j , s i II! I'I? III j ! I ,I / ' I I I I I' I I ~ I I I I II lil l.' I I II .I l \ ta\w\ I I P'I II 1 ii I Will t I. Illll III II;I' C j~ I I I I ' I I d' l j % I II VlPi I v I I I I I d t II 41 i h 1 ~ ~ V ,r I 1 I r IT COMMISSION .Ltt HuHVa /N.IN[ta 0.GSREER N. iN 0A Ni0 N,JR., CNILM.N B o er. J ►otn TEXAS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT MARSHALL rORMOY P. 0. Box 3067 Dallas, Texas September 2, 1953 IN REhY REFER TO ME NO. I Control 196-1-10 T.G, 117 (8) V.S. '/71 T.P.R.R. Underpass in Denton Denton County Hon. Nark Hannah Mayor, City of Denton Denton, Texas Dear Mayor Rennaht We are enclosing herewith our fully executed copy of an agreement between the State of Texas and T.P.R.R. Company relative to the constriction of the above project. This document to for the City of Denton's file on this pro3eot. Yours very truly, ank X. Cawthoa District Knginser oat Mr. J. R. Kirkpatrick eb al y 5 y~' ,d► ~are~ c.~arr Ooarr~l 196-#-10 STATE OF TEXAS i ro 11? c~~ V. 0. Yry, 77 COUM OF TRAVIS THIS AGREEWT, made this 191HAV of ✓o , 13✓r3, by and between the State of Texas, hereinafter called th "State,' Party of the First Part, and ......AM...317F!!.~,.BRA..~'#~if1~1.e..~i~MA1Y,.QAwpaf~ .....in........r ,..r,. -.....u ......r .u. r...u.................... - a corporation hereinafter, whether onto or more, called the "Railroad Company," Part its. _ of the Second Part.......... acts 1—— b_... a.r..d . through under and b...u................ , by virtue of authority shown in Exhibit "D" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and the City of Texas acts by „fir its duly authorised officers under an OOiilinance pessed the, . aday of 19......, here- inafter called the "City," Party of the Third Part- W I T N E 8 S E T H; WHEREAS, the City has authorIYA the construction of an underpass project by Ordinance passed on the day of ......v' , 1944, on.the.. . 'Q' Ad gi in the City,~er the rails sand across property of the Railroau Company; and WHEREAS, the United States Government has allotted money to the 3tate so that said State may use this money to aid in the construction of overpass and underpass projects within the corporate limits of municipalities, in order to eliminate railroad grade crossings and the hazards created by and incident to such railroad grade crossings; and WHEREAS, the City has requested the State to contribute financial aid in the construction of said underpass projeot; and WHEREAS, the State has made it known to the City that it V.11 assist the City in the construction of said underpase project by furnishing the neces- eary funds for the actual construction of said underpass projeot and by pre- paring plans, awarding of construction contract, supervising construction, and by assisting in the maintenance of said project, providing the City e.pproves the plena, speoificatione, grades and alignment of same, and after construction will maintain certain features of the underpass project, and provided further that the City assumes responsibility for all damages to adjoining, abutting, and other property occasioned by or resulting from the installation, construction, existence, use and maintenance of said underpass project and the passage and enforcement of the Ordinance hereinabove referred to. I indemnification (Underpass) 1 11-47.29078 D-5 AGREEMENTr NC►d, tberefore, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and ag)eements of the parties hereto to be by them respectively kept and performA, as hereinafter set forth, it Is agreed as follows: 1. For and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein con- tained, the City does hereby agree that all damages and claims for damages to adjoining, abutting or other property, if any there be, arising out of, incident to, or in any way connected with the installation, the construction, the use, the existence or the maintenance of said project, shall be adjusted end paid solely by the City, and the City shall and does hereby agree to hold harmless said Railroad Company and the State of Texas against any and all claims, demands and causes of action for recovery of any and all such damages arising out of the installation, the construction, the use, the existence or the maintenance of said project, and agrees to assume the defense of any and all suits brought for the recovery of all such alleged damages, and shall Intervene and make itself a party therein in its own name, if it is not already made a party thereto, for the purpose, and shall If requested in writing by the Railroad Company or the State of Texas so to do, wholly re- lieve said Railroad Company and the State of Texas from defending the same, and hereby agrees to hold said Railroad Company, the State of Texas and each of them, harmless as to court costa, attorneys' fees and all expenass in connection with such suite, and hereby assumes and agrees to pay all judgments + recovered against said Railroad Company and/or the State of Texas by reason of the construction, the installation, the use and/or the existence and/or the maintenance of said project. 2. As its contribution to the building of the above mentioned underpass project, the State agrees to prepare or provide plans and speoi- fications, and supervise construction thererf and to pay all of the coat of the actual construction of said above mention%,d underpass project. 3. The State will maintain the roadway, sidewalks, end Ozainage under the street and drainage system for the underpass project. Th,a City will maintain all street lights, traffic lights, and signal devices, and sweep, flush rxd otherwise keep paid project in clean and sanitary manner, and nothing oontained herein shall ever be construed to place upon the Rail- road Company and/or the State of Texas any manner of liability for injury to, or death of persons, or for damage to, or loss of property arising from or in Ony manner connected with the maintenance or use of the street,'eidewalks, light system and/or drainage under the street and drainage system for the underpass project located either on or off of the Railroad Company'e right- of-way and the City will save the Railroad Company and the State of Texas harmless from any damages arising from said maintenance and/or the use of said project,. Indemnification (Underpass). 2 11-47.2907 R D.) The Railroad Company will maintain and be responsible for the maintenance of the grade separation superetructu_re and Ito oubetruotuxe, tracks and other railroad facilities located upon the Railroad Company's right-of-way. 4. Thu City agrees to pay to the State promptly the cost of making ropairs to the subarade or surfacing made neoessary by reason of the installa- tion, repair, removal, or adjustment of W such publicly or privately owned utilities or services, which may occur after the completion of the underpass project. 5. The City agrees that it will refrain f-om paseing an ordinance fixing a speed limit on the above mentioned underpass projoct of under twent (20) miles per hour nor will it allow the erection of signs, 9,3nAphores and%or signals that will give preference to local routes which intersect with the said underpass project, nor that will slow up, hinder or delay traCfio r, said above mentioned underpass project. 6. It is understood and agreed by and between the partiea hereto that the City, by virtue of the provisions of Ito charter and the lawn of the State of Texas, has exclusive control and jurisdiction of all streets and public ways within the incorporated limits of said City, end that tAO City has requested and has consented to the construction of the underpasa project hereinabove named, and the State, in the construction of the above. named underpass project, does so at the special instance and request of the City. The approximate location, grades and manner of conatruotioa being shown on sketch attached hereto marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof. Detailed plane showing and describing, among other things, grades and alignment of the proposed project to be later prepared covering the construc- tion of the project and when approved by the City said plans are to be attached hereto and maxlea "Exhibit B" and made a part hereof. The State Highway Depart- ment of the State of Texas acts as the agent cf the City in the construction thereof s 7. The Railroad Company hereby grants to the City license and permission for the installation, construction, existence, use and mainte- nanoe of the aforeeaidr.underpass project across Ito property and under its tracks, In granting said license ar.d permission, however, the Railroad Company dopis not waive or relinquish any title that it may have in said street, nor in accepting said license and permission, the City does not waive any title in said street which it may`poseeas, 8. Nothing in the agreement shall be constned to place any liability on the City for personal injuries arising out of the construction of said project. 11.47-2907 D-5 Indemnification (Underpass) IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the par...es hereto have caused these presents to be executed in triplicate on the day above stated. !13 WU 01 PAOI?IO THE STATE OF TEXAS: UII,MAY 0WAXT Certified as being executed for e4'_ the purpose and effect of acti- vating and/or carrying out the 1 orders, established policies, or (Title) work programs heretofore approved and authorized by the State High- ATTEST: way Commission: Secretary for Rai .road Company A ~stant State Highway Engineer RECOMMENDED: RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: General Manager for Railroad Company B idge Engineer Gf Chi ngineer for Railroad Company APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Attorneys. for Railroad Company C s4tan~t Attorney Oenera.l CITY OF Z TEXAS BY: Mayor Secretary-'for City I 0-53-87 Indemnification D-5 , it ~ ~ 1 , \H I Yl, ~ I 1 1 I I I ~ II! I i i I +~.I In l I1~, I IIII l' I, l! 11 ,I I I a II II I 1 11; 1 I I 1' I I ;11 1 jtl~ Ii I I I4, l I 5 It I li ,I I I III '4k I ~ Illl l I I , i e h 11111] III ~ II,, ' I 411: I I ,~v l' 0 i I I i 1 i I, I II i.{I I II i I! li L1~ ~ \ 1IG .I i ; I I 1 ~j ..J t: I '`11 i I I I I / 1 LI ll II I.1 I jI I' f I III II tl i' j I i f 'I r L'I u I H' II I, iji l! 111 I d ~ ~I I I ' l I I I C I Hi l 13 I ~ 3 I I I ii, \ ~ I .I I I 1 TJ i I{, 1 ~ I I I i 'II , i _ 1 1 II~ ~illlll, it 11 I I I l 'i E / 3 . I 'I 1 I 1 i' I 'V f i I ~1 I I t, ' I I I ~ . ill,: 1 ' ,I r lli l'II L,'ol \ I r I ~ 111 { I I ~ III I. I~ i s I I II I I C I I I~'I.III I I I ~ ~ \ ,I Iii II II 11 I'1!I II I1 11 I,.I 11,if ~ I r11 fr1, ,I I I f 1 11 u I .I [~~i II ' III, III IlIf II II IL• \ { I I ~ I II T ~I I h! ilil ~I~ I j , I ~F I ~I I 1 " i' !Ir l I r ~ 11 I 11 ,f I ~f ~II '~•I II : li Ii I ~ ~ ~ 4 1 ''h (4~ ~ I . - I III IA 1 L :i ~ 1 7 •r f 1 r ' It H. E. Casper, Assistant Secretary of The Texas and Paoific Railway Company, hereby certify the following to be a true and correct copy of resolution regularly presented to and adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company at meeting hold at Cleveland, Ohio, on March 7, 1939, at which a quorum was pre- sent and acting throughoutt RESOLVED, That th,3 President of this Company, or any Vice President thereof designated by him, be and they hereby are auti?orived and empowered, in behalf of said Company, to enter into and execute any and all contracts they u^ either of them deem advisable with the State of Texas or the State Highway Department of the State of Texas for grade separation projects, signal devices, refleotorized cross buoke, easements, orossinge, or any other similar areements affecting this Company. I further certify that the President of The Texas and Paoifio Railway Company has designated L. C. Porter, Vice Presi- dent-Operation, to enter into and execute any and all contracts covered by the aforesaid resolution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my ham and affixed the seal of said The Texas nmd Pacific Railway Company, this 27th day of July, 1953. f. Y Ile Assistant Secretary The Texas and Paoifio Railway Company JJ• r Gt f) J..V U :i ri I ,;Y.:: It U. D. Cloyd, Assistant Secretary of The Texas and Pacific Railway Company, hereby certify the following to be a true and correct copy of resolution regularly presented to and adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company at .aeeting held at Cleveland, Ohio, on March 7,, 1939, at which a quorum was present and acting throughout: RESOLVED, That the President of this Company, or any Vice President thereof designated by him, be and they hereby are authorized and empowered, in behalf of said Company, to enter into and execute any and all contracts they or either of them deem advisable with the State of Texas or the State Highway Department of the State of Texas for grade separation pro~eots, signal devices, re?leotorized cross buoks, easements, crossings, or any other similar agreements affecting this Company, IN WITNESS VMREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said The Texas and Pacific Railway Company, this 12th day of Masoh, 1939. Ass s an eor" emery. - , rr } i R1 4 7'1 f fk, Y At, V S ry s ")Y , 1"f' ♦ Ili coy""", 011 1-11011 That this a^too-ient is entered into ';,y un( t)et,,ycen the pity of Denton, T exas and hitson Food Products Co.~ Inc. upon the following; torms and conditions: The City of Denton a-rees to reconnect ilia 9.,nitary sewer to the Whitson Food Products Co., Inc. upon the following team:., and conditions and for and in consideration of the proaises of the Corip;tny; as follows: 1. I:r. 17. P. l+hitson, Sr. lens agreed to employ Joe Evans to install house-traps on ilia service linos (sewer service lines) of all connections on lZyrtlo Street and the Fort Uorth Ifinhimy botwoen :fill Street tmo tkx and the 1+'hitson rood Products Co. Plant, provided that the oi~mers are willing to have said house-traps installed. It is und;~rstood that the City of Denton agreas that the installationl of those house- traps will be hollbrul but will not he a permaneht s-)lotion to the disposal of the gas which is being introduced into the line. City will not he responsible for any cost of such traps. U The installation of such houso-traps will be completed with in ton clays from this data, June 23, 1953. 20 4fr. Whitson ahrees to have Joe "vans immodiatoly install a vent at the entrance to the sever line at the company plant to ponnit the it gas to escape from the sewer line. The vent n,way be finrod at the discretion of 'he company but it is hereby specifically agreed nndunderotood that the uor:parry will he responsible for any andclall damagos and injuries to persons and property which may result from such flaring of said vent. 3. Ifr. Whitson further a;;roos to borin construction of a to lagoon and complete same and put it int6 o;,ei,ation. Said lagoon being xE for the purpose Uf treating the affluent from the company plant. Any complaint or damage fron tho o~or„tion of such lagood is to be the responsibility of the company c,n(l the corinnny shall inderinify the City of ~)cnton in the event of all aiW .n d (Iaral-cs „hich nay result fron the operation of the said 1:,.;;oon. The conditi ms rind covenants contained in Para"raph 3 are to be perfor,led within ten clays after notice from the City I,n~inecr to be in constructi,in of samov said notice to be given to the coripany in writing. 4. In the cv%nt that tItc abeVe s11x@RXRtRx proposed ren4dies fail to alleviate the sewer ';as nuisance which now exists, 'Air. 11+hitson further a-roes to carry out the reccomen(l,iAl-)ns made by Dr. J. K. G. Silvey written and as outlined in his/report elated ;lay 30, 1953, a copy of which is hereto cttnehed and made a part hereof as if fully set out at length herein. 54 Ar. 'Nhitson hereby agrees to handle all conlilaints of the citizens of Denton rerfardin" the sewer as pQ~Q~.E g , skx qxeAst t by informing complainants of t4~_~q~. ns being taken by the conpan~• to FMFD` the SeWe~Y 5 Rdv,cGM, 29 C s t's-crusnaf i a onM -it. SW G. hr. Whitson hereby agrees that in case of a dispute concerning the execution of any of the above provisions, the company will not seek ar_ injuncti n restrainin" the City from discontinuing the sewer service. Nor will such injunction he sought on any personal basis. Decision of the City r shall be final in case of any dispute arising here- under or in connectit,n with such sewer gas nuisance as may hereafter arise. In the event the Company fails to comply with any provisions hereof, or if such sewer 2-as nuisance is not remedied to the satisfaction of the City , the company hereby hives its consent to be disconnected . Z2 from the sower line anainq at the discretion of the City o. *mummow. In case the above proposed lagoon in any bray crea•ts a nuisance to the Citizens of llenton the company prortises to abate sano imr:ediately and this provision is made for the benefit of all citinns who mlay be damaged thereby, rffluent from such lagood shall not be discharged in such mannor so as to run into the City limits of the City of Lenten, nor in any'rrrklnnnr constitutin4 a nuisance to the Citizens of llenton. Witness McMS ✓ Viis the 23rd day of Juno, 1053. WHITSON FOOD PR UCTS C6., INC. I3Yt "nn, r. j Pr,ss enf NORTH TEXAS STATE COLLEGE Dm.IO.T os t•rurc■ , D$NTON. TEXAS 6. 61LTIRT. CRAIRLAN Sox 5167, N. T. STATION Yly 3C, 1953 jihl tson Food l roc;ucts Fort IIdortu highway Denton, Texas Attention: Air. W. D. ti'hitson Gentlemen: Iii have completed the ]aboratory testing and accumulated the necessary data from yo>>r plant in order to compose a report on tle waste w'-ter coming fror, yo it process canning. 1. 71~~ averc,~;e temperatures over a period of ten hours have been taker. tor the various run. ,rd we note an avera o L;er.perature of approximately 1030 F. 2. vamples that were accLLmu)ated on an hourly basis were made into o cc-nposite sample in order to run chlorine der":ands. Composite sai.,ples show a chlorine derard of 112.5 ppm. 3. Five-day composite BCD samples on the waste tinter show an average of 555 ppm. We would- assume that the bio-chemical oxygen dem._id is approximately twice as great as that of normal dorestic sew,^,e. It is for thrt reason as well as th, high temperature of the waste that individuals along the sewage disposal line are beint troubled by putrifactive processes. 4. The flow in the waste line '.ring the ten-hour period varied from 25 gallons per minute to F7.5 gallons per minute. Totpl flow for the ten-hour period wns 27,000 gallons. Thn.re are a number of r^anners in which the present problem rr.a.y be ►iar.dled, one of them would involve the reduction of heating so that the waste water might carry chlorine. We would like to see the heat dropped on an average of 250 F. Vatcr of a 1030 F. temperature will carry only small amounts of free chlorine, while water at 780 F. will carry a high content of available chlorine. It would be appropriate to ddop the temperature as much as possible. . b:r tso11 food I'rcducts 30 1; 3 Ine 2 t.c tlicref ore propvse thl-A a. cooling tcti:er be established for t'„e precess of rlrop, in;- the ter.pernture of tl.e i~raste %%nter. The cooling toyer tll.r t 1,,e would surest would have a width of 5711 , Cl lert;t'h of 82", rind a height of 125". The taste water shoul<<l be purped to tl;e top of the tower arrl freed frog, sprays permitting it to fvIl Jn a receivin tarp. which would be connected directly to the sewer. This ccolinp tower would be nrtur^1 draft type. l,e su ggest that it be constructed of redwoo,l lurber of nor:1,al de- sign and that it spray approxiilate1 y tt;elve hoUr•r a day. In order for U n cool l g to~mv to have continuous siipply of water it would be nece: sary to have a -u,. 'p tanl: estatbl.iFhed outside of the plant into which the v-ste could b?.ow. Voste from the sung tank could be r,umpcd into the coolin,=l tower. :.ccording to our findings tl.e sump tank should have n capacity of 2500 gallons in order to have a continuous supply of water for regular open°tion of the cooling tower. A pump attached to t' o, sump tarl: should operate at a 1F0' head with a. capacity of )+5 to 55 'vllons per minute. The redwood to%,or would cost about ,0350 installed. The pump ar:d con actions as described above world cost around $300 installed. The greatest expense in the rcrloval of tl;e high I,OD or chlo- rine demand in the waste water woull be in the installation and operation of t'.e chlorinator. I would suggest ttis t you investi- gate a manually operated chlorinator, approxivately a 1+2 to 50 lb. type tlpt could be installed to connect 'to the return line from the tank at the base of tl,e cooling tower. Daily requirements on chlorine at 112.5 ppm. chlorine demand would involve a consumption. of 30 lbs. of chlorine in a 12-hour period. While most chlorinators are constructed on a 21+-hour period I arrj inclined to think that a 1+2 to 50 lbs chlorinator would probably deliver necessary quantities for oxidation of the waste materials and stabilization in the sewage lines. ;automatic and semi-automatic chlorinators nay be purchased although manually operated machines are less expensive. You could probably get the above described installed for about w1700. In order tlost you may have other references to that you can porsc.nally investigate the items mentioned above, I suf,E;cst in rospect to the cooling tower that yov contact Mr. F. T. Gessell, 4d. E. Lewis and Company 22?3 Butler Street, Dallas 19, Texas. llis telephone number Is LOgan 7263. The Lewis Company handles Marley cooling towers that sre probably as dependable as any tower you can purchase. In respect to investigetions on a chlorinator you should contact fir. Charles Henley, 2615 Greene "-treet, Fort 4Jorth. }'either of these gentlemen will be pleased to come, to see you at no direct expenso to your company and they might have suggestions other than those I have given you in this rep)rt. I an sure you want as rany ideas as possible. . i~ltitscn locd Products l:ay 30 153 3 I have not mentioned tl:e cool `ng w,-ter th,- t you use wl ich is vilccnn^ted. You h,c.!ve two r.anners of cooling, thrt water. One is tl:e operation of coolin„ tower 1,,,Mch in nll probability would be a little larger than the one 1_tsed for the vnste and r.atui, lly the pump would lave to linve -.neater capacity. Tire other method w+ro,ald involve the construction of an earthen tank into which the pater could be pumped for cooling purposes and might return to the sewer by gravity. It will be necessrry to cool t!c tinter rc,.ris not to lose f.!,e chlorine tlrt has been added to the waste when the tl,ro sourcas of v!ater T ,ix in tLe so,, er line. rrz,nkly, it seems to me t!,t one manner in which you could handle your proble!,.. very effectively right in the long run be less expensive and thetle ould be to bring; your property into the city limits and give the problem to the city. Since the city supplies a city disposal plant and a sewer line it has to guarantee service to all individuals within the l1nits of the City of Denton, If odors arise in a sewer main, the inadequacy of the operation: and the rectification of the inadequacy rests on the shoulders of the city. They would have to take care of yotux problems and in all probability might find it profitable to run your waste over to the new lift pump and tie it on to another main sending it directly to the sewage dispc%al plant. Naturally, this would be a consid- erable expense to the city but would solve the problem excepting you would have a number of years of city taxation ahead of you. As far as we can tell., the total cost of installation for overcoming; your present waste problem will be around $59000. Operation of the equipment would probably be $50 to $60 per month. Very truly yours, J. K. G. E•ilvey Professor of Biology Chairman, Science Division JKGS s f 1 s ~L~ i, 41 NORTH TEXAS STATE COLLEGE DENTON, TEXAS ULPAfTMYPT Ol CRRMIPTfT June 28, 1955 J. L. CArnco J. J. Nrl P6UC% It. P. F.Pcef I'flt. Tin'= 'f. N. BrPyRALTril Petition to City Commission] In view of the feet that the Denton Softball Assooiation is inoperative, we,tho On dersigned, petition that the funds budgeted for 1958 - 1954 ($750,00) to pay for umpiring, scoreboard keeping, scoreboard operation, lime bases, umpiring equipment, and trophies for Softball be allooated in toto to the Little League for similar purposes. It is proposed to use approximately $275.00 of this cmount .Per the oonstruoting of 825 feet of portable board fenoe (four feet high in ten foot ss.,tions) to enolose the playing field at the City Park where the Little League sotivities will be centered. We propose that the funds of the budget, when allooated to the Little League, be administrated by Ceoil Martin in a fashion similar to the one used in the past by J. L. Carrioo as direotod by the city offioials. In view of the faot that the Little League doeires to begin play on June $0, we request that the City Commission give immoRsts oiu- sideration to this transfer of budgeted funds, please. R• NORTI[ TEXAS STATF. COLLEOF. D6NTON• TE:.CAS (16► J. I., (viwTRHI CHia~,STRi J. I•. J. J. fi]'1'RLor R R. R. E1cvc Pulcr TRCtTT T. H. HPRRHALTRR We wish to point out that there is no organized play program for boys 13 - 15 years old, girls, nor adults. We suggest that the City Commission oonsider the establishment of a Department of Reoreation~ And that a regular direotor be employed. Respeotfully submitted, . i J, L. Carrioo Last duly eleoted president of Denton Softball Aseooiation Marcia e08w Commission of Little League JLC/ja i AT A 1ZFM'U.1? "Mr, OI' 1111; CITY COY11ISSION OP TlI CITY i)I' DENTO\, Tl•;\'.S, ; 9' 'I'll" CITY FALL 011' SAT!'j CI1'Y ON JUNIE: 9, 19530 h, ES011UIrI0N On this the 9th clay of June, A. D., 1953,carae on to he con- siderod at a re-u ter rte%tinc, of the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, the riatt-r of canvassinry the returns or an election heretofore held in the City ]fall Auditorium on the 26th clay of May, A. D., 1953, said election linvinr heretofore been duly ordered by said City Commission for the purpose of subnittinr to the voters re- sidin„ in the area outside the City described as Proposition IV on the official ballot, the question of annexin1 a cortain tract of land to the City of Denton and the City Commission havin;~ duly canvassed the returns of said election, declares the following to he the results; rOR annexation of a certain tract of land described as Proposi- tion IV upon the official ballot, 3 votes wero cast. ACA7ST annexation of a certain tract of land described as Pro- position IV upon the official ballot, 0 votes were cast. It appears from the canvass of said "returns of said election that the persons residing in the area described as Proposition IV on the official ballot approve the annexation of said tract of land and since a rinjority of the persons residing in said area and voting in said election approve such annexation, it is therefore ordered and declared that the said certain tract of land described as Proposition IV upon the official ballot is duly approved for annexation in the City of Denton, Texas. PASSFD AND APPROVE;) T11I- the day of June A. D, 1953 Chairman, city omm ss on ATTE3Ts APPROVF~_C:fl 711y Secretary ayor APP VED AS TO LErAL Poldij y orne 1 .I r r ; 1. t..~ y . 1 y~ Y _ ~ ~ a k} ~ AT 't RI,XUjT A'.I ;;';IaTIi;G OF PIE CITY Cl)?~"(ISSI()N C i, Tlf1. CITE' OF DE TONI T`X'%S, AT TIT'.? CI'T'Y FALL OP SAM CITY ON JLn:I 9, 1953 R I', S 0 I, U T 10 N On this the 9th day of June, A. D., 1953, cane on to be con- sidered at a re!Tular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Penton, Texas, the natter of canvassin7 the returns of on election heretofore held in the City hall Auditoriurz on the 26th clay of May, A, P., 1953 slid election havin-, heretofore been duly ordered by said City Corinission for the rurposc of subnittin,r; to the voters of the City of lenton, Texas, the question of annexin.- certain' tractsof land to the City of Denton and the City Conmission havin'y (Imly canvassed the returns of said election, declares the following to bo the results. ICI; annexation of a certain tract of 1<and described as Proposition I to the City of Denton, Texas, 21 votes were cast. ArAT:;ST annexation of a certain tract of land described as Pro- position I to the City of Denton, Texas, 0 votes were cast. FOR annexation of a certain tract of land described as Proposition II to the City of Denton, Texas, 21 votes were cast. Ar.ATNST annexation of a certain tract of ].and described as Pro- position II to the City of Penton, Texas, 0 votes were cast. FOR annexation of a certain tract of lan% described as Proposition ITT to the City of T`enton, Texas, 21 votes were cast. Ar,AI?:ST nnncxation of a certain tract of land described as Pro- position III to the City of Renton! Texas, 0 votes were cast. I'OR annexation of a certain tract of land described as Proposition IV to the City of Denton, Texas, 20 'rcre cast. ACA MST annexation of a certain tract of land described as Pro- position IV to the City of Denton, Texas, 0 votes were cast. It appears from tile canvass of said returns of said election that the action of the City Commission of the City of Denton In ap- provinT; the petition of property owners of the tractsof land for annexation to said Cit;r of Denton, Texas, was approved by the voters voting in said election, i. is therefore ordered and declared that the said certain tracts-of land described upon the official. ballot, are ('uly aPproved for annexation to the City of Denton, Texas. PASSED Al,'D jVlP:'0VED this 9th day of June , A.D. , 1953. AIV Tli-man, City onm ss on ATT'?ST: APPROVED: 4 6,2~,J V4. -City Secretary „ay of APPIO 'T) AS TO LE(I'.L FOF;;I: ~ C y Attorney j 1,. i' V` ' - 1.,j J ~ A I •i•• ~ - 4~ yy ~i,'• v y Syr 14' _ p Y b~q San tl 1'r ` . 47 f, I R F P 0 11 T O1' 77,I SPI:CIAI1 CO-NITT ';11 j%rrOI`;T1'.1) TO C; VASS T1?f; RETU1,NS OF T1111 SPECIAL ELECTTO\ F111) I;: T11E CITY 17ALL AUDITORJUN IN T11;!' CITY OF UUNT0h9 TAS, 0; THE 26M !AY OF t1AY, 1953. Coles now the special co:nittee appointed to canvass the returns of the Special Llection held in the City Hall Auditorium of the City of Denton, Texas, said election heinr held for the voters residin; within the area described as Proposition IV oil the official ballot, on the 26th day of May, A. D., 1953, and respectfully makes the fol- lowin,* report; 'lie have carefully canvassed the returns of said election and find the results thereof to he as follows; FOR annexation of the tract described as Proposition IV on the h2.Ilot to the Cite of Denton, Texas, 3 votes were cast. AGAINST annexation of the tract described as Proposition IV on the ballot to the City of Denton, Texas, 0 votes were cast. Respectfully sub-fitted on this the 9th day of June , A. D., 1933. I 1 r~. I I ~iw :1d N } ~ S r.~; ~ a f R~ f ' AN 0! DI'.7ANCI; A?;NrXlNG CERTATi: 7'LRI',1TORY TO TKE CITY OF DI;`;TO:', i'Px115, I'WCI S".;E T`; TIT^ 'ESTDI'NTIAL DISTINCT AND DECIAMYG AN E II,I:GENCY. Dr IT 0R1hAT;;L1) BY TILE CTTV C017L:TSSI(;21 OI' '1111" CITY OP 1)1;11Tti`;, Tj,:KLS: SECTION 1. That the followin- tracts of land are hereby annex- ed tr. and rude a hart of an(! bronnlit into the core)orate Iimi.ts of the Cite of Denton, Texas, in compliance with, an election held on the 26th day of ;ray, A. D., 1953, and being ;Fore particularly (Ics- cribed as follows, to-wit: PROPOSITION T. All of that certain tract or parcel of lend situated in the County of Penton and State of Texas, and bein,~ irore particularly described by rietes and bounds as follows: Mr,I`-YING at the Northeast corner of lot 21, block Q, Extension Number One Crestwood IIei^hts Addition to the City of Denton, Texas; TUE;NCE North 39-22 'lest 202.5 feet; 'f11ENCE South 347.35 feet, 'a poin'L in the Nortl, boundary line of I'i~,hway //24"; TILT"17CE along said North boundary line of III'- way #24, 214.56 feet, to the Southeast corner of lot 6, block R m of said addition; TITMICE North witls said bast boundary line of said tot 6 continuing North with the blast boundary line of Lot 21, b ?stock along the East boundary line of the City Limits of the City of Denton 420.5 feet to the place of begin- . nin,cf, containing 1.786 acres of land. za POP, ILITIPICATTOIT AND AT)DTNG S! TI) TEftI2TTORY TO TIIF PRESE";T LPrITS M OF THE CTTY 0" I)XN*T('N, TEXAS. AGATNST RATTITCATION AND ADDING SAID TLP,RITORV TO THE PRESLNT LPYTTS OF HIP' CITY OF D1X!,TT', TEXAS. PROPOSITION IT. All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Denton County, Texas, and being nose particularly described as follows; AEGI;,NTNG in the fast boundary line of Liernard Street at a point clue Fast of the Southeast corner of a seven acre tract in the A. N. B. Tompkins Survey conveyed by A, N. Chapman to John 11. Jackson by deed dated October 18, 19"19, vol. 278, page 494, Denton County Deed records; 11I1-NCE South Along the East boundary line of Bernard Street 1GO4 feet to a point due last of the southeast corner of q `4 said Tompkins Survey; 'MENCL 'pest 700 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of the D.A. ,IcMath eight acre tract in said survey; Kl TVE'Xh North 1604 feet to the southwest corner of said Jackson seven acre tracts V Till-NICE East 700 feat to the place of beff,inning. FOR PATII'ICATION AND ADDING SAT)) TUMITORY TO TIIE PI,'BjSfZTT LIMITS OP TI!E CITY OP D%NTON, TI_XAS. AGAINST ItAT)'PTCATION AND ADDTNr; SAID TERRITORY TO 311 E; PRESM rV f . 7 LPITTS OP T7'. ' ITY 01' ')ENTO`', RX! S. PROPOSITION III. All that certain lot, tract or parcel c,f land situated in the County of ]Denton, State of Texas, out of the Joseph Carter Survey, Abstract #268 and being more particularly described as follows: !Ir;r,I';tIP.'( in the ',Jest boundary line of "tate I'ighway 1,-410 at the ?Northeast corner of'a tract of land annexed to the City of renton on April. le, 1942; TIT EN-'U in a Northeasterly direction; alon- the 'tiest boundary line of said lii-hrMy 6"3.04 feet, ;lore or less, to a roint in the "est bounc'nry line of said hi!rhway clue ' est of the nortlnrefi corner of a five acre tract of lancl owned by S. Clyde Carpenter; i:ast 1100 feet, riore or less, to the northeast corner of said five acre tract; Ti'T7N'C1, South 1638.33 feet, more or less, to the northeast ` corner of lot 3, block G of the Crestwood llei-'hts A(dition; T:'1S:NCl-; ',rest 1879.6 feet to a point for corner; T1'I ANCI', in a northeasterly direction v 1on" the present city limits 1041.52 feet, pore or less, to a point for corner; 1'l'12;C.". ';est 4210 f t, ;gore or less, to the west boundary line of -)tate lli'711way iI.L0; 'I:;1CV nortl.casterly alone the -nest boundary line of said hi"In ay 180.5 feet, r,-,ore or less, to the place of beginning. FOR %%TIPTU PION ADD'NG 5ATD TERIZI TOP.Y TO 111E PP,GSiti T LIMITS OF Ell, CITY 01' Di~hTON, TtMS. ACAP'ST RATI71UiTTON AND ADMr SATs; TERRITORY TO TF11 PRESENT LIMITS Or TI'E CITY i)^ I*2'Mvo TEXAS. PROPOSITION IV. All that certain lot, tract or parcel of lancl lying and being- situated in the County of Denton and State of Texas, and being more particularly described br metes and bounds as follows: Brr;Tl,'NT *G a ' t the most southerly southwest corner of a 7.40 acre tract of land in the S. C. Iliram Sur,ve f deeded to 'k rs. \ Lucy K. t,allace by Den Sullivan e±, a-l, saki deed being slioini 3 , of record in Volume 112, pale 231, of thr_ ?teed Records of Oer.'ton Co nty, Texas, sni%e being in the "orth right-of-way line of U. S. Ili. hway /r77; T111;~'CI's in a southwesterly direction to the host northern M (i1 corner of a 21.52 lot-, trnc't of land o•,med by 11111 !:owe; 'Effl,CG sot_tthi.esterly 50 feet to a point for corner in the f\ Last boundary line of Teasley Lane; Ti11I1C1: Soitthwesterly alon-r the Last hound:ry line of Toas- ley Lane 220 feet, more or less, to a point for corner, said corner bein clue East of the :Northeast corner of a 5 -,,acre tract owned by 33eulah Patterson; 7111-NCE best across Teasley Lnno and continuin* Oiest a total of 4-9' feet to the northwest corner of said Patterson 5 acre tract; THENCE South 30 feet, ,ore or less, to the southcnst corner an 8 acre tract owned by 1'Irs. Grace Padgett; TIIENCR Nest 470 feet, more ur less, alone the south line of said 8 acre tract to its southwest corner; TIII;NCG North 751 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of said on acra tract; THENCE West 1323 feet, ;pore or Less, to- the southwest corner of a 21,65 acre tract owned by %lrs. Sophia Dcnaldsonj TFENCE North 220 foot, more or less, to the present City limits line of the City of Dentgn; T11F2,C2 Gast along the present south city limits line 2450 feet: pore or less, lo '.he east boundary line of Duncan street; 1; L' South along' the east boundary line of Duncan 'treet ee , store or less, to the most Westerly southwest cor- nor of the 7.40 acre tract owned by Mrs. Lucy K. ')allace; TEENCE Southeasterly 75 feet, store ue less, to the Place of beginnin;;. I70R RATIFICATION ANT) ADDT 'r SAID TERRITORY TO THE, PRESENT LI'!ITS Or THE r11'Y 0'' DENTTON, TEXX S. ",r,1W'7T WTIFIC%1TION AN'D ADDINr SAID TERRITORY TO TIIf: PPESINT CITY LIMITS Or TI",; CITY OF DI,2\T0Xq TEA'AS. It bein- necessary that the above described tracts of land be annex- ed to the City of Denton in compliance with an election held in said City of Denton on the 26th day of May, A. D., 1963, in order that the property owner3 may proceed with development pro7rarts, creates an energency and imperative public necessity that the rule requir- inn that ordinances be read on three several occnsions be, and the sane is hereby suspended and this ordinancr. shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. rASSED ;1P; D A rI'i:0'r'I,;I) this the 9th day of June , A. Do o 1953. .1, 14~ to rrtan, 'City Conn ssi on City of Denton, Texas ATTEST.- A PPA"WED : City ecre ary Hayor City of Denton, Texas City of Denton, 'texas i f ,t ! ~ LLB - Nl. R L P O R T IN 01" T'"' ',,0:. P T T r-'I] APT'07 TI TOC..\ ASS TIIF; 71I~Ti1 "IS OI- TI CIAL rF,' C'PT~1'.1 IM1,T) Ii: '17' C11'1 ".",LL AVDITO"I"I".'I I?. T1I" C1 ['Y ;T '1"._`:' f (1_' Ul', 2G""' ')A 01P "1'Y, 1953. Comes no:; the special corviittee appointed to canvass the re- timna of the 6necial Llection held in the City of Denton, Tr-xas, on the 26th day of A, D., 1953, and respectfully makes the followin" report: 111 have carefully canvassed the returns of said election and find the results thereof to be as follows: FOR annexation of a tract of land described as Proposition I to the City of Denton, Texas, 21 votes were cast. ACA7"-ST annexation of a tract of lane. described as Proposition I to the City of Denton, Texas, 0 votes were cast. FOR annexation of a tract of land described as Proposition II to the City of Denton, Texas, 21 votes were cast. AGAINST annexation of a tract of land described as Troposition II to the City of Denton, Texas, 0 votes were cast. FOI2 annexation of a tract of land described as Proposition III to the City of Denton, Texas, 21 votes were cast. ArABST annexation of a tract of,Irnd described as Proposition III to the City of Denton, Texas, 0 votes were cast. FOR annexation, of a tract of land described as Proposition N to tht Gity of Denton, Texas, 20 votes were cast* l.r'r1T:;ST annexation of a tract of land described as Proposition TV to tht City of Denton, Texas, 0 votes were cast. Respi:ctfully subriitted on this 9th day of June A. a., 1653. i R ~ i i 1 af- I F2E PORT OP TI'l; SPVCIAL CO?fr(ITTEI; APrOMMD TO CAYVASS VIE 21"TURNS Or THE SPECIAL F.LFCTIOti IICLI) THE CITY JAU AILIDITORIUM IN 7111' CTTY OF DENTO , Tr,X%S, ON THE 26T1T PAY OF XM. 19530 Comes now the special committee appointed to canvass the returns of the Special Election held in the City Hall Aaclitorium of the City of Denton, Texas, said election being held for the voters residing within the area described as Proposition II on the official !allot, on the 2Gth day of 'fay, A. F1., 1953, and respectfully tnalces the fol- lowinn report. '.de have carefully canvassed the returns of said election and find the results thereof to be as follows: r012 annexation of the tract described as Proposition IT on the ballot to the City of Denton, Texas, 3 votes were cast. AGAINST annexation of the tract described as Proposition IT on the ballot to the City of Denton, Texas, 0 votes were cast. Respectfully submitted on this the 9th clay of June A. C., 1953. r t P s la ffti 9i ~ +p ~j Lri ^.M tl., AT ;l 121;C['i~'. ; 'rF11TT G OF TM" CITY CO:1:43 'SI0 OF T111; CITY OF I)i^,T vj TI-X' S, ':T '71' CITY NALL 0:' SAT11 CITY 0 JUNE 9, 1953. P, Is S O L U T I 0 1; On this the S,th day of June, A. D., 1953, came on to he con- sidered at a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, the matter of canva3sinn the returns of an election heretofore held in the City Hall Auditorium on the 26th Day of May, A, D., 1953, said election having- heretofore been duly ordered by said City Commission for the nurnose of submittin7 to the voters re.- siding in the area outside the City described as Proposition III on the official ballot, the question of annexin- a certain tract of land to the City of Denton and the City Commission havinfy duly canvassed the returns of said election, declares the followin- to be the results: FOR annexation of a certain tract of land described as Proposi- tion III upon the official ballot, 6 votes were cast. ACAIR'ST annexation of a certain tract of land described as Pro- position III upon `lie official ballot, 0 votes were cast. It appears from the canvass of said returns of said election that the persons resfding in the area described as ^ropositionIll on the official ballot approve the annexation of said tract of ]and and since a majority of the persons residing in said area and voting in said election approve such annexation, it is therefore ordered and declared that the said certain tract of land describ,c as Proposition III upon the official balloi is duly approved for annexation in the City of Denton, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED thin the 9th _day of Ju e A. D., 1953. a 'an, y omm s on ~A TTrST i APPROVED: - do y ec ary favor APP> QgEEI) AS TO~,1L f10101i t~G3~ My Attorney i i - i 1 ~;%;y . s ~a.. r. ' ; 3 F,'.: ~ 4 Zii i ~ 4 Lk- -i' yq• 4~ I AT A 11,1?,~IILAIt ?!+":TI\f. 01' 7"' CITY CO1MTSSI`)N' OF TITS CITY OF TFVS, AT TIN' CITY IIALL 011 5' II) CITY 0\ JUNF 99 1953 I;FSOLUT I0\ On this the 9th clay of ,iune, A, r)., 1953, came on to be con- sidered at a rerulnr meeting of the City Commission of the City of Menton, Texas, the matter of canvassin,^ the returns of an election i heretofore held in the City Ball Auditorium on the 26th clay of `fay, A. D,, 19539 said election havinj7 heretofore been duly ordered by said City Commission for the purpose of submitting to the voters re- sidinrr in the area outside the City described as Proposition II on the rfficial ballot, the question of annexing a certain -tract of land to th-1 City of Denton and the City Commission having duly canvassed the returns of said election, declares the following to be the results: FOR annexation of a certain tract of land described as Proposi- tion IT upon the official ballot, 3 votes were cast, Ar'AP' T annexation of a certain tract of land described as Pro- position TI upon tile official ballot, 0 votes were cast, It appears from tho canvass of said returns of said election that the persons residing in the area described as Proposition II on the official 'iallot approve the annexation of said tract of land and since a majority of the persons residing; in said a: e:c and voting; in said election approve such annexation, it is therefore orc;ered and declared that tile said certain tract of land described as Proposition 77 upon the official ballot is duly approved for annexation in the City of Denton, Texas, PASSM AND APPROVE[) this 9th day of Ju4ia , D, an,y omm ss on ATTE'S t API'ItOV1sDs ~ or y ere .kry ti APPR ,D AS TO LL"AL 1,101M y Attorney 6~ n~ r , ~+r' s ' \ i YFr ~~t l~ _ y` 4C i 4 Las 0 J, R I; P 0 R T OF Till; SPECIAL CO WITTEE APPOIN PED TO CA''YASS T7Il; 11-AIIh\S Or T11E SPi?CIAL ELECTION M111) IY THE CITY IIALL AUnTTORIV, IN Tlif; CTTY 01, DENTON, TEXAS, ON VIE 26TIl MY OF MAY, 1053. Comes now the special committee appointed to canvass the returns or the Special Election held it the City Hall Auditorium of the City of Menton, Texas, said election beinS held for the voters residing within the area described as Proposition IT] upon the official ballot, on the 1.6th day of 'fay, A. 1). , 1953, and respectfully matkes the fol- lowing report: 'se have carefully canvassed the returns of said election and find the results thereof to he as follows: FOR annexation of the tract described as Proposition III on the ballot to the City of Denton, Texas, 6 votes were cast. AGAINST annexation of the tract described as Proposition TIT on the ballot to the City of Denton, Texas, 0 votes were cast. Respectfully submitted on this the 9th clay of June , A. D., 1953s ,t r r,, y j 1~ i i t i i ~ i Wi / ~ i~ ' _ MI14IMS PSRTAININO TO THS PASSA08 AND ADOPTION OP AN ORDINANCE APPROYINO AND A008PTINO LAMED MACHINERY THE STATE OF 'CSXAS CITY OF Ds" COUNTY OF DENTON ON THXB, the 12th day of Key, 1953s the City Comiallon of the City of Denton, Texeso convened in regular seenioh st'the regultr greeting place thereof in the City Half the following sew~erp "it* pt4sen~o toe wits no 80 OAMSILIGA , CNA RMW o ' Iii MA*= #Ik a ~ ' J~CX .MY80dl GLAND CASTUMMY C0W153ION?dt8 M, -A~ CAALLvaT and V* follo Oi absent) ..)1 5 constituting a quorum, at which.timi aaoog other business transacted, w.w the toliowingw U4.witi Thd 0halmn tubsitted to the Coewiseion the following ordiee e r "All blI INANCE by th Otty Coisdaelft of the dit' , or* neon, 'fear Rry it►e nd ae"ptipg 1 DAM oe luwr4~ power, 1%t kilowatt ®I:s~, 60 erole, AI vC'lts dual flat- M"I eieetric generatir unit together Mi~h sued lsriis and am"teuanw' 0ap1y in& rith the 6040ittoations t etor At t W to lean. t~ MM oaterdd in o bswkn the did o s ton, a yai~rbanks )for ink wlrA Cowpany on ho :+~th .A, y -or ~W.W r 1952 i$lone ineider~t to' twe Pao" ana o1jett o this ordinanotl and deelarW An em rgt40'# It was saveA by Cow lesim" y that tt+e rutt 10"If Irig . 1 t o~rdina"es , to Ift" in "Oh wring on, tka oe F . several days be suspended and that this ordinance be adopted as an emergenoy measure and become effective and be In roarce isediately upon its passage; and approval. The potion was seconded by Commissiona L?.411 , and suoh motion married by the lollowIng voter "Ma"r Gambill, Bramer 8r~►son, Castleberry and 6alvert• "NAYS"r None, Ila Comisoloner made a notion that the ordinanas be passed finally. The notion was seconded by CM- nisrioner and upon roll bail' on the vestian -or the adoption ot.the ordirianbt the following oomiseioners voted "YE0 r r smbill, &,aMMOr, Bryson, Cwltleberry and 041*9it, and vino voted "Nay" . ii~`Ohalmn deolood tust the motion prevailed and that 'the wls f**1 ~ pas"A and adopted 'IN read and should b~oo~q ~sdiat#2'y etfegtiirp, 1 i~1OT88''APP1t0'1 3~ tht~i tlio of 1tiY 19530 1 0 tY or won, 'rielc~ul0 r • . ~Qltr'~+taly 1 Wk , r i1 a ORDINANC$ N04 "AN (OZINANCH by the City Commission oP the bit f Denton, Texas, approving and aooepting one l~ Fairbanka•Morse 3500 brake hor a power, 8 not kIINAtt Q ~ PP Be pha60 *gle, 8 / 4160 volts dual fuels Di$eel oleotrle generati uniE •.oget~idr with auxiliaries and appurtenancesg amplying with the speeifieations therefor atta6h•• ed as Exhibit Ohl to the lease eontraot entered into between the City or Deaiton and Fairbanks Morse and Company on the 5th day of June, 1951) . enaeting.provisions inoidont to the purpose and obJeot of this ordinan4ol and declaring an esNrgenay,. Ww"82 by ordinance adopted on tho 5th day of June, 1954, the City Commission of the dity of Dentons 'fexas$ a,ceepted a loose agreepent botwaen the City and'?Orbanks, Morss and Company for the lease by sa14'0 ortparjy to said City of one . W 3500, brAW hw s# power, 85150 not kilowatt a .8 8r 3 phas, 60 eyols, 2+00A160 'volts dual . roue, bissei el'Atrio aenrfrsting unit, together with auxilisrio• and appgrtonanoes, in compliaunse with this spesifisatiove therefor attached to. said low wso w "ht as ahibit - PA" I and WH8i MOS 'upon du* ooheiders,tion, and investigation the City Coo talon kwo rsby UnAs Iuad, pter"nls that the sold w"- ry has riowf been Milf •ipat ii6d, tested, is op"Atinso oa>at L; id hll afespalsts'sl i~x~►st4ry and in oomplionae with the above s ti{e a.11"O fioufts tVWjf%,) and j, the olty,011 1'. 4ua irrnstldat oge hereby '!ice . oKd~ a'tfrr aer►; that to* lessors SUrbankso Morse Md o hb tullr porroWed "I the cond$tions A" op"a Wnt.s to be perfurrid by at pwousat U sold Isar* speealnt o ►tid r*itleotion#, &n4t that - said' loved swr ah6uld nom be ortle .all , i.09epte4 by the ©ity of 1~ftonj thereto" BE IT ORDADW BY THS CITY COMI93ION OF TK8 CITY OF t3BNTCN 1 . TION,IL That all finftga and deolu-stions con- tamed in the preamble of this ordinam* be, and same are hereby adopted and enterod an a part hereof. 813CT Osf Rod That the officers of the City, empowered in such respoet, are hereby authorised and directed to well and truly cury out and parform all apeemente and conditions specified In the aforesaid leash asreeieent of June 5. 1950 inoluding those covenants find agree"ente pertaining to Ieaca payments to be made under said leaso vontrAev as agrq fully set forth and provided in the olr&nanae ol.Jwle ~ .19 g, authorising said lease contradte AMA 31 'Chat the .City dearetary shall furnish Valrbanks Momree 'and Coot" with a oertified dopy of the City's bvdgnk' for the year; 400molte June 1# 3933,, and ending NAY 31~ ahawing due: ymo"aion r*r all 1ea" pg^,,11%ts to be 4" dtIA9 such poriod xn ai4ordan0e "ith the terms of the least sontraob.. . SMSOJ --41 That the dity 844Wetary call fWMAsh said Fairbukrs Moors vW OoWany or arty assignee Of aueh let$* 4 tracE, a certified `coW of the dity0e Vzoal budget foy each + w"Odipg fiseal year that the said 30ase aontrat ahaly rfta , ► in eltsob, wWvin shall be OwA dus y rovisiob NO all laare psywwnts due doing tos► pirLod "Vere4, by auah MAO*' budya~'jsi,. That all paywate `.1411ed for and to be rsdg Mot the, aforesaid is"# av is %wj' ba p"able ..0 ' t r / day or each swath, the Initial parsont being psid a6 . the of g ',1953. 14,x! „St TMt the public iWortanoe of this wastwo and the fact that it Is to the beet Interest of the City that the lease oontaraot horeinabove referred to be conautaftatod at the earliest posaible date, constitute and cVoate an torgeney and an imperative public n4ceseityp ;Aqulr,ing that al:4 rules providing for ordinances to be read in` open motim on Woe several days be nspandsd~ and roquir-ing that this ordAnwe bal. passed and take effect as an owergtaoy aeatsure, &Ad owb ruled ` and provisions or* acoordingiy suspended aaa thi3 oy+ateWo is hers,W paesdd a$ $A owgw y MoblWo to tare Of"t and be in Porto .Iadodiately upon its ps.4wo and Apex*'.Vl &06 it ids so oaraainmd~ Afro AMOVEV j this ttae 12th "y' of my# 19530 CP"3R'D' ~ r s piyy es' ~►itnton ~Caxae~ A'i'Srt88Ts $It w 'rime. ,APP OVADf rn I , i 1 CSRTIFIOATB OF 01TYOZORSTAAY TO STATA OP TEXAS 41" ti►' DWITON = COV?FL 41 DAJON 1 r it Charles O Orr, Jr(j j City gwetary o!'the O*ty ' o! nentot),' Tei# DO HPOR -CiMXW tMt the NboVi and torgoinp is a true snid oorreot copy of an ord~nanee epprOi4r4 e4 ate'sopti ioased madhilm the City' of, D"ton Texas from Faitr banks$ Nor" and Com&*Any$ (&nQ Minatee -prr w a " to itr ddoption)#; VOW' by the City 00mission ot said oity, 'lyn 14th dyy of May, 1g5l, whsoh ordinAnos of rooord In Book pass . et seq,r of the Mitmtos. of the City 09W rsion of the Oilty of Dentono is W;S%w, wxmwvis I barn bsvmto "t 1q wuw 1loattitti `cad j►ObWd the nisi oi` t City ot` tlt4ti~. ex ~ We UO nth' day of 114 $a)' a . 9 . ! 1 r 1 r 5'9 v. n < r • a' 'r J tY a , 01T: STATE; W TF;XAs XY(U ALL 111.N '1Y MESt, PIZE'S ;NT51 Cc 1TrY QF n! A'T41d Thnt the City of bentor,p Texas nud tho County'Of Denton, Texas, both being Ladies politic and corporAtot heroiuf'fter celled Loooorso for and in considoration.of the sum'of To'tt r '$bl1Ayb' 0gash #n hn Ila it bj~ the •Toxae Nefionai' !?urXd Ar:.tory I1oor'd, a t,ocy politic and norror,t,to; 'existing under the laws of the ,Stfite of Tqxas, hereinafter called Losseo, the receipt of wliiah Is hereby acknowledged and conressec!, has Used and cleatised, and by thoso presernts, does louse end demise unto tho said Lessee tho,following !root or parcel of lend located in tho'City of Donto'n, Texas, and' more particlalarly descrIbed a6 follows, to-wits Ali ,that certain tract or parcel of fond iying' and boinp t4tu tted in tlto County, Of - Denton Mato of roxa.s -.being out of the L IS Survey Abgt• #090 and {apping a part of 04 acres described in hed brow MAIAnd Jte insurance Company to K. 'C: Pottor,ond wife ?oydeli, ' Vallooa P~+ tot doted May 10 1940 'as .shown, of ecurd in Voi; 289 l' page W of. t he Deed >ecorda of Den= e, mlty, TL'XnaF om! tjoing more pc.rticulnrly 0everibe4 'as a foliowet _ • 11NNING at a" point in the 8o 1tF C ~ uth . boundary, 11,66, f t3te ` , t~t,ovo :mentioned 8 aero , traot,,r BA"td p6jW 66ingr ~ho''.Oouth• R weft corner of,a°1.81-acta tract,owned by;{~, C, i'ottett ' st}id point til'oo W14 the ..south'eap corner or. the 0•`6cr.e t tract.C'on~eyod;.h'er,eFtIth ealcl poi>t ' hot'n#' `16'cate4, " verse (483' foot).' north .96 degreep 2,3 n+inutes West 'of'the ' ' ' e4utt, et#t r~ght;of.±~ay' I Ke'.of ;146n i+ l «8o' #Iight,ray`, Noy.'47j r. TIIta?tCE'IJot'th'8 dafgr+res 2$: ztihutoa Wost n'lon ' gain 'sQutt~ ` • tiouttdaary; 1•jhb;' `df$ta'ido of 1980018 Yatzao'{r1" .debt), to Q s p6i~,t for t ho;u"outhwbot corner of said fon, tOo bract ` ~n' . `..QOnY@f/ed' ~drlWit~lt• , , , } .TNFNCF; north agree 87 ntiqut*e east d distenco'of '141.8d'~ varati (8fl4, fee '•#oa bgirit ror, thi `4brthwodt::corner'of ed horewi h '.so d paint also $sid lon acerba ab onveI► j g htiing' in the "sodttt .boundary' Hite' 4f Pra3r 9 tjr!~et{ 64 '.i •r a dr. 1I: - y C + ' YN • / .F >tit.T11FvCF', south SO bdegr~da '21 ntnutea e0P9.atOng'tk~0 south . s . /iu~Id:tfj► lino 'of ef'rnirie tree t di tanve of 3988016 varas . Y IIC 17h 6_ 10a~ toot)`' r to" a" poinf `fob t e n~rth'ett9t corg~r of• the' ' . ' en more; tract'cohveyed °heroi4jt sold oofttt,'sAa~go. aging n "the southwest bottndai ► sine 01 ~i 8,44 :a;cre rt *,C ppn Ve,`/eA by't1; C Pottor ti no wife to, ho fe , , 31.igh ~r;Depa>Rt { meht for" rigt,t~.Qr t cry. ;i.tlrposes ''ortho- bow, 009,. Ili h"y. koi j71 •'t'~S}~th",1'cla~~rra~"37 ~~.i,~tuto8~x©sta dle~#nisco .bf~idY►Bi- ' varo's (3,84U to th04...# •uthesaat corner at' sad tun acre c 'tt"aCt;atl''to thb PlAdolot` bbginnthb'i, 60,."oat Itlfag``ton, aore8 of ja ode atoro oO icsr~. s' 47 r fyI`i rd [r . . ` 1 i r. }:S Y.e y r~ , .,•r p .7.. 'lA Y '4t ,ti,i.S r'~ s t6 3Yy ! IB~S5,/~ 1. •rr ' x~i 1 rt.-;' fY f:. td~h"Y ' ~ A r r ~•siic i{ + r~r' / t. ~ . TO I(AYP "Zvu 7' 0 the demiscid promioos dnto the cr~id Loneoet its succosours , nd assifns from this date for nnd. during,and. unto the end of the full term of ninoty-nine (99)' years henco next ensuing and folly to be cokp1oted and ended: It Is understood 'and agreed, by and t,et}peen iho'pa>{dies hereto that at the, termination of tf►ir►: leaso all' bu.ildingip o®tr'4 atDras, a'nd; o h'Qi• egdtpmegt, id un;ithei."doolsod remises (urtnp, the term of this lease shall becomo the property'of the Lessors. Lessee covenants Pnd nftlioes to commence c'ottstruction of n building or butldings suitable'for!use of a unit of tfile Tox-.s •?v'ational Cu>Trcl evitliin two (2) yor,rs .from tFe ,datee here- ofi it being understood that in the event tlrie Covenant hg' not f f } obsorvo& by Lessees thf a dontract; shah bocovcTe nuand ,void . and tlTeae promisoe shall wholly and absolutely r6y,ortq Los9pre. Lessbre' agree to provide,' At, th'gir 0" oxpenae.ail necesl*ry water, light npd-haating eitensiods, to' Within five {3)` Poet' of any hi11 idi ngon or' which Wray be' placed on said premisos !n 'Pis much as it ie,imrrectical to m'►ko the sanitary l eower system of the City of Donton availnble to such premised, the Lessors agrso that they xi l coAstruct and pay, for, a`soptio tank to dis{i4' e''of .the ` clwerage.' ; 'ESCS CUTF,F~ `!ri tlirpilcate t,(46 ~nay or ,TanunryP 19b9.s'9 CITY OA`.I1~I3T02i~ ~is!Ui$ K w • o r f. +T Or .p Tom. TW 4 b S. y' o n u , 5 ,k~ f , , .f .y_ , T FA M1S,tkA T X ONA L' GEf6D%AW"OPY 11' +ARD y. Y t• ft`, Cr'•~ , 1 . Y ' r ~ tit" j Y' Ch lfp ~Leai d t ( 1 f t ;a. r t j't Y/'.~isi Y 16fis rfit nlMon ~ t .Qr3' '.:rM.r k . I►.. e~s ' STA T i Oi' MA S HE 1 'r fy ii* nr iit,NT ON ; ~ . 111,VORE 11Ej the undersigned, a Notery► public in and for Denton County, Texas on this (Any persorl921y.apoeared Hark Hannah, Xayor of the City of, Det1on j Toyas and Chase Ce Orr, Jr. its Secretary, both known to me to be the persons whoso nmaos aro subscribeQ to the foregoing ipnstramont and nclenowledged to mo that they, eachrexecuted tho Pine fort too pu'rposeo,nhd conAdcration thar,ebi exprosscd ctnd in the chpaoities therein stated, r S11 UND1 T' MY HAYD•ANl) gtviCTAL SPAL OF OF"FICC 'tide the $Oth dny of January,,1fls8. ~ it I+ 1 ,robto it. Caldwell, Jt • o. a:y PubjiCo In an o Counisston Expirop Denton C(junty0,-T0xae Juri® 1, .19u3 , ~ TIM STATP o,,' TMAS ~ COUNTY OF, 1)Fx~rON ~ii oo~~• ` hrF'Mg MM the uTddraign6d' a Note `i'ublio'in and Penton County ewes Qn this da~r orsonAiiY'anpt•8c~ JacN, r' ray County '3u ge~of'Dohtb~`Goun~r Tb ay knpxrs to my to bq t, Instrument' oorbpn whoso h'1010 subscri~od to Abe for6uoin ' to r ; inetruareht 4,4h abktio~r edgAQ to ''ee,'.thnt he executedhe ' et%e fbt47'f'he pus` base sn~ constdordtiod'therein oprosoed x. ena iti thepaopity' the>+eift htatod+ r F ' r+IYE1+i .tM It ,H IlAxt)k o Orf~ vAL SI?AL OF ot7'ms, 111a .t~ o ' 1 '00th dsy or Jgnuaryl, ~,fid~► 7 V ` r iT4bt4,,„ i{ CA ldw~1l ~ ` • r«/^~ 'Public ;fir ;a' Car ies.lA h,cpit`es, n or t /N Judi 1968 nenton County, Toxee ,z .r r : I ~ 't F ryr, r~ 1 • ~ 'k'`+ ' ± [ , - t t r, a t. 1 } , I' ( ` ? • 1, I r''t ,+1, •r' "inCw i ~~1, ,.r , J '+..1 ~~a ~~"h i.2 ! ~ it R ~ ~ ~'j w i 'r r . ,f 1 r> t _ .r i Mr. S ATS OF TWS ' U)IINTY OP TPAYti'e t11~7TORE ME, the undersigrted a ?notary Pubiic in and for' Trevis County Texas # on th s doy porsonolly iapt~eorcd it, Mill.or•Ainswor h, Cha rman, Lnd darl, L;t Phiriheyr, TrCiAHu •err '•of tiro Texa NntiOnui guard Ardory 'Board, knoti~n vo tie to be the parsons tend officers xhose n0mos aro subscribed to tho foregoing instrutaenti ar,d'thoy ncknowYQdged ' to no thnt the same'was.tlio act and dead of the Bid Texas National Cunrd Armory !bard-0 a,dorporati.on' and thaf thoy Pxecuted the same as the det of quoit cornorAtion fort he purposes' and conslderati ori' tborein exprossed _ rind in the copa6ities therein stated. tY..N t►NDm, yY Y[AtSD AND OFFiO1AL SEAL ~4t' of t`iCh :this da of 1©88' r ( -I and T 'lfo Q V, POX a n or TraviB Countyt 'TOkas i 10 1 1, ~ r.' S J - ,r J~ I i 1 I ' Y Y''~. I + 1 of I p 1'~ I .1~,. ! 1 . t ,it.. ; ,.l is to rkr a , a I , a r 1A , .i4'F Y qtr f' i ° • St ,-7 v .,..1 `rT `F d✓ I e 4 K + r y r r .i SE( .LIVED APR'? 4 '1'BXAS 1011ONAL GUARD All ORY BOARD .a S. O. 2629-5,& STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF DENTON X THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this - day of April, 1953, by and between the CITY OF DENTON, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, acting by and through its Mayor and attested to by its City Secretary, thereunto duly authorized so to do by order of the City Commission, Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed "OWNER" and THE LAYNE-TEXAS COMPANY, LTD., a limited partnership in which Sam L. Olson and O. F. Jensen, all of Houston, Texas, and Roy A. Taylor of Dallas, Texas, are the general partners, of the City of Dallas, County of Dallas and State of Texas, Party of the Second Part, hereinafter termed "CONTRACTOR. " W I T N E S S E T H; WHEREAS, under date of August 11th, 1952, the Owner and Contractor entered into a contract covering the drilling of one or more test holes, the evaluating of water-bearing formations as found in such test holes, and after a suitable location was found, the constructing and equipping of a guaranteed gravel-wall water well, to be known as water well no, 12, and to be equipped complete with deep well pump and motor, all in accordance with the detailed specifications attached to the contract, This contract was entered into subsequent to sealed bids, duly submitted by the Contractor -ne06YNE-IEYAS COMPANY, Ltd. under date of July 8th, 1952, subsequent to a duly advertised notice for bids to be received by the City on July 8th, 1952, and, WHEREAS, the Contractor drilled a test hole and evaluated the information therefrom at the location first selected by the City, being n near the intersection of Greenlee Street and proposed U. S. Highway 77, and water-bearing formations were found to be insufficient to justify the construction of a well; and, WHEREAS, the Contractor has drilled a second test hole in the south part of Denton and east of U. S. Highway 71, and the water- bearing formations, as encountered, were determined to be insufficient to justify the production of a well at that point; and, WHEREAS, from information learned since the original con- tract herein referred to was signed, the Owner has determined that it will probably be advantageous to the City of Denton to select a location north of Denton for the third test hole under the contract herein referenced, and has agreed to modify the contract between the Owner and the Contractor herein referenced, in the following particulars: 1. It is agreed that the third test hole for the location of well no. 12 shall be on the R. it. Evers Tract, situated on the west side of an extension of North Locust Street, west of the end of bead Horse Lane, and 1. 1 miles north of Orr Street, in the C. R. Jones and Company Survey. Abstract A-1288, Denton County, Texas, .r., Th N[-TEXAS COMPANY, Ltd. 1 -3- 2. It is further agreed that the maximum amount of money that shall be due the Contractor shall be payment for 590 gallons per minute at the contract rate of $108.00 per gallon per minute, except that the maximum hereunder due, if the well should produce as much as 590 gallons per minute under test, or more, shall be adjusted in accor- dance with unit prices based on more or less than the estimated quantities of such items. It is distinctly understood that payment for water pro- duced in excess of 590 gallons per minute will not be made. 3. The type of construction employed and the type of screen used, as well as the type of pump and motor as specified for construction of wea no. 2, shall be furnished for this new well no, 12, and unit price adjustments shall be as follows; Item 5-A, More or less than 55 feet of 14-inch 0. D. stainless steel shutter screen, per foot; $47.60 B. More or less than 240 feet of 10-inch stainless steel shutter screen, per foot; 38100 C. More or less than 600 feet of 20-inch casing in place, per foot, 9100 Ms's D. More or less than !A feet of 14-inch casing in place, per foot; 6100 is E. More or less than feet of 10-3/4- inch casing in place, per foot; 4.60 F, Ohre or less than 1200 feet of com- pleted well, per foot; 12,60 ~ Tke %lNt tEXA5 CORPANY, Ltd. -4- 4, The contract time for construction of well no. 12 is here- by extended to 165 calendar days, from and after May 1st, 1953, this extension of time being justified by the fact that two to t holes have been abandoned, following the abandonment of the second test hole, the City has deemed it advisable to perr-,.t the Contractor to move to the site of well no, 3 and construct that well before starting construction at a new site for a third test hole for well no, 12. 5, No other terms and conditions of the original contract are changed, except as specifically set out herein. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION, in special session on the aZ= day of April, 1953, as recorded on page of the minutes of the City Council, APPROVED: THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS / Cae e . c~~l By City rney _V Mayor APPROVED: Ari'65 Engineer ity Secretary (Sea ) WITNESS: .THE COMPANY, LTD, r A By Tk NE-UXAS COMPANY, I'd. ~Jfy THE' SUPERIOR OIL. COIPANY 01. AND GAS •UILDINO HOUSTON 2,TEXAS May 21, 1953, Mr. Robt. He Caldwell, Jr., City Attorney, The City of Denton, 221 North Elm Street, Denton, Texas. Re: Cif of Denton Water Well Site Dear Sir: We are in receipt of your letter of May 20, 1953, in which you enclosed a small plat showing the location of the water well proposed to be drilled by the City of Denton on the 1501 x 150' lot purchased by it in the C. Re Johns and Company Survey, and which is covered by an Oil, Gas and Mineral Lease executed by Re Me Evers, et al, to The Superior Oil Company, under date of May 29, 1951, This Company agrees that the location of said water well upon said lot will not interfe^e with any proposed opera- tione of this Company, and Superior has executed, and 1 enclose herewith, letter agreement recognizing the right of the City of Denton on said 1501 x 1501 tract insofar a& said water well only is concerned, and that same will not interfere with our oil opera- tions on the leasehold premises. As requested, we return herewith the plat your submitted with your letter of May 20th. Yours very truly, THE SUPERIOR OIL COMPANY By: as. A. Noble. WBW:mk Enolosurat~-2 11111; SUPER1011 0114 C0N11 I '~1N1' OiI AMC' GAS BUILDING HOUSTON l:, TEXAS May 21, 1953. City of Denton, 221 North Elm Street, Denton, Texas. ATTENTION: Mr. Robt. H. Caldwell, Jr., City Attorney Gentlemen: In response to your letter of May 20, 1953, concerning the proposed location and drilling; of a water well to a depth of 1200 feet to the Trinity Sand, upon a lot 150 feet square in the C. R. Johns and Company Survey, Potent #205, Denton County, Texas, which tract is part of a 209.8 acre tract of land, more or less, in said survey comprising the First Tract in the Oil, Gas and Mineral Lease dated May 29, 1951 and executed by R. M. Evers, a single man, W. T. Evers and wife, Fannie J. Evers, A. F. Evers, Jr. and wife, Muriel L. Evers, as lessors, to The Superior Oil Company ns Lessee. According to the plat enclosed with your said letter, the Southeast corner of said 1501 x 1501 lot lies in the West line of Lhe right-of-way of the Denton-Gainesville Hoad and 110 feet North of the South line of said survey; THENCE West 150 feet and 40 feet distant from said South line; THENCE North 150 feet parallel with said West line of right-of-way; THENCE East 150 feet to said ;test line of right-of-way; THENCE South 150 feet to point of be- ginning. Subject to your having acquired the fee title to said lot 150 feet square: The Superior 031 Company agrees that location ^F said water well upon said lot and the drilling to and production of same in the Trinity Sand will not interfere with any prof-ised operations of The Superior III Company under said Oil., Gai and Aineral Lease and this Company does heroby approve the location of the water well on said traotf provided, however, that subject I.o your right to locate and drill said water well at any place upon the lot as no- looted by you, The Superior 0!1 Company reserves any and all right:. acquired by it under and by virtue of said Oil, Gas and Mineral Lease, and in no event shall The Superior Oil Company be or become liable to the City of Denton on account of any operations in the drilling, production or operation of said leasehold promises for the produc- tion of oil, gas o)% ot6.3r minerels therefrom, provided, of course, that the same do not interfere with your drilling, operation and O • , Page #2. 5/21/53. City of Denton, Denton, Texas, production of said water well and pipe lines, water tank and pump upon said lot appurtenant and necessary as to said well, EXECUTED at Houston, Texas, this 21st day of May, 1953, THE SUPERIOR OIL COMPANY By: ace- res enf ecre a WBW:mk THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; COUNTY OF DEN TO`' ~ This release contract between 11. 11. Fanning of Denton County, Texas, and the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, Witnesseth; THAT WEERFAS, the said Y. if. Fanning sustained injuries to himself by reason of an occurrence or accident on the 30th day of ?larch, 19539 while engaged and employed by the City of Denton, Texas, in its Gar- bage Department, in which City, the said 11. 11. Fanning was injured by or in connection with an accident caused by slipping and falling back- wards over a garbage can, about the liability for which there is a bona fide dispute and difference between the parties; AND WHEREAS, the parties hereto have agreed upon a full settlement and compromise of all cause and causes of action that the said 11. H. Fanning may have against the said City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, its agents and employees through such cause, accident or occurrence, in order to settle such dispute and difference; NOW, THEREFORE, for the sole and only consideration of one Hundred and Thirty-One and 20/100 dollars ($131.20) to him in hand paid, receipt , of which is hereby acknowledged, Y, the said H. H. Fanning do hereby release and forever discharge the said City of Denton, Texas, its agents and employees, from any and all claims and demands which I now have or may hereafter have on account of any and all injuries, includ- ing any injuries which may herealter develop as well as those now ap- parent, sustained by me in Denton, Texas, on the 30th day of March, 19539 while employed by the City of Denton, Texas, in its Garbage De- partment or in any other capacity or position. In making this settlement I.am not relying upon any statement made by any agent or physician of the said City of Denton, Texas, as to what my Injuries are, or how serious they are, or when or to what ex- tent I may recover therefrom. It is definitely understood that in making this settlement no pro- mise or representation is or h.As been made relative to future employ- vent by any official, agent or employee of the City of Denton, and likewise no official, agent or employee has threatened my discharge in order to induce me to enter into this release contract. r w I have been givennotice by the City Attorney of Chapter I, Article XVI77, Section 101 of the Codification of Ordinances of the City of Denton, 'exas, which provides that a person must give notice of damages for injuries to the City within thirty days (30) if suit is to be main- tained against it, No official, agent or employee of the City of Denton has said or done anything to lead me to believe that I did not have to abide by the above ord{nanee within 30 clays after 1 was injured if I had believed that I was entitled to more money than the consideration set out herein, The above mentioned ordnance was read to me in full by the City Attorney, I hereby release the said city of Denton, 1'exas, its agents and em• ployees of and from all dues, causes of action, damages, suits or costs irhatsoever by reason of said accident or occurence or accident or oc- currence happening up to this date, May 15, 1953s The above release has been read to me by the City Attorney and I fully understand the provisions and effect of all of its terms and provisions, I asked the City Attorney to read it to me because I did not have my glasses with me and could not read it without my glasses, 7n Witness Whereof, T have hereunto set my hand this the 15th day of May, As D,, 1953, a n n ng WITN SSESI tx. to r r~ ~ ~ + ~ , ~ ..Si AT A SPECIAL METING OF THE CITY CO'TYNOSION OF TILE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, FELD Ark THE CITY IIALL Or SAID CITY ON TIIE 28th DAY OF YAY, A. D., 1953. R E S 0 L U T I 0 N ,f11r1ZE,AS, the City Tax Department is desirous of setting up a new record system for tax collection purposes; and MIER,PrAS, there are some mistakes in the levy of the takes on the property of the individuals whose names are contained nn the list which is attached hereto and made a part hereof; and MIERIAS, sore of the individuals whose names appear on the at- tached list no loner live in Denton, Texas, and whose whereabouts are unknown to the Tax Assessor and Collector, and WIIGREAS, carr.1ring these amounts on the tax records tend to burden the records of the Tax Assessor and Collector; and 14IIERUM , the taxes so levied and assessed, as shown by the amount opposite the names on the attached list or own personal property is impossible to locate; and WIMPAS, the City Commission deems such personal property taxes be uncollectible; now, thereforet RE IT RESOLMD 13Y T118 CITY COXMISSION Or THE CITY OE DENTON, TITCAS, TIAT'the amount of personal property taxes appearing opposite the names of the individuals conta;ned in the list attached hereto and made a part hereof, be'charged off 'necause the sane is uncollectible. The aggrenate amount of personal property taxes hereby charged off shall be only $ 21120,15 The City Tax Assessor and Collector is hereby authorized and empowered to charge off the ar"regate amount of $ 2,126.15 personal property taxes, the particular amount t.0 he charged off for each individual shall he as indicated by the list here- to attached. PASSED AIN" AFPROVED this 28th clay of May , A. D., 19530 ATTEST., Chnlri%aii, omm ss on y erefa`ry L APplzovrD: Mayor A. Theron D, Abbott $1.73 F, P. Ables 4.23 Joe L. Akins '3:76 Roy Allen 1.73 David Allison 2.26 C. R. Allred 2.81 Olen We Amyx & Son 2.78 ,To 11. Anthony .f,4 V. L. Arf*o 4.84 Tommie Arnold 2.39 Jacl; Arrington 5.40 Be J. F. Bailey 8.39 r„ T. Baker 158 C. E. Ballard 9928 Edwin G. B;illard 1.28 J. F. Barnett 5.62 Mrs. Warene Barnett 150 Ray Batte 1860 B. I''. Ba ty 5459 Orville L. Baugh 10.13 Eugene Bauman 2.59 L. ll. Bayless .96 T. Be Beauchamp 1151 S. T. Beaty 1.20 Leon Behringer 1.40 Lloyd 14. Birdwell 5,60 Janice Black 1486 Leroy Blackfo 1695 Joe 11, Blakely 2.39 Paul E, Blakely 7996 Melvin 0. Blair 6006 Orgle M. Boswell 3.24 R. L. Bothwell 3.52 Mrs. Naomi Bottlr 1688 Airs. Mattie Boyce 3.38 R. A. Boyd 1420 J. W. Boyles 093 T. it, Boydston 9199 Gordon E. Branim, Jr. 093 J, Be BrigCfs 1.62 r=ett Be Brown 1039 J. 0. Brown 1086 Robert D. Brown 5,,60 lima E. Brown 1.44 Mrs, J. M. Brownlee 4.66 J. B, Bryant 6048 T, W. Bundy 1039 T. AI. Burden 3046 11, No Burden 2,25 J. Be Bush 047 C. Lewis I''. Calvert 13002 Calvert Roofino & Sheet Metal 24011 Chas. J. Caraway 2008 Joe Mac Carpenter 7.46 L, 11, Carter 902 Henry J. 'Canfield 093 Winston Co Chance 6.38 L', Do Chandler, Sta, 3.19 J. M, Chandler 5017 S. Be Chastain 3.67 City Transit 53.12 Be L. Clark 11,59 lien '1, Clark 10023 William A, Cleveland Jr. 2.80 J. I% Co-dell Set'. SlaO 1086 Co-F,d fht Sl10p 38.37 Jamey C. Coin, Jr. 1.12 G. H. Coker 22.43 Martin L. Cole 1030 Alvis M. Coleman 1087 R. G. Collier 2.78 Bill M. Collins 7.46 Troy Cooper 1..12 Mrs. ;label Cox 1020 Woodrow Co Crombie 3.93 11. A. Cro,ich 2.16 Jess J. Cryer 5.14 Theo 11, Cullom 3.19 F. E. Cummin-s 9.32 D, 11, J. Dacus 5160 Rev. R. Danielson 7.19 Otis Davidson 193 Kenneth Davis 11•13 Grady 'r. Daub 2.59 Richard L. Dawson 4.64 Richard E. Dawson 1.87 Dawson Sere Sta. 19.53 J. S. Day 1.86 Wallace 13. Day 16090 Fs J. Deeds 5.60 Denton Transfer & Storage 102173 Johnnie Dickenson 7.46 I:. TI, Dill 093 C. C. Dobbins 2.Rn J. P. Dolch 8949 Bailey Be Dorsey 3.19 Dowdell Planing Ifill 11096 S. A. Dowdell 33.19 Duncan Jeffry Barton 8135 L. K. Dutton 6.55 E. J, T. Ellis Os35 M. F. Enlow 16.74 Norma L. Enlow 3.24 Karl. Estes 1,62 Dick Estin 1.87 F. Ile Ezell 2.80 r. R, K6 Files 2.00 R1 Id, Finley 1.60 Mrs. Careen Fitch 6004 Payson I. Pleming .'493 02 As )i, Flemming; 4 Virginia Raker Florice 9046 E. M. ford 2924 Carolyn M. Forehand 2939 11rs. Lellie Franks 2182 ,To We Frank 2.78 G. L. Franks 3.75 G. R. Be Gambill 6.62 II, Be Garrison 6,70 a[1 Re George 5060 C,eneral Rnofing & Sheet Metal 22.84 Gerland G. Gibbs 7.42 Gillaspie, ,ester, Thomas .93 111 V, riles 4.83 Bob Gillentirie 1000 R. 11, r-oodurn 41,78 Gord Gough 4114 A. It. Green ?.139 It. R, Green 7.46 S. w. Green 1686 Green, Shoe Shop 7.56 Alfred L, Greene 1.12 s, Carl T. Greer 1486 R. L. Crimes 2,16 F, L. Grimes 6,53 Lane Grisson -859 ]atm. B. Gunn 080 if, Goff or Robt. W, Hall 3.71 Clardy R. I!amilton 1.60 Donald N. Hamilton 7946 Hampton Gro. & Mkt. 3.35 Jimmie Hampton .75 Marvin H. Hampton 5907 Joe II. Ilanna 9.33 G. L. Itarding 6856 IT. 11. ]Tarp 6.49 Floyd C. Ifarris 7.46 Haynie Harris 7.46 Chester R. Ilarvey 7.18 Lawrence L. Ilarvey 5658 L. ]larwell 1486 William F. ITalicins 3971 Head Tynewriter Co. 3099 Airs. Gene Henderson .93 r-temt F. Henderson 8135 r.L. & T-Ahel Henderson 8.35 1•,llen IPenrich 2.9G J. A. Henry 1.86 ,Tessica Henry 5.63 IT. R IT. Ser. Sta. 11.94 W. C. Herring 1.39 Richard K. Heyn 11091 Telmer Ilielor 16,01 06 F. IliChf-111 1.86 Airs. Pearl AI. Ilill 1086 G. E. Trolliday 5.60 Hornsby Gro. 17.44 Francis I. ]Toward 1.86 .Irs. Florence Howell 6656 Ifundley Frt. Lines 22.32 Wayne 11, Bunter 4.66 Mrs. J. N. Hutton 2.32 I. Mrs. Eva Inman 1408 Gates Inman .47 J. Henry J. Jagode 4.66 Mrs. R. K. James 1008 R. V. lames 11664 Floyd A. Johnson 6659 Tom Johnson 4.02 Frank Judd 2.78 K. N. TT. Keathley 8.39 Keenan Itunble Sta. 11.25 K, Itellett 12.49 Alrs. Francis Irciley 2.59 Arnold Kerns 3.75 1hery L. Kennedy 1.87 Lena Fay Kerns 1.39 Lupert Moyle Kimbrell 1.38 Atha King 1.60 Vernon L, King 1040 Horace Knott 18046 Mrs. Jewell Knoth 7.56 Vivian Koewn 106 Kruger Ser. Sta. 2.82 TTarry P. Kuecki 6053 L. 8.39 Allen K. Lacy 7.46 J. Be Lambert 22.96 J, N, Lane .80 Glenn Lanford 6.38 J. R. Lawson 1.87 Be N. Ledbetter 7.46 Francis 1'. Lee 9,16 Jack Liedtke 3.73 . W. D. Lic"Ilt 3.9p9 James He Little 1087 R. It'. ?,ittle 1686 It. I. Long 53915 Louis studio 1640 P, L. I,o,do C. To Lucas, Jr. 4.79 Chas. V. Ludlo,~ .47 Clifford L. Luster 1.60 II . 651 1J. W. Iialone 1.51 Mrs. Janie Maloney A, N. Martin 1.60 El;)ert 11. Martin 3.46 I. T. Martin 1.56 Jimmy Ld Massey .94 Silas W. Matthews 1.20 Ray M. Maupin 3.73 Mrs. L. K. Maxcy 16.82 Days & Helton 1' Q9 1'aye McCarty 4'•2 3 Thelma 1101anus .32 To R. McKinney 20.33 James W. McWilliams 7.46 Mrs. Richard Medley ".46 A. R. Leine .94 *94 Roser D. Belton 3010 .10 Whit L. Ifercer Carl 11, Meyer 1.87 A. C. Miles 1.51 Mrs. I. A, Miller 7.46 J. 11, Miller 4, 66 Robert G, Milliken 1.83 David E, Mitchell 7.89 Arthor lfol3!,ia 5.60 L, L. Monds .56 pjonsanto Chemical Co. 7,42 C. D. Montgomery 3'73 Fred Moore 9.12 James H. Moon 4,18 L. A. Morgan 1.39 I'. L, Morgan 2.39 Joe F•dd Morris .80 To C. Morris ,93 J. R. Morse 3.36 L. L. Mullins 7.46 R. L, Mullins 8.39 Delbert Lee Murdock •Q3 N. Robert L. Nail 2.82 Ray Be Naler .47 Arve D. Nelson 1.40 Mrs. R, 11, Newman 1.39 Steve Norman 2;80 Richard Nutt 0. Horace O'Dell 8.96 Mrs. R. To Oliver .76 G. N. O' Rear 1.87 Mary Lucile Ormsby 3.24 I P. Mrs. Wanda Parker 2.86 A. G. Parks 1.40 Caton Parkes 2.82 Robert Parr 2.04 Johnnie Sue Patterson 5.62 N. L. Patton 4.78 Marshall L. Pavne, Jr. 2.32 Joe 11. Perkin 7.46 Varlin Perrin 5,57 E, C. Perryman 7.26 Edgar L. Pewitt .80 Grover E, Phillips .93 Pav rhillips 1460 George 'N. Piott, Jr. 9.34 J. L. Pope 2.77 R. Claude Rainey 4.21 Roy C. Ralph 5.57 Yr Ida Ramsey 1.62 J.' C. Reik 1.87 John If. Richey 2148 Raymond. F. Riddle 2.78 Steve Rider 4.79 Sam Ri~*gs 10.28 Right Meat Co. 11.16 Riney ".rose Car Lot 8.64 L. D. 1t1 ney 19.02 George M. Rinker 2.77 W, A. Robbins 2.78 If, G. Robertson, Jr. 4.60 H. F. Robinson 6.78 James L. Rominger 7.02 Thomas L. Rominger 6.53 Curtis S. Rowlett 7646 Roger C. Rue 1191 D. P. Ruff 1.28 Johnnie stuff 4.21 T. L• Russell 2.32 Leans A. Rutherford 1.49 S. Eugene Scott 4.26 R. P. Scott 9.32 Yrs. Vernah Scott 1361112 Melvin Self Used Qars 11.32 If, A, Shahan„ Jr. 3999 Rev. P. L. Shannon 3.44 lfarie Shelton 2.77 H. G. Shepherd 13095 Roland IJ. Shake 2039 11, A. Sholar3 807 Carmen Co Shirt 3.19 Bertie Smith 6953 Lewis D. Smith 2680 Jim Smith 4621 John Orville Smith 1039 J. S. Smith 2.7n Fred Be Smithson 3.21 Mrs, Sid Smythe 4.2f Roy Ile Snider 1061I Gerald Snider 2.4.? Nathan Solonan x6.49 R. Ps Sorrell 2.80 Chas. 0. Spcnc6 1060 II. I1. Splawn 1038 Georg,re F. Spuller 2.32 Mrs. Ada Stanley 1692 Mrs. Merle Steen 047 Rudolph Steward 3619 F. Be Stewart 1960 Emma Stewart 8039 W. R. Stephens Cafe 2.00 Marie Stephenson 1940 We D. °treet 5.62 Harvey Strickland 1186 Marshall F. Stuart 1.73 Walter L. Sweatman 1.21 T. .Tim Talley .93 J. A, Taylor 8.04 Robert P. Tailor 1.67 Leewanna Terrell 8.35 A. 0. Thomas 6.53 Tlrs. W. I[. Thomas 4.79 James N. Thompson, Jr. 093 Robert Thompson, 2.78 L. J. Thttimond 2.39 John L. Tippett, Jr. 2939 Xrs. Robt. Tolloso,i 2.39 T.S.C.W. Riding Stablesc/o Branch Williams 56.05 Leo Tucker 3019 Walter Turner 5062 U. Dudley Upton 13.73 V. Herman W. Vaughn 7.46 Harold D. Vick 5.60 J. E. Vinson 7946 Fred 11. Bade 5010 Mrs. Elizabeth Wallace 2.94 J. F. Wann 34.40 Charles Kendall 'lard 3.71 F. Be ward 2.39 Rayford 0. Warren 093 Robert L. Watkins 8.39 R. L. }'catkins 6.97 L. 0, liatson 3099 TlelfoiYI L. latson 18.G4 Xirs, Pearl 'latson 096 Wn. E. Watson 7.03 Itenry A. Ifebb, Jr, 9.32 J. S. Weidman 6049 Fruderick,G. Welton 1087 J, Lee Whitley 1060 Kenneth White 100,26 E. L. Whitley 2080 I1. F. Wilkinson .93 Clifton J. Wilkinnon 2.39 Cage C, Willeford 1073 I[. C. Williams 093 11. C. Williamson 680 E. Lo Wilson 1.62 F. Thos Idilson 3019 Joseph Martin Wilson II 1087 J. T. Wilson 1.73 lie 0. Winborn 1086 C. IT. Wingo 5066 S. IT, Wisdom 7.46 Irwin Wisenbacker 1086 Mrs. Susie Wright 7.77 TIrs. Effie Woods 2481 Riley A. Woodson 5.62 , i . i 1 17 f a it 5r + t~N}74' L .y, Al F}.y, R s ~:.~Rv ,FS"4a. s '~7i+iF3' if C,'+ :it' to a)tC]_. t ~.,.er to r. l,~ ,•I.U k t p.• r,. r.,,C „,1-1- ,,i,, i. t. /~(~rn't ilk tC~ cross 1 r.: t- r l1 r Im .lt?.. Ii- it2l`; Se^r:r L nC, no.: there fore, ,i 1 . . n La, ~•i f: 1. . r 11 .1„ _ .i - , a L.~.il ,J i P~r: l' the ,~<1"C)1' ;1Q t'IC ,It 'eC1, CtE11^)(I Cit7)e, iillli t1ieV 7rc hcrc'.h•% a~Ithori.::e(1 I' tllstr+.IC' ^c~ to cnt.r into ;,-n tl•rcei~leni *d-th r, s a Fa ' cifiC ' '.1o i n ' 'i' t i c:,• :,~.1. L~a~.% Go, t an, , s <..c .ln.. c, errs i11'275 and e~(!^' ~'t rC;C?"'tOnt tC(1 the I.~tlt <laj if JlyCl,11)EZ', ~ is, It 'a* betwCen i' c s anal ;-chic iti1'^rav Co,a„c.ny os Licensor anc, the fit,- of llcn- to, her# ^runt<r, TL ::L-31 as Licensee, rant i n- t o sr i 1 Li cc nsce tl:e ri^ht :in(1 authoritL,, to instt ll. an(t naintai.n a im~h (611) Sanitary et`rc: line the ri fht-of-l,.a; of the Licensor located in T10:1ton, Don- ton {;C)Ultt`', • cv-s, s<;id location 5)cin.- cto;'C 1`1:'.Ctll'LI) (loscri.beC as folIoils : ^7`?'T alt )1nt 1 T'11,4Q fti'eC'I, sa-,d. ^lo111t '1(.111- 20 feet riort! orthe swith 11' 11 , of Pra1.rie Street n!1 2 1'!`ot ',ist of tlt,:~ usSorts )re`.it »ro-crt" tane, strict "oiltt ')Cilr- 23 fey:t of t11%; Center line of t1tr, E'".'i' tt,ra ; i11 t w;c, , r , 11 lint St -1.1,v (1i1'CCt:, '11 X1(0 fc A to , not lit feet Ci19i of Le: 54T'' S CC.9t n;;'rr'°__T't ' ;i iilc all;; •13~~ `Il'' ,'a:+~er r.sl01 t '1 ltortt;orl;1 •1.,.ra11e1 1,At1, . ,(t E)F feet tcrI rr(''± sc.:a(t Ci)Ste]`l,y of ,_T,tf3r'cI' ".(''(1i_t'ton 111: fc'c,'t; ii8 •1VCf `.•711 C)11 Ilan C: 110 at t2 Ch C: C1 tC1 S~.1 C~:'f.':iG 1L ••1'ef"[Cnt ;.',.It(1 "I l'f=E7 mart tll e rcof , '?"f'. ?S. t?tis 19th da7y C+~r , '3 ~~1;i if `s on A'}'f"ST Ci_t, of Denton, 1C_r~.s >-~t- , ~ ry A f 3. t; of .t n t an A VA t1a;, or City cif :lelton, •Tex<;s r x671 i J 4-6 A a try? y 4 '4Tt k9 - s J.r tir me S o q tr 4 AT A SPECIAL )fF[,fTtiG OF TIIE CITY CO.:?iTSSI(N OF THE CITY OF 1)," 'f ON, TZrS, O TILTS T.'I 25TH DAY OF YAYt A.D. p1953. R E S O L U T I O N WHErTEAS, Hr. Marvin C. Nichols of Port 'North, Texas, has been appointed to be Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation by Secre- tary of Interior, Douglas McKay, subject to confirmation by the Pres- ident; and WHEREAS, Mr. Marvin C. Nichols has rendered many valuable, compe- tent services to the City of Denton, Texas, in the field of water engineering; and WIIERF'AS, the officials of the City of Denton strongly feel that Mr. Nichols is thoroughly competent in the field of engineering and will be of great service to this country in the office to which he i has been appointed; and WNFRF,AS, the City of Denton and its citizens are proud of the honor which has been bestowed upon IIr. Nichols, who was born and reared in Denton, Texas; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COIDUSSION OF TI E CITY Or DENTON, TEXAS: THAT in as much as Mr. Marvin Co Nichols has created a splendid record of achievement in the field of engineers.:;; in this State and over the whole country, the confirmation of his appointrient as Com- missioner of the Bureau of Reclamatiod will bring into government a man of unquestioned integrity and ability. It is further resolved that a cony of this Resolution be sent to Mr. Nichols and to any other official or officials concerned. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 25th day of May, 1953s a n, . omm ss on ATTEST: % a~l -9 APPROVED: ayor APPPPVt,'t ±,S TO'L, r.AL FORMS City Attorney e:.- t~~ b~ r, ~'t . ti9y.. M k - I. ^Rt ' it ~ Ali ~Sf ~ , . ~ t ~ iN °p~~w fY~. tp '~~r .a.~-~~4 }d' rx'~il R as t pYrai ty'~~ x The State of Texas County of Denton Snow all men by these presents; Thut we, D.B.Boyd an-' wife, Marie Boyd, of the County of Denton and the State of Texas, being the owners of 3J6eks *oft, two, three, four, five, six and seven of of the extension of the John F. Moringo Addition to the City of Denton, in Denton County, Texas, as shown by the -ate. map or plat of acid ddition, do hereby dedicate tb, tb*. use-of the publio, the- streets and alleys, shown in the map or plat, which is herewith► filed for record, Fitness our hands this the 27th day of January,1953. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON Before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for Denton County, Texas, on this day personally appeared D. B. Boyd and Marie Boyd, his wife, both known to me to be the persons chose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the some for the purposes and considerattort therein expressed, and the said Marie Boyd, wife of the said D. B. Boyd, having been exa.ained by me privily and apart from her husband and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said Marie Boyd acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the same foi% the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. Given under my hand and seal of office this the 7-7 day or January, 1953. Notary Public, in a d for Denton County, Texas 1.41 IFICATF OF RECORD l1w Pop- of Tevoe I, .4. J. it\'i'.'! T, ('Icrk v( d~c l'.m,vly Court in aed fn s;tf.] ['amty CRxnay of J. n I do rIt'y [Nat itr}~('tr r,!r{ 'orti ument of pnl`v„ ~kA i i cr dfifhte of au'hfntlc tJon pio ftkd far n r r.r i 0 r (7 d.1v of A D., 19 at ~i ipe3~Qelr k .ae0*'_. M , mod ntgH'( .I the day of A. 1), 19 e3 a1 9rr V n rLak 41., In f t1, .......3____~ PRee ao o.._ t, floes n( Ihmhm r`rninty, TF%3s. wMm}~ my 4RIO orml lPal of fff'r Rt Df rlt,w TvRo. the (l:.y Arai Neir !ut AAC writlen. A. J RAlW!.T'1' ut Clcrk of the Curiuty U),al, Lkilton c 're Rat ~y i s A r~, III P 0) rm is ~ o r H ~ r~ E t r Tl": ST:1T!l; OF 'f;,X%S ~ CQtl~ly QjI pT.:' PCB'.` T, R. l~. *'eale, Sr. of Denton County, Tex-S, klo hereby acknow- j led,,c the return to ne of one(l) T'. S. Tre<sury Bon(l by the City of Denton of the face value of $11000.00 and beinrr numbered 410691:, with all of the coupons attached rxcent those wH cI, have been cletach- ed b the City of Denton Ott my request and all of which cif ney has been paid to me. 'Iftness my hand this the 29th day of May, A, 1).9 1953. ea e, r. Wi ness: ~p~ 42 1 94~t THE CITY OF D[NTON • 221 Math Elm Street, Denton, Texot Office of the Mayor May 19, 1953 The City Commission DentonsTexas Gentlement I recommend that the City Commission appoint Mrs. 0. E. Taylor for another term of three years on the City Planning Board, her term to expire April, 1956. I also recommend that Mr. Raymond Wheeler be appointed to fill the un- expired term of Mr. Den C. Ivey. His term expires in April, 1955. Thank you very much. Very truly youurap Mark Hannah Major, City of Denton,Texas MH/lm Lame Sum GAs Cumpmw 301 3. WAIIWO00 STREET D XYIxN 1J IkXAO April 23, 1953. I City of Denton, Attention: Mr. Chas, C. Orrp Jr., City Secretary, 221 North Elm Street, Denton, Texas . Dear Mr. Orr: i I have your letter of April 16, 1953, asking about the difference in the amount of gross receipts of the Lone Star Gas Company in the City of Denton, Texas, for the years 1951 and 1952. We have chocked our records on sales within the city limits of Denton for these two years and find that the amoimts reported and paid on for the two years are correct. There may be several reasons for the decrease in the amount of sales and one of the main reasons for the decrease was undoubtedly the higher temperatures experienced during the year 1952• Trusting this gives you. the information you desire, I can Yours very truly, Secretary. TJ V*E + oaf e.x'.wwaoo SIPMET IDAL"M j3 ' k"S T, J. UHL uoRcTAOtV April 15, 1953 I City Secretary City of Denton Denton, Texas Gentlemeni In accordance with the provisions of section lAof the Lone Star Oas CompaWl s franchise to the City of Denton, Texas, and for the rights, purposes, privileges and the discharge of the obligations provided by said section and covering the period of time contemplated therein, we enclose Lone Star Gas Company check in the amount of i~ 5 BOMS ; also, in compliance with this certain section, we attach a sworn report showing the gross receipts received by the Lone Star Gas Company from the sale of gas to its domestic and commercial consumers within the city limits of Denton, Texas for the calendar year 1952, which report indicates the basis upon which the payment has been made. Please send us an official receipt to cover the above PMVM nt. Yours very truly, reteiy . ROS enols. 5 1 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF Know All Men by These Presonts: DALLAS The undersigned, aoting t,y and in behalf of Lone Star Oas Cc-,m'&r►, does certify and state that receipts of the Lone Star Gas Company from business done in the City of Denton, Texaa, for the calendar year 1952, were as follows, to-wit: Domestic and Cobwroial Receipts $ 290m187.37 S$~3y,~7a The undersigned certifies that the above informa- tion is true and correct, to the best of his knowledge and bglief. Witness the execution hereof this ~ 2dsy of :aril , 1953• I Sworn and subscribed to before me) a (otaz7 blip, in and for Da11aa County, Texas. Notary IPUbA;o In an or as o ty, Texas. A MARY MIMOK NOtary Pablw In and [or Dapar County, Texas A•96-WARRANTY DEED-Wilb Single, joint and Wife's Sep-mate Ackmowledgmenu MARTIN Stationer, Co., D Eu THE STATE OF TEXAS Know All Men By These Presents: COUNTY OF.........A-G.~! That we., De B. Boyd and wife Marie Boyd of the County of Denton , State of Texas for and i,i consideration of the sum of DOLLARS Ten and no/100-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to us In hand paid by the City of Denton, a municipal corporatio all cash in hand paid, rectept of which is hereby fully acknowledged have Granted, Sold and Conveyed, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey unto the said City of Denton, a municipal corporation, the County of Denton , Statt, of Terra Was certain two lots cor tracts of land situated in the County of Denton,' State of Texas, out of the J. D. Lilly Survey, Abstract So. 762, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: FIRST ,mod.': BEOININO at the SW corner of Lot No. 10 Block No. 4 of the 71"-Monaion of the John i1'. Yosingo Addition to the Cipp of Denton, Texaaj THENCE NE along the SBL of the said Lot No. 1 and odt.ths NBL of Tyler Street, approximately SO feet for corner, directly North of the NII eorndr of Lot No. I., Blook No. 8 of Said Additionj THENCE N crossing the boundary line Lots Nose 1 & 2 of Block No. 4 of sold Addition to the NBL of bdidtB2oek~Nos 4, same being the ML of the T d' P RR right of way; MENCE in a Southwesterly eiireotion with the above mentioned boundary line approximately 50 feet to the Or corner of said Lot No. Z. Block No. 4 of said Additiont TIMOR South on the FBL of Lot No. 1, Block No. 41 165,5 feet to the place of bepininp, 8900 ~ TRACT. BF07NINO 9 feet Borth of the SI' corner of Lot No. 14, Blook oo of scab Addition, said point being in the fast boundary line of Yoringo Streetj 7111ENCE fast parallel math the SBL of said lot 165.2 feet to the EBL o,f oaf Blook No, 61 T11SNCR North with the AH of Boook No, e, 50 fist for gotn,,orl PROOt Not pornllal with the 1VBL'of Lot No. 14, Block No. 6, said Addition 164.6 feel; to the tBZ of koatngr Strestj THEY South ort the EBL of Yoringo Street 50 feet to 41he place Of beginind. 1 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtm ances tbereto In anywise belonging unto the said City of Denton, a Municipal Corporation, its hears anti s migns fomw; and we do hereby bind o u ra e l v e s, our E beir,, eyx„t, and administrators, to Warrant and Forever Def►nd all and singular the said premises unto the ( said City of Denton, a i/uaicipal Corporation, its i E bars and assigm against ry person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part t9+e " Witness our hand s at Denton,, Texas this 29th day of Jantbry ,A. D. 19 334 Witness at Request of Grat" t ,J _ _ _ _ 01 a r~ THE STATE OF TEXAS,' BEFORE ME,...._...___ COUNTY OF..._._.............. _ _ _ . » _ _ in and for _ » _ -._._.County, Tens, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person......._._._.._.whose nsme__._._aubscribrd to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that ._he__ executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, A. D. 19.._.._. THE STATE OF TEXAS, r BEFORE ME... COUNTY JJJ In and for Tens, on this day personally appeated wife of known to me to be the person whose rusme L subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and having been examined by me privily and apart from tier husband, and having the same fully explained to her, Abe, the said acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she bad willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish I. to retract it. GIVEN UNDER MY BAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, M____ .day D. 19_._._ THE STATE OF MAS, BEFORE COUNTY OF_.. Z An t on in and for Denton __„„_,,,_,,.-County, Tema, on this day personally appeared Ata r i E B Ud _ his wife both known to me to be the persons whose names an subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to the that they each executed the same for the purposes and eonslderatfov therein expressed, and the said - - _ _ » . Yf3X-11A-B. 2.Ud _ _ _ _ _ , wife of the Wd._....... D.r B Be .1dbeen examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and havtog the same fully expWned to her, she, the sald_____ Max_ie_ acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the Uwe for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract 1G YX GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, Thi -2_V_::___._day o! A. D. 19§s%_ (L. S.1 Notary Public in and .for Denton Count Texas THE STATE OF` TEXAS, ' ~ r,.~...__.~si~..~~►.~»Yeti._......._.._.».»»..._._::..M-.. COUNTY OF Denton Canty Clerk of the County Corot of *mid County, do herby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing dated on the..... 29th day of Jan. A 19.5a with its Certificate of Authendatic.n, was ailed for record In my AM on the_.......6tt_d►y of_ _ Q}1r~ A. D. 19,5.,3., atQ: 3Q_ o'clock _ 1.5., and was duly records! ehts._.4.tk day of. D. 19.5 1, In the Records of said County, in Vol- on pagle....»-........-199........ WITNESS my band and Beal of the County Court of acid County, at 012es - ._.__-.__..._..the day and year lent above written. As Jo Barnett Clerk Crrmty Teresa Depaty, i ZO to o r4f to pin 33 & e SO I e R ~ ti o a ap ilk TILE STATE OF TPA%S B'OW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON That we, W. A. 11ilson and wife, Leona Wilson, of the County of Denton, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($200.00) cash, to us in hand paid by the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, the receipt of which is hereby fully acknowledged, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, sell and convey unto the said City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation of the County of Denton, State of Texas, all that certain lot, tract or ppaarcei of land lying and being situated in the County of Citon, State of Texas being out of the John Carter Survey and being more part- icularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point 404 feet West of the Northeast corner of an 311 acre tract of land conveyed to 'I1. A. Wilson, Jr. by W. A. Nilson by deed dated December 19, 1906 and recorded in Volume 104, Page 30 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, said 80 acre tract being designated in the above mentioned deed as Tract No. Four; THENCE South 28 degrees 37 minutes West for a distance of 150 feet to a point for corner; TPYCE North 87 degrees 03 minutes West for a distance of 150 feet to a point for corner in the East right-of-way line of State },ighway No. 10; THENCE North 28 degrees 37 minutes East along the East right-of-way line of State Highway No. 10 for a distance of 150 feet to a point for corner in said right-of-way line; THENCE South 87 degrees 03 minutes East for a distance of 150 feet along the North line of said 80 acre tract to the place of beginning. TO 11,M, j1D TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise 'aelonging unto the said City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, its successors and assigns forever, and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors end adminis- trat6rs, to Warrant and r•orever Defend all and singular the said premises untothe said pity of lenton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same or any part thereof. This conveyance is made to grantee herein upon the further consideration of the promise avid agreement of grantee that it will re-canvey the hereinahove described tract of Sand to grantors, their heirs or assigns in the event that the City of Denton abandons such property as a part of its water system and decides to sell the same. The purrhase price of any such re-conveyance shall be $200.00 to be paid by said purchasers, the grantors herein, their heirs or assigns. 'tk Witness our hands this the a 7 day of February, 19539 A. wilson Led nab son STATE OF TEXAS R COUNTY OF DENTON R DEFORE HE, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Denton County, Texas, on this day personally appeared W. A. Wi19on and,his wife, Leona "iison, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said Leona Wilson, wife of We A. Wilson having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said Leona Wilson acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract itpu LIVEN t1NDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this theA day of February, 1953. Notary Pu c in nd-ror Dentow County, Texas I i1FICATE OF RECORD nA Stcte of Tema T, I i,AR\ETT, Ckrk of the Crmnty Court In and kw said Oouab' County of D:-nion do ke.oJy certify that t1 w nr~ao4n n t I,n .at of KsitinV. with ks certificste' of nrtheoticadOn will filed for morJ the__.!? da)'' eyr y1 63 %t '0 0-&'Ck_a2m fn and c.dy clecocdcd tho (1rv d, at 1 I 2.-, ~ of the Vei:aa Retrnds of Denton County. Tens. - W41 hand and ttel ul oflicr ut D-nton. Teuu, the day end Yeas k+t ahm+e writta4, WblM - c. A. J. gARVEl'C prtty C3erk of tLe County court. DoOLA Co, To" Ixl r 1 r K r m CA C', I C1 y' o nri ct o ' ~1 w W ~a O O k4 N z R° 41 1040 H f` ej 1 Alf- 1 INSURANCE TOR OVER PENNEY'S S E t PHONES. RES. 1336. OFFICE 484 Bond No. 704645-53 SIDEVALK, C'UIUS AND CUTTER BOiV THE STATE OF TEXAS i COUNTY OF DENTON ENO:f ALL 1EN BY THESE FRESENTSI CITY OF D211011 That we, T. R. Frank& as principal, and the other subscribers here o as sure es; are a and ,rmlyy bound onto the City of Dentoti, Texas, a municipal corporation, its successors. and assigns, at Denton, Texas, in the sum of One Thousand, ($1)000.00)0 the'payment of whic'n well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, ogr heirs, successors, and assigns, forever fir4- ly by these presents; WITNESS OUR HANDS ON VHIS THE 25th DAY OF April A.D, 1953 The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the said T. b mks has made application for a permit to construct, repair anid reconstruct s ewa and/or curbs and gutters in the City of Denton, Texas) NOV1 TMEFCRE, if the said T. R. Franks shall da x:11 work in the construction, repair and reconstruction oany s ewalk, and/or curb or gutter in a good and workmanlike wanner, and if the said, T. R. Franks shall faithfully and strictly comply with the specifications a M the terms of all City ordinances,'resolutions, and regulations,'that are now or may be in effect, in Denton, Texas, relating to the construction, reconstruction and ropairs on sidewalks and/or curbs or gutters, and if the City of Denton shall be fully idemni- fied and held whole and harnloss from any and all cost, expense or damage, whether real or asserted on account of any injury done to any person or property in the prosecution of said works that may arise out of or be occasioned by the perfor- mance of said nork, bf the principal herein, and if said, principal shall vd thout additional cost to the person for whom the work was done, maintain all sidoxalka, and/or curbs or gutters, so constructed, reconstructed, or repaired by said principal for a period of one year from the date of such construction, recon- struction or repair, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and shall recon. struct or repair such s3de,:alk and/or curb or gutter to the satisfaction of the said City Eagineer'of the City of Denton, Texas, at any time within one year after the construction, reconstruction or repair of such sidewalk and/or curb or gutter, upon a ton day notice from said engineers then this obligation shall be null and voidy cth,3rtivise, it shall remain in full farce ani effects' The term of this bond shall be for a period of one year from the date hereof. 1PITNESS OUR HANDS 011 THE DAY, 1:0117143 AIM YEAR ADOTL WRITTEN. nc pa APPRom WESTERN SURETY COMPANY f ure y 341, . M ~ • -e ' APPS20VFD 1 ~r L7 _ b, /UITON. V4Ct•/>AttIDt NT orney I . S'rATB OF TEXAS, a~. t County y of Dallas, County t of of ° -Fa'?'-{ 1----------A. D. 19_r' before me, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared-------------1---- -----------personally known to me, who being by we duly sworn, did say that he is the aforeaald oTlcer of the WESTERN SURETY COMPANY, a corporation duly organised and existing under the laws of the State of South Dakota, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, that the saitj instrument was signed, sealed and executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of Its Board of Directors, and further acknowledge that the sdd instrument and the execution thereof to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at Dallr•s, Texas, the lay and year last abora written. ) My comm£salon expires ___J/Y _l_• SGrt.f~i~~ 1 i 1 P~otary Public - i*it4~vs4tl w • N1 :'~~C ` lN\ , • ~ •t TILE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON That we, W. F. Hamilton and Estelle Drown, a feme sole, both of Denton County, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the benefits which will accrue 'o i in our property by the dedication and opening of traet as hereinafter described, do hereby dedicate to the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corpnrn on, t:ic follwing tract of land in the City and Co r of ,Denton, Texas to he used by the City and the Puolic of street purposes, to-wit: Alt that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying; and being situated in the City and County of Denton, State of Texas out of the Robert Beaumont Survey and being more particularly described as follows: feet BEGINNING 352.6/East of the Soutinest -c,-ncr or a 'ract of land described in a deed from :rick ,tiles to Lena }i, Skiles dated the 15th day of -'•ircn, :947, recorded in Vol. 3330 Page 476 of the Deed =records of Denton County, Texas; IIIENCE North 17'r feet to a point for corner in the outh line of State Highway No. 24; THENCE in a Northeasterly direction, alone the Snv-h line of said Highway No. 24 for a distince of feet, more or less, to a point for corner; THENCE South 180 feet more or less, to a point. for corner in the North line of Sunset Drive; THENCE West along Sunset Drive for a Oi tance of 50 feet to the place of beginning. The trait h!rein dedicated is intended to be a continual ion of Alice Street as it now exists on up to intersect r:th St,ite Highway No. 24. TO HAVE AND TO FOLD the above descri i7ec. premises unto the said City of Denton, Texas so Iona as the same shall be used for street purposes and so long as the same shall be used for t he location of any utilities by said City or its assigns. Witness our hands thist he 14 frIS day of March, 1953. d.........~. We Fe a on Estelle Brown a . SINGLE ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS I( ~ COUNTY OF___IMMON----._._---- J BEFORE ME -Abe _nnders_igneSl}__a._-NQtary.._Public , in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared __Brolart,...a---fetne_so1e--------- - a--- - known to me to be the person S whose nameS.sW-fl_._ subscribed to i the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that A. hey executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. ' Given under my hand and seal of office, this - day of 59.53 -6k - Xo_tar_y__Puhli.c.__in._.and_Sor _ Denton County, Texas C17,11TIFIC.ATE OF ARCORD 11 If Sinte of TVA-11 G.%RNETT, Clerk of the Crwrty Court in and iior said County 1"oor'.y of 1). gilou d"on Wu J 'y 1 rui,y earthy that t1N foregoing tnstru .ntof `r t ng, with its certific"41- of uclC_ M., D., • fed for record lho__._ day Of lq.iA at 1L~p_o' i-M•, is D. je. at and duty recorded Lbe _day of of the fWi Pose . VoLvro - Te.xm- Recorde ;of Ikntnn County, d and sea of office at Denton, Texas, the day and year last above wii0ft. Wltnass aW hao A, j. BARNETT Clerk of the County Goat, Mntoa Co~ , TOW i f ti f I t ~ r ~ ~ µ fi ~ ~ j ~ ' ~ a a ck ~ ~ I A ` , tt STAT 'P '1 Sh ti 1'S : J;. t).r ALL . , 111Y C~',1"QTY V I11-?"TO] 'r1li;',''".AS9 T 11. P. :lhles and wife Anna ' . Ables, of Denton County, Texas, :1rc tllo fcc sill,)le of filers of a certain tract of lrn(i out of the t:. I l1Cli'' lslil Survey 'laf' i)c.i n^ r+0re "art i clll"1'ty described ')+'.low, =LIC') "ro,, ; t. i<; rlti,in cor• ol.tc t.i:ti.t~, nC +:'+c City of ll:;,toa, lcx(Ls, :11(1; T"1:'.: ".S, t le rC)ovc ;:entionC(I "l-0:1"M y is 11046- Ilo-, acceSS1T)le b,',* a 11(1bl'ic "'trcct; ;i) .".blr: ,,c? rife Anna l". Ahlc~3, for and in consideration of the a(;vante~? cs Inod benefits accruity, to its in our sail property ha"'e tbi": clay an(l by t:lesc "resents do hereby dedicate to the (,ity (:f Denton, Texas, the fol.lowin^ tract of land as a public st,•ect for tbc. use of the general n:!bli.c and ;core particularly de- scribed as follows: IIi:I'I(, out of the S;. Puchalski Survey and heinr l+tore narticularly described as follows: I?.I:(YI''`I?„('. 13().5 feet last of the Soutirivest corner of a . Irian 1Fr tract of land belonfzinn to P. P. A,)les and f:i l l;y described in a decd recorded in Volume 315, 7'a;re S:',)u of tile. Di~c(t Rccords of Denton County, Texas, to whic:+ reference is hereby riadc; 711TRYC' North 135 feet, gore or ].ess to a point for corner, said bein7 in the South boundary lane of U. S. Jliryhimy No. 77; TIi1;NCE 60 feet, more or leas, itj a Southeasterlir direction nlonl, the South boundary line of IT. S. lli7m4trty f,o. 77 to a noint for corner; 11I1!NCTs' suuth 1,50 feet, more or less, to a point for corner, same oi.ng in VIC Soutl) boundary line of the above riention- cd triangular trr-ct of land; TIIIsNCE '+est 50 feet, ;tore or less, to the place of be- ginning. IT IS 11'31F MY daclnred our intention ond.purrose In makirg this dedication is to extend Knight Street as it now exists and as it has been dedicated ,just South of our nrapcriv to IT. S. 111fi1lW: y 'No. 77. 3 "111,"'.ES3 .U:,".2 1I/12'.bS Tl'IS 14L~~.DAY 0P A.D., . i cccr.~r~• t.~^ :~:;.:Ta.. ~ 1'efoi'e ne, the un(lcrsl-ncd authority, personally appearcd P. Ables and wife Anna :i. Able;,, who declared uT)on oath c:tfter bcin:• duly sworn, tint they executed the abw' e instrument for the purpose and considerations t?tcrein expressed, teat they read the instrument and fully t•.tidcrstancl it. 7 hereby ce)) ify tint this instrupt:,nt wets exectitecl ;n my presence this fk-r cav of G:" 1115J, and that they are personally knotart to me to tic 'rho ersot s s ,rain" the szimc and as represented in this instru .rnt. c ate, NN otnry ' ub c in an Denton County, Texas. 'l ke 6Nte of Taw CT'RMCATE OF, REtx1AD Connry of IA-rdo, } T, A. J, BAANM, Glade of tin CouMy tmtrt r &ad lee • ~euuty do leieby certify tbnt Um foregoing )rttrvn t of writing, wSth fu Outsftatt~e - of filed bw crcord the teU t~1 day A D., ID aat_~f. Ej ribw$ 441 rwwdod ttvely ot. aju .Iq . t ~j'~~, in ie. of tM ftetcmds of Dwlon Covoly, Tm& , t , Whom taw heed one real of ot'fiot at nw*V, Toes, tLe dry and ytur lert :bar WON" Ikputy t:7erk of the Oct'j. 8( wts A Way s K rri Or _ Q 1 ~p V2 Go IV ~ O Y ' n O t I lip r rZ r r TATE OF ` l! ,~%5 };?10'v AFL l1•;\ 11Y TE[2;S'.~, PRi?,y1'ti'P5: COM'TY OF 1W'TO:1 +]1 ati:'~S, '~1? If. L. 1'nl''11t and wife, Lena Kni iht of Menton County, Texas, are the fee simple owners oi' a certain tract of land out of the E. ruchals*':i Surve;~ and ')ei n7 more particular- ly descried belo,r, and; 11'1!E1) FAS, such nronert%- is within the corporate limits of the City of Denton, Texas, and; 1TI11 'zE•AS , the s.bove mentioned property is not now acce~s- able by a public street; T:OW THEREFO:,'F, We !-T. L. Vni"ht and wife, Lena Knight for and in consideration of the advant':^es and benefits accruing to us in out, said Property have this clay and by the a presents do hereby dedicate to the City of Denton, Texas, the following tract of land as a public street for the use of the veneral nub:ic and more particularly described as follows: 9eing out of the 1;. Michalski Survey and being more parti- cularly described as follows: '1LGIN'.*J\G 184 feet Fast of the Southwest corner of a 7 acre tract of land conveyed to 14. L. knight by deed recorded in Volume 273, Pa' -e 411 or the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and to w~.ch reference is hereby made; THENCE North 438 feet, more 'or less, to a point for corner, same being ih the North Boundary Line of the above mentioned 7 acre tract; TI1E,NCE?. Fast 50 feet to a point for corner; MINCE South 438 feet more or less, to a point for corner, same being in the South Boundary line or the above mentioned 7 acre tract; THENCE West 50 feet to the place of beginning. IT IS HFRFRY declared our intention that Knight Street as w it now exists South of the above said tract be extended from the South Boundary Line of our property to the :Forth Boundary Lime of our property. WITNESS OVR HANDST117 5 DAY 01' eh' ' A. D. , 1953. . , STATE OF T;'; 1S ~ COUNTY OP DENTON Before me, a ?'otary Public, in and for Denton County, Texas, on this clay personally appeared W. L. Knivl,t of Den- ton County, Texas, known to me to be the person whose name is suhscri_hetl to the forenoln- instrument, and acknowledcyed to me that lie executed the same for the purposes and considera- tion therein expressed. niven under niy hand an.! seal of office this all ay of A.D., 1,53. l 00a y Public nand or Denton County, Texas STATE; V TIAAS COUNTY 0!' DENTON ~ Before me, a Notary Public, in and for Denton County, Texas, on this day personally appeared bona Knight, wife of W. L. Knight, known to me to he the person whose name is sub- scribed to the foregoing instrument, and having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said Lena lcnirht, acknowled- ged such instrument to 'te her act and deed, and declared that ahe had willinKly si,r,ned the some for the purposes and consi- .deration therein expressed, anr' that she did not wish to re- tract it. G en under my hand and seal of office, this day of , A.D., 1953, a F U 7 L 1C-1 nan(~-77ry~ o~ r Denton County; Texas CERTMCATS Of F&CO 0 Rfr Elate dTWA t A. I. BARNETf, (Sark of the Cbnety OM"t to ad AW •/i Cwnq of D wA(M an tf.taaly do WAY verify M 00 lD1° n` t mant aE *Athi=, with ka aarUNN*...._ d ab (161 for W<Wd tw ^ y A D., Its , rtL a ~'oktd< 1 , D. lti~a~ , ~,$%tC.s✓- o' 11 tlyd duly MWdW Wy elk- Vakar G 14 ge Ale of Oro Aw rda of Doom Coono, Taw IW bawl aed anal .4 •:Ake at Dw4m, Tues. the day mod year lent abaft writ.: A. I. BARNUff gy Y f Dapnty_ (.l,rk of the Copity (:nut, L*ataa Ce_ i «3 ~ rn s u~ i i ~ ~-do- v y a y ' r,~ ~ r , xs'43 "y ~a ~`t Y=• y AT A SPT]CTAL OP T11% CITY C0 "]SSION OP T?"; CIT,t' OT-' 1) E:T Tr-.`&AS, AT T1''' CITY K&LL 0"' S:,?D C!"Y O`; T~'L 21ST DAY OF APT'IL, A. D., 1953. R F S O L U T I 0 N BE IT MLSOL1' 'I) V'I'T TYE' I,'OLLO:~7Nr ];_a <1CZ1<5 h, T: :-.VT1•:P.E'I1 UPON THE" ):JNTIT?,S OF TI'F, CITY C03DI'ISSIO! OF THE CITY OF DENTO\, T;,'XAS. The Yavor and City CommiSS.en hereby express their thanks and appreciation to Itomer S. Curtis for the efficient manner in which II he has performed the duties of Commissioner of the City of Denton, Texas. The Cite Commission and Mayor wish to express further thanks for the friendt"hin and cooperction which lie -manifested at all times while serving in that capacity. Tile Commission and Mayor, on the part of all officials, employees and citizens, wish hin much happiness in the future and request that a cony of this ResoluV.on he sent t,o hi:n. Passed and approved this 21st day of April, A.D., 1953. 4rm n, City Commission A"iTESTt City of Denton, Texas 6 My secretary / City of Denton, Texas Be lie ramra~er~ Sr. APP VET.ASS TO -fAL FORM: V ac~c" Tyson 7V. city orney , City of Denton, Texas Q. GI Claud as a erry v 4..~ ~ 4s~ ~ J ~ Vf C' t , '~J ~ 1 r. r P L U M BE K S B ON D STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE lRESENTSi COUNTY OF DENTON THAT I,_ Carroll Blessing as principal and The Fidelity & Casualty Company of NQw York as surety, are hold and firmly bound unto the Mp;or of the City of Dentonf'Texas and to his successors in office in -the sum of One Tkousand Dollars, ($1,000.00)0 for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our hairs, administrators and assigns jointly and severally. The condJtion of the above obligation is that whereas the principal herein was granted a !lumber's License in the City of Denton, Texas; Now tkerefors, if the said Carroll Blessing , princiapl herein, shall at all times comply with the Ordinannes of the City of Denton governing plumbing in said City and all the laws of the State of Texas which regulrte plumbing, and conditioned further that the principal herein shall fulfill any art all contracts made for plumbing work, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and offset. This bond shall be for the use and benefit of the City of Denton, Texas and for the use and benefit of any yerson having a cause of action growing out of theinstallation, alter- ation or repairing of any part of any plumbing or gas system by said applicant or any of his employees, or growing out of a breach of a contract for the installation, alteration or repairing of any part of any plumbing or gas system by said applicant or any of his employeeo. IN TESTIMONY WWWOF WITNESS OUR HANDS at Denton, Texas this 7th day of April ` 1 r pa The fidelity & Casualty Company of New York Attorney r i ter. F. .^ry • 1 .~°f, ~ 7... r.. r V~ 1 r v 3 T1T1, CITY CO", JSS" A 01' T]": CITY All" o nJN~trlcr; By 0!' ,,,..;TC~N rr~+s ;,r,QUIRT*;rr COIS l:t•cTI,Y OT' c STT r.~ 1' c o <.Ni;?'Sr %'a ':T, ^::~.r Ctmr n [ T r,.. W_ pT;;lMT: '1tr;",T UTSTA':( S:.113 COSl[. M:t AL ..r I. co.. C17" ,r,* ^l CTu ' S. 1I,f, r`„) F IS T' iii; ~TJA?2171 E1) ':Y CTI.r C'•TL: CI' POLICF W I'1''. DV T, 10 . Wl TY OP T]I : l'AL F? ~1,]C ,i\' 1, LOC T1ON :1' 11 , 11I:;'L~'.1:vC t,'c l1TI`,TTY T T,,•. !Y-YIN Ih'S CON- d?C TJ(T`'nL C111.1 A?ai ^[fTTI„; P[:Ci~'TDJ`;c 1'OI: A P, `ILTY I[I,'.:hl~FPROVTDI''^ TPAT T :TS r J; l):I A:~;Ct S,rflL11 B cir '?'LATI 0A LL C~TE1F:: ORDI- , 51^3T`jC'i'; 1),,(1J1~ZI.,^ Cy. i A\C!::- O`.; VT n CJ.tY Oj, pl', IoN 'J"iNkS: JT F) BY T1% CITY C(~;'],75SI:):; ('A" li•. r SFSTJoN T. That hereafter no person, fIrTi or coroorati.on slzall construct or reconstruct on street corners any other tyne of curt) and putter other than conventional curb and -utter as hereafter des- cribed. SECTION. 11, The distance said conventional curb and -utter shall extend rom the corner alone each street is to be determined by the City Engineer and the Chief of Police +•rith clue renard to rainage, safety ` the rreneral public and the location c~u naintenance of util- ity lines, It t ein r recognized that there will lie -any various sit- uations arisin- uhl'ch will require varyin" solutions, it is the inten- tion of the Cumnissi.on to rive the City isn-sneer and tl,e Chief of Police discretirmary owers as to the distance fron corners (;onven- tional -urbs c,nd gutters shall he constructed along streets before so called lay-down or commercial curb and butter car. be constructed. SECTION ITT, Conventional curb and gutter as used herein shall mean: t,,at type of curb and gutter which is ordinarily used in resi- dential areas whiccls clefinitely present3 a ')arrier or obstruction to the pasea.re of mot a vehicles and other vehicles. SECUON TV, Any person, firm or corporation violatin. any pro- vision of this ordinance shall be cleemed ru.ilty c,f a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not to excead $200,00, SECMN V. This ordinance is intended to be cumulative of all other ord.ina 'cos on the sub,iect, but all o Ananaes in conflict here- with dro hcretrt expressly repealed. S",CTTON 111. The fact that trerc now exiits in t1te CItV .f Den- ton, Tex' 3, riany r~or iers ,where t1ic: nee'^strinn s exposed to the haz- aius of vehicular traffic, ane tl a further fact that the City of '.3enton does not have an ordinance to remedy this situation, creates on eaier- i 3 i~ Tency, .zn imperative ?-uhlic nece _iity requirin that the rule pro- fry v?din- that orclirances ')e read on three +esreral occasions, be, anal tine sane is here,,. susnen(,cd and tisi,s ordinlncc 91:a'll 'se in full force and effect fro-; and after its Passag^ .1110 an .oval. PASS",I) .1?~ i AF'x'._U~ ?,;l? this clay of ".aril, 19-)3. e Cha_c;1an, C1v~o~a~i ssx.on City of Denton, Tcxa~s ATTi-;ST APP20Vi;I}: City e c r eta ry' City of Denton, Texas 11~ayor City of Denton, Texas APPROVED AS TO LECAI, FURS!: City Altorney City of Denton, Texas f All a' v G ti U i w STATE OF TEXAS ~(f~UtE AND RETURN WITH INVOICE COUNTY OF DENTON 1111 1 do solemlly swear that the attached account against the City of Denton, Texas, is just, true, cor. rect and unpaid, and that all legal offsets, payments and credits known to afflant have been allowed. (Sign Here) IL'1.~`!..L~.l..J-194),/a.X./~r/ ...................................................1 By .......Ir../.•► `^.....1..T ..~t4'. . . Subscri and sworn to before me thla°..~! .day of W-7F.t.... A. D. 19S'3 Notw y Public Denton County, Texas.......................... WPC s-si ss If additional informtion is needed regarding Vita bill, please contaeb Air, Jarr*a R, Wiley, Attorney. To - SWPLE1211TAL DILL , Expense for water line from McCormiok Street east on Lizdaay Street, Truok delivery of pipe - - - S.o) Labor laying pipe - - - - 7.00 Total - - - w 1P.0o To - C.~. _t YbjO 83.21 211 Gc.lvanizod pipe ,5~¢ - - - - - - ,r 406.00 Pipe fittings 2.65 Tap - - - - - - - - - - 19,78 Total - - - _ _ 428,63 Expense for water line from McCormick Street east on Lindsay Street, RefwA will be made to others who have an interest in the line, PEARL C. HAN60. P. (J. sox 7u7 OtNTON.TExAN a.. ~ ~ V ~ I A'; ORDINANCE BY TI71114 CITY CO' :ISSJOr; OF T.' I: CITY Ui` DI)`'TON, TI'" AS, CALL?`;(: A::I) ORD1:ItING A S1'FCI:1L 7~!;C`PIUrI IC 3% I11,11) 1)' TI I; 2CtI1 DAY 01" rte- i;. JJ , 1953, TI:Ti h: I,7Nr. `i:':, 1 ~ui't 17LIeSQay I'~ SAID i•i0',v''T1:, r1~L FIT,- P~':`r; UI~`I}3` I'l"1Tr TO '1'?": (;t'AI,)I J11) VOTE,-S) Or T,"; CITY W11 UE,?"TON, T2MCS, I.0[: I'A;'Ji~ICA`.1'ION THE I'.:UPOSITI(Iri G.~ A ,-!;)iTi`'f .'~."~1) AI:I)3r;C T 1'L+'IcI)IN- ~`1'J'!;I: 1)'.:5C1'J13P)?) l'0', '1'PACTS 0?' I~1`d'U A'ih )ZR-TOTY TO T1,! C)'r]' TU71US, SAID TI'.`.CTS OF I,.M) DESTONAi'I.,'~ AS PROPOSITION I., PI:UPO- Si'1'7UV 17. , PkOPOSITION ITT., AND FI;OPuSTTION IV; APPIM7JN' A Pi&,SJDT'dr FOR 81'Ch 1,MCTION; PROVIDINr PO' DUE Rb`TURNS 'I'0 L')s' 1%'ADE IFEIZEOF; PRO- MIN'G FMS TIM PR.INT)N: OF PALLOTS ANNA) PROVIDING TIIAT DUE NOTICE OF SCC',1 3:LU.CT uN !L GLV';:, AS PRO- VIDI BY LAW; CALLING A'dD 011DEPTY'' A SEPAILITE SPECIAL ELECTION TO 13E YIELD IN `1'ItE CITY HALL ON U131 ABOVE XENTIONED DATI,, 26thDAY 01' Ya , A.D. , 19539 FOR TPE PVRPOS alrT3)J 'T r '0 RE CUAL71,11j,D VOTHMS L1,S)DINr, 11110 TIf13 TERRITORY 136SCLIBE,I) Jr PI<OPOSITION II PROPOSF)r) TO BIE ANNEX- hD A:';1) AIA);;t) TO CITi' O:, 1)I„„TOT?, TEXAS$ TILE PY.OPUS7T., NT OF A':?I " , A';I) ADI)7NG TIst:I~I'TO'I:Y 1) C1;I`11I,;D Ir, PROPOSITTON II T`) 'i'IIL CITY 0'1' DUTON,.) TI)XAS; APPOINTING A PI ES DINS Oi~FICKR V011 5 CII LLF:CTION; PROVIDING FOI; ]JP,] 1.'.1;i'Irtr:S TO 13E rADF TF1E.' -.OF; P12OV7I)7:i^• I'C;'. TIJE P:INTOF BALLOTS Ar;D PIZOVIDTNG TILAT IJUE, NOTICE 3E (Iv1;r' AS PRO- VII)II) BY LAW; CALLING AND ORM..1kYNr A SEMIZATE SPECIAL SLI.1c "N TO U3 VE11) IN TLE' CITY HALL ON' , 1'i'E Al?U'TL IiN VTIONEII Aty"TE, DAY OF May A.D. , 19339 FOR TIT, PURPOSE-Tr S1,7101 T77, 0 IE QIIALIFJEW VOTF:II:S 1:ESIDING IJUTN TIM, 'MI UITORY I)%S,CI:)1 • !J) TN PROPOSITION III PROP )SLI) '1'U ?tP; AN1.1FX- IsD ANY) ADDP)1) T~) TIIL CITY 01.' 1)I;N'1'ON, TWS, TFIE PROPOSITION Or A,%1N1:_XINr: AND AUPTNO SAID TERRITOR`f MSCRIT37111) I?; P1i0:,0SITTOK I7] 10 TIM,' CITY OF DEN- TON, TEXAS APPOTI,,TTNG A PRESIDING OFPJCI,,It FOY SUCH I?L''r:TTON; PROVIDINr. FOi: DUI,, 1,1TURNS TO BE MADE TFi;~REOP; PROVIDINr. FO"' TIII, PRINTING OF BALLOTS AND PROVIDING TUT DIU, NOTICE BE OWEN AS PROVIDED 73Y LAW; CALLING AND 010)FRING A SEP- ARATE SPECIAL ELECTION TO RE IIELD I" TIII CITY BALL ON Ti, Ai30' E KENTIONED DATE, DAY OF A. D. 1953, FOR THE .2M DAY OF SUB- Mjfff : ~T`0INC gUALT IED VO' U' 6 RESIDING Y;ITHTN TLE Ti.StRITORY DESCRIBED IN PROPOSITION IV PRO POSH) TO BE A•`NE'XFaD ANI) ATIM) TO TILE CITY OF LEN- TON, TEXAS, T"E PROPOSM ON OIL ANNhDCJNr AND ADD- ING SAID TERRITO Y AESCI:i:):.'D IN PROPOSITION IV TO TIM CITY OI' I)^ N'00N, TI-D11S; APPOINTING A Pit1351D- ING OFMCM 1101; SUCH ELECTION ; PIZOVIDIN'ry FOR 6 UE RETURNS TO BE AiADB TI)I;N EOP; PROVIDING FOR TN% PRINTING OI" BALLOTS AND PROVIDT',vG THAT DUE NOTICE BE GIVEN, AS PROV110) 13Y LAW; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL AND ANNUUMNP OI'' ALL ORDINANC&S IN CON- F'LJCT I1ERI WITII kfl) DECLARING All L-Iik] MICY. BE IT 0I:DAJNI:0D BY TIII; CITY COIOIISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TIDCAS: SECTION I. That an election shall be held in the City }tall in the City of Denton, Texas, on the4th Tuesday in Ifay , the same being May 26th A.D., 1953, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the City uf Denton, Texas, At said electiOl- the following prop,)sitionst PIZOPOSITTON I. All of that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Denton and State of Texas, and i)eina more parti- cularly described by metes and bounds as followst 11LCT\"7IP'r, at the Northeast corner of Lot 21, 111 ,ck V, Ex- tension Number One Crestwood Leiryhts Addition to the City of 11enton, Texas; TLL?'C'. Forth 89-22 West 202.5 feet; TPXNC;; South 347,35 feet, a ;)oint in the North Poundary Line of Ia httay 24; TUE?SCR along said North Boundary Line of Ni^fiway 24 214.56 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 6, Bloc% R of said addition; THEINCE North with said last Boundary Line of said Lot 6 coi;tinuinr 'North ,d tit the Last Boundary Line of Lot 21, Block R, alon" il,e East ;loundar.Line of the City Limits of the City of Denton, 420.5 feet to the place of beginning, containin; 1.785 acres of land. 1001" `ATIFICATI ON A',;1) A- DP .r. SAID TE,:AZITOR2 110 T1-iE P1:I;SEINT : 1,11tS OF This CTTY 0,,' 1)I TO'E', 'XAS. ACAI'!ST 1ATIFICATION AND ADDYIvr' SAID TFI'12ITUX TO TE113 PRLSE NT LT Xis or '1"-,R CITY Ol' 10:. TON, Tis.\AS. PROPOSITION He All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as followst BEGINNING in the Last Boundary Line of Bernard Street at a point clue last of the Southeast corner of a seven acre tract in t1,e A. v. 13. Tomp',cins Survey conveyed by A. N. Chapman to John P. Jaci<son by (Iced dated October 18, 1939, Vol. 278, Pane 454, Denton County Deed Records; TjR',' CE South long the East Boundary mine of Bernard Street 1604 feet to a point d.e East of the Southeast corner of said Tomp%ins Survey; TIIENCf- West 700 feet,more or less, to the Southwest corner of the D. A. McMath eight acre tract in said survey; THENCE North 1604 feet to the Southwest corner of said Jackson seven,acre tract; TI11~NCE Last 700 feet to the nl.ace of neln.,inning. FOR RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAY)) TEI";2ITUNY TO TZE Pill U +T LINiTS OP THE CITY OT' DENTON, TB`XAS. AGAINST RATIFICATION AND ADDTNr, SAID TEILnITORY TO '1'PE PB.ESENT LIMITS OI' THE CITY OF DENTON, T[XAS. PKOPOSITION III. All that certain lot, tract or parcol of land situated in the County of Denton, State of Texas, out of, the Joseph Carter Survey, Abstract #268 and being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING in the Hest Boundary Line of State Highway #10 at the Northeast corner of a tract of land annexed to the City of Denton on April 10,`1942 THENCE it, a Northeasterly direction alone the Vest Boundary Line of said highway 633404 feet, more or less, to a. point in the Best Doundary Line of said bighv4y due viest of the Northwest corner of a five acre tract of land owned by S, Clyde Carpenter THENCE 'cast 1101 font, store or less, to the Northeast corner of said five acre tract; THENCE South 1638.X0 "oet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of Lot 3 Block G of the Crestwood Ifeights Addition; THSINCI; Hest 1879.6 feet to a po!,ni for corner; TI~F,N'CE in a Northeasterly direction along; the present City Limits 1041.52 feet more or less, to a point for corner; TIP_**1 CE West 420 feel, more or less, to the west Boundc'=ry Line of State Ki:Jngay ;X10; I'Iil .IC1; .16rtheasterly along the ',rest loundary Line of said hl7hira, lV0.5 feet, r;ore or less, to the place of beginning... k7'o?: rUl'P~~ 1) AIAP:M, S:01. TL';1,7TO!"Y TO UNITS ell 011 j-r. T. i T;&', Ar.~,t7t;S'' :;A'iTP'IC;LTIO'1 .1'J A.')J7?~;,5.17I) 1..,!.:Iiut..r1g 1,0 1„_'.. I.u:i_.rl L'I?J1S CI l.lir, CIT1 0'.' ~:;,•1JP;, 1}4'i . PROPOSITIO`; IV.. All that certr.in lot, tract, or parcel of land lying and be;nn sitiiate(l in the County of Denton and State of Texas, and toeing more particularly describe9 by metes and bounds as followsi BLOINaING at the most Southerly Southwest corner of a 7.40 acre tract of land in the S. C. Piram Survey deeded to Mrs. Lucy K. Wallace by lien Sullivan et al, said deed being shown of record in Volume 112, Pa-e 281 of the Deed Records of Denton County, 'texas, same beinn In the North ri«ht-of-way line of it. S. Hi.'rhway if77; IT E'NCF in a Southwesterly direction to the most northern corner- of a 21.52 acre tract of land owned by Hill Lowe; ThhNCf; Southwesterly 50 feet to a point for corner in the East Boundary Line of Teasley Lane; THENCE Sc-ithwesterly alon,- the East Boundary Line of Teas- ley Urine 220 feet, more or less, to a point for corner, said corner bein;; due last of the Northeast corner of a 5 acre tract owned by Beulah Patterson; TFEXCE West across Teasley Lane and continuing West a total of 489 feet to the Northwest corner of said Patterson b acre tract- TIiENCE South 30 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner an 8 acre tract owned by Xrs. Grace Pad.',ett; THENCE; West 470 foot, more or loss, along the South T,lne of said 6 acre tract to its Southwest corner; THENCE; North 761 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of said 8 acre tract T)-a1XC`3 West 13,28 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of a 21.66 acre tract owned by Mrs. Sophia Lonaldsonj TIIEICE North 220 feet more or less, to the present City Limits line of the City of Denton THENCI; Fast along the present South City Limits line 2460 feet, more or less, to the East Boundary Line of Duncan Streett THENCE South along the East Boundary Line of runcan Street 520 fee;, more or less, to the most westerly Southwest cor- ner of the 7.40 acre tract owned by Mrs. Lucy K. Wallace; Tut~n;C1: Southeasterly 76 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. FOR PATIrICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRE:SEA LIMITS OF THE, CITY Ot•' DENTON, TLXAS, AGAINST RATIPICATTON AND ADDING SAID TEIRRITORY TO THE PRESENT LVITS OP THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. SECTION II. That U, C.-Garrison is hereby appointed Pre- sidinp Officer at and for said election and he shall appoint such assistant3 as may be necessary to properly hold and conduct said electionl, SECTION 131, That due returns of the results of the said election shall he made by such Presiding Officer as required by law. SFCMA IV. The City Secretary of the City of Denton shall cause to :)e printed upon the official ballot to he used at said election the above propositions and shall cause to be printed beneath the field notes acco:nnanvin7 each pronosition on said ballot, the follo,,,rin r; 110'.. 1'ATT~.,LYCAT3 t):i A ri, ADI)?! r 6ATt1 TE?'?:T'fO!,Y TO 1I11s PMc JSL T L171ITS 01? T1 C3 1Y 01' i'.1;?iTU14, TI,\AS. AGAS116T l;ATIPIC.'TION AND AUDINC, SA" TE'.RITOPY TO TIM P;:LSLNT LIMITS OF THE CITY 0' DEYfON, TM-S, SECTION V. ;What said election shall be held under the provisions of the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation. S11CTION VI, That due and le"al notices of said election shall be Riven by the posting of true copies of this ordinance signed by the Chairman of the City Com'nission of the City of Denton, Texas, and attested by the City Secretary of the City of Denton, Texas, in three public places in said City for thirty consecutive days prior to the date of said election, one of which notices shall be posted at the City Fall in the City of Denton, Texas. SECTION VII. That a separate election shall he held in the City Hall in the City of Denton, Texas, on the Fourth Tuesday in a[ay the same being Irav 20th , A,D, , 1953, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters residing within the hereinafter described territory proposed to be annexed and added to the City of Denton, Texas, the following propositional PROPOSITION II. All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and belnp, situated in Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as foilowst SEGINNING in the East Boundary Line of Bernard Street at a'' point due FAst of the Southeast 'Corner of a 7 acre tract in the A, N. 13, Tompkins Survey conveyed by A. N. Chappman to John N. Jackson by deed dated Octobbr 18, 19390 Vol. 278, Page 494, Denton County Deed Records= THENCE South alonj the East Boundary Line of Bernard Street 1604 feet to a po nt due East of the Southeast corner of said Tompkins Survey; UENCE West 700 feet more or less to the Southwest cor- ner of the D. A. McMalh 8,acre tract in said surveyl THENCE North 1604 feet to the Southwest corner of said Jack- Yon 7 acro tract TH'fir'CT3 East 704 feet to the p.tace of he.p,inni.ng, FOR ADDING SAID TERMTORY TO TITS PRESEWT LIMITS OV TE CIT't OI` DM, TONI TEXAS. AGAINST ADDING SAID UkRITORY TO THE PRESENT LI71ITS Or, THE CITY of MN'TON, T1XAS. MOPJSITIO.\T III. All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Denton, f*,tate of Texas, out of the Joseph Carter Survey, Abstract ,tM') antl bean- 2vwe particularly described as follows: 13EGINNINC in the West Doundary Line of State Yi hway #10 at the *Tortheast cornor of a tract of lj:ncl annexed to the City of Denton ott April 100 19,12• in a :;ortheast :-rly direci:lnn along; t1io ;rest Boundary Line of said I ii~hway G33.04 feet, ;Moro or lLss, to a point in the West 3oundar• Line of said hinhway d.u,l West of the Northwest corner of a 5 acre tract of land ol•,ned by S. Clyde Carnenter; THENCE Nast 1100 feet, :More or less, to the Northeast cor- nor of said five acre tract; TIIh" 'Ch South 1.638.33 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of Lot 3 Block G of the Crestwood Heights Addition; TIi13NC1; West 1879.6 feet to a point for corner; TIENCS in a Northeasterly direction along the prevent City Limits 1041.52 feet, more or less, to a point for norner; T1II3NCP West 420 feel, i,:ore or less, to the West Boundary Line of State l;irhwiiy 7110; THENCE Northeasterly along the West Goundary Line of said hirrhway 160.5 feet, more or less, to the place of bes;inning. FOR IMIFICAT.ION 111\0+ A,7~N7Nr, SAM Th 4?1TORY TO THE PRESENT LTMITS Or THY CITY OF I)E TON, TFXAS. Ar.ATNST RATIFICATION A':dTD AI DINT: :,AID '1'i•;F'RITORY T(+ T1 1E PRESENT LIAIITS 01' T111,' CITY OF T)MON, TKUS. PROPOSITION IV. All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lyinn and boin„ situated in the County of Denton and State of Texas, and being more p.nrt1 cularly described by metes and bounds as fol''wst BI1Gy..~.~I1lG at tho most Southerly Southwest corner of a 7.40 ecre tract of land in the S. C. Hiram Sur•voy deeded to Mrs. Lucy K. Wallace by un Sullivan et al, said deed boin; shown of record in Vclurne 112, Para 281, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, same being in the North right-of-way line of U. S. Highway #77; TIII;NCE in a Southwesterly direction to the most northern corner of a 21.62 acre tract of land owned by Kill Rowefj TI11r S Southwesterly 50 feaet to a point for cornor in tn0 Last Boundary 'Lino of Teasley Jxine THENCE Southwesterly along; the Easi Boundary Line of Teas- ley Lane 220 feet, more or less, to a point for corner, said corner heinq due East of the Northeast corner of a 5 r.cre tract owned by Beulah Patterson; THENCE west across Teasley Lane and continuing West a total of 489 feet to the Northwest corner of said Patterson 6 acre tract; THENCE South 30 feet, more or lest, to the Southeast corner of an 8 acre tract owned by Mrs. Grace Pad;;ett- TKENCE West 470 feet, more or less, along the houth Line of said 8 acre tract to its Southwest corner; THENCE North 761 feet, more, or less, to the Northwest corner of said 8 acre tract THENCE West ,1328 feet, more or loss, to the Southwest corner of a ~i.66 aol-o 'tract owned by I'►f•s. Sophia Donaldson; THENCE North 220 feet more or less, to the present City Limits line of tip o Cily of Denton i Tl!'ENCE East nlong the present South City Limits line 2450 feet, more or less, to the East Boundary Line of Duncan Streotj TRENCE South Along the Fast Boundary Line of Duncan Street 520 feet, more or 1e!:s, to the most westerly Southwest cor- ner of the 7,40 acre tract owned by firs. Lucy K, Wallace; 'i'ilENCE Southeasterly 75 feet, raore or less, to the place of beg .01t4 n7. FON APDUC SATD TL', 1'Tn1'.Y TO 'fill Y>a;S1;~1T L111ITS OF T11E CITY OF r)T,; T0N p TIEMS, ACAINST ADD.'XG SAID V'i,"~!OTOPY TO '1'lfl; P11.ESP1 LPrI`1'S OV TKE' CITY OP DENTZ, TEXAS, SECTION VIII. That is hereby appoint- ed Presidinry Officer at and for said election and lie shall appoint such assistants as may be necessary to properly hold and conduct said election. SECTION IX. That due returns of the results of the said election shall be made by such Presiding officer as required by law. SECTION X, The City Secretary of the City of Denton shall cause to be printed AT)on the official ballot to he used at said election the above propositions, and shall cause to be printed beneath the field. notes accompanying propositions on said ballot, the followings FOIL ADDTfiO MID '1'k1:1'TT01k'Y TO "rr% nz!,,S1 t1T LIMSi'S OF T1jE CTTY LAG' I iTON, 10ZXAS. ACA,TNST AI)DTNG SAID MZR TORY TO TH'; Pi~V514 7 LJIMI rS OF THE CITY OF DIENTON, .'iBYAS, SECTION XI, That said alection shall he held under the provision of the Constitntion and Laws of the State of Texas, and of the Charter and Ordinances of the City or Denton, Texas, a Ntinicipal Corporation. SECTION XII, That due and leGal notices of said election shall be given by the posting of true copios of this ordinance, signed by the Chairrian of the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, and attested by the City Secretary of the City of Denton, Texas, in three public places within territory proposed to be annexed and added to the City of Denton, Texas, for thirty consecutive days prior to the date of said election, SECTION X1114 Any a.nd all ordinances or parts thereof in con- flict hdrowith are hereby repealed and annulled. SsotJoN XIV, The fnet that the above described territory is needed for dwellin7 eons',ruction together with the fact that construc- tion has been hinddred by the inability of the owners of certain of staid tracts to nhta.fn City utilities until said territory is annexed to the S City of Denton, Texas, and the further fact that such area or terri- tory proposed to he annexed actually represents the actual growth of the City of Denton beyond its present le-al boundaries and for that reason should receive police and fire protection and be rcr7ulated from a health stand point creates an emer,ency and an imperative public necessit;; requirin.. that the rule providing that ordinances be placed on three several readins on three several days, be, and the sane is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be placr,d on its third and final reading to its passarre, and shall be in full forco and effect from and after its passage and ^pprovals PASSED ARID APP;20VED THIS 21st day of April , A.D., 1953. F y mm ssion' City of Denton, Texas AVMST i APR? OVED! City' Secre ary-- City of Denton, Texas 11" ayor City of Denton, Texas APPfiOVED AS TO %C-AL FORM Z/ azz y rney +'w City of Denton, Texas I i . Y `d ,I I 1 .1~ It' T , ' ~Rv r+ A t' U i I r, ,9 e T t. A ' .~y. 6: l ' ' f 1. ~ Nr~ ~ r ~1~~.~~ - - _ _ - AN ORDTN'AZCE, AAI1?M)TNr JVF ZONTNr' AND ITSf. DTSTRTCT yAP OF HE CITY OF r)F NTON, TEXAS, AS T') RKIOYf A CK'TA IS TP! CT OF LAND LOCATL•'D ON TL'E ''EST ST??11. OF SOUTP iax STRmT, SAME nLTNr FULLY I)T'SMI'MI) I1: TI::, FOLLO"I'YC O'V)IVA\C',, I'RO', T9IF1 I)'IFIi,L7N` ,DISTRICT PLACII;C SAME IN THE TiT'SI`_u5S DTS7RICT, FEND'NC, A i'ECSICTTY TIIIEP,E= FOR 1WDZR THE' MiMER PLAN OP S'"D ZONI11r• ~!YD USE 1!,jIP, PLACING THE SA11E IN A FITCF, ;'.OI;F; OF I'III; CITY Or DI_'~TON, T.X S, AND DE- CLARINr, AN LTL?ZG;F..\1CI'. Trr, IT ORDAINED I1Y TIII; CITY COHN-115STON OF T111'. CITY OF DIMON: i SECTION' ONE: That the zoninn and use district crap of the City of Denton, Texas, which is a part of Chapter fen, Article IT of the Revised Ordinances of said City be amended as follows: All of the hereinafter described property is hereby remov- ed from the dwelling district as shown on said Zoning and Use District ?Iap and is hereby placed in the Business District, and all previsions of said Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Xap shall hereafter applyto said property as Business Property and as otf.er property located in a busine,s district as that term is defined in the Revised Zoning Ordinance; said property so rezoned bein more particularly described as follows, to-wits i All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Denton, State of Tezas,l dnd being out of` the Alexander Ifill Survey, and being a part of a 5.41 acre tract as described in deed from W, E. Baines to R. II. 11offman and re- corded in Volume 57, page 151, Deed Records, Denton County Texas, and being nrore particularly described as follows: AEGTNNTNr at a point 132 feet South of the Northwest corner of said 6.41 acre tract; THENCE East 585 feet to a corner in the Kest Boundary Line of the Denton--Fort Worth Ifighway; THENCE in a Southwesterly direction with the West Boundary Line of said highway, 644 feet to corner; said corner being on the South houndn ry line of said 5.41 acre tract; THENCE Nest 313 feet to a corner; TFUNC's North with the fence and West Boundary Line of said 6.41 acre tract, 601 feet to the place of begin- ninn, as surveyed by R. T. May, Jr., CountySurveyor. SECTION T;+'Or The City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, hereby finds that such P. chin-e is in accordance with a comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the general welfare of tiro City of Denton, and with reasor!^hle consideration amvnf; other things, for the character of tare district and for its peculiar suitability for particular uses, and with a view to en- couraginn the most appropriate use of such land for the most i benefit of the City of Denton and the citizens thereof. 5ECTIO THREE: That the above described property is hereby placed in the Fire Zone or "'ire Limits of the City of Denton. S CTIO t rIVIZ: The fact th, t the owner of the hereinabove described property c')sires to place on said property valuable business improvements, and the further fact that such improve- ments are needed in the City, and the further fact that the Cith Plannin, Hoard has investigated said matter and recommended such rezon1n7 creates an emergency, an imperative public necessity that the requirement providin- that ordinances he read on three several ocfasiuns, at three several meetings, he and the same is hereby suspended and this ordinance shalt be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval, gassed and approved tIlls the / r.Lday of April, 1953. . a rman C y omm ss ion ATTEST: . U~ Mayor City ec a ary APPROVED AS TO LEGAL F'OR)It City Attorney 41k y 1 1 Ail ` (f,e!f ,•J .rt "PE T I T I O N THE ST/ V3 OF T4;U:3 } COUNTY OF DENTOI? TO THE I10I10:',ADLZ CITY C,32M,:IOV OF T;:Z CITY C? D3NTO11,T=- S: 1fe, the unCorsi-ned residents of the County of Denton, Texas, who constitute a majority of the o,mers of the here- inafter described property, and representing and beinZ a majority of the qualified voters res.n,, .a~thin the here- inafter described territory, hereby retition your Konora5le Body that the said followin- described property and terri- tory be added and annexed to and incorporated within the present li.-Ats of the City of Denton, Texas, a Nunicipal Cornoratious r"All of that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Denton and State of Texas, and being more particularly described by notes and bounds as follows; B9GINNING at the Northeast vorner of Lot 21, Block Q, Extension Number One Crestwood Heights Addition to the City of Denton Texas; THENCE North 89-22 West 202.5 ft., THENCE South 3}7.35 feet, a• point in the North Boundary line of High ay THENCE along said north boundary line of Highway 2} 21~}.~6 feet, to the Southeast corner of Lot b, Bloc R of said addition; THENCE North with said EBL of said lot pkk continuing north with'the'EBL of Lot 21, Block Q, along the East boundary line of the City Limits of the City ` of Denton, 420.5 feet to the place of beginning, containing J 1,785 acres of land. Your potitionors-ask that an election be held in the City of Denton, Texas, on the date of the next City Election, and that at such election the quoson -off whether or not the above described property shall be added and annexed to and inex porated within the present Miits of the City of Denton, Texas; be submitted to the qualified voters of'the City of Denton, Texas, for ratification or rejoction, RESPECTFULLY SiM'ITTED O11 T:'IS the 10_ day of Februall 193 Ms. ar r - a or arpoo (Joe Skiles) IN" "'Nut III W r TI{E STATE OF TMW S P CT.I T I ON CO(R'TY OF DCNTON ~ TO TUE IIONOR BLE CITY CnMTSSION Or Till, CITY 01' DBN`CON, T%XAS: Wo the undersigi d residents or, owners of the hereinaf,tdr descrihcd'territory, or tt-pct adjoJnirg apd,contIkuous to. the City Limits'-of thn City° of. Denton T§X' As, :a, truitfdIPa:l corporation, who constitute a ciajarity -oP, such residents o~' owners of such territory or tract of land, desire, such:terri= tory or tract 'of land to ,)a ansiexed to and made a part of he, "City of Denton Texas, and liprehy rehu'_-st that the propositibn . pf ilia nnnexation of suCh territory or tract of land to the City of Dbnt,on,,Texgs,. he presented,,in due-and le-al manner to 'the qualified` voters of the City of„nent6n,''Texas, and the. qualified voters residing'within such territory, as provided by law,' Said 'territory or tract~of land being described as foilo,.;s, to-wit: A-V .4,` •-I~ w . ~*r.r V1 ~r~,~ EGINNING 'in lthe East b'ounaary -A ne of Bernard Street at a point due East•of,the southeast corner of a seven`-acre tractin the A°* 'N6 Tompkins Survey conveyed; by A,' N. Chapman to 'Johp'.H6 "Jaokson by deed. latex °OetobQr 18* A09►` 'Vol. 2781 Pa rc 4g1}1 Pentoil 066nty Deed Racords; THEME So_tith along. the East Aoiai ;ary~ line of Dernard Street -i6ol} foet to °a "point .;due 'East of the Southeast` corner, .said xor#kirs Survey';' " THE'NI3E West 700' feet morn or less to' the South- We$t-corner of the, fit. A,1,16Me ;h eight acre traot in d Starve THENCE North°'lio!} Cc •t to the,-,SOUthwest corner of said Jackson s9 ari`ea.{u'tract, THENCE E : as f eeL.t 00 o the la'ae 0-P 'be !nnin 7 , y I r 1 . . - , ,l M1 . BSI • 1 Your petitioners oray that an election he held in the man' ner nrovide( by lasr'and the nroposition of, anneXin~ the }erein- above described territory or 'tract: of land bO submitted, to the t1=11fied voters of the'City of Denton, Texas, and the t~ttalified voters residing within said "territ.ory as provided lair, 'ioWevor', is 'specif'ically ai;r,eed an([ ,tm&ler tool'-~by and . het"-e!,k the parties hereto,and the City.of•benton, TIjxas}} tjiat' in tho event the shove tract of land is annexe~tu tho',City of, Denton, Texas, that the City of Denton, Tex'I s, shall furnish to said area a5 nucli as is practical, sewerage service and fire protection. RTSPrCTFULLY'SUBMIT'1ED this the 14 day of ppr+il 1453. t s i r r s , r Ill. c •f. ~ r ' i .y 7 , THE STATE OF TEXAS PET I T 10 N COUNTY OF DENTON TO THE HONORABLE CITY MDIISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS: We, the undersigned residents or owners of the hereinafter described territory or tract of land adjoining and contiguous to the City Limit of the City of Denton, Texas, a municipal corporation, who ~.onstitute a majority of such residents or owners of such territory or tract of land, desire such territory or tract of land to be annexed to and made a part of the City of Denton, Texas, and hereby request that the proposition of the annexation of such territory or tract of land to the City. of Denton Texas, be presented in due and legal manner to the qualified voters of the City of Denton, Texas, and the qualified voters residing within such territory,.,as provided by law. ^.ll.that ccrt::in 1of., frac', sir ?)-rcel of lend lyinf; And 1;uirlP sit- r.tcd in the County of Denton and State of Texas, and hoing more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: T'FGiNNING at the most Soiithcrly S-)uth.vost ccrn,,r of a 7.140 acre tract of land in the S. C. 'iiram Survey deeded to 'Ars. Lucy F. '"'allace by nen "ullivan et all said deed heing shown of record in Volume 1120 Page 281, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, same being in the North right-of-way line of 11. c.. '?iph-may '177; mrMNCF in a Southwestnrly direction to the most northern corner of a 21.5r) ocrr, tract rf land Owned by 'Till RoIwe; T"FNCE Southwesterly 50 feet to a point for corner in the Fast boundary line of Teasley i:ane; f T?l,.NCF Southwesterly along, the Fast boundary line of Teasley lane 220 feet, more or less, to a point fnr corner, said corner being,: due ?Fast of the Northeast corner of a 5'acre tract owned by Reulah Patterson; T11FNCF 'Nest across Teasley Lane and continuing JFest a total of 489 feet to the North 'Rest corner of said Patterson 5 acre tract; T'IFNCE South 30 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of an 8 acre tract owned by 'hrs. Grace Padgett; T'?Ei,'CF West h70 feet, more or less, along, the South line of said 8 acre tract to its Southwest corner; T"ENCF North 751 feet, more nr less, to the Northwest corner of said 8 acre tract; TTrr'NCF '!lest 1.328 foot, more or less, to the South Nest corner of a 21.65 acre tract n'.vned by Mrs. Sophia Donalds-)n; TlaT'NCF North. 220 feet, more or less, to the present City limits line of the ci ty of Dent, T'iiNCL Fast along the present South City Limits line, 21450 feet, more nr less, to the Fast hovndary line of Duncan Street; T'TPNUE South along the Fast houndary line of D+_inear Street ' 520 feet, more or less, to the most westerly Southwest corner of the 7.140 acre tract owned by 'hrs. Lucy K. 'Natlac+,; TttFNCF Sn1,ither9gterly 75 fPAt, more or legs, to th^ plnce of hop,inning. j Your petitioners pray that an election be held in the manner provided by law and the proposition of annexing the hereinabove described territory or tract of land be submitted to the qualified voters of the City of Denton, Texas, and the ualit ed voters residing within said territory as provided by owe -,~d RE PEC FULLY SUBRITTPD this the day of / 195 r..... OrQ.~;~- ( t ~ 2' (bile 4 1 rl 1 r I IX y i q1q l F ~J. Row C Jr \ 1 li I 1 1 I i i i i f r l i , , ,,y W r' - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >r AT A slit i W-ETINC OF TPE CTTY CO'KNUSSION OF THE } CTTY 0 71"71 \ S AT THE CITY }FALL OF SAID CITYON THE 14TIl DAY OF APRUL, A. D. , 1953. R E S O L U T I O N On this the idth day of April, A.D., 1953 came on to he considered at a ra ,filar meeting of the City Com- mission of the City of Denton, Texas, the matter of canvass- ing the returns of an election heretofore held on the 7th clay of April, A.D., 1953, said election having heretofore been duly ordered by said City Commission for the purpose of elect- ing two City Commissioners for the City of Denton, Texas. FOR CITY COMMISSIONERS OF TEE CITY OF DENTON$ TMAS= (two to be elect- ed) NAME VOTES --Dark Rrycnn 337 W_ A. ralvprt 265 Pa„7 G!,-- Vm,ng Jr. 138 R. 0- F,sltnn 82 It appearing from the canvass of said returns of said election that Jack lit-Arson and _W_ A- ralvert received the highest number of votes cast for the office of City Com- missioners of th City of Denton, Texas; it is therefore ordered and declared that .lark 1lryaon and IL A. Calvert were duly elected as City Commissioners of the City of Denton, Texas. PASSED AN 7) APt>ROVED this 14th day of April, A. D., 19 a rm, n, omm so on City of Denton, Texas ATTEST: A F'PROVI;D s A". City re ary mayor, City of Denton, Texas Cityy of Denton, Texas APr ZOVED AS TO FORM! City Attorney, !Cfty o 2717n, Texas i Ilk 1 i y1 9.:-..1•i q..J • ,y { 'pea ,•ia•'~ ~xe•~~ aim OXF4;' OF, 0111Ic!~ I, . A. Ca1•:~ert r, do soterinly smear, th't T will faithfully exocute the c;uties of t.le office of City Co,7nissioner of the Cite of Denton, Texas, and will t-~ the hest of U ability preserve, protect, and defend the Consti- tution and [lie laws of the United States and of this State; and I furthermore solemnly swear, that I have not directly, nor indirectly, paid, offered, or promised to pay, contribu- ted nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thinry, or promised any nubiic office or employment, as a reward for the riving or witliholdin^ a vote nt the olection at which I was elected. So Help Me God. Sworn and subscribed to before me this day of April, 14153. o ary Public in an3 or Benton County, Texas I ts® V, 1 J 1 i. r r 1 wE 1 L~ ' y ~ t x} ds TY :a € a.,i'e~e.: 4'Se~,. dy n -/.a °a +s s{s w",4~'r.f iy a p .any w a - # Sl,pks F. 3 ? 'yC J,. 5''d¢1 d GATV OF OFFICE I Lack Bryson --.9 do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully executr the duties of the office of City Commissioner of the City of Denton, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Consti- tution and the laws of the United States and of this State; and I furthermore solemnly swear, that 1 have not directly, nor indirectly, paid, offered, or promised to pay, contribu- ted nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward for the giving or withholdinr a vote at the election at which I was elected. So Help Me God. Sworn and subscribed to before me this o4 day of April, 1853. --Notary Punic in and If or Denton County, Texas 1 i Ilk t r a° y`~Tk f ?i ~ SA ~ ~ a_`9 ~iF 4 lri ~MV iT • S•v f.. ~.~'~~x?.~'* 11 E P 0 R T I OF THIS COY',:ITTEE AFPOINT;'.'D TO CANVASS THE !'ET' RNS OF THE ELECTION' 1IFLD IN THE CITY OP DENTON, T1,:XAS, ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF APRTL, A. D., 1953. Comes now your committee appointed to canvass the returns of the Election held in the City of Denton, Texas on the 7th day of April, A.D., 1953, and respectfully makes the follow- ing report: We have carefully canvassed the returns of said election and find the result thereof as follows: FOR THE OFFICE OF CITY CONI[ISSIONER (two to be elected) OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, T11H FOLLOWING NAMED NHS' RECETVIM THE VOTES INDICATED OPPOSITE THEIR NAMES: NAME VOTES jack nryson _ 337 W. A. Ca vent 265 Paul R. Young, Jr. 138 _~n, R 2yS1 93 R. 0. FUlton 82 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ON THIS _14th DAY OF APRIL, A.D., 1953. MOM .y..... r.. I ~T . .mil ~ni 8 y~- y f._ [F .1 s s ; . ] ~ ORDINANCE No. .1-/0 AN O..DINANCE AVE'N-DING, TIT': PLUNRINC. 02DTNANCr HERETO FOR. PASSED 0:`I TITR 20th DAY O DEC'EXI1ER, A.D., 19460 BY TITT; CITY COPniISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TM(AS, TAY ADMIX TI:I;,! TO SECTION 13rA covitirtN7NG AND RE4T.' )TSP , "OSAL Oi~ P7DUSTfiIAL T'LASTES AS IlERBUN- I.ATINr 1',:F; T, Ai 'f F,!Z. W-,SC.''I Ml ,D UY YLAY5 Or Ti:T; SANTV 'Y SYST1•T' UP 1'I)FE CITY OP 1)71 TU\', TINS: PROVIDI`,~G TITAT TITS O1 DI`'A`.'CP 3:'.1',1, f',V Ci^ lrIATIV1 OF` ALL OR'JINANCI?S AND STATUT13S ON 'I':1!' 'l^JJI.CT: PROVIDING FUR A I'TNALTY OF NOT LESS TI'X-. $25 AND NOT b'OR13 THAN $200 FOR TIIis' VIO- UkTION TPIEYEOF' ANr, 1jSCLA1.ING AN 131ERGENCY: PROVIDING 111E EFFECTIV> WATT-;' Ill,:tf;0~'. BE IT ORDAINED BY TI{E CITY CO',IIISSION OF TE1s CITY OF DENTOXi T L.`C1 S SECTION 1, That the Plumbing Ordinance heretofore passed on the 20th day of December, A.D., 1946, by the City Commission of.. the City of Denton 'texas, he Amended by adding thereto Section 13~-A, which is as' Follows: SECTION 13-A INDUSTRIAL WASTES AND WAiTES F7 03; ACID S1NkS INDUSTRIAL WAST':S. (1) Whenever 'Industrial wastes such as waste.from a meat packing plant,, lead reclaiming. plant, laundry, soap U~ctory or; from any, other business or'industrial estal,lishment,"is produced, in any such quantities as will i,n,jurioasly affect the treatment of sewage In Ahe`,City' sewage' treatment plant, the recefving'.saui- 'tary or storm sewer or which may, produce conditions clangorous or pre'udicial to life'or health, such wastes slHall receive pretreatr npV satisfactory to the 'Cityy Engineer before discharee to the City sanitary or storm sewer. (2) Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall dig- charl,e or cause to be clischar"od any of the followinsr described waters cr wastes to any sanitary sewer: (a) Any -114ui,d or vanor, having a `temperature HFIg er `than 150 de gees, F. (h) Any'w,ter or 4raste which, ;ay contain more than IUO `parts per milli'oyi, by weight, or. fat, oil ors rease. (c) Any gasoline benzene, naptha, fuel oil, oi' other flammable or explosive, liquid, solid or gas. (d) Any,garbaTye that has not been rroperly shredded in a machine desirncd for this'purpose, (a)`Any. ashes cir:ders, sand,- mud, straw, shavinKs,, metal, glass, rags,` featAerti, tar,°plastics, I;«od, paunch manure, or any other solid ,or vfscout, 3uhstv.nc'e capab of causing' obat1-nc- ti0n to the flow 1n sewers or other inte,rrerence with"Ahe proper . operation: of` the sewage works. (f) Any w-1terh' 6r wastes having a pli lower',than 6.5 or higher than 9.5, or havi'l any other corrosive riroperty capa- hle of causing damage or'. hazard to structures,. equ4mont, and per.? sbnhel of the sewage works. (p,) Any•water3 or wastes containing more than 5,0' parts per million by weight of Chromium or 2.~t1 parts per. million ')y woight of Canides or 1260 ports per rhilliod'of phenols or %Q. parts per, mit.lidn of Iron or 10 parts per million by weloht of . Copper. (h) Any watots ;nr,wastos containing AnV quAntity of Formaldfhyda or CA ide wastes, (i) Any waters o#• wastes °conta)nirr a toxic 'or poise,l- hy su ~ ahc6eln,se'nt£ielent n!ua tit to injure or interfere with rr* prgcess, coist~tute a~hazard tallymaha, or ani- ~ r r I ' pals, or create an!; hazard in the receivin,T iNmters of the scraage treatment Plant. 0) Any noxious or r:ialodorous ryas or substance capable ' of creating a public nuisance. (3).. The admission into the sanitary se~wers,of any waters or wastes having (a) a 5-day Biochemical Oxygen demand greater than 300 parts per million by weight or (b) containing'more than 400 parts per million by weight of suspended solids,, or (c) contain- ing any quantity of substances havin7 the characteristics described in or (d) havinn an avera•~e daily flow greater than 20 of the avelmge daily sewarre flaw of the City, shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 'when'-necessary;in the vpinioli of the City 1 nryineer, the nriner shall provide, at hi s• ex- pense such preliminary treatmenk as may be necessary t,o (a)''r`e- duco the Biochemical oxyryen demand to 300 parts per;hiil~ion;and the suspended solids. to 400 parts per million by weight;', or (b) reduce objectionable characteristics or constituents to''within''the t' maximum limits provided for in (2), or (c) control the quanfi.ies , and rates of discharge. of such waters "or wastes, Plans, specifi- cations, and any other pertinent information relating. to.propnsed preliminary treatment facilities shall be. submitted.for~ahe aporov at of the City Engineer,.and4no construction of 'suoh'facilitiee.,< shall be corLnenced until approval is obtained -in.writing. (4). When prelimInAry"treatment 'facilities are provided; for., . any, water or wastes, they shall be maintianed continuously in sat- isfactory and effective operation, by the Owner,, his expense: (5),. • Wastes, 'scrt iibing~ or ;wash 4ater,'fr6M : industrial pro-. cesses shall not, be discliarged into storm sewer oxccept by special written per-ntiis'ston from`the City Eriinoer. i , WASTE; FROM ACID STNXS. Drafns`receiVing'acid' waste, shall be constructed of"nn acid resisting ,material. Srich.drains, located out•s'id.a 'of a building, shall bt~ constructed of !ithified clay or.earthanrrare pipe`~or other approved acid 'resistIAg materials Joints shall, tie construe ted'by caulkinh with asbestos rope wickink•ancl by.pouring a heated sulphur and-carbon , compound or a heated bituminous compound,to e , such manner as .to•secur$jt.ight,joints, to-no case 'shall corrosive, waste 1)6-discharged in#e' a, drain, sanitary sewor, stores oewerV' or'. ' ' t tieing first diluted or' ne•titral,ized in sgii dr watite, patio' 'Withou su6h mannar~;a's, to ,render saiii wastes no,acot%rosi've.'. These wastes' Shall 66 treated-by pa"ssirig thirough' a ptopetly,trap ed dilot'i'gn - or. neutraliifnk catch basin which 'shall-function automatically. PXar1s and spedificatiohs'of`said neutralizing bqain-or any Ether pz'bpbsed'treAtmentF:n(o#tiod.shall Ue furnished by ti.e owner-;or occu-' ph`nt to the City, Lngiriee'r fo'r, approval; . sgdtiON, 2, That • this ordinance shall tie"curiuldtive of, "3,11 other ordinances of th© Cit'y of Denton, Texas, and statutes on this subject. 3ECTT0~1. 'A'ny persont firm or corporation Violating hny of the provisions 'of this ordinance 'shall upon conviction he fined any sum not; loss than $26 and not more "(1101,1 $200 and each day such vi olatiior►'contlnues slia.ti'cotigtituto'a -eoptl gate:, of tenses SECDi"N 4.~ The' fact that-the City: of; Denton, Texas does not now,, haVe., an adegi4ite ordinance r6guiatirg ,the discharge of lndust"'L`iai wastes into-t•lie Sanitary.:Smrrage 5y6tem 3of Dent6lit Texas , nd the fur`#her Pact that, such ordinance" is `necessary to' pprotedl, tie ,p,aUlic',+ health and grnei al. Neifar`e' ` ct oats'$a, emergency Imperativa,ppuhlic necessity, requirlnp; tria}} t ie'rrule: providing, the ' ardinancos be• tread on'three several occobibhot at ttrroe :general°Meetings, b9, and the; same is hereby suspended and this Ordinance,is `In fo111 force dhd, effect from and after itp passage and anprbval hereof and aft' publication as r eg4red byJavr. " PAS rl) AND APPROVF,D THIS, TNH' 1st DAY OF APRIL, 19536 C a rm n, Cit~ y omm ss or y APPROYED ATTEST Mayor C y e e ary • Ap R VPD♦AS.,TO rlCAf, FORM City 'Attorney { • . r t r r 6 r • f ° r i r . • of +Y r; J 1 , 1 ` •1 I .!'1 , f r . ~ tit ~ xJ ~J 0 i D ' 4111 I a' 0 NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION New York CONTINUATION iONO NO. ON eENALr Or i16A B. Le CLARK & W, 8, COBS DENTON,TEXAS CERTIFICATE PREMIUM iN FAVOR Or 10.00 2 CITY OF DEN ON TEXAS TYr[ Or RON ~pp AMOUNT Or LIMILIrr . ►ue,orr, ►I OUITr eX[rr 4-5-53 Ol II-5-Ts 1,000.00 U SMPTION Or BOND EXECUTED AV ICiTY•STATii eTA i COOe CLAee eRaell AIM01 ~3IDLWALK BOND DALLAS, TEXAS J12 ORIGINAL L►r. DATi or so NO cODi AOLNT OR VIAORLR DAT1 DRLPARLD -4 167 1 LYLE E. MMTGOMEF'Y CO. - DENTON, TEXAS 2-6-53 In consideration of an agreed premium payable In advance, the bond described above is hereby continued I i force for the period indicated. Continuation is sublect to the condition that the maximum aggregate (lability of National Surely Corporation under the bond and any and all continuations thel of shall In no event exceed the amount of liability shown herein. This cerlifkots shall be val'A only when executed by an attorney-In-fact of this Corporation. NATIONAL SUUTY CORMMTION DALLAS, TEAS r (782) , xhaY~-- ;epentatne AgeRl or Me T. M. D~Y r AttoreeyIR~ I on A Vi9-11A UN i/67 z 06110EE or INSURED I SID91ALK, CURB, AND CUTTFR 13010 'i THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENPON XN0,7 ALL 1,24 BY TWE PRESENPSi CITY OF DENTON That we. Py as prinoipal+ and the other subscribers here o as sure es; are ie arid ilmly bound unto the City of Donto7,, Tw%s, a municipal corporation, its Successors and assigns, at Denton, Texas, in the sum of One Thousand, ($1;000.00), the'payment of which well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, and assigns, forever firm ly by these presents= WITNESS OUR 11005 ON THIS TIM 15th ...DAY OF %nril _ AID. 195 . The condition of the above obligarrion is such that whereas the said .~i. ~ has made application for a permit to construct) repair a rerons ruc seiralTcs'-and/or curbs and gutte,49 in the City of Denton. Tons) Mi THEREFOREv if the said H. W. KELLEY shall do all work in the constructions repair and recons ruc ono any a ewalk) and/or curb or gutter in a good and workmanlike manners and if the said, .1j.. i ^shall faithfully and strictly comply with the specifications and with of all City ordinancess'resolutions, and regulationss'that are now or may be in effects in Denton, Texaes relating to the constructions reconstruction and repairs on sidewalks and/or curbs or gutters, and if the City of Dental shall be fully idemni- fied and held whole and harmless from any and all cost, expense or damages whether real or asserted on accoant of any injury done to any person or property in the prosecution of said vorks that may e:ise out of or be occasioned by the perfor- mance of said murk, by the principal herein, ar,3 if said'principal shall vdthout additional cos', to the person for whom the work was donee maintain all sidewalks, and/or curbs or gutters, so constructed, reconstructed, or repaired by said principal for a period of one year from the date of such construction, recon. struotion or repairs to the satisfaction of the City Engineers and shall recon.. struot or repalr such sidewalk and/or curb or gutter to the satisfaction of the said City Enginesr'of the Oity of Denton, Texass at any time within one year after the constructions ressonstructioi or repair of such sidewalk and/or curb or gutter, upon a ten day notlce from said engineer] then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise] it shall remain in full force and effect,' The term of this bond shall bo for a period of one year from the date hereof. WMIESS (7JR WW ON TIM DAYS 11ONTHs AID YEAR ADOVE WRITTEN APPRCVM UrAited "ta ide]iz and Ou.~rint0~► ,Comp y t11~ (J or gY. dYC-- APfi M 1 - .k ti CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Fort Worth, Texas March 27, 1953 City of Denton Denton, Texas Gentlemen: We are pleased to attach your copy of a rider to our sales contract dated November 29, 1952, which will include Conoco Circol HD Motor Oil SAE 40 at the f.o.b6 point of Denton, Texas. We shall appreciate your attaching this rider to your copy of the contract as a part thereof. Yours very truly, H. M. M(.%Neely Marketing Department HMM-JR Eno PIONEERING IN PETROLEUM PROGRESS SINCE 1875 111,[71fi B[Y. i-L.7 Date ~3"26-53 Rider, effective- _&rob 23i_ 1953 to be attached to contract effective- NoTeAber_291 1959--, between Continental Oil Company and ____0Tr qr DEP=p a Texas Political Subdivision f .oib, Denton# Texas Conooo C3rool H D !Motor Oil SAE 40 $005100 The Soo quoted above DOES *OT Include the Federal Balls Eatoise Tax of six F6i) orsts a gallon. ~c W 1 ~ ~ w 1 ~ r ~ rrr ..W4 CITY COMMISSIOS ;OMkITTEBS •~4X✓a/~ l N~~~ 1953 - - 1 /54 t1 FINANCE FIRE DEPT. sliytiYYY~~7i BUILD N GROIRIDS POLT0 DEPT. STREET BRTDGE M R POOL ~G n~rvn-r QJ~ WATER OWER do SEINER IN NCB HEALTH PA *NGv CURB OMER PARK do BMETERY ^JITY COMMISSION COMMITTEES 1953_1954 FINANE FIRE; DEPARTMENT Gambill Bryson Castleberry Calvert Brammer Gambill BUILDING & GROUNDS POLICE DEPA9Tl.9FNT Castleberry Gambill Calvert Bryson Brai=er STREET It BRIDGE MOTOR POOL Brammer Bryson 13rammer Calvert WATER, POWER & SEWER INSURANCE Gambill Brammer Gambill Castleberry Castleberry HEALTH PAVING, CURB & GUTTER Calvert Bryson Brammer Calvert Creel PARK & CEMETERY Coffey Orr Bryson Hannah Castleberry i . 1 w ~o t i 1 `~O i i I I ~ _ _i THE STATE; OF TMS ~ COt'NTY OF liE.NTO hX0,* ALL 311Y '3Y TIMSE nRES-1-SITS: N ~ That we, W. II. 11arnes Fnd wife, Ruby Barnes of the County of Denton, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of Four Hundred ($400.00) and No/100 Dollars, to us in hand paid by the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have Granted, Sold and ~oonvcyed, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey unto the said City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal corporation, of the County of Denton, State of Texas, All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the City and County of Denton, State of Texas out of the A.N.B. Tompkins Survey in D-enton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING At the Southwest corner of a tract of land con- veyed to W. 11. Barnes and wife, Ruby Barnes by deed dated August 22, 1945 and recorded in Vol. , Page of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE North 72 feet along the East line of MCCkrmick Street to a point for corner; THENCE Gast 150 feet to a point for corner; TMCE South 72 feet to a point for corner In the North line of Orr-Kid Drive; THENCE West along the North line of Orr-Kid Drive 150 feet to the place of beginning. TO HAVE AND TO BOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said City of Denton, Texas, a Tyuni- cipal Corporation, its successors and assigns forever; and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors apd administrators, to warrant and k'orever Defend all and singular the said premises unto the said City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same or any part thereof. Witness our hands t%Is the , WlWday of rl rch, 19530 arises W_4-0~ 4M4a'4-'1 Ruby ar es "fto ,:..9 ,dr ,3 1-~-ac+:w~r A'.G' Y r ~t ,~~`S'~41~'$~ ~ ~ 5 ~ Y.S. `$N, t'3.4 ' 1A.5, S JOINT ACKNQWI.EDG:►IF,NT k THE STATE OF TEXAS BEFORE ME - - - - - COUNTY OF.__.1?.l~Il.T_QI\ l at3ry'_..PtabliC in and for Denton - County, Texas, ttlfi_~Jnslf:rs3.~2t:c1,_-~ - _ y I3~rnes _ and Bnby _4)arf,es.--- on this day personall appeared " ]1+- p,, known to me wife of said _ hos na ~I t18S e to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they execu e the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. And the said ._huby ~3Z.rf1_Q_5--- - - ° wife of the said ___tY a.. __j3%rn4.S. having beer, examined by me, privily and apart from her husband, and _ acknowledged such having the same fully explained to her, she the said e had'._ I3d1l1eS instrument to be her act and decd, and declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and considera• E tion therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. Given under my hand and seal of office, f day of _Zlr 19 t`=' ~ t ,r Yotary- PubIic ---an-d-f.or.. ; Dcnton County, Texas ;s .M,MYrI1,1.lJl r•~.J.•.•A,.~~IrM..... (i'1'71F1C-1Tt OF fiF.CY1RT1 1 , nlr (r rt in r 1 frx r li i' ~~,lr i t Y n~nl 1 1 r ,1 1 f 1 :Idp s pit ll w4 1 ~y~ 5 r ~ I 1' o~ .w nl ~ /lam' l-_.., ~ • ~1 a o 4 L 1 i - A 11 lrl G7 ;trat J r U l~u.~, 7 - 4i . ♦s+.l i.: ~tyrr v,il •et1. }ena~} Nu ~bc,l oll?,• nt l x r,t,la ~ 4 r 1V111+r my A 3. P IItP,.. ~~c16 1 'X-~ L.G~~ ll.ri♦ ...,a lua.!? a own. IJs,tui ~q, r ~ cam/ li/'~r~ `s'r" i a 2'. MI ,4r fi f y y- y x `3u .-8... F} ' ~ g i - 1 f [ l x ~t.n ?'iW' ly ~ G4' Ri '3C 1 •"fit l..i It -ZOO 1 1 ,,y r, 1 s~ 3 cn X it- o rl r wort" do J • " INDUSTRIAL LUBRICATING OIL AND GREASE 1 CONTRACT This Contract Of Sale made and entered into between GULF OIL CORPORATION, hereinafter called "SELLER" and r _ We as bftt l of-- DrfDtalka I~Ww WITNESSETH-That for the considerations herein set forth and upon "PURCHASER" the terms and conditions herein specified, SELLER agrees to sell and deliver to PURCHASER, and PURCHASER agrees to purchase and receive from SELLER, PURCHASER'S requirements of: ARTICLE- Gulf Petrol,.-um rrvducts hereinafter specified within 10%'more eor less of the quantities shotvn below and for use in PURCHA r 11; p .•,'t or plants at PN&fw Ulm QUANTITY OVANTITY PRODUCT PRICE PRODUCT U. S. Gallons or Pounds Cents W U. S. Gal. or Lb. PRICE- Ql~ s ut 800ta Qu »t oaf 40010my it 3!0 Oat h"WIM %*we *4 a "Off XW *;N snlt Mmmlabc rza P. AO OW Ko"30UTO W! h n .t , the Pr cq n ca a per the container in accordence tv on the reverse aide hereof, aa_ The above prices are1 f Too ro truckk deliverwIfpPt~ TIME- Between = 19t and V_ X 1914, unless this contract is sooner terminated as herein provided. SHIPMENT- Five days written notice to be given representative of SELLER at before each SHIPMENT is required. PAYIPBNT- Terms of payment: lqo 10 days net 10 days fmm date of shipment. No discount to apply on taxes, freight or drum deposits. PURCHASER ahall pay for goods without discount or deduction except as stated In the contract. If at any time the financial responsibility of PURCHASER shall become impaired or unsatisfactory to SELLER or In SELLER'S opinion inadequate to meet the obligations hereunder, cash payments or satisfactory security may be required. A failure to pay any amount when due may at the optlon of SELLER terminate the contract as to further deliveries, and no forbearance, course of dealing, or prier pa, ment, shall affect this right of SELLER. TAXES- See paragraph 1 under "Provisions of Contract" on reverse side hereof. CONDITIONS- This contract is subject to the "Provisions of Contract" printed on reverse side. This contract may be performed by either the Gulf Oil Corporation or its subsidiary, the rulf Refining Company, APPROVAL- This contract or any modification thereof shall not be binding upon SELLER until approved and countev4gned by its V:e PresiJent or authorised Manager. Commencement 4 performance hereunder prior to approval and countozigning as above stipulated in no case shall 15t construed as a waiver IS SELLER of Ibis re ' e nt. DATE- This r,ntro.i CKKuted this day of 1 GUULL~F OIL CORPORATION By Out/ Olt. CONDONATION- aUTNlet MANAOIN OIVIIInN 01NINAL M man PURCHASE-1 Sign Ifere WITNESS: ~ NALISMAN z'" v PROVISIONS OF CONTRACT' TAXES t 1. Tazes, eta. - It is agreed that there shall be added to the contract price specified, and PURCHASER will assume and pa any and 4 all internal revenue, war revenue, charges, inspection fees and/or any other tax that may now or hereafter be Imposed by the Federal Government, or by any State County or Municipality, or by any governmental authority, upon the pralucts covered by this agreement, - or in respect to the importation, exportation, production, manufacture, sale, use, distribution or transportation thereof or on any feature thereof or of this contract; or any increase made necessary by the facing by competent authority of minimum prices at which any or all of the products covered by this agreement must be sold, which minimum prices are greater than the price ti,4 r.r prices provided herein; also an amount proportionate to any increase in SELLER'S costs resaltin- from any form of inflation m ~r the fixing by competent authority of minimum wages or maximum hours of labor or increased costs o materials or transportation; provided that payment of such tax or increased price by PURCHASER is legally permissible. Provided thr.t if PURCHASER claims exemption from any such tax, inspection tees or charges levied by any governmental authority C with respW. to the importation, exportation, production, manufacture, sale, use, distribution or transportation of the articles herein specified, raid PURCHASER shall furnish appropriate, completely executed exemption certificates, In accordance with the laws and ` regulations imposed by any such governmental authority in effect at the time of sale; but should said exemption be denied, all such taxes shall ;hen be paid by PURCHASER. PRODUCT 2. Warraaty - SELL eR warrants that said Petroleum Products will be uniform in quality and at all times up to its standards. 3: Resale - The prices named herein are predicated on PURCHASER'S assurance that the products purchased hereunder are purchased !or consumption by PURCHASER or for use b PURCHASER as material in the manufacture or production of other products sold by him and nc, for resale in their original form. Should any of said products be resold in their original for in, SELLEk may, at its option, im ediltely cancel this contract and shall thereafter be relieved of all obligation.- hereunder. 4. Change of Brand Name -SELLER, in its uncontrolled discretion, mayy at any time change the brand name or any distinctive designation of any o[ its products. Should it do so, this con^.ratt shall be deemed to cover product(s) of the new name(s) and/or designation(s) to the same extent as if said names} or designation(s) were specifically set forth herein. S. Discontiauance of Products-SELLER reserves the right to dixontinue the Bale is PURCHASER'S territory of any product tamed herein. Should SELLER do so, SELLER shall not thereafter be obligated to make deliveries hereunder of such product. tf, however, SELLER shall sell in the territory in which deliveries are male to PURCHASER another product in place of a dis- continued one, such product shall be substituted for the one discontinueu. SELLER shall thereafter be obligated to sell and PURCHASER all be obligated to buy, receive and pay for whatever quantity of other and/or substituted products as shall be requisite in order that the aggregate quantity obligation set forth In this contract shall be performed. QUANTITY 6: Dlflaitioa of "gallon" - The term "gallon" wherever used herein, shall be construed to mean the U. S. gallon of 231 cubic inches at temper lure of 60' Fahrenheit. t'. Monthly Shipments- It is the intent of this contract that quantities shall be delivered and taken in approximately equal monthly allotments. The monthly allotment of each product specified to be delivered under this contract during an monthly period hereof shall be the quantity that would result by dividing the numberof months constituting the period of delivery 4reof into the maximum yuanlity specified herein for such product. SELLER shall not, without its consent, be required to deliver in any one month more than one month's allotment. 8. Failure to Take Monthly Allotments - If PURCHASER, in any month, fails to take delivery of the full monthly allotment for that month, of any droduct covered hereby, SELLER shall not be obligated against its will to deliver to any futur, month such undelivered balance of said allotment, and if PURCHASER, in any two consecutive months, fails to takd delivery of a total of 2/12 of the quantity less 10%s of any product to be delivered hereunder during the contract period, SELLER at its option may cancel this contract as to Op such product, or as to all products covered hereby, by giving ten days written notice of such cancellation to PURCHASER. 9. Stocks sad Equipment-Orders received, conforming to the terms and conditions of this contract, will be accepted promptly and SELLER will endeavor to make shipment prompt)y (or as specified on order) and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contracr, dependent upon a reasonable availability of stocks and equipment. 10. Completion of Contract- This contract shall be deemed completed as to each of the products covered hereby in either of the following ways: a. Upon expiration of the term of the contract. b. Upon shipment of the quantity specified, PRId IL Price Adjustments - SELLER reserves the right to raise or lower its selling prices, or any of them, as named in this agreement at any time upon 30 days written notice to PURCHASER, the revised price or prices to become effective on all shipments after said period of 30 days until prices may again be advanced or reduced. During said 30-day notice period the amount to be delivered to PURCHASER shall not exceed the amount to which he is entitled under the monthly quota or portions of monthly quotas applicable to such 30-day period. In the event that paces under this contract are advanced and if such revised prices are not acceptable to PURCHASER, by reason of PURCHASER'S ability to purchase products of equivalent quality at a bonafide price in the open market lower than the advanced contract price for such item or items, PURCHASER by giving written notice to SELLER shall have the right to purchase in the open market his recu;rc. ients of 6.e particular item or items so advanced; provided, however PURCHASER .hall first give SELLER bonafide tviuence of such lower prices for goods of equivalent quality and shall give SELLER a reasonable opportcutty of meeting such lower prices ofltred to PURCHASER by others. 12. Returnable Drukru 'BD1-The prices shown on this contract are for shipment in either Heavy or Light gauge returnable steel drums, at SELLER'S option, of approximmetpp 55 gallons capacity each unless otherwise Indicated. Returnable steel drums rema.n the property of SELLER and are loaned for transportation purposes only. PURCHASER agrees to take good care of all returnable steel drums loaned to him and to empty and return same promptly, with gaskets and plugs in plate; and not permit anything other than the original contents to be placed to drums. Deposit on each returnable steel drum is required at time of shipment in accordance with "Schedule of Drum Deposits" on SELLER'S "Industrial Lubricating Oil and Grease Price Schedule," which is subject to change at any time and which currently calls for deposits as follows: 55-gal. Heavy Returnable Steel Dru.n (14 or 16 gauge) ............_.......p //Q,r............. =10.00 each 65-gal. Light Returnable Steel Drum (18 gauge) t/.tt'.7_............ i0VW each Deposit will be refunded upon prompt return of the returnable steel drum in good condition r,ubject to regulations then effective covering return of deposit, Non-Returnable Drums-(NASD) - Light gauge non-returnable drums of approximately 55 gallons capacity each are sold with the product, become the property of the purchaser and are not returnable for credit or refund. SHIPMENTS 13. Shipments Prior to Approvd-The fact that any shipment of any of the products specified herein is made by SELLER to PUR- CHASER prior to execution and approval of this contract and delivery of executed copy to PURCHASER shill not be construed as an acceptance of this contract by SELLER, and PURCHASER shall pay for products so shipped at the prices herein provided for such products. M. Deliveries Delayed or Prevented - In the event the performance of this contract by either fart( is affected by strike, fire, riot, war, Act of God, governmental regulations, or governmental requests or requisitions for nationadense or other pur^oses, or failure or shortage of railway, pipe line, or vessel service normally available to atber party hereto, or breakdown of or injury to, or shortage in, facilities used for the production, refining or transportation of the products described herein, or of the crude oil or other taw material from which they are made, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the parties hereto, or tither of them, whether similar to or dissimilar from the enumerated causes, the sintering part may, at its, his, or their option, suspend or terminate the performance of this contract, in whole or in part, and no liability for damages shall attach against tither party on account thereof. SELLER shall not be required to make up any deliveries omitted on account of any such causes. 1S. Unicsdins Demurrage It is agreed that no shipments will be made in tank cars or vessels unless PURCHASER has provided sufficient available bui> >torage to urload from tank tar or vessel direct into such storage. PURCHASER shall provide adequate facilities for the proml ! unloading sr all tank cars, weight cars and vessels, and shall promptly rece.ve and unload shipments, return- ing empty cars as instructed b, S';LLER. PURCHA' ER shall pay demurrage, car rental, charter hire, and other damages for the time any cars or vessels at- hetd beyond forty-eight (48) hours after arrival at destination, Sundays and Heilidays excepted. 16. Claims- Any claims f•,r defect or variance in quality or shortage in quantity shall be made, and SELLER shall be notified and given an opoc iumt co insrect, within two days after the products or goods are delivered, except that if daivery is made in equip- ment furnished by SELLER such notice and opportunity shall be given before the products or goods are unloaded; and. if delivery Is made in equipment furnished by PURCHASER, Such notice and opportunity shall be iven before the products o' goods move from point of shipment. If er uipment furnished by SELLER is in bad order or leaking, PURCHASER shall notify the carrier and secure examination by an au, oozed agent of the carrier as to the condition of the shipment before the same is unloaded. Failure of PURCHASER to comp) with these requirements shall operate as a waiver of any and all claims by PURCHASER. OTHER 17. Liability - Liability of SELLER ceases and title passes to PURCHASER when shipment is delivered to Railroad Company, Steam- CONDITIONS ship Cr apany. or other public carrier. It. Walveis-- The failure of SELLER to insist, in any one instance or more upon the performance of an of the terms or conditions of this contrart, or to exercise any right or privilege heroin conferred, shaft not be construed as thereafter waiving any such terms, conditions, right, privilegee~s, tti.., but the same shall continue and cuuain In full force and effect. to, Cane::.-tic n - S~ ould PURCI ll violate any provisions of this contract, SELLER shall have the right to cancel this contract forthwith a, d cease deliveries hereunder, and PURCHASER shall be liable to SELLER for any damages that SELLER may sus- lain by re 1aon of such violation. 20. Notices- Any notice t•• he gks i hereunder -hall be in writing and shall be deemed to have b!en duty given if and when deposited in the vri red Sbt -,d, pr.,•crly stamped and addressed to the party for whom intended at the address of such party herein ^!e i ,r w hen .'rlr;cre! ~ers,mally to such pair, at such address, 21, FnCtety of Contract No charge alteration or erasure In the printed portions of this contract, and no additiors to or interliaeatform therein, shall be binding upon SE. LER unless 1p )roved in writing by an official of SELLEit. The counterpart of this contract held by Sl IA.Fit shall be considered the original an=I shall be the binlmg contract in case of a variance in any particular between it and any <.,her sigi,ed ropy. This instrur i contains each and every af,reement and understanding existing lUetween the parties relating to the subjeot matter of this oontract, and no agent of SELLER has authority to ohange, modify or add to this contraot, or to make any other or further agreements in connpotion therewith. 22. Assipubitity - I his contract is not assignable except with the written consent of SELLER. 4sos4 sal ik THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOB ALL MIN BY THESE PRESENTS: COMITY 07 DiNT('N ~ That we, C. W. Williford and wife, Elsie Nora Williford, are the legal parents of Roy Jack Williford, said Roy Jacv Williford bean. a minor 20 years of age whose birthday is November 4, 1932. That we, the undersigned, for the purpose of enabling spid minor of the age of 20 years to secure employment with the City of Denton, Texas, do hereby agree that said minor may be employed by it at such undertakings and lines of employment and for such wages and compensation as may be agreed upon by and between said minor and said City, and that said minor may do such work, whether extra hazardous or not, as said City may call upon him to do, and in consideration of his employment by the said City of venton, Texas, we hereby authorize and empoi4er said City to pay to said minor all wages and compensation earned by him while in its employ in the same dinner in which said Cit;( pays its other employees and we do hereby release all claims for said wages and compensation. And we, the undersigned, further agree that in all suits and actions which stay hereafter be instituted by us for damages received from injury sustained by said minor while in the employ of said City, our consent to the eriplnyment of thy, said minr-r hereby given, the agreemsnts herein contained, shall constitute a bar to any recovery by us and wy be urre)d and taken advantage of,in bar of any recovery by us,all and singular the defenses which might be urged and taken advantage of. by V,,in bar to a recovery by said minor in any suit instituted on account of such injury, for the benefit of said minor alone. The purpose of this agreement being as between us and said City to manumit the said minor cnd authorize and empower him to deal. with the said City in all and singular, every matter connected with or arising out of his employment, w any accident or injury sustained by him while so employed, in the same manner and to the sane effect as though he were not a minor. Dated February , 1953, A • ♦ or` rcz' s t,Jsie Nora Williford STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Tarrant County, 9 exas on this day personally appeared C• W. Williford and his wife, Elsie Nora Williford, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instru:aent and acknowledged to me that the.r each executed the same for tie purposes a nd consideration therein expressed, and the said Elsie Nora Williford, wife of C. W. Williford, having been examined by me privily and apatt from her husband, end having the same fully explained to her she, the said Elsie Nora Williford acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposeso nd consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. GrV07 UNDER MY NAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL OF OFFICE, thib t17e day >f February, 1953o i o ar Pub c in an or County, Texas • • ` ~ I I 1 t i a„ w v I ~ j , IS I i ~,fhlJ Aid-, Mato or rox" county of Dentaul t►OUVA tho city of Goutoof * aunicfp►i aorporntla, prop"od to give employment to -XIVp" to a miaor# b 4b4 .a YORrs at *sea "A !halm a 4a, g, !W MA aVorioao• In toi" caauia Was pCA~ t11p1 M1.1 in carollovetiaa of the prod!"/ w C4 U„s~" tatter at "At ~ . as boraby at" $most to laob oyloPWAt of Nu M&W-A by tM •lty of toe, oN scar uAt in ow episias t1►as IM i1 tralY "Ia11e by ""a at swricao ow Mtn IS40 and J0400 Not to protora O1 rer:im to t#ffty to Ma"It and to otw 9010100 at too city at Datust"ioe. MiM"c car boa" as cat"" ft" tua for of C THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Katharine Kelly McCulley That 14i6fi1l~tl~oA7C1~cEgGSIIS4][DtIpXDC401Q76F.1t3+6H7t1L17C+EdQ7Q![7tII1tfiE17Ss~iClp7~[9t7QII, acting herein by its duly authorized representative, for and in consideration o: the sum of Twenty-four Dollars to It in hand paid by the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has this day granted, sold and conveyed unto the said . he-. C i..ty...of_.-Dent.an.------------------------------------------ - all that certain lot, tract or pt.•cel of land sit- sted in said City, County and State, and being - - .Q.....3,....&...a.n....Q.,...13h......... of the ._z •_..Q_~-..Q..._E . _._Cemetery in said City as Chown by the map or plat thereof now on file In the office of the City Secretary of Bald City. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said Cit of Denton.._._..____- i _......_----._.r.._.... heirs and assigns lor- ever, subject, however, to the hereinafter maintained conditions. This deed does not convey title to the above described land, but only a right to sepulture,' to erect monuments and evary other right to use slid land as a burial site, subject to the ordinances, rules and regula- tions of said City of Denton, WITNESS this the _ ...YQ.th day of ._......_MA1'.Ch.........__,... . A. D. 13.-53- ATTEST: )ijlf7~ Witness! dIr Witness: ' X//JJ~~ (on y heir to Mrs. Ella W. Kelly . L'd owner of above lots) THE STATE OF TEXAS } COUNTY OF DENTON )j Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ......__.-..Ke kno:.n to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that he exe^uted the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and In the capacity as set forth therein, WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL OF OFFICE this the _._.I9th..... day of A. D. 19_53..., NOYAAY PUBLIC, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAa y `Q O N, .I h~It 0! it av AA. , do hereby file this, ray application for the office of City Comissioner, subject to election. Yy post-office address is The county of rV residence is [,tG~•o~~v iry a~ e is _ ► q~ :lid I was born at and am and&,406 4,1y citizen of the United St-tes and I have resided in Donton County, Texas, for y L1 years. Witness ny hand this !A Cay of ~,Afif AA r I, , do hereby file this, ray ,nlicat on 'or the office of City Conriissioner, subject to election. Afy Post-offlrc address is d0?j "A. 8 The county of rLy residence is YY nee is n~1 anc T ties born at and im a Q•Cit.G~ citizen of the united States an6 T have resided in Denton County, Texas, for years. Witness ny band this day of A.. D, , 195$9 QG hereby file this, ray npnliention for the office of City Comissioner, subject to election. 71y post-offica address is The county of ny residence is .42•c~ . 7:y a-e is and I bras born at - L and aria citizen of the United States and I~have resided in Denton County, Texas, for --ra ye. rs. 1-fitness riy hand thin day of A-4mlk A.D., 1954. I r do hereby file this, ray annlication for the office of City co"ITAssioncr, sulo joct to election. 7'ky post orficc adc;rc;;s, is The coiinty of ny residence is OQ?-vt --rt yy a-e is i:nd I was ;porn at and am a 6q: t 'y n, c2aAk citizen of the United States and I have resit'n.d in . Denton County, Texas, for 3_Q years, Witness my hand this day of ~ A.D., 1951 I 1 0 A. do hereto file this, my a:iplication for the office of City ComTisatoner, subject to eloo~tion. Yy post-offlee address is '7/S' a), ~J4't(k0 The county of my rosidenoe is Z'eG ~e .tom My a "O is _ 1P yrs and I was born at , and art a4Gt/QQ~~ oitizen of the United Statea and have resided in Denton County, Texas for Years, Witness my hand this day of /yy4~~wC:.p A. D, , 1952. CITY 6VM7'-TARYs I h.reby regl,est that you place my name on the official ballot of the City of Denton, Texas, so a candidate for the ofPiee of 41, at the r~egillar election to be held on the 7 day of Gl/ A . D. IQ.1 -r _ '%'ITNFSS my hand this the 15 day of AFFIDAVIT OF CANDI MTH POR PUPLIC OFFICE of the County of Denton, Sta o Texas, 106 np s candidate or the office of do solemnly swear that I believe in, and.spprove of, our present Representative for of Governaiont, and if elected, I will support and defend our present Representative foro_ of Government, and will roulat any effort or moveient from ary source which seeks to subvert or destroy the same or any part thereof, .nd I will support and defend the Constit.tion and Laws o! the United States and of the State of Texas. SWORN to and subsorMb 41 before me at Denton, Taxis, this the ~~day of <C2 A. D.~ J 0 CITY SECRETARYt I hereby request that you place my name on the official ballot of Vie City of Denton, Texas, as a candidate for the office of at the regular election to be held on the day of , _,A . D . - / s/,Sr WITNESS my hand this the ~i day of M 4n-c-v A'D' 4FFIDAVIT OF CANDIDATE FOR PUBLIC OFFICE I I, , fo the County of Dentonp State of TTexas /ding r e4 idate for the office of do solemnly swear that I believj in, and approve of, our present Representative from of Government, and if Bleated, I will support and defend our present Representative form of Government, and will resist any effort or movement from any source which seeks to subvert or destroy the same or any part thereofpand I will support and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of the State of Texas. SWORN to and subscribed before me at this the day of A. D,1/y5 Notary Publio, Denton C unty, Texas 0 OITY BEORETARYt I herebyy regjost that you place my name on the official ballot or the City of Denton, Texas, as a candidatd for the office of at the regular election to be held on the day of A.D. 19.T3 WITNESS my hand this the day of ~ A .D. 4PPIDAVIT OF CANDIDATE FOR PUBLIO OFFICE Is .tj4 to the County of Denton, State of Teex..,a~6, being a oand~ date tchr the office of do solemnly @rear that I believe in, and apprdre of our pr9sont ' Representative from of Government, and it elected, I will support and defend our present Representative form of 06vernmant, and will resist any effort or movement from any source which serka to subvert or dostroy the s&mo or any part th.real,and I will support and defend the 0onstitution and Laws of the United States and of the Btate of Texas. rl MAN to and 'subscribed betorA ■e at _ /Gxl~ ,r,,..y P this the 7 day or = •D• Rotary Publ i, Dontoa Wunty, Texas i OITY SRORBTARYt I herebyr request that you place my name on the official ballot of the city of Denton Texas, as a candidate for the office of 4, at the regular election to be held on the 7-66 1 day of WITIMS ay hand this the 7 day of .-,~44ACf,"C A .D. 4FFIDAVIT OR CAIIDIOATB FOR PUBLIC OFT-IC$ I,_ fo the County of Denton, State of Texas, b ein a candidate for the office of do solemnly swaar that I believe in, and approve of$ our present Representative from of Government, and if eleoted# I will support and defend our present Representative form of Oovernment, and will resist any effort or movement from any source which seeks to subvert or destroy the same or any part thereof and I will support and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of the State of Texas. Zw 11 1 ~,,Czo SWORN to and subscribed before as at this the day of ~ A.D. yn iotary ~ b e D~Ant~~~ 'f onaun i►, exas Q CITY SIKORSTARYm I hereby request that you place any name on the official ballot of the City of Denton, Tvxes, as a. candidate for the office of at the regular elections to be held on the .1 ~ day of Wl'TNv,SS my hand this the 7 day of l W-tl A .D. 3 Jolla A,/- 4PPIDAVIT OF CANDIDATE FOR PUBLIC OFPIOR 1, ~w • ee - l' ~ fipthA County of Denton$ State of Texas, being a candidate for the office of I do solemlr swear that I believe in, and approve of our present Representative from of Government, and if • eoted, I will support and defend our present Representative fors off' Gdvernmment, and will resist any effort or movement, from any sourat which seeks to subvert or destroy the some or'any psrt therlisf.snd I will sv port and defend h Constitution and Laws of the Ignited States and of the Sta~e of Texas• SwOAK to and subscribed before ass at out rv, , this the day of A.D. / 33 M tally Pabl a Pia County, Texas No, AN ORDINANCF PROVIDING AND DECLARING THE PRACTICE OF GOING, IN AN; UPON PRIVATE RESIDENCES IN THE CITY OF MNTON TEXAS, BY SOLICITORS, PEDDLFRS, 11AWKF:Ro, ITTNa NT MERCHANTS AND TRANSIENT VENDERS OF sminCE AND/OR IMCHANDISE, NOT HAVING BEEN REQUESTED OR INVITED SO TO DO BY THE, 014NER OR O1WRS0 OCCUPANT OR OCCUPANTS OF SAID PRIVATE RESIDENCES, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SOLICITING ORDERS FOR THE S112, OI' GOODS, WARES MERCHANDISE AND SERVICES AND/OP. FOR THE PURPOSE 6F DISPOSING OF M D/OR PEDDLING OR HAWKING SAME OR SFRVICE, TO DE A ITUISANCE AND VNI A'uFUL, FIXING A PF;NALTY AN'D PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPRESSION AND ADATE- MENT OF SUCH NUISANCES; AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CL tss; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEM- WITII; AND DECLARING AN Ef MMENCY, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSTON OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS: SECTION ONEt The practice of going in and upon private residences in the City of Denton, Texas, by solicitors, peddlers, hawkers, itinerant merchants and transient venders of merchandise or service, not having been invited or requested so to do by the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of said private residences, forthe purpose of soliciting orders for the sale of goods, wares, merchandise or service, and/or for the purpose of disposing of and/or peddling or hawking the same, is hereby declared to be a nuisance and unlawful, and punishable as a misdemeanor. SECTION TWOS Any attempt to obtain an invi,ation to visit such private residences by personal solicitation, or promise of demonstration, pecuniary benefit, advantage or any g1ft, shall he deemed a violation of the terms and provisions of this ordinance. SECTION THREEt The police officers of the City of Denton, Texas are hereby directed and required to suppress the enme, and to abate any nuisance as is described herein. SECTION FOUR: Any person convicted of perpetrating a nuisance as described and prohibited in the first and second sections of this ordinance, upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars. r SECTION FIVES If any secti,n, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of tH s ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or shall be held unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as r whole, or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to he invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION SIX: All ordinances rind parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. SECTTOY SEVEN: Due to the fact that existing ordinances are inadequate to terminate the practice of going in and upon private residences by solicitors, peddlers, haV..,cers, itinerant merchants and transient,,yondors of merchandise or service, not having been invited so to do by the occupant or occupants of such private residences, the passage of this ordinance will ehhance the health, morals and safety of the citizens of Denton, said situation creat- ing an emergency requiring that the rule providing that ordinances be read on three several occasions be, and the same is hereby suspended a nd this ordinance shall be in full force.and effect from and after its passage and approvals and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED TUTS THE 17th day of r6mm b19536 a rman, City on ATTES TS APPROVEDs 971t 4. acre ar Mayor ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q~ J ~ ~ ~ w . ~ ~ , . ti ~ a Rr 4 a ~y, s,~ ~ of r. , , . w. a~..: 46 16 AN ORDINANCE AMI!NDING THE ZONING AND USE DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY OF DENTON$ TEXAS, SO AS TO RI-,XOVE A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WEST EIICNORY STREET SAME BEING FULLY DESCRIBED IN TITE FOLLOWING. ORDINANCE , FROM THE DWELLING DISTRICT PIACING SAME IN THE BUSINESS DISTRICT, 113NDING d NECESSITY T111-.,ItEFOR UNDER mr, MINSTER PLAN OF SAID ZONING ANT) USE MAP, PLACINr, THE S"ME 7N A FIRE ZONE, AND DECLARING AN DIERCENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON: SECTION ONE: That the zoning and use district map of the City of Denton, Texas, which is a part of Chapter Ten, Article II of the Revised Ordinances of said City be amended as follows: All the hereinafter described property is hereby removed from the dwelling district as shown on said Zoning and Use District Map and is hereby placed in the Business District, and all provisions of said Zoning Ordinance and Zoning clap shalt hereafter apply to said property as Business Property and as other property located in a business district as that term is defined in the Revised Zoning Ordinance; said property so rezoned being more particularly described as follows, to.witl All that certain lot, tract or arcel of land lyingg and being situated in the City and ~ounty of Denton, State of Texas out of the E. Puchaiski Survey and being more particularly described as follows: BEGTNNING at the Southwest corner of Lot Nog Ten, College Supplement Addition to the City of Denton Texas as shown by the map or plat thereof recorded in Yoi$ 66, Page 372 of the Decd Rccords of Denton,County, Texas; THENCE North 1301to point fm corner; THENCE East 128 feat to point for corner; THENCE South 13LI to point for corndr in the North line of West Hickory Street; T11ENCE West 12F feet to plac6 of beginning, SECTION TWOt`The City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, hereby finds that such a change is in accordance with a comprehensive plan for.the purpose of promoting the general xelfare of the Citizens of Denton. S . SECTION TI1REEs That the above described property is here- by placed in the Fire Zone or Tire Limits of the (01ty of Denton. SECTION FOUR: The fact that the owner of the above described property desires to place on same valuable business improvements, and the further fact that such business Im- provements are needed to promote the general welfare of the community, creates an emergency, an imperative public necessity requiring that the rule which provides that ordin- ancos beoread on three several occasions be, and the same is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this t 17th d of Harch, 1953• a rman, y o ss on ATTESTi APPROVED: y secretary Mayor APPT' s1) AS 0 L V 1AtjF0101: ' y T City Attorney r L - ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ i i i i t r RJ l 1~ N N a~ w ~x, ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ r r R 7 1, h AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING DOUR CERTAIN TRACTS OF LAND TO THE CITY OF MTON, TEXAS, PLACING THREE TRACTS IN THE RESIDtNTTAL DISTRICT AND ONE TILICT TN TIlr BUSINESS DISTRICT AND TIRE ZONE AND DECURING AN EMERGENCY. 13E TT ORDAINED 73Y THE CITY COMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON: SECTION ONE: That the following described tracts of land, same being folly described on the official ballot under Propositions One, Two, Three and Four, are hereby annexed to, made a part of and brought into the corporate limits of the City of Denton, Texas in compliance with an election held heretofore on the 17th day of March, 1953, same being more particularly described on the sheet attached hereto and A P&OPOSMON Rill All that certain tract or parcel of land situated In Denton Countyy Texas being a part of a 44 acre tract out of the J.D. Lilly Survey, Abstract No. 781J, described as follows: BEGINNING at the scathweat corner of a tract sold by W, C, Lattimore to Bishop Neely, 988 fret west from the southeast corner of said survey; THENCE north 1597.88 feet to the south boundary line of the T. & P. R. R. rlght- g -or-wayq t THEWE south 89 degrees west with the south boundary line of the T. & P. R. R. Ion J right-of-way 991.1 feet for corner to the northeast corner of a tract sold by the P J Texas Loan Agency to Jones; he ENCE south on Jones cast boundary line 885.8 feet to Jones' southeast corner; _THENCE west on Jones' south boundary line 708 feet to Jo es' southwest corner; F THENCE south 150 foet for corner; jc~;, THENCE east 708 feet for corner; yr" r~ r , hereby THENCE south on the cast side of Boyd Street 340 fee( more or less to cornet on }1- the north line on Lattimore Street; / THENCE east on Lattimore Street 912.2 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. FOR RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT Y LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. e Q' AGAINST RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. 0' PROPOSITION TWO1 n' Statethat of certain he and being more particularly described) bthe eCtes and bounds as and lows: di BEGINNING at a point in the south boundary lirra of the city limits of Bald City of bl iC Denton where said city limits crosses the cast line of the right-of-way of the 'texas and Pacific Railway said point being 37 feet more or lea, south of the northwest n corner of the Silas idea lea tract of land in Ile A. Hill Survey and also acing one be mite south of the Court House In the City of Denton' THENCE southerly along the right of-way line 150 Meet, more or lea, to the south- west corner of the A. 31, Persons tract inlaid A. Hill Survey; THENCE east 218 feet to an ell corner of said tract; .HENCE south 4 feet to the southerly southwest corner of said tract; A / f THENCE east 74 feet tot southeast corner of said tract' ect y THENCE north 51 feet to the easterly northeast corner olf said tract; Wis.-- THENCE west 70 feet to an ell corner of said tract; THENCE north 28 feet to the northerly northeast corner of said tract' THENCE west 54 feet to a point due south of the southbast corner of sold Maples tract' } THENCE north 80 feet, more or leas to the south line of said city limits; THENCE west 120, more or less, to the place of beginning. FOR RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. AGAINST RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, Ai h 1 cer ain lot mel of 1>•reel of Is"A lylntf and bean situated in the Count it. n'~oa, f~tatool 'Texss and being oW. o: the N, H, MEIS NHEIMER Survey, Ab- i Ait IIo, 811 and being a port of 5 ,xrej described In Deed from Lester Davis to J mes Elbert 6hembers, as s o n of record In Volume 318, Pa a 212, Deed Records 0 Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly descri of follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake for corner in the west boundary line of U, 0, fligh. way I 77, sold corner being the northeast corner of said tact described in Deed i[ from 17ivis to Chambers and also beln the southeast cornet'`of a tract of land do. (vy`\ scribed in deed from Guy Fuller to C. , Davis, Jr,, as shown of record In Vglyrtl0 292 Pape 291 Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THkNC.E north 88 de reel 8a minutes west with the south boundary line of sald~ C. N. Davis, Jr,, trait 199.0 fet-t to a stake for corner, said ^orner being the north. V et et o! a tract described In Deed from James Elbert Chambers to Carlyon Sr Wrotan as shown of record in Volume 329, Page 427, Decd Re ords of tiantr= t PROPOSITION ONES All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, being e part of a 44 acre tract out of the J.D. Lilly Survey, Abstract No. 762, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of a tract sold by W. C. Lattimore to Bishop Neely 988 feet west from the southeast corner of said survey; THENCE north 1697.68 feet to the south boundary line of the T. & P, R. R. right- s 01-1,vay; THENCE south 69 degrees west with the south boundary line of the 7'. & P. R. R. Oft right-of-way 991.1 feet for corner to the northeast corner of a tract sold by the r Texas Loan Agency to Jones; qq ENCE south on Jones cast boundary line 685,8 feet to Jones' southeast corner; he J 'THENCE west on Jones' south bourdary line 708 feet to Jones' southwest corner; P TIIENCE south 150 feet for corner; l 1 3f tl0t'@UY TTIENCE east 706 feet for corner; THENCE south on tic cast side of Boyd Street 340 feet, more or less to corner on J P the north line on Lattimore Street; THENCE cast on Lattimore Strcet 912,2 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. FOR RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY C? DENTON, TEXAS. 0 al AGAINST RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO TO% PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, e. PROPOSITION TWO. All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Denton and of State of Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as fol- he lows: BEGINNING at a point in the south boundary line of the city limits of said City of C11 Denton where said city limits crosses the east line of the right-or-way of the Texas blic and Pacific Railway, said point being 37 feet, more or less, south of the northwest corner of the Silas Maples tract of land in the A. Hill Survey and also being one n' mile south of the Court House In the City of Denton' b0 THENCE southerly along the right of-way line 150 feet, more or less, to the south- rn west corner of the A. F. Parsons tract in said A. Hill Survey; THENCE east 216 feet to an ell corner of said tract; - ZHENCE south 4 feet to the southerly southwest corner of said tract; A ~ St THENCE east 74 feet to the southeast corner of said tract- THENCE north 51 feet to the easterly northeast corner of said tract; t pct THENCE west 70 feet to an ell corner of said tract; f1 THENCE north 28 feet to the northerly northeast comer of said tract, THENCE west 54 feet to a point due south of the southeast comer of sold Maples tract P) THENCE north 80 feet, more or 1! ss, to the south line of said city limits; THENCE west 120, more or less, to the place of beginning. FOR RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. AGAINST RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON. TEXAS. rnoroesviom S'asnKut ..r AT A11 that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated In the County or Denton, Statn of Texas and being out of the N. H. MEISENHEIMER Survey, Ab- stract No. 811 and being a part of a tract described in Deed from Lester Davis to James Elbert 6hambers, as shown of record In Volume 318, Page 212, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake for corner in the west boundary line of V. S. High- way No. 77, raid corner being the northeast corner of said tract described in Deed from Davis Us Chambers and also being the southeast cornet of a tract of land de- scribed in de d from Guy Fuller to C. N. Davis, Jr., as shown of record in Vglyrr;a 292 Paggo 111, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; ~ ~~l THENCE north 88 degrees 30 minutes west with the south boundary line of saidG C. N. Davis, Jr., tract 139.0 feet to a stake for comer, said corner being the north- east of a tract described In need from James Elbert Chambers to Carlyon S. Wrotan as shown of record in Volume 329, Page 427, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, THENCE. south 1 degree 07 minutes east with the east boundary line of said Wrotan tract 50.9 feet to a stake foes' corner; ;~CE south 86 ~gggrrce, 40 minutes east 139.0 feet to a stake for corner in th~ weds{ Ida]yrIltSa of U S.'H1g1lWByNB. 77,'aeid"8orner being 88.8 feet north 1 de re0 07 minutes wea► of the s0utheast corner of said Chambers tract TI ENCE North 1 de 0, a 07 minutes west with the west boundary fine of inald Highway, 80.0 feet W the place of beginning, as resurveyed by R. T. May, Jr., County Surveyor, Denton County, Texas, August 28, 1947. FOR RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. AGAINST RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DkNTON, TEXAS.. r PROPOSITION FOUR: All that certsin lot, tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Denton, State of Texas, and being snore particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at a point in the east city Ihnits line of the City of Denton, Texas, where said line erotica the most southerly north line of the Jonathan Brock Survey and the south line of the Hiram Sisco Survey, said point being 400 feet west of the southeast comer of said Stsco Survey and being the southwest corner of a 8 33 acre tract in said Sisco Survey conveyed by Mrs. Nena Sours and husband J. R. Sours to J. M. and H.,M. Pitner, by deed dated July 10, .Ind recorded 4t Volume 328, Pa a 304 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Tgees; T> ENCE north 400 feet to the northwest corner of said 3.88 acres; THENCE easterly 400 feet, more or less, to a point in the east line of said Sisco Sur- e at the northeast corner of said 3 96 acres; IYENCE south 330jeet to the southeast corner of said 81sao SurVey; THENCE west 88.D eet a point for corner} THENCE south >f lb felt a point for corner; THENCE esat 788 feet to a point for corner In the east line of the said Brock Sur. veYy and the west line of the E. Morris Survey' TIfENCE west 1078 feet to :he said east City Limits live, THENCE north along Bald City Limits line 410 feet to tale places of beginning, con- taining 13.18 acres of land, more or less. 1)~ S1 9f P1 ti t~ I hi x m T { i' 3y°~✓pJ~~t A, SECTION Two! That the tract of land described u-idor proposition Four above is hereby place in the Business District and in the Fire Zone. The other three above mentioned tracts are to be hereby placed.,in the Fire Zonee It being necessary that the above described tracts of land be annexed to the City of Denton, Texas in compliance with an election heretofore held on the 17th day of Parch, 1953 in order that the property owners may ba able to proceed with the developement of same, createa an emergency, an imperative public necessity raquiring that the rule providing that ordinances be read on three several occasions, be, and the same i.i hereby ,suspendedg and this ordinan~.e shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval PASSEDAND APPROVED THIS the 17th d of h, 1953. i M/s a rma , orom ss on P TTES'i ! APP D i ~Q r • C ri• n~~ C AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS AT THP (:ITY HALL ON THE IYTH DAY OF )tARCII, A,D. , 1953. R E S O L U T I O N On this the 17th day of March, A.D., 1953, came on to be considered at a special meeting of the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, the matter of canvassing the returns of an election heretofore held on the 17th day of March, 1953, said election having been heretofore duly ordered by said City Commission for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the City of Denton the question of annexing certain tracts of land to the City of Denton, and the City Commission having duly canvassed the returns of said election, declares the following to be the results: FOR annexation of Tract doscribed in Proposition One on the official ballot, 10 votes were cast. AGAINST annexation of Tract described in'Proposition One on the official ballot, _1_votes were cast. FOR annexation of Tract described in Proposition Two on the official ballot, 11, votes were cast. AGAINST annexation of Tract described in Proposition Two on the official ballot, D votes were cast. FOR annexation of Tract described in Proposition,Three on the official ballot, 11 votes were cast. AGAINST annexation of the Tract described in Proposition Three on the official ballot, 0,_ votes were cast. FOR annexation of Tract described in Proposition Four on the officail ballot, , I votes were cast. AGAINST annexation of Tract described in Proposition Four on the official ballot, Q__ votes were cast. It appears from the canvass of said returns of said election that the action of the City Commission of the pity of Denton in approving the petition of property owners of the tracts was approved by the qualified voters voting in said election, and it is therefore ordered and declared that the certain tracts of land described in the four propositions on the official ballot, were duly approved for annexation to the City of Denton, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 17th larch 30 a rman, mm ss on ATTEST: APPRO VD: r.TTy ~4d ecre ary ayor s ~ L~ 'V \ r ~ 4 i t~,, N ~ N` ~ yam. y R E P O R T OF THE SPECIAL COIDUTTEE APPOINTED TO CANVAS THE RETURNS OF THE SPECIAL ELECTION MELD IN THE CITY OF DT-NTON, TEXAS, ON TI(E 17TH DAY OF )URCH I A. D. , 1953. Comes now the Special Comnittee appointed to canvas the returns of the Special Election held in the City of Denton, Texas on the 17th day of March, 1953, and respectfully makes the following report: We have carefully canvassed the returns of said election and find the results thereof to be as followb: FOR annexation of Tract described in Proposition One on the official ballot, votes were cast. AGAINST annexation of Tract described in Proposition one on the official ballot, .._L_ votes were cast. FOR annexation,of Tract described in Proposition Two on the official ballot, IJ votes were cast. AGAINST annexation of Tract described in Proposition Two on the official ballot, w_0 votes were cast. FOR annexation-of Tract described in Proposition Three on the official ballot, votes were cast. AGAINST annexation of Tract described in Proposition Three on the official ballot, 6 votes were cast. FOR annexation of Tract described in Proposition Four on the official ballot, votes were cast. AGAINST annexation o Tract described in Proposition Four on the official ballot,, votes were cast. Respectfully submitted on this the 17th day of March, A.D., 1953. f lb ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ Qu c r THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: T. A. Moore That 19>~xx11C~D4Xi9~loL~C1~41Cs~xx9G]tflCtp7d7W614JO1GDtDGDtIt~19d?dl[zaddx907ttboClGxDC9t8tlG%RftA~ xafrrx]DXgt]f7QlQg761t4htf~plgx0gIC0E1C7tadTa7[ for and In consideration of the sum of Eight _and _Ho/100.. - - - - Dollars to It in hand paid by , the receipt of.vhlch is hereby acknowledged, has this day granted, sold and conveyed unto the said _i_t}t-.-Qr--.flrit.Ofl.-----------._ , ail that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated In said City, County and State, and being - Ut----2 -4l.Qek---- 7, --DiY3.81rn .B.-------•---- of the Y-._ Q .....4,__E-........... Cemetery in said City as shown by tha map or plat thereof now on file in }fie office of the City Secretary of said City. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said.'...._..-_ 1 ty..of._Nnton....-r---_ : _ ~.......i ts...... heirs and asstgns for- ever, subject, however, to the hereinafter! maintained conditions. This deed does not convey title to the above described land, but only a right to sepulture, to erect monuments and every other right to use said land as a burial site, subject to the ordinances, rules and regula- tions of said City of Denton. WITNESS this the _ day of ........--..----M,Sf!Bh.......... , A. D. 19.53.__ 4th ATTEST: THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. t71 ar - ~ ~ s, 1(fnj_~/ - - 'CITY SECRET THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared T._..A,.. ~nre........... known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and In the capacity as set forth therein. WITNESI HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL OF OFFICE this the bth__.._._....__ day of A. D. 19-53 NOTARY PUBLIC, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS t+ ~ d cct cµt H d N F+ O O f~A+. 0 0 n FC o cf '7 0 i M ti fy ~ maim WUKUMMUM 1 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the city of Denton, Texas, a municipal corporation situated in said county and state, acting herein by its duly authorized reprewntative, for and in consideration of the sum of Eight-& Nohoo--- _ _ - Dollars to it in hand paid by T..A.M.0QZ0-.......... , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has this day granted, sold and conveyed unto the said ..........._T.A1Mo0re _ _ - - , n11 that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in said City, County and State, and being . . - Lot 2 block 17, Divioion R, . , of the Cemetery In said City as shown by the map or plat thereof now on file in the office of the City Secretary of said City. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said - T„A„Mo02 e - - - , heirs and assigns for. ever, subject, however, to the hereinafter maintained conditions. This deed does not convey title to the above described land, but only a right to sepulture, to erect monuments and every other right to use said land as a burial site, sub)ect to the otdinances, rules and iegula- tlons of sold City of Denton. WITNESS this the ....12th day of ' --AuquB~ • • --------------1 A. D. 19_•-2.x..- . ATTEST: THE CITY OF DENTON, XAS, BY MAYOR TY SECRETARYf THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared .._~~tl known to me to be the person whose name is suH6crlbed to the foregoing Instniment and acknowledge3 to me that he executed the some for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in ¢he capacity as set forth therein. ' ~pWITNESS MY HAND AND OF'FICIA SEAL OF OFFICE this the A rm- day of NOTARY PU L1 C, DENTON OUNTY, TEXAS i i 1 41 1 e d o C! p } February 12, 1953 Hon. R. B. Gambill, Chairman City Commission Denton, Texas Gentlemen: The Denton Roadster Club desires to obtain permission to use the runway of the Denton Municipal Airnort for drag race meets one or two Sundays each month during, the remaining months of 1953. The meets will be operated by the Denton Roadster Club and will be attended by auto enthusiasts from all over the state of Texas. „Drags" are short acceleration trial runs only througn IA mile, the balance of the strip is used for stoppi~hp. Spectators will be required to stay behind rope or cable at least 100 feet from competing cars and will not be allowed in the pit area. All types of cars will be competing - from family sedans down to stripped and souped "rail jobs"; only one car at a time may run in the time trials, two cars at a time in the eliminations; cars will run in separate classes, such as coupes, sedans, roadsters, etc. Winners of each class will receive a trophy as their only compensation. Spectators would pay $1.00 per person for admission, and contostants would pay $1.00 entry fee on their cars. All care would have to ass a very rigid safety inspection before being a3Towe3 on the course, There would be a public address system to inform the spec- tators of proceedings and also to get the contestants on the line for competitioh. The Denton Roadster Club is willing; to pay responsible law enforcement officers to be on duty each Sunday afternoon thnt the races are run. Ideal operating would constitute opening the strip at 1Z noon for epectators and contestants and start time trials time trials would run until 2 p.m.; elimination time trials run until 4 plm. At this time trophies would be nreeented; this Page 2, City Commission, February 12, 1953 would allow time for cleaning uo the strip before Going home. The stria should be available in the morning for sufficient length of time for equipment to be set up, in order to be ready for drags at 12 noon, but not open to the public before 12 noon. All contestants will sign drivers release to clear the Denton Roadster Club and City of Denton from all liability. The Denton Roadster Club offers to the City of Denton for use of the strip, a guarantee of $50, or 10 per cent of gate pro- ceeds, whichever is greater, for each Sunday the Airport Run- i way is used. The Denton Roadster Club will provide concessions at the airport to make refreshments, etc., available to the spectators and contestants during the drag meet. For further information, contact club president, Mayne Calvert, 219 West Mill Street, Denton. Sincerely, DENTON ROADSTER CLUB Wayne ra lvert President SOL I O TOR'S BO IN D THE STATE OF TFXF.S I YNO'"! ALL MI P; 8Y THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DE'NTOM I That we, , ar, principal, and the other subscribers here o, as saretie:, are held and firmly bound unto ' Mayor of the City of Denton, ex and his successors in office, for the use and benefit of the Cit of Penton, Texas, or any inured tarty in the sum of ive Hundred Dollars (500,00 , the Dayment of which well and truly to he +lade, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, administratora, and assigns forever, firmly by these presenta: h A* D., Nitness O»R HAt+DS ON THIS THE 12thDAY Or, mar The Condition of the above obligati.on IS such that whereas the said „phi ne.lts, BAt~+~ei-nit . f has made application for license to enEage'in rb*.4n ioitation of asille of MAJazinea in the City o enton, exas; an whereas the app cant will receive, demand, or accept payment or deposit of morsey in adve.nce of final delivery of the article sold: NOW TuFRL?0RE, if the said ph',_n_tta nst,, r_ ty shall well and truly and fully :omp t the prov sions of all ordinances of the City of Penton, Texas, regulating and applying to and shalt make on comp e e n e vory or M4 a in accordance with a terms of A:" or ern a ne , then this obligation shall be null and void; other+aise, it shall remair► in full force and effect, This bond shall be for the use and heriefit of all persons, firms, or corporations who may pay in advance or make advance deposit on purohstse price of orders, and all such persons, firms, or corporations may recover on this bond" This bond is and :9hall be subject to execution of value in double the amount hereof. The term of this bond shr.ll be for a period of two year's from the date hereof, DWYERS SENT ma U1117,1101 BYGL'.t APPROVFn: ay.'_o A'PROVI'U s , II ~ ~ +j.. r. • H•. rf r.. r.. .r u. • N .I 1/y ~ ~.~ryr N i • . v11 Ny~l 4• ~ • ~ A I ~ 7 ' i ' ~ ~ ~ u y I.. 1 . A , , ~ . ~ , Ii' J 1• ~'i f I f ll . I , I , I. ~ • 1 ~ S~ ~ ♦I r ••I• .r fowl.. ..w ~,rl\~J/!A\\ •ri _ ~ , • i ~ . ~ ~ I~ r ...i..r ~ ~ fr ` r I 'i• ~ I, ~ i r . f . _ . ~ r I p. r ~ i ~ 1 I 1 ~ 1 5 • I ' t, AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GRAY30N I Sam H. Shutt Vice President of Texas Telephone Company, do solemnly swear that for the period beginning January 1, 1952, up to and including the 31st day of December, 1952, the Gross Re- ceipts of the Texas Telephone Company from its local exchange telephone service within the City Limits of the City of Denton, Texas, amounted to the sum of TWO HUNDRED SIXTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN AND 07/100 ($216,007.07) DOLLARS. WITNESS MY HAND this the 6th day of March, A. D. 1953. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the 6th. day of March, A. D. 1953 ~ fLz4t~ i ROTARY N-L`U[fA , TEXAS n Garrrerirfr p ~ d ".1 RICHEY R r:i ? Headle+ Lane " OAR ~ u ..'i HURST ST DENTON - TEXAS PEACHn` ® 'C ' FEAAO o LAWN I GRECNKI NrW f <r ! E Denton County # t~G WOO )LAND S1 t; 4rNNrF' TL -14 eryl Fair G•ounda ~ R PITS HWY i NPIM ST 'i 1no. B. Demon 7 PnArMy lrren And S°Idin ~i' r h I hnlu To Drtvtur S N STATE HVJY. 21 TATS WY Sa a Tow" &A" Aillan T. a . [I!.. • _WAY fn r CaOe Alamo F. Dr, me t lun.w, t rat WAaRrA EGE Alice POPULATION . 21,345 EMERY i EMERY ON. < CML Alice Anderson 4950 U. S. Census) F1 Anna ~CORDEL ? ~ { CORD NIL AY1,I AREA, SWAR+ MILES ..an emntl oral Z , AEX HE ALTITUDE aa0 h. ,1 RESCE T OroY Bradley Stu An Ve'd aY M AVERAGE MEAN TEMrERATUR' , aA ! I ? i 1"""0A C z y Bry AVERAGE ANNUAL RAINFAr L..... U Hil 'E 01 Carroll !ui Congress , TAN RATE 1 to LI N D EN D R. hIghSch DOI t Colt Z WM.S W." SAN School T., Ihlele Firrd S• O IIA" Cordell 5 6 0WASTWOLARGESTATECOLLEG[3 G BROADWAY Crescent = 1A RICH AGRICULTURAL %No LOVE. 1nl W {g O 1 5 FlRST FERG 1104511 STOCK CENTER it h• L f. I' Denim a SEVERAL OUTSTANDING INDUSTRIES 41 CROW. `•,,•1 "77 p X11 G ` .lSch Scho EIIIall Drive ,ItpElliEi iii IiEi;al j r,H J r< ERr ' 4+w aplsaf a R for Pi:A IAA EA L~ FMl tt~ = 5CR n nla ryton Q OR 'i ON J 'nq TI Pa a y HDUSTOK 111---< AR ° N Snot Panhandle PLACE HAYNES R y Hiikfesl Paid s. y O < Z riNS, I as , J„ Houston Ponder E J1104 heal Pon fire linden Drive Scripture Lavell Sena HICKORY IT, Malone still HwyJIG l Marletti Sunset Drhl Maq TTIOIn+1 ELLA --10 O+LILIERRY T ! Noo m+l weitway < Y ORE YCAMOA i tf= OaR st. Williams EDW RDS z N.T.d.CScAoot ,tIFA~JF+ l-.7 J Cr, < < A I[ IW4k ENLEU School Ap r ,,NI IN 4D 4 t; Ryp~ ,A < E. o. o. F. F C ~en~uee 1 Knl t crmrtrn E y Avenue C iaM Negro M ILL .411 SchoaE A LL_ < fivenw E leuESir it Avenue F Maple IrDaE nsMIRir < FAII, 1H T Avenue 0 "If Air~OFE I Avenue It McCworla 33 Avenue 1 MicM1h IJa A troll MINING Nf &dry Mot C y tawas N. T. J• C. z Y Yd?f ENAM:LRS ry Ait It Goer Cover C~ TH Centird Mulber CentrRl 101 Ee O y8°n'r 1N ' NLEE Home ti Cherfollf Cleveland Pos iii III OL 1;,IiNI1N11N'iil l 1 Ill; CA 77 A HE ar ~I Conine Pintr Whl e1rwIll jjli MICHIAL ` C,r Lrm,ls ° iliff I Pl+lfle „I' Id it ,LEIIiEhlf.r:I E,'' :Itll, ,,;1 I{?nil,ptYn t ::i° y: WGr Edwards lone LINDSEY I hl.. Inue1 Fannin ry _ lirtowee TlanyuuLane highland PMI AI. TYFItooolwwlll Hiplinnl Et. glitch °0Q NA`AAAA 100.F. INNI e ORR-KID DR. Need O Wilehin II rill if.1111iiilill! i€L!!!i?hfiN I I U !i ri 1 mi. Ct,p,,AAr fir N'm. M. N117. La h,u..• r~Jr u.rn, o Gd me:,Ciflr I Tu htrmmn ICHEY DR: ~fl Keddtee Llnl ORR I" map HURSF SF: .r:.n i:ulut uipl I.r 5 ,.4I.: l.l:'CHAMBER TEXAS m DE PEACH LeveelwooG 0. FAIN W I AZ# ` OAK GREENWOOQ 14 1AL1 FERRO LAWN t yY ii AIcK!^^ DrnrontCa°nry• E F R u° N1mwad C° fait Ct0unde 'F A ERTS li`r K,h°11 t1 !!~l. Tr, - F AND Si.._.. SUIIIll 14 WOOO ENR Y ff !i Y Ausrd.40 Senn i IuD cxy t,rrrdn ell SUNSET ID4 AM.H.WY tl I Tam Seem - greet, T. L.1.,,,: WAY ,rGNq. r S : r Irtw r w n:: E ^•i'I• ~ COIIEGE tab Golf Cher( EMERY EMERY DA. .4 < We no Collet CrAil JIM LA _'I!:i.n._: A[X CREXt 01u crave Phil 4 Penn, Urn jo son S 1°01 a qll Fein High School ' ! II For ~ LINDEN DR. orce rhlyda Field A F } ~ FtA51 ST. TEXAS r" S ~rlent BROADWAY O frA: V r^ •'trr FEA Fritz HA iii.:I;llliiiiiwi wl! FF 1r L WITHERS C on - w CROW, A n:,' S Fn < PAISLEY immill;l:' klot u ~vw E A L S [R1 l ma nn cryV{OUnly - ^Inb ^ a r^ FYet Ward NHt Nw oIss, = XR h kher'. P C~ BAR ER E SrAOnf rs, PARK Y an D Jim ON A AR . ....t, rn so ela r fAlTi En AVIS fnl HA ^ A r z~r ' FN1n Z nler e.. • I }lure 7 s CI,Y ° 1 poet O (ict ffA ( all <1 niay ~ ORV fo0 em 'll ti I M r ~1,eeTye['e 'n%1/{ Y AN E L 'y N I! Y Ili N; EDWAADS Oaku~0od Ei!' uir!!!if!;iril C In ~ ~ 2 CtmeeerY :I• E f~ conew m aatOn eY s x YN~ •x~ t~Hj'I ARI ~ mu School AdeFete ^IIR 1- > S 'I r .;r x 11 5 Allldn HIGHL .<Keg? Avle^ F I A. Ran a, FILE < % R 1.0.0. F. i Rl N R I.I eeile ~leun oo" _ Cemelrq r < 0 suite < ~i F klirel e[ !ji Chl h MILL ~111 Sii Cleve 7 I! Clill a n ltkle $ < FA I 1 IN C*ck ! V , Crow Cross N. T: J. C. LL r 2 Q G ,C(Y~cNx.ecn`@' C y M, iE;ll Dough Coll Ceuw a 4! C ' T !I Z R p Dvnu OrpAYn1 0 iiiij ST ~lOtr D dhe l Nicle MICHIAL A ENIE[ tr. DA City Limtn ~i i'I I EA : i:'I! Ni4 l I IINDSEY lame" Imnr E.i i;:~ Jul jf Ne V51 Dr. lij ORA-KID DR. nl: Iliii!iili Mlll rrlPll , j 'I. t j j 1 mi - -`-y to Fl. Wcrrh to Lei Wre 0 (;at MCA i r ridle@ lone ORR 10 HURST ST `1~s1[ ,it'°P L~awr-+....• C~` ~~Itl it DENTON ;it ' PEACH sr ~ . CHAMEER Of COMMERCE Laulelwood ~';1 FAIN r y Iii TAU FERAO J OAK GREENW R •E~ j AWN Pot mwood" s Ic;~.i,r H:X RC SKERT AND ST. - i Stake 1AW1 2l Me]) Isk H W7, 14 HENNM P. Auslin Min a/1eAtre R Mart / 1. ler6er Mul e AT 1>4 y pelf Nainwoa Flrrace rm $tww r $Oliver Ollilend `QMRe 7. S• Bradshaw Oak town hr N..ar Brown 011 SI. E Col/ Cher rr COL omp CAe rywood lens S < c We ne.: Col}eRe Plimu m CrIwI1H Parkway) ;ENT 1=11 ' Grove a ?.!i C re ood Mice PPouli rick Ci 1school Elm Pain For • ( / ' eon IIN { 1 Firs t Fill TEXAS < Farrlat RI AffOfr.L ti FER 3 is Frame Aoberl{ .:.:n €!!=••~~d JIf €iiiiiiiivltl?!....: F!U RIBIIwItil 114 n posts AS S < " ~ • V hwood llnf Ross NEAT Grarwood Ruddeil E P L•>•' fil Saul{ _ Cl. h ,'ll Ninn khml4 n;or arA Of to r^ r 11 wars NMwNn Second Soho ~R,', IAR ER LEHR School yE ' Heltil SMrlmen . rHa i< FRR z Yryword Tolia trio UR Ito Thd uti t 1 Il. T VK I~ Kent moil ir remin~ Dr. Wlynl ! ~t III{ Loc Clq a A f Plait O /ire AR 1` T F I,! `d'ai. ur?iMA ! iri !ii Er!!?r, i{ji it ~ih:€uf?!l?lii!i!fiiEii ? 41 U&I NMel{heh Wood a q b g Woodland ' Joo ~ ~ 3 ~El~ r. "i• . E. Leel. 4Aoo1 AMORE i.! Oasuoed 7.~ ^i }I!iiliii!liiRI J Cemetery ka r" µ i PRA y.Ij lR N < Alliance l1Ary Nroto.•, ~n,~Jrt ! Allan LaulE .,nr....vtryy,r'~,U n; Ave S M1ddo1 F. A'J aJl ''wl~r• r3,•.r /lilt) Maple nr y + l EIIRwt Moore 8 Y Orldshriw 9or1 Nef» j; BusmhmiM6e Morse v < kAael l j' alborry Myrtla Cleveland * Cldtan Ntwlon Old F1. Worth Hwy. a -C Calling v 'IIa Cook Pacific G,►Y( 4ECq OMtEMB LrouoTlmDer Pmerl < RoDlrlson y ?l~ t~ M fi; Caughorlyw Robertson • ! • T, R A Duncan Ruth Lot) Simmons A, < GPOlititn sw;ItA r Grali j(roh : ::r I':... : t CirY Lrmrrr :r : HIehtsnd SFtlmdf ] Rifi Wave . WeinwrlSht RepNl or. Walnut IRfuR IDuelrid u al'l'ail!I!fi Inman Wnnn IoAmon Wood Kerley y li:'i Me Use I' t allrr i'nl r, "an U, S Nwr ,rlh WO IS RT I. NMI, U., OWN I* ROOM I.NIA1.LJs,,WAm,&t@ 11 T H I ` G O O S E ' 1/ff D F N T O N BUS L I N E S.FetyFnt cmnesyStCV4 SerksCo 6mmucly JoeWi9T)ACKINN9T DGKTON,TVAS February 17,1953 TO T', R ETC?fCRA31CITY C0! i.lIS3ICIN OF THE CITY OF DENTOV,JJTLVS Now ccaes the Denton 13us Iins,Inc. A Texas Corpcration,snd files this app- lication for perimirsica }.o serve, the people in the South and Yfast part of city with the follotvino de3ignated bus routs. Beginning at the corner of W,,Tlickery street and S.E}~ street,thence south on S.EIm street to Collins 3treet,west cn Collins street to Ave A,% orth on Ave A to Margie street,we3t on ;'argia street to Avo H,north on Ave 3 to Mill street west on hill street to Ave D,north Pon Ave D to Chestnut st• eet ` ,west on Chestnut street to Ave "T4 Cn Ave E to RQg 1Pe. strcet,v-ost on ale street to Ave 0,north on Avs 0 to Hickory street,east on 1lickory street tr Ave E,south on Ave E to Chestnut street,east on Chestnut street to Ave D,south on Ave D to ?~aple street,east on baple street to Avc ,1,north on Ave A to Highland street, last on Highland street to Welch streat,north on )Velc% street to Crsk street, east on Oak street to Denton stroet,r.orth on Denton street to Congress A•re, east on Contress Ave to Elm street,south on Elm street to place of beginning. Which route is shown on the rep of the City of DEnton,hereto attachod. Wherefore,your apnlicl,nt requests thet permission be granted byt,Tho City Commission of the City of Denton to operate buses over the route hereinabovo set for a trial period of 60 days to soe if a satl3fact,.y route can be worked cute your applicant also respect£uly ron'uist permission to discontinue the night sorvica after 6T20 P.V.on the ,forth El.n-&M Street bus route. Denton ;;us Lino,Inc. Applicant };a, nber . Pebruar~► 111953 . TO TH S HON A= Om COl S310N or "M Om or AEl"$?=As xosr cases the Deatoa Hue E110 G A IMS Coa`poratiaa~at►d Was thus~» ltoation for permission to serve G p~opls in tea routh and West Part Of aity with the lolloriq dssipsated bas routes ft-t aning at the oww of W.Hiokory atvset and 8.1a etrect,thenoe.mouth on O.,ZU street to Oollias strest,rest on Oolltns stmt to Aw A Vwth oa Ate A to Hargis stmot,xest ca Wrais etee-6 to Ate H,north on Ave H G min strsot vast as kill street to Aw D#uwth as A" D to Ohest4ut street,llest an Ohsstaut . street Co Ave B,north on Ate 9 to 5yamors street,wsat an Symms atroat to J" 00wrth on Ave 0 to Hiokori► Strest,eaat as H14 my street to Afro R,eoath on Aw H to shoo wt street east on C4estnut street to An D,south an Aw D to lbpls street osst an hspls street to Aw Alnorth on Ate A to Whland et~rssl, asst as Nigh~d stio"t to weigh street north oa welsh street to Oak street;, ' east on Oak street to DwAm rtarset,aor~h on Dsatoa street to OacPess Are, Gast on COOSWs A" to ail street,saath on Fla strsft to glaos of beginning. Mob route is chow on the map of the City of Dentoa,hersto attaobede tfterefodre,Vir applioaet requests that pu sissioa be Wanted tpjV a city C imisdom of - the My of pqaten to gWsto bm" ever tW milts kw*Wbm eft for a tercel pa riod of 60 days to see if a satistaotory rtata osa be rsrlad outs Year applioaat 'respsatft4 rat pttsualon to diacontiaM the Slika t 114111,406 aftw i6 PASU the War* Air. M Most t%W Warts, Dolton Hue LLMSDW. Applioea4 h • Yebruarv 17 3953 To ra HONOdABLB O TI' COIWS3mN 0? US OM OF D p?RUs Now cones the Denton Sus Une,Incs A Texas Corrforatiaa,and !ilea thu s lioation for permission to serve the people in OA South and west pert of oir' with the following designated but routes Beginning at the owner of WsHickaq street and ttoWx strset,tIAmV eaitth on 841% street to Oollins strest,west an aollins street to Aril AlVorth on Ave A to Hargis etrest,vrest on Margie street to Ave 8,north on Ave 8 to MW street vest on Mill street to Ave D,north on Ave D to Chest+aut street,rest 04 0hestaut street to Ave E,north on Ave S to lyoamors strest,wast on goamora 4trse6 to Ave O,north on Ave 0 to Nioko y street,east on Hickory street to A" E,ilatth on Aw a to Chestnut street,ssst on Chestnut street to Ar# Dseouth'on Ave b to Maple strest,east on Itaple street to Ave A,acrth an AV's A to "Und s"t$ asst on "Und street to Xeloh.street north on Welch,strreat t0 Osk itrest, east on Oak stYNt to Dentsa striLtrucs► tt on Degtal street to OoaRrass Ave, east on Ooaam Aw to On street,eouth on six street to place of beginning. Which routo is shown on the map of the Oitar of Denton,hersto attached, lthersfore,ytr applicant requests that permi*F. 4n bs 'granted Wpfhe City Ces*issi6s of tht 01ty of Denton to operaU buss over the routs hersinabove set for a trial period of 60 dqs to "q ifs satisfaot* route oain be . Mari-st outs TWAW appliotwt alw rospeotfuly tKu4sts perwi#aiob to dllsooatinw, the ui#.'Ip sernia attar 600 Psiloaq the North sib-Oak 8trest We route. Dmtop Bus L,ine#7AO. • Mr~M~~r~w~~iMY~w~F~rYM~~I Appiiosnt manager - { 1 y 4 i r. r TS6 } i k. C, k yK'Ji Sj ~I s.{ s d X* ,L 7 Y sa:,~e 9 'F, °w,♦ AT A SPCCIAI, ?Sl,F~TI\'G OF THE CITY COMIS-10N OF TIM CITY OF DFNTOX, '.ENAS, AT T11E CITY HALL ON FEBRUARY 25tp,1953. R F, S 0 L U T I 0 N On this the 25th day of February, A.D., 1953, came on to be considered at a special meeting of the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, the matter of canvassing the returns of an election heretofore held in the City Hall Auditorium on the 24th day of February, A.D., 1953, said election having heretofore been duly ordered by said City Commission for the purpose of submitting to the voters of the City of Denton, Texas, the nuestion of annexing a certain tract of land to the City of Denton and the City Commission having duly canvassed the results of said election, declares the following to be the results. For annexation of a certain tract of land as described on the official ballot 37 votes were cast. Against annexation of a certain tract of land as described on the official ballot 0 votes were cast. It appears from the canvas of said returns of said election that the action of the City Commission of the City of Denton in approving the petition, of property owners of the tract of land for annexation to said City of Denton was approved by the voters voting at such election, it is therefore ordered and declared that the said certain tract of land described upon the official ballot is duly approved fo%4 annexation to the City of Denton, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED TIM the 25 day of February, 1953a w a I`1I1' , i emm .sB on ATTESTt APPROVEDs vity cre any ayor ~g I ~ ~ c ~c ~ ~ ~ . ~ r ~t D~ {~Y j sY Y IJJG I ynr Y ~~r ~rv ~ t A /aa M 9 i a ~f~ . Y~V p . ~b.. tr , r e 2.i kL. h~, r #p . , ~ ~ 9 Ur - ~°f,7- ~ y7 sx S+IC;~~l~e4 "'4~ $ y'_v~x~ ° r^~i , •aaf g~ , AL AT A SPECIAL I E"TTNO OF THE. CITY COWIIS-JI ,X OF THE CITY OF DENT TON, TEXAS AT THE CITY MLL ON THE 251MAY OF FEBRITARY, 1953, R E S O L U T I O N On this the 25th day of Feb-:nary, A,D., 1953, came on to be considered at a special meetir.g of the pity Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, this matter of canvassing the returns of an election heretofore held in the City Hall Auditorium on the 24th day of February, 1953, said election having heretofore been duly ordered by said City Commission for the purpose of submitting to the voters residing in the area outside the `'ity described on the official ballot, the question of annexing a certain tract of land to the City of Denton, Texas and the ity Oom^iission having duly canvassed the returns of said election, declares the following to he the restilts. FOR annexation of a certain. tract of land described on the official ballot 12 votes were cast. Ar.ATNST annexation of a certain tract ofiand described on the official ballot 0 votes were cast. It appears from the canvas of said returns of said election that the persons residing in the area descir bed on the official ballot approve the annexation of said tract of land and since a majority of those voting at said election approve said annex- ation, it is therefore ordered and declared that such tract of land described on the official ballot is duly aprroved.for annexation to tt,e City of Denton C a rma , wit y mn s s o'i' n i ATTESTS APPRUEDs wily`3etretary 'Hayor I w 8 mak S ' ~ l aJ q „ 1 yr dy r ••AL Y♦,r~.'1`.'t '.ty, a.M A IM °I'r ; a [ r .a -q,..,4'r Y' si' y K# d'•'••; a ..31't 'k N J~~< i r R E P O R T OF THE SPECIAL C0701IT'TEE APPOINTED TO CANVAS THE RETURNS OF THE SPECIAL ELECTION I ULD IN TtiL•' CITY MILL AUDITORIMI TY THE CITY OF DYNTON, TEXAS ON THE 24TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, A.D., 1953. Comes nu.: the special committee appointed to canvas the returns of the Special Llection held in the City ]tall Auditorium of the City of Denton, Texas, said election being held for the voters residing within the area described upon the official ballot, on the 24th day of February, A.D., 1953, and respectfully makes the following report: We have carefully canvassed the returns of said elect- ion and find the results thereof to be as follows: FOR annexation of the tract described on the ballot to the City of Lenton, Texas 12 votes were cast. AGAINST annexation of the tract described on the official ballot to the City of Denton, Texas 0 votes were cast. Respectfully submitted on this the 25thday of February, A.D., 1953. r,~£. ~1 dlr. _ ~ ~ `i ~ ~ ~ ti 1 ~ S ~ ~ • ~ , ~I ~ ~ i ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ kr~ j r ~ 1 ~ , Jl3 ~ ~ ~ d~ ' " ~j ~ ' ~ ~ 45 fr 1 . r`~.~ +y ay~•.'".-'~ .r-+-.~--.. , ~ , i ~ r { i ~ k i * ; ~ i .F~.~ r .`Sfr''r *qf~ a '~a+ ' s i ~ R E P O R T } t OF THE COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO CANVAS THE RETURNS OF THE SPECIAL LLECTI"N HELD IN THE CITY HALL AUDITORIUM IN THE CITY OF D~NTON, TrtXAS ON THE 24TII DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D., 1953. Cones now the special committee apr,ointed to canvas the returns of the `'peciai Election held in the City of Denton, Texas, on the 24th day of February, 1953, and respectfully snakes the following report: We have carefully canvassed the returns of said elect- ion and find the results thereof to be as follows: FOR annexation of a certain tract of land ds described upon the official ballot, 37 votes were cast. AGAINST annexationi of a certain tract of land as described upon the official ballot, 0 votes were cast. Respectfully submitted on this 25thday of February, A.D., 1953. M i/~ I - V 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 _ a. '~.y , ~s R~~1. AN ORDINANCE 13Y THE CITY C0)VX'ISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, CALLING AND ORDERING AN ELECTION TO BE IEEW ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF APRIL, A.D., 19531 THE SAT, BEING THE FIRST TUESDAY IN SAID A ONTH, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING T'+O CITY COMISSIGNERS FOR THE CITY OF DENTON, PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTI[PYT OF A PRESIDING OFFICER OF SUCH ELECTION; MAKING PROVISION FOR PRINTING OF BALLOTS FOR SUCH ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR MAKING DUE RETURNS OF SAID ELECTION 'ND DECMRING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COXM ISSION OF THE CITY OF DWON: SECTION ONE: That an election shall be held in the (-ity hall in the City of Denton, Texas, on the first Tuesday in April, the same being April 7, A.D., 1953, for the purpose of elect- ing two City Commissioners for the City of Denton, Texas, each of said officers elected at such election to be so elected for a term of two years. SECTION TWO: The two candidates receiving the highest number of votes for City Comiissioner shall be declared elected City Commissioners. SECTION THREE: That said election shall be held under the provisions of the Constitution and jaws of the State of Texas and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas regulating elections. SECTION FOUR: Notice of this election shall be given by the City Secretary of the City of Denton, by posting three true copies of this Election Ordinance, signed by the Chairman of the City Commission and attested by the City secretary, in three public places within the pity of Denton, Texas, for thirty (30) con- secutive days prior to the date of such election, one of whl.ch notices shall be posted at the City Hall in the City of Denton, Texas. SECTION FIVE: That E. C. Garrison is hereby appointed presiding officer of such election, and he shall appoint such assistants or clerks as may be needed, and shalt make due return of the results of such election. SECTION SIX: Each qualified voter of the pity of Denton voting at such election shall indicate his choico of candidates in the manner prescribed by law. SECTION SEVEN: The fact that the election herein provided for is an election regularly provided for by ordinance for the election of the two City Commissioners above mentioned, and the further fact that it is necessary to give thirty days notice of such election and the further fa,.t that ballots must be printed, constitutes an emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring that the rule providing that ordinances be read on three several occasions on three ;;.)veral meetings be, and the same is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 25th da _of ebrua .P., 1953. a m y omm ss on City of enton, Texas ATTEST i 6k4- 6.1 Z. y e e ary APPROVED: &14t;~j / Mayor Z AS TO FORMS y t on.ey a \1~ f r ~ ~J TIN N . ?u { tl r 4r' y + Y n s ~ 'v rb „y ~t fi d n :'pt a4 c , f . r AN ORDINANCE ANNEXTNG 771E HEREIN.^FTER DESCRIBED TLMRITORY TG THE CITY OF DF21TON, TEXAS, PLACING SAME IN TILE IZESID.94TIAL DISTRICT AND DECLARING AN MIET GI•T'CY. f7iEREAS, heretofore, to-wit: on the 24th day of February, A.D., 1953, an election was held in the City Hall Auditorium of the pity of Denton, Texas, on the proposition of annexing a certain tract of land to the City of Denton, :axis, and; '01FRF.AS, a separate and distinct election was held in the City Hall Auditorium in the City of Denton on said February 24th, 1953, at which election the voters residing within the territory proposed to he annexed were allowed to vote; and, WAREAS, the annexation of the above mentioned tract was approved by both the voters in the City of Denton and the voters residing in the territory proposed to be annexed; nowtherefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COHNISSION OF THE CITY OF DTNTO\: SECTION ONE: That the following described tract of land is hereby annexed to and made a part of and brought into the corporate limits of the City of Denton, Texas, in compliance with an election held held on the 24th day of February, A.D., 1953, and being more particularly described as follows: (See next page) 1 w Alf at certaia lot, --ad a of Iwo lyin j abd being sit"14d In Denton VeNb- V, C.CaS, : % part e. Which is locakd in Meral diflamt G11rYelf'a alld billy wmv particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Intersection in the South line of Orr-Kidd Drive with the East line of Bernard Street; THENCE South along the East boundery line of Bernard Street 439,19 feet to a point due east of the Northeast corner of a lot conveyed by T. H. ~hapmsn to Ray- mond E. Green at ux by deed dated June 5, 1937, recorded in Volume 285, page 839 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE West at 50 feet to the West line of Bernard Street and continuing from the West line of Bernard Street 237ys varas to corner in the West boundary line of a 10 acre tract which is the Northwest corner of the Green lot; THENCE North with the West boundary line of said 10 acre tract 439.19 feet to the Northwest corner of said 10 acre tract in the North boundary line of a 130,32 acre tract; THENCE West 2510 feet, more or less, along the South boundary line of Orr-Kidd Drive to the West boundary line of Tinney Lane; THENCE South along the West boundary line of Tinney Lane 387,5 feet to a point fur corner; THENCE West parallel with the South boundary line of Orr-Kidd Drive 300 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North parallel with the West Boui-dart' line of Tinney Lane 387,5 feet to a point in the South boundary line of Orr-Kidd Drive, THENCE West 2250 feet, more or less to a point due South of the most Southerly Southeast corner of the N.T.S.C. Golf bourse and of the Southwest corner of a 2.02 acre tract now owned by Fred Cobb; THENCE North 700 feet more or less, along the West line of Fred Cobb tract to the Northwest corner of Sala tract; THENCE East 142 feet, more or less, following the North line of the Fred Cobb tract to the Southwest corner of the Vemah Scott 1.22 acre tract, to a point for corner; THENCE North 100 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being the Northwest corner of said Vernah Scott 1.22 acre tract; THENCE West 48 feet more or less, to a point, said point being the Southwest corner of a tract owners by I. R. Williams; ~,.T..HwHEE.NCE North 154 feet, more or less, to a point for comer; WNCE North 45 degrees, 9 minutes, East 155,7 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being the Southwest comer of Joe Skiles tract; _by 1. East 552 feet, more or less, along the North line of 4,0 acre tract owned -mss 1. R. Williams, to the Northeast corner of said Williams tract; THENCE North 100 feet, more or less, along the West line of Hi bland Park Road to a point due West of the Southwest corner of tract owned now by C. W. Tinney; THENCE East at 40 feet the Southwest corner of C. W. Tinney tract, and continuing east 812.5 feet, a total of 852.5 feet more jr less, to a stake in the East boundary line of a tract conveyed to E. K Beckner bqy John Shrader recorded in Volume 302, page 381, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE North 285.8 feet, more or leas to the Northeast corner of Bald Beckner tract; THENCE West with the North line of Bald Beckner tract 848,5 feet more or less, to the Southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to the State of Texas by Sidney Hamilton by deed recorded in Volume 288, page 345, of the Deed Records of Den- ton County, Texas; THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the West side of Highland Park Road to its intersection with the North line of Underwood Street; THENCE East along the Horth line of Underwood Sm A 220 feet, more or :ea, to a point for corner; THENCE South 390 feet, more or less, to a point for corner; THENCE East 255 feet, more or less, to a point for corner; THENCE South 220 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of Lot 8, Block 1 of the We Chapman Addition; THENCE East along the South line of said lot 8, 150 feet to the West line of Ken- dolph Drive; THENCE South along the Wrest line of Kendolph Drive, 580 feet, more or less, to a point Eudora Lindsley, laid deed being recorded in fm Bon ds 1n Volume 298 page 222 of the Deed Records of Denton tlouty, Tex"; THENCE Esat along the North line of said 1"t mentioned tract to a point in the West IIne of the Revtaed Veterans Addition; THENCE South along the West line of Bald addition to the Southwest corner of Lot 23 in said addition; WHENCE East along the South lose of said lot 23 to the West line of Knight Street; THENCE South along the West line of Knight Street to the North line of Lindsey Street; THENCE East along the North line of Lindsey Street to the East line of Knight Street; THENCE North along the East line of Knight Street to t<he Southwest corner of Lot 30 of the Revised Veterans Addition; i, THENCE East aeon the South tine of Lot 80 to its Southeast corner and continuing East along the South line of I4Ax in said addition to the Southeast corner of ` sald Lot 42; j } TIr NCB: North aion the Eut fIstnnr of rot 42 to the Itevtsed veterans Addition to theTouth boundary Ifne of Michlal Street-, THENCE East along the South boundary line of M chial Street to the East Boundary line of McCormick Street; j HENCE South along the East Una ~ McCormick Street to the intersection of the East line of Mc',;ormlck Street and the present City Limits line; THENCE E 4d 200 feet, more or less, to a int for corner, said point being an out- side corner of ibe present South City Limtly line, ,a.-"MNCR North 380 feet, more or lea, to an Imside corner of the South City Limits line; THENCE East 1580 fee„ more or lose, along the present South City Limits Rue, to llte last line of BMW 8UW 1; THENdt South along th" last line of Bernrrd Street 1880 fret, more or lea, W this pls" of beginning. The above description includes all property between the east line of Bernard Stree and the N.T.S.C. Golf Course lyfat North of the South line of On'-Kidd Drive a South of the Pres South GiEty Limits Iine not now In the corporate l its of the SFCTION WO: The hereinabove described tract of land is hereby placed in the residential district and the use and developement within said tract shall be governed by the zoning and use ordinances of the City of Denton now in force or which may be enacted hereafter. Provided however, that any use of property at the time and date of this ordinance in violation of the zoning and use ordinances of the ~'ity of Denton shall not be affected hereby. It being necessary that the above described tract of land be annexed to the City of Denton in compliance with an election held in said City on the 24th day of February, 1953 creates an emergency requiring that the rule providing that ordinances be read on three several occasions be and the same is here- by suspended and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED MIS THE 25th DAY OF Febru , 1953. a n, vUit y omm ss on ATTEST: APPROVED; (MW - - de 6W. y cre ary May - t .r l I ~i a t , ~ `v! ~ w 1 r~ t rr-~ I I 1 .f ♦ ~ i COO l I~ I I { tl,i E~ ~i To 1 wliE! I .r.€ ''.E • ORA i Headlee Line x!7"1' ~ ~ ' !.i3^:::,3.1 TALI FERRO DENTON - TEXAS ,y FAIN 1 q : F tJ9 k c~ , C4 It N ~ 41/6 I _ ?flan eyawlr6at A ' , l V 1no. B. Denton Cby, LE (flurt• t^€ r Pm•ch«r l•w« e.d S"" ..,L•1€!.i3,,:.::i€li:n:a ::...,:;:!!:3i 3i .s R. POPULATION..... .......21x345 To E7rr«rr !!s» ATE ~PVY.24 :r: AY t J 0950 U. S. caM!n, T. srw i!; R e'=ovr Iowrt' • taAER < COL EGE DR. AREA, SOJARE XILES e.Tt :iii Y ALTITUDE.. .620 rt. !ill Aileen Heyynnes AVERAGE MGM TEMPERATURE M tt!:CORDELUI' Alamo Hicrest IM! f. I Alice HOUSf011 AVERAGE ANNUAL RAIN/ALL ss i!!!!E!il!€I !!!ii ESC NT ! ESCE Po 1' Amarillo )aloe TAX RATE . . 2.19 hoot Anderson L'nden Drive W%kfi Will" iI sab.I Gar ~ SEC Lovell lit: !€I k Ave. I 6 HAS TAO LARGE STATE COLLEGES 11 Bradley Malone ti ~ High SchooI ; Broadway Marietta •A RICH AGRICULTURAL AND LIYE• ii~ i; AEii'rii„ LINDEN DR. ehledeField 't ' FIRST Bryan Mary STOCK CENTER Carroll Mounts ~!1 G BROADWAY FEA Coi Meu Normal • SEVERAL OUTSTANDING INDUSTRIES W IVY rEi Oak SL I Cordell Panhandle z zc ' : Crescent Ponder CROW O < Pi Crow Donton Scripture I A ; !!!€liiiil!'11!1;ii!€!€!ll1E!!€!!i - Pt wii>y Ector Send Sate Hwy. c's for oo Emery Drive Sunset Drive = SCRiFT g h Sch PARV y ryry llamas AN r Fulton ON L " PAR Wliitway Creu Williams HOUSTON HA Jra!or h4cKI FLACE O z iah Sch 1 Ciry a CA < ST. AX s Y Iwo eoo.soo.. WAl { t7 w L o. T r i A < < Y RE Avenue A Hi;;hland Avenue C 1..0ot I = L ~V 7 i Avenue E Knight E °i' ARI ld Sehololon ARA Avenue F Lindsay < ArAfalc Fie AAvvo l 0 LMoUl i H*K Nf t Avenue 1 Mar is ii. c (n I ! 'x. j CtroelerY Born" Center Mill Michigan Is I IT. Cenlrdl Mulberry < mILL Chado"s Norman Chestnut Peak ILSH!R < A IN Cleveland Prr rle j , Collin Stolls o ~ If CMller SyyCc~~mOrl Earl Ifaderwood + a- , 1/ a Fellnln Nkkwi Golf Courw c' i a Oryhan'at g L, . z . I•: r.' N '%r IvT ~i i~tt:• L i' 1 ~~'~'i~~ it n h I^IIIIII:€;t3tVO REENLE£ Nemt ~I 3 1 u :I~, .E I A 7 ( C MICHIAL EAR ! Ceprriahl Br W~• M. HrTT, S19 No. Windror liivd., Lo. Anaela _ _ E To stn .vit4::,:r'ru.i iiE, Ta SAtnuw OMMOOMM .n Heedlee lane , E3ORR !it < 10 i ryll! i tt: i ri!,;. :ilja~ll 9/iu M ` •;i ..rfit rU6nm3'" IE'ii : hMN::!+ TEXAS PEACH ST. •CHAMBE 3:. rAIN id+i,TALI FERAO 3 OAK EENW z Oo~ o LAW !RTS - r l~nion y Fair Gtourdt R + °'Y Ayf 1 YM ~ a ~(tM1ne AND ST. w24 to state ttwr• f•!i F Y ct I?j i to IN H~Yr Ii;3 ! tE NNEN • Coy Umr(s •'I r ti t h €IIEI €Eiiil. iai!ii!ii€itali I:!~ Hit P . kle r hixl!t't" i ak,a : E!131: !li!illli33i!IE€€il<A Te perm. ATE HWY, to J Tads Stan T' State r;~'E4a„ a %1Y Calltee~ s c. Asrctin M. EeAERY • •'•y For Reoruet't ; 'EjjiEE7 8ann e coy EMERY PA. COI. EGE A. RRR a :!iiirL!, Belt ~31CdttDE Z U 9. ' n ,,.~,:;:yti•, < Wa M`j Boliva P Brown EIS ~y~ Ij Cher :!;_€!IP€i !f !2 CRESCE ti 'y ` ! Col1lQ E E:I• Sraarwall n T"a~r0ve y ~i(ef I ~~'3 ••"",•..tij -lacWOn d...zb !!!!r•31."' Davis !F! ; ~ t i ,i School I'tr, 5 I 3I r h School z 1; SECO D ST. yr ! Fain H !:j {!::.yp~Aqu:tt?€• LINDEN DR. t s ^ EE hrt[u i• ~G think Freld 'S, rIRST TEXAS H Fl/ii BROADWAY a I, Forces; MARY C S 't FERG Fowler' i• ! - < HAN i Fnms j THERS Fritz i t 6 a I~ u eaoW _ EQAH r ~k E Z < PAMEY in Groom P SENA CourNfy E Club NERT Ei Hettien Henne t FlQldr'ioto for pa k P III Ward'3j Hu;si AN h Schoo .t, Y s LE P N D School Kent jannif ' mErk loft FRITZ E~ € Gtllmo 1 f a III N HA All VS Locust IMelot th hot Av k s T 11 fir -"~i locust C) < RE 9,1111 ST, AK C,,, a CA Pon o lice tg r ; Atta yj Depot µ t Itoo vno •s°° • WALN' toot M _a~1' ~d ;R. 0 < RE Collrea A SEho~of CAMORE J~f{;~, EI Alienc ♦ ~l ! L r a C R CHE i. C. -1 on S t 04wood 7 811ley Centtim am owton - ` a A I 14 i Blshsht A I AtMade Pldd School ^RR j - x ton < 7: j~~ cCh~ermDt 8 ?4 4 GtiT HIGHL W . < < d ~r o w ~ Collins T. O.O•P. < fR~ ss:::s••t~l: q J., Cook Sr CEmtlnr t Crewfor * T i Cross I V Dallas I < ILL < sl` n Scher DauSher Man &CXLINS qq,, t y., r IN Its SIMMONS R HI't61r1lem H. 10. f CHAMBERS Ninid^ri'Gov coil hmson r~ E ot'yhae't 0¢' IT z R R xorley SMH ~itl!IilEi(~f1J11 El~lilltP;i~P,pilif I+i!!iil!!171I!All~l~~! REENL E trErne A: lakey Locust iDA R I EARL r t MICHIAL Cht 17ntrrr ~ i T. rt.a'o,:n ~ W` IN MAN,.. T. To Shames t Headles Lai,! ORA 0. 'l:in r i;; (r' ..1.1. ::r D EPiT N CHAMBER OF COMMERCE r°••°. ~(w PEACH ST. iii j' FAIN i.,, . t OAK GREENWOOD W ~Hiil+- i TALI FERRO AWN 10. H y`Y~ E! PYtW , F < ` fat 3 E d O I o n Ccanry Grounds R RTS A a m ! 1 to 1hCKinne ~sy;,°~r 0. P^an AND ST.p,,r Stets Kwy. 2 WOODL iiiaE.:.r..::: (ji( RY i:V Z .24 HENNEN ST. ` '...'SUNSET ......i fiiiffi: dig ~''1 Marshall Term Stage titE Anna Melflnney to .AY Callers T•, kY, Austin Northwood Terrace Bannert COLLEGE For wonrew C Cc" !!E! Bell Oakhnd RY OR. < r I::. Oak lawn < < We neon Bolivar Oak St. H Brown Parsley a: Cherrywood Line Palmer y College Parkway j J% CRESCE Stonewall 7 Crave ~ZV ap:;. , ri ptswOOd Place Pauline lacJuon r Pasch School " Dennison Pdrtaln Elm < PIR e(( Pecan uson Pirtlohae SA ER SC < I Fain S J FIRST TEXAS S Forrrrest R~s (p' Fowler Auddell FEP.G HANN ai,( Frame Souls , WITHERS _hJAY G,ry Second < P I E A t'' ^ 5 -'Y I(fF Hannan TaSherman liaerro Ctu6 NERT 3i Rattle Texas r u weed I Hurst Third Senior Park L HRMA (i;W Jennie Y Srloo! Vine h Schoa v r DA I(iZ Kent Wa M I qq (AY mqlc j FRITZ ' Lattimore e0d N Sto ' ~lon q ~ PEAR VIS Lehrman W3 ,1 KE y & ~e locust Woodland < O Ile _ _..Il`~.Irar A City a ! CA Poll O (Ice , , AK ST.; < < ! we • WALN 1 i l i:`• & Let JrI{,. G AIHInC1 School AI I!n A AMORE Are. S Maddox STROUgL. ST, g Oakwood Bailey Mopff Cemetery t ( Bradshaw Moore ' ` e PRARIE- 3 s Busheyy Morse 1 Chambers Mulbe, + ? Cleveland Myrtle HIGHL . < : u,., l'ctrF4 Collins Old Ft. Worth Hwy. 1. 0. 0. F. 0 ,.T ly -A,# i wiLbUN ST- 4. 13: Cook Praise Gawta'd Pierce Ctmettry < Cross Timber Pines r Nears 11 1 ( Dallis Drive Prairie + School z Daugherty Robertson SE p;l O~~unun Ruth fEl Exposition Skins ~~45 Graham Smith V ry+~~ Hiplam Stroud SimM0%f Hltl S coma ?Cl cH M/call !i Industrial y~ailtyn gA! yf~ U A~ EE( Inman walnut 11H Johnson Warren k Kerle Wllspn ,,phan'e IT Laker Wood Home LOCUat y IHMAN 1 l h Denton,Texne,January 12,1963 TO THE HONORABLE CITY C0Mh1ISSiON OF THE CITY OF DENTON,TEXAS Now comes the Denton Bus Line,Ino,A Texas Corporatin,a.nd files this application for permission to make the following change in our bus route marked exhibit "A" in franchise grant. ed October 1301944 for a period of ten years,as herein stated which extended service has been requested by, The Student Council Body of North Texas State College,Pnd the residents in ti.9 section to the west and south of the college oRmpus. To give better service and transportation for people along the streets below shown for proposed route change.The bus route as proposed is as follows: To discontinue the section now served on Ohestnut Street between Ave A and Ave B.To extend,BEaINNING at corner of Ave B thence west on Chestnut Street.to Ave C,South on Ave 0 to Highland Street,east on Highland Street to Ave A,north on Ave A to Chestnut Street and continue on bus route ab now des- ignated,whioh bus route change is shown on the map of said City of Denton hereto attached, Wherefore,your applicant requests that the rule requir- ing three several days reading be suspended and permission be granted by the City Commission of,The City Of Denton to operate buses over the proposed route immediately so that the change in route may be started at once to kelp alleviate the condition for people left without bus serbioe in that section of city. Denton Bus Line,Ino. r rr w w r_ r~rr Applioa 19 bv..._:. _ Manager 1 - W~ ' 0 Cal MI611 1~;T13Ei:ii![I!!i!!;li;!ii! {Ii6 CHEYQA h' 2 HEW!ee Line i nu U '<C.'.11!E tlo !@r g "If ii!Eh~I ~Iji a F+. DENTON - TEXAS ! PEACH ST. r I O 1 IAIN I 7L` O , kSL'in: TALI AA 0 d aqE NOW rd}•5 •i~ + OM101` ~YM.itr~. y ~0 u `~irr~ el.~dl ie :r CMOelldi R R7S D Q 1- W" Amid 40" 1 t l I: , y u• AHD (R~CStSJJ~/- qi ®1 Jno. B. Denton Rrectm, LegM rA1501da 3 hEi I. MENNEN ,w CU L!n ka! I!!~ I!~Ilil!it !!;!i 1111l!fliE !li ij!ljnljjilj!1!' I!'k , ;r{'. I 'A`te To Dn'arue STATE HWY, 24 ~!L. 9VT A Tqf WEST Ailnn To rr 11 AY y 7 e, fot T, d. E M Xer!sw3 AlAlia roeuunDN 21,345 :19 E EMERY a jai EMERY OR COL GOY C Amerillu 0950 U. S. Oenew :i CORDELi kIde" Aw ARLI. SDUARE MILES... . $.75 Ave. F I!''':rli!e.tl... RES< M't. • i 3 ' { &edl! ALn7uDE..... . eu rr. {i v r P 1 !la iI eroAdwAY AVERAGE MEAN TEMPERATURE N :i 'AL 7 R a u t ~`u CiNN AVERAGE ANNUAL RAINFALL.... 77 I r, 01 r ' ETAS TAX RATE il' -8 , HyA S.W Cox A } ~ VIIAW."powlesetoa« A'11 LINDEN OR. r6lnicFkfl}' Glece!0 I a HAS TWO LARGE STATE EDUtees { C., BROADWAY MARY Crow ) e A RICH AGRKULTORAL AND LIVE p(, F 0 ie IER AAn1EM STOCK CENTER L% L NHANDLI f t A 01004 a SMRAL OUTSTANDING INDUSTRIES TI u • Ector CROW, EGAN ~ E o< AS;S I .I !,7 m ry ' S A .i ENT E/hMrr Orhe !q€IiN!G!E~. Il1itl!li: 1, :lll! _ Rotor rv Iw ml ry' e L Q ruISDR ScA C E P IL CEEer AN MI GroU q'yne< 'morloaIe .t HOUSFON A HA #T~ RI NoN Ha . lplA~~ r 1 Hift iet had r EA Sc L CLT r fie. ~ c NAUeton Ponder 1` A Part lice AK R; eu Jane A €liliill![!!E'; ST. L`inden Drive krlAlure :i Drpo' ' MieoNile SkL~tE / ST IL give Y] ,k,~A~ree , N Mounts Yen Y E 21• ! f Noruul Weelway < S Aelat Oel St. William II, .C7M11.-C i OoLurond 11 ~ aM aYMAN rn pi CAR:elrry MARIE < r ~ Adlteh PW Ao:ri N POARIE < r 11 HHICIHIL NO V tx t; Avenue A Cr y I ~y rah ray ST, V hwKw N W Cpi l~l!M .,t LAILL AweA E Loullm = N < r Ar 7 1 AYMIM d MAple dlrrlrlo : iLSwR SY~ MMw 4 Ma le Ar M EI A!I I' ' G EIMMOXS k(4 MW Nett' M1ERidEn I C eR;'f. N t d C I, er.7f cNAMAIRS Sereerd r MrA Coif Course " t' 4► ~Ortt AhAerry wild e INHM r. j„"~ I!',!I~Wlf3!fii!i;!i3111:1flllll!Illt!111Ih11': :i;llllfb!!CI; ,!0111` R E EE Q{ m°A r A C,~llwebnd Un•Aill Or. ° t I ,i MICH I t 1 C t~ L:m tE IA ~'E~ R E nriN ! ! 11111' I111NIA!!II t, I"ii ~ eM !!!%!EIIII LINDSE. !I! - Swill A~ere IEiiR TleR" LEES Hkk&y "n w mwook7 St. ~rNAheMr NOW" $A wAllleenlN E ~ OAA KID OA. tEendelAA LtAleMre V~ on, C.inyAe By Wm M. H1 IT, too Anrefer To fr, wor o ,vinncirl~ """"'''i:iliki Tn M1rtmon r`'IRiCHEYI A5 R:7 p L1l t ,;utn OR1 riii r Plats Ll u•gni '.11 l I iii! t I y !1 n 4 iifil li i 1AU Ap {iNrf~ ~d e` HV T IL '..u t t;t i G I n R III t. h pPEACH Sf ~Si DENT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE f y h _1p• h it" rARI 1ALI FERR a OAK RE NW 3[i all To M"(' pall 141 11 1 fair Qows R EATS ~P' ;!!3 EI • a p state it n, h A.r ~1 .c • AND R ail S; illi tit k~ rl ~ M1nf~lsl 3 yy Auslm NoMwaad Tfeinte k! m 4r I r Ikll I ii~f ll'IplEgN ,'.Ede I111lli p 7. h'tlpp94n DIA11nd 11 'A r IltilE,l ILIklII Ar al Lawn • J E TE u Cal SL a n c w Br edru Orr 1 r 3 if cote to" drown Palmer Cllr Pflrull we M C °p.; • f Y.+ Wild cod tma ParEwry ! s ee hu!'M 7 EI else c it I Grove rp EI D two/ Place hrtain J M ;n; fh q er4 Pacts ''a, Mol annben zr and MHI,A shoe! ! e rain Rt 1u r0r. LINDEN DR. htnl. Fi.W! TEXAS 3f f~' ARrbt o ! R wild NROADWAY 0 PER rawly Rom 10lots u~ 111 f t... HA A ' R ~Ifl ri&ffd ` v. ' A!cS < Y `'j Gary lichopits Socow { F We' n S S i3 4i~1 SMM _ CIvF ERT Jill NaMfll file wM r' F U W.re'° N/ttle falllleno Y Iar x, PNA LA G L School 3 Nuttit Taxes A K 'i~wikun t is ttg A s''• 14yw1ed Third y„ , Ha _[[[TTT~S. PI{< VIS AIM wiRy HA ILL J !or Fl. a ' A f ► llftlmre Willl ~11!11 New f e lehrmra > K A ! x`, < 1jl City ° A Pen tire _ r 0.~ lama Wood Woodland A All ST. VVINII ttORY ff. or IRE -T~~Qv t f . t xE Lr "'~'i~.. MIAMI leafy ~ PI f ocusl [ a SYCAMORE , !ST,IAll~S Mamos OaLMroo~ f i 9111 Ma 1 [57 Cemetery 7 ``Irrrl Mildew In PR " ludshaw Moore area Ar 14A/ Ap i I CMmnew M rile ry 01 ~ ' r G HIGHI. NC' < • < Nl r 3P: rli ~ Win, Did FL Worth Nwy. ` tS r . Pacific Pierce i l 1. U. O. F. - S !111 Crawford c. nnr*f L < y cross filter finer fbf F titan j f Olltu Oran Prairie Whrt1M I L < J L I~ 9:4 10011t, RRobe ' [i Simmons < v ' [xpasllion Inn r v banam cor ` Y G,1r/,f 11MMaAl 2 ~r Nlt,thry lyn"law c M.Mrus y yyEI.i Nip Lnd TclmNl k M, Ei Rldlu Or. Mi nori 4' nd walnut t' _ • R, (f;•I I wlrld Worrell 0 WOW f ENLE H Ae r / 1 'II' Johnson ems A 1f Idly twow ` T 1 h11CHTAL EA CIrY Llmtb ary 19 gl!il h! t ~I fl I Eo! I, is I E , , ,II',!li 'i1111i ~I;;.'t I i . I ~ II ( i , Ij~ plli ¢:II t 61 !.Il!111~3 UNDSEY pElll'!4 Ihnt TIII 1i61 15, I II; lei f spilling Of, I fl, ORR KID DR. ~'I,r.Itlll!~Illlliillli;i4. 1 a f~ 1 mi. To Donor To Fr. wor r Denton,Texae,Januery 12,1953 TO THE HOI',ORABLE CITY COIVISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON,TEXAS I Now comes the,Denton Bus Line,Ino.A Texas Corporation,and files this application for permission to make the following ohange in our bus route marked exhibit "Bs in our franchise granted October 13,1944 for a period of ten years,as herein stated which extended service has been requested by the resi. dents of the oast part of city formerly served by,The City Transit to give better transportation for the people along the streets below shown fcr proposed route change.The bus route as proposed on what we term the North Elm and West Oak route in as followst To discontinue the section now served on Bell Ave,bet%ven Texas Street and East McKinney Street.To extend,BEGINNING at corner of Bell Ave,thence (•_st on Texas Street to Frame Street south on Frame Street to East McKinney Street,east on last Mc. Kinney Street to WooG itreet,south on Wood Street to East Hick- ory Street,Weet an East Hickory Street to Railroad Ave,north on Railroad Ave to East McKinney Street,West on East McKinney Street Bell Aveound thence on East McKinney on bus route as now operated. Wherefore,your applicant requests that the rule requiring three several days reading be suspehded and permission be granted by the City Commission of,The City Of Denton to open. ate buses over the said route as soon as bus stops can be plaoed,so these people can use the service as soon as possible. Denton Bus Line,Inc. r r r r ........r r.. ` Appl ant By 1 r. ganager i I AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND DETERMINING RATES AND CHARGES TO BE CHARGED FOR SALES OF NATURAL GAS TO RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSUMERS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF DENT014 , DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER IN WHICH SUCH RATES AND CHARGES MAY BE CHANGED AND AMZNDED AND DLOLARING AN EMERGENCY, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CO2AISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON , TEXAS: SECTION 1. Effective with the first gas bills rendered after the date of passage and approval of this ordinance the rates and charges for sales of natural gas and natural gas service rendered to residential and commercial consumers with- in the city limits of Denton by Lone Star Gas Company, a Texas corporation, its successors and assigns, are hereby fixed and determined to be as follows: Minimum Monthly Bill............ $.50 Readiness to Serve Charge....... $.50 All Gas at $.7833 per m.c.f. gross; $.705 per m.c.f. net. Net rate shall apply ;,o all bills paid within ten days from monthly billing data. Except with respect to ratee, all charges for natural gas service now in effect shall remain in effect unchanged. The above vates and charges are applicable to each resi- dential and cormaeroial consumer per month or for any part of a month for which gas is used at the same location. SECTION 2. The rates and charges set forth in Section 1 may be changed and amended by either the City or the company furnishing gas in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. The fact that there is an imperative public need for an immediate change and adjustment in the rates and charges for gas and gas service furnished to residential and commercial consumers creates an emergency and the readingg and passage of this ordinance at three separate meetings is here- by suspended and this ^rdinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after the date of its passage at a single meeting and the approval thereof by the mayor4 t 1•. 1 PASSED AND APPROVED on thts the f0I.L day of A.D. 195.x• "`V ATTEST: 'Clity Secret ry Mayor City of Denton , Texas STATE OF TEXAS r COUNTY OF DENTON I,,-q, Secretary of the City of DentQn Denton County, Texas, hereby certify that t e bove an orego ng is a true and correct con of an ordinance passed and approv by the City G nmission of the city o£ at a as s-ession field on the ay o _t as t appears of record in t e inutes o sa ty Commission , in Book w, page WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID CITY, this th3 IDS` day of A.D. 195,.x• (ly Secretaf City of Denton , Texas • i I y. ~ ~ ~ a rf A ~ ~ . ' ,f,\~\~\\\\v{ V ' , I ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ r 1 ~ AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY CO)DIISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, CALLING AND ORDERING AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE DAY OF MARCH, A.D. , 1953, ff'ff ING THE %'%N1 SUB- MITTING SAID AfONTH, FOR FOR TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, FOR TaTIPIC.ATION THE PROPOSITION OF ANNEXING AND ADDING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS; AP''OINTING A FRESIDING OPPICER FOR SUCH ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR DUE RETURNS TO BE MADE THEREOF; PROVIDNG FOR TIIE PRINTING OF BALLOTS AND PROVIDTF'G THAT Df,'R NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION BE GIVEN AS PROVIDED BY LAW AND DECLARING AN EKERGEi?'Y. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMEIISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON: SECTION OITEt That an election shall be held in the City Hall in tha City of Denton, Texas on the third 11iAndng in March, the same being March 17th, A,D., 1953, for the pur- pose of submitting to the qualified voters of the City of Denton, Texas, at said election the following propositlonst PROPOSITION ONES All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas being a part of a 44 acre tract out of the J. D. Lily Survey, Abstract No. 762, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of a traot sold by H. Co Lattimore to Bishop Neely, 966 feet west from the south- east corner of aaid survey] THENCE north 1597468 feet to the south boundary line of the T.&P,R.R. right-of-way; THENCE south 69 degrees west with the south boundary line of the T.& P.R.R, right-of-way 991.1 feet for corner to the northeast corner of a tract sold by the Texas Loan Agency to Jones; THENCE south on Jones' east boundary line 685.6 feet to Jones' southeast corner; THENCE *test on Jones' south boundary line 706 feet to Jones' southwest corner; THENCE, south 150 feet for corner; THENCE east 706 feet for corner; THENO-E south on the east side of Boyd Street 340 feet, mor+, or less to corner on the north line on Lattimore Street; TIC6,"ATCE east on LATTIKORH Street 912.2 feet, wore or less, to the place of beginning. FOR F'ATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. A(LIkST RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXASo PROPOSITION TWO: All. that certain lot tract or varcel of land situated in the County of Denton and State of Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follownt BEMINING at a eoint in the south boundary line of the City limits of said ity of Denton where said city limitpp crosses the east line of the right-of-way of the Texas and Pacific Railway said point being 37 feet more or less south of the northwest corner of the Silas Aaples tract of land in the A. Hill Survey and also being one mile south of the Court House In the City of Denton; THENCE southerly along the right-of-way line 150 foot, more or less, to the southwest corner of the A. F. Parsons tract in said As Hill Survey; T:{ENCE east 216 feet to an ell corner of said tract; THENCE south 4 feet to the southerly southwest corner of said tract; THENCE east 74 feet to the southeast corner of said tract; THENCE north 51 feet to the easterly northeast corner of said tract; THENCE west 70 feet to an ell corner of said traot; THENCE north 28 feet to the northerly northeast corner of said tract; THENCE west 54 feet to a point due south of the southeast corner of said Maples tract; THENCE NORTH 80 feet, more or less, to the south line of said city limits; THENCO west 120 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, FCR RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO TILE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. TERRITORY 'PRESEIIT LRATIFICAT IMITS OFITHEACY YDOFNDENTON$ TEXASs. TO THE PROPOSITION THREEt All that certain lot, tract or reel of land ly ing and being situated in the Coupty ofptenton, Mate of Texas and beingg out of tho N. H. Meisenheimer urv%o Abstract No. 811, and going a part of a tract described in cod from Lester Davis to James Elbert Chambers, as shown of record in Volume 818, ftge 212, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as :ollowst BWjT)n;ING at an iron stake for corner in the west boundary line,of U.S. Highway no# 77, said corner being the north. east 4.orner of said tract described in Deed from Davis to Chambitts and also being the southeast corner of A tract of land described in deed from Guy I!uilor to Cs N. avis, Jar., as shown of record in volume 292, rage 291, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; TIIEYCE north 88 degrees 30 minutes west with the south boundary line of said C. N. Davis, Jr. tract 139.0 feet to a stake for corner said corner being the northeast of a tract described {n heed fro-. James Elbert Chaml,ers to Carlyon S. Wrotatt as shown of record in volume 329, Page 427, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE south 1 degree 07 minutes east with the east boundary line of said Wrotan tract, 50.9 feet to a stake for corner; THENCE south 88 degrees 30 minutes east 139.0 feet to a stake for corner in the west boundary line of U.S. Highway No. 77, said corner being 68.6 feet north 1 degree 07 minutes west of the southeast corner of said Chambers tract; THENCE :'^,rth 1 degree 07 minutes west with the west boundary line of said Ilighw,.y, 60.0 feet to the place of beginning, as resurveyed b; R.T. May, Jr., County Surveyor, Denton County, Texae, !august 26, 1947. FOR RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DbNTON, TEXAS. AGAINST RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DEN TON, TEXAS. , PROPOSITION FOURt .All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in the that certain of Denton, State of Texas, and being more part- icularly described as followst BEGINNING at a point in the east city limits line of the City of "enton Texas where said line crosses the most southerly nortA line of the Jonathan Brock Survey and the south line of the Hiram Sisco Survey, said point being 400 feet west of the southeast corner"of said Sisco survey and being the southwest corner of a 3.35 acre tract in said Sisco Survey conveyed by Mrs. Nona Sours and husband J. H. Sours to To }i and H. K. Pitner, by deed dated July 10, 1946 and recorded in olume 328, Page 304 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENC:' north 40C feet to the northwest corner of said 306 acres; THENCE easterly 400 feet more or less, to a point in the east line of said Sisco Survey at the northeast corner of said 345 acres; THENCE south 330 feet to the southeast corner of said Sisco Survey; THENCE west 58.5 feet a point for corner; THENCII south 316 feet a point for corner; THIRYCE east 7 W feet to a point for corner in the east line of the said Brock Survey and the west line of the E. Morris Survey; THENCE west 1078 feet to the said east City limits fine; THENCE north 'along said city limits line 410 feet to the place of beginning, containing 18.16 acres of land, more or loss. FOR RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PREKYT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. AGAINST RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS Or VE CITY OF DENTON,-TEXAS. SECTION T140t That E. C. Garrison is hereby appointed Presiding Officer at and for jaid election and he shall appoint such assistants as may be necessary to proporly hold and conduct said electfon. SECTION THREEt That due returns of the results of the said election shall he made by such presiding officer as required by law. SECTION FOURt The City Secretary of the City of Denton shall cause to be printed upon the official ballot to be used at said election the above propositions. SECTION FIVEt That said election shall be held under the provisions of the Constitution and Jaws ofthp State of Texas, and of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas. SECTION SIXt That due and legal notices of said election shall be given by the posting of true copies of this ordinance signed by the Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Denton, and attested by the City Secretary, in three public places in said dity for thirty {30} consecutive days prior to the Bats of said election, one of which notices shall be placed at the City Ball in the City of Denton, Texas. SECTION SEVENt The fact that the above described territory is in great need of water and sewer service which can only be obtained if said property is annexed to the city of Denton, creates an emergency, an imperative public necessity requitlhg that the rule providing that ordinances be read on throe several occasions, at three several meetings, be, end the same Is suspended and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 10th day of February, A.D., 1953. I ATTESTS rman, y omm ssIon city eery ayor APPROV AS TO LEGAL FORKi City Attorney . 1 S rvu • tips , 1 I a II J L P F T I T T 0 ,1.71-1~. Alin Y... . ~'iT,'~ ~I.3,y 7 T .i .1.. n;., t• r,.i~ `,....i 'ti'e, the unCersi •ne^ re:-ir ants or o•,sners of Vie 11c1,e1,1,after cler:criheCi territory or tr;~ct of lirtltl ! ioinln n~1(' corlt.l~"uotls to the City Limits of tl~e City of 1'lenton, To`ng', n :nnnicj•)Vl ror!'Or1,t'4n11, wilo constitute v 1"1x', oriot", of 91161 re9ir ents or olrncr nF s ch ter) It()ry or try ct r1f l: nc", c]csirc :arch terri- tory or tr; ct of 1._nrt to be nnnexed to and rc-Lde a hart of the City of Denton, Toxns, and hereh;r reru~st that the proposition of tLe annexation of s11ch territory or tract or land to the City of Derton, To~cas, he nresenterl. in clue anc' 1era1 rlanner to the qualified voters of the City of ;Denton, Texas, anr] the qualifies] voters residin- wlttlin such territory, as provided by law. Saic', territory or tract of lane' belnr described as follows, to-wit; All that certain tract or parcel of lon.¢ situated in Denton County, Texas, being a part of a 44 acre tract out of the J. D. Lilly Suru,, Abstract No. 762, described as follows: MINING at the southwest corner of a tract sold by F. C. Lattimore to Bishop Neely, 966 feet West from the southeast corner of said surueW. THENCE North 1597.68 feet to the south boundary line of the T. & P. R.R. right of wag; 'WENCE South 69 deg. West with the south boundary line of the T. f P, R.R. right of way 991.1 feet for corner tp the NE corner of a tract sold by the Texas Loan Agency to Jones; THENCE Voouth on Jones' E,B,L. 685.6 feet to Jones' SE corner; THENCE )rest on Jonea' S.B. L. 706 feet to Jones' Sir corner; THENCE South 150 feet for corner; THEh•CE East 706 feet for coiner; THENCE South on the E. aide of Boyd Street 340 feet, more or less, to corner on the N. line on Lattimore Street; THENCE East an Lattimore Street 912.2 feet, more or less, to the place of begining, Your petitioners pray Mt an election he held in the man- ner provided by law and the proposition of annexin!- the herein- after describod territory or tract of tnnd be subni tted to thr qualified voters of the City of Drntor, Texas and the qu~:lifidd voters resi livT within said territory Era nrovidod by 1011'. RE,SI'T:CTMILLY SUT)"T TM this the 26th day of January ifl5fl, -r +L PET IT ION THE STi T.3 OF T347.3 CQUNTY OF DENTOi'T TO THE I{OV07,AUS CITY C: IUI~3IOV OF :Ii l CITY 0:' D3NTOII,T_%{ASt - We, the undersi-ned residents of the County of Denton, Texas, who constitute a ;majority of the olrners of the here- inafter described. property, and representine and boinrr a majority of the qualified voters rosMin^ ,iithin the here- inaftor described territory, hereby hatition your Konorable Body that the said followinZ described property and terri- tory be added and annexed to and incorporated within the present liAts of the City of Donton, Texas, a A:unicipal Corporations "All of that contain tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Denton and State of Texas, and beinm more particularly described by notes and bounds as followst BEa nMM at a Point in the South Boundary Line of the City Limits of said itj of rahton where said oity limits orossos the East line of t e right•of-~r~►lr of the Texas and Paoifio Railway, said point being 37 !ee more or less, south of the Northwest oorner of the Silas M iss tract of land in the A. Hill Survey and also being one mile South of the Court House in the City of Denton; THMON Southerly along the said right- of-war line 180 fast, more or less, to the Southwest oorner of the A. Fe parsons traot in said A. Hill Survey] THENOB Bast 218 feet to an ell oorner of said traotf THOOE South 4 feet to the Southerly SeWe Corner of said traots THME East 74 feet to the Best Core of said traot; THENOB North 81 feet to the Easterly Ness Gore of said traot; TEM08 Kest 70 feet to an ell oorner of said tract; TMON North 28 feet to the Northerly N*39 Core of said traot= TMI08 west 54 feet to a point due South of the S.Ne Core, of s.aid Maples traotl THMOR North 80 feet, Nora, or less, to the t:auth line of said oity l Wte) THENOB float 120 feet, more or lose to the b~be of beg Yb+trapot d onors a k that an election bo held in the City of Denton, Texas, on the date of the next City Election and that et such election the qu s on o whether or not the above-described property shall be added and annexed to and incor poratod within the present liana of the City of Denton, Texas; bo sUbmittad }o the qualified voters of'the City of Denton, Texas, for ratifica*. ion or ro%joetion, RESSPECTFULLY SU13TTED 0;1 TL713 the day of r F , .1 A AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, HELD AT THE CITY BALL OF SAID CITY ON TIIErgRn DAY OF FEBRUARXA*D., 1953. R E S O L U T I O N WIIEREAS, the City of Denton, a Municipal Corporation, has been and is now desirious of securing a recreational area for the use of the general public on the shores of the Garza-Little Elm Lake, and; IvIFXREAS, a committee was appointed by the Denton Chamber of Commerce on or about May 5, 1948 to coordinate the efforts of the City of Denton and the two State colleges located in Denton, North Texas State College and Texas State College for Women, in their combined efforts to secure such a recreational area, and; WHEREAS, said committee has done much pr,iliminary investigation and study which resulted in the two mentioned colleges filing applications with the Corps of Engineers for certain areas, and; WHEREAS, the City of Denton was in agreement with such action but desired to delay filing an application with the Corps of Engineers until the exact boundaries of the lake ani the property to he taken by the government were known, and; WHEREAS, such information should be available and forth- coming in the very near future because of the approaching completion date fort he project, and; 14HERE&S, the City of Denton is still dtsirious and even more anxious to secure such recreational area for the use of the•goneral public on the shores of the Garza-Little Elm Lake; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMPASSION OF THE CITY OF, DENTONs That the Mayor and the City Engin,4er of the City of Denton, Texas be, and they are hereby authorized and in- structed to file a formal application for a recreational area on the shores of the Garza-Little Elm Lake with the proper governmental agencyo The said Mayor and Cit7 Engineer are further author zed to represent and bind the City of Denton in all hearings and proceedings necessary to secure such reoreational area, and they are expressly authorized to exe- cute any and all agreements, leases or contracts necessary to secure such recreational area, which shall be binding on the City of Denton, Texas. ADOPTED THIS THE a2D,- DAY OF FEBR R- , .D.,/re Irlaw y mm ss on a ATTi T , APPROVED s I LI, & (I City ec a ary yor ~....r ~~i y, i i i Ate, v J l F' - REMO\~~VAL SLIP 1..J e Rece!ved of the City Secretary of the City of Denton, Texas, the following debcrit..d instrument or document from the files of the City of Denton: Number U-/ Title . 0_1"W The undersigned hereby assumes complete responsibility for the safekeeping and return of the paper received. SIGNS ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CI'T'Y OF DENTONy TFAAS, CALLING AND ORDER- ING AN ELECTION TO BE 11SLD ON THE 24Th DAY OF FehruarZ, A. D., 1953; THE SAME- REING THElFourth Tuesda IN SAID MONTHt FOR THE PU .y ~1~~ TO THE QUALI- FIED VOTYRS OF THE CITY OF DENTON9 TEXASg POR RATIFICATION THE PRO1103ITION OF ANNEXING AND ADDING THE HRREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF DENTON, T'MSs APPOINTING A PRESIDING OF.PTCFR FOR SUCH FLECTTON; PROVIDING FOR DLF; RETURNS TO RE MADE THMEOF; PROVIDING F'OR THE PRIN'^ING OF ?ALLOTS AND PROVIDING T'IAT DUF, NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION BE GIVEN AS PROVIDFf) 13Y LA%Vj CALLING AND OP,DERIN!i A SEPARATE FLECTION TO BE HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON THE ABOVE MENTIONED DATE, Februaiv24th I A. D, t 1953s FOR THY_I i X VITTi~ TO THE GUALIFIFO VOTER RESIDING WITIM THE HFRF.INA?'TER DEICRI13ED TERRITORY PROPOSED TO FE ANNMED AND ADDED TO TTIE CITY OF DE14TONO TEXAS, THE PROPOSITION OF ANNEXING AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, APPOINTING A. PRESIDING OFFICER ;FOR SUCH ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR DUE RETURNS TO BE MADE 74EAEOF; PROVIDTNG FOR THE PRINTING OF BALLOTS AND PROVIDING THAT DUE NOTICE. OP SUCH ELECTION BE GIVEN AS PROVIDED BY LAW1 PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL AED ANNULMENT OF ALL ORDINANCF3 IN CONFLICT 14ERFWITH AND DECLARING All EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OOM►dISSION OF THS CITY OF DENTONs TEXAS. SECTION I, That an eleotion shall be held in the City hall in the City of Denton, Taxes, on the Fourth Tuesday In Feb Mary , the same being February,24 , A. D., 1953s for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the City of Denton, Texas, at said eleotion the following propositions All that oertain lot, traot or parcel of land lying and being situated in Denton County] Texas a part of whioh is looated in several different surveys and being more partioularly desoribed by metes and bounds as follolxss BEGINNING at the intersection in the South line of Orr-Kidd Drive with the East line of Bernard Street; THENOE South aloe the East boundary l..re of Bernard Streets 439.19 feet to a point due east of the Northeast oorner of a ].ot conveyed by T. H. Chapman to Raymond E. Green at ux 'W' by deed dated June 5, 1937 re~sordod in Volume 265, page 639 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE Nest at 50 feet to the West line of Bernard I.treet and continuing from the 'Nest line of Bernard Street 2371 varas to corner in the ;Peat boundary line of a 10 acre tract which is the Northwest corner of the Green lot; THENCE North with the West boundary line of said 10 acre tract 1139.19 feet to the 1orthwest corner of said 10 acre tract in the North boundary line of a 130.32 acre tract; THENCE West 251.0 feet, more or less, along the South boundary line of Orr-Kidd Drive to the West boundary line of Tinney Lane; THENCE south along the '01ust boundary line of Tinney Lane 367.5 feet to a point for corner; THENCE Nest parallel with vhe South boundary line of Orr-Kidd wive 3001 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North parallel with the Nest Boundary line of Tinney Lane 367.5 feet to a point in the South boundary line of Orr-Kidd Drive; THENCE West 2250 feet, more or lose, to a point due South of the most Southerly Southeast corner of the No T. So Co Golf Course and of the Southwest corner of a 2.02 acre tract now owned by Fred Cobb, THENCE Korth 700 fast, more or leas, along the Jest line of Fred Cobb tract to the Northwest corner of said tract; THENCE East 142 feet, more or less, fallowing the North line of the Fred Cobb tract to the Southwest corner of the Vernah Scott 1,22 acre tract, to a point for corner; THENCE North 100 teat, more or leas, to a point, said point being the Northwest corner of said Vernah Scott 1.22 acre tract; THENCE West 46 foet, mire or less, to a point, said point being the Southwest corner of a tract owned by Is Be Williama; THENCE North 151,. feet, more or leas, to a point for corner; THEN09 North 45 degraea, 9 minutes East 155.7 feet, more or leas, to a point, said point being the Southwest corner of Joe Skilea traot; THENOR Ea.et 5,52 feet, more or less, along the Worth line of 4,0 acre tract owned by I. Rd Williams, to the Northeast corner of said Williams traot; THMA North 100 feet, more or leas, along the Meat line rf Highland Part: Road to a point due Meat of the Southwest corner of tract owned now by 0 o We Tinney; THENCE East at 40 feet the Southwest corner of 0. W. Tinnev tract, and continuing east 612.5 feet, a total of W.5 feet, more or less, to a stake in the East boundary line of a tract conveyed to E. R. Beokner by John Shrader recorded in Volume 3020 page 361, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; TgYNCE North 285.6 feet, more or less to the Northeast corner of said Beckner tract; THENCE West with the North line of said Beckner tract 648.5 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to the State of Texas by 5idnoy Hamilton by deed recorded in Volume 288, page 345, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the Rest ` side of Highland Park R,)ad to its intersection with the North line of Underwood Street; THENCE East along tho North line of Underwood Street 220 feet, more or less, to a point for corner; THENCE South 390 feet, more or less, to a point for corner; THENCE last 255 feet, more or less, to a point for corner; THENCE South 220 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of Lot 6 Block 1 of the Ida Chapman Addition; THENCE East along the South lire of said lot 6, 150 feet to the 'hest line of Kendo.lph Drive; THENCE South along the Nest line of Kendolph Drive, 560 feet, more or less, to a point in the North line of pro-,arty described iv deed from Bryon Lindsey and ).ife to Eudora Lindsay, said deed being recorded in Volume 2989 page 2220 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE East along the North line of said last mentioned tract to a point in the Vest line of the Revised Veterans Addition; THENCE South along the Nest line of said addition to the Southwest corner of Lot 23 in said addition; THENCE East along the South line of said lot 23 to the West line of Knight Street; THENCE South along the West line of Knight Street to the North line of Lindsey Street; THENCE East along the North line of Lindsey Street to the East line of Knight Street; THENCE North along the East line of Knight Street to the Southwest corner of Lot 30 of the Revised Veterans Addition; THENCE. East along the South line of Lot 30 to its Southeast corner and continuing East along the South line of Lot 42 in said addition to the Southeast corner of said Lot 42; THENCE North along the East line of Lot 42 in the Revised Veterans Addition to the South boundary line of Michial Street; THENCE East along the South boundary line of Michial Street to the East Boundary line of McCormick Street; THENCE South along the East line of McCormick Street to the intersection of the East line of McCormick Street and the present City Limits line; THENCE East 200 feet, more or less, to a point for corner, said poing being an outside corner of the present South City Limits line; THENCE North 360 feet, more or less, to an inside corner of the South City Limits line; THENCE East 1560 feet, more or less, along the present South City Limits line, to the East line of Bernard Street; THENCE South along the East line of Bernard Street 1360 feet, more or less, to the prate of beginning. The above description includes all property between the east line of Bernard Street and the N. T. S. Co Golf Course, lying North of the South line of Orr-Kidd Drive and South of the present South City Limits line not now in the corporate limits of the City of Denton. FOR RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. AGAINST RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TRUS. SECTION II. That F_ C. farrisnn is hereby appointed Presiding Officer at and for said election and he shall appoint such assistants as may be necessary to property hold and conduct said election. SECTION III. That due returns of the results of the said election shall be made by such presiding officer as required by law. SECTION IV, The City Secretary of the City of Denton shall cause to be printed upon the official ballot to be used at said election the above proposition, and shall cause to be printed beneath the field notes accompanying the proposition on saiet ballot, the fol),owir,g; 1 I FOR RATIFICATIONI AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THi :RESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. AGAINST RATIFICATION AND ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF TIE CITY OF DE;NTON, TEXAS. SECTION V. That said election shall be held under the provisions of the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation. SECTION VI. That due and legal notices of said election shall be given by the posting of true copies of this ordinance signed by the Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, and attested by the City Secretary of the City of Denton, Texas, in three public places in said City for thirty consecutive days prior to the date of said election, one of which notices shall be posted at the City Hall in the City of Denton, Texas. SECTION VII, That a separate election shall be helli in the City Hall in the City of Denton, Texas, on the .Fourth Tuesday in February , the same being Pebruary. 24, A. D., 1953, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters residing within the hereinafter described territory proposed to be annexed and added to the City of Denton, Texas, the following propositions All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Denton County, Texas a part of which is located in several different surveys and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as followss BEGINNING at the intersection in the South line of Orr-Kidd Drive with the East line of Bernard Street; THENCE South along the East boundary line of Bernard Street, 439.19 feet to a point aue East of the Northeast corner of a lot conveyed by To H. Chapman to Raymond E. Greon et ux by deed datod June 50 1937 recorded in Volume 265, page 639 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE West 50 foot to tho lest line of Bernard Street and continuing from the lest line of Bernard Street 237 varas to corner in the !lest boundary line of a 10 acre tract wrA ch is the Northwest corner of the Green lot; THENCE North with the lest boundary line of said 10 acre tract 439.19 feet to the Northwest corner of said 10 acre tract in the North boundary line of a 130.32 acre tract; THENCE Rest 2510 feet, more or less, along the South boundary line of Orr-Kidd Drive to the West boundary line of Tinney Lane; THENCE South along the ':lest boundary line of Tinney Lane 367.5 feet to a point for corner; 'T'HENCE ASST parallel with the South boundary line of Orr-Kidd Drive 300 feet co a point for o;,t ner; THENCE North parallel with the West boundary line of Tinney Lane 367.5 fret to a point in the South boundary line of Orr-Kidd Drive; THENCE West 2250 feet, more or less, to a point due South of the most Southerly Southeast corner of the N. T. S. C. Golf Course and. of the Southwest corner of a 2.02 acre tract now owaod by Fred Cobb; THENCE North 700 feet, more or less, along the West line of the Fred Cobb tract 'Co the Northwest corner of said tract; THENCE East 142 feet, more or less, following the North line of the Fred Cobb tr+:.ct to the Southwest corner of the Vernah Scott 1.22 acre tract to a point for corner; THENCE North 100 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being the Northwest corner of said Vernah Scott 1.22 acre tract; THENCE West 46 foot, more or less, to a point, said point being the Southwest corner of a tract owned by I. R. Williams; THENCE North 154 feet, more or less, to a point for corner; THENCE North 45 degrees,'9 minutes East 155.7 feet more or leas, to a point, said point being the Southwest corner of Joe Skiles tract; THEfiOE East 552 feet, more or less, along the North limo of 4.0 acre tract owned by I. R. Williams' to the Northeast corner of said Williams tract; Tt',ENCE North 100 feet, more or less, along the West line of Highland Park Road to a point due west of the Southwest corner of tract now owned by O. W. Tinney; THENCE East at 40 feet the Southwest corner of O. W. Tinney tract, and continuing east 612.5 feet, a total of 6523 feet, more or less, to a stake in the E&:,t boundary line of a tract conveyed to E. F. Beckner by John Shrader recorded in Volume 302, page 361, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THEM North 285.6 feet, more or lose, to the North- eaa~ corner of said Beokner tract; THENCE West with the North line of said Beakner tract 648.5 feet, more or lees, to the Southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to the State of Texas by Sidney Hamilton by deed recorded in Volume 288, page 345, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the West side of Highland Park Road to its intersection with the North line of Underwood Street; THF?NCE East along the North line of Underwood Street 220 feet, more or less, to a point for corner; THENCE South 390 feet, more or less, to a point for corner; THENCE East 255 feet, more or less, to a point for corner; THENCE South 220 feet, more or less, to the South- west corner of Lot 6 Block 1 of the Ida Chapman Addition; THENCE East along the South line of said lot 6, 150 feet to the West line of Kendolph Drive; THENCE South along the Nest line of Kendolph Drive, 560 feot, more or less, to a point in the North line of property der,oribed in deed i"rom Bryon Lindsey and wife to Eudora Lindsey, said deed being recorded in Volume 298, page 2229 of tAe Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE East along the North line of said last mentioned tract to a point in the Nest line of the Revised Veterans Addition; THENCE South along the West line of said addition to the Southwest corner of Lot 23 in said addition; THENCE East along the South line of said lot 23 to the West line of Knight Street; THENCE South along the 'b'est line of Knight Street to the North line of Lindsey Street; THENCE East along the North line of Lindsey Street to the East line of Knight Street; THENCE North along the East line of Knight forest to the Southeaat corner of Lot 30 of the Revised Veterans Addition; THENCE East along the South line of Lot 30 to its Southeast corner and continuing East along the South line of lot 42 ire said addition to the Southeast corner of said Lot 42; THENCL North along the East line of Lot !}2 in the Revised VeteransAdditon to the South boundary line of Michial Street; THENCE East along the South boundary line of Michial' Street to the East boundary line of McCormick Street; THENCE South along the East line of McCormick Street to the intersection of the East line of McCormick Street and the present City Limits line; THENCE East 200 feet, more or less, to a point for corner, said point being an outside corner of the present South City Limits line; THENCE North 360 feet, more or less, to an inside corner of the South City Limits line; THENCE East 1560 feet, more or less, along the present South City Limits line, to the East line of Bernard Street; THENCE South along the East line of Bernard Street 1360 feet, mere or less to the place of beginning. The above description includes all property between the East line of Bernard Street and the N. T. S. C. Golf Course, lying North of the South line of Orr- Kidd Drive and South of the present South City Limits line not now in the corporate limits of the City of Denton. FOR ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS. AGAINST ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS SECTION VIII, That Jewell Smith_ is hereby appointed presiding officer ad and for said election and he shall appoint such assistants as may be necessary to properly hold and conduct jaid election. SFCT`ION IX. That due returns of the results of the said election shall be made by such presiding officer as required by lays. SECTION X, That City Secretary of the City of Denton shall cause to be printed upon the official ballot to be used at said election the above proposition, and shall cause to be printed beneath the field notes accompanying proposition on said ballot the followings FOR ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF VENTON, TEXAS. AGAINST ADDING SAID TERRITORY TO THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, SECTION XI. That said election shall be held under. the provision of the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Denton, Texas, a Municipal Corporation. SECTION XII. That due and legal notices of said election shall be given by the posting of true copies of this ordinanoe, signed by the Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Denton, Texas, and attested by the City Secretary of the City of Denton, Texas, in three public places within territory proposed to be annexed and added to the City of Denton, Texas, for thirty consecutive days prior to the date of said election. SECTION XIII. The fact that the above described territory is needed for industrial and dwelling construction together with the fact that construction has been hindered by the inability of the owners of certain of said tracts to obtain City utilities until said territory is annexed to :he City of Denton, Texas, and the further,f+dot that such area or territory proposed to be annexed actually represents the actual growth of the City of Denton beyond its present legal boundaries and for that reason should receive police and fire protection and be regulated from a health stand point creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring that the rule providing that ordinances be placed on three several readings on three several days, be, and the same it hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be placed on its third and final reading to its passage, and shall be in fu)l force and effect from and after its passage and approval. SECTION XIV. Any and all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and annulled. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 20th day of January, A. D., 1953. Cha rma , y omm ea on City of Denton, Texas ATTESTS City Secretary App ved as to rmt -Ajppro eds '7 /,Mayor ~ # + + ~w I w' eI { v W h I A~" i l` Y~ w lf,~r 1I 4 r ;,4 f H . J- i AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COXHISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON , TEXAS HELD ON THE. THEN:IETH DAY OF JANUARY, A.D,, 1953, AT THE CITY MALL OF SAID CITY. R E S O L U T I O N WIIEIZEAS, on the 13th day of January, A.D., 1953 a petition for annexation to the City of Denton was presented to the City Commission of the City of Denton; and, WHEREAS, the majority of the inhabitants of the area described in said petition have been found by the City Commission to have signed said petition; nowtherefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON: That the proposition of the annexation of the land described in said petiton, which petition is attached here- to and made a part hereof, to the City of Denton, Texas, be presented in due and legal form and manner to the voters of Denton at the next City Election held after the presentation of such petition, for approval or rejection. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 29 f Ja , A.D., 1953. m ss on ATTESTt APPROVED: city cre ary ayor APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORMt CIty Atforney T1'1; STATE' OI' ':F'LkS ~ PET T T T G Y Mfr 1i T 11 e~ r~\- rT.Vr . C/`Tii lT ~1n 1/"4 ON TYW'..S: t ?1"3J1 nl ~1 0,!n U 111TH CTe lie, the undersinned residr,:ts or oN1121's Of the herein-after described territory or tract of 1=,nd a(l o-'nlnn and coati^uous to the City Limits f.)f the C ty of Dp-ton, Tcxas, mnicinal corporation, wiio constitute a ma,jori.ty of such residents or o„ners of sticli territory or tr~~ct of land, Cesire such terri- tory or tract of lone; to lie an3iexed to and rade o „art of the W ty of Denton, TAD :as, L nrl ,lcreily ronuest that ti,e nronasi tion of tl!e an ~cxat, on of :7uc1i territory or trE ct of IF,, d to the C 't,, of Dent,!n, Texa. , )e nresented in clue ^nd lerr< 1 az.nner to the ~-ualil'iec , voters o'i the City of Deoton, Texas, a.nd tl!e qualified vc.`.ers resid'n- within such territory, as provided 13y law. SMC,, territory or tract of land bcill- r escri-)ed as - folio r( 4:w~ .ia~~ ~rlsif~{}W~(St' frx f%~Fb3X~tfil,,;lyd•'R~~, S^ Y~ mww,o P_i it ,t , i, .r x..~l' F 'c ✓f i.6 -1 ' wr:l ]jLGIP+JUlIaU at the inter, ection of the South line of Orr-Kidd Drive with the Last line of bs~rn,rd "tr.-et; i'1ILf;GL 'u',e it 5720 feet, raore or less, to a point ciue EoutJi of the most southerly Southeast corner of the N. `i'. S. G. Golf Gourse and of the Southwest corner of a 2.02 acre tract owned by tied Cobh; TrIE14G1, North 7UO feet, more or less, along the 'nest line of Fred Gobb tract to the Northwest corner of said tract; ' THSNCI', i,ast 142 feet, ,core :)r less, follo, inr the North line of the Fred Gobb trzkct to the Southwest corner of the Vernah Lcott 1.22 acre tr;ct, to a point for corner; `1'1il NCIal North 100 feet, raore or lives, to a pint, said point being the Northwest corner of said Vernah Scott 1.22 acre tract; I'H NGE ~;est 46 feet, ra.)re or less, to a point, slid point being the Southwest corner of a tract owned by i. it. illiams; This!XE North 154 feet, more or less, t,a a point for corner; t'JiiSiIG: Lorth 45 degrees, 9 minutes Last 155.7 feet, .;,ore or Iess, to a point, said point being the S'outhivest corner of Joe Skiles tract; Tiic.NGI; Last 552 feet, raore or less, along the ; orth line of 4.0 acre tract owned, by i. it. ;vi.lliam,cil to the i ortireast corner of -,:id 'Allianrs tract; `i'HeI40 ; worth l0U feet, a,oro or less, along the West line of Highland Park Road to r1 point; clue crest of the, southwest corner of tract now owned by G. Tiuney; ` HENGis East at 40 feet the outhwest carrier of G. Pinney trace, and continuing east 612..1 feet, a total of 652.5 feat, znor'e or less, to a stake in the bast boundary line w,.' a tract conveyed to L. F. Beckner by John Shrade^ recorded in Volume 302, pa;e 361, of the Deed Records of Den':on Gounty, '1'e,:a3; THi,NGi.J North .285.6 fret, i0re or less, to Gne ;northeast corner of ^aid 13ackner tract; 4 TIVNUF; inert with the Plorth line of said Ucckncr tr::ct 6148,5 feet, more or lees, to the Southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to the State of Texas by Sidney Hamilton by deed recorded in Volu,e 288, page 345, of the Dued iieords of llenton Uounty, Texas; THr.,NCI in a northear;terly direction along the lest t3ide of Highland Perk Pond to itr intEraection with „he bortlr line of Under- wor)d Street; c env ~ .:li t ~ tnc: t;x:,;t by ; icin, y ria,ailton by deed recorded in 'Volui,ie 255, page 345, of the Uced itecirds of Denton County, Te~.r,9; in a northeasterly direction alone; the i,'est side of Highland Park Road to its intersection with the North line of Under- wood Street; ri'ti~,I;liG f,i?st'i alone brie oorj1l link of `ip►d~:;ry':)~,j street ,'2tJ f,tet,. rrore or less, t) a point f',)r corner; 1'H,:,ivC:~4 ;South 39U feet, :.,or~,J or less, to ~1 point for corner; 11t 1Jli ll,J ast 25 a ut, ni IU Wig, "-point for of , to W.IA1NC1?'=3outh{~ ' O feet, mot* 10r lees, i to the Southwest dernee- f Lot 6 Block 1 of triC ida Chup.-inn Ads ition; 11ii;irCu iJast alon; file South line of raid lot 6, 15U feet to the .'cst line of t;.endolph Drive; std NGn South along,; the eet line of i%endolph Drive, 500 feet, monti or lees to a point in the id)rth lir:<, of property described in deed from Bryon Lirid-ley and wife to :udora Lindsey, said deed being recorded in Volume 2`18, page 222, ci' the Deed itecords of Denton County, Tcy_-s; .saet along the Ioortii .Line of .aid 1<i:t :%eritioned tract to a point in the ;,est line: of the :ii;vised Veterans Addition; i'tiI;Ct South alons-r the ;est line of said addition to the Southwest corner of Lot 23 in said Eddition; THE14;a as:. along the South line of said lot 23 to the `.vest line of hnigiit Street; TiiiJId(;L South along tile rest line of i,niwht Street to the North line of Lindsey Street; THI;NCd Past vinng the ;north tine of Lindsey Street to the r:ast line of Knight Street; THENCI, north along the ,ast line of knight Street to tike Southwest corner of Lot 30 -)f the uievised Veterans Addition; Ti,IhCc, Last along the South line of Lot 30 to its Southeast corner and continuing Last along the South line of Lot 42 in said addition to the Southeast corner of said Lot 42; `i'HrNOL' North aiont; t;ie Last line of Lot 42 in the Revised Veterans Addition to the Sbuth boundary line of ,iicthial Street; TH W0b East along the South boundary line of i.iichie l Street to the r;ast boundary line of kxCormick Street; THehCL South along the ~,ast line of LcCori%ick Street to inter- section of the Last line of I.cCorrr.ick Strect and the present City Limits line; THENCE Nast 20U feet, more or lees, to a point for corner, said point beiii: an outside corner of the present South City Limits line; Tfle,NCE North 360 feet, r::orr; or, less, to an inside corner of tale South City Limits line; THENCL Last 15W. feet.,._nirare >ur _less,_ along the presurzt South City Lim'_ts line, to the.Lai=t line of iR;rnard Street; THEM. South along the Last line of Bernard Street 136U feet, more or 3ess, to the place of beginning. The above description includes all property between the Last line of Bernard Street and the N. T. S. C. Golf Course, lying; tyorth, of the South line of Orr-Kidd Drive and South of the prerant South City Limits line not now in tree corporate limits of the Jity of Denton. ..i1 a 2. ct'; YWX on r,]'U1'1C'CC- ~l law c+tl(1 it t,~ i G t0 Vic ~~~i~ n ot• ire , i oC 1, l,c, 1,' ~ lzr.ti Cicd (1 tai ij. 'I f!(j c,{ CI•L; of 11-c C t t;, (~f 1 n "ri~t''lll fi' +C. 1.C'T'1'~1,01'1~ d;i OVj(lE'C~ 1.17• 1~ clay of ?,'T^'t'lT this the +ILI Iwo -~Ym r 1 . , f K, iG:~YAra+a..~k~.'.. ;.a:r. •~f LK .5. r: i •r 9 {ran.-~J r:e~ € x S. >•j.t a7~r / ~1 S'y' i.'d ' _t~'~~'~ d,~ i'k`' .n-°,-_y ¢ 4 1 T r =49 ; 1 j e~~d Y AT A SPECIAL MFETINf- OF THE CITY COIDUSSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, HELD AT THE CITY BALL OF SAID CITY ON THE TWENTIETH DAY OF JANUARY, A, D,, 1953• R E S O L U T I O N r r~ r r~ ..r WHEREAS, the City of Denton, Texas and the County of Denton, both political subdivisions of the State of Texas, jointly purchased a ten acre tract of land immediately west of and ajacent to the City of Denton; and, WHEREAS, such land was purchased to be used for a National Guard Armory; and, WHEREAS, such tract of land was purchased as aforesaid on the 18th day of December, A.D., 1952 from W. C, Potter and wife, Maydell Wallace Potter, said deed being recorded in Vol. 383 , Page 167 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, to which reference is hereby made for a more complete description; nowtherefore, BE YT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COK)IISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON: That the Mayor and the City Secretary be, and they are hereby authorized to enter into, execute and deliver a 99 year lease of the above mentioned tract of ten acres of land to the Texas National Guard Armory Board for and in consideration of the sum of $10600. , A,D,, 1953. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 2(h-day f Jan T .4 Q. ChMM&W y mm ss on ATTESTi APPROVEDs city secretary layor I II~~ i M A 0 t 1 f d ,r 0 d+ pa IL T P L U M B R R.9 B O L D , STATE OF TMUS COUNTY OF Dffi3TON MO`M ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, ims IRS SIMON as prinoipal and TRINITf WIMUL Iti3. CO, va surety, are held and firmly bound unto XW RIWAR May`•r of the City of Denton, Texas and to his auooessors in office in the am of One Thousand Dollars, ($1,000*00), for the payment of whioh we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators and assigns jointly and severallys The condition of the abovo obligation is that whereas the prinoipal horein was granted a Plumber's Lioenso in the City of Denton& Texas= Now therefore, if the said M LEES ON prinoipal heroin, shall at all times oomply witH tho Ordinanoos of the Oity of Denton governing plumbing in said Oity and all the laws of the Stato of Texas whioh ragulato plumbing, and oonditionod. further that the prinoipal heroin shall fulfill any and all oontraots made tor pitmbing wont, then this ;bligati1% shall become null and void: otherwise to romain in full foroe and effect, This bond shall bo for iho use and benolit of the 01ty of Denton, Texas and for the use and bonefit of any person having a ouase of aotion growing out of the installation, altorw i ation or repairing of any part of any plumbing or gas syst&w by said applioant or any of his employees, or growing out of a bresoh of a contraot for the installation, alteration or ropairing of any part of any plumbing or gas system by said applicant or any of his employees, , IN THB3T1M01iY 1RiMOV WXTMM OUR HAND& at Donton# Texas this 15th- of ~ 19.1LO q4aj~ ill-04 XML4~05e, Ms LEE WMCN rorinoipal ' JKM VKVVSAL I1BtsiAWA CGeAM""Bi -TV" ,1 L O i.r....r Ab aq,` * 9u!'afiee APPLICATION FOR LICENSE POR DANCE HALL, DOMINOE PARLOR OR SKATING RINK le Street and Number of plaoeahera business will be operated: A 1Ci 2. Is applicant to operate business ass (a) Inividua , (b) partnership, or (c) corporation? w..,&,• 3. Is applicant a taxpaying cititen of the State of Texas? 44 Length of residence in Denton County Z-- 5. Has applicant ever been convicted of a felony?_ b. Previous occupation for five years preceding date of this application. 1.` 4, 2• 5. 3. 7. If corporation, firm association, or partnerships give names and addrosaes ":'or principal officers, owners, operatora, or partners3 Name Address ~l• 2• 3. S. Is a hotelf rooming house, or lodging house oonduote in any part of the premises or connected therewith? r Tha above ansvprs are tru to the best of my kno ledge and belief, Note: This' applteation,daust be made a y.least ten days, prior to%t21s 'iseiAnce of any lioenae hereunder, Any misrepresentatio:} Gf ' the kind and oharaoter o.° the business to be operated, or:-any other fact in this application, Aiall be cause for revocation of any license issued hereunder. The conditions of this ordinance have been oomplied with and I hereby certify to same. '611Y rehall The issuanos'of a lioenss'to the abovo named applicant is hereby rpp~ved• are.,a • ; NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION New York COMINUA71014 BOND NO. ON BEHALF OF CERTIRCATi 83C972 _ C. W. BUROOON /rEMIUM IN FAVOR of FP s__1QAQQ Y 0 DEN~TON. £XA _ TYPE OF BON CON 7 1 N 1 AMOUNOF L.IABLITT YU1I OFF.II FIDEL ITT SURETY FROM T[RM I TO 1/ 1__1~ 1 -9/J_1 / 9 3 1 00 D[ICRIFTION OF BOND [EECUTED AT (CITY-STAIN) RATE COD[ CLASS + M17:d ARM0. PLumB£RB LICENSE DALLAS TEX. _ 112 ORIGINAL VF. DATE OF BOND COD[ I AGENT OR BROR[II DATE PREPARED 9/11/45 162 I LYL£ E. MONTGOMERY COMPANY 1/15/53 In consideration of an agreed premTt:m payable in advance, The bond describes above is hereby continued in force for the period Indicated. Continuation is subject to she condition that the maximum ag%Ircgate liability of Notional Surcty Corporatlon under the bond and any and all continuations thereof shall in no eN Tnt exceed the amount of Ilobilisy shown herein, This certificate shall be volld only when executed by an ottorneyln-fact of this Corporatlon. NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION 41. rX I T z 11ft A^q A. By SupBrW.inq q[nt or 01Rc AllorRlydn•facl T. M.DELANOY 11,29 A 4/12-25A Ah 3/81 OBUGEE or INSURED 24606 APPLICATION FOR LICFN3 OR_M CE HALL, DOMINOS t PARLOR OR KATING RIN 1. Street and Number of place where, business will be operated: 2. Is applicant to operate business _as- a) individual, (b) Partnership, or (c) Corporation? 3. Is applicant a taxpaying, citizen of the State of Texas? 4, Length of residence in Venton -County 5. Has applicant ever been convicted of a felony? G_Ie2 6. Previous occupation for five years preceding date of this application, 20 5. 3. - 6. v~ f 7. If corporation, rirm, association, or partnership, give names and addresses of principal officers, owners, operators, or 1?artners: 16 CA Nam/e) f 1 /Address 34 .ZZ 8. Is a hotel, rooming house, or lodging house, conducted in any part of the premises or connected therewith? The above answers are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Notes This application must be made at least ten days prior to the issuance of any license hereunder. Any misrepresentation of the kind and ohraotor of the business to be operate.:, or any other Pact in this application, shall be cause for revocation of any license issued hereunder. The conditions of this ordinance have been complied with and I hereby certify to same, tot/ City are o-L The issuance of a license to the ?vemed applicant is hereby approved. are a i 1 I~ Q 1 lziP `ti APPLICATION FOR I,IOZiSIV FOR DA109 HALLP,U ,105 / POjp OR •5!" tw RINK 1. 5tre'st and Number of place where business will be Oporatedt ~2 /Osk4-~ 2. is applicant to operate buoinsis amt (a) individuals (b) Wot (o) seen? FgY, 3. In applicant a taxpaying of tisen of. the State of '1'exast 4* Length of residence in Dentot) Oounty 5. Has 4piLoarlt ever been oohvioted of a felopy4 8revioue. ooqupation for live year's prededing date or' tfiia applica on. i -Z G. 2.,'„err 5,0 7'6 IP:oorporstion, temp ass qoiaeionp or partnership,' give names apd i0drogsee cf'prinoipal oftioebsp cohere, operatorip or partners I' xaos " Address 20 8. Ii'a hotel, 'rooSi'-house# or lodging rouse' t~~ oted in_ any pert of the preaiisea oi,' oonneoted thCterrith¢ o0 The sbbvo aneworo are true to the beat of my kmowlsdge' and belief Not e Thir applioation must be rude at least ton days prior to the, ;ieouAnoe of any license hereunder. Any misrepresentation of . the kind and obafactop of the business to be operated, or any other fact In,:bnii 'application,` shall be cause. fat relocation br ;aziy. liacriej issuid'heriunder, i Tho`'aond,4ions of this ordinanos hire been complied with and +I hereby certify to sane. ' y Marshal: Via issuance of a license to "tht above n&4# appliamt is hereby approVed.• • y wl'e y 1 » r yy~ . . r, i 4 eS~.d~ • , 1 1 ~ ~ { w. ' i ' i 1 i d q ~ ' f ' II 1 . c . ,r.. T:.w. 1 J " .+:t sfs.~~:~': :tlij, '=1.'Y.{.• . ij11 ),i. ill J~ y ^r • . c. ;q 1. r i.1 a J !i'~''~ r ~a ~ q .v a. 1 I t s r~ 4 r } r •h..'•..y 'K Ir lYa .l.:., f ,.,JM wa..daFe ,J4 y N..., W-.a... i.1 .N..:Ar ...y n.iM N iL.•.. r. + s . e,, A4 • 1 77P a .4: k~ s~ ~4~" V .v j iJ rj r i e r , fagl~'t f° fl is N9.1.~n„(t~ h *,1 .C:°, airJ f ~~,A 3rs", ~~~P. •1C,. ,r: .e ~ t. . i • 1+!\, y 2 q + j ! f y, a~ J, i r~ J I t' L 1 4;'• ~ i A 'i' r ' I a _ 44 t r l~ r' y i n i 7 s@ s 1- r rv r r L ^r y "r: rtl r,~i f ,t, lr' "iti S; t' (J~+.'q! ? J.`4J'•'' ~1~~1~. ~.~"111 d ~rI%F ~fY A#• v1 ~.+'j,15 ,1 r. ZiF s . `.,t{~r"4.'t'""ti 2'r P'. ~1 a. ~'4~t'ii :•Y~4SIA•"r~~„h~.r .r:~~ ' 'J1 °i'~,41H. t.. r\ r;,. ' ~ ~.'.,'>>a~~~~~~~~. ~ as ~ r •`h. . i a 4 7 1 •Sa ya. ~ ~ ,r ~ ~ r r~ ' e.. r + 5 G 1r ty_ r ~ 1 I _t ' y~ 7 t , v4 r r 211 e'ura 14 Its r•11 Sinclair Refining Company o THIS AGREEMP NT, made by and between SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY, a Maine corporation, as Seller, and . CITT.0f. 1=70H , . _ . . . . , of _ Q@AbOt1a Texan...... , as Buyer, WITNESSE:T11: That Seller agrees to sell to Buyer and Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller, during the period from and 'ncluding the 18t-day of.. 41"VY- . , 1953. to and including the3let day of . Dember...... , 10, the quantities estimated below of the products named for use in the conduct of Buyer's usual business. 4111a6rra ru+anrltl PRICE PER GALLON IN I~ ,.Irrlll PRODUCTS aiuar• a~nrua Salk I i 70 ` 60 Automotive Oils Greases and Lubricants listed on Prices for same shcU be as shown on Seller's I Seller's Price Schedule, Form 2395. Price Schedule, Forl, 2396, In effect at the time and for the place of delivery hereunder. Copy of such Price Schedule, Farm 2395, In effect on the date of execution hereof Is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, 10 20 Sinclair Ra4lene Light $0e46 Sinclair %bilene Light Heft= e47 Sinclair Rubilone Madiust Heavy e50 Sinclair Rubilene Heavy 52' Sinclair Rubilens HD, SAE 20j, A 40 052 Sinclair Sinturlite B s60 SIr GIl.I:Z RUJILIENE HD meets Yilitary Sp cific' tions )AIL-0-2104 Bulk prices shown herein for products classified by Seller as Industrial Oils are applicable to deliveries of not less than full 60/65 gallon barrels. For bulk deliveries of less than fall barrel quantities, add 8f per gallon to bulk prices listed above, PRICE PER POUND IS VON.Rtt:RNARLS ul. ue~ as# Drtw Only ran 01'r D,E DRIES AND SHIPMENTS: P^rchasca of less than carload qurntitIea shall be delivered by truck to buyer's plant plants at D8.00ne..7W44....... . . . or shipped F, 0.13. , . , . .to 09yer's plants it . . p . ecttdcly. Purchases of carload quantities shall be ship} dd KO. B Aelle'roe refinery, with freight allowed (but not po,pd:d by Seller) to Buyer's destination. TERMSI The terms of payment shall be one (1%) pet cent discount for cKsh within ten (10) 6.ys from date of oh Mont or net thirty (80) days from dab of shipment. Such diaoouat shall not be allowed from or bs e`pged to or be ooMputo?rpon taxes and freight. Payment shall be made In lawful money of the United States, or Its equlralenA, at Setter's Sales Office. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS: It In agreed that the provisions printed on the revers ide constit it part cteof, {WI N~E~Ul', the~parti/es hereto have executed this agreement t4la.. , .day of 10.0, ................~!~!''!r,,,,...,, SINCLAIR X;FINl G GANY ce~~~lller d Salesman of Seller r „ Buyer Manager B (EKE RKt'ERSx SIDE) aee~ ti7µ 41 J l y ADDITIONAL, PROVISIONS 1. Prices hereunder may be reduced by Seller at any time without advance notice. Prices herein quoted may be increased by Seller from time to time and the allowance of a cash discount of one (1%) per cent for payment within ten (10) daya may be withdrawn by Seller at anyy time, but only by giving thirty (30) days' written notice to Buyer. Notices shall be deemed to have been duly given if and when deposited In the United States mail, properly stamped and addressed to Buyer, or when delivered personally to Buyer or to any authorized representative of Buyer. In the event the price of any product is increased, Buyer shall entitled to purchase during the thirty (30) days intervening between Seller's issuance of notice and the effective date ti+ereof such quantity of such product as Buyer would normally purchase. Seller shall in no event be obligated to sell or deliver during ary thirty (30) day period hereof more than one eighth of Buyer's estimated maximum quantities. 2. There shall be added to the applicable prices, and be paid by Buyer as Seller may requlre, amounts equivalent to any and all taxes excises, duties charges and inspection and other fees now or l,.ereafter Imposed by any governmental agency or authority which are applicable to the products sold, or to the manufacture, sale, delivery or handling of said products. 3. In determining quantities hereunder, 8 pounds of grease or lubricant are the equivalent of one gallon of oil, 50 gallons of oil or 400 pounds of grease or lubricant are the equivalent of one barrel, and 05 bat-eels constitute a carload. 4. Seller shall have the right from time to time during the life of this d reement to change, alter, or amend any of or all the trade names or brands under which the products coverei by this agreement are now or may hereafter be Marketed. S. If, in the opinion of Seller, the finane.al responsibility of Buyer becomes impaired or unsatisfactory 'during the Ufa of this agreement, Buyer shall, If required by Seller so to do, make cash payments or furnish satisfactory security before any further deliveries are made hereunder. 8. Failure or refusal by Buyer to comply with th. requirements which Seller may impose upon Buyer in accordance with paragraph numbered "511 hereof shall entitle Seller to suspend deliveries hereunder during much failure or refusal, or to terminate this agreement forthwith. The suspension of deliveries or the termination of this agreement under any of the said conditions shall not in anywise prejudice Seller's claim for damages. 1. It Is agreed that Seller shall not be obliged }a furnish any products hereunder nor be liable for loss or damage for failure or delay in making deliveries when such failure or delay arises from (a) any _'ailure of transportation facilities or of Seller's supply of containers at any point from which Seller customarily would make deliveries; or (b) Interruptioa of any means of transportation; or (c) acts of God, strikes, lockouts, differences among or with its workmen, Area, accidents, civil commotion, war conditions in thhis or any foreign country, mechanical breakdowns In its manufactories or of its supply. !ng pipe lines, acts of foreign or domestic governmental authority, including, but not limited to, an system of priority etntrols, allocations or requisitions; or (d) any seizure or approprlatlon of any of Se13ez's property or of the management or operation thereof; or (e) any other cause reasonably beyond Seller's control, whether or not such cause shall be similar to any of the specifications of excuse hereinbefore stated. 8. F,'uch LOl61i-Gallon Barrels as may be provided by Seller for use In deliverfng products hereunder in bulk shall remain the property of Seller, and the terms and conditions under which said Barrels are provided shall be as Seller may from tims to time establish. 0. This agreement shall In nowise bind Seiler until it is executed on its behalf and the original agreement or a dupli- cate so executed is delivered to Buyer. The fact that any delivery or shipment of any of the products covered by this agreement Is made Dy Seller to Buyer prior to such execution and delivery shall nut be construed as an acceptance of this agreement by Seller, bat In any event Buyer shall pay for products so delivered or shipped at the prices herein provided for such products. 10. The counterpart of this agreement held by Seller shall be considered the orlglnri and shall be the binding aggreement In case of a variance In any particular between It and any other signed copy. This agreement shall not be assigned by Buyer in whole or In psr+ without Seller's prior written consent; shall be effective to terminate and supersede on and as of the effective date hereof any previous agreement between Seller and Myer or the sale and purchase of any of the products specified heroin except that no Habilit or obligations which shall have accrued under and by virtue of an- such agreement prior to such effect[ve termination dayys shall be affected herebyy; constitutes a merger oI all ~ro sale, negotiations and representations with reference to theteubject matter and provfaiona hereof; and may be alternd, amended or modiRei only In writing aiggtttted by $ayee and by a representative of Seller authorized to alga t+ia agreement. Buyer acknowledges notice that thls instrument may be executed on Sellers behalf only by one of its officers, manzgers or chief clerks, and that none other has authority to convent or agree to any aIteration, amendmert, rrodiflcation or IimEtation wbAtioever of the terms of this agreement or to any assignment hereof. 11. Seller bereby authorizes Buyer to use the trademarks and brand names of Seller solely on and in connection with the products purchased from and so identified by Seller, the same to be used during such time only as this agreement shall b+ In effect. If Seller shall lend to Buyer or emit Buyer to use any sign or device of an kind bearing Seller's name or any trade- mark, brand name, syrhtx,t or slogan, to be used for the To of identifying or advertising Seller's producte, Buyer agrees upon demand to return such sign or device to Seller and to discontinue the use of any word, name phrase or thing which Buyer Is hereby authorized to use. Buyer is permitted to use Seller's said name, trade-marks brand names, signs devices and slogans only npo i the following conditions,. (a) that they will be used In such way only as Seller may authorize; (6) that they will not be used In the Identifying or advertising of any products except those supplied byy Seller; (c) that Buyer will not permit anyone eLe to exercise or use any of the right11 privileges or things granted or lent to Hoye,.; id) that Buser will not claim am right, title or interest In or to Seller's name, mde-marks, brand names, along, devices and lid) and (e) that Buyer will never dirce'fr~ or Indirectly deny or assail or assist In denying or assailing the sole and exclusive ownership of Seller In and to the same. Failure or refusal by Buyer to comply with tFs terms and conditions set forth h.aeln shall entitle Seller to terminate forthwith the within agreement; but such termination shall not in anyMse prejudtca Seller's claim for damages. Form :31-6 66Y 4.64 SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY PRICE SCHEDULE, FORM 2395 AftJSINCLAIR AUTOMOTIVE OILS, GREASES and LUBRICANTS Effective April 15, 1952, at Bulls Plants Where Posted S++bject to ehunba without notice Ltsr Pala QUANTITY DELIVERY PRICES PER GALLON PRODUCTS DELI NERED Psa 60/99 1001199 1200 Gallons GALL*N Gallons Gallons f and over f Bulk 790 76; 760 740 r 50-Gal. LIB (Full) xxz 764 750 740 SINCLAIR PENNSYLVANIA MOTOR OIL 80-GaI N.R.LIB(Full) 844 810 80! 790 (Premium Grade) 15-GaI.N.R.LIB(Full) 890 set 860 840 (SAE LOW to 60 incl.) 4/5 Qt. Cans(') 880 850 840 830 24/1 Qt. Cans 900 870 see 860 6-Gal. Utility Can 934 9o! 890 880 Bulk 590 560 660 540 50-Gal. LIS (Full) zxx 560 550 540 SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL 3o-Gal.N.R.LIB( Full) 640 610 60! 690 (Premium Grade) 16-Gal.N.R.L]B Full) 69! 660 660 640 (SAE 10W to 50 incl.) 4/5 Qt. Cans(') 680 650 640 630 24/1 Qt. Cans 700 670 G6! 660 5-Gal. Utility Can 730 700 Got 680 SINCLAIR PENNANT MOTOR OIL Bulk 490 460 460 440 (Regular Grade) 60-Gal. LIB (Full) 640 0 460 460 440 (SAE lOW to b0 incl.) 90-Gal, N.R.LIB (Full) 64 610 b00 490 16-Gal. N.R. LIS (Full) 690 660 550 640 SINCLAIR TENOL (Heavy Iluty Grade) 24/1 Qt. Cans 870 84! 830 820 (SAE 10W to 601nel.) _ StNCLA.IR HYDRATORK FLUID Bulk 500 470 460 450 50-Gal. LIB (Full) zxz 470 460 450 Bulk 490 460 46! 44! 60-Gal. LID (Full) zxx 460 460 444 SINCLAIR CONDITIONING OIL 80-GsLN.R.LIB(FF ull 540 510 6o0 490 15-Gal.N.R.L1B Full 690 SBt 650 540 6-Gal. Square Can 640 610 600 6o! Bulk $1.27 - 41.24 4128 41.22 MGM. LIB (Full) xxx 124 1.23 122 SINCLAIR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 80-Gal.N.R.LI8(Full) 1.3E 129 1.28 1.27 FLUID, TYPE A 35-Gal. N.R. LIS (Full) t 1.37 1 E4 1.83 1.82 2411 Q. Cane 1.88 i.36 1.84 1.83 &GAL Utility Can 1.41 1.38 1.37 1.86 SINCLAIR OUTBOARD SPECIAL MOTOR OIL 6-Gal, Utility Can 1 .95 4.92 4 .91 1 .90 12/1 QL Screw-Top Cans 1 1.05 1.02 1.01 ..00 Not packaged In .9AE 60 grade. t Available, upon specific reques'r, with 9" center opening. Not less than b gallons of any grade of above oils will be sold or delivered. C&ii bane i." gallons of above designated Products delivered at one time and to one address to determine proper qut,ntity delivery price for each item. Oioases and lubricants (see reverse aide) are not to be combined with above Products to determine quantity delivery prices. Above prices are subject to addition of all applicable Federal, State and Local taxes. Where any of the above Products are sold and purchased under Contract Form 2394 or Agreement Form 34, a discount of two (3f) cents per gallon will be allowed off abt, re prices on Sinclates invoices. PRICE QUANTITY DELIVERY PRICCH PER DOZEN CANS SIr1CLAIR UPPER LUBRICANT DOPER -1 ZEN 6 to l l 12 to 23 24 Dozen CANS Doren Dozen and over N 4-os. Cana in Carton 1t20 41.14 $1.08 11.02 24 Pint Cane In Carton 4.50 43? 4.05 882 SINCLAIR UPPER LUBRICANT- Not to be combined with other "act& to determine quantity delivery prices. Not subject to eontrct discounts. Federal tax is applicable to Sinclair'1~per Lubricant and is included In above prices. Applicable State and Local taxes are not Included and must be addcd. Delivery in full cartons DWI. (See reverse side for Sc MU TS o p see on Greases and Lnb cants) PRICE SCHEDULE, FORM 2395 GREASES AND LUBRICANTS L18T PRiC¢ quantity Delivery Prices Per Lb. DELIVERED GREASES AND LUBRICANTS IN Psa 100/399 400Lbs. Port" Lbs. and over 400 Lb. LIB xxxx xxxx 17.50 100 Lb. LIB xxxx 28.75; 18.254 SINCLAIR LITHOLINE MULTIPURPOSE GREASE (NT) 35 Lb. Pail 20.254 19.76; 19.250 4/10 Lb. Cana 22.0; 21.6; 21.04 24/1 Lb. Cana 23.750 23.264 22.754 SINCLAIR CUP GREASE No. 3 (NT) 4/10 U. Cans 14.04 13.6; 13.0; SINCLAIR OPALINE PRESSURE SYSTEM GREASE No. 1 (NT) 4110 Lb. Cans 14.5; 14.04 13.5; 400 Lb. LIB xxxx xxux 10.54 100 Lb. LIB xxxx 11.76; 11.25; tt~ c~ SINCLAIR OPALINE CHASSIS LUBRICANT (NT) 35 Lb. Pall 13.25; 12.750 12.264 4/10 Lb. Cans 15.00 14.64 14.04 400 Lb. LIB xxxx xxxx 12.76; SINCLAIR SHAMROCK LUBRICANT A 100 LE LIB xxxx 14.0; 18.64 I SINCLAIR SHAMROCK LUBRICANT le (NT) 85 Lb. Pail 16.61! 15.04 14.64 4110 Lb. Cans 17.260 18.764 18.261 400 Lb. LIB xxxx xxxx 13.6; Q 100 Lb. LIB xxxx 14:160 14.254 SINCLAIR SINCOLUBEe (NT) 35 Lb. Pail 16.250 15.760 16.260 4/10 Lb. Cana I 18.00 17.60 17.04 400 Lo. LIB xxxx xxxx 12.60 1 SINCLAIR OPALINE MULTIPURPOSE 100 Lb. LIB xxxx 13.750 18.260 GEAR LUBRICANT AX, BX & CX 38 Lb. UTC 15.250 14.750 14.260 85 Lb. Pall 15.26; 14.76; 14.25; 400 Lb. 1111 xxxx xxxx e.Ot SINCLAIR OPALINE GEAR LUBRICANT W & S 100 Lb. LIB xxxx 9.264 Si6f 85 Lb. Pail 10.751 10.250 9.750 'Only Sinclair Sincolube No. 2 Is packed in 10 Ib. cans. Combine all pounds of above Greases and Lubricants delivered in packages as above identified at one time and to one address to determine proper quantity delivery price for each item. Products scheduled on the obverse aide hereof are not to be combined with above Greases and Lubricants to determine quantity delivery prices. .Abov3 prices are subject to the addition of all aprlicable Federal, State and Local taxes, except those ' designated "(NT)" are not subject to Federal tax. Where any of the above Products are sold and purchased under Contract O Form 2394 or Agreement Form 34, a discount of one-quarter (y tent per pound will be allowed off above prices on Sinclates invoices. r AN ORDINANCE AMQ'DJNG THE ZONING AND USE DISTRICT KAP OP 111E CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS, SO AS TO R131OVE A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND LOCITED ONTHE NORTH SIDE OF WEST HICKORY STREET, SAME BEING FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE, FROM THE DWIELLIYG DISTRICT PLACING SAME IN THE BUSINESS DISTRICT, FINDING A NECESSITY THEREFOR UNDER THE MASTER PLAN OF SAID ZONING AND USE HAP, PLACING THE SAYE IN A FIRE ZONE OF THE CITY OF Dr,, TON, TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CrlTY OF DENTON: SECTION ONE: That the zoning and use district map of the City of Denton, Texas, which is a part of Chapter Ten, Article II of the Revised Ordinances of said City be amended as follow3: All of the hereinafter described property is hereby removed fro-i the dwelling district as shown on said Zoning and Use District Hap and is hereby placed in the Business District, and all provisions of said Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Hap sball hereafter apply to said property as Business Property and as other property located in a business district as that term is defined in the Revised Zoning Ordinance; said property so rezoned being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: 411 that certain lot,tract or V.rcel of land lying and being situated in the City and ounty of Denton, State of Texas out of the E. Puchalski Survey, same being a tract of land 100 feet by 70 feet out of a certain tract described in a certain Receiver's Deed from T. B. Davis, Receiver, to J. W. Bateman, Jr., dated September 20, 1944 and being recorded in Vol. 311; Pages 277-281 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the Forth line of West Hickory Street, 45 feet West from the Southwest corner of a lot sold by John Atchison to A. Griffith, same being the point of intersection of the North line of 'pest Hickory Street and the West line of Welch Streets THENCE North 70 feet along the West line of Welch Street, a point for corner; THF3ICE West 100 feet, a point for corner; THENCE South 70'fee to a point for corner,.same being in the North line of West Hickory Street; THENCE East 100 feet along the !;,rth line of West hickory Street to the place of beginning. SECTION TWO: Thp `lity bommission of the City of Denton, Texas, hereby finds that such a change is in accordance with a comprehensive plan forthe purpose of promoting the general Welfare of the City of Denton, and with reasonable consideration among other things, for t he character of the district and for its peculiar suitability for particular uses, and with a view to encouraging the most appropriate use of such land forthe most benefit of the City of Denton and the citizens thereof. SECTION THREE: That the above described property is here- by placed in the Fire Zone or Fire Limits of the ~Iity of Denton. SECTION FOUR: The fact that the owner of t he hereinabove described property desires to place on said property valuable business improvements, and the further fact that such improvementb are needed in the City, and the further fact that the City Plank:- ing Board has investigated said matter and reccomended such rezoning creates an emergency, an imperative public neccessity that the requirement providing that ordinances be read on three several occasions, at three several meetings, be and the same is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be in full force an d effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed and approved thisthe 13 day of January, 1953. Chairman, uity omm ss on ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary Mayor APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: 0 City orney a t QJ~ C3 W ~ 1 a b AT A REGULAR MEETING OFT HE CITY CO)C-IISSION OF THE C?TY OF DENTON, TEXAS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON THE TIITRTEENT11 DAY OF JANUARY, A.D,, 19530 R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, Mr. Ben C. Ivey has for several years been a member of the Planning Board of the City of Denton; and, IflIEREAS, the said Air. Ben C. Ivey has rendered a great and valuable service to the City of Denton by such service on the Planning Board; and, WHEREAS, the said Mr. Ben C. Ivey has now resigned from said Planning Board of the City of Denton after several years of continuous service; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DENTON: That the City Commission hereby reluctantly accepts Mr. Ivey's resignation and takes this opportunity to express its thanks and gratitude to him for his unselfish service to his community and to wish him God-speed in his future under- takings. ADOPTED THIS THE jq+ DAY OF JANUARY, A,D,, 1953. 4617' Chairman, city commission ATTEST: APPROVED: City ere ary mayor W ` 1 . O W ICI I i 1I 1 _1 . , s , ~i 1H CITY Of PHUN Office of 221 North Elm Street, Penton, Texas Legal Department January 12, 1953 Icon. Mark Ilannah Mayor City of Denton, Texas Re: Status of City Transit Sus Line Franchise Dear Mayor Ilannah: I have made a thorough study of City File #3613 which purports to contain all of the instruments and papers pertaining to the existence and operation of City Transit in so far as the Ordinances and Charter of the City of Denton require. does The franchise,under which City Transit now or did,operate, was granted by the City Uommission on the rd day of April, 1946. The franchise for the operation of City Transit was for a term of ten years. The franchise contains various provisions contemplated to provide good service . There is also provision for the change or discontinuance of bus routes. In this connection Section 8 of the franchise provides as follows: "It is provided that the route hert:inbefore set out shall not be discontinued without the approval of the City commission of the City of Denton h resolution entered on th Minutes authorizing the discontinuation of such portion of said route and in the event any part thereof is discontinued without such approval vaaUu rig~hts under this franchise shall terminate immediate.y~ Assuming that theta has been a termination of the City Transit operations without notice to the City of such termination or discontinuance of routes as contemplated in Section 8, it is my opinion that'the franchise privileges have been abandoned by City Transit. Once it is determined that theroutes have been discontinued, the City Commission can by resolution declare the franchise to be terminated and then it can take proper steps to 6ecur•e service from other sources for the routes so abandoned. Respectfully submitted, Robt. Ii. Caldwell, Jr. City Attorney 2 1 r 1 w~, . CIS N t I M EM U UNION 221 North Elm Street, Denton, Texas OFFICE OF MArCx d' January 1i, 1953 All Department Reads j City of Denton I have been instructed to notify you again that the City of Denton yUJ NJ pay any hospital bills for any one employed by the City, or any bill incurred by any one connected with the City, exempt at now Memorial Rospital. All medical care must be authorised by the City Health officer am- fore going to t%s hospital or doctor, except in case of wwrgeae. In ease of eaergency, go to flow Memorial Rospital, then call *a city gealth Officer. Mark Ramesh Kayor, City of Des'coon,Texas MR/1 Copies tot Robert R. Caldwell,Jr. Dr. M. L. Rutahesou Jack garrison Dr. Jack Skiles I* 0. Creel, Jr. Joe Stout Chas. C. Orr, Jr. R. Be Maltary 0. L. Aldridge D. 11. Shoulders we Z. illiott Pedro Persona Bailey Coffey J. Ds Rodde Tom Robinson Oeae Cook J N c ~ 1 \ O N 1 . ~ L o ~ . f ~ N No6~ I€ •€I No PREMIUM €1 CONTRACT DEPART51GST €I j~ American- Bonding Company € NOME OFFICE OF BALTIMORE suTfMOxE s, MD. l I€' €I 00nEincca&n eerlif"kalidn h '~I ( FOR MISCELLANEOUS TERM RONDE. L. K. DJi `1011 as Principal, and the AMERICAN BONDING CoSIPANY OF BALTIMORE, as Surety, in a certain it Bond, No._14a°3T1) dated the ....day of..... 1VI 19---5z-- it 1€' in the penalty of.....0)`X. TFOUSAI.D A Fi0/100- - - -..-.-....-..-.......Dollars M.lx~•~:~......), aG p in favor of OF TTY OF DENTONj TEXAS do hereby continue said bond in force for the further €I term of one year beginning on the.......... 31st .....................day OF....... 1-44 19.51... it _ h' d p it PROVIDED, however, That said bend, as continued hereby, shall be subject to all its terms and conditions, except as herein modified, and that the liability of the said AMERICAN BONDING COMPANY OF BALTIMORE under said bond and any and all continuations thereof shall in no event exceed in the aggregate the above named penalty, and that this certificate shall not be ii s valid unless signed by said Principal, it 1€' Signed, sealea and dated this............ ?5th...............-day of........... 1"m 19..51.... Witness: I• ~I c%•~~~~''O'..... {SEAT) ~ FriaciQa] li• it . ...(SEAL,) ~I PrintiQal ......_......................(SEAL) ~I € AMERICAN BONDING COMPANY OF BALTIMORE iI U A6c: F: By. €I li ttorney-in-F ct r! 1, '€I L -cass(odr.)=isoo, asi '3`+aii " REMOVAL jSLIP - 1 9 Received of the City Secretary of the City of Denton, Texas, the following described instrument or document from the files of the City of Denton: / Number 440 *7 Title ~y_ li 1u-~~,t,cl.~~c The undersigned hereby assumes complete responsibility for the safekeeping and return of the paper received. SIGNEDr_~ ~~ti THE CITY 01 DINTON 221 North Elm Street, Denton, Texas Office. of Secrefary•Treosurer April 7, 1953 LAWYERS SURETY CORPORATION Currie McCutheon, President 907 Texas Bank Building Dallas 2, Texas Gentlement This will acknowledge receipt of notice of cancellation of Bond #25884 wvich ware replaced by Bond #29993. Yours very truly, Chas. C. Orr, Jr. rae SURIF6 & FIDELITY BONDS CURRIE McCUTCHEON, JR., President FIRE A CASUALTY } LAWYERS SURETY CORPORATION A Capital Stock Company Phon* PRoaper M Home Office 907 Texas Bank Building, Dallas 2, Texas April 6, 1953. 7 A" ii Reply to shim letter, Mayor, For AMOnNen el Myrtle Martin I City of Denton, Denton, Texas. Our ,.n.,•N. OwClatm No. Out RondNO Out Claim No. (400f N she" NUM114" in r.pfyleR) L .J Dear S]r: In re Plumber's Bond for Joe I. Evans DBA Coury Plumbing Company, No. 25884. This is your notice that we wish to be relieved of liability under the Plumber's Bond, No, 25884 for Joe I. Evans DBA Coury Plumbing Company, effective April 16, 1953.. This 's a continuing notice from day to day, week to week, en., month to month. A new bond for Joe I. Evans DBA Evans Plumbing Company is being filed to take the place of the above described bond; Please acknowledge receipt of this notice of cancellation.. Yours truly, LAWYERS SURETY CORPORATION f By De y Attorney-in-Fact. MM . Eno, Copy to B. & W. Insurance Agency, P. O, Box 874, Denton, Texas. Copy to Mr, Joe I. Evans) 129 B. McKinney St., Denton, Texas. C//M LIABILITY ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED PLUMBER' 3 bQND THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 O KNOW ALI, K,IL;N I;Y Tii1SE PIESiIiTS: COUNTY OF D14TON That we, Frank F. Mayfield as jr incipal, and The Employers' Liability Assurance Corp., Ltd., as surety, are field a,id firmly bound unto the 0,.ty of Denton, Texas, a municipal corporation, in the sum of One Thousand Dollars, (.j1,QO0.00), for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, acbuinistrators and assigns Jointly and severally by these presents: SIGNED ON THIS 1st DAY OF APRIL A. D. 19503 Thu condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the said Frank F. Mayfield was granted a permit to do pliunbing work in the City of Denton, Texas, as licensed plumber; NOW TREREFURE, if the said Frank F. Mayfield will indemnify and Nave the City of Denton, Texas, or any citizen of the City of Denton, Texas, harmless from any and all damages of any charaoter caused by any neglect in protecting his work, or by any unfaithful, imperfect, or inadequate work, dono by'virtue of his license; and if he will pay all fines imposed upon him for the violation of any of the rules and regulations of the Plumber's Ordinance of the City of Denton: Texas, then this obligati n shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. It is specifically understood and agreed that the surety may cancel this bond at any time on five days' notice in writing, sent by registered mail to the City of Denton, Texas, provided, however, that such cancellation shall not affect any liability accrued at the time of such cancellations Principal The Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Ltd, Surety itnese By_, Attorney- n-Faot Witness CJ~ LIABILITY ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED FLU11BERIS BOND THE, STATE OF TEXAS Q KNOW ALL ILy N 131' TiiES}s Itt ~SENTS : CoUl; 'Y OP Dz iiTUN 0 That we, Ryan brus, Nlwnbing Cot,par1- as principal, anci , The .4,iployers' Liability Assurance ,orr., Uri, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of venton, Texas, ii municipal corporat-on, In the sum of Cne 'T'housand Jollars, 11,000.00), for the payment of which we hereby bird ourselves, our heirs, administrators and assigns jointly and severally by these presents; i SIGNED ON THIS lst DAY OF April A. D. 19539 The condition of the above obligation is such that wheroas the said Ryan Bros. Plim,b'ng Company was granted a permit to do plumbing work in Vie City of Denton, Texas, as licensed plumber; NOW 'IHEREFURE, if tho said Ryan Tiros. Plumbi..g Company will indemnify and save the City of Denton, Texas, or wLy citizen of the City of Denton, Taxes, harmless from any and all damages of any character caused by any neglect in protectiz.6 his work, or by any unfaithful, imperfect, or inadequate work, done by virWe of his license; and if he will pay all fines imposed upon hire for the violation of any of the rules and regulations of the Plumber's Ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. It is specifically understood and agreed that the surety may cancel this bond at any time on five days' notice in writing, sent by registered mail to the City of Denton, Texas, provided, however, that, such cancellation shall not affect any liability accrued at the time of such cancellation. r na pe The Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation Ltd. Surety BY az~ , B Bu ttorney in fact "rtness S'bRETY BONDS CURRIE McCUTCHEON, President FIDELITY BONDS LAWYERS SUR'ETY' CORPORATIONS A Capital Stock Company Hams Office: 907 Texas Beak Olds, ►ho„■ ►noereer a:oa DALLAS 2, TfxAs Home Office Endorsement No. 10216 ENDORSEMEWT This Bond is not cancelled but continued in force to November 13 19..5.4 conditioned and provided, nevertheless, that the losses or recoveries on it and any and all endorsements shall never exceed the penalty set forth in the Bond and whether the losses or recoveries are within the first and/or subsequent years or within any extension or renewal period, present, past or future. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS REMAINING UNCHANGED Attached to and forming a part oR Home Office Bond No. 10216 of LAWYERS SURETY CORPORATION, effective date of the original Bond beins 13th day of Ncvember 0 198_ Principal W J Littrell & Son a co artnership composed of , an onroe re Kind of Bond ' House Movers Obligee City of Denton, Texas In testimony whereof Lawyers Surety Corporation bas caused this Bond to be executed, rigned, sealed and dated this 13th day of November i ly 53: W, J, LITT L , a copartnership By rtner, d Principal LAWYERS SURETY CORPORATION, Surety gy ~.~Y J-- h. M. AUSTIN Lepaty Atlornaylo-Paet of LAWYERS SURETY CORPORATION No. VIC Smdard Form Bond Endorsement. Ju - CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE SIDEWALK BOND S art rrd r~lccii~ent and Ifni C om an H A R T / O K O • C ON N X C T I C U T THE HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND 111DEMNITN' COMPANY (hereinafter called the Company) hereby continues in force its Bond No..,..256869.5........ to 00......, ..-...r....-....-..r....a...r.....r.....c.... c....-...r....,. Dollars (_.1jQQ.Q..QQ on behalf of........... Gobla ..Carter in favor of ......QUY.., . r:f...P.0,11tOn for the (extended) term beginning on the...... 2,1 .................day of...... NvY..oAIb,o,fi........ ,...19...51-, and ending on the...... 21- .d.iy of NQV..e.Mb.0.r.........f9...54., subject to all the covenants and conditions of said Bond. This Continuation Is executed upon the express condition that the Company's liability under said Bond and this and all continuations thereof shall not be cumulative and shall In no event exceed the sum of r...r...,-...!n- .,..-...,,....r..QI1 .,.THOUSrsI~D.,AN1a..N.Q./.1A0.,..-..,......r ......................c....-...- Dollars (t. ,.1,.000..00,...,,.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Instrument to be signed by its officers proper for the purpose and Its corporate sea! to be hereto affixed this...... 91.............. day of .......ND,vBriber .......19.5..5.,., HARTFORD ACCIDEN'T' AND INDEMNITY COMPANY By.»...-.,. .......,R~41.Y,irr.!1to . J. A e and Attorney-in-faot ~4N+s~s Fwmn 0-SHO hinted in V. S. & GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF AMERICA Home Office Copy S E A T T L E Agents Copy CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE IN CONSIDERATION of the sum the GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF AMERICA, Surety upon a certain ...W9.WS U.11COA40 Bond No. i3..47.9.x dated the..... .5.......... day oE..... .........4C?aR x..... 19..47., on behalf of... aleM-PoL .th and in favor of....City'..of..17e~~io~►Te~@ does hereby continue said bond in force for &..9 further period beginning with the. $ day of ..............omq,bPr..................................... , 19.9...., and ending with the....... day of...... ! !At :.?er 19.5.4.., PROVIDED That this conilnuation certificate does not creato a new obligaIon and Is executed upon the express condition and pro- vision that the Surety's liahility under said bond and this and all Continuation Certificates issued in connec'fon therewith shall not be cumulati -a and that sari Surety's oggregate liability under maid bond and this and all such Continuation Cerlfficatem on account of all defaults committed during the period (regardless of the number of years) said bond has been and shall be in force, shall not In any event exceed the amount of mild bond as hereinbefore set forttr. Signed, sea:e>d and dated this........... 8.. ........................day of.......... OaLflber............................................... 19.53... GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF AUMCA Attest: Rol valid unless tou f.arsigied by a dull au0rorttsd repraeulative. • es CRmTART PPASIMNT Countersigned by..`..`"' ere?-Rev. so-s? YAra~C1A I. Ivy Altorneyindal. CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE 11 ~~~f ffajgdAai%& and lUmni1 Coin a y "A ILT r OILD • C O NN i CT IC VT - THE HAR'T'FORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY (hereinafter called the Company) hereby continues in force its Bond No..I'vJr4 ,$.'~$..........An the sum of ....0NE ....THO S.AND... AND MAN-, - ' - - - - Dollars (...1.;.QOQ..OO on behalf of ...Bubo in favor of 9.I.V-0--f...NAt.Ail.................... for the (extended) term beginning on the,..... ,2.7th......... day of.....,..J.tla9.... - .............................................lyb3...., and ending on the .......2.7.t ........day of......I une ................19.I)4.,., subject to all the covenants and conditions of said Bond. This Continuation is executed upon the express condition th,c the Company's liability under said Bond and this and all continuations thereof shall not be cufalll;vive and shall in no event exceed the sum of r,.-,,.r.,,.r..-..r....-...-,.- ...-..IONS-fMOMM....AND..NO1100...*....,.......A,,,.....,~.,.~r.,.,~,....,.~,..,. Dollars ($..10.000. O,......II. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this inswument to b, signed by its officers proper for the purpose and Ito corporate seal to be hereto affixed this ...............2.7th day of....... auris 19.5 . HARTFORb ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY Attorasy-id-?aot zCSU>x rwil 84:ID PrlnA In V. s. A. I REMOVAL SLIP 11-1 f9 s3_ _ Received of the City Secretary of the City of Denton, Texas, the following described instrument or document from the files of the City of Denton: Number 3 7 / / Title - -G~tcyY.vl ~cG The undersigned hereby assumes complete responsibility for the n *&Ae paper received. SIGNEDr~_ 68'6LV 8 t~' 0' Z 6 n7. 6g`L8LT t V' n' t NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY POLIOY i LIABILITY ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED DECLARATIONS Tne insurance afforded is only With respect to such and so many of the (olluWing coverages as are indicated by specific premium charge or dtarges. The limit of the Company's liability against each such coverage shall be as stated herein, subject to all the terms of this policy having rekrenee thereto. Item 1. Name of Insured F• F• BURROW & JOE Be HUBBARD DBA CITY CAB COO & DIXIE CRAB CO, Address 9ak and Austin, Denton, Texas (No., me eswn, "Rey, Hate Occupation of the named Insured is Taxi-oab Bueiness (1/married woman, (tale hlcband', oaupaion} Item 9. The automobik will be principally garaged in the above town, county and state, unless otherwise stated herein. Item 3. Policy Period: From Maroh 27, 19 2 to Karoh 27, 1953 12:01 A. M., standard time, Pt the address of the named Insure as state herein. Item 4. Description Of the automobile THE PURPOSES FOR PREMIUMR WHICH THE AUTO- COVERAGE A COVERAGES rgVEMGE 0 YEAIt OF TRADE NAME. BOGY TYPE, . )EL. MOBILE IS TO BE BODILY PROPERTY MEDICAL MOt,rL TRUCK LOAD CAPACIT MOTOR NUMBFR SERIAL NUMBER (IN01CA EDR Y X) LIABILITY NJBIURY LITY LI ABILTY PAYMENT$ DABILIT M[RGIAL 1949 Plymouth 4 Door P18+68096 20311312 KIIA!°Mir AND 14000 0.00 nib: eutlN[ss CpMM CRCIAL 19149 Plymouth 4 Do it - P18.286 2208M5 =s~~;; AND 000 0.00 nil OMMCNCIAL PL[ASURS AND BOSINC!! COMMERCIAL PL[ASURE AND aVlINp3''• I. 8UMMARY OF PREMIUMS: COVERAGES A AND C$ 280000 COVERAGE B $ 1l~0400 ;TOTAL PREMIUM $x+20*00 Item 3. I.IMITS Of LIADILITF COVERAGEA • E JILY INJURY LIABILITY COVERAGE 0-PROFen TY COVERAGEC DAMAGE LIABILITY MEDICAL PAYMENTS each each each each $ 30000000 personl $100000400 accident $5,000.00 accident $Not 00T* pet son Item b. (a) Except with respect to bailment lease, conditional sale, mort),age of other encumbrance the named Insured is the sole owner of tb0 automobile; (b) Dutinq the ppact year no insurer has cancelled any automobile insurance iaued to the named Insured: EareprioR, if Bsy, sa (u) r,• (b): a) No Exceptions b) Assigned R14k OOUNTERSIGNED AT Naton# Texas ON flareh 27, 1952 ' ut ozaze stet, EIIpaO tttstASV dd U. I A. 99. PUBLIC AUTOMOBILE-PUBLIC LIVERY OR TAXICAB This endcraement forms a port of Policy No, ...X...453119 CITY CAB CO* & DIXIE CAB Me. n issued to _....._....___._.._._.__..__.___.__ZIT.. At_.. d by the The Employers' Lisbe Assurance Corp., Ltd. L at Its Agency located (dry and elate) . RQome of rourarxe Company) end Is ellacuvr from Denton.Te xas Mdarch 2.7 • 7 1p5 2 . „ . f` (12:0. A.M. Stan laid Time) 31' lr is agreed that such insurance as is afforded by the policy for Bodily Injury Uablhiy, for Property Damage Lfabillty and for Medical g t Payments w" i respect to the automobile classified as "public livery" o: "taxicab" applies subject to the following provisions: et 1. The insurance applies only while the automobile is operated for hire with the named insured or an employes of the named Insured lit a: attendance as chauffeur, or to used kc personal, pleasure, family or other business purposes. 11 2. While the automobile 's jo operated for hire, ilia insurance for Property Damage Llo+,ihty applies with respect to lose of or damc7s to property of passengers while the property Is carried In the automobile. 3. While the automobile Is subject to any motor carrier law, the Insurance does no' cover as an Insured rely person or organization, or iP any agent, employee or contractor thereof, other than the named insured, who Is rsquitsd to carry automobile liability insurance under re aii motor carrier law because of transporting passengers or property for the named insured or for others. A e s. The insurance does not apply to (a) U the automobile has a sealing capacity of more than eight passengvrs, ether than the driver; l- (b) while the automobile is operated as a bus or on a o-heduls along a regular touts, or is rented without the named Insured cr an le employee of the named Insured In attendance as chauffeur. s - r r ct}(ortzed R re ntative) PORK 1111-IVIUC AUTOMOBILE-4179LIC LrMY Olt TAZICAS Standard Automoblle Iodorsemsat Revised may 1, 1131 expedient; respects limits of liability. (b) pay sill premiums on bonds to release attachments for an amount not in excess of the applicable limit of liability of V. UsE of Other Automobiles. If the named Insured is an individual euvintnthe on appeal bonds required in any who owns the automobile classified as "pleasure and business" Incthish de)alifenen,ded all , the cost of bail bonds requited of the or husband and wife either or both of wliotn own uid automobile Insured in the went of accident or traffic law violation dui- such insurance as is afforded by this poL'cy wits respect to sail ing the policy period, not per bail exceed bont the usual charges of automobile applies with respect to any other outomooile, subject r,suretybligaticompanies an to .)ply nor for or furnish $JOpany such , h.,bnu tdsrithout any to the following provisions; , (e) pay all expenses incurred by the Company all costs taxed (a) With respect to the insurance for bodilyy injury liability end agai n it the Insured in any such suit and interest ecru- for property damage liability the unquali5e~ word "Insured" ing after entry of jAjtment until the Company hap paid, includes (1) such named insured, (2) the spouse of such in- tendered or deposited in court such part of such ju(,ggment dividual if a resident of the same household and (3) any to does not exceed the limit of the Cumpany's suability other person or organization legally responsible for the use thereon; by such named Insured or spouse of in automobile not (d) pay expenses incurred by the Insured for such immediate owned or hired by such other person or organization, In- medical and eurgica) relief-to others as shall be imperative surin6 Agreement lit, Definition of Insured, does not apply At the time of the accident; to that insurance. (e) reimburse the Insured for all ressonabla expenses, other (b) This insuring agreement does not apply: thin lugs of earnings, incurred at the Company's rrquest. (1) to an automobile owned by, hired as part of ■ fregrte0t The amounts incurred under this insuring agreement, except use of hired automobileg by, or furnished for regular use settlements of claims and suits, are ysyable by the Company in to the named Insured or ■ member of his household addition to the applicable limit of liability of this policy. other than a private chauffeur or domestic servant of 111. DeAnltlon+of Insured. With roe t to the insurance for bodily . the named Insured or spouse; . injury liability and for property d msfe liability the unqualified (1) to any automobile while used In the business or occupy word "Insured" includes the named Insured and also includes tion of the named Injured or spouse except a private any portion while using the automobile and any person or passenger automobile operated or occupied by such organization legjally responsible for the use thereof, peovided she named Insured, spouse, chsuffeur of servant; actual use of rile automobile is by the named Insured or with his permission. The insurance with respect to any person or (3) to any accident arising out of the operators of an auto- organization other than the named Innuea does not apply. mobile repair shop, Public garage, sales agency, service (a) to an± person or organization la to any agent or employee station or public parting place; thereof, operating on autor, obilt repair shop, public garage, (4) under coverage C, unless the in'uty results from the ales agency, service atttion or public parking place with operation of epch other automobile by such named 1o- respect to any a.-trident Arising out of the operation t~r.reof; cured or spouse or on behalf of either by such ehau8'eur dice ur servant, or from the uccu;; ncy of lira automobile by (b) to any emptop" witn respect to Injury to or sickness, ease 0e death of another employ" of the same employer such named Insured or spouse, Injured )u the course of such employment in an accident " arising out of the maintenance of use of the automobile In VI. Policy Period, Territory, Purpoo!s of Use. This policy spplics t the business of such employer. only to accidents which occur during the policy period, while the automobile is within the United States of America, its terd- IV.'Autaittoblle A-lined, Tellers, Two or hfore Automobilee, tones nr possessions, Canada or;,cwfoundlind or Is being crans- Intludta¢ A,ttttnstic lnuutance ported between ports thereof, and is nwnd, maintained and (a) Autotdo''+'-,. Except where stated to the contrary, the word used for the purposes stated so applicable thereto in the d"lxra- "autot aoh;' a' &calls: lions. Agrees Aith the Insured, named in the declarations made a part hereof, in consideration of the payment of the premium and in ttbance upon the statements in the declarations and subject to the limits of liability, exclusions, conditions and other terms of this policy: INSURING AGREEMENTS 1. Coverage A-Bodily Injury Liability (l) Described Au-omobile-the motor vehicle or trailer de- To pay on behalf of the Insured all sums which the Insured scribed in this policy; shall become legally obligated to pay as damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, including death at any time (2) Utility Traller-a trailer not to described, if designed for resuttinf therefrom, sustained by a,y person, caused by accident use with a private passenger automobile, if not being and anspnJ out of the ownership, maintenance cr use of the used with another type automobile and if not a home, automuh:e, office, store, display or passenger trailer; Coverage B-Property Damage liability (3) Temporary Substitute Automobile-an automobile not To pay on behalf of the Insured all sums which the Insured owned by the named Insured while temporarilyy used as }the substitute fur the described automobile while with- shall become legally obligated to pay as damages because of id- ury to or destruction of drawn from normal use because of its breakdown, re- pro perty, including the loss or use pair, servicing, loss or destruction; thereof, caused by accident and arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of the automobile. (4) Newly Acquired Automobile-an automobile, ownership Coverage (-Medical of which is acquired by the named Insured who is the Payments owner of the hescriptd automobile, if the named insured To pay all reasodable expenses incurred within one year from' notifies the Company within thirty days following the the date of f accident for necess. medical, surgical, ambulance, .date of its delivery to him, and if either it replaces an hoa;,ital, professiunal nursing an, neral services, to or for each automobile described in this policy or the Company In- croon who sustains !,dily injut,. sickness'or disease rained sores all automobiles owned by the named lnsnad at by accident, while in or upon, enteru or alighting from the such delivery date; but the insurance with respect to the automobile if the automobile is being used by the named insured newly acquired automobile does not apply to my loco or with his permission. against which the named insured his other valid and collectible insurance. The named Insured shall pay 11. Defense, Settlement, Supplementary Pyments any additional premium required because of the ap- As respects tSe insurance afforded by the other terms of this plication of the insurance to such newly acquired auto- policy under coverages A and B the Company shall: mobile. (a) defend anq suit against the Inshred allegins such injury, (b) Semltralldr. The word "trailer" includes semitrailer. sickness, disease or destruction and seeking damages on (c) Two or More Automoblloa. When two or more automobiles recount thereof even if such suit is groundless, false or are insured hereunder, the terms of this policy shall spill i fraudulent; but he Company ,nay make such investigation, Separarely to each, but a motor vehicle sod a trailer or trai- negotiation and settlement of any claim or suit a it deems ers attached thereto shall be held to be one automobile is expedient; respects limits of liability. (b) pay all premiums on bonds to release attachments for an amount not in excess of the appticable limit of liability of V. Use of Other Automobiles. If the nxm',d Insured is an individual this pnfisy, all premiums on a prbail at boner required in any who owns the automobile classified as "pleasura and business" Insured drfin suit, the cost of or t bond s required of the or husband and wife either or both of whom own said automobile tio ins nsure thde .pothe licy eve perintodo, facc not ident or t bailed raffic the l ow usu2al charges char rges du oe-f such insurance as is afforded by this policy with res ect to saij , p sa:ety companies roar Elao per r bail bond, but without any automobile applies with respect to any other automobile, subject obligation to apply for or furnish any such binds; to the following provisions: (e) pay all expenses incurred by the Company all costs taxed (a) With respect to the insurance ra bodily injury liability and Isainst the Insured in any such suit and all interest sccru- for property damage liability the un ualifiel word "Insured" 192 after entry of judgment until the Coml any his paid, includes (1) such named Insured, (23 the spouse of such in- 692 tendertd or deposited in court st ch part of Ouch judgment dividual If a resident of the same household and (1) any at does not exceed the limit of the Comptay's liability other person or organization legally responsible for the use thereon; by such named Insured or spouse of an automobile not (d) pay expenses incurred by the Invrred for suth immediate owned or hired by such other person or organiwion. Ja- medtcxl and wrgical relief-to others as shall lee imperative surinp Agreement III, Definition of Insured, does not apply at the time of the at;'dentl to this insurance, (e) reimburse the Insured for all reasonable ex;wnses, other (b) This Insuring agreement does not applys than lots of earnings, incurred at the Company's r4quest. (1) to any automobile owned by, hired as part of a frequent The amounts incurred under this insurin agreement, except use of hired automobile by, or furnished for regular m4 settlements of elaime and suits, are pay:lle%T tht, Company in to the named Insured or a member of his household addition to the applicable limit of liability or this policy. other thsn a private chauffeur or domestic atrvant of M. DefErtldwof Insured. With respect to the Insurance for bodily the gttne. !nsured or spouse; s r injury liability aid for property dame`a litbility the unqualified (2) to any auton tbile while used In the businets or oceupi- word "Insured" includes the named {ntur-d and also includes tion of the named Insuted of spouse except I private any person while using the automobile and any person or passenger automobile opcrated or occupied by such organisation le ally responsible for the use thereof, provided the named Insured, spouse, chauffeur or servant) actual use of t e automobile Is by the named Insured or with his permission. The insurance with respect to any person or (3) to any accident arising out of the operation of as auto- organization other than the named Insured dos not applys mobile repair shop, public garage, sales agency, service (a) to any person or oriahiamtlon or to any agent or employee action or public parking place; thereof, operating an automobile repair slop public garage, (4) under coverage C, unless the lu ury results frem he sales agency, setvlce station or public parking place with operation of h•:h other automobile by such named In- rspeet to any acddene arising out of the operation tliereofi muted or spouse yr on behalf of either by such chauffeur (6) to any employee with respect to injury to or dckneu, dim- of ervant, or froth the ocrbpancy of said automohile by ease or deish of another employee of the ame employer suc~ named Insured of mile tae. Injured In the course of such employment in in aeddent arltln92 out of the maintenance or use of the automobile in N. Policy Perlod, Territory, Purposes of Use, This policy applies the business of ouch employer. only to aeddents which Qccut durinj the policy eedod, while Id. Auto; toblb Defined, Tellers, Two or More Automobiles, the, automobile is within X Uni!ed States of America, to teed- - tortes or possessions. Canada or Newfoundland or Is budng trans- 1nelud obi Automatic Insurance ported between pots thereof, and it owned, maintained and (a) Automobile. Except whets stated to tho contrary, the word used for the purposes stated 1a applicable thereto In the detlara- "Alutornobila" mragss tions. EXCLUSIONS This policy does not applyt or death of any employee of the Insured white engaged Ill the s under any of the coverages, while the automobile is used as a employment, other than domestic, of the Insured or in domestic employment if bentfita therefor are either payable or required to public or livery conveyance, unlets such use is specifically de- be provided under any workmen's compensation law; elated and described in this policy and premium curged therefor; (b) under any of the coverages, to liability assumed by the insured (e) under coveragge A, to any obligation for which the Insured or x!,y com at is pensation h law; may be held liable under any workmen s under any contract or agreement; comp om (c) under coverages A and B, while the automobile is used for the 8, to towing of any trailer owned or hired by the Insured and not (f) under coverage injury to or destruction of property owned i covered by like insurance in the Company; or while any trailer by, rented to, in charge of or transported by the Insured; covered by this policy is used with any automobile owned or hired (g) under coverage C,'to bo.lily injury to or sickness, disease or death by the Insured and not covered by like insurance in the Company; of any person if benefits therefor are payable under any workmen's (d) under coverages A and C, to bodily injury to or sickness, disease compensation law. CONDITIONS 1. Purposes of Use Defined. shall ~ive to the Company written roof of claim, under oath if to.- (a) The term "Pleasure and Business" is defined is personal, qurred, and shall, after each request proof the Company, execute auth•' Dle sure, family and business use. orization to enable the Company to obtain medical reports and copies` (b) The term "Commercial" is defined as use principally, in the of iecoids. The injured person shall submit to ph s cal examination, business occupation of the named Insured as stated to item by physiciana selecteA by the Company when and as often as the I, including occasional use for personal, pleasure, family and (:ompany may reasonably require. other business purposes. The Comppany may pay the injured person or any person or organ- (s) Use of the automobile for the purp;ces stated Includes the ization rendering the services and such payment shall reduce the loading and unloaAing thereof. amount payable hereunder for such injury. Payment hereunder shell 7Llatlte of 1,Iab8ft -Goverage A. Ths limit of bodily fn'ur nee constitute admission of liability of the Insured or, except here- . I r under, or the Company. liability stated in the declarations as applicable to "each person' is the limit of the Company's liability for all damnyes, including damages It, Action Against Company-(.overages A and B. No action for care and lms of services, arising out of bodily injury, sickness or shall lie against the Company unless as a condition precedent thereto, disease, including death at any time resulting therefromt sustained the Insured shall hart fully complied with all the terms of this policy, by cne person in any one accident; the limit of such lubrhty stated not until the amount of the Insureds obligation to pay shall have in the declatations as applicable to "each accident" is, subject to the been finally determined either by judgement against the Insured after above ptovision respecting each person, the tool limit of the Com- actual trial or by written agreement of the Insured, the claimant and pany's liability for all damages, includingi damages for care and loss the Company. of setvlces, arrsmg out of bodily injury, sickness or disease, inauding Any person or organization or the legal representative thereof who death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by two or more persons has secured such judgment or written agreement shall thereafter be In any one accident. entitled to recover under this policy to the extent of the insurance 3. Limit of Liability-Coverage C. The limit of liability for medical afforded by this policy. Nothing contained in this policy shall give ps aymento stated in the declarations as applicable to "each person" aril person or organization any right to join the Company at a co- the limit of the Company's liability for all expenses incurred by or de endent in any action against the Insured to determine the Insured 's on behalf of each person who sustains bodily injury, sickness or disease, liability. Including death resulting therefrom, in any one accident. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the Insured or of the Insured's estate 4. Limits of Liability. The inclusion herein of more than one Insured shall not relieve the company of any of its obligations herenndts, shall not operate to increase the limits of the Company's liability, 12, Action Against Company-Coverage C. No action shall lie 3, Financial Responsibility Laws--Coverages A and B. Such in- against the Coin any unless, is a condition precedent thereto, there surance as is afforded by this poliop for bodily injury liability or property shall have been full compliance with all the terms of this policy, nor damage liability shall c"mpty with the provisions of Ate motor vehicle until thirty days after the required proori of claim have been filed with financial responsrbillty law of nay st ate or province which shall be ue Company. ryplicable with respect to any rich liability arming out of the owner 13. Other Insurance--{.overages A and B, If the Insured has other ship maintenance of use of the automobile during the policy period, lnsur:nce against a loss covered by this policy the Company shall not to the extent of the coverage and limits of liability required by such be liable under this policyy for a greater proportion of such loss than Iawr but in no event in excess of the limits of liability stated to this the applicable limit of lubitity stated in the declarations bears to the policy. The Insured agrees to reimburse the Company for anyy pay- total spghcable limit of liability r all valid and collectible insur- ment made by the Company which it would not have been ubligated once agaimt such loss; provided, however the insurance with respect to male under the terms of this policy except for the agreement cop- to itmporarv substitute automobiles uniler Imuria~ Ameement IV wined in this paragraph. or other automobiles under Insuring Agreement V shall be Circe" C Assault and Battery-Coverages A and B. Assault and battery insurance over any other valid and colkctible insurance available to shall b~ dttmed an accident unless committed by or at the direction the Insured, either as an Insured under a policy applicable with respect of the nsured, to aaid automobile or otherwise. I Notice of Accident. When an accident occurs written notice shall 14. Other Insurance-4otetaga C. ilia Insurance afforded with 1e given by or on behrdi' of the Insured to the Company or any of its respect to other automobiles under Insuring Agreement V shall be IN tnodaed agents as anq as pratdcable. Such notice shall contain excess insurance over any other valid and collectible medical pay particulate wfficieat to dentify. the Insured and also reasonably meats ituurance applicable thereto. o¢talnable Information respecq,ng the time place and circumstances 16. Subrogation-Coverages A and B. In the event of an pa meat o the iccident, the names anti addresses of the Injured and of avail- under tltb policy, the Compan? shall be subrogattd to all the ta- able witnesses. outed's ri his of recovery therefor against any person or orpanlaat~ S. Nodkq of Claim or Suli-Coverages A and B. If claim Is made and the Igneured shill execute and deliver Instruments and gyapes an~ QQtr shit is broUght aplmr the Insured, the Insured shall Immediately do whateree else Is nectntri to score such righu. The ]nsur fetward to the Complay every gmand, notice, eummons or other shall do nothing after lost to prejudice such rights. process recelvtd by him or his represents, we. 16. Changes. Notice to any agent or knowledge possessed by any Asalatance and Cooperatlonof therneured--CoveragesAendB. agent or by any other person shall not effect a waiver or a change is The Insured shall cooperate with the Company and, upon the Coin- any part of this policy or estop the Company from asserdnl on( anyy//o rtauest, shall attend hearit.es :rid triale and $hall assist in of- right under the terms of this policy nor shall the terms o this Peering settlements, tecudng and giving evidence, obtaining the as policy be waived or chanted, except by endorsement issued to form tendance of witnesses and In the conduct of suits. The Insured shall a part of this policy, signed by it duly authorized representative of the not, except at his own cost, voluntarily make en payment, assume Comyzny. any obligation or incur any expense other thin for such immediate 17. AsslQnment. Assignment of Interest under this polio( shall not medical and turgleal relief to others as shall be imperative at the time bind the iompeny until Its consent it endorsed hereon; if, howevers of acddont, the named Insured shall die or be adjudged baakrupt or Insolvent 1g. Medical Reportai Proof and Payment of Claim--Coverage C, within the obey period this yolicy nnItu canceled, Oall, if writt it Act soon at pnc cable the injrlred person of someone on big behalf motlte be Jim to the bompany *(thin sixty days after the date of .ew -Wow 'F NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY POLICY o I NO. X 453119 9 0 T - 91A11alTYANYtANC, C01I01Afl4R 13N7raa L - Explres__MA$CH 27_g. - _ e L Premium 420*00 a v " r- r Insured CITY CAB CO. & DIXIE CAB C0.1 EDWARD A. LARNER CI.+ p _ DENTON, TEXAS ET AL United Sraw Manayrr and ddasnry !n BOSTON, MASS. ' 94m" VId Ye , M to 14N " L4 'I ~Q ! 3``401 ............~~J-! ...N.....,.. •.~.~rp''~p`+ ~~1AOC.W Np.. ~pp'O VpyQ~,, OO~~V (yy,+~1 J[jgJJt,~ 1J......... NH W`+O~NOOVWi N jCE 7 "3"44` ~Ve O OOA+ OvW DV,~ ~i~P~O tn~00aPA~'J OdO b,~ 6' ~ O ~ W N ^ r e It I I N•"'O`O~VO~VAfA~N•A"O~~VO. VwiA WN~O~00VPNAWN•:~O`~'O OOVPVtAWNr~+O'000 N~~~ ~ 0 1.0 w w w 1,,~ rr~a ey,~ W W t,,1 'J rr,,~ N N N~J N N ~~JJ r F+ u r r .r O. # NI Wp,O Np VV P,~SJ~ti+A d'O V Q'OrY!; 90' 7i yQp~~ ~~f•~ OORRII ..a N7J'V'rp~~ r,~?j/y^., JsNJsV.~SpJJ pN~p NV~QT'i ~pTJ~''i {iN~V +~T~wN~ ~'~Q~i nu ~ ~Q r~ t~tn i+N~iWpAGn•+0~1J OOWONOO,VIJOO J.Or+V 1n.-. oa~p+,.p.,.1hn. 4VYAGC7, ~ 1 i i li Il I I 1 I ~ p~ YQ ~i ~l{ O,D OOVRt~i,PWN•~••0~000VO,fnA WNr~..OOW VP4fAtyi.N r~lO~D aOVP(iiFW NrA.ObW V~~E'i~W '41110 OY9lr t~ 3m1 yQ e V G3111N11'NOI1VMOdMO0 30NVMn6SV A11119VII AWAO'1dIN3 3H.L luii 043 l0 3ua31e potuo43nr Alnp r Aq Ord ouolmt '"p oy3 uo poutlomano3 put 'Aau3o3tt to iitts d aaptm tlupm 3altutNl pozuoy3nt n1 Aq p3mDaxa' oq 03 Aatlod 0141 pa m trq 'pa3lwl'I 'uotmod3oO it Due i toy 4!1!gel (,o» oidwj aq~ 'loaaeyA, nan33A3 u= -aau2anrol 0143 03 tlu~ lugltw o3 witAlnba aq 1N4o AutdwoL) sq3.cq 30 pa3nlul powtu 33 Uuolit fll )!OF Aur !o Auedwo0 oq3 put lpswlq 1133x3301 fu31111 oy3 Aq '3aytla oapou umlitt g3nr to A33Aliad !pal3ad A3pod oy1 •atl gnaw»3fr a f3ogwa A31iod 1 ya 3143 put 1uop13uaoatda: y3noo to put a43 "0349 11ry1 4ipou a43 111 p33131 u0Dt13aup to onotl put ytn31 ay3 uodn 131121133 ul panu ,l A3tiod 0141 3tgt 'fuopetualal 33 urp anp3o~a e43 pue oapou to load tu3p~n1 oq 11241 pirro!olr n put t3u4woaJoe qq oil tuol313e1p ay3 111 uu3w33a, o43 3143 13,13f, oapou la Xulllrw *4.L aar3aaya oq 1124, uopelml.1 43no urleaiato painful pawou oy3 93!lod 11431o aaum3do3at Ag 4tt3013 1u1,33d 'ot ,Rep aAy veal 1131 3011 "MA Iupt31 3313311 u333ux 93god olgt u uxogl ua3ppe o3 It p3inluf p3weu 343 03 auryltu; Aq Auedwo3 ayl •11i y3nt 03 w3oluo3 o3 papuawe Agata4 031 panuf 01 Aq pala3uq eq low igod 1141 'oAlt3apo s4 1111 uoptia3ue3 y3n1 13god t143 ulaiaga 11131 oy3 to owmr a43 g3lx 33!Uuo3 ul a3t g314nt aosleaaay3 u34x ldpere »~3ou u3uux ,AtutdwoO 043 03 eu!I!ow 6q Laflod 01g3 to ow3al 'a3nlr4g o3 pouuoluoo A311od fo ttuaa,L '61 pamoul pawtu oyt q paio3 t3 aq Arw A3!lod 0141 '11o13trta0t3rJ '99 -po3mul pawlu oy3 os onp wnlwotd to panio3 Aur to aapu33 'u0l3t3!pni t ao girop g3el to olrp 041333 t auap!gn1 t aq 11141 plii v a puanrlap 10 p31;tw oepr3umida3 o61p ,c32p u2g3 a3ow to o!iad r 3oj30Aa ou ut sng a, 31 011 Ia 13343 ey3 3o ~p+q3 a utdwo3 441 •aAp33l13 iii uol3r1a3 123,11 43no to uolm9genfP put tu3w3ulodde ay3' iuun 'uootad gant 1123 33311 olgral33t3 11 uool of aptw aq (1rge 'aptw 11343 1011 l! 'ruo 6q p"A of 0114OWCIne 043 01!4x p 41MAo3 to~un' put lptinlul us p033aya 11 11013 a3up owp a43 31 spew aq Aew 3uaw3m pt wnlwat,l it 'al!gowmne ey3 lu Aporon3 A3t3odui Soda !u!Aty uoii Aug pain wo3 oq lit4o swnlwa3d pauait '1!331123 kutdwoo 441 'ill tuawaa3ly ful3nlu(( 0 1uo)flAOad 343 of o11.w3ayto 33algns g '4411 o3do osnpo3o3d put olgt3 1311 33og1 A3t umm 441 431(4 e3utp3oo3e ul ue V 0 afr3aaw 33pgn (t~ Pue pa3noul pawea ^ 3 Of 4AI3r3u3»lda3 ~3tdutot M 11141 3ouol ua3d pmoo 41o m pa3nsul twoO st13 11 44131 1,paincul paweu tq3 (1) 3aAO3 w013131Pnfpt 10 g3tap q3M 98: PUBOO AUTOMOBILE-PUBLCC UMY OR TAXIOAB AL{.. . This endorsement forms a part off Policy No..._x._"r.G}11 _ issued to CITY CAB CO. & DIXIE CAB COs, by,he .__....The Employers' Liebe Assuranos Corp., Ltd. at its Agency Denton, Texas (Name of Insurance Company) located (cHy and stab} Maroh 27r 192 and is effective from (14 01 A.M. Standard TImeI It Is agreed that such insurance as Is afforded by the policy for Bodily Injury Liability, for Properly Damage Liability and for Medical Payments with respect to the automobile classified as "public livery" or "taxicab" applies subject to the following provisions: 1. The Insurance applies only while the automobile is operated for hire with the named Insured or an employee of the named Insure! in attendance as chaulfeur, or is used for personal, pleasure, family or other business purposes, 2. While the automobile to so operated for hire, the Insurance for Property Damage Liability applies with respect to loss of or damage to properly of passengers while the propertl to carried In the automobile. 3. While the automobile is subject to any motor carrier law, the Insurance does not cover at an Insured any person or organisation, or any ogent, employee or contractor thereat, other than the named Insured, who Is required to carry automobile liability insurance under any motor carrier law because of transporting passengers or property for the named Insured or for others. 4. The insurance does not apply: (a) If the automabile has a seating capacity of more than eight passengers, other than the driver, while the automobile Is operated as a bus or on a schedule along a regular route, or is rented without the named insured or an employee of the named Insured In attendance as chauffeur. By utiorized 11 • nP,r ve) FORM 11-PUBLIC AUTOMOBILE-PUBLIC LIVERY OR TAXICAB Standard Auton"110 Eadarumeal Revleed May, 1, 1131 99. PUBLIC AUTOMOBILE--PUBLIC LIVERY OR TAXICAB- ' Fe Fe BURROW DBA CITY CAB CO. This codarsement forme a part of Policy No. x.--451.63'x.............. Issued to .......I?IXLE....CAS..CO. by the ..THE..,EMPI,OYRFi3.I .LIABILIT.Y...ASS-URANCE...Cr.QRP.O.RATION.;.-LTD...r....___......_...... at Its Agency, (Name of Insurance Company) located (cHy and state) ...I?ont9ns.... TeX$.o and is effoclvo from M.sZ gb.._r2..7.s.....1953 (14,01 A.M. Standard Time) It to agreed that such Insurance as Is afforded by the policy for Bodily Injury Liability, for Properly Damage Liability and for Medical Paymenis with respect 1, the automobile classl(Ied as "public livery" or "taxicab" applies subject to the following provislorn: 1. The inmranee applies only while the automobile Is operated for hire with the named Inoured or an employee of the named insured In attendrnce as chaulfeur, or is used for personal, pleasure, family or other business purposes, 4. While the oulomobile is so operated lot hire, the insurance for Property Damage Liability applies with respect to loll of or damage to property of passengors while the property Is carried in the automobile. 3. While the automobile is subject to any motor carrier law, the insurance does not cover ON an Insured any person or organisation, or any agent, employee of contractor thomol, other than the named insured. who Is roqulred to carry automobile liability insurance under any motor carrier Imv because of tranererting passongers or property for the named insured or for clhero. 4, The insurance does not apply, (a) if the automobile has a sooting capacity at more than eight passengers, other Rian the driver, (b) while the automobile In operated as a bus or on a schedule along a tegular roule, or Is rented wilhout the named insured or an employee of the named insured In attendance as chauffeur, e By _........V..._......._ . (Dui Author ltsd 8epresen atlvo) rORM 11--PUBLIC AVTOMOBILG-PLrBL1C LIVERY OR TAXICAB Standard Automobile Endarsemsa( floyl"d May 1, 1151 NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY POLIUY 8~k 5 LIABILITY ASSURANCR CORPORATION, LIMITED DECLARATIONS The insurance afforded is onlyy with respect to such and w many of the following coverages as are indicated .y `e yrcmium chute or chutes. The limit of the Company's Liability against each such cover a at shall be as stated herein, subject to all the I of this policy Aavint reference thereto. Item 1. Name of Injured Fr F4 BURR010'1 DBA CITY CA13 CO,, & DIXIE CAB CO, Address Oak and Austtr., Dontot., Toxas (No., arrest, also:, [awry, cress) Occupation of the named Insured Is Taxi-Cab Businevq II(m.rrird MDm,rl, rtur hwAmdl Dcrupa'an) Item 1. The automobile will be principally tasted in the above town, county and state, unless otherwise stated herein. Item S. Policy Period: From ]tiap ti a7 1 to Maroh 27, 1954 11:01 A. M., standard time, at the address of the usmed nsure-d alsestFd'Frrein. Item 4. Description of the automobile THE PURPOSES FOR PREMIUMS WHICH THE AUTO- COVERAGEA COVERAGE■ COVERAGEa YEAR OF TRADE NAMK BODY TYPE. MODEh MOBIL[ IS TO B[ BODILY PROPERTY USED ARE MEDICAL MODEL TRUCK LOAD CAPACITY MOTOR NUMBER SERIAL NU MITER (INDICATED BY X) INJURY DAMAGE PAYMENT! LIABILITY LIABILITY MM[RCIAL 191P1 mouth Door P18-286707 2208 ' W11N ^•O "N° 0.04 70000 [CS Nil COM MEIN] IAL 1 1 th Door Pie -11lt796 20318 10 rLUIV ri AND 0 s A00 Nil _ iuslNtaa _ 00MM9111i rl[A9UA[ AND _ iVElNi rf MMIi PL[AeUNa AND BUSINESS140# 1 SUMMARY OF PREMIUMS: COVERAGE! A ANO C$28000 ; cGVERAGE B$ 00 ( TOTAL PRICMl $ 420*00 Item S. LIMITS OF LIAUILITY COVERAGE A - BODILY INJURY LIABILITY COVE NAGE B • PROPERTY COVERAGE C OAMAOE LIABILITY MEDICAL PAYMENTS each each each each 1 50000 0 persons a 10,000800 accident $5,000.00 accident S Not 4oVe person Item 6. (a) Except with respect to bailment lease, conditlunal sale, mori or other encumbrance the named Injured is the sale owner of the automobile) (b) Durin the ast year no insurer has cancelled any automobile insurance issued to the named Insured: hxetptlo", if any, to, (a~ or (a) No Rxoeptians (b) Assigned Risk OOUNTERSIONB(i AT Denton, Tii a ON Maroh ''7► 1953 Authortat ease. 00*4 PRI4. rM U. a, A. Gt; , 1 r Y-y~ S"3 THE EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED (A Stock Insurance Company, herein a ailed the Company) Agrees mth the Insured, named in the declarations made i part hereof, in consideration of the payment of the premium and in reliance upon the statements in the declarations and subject to the limits of liability, exclusions, conditions and other terms of this policy; INSURING AGREEMENTS - 1. Coveroge'A-Bodily Injury 11.1ablilty (1) Described Automobile-the motor vehicle or trailer de- To pay on behalf of the Insured all sums which the Insured scribed in this policy; shall become legally obligated to pry as damages because of {2) Utility Trailer-a trailer not so described, if de of being bodily injury, sickness or disease, including death at any time with a resulting theref.om, sustained by any person, caused by accident use private passenger automobile, if not being and arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of the used with another type automobile and if not a home, automobile. office, store, display or passenger trailer; Coverage f1--Property Damage I.lablllty (7) Temporary Substitute Automobile-an automobile not owned by tht named Insured while temporarily used as To pay on behalf of the Inured all sums which the Insured the substitute for the described automobile while with- shall become legally obligated to pay as damages because of in- drawn from normal use because of its breakdown re- jury to or destruction of property-, including the lose of use pair, servicing, loss or destruction; thereof, caused by accident and arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of the automobile. (4) Newly Acquired Automobile-an automobile, ownership of which is acquired by the named Insured who is the Coverage CrNledlcal Payments owner of the described automobile, if the named Insured To pay all reasonable expenses incurred within one year from notifies the Company within thirty days following the the date of accident for necessary medical, surgical, ambu}ance, date of its delivery to him, and if either it replaces an hospital, professional nursing and funeral services, to or for each automobile described in this policy or the Company in- person wto sustains bodily injury, sickness or disease Paused ' sures all automobiles owned by the named Insured ■t y accident, while in or upon, entering or alighting from the tech delivery date; but the insurance with respect to the automobile if the out mobile is being used by the named Insured newly sequited tutomobile does not apply to on loom or with hie permisdoT against which the named Insured boo other valid and collectible insurance. The named Insured shall pay U. Defense, Settlement, Supplementary Psymcnts any additional premium required because of the ap- As respects the insurance afforded by the otFer terms of this plication of the insurance to such newly acquired auto- policy under coverages A and 8 the Company sh ill: mobile. (a) defend any suit against the Insured alltsing such injury, (b) Semitrailer. The word "trailer" includes semitrailer. sickness, disease or destruction and seeking damages on (c) Two or More Automobiles. When two or more automobiles account thereof, even if ouch suit is groundless, false or are insured hereunder, the terms of this policy shall apDI fraudulent; but the Company may make such investigation, scpsnttlw to each, but a motor vehicle and a trailer or U!'Ul negotiation and settlement of any claim or suit so it deems ors attached thereto shall be held to be one automobile its expedient, respects limits of liability. (b) pay sit premiums on bonds to release attachment, for an amount not in excess of the applicable limit of liability of V. Use of Other.Automoblles. If the named Insured Is an individual this policy, 'all premiums on appeal bonds required in any who own the automobile tloslified so "pleasure and business" such defFended suit, the cost of bail bonds required of the or husband and wife either or both of whom own said automobile Injured in the event of accident or traffic law violation dur• ing the, policy period, not to exceed the usual charges of such insurance as is afforded by this policy with resppect to safe surety companies nor $1110 per bail bond, but without any automobile applies with respect to any other rut mobile, subject obligation to apply for or furnish any such bonds; to the following provisions: (e) pay all expenses incurred by the Company all coat, taxed (a) With respect to the insurance, for bodilyy injury liability and against the Insured in ■ny ouch suit and a~l intcrcrt accru- for property damage liability the unqualified word "Insured" ing after entry of judgment until the Company has paid, Includto (1) such named Injured, (2) the spouse of such in- tendered or deposited to court such put of tuck judgment dividual if a resident of the same household and (1) any as does not exceed the limit of the Company's liability other person or organisation legally responsible for the use thereon; by such named Insured or spouse of an automobile not '(d) pay expense, incurred by the-Insured for such Immediate owned or hired by such other petion or organization. In- medical and surgical relief to others to chtll be imperative suring Agreement III, Definition of Insured, don not apply at the time of the acrldenti to this insutane". (e) reimburse the Injured for all reasonable expenses, other (b) This Insuring agre;mect does not apply: tAan loom of earnings, Incurred st the Company's request. hired u The omougto Incurred under this Insuring Agreement, exceppt (I} to any hired automobiles ik owned by, par of g fI r Is t settlements of claims and suits, are ps able the Company Ia use f hired by, or fur lahed ~o ular u addition to the applicable limit of liability of th a policy. oferne named Insured or a memher of his reg rva other than o private chauffeur or domestit:' servant III. C-Anitlod cif Inauredr With respect to the lasuranee for bodif the named Insured or spouses r Injury liability and for property dame a liability the unau b icli (2) to any automobile while tied In the business or occvpa- word "Insured" Includes the named ~nsured and also includes bon of the named Insured or spouse except a private any person while using the automobile and any person. or passenger automobile operated or occupied by such organ udon it ally responsible for the age thereof, provided to named !neared, spouse, a auffeur or servant; actual use of t~,e automobile is by the named Insured or with hia permission. The Insurance with respect to any person or (1) to any accident arising out of the operation of an seta organisation other than the named Insured dos not apply, mobile repair shop, ublic garage, sales agency, service (a) to any person or organization or to any agent or employee station or public pardag place; thereof, operating in automobile reppair shopp public gua`e, (4) under coverage C, unless the Injury results from the isles agency, service station or publie parking place It? operation of ouch other automobile by such named In. respect to any accident arising out of the operation thereo i cured or spouse or on behalf of either b~ such chauffeur (b) to any employee with respect to Injury to or sickness, dis- or servant, or from the occupancy of card automobile by ease or death of another employee of the same employer such named Insured or spotter. Injured in the course of ouch employment In an accident irides out of the maintenance or use of the automobile In VI, Polley Period, Territory, Purposes of Use. This policy applies the business of ouch employer, only to accidents which occur during the policy period, while M Automobile Defltied, Ttallets, Two or More Automobiles, the automobile is within the United States of America, its terd- Ineiuding Automatic Insurance tories or possessions, Canada or Newfoundland or Is being front- (a) Automobile. Except where stated to the contrary, the word u edeforbthe purposes sttated so Applicaable thereto In thendedara- "automobile" means: tiono, EXCLUSIONS - , This policy does not applyi or death of anqq employee of the Injured while engaged in the (a) under any of the coverages, while the automobile is used a a employment, other than domestic, of the Injured or in domestic public or livery conveyance, unless such use is specifically do- employment if benefits therefor are either payable or required to dared and described in this policy and premiunt charged therefor; be provided under any workmen, compensation law; (b) under any of the coverages, to liability assumed by the insured (e) under coverage A, to any obligation for which the Insured or snr undet any contract or agreement; company as his insurer may be held liable under any workmen a (e) under coverages A and B, while the automobile is used for the compensation law; tow•in,a of any trailer owned or hired by the Injured and not M under coverage B, to injury to or destruction of property owned covered by like insurance in the Company; or while any trailer by, rented to, in charge of or transported by the Insured; 'overed by this policy is used with any automobile owned or hired I. y 'i a Insv ed and not covered by like insurance in the Company; (g) ounder f anycperson if benefits therefor sae payable underdanysworkmen's t a, r coverages A and C. to bodily injury to or sickness, disease cis peniation law. CONDITIONS 1. Purposes of Use Defined. shall give to the Company written proof of claim, under oath if rt- (a) The term "Pleasure and Business" is defined as personal, quired, and shall, after each request from the Company, execute auth- ylasure, family and business use. orization to enable the Company to obtain medical reports and copies (b) The term "Commercial" Is defined as use principally in the of records. The injured person shall submit to physical examination business occupation of the named insured as stated in Item V physicians selected by the Company when and so often as the 1, including occasional use for personal, pleasure, ramily and mpany may reasonably require. other business purposes. The Company may pay the injured person or any person or organ- (c) Use of tha automobile for the purposes stated includes the iaation rendering the services and ouch payment shall reduce the loading and unloading thereof. amount payable hereunder for such injury. Payment hereunder shall Llaultt'of Llability._(,overage A. The limit of bodily Injury not constitute admission of Lability of the Injured or, except here- ability sated in the declarations as applicable to "each person' fs under, of the Company. he limit o' the Company's liability for all damyes, includiq damages 11. Action Against Company--Coverages A and B. No action or care and loss of services, atioing out of today injury, sickhess or shall lie against the Com any unless as a coad'tion precedent thengfto, disease, including death at any time rewiring therefrom, sustained the Inured shalt have fully complirl with all tga terms of thispotlcy, y one penes in any one accident; the limit of such liability stated nor until the amount of the Insured's obligation to pay shall hive Lthe declarations as applicable to "each accident" is, subject to the been finally determined either by jud ment against the insured a ter above provision respecting each person, the total limit of the Com- actual trial or by written agreement or the Insured, the claimant and pany's liability for all dama s, including damages for care and loss the Company. of agqrYices, arising out of bo~ily injury, sickness or disease, including Any person or organization or the legal representative thereof who death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by two or more persons has secured such judgment or, written agreement shall thereafter be in any one accident, entitled to recover under th1 policy to the extent of the insurance 3. Limit of Liability-Coverage 0. The limit of liability for medical afforded by this policy. Nothing ct,ntained in this policy shall give aymegta stated in the declarations so applicable to "each person" anqq person or organization any right to join the Company as a co- Ps the limit of the Company's liability for all expenses incurred by or drfeadent in any action against the Insured to determine the Insured's on behalf of each person who sustains bodily injury, sickness or disease, liability. Including death resulting therefrom, in any one accident. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the Insured or of the Insured'i estate 4. Limits of Liability. The inclusion herein of more than one insured shall not relieve the Company of any of its obligations hereunder. shall not operate to increase the limits of the Company's liability. 11. Action Against Company-coverage C. No action shall lie 5. Financial Responsibility Laws-Cove ages A and B. Such in- against the Comppany unless, as s condition precedent thereto, there ILI!,:nce as is afforded by this policy for bodily- injury liability or propert~ shall have been 1111 compliance with all the terms of this policy, nor damaje liability shall comply with the provisions of the motor vehicle until thirty days after the required proofs of claim have been filed with finanuat responsibility law of any orate or province which shall be the Company. apphuble with respect to any such liability arising out of the owner- 13. Other Insurance-Coverages A and B. If the Insured has other ship iaaintenance or use of the automobile during the policy period, insurance against a loss covered by this policy the Company shall not to tie ,tent of the coverage snd limits of liability required by such be liable under this policy for a greater proportion of such loss than law, but h; no event in extcss of the limits of liability stated in this the applicable limit of liability stated in the declarations bran to the policy. The Insured agrees to reimburse the company for an pay- total applicable limit of liability of all valid and collectible insar- ment made by the Company which it would not have been obligated ante against stash hAe, provided, howetsI~ 'the iniu once with respect to make under the terms of this policy except for the agreement con- to temporary substitutt automobiles under Injuring A`reement IV rained In thi,, paragraph. or other automobiles under Insuring Agreoment V shall be ex"4s 6. Assaull: and Battery-Coverages A and B. Assault and battery insurance over any other valid and collectible insurance available to shall b~ deemed an accident unless committed by or at the direction the Insured, either is an Injured under a policy applicable with respect of the elureo. ro old automobiles or otherwise. 7. Notla r' Accident. When an accident occurs written aetke shall . 14. Other Insurance-Coverage 0. The insurance a>Toided with be given ly c. on behalf of the Insured to the Company or any of its respect to other automobiles under Insuring Agreement V shall be autfiod a kgtnts as soon as practicable. Such notice sbalt contain excess insurance over anv other valid and collectible medical par p rticulars sufficient to identify the Insured and also reasonably ments Insurance applicable thereto. ~tainable information rapecdng the time place and circumstances lb. Subrogation-Coverages A and B. In the event of and pa meat al le scel dent, the names and addresses ii the injured and of avail- . under this policy, the Company shall be subrogatcd to all the In. e le 1011114110. sured's ti hts of recovery therefor s`aunt any person of ortaniutio ff. Nofke of,Clalin or Suit-Coverages A and B. If claim is made and the Insured ehall execute and deliver instruments and We to Qt salt is brosgh against the Injured, the Insured shall Immediately do whatever eha is necessary to secure arch rights. The Insurg forward to the Comppany every demands notice, summons or other shall do nothing after lots to prejudice such tights. procao received by blin or hit representative. It. Changes. Notice to any agent or knowledge pnseosed by any Assistance atsdCooperation of the insured--GoversgesAand B. agent or by any, other person shad not effect ■ waiver or it change in The Insured shall cooperate with the Company and, upon the Com- any part of this policy or estop the Company from assertin am pt'y' request, shall attend hearings and trials and shall at lot in ef• ri`ht under the terms of thb policy; nor shall the terms of this ecaag settlements, securing and giving evidence, obtaining the at- policy be waived or than ed, except by endorsement Issued to fors tendance of ritnesses and in the conduct of suits. The Ins•xed shall a part of this policy, rignegd by a duly authorized representative of the not, except at his own cost, voluntarily make any payment, assume Company. any obligation or incur any expense other than rot such Imineliue 11, Asdlinsuent. ,assignment of Interest undet this polio shall not teal and surgical relief to others so shall be Imperative at else time bind the Company until its consent is endorsed hereon; if, however, of accident. the named Insured shall die or be adjudged bankrupt or Insolvent >L4, Medkal Reports, Proof and Payment of Clalm-Coverage (1. within the ppolicy period this policy tiniest canceled, bkll, if writteq a Ise john a practicable the lajured person or someone oat his bchaU antics be gitea to the Ntapaay within sixty days a~ter the date at NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE LIABU Y POLICY N4. X 451637 - o- VASILWAa3YrAN[1 QatraNAT3aK &JAMP Expires N1A+;t;;i 27, 1951 _ -4 Premium $ 420,00 Insured GI Y CAA Cn, 0 ETAL EDWARD A. LARNER 11", LICIT' , '1'EXA U1iJed SidaJ Mdnoan dtd ddoreey BOSTON, MASS. t11oo-t ell 4 ra■- ~~~6 ~ ~ yyY'.e~~•i~vi~~~~aw~Pn~i~~:: >;i~a~~.l .e.+.+ Nr+ ~ F vs y A. j T& 6 R N•6oirov$~$~;n~,..$`~b~`.i$~`~ N-15~bdC~~L'$'C,'~3~rd'eoo.~oena.wK+~-oooova,CA O S E~' N ~S~ a ~V 04 al tn 4 b OG V n 70 •y ~+p+ rid= N gg ~ ~ !y fC e~ v f' v v v ~ y ire Itol 0 It -8SAMI UWi.g~~~?n°I70n~.°"+~~~~O~~atn '#mmf$,r Pwa +tdott$ tt~ pot to G311W11'NOIIVNOcI1100 30NVHnSSV A11'119V1'1 oSH1A01dW3 3H1 'Aurdww oy1 r 3uaf1 paruoylnt Alnp t dQ seed suopTirlaap 641 uo pauelua3nnw put 'Aaumuf10 J3mod Japan hpoe tottuejq patpoy3ng nI Aq pain»xa oq o3 Aayod t141 polnn tey 1pa3!wI l No111JOdJaO a3ulsnny A3p1gvil sj3 jldw3 0yy JomggN teot131b tq 123ut3mut tlys w 1131 lullltw 03 lualrilnba aq gtyt Aurdwo0 aq1 Aq ao p ineul pawr■ •3rlaJ unalt ul o Aue Jo Auedwo0 s41 put Jplwly va3Nlaq ,u0 1311 041 Aq Jaylra a3pou ua3tIJN 43111 to AJSAp3(i pound A3s(od oys 13uawaa3le gt s Ipogwa A331od s143 1143 par euolJt3uata3daJ yanrdJo Jo pua a43 ain03aq Ilxgt »13013 0,1 ul P33ett uoptla3u13 )o x004 put ytnJ3 syi uodn s3urgsJ 131 panla 11 A3tiod t1y1 3141 huopt3vaeu aJ 03ep aep"p* oy3 put amou Ja j0ad 3uang1ns oq llrgl PlrtaJoJt to put etn3w»Jee 114 all eu0puepap :41'131 uu3wuxlt sy3 1143 naJet 0311Ou Jo u91ew 04.L asnaaya a9 041 'u0pela3u13 yanr JaJJr»ays pwilul p3wru s41 hgod 8141 Jo aaur3d4330 All •IU011=1330 pt sAxp sey uey3 mil sou u3gN lul3rtl *Jpou Lmpm A3t1od slgs of u*041 esaJPpt oyt It ps3nxul pswru 041 of lntlrrw dq 6urdwol 049 -tu+ut s yanr o1 waoJuw o3 papuawt Agmq 611 p3mtl t1 Aq palatim oq dew 631lod t14.L 'sepia a oq lltq n0pgo3utq g3ne Amlod Ilg3 upJa4N ams sys Jo o3intt3t aq g3ta v!Uuw u1 sit g3lgm Ja3JgaJagl uayN lut33r :lmou va31rJa3 uedwo0 ay1 01 ~Yulllrw Aq 13tiod qys Jo IwJa,l, •owivig os pawJoluoO Aallo,9lo tw3ay '61 p43nwl pswt13 sy3 .fq p3p3uta sq dew A3rlod el4.L 'uol9tla3ut0 'BI .r -ps3noul pawe13 oy3 o3 onp 1UnIw3JJ Jo punJaJ due Ja J3pua3 •aantatpnfpo Jo 3t110p yanr Jo wtp t4s as1Jt sual.i5nt t 0q 11141 plruJOle 10 pa3antlap Jo pal ew Wisiuawda3 .Atp A1t31 urys wow Jo popid ti 3oJ susedd ou ni snq a.uluuaraJSu Ill Jo 13x43 041 30 ~3aya yuldwoo 04 L wphjja wuowaq uo11r1» ]teal rant Jo uoptagtltn put tuaw3uloddt o43 Inun 'uouod g3nt -uto 411jo 0141313" 11 13001 to opew aq (1141 'spew uay3 wu JI 'pug dq pa/n el opciotumv 041 s114K 0 oleuew J3 un put 1p33nrul at pa»aya n 0014 "ue3 awt3 041 31 aPtut oq Attu MIUJI n pt wnIMOIJ 1r vllgowo3nt s11 Jo dpwm Amodwat Mal lulAtq aauad Ant utJ wd' pain won aq Ijtg1 1wn1wud pawta •ela3u13 duxdwa0 041 'ill 3ummly fupntu o IuosnAW 041 w 3IINJa410 3»fgne ' A, .omp»oJ 1 put :1911 011J 3J04s A3twwm3 043 4318 aaur16,403, a u1 us y raluaeo3 Japan W pw rpiJnoul pawxu oqqs if oA 3x3uaeuQs7 os0Qw6i tq (Ityt twnlwald pawn 'el»uw palnsul ougu JL j'ilal I,po3neul pswtn 043 t1) Jaa03 OU01gsIP^FPI 10 ~llrap 43" l e G311WIl'NO11V110d 03 BJNYHnM AIII19VII S11310IM3 MU BASIC AUT0140BILE LIABILITY POLICY Ammon Gcjacral 2:)40 INSURANCE C OM PANY tv DECLARATIONS HO U8 rON 07'8 xA s POLICY AL 924556 ITEM r. QO Renewing A142499A Name F- F. F. BURROK DBA THE CITY CAB CO. aaa & DIXIE CAB CO. of Address Oak and Austin of Insured Denton, Denton County.. T_exaf, L_ (No.. eINCr T, TOWN, COUNTY, eTATKI occupation of tito named Insured is Taxi Cab Business Employed By MH if. Pew From. March 2be 1953 ra, March 26, 1954 12:01 A. M., standard lime at the address o! the named insured as stated herein. ITEM III. The Insurance afforded is only with respect to such and so many of the following coverages as are indicated by specific premlum charge or charges. The limit of the company's liability against each such coverage shall be as stated heron, subject to all the terms of lt,ls policy having reference thereto. Coverages Liadts of Liability Premiums - b 5 000.00 sacl: person - A Bodily Injury Liability s IO,000.00- each accident $ B Properi/ Dantoge Liability E each accident C Mo:tcal Payments S each person a Special Charges Total Pganthim ITEM IV. Description of the aulomobllet body Type, Truc3i Sis feWdalloaato Capadyr~ - banal Number or Year of Model---Trod. Name or Yea floating Capa!~?~ Motor Number-- _ Model ITEM V. The purpose for which the aulomoblle is to be used are : "pleasurs and frailness," Exceptions, it any; "Commercial" 0 Other asest (a) The form "pleasure and business" is defined as personal, pleasure, family and business use. (b) The term "commercial" Is defined as use principally in the business occupation of the named Insured as slated In item 1, Including occasional use for pe-uonal, pleasure, family and other business purposeo. (c) Use 'of this automobile for the purposes slated includes the loading and unloading thereof. ITEM VL (a) Except with respect to bailment lease, conditional sale, mortgage cc other encumbrance the named Inetred to the solo owner of the automol.0e. (b) Duo- ing the post year to insurer has canceled any automobile insurance issued to the named inrlred, k) The automobile will be principally ganWed in the abovo town and stale unless otherwise elated herein. Exceptions, if any, to (a), (b) or (c) of item vl: RICAN WNERAL INSURANCE CWAITY Joe We Niohola Insurance Agency . 526 North Locust Counlereigred by Dentonp Texas Avers . Page 1 • r r AMERICAN GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY HOUSTON, TEXAS (A sloth Insurance company, herein called the company) lure", Agrees with the Insured, uuued in the de•clarattuns made a part hereot, to conmlderatlon of Vol, ply iwnt of the prendum and in reliance upon the otatemeob n the derlarations and 1luhjert to the liullt+ or liability, r;rlusluas, CnlWltl- a still other terns °f Ih[s pulley: I N'8 V MIND AORRLMENT8 e t Coverogs A-Bodily Injury Liability (1) Described Antomoblle--tbe motor rehirle or tniir( described To per on behalf of the Insured all aumm which the I,pured shall In III policy,; becutua legally obtlgated to pay as duna,trs because r' inidlI1 tol)ury, 0) Utility Troller-A trailer not so d scribed, it del lgoed Cot use sickneve or dlmease, Including death at any tine resulting therefrom, with a r p K p w anote lne4 y any le`sson', r4used by arttdent and setting out of the Inotbrr hype oil omnlille and Iti Out lie, a Itnot bfile, wNUsed re, dui- ewnermh ll,L h Rill 11'lion e'e nr llee 1d 1111' alltonleblle. ),try or lase Pager tralter; Coverage 5-Property Damage Liability (I) Temporory Substitute Automoblle-tu autumublle not na'urd To pap on behalf PC the Iomured all smut whlob the lumured shall by Ile named Insured a'hlle teulporarily owed as tie substl• become Irgali>> obligated to 1) ■a damages bemuse of injury to or tute far the described sgtomobtie whine withdra%n from hor• destruction of .ruperty Including the Into of use thereof, canoed by lust use blraupe of fro ureakduwn, repair, servfelog, h,aa or accident and arlaing oui of the ownerbhlp, maintenance or noe of the dasteuellun: aulomotlIr. (4) Newel Acquired Anterlloblle--an au 10111111 b1 14 P, uwur to hip or Corer+ao C-Medlra[ i'gmrots which Is act cured b • the tamed Insured who Iv the owner of the described am iooobllp, If the n41n Pd initiated nollflem To 4fiy All fraso°able r;lwuwcs Inl•urrad x111dn our tt'ear from the ruropanidm, within le if eIhirlylthrr t days rod ri-plavem 'lag the d41e of its the date cot sec dent for nevemmary medical, murgllal, sulbulagce, hors. serb deliver to to this ri the company e11 A ante tin oil,. Vital, prufroslnaal nuralnit and funeral senieeo, to or for each person owns by the us d atuo-y Insured Butt path insures iii awl tit thi, who sustolns bodily Injury, elckucas ur 11191'aKe canted 11y acelllt" luoUrmo wIth rsp esti nred Ott outh awl. dellrrrr 1la It; hat lhu whlle to or ut,on, rutet Inlt ur allyrhtlng front the autumnhllr It the ruunt 'rc gt l actin lief autom°blir automobile Is efog used hy' the'naneed or with 1110 per°llaaluu, bsa oa not avpl, to any Sm1t to a Ilhr shit w'111et1 NO na Insure l boa other valid and collectible Insurance. The name l Insure shall pay any aldlleonal preml°nt required I,v"Yse of the It Defense, Soli lemenl, Supplementary I'■y mrnt+ ii,Vraftn u[ the Insurance to surh newly acquired auto- Au reoptMta the Insurance sft'orded by the other tl'tlna of this putlry muthlle. under r°verogeo A sud It the rntupaty vital] n (b) Ilanllentiler. The wurd "164111'11" Irrlludl`0 senillraller. (a) lrrrpJ any salt agvlaat the insured alley Enw such Injury, sick uesa, e ' defense or de it agil a and stY'rvil damages on nru,l thereof, (e) Two or blare Automobiles, 1t'heu two or more antuutal,llcs are even it ouch oust Is ground!"sm, faPof or frsPpdulentI lint the roar Insured hbut 0dvitote terms of )thi )it a policyy`` shall t&,Ir slaters sly piny they make math Investigation, argotlstoon find seltiemrpt thtoeretto each. but tt~~ utnr to Too vehicle and ■ nitntr f11lea or volierro li bell rd of our cleln or bull se it derma expedient; shall be hold to be one niut1• Rs raprrlm inulto of liability. (b) pay In excess ofathe abon pplicable limit ofsliability of thlaanollcyl all preuduua on a )Ilvol Innlw required In any such deP'ude~ v Use of Other Automobiles salt, the cost of hall bonds rell"Ifefd of the lot Ired It the event of acrilvnt or truffle law rfolotlon during the IsAlry period, not If the named Inured b all lndlvlduat who owls the autwooblle to exceed the un%l charges of surety eornpaufeo nor ills) per tlA ealfleb ae "pl'uurr and huo ro-ms" or humland Ind bite elthrr ar ball bond but VIII 0111 any 01411941toh to apply for or fefnlsh any both mf whotu owa said automnblle, much Inaurenre am to ello ed by such bona"; this p lley with respeel to said automuhlle as wllle eeslea•t to (c) t7 all expenses Incurred by the Cotu`ury, All coati fated Against any oilier sutoinubile, subject to the following provielota: ray Insured In An such suit and all interval ateruing fitI•r entry ' of Judgment until the PUln our has poll trudrred tit deposited In (a) 11'llh, vmpert to the Insurance for hodil • Injury llabllltr sad for court such put of such Judgment am (toes not txceed the limit property dunals rlebltltl the unquallfles word "Ineurr Includes of the company r lbblfliy III !1) fur i nannr Irnourt (.1 Ilse ppousr of such Inllvlduul If a traldenl of the same housebutd and (I) say other person nr (d) I's expenses meurrvd by the Inslurl for mesh Iminedlale wedlcal rrwanl$&lion h-gaily repponrtho0 for t e lisp by 01101 taulrl anew ourgglell rellr to olhers Am shill III- onlperstlre wt [lie tlme lit Insured of Ppuusr of an a111ollabl1e not owned or pored toy' such the aceWrpf; mtbtirtgr1911 Rt1Mm hu! i~q lr to Ihlaeflnslu¢Mlhrut ill, [h•flnktlnu (e) relnburse the Insured for fill reasonable expense's, other Ilion hiss of earnings, Incurred at the cotnpaay'o request. p,) Thho Iumnring agrc.'meut doem ant 11,14y: The amounts Incurred Under this Insurinlt egrtcme°1, "x1'1' ,t metlle• (11 to fins, Automobile netted by, hired as part of e frequent meats of eirlmo and suits sir l a'oble by the enmpany 11 slIllrlun to not of bared eutomohllem by, or furnlsbrd tor reguar use the appllrale limit of 11, 111 u~ I1111 policy. to the named Insured or a member or ills houaehnid other than a private chauffeur or it ember ot•rvanl of the ttau4'l III Definition of tortured IneI1Cl'd or Ppotue; With respect 10 the ~nmursove for b°di17 Injury Ilablllt' mud for pf~roperty onleae llsbfllty the unquulltietl word Inmore-Il' Ineludrs 111 to any A1110111101,1:0 whlly 11Rrd Ill file buofnrsa °r uceupalluu the n■u1e11 Insured tall Also Includes any person while uelnrytt ilt °f Ihr n cowl Insured or spouse r cept a prhslr paeme'flgpr ulonlobile alromnblle and any peroon or orgaolmalloo legally Pro wnslblr l1Ivr o, chTiI Lvirst or I rd rl nr0uplyd ~,y sash ua ua•i} In pored, the use IhCreof, pr°rldcd the actual use of the eulomoli& Is by ttp rypC,ansr, rh4urrvu► or svnant; the named Insured or with his Dtrndmalon. The Insurance with respect to say person of organisalren other than the named ismared (I) to any acelllrol arlolnp out of the operalluh of fin alto. dory not Mill) yl tion or punlle parklnye plootoKUawO, sales sgpnl'y, Menke MA• (4) to onf perruh or orgenlutl n, or t° ally sweat or rmplovee III , operating an snlamoUlet rrpalr shop public stare, miles NI under cuverngr t', unless the Injury resulto (rota The opera. Agrti service stallon or nubile parking pare, wilt reflect to tlon of Rue'r Little Rntotnobile lop much nuued Insured or any accident Rrlslng out of she nporotfnn t eroof; s,iuuse of all beh4 r of either ~y 0uch rh urfeur or oervant, pr from 11' occupancy of said auloniobte y ouch haine'd (b) to any enlPloy"'with rel pest to Injury tvo or Ilckneao, 011 Ame Insured or Promise. or Death n another pulpIoyee of the name prop alit Injure In the ruurao of each rmploylueut In an secedeut srePlmg out of the ttsontellAIII or use of ILp 9910111011110 in the Iselnesm of such rniplol er, rr f,'p Polley Period, Trrrllor slurposn of Use ' IV Aotemoh110 Deflaed, Trailers. Two ■r More Automobiles, theloalma JT'hII p°110y mifIl"I only to accidents 1011th cleur durhn the Aatornalls laarraaca ~o Icy pnrlodl, wle the automobile It wllhln 110 L nlted At$ Jtvi °r merle Its terrilorle nr poemtePSluua, ('11114414 or Nrwi°11n1114nd, or Is being trans ortu between ports Ihrreof, and Is owned, msln• (a) Ain o.ablif' m rpf where sutvd to thn contrary, lb'4 word tainted nu used l~or the perrouse" stain as appliva , e therein In The dpilo rat, nu s, R10LVI10ill it f This pollee does ftot apply; d0stb Nan PhIll q et `h ipe laa~red whist pnfAged In the rm loympnt, (t) h11e life outotitohtle Is sue sr s iubloe or liversf cuur4yater, un• other than mmeet 1, of • aoure of 1n omn to emplormeot IP beaeflla It 4 sue use Ptmclrically eeclsrr and Seoreibed is Ihls policy And life- therefor or• ehlhet leays a of regalred to be prodded under say work. Inurn ebawtd t n'wfort men ■ cumpr40a11nn low; ,Alto) (b) to liability Assumed by the insured under gay tostrict of agr•e• 1e} under eorrrege A. to an h r lion for wheel the Insure! or any lompASy a Cb fasater slay be Deld ~~al It under ANY workmes'm compenia (e) seder eor rages A and B, V11% the auh mobili Is used It o the t on Isw l (towing of lay ratter 1efnQtf of bljlA e 1IraterPold A t coylstd I tbf IIt M under M1e ige A, to injury 10 It drmtrufllos of properly owned lnl faftecr fa ipe cumroa6r; or wlla any IVrI e[[ c retell Tr ``6111 p~ll4 f by, reated to, fa rEut• of or tranapertle by the laanred; qqae~ wllh any Initiation he owned of hired br the lnt'red' c4 hot coveted (g) tinder cow lamb C, to bodll; Injury to or 0 ckneat, Oilselsr o d1u11 by Ike Insurance In the rompeoy ) of skit person It I wills therefor arppasGle umber any worhmrnfs death (d) coder rovertwrr A and C, to bolilly Injury to or eieknemm, dlmraee or penmatylon taws, rom. L _ page 3 r. 45,-FLEET SCHEDULE-SHORT FORM F. FBBURROW DBA TIC CITY CAB COB This endorsement forms a pail of Policy No.. AL-9 556 Issued to DIXIE CAB. COB by the Amrican General Insurance Company.... at its A - .r j (Name of Insurance Ccmpony) locale: Icily and Nate) HOUatQn,,..Texae _ and Is effective from .......-&rch..74+.1953..._ (12.01 AM, Standard Time) J1 Important--Jl') columns have double captions. BE 1URr to show Informalion to some order as coplloned, Purchase Type of Bodily Properly £n- Model New TRADE Truck or SERIAL LIST LOCATION FIRE C Injuramage try Year or Second NAME Trailer NUMBER PRICE USED PREM. Coveeragorag, ung Jrze Coverage - Limits Premium H - - - Bodily (Other No. Year Month TYPE OF Length el MOTOR COST TO AMOUNT OF 'THEFT 'Cal)Is1on n ury Cov'ages) Purchased Purchased BODY Troller NUMBER INSURED INSURANCE PP.EM Premium I Fjury mium .1949_ -used. Plymuth_ 24339373 1 1950 , April IL Door Till A-n;1116 IL Tmma Un-M 1950- _-Used- P]ywuth_ 2211?L51 - j2antgn, _ 2 3 19,90- Usid Pl ymnll _ Dent o Stith Pol._W.QQ_ 1952 Nov. Is. Door L98dim FIX1.7sill; L111- Used Plymouth Denton,,- -So 4 7 9 - 10 'For all automobiles moilgoged when coveted lot Fire, Theft and/or 03111sion, show all information tolled for on reverse hereof, Aulho iced Representative) lDul• p FORM 18-FLttT XCHLDtME-6H03! FORM Standard Automobile Endorsement mlh Revised May I, 1111 -,-pinf to amun-smarar rrpvrStw a.~rYe'* 7117n -r tea"per"I - r~--•- ) absil enbmuf to to yaIc1) rsaurIoallom b) t' ye ar erfl by it cotnpent It the named IMSUrad rsarrls, earned Lrrtuluais wtiali be comtt,uted In Khan and eo often so the company may reasonably require, acrordanre with the customary short` rote table so proeedurr, r+1t C+eat4 any cancels, earned *emlrlms abaft be eVln uled pro rats. ~'rremLtm s7• The routpanf may par The Injured person or snf person or orronlss• Iastment may 6r msdDe at the time roneh!gstlon to effMV, and, It not Then lion tenderlnY tthe serslee~ Sn lurk psyment she 1 redurv the amount mil r, ah 11 be made ao soon ON prorllcable tiftre canre t po brc4ioes eflte• arable hereunder for our njury. ayment hereunder shill not ronrttl• flue, The comps 16P duet or the ehrrt of Ill rrpresrntsflrr ma led or e- lute adudosior. of liability of the Insured or, oteept hereunder, of the llrerrd a aforrw~~J sell be a sufficient lrndct of any rotund of prrminm company. due to the nernr, poured. is. Attlee Assizes C mpanr No ertlun ohall Ile asainot the tompany +6TEXA4 EXCEPTION--1f this pulley IN Issued In, or the Insured IS s Coverages A and 8 unlr s, as a rondttlon t fevedent t Preto, Trddent of Teses or the Insurance stforilrd applies while the automublle ate of 11, IBM, the canerlallon o this policy is Ityhject to the a• NP I red shall hay fully eompllr with Io Inn the ttl h all the terms f thl r pollsl, nnr unt I tlpe m ual of l e Input ed a oM13 ptlpn repllnns ss provide In the Tells Automobile fnsunnce f1anntl, 1ueapay shall ~ave Lrvn finally deter ftne'1 either by ju~!rprattaw ssafrandt the IN. Itetlaeollene Hy ac r,lsncr of this pollrr the namM insured afriMe urM after actual trio or by wrflrn aRrrrwent of the , the that t~rl Nalmaat soil the cnropeny, r slstvmeals In the deelaraliens lire bls sales. mcols mod representation YY, that ht pot ey So IsstrrU In Alahre upon the Any p~raon or orsssisatloo or the trial repro rgfslivi thereof who tryth of such reptermitattone ant t~iat l~is policy embodf'to all as {cements has Mer•ure sued fud~Will or written ss eellacgt eAbai Ifereater he enl'llyd et sttns between hlmrell anal the tompany or our of Its ssrnls re aifaa to to recover anger this policy to l e extent of the nit ranre atfotde bl this Insurance, IN WITNESS W116RMOP, this company has roevulod and sllrsted throe presruls; bill this policy shall not be valid salvos rounterolsned by a duly amthorlsed representative of this company. 6easiary President PaOe 3 11 I 0 a by the . . _ American. General. Insurance Company_.. at its Agency (Name of Insurance Company) located (city and stoles Holl8tol11..xexas _ and Is ellective from (12:01 A.M. Standard Time) It to agreed that such insurance as is afforded by the policy for Bodily Injury Liability, for Properly Damage Liability and for Medical Payments with respect to the automobile classified as "public livery" or "laa,cob" applies subject to the following provisions 1. The Insurance applies only while the automobile Is operated for hire with the rear ed insured of an employee of the named Jnurred In l attendance as chauffeur, or is used for personal, pleasure, family or other business purposes. 2. While the automobile to subject to any motor carrier law, the blsurance, does not cover as an Ineured any person or organization, or any agent, employee or contractor thereof, niher than the named insured, who 14 required to carry automobile liability Insurance undLt I any motor carrier law because of Iransporling passengers or property to, the named insured or for others. 1 3. Ths Insurance does not apply: (a) if the automobile has a seating capacity of more than eight passengers, other '%an the driven { I (b) while the automobile Is operated as a bus or on a schedule along a regular route, or Is foaled without the tamed insured or an employee of the named Insured In attendance as chauffeur. An C G FNS CF C O KC By. er- (Duly Authorized Aopraentatlve) rORM 31--PURIC AI TOMOBILE--PU6L1C LIVERY OA TAXICAI Standard Automobile Endorsement mlh Rertled January 1. 1151 w. n•aww,. urn e..r.2 nena,m un1 usltvf2 9[IA11 uY ❑t'1•I111'4 an errlUl'fll Pur rm,eee Poea IID% rrIecr a waiver or a rhos e l'uvkra g9■ A and 11 Imil'eN 1'I,Illlllltted ly 119 at lilt. Ilirlh'tlen of Ihr Ill any Art et (ale llOllry of setup the rumps4y from lsel'rllnK any rlRhtt Inmrn'd. under the `eruu or this paltry; nor rhlll the lernlm of tittle lollf; be warred or rhangeJ, Pirelli by rbdormernenl lesti to form of part of this peliel d. YnllrretAccident {4'hen an Aveldrnt ot4•uro written notice that] be 9101-d hy the I'N'mldent, 1'irr~frehld,ht or ■ Steretarr of the r,roy tiny LLA O'lvfo hr or on behalf of the Insured to fhr Cold. ruunb,rderarA by a tioiy anther lard wrrrens of file Company: pprottded, kow• pony nt. Any of its atlihnrlard agents as moon All ever, that thin ~ten may bP made hl Ihr w'rlffkn portlod of the declarations tactic-able, Rntt''h nottra $bell eontein Arll.tllarr ourrlflent to Identife the by endorm-tnrnt 19aeri to p a forma rt aeroof rierned by if duly authorized tired ,ud alma relsoual,ly nbtalflAble lornutlon rrspeeting tae time, Agent of Ihefomplu.y. ,fact. 101111 rl rrlrnt9lspu fro f the anirlenf, Ile n9mem and addre9wra ^f The Iojure4 sea of av lllahlc w~lnrssro, Is. A00fanmeet AMignmetit of IufrN4li Under title pollry, shell not bled the roulpofly until Ito renitent to endorsed bereoq., If 1. Notice of Claire or Ielt If 041111 to mlde or Null 10 brassYhl 9dalr.et hna'eter the naxlee Insured Shall die fir he adjudged banlrr t or Insolvent Coverage* A Shot 8 f fie In need. The Insured 0hsi1 rams liters wdthtu the paltry prrloA, this ~oIlcy, nnhss tanrrlyd shall, Iwrlltep nolhe I irwlyd to he to him every demand, notice, I S stiffs to be corn ant with.n slats days after the Aatr o cork Aeph or onuuuuno or Differ l eoresa re4lvrl by b to of him represenhUve. 11 lndlra 11 eo.wr (1 The named Insure] 1! !rxp rel+teslmlaffrr 14, he nlmeA luau rid And f4f Innlrr corers ee agA B, znhJrct nth Prwlae to LaP prnrl• 1. Aedatoate end Ceoperalloe The Ineured 0ha1t Cooperate with the doa0 er< 110 ng AlrrPUlr11t ill, an person har1 49 protwr totupovary ers• of the issared remp10nr and, upon the tomDeaf s rs• rod of fLe sulbuwb le ■s an 14oare ,and under cnrtr C aae em the seto- Coreragrs A and N gOPP;, shoil attend hefrloxa Ina 60; morn4' Is need by such Plnn1r uatll Ihr a 04, meat and gaallflraflod o! ott mrutrrairvortpPlK Slid It rlnit evff 1 M(V, eueh ]P1ta1 rrpr0 utsflrr fit nil no Trent for S prtnd of more thhan 0 afy abtalning the atteudant'P of n'Itneareo and l4 the eabdart of eu11.o. "The 'l a' a trr (he dzlr of oil, h drlth or adJudlcetlon. 1e011red shall not, lxrept t his own cost, TO alertly make oar payment, It, Coacelatlan Thin pltllrr mar Le I'anerff'd by the aamrd lasureiJ by Insane any ah11111 1loa of fit say ozprnoe uleee than fo4r znch Immediate ourreal et. `horror or 1t. maIS1uX to the cgalpeal wt. it en mr}llml And 0 ifglral re11e to otherm as shall he inlperaltre At the time of Doric! latlnir when tbereaftee curb reneel 1 on she 3 br rffeiltlYr. Tdis policy see Rent. m#,y 4g fie vlyd by he rumpae~ by mailing tqq fife Ponied Insure,! at the addrePS ehuwn In this pn11Py written notice 0tating ~1hen, not 11!Ne I an fin 1. Medical llryortel Proof and 'Am Peen as prsetirabe file Injured lilt. lass Ihrreafler, Pnr~ raneeletiun shall be effective Th4 mrlllyp of :fn lee to 1'axmeel of claim inn of uanlr.nP on aSA behalf sire l g're 2 'It, ld aha11 Ito a111fflrlPnt proof of no Ire and t~.e d[ec Ire date an 3 ones Cokrruge C to the tornpany wrlltcn proof o! a alm, of eaaeflAllon at y In the 101:1 shall 'y the end n~ li ru pullrl• period, native nath If reaalilfer , Aal1 aha 1, Stiff Delivery of such rllte4 notice a (her ly the 11"I ell In9or(, of 10), the earn tariff MIRNI from the tumllaay, rtecute aulhorlastloa o enable the tom. Pally shell he ego rmlen. to milling. Rig to oblsln medlral repotttA and tapirs (of rreords he In red person Pnbnll to thrsicu eaamluatlen 6y phyoclone selected by Ito eciril r If the named Iasund ranrrs, earned trrwfu us Phil br commuted In v11en an,l oa often IP the eompanr may yeesunsbly require, seco.doare with the euatomae< short rate takle Anil procedure .Pit the tom poor finale, earned Arend as shall be cpm filed pro A. feflremlum sa• The ronlpoal Play par the Piloted portion or pay person of organise. Jusfmrnt may be gild! It fire dale case P2 is lot[ IN fffe,Ilet and If nut (lion ton tendering the services ad sorb payment shell redpeq the amount mld0. 0ho11 6e mode a!! Peon a practklbl till elect otluua art'0 let efl c• rabtRQ h0rFundef for each Injury, ['eym4nt Aareubdt.r ahs11 lipnt ronN1 Ire, do rarapan r n k or tae chfrk of Its repreaenhtlre melted of r~e• ~Ilt, aAmle PlDL of liability of the losurtl~ or, earept hereunder, of t~f IlrerPrl a afore i ahal{ IM a off flrlrnt trader of am frtnnrt of premlum company, sine o the bared neural , I1. Attfoa Against 11Inpaay No action shalt Ile against t1he to Pao PPTEXAS FXCRPTIUN--It tble polity 10 Issue 1 In, of, tit Ineured 9 a Coverages A a5 B unlelpo, as a enbigitlon grrreden! t eeell, efit1ldrat of Texas of the Ineura4Ce of order split vs who tlif Sntamo lie the as rid shall AAAav ft ly e4mpll wllh to tae Ritto of eo0, the esneflalloa of tbb poli ~ty fa t.1 bjmt 10 the ex• all the terms or talc por nor gnlu I~r is astill of 1S0 Insures o ob~ Stilts 00111 ono as provides in tae Tfne Antemnbllr rsell anrd Jlsauet o gir shot] hire Lorai(#1n, ply leterm ne[ elth, toy Jeffs Ohl 111111t the nsnred after Soup trial or by written agreement of the Inourel~, the It. UreSPratloas By arrepence of this rotlry the aolued Ineuted Stereos tie no ant and the company. that the etatementa n 1r~•,r declarations are his egret. me4``/ Ad reprfeealeft ons, that title potty IP smiled in repents 11pon the Any pyre or erSaalestlan or (?to legal reprilwPnlotlrthereof who tryth a[ tuck reprrmrulllb11s and Ihet this pat ey rmtodlra ell alrefinemtm lilt seen of su h Judimerit or errlllPn agrMmedt the 1 thereafter he entitled a? a}IaS G0tel lhime! a and the eomplnr of any Lot Is 491,11114 tristlnll to to toover nb rt. title Polley to the eaten. of t e Insurance afforded by this lb9urante. 1e1 11'ITNEA S 1YffR1101', this company ham exfcutid tied attested those pre9Pnto; but this pulley ohali hot he volld nnIf9a roualentaheti Lys 'n1y ■nthorlt reprroentatlrr of 1 110 rbmPaoy, 6ecrefary Ikesidenl page 3 , ri CON III T I O N N A. 1 linns of r.INI The Ilndt of 6,+,111) InJnt)' tia.Pity ptatrd In (ht• 11114 1'n [lit Y. YuIhVUK ruulalnwl In ITi• pldlr•y xhnil Ii Any III 'rnun or 1'",rrmp,• it By l.rAl l• ll. 0. APe Al't'. 111 "rxrh prrrnn" to Ow r,rpnu 4111:11 an)' rlr d to Jilin lilt- 4`0101101iy m. a 0o- drfrndatlt In any artll,n hmlt it Ihr rntlnlaill)k tur 911 dawax'4, nmtl;l .1 Ihr I Isl red In d,drrinino Ihr Insured'a Ilablllly, 1 a,h diAt 'Itv:l Orp hq 4,A,r pn.t 1001 A. a•rl ter., mrl.hl9 ,III "f be1111r lu.lnry. Ak. Ane.r 4,r JV.,..r, Inrladira drNlh At Nny thug nvr n'tin themfr"ll" Pilo Ito upr N{4101 4,r Iu.ulrcllry of the Inmun•d or ,It Ihr limir1•Il'A 1141NIP Knoll n4lirr hr euw un ' Ilk 4,.,S 11 „n„ .,al U, aril rn; aA' drill Itnilt of .Nth IIRb11i1g mtnn,l not ' .I al, oil) or Ito 0b119a1Ir11A IN frHlldi r. IN 110 it., I.rat ,••n hr ahldh .v m, "4,N;N Nr11111 1., ill1)505 it Ihr nbq,r II. trllan .Ttalnd r'nmb+nY \I, it, 11uu 411011 Ili alga lN.t Ihr cambony on 1"1.101, t, •I"•, a'm 4,A, pcrl', Illy 54541 5111,11 of Iha 4,r 11114X>'A Iln L1111 1'atirxytr l' 1:•Ar, 04 N rulnllllull pnrident th,Yr to, thrrr ~,•r ilk 1004c•.. 1w lo'llea dnnApr. for Asir 0, hA.. „t r, Ire., ill Lluu boll lI"%o 111 16 full rl'lnl Ilmnrr Am W. all thr 0n1 a! `41,111,1 1151101, "I, Anr.. „r dl.rap", In, INdl"v &i 0I All lialr I I .nll )silo. 4,f IIIIO yu111'I'. Iulr 1111011 Ihirly da)o mfiir Ihr mqui rid pruofa of elalm to IRt ir'(mrll, AA.1Rired I,t th AA "r mate pr r."skit 111 ail l' 4,111 al,, Id, W I1AIe bt',•11 fit CAl No lilt Ihr A11IIIl`nlly. 1. Itwit of Ilokmltl) 1IIr linlll of ll1l•ihl\ (4,r weAl1:' at ''n 11111 a1 a rtAte'f 11, 1111100111411t0i If Ili' INrllrl'll has olhor Ilonrenri- mmatlrt a Inms 1\vrt AY.` l' In I}u` de,lArAltOom ILA 01'IAII,AId,• 111 'vmoll pirpon" Yprr'ramrA A mud Il 4orirrd b Ih'A pullrY On- rourpanY Ilull not hr I. the U1114 ai Ihr rrulpotll'a 110,11H l, far all ex, 1'ah10 uN,N'e 5111 pulley for A grrairr prujlortlon of r-rh•r. hltultvI 1'T Ne uo I.0441( of rarh rt Ann much Ia AA Mau 1110 A' Illrabir 1113115 tit tllbllfry al1lyd lit trip declaratlnns hears I eRr •ALOOI0a h`,llh Imilm, .1; .sirs or dl.rArr, hlrludin it deN1h r, mrutinm In till, total 411101441, ~e 111111t of Ilablllly of all rallll and rollol lib1e lnsuraace IT, nlnnN. Its Ao) l,hr 0,\idrht. 0mAB1p1 Nurlt 1UAN! prorblod, however, the Inruranrr with replied to tempo. rary pubRllhMo mohintoh'ire Nnder tnmurlnlr ARreenwilt IV or other autotao• j, I1wilr %d I.MR111t) A'M` hlrhlahol heh`In of Ina re 1hAit one Ihptlhd 1,11110 under Inpllrhir ,lmhrmrht 1' Ahall be rlrl'Ra Inporahre 011 amr other li Not ti1rrAlr to Inervame the 11utrt0 tit tilt' ta1Tt And rrllerllblr inRurancr avallabla It) the Inmurr4l either as an inaured r„lul'AN}'a lt4bltily. Nl, der a imllry apptlrabli 011th mpprrt In 0114 Aolnlllldillex or othl i. liOaNrial ltr. t►l►ltlll 1• 4me Nxrh Inaurawo its is Rffordrd by ITIA IL Ulhrr Inalrmnre 1'1le in au fa gyre Afforllyd 50111 rrpprrl to other auto. Alml,"Irve ,1 NRd It 104110} tot bH'li'Y 1"Jimr 21~ Willy or pru- VwI ramr IN link 1,t leA unitcr Sumurinm AArevinenf 1' phatl be ex. .hAT}yIT 4141,1090 VAb'11t) phis) nlmply Nth 11eo0 Inanranve over any other rAald And rollfrtlhlo 1Rr I,rrllptl.N'+ 1,t the Nlrh, %rTl 11"Onrtal rt,go 1p1bI1Ry tow of 0nY nu•dhwl p0}uunLa luaur4ore Apt'llrablr thrn•to. vt h or pn,rtN,w'a I, oboll to, rllurablr with h'mp,41 la AIIJ aurh IIA. I1, pAbrnaallaN 111 the 000111 of ant' pNl nliul 11114100 Ihla roll T. Ai1V1) aiIda4,r, Vol % 1 0 nNperaRll', ttlNthiCNA11V` Ile 11x0 at the aN1e14N' f'u1'rrAmrr A mod 11 till, `jllollAlly plla❑ be mllbfa elyd to all the la. htl~111fihd `rlir) {yrh,ll,. I`1 ITr fmtr Nt lit Ilk, voletama Owl t1111t4 $it 1115001 N riNhlo Nf h'r'111'I r)' t11Ph'f11r mmthio anJ it 111) h hi f N} %,Av Ism, 1,111 IN No v%vul W 05,004 ld IIIC 11'1110 N! In,rman u4, orm4nlaallnn old Oil, In 011 l 01411 'rrlgal0 still 41011 C1'r %ItoIrU n11•A 4,m itihlt6 •1Ahvl 1R AMA 1''110}., '1'M' lnnlh•d Nit rtv'0 tA1 rrl nllalrrp the cA't11- Ain I+m IN'ra IINd lilt WIIRtVN'r 1'10010 044410111- it t'1 0vure Nurh rights. Till, In. IVNt' ~`r NN} Sxl'Nt 04A%Iv 1'} th0 1\'x1 'an} v'#l 14101 II Nrulll nrr hats 411ty Oh All du Nolhinm after R loan to 150)1 I, Ourll 010150. 4wA1 r .11Vv11A. ll A qt ~r on,1rt 1911 Ire In 4 nt 1b1o In'l1,} I' I, 'A 1-1 for till` 01mv RNxaeO \4500• to ply 00,411 ue 1104104 Iplsara0rd hY lily amrnt , 11`11 rHM ttNly\ 1►~a (MMpt4rT IA. 1' oh} Mn1 1111115 permon Ahall not tdhv`t a N'ah'er or a vh npa lmmll N1d 1NIlcr 1..4111 Anil 1,Alirpt ohklt Iw fllvlitilrl RN Ak,01100 IN 0111 ,Art III li1~m 14110), yr vAlop the rouipany (rout aspertina' Illy 0101{t t~+t 1v*9r+ ,1 ON,II,nh•00 1.Aa11atted h) 1,l, 41 Ihr , inr'Ilou of fhr nudrr 110 1,'nna of 1~IA pa IrY; not OTdI the SrnuA of 5114 1111110,4 bit w01Ted topor'l) al, 4,hNnmrlL ta,w;f b}' rlt1,iMae1111'n1 100110it tl Linn a pNrt of this policy \plh'e 01 AIA4001 1{'N,* ON AACldrht a'luk0 *le11 nulhw 4041 I hr O1NUed h,4, Ihr 11h•hh'ut. ty I'CI'abh'nt or 0 I+n•rrUry of ti111O roNoI'any ad 0l4,% b} nr till 1 hot QI 1hr tumuml 1a rnlll l'rY1Nh'rrlllNrd 19 A dull' mulhNllRed 40001 of the rrnlpany; 'ruriAnl, how. I,A1t} l,4 nY 4,I 4 All, '4lar,l 0tvOto 111 %,aA% 00 rlrr, Ilul ch RU 9rm nIR}' ho Inarlr la ST,, N 1111,`11 porl lltN of thl drrLrrtlono r#elh}hlr Nw h N,l~w ♦ 11 t~,xl4~N 1Nt`1thlAt, Ahtfblre h, 5,1011111) the bT rlliblrpvu of t.nuvt Ili form a port hrh•.t 41911041 1, a duty antAorlN•d ruml•AU}• ~MttIPM'i \'a 11 t{.N (rig+aNA~,~T aF1Alp 1111 4NtNr1W%t%N it T1'0tlhla The 111001 R9,'ul It the pp1 w NNIS 11YeNxMttOTT+4,a lit ITr 1101111" 5• Ihr NAm1`A Rn, AddrrO.,`0 of ITr IA, .l a attNNlrhr `.MfA11111i11) nit Ip11th'ml Nwlrr Ilk A 1'541 r} II•=sil not Idnd IN~N11`N 4041 t'f 111 A11Nh1,' 1dNrRN,'a l Ili rrmpa"l 111ti1 1 4 0400511 s ru,~a ra1W hrmn , It. 1. ~p1lt! pt 1R,M AT 1011 It~ Ill link 1. Nii'b, fl, oklk~ Ia 1',Nwdl p114111at lit 5x11.4 INr nOno'd ~Monte,~ Fill % 0 I'll W GO 1N14m1r 1,40rupt Ilr INN11TlV 1 kit FRW.'0 11 1 r N 111.v Ihr Naul.'' oha'1 lot ,rdlah•lF Mlt Afn Isla palhy 1'vr ,1,i, th A q'1ir NN r0n r4N1w It1, 11411, it 0015104 01, _ •a A,ra1~t{ %A 0 rrlt~l0 1 rtrrt ISe1NAh'~, Haller, bit A 'tip hl ITr 0,4x'000 41h~0 1W) tl }p Rhrr the data ,t ouch 411,411 ►Al1lN'd+xA Nt alhl`t 11k%1AlA4 t.r'e111'1 } hoN al, 4 F'ltlra''Nt AI ,P, lU ('01141151. HI'r 1 I the ,441110,5 I".NM fag I rv 1'0,`0141 re no 110 Will I{{t1~.uhv~ 11'1 YI 1i,1l,e 04105~Nm 9~a .1 aa1~I11, r,~~rt alTrrlAlmr to 1110 l,rovi• A 4_µ1RI NAM Nr11~I IMArrTa11NN IT1• I'AA1tW) 11411 CtA4`pitRir 1111~1 Ihr 11019 of !}haNl Nt %4 1V`111rp1 I1. AN NTN A% RtaNm 1h'JI I,WV,rArY too 'TN N►NhN kowk AaN N I p ,N IP.1I lo" Ay10 of title 011%lA1o1'~i11~ Ap aNll hr , vp't ki 1`t IwlrMrmH 1' WIN R' A 0 NNIN Na`d t 1001;4 too %1AM t11„ I,Iw'SNllllt'NI ANd gQt(TYIh,i1 of \\514,409,'# 31 00111E 1101014 rSri't 11 A1y'l 1141110 YN IIR'1 1 1/Im 1114 All '9 to 1N~ 091111 ~~•tipt it 1'{~v tl Natr 1l, ~IIr• A111~ ai ppttttw itt Itr 1111 Tyl~ hN f CCNi ~rt a (Y'th"I et NIaM (RRN 0 kly Nllh1„ N`rp11Nt Rp11~{ 0111104 Ctllitiiw• IAIa 45105 IR0 AM,, 0 p1NR 111411 of 111N'IIea110% . 1'~r 1 01.1410 NIA iy~, v1*14ht N Nt 511009+04 A'AA (1l1. tTr iWN,IWal 41 5 It r#'Akj'% St1N~ lliy'f IIt} 1, fIl I11A HRN "ARIA 1al1 N~AF111 IM1llll0 A C 1 VIA, It. Ctlp,ftA11NN 1'114 11,16 i 11141 111, 1'40,01115 T1 the NANlrvt IRprh'1t T} ~r0pNM1N ANI NbllO {I'•1 AN @f 1010E 611 011,.r1t+r 41110E 11110 p,4, An, 11 INt rAilllr mgt ml1i~yr IRrtr~Af of 1'l, likul I1t to IA, ",wri it Nlllltvl ."1t (4111rx 1 Ilx'illt'1~ ARII RNt6 to %1 1`f IN 141 vil lit ► All ba INI o 5R I4, AI h0 alo of Nrtll'r 0141500 N .111 1h mllttet 01011 tyN1wt111aR ATAi~Ir~ t~tlvlha T~It 11111 Nlal 14` I'm N,~h`tl i`) the ,v101110hit hT N1I1~ISIN IN 1 r pRNa~d 1llarhrl AP Of 6'i 'ell 1 ,1+a ph"Tlp IN ITI* t`A41r) MNltr Nall:' v, lilh9 All Flt 1,+ 1hA11rp is, 0151541 MrrF~l5yplttA``lIlA1NV 1`550) 0041 1. ►rrN A. I'll, ll'Ai,bA Alike 10)00•! iyr `.AIr 1%11, 111;f on.h IR killill"is AT 111w rMv%j%rt 1'Tp loill op a~r'tl,w A. 101,41 RI r+AN ill mMA'Am, tilt 1114 l`. hAlt 0R 1) ltStr OtNt.aald rT,tl ~v ONT"U'st In't "I r1M$A* 1141 IRr rMN11he dillo a►,1 11NO r 1 %41#9M F` IN the 54 11515 Nlll`N N!.vtt ' 1lok' y}+t rt"AAw1R1',M wtwh•'1 ill IRr ,44111,'0 rbAlt PIVV,N1r ITr 0141 rf tRN 10.4110), 0,•011341. N 'h`t I'll, 11 II it fN . 1 Rh 1 1 ft I,C`lllf 1 At RNt'11 '111 (101 pol , Ihet ! IRr RavoM II%nmml Not NY IRr row. A rAlli Atilt f1NNt hr i0h1 111, M VYOtr~ 101 ,,lilts all A la ht 1'401 1401 4TAI to t'obaTpt to 014151st } i~~ C1~ x k ivrf`L}1 # h' , 1 R R WplrO , hrwl, t O N rhr , `A6n 111 A1N Si~A N\!it'A~NA~HB'' 1 ph1Nt'IAr+A~11r NpaN} If 1Rr ,441011 10400,,41 ,Apr.'=A e1t11v1 1`h'litN11NI11a f.TAp h4,• rt`luppt,rt (p 11 ell 1,AN1t AA 111111 1A IV vNN'p#NF Nlh1 I, A+HNAN 1051 t", A,\v r,IthAV` M11R IRr Ch•4,+04411 p1 Af1 5410 ltY 1eAI }~.v"1110 ~ 611 IRr )apt pFl 4,a 0,v 111• )41,411 00,41~N11 h atl tN IN l,nlal 1001 MA. l MrAlum AT Apr ApN} NMf r►F 1hr 01111 t'ntA,tN 04 at 541:4 rN "11 NO%A% 1Na ml,1~1 tr4r h+ 141e0 Al Ihr 51,40 .#Nt 4111,4 l0 (it'd mt, It 1,H III Ib,N N ` 1~L INN fb~+A~ n~ 1011 pAIMNgF pi#ft 1111,5 iT0 1NA.`Ot N A,tr, )Ali t•0 %1 A A 4? A,\,p 14 pt A, IbA Nth•r r#0rf 111tu li^vmi • TdIK y~ANT l,1 1rh,b` 1 NI11 ~rl t1, 1101511 at) Rrh NN,i,r 011411 •`I 1 AN. I 1150. 1 ~r tv'pl rONf It r v\ Nf IIM 09+4.1 to h'phvralaftt! ~t1of M.l 0l, it M`N RA N11Am~'AN 111 it Al,lill\ 4,l It~l 1X1111,1',1 Nr r\t1 I•) Rr 1110,150 it 1~0 1111,41\) {T stow,l,t Ih431v A tp"''Ielt hN'T•r 0t ahY will 4,f ph`wlplN 510}uNNS. 1tr it, t IN, hRMr, 1Nttlrh 141. 1kx10'.1 kitSI lMt lMtl "M 0,;1.,0 01155 It, 0.91001 Ih0 t + 11'00% 5`11'1 h` INNOKI'1'tt1\ it tRIA p"b.} 111 IA.INVI 10, r IRr ta"Ari 1 a 51414111 4 11 ON IF IN, r At 0 tN "I0r, ,rtr.vtrpit 51 ~ 05.•51 AaMmAl hIt ~W 4,r 1114, Ih•0M0,v 0ttv'h 1 Arpip# •Rli• Rr ahFrptaIr I 0 u 11'11 RR01) 614, IN~It 1 1tp h ph 4 IN IRr 1#I4, ~r. is, to aOrwtAll.+N 1•f la Iwyh•) 1r o "to INr t6• lit 1 21150#( pi INlt taltit, At g0lil to \h1 Jpl 1~I1+J Nast 10, OINNOll,,i~i ,4;411'9, at f1tim vl 11 1~0 1~1Am 15.150,41` Ir.Mr/0,w ~taRU111 y11,' ttti OR,t,11 I~Ata 10.,4'),1 F1N6 1 1T tty Ir11 l,1) 4,t iF'N 111 tpl rp A#10 l 1 1110 1!, Mv1N4ailrN4 K% Atfrt't Ap'w 4,t IRI Mt. like OaNtM 11011101 r~r 441505 fN P1th1 11(}Cf M.4, x11 111# of bt Mi 1 W.1 A#1005+ 1 tRr lNaRn`, 1110. IR 1 l><r N101rtq:+ON 1}10 IR0 15r.1at~IIA+AR 0Pr ►IA AArcr 516,,4 i'.l ANA 11'014101 N% j t0r 19 11'1 trrt wit 011,•04, IRA1 thU W 1t'T S5 I~NNmv1 ill rftkI4,w• tit", lNr ,444110) i 100,4 I% NI }f 016 :k4rN 1t IM`• ItY#1p t.AV~+n' YaIIt+ IIrA v vi d tg t(N 4,l AA,V t%TZ 5'Ot.At,oA1 114 FRat I J~ hl T+fa"WA 411 0{rr.rrr'0p11 #rh,~ 1515+ t1+:0 010,451 At R111l,rN r\1001 trr''tll!'6 ipA N 1Ytr 455,4,41 515,4,,)1 # tR11IV1'A~NtAM N,*rif 6011 FRr tNMMNS aR m) 4,1 tt 911'114 1,4461:4 it. ill 1,44\0) NM if 1 9 Nn111 Id IN T 1!\ \\11\1+ \kklkktitmtki', IMt 11+1tvAN} RAA rINNINI+1 ANA IWONA 591«0 ptr•ONI TAI III I. "Ills ►Rat $4,t I4, %00,1 a0k+1 ro0ptr»FapN R} 1 ahIr ANillrixlt 1Y14TR1`M111114 n r 1M1M1'4p) -P AA 51':1.915 1 ~I,M.lwet Asks kk~~ T 6AOBILE a>: '7 OT This ondorc¢ment forms a {rill of )loll<y 3Y e. A~ 6 Issued I00ity Cab Co. ~ Dixie Cab Q0e by 1110 Metropolitan casualty., al Its Agency (Name of Inst ranee Company) located icite and ship) Dallas s Texas... _ and k effective 1,,,, ustroh, 250. 01953- - 112:01 A M. Standard T1m.j 11 is agreed tnat is of ih~ alleclive date hereof the policy is hereby amended In the following r!arllculars: To covert Year Body Type: Truck Sire; Serful Number Model Trade Name Model Tank Gallonage Capacity; Motor Number or Bus Sooting Capacity S 1949 - Plymouth 4 Dr. Sedan m P19-149220 The lollowinq sadorssmsats attached to this policy are applicable to this eudore.msnit Insteed at: Body Type; Truck Size; Year Sarlor Number Model trade Name Model Tank Gallonagb Capacity; Motor Number or Bus Sooting Capacity S 1946 Plymouth Item 4 Dr Sedan M ?15-70641 By (Duly horizad Represenlaltvel FOAM 9-BUBSTITUTION OF AUTOMOBILE Standard Automobile Endorsement BsYlsed May 1, 1546 64. GENERAL CHANGE ENDORSEMENT IDo not use in lieu ~Lof Endorsement 3-Assignment of Interest.) This endorsement firms a part of Policy No. _A+5-11.W. . Issued to _.oity.. Cab Qd. Dixie_oab--YQ.PTP.aDY.._ ty Iha Metropolitan Casualty Insurawb_Oomp.Aay.. at its Agency (Name of Insurance Company) Iocatad (city and stale) Dalluit Texas and is effective from 1 ~3 (12:01 A.M. Standard Time) It is agreed that as of Ih9 effective date hereof the policy Is amended in the following particulars. It 1% understood and agreed that the motor number of Item 2 on the aoheble is hereby ohv,.~ee, to reads SAM-3'/0992 By, .A (Duly u lied AepreeentalivO FOIiL! $4. OW"MAL CHANGE ENDORSEMENT. LSlanderd AuWmohlto Cndoreement. BASIC LIABILITY FORM THE METROPOLITAN CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK Automobile Policy N0. AS Renewal of Policy Number... f►$...~1~..... D6CLAAA710N5 Item 1. Name of Insured.......,.... '1LT..QVP..00..&..L17tle...Ct~b.._C„o>GEB.4Y Addrss_....Cf~k.~..Au4t~u._.-.._. Dentona"..mazes (No. Street Town County " - Statd The named insured Is I vidu sl..., _ Corporetlan o.-or .-Co- . pa n nenhtp II..l . atteq at re na __m...e. _ o ar.. i*paT..trt.an) Occupation of the nem:d Insured is...... alb a Call-Goo- (Name of Employu, or, if Married Women, give Husbands Occupation or Bminess) Caragd! The automobik will be principally garage! in the above town, county and state, unless otherwise stated herein:........... _ 9, to Item 1 Politiy crf ..6. -954........ ItSU$ST'TF'"ON !)F.itr►•.'.iVERY OR TAXICAB Cit Cab Coe & L}>l'.e Cab Coa This endorsement fa`,s dW of Policy tia..._Lk..~L Issued to .........}r_..__.....__.._..-._._._,__.__.._~_.___..__._.. i by the Cafiuait_y--.'__.--------------- at as Agency (Name of Insurance Company) laatsd (city and state) and Is effective from 0.t..4953___._ (12;01 A.M. Standard Time) It Is agreed that such insurance as is afforded by the policy for Bodily Injury Liability, for Property Damage Liability and for Medical Payments with respect to the oulomobile classified as "publi; livery" or "taxicab". applies subject 11 the following pro..sionsr y En y 1. The Insurance applies only while the automobile is operated for hire with the named insured or an employee of the named insured In a atwadance as chauffeur, or Is used for parsonol, pleasure, family or other husineer purposes. 2. While the automobile Is so operated for hire, the insurance for Properly Damage Liability applies with respect to loss of or damage f ) No to properly of passengers while the property Is carried in the avlomobiie. 3. While the a -!amcblle Is subject to any molcr carrier low, the insurance dots not cover as an Insured any person or organization, or any agent, employee or contractor thereof, other than the named Insured, who Is required to carry automobile liability insurance under any motor carrier law bemuse of transporting passengers or property for the named insured or for others. 4. The Insurance does not apply: 2 (a) If the outomobilo has a seating capacity of more than eight passengers, other than the driver; (b) while she automobile is operated as a bus or on a schedule alorur a regular route, or Is rented without the named insured or an 3 employee of the named insured in allendonce as chauffeur. ' - y 4 (Dui Authorized Aepresenlative) s FORM lfl-PUBLIC .'.VTOMOBILE-PUBLIC LIVERY OA TAXICAB Slaadard Antota7bl1e Eadonsment Aarlsed May 1. 1051 t: ~ t~"Qt''"~StR t`.~;?at a~*t}'9~!' -'*~'3Tr`^.~nl!~w ~e p~ - 7. .sn......; " .......,..,s•.t 7 _ 8 - 9 - 110 'For all automobiles mortgaged when covered for Fire. Thell and/or Collision, show all information called for on rev use hereof. By . . `!`'~~I ~,'+•(Dwt1,HFrlhor(zed P.epresentative) F01tM'IS-FI.CET 6C1lEDVLG-4HORt FOAM `vf Standard AulolaWle Eadmsement Asvbed May 1, iltl a ~ i PAbB 3 ~ l if W BASIC LIABILITY FORM THIE# 'M u q~ T . LL X._.__..,....._.._ At Rs Agency (Name of Insurance Company) located (city and stale) . and is effective from .._rd3_ (12:01 A.M. Standard Time) Imyoriaar-All columns bare doable coplions. PE SURE so show Islormalloo in same order as cap6ooed. Purchas - - En- Model New TRADE Truck or SERIAL LIST LOCATION 'FIRE Type of Bodily s Damage try Year or Second NAME Trailer NUMBER PRICE USED PREM. Collision Injury Damage Hand Size Coverage Limits Premium Y - - (Other No. Year Month TYPE OF length of MOTOR COST TO AMOUNT OF 'THEFT 'Collislon Miry Cov'ages) Purchased Purchased BODY Trailer NUMBER INSURED INSURANCE PREM, Premium Premium Y104'3 Liiia n 7 GX6 - 4 Dr, 1 S P23-56 21 0.00 Cheyro 'K t;onsT4 2 Sedan .00 Aq 48- Plymouth 20261272 D Dentigla-Tex, F; 10 70.00 3 4 Dr, Sod PIR-794bU 4 De T Qe00- 'it, f,~n i A0,00 4 4 are S PIS-15679 _ T ale 6 _ Brand T al 8 7 8 10 'For all auiomobfles mortgaged when covered for Fire, Thell and/or Collivion, how all Information called for on reverse hereol. By ( hotized Repmoontatlve) FORM 45-FLM SCMUL"HoBT FORM $tandard Aelomoblls ltndorsemsel Revised may I, 1940 f IM ry yes ,..r. . _ - - = - Nome of llOr'909" nto No. Of Monthly A?Somounthly _ - ~ Entty Amount Paid Amount Due Paymenis Payments No. in Cash j ' I ea person TJ 000 A gOdil In u Lla i ;i $ 560.00 E 10,000.00 each accident B Property Damage Liability .$--51000600 each accident 3 ?_80.0 C Medical Payments E each non $ _ 1 Special Charge for.. as per endorsement stesrhrd . r : TOTAL PREMIUM i 840.00 Item Description of the automobile: ~ Year of - Trade Name Model Body Type; Truck Size; Tank Gallonage Serial Number Modal Number Gpatityi or Bw 5saetna Capacity, . Motor Number See Schedule S M_ lal The aoat:'iradirpos N fovWebtheavuvnobtieIstobeused are"plea■uraaMsudnees'unlessothervgestated hereln.....».......... Ian V Use: fhe rereads " and budna d b deem 1a penanet, pine nv use foe bwlrp"A use. ((mThe "commesIs defined ae use ortncl pally In the (x ar the occupation stated In Item 1, Including occ■signal we r persoru, plusure, family 94 other business purposes (c) Use oTT the autmomohlle few the purpose emoted Includes the loading and. unloading thereof. Item 6. Except with respact to bailment Icase, conditional sale, mortgage or other enscurntwence the named insuraS is the sole owner of the auto. mebik, except as herein stated. _ Item During the jest year no Insurer has esnceled any autontobtfe insurance Issued to the named Insured, except as heroin stated:....... r.. ' iN1 wItNES WHEREOF, Th'4 MaroQo(lun Caeu~lty tmunnce Como nyof New Yak has taxed thispolicy to be signed by its president ends secretory but it ahall r)ot be vplld un eas aounterelptad Dy a du y euthorlt representative of thle Canpany. Secretary. President, Countarsieritc! e k ],Iaxa . Tiali this 2 33.v clat A.-.,._..W utiwrized Representetlua. t r PACE t ± vt t .r t i . ~s l THE METROPOLITAN CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEw YORK, NEW YORK, N. Y. (A stock Insurance company, herein called the Company) i Agrees with the Insured, named in the declarations mode a part hereof, in consickratiot of the payment of the premium and in reliance upon the statements in the declarations and subject to the limits of liability, exclusions, conditions and other terms of this policy INSURING AGREEMENTS 1 Coverage A-Bodily lidury Liability 1V Automobile Defined, Trailers, Two or More Automobiles To pay on behalf of the Insured all sums which the Insured shall (a) Automobile. Except where stated to the contrary, the word i became legally obligated to pay as damages because of bodily Injury, "autorrobik" meaev: r sickness or disease, including death at any time resulting therefrom, (1) Described Automobile-the motor vehicle or trailer de- i sustained by any person, caused by accident and arising out of the scribed In this policy; ownership, maintenance or use of the automobile, (2) Utility Trailer-a trailer not so described, if designed for use with a private passenger automobi1e, if not being used Coverage B-Property Damage Liability with another type autornobik and if not a .erne, office, store, To pay on behalf of the insured all sums which the Insured shall display or passenger trailer: become legally obligated to pay as damages because of injury to or (3) Temporary Substitute Automobile-en automobile not destruction of property, including the loss of use thereof. caused by owned by the reamed insured white temporarily used as the accident and arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of the substitute for the described automobile while withdrawn automobile, from normal use because of its breakdown, repair, scnicing, l Coves C-Medical Payments low or lion; V° (4) Newly Acquired Automobile-an automobile, owr+crship of To pay all reasonable expenses Incurred within one year from the which is acquired by the narrxd insured who is the owner date of accident for necessary medical, surgical, ambulance, hos- of the described autrxtnob le, if the named Inured mmifses pital,'professional mirAng and funeral services, to or for each person the company within thirty days following the data of its who sustains bodily Injury, sickness or disease, caused by accident, delivery to him, and if either it replaces an autoncbile de- while In or upon, entering or alighting fron the automobile if the scribed in this policy or the company insures all automobiles automobile Is being used by the named insured or with his permission. owned by the ranted insured at such delivery date; but the insurance with respect to the newly acquired automobile If Defense, Settlement, Supplementary Payments does not apply to any loss against which the named insured As respects the insurance afforded by the other terms or this policy has other valid and collectible Insurance The named 1.* unckr coverages A and B, the company shall: sured shall pay any edditianal premium ro*A ad Maui or (a)',defend any suit against the insured alleging such Injury, sickness the application of the insurance to such newly acquired disease or destruction and seeking damages on account thereof, automobile. even if Such suit is groundless, false or fraudulent, but the con- (b) Semitrailer. the wsxd "trailer" inctuks scrmitfaikr pany may make stech investigation, negotiation and settlement (c) Two or More Automobiles. When two or moo automs"lel are of any claim or suit as it deems expedient; insured hereunder, the tems of this policy shall apply separately (b) 'pay all premiums on bonds co release attachrtxnts for an amount to each, but a motor vehicle and a trailer cc trailers attached not In excess of the applicable limit of liability of this policy, thereto shall be held to be awe automobile as respects limits of all premiums m appeal bonds required in any such defended liability. I suit, the cost of bail bonds required of the Insured In the event V Use of Other Automobiles lot accident or traffic ley violation during the policy period, not if the named Insured is an individual who owns the tutornoNle to exceed the usual charges of surety companies nor $100 per classified as "pleasure and business' or husband and wire either cc bail bond, but without any obligation to apply for or furnM any both or whom own said automobile, Such Insurance as is afforded by such bonds this policy with respect to said automobile applies with.respect to any (c) pay all expense incurred by the company, all costs taxed against otter automobile, subject to the following provtslaiu: the insured in any such wit and all interest accruing after entry (a) With respect to the Insurance for bodily injury liability and for of judgment until the company has paid, tendered or deposited property damage liability the unqualified word "insured" Includes in court such part of Such judgment as does not exceed the limit (I) such named Insured, (2) the spouse of such irvdividual if a I of the company's liability thcrean, resident of the 'same household and (3) any ocher person er c , e organization legally responsible for the use by such named insured 6d1 pay expusta Incur,red by the Insured or such immediate medical ox socusr of an autominhile not owned or hired by such other and surgical relict to others as small be Imperative at the time of ' the accident; penman or organization. Insuring Agreement 111. Definition 'of Inanred, floes not apply to this insurance, (e) idmburse the insured tot all reasonable expenses, other than loss (b) This Insuring agreement does not apply: of earnings, incurred at the company's trgtiest (1) to any autonv)blle owned by, hired as part of to frequent 'fbe amounts incurred under this Insuring agreement, except Settle- use of hired sutor oblies by, or furnished for regular use runts of claims and wits, are payable by the company in addition to to the warned Insu col or a member of his household ahem the applicable limit of liability of this policy, than a private chauffeur or domicAle servant of the named Insured or spouse; III 1hAnl ion of "]routed" (2) to any automobile while used in the business or occupation of With respect to the insurance for bodily injury liability and for the narn:d insured or spouse except a private passenger occupied by such named insured. property damage liability, the unqualified word "Insured" Includes spouse, dv ft rur or roe seor occupied rvant; bile the named Insured and also includes any person while using the auto to any aDr.xidldect i,ding out of the operation of am automobile and any person or organization legally responsible for the use repair station or therepl, provided the actual use of the automobile Is by the named public pirki publlic ssn,ge, sales agency, Service Insured or with his permission. The insurance with respect to any public parking place; , Berson or organization other than the named Insured does not apply: (d) under ge unless the injury cassia from fix, red o tie of f si etchtch other automobile by such name: in',ured or (a) to any person or organlzatlom or any agent or employee spouse or on behalf of either by such c` ifieur or servant, thereof, operating an automobile repair Shop, public garage, sales or from t),e occupancy of said automobile by Stich named agency- service station or public parking place, with respect to Insurid or [pause, any accident arising out of the operation thereof; V1 Policy Period, Ten", Purposes of Use (b) to any employee with fespect to injury to or slcknteas, disease ' Th(s policy applies only to accidents which occur during the policy or death of another employee of the same employer Injured In period, white the autorrioblle is within the United States of Mirka, the course of such employrment in an accident arising out of its tetritories or posStWoins, Canada or Newfoundiand, or Is being the rrnalnton:umA toe use of Itrf automobile in the business of such tfsms, i ed between pats thereof, and Is owned, maintained and used employer, for the purpose, stated as applicable thereto in the declarations. PAGE 2 EXCLUSIONS This policy does not apply: (d) under coverages A and Q to bodily injury to or sickness. disease or death ,f any employee of the insured while engaged in the (a) under any of the coverages, while the automobile is used as a employment, other than domestic, of the Insurol or on domestic employ. public or livery crutiveyance, unless such use Is specifically declared merit if benefits therefor are either payable or required to be provided and described In this policy and premium charged therefor; under any workman's compensation law; (b) under any of the coverages, to liability awl ncd by the insured (e) under coverage A, to any obligation for which the insured or any company as his insurer may be held liable under any workmen's under any contract ce agreement; compensation law; , (e) a lcr coverages A art/ B. while the automobile Is used for (f) coder coverage B, to injury to or dearmt ion of property owned the towing of any trail., owned so hired by the insured and rwt covered by, rented to, in charge of or transported by the insured; by like insurance in the company; o- while any trailer covered by this (t) urxier coverage C, to bodily injury to or sickness, disease or policy is used with any automobile twncd or hired by the insured and death of any person if benefits therefor are payable under any work not covered by like insurance in the company; men's compensation law,. CONDITIONS Con+itlons 1, 2, 4, S, 7, 8, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 apply only to the coverage or coverages noted thereunder; all other conditions apply to all coverages of policy. 1. Limits of Liability The limit of bodily injury liability stated required, and shall, after each request from the company, execute Coverage A in the declarations as applicable to "each authorization to enable the company to obtain medical reports and person" is the limit of the company's copies of records. The injured person shall submit to physical exam- liability fur 01. damages, Including damages for care and loss of services, Ination by physicians selected by the company when and as often as arising out of bodily injury, sickness or disease including death at any the company may reasonably require. time resulting therefrom, sustained by one person in any one accident; The company may pay the injured person or any person or organ- the lint£t of such liability stated In the declarations as applicable to ization rendering the services and such payment shall reduce the "each accident" Is, subject' to the above p.ovislon respecting each amount payable hereunder for such injury. Payment hereunder shall prrsort, the total limit of the company"s liability for all damages, In- riot constitute admission of liability of the insured or, except here- cloAng damages for c..ie and loss of, services, arising out of bodily tinder, of the company. injury, sickness or disease, including death at any time resulting there- E0. Action Against Company No action shall lie a'geinht the from, su haired by two or more persons In any one atGident Coverages A and B company unless, as a' condition L Limit of Liability ` The limit of liability for medical payments precedent thereto, the insured shell Coverage C stated in the declarations si applicable to 'have fully complied with rll the terms of this policy,'ncr until the "each person" Is the limit of the company s amount of the {maenad's obligadan to pay shell have been finally de- either s judgment against the inhaled afar actual trial e. termIned by or" sustains for all expenses Incurred by or on behalf of each person who amount stains bodily injury, sickness or disease, including death resulting by written agreement of the insured, the claimant aid the'oomp9ny. therefrom. In any one aceldent, Any person or organization or the legal representative thereof who 3. Limits of Liability The £nclustun hereto' of more than one has secured such judgment or written agreement shall thereafter be insured shall not operate to Increase the entitled to recover under this policy to the extent or the insurance limits of the company's liability, afforded by this policy. Nothing contained in thi; policy shall give 4. Financial Responsibility Laws Such insurance as Is afforded any person or organization any right to 'rn the company as a co- Coverages A and B by this policy font bodily injury defendant in any action against the insured co determine the insured's liability or property damage liability. liability shalt comply with the provisions of the motor vehicle financlal g , y or insolvency of the Insured or of the insurer's estate responsibility law of any state or province which shall be applicable. shall not relieve the company of any of its obligations hereurtder. with respect to any such liability arising out of the ownership, main. the tenant a use of the automobile during the policy period, to the extent 11. Action CompanY NNooh ct shal unlessl; );a ees it taniagainstdition ~rage C abut . . of the coverage and limits of liability required by such law, but in no precedent thereto, there shall have event in eeu of the iii u of liability stated in this policy. The been full compliunce with all the terms of this policy, not until thirty insured egrerets to refmnburse the company for any payment made by y the company which it would not have been obligated to make under days after the required proofs of claim have been filed with the con- the tents of this poliey,except for the agreement contained in this pany. paragraph. 12. Other Insurance If the Insured has other Insurance against 5, Assault and Battery Assault and battery shall be deemed an Coverage A and B a loss cc-tred by this policy the company Coverages A and B accident unless eornmitted by or at the shall nod s liable under this policy for a direction of the insured. greater proportion of such loss than the applicable limit of liability 6. Notice of Accident' When an accident occurs written notice stated in the declarations beats to the total applicable limit of liability shall be given by or on behalf of the insured of all valid and collectible insurance agalrtist such loss; provided, how- to the company or any of Its authorized agents as soon as practicable, ever, the insurance with respect to temporary substitute automobiles' , wider Insuring Agreement 11 or other automobiles under Insuring aric! Waite shalt contain parlo Innfer satin re to Identify entify the t ti me, place Insured Agreeiment V shall be excess insurance over any other valid and cola lnd also reasonably tay' re and circumstances of f the'-,aoxaW ;ident, the e names and addresses of the Icctibk Insurance available to the dithered, either as ern insured tendon ,injured and of available wWitws. a policy applicable with respect to said automobiles or otherwise. 1. Notice of Claim cc Suit If claim Is made or suit is brought 13. Other Insurance The insurance afforded with respect to other Coverages A and B against the insured, the Insured shall Coverage C automobiles under Insuring Agreement V immediately forward to the company shall be excess insurance over any other every demand, nonce, summons or other process received by him or his valid and le medical iiable thereto. 14 Subrogationha payments Insurance event ofan ~payment ttncler this representative. 8. of the I and Cooperation The Insured shall cooperate with Coverages A s: d B policy, the company shall be submgated the of the insured company end, upon the to all the Insured's tights of recovery (overages A and B company's request, shall attend therefor against any person or organization and the insured shall ex- hend giving and trials and shall ecute and deliver Instruments and papers and do whatever else is In effecting assist chance o tlerses a, d in the and giving evidence, obtaining necessary to secure such rights. The Insured shall do nothing after the etre ndarnce of w witnessses arxd in the conduct of suits. The Insured loss to prejudice such rights, shall rat, at has cur any voluntarily make any p mt, , ChAnges Notice to any agent or knowledge possessed by a.y assume any obligation or incur any cxpcrue other than fo, such Imnnmeed- 15 late medical and surgical relief to others as shall be imperative at the agent or by any other person shall not effect a waisxr time of tot dient. or a ch nge in any part (,f this policy or estop the company from assert- 9. Medical Reports; Proof and As soon as practicable the Injured Ing any right tender the terns of this policy; no, shall the terms of this Payment of Claim r,erson or someone on his behalf policy be waived or changed, except by endorsement Issued to form It Coverage C "N give to the company written part of this policy, signed by a duly authorized representative of *he proof of eza;m, under north if company. PAGE 3 • a R i ~VA1 E 7C ~7 vr r µ o "~A 0 o C7 o tj C, " o Z goy Pon" 3 _f f 041. anl»a}la aq Ileys uu1101"J" 42ns 001027341 tAVP any ue41 a3uesnsul t141 v3 Aulietai Swale III )o Aug seal 7011 Ua4m Pullelt aallou t»11Nm katod si41 ul umo4s ssallpe a41 0o Avudulo2 ay Pug JIm+14 u»h7aq 8ullslxa swaumigs III salpoquia 1g pansul pawau a41 of 8uglgw, Sq Avedww xµ Aq p0la0usa aq Am 93110d tf41 1041 pus suope3uss3lda7 43M 10 4vu1 241 uodn a3us!I37 Aoilod s14 L 'mp;;p :q IIv4s uopclawg2 4'j" 137)e3lx(1 ua4.11fill Ivis ul ;*rlsTf sl ,Sol od ,~141 1t+41 'suolislua901da7 pue swawaa.ltlei sly 21g aolxw u311pta Auedwu7 041 01 Bvglk'u R9 pains "1160eIOP 241 ul s7uatua101e x41 2" x3:1110 -ul pa uvu ay1 Aq rolmp* aq ,(eta Aj lod flu U0110143u0D oil pa7lin,l pxueu a41 62l16d clyi )b awa1daxa c(I 0vop00sla0tl 91 uc,jv*!pnfpg jo Lpp.)p tmo 10 y0nsvl p*weu myi m ~np wnl0asd ,w purgas Run )o sapual a31,P 041007)0 sAgp 61x s uv40 ax)L11 Jo po(0ad s sn) tua.la au u1)nq angBi 3ual2yylq s aq IIZO plea»o1e 09 paJontlap JO p9110w anjsmuasaidai •ua:a.'d30 iueal flans Jo uolleayil3nb pug 1uxulu]t 10 iql pun 'UmW 031 J4 »0040 241 0o 1I2a42 t,Rueduw2 ALL 'anll3*))2 sauur?3q U017 y„m ~(q pxn s1 allyauolnn x41 all4m ag0lantra in" pug 'porn. -n=2aUgo J211e 214baJKN7 ie um i/ apE W _*q tlt4s 'apcw u:yl lov►; 'put ue se 'allgowwne 041)0 {polsni Aicaodur.+1 +adnld 1.rlne4 uoisad Fu.O P"DOW tl u011slawe2 awll Ko 1g apew aq 1(ew lvawlmfpe umlwaia 'I 117'law0alPV 9ulmsul Jo suolslnnsd RV os osl.t1041d »a(grd '9 pug V em old p07ndww 2q ;I" swnl:u3ld pauiea 'spma2 Ausdu oo a•{1 %Aelano3 0a)wn (1) pug 'painsul paurou ay1 IN aelmuasaldo7 tuna! )1 psnp»ow put 21901 a1s7 u" tseuxn0n3 2:(1 411re aauepso3eA ul s,pasniul P0w0u a47 1ano0'uolsrulpslfptt 00 41rp 40ns )b alep r41 palnduwa aq pe4s nunlwald pw1e0 'gawea pa0nsul paweu 0111 )I sai)e sRup Alxls ulylm Aundwo0 ay n1 u0n11<2g aa!tcv 11311!1M Jt'11"4s DullEew of lualsA,rba aq 11" Auedwoi " Aq x' pu stq ixuw 'palawe2 ssalun IAOI YJ slyl 'pou2d 40llod up ulys:m turnlosul a 1dru 041 Aq Jay110 *MWU tmiPA 43rd )o ;UaAjlta' .pol»d Aollcd Ni jo :7111Ey pa9pnfpe aq 0o alp l1w(p o3ir'ful pawml 041 '1anaAW4 ')I 'uoas3y pv}q pt» aryl awo2oq 11" W11ot1"t•1. P21s1s uol7ga3U" Jo 220p an11»Pa pas7oPu2 tl luxuw s1l INun A'+tmonl all !y1 Pus salxw {o!oos! "u'Ivw 2911" plmiop is » lwu )o Suglb~l w Ils4t A*god x141 iaptm I»1» ul Jo 1uaunr9lsry fuswufl"V '91 I~--V~~'t~'Lr'l._f LVr,-~. f"~-LIJIZ T•~L'I L-t=f'L,_l'l.__1 rJ~ ~ I I j WESTERN _U E TY COMPANY` lilt ~t.t;,yi •f .~y r,~y • lys . i KANSAS city etHIOA06 06' X'-FALLS - DALLAS fly CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE In consideration of the sum of - - - - - Ten rand no/100 - - - - ($10.00 Dollars, f~ the Western Surety Company hereby continues in force Bono No. 700743-51 _in the sum of - - - - - - One Thousand and no/100 - - 1=1,000.00 Dollars, on behalf of Robert Everett Smith r in favor of City of Denton, Texas for the term ending on the 2M_day ofMaY 19-!k subject to all the covenants ~t~ and ccnditions of said Bond heretofore issued on the 22d day of _MaY , 1951 . This continuation is issued upon the express tonclition that the liability of the Western Surety Company under said Bond and this and all continuations thereof shall not be cumulative and shall in no event exc*A the total sum above written. De.ted this-13th day of_ March 19 53 Countersigned WESTERN SURETY COMPANY v By By- Resident Agent rr Attorney in fact rosM .o .•s, - - - v-Zl"'1.TZ-!'-. '1 ~ • J _ t Z 1 t f" .r'-tI ll r-' -t , r:..' t r--1~'-V'~r,'1r':V'-1 l-1~L1IJ l_~J _I _J' 1' -.fl 1 L`...il.Lt.lr,t lJ v...' l J L r"'.:_I'Lf-1-J"1_f:'L! LJ"L-I'-..r ..r.~.~..:::.:i:•^.:r..:'.^„r.:_"'t.Pi:...-^:.»~..^,iS_L~..~....-^C>~'.^.G'IIS•LCSC :.'[.CL"'.::~L3Z ENCLOSURE: TO------ - - -COCA- ''c__-- United States Fidelity and Guy $11 MBRCANTILB N8 B DAUM 1, S si foil ;ii--------------- - 17V DALYIUORI MARYLAND P Agti Ramey Ins. Agency CONTINUA') IEMFICATE Denton, Texas FOR SIV WALK, CURB, AND GUTTER BOND PREMIUM $ 1000 Bond No. 67184.12.165-46 Amt, of Bondi $1,000 In favor of City of Denton, Texas On behalf of David H. Bradlsh.a,.+ Period: From 5-15-52 to 5-15-53 In consideration of the premium herein stated, the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY i COMPANY hereby continues in force, for the period described, the Bond designated above, subject to all the agreement; limitations and conditions themol and provided that the liability under said Bond and all continua. l tions thereof shall not be cumulative. Signed, sealed end dated March 2, 1953 UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY Bobbie R. Mitchell By Attorney In Fact mum UNITED, STATES FIDELITY APJD GLutARAH71y( C0Mu PANY IIALTIM0RI MARYLAND A& Ramey Ins. Agency CONTINUATIM CE1171FICATE Denton, Texas Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter License Bond PREMIUM $10.00 Bond No.67.184-12-738-49 Amt, of bonds $10000. In favor of City of Denton, Texas On SAW of V. R. Clearean Period i From June 21, 1953 to Am 21, 1954 In consideration of the premium herein stated, the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY hereby continues in force, for the period deacribed, the bond designated above, subject to all the agreements, limitations and eonditions thereof and provided that the liability under said &,nd and all continua- tions thereof shall not be cumulative. signed, sealed and dated Wks 12, 1953. UNITED STATES IDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY ' •r.' ..R By. . .w`tK attorney in fie) IIy Goa" do 4 77"' 1 FC'd °z Itz. 9r i !+J ti ~q ~~~~TTTffJ ~ n 1 ~"'Np''r7"'r d + f ~`~°yti~orasu✓'r' ISSUED ....6.r5-5.3........ ENDORSEMENT NO....... ..6.... t.• This Endorsement forms a part of Policy No.,173m3.628.... andiseffective from noon of.......MaY..,.1.5.s... 95.3.,... Assured..............................CATY.. DF... DEN.T!ON..,..,,.............,..,.......,..................,......,.... In consideration ofadditiona,l.... premium of 5.,.,...4.2$..59....,, there are hereby.,, addod t0 „ (additional or return) ("added ta" or "attickea Ironi') Schedule No........ .5 for Electrical Machines, forming a part of the policy, Cie Objects designated and described as follo a `n' new Powe Plant South side East Hickory StreO at Mount Street Denton en on exas Location., .................,...(Street and Number) • (City) (County) ty) (State) Ded¢nat(n Numbes Type of Object Capac3tY cf each object Manufacturer (kw., kr•a., .p.) Motor, Generator, Tron.former, etc. 59? 9 Morse Generator 3429 kva Fairb 5,9$50,5 ............................Morse... Motor. ........................300. hp....... Fairbanks X7.b2.$ ..Mors.e..,...,.,. Generator 30 kw airbanks ...F17.8.5.79 .rAe Motor 2 hp a rbank.............,.,, .17497 .Jiotao........... -Generator 1..k*!,...... . ' The Hartford Steam Boller Inspection uad Insurance Company President Donn No. 711A 1;1cc'.rirnl Machines l 'n.,,.nt+ ISSUED _6. r5-53........ ENDORSEMENT NO This Endorsement forms a part of Policy No..,.,173-36 .$..an(i is effective from noon of..........15.,...195)... Assured L`.x...Q...~E~. In consideration of- (di ,.i~y~.prcnutun of 3_9613610 , there are hereby. added-to (a rtoona of re urn ("added to" or "stricken from") Schedule No..,...,...2 for Internal Combustion Engines, furming a part of the policy, the Objects desig- nated and lescrit a~ f~ pyps p1~r1L South gidi East 4okeg Street a , Oun w.7 reeFl t7en on en o exas Location (Strtet and Number) (City) (County) (State) ._._DesfGnniiny - - - -0, .,.d or C.Pacit7 Numtcr Description of Object Fuel open coa;:ni Manufacturer (kw., kva.. 6.p.) of each Utitct syst. t, D/45510 ........J give.... ...,.................andaoil Close Fairbanks Mouse 3500 h.ps ............1.......,............ I ...................u,,, The Hertford Steam Mier Inspecdlon and Inswance Company 2. 9W-4W40 r President No. 705 Inte;rnnt rlHnbU6tiOn Eogince LOYALTY GROUP LOYALTY GROUP i CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE INCONSIDERATION of the sum of''..ve DOLLARS, the Undersigned company hereby continues in force Its ..................S ! .P. Y............................. Bond No...1.08.40....... In the amount ($...1,99 (00-) Dollars, on behalf ol...... C]ifford Mulkey Of ........U~ntonaTexas........................................... and in favor of.„Ci#. . of„Dozton as Obligee, of...p©nionjTexas,.................... for the period beginning at 12.01 A. M. of the, ,,.......8th.......... day of ......................M:?.r~h....... Standard lime at the address of the Obligee shove given, and ending at 12.01 A. M. of the.... .,Ao day of March.,,,,,..,,,,,,..........................0 19.54.., Standard time at the said address, subject to all covenants and conditions as set forth and expressed in said bond heretofore Issued, effective on the r*..........8th........I...........day of......,M rO. h.... This Continuation Certificate is executed upon the express condition that the Undersigned co~- pany's liability under said bond and under this and all Continuation Certificates Issued In connectiX therewith shall not be cumulative and shall not in any event exceed the amount of said bond ab hereinbefore set forth. Dated at PanAAJexae......,................this.,,10h..............day of......... p .br.=7..... „........,19..x.1. f ikXiCZAL..z JRAIsI✓UE..GQMI?AIIY„AF, NO-I By ora~y-to-Fa.t Attest 8eoretaly Attomaydn-vast Cas Bonding 5214 - 4th Rev. 48203--printed 1n U. S. A. UJ Uu { 1 cn, 1 Lv v ~y N~! y"