Minutes August 22, 1989116,
AUGUST 22, 1989
The Council convened into the Special Called Session at 5:30
p.m. in the Civil Defense Room.
Mayor Stephens: Mayor Pro Tem Ayer; Council
Members Alexander, Gorton, Hopkins and McAdams
Council Member Boyd
1. The Council considered approval of a resolution
authorizing participation in the "Urban Main Street" program.
(Main Street Task Force recommended approval.)
Jane Finley, Main Street Director, reported that Denton had
been working with the Main Street program for many years, but
the program in place was designed for cities with a population
of less than 50,000, and Denton did not qualify for full
membership. Recent legislation passed in the last session of
the legislature established an urban program for cities with a
population of 50,000 or more. The application for membership
must be submitted by August 31 and required a resolution from
the Council.
The following resolution was considered:
Resolution No. R89-053
Hopkins motioned, Gorton seconded to approve the resolution.
On roll vote, McAdams "aye," Alexander "aye," Hopkins "aye,"
Gorton "aye," Ayer "aye," and Mayor Stephens "aye." MotioR
carried unanimously.
2. The Council received submission of the effective tax
rate and rollback tax rate.
John McGrane, Executive Director for Finance, reported State
law required that the effective tax rate and rollback tax rate
be submitted to Council but required no action. The certified
tax roll had been submitted to the City by the Denton Central
Appraisal District and certified by Joe Rogers, Chief
Appraiser. The 1988/89 budget was based on a $2,138,360,945
base and a rate of .5928. The 1989/90 budget would use the
adjusted tax base of $2,083,454,665 and the effective tax rate
of .62419. This year's rollback rate was .62408.
City of Denton City Council Minutes
August 22, 1989
Page 2
After discussion of the procedures used in setting these rates,
Alexander recommended a public hearing on September 5 even
though the proposed tax rate of .6240 did not require that the
City have one.
3. The Council considered adoption of an ordinance of the
City of Denton, Texas, approving the 1989 tax rolls.
John McGrane, Executive Director for Finance, reported that
State law required adoption of the 1989 tax rolls in the amount
of $2,053,711,019 assessed valuation based on the Certified
Appraisal Roll of the Denton Central Appraisal District.
The following ordinance was considered:
NO. 89-109
McAdams motioned, Alexander seconded to adopt the ordinance.
On roll vote, McAdams "aye," Alexander "aye," Hopkins "aye,"
Gorton "aye," Ayer "aye," and Mayor Stephens "aye." Motion
carried unanimously.
4. The Council received submission of the certified
collection rate.
John McGrane, Executive Director for Finance, submitted the
anticipated collection rate of 100% for 1989-90 budget year as
required by Truth & Taxation. Submission of a rate that was
low and collections high resulted in penalization the following
year. Certification of a high rate and collections lower than
anticipated did not result in a penalty. The City of Denton
collection rate for budget year 1987-88 was 96% and for budget
year 1988-89 through July 96%. No official action was required.
5. The Council considered taking a record vote to place a
proposal to adopt a tax increase on the agenda of a future
meeting as an action item, and setting a date, time and place
for a public hearing.
Gorton motioned, McAdams seconded to consider taking a record
vote to place a proposal to adopt a tax increase on the agenda
of a future meeting as an action item and to set a public
hearing date of September 5, 1989, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers at 215 E. McKinney, Denton, Texas. On a voice vote,
all voted "aye," and the motion carried unanimously.
6. The Council held preliminary budget discussions with
the following committees and departments: SWAC Committee/
Sanitation: Community Services/Streets: Public Works; Planning
and Community Development: Contributions to Other Agencies;
Municipal Judge; Legal; Police; Fire; and Finance.
City of Denton City Council Minutes
August 22, 1989
Page 3
George Gilkeson, chairman of the Solid Waste Alternatives
Committee, introduced the members of his committee. The
Committee had met for over a year to consider all
alternatives. The recommendation to Council would be to
acquire land for a new landfill and become exclusive collector
for both residential and commercial users in the City of
Denton. Mr. Gilkeson reported that private collectors had set
precedent for such action in acquiring contracts with other
cities as exclusive providers. This recommendation had the
unanimous agreement of the committee.
Council Member McAdams expressed appreciation for the
committee's efforts and the many directions investigated
including recycling efforts. After further discussion of the
committee's recommendations, the Council concurred that they
would like to proceed with public hearings into these
Bill Angelo, Director of Community Services, presented the
Community Service budget. In the Sanitation division,
Residential would be mainly a maintenance of service type
budget. This division did have two new sanitation trucks
budgeted and $12,000 for replacement of a pickup truck. The
Commercial Division would maintain service levels and expected
a small increase in customers. They had budgeted to replace a
pickup and to purchase a new transport trailer. The Landfill
expected to maintain the same service level this year. Mr.
Angelo reported that the landfill had experienced a 15%
reduction in volume this year due largely to the increase in
commercial rates.
Angelo discussed Transfers and Other Expenditures for the
Sanitation budget. The major increase in this portion of the
budget was due to the increase in the Administrative Transfer
to the General Fund. The transfer to the General Fund was
based on the David M. Griffith study.
Monte Mercer, Controller, explained that the increase
represented the actual amount that should be transferred to the
General Fund. In the past, this department had operated at a
deficit and had been charged less because of this. This was no
longer the case and this department was now expected to
transfer the actual amount.
Angelo explained that a new surcharge that would be imposed by
the Texas Department of Health would make it necessary to
increase some rates. The proposed increase was 25¢ for
residential, 8~ per cubic yard for roll off service, 2~ per
cubic yard for dumpster service, and 9¢ per cubic yard at the
landfill. The proposed increases would enable the City to pay
the new surcharge.
City of Denton City Council Minutes
August 22, 1989
Page 4
Council Member McAdams questioned that since the Administrative
Transfer had increased by so much, where in the budget would
staff find the-appropriate decrease.
John McGrane, Executive Director for Finance, indicated that
all things being equal that there would be a corresponding
decrease amount in the budget. However, many budget changes
had occurred and this was not an identical budget. In the
past, these monies had been made up from taxes, fees or sales
Angelo explained the effect of the SWAC recommendations to
implement. Roll-off service could be undertaken by the City on
October 1. Service to present and new customers could be
maintained at the same level with the present staff and
equipment. The City currently had 35 customers and could
expect another 25. He estimated it would cost $70,320 to
service the additional 25 customers with $66,000 of that being
an expense for containers. Estimated revenue for the first
year would be $91,000. This would provide a net profit for the
first year of $21,000.
Angelo explained that side load refuse could be undertaken as
of March 1, 1990, at a six month cost of $45,812 fo£ one
additional driver and truck. The City currently served 1100
side load customers and estimated an additional 400. At
current rates, estimated 6 month revenue would be $97,038.
Council Member McAdams asked if these figures included all
costs of services.
Angelo responded that all costs inclUding personal services,
vehicle, fuel, etc. had been used in these projections.
Mayor Stephens asked if money were being put aside for the
purchase of a new landfill site.
Angelo responded that a percentage of rates was being set aside
to retire the debt and create a fund for the new landfill.
Angelo explained that the front load service would be delayed
until October 1, 1990, and no numbers had been put together for
this service. The City presently served 300 customers and
could expect to pick up an additional 30 to 40 customers. One
of those customers would be the University of North Texas which
was the biggest user of front load service.
Council Member Gorton asked
able to continue service
if a private contractor would be
to Denton if they had only one
1 19
City of Denton City Council Minutes
August 22, 1989
Page 5
Angelo responded that the City would acquire all the front
loading service on a tight schedule if the private contractor
could not fulfill these obligations.
Council Member Alexander wanted the rationale used for taking
over all services in this manner.
Angelo responded that roll-off was easiest to assume and
advantageous to the customer because the City rates were lower
and could be done with present personnel and equipment. City
side loading rates were about equal and would require an
additional driver and piece of equipment. Front loading would
be the last service to assume because of the cost in terms of
containers and trucks.
Angelo presented the Community Services Administration budget.
This budget provided clerical and support services. Code
Enforcement was previously reported in this budget, but had
been separated for the coming year. There were no other
changes in this budget.
Angelo presented the Street Department budget. Street Patching
would maintain the same level of service in the coming year.
Street Drainage and Sweeping would be charging personnel time
and maintenance to the appropriate bond fund pro)ects thus
being able to use funds for equipment replacement. The new
budget called for an additional Heavy Equipment Operator and a
new street sweeper. The Staff was currently looking into the
possibility of contracting street sweeping and would return to
Council with their findings. Street Construction had no
changes from the current year and was a maintenance of service
budget. Street Lighting was the amount needed for electricity
for streetlights and signals. This was a maintenance of
service budget.
Angelo presented the Environmental Heath Service budget
indicating that revenues were close to last year's projection
with the exception of less food handler permits than
anticipated. This budget was requesting that the part-time
secretary position be increased to full-time. This would
provide full time telephone and office staffing and release the
sanitarian needed to answer phones in the afternoon to do more
Angelo presented the Code Enforcement budget which had an
increase in the Personal Service category due to the fact that
one officer for the current year had only been funded for 6
months. Animal Control had experienced a savings in Services
due to the expansion delay. This budget was a maintenance of
service budget. The proposed increase in Fixed Assets was for
the purchase of a burglar alarm system and an additional radio.
City of Denton City Council Minutes
August 22, 1989
Page 6
The Working Capital budget was presented by Mr. Angelo.
Equipment Services was requesting an additional vehicle
mechanic and felt revenues would offset the cost of the new
person. They were also proposing the construction of a new
garage facility. The present facility was 27 years old and did
not provide adequate space and renovation would be very
expensive. The facility would be funded with CO's that would
be paid for out of this budget at an estimate of $50,000 per
year. The Machine Shop had no additions or deletions and would
basically be a maintenance of service budget.
Jerry Clark, City Engineer, presented the Public Works budget.
In the Engineering division, they were proposing cutting one
drafting position and requesting one GIS person. They
estimated a $3,000 saving in the purchase of maps with the GIS
system, and they had increased charge outs to other
departments. The Inspections division proposed to cut one
position, the Plans Examiner, due to lack of development. They
were requesting a major purchase of a microfiche reader to
assist in service to customers. The Traffic Engineering
division had not requested any new equipment. Since all their
present equipment was paid off, the budget was reduced by
$20,000. They were proposing to use this $20,000 for
consultants. The Airport budget would maintain the same amount
of personnel with a reduction in Building and Equipment. The
Airport would also see a reduction in advertising and postage
and would be working with Economic Development.
The Planning and Community Development budget was presented by
Frank Robbins, Executive Director for Planning and Community
Development. Robbins reported that the Planning Department
planned to do more for less in the coming year with a $12,000
reduction from last year's budget. This would be accomplished
by eliminating an Urban Planner position.
Council Member McAdams questioned the advisability of
eliminating the Urban Planner position which could be used to
do the necessary research to make informed decisions.
Barbara Ross, Community Development Coordinator, presented the
Human Services Committee's recommendations for funding. These
figures represented a 6% decrease from the previous year. One
of the criteria used in determining these recommendations was
the ability of the agency to get funds from other sources. Two
new agencies were included, AiDenton and Ann Haven's Hospice.
Council Member Hopkins expressed concern at the reduction in
the Handi-Hop contribution and adding two new agencies.
Council Member McAdams expressed that transportation might be a
separate item to be discussed later. She also expressed a
concern for the committee's need to designate funds for health
care and the necessity to, include two new agencies for this.
City of Denton City Council Minutes
August 22, 1989
Page 7
Municipal Judge, Sandra White, presented the budget for the
judge's office. The supp'lemen~al request for a Juvenile
Awareness Program had been deleted due to legislation going
into effect on September 1 which would give the Judge
jurisdiction over juveniles only in traffic offenses. The
second concern was for the recruitment of a backup judge for
the current alternate. Trouble with recruitment was due to the
sporadic schedule and funding problems. Judge White also made
a request for automation in the processing of paperwork
especially for jail inmates.
Council Member McAdams expressed the Council's concern for the
large amount of paperwork and asked the Judge to prepare a
proposal outlining numbers and cost.
The Legal Department budget was presented by Debra Drayovitch,
City Attorney. This budget showed an increase of $15,000 over
the previous year due mostly to Personal Service increases.
The City Attorney expected codification to be completed by
December 1990. The Legal Department also requested funds for
an additional personal computer.
Mike Jez, Police Chief, presented the budget for the Police
Department. The Administration division would show an increase
due to the addition of a DARE officer. Most of this expense
would be paid from a grant for this program in excess of
Mayor Stephens questioned why this budget did not request funds
for bullet proof vests.
Jez had not requested funds for these vests because there
currently was no policy requiring officers to wear them. Any
officer who had expressed a desire for a vest had been provided
with one throuqh the donation program. One of the reasons many
officers did not wear them was because of the excessive heat.
Jez presented the Criminal Investigation budget. He stated
that this budget was requesting the establishment of a
narcotics unit consisting of one sergeant and two men to be
funded for only six months of the 89/90 fiscal year. This
division had also received a Child Abuse Grant from COG. The
Patrol division budget was requesting six public safety
dispatchers and 6 officers for the expansion of the C.O.P
Council Member Gorton asked if these additions would free up
other officers for patrol, etc.
City of Denton City Council Minutes
August 22. 1989
Page 8
Chief Jez indicated that there would be a ripple effect
impacting many areas even though .these positions were dedicated
to specific programs.
Council Member Hopkins asked if the additional personnel would
help the response time as re~lected in the proposed budget.
Chief Jez stated that targeted areas had already been reduced.
The proposed budget figures lump all response times into one.
The current prioritization of calls allowed for a reduction in
response time for emergencies and an increased response time
for non-emergency calls.
The Fire Department budget was presented by John Cook, Fire
Chief. He stated that there were no increases in personnel.
Supplies would increase approximately $8,000 for protective
clothing. Maintenance costs would be about the same. Services
would see an increase because of the establishment of a medical
protocol with Westgate. The wellness funding would be
maintained. The Fire Department currently had 85% of its
employees participating in the wellness program on a voluntary
basis. Fixed Assets would increase $36,000 for the cost of
pagers for off duty personnel, continuation of ambulance
replacement, breathing apparatus and hose.
Mayor Stephens questioned if there were any vacancies at the
present time and the hiring of staff for the new fire station.
Chief Cook said there were two vacancies at present and October
14 was the tentative date for a Civil Service exam. Chief Cook
did not anticipate the completion of the fire station until the
end of the next fiscal year and had already set a meeting to
discuss staffing requirements and a time line which he would
present to the Council.
The Finance Department budget was presented by John McGrane,
Executive Director for Finance. He reported no ma~or changes
in the Finance Administration budget. They were requesting the
replacement of a typewriter. The Accounting division would
remain basically the same except for $2400 additional training
in utility accounting. The Court was requesting that a
temporary position be changed to a full-time position. This
could increase productivity and thus increase revenues. The
Purchasing division was requesting one new position. This
position was an Information Processor which would be needed for
the extended purchasing system process.
7. The Council convened into the Executive Session to
discuss legal matters, real estate and personnel/board
appointments. No action was taken.
City of Denton City Council Minutes
August 22, 1989
Page 9
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:57 p.m.