Minutes April 28, 199220!
APRIL 28, 1992
The Council convened into a Special Call Session at 5:15 p.m. in
the Council Chambers.
Mayor Castleberry; Mayor Pro Tem Hopkins; Council Members
Alexander, Chew, Perry, Smith and Trent.
Item #4 was considered.
4. The Council received a report and held a discussion concerning
Fred Moore Park.
Lloyd Harrell, City Manager, stated that this item was in response
to a recent citizen report.
Bob Tickner, Superintendent of Parks, stated that there was a
lengthy report in the agenda back-up detailing the concerns
addressed during the recent citizen report. It was found that
there were some areas which could be repaired immediately but some
items were beyond the budget abilities of the current budget year.
He indicated that this park was maintained at or above the level
provided at others the same size. The park received a six day per
week service and a seventh day service after special events.
Council Member Chew asked about the basketball courts. He and
Council Member Perry had visited the park and the court needed to
be redone. It was potentially dangerous in its present condition.
Ticker replied that the court had been resurfaced in 1985 and there
was some surface deterioration. This wear was similar to the wear
received on the tennis courts. No funding was available for
resurfacing this year.
Council Member Trent asked about the sidewalks requested in the
area. Money had been allocated a year ago with CDBG funds. Why
was it taking so long to complete the sidewalks.
Tickner stated that money had been allocated for a sidewalk along
Wilson Street b~tween Bradshaw and Ruddell and that it was expected
to go to bid within the next month.
City Manager Harrell stated that it was just half way into the
fiscal year and that the project was in the system for processing.
Mayor Castleberry asked Tickner to write Mr. Young a letter
regarding what had been done at the park and the date of the
~id~walk installation. He a~ked that a copy be given to the
City of Denton City Council Minutes
April 28, 1992
Page 2
The Council returned to the regular agenda order.
1. The Council received a report and held a discussion with
Michael Morris from North Central Texas Council of Governments
regarding membership to the Regional Transportation Committee and
reviewed the new Intermodal Service Transportation and Efficiency
Morris indicated that Council Member Alexander was currently on the
Regional Transportation Committee and that that membership required
an elected official. As Council Member Alexander was about to go
off the Council, a new elected official needed to be appointed to
the Committee. Morris presented an overview of the Intermodal
Service Transportation and Efficiency Act indicating that there was
a 40% increase in roadway funding and a 100% increase in transit
funding. There were more flexible programs, increased Metropolitan
Planning Organization role in programming funds, a congestion
management element, expanded transportation boundary, and linked
transportation and air quality. The requirements of a metropolitan
planning organization included a long-range plan, a transportation
improvement program, a congestion management plan and a unified
planning work program. Morris explained the transportation and air
quality planning areas. He explained the Transportation
Improvement Program project election criteria, the transit program,
the congestion/air quality program, the surface transportation
program and the policy organization. The 1992-92 Unified Planning
Work Program included a regional transportation plan
implementation, regional congestion management, air quality
planning, regional aviation planning and local government technical
2. The Council received a report and held a discussion with the
Parks and Recreation Board concerning results of neighborhood
meetings regarding the 1986 Bond Program and considered a
recommendation as to how to proceed.
Dalton Gregory, Chair-Parks and Recreation Board, stated that there
were approximately 110 citizens at the various neighborhood
meetings. The consensus of the citizen comments seemed to be that
they wanted to continue wi%h the original content of the bond
package of developing two sites, one in the south and One in the
northeast. The citizens indicated that they wanted the City to do
as much of the program as possible in consideration of the
operation and maintenance costs. They felt that the City should go
ahead with the purchase of the land but don't build the recreation
center until it could be done correctly. The recommendation of the
Parks Board was to proceed with the process of looking at land in
various locations, doing an inventory of other possible properties
City of Denton City Council Minutes
April 28, 1992
Page 3
and proceeding with looking at the best park sites available with
the idea of a neighborhood park area which could be developed
immediately with some recreational opportunities such as Avondale
City Manager Harrell felt that it was the consensus of the Council
to proceed with the implementation as detailed in the backup
memorandum. He asked Council approval to send a letter to the
School District that the City would not be prepared at this point
in time to proceed with a natatorium. He indicated that staff
would prepare a detailed plan regarding improvements to the Civic
Center Pool.
3. The Council received a report and held a discussion regarding
possible funding for engineering studies for the southern extension
of the runway at the Municipal Airport and gave staff direction.
Rick Svehla, Deputy City Manager, stated that the City had been
successful in obtaining several FAA grant proposals. These
included the airport master plan, the land for the extension of the
southern runway and clear zone on the northern end, and the runway
overlay project. The total amount of the grant for the engineering
and the actual construction of the 1000' extension had been
estimated at over $1 million with the City's participation of that
project at 10% or approximately $120,000-150,000. Because the City
was successful in receiving these grants in such rapid succession,
it was not anticipated that these costs would be in this year's
budget. The FAA had indicated that there was a good possibility
that the City would receive the extension grant. They had also
indicated that if the City did the engineering work prior to the
grant, it might enhance the possibility of the grant. That would
mean that approximately $90,000 was needed for the engineering
study. The extension project grant was worth $1.3 million and the
City's share would be approximately $130,000. Freese and Nichols
had estimated the total cost of the engineering package to be about
$95,000. The FAA had indicated that they believed all of this cost
would be eligible to be used as part of the City's 10% match on the
entire overlay ~roject. If the study were done in stages, the
first phase would cost approximately $60,000 which would further
reduce the initial cost. If City staff did the actual surveying
the actual cost be reduced to approximately $45,000-$50,000. The
only funding available for that $50,000 would be the unencumbered
fund balance. Another option was to split the grant offer into an
offer for engineering and an offer for construction. That would
mean that the engineering designs would be approximately $90,000
and an extension project for approximately $1.2 million.
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April 28, 1992
Page 4
Rick Woolfolk, Chair-Airport Advisory Board, stated that funds were
short now as no one knew that the deterioration of the 5000' was so
bad. The FAA had indicated that one project could be funded at
this time - either the extension or the overlay project. He
reviewed the status of the airport during the last 10 months which
included a completed sewer project, a 17% increase in hanger space,
which represented a 38% increase in hanger space within the last
two years, and a bid for the space tower at Alliance Airport. He
felt that if the engineering project were done, there would be a
good possibility of getting the grant. There were several proposed
projects which might develop if the airport had the extra 1000' of
runway. There was $15,000 in the budget for parking lot
improvements and $7,000 in building renovations which the Board was
suggesting be used for the engineering project.
City Manager Harrell stated that $100,000 - 110,000 had already
been used from the general fund this year for Airport projects.
Although the project to extend the runway 1000' feet was
commendable, there was a concern regarding the funding of the
project at this point in time. If a grant were received for the
whole project after the start of the next fiscal year, it would be
possible to rollover the 10% match into a CO issue which would
spread the payment over a 20 year period of time. If the money
were to be used now, it would have to come from the fund balance.
As the Council was aware, anything over 10% in the fund balance was
used to help reduce the budget which reduced the need for a tax
Council Member Trent stated that money for parking lot improvements
and building renovations had been offered to help reduce the amount
needed for the engineering study.
City Manager Harrell replied that this was the first he had heard
of such a proposal and as the money was part of a CO issue, was not
sure it could be used for the engineering study.
Council Member Trent stated that housing starts were increased over
last year and felt that the fund balance would allow for the
Council Member Chew felt that it was a worthwhile project but felt
that it would be have to be discussed in a budget setting.
Council Member Perry felt that there were too many uncertainties
with some of the issues at this point in time.
Mayor Pro Tem Hopkins stated that she felt action should be
postponed until the Finance Department could respond on the use of
City of Denton City Council Minutes
April 28, 1992
Page 5
the CO money.
Council Member Alexander
fund balance.
felt uncomfortable with going into the
Airport Manager Joe Thompson asked if Council would like to hear
from a pilot from the Airport and from a tenant from the Airport.
Victor Bucci stated that as a pilot there were problems with a
5000' runway. In the summer, the airplanes could not carry a full
tank of fuel as the runway was too short for takeoff. He suggested
the airport initiate a fuel fee or a landing fee.
Jim Huff stated that there was a great deal of momentum at the
airport and felt that the extension of the runway was a requirement
to future growth.
The Mayor stated that the consensus of the Council seemed to be to
continue discussions and to receive a reply from the Finance
Department regarding the CO's. Another work session could be
planned with the Council at a later date.
5. The Council continued a discussion regarding the zoning and
platting process and standards and gave staff direction.
Frank Robbins, Executive Director for Planning, stated one of the
issues had been what the City would require development to tell had
they were going to do with land. There was a provision in the
Subdivision Regulations which stated that if a property were to be
developed with a building built it had to be platted. If there
were a larger area of land owned by the development, then there was
a requirement that either a preliminary plat or a general
development plan would have to be filed on the rest of the
Council held a discussion regarding the replat process, how Council
was involved in the process and what regulations the Council had to
follow with regards to the legal process.
Consensus of the Council was to leave the process as it currently
was while the Zoning Task Force reviewed the zoning process.
6. The Council received a report and held a discussion concerning
the status of contract negotiations with the Upper Trinity Regional
Water District.
Bob Nelson, Executive Director for Utilities, stated that contracts
were presented to the Public Utilities Board for consideration at
City of Denton City Council Minutes
April 28, 1992
Page 6
its April 1 meeting. The Board expressed concern that the
contracts were generally unbalanced in favor of the District.
Staff was able to satisfactorily address the general concerns such
as the requirement for Denton's five year lead time for non-renewal
notification. However, the Board was not agreeable to the
projected net income reduction in 1994 and 1995, even though the
projected net income through 1998 would be $2,283,000 higher.
Staff was directed to continue negotiations with the District.
nelson reviewed the key elements of the initial period water
treatment and transmission contract and the key elements of the
interim wholesale raw water sales. Details of those key elements
were in the agenda back-up materials.
7. Miscellaneous matters from the City Manager.
Lloyd Harrell, City Manager, presented the following items:
A. Early voting had ended with 347 voting today and a total
of 1156 voting early.
B. Council Member Smith and he would be in Austin on
Wednesday attending a university cities planning conference.
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April 28, 1992
Page 7
8. New Business
The following items of New Business were suggested by Council
Members for future agendas:
A. CounCil Member Trent asked about the process with the
State regarding the Fort Worth Drive project.
City Manager Harrell indicated that State was reviewing the project
and the Council would be informed when it had been redesigned.
Public input would be received at that time.
B. Council Member Alexander asked about the operation of the
municipal driving range.
9. The Council convened into the Executive Session to discuss
legal matters, real estate and personnel/board appointments
(discussed personnel matters and duties of the City Manager, the
City Attorney, and the Municipal Judge as related to the operation
of Municipal Court.)
10. There was no official action taken on Executive Session items.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.