Minutes December 17, 1996244 CITY OF D~fON Cm'r~ (D<~3NC~ 1~ Dec~mber 17, 1996 The Council held a reception honoring Council Member Jeff I<rueger on Tuesday, D~ce~ber 17, 1996 frcm 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. in tb~ Expansion Area of City Hall. PRESENT: Mayor Miller; Mayor Pro Tern Brock; Council M~mbers Beasley, Cott, ABS~qT: Council M~mber Biles 1. The Council considered a Resolution of Appreciation for Jeff Krueger. Brock motioned, Young seconded to approve the resolution. On roll vote, Beasley "aye", Brock "aye", Cott "aye", Young "aye", and Mayor Miller "aye". Motion carried unanimously. The Council convened into a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor Miller; Mayor Pro Tern Brock; Council M~mb~rs Beasley, Biles, Cott, Kru~ger, and Young. ABS~lqT: NOne 1. Pledge of Allegiance The Council and members of the audience recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. and Tey~s flags. Mayor Miller presented a proclamation for "l.~herty <~xristian Warriors Day". Mayor Miller presented Bill Watson with the "Keep America Beautiful-fN~air Excellenoe Award". Bill Watson, F~ep Denton Beautiful, present_~__ the Council with a second place award for "Keep America Beautiful-Beautiful Cities". 2. The Council considered approval of the minutes of September 24, 1996 and October 1, 1996. Beasley motioned, Krueger seconded to approve the minutes as presented. On roll vote, Beasley "aye", Brock "aye", Cott "aye", Krueger "aye", Young "aye", Biles "aye" and Mayor Miller "aye". Motion carried unanimously. 3. ~ne Council held a public hearing and gave d~ection with regard to the proposed annexation of 11.24 acres located south of ~Dbinson Road and east of Nowlin Road. (A-74) (The Planning and Zoning C~,u~,{ssion rec~,,,,~-ded a~proval 6-0.) ~a~Ty Persuad, Senior Planner, stated that this was the ~ccond of two public hearings to receive public input on this annexation request. The owners of the property had requested annexation of the tract. Council M~mber Cott stated because of the zoning of his property which would be considered in the near future, he requested to be excused frc{n voting on this issue. city of Denton City Council Minutes ~ 17, 1996 Mayor Miller m.~ked if there was a conflict of interest on the annexation is~_e. City Attorney Prcuty stated that there was not a leqal conflict but Oouncil Member COtt could abstain if he felt more cc~fo~_~ble. Kru~ger motioned, Young seoonded to aRm~ve the annexation. On roll vote, Beasley "aye", Brock "aye", Krueger "aye", Young "aye", Biles "aye" and Mayor Miller "aye". Motion carried unanimously. 4. The Council held a Dublic hearing and considered an ordinance for a s~ecific use pea-mit to allow for overnight parking and camping of recreational vehicles on 4.226 acres. ~ne site was located on the west side of Interstate 35, south of Camping World. (Z-96-037) (~he Planning and Zoning C~...,L~sion rec~m~mded apsmDval, with condition, 5-0.) Rick Svehla, Deputy City Manager, stated that the Planning and Zoning O ..... ~ion recn,~__~.r~ this proposal at their last meeting. The area was zoned light industrial in 1985 and earlier this year, the tract in front of the proposal was developed as National RV Sales. Subsequent to that the owners loo~d at a way to help facilitate the sale and repair of vehicles that they were selling. Three coalitions w~re recu~ by the Planning ar~ Zonin~ O.-H~sion in connection with the pr~. ~hose included external lighting to the north and west side of the property had to be ~{rected to prevent the light from crossing tb~ an~ a s~eoific ty~e of support structure for the fenoe would have to be used. Bill McCarty stated that he ~ould answer any questions which the Council might have regarding the proposal. The first 18 spaces would be for RV parking available for customers wanting to buy vehicles. The remm4nder of the facility would be for an RV park. Council Member Young asked about the number of hc~ near the site. MoCarty stated that there was one home near the property. Othors in tb~ area were notified of the proposa!. Mayor Pro Tern Brock asked what would be visible frc~ the Highway. MoCarty stated that the coaches on display and the first nine spaces for RV Darkir~ would be visible from the highway. The rest of the area was behind a hill. Council Member B~-~ley stat_~9__ that most of the fence around the area woold be ~ link fer~e except for on the ~orther~ area which wothld be a wooden fer~e. MoCarty replied correct that it was for the camper's security. 245 246 City of Denton city Council Minutes Dece~%be~ 17, 1996 Page3 The Mayor closed the public h~aring. Mayor Pro Tern Brock stated that in the back-up materials, it was no't~:K'] that thare would be no central building with showers, etc. If the specific use permit was granted, would it be possible to build that type of building witbx~t fimTher permitting frc~ the City. Sv~hla replied no that at a minimum a building permit would be r~_--~_-__ed but it would probably have to be approved as a specific use permit. NO. 96-279 AN ORDINANCE OF ~{E CITY OF D~FfON, TEXAS, APPROVING A SP~/FIC USE P~IT TO OPERATE A RRCREATIC~qL V~HI~.F. PARK ON 4.226 ACRES ~ ON THE WEST SIDE OF INT~WIg/TE 35, APPROXIMATELY 2,200 FEgT NORPH OF SChS3YI.~R ROAD, ~ AS LOT 1, MIDCK B, OF ~E WEgl~N ~r~.L~ BUSINESS PARK, AND C%~R~NTLY Z(~D ~ ~HE LI~ INDUSTRIAL (T.T) ~ DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION Ah~ USE DESI~ATION; PROVIDING FOR A P~qLTY IN THE MAXIM[~ A~DI~T OF $2,000.00 FOR VIOLATIONS THeReOF; A~) PROVIDING FOR AN EFF~-TIVE DATE. ~_nt. Two is~ conoerm~___~ her with this proposal. One was the fact that everyc~e who looked at what Denton r~z~ed Imhysically was concexned about the City's entranoeways and the k/nd of image created~ for the cu,,,unity. Zoning did not allow an RV park. A specific use permit was r~:ded for such a use. The purpose for that was that such an area could be a nuisance. ~hat was not the the fact that many people who owned property between Gainsville and that area would see tb~ potential for camping areas which w~uld be in great demand. Allowing this use would set a preoedent for ot_h~.r areas to develop with less stamdards than th~ proposal. She felt it was necessary to look at the long range implications for future entranceways to the city. Council Member Biles stated that the grading of the land was such that the camping area was on the back side of the hill. Little of tb~ actual ca~ping area would be visibl~ frc~ the Interstate. The proposal would be a natural blend with tb~ facilities already in the area. He would be in favor of this specific use permit hut might not be in favor of a future request if it had lesser star~mrds. Council Member Krueger stated that someone on the highway might not be able to ~ the property at all. Someone on the service road would have a better view. Mayor Pro Tern Brock stated that she was concerned about future requests and that the Council would be under pressure as one group was already allowed an RV campsite. Mayor Miller felt that tb~ proposal was an ideal use in conjunction with other uses in the area. ~ne proposal was not inconsistent with what was developing in city of D~k~n City December 17, 1996 Page4 On roll vote, Beasley "aye", Brock "nay", COtt "aye", K~3~ger "aye", Young "aye", Biles "aye" and Mayor Miller "aye". Motion carried with a 6-1 vote. 5. ~he Council held a public hearing and consid~-~ed adoption of an ordinance for a specific use permit to allow for a c~m~nication tower on 18 acres of land bounded by Bonnie ~.~e, Scripture, and ~mam, known as F~Kenna Park. (Z-96-046) (The Planning and Zoning C~.,,~.~sion recur,ended approval 7-0.) Rick Sv~hla, Deputy City Manager, state-d__ that the specific use was for a s~all part of the park where the water tower was located with an e~ting tower. The proposal was for a new tower to be ~uilt which %~uld be smaller in size and which would illuminate the existing guide wires. ~here about fl~- ~ng lights which would be re~H~e~ by FAA for the tower. A flashing red light w~uld be used at night to solve that problem. s~_hla replied correct. Council Member Young mmked about safety precautions associated with the tower. Svehla re~lied that the existing to, er h~d a fenoe and the new tc~_r would be kuilt in that area. Mayor Pro Tern Brock asked if the City were buildi.~ this tour and l~sing it to the c~pany. Sharon Mays, Directar for Electric Utilities, stated that Primoo would be kuildin~ the tower and giving it to the city with consideration for space on the to~_r. ~he e~ting to~_r was not oa~at_~ble with the new 800 megahertz radio ~e Mayor ~ the public h~ring. No one spoke during the public hearing. The Mayor closed the public hearing. The following ord/nance was considered: NO. 96-280 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF D~fON, TEXAS, ~ A SPECIFIC USE PE~4IT ON .0791 ACRES, B.:,NG A PART OF 18 A(~RES OF LAND ~ ON THE NORI~ SIDE OF S~RIPI%~E, BEIWRFN BO~F/E B~AE AND TH~4AS TO AT,~nW FOR A (I~9~t%~ICATION TOW~R; PROVIDING FOR A P~NALTY IN THE MAXIML~ AMOUNT OF $2,000 FOR VIOLATIONS ~R~OF; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFF~JiTVE DATE. Young motioned, Biles seconded to adopt the ordinance. On roll vote, Beasley "aye", Brock "aye", Cott "na!~', Krueger "aye", Young "aye", Biles "aye" and Mayor Miller "aye". Motion carried with a 6-1 vote. 6. The Council held a public hearing to consider adm~tion of a~ ordinanoe approving a detailed plan of 0.4528 acres in Plar~led Development 1 (PD-1) for a 247 248 City of Denton City Council Minutes Deoember 17, 1996 Page5 parking lot. The subject property was located on the w~st side of Gay Street, 226.30 feet north of University ~rive (US 380). (The Planning and Zoning C~m~fission recommended approval 7-0.) Rick Sv~hla, Deputy city Manager, stated that this was a very old planned development. The applicant was requesting a parking lot on a partion of tb~ planned development. One notice in opposition was received early in the process. Because the case was withdrawn in Nov~¥~er, a second set of notices was sent with the same o~position. The owner in opposition sent a response indicating approval of the proposal but only with conditions associated with that approval. Tb~ City Attorney had indicated that approval with comd~tic~s could not be considered approval and should be considered as in opposition. Because of that, a super majority would be _need___ed_ to pass the amendment. ~he two conditions the ird~!vidual in opposition requested were to maintain the easement to Gay and drainage in the channel. The City did not maintain the c/mannel upstr~mm from Gay off the easement and did not have control over the dm~nnel in the area. Council Member ~-~ley stated that she had reoeived a call from an individual not in opposition to the parking lot but concerned with the drainage in the area. Because the land was never platted__, the City did not have an easement in tb~ ~pstre~m area of the channel. The property owners had to maintain that area Council Member Young a.~ked if the City could clean out the creek. Svehla stated that as the City did not have an ~m~nt, it could not cle~__n out the creek but could clean out the pipes and remove a log in the area. Council Member Biles stated that all of the proposed i~-o-~ would be at w~ade on the flat land and not down in the culvert. Svehla stated that as improvements w~xe made to the parking lot, more of the ground would become impervious with more water running into the culverts. That water would enter at the culvert or on the downstrem__m side and would not effect Mayor ~ the public hearing. Jo Na.~h stated that the additional parking spaces were r_~c~-__ed__ for the International Business School. She presented_ a map regarding tb~ drainage in the area. As many trees as possible would be saved with a parking lot designed around tb~ trees. She requested approval of the proposal. The Mayor closed the public hearing. The following ord/nance was considered: NO. 96-281 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF D~ViDN, TEXAS, AM~qDING ~HE DETA/I.wn PIAN FOR PIANN~D DEV~DPMt~ NO. 1 (1~)-1) WITH RESPECT TO 0.4528 AC~FR OF THE 4.8 PROPerTY BRTNG ~ ON THE WEST SIDE OF GAY S~l~k~?, 226.30 FEET NORIH OF IE~IV~RSITY DRIVE (US 380); P~OVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PHOV]D~ FCR City of Denton city Oouncil Minutes Deoe~ber 17, 1996 Page6 SUPf~gSfDURE OF ANY INfDNSISTfNT PROVISI(~S OF ORDINANCES 88-167 AND 69-1, TO ~ ~ E~7~T ~ THEY P~ATE TO THE SUBJ~ PROPerTY; PROVIDING FOR A Pf~J/TY IN T~E MAXIM~4 A~DL~T OF $2,000 F-~R VIOIATIONS TH~DF; AND Brock motioned, Young seconded to adnpt the ordinance. On roil vote, Beasley ,'aye", Brock "aye", Oott "aye", Krueger "a}~", Young "aye", Biles "aye" and Mayor Miller "aye". Moti~ carried unanimously. 7. ~he Council considered exactio~ variances for Lot 3, Block 1, of the Scott ~itio~: Section 34-118 re~Hring t.he extension of water and sewer Section 34-116(e) re~.,~ring adequate water capacity for fire Section 34-116(c) re~,~ri~g fire hydralYc~. The subject ~ was in Pi~___ Develo~mnt i (PD-1) and was located on the west side of Gay Street, 226.30 feet north of University Drive (US 380). (~e Plannir~ a Zo~ng Ccmmdssion ~ approval 7-0. ) Rick Svehla, Deputy City Manager, stated that the area in question was a parking lot and not any type of development. The reasor~hleness of the cost of Krueger motioned, Young ~ to at~x~ve the varianoes. On roll vote, Beasley "aye", Brock "aye", Cott "aye", Krueger "aye',, Young "aye", Biles "aye" and Mayor Miller "aye". Motion carried unanimously. 8. Tn, Council considered e~action ~ariances for Spring Hill Estates: A. Section 34-114(3) regarding road oonstruction B. Section 34-114(17) regarding sidewalks alorg interior streets. C. Section 34-116(e) requiring adequate water capacity for fire D. Section 34-116(c) req.,~ring fire hydrants. E. Section 34-114 (e) regarding concrete channel lining. F. Section 34-125(b) to allow for private streets. The subject property was in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (STJ), consisted of 110.284 acres, and was located on the south side of US 380, east of FM 156. (The Planning and Zoning Ou~,dssion reo~,.,ended approval of Items SA, 8B, SE, 8F by a vote of 5-0 and Items $C, 8D by a vote of 6-0. ) Rick S~_b]a. Deputy City Manager. statad that one of the variances was for private streets. As the property was located in the E~J, there was no zoning control and no mechanism to allow f~r a public street. If the private streets were done and approved with a change in construction stam4~ds, there would not be a r~ for sidewalks and drainage as they would be in private streets. The petitioner wanted to do a private water corporation. If he were to build to standards, it would require an extremely large pump at a cost of approximately $100,000. That pump would only be used when there was a fire which was an 249 25O City of Denton City Ooun~il Minutes Deoember 17, 1996 Page7 extremely large expense for minimal use. Young motioned, K~_e~3er seoo_~__~_ to ap~zx~ve all of the variances as requested. On roll vote, Beasley "aye", Brock "aye", COtt "aye", Krueger "aye", Young "aye", Biles "aye" and Mayor Miller "aye". Motion carried unanimously. City At~ Prouty stated that Items 15-21 were service contracts for various b~m~n service organizations. ~he ordinances in the ager~_~ packets were incorrect oompetitive bids and when the bids came in, the r~ of four of the ox~nizations had c~. Three were very similar to the way the agenda was posted but one was not. Item #16 would have to be pulled in order to comply with Biles motioned, Young seoonded to ,approve Items 9-15 and 17-21 with Item #16 to be placed on an upcoming ac~. On roll vote, Be~_.~ley "aye", Brock "aye", Cott "aye", Krueger "aye", Young "aye", Biles "aye" and Mayor Miller "aye". Motion carried unanimously. 9. NO. 96-283 EXP~DITt~OF Ft~S~; A~)P~0VIDINGFORANEFF~iTiVEDATE. (Bid #1958 Aerial Device b_~_ketTruckandUtilityPower SouroeTruck) 10. NO. 96-284 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING OC~4PSTrrlVE BIDS A~) A~ARDING A OONTRACT FOR ~E Pt~C~{~"E OF ~T~, ~N3IPM~qT, SL~oT~lq~S OR S~;ICES; Plq~Fv-/DING F~ ~ EXP~Drl~E OF Ft~S T~EF-~; A~) PROVIDING FOR AN ~ DATE. (Bid #1959 12 CY ~ Truck C~-~sis ar~ 27,500 LB G"4W Truck Cbs~sis) 11. NO. 96-285 AN ORDINANCE ACCEFfING CC~5~TITIVE BIDS AND A~ARDING A fDNTRACT FOR THE PURf~ASE OF MAT~RIATS, ~3IPM~, SUPPLIES OR S~VICES; PROVIDING FOR THE EXPenDITURE OF Ft~qD~ 7~]{EFOR; AND PROVIDING f~R AN ~'~'mcr±v-E DATE. (Bid #1960 Loader/Backhoe Tractor & Skid Steer Loader) 12. NO. 96-286 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPI~/NG CC~4P~ BIDS AND AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR THE IW3Bf~U~E OF MAT~RIALq, ~QUIPM~T, SUPPLIES OR S~qVICES; PROVIDING FOR THE EXP~DI~I~3RE OF FinDS THEREFOR; A~) PROVIDING FOR AN EFF~CiTv~ DATE. 13. No. 96-287 THE PROVISIONS OF gA%TEIAWEX]~FrINGSUf~~ESFRC~R~3IRfM~I~SOF (I~H~.TITIVEBIDS;ANDPBOVIDINGFORANEFF~lTIVE[I%TE. (P.O. #71976 -Able ~etM~tal) City of Denton City Council Minutes December 17, 1996 14. NO. 96-288 AN ORDINANCE OF ~E CITY OF D~, TEXAS, A~RIZING THE EXP~I~DIT~RE OF Ft~S FOR THE Pt~I~SE OF PAYMenT BY ~ CITY FOR ~RT~K~T OF OOgr FOR DESIGN AND C~N~GN OF JOINT ~EAT~D ~kT~R pIPRr.TNE ALONG SOUTH TEASLEY IANE TO UPP~ TRINITY RH3IONAL ~kT~R DISTRICT (UII~D); AND 15. NO. 96-289 16. ~e Council was to consider an ordinance authorizing the City Manager to sign a oontract bet%~n the City of Dentc~ and North Tex~ O-~.,~-~ity clinics. (Bid $1983) 17. NO. 96-290 AND PROVIDINGF~ANEFF~CTIVEDATE. (Bid#1982) 18. NO. 96-291 AND PR~D~G ~ AN EF~mTr~ DATE. (Bid #198o) 19. NO. 96-292 AND PI~0VID~ FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (Bid #1977) 20. NO. 96-293 AN (H~DINANCE AOCEPITNG OC~4PErlTIVE BID~ A}~) PROV]/)ING FOR THE A~ARD OF CO~.~ACrS FOR S~VICES P1KI;IDING FOR THE EXPI~DITURE OF ~%~1S THEREFOR; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (Bid ~1979) 21. NO. 96-294 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING OC~PSTITIVE BIDS AND PROVIDING FOR THE A~ARD OF OONTRACTS FOR S~I~V/CES; PROVIDING FOR THE EXP~I~D~ OF ~ THEREFOR; AND P~0VIDING FOR AN J~'~',~::,'-VE DATE. (Bid #1978) 251 22. The Oouncil considered adoption of an ordinance authorizin~ the City Manager to execute an agreement between the City of Denton and Denton Affordable 252 city of Denton City Council Minute~_ December 17, 1996 p e9 Housing Corporation for an increase in the supply of affordable housing in the city of Denton; authorizing the e~penditure of fum~ therefore; and provid/ng for an effective date. Barbara Ro~s, C~mm/nity Devel ~c~x~-nt Coordinator, stated that this ordinance would approve a contract with the Denton Affordable Housing Corporation. Currently they were the only organization in the City of Denton which had received status as a c~m,~nity development housing c0xporation. This certification was frc~ both the State of Te~-~ and the City of Denton. NO. 96-295 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY O0t~CIL OF THE CITY OF D~ADN, TEXAS, APPRDVING AN AG~RFM~T BEDmmN ~E CITY OF D~N-~ AND THE D~fON AFFORDABLE ~0USING DATE. "aye", Brock "aye", Oott "aye", Krueger "aye", Young "aye", Biles "aye" and Mayor Miller "aye". Motion carried unanimously. 23. ~ C~uncil considered adoption of an ordinance authorizing the City Manager to exeo/te a tower lease a~ bet~n the City of Denton and Dallas ~ZEA, L.P. for property located at the Spencer l%adio Tower and the McKenna Park The following o~d/nance was oo~sidered: NO. 96-296 AN C~DINANCE AUIFDRIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EX~CUTE A TOW~R T.FASE AG~.:.~T B~ ~ CITY OF D~X)N AND D~T.TAS M~A, L.P. FOR PRDP~ LOCA~'~u AT THE SP~2~C~ RADIO TOWER AND THE ~ PARK RADIO ~, Biles motioned, Beasley seconded to adopt the ordinance. On roll vote, Beasley "aye", Brock "aye", Oott "nay", Krueger "aye", Young "aye", Biles "aye" and Mayor Miller "aye". Motion carried with a 6-1 vote. 24. The Council considered approval of a resolution approving the agreement for transfer of assets frc~ the Flow FouDdation, Inc. to the Flow Health ~re F~tion, Inc. subject to the conditions of this resolution. City Attorney Prouty stated that this resolution would approve the transfer agr~ment whereby the Flow Four~tion, Inc. would transfer all assets to Flow Heath Care Foumdation, Inc. Both of these were charitable organizations which ~-~-~k to obtain contributions for health care. ~ne Board of Directors of each of these organizations felt it would be more efficient to have only one organization. The transfer agr~----~ent required the city and County to approve it prior to it becoming effective. Flow Health Care would continue to honor the City of Denton City Council Minutes ~ 17, 1996 Page 10 NO. ~96-078 A RESOLUI~ON OF ~ CITY OF D~, TEXAS ~ THE TRANSF~ OF ASSETS F~C~ THE FLOW ~ON, INC. TO THE FLOW ~ CARE FO~qDATION, INC. SUBJ~3~ TO ~E OONDITIC~S OF THIS RESOLUTION; "aye", Brock "aye", Oott "aye", Kruecjer "aye", Young "aye", Biles "aye" and Mayor Miller "aye". Motion carried unanimously. 25. The Council considered a resolution appointing Ted Benavides to the Board of Directors of the Industri~ Devel ~w~t Authority Board. Kathy DuBo~e, Exec~cive Director f~r Finanoe, stated that thrum resolt~tion would appoint Ted Benavi~ to a vacant position made when former City Manager Lloyd F~rrell resigned. NO. R96-079 A R~-~OLUTION APPOINTING M~S TO ~{E BOARD OF DIR~-~C~S OF ~ DATE. Young motioned, Brock ~ to a~x-ove the resolution. On roll vote, Beardsley "aye", Brock "aye", Cott "aye", El~ecjer "aye", Young "aye", Biles "aye" and May~r Miller "aye". Motion carried unanimously. 26. The Council considered mmminatio~s/appointments to Boards and O~=dssions. Jeri Ooe was nominated by Oouncil M~her Young to the Pl,~bing and Mechanical Code Board at a prior meeting. On roll vote, Beasley "aye", Brock "aye", Cott "aye", Krueger "aye", Young "aye", Biles "aye" and Mayor Miller "aye". Motion carried unanimously. 27. VisionUpdats Council Member Beasley stated that the Cabinet recently received reports from its various c~...~ttees. ~he Work C~,m.~ttee reported that they were prc~oting the 4A half cent sales tax election which was part of th~ Vision for the Work C~,.,.~ttee. The Family Resource Center had found a possible funding source and was e~ploring that possibility. ~he Live O,.~.,~ttee reported_ that the design work on the entrance markers was being worked on and it was working with the neighborhoods to prc~ote organizations. ~ne Play C~.m.~tt~_ had three c~m,.~ttees working, one of which had oc~leted its work on the design guidelines for the downtown area. 28. M~cellaneous matters from the City Manager. City Manager Be_navides, speaking on behalf of the entire staff, thanked Council for its st%~ort for this year. 253 254 City of Denton City Council Minute~ December 17, 1996 Page 11 29. ~here was no official action taken on Closed F.~-ting It~. 30. New Bus/ness There w~re no items of new business suggest_ed_ by Council for future a~m.~. May~r Miller expressed best wishes to Jeff Krueger as this was his last meeting. Mr. Krueger would be sworn in as County C~,~,~-~sic~er on January 1, 1997. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned 8:45 p.m. M~7 .L~R, MAYCR CITY OF D~IIN, TEXAS ACC00354