December 8, 2020 Election Day Locations - By Location GENERAL AND SPECIAL RUNOFF ELECTIONS- ELECTION DAY BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE LOCATIONS (LUGARES DE VOTACION EN EL DIA DE ELECCION POR APARICION PERSONAL DEL ELECCIONES GENERALES Y ESPECIALES DE DESEMPATE DEL 2020) December 8, 2020 -- 7:00 am - 7:00 pm (8 de diciembre de 2020-- 7:00 cim - 7:00 pm) District Precinct Location Address Room City Zip code (distrito) (precinto) (lugar) (direction) (sito de votacion) (ciudad) (cddigo postal) 1 1014 Denia Recreation Center 1001 Parvin St. Room B Denton 76205 1 4014 Denia Recreation Center 1001 Parvin St. Room B Denton 76205 4 4015 Denia Recreation Center 1001 Parvin St. Room B Denton 76205 4 4037 Denia Recreation Center 1001 Parvin St. Room B Denton 76205 1 4009 Denton Civic Center 321 E.McKinney St. Community Room Denton 76201 1 4010 Denton Civic Center 321 E.McKinney St. Community Room Denton 76201 2 1013 Denton Civic Center 321 E.McKinney St• Community Room Denton 76201 1 1038 Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center 1300 Wilson St. Ammons A& B Denton 76205 1 4011 Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center 1300 Wilson St. Ammons A& B Denton 76205 1 4041 Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center 1300 Wilson St. Ammons A& B Denton 76205 2 1039 Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center 1300 Wilson St. Ammons A& B Denton 76205 2 4012 Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center 1300 Wilson St. Ammons A& B Denton 76205 2 1005 North Branch Library 3020 N.Locust St. Meeting Room Denton 76209 2 1007 North Branch Library 3020 N.Locust St. Meeting Room Denton 76209 2 1008 North Branch Library 3020 N.Locust St. Meeting Room Denton 76209 2 1009 North Branch Library 3020 N.Locust St. Meeting Room Denton 76209 2 1010 North Branch Library 3020 N.Locust St. Meeting Room Denton 76209 2 1011 North Branch Library 3020 N.Locust St. Meeting Room Denton 76209 2 1012 North Branch Library 3020 N.Locust St. Meeting Room Denton 76209 2 4006 North Branch Library 3020 N.Locust St. Meeting Room Denton 76209 2 4008 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room B Denton 76207 2 4040 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room B Denton 76207 2 4042 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room B Denton 76207 3 4000 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room B Denton 76207 3 4001 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room B Denton 76207 3 4002 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room B Denton 76207 3 4005 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room B Denton 76207 3 4007 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room B Denton 76207 3 4038 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room B Denton 76207 3 4042 North Lakes Recreation Center 2001 W.Windsor Dr. Multipurpose Room B Denton 76207 GENERAL AND SPECIAL RUNOFF ELECTIONS- ELECTION DAY BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE LOCATIONS (LUGARES DE VOTACION EN EL DIA DE ELECCION POR APARICION PERSONAL DEL ELECCIONES GENERALES Y ESPECIALES DE DESEMPATE DEL 2020) December 8, 2020 -- 7:00 am - 7:00 pm (8 de diciembre de 2020-- 7:00 am - 7:00 pm) District Precinct Location Address Room City Zip code (distrito) (precinto) (lugar) (direccidn) (sito de votacidn) (ciudad) (cddigo postal) 3 4003 Robson Ranch Clubhouse 9428 Ed Robson Cir. Medina Room Denton 76207 3 4017 Robson Ranch Clubhouse 9428 Ed Robson Cir. Medina Room Denton 76207 3 4044 Robson Ranch Clubhouse 9428 Ed Robson Cir. Medina Room Denton 76207 4 4017 Robson Ranch Clubhouse 9428 Ed Robson Cir. Medina Room Denton 76207 4 1015 South Branch Library 3228 Teasley Ln. Program Room Denton 76210 4 1016 South Branch Library 3228 Teasley Program Room Denton 76210 4 1017 South Branch Library 3228 Teasley Ln. Program Room Denton 76210 4 1018 South Branch Library 3228 Teasley Program Room Denton 76210 4 1019 South Branch Library 3228 Teasley Ln. Program Room Denton 76210 4 1046 South Branch Library 3228 Teasley Program Room Denton 76210 4 4016 South Branch Library 3228 Teasley Ln. Program Room Denton 76210 1 4013 University of North Texas-Gateway Center 801 North Texas Blvd. Gateway Center Room 43/47 Denton 76201 3 4004 University of North Texas-Gateway Center 801 North Texas Blvd. Gateway Center Room 43/47 Denton 76201 3 4039 University of North Texas-Gateway Center 801 North Texas Blvd. Gateway Center Room 43/47 Denton 76201 3 4045 University of North Texas-Gateway Center 801 North Texas Blvd. Gateway Center Room 43/47 Denton 76201