Birida Johnson - Appointment of Campaign Treasurer - 02-05-2020 APPOINTMENT OF A CAMPAIGN TREASURER FORM CTA BY A CANDIDATE PG 1 See CTA Instruction Guide for detailed instructions. 1 Total pages filed: 2 CANDIDATE MS/MRS/MR FIRST MI OFFICE USE ONLY NAME Filer ID# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date[cetA NICKNAME LAST � � ���� SUFFIX F� 0 j 3 CANDIDATE ADDRESS/PO BOX; APT/SUITE#; CITY; STATE; ZIPCODEMAILING � ManagADDRESS rn ' } -f- cretary Xi / Date Hand-delivered or Postmarked 4 CANDIDATE AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION Receipt# Amount$ PHONE //— / / ( [ 7,55 V 3/ 1 Date Processed 5 OFFICE Date Imaged HELD (if any) 6 OFFICE SOUGHT(if known) V (/ f 7 CAMPAIGN MS/MRS/MR FIRST MI NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX TREASURER A zs —�-�D T � 'S I e V{ NS O NAME AAjl (! 8 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRESS(NO PO BOX PLEASE); APT/SUITE#; CITY; STATE; ZIP CODE TREASURER STREET ADDRESS 1 � 'a iry nace,� JV�, �� (residence or business) 9 CAMPAIGN AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION TREASURER PHONE 10 CANDIDATE SIGNATURE I am aware of the Nepotism Law, Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code. am aware of my responsibility to file timely reports as required by title 15 of the Election Code. I am aware of the restrictions in title 15 of the Election Code on contributions from corporations and labor organizations. lie Signature of Ca didate Date Signed GO TO PAGE 2 Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 12/6/2019