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Matt Irvine - Final Report - Account Closed
CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 1 The C/0F4 instruct-ion Guide explain how to complete Ihls forth. 1 F4w tD mews Cw— leas! 2 TJIa!pages INed 3 CANDIDATE i ►S•Alas set MI OFFICEHOLDER Matthew OFFICE USE ONLY NAME oats R�ea NICKI'WrE AST SIhzT[ Irvine _ _ RECEIVED 4 CANDIDATE AODRE>s 'o BOA AP- SUITE a LATti STATE ¢--lOE OFFICEHOLDER 4521 Green River Dr Denton,TX 76208 SUN S 0 ED MAILING ADDRESS city�Igere 1 CN11 Change of Address SecAetalYsOffice 5 CANDIDATE, AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER ExTFNS1011 Do'*It edf~W at Dew P.elmmkod OFFICEHOLDER PHONE (316 ) 6191479 6 CAMPAIGN US,5IR5 uR FIRST NI R—ol a As,eum S TREASURER Matthew NAME DNe Procroseea FacKt,u* I AST SvFFIx Irvine Dow"Od 7 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRESS ,No DO Box PIFASEI APT,SIxTE a CITY STATE ZIP CODE TREASURER 4521 Green River Dr. Denton, TX 76208 ADDRESS ,Res,dence or Boslnenl 8 CAMPAIGN AREA CODE P4-CNE NUMBER EXTENSION TREASURER PHONE ( 316 ) 6191479 9 REPORT TYPE yrmary 15 i MITI day Wom dcaun Ronoll �— 15h day slwr LaRglrgn 1 eaPPer spoo"-W-d (oRceftde.r Onhy) uy is aN day belom Cocoon — Exdeeded MDr➢Ifed i FeW Report(Aeach CIOH Fit) Repor"Eat 10 PERIOD Mon• OeY Yee Mont' Day year COVERED 4 / 23 / 21 THROUGH 6 25 j 21 11 ELECTION ElECTtoN DATE ELECTION TYPE Mo�h M Year P ey Ronon otne Desa,:uon 5 / 1 / 21 ■ General SP.—I 12 OFFICE OFFS REED 4-1 13 OFTTCE SouGHT (I ono i Denton City Council District 1 14 NOTICE FROM IMS sox IS FOR NOTICE OF►OUTICAL CONTRIBUTIONS ACCEPTED OR POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE BY POLITICAL COMMITTEES TO SUPPORT POLITICAL THE CANDIDATE I OFFICtHDLDER, THESE EXPENDITURES MAY HAVE BEEN MADE INITHOUT THE CANDMAT"OR OPPOCENOLDER3 ANONT.EDGE OR COMMITTEE(S) CONSENT CANDIDATES AND O"ICEHOLDERS ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT THIS INFORMATION ONLY a THEY RECEIVE NOTICE OE SUCK EXpENORURES C O4MII ICE TYPE COMMTTTEL NAMC GENERAL COMMITTEE ADDRESS Add.bonal Pages SPECIFIC COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TRLASURER ADDRESS GO TO PAGE 2 Forms provided by Toxas EfhICS COmmISSton wow ethics stale tx us Revised 8/17/2020 CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 2 15 C'OH NAME 16 rile r ID (Ethics Commission Fileral 17 CONTRIBUTION 1 TOTAL UNITEMIZED 1`01-1I1CAL CONTRIBUTIONS(OTHER IHAN TOTALS PLEDGES LOANS OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS OR $ 0.00 CONTRIBUTIONS MADE ELECTRONICALLY) 2. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 0.00 MIHER IHAN PLEDGES LOANS OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) TOTALS EXPENDITURE 3 TOTAt UNIIFMIZFD POLITICAL FXPENDITURF 0.00 4. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES $ 0.00 CONTRIBUTION 5 TOTAL POLITICAL-CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY 0.00 BALANCE OF REPORTING PERIOD $ OUTSTANDING 6 TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS Or THE 0.00 LOAN TOTALS LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD $ 18 SIGNATURE I swear, or affirm under penalty of perjury that the accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information required to be reported by me under Tide 15,Election Code �n— V � Srgnaturo of Candidate or Officeholder Please complete either option below: (1)Affidavit NOTARY STAMP/SEAL S.vom to and subscribed before me by this the day of 20 ,to certify which witness my hand and seal of office S,gnature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath a• (2)Unsworn Declaration My name is Matthew Irvine and my date of birth is 12-14-1983 My address rs 4521 Green River Dr Denton TX 76208 USA (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) Executed(n Denton County,State of Texas on the 25th day of June 202t /J-.7(month) r) Signature of CandldatelOMceholder(Declarant) Forms providLd by Texas Ethics Commission www ethics state tx us Revised 8/17/2020 CANDIDATE /OFFICEHOLDER REPORT: DESIGNATION OF FINAL REPORT FORM C/OH - FR The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form Complete only If "Report Typo" on page 1 is marked -Final Report" •� 1 C OH NAKIL - �2 Filer ID (Ethics Filers Matthew Irvine 3 SIGNATURE i do not expect any further political contributions or pol,tical expenditures in connection with my candidacy. I understand that designating a report as a final report terminates my campaign treasurer appointment- I also understand that I may not accept any campaign contributions or make any campaign expenditures without a campaign treasurer appointment on file. N��L_ Signature of Candidate/Office.holrtr•r 4 FILER WHO IS NOT AN OFFICEHOLDER Complete A & © below only if yogi are not an officeholder. •• A CAMPAIGN FUNDS Check only one. r I do not have unexpended contributions or unexpended interest or income earned from political contributions I have unexpended contributions or unexpended interest or income earned from political contributions. I understand that I may not convert unexpended political contributions or unexpended interest or income earned on political contributions to personal use. I also understand that I must file an annual report of unexpended contributions and that I may not retain unexpended contributions or unexpended interest or income earned on political contributions longer than six years after filing this final report Further, I understand that I must dispose of unexpended political contributions and unexpended interest or income earned on political contributions in accordance with the requirements of Election Code.§254 204. B. ASSETS Check only one le I do not retain assets purchased with political contributions or interest or other income from political contributions I do retain assets purchased with political contributions or interest or other income from political contributions. I understand that I may not convert assets purchased with political contributions or interest or other income from political contributions to personal use I also understand that I must dispose of assets purchased with political contributions in accordance with the requirements of Election Code,§254.204 Signature of Candidate 5 OFFICEHOLDER •• Complete this section only If you are an officeholder •• I am aware that I remain subject to riling requirements applicable to an officeholder who does not have a campaign treasurer on file I am also aware that I will be required to file reports of unexpended contributions if,after filing the last required report as an officeholder,I retain political contributions,interest or other income from political contribubons or assets purchased with political contributions or interest or other income from political contributions. Signature of Officeholder Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.elhics slate Ix us Revised 811 T2C2i