Alison Maguire January 2022 Semi-Annual_Redacted CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 4 I Fier ID Moen C nowsmon Firs) 2 Total pages A4d The GOH Instruction Guide eXplains how to corTlplMs his tot9R 10 3 CANDIDATE/ we/Ulm I MR FIRST OFFICEHOLDER kk 6. /�[tto� ��E UEE ONLY NAME ......................................... ..... . ........I........ .. ........ dab Rap iveE NICiPY1AE LAST SUFFIX RECEIVED 4 CANDIDATE/ ADDRESS I PO BOX, APT I SURE f. CITY. STATE- ZIP Cox OFFICE HOLDE R A IUNG �:)oi A-ir ��Aa 91. Oe4A -om,'7X 7� JAN 18 2022 ❑Change of Ad&eee City Manager's/City 6 CANOIDATE1 AREA cooE �' NUMBEREXTENSION Ds rtaa OFFICEPHONE HOLDER (140 � ry 6 � 1_I os T� d '"T Re"ipt• Amovid S ! CAMPAIGN MS I MRS II MR FIRST MI TREASURER 14,6 . a NAME ...........I..................... Deft Processed N{CxP*k E LAST SUFFIX Dab Imp" v�a� 7 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRESS (NO PO BOX PLEASE) APT I SITE it, CITY, STATE. ZIP CODE TREASURER ADDRESS ���� �AV�b('t��� 1 -n aoq t (Resudence or Business) V 6 CAMPAIGN AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION TREASURER PHONE 0 } Q 0 b ! REPORT TYPE Er�y is [� ,day eY,�on ® Runoff ❑ f��saw ciariviso l'J LJ appoadt as (OIFoNwan Do*) ❑ A!y 1S ® Bth day b okm eftown ❑ E-� port(N FMW Reed,CAH-FM 10 PERIOD Month Day YOM Month Day year COVERED -7 THROUGH I a / 3 �4 f o a 11 ELECTION ELECTION DATE ELECTION TYPE YoMh Day Yost ❑ Pta^ory ❑ R,.1 D >pron ❑ General ❑ Spacial 12 OFFICE. OFFICE HELD (rang) 13 OFFICESOUGHT Mkraw"i D"AM 1 (�'- t,rVWA C.r l V-.v,'k q U NOTICE FROM flea SOX■FOR IIO OF POLITICAL OOKTI1SUnOOIs ACCSTm OR FOLITSCAL[XFTaDiTVRES UMN NY POUMAL COMr"MS TO W"CO T POLITICAL Ili!CAIDDIITT r OFFIC8*X. R rWSE 01}[ADR AD UKS MAY MEN M !WnIMMIT TIL S OFFaCTN CAMUMATT' OR oUWVO 3 IlWi L DG!OR COMf[M CAMDMITS AM OFfI01:111OlDaRS NU Ilrot/Im TD IIeORT TM PW VM T M ONLY Nr TNay MCWVT IIOTXS OF U.ICM 57}D111rTUM& COMMITTEE(S) COMMITTEE TYPE COMMITTEE NAME GENERAL COMMITTEE ADDRESS ❑ Additional Pages SPECIFIC COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER ADDRESS GO TO PAGE 2 Forms provided by Texas Eftca Comrrrssion www ettucs state tx us Revised E/t7/2020 CANDIDATE /OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 2 16 C/OH NAME A is Filer ID (EtMce Commwon Filers) 17 CONTRIBUTION t TOTAL UNITEMIZED POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS(OTHER THAN TOTALS PLEDGES,LOANS,OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS.OR $ CONTRIBUTIONS MADE ELECTRONICALLY) 2. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ [ 'a (OTHER THAN PLEDGES.LOANS,OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) 1 TOTALSEXPENDITURE S TOTAL UNITEMIZED POLITICAL EXPENDITURE $ 4. TOTALPOLITICAL EXPENDITURES $ CONTRIBUBALANCE OF 5 TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY $ OF REPORTING PERIOD ` OUTSTANDING g, TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE / LOAN TOTALS LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD s 18 SIGNATURE I swear,of aftkm,under penalty of perjury, that the accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information required to be reported by me under Title 15,Election Code Sojnature of Candrdal or rcetwlder Please complete either option below; (I)Affidavit NOTARY STAMP/SEAL Swom to and subscribed before me by on the day of 20 to certify wtrch,witness my hand and seal ofofrice Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oam (2)Unsworn Declaration �A r My name is 1 A s t,on l_t r t— and my date of birth is My address is a a©-s M i c A Q eAt AO'_ , 'r t0 . (street) (may) '�` (sWe) (zip code)) (country) Executed In }✓���' County,State of "rG Ka S ,on the 1 tt' day of :2 Ol h�20Z� (year) Signature of Ca (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.elhlcs-stateAx.us Revised 8/17/2020 SUBTOTALS - C/OH FORM CIOH COVER SHEET PG 3 19 FILER NAM 20 Hier ID(Ethics Convnission Filers) 21 SCHEDULE SUBTOTALS SUBTOTAL. NAME OF SCHEDULE AMOUNT 1 SCHEDULEAII MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 2 SCHEDULEA2 NON-MONETARY(IN-KIND)POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 3 SCHEDULE B PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS $ 4 SCHEDULE E LOANS $ LN SCHEDULE F1 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 6 g 4 6 SCHEDULE F2 UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS S 7 Q SCHEDULE F3 PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS s 8 SCHEDULE FA EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD S 9 El SCHEDULE G POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS $ 10 SCHEDULE H PAYMENT MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF C/OH $ 11 Q SCHEDULE 1 NON-POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 12 SCHEDULE K INTEREST.CREDITS,GAINS. REFUNDS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS RETURNED $ TO FILER Fams provided by Texas Ethics Commission www ethics.state tx.us Revised 8/17/2020 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al If the requested Information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule At 2 FILER NAME 3 Filar Id (Ethics Cortmeron Filers) 4 Date 5 Full name of coonntributor 0 out-of-slate PAC OEV t 7 Amount of contribution (S) d............................................. -71�j: tj Contributor address, City; gate; Zip Codetc� 5 C Principal occupation/Job title(See instructions) S Employer (See Instructions) �CO �C}.W�V�1t� (1f►�vt{Si t?rt �t?l'� 1��0.5 S Date Full name of contributor 13 out-of-state PAC Olds t Amount of contribution (S) V om' o,, I{Oa k I..`.yj............................. ... 8 f 7/�t Contnbutor address; Cory, State; Zip Code v 1 350 ,5 D'-.1be%1•jvCMj C r6a10 Pnncipol occupation/Job tole(See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) ('O iC vy\ ►n e- 00%;vac-s, o�C- }ar n 'fe.t,ras 5 s� Date Full name of contributor ©out-of.state PAC 006. 3 Amount of contrtbutton (S) KxkW.,ea n av,,4 Mike- Clav\1e-`:�> � [ 3�.Gt contritxutor address; Goy. Stale, Zip Cods 5o 3:Q5 Meee-d%Vvn Lh.,OeAAVr) 1"X 76Q10 Pnncipal occupation!Job td`le(See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions fie \ 0 Dann Full name of contributor I ©sul•of-state PAC 000 t Amount of coninbutwn (S) / OU'/A�1` �...Ftra %k:n ......................................... 6'I f ,a` \ Contributor address; city, State; Zip Code / 550!5 Sk. So�ris OCy0"A-CM/T)( 76;k, !�Princlpal occupation It Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) 'i l- r,,�1COLMY'At4— Fv w\;v cr e.i 45 0 4 0 0C ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED #contributor is out-of-state PAC,please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirsrttMts. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www ethics state tx us Revised 9/17/2020 LOANS SCHEDULE E If the requested Information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report The instruction Guide explains how to completes this form. Total papas Schedule E 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) �W QY\ C e- 4 TOTAL OF UNITEMIZED LOANS $ 6 Date of loan 7 Name of Wrtdsr ©out-cl_kay PAC(IDs > > Loan Amount(S) s Is lender 0 Lender address. City, Stale. Zip Code 10 Intr+rest rate a financial 0 Institution? Q ++�''y1 '�y 7+� Y a Q 1{ �) "-kv A,, t /� 7b +r+`IV �, Maturity to 12 principal occupation t Job title (See Instructions) 13 Employer (See Instructions) a (AV \Owe- A 14 Description of Collateral 1i Check it personal funds were deposited into political ® none 64 account (See Instructions) 16 GUARANTOR 17 Name of guarantor 19 Amount Guaranteed(S) INFORMATION .......................................................................I.......... 1e Guarantor address; City; State; Zip Code (�not applicable 20 Principal Occupation (Sea instructions) 21 Employer (Sao Instructions) Date of Juan Name of lender ®out-of-wa PAC(ICe ) Loan Amount(S) ...............................................................I..�.......... Is lender Lender address; CM State; Code Interest role a financial Institution? Maturity date Y N Prmclpal occupation t Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) Description of Collateral ❑ Check A personal funds were deposited Into poMical ❑ none account (See instructions) GUARANTOR Name o/paaarrinbr Amount Guaranteed(S) y INFORMATION ................................................................................. Guarentot address; City; Slate; Zip Coda ❑ not applicable Principal Occupation (See Instructions) Employer (See instructions) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED ff lender is out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Comnsssion www ethics state tx us Revised 811712020 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertaing Expense EveretExperse Loan Rep«nsroRrrrxbaaserrwY Sok*-orVFuMawvExpertise Acco„nilroSenhino Fees OMce Ovort o adRental E�ponso Trwwpwbmbm E%4wnwt a Rdrad Expense Canausing Expww fgwfBe—we f xpenee Po"Expense Travel in Dteext Made By CIVAwardaMemaula Expense Printing Experae Travel Out Of Datrict C Correrstase Legal Services Labor gher(entw a cAWWy not Ceded above) C+emcwtip imliera The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this tom. 1 Total papas Schedule Fi 2 FILER NAME A 3 Filer 10 (Etfxes Corrinvo on Filers) L� 4 Date S Payee name p y 7/t -�J Z-oovrrl i&III i Amount (S) 7 Payee address, CRY. state. Zip Code g (a) Category(See Cakagon.s listed at WA lop of this schod fa) (b)Description PURPOSE f e� L�} POSEle+✓LA + �C�- �O+ DOt1 F 0 EXPENDITURE Pro 5 t„0ScXtP-�:eye (a) Chedi l irsvN aside of Tessa Conipleb Sdwd/s T Q Check a Austin.TX.oOceholda"experae 9 Complete Q=if direct Canclidate/Officeholder name Office sought Offion held expenditure to benefit GOH Date Payee name 7/3 (/a\ U,6ra� A Amount (S) Payee address, City. Stele, Zip Code Cetepory(See Categones lined at the top of sir achedula) Description PURPOSE H L OF +� EJ w\Q , -� alC�,vt.�h�+ btJl,V� ► EXPENDITURE ® Chid f favNaAidoof Taus Compaae Sdnad ice T a Check If Amen.TX.officeholder WmV expense Complete=if direct Candidate IOfficehtolder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit CtOH Dote Payee name 12/10 00m � tdeo � vVAWXA.4A Amount (S) Payee address. CRY, Slate. Zip Code � 46 56 Atwk Je-vN SIVA 5av,\ :Bose-� C.A 4s( t 3 Category.:(See Cabo"rlas mmed at the by of this schodiM) Description q PURPOSE � &v,41, % Z Co."\ OF ove6w-OA EXPENDITURE Pea 5u6 sa i `" ® Check f Pavel aitaide of Tess Conpieb Sdndi T Check a A,rwi, TX ofricahol0a hung expersa Complets QfiLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Offico sought Off"held expenditure to benefit C/OH ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided byTeXas Ethms Commission www ettucs.state tx us Revised 9/17/2020 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE SCHEDULE F1 FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report. EXPENDITURE CATEQORIES FOR BOX 6(a) Advertising Expense Event Expense Loan Repel, vfundruningExpense A00ourAr+pi8rudr+p Few Oft*OwtceaxbRerad Emow"d Transportation EQtxprnant s Rebelled Expense Carousing Exp— FoodigovenVe Expense PC"Expense Travai In Oleaxx CarOftAMMOOrdftM Made ey G01VAward16114m.xv b Experrr Pnr-V Expense Travel Out C)t Dasnd CandkimhoADMcehokkrfPoMcW Catrrnlaee Lopal Servnceo Sal Libor Olhw(enter a cAepory not Used aboae) Cod Card Peyenra The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this Toffs. 1 Total pages Schedule F1 1 FILER NAME �` 3 Filer ID (Ethics Contrnw+on Filers) 5 A�� L<tC 4 Dale 6 Payee name i Amount (S) 7 Payee address, j Cory. Slats. Zip Code j� too W t 11C3 wv R�. Aemtr, Pox , A` q`ajoa,t> Q W Category(See Cs".Xt"titled at the by of this scrrdirls) (b)D suiption PURPOSE �� �� EXPENDITURE 1 t0) Check Navel elands d Texas ConvhWw ScidM T ❑ Check it Amman.TX,olkehoidn 0."expense s Complete Q=of direct Candidate/Offiosholder name Offloe sought Office held expenditure to benefit CIOH Date Payee nemo '8/a t f a\ LL"0.,N�5 2)inn CXnh C Amount (S) Payee address; City, State, Zip Code 10 t 1 w i n k;veer ,. ��^ tin , T 7 6 a 4 O Category(See CaatIones wed of the top of this schedule) Description EXPENDITURE fJ aCheck I Level oulade of Texas Complda Sd»dW T El Check/Austin.Tx,oftteeholdw tnr,p expeado Complete QW if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Offce sought OltSce held expenditurs to benefit C/OH Date Payee name I/IO/A I zomy., Amount (S) Payee address. Cory, State, Zip Code --"�— Category (See CaMgones bided at the by of this schodulel DoscrilAton PURPOSE t� ` � t g e - f- z0o"-+ OF ( rt Ce- L`ue Yci EXPENDITURE 0 Chad t Navel outalde of Texas ConpYb SclstiYT a Check a Math, TX,oaloehoider Mven/erperae Complete QtM if direct Candidate!Ofricaholder narne Office sought Office hold expenditure to benefit C/Off ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www ethics state tx.us Revised E/t 7f2020 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report. EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX d(a) Advemstng Expense Event Expense Loan oa SosrbonlFv idasarvExpenee AG + p� GaNn +Mng Fees Glace OvrheedRare ar Exprue Tmaporteson EoApnwd i Relied Expanse Consu lrtp Expert. Food9evaraga Expentve Po"Expert. Travel In Daeana Wade Sy GR1Awrd rolls wnis Exienae Pr--xIw Expense Travel Out Of Diablo atxa C XnWrlaae Leer Servw" Labor Otter(ergs.a category not sesad above) CrdCatdPeis The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. I Total pages Schedule F1 2 FILER NAME AA 3 Filer Et] (Ethics Conmesion filers) tS(m W 4 Date S Payee name Q Amount (S) 7 Payee address. City. State, Zip Code 0 3 (01 0 fi r ve-r L-n . PaMnA-cam, 1-X 7 6 a I� g (a) Category(see Cafegoriea read at the lop of this scftedub) (b)Descnption PURPOSEOF C C.tOLL -k � In r 6 t I V< n 2 EXPENDITURE (a) E3 Click f travel mencle d Texas ContpYb Sdw*&T Cherk/Aaattn.TX,o/kaewlder Mvip e.pen se 8 Complete Q(yLY If direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name Iaf Ia/'a \ Znow., Amount (S) Payee address. City, Slate, Zip Code Category(See Caaq "haled M eta lop of ells schddule) Description ah �� PURPOSE C�k `ct2 -` t EXPENDITURE PCB 6 itlf-6 t -Vt ® Cftdt f travel ataede of Tam Cornp4se Sctwm&*T ED Check f A~,TX.olhoeholdw"ape"" Complete QW if direct Candidate IOfficeholder name Office sought Critics held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee rums to/3 ctu ar O.V'1� 0-A 4LA O\ T4146 Amount (S) Payee address. City. State, Zip Code 3t01 IIIrKA Rive.- 1,In . Ce p, T-X 76at -- Category (See Calegodes read at the lop of flee schedule) Deac�rrlyption _.. ^._ PURPOSEFO OF SJ L CC �V\A,t l t C .r� t , EXPENDITURE Chask/travelaAadedTem Coeprle ScitdAsT O Chect a Austin.TX.oekeholder rung aspen" Complete QdLY of direct CendidMe t Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit CtOH ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Etfucs Commission www ethics state tX us Revised 8/17/2020 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 If the requested information is not applicable; DO NOT include this paw in the report EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX e(a) AdverSaxng Expense Event Expense Loan SokilaboryFurd^rrrpExpense Fees Otace Ove&andVRend Expense Trinaporfron Em penent i Rebated Expense Caeualrnp Expense FoodSovereP Expense Po"Expense Travel in Dreuict Confribullions0onelions Made By C➢RNw=dN 1*rnoruis Erpwme PrI* Expense Travel Out Of Daanct C ConxrelYe L"W ServKes Libor OlhW(•rani a callepory not linked above} Cm&CaidPren rs The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages schedule F1 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer 10 (EthicsCornmiasion Filers) 5 4 5 t'2` 4 Dole 5 Payee name _ 11/1 0 /12L1 20ovv\ Vtdea Cove t,xv1C5, i Amount (S) 7 Payee address, CRY, Stale. Zip Code � 15 - qS 55 Akw�oAlev\ UVA 6a\f\ a (y Category(See Calpones Imbed /a�tt the hop or ws sdodwe) (b)Deecriptb�n( PURPOSE O �LCi 0Ve r V 0, �QY�'1V� �OG CCU EXPENDITURE l! Z (a) Chick I ire el ox8lds 9M xs,CbrripWea Sd.&A T 1:1 Check d Aiaan.TX,o/keholder 6"a■perwe S Complets QW if direct Candidate/Officeholder nanw Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name Amount (S) Payee address; CRY, State. Zip Code 410 3tot t► ; DaA , -rx 76 ato �+pCategorfy (See Cabspuss lived at axe lop or this actoduls) Descriptions PUROF V-CC �k%v\5 /bfiN1/t 1 ANC EXPENDITURE QChuck I Vw W wife ds or Texas CarrpNbe Schedule I ® Check a AuMax.TX.aiffcehelder Wep expense Complete QW if direct Candidate i Officeholder name Of cis sought Offce held expenditure to beneflt C/OH Dale rr�y [t Payee name { t� 0�w`l Z,Oovh sV tAfp Amount (S)(S) Pay"address. City, State, Zip Code 1 65 k�w\aalev-' S v d . S rxh eat , - q 5 C ,3 Category (Sae Camewisa imbed at the top of exn schedule) Description PURPOSE i ACM t`t ;?Lvm OF0qEXPENDITURE I C-e— p(® 6L3165&CT � On ® (hack I travel otrrde of Tew Carpxebe Sctodde 7 ® Check I Matra TX.ofteholder Wnp emperae Complete QW of direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/ON ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www eftce.state Ix us Revised 8/17fMO POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE SCHEDULE F1 FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the repot EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense EventExpsnss Lan So6cAwfton0Furxtu-ni;E per" A-our*XMarJ" Few 011ce OvrheedRwdal Expense TnTrpartron Eaipnsnt A RatOad Expense C ir-Ang Expense FoodSevre?e Expense PC"Expense TrsvM In District Made By G IVAwerdNMert+atb Expense PAr*V Ejw— TravN Cut Cf District Canddele/011cerwlden/PoiOcal Cormsmee Legal Swvncw Labor Owen(0 Mw a COagory mot lend above) Coed!Cod Ptipnwt The Instruction Gulde explains have to comptats this ions. 1 Total pages Schedule Ft 2 FILER NAME t — 3 Filer t[3 (Etlres Conmesion Filers) 4 Date / 6 Payee name 00 S Amount (S) 7 Payee address. City, State, Zip Code Q (a) Category(See CO"Over baled �at 1M lop of tM schedi&) (b)Desmptlon PURor f�c-a [ f b¢AN��i 6ltll\� 4� EXPENDITURE T a (e) 4 Chedu 1 usual oiasAe chaos Conwieb SdsAie T Check a Ausan, TX,ofteholder ava1/es pease S Complete Q=N direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to bensfit C/OH Date Payee nano Amount (S) Payee address; CRY. Slate, ZIP Code Category (See Celegod"bled ill es top of Ilde ed"A) Description PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE ® Chedu l srrel aaade of Tom CarKaer SdmsarT El Cheek 1 Austin.TX.oRloeholder Me.p•.penes Complete QNLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sough Office held expendture to benefit C/OH Dete Payee name Amount (S) Payee address, Cry. Slate, Zip Code Category (See Caleeodes bated of as lop of this schedule) Deiscriplion PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Check lfaeelaruEedTeiss CorrpYleScie"7 ® Check If Auuan.TX,o/kehoser Irwng expernee Complete QNLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office soughl Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www ethics statetx us Revised 8/17/2020