Joe Holland January 2023 Semi-Annual - Amended_Redacted CORRECTION/AMENDMENT AFFIDAVIT FOR CAN FORM COR-C/OH 1 Filer ID(Ethics Commission Filers) 2 Total pages filed3 i, LY 3 CANDIDATE/ Mw/MrtsinnR FI�tS��� MI Da a Received l�OFFICEHOLDER (�,•( " 1701- NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JAW 18 2023 NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX { �A City Manager's/City { 4 ORIGINAL REPORT Nq January 15 ❑ Runoff ❑ Final report Da a a. e P stmarked TYPE ❑ July 15 ❑ Exceeded modified reporting limit Receipt# Amount$ ❑ 30th day before election Other(specify) 15th day after treasurer ❑ 8th day before election ❑ appointment(officeholder only) _ Date Processed 5 ORIGINAL PERIOD Month Day Year Month Day Year COV-:RFv I �,� 1 Date Imaged ��j THROUGH / 0�2aZ3 6 EXPLANATION OF CORRECTION 7 SIGNATURE I swear,or affirm, under penalty of perjury,that this corrected report is true and correct. Check ONLY if applicable: Semiannual reports: I swear, or affirm,that the original report was made in good faith and without an intent to mislead or to misrepre-sent the information contained in the report. ❑ Other reports: I swear,or affirm,that I am filing this corrected report not later than the 14th business day after the date I learned that the report as originally filed is inaccurate or incomplete. I swear, or affirm,that any error or omission in the report as originally filed was made in good faith. Signature of Candidate/Ofnceholder Please complete either option below: (1)Affidavit NOTARY STAMP/SEAL Sworn to and subscribed before me by this the day of 20 ,to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath (2)Unsworn Declaration • My name is -\ � and my date of birth is My address is 30 4 t- L— PX ep _ (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country Executed in aN County,State of —'(" ,on the day of T�N J� 20 Z3 nth) year) Ig re o Candidate/Officeholder(Declarant) Remember To Attach Any Part Of The Campaign Finance po orm Needed To Report And Explain Corrections Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 4/16/2021 RECEIVED CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER JAN 10 7023 FORM CJOH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT City Managees/City COVER SHEET PG 1 The C/OH Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Fier ID ME Loommission rs 2 Total pages tiled: 3 CANDIDATE/ MS/MR /MI FIRST Al I OFFICEHOLDER OFFlC USE ONLY NAME ..NICKN....AME.............................................................SUFFIX""...... 1 Date Received BD � RN 1 RECEI �;{� agees I Cit 4 CANDIDATE/ ADDRESS raa BOX,_ x stirr> x:, CI STATE; zm caDE Sect ary's Office OFFICEHOLDER SO If `.4.N 1 0 r MAILING ` ADDRESS -. (�,.� L City Manager's!City Change of Address « 7 Secretary's Office 5 CANDIDATE/ AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION Date Hand delivered or Date Postmarked PHONE HOLDER f 9qq r �r ! -7 7 f'C�J kj [ ! Receipt# Amount$ 6 CAMPAIGN MS/MR IRST , MI TREASURER J� NAME ................................ Date Processed NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX Data Imaged T CAMPAIGN 5rREETADDR£.4S (NO POBOX PLEASn APT/SUITE#; C! STATE; ZIP CbOE', TREASURER q. 1 1?. 5[AZ GJaU� t^/ - ADDRESS' '/ AAA, o6r PM'NF- WWBER EXTENSION. ER ® _ OFFICE USE ONLY 9, REPORT TYPE January 18 4 1lefdfa mo6tlon Runoff , Ift day alter campaign 4 CANDIQAT�d- [ zS ::�&i�?X �_•-----. ��`_ _ ._ r_TY._ z�;T` treasurer appointment OFFICEHOLDER �f (Officeholder Only)OFFICEHOLDE Jpty IS' 8th dqy before e'Iealon ❑ Exceeded Mod"lad Fnal Report(Attach GOH-FR) i MAILING Reporting Limit 10 Month Yeor Month Day Year ✓ "` /.� THROUGH7 — 11 ELECTION ELECTION DATE ELECTION TYPE Month Day Year ❑ Primary ❑ Cott M �! Other �,y� / Description `/ / ❑ General ❑ Special 12 OFFICE OFFICE HELD (if any) ALC-- 13 oFFrcETocriT` )� � 14 N THIN aoX j9 FDR NOTICE OF POLMGAL CONTRWUnONS ACCEPTED OR POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE BY POLifliAt_COYMfT'rEE§TO SUPPQRF•. THE CA10DATE t OFFlCEHOLDert. THESE FJO'FlvOfTUAEi NAY jlrtVE tllEAf AfADE rrrTHOUT THE CANDt0,4TE$OR OFRCEHOLDER'i lVYOM[FLOE OR CONstmr CANtxbATEs Arm CFFICEHOLOEA!ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT THIS INFORMATION ONLY IF THEY RECEIVE NOTICE OF SUCH FJIPENDrniRES. `Rsside".- of csir ems, COMMill"ITE 11'PE 60110I1VTTEE.NAME 8 CAMPAIGN ARC Cr --- - -- --- - - -- URER GENERAL C 4i`rT &466 ESS Pages /J & r 1 (v C04MIrTEE CAWAW TRYASURER NAME !i REPORT.T--YPE ti , January 9w , 3W dsy before eM r RunoP. r U Ca f alter campaignpq ii'}ATr- COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER ADDRESS -rarer l0 ..t.cySs;Only) nr —rc . �JLftS j A:r.:la•;::Rf,f.nkr'.yn .'"� r.:.�'SE.1:A�i..? 'T = �p,��tsr(I�RaC9G'OH-iF/ GO TO PAGE 2 Fo ms provided by Texas Ethics Isalor7 waFiw t3thiCs.state.&:Its CdAbd 11/16/20 RECEIVED RECEIVED CANDIDATE /OFFICEHOLDER [AN 10 ?073 JAN 108IRM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT City Manager's/City C Nib PG 2 s Office 15 C/OH NAME 370j 16 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 17 CONTRIBUTION 1. TOTAL UNITEMIZED POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS(OTHER THAN TOTALS PLEDGES,LOANS,OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS,OR $ CONTRIBUTIONS MADE ELECTRONICALLY) 2. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS (OTHER THAN PLEDGES,LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) ....... . ........... EXPENDITURE 3. TOTAL UNITEMIZED POLITICAL EXPENDITURE. TOTALS $ 4. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES $ ...... ... ......... CONTRIBUTION 5. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY 3�g �, iBALANCE OF REPORTING PERIOD $ . ..... .. . ...... .. . OUTSTANDING 6. TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE LOAN TOTALS LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD $ 18 £IONKURH 1 swear.Of afilnn, Under Penalty of Perjury,that the accompanying report is true and correct and dnntudes afl intahrratlon ";.AM PA 117gpir"'%4e,'*Wted py me+pdsr TittQ t¢:Election Coda. 4ac tL\"�j D Skjne ire of Gendiciate,op- cehoklef- 17 CONTRIBUTION ; ! FCTAL UNE EMIZE . :•;L iTl;-,L CO ,r,id- �.._ � .iy is . t"l TOTALS i PLEDGES,LOANS.OR GUARANTEES OF i_OANS,OR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE ELECTRONICALLY} I 2, TOTAL P TICAL CONT I U 10 (i)THER T �e RO"�hpF�O b0A 5 . ................ . E7GPENDIYURE •TOTALS : 3- TOTAL `7•Affidavit �. if'TA 1.i"O}.i!li i`t.i X}'::.Ni3lt i;RF� _.._.._ _ _ _ ••_-_ _. .._ _ ._-__ —__ ___a-.� �..�_ NOTARY STAMP/SEAL Swam to and subscribed before me by this the day of 20 ,to certifywhich,witness my hand and seal ofoffice. Slgnature of oAlcer admlydsi f(I k,,,r.p.,,:etr by :leda dname Ctofficer adrrAnWering oath Title of officer feting oath (2).Unswom Declaration. F `�r-•� j� Siunatufei of Candidate w Offcehoblw and my date as birth is ,t iel h r IG I 9. (state) (zip code) ( ntry)� b Q t`Ir Coustty,StateTb}f ;on th& d 4 onth) t Sig tune of Candidate/Officeholdef(Declarant) amps provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.stlille .us Revised 11115/20 t