Brandon Chase McGee July 2023 Semi-Annual_Redacted i CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 1 - '- -^-- - 1 rlior ID Whirs P.ommLtslanfllall 2 Total pages filt:d The CICH Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 7 3 CANDIDATE I MS MRS IMR rIR.I FAI OFFICE USE ONLY OFFICEHOLDER Mr. Brandon Chase NAME ..........:.......I.....,... ................. f1Alu NICKNAME LASI SUI I RECEIVED McGee 4 CANDIDATE! ADDRFSS PO BOX, APT T SUITE e GITY Tnl I eft,cool- JUL 17 2023 OFFICEHOLDL-R 1610 E. McKinney Ave. #2001 Denton, TX 76209 MAILING ADDRESS City Manager's I City Cl,arac of Addrees L Secretary's Office 5 CANDIDATE/ AREA CODE PHONE NUMOVR Lx"III I' N Date Hanu-delnc OFFICEHOLDER PHONE {316 ) 990-2006 Raco,pt u 6 CAMPAIGN MS T MRS T MR FIRST TREASURER Ms. Kara LDme cessed NAME ............................................................... NICKNAME LAST �l'FFI:•: aged Engstrom 7 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRESS (NO PO BOX PLEASE); APT y SUITF: CITY -- STATE; ZIF CODE TREASURER 1710 Sam Bass Blvd. #523 Denton, TX 76205 ADDRESS I (Residence cr Pusiness) 8 CAMPAIGN AREA CODE PHONE NULIiUER� EXTENSION TREASURER PHONE { 214 ) 554-1656 9 REPORT TYPE F January 15 301h day befora election ! Runoff 15th day alter car:paigr F ! treasurer aop-�lntmr•^I fI (Ofluxholde-Onty! Exceeded Modified Final Repun July 15 I PUt day tTCfere ekctiun -- -- ---- — 1 — �— i Reporting limit 10 PERIOD Month Day Year Month Day Year COVERED 1 / 1 23 THROUGH 6 31 / 23 11 ELECTION i ELECTION DATE ELECTION TYPE Month Day Year Primary ��ft ODe�iption General Special - - 12 OFFICE OFFICE HELD (if any) 13 OFFICE SOUGHT (B known) Denton City Countcil at Large PI. 5 14 NOTICE FROM THl5 BOX IS FOR NOTICE OF POLITICAL CONTRIBUTEONS ACCEPTED OR POLITICAL EXPENDITURES WUWe BY POLITICAL.COMM11 TE CS TO SUPPORT POLITICAL THE CANDIDATE!OFFICUIOLDER. THESE EXPENDTURES MAY HAVE BEEN MADE WITHOUT THE GANDIUA TES OR QFFI EHOLOER'S KNUKtEDGE OR- GONSENT,CAHO.DA TES AND OFFICEHOLDERS ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT THIS INFORMATION ONLY IF THEY RECEIVE NOTICE OF SUCH EXPENDITURES. COMMITIFE(S) COMMITTEE TYPE .COMMITTEE NAME COMMITTEE ADDRESS GENERAL Audit-onal Page, _ - -- ,SFTCCIFIC COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME C.OMM)TFEE CAMPAIGN TREASUREN ADDRESS T GO TO PAGE 2 Forms provided by Texas Ethics Gomnussion www.ethics.slale.bt.us Revised 8+1712020 CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER FORM CIOH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 2 15 CIOH NAME 116 Filer ID (Ethics Commrsswn Filers) Brandon Chase McGee JI 17 CONTRIBUTION 1. TOTAL UNITEN117E0 POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS (0ihI:R THAN TOTALS PLEDGES,LOANS OR GUARANTEES Of-LOANS,OR GON TRIBUTIONS MADE ELECTRONICALLY) 2. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 158.46 (OTHER THAN PLEDGES, LOANS,OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) TOTALS EXPENDITURE 3. TOTAL UNITEMIZED POLITICAL EXPENDITURE. $ 4. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES 60.00 I CONTRIBUTION 5. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINIAINEDAS OF THE LAST DAY BALANCE $ OF REPORTING PERIOD OUTSTANDING 6. TOTAL PRINCIPAL AL40UNT Ol- ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE l— r LOAN TOTAI S LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD $ 18 SIGNATURE I swear, or affirm. under penalty of perjury, that the accompanying report is true and correct and incLides all inforrnanor required to be reported by me under Title 15.Election Code. Signature of Candidate or Officeholder Please complete either option below: (1)Affidavit NOTARY STAMPISEAL Swom to and subscribed before me by _ this the __ day of 20__ ,to certifywhich,witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering ovW. (2) Unsworn Declaration , c / My name is rar,�" Ck&c (7�C and my date of birth is _. n Ely address is QA rK T � - (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) cxecutcci in__ Q g _-_County,State ofj k.),Op!�L,on the _ _._day of (month (year) Signature of CandidateiOtflcehokfer(Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission wmAv.ethics.state.tx.us Rev,sed 81171202C POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 If the requested information is not applicable,DO NOT include this page in the report. EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense EwrNExpense .tx Ropatin- tRoFiixr—,.cwwwt( 3oliuutxn/Fim[rr tan Fx erase Aocoupt--'Banking Sees Once Ovemuadrcterlal Expense TramWwlabon Ere t, ,D Consuming Expense Fcx N3everago f,.pensn Fulllny Expense trr In OrstrMt Imo'en.8 Ref tea ExtK:i1. Cornributions/Donauais Made By i3duAvs,alzi loiiwrfelaF_4mnse PnnlingCxponse TravnlQtdZ(Di;trim CnKlKuteroK,coitrtldarlPMiacalComminoo LegalServlaa Lntxw Owk Card Payment Ultwr(enter a cawyury nW listed atltNOj The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 total pages Schedule F1. 2 FILER NAME 3 Filter ID (Ethics Comrission Fliers) 2 _ Brandon Chase McGee 4 Dato g Payee name 01/31/2023 Guaranty Bank and Trust 6 Amount (S; — 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code 10.00 P.O. Box 1158 Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 8 } (a)Category(Sae Categories listed at the lop of etis schedule) (b) Description PURPOSE Fees Bank Service Fee OF EXPENDITURE tW Cis&If travel outside ur Texas.Complete Schedule T. Check iTAustin,TX,officeholder riving expense 9 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Of eholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH FDate Payee name 8/2023 Guaranty Bank and Trust t ($) Payee address: City; State: Zip Cade P.O. Box 1158 Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 CategeuY(See Cateyui xis listed a!the top ofthis schedule) DOSCrtption PURPOSE Fees Bank Service Fee OF EXPENDITURE check fftravelNibideofTexas.Cn n.b lc xh dr.te T Check if Austin,TX.officeholder living expense Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Dale Payee namr3 -- 03/31/2023 Guaranty Bank and Trust Amount Payee address: City; State; Zip Code 01.00 P.O. Box 1158 Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 Category i Sea Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description PURPOSE Fees OF Bank Service Fee EXPENDITURE --A GPGC�ttlrawi outside ofToxas.Cumpkole8anodutc T- -- Check it Austin, TX,offceholder Irving oxpense T- — Complete Q_ ,Y If direct Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held expendilvt&to benefit CiOH ATTACHADDITIONALCOPIE OOFTHISSCHEDULEASNEEDED — Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission wwlv,ethlcs.Stalo.tx.(ts Revised 8/17120 t POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT includo this pago in the report. EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX e(a) Ad—rtising Expenso t�onitgwitso turniftrq>ayirwnYn.'erinir.vr•.,nr -,. _ ':�du.Antu.rJr�n�A,wq,n+tf ir.�.. A=,un;vipd4ankkV Voo.1 ohkooUvsrho"itonlallrpvnu, rr.Y,µeA1000-lrl'4nra•nrLtt•C,•.•i1 .l. C:onsue'r„J ExpMec rar<xkHnver�r•I af+nlnl MAO,q I.xponse r re nil In rintnrr CatMtt.A1m'a�Dututtrx,s MncM Hy 0If1Avard%%11rmrs1ets1_Txponae Pdntif%jr-xpanso Tinvrrl r)ul Of rii-o,,.r CandiAnlV•tKLaveht�klvrip�,ttr:alCPnrnslae 1rpnl se—cc's Si0arle:YW*Vuv/Lvntrlp11 Mi filtxir(erterp.i,-1,,, ..r -. 1,•,_,.. The Instruction Guide explains Itow to complete this form. 1 lotal pageS Schedule F1 2 FILER NAME 13 Filor Ir) IFn 2 Brandon Chase McGee fI 4 Ewe 5 Payee name 04/30/2023 Guaranty Bank and Trust fi Amount ($) 7 Payee address' City State. /•C>''' �- 10.00 P.O. Box 1158 Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 i 8 i (a) Category(See Calegones listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Descnption PURPOSE Fees Bank Service Fee OF- EXPENUITURE (c) Check if travel ouside of Texas Complete5c'ietlirleT. Crack it Aushn,TX•offireholder ling^.rensn 9 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name 05/31/2023 Guaranty Bank and Trust Amount (S) Payee address; City, Slate; Zip Coda 10.00 P.O. Box 1158 Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 Category (See Calegcrias listed at duo top of tr.s scheduln} Description PURPOSE Fees Bank Service Fee OF EXPENDITURE ChedidvavaiouSidaofTesas.Coir.pielescheduleT.. Check dAiistin,TX.officeholder li-up eztper se Complete ONLY jr direct Candidate/Officeholder name Offic.o c:oughl Office held expenditure to benefit C/0it Datc Payee nanie 06/30/2023 Guaranty Bank and Trust Amount (3) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code 10.00 P.O. Box 1158 Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 Category i see Categories listed acne topatihis scliedLla) Descrption PURPOSE Fees Bank Service Fee OF EXPENDITURE Chocklftravdi9ulsdaofTeras Cor,ph_teSp's -L Check if Austin,TX•ogicaholder kring e:.:acnse Complete QW If direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office caught Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULEAS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission vrww.ethics.stale.tx.us Revised 8/1712U:-. MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this pago in the report. The Instruction Guide "Plains hour to complete this form. 1 Total page$ Schedule At 2 FILER NAME Brandon Chase McGee — 3 rllor ID (Elba r-crmmrssion Filers) _ 4 Date 15 Full narne of contnbulor out-of-slate PAC poq , 7 Amuun' of conlnbulirm (S) don Chase McGee 01/18/2023 �,.Bran ..................... ..................,............... 26 - 41 LO,6clo tnbulor address; City; Slate; Zip Code E. McKinney St. #2001 Denton, TX 75209 8 Prh,c.lpal occupation t Job title(See Instrur_tion3) g Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor mj1-uf-state PAC, ire r Amount of contribution I'S, Brandon Chase McGee 02/181202 .- ........... .................. ........... Contributor address; City, State, Zip Cade26 . 41 1610 E. McKinney St. #2001 Denton, TX 75209 Pr ncipa(occupation/Job title(See Instructions ) Employer (See Instructions) � Date Full name ofcontnbutor out-o"-sIA1e PAC ItUu ) Amount of conlribalion (5) Brandon Chase McGee 03/18/2023 {{{........................... ................................................. Contributor address; City; Stele; lip Code 26 . 41 i 1610 E. McKinney St. #2001 Denton, TX 75209 Principal occupation/Job title (See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Fl ell name of contributor Out-of-stale PAC(ID#: _ _.__ -_ __ .) Amount of contribution (S) Brandon Chase McGee 04/18/2023 `......:............................................................. ....-. � Guntributo- address, City, Slate, Zip Code 1610 E. McKinney St. #2001 Denton, TX 75209 26 - 41 � f Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See InStru Illunsr I i ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULEAS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC,please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.elhics.stale.lx.us Revised 8/17 20 0 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page In the report. The Instruction Guide explains how to complete thls form. 1 Total pagos schedule Al 2 2 FILER NAME 3 Flier lu (Ethics r ommr+slur hlev,. Brandon Chase McGee I 4 rain 5 Full name of contrib-itor ou!-cf-sta!u PAC non l 7 Amount of contribution f',, Brandon Chase McGee 05/18/2023 26 .41 6 Contributor address; City; State: Zip Code 1610 E. McKinney St. #2001 Denton, TX 75209 8 Principa� occupation/Job title(See Instructions) 9 Employer(See Instructions) i I Date Full name of contibutor cut-of-state PAC;tc ._-- 1 Amount of conlributon (5, Brandon Chase McGee 06/18/2023 .................................................................................. 26 . 41 Contributor address; City; State; Zip Codee 1610 E. McKinney St. #2001 Denton, TX 75209 Principal occupation/Job title (See Instructions) Employer tSe. Instructions) I Date + Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC puk: _ Amount of contribution (5) .................................................................................. Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Lmployer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-ol-stale PAC(109; ) Amount of contribution ($) ..............................I................................................... Contributor address; City; Slate; Zip Code f r Principal occupation /Job title(See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-Of•slato PAC.ploaso see Instruction guido for additional reporting requirements. Fcrrns provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.elhics.slate.tx.us Revised 8117/21)Y SUBTOTALS - C/OH FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 3 19 FILER NAME 20 Fllaf ID(Ethic-Commission Flom) Brandon Chase McGee 21 SCHEDULE SUBTOTALS SUBTOTAL NAME OF SCHEDULE "- _ AMOUNT 1. ■ SCHEDULEAII: MONETARY POLITICAL CON I'RIBUTIONS S 158.46 2- SCHEDULEA2: NON-MONETARY(IN-KIND)POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 3- SCHEDULE B: PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS $ 4, SCHEDULE E: LOANS $ 5. ■ SCHEDULE F1: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADL FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 60.001 f. SCHEDULE F2: UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS $ 7. SCHEDULE F3: PURCI IASC OF INVESTMENTS MADE FROM POLITICAL CONT RIBUTION5 S - B- SCHEDULE F4: EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD I S I 9- SCHEDULE G: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS S 1 i 10. SCHEDULE H: PAYMENT MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF C/OH $-- I 11. SCHEDULE V NON-POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 12. SCHEDULE K: INTEREST,CREDITS, GAINS, REFUNDS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS RETURNED $ TO FILER Forn1s provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.stato.tx.us Revised 8/17!202C