Hudspeth Gerard 30th Day Before 2024 General Election CANDIDATE / CFIFICEHCLDET FORM C10H CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPO-�- �Q��� s���? �� i # 15 O/OH NAME � ( 16 Filar iC (Ethics Commission, Friers; CONTRIBUT iC ,S i � ?. €C?AL?OL17:i.,=iL CfJN-�; v�1�,;4'c: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 0Ta� �1 / ► Y TA?.PC! MCA!Es:, =N'DT :.:-Rr3 as�a�+� It 7, •��� E. . . . . . . . . .. — _ --- ------- STANDING - -.:. 1 18 SIGNA.Tv RF sL Jea t o', T?Ir(m. udder na.;y .a '"�' .''c: 2Ci CA E': ^a fe,.^,C!? is .rt;� and :.G.`eCt 8nd m yes a mferrnai;C�n ied(o ce r20Grecd�'dUee under T ' _ t 1 i i t ` i I S JEsus J.SALAZAR i Ei 31504291 Notary ID#1xpires March 21,2026 t I tiO T AR`! c-.-'A i SEAL Swore to aiid s'ubsC;'Jed before mte G,r � /L/pn© tis _tia d2y of Z!V23'L 200, any of o Title of officer admix:s ering oat,. er adm nistenns oat, ? .ntec ._rne c,,.-`ica. _ ....,.. _ s I e.. F ;2'1 Unsb-:res3-;DerIaration Ila --- --- — Jssed .1 1 r2024 I FORM 1-110H COVER SHEET PG 3 t 99 FILER NAw1E 20 Filer ID(Ethics Commission Filers) 21 SCHEDUL AMOUNT E SUBTOTALS i SUBTOTAL NAME OF SCHEDULE � 1 . SCi-iEDULEA 1: tviOrJETARY"i-OLITCAL CGN'?`:BUTiO 1S 3o ,200 SOH-DULEA2: NON-rviGNETARY(iN-KIND;POLITICAL CGNTRIBU T IONS i S 3. i j ; SCI=IU`.E B: PLEDGED CON-,TRIBU T iGNS ! S 3 L. SC.EDULE E: LOANS jSCHEDULE . . PO' T.—AL -XP=N:D.-URcC E =R 1,n POLI T.CAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F2: j,!,1PAID INCURRED OBL•G.^-.TIC,N'S i 5 SC ;E:U! L r: PURCHASE OF INVEST%ENTS i.�. ,DE FROM. POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS ' v 3 `J I 8. SCHEDULE F4: EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CAR•_^.. t i y. SCHEDULE G: POLITICAL EXPENDITURE S r BADE FRCF.i PERSONAL UND5 f t 1v. SC,FEDULE H. PAYMENT^.IADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF CIO H S u SCHEDUL=I: NON-POUT NION-POUT(CAL EXPEN ITJR-ES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS i — =C' GAi:':S- FUNDS ,AND CONTRIBUTIONS RETURNED � S { 12. i SC�r':LC`.!LC SS: iIV-:E?CCT. CREDITS. TO FILER i i - 4 i I I t I I i t I I E 1 i F t I 2 { i o ms provided b,Texas EILNOS Commission V"m-'i.eit 'CS.SY2ie.tx.us Revised 1/V2024 M 0 N E T� R.' Y RO Li 7-"Ck� CD N �0 N S C 1.4 E D U L EAI i-3 i-.Ot 23:>-,!:C2b'!,_�. D-O' 1"407 inciude'I is page in the report. -he I.nstruction, Guide exp*alms toss, ?021 02geS Schedule Al.- FiLER - -ar ir) Corn.mission Filers; 1 Amount of contribution, (S) ................. ............................................... tZ-2—: Z:o C..cc- C.", —Ix A ,z o C)C,o a prm--i--al occucatcn Jot t"lle ;See :nrruc_..,. ^ ar-ploye, :See Amounl o`comt-.ib,,;ion ,Sl OA ...rTc..................... ...... ........................ ad:d�ess -_i-v- Z:�- ccde CA -7.5o Prm., 02i Cc--L;.o2t:on.!-'ob ,See !nS7rLC7!-_nS i ;Employier(Sec- instructions) Date �,,;?l name of ccmr:b�,'Cr Am,a r. ci c 0,1 t,-;b L;ion (S) a 15 tv► i ok 6 L) C',frb///Vfl /-x i2o C) zi�.e ,See 'See !ns--uct,cnv ............................... c 7. c- a e S S oo 0 NEEDED l.ids Revised '!,,12C)24 y NI 0 N E 71 A R"Y' P 0 PEN - SCHEDULE Al irn2t;cn is no sp.1 tl, — DO N-0-7 inchUidc-this page it, the report. 1-1 requeste info-- -7 I �)ages Sc�eduie All- h,c- instructi-cm, Gu�:dc sxp'�a;ns ';no�,v ',o 2 FILER NADvIE 3 Filers; 6 14t D,a, Amcunt--f contribution (S) .............. Z;, C acdress: Ville t occ;-pation :C� -'E? Se&/jr.S— 'See :ns ructions',' =uT:name o� A; ount of contribUliOr. (Si L ........... . .. ......... . C; 2 e S S' den 67-60 -tvzz 79 7(e Pr;r#Pa! See instru--�:oms) C,2�e a7n-a o-ccnzrl.,_-,c- P--n-.-ount of contribution (3) 6. ....r)....... ........................ c --ss: LD c 1 1,5 c fe- j v 6.,Oeld-on.TX an,5 756 Prmc'.Pa'!occu-oa--n fS.e !nsu-,ct!ons� -7�iPlcver"see !71st-,-,c,;,cns) .. ......................... atcress: LU j + ccL frp-4- t�t Oe, a DU S M E E DE D 7 Revl5ed 11112024 SCHEDULEA I If tih-_ --d i,'14;0=12t;Cri �:S 710t 20pilC2l_-i=_. 7DO NG7 inc`u­ze`l is page the reGort. The instruction C-uide sxpiains �-ov,! to ccmnpia­ ti�is f—m— `,--al -aoes Schecuie Al- 2 Fil"ER MkAOE 3 =::er �Iers; CCL 4 Date 7 Fic,ount cf contribution (S) .... ... . ......... .. ..... 6 C�on,..butc- aCdress: Z;p C d e fl dr ve-, fZ ti 8 P-inc;pa; Job tlie ;See inst.-uf:�`ors' -mp - 'See instructions) Amount of contributior-. S) .. . . . . ....................... Ccce L4 1 5 6�0 f VW t-4#71 F1 a deo tvn i /-K 70,�,? 500 I Mnc;p =ion. .of title fs=-e :nsttucrtio_s; Ployer (Sea F 02'e Arneun+of contribution. S) X ..... .... ............ .............- CC7,_,;'OL.ZC;r add.reSS: S_Lpis- Z:p Code la4 3 n 1 1 ,o yl / !q,4 L_ OP, iled 7'�_W_O ZI a;ud 7 i p incippi occ Oat:Or, Job !L;:-,!e I.See , See ns^rucl;cns� D2-,s - — m mn o c 'on f S" v .. ...... vi�.r.......................... 6L a�:C.ess c;­,: 7;.c��cd e _ct .'See :See '71.s'­=.O.-Isl i�Com ;blac,-�s Ou,-O'_szate ,4kc.- case Bse reporting 10. Fl_=viset I.M20124�. iexas Elm�s T 7 N T F-3�1' S SCHEIDUL-E Al 0 N A Y P 0 i-"—, ques-,ed : oT 2;ack2bie- DO 'N07 incu 'this pagc- in Lthe reporlt. i A The instrucflon Guide expialnis how CO3—np,!SzG ti!IS 4crM. I 7otai cases Schedule l: 2 =iLER NAME 3 =;:e,, iC t'Etinjcs Cornmissicri Filers) 14, 4 Da-,.Z: 7 AimoL�ntofcontribution (S) 5 -.a-ne cfccntrt--.o- .................. ............ .......... Cont`tutc- 2td,ess cl-, Z:D�-ode 0641e-, Pet-7--t-oh z/---x- a;"Io 7 Principa!occupation 1 Job ;See instruct:ons; Emo;:cyer-,See �nstructbons) name a e c c;c-, i Annount Of �S ....... . . .. .. ...... . ... ........ CC) S-CreSS:Pr;nc:o2i c�ctpazic- lab tit:e 'See 1 E, c'oyer 'See instruoms) rsV-u--ions'; ct D2"e mame Of Am k oum�of contribution `3) Ck u—, . .. ....... ....................... .................. ... —crt`b!-or a�dr=ss: 7 9: Zip Code i 0 T-x 7(;2 principa jc- -See Instructions;- title (See lrstructicns) DaTe Fr na,—,e Arrc_;nt of . . . ....... ... ................ Z�C,Ccde act-ess: Zt, Vlc�W4 110 wirtzljw� czen,-t� lt/a Awle-, 7 71 'S ;=.AS NEEDED g:.tda at.di- al re3ort-Ic re Revised 1"',12024 =-,rm.s��,cvltec by T e)�as � ._ _`--_-- -_'--- - '--�,_--_. - - ---_ _' .a~' �� . . 7 fi i 1O N E L N SCHEDULE AI i ii 4he -eclues-led is r,01 acpli;-32nie_ DrO NC17 :nc_uaie'L: -age �n, the report. T- _Z Thc- instruction Guide explains hc%�'tr, complaze fc_rm_ aages scheciule Al: C) /0 2 'E+ cs 1--n.m miss'on. Fders) a m e 0 c 0 n t.l!'c'-Z 0 7 Arnoun of clontribuion (S) ................................ 5 atQress S-a�e: Z*:D Code f 6)L) /tip r 6 r6 le. Apti 74;i,) IX 76 Piincioai occunatior,1 Job title (See inst, Dyer'See lrlstructiorls) Da'e rui..-ame of Arno...,, con�nbLi"Orl 'SI) X ................ ............ ll'butor 2dd.ess: a'-=: zic Coce s , Princpat pa;on -lob t;t;e ;See Emcioyer (See lnstr ons) Dafe F Amount of contribuLion. (S) .. ...... ..... ... ........ t v A,e- I Q m * /., princ;P21 cccupa�:�,r� ic'-- �;See =n,�picyer 'See !Mstruct=s' Date narne c�a Am.._ t a co r. b u o n. --- -- ------ . ............. ci�, ss: sraza: zip- Code akr Pr;nc;,-a'ccc,_patior Job t::.el "See C;e, Is S��'=DU EE AS N'EE-,ED i Revset 012024� `. Orm.s prcvicled v exas_'mr-S M 0 N E Tia.Rf P n,L i - A' - SCHEDULE Al !I the reques-il-ad :1',IT-O,',M2VOr, 16 nOt 2.0PliC2bie. 7-10, 'K-07' i-nciude this rage ill the repon. 1 'i-ozal rages Scineduie Al: Ste 10-Tr.ne instruction Guide explains hrv,.,to pomp; 2 P 1. E R N.,nu-.41 E �-D t�E—ics C-cmm'ssi-on Filers) 4 -Da+e of cont,;b;j'o- 7 Arnount of contribution 41-a ..... ... ..... ......... 6 Cor.r:Outcr acdress- ...Z:D ode..... L/ 4 7'�A4, ZZZ� 8 P7;m a' —le (see instructionsi .-ee Date --arre c- Amount o�con.tribLi.. ...................... .......................... Conuilbu,.O.- ac!�,ess. &as: Z:n Ccoe Z5)9biljL-,,/ Cfcur /)a Pnmcipai Oc--L;Z)a;ion lo�T zi,:e 'See Astrl-:=O,rls*i Y r:c,'e r :'Se ons-arc OT Amoun.-of contribution (S) ............................. add--ess: Zip Code 01 &h rk -7 7c i Pr;ncical OCCUPaLion Job zitre isee -=-nnicver'See -s,ruct;cnsl Date a m e o c C.- Amount of ccn, .�but'on {S) ...... ..................... .......................... .......... Zc Pr;nc;ps. Jab See E 7%lJ E A 5 N, DE D ccnt --�!tcrls ung requiremarit Reviset �!112024 Formns `Dy7exas L;L ,e requasted is 2c .mod: � ,7U RIE C,-_'_.7EGOR'Es=OIR-sox afa� E Exz*nSe Expeen C.Experse =xpanse =_qu _xpense r24s;in I-sca*.Sc-",:Ces S �.'-V'2 C;s&iC�!1 2 Ct lc C r no' this fort. .0 z-c e S Flf:er !D (Elhics Comr-nission ;:iiers) 2.41 fCd Ac �eg Cc Iley e-, C;ty st2ta: C �7r ±V6) sy,c e n aM e .-A /V r Flav--e Zip �7oc PO 77X 7-6 9 0 2 C= 1/17 2 L4 0 L) 71- q , tlea-t-on Fj F;k p 0-- 1—.URE lac r I Pe rKel-1 PQ 4 Eve g 7:11 CLmoiete "M direc' C2n;C_;C2-a n2rna -ED- Er, Revised ,1,12024 SCHEDULE FRONI POUMICAL C%CwNNT-R`,,B7 S e requested n formi a on s c. a z r, 7�'-t �u-de phis pace report. 7- x OR BOX silal -X - Sa'd:atic.-Fundrassing Expense C c 5,:,to n g. er se az -S= T e.. Bv Zers-e T.-a�ell -7-c—s- istncl Travel�ut 8�D. ss-�ices 0- i7e.-'entera catego�-y not listed above) Gu,:ce ze iris f.0 rr7,. i Oac-es 3 F;Ier !D (-V,,jcs Commission 3 -A tESI S6 S -�oayee nz;m.e V/ I q Cet,7LS 8 A c��7"-. 1 5z, ee=—.-ass State: Z;.c Code "Z50 dP LMLI, EX Mat r K e.--117 rt-j C-7 C t a C-:fice Da'e a7-.= Y 19, L4 jac�L5�5 ,9;1 e, Flav-e C. S'2'e: zi p Code q,0 Azeoj- Qhvi V., Ma Boy �Fva-=aczresS S-late: in ccd-� Am liv 5-S Ll of-ze neld ce sou ci -c Revised '-.,-J!2024 jl."ne recuasied iin' aoj7, :s n.C-. Nr:---�7 t'n;S ;D=aq jr, ;-eDor, 7 EGORiEs=O:z BOX szla� Acvert*S.nc E7 n S Expeense ;ng Ey^.arse =xpanse -a-Spo alon= ,2e -quipner-&Relatet expense M : xzens -ais!;nZe ae ira,rsl c� S.nCll ot!--'Cnzera cat qoPy no, above", 7ct3: --aces $C;erd�:�a �1:. ;2 L E R X A H F'Ier iC) '�-hics pi 'ers) Da+e Payee nF.me � � ,-.al �2.f �� 7 pa�ee a: Z;P Code 2. Payee mare --c a-yee zip Code ae 1127i P 0 S E EXPENDo-URE 4 z Sta�-: m Code 74 nar.-� ce so, Ofrce held evfsed lil/2024 M_ FROM POU ! CAL r­ues�ed infOirrnation �s no-, hit page i Ever�,ExZ)ense -,=peozV- eim-u-semen: Expense Consu�tng Expensee F-CdSeteac=EX0 Tia?scp ulprnerjt&Rejata ens= d Expersc .0 w _q, G. Fycens= • Trays!rAade av Ex:�s-se .a,,cj 0,-1, -'c caz ry noz, _sga;Se-ices sa srcDf 0,�ie, -imm- --go above) GL;-E! Total Paces Sc"ecluie F i L ER N, E 3 filer !D (E hics Corn.-mission p Qi 4- ;Da'e. name ayec "lot State- Z;,o Code flew OF mac,-cie e c-my i- .0-ce e,;d Cana- a X0 Car- Pa�ee name Pavee etc,ass C: zi cawecor, Da sc,Lt. PURPOSE F u z?E C ce s c Q� C­ ... ;::e ne;d Z:n Code EXPENIDI-URE Ccmoleze OINLY 11. diec, 2 i C:2 a O-ff; er n a sougt�, O�ce�9;c expand;t--re-c benef!�L C-3- c's