McGee Brandon Chase 30th Day Before 2024 General Election - Amended_Redacted CORRECTION/AMENDMENT AFFIDAVIT FOR CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER FORM COR-C/OH 1 Filer ID(Ethics Commission Filers) 2 Total pages filed: OFFICE USE ONLY 17 3 CANDIDATE/ MS/MRS/MR FIRST MI Date Receiv d KLIULIVLU OFFICEHOLDER Mr. Brandon C NAME .NICKNAME LA. . . LAST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SUFFIX. . . . . APR 0 9 2024 McGee City Manager's/Qfty Date Hand-d liv4q" ed 4 ORIGINAL REPORT ❑ January 15 ❑ Runoff ❑ Final report TYPE ❑ July 15 ❑ Exceeded modified reporting limit Receipt# Amount$ 30th day before election Other(specify) ❑ ❑ 15th day after treasurer 8th day before election appointment(officeholder only) Date Processed 5 ORIGINAL PERIOD Month Day Year Month Day Year _ COVERED 1 / 1 / 24 THROUGH 3 / 25 / 24 Date Imaged 6 EXPLANATION OF CORRECTION Accounting error,missing expenditure,expenditure address correction. 7 SIGNATURE I swear,or affirm, under penalty of perjury,that this corrected report is true and correct. Check ONLY if applicable: ❑ Semiannual reports: I swear, or affirm,that the original report was made in good faith and without an intent to mislead or to misrepre-sent the information contained in the report. Other reports: I swear, or affirm,that I am filing this corrected report not later than the 14th business day after the date I learned that the report as originally filed is inaccurate or incomplete. I swear, or affirm, that any error or omission in the report as originally filed was made in good faith. Signature of Candidate/Officeholder Please complete either option below: (I)Affidavit NOTARY STAMP/SEAL Sworn to and subscribed before me by this the day of _ 20 ,to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath (2)Unsworn Declaration • My name is Brandon Chase McGee and my date of birth is - My address is 1610 E. McKinney St.#2002 Denton TX 76209 USA (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) Executed in Denton County,State of Texas on the 8th day of April ,2024 (month) ar) 444�� Signature of Candidate/O ceholder eclaran) Remember To Attach Any Part Of The Campaign Finance Report Form Needed To Report And Explain Corrections Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 4/16/2021