Prado Carrillo Lilyan 8th Day Before 2024 General Election CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 1 The CIOH Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Filer ID 2 Total pages filed:15 3 CANDIDATE/ MS/MRS/MR FIRST MI OFFICEHOLDER NAME Lilyan Date I ecei RECEIVED ......................................................................................................................................................... NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX I APR 2 6 2024 Prado Carrillo 4 CANDIDATE/ ADDRESS/PO BOX; APT/SUITE#; CITY; ZIP CODE Dateut n rk d OFFICEHOLDER 813 Baybrooke Dr cretary's Ice MAILING ADDRESS Receipt Amount ❑Change of Address Denton,TX 76210 Date Processed Date Imaged 5 CAMPAIGN MS/MRS/MR FIRST MI TREASURER NAME ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX 6 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRESS(NO PO BOX PLEASE); APT/SUITE#; CITY; STATE; ZIP CODE TREASURER ADDRESS (Residence or Business) 7 CAMPAIGN AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION TREASURER PHONE 8 REPORT TYPE January 15 30th day before election Runoff 15th day after campaign treasurer appointment(officeholder only) July 15 8th day before election Exceeded rting it eedeedmodified Final Report(Attach C/OH-FR) it 9 PERIOD Month Day Year Month Day Year COVERED 03/26/2024 THROUGH 04/24/2024 10 ELECTION ELECTION DATE ELECTION TYPE Month Day Year El Primary Runoff Other 05/04/2024 General �Special 11 OFFICE OFFICE HELD(if any) 12 OFFICE SOUGHT(if known) None Denton City Council Place 6 GO TO PAGE 2 Forms provided-by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.5 35d027 CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER REPORT: FORM CJOH SUPPORT & TOTALS COVER SHEET PG 2 2of15 13 C/OH NAME Prado Carrillo, Lilyan 14 Filer ID 15 NOTICE This box is for notice of political contributions accepted or political expenditures made by political committees to support the FROM candidate/officeholder.These expenditures may have been made without the candidate's or officeholder's knowledge or FOLITICAL consent.Candidates and officeholders are required to report this information only if they receive notice of such expenditures. COMMITTEE(S) ❑Additional Pages COMMI FTEE TYPE COMMITTEE NAME GENERAL COMMITTEE ADDRESS SPECIFIC COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER ADDRESS 16 CONTRIBUTION 1. TOTAL UNITEMIZED POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS(OTHER THAN PLEDGES,LOANS, TOTALS OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS,OR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE ELECTRONICALLY) $ 0.00 2. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 2,397.07 (OTHER THAN PLEDGES,LOANS,OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) EXPENDITURE 3. TOTAL UNITEMIZED POLITICAL EXPENDITURES $ 0.00 TOTALS 4. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES $ 11,669.76 CONTRIBUTION 5. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY OF THE $ 4,492.76 BALANCE REPORTING PERIOD OUTSTANDING 6. TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE LAST DAY $ 0.00 LOAN TOTALS OF THE REPORTING PERIOD 17 AFFIDAVIT I swear,or affirm,under penalty of perjury,that the accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information required to be reported by me PATMIAT" under Title 15,Election Code. My N EY I0 f 13 7 >. ts><p 2 gnature of Candidate or Officeholder AFFIX NOTARY STAMP/SEAL ABOVE ,,{ Swor to and subscribed before m ,by the said L a� f rAd O CQ r r ilia ,this the 2 +� day of < < 20 ,to certify which, fitness my hand and seal of office. nn t't Q t S I I 1 PC rt�r C t hn fnr► S S Signature of officer administering Printed name of officer administering Title of officer adMIhistering oath Forms provided y Texas Ethics Commission www.etFics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.5 35 027 SUBTOTALS - C10H FORM C10H COVER SHEET PG 3 3of15 18 FILER NAME 19 Filer ID Prado Carrillo,Lilyan 20 SCHEDULE SUBTOTALS NAME OF SCHEDULE SUBTOTAL AMOUNT 1. �X SCHEDULE Al: MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 2,397.07 2. SCHEDULE A2: NON-MONETARY(IN-KIND)POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 3. SCHEDULE B: PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS $ 4. ❑ SCHEDULE E: LOANS $ 5. �X SCHEDULE F1: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 11,669.76 6. SCHEDULE F2: UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS $ 7. SCHEDULE F3: PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 8. SCHEDULE F4: EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD $ 9. SCHEDULE G: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM PERSONAL FUNDS $ 10. SCHEDULE H: PAYMENT FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF C/OH $ 11. SCHEDULE I:NON-POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 12 SCHEDULE K:INTEREST,CREDITS,GAINS,REFUNDS,AND CONTRIBUTIONS RETURNED $ TO FILER Forms provided y Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.5b35 027 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al le Al: The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. i Total pages Schedule Sch: 1/7 Rpt: edu 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID Prado Carrillo,Lilyan 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor El out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) 7 Amount of Contribution($) 04/22/2024 ANDREWS, SCOTT W $100.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 3033 COUNTRY CLUB RD DENTON,TX 76210-8605 8 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) 9 Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/05/2024 Andrews,Martha $26.34 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 1328 Pickwick Lane Denton,TX 76209 Principal occupation/Job title(See instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/16/2024 Cadena,Anjelita $52.37 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 701 Gervais Street Columbia,TX 29201 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: Amount of Contribution($) 04/04/2024 Carlson, Leroy $25.00 ...............................................................................................................................I............................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 9812 Blackwood Dr Denton, TX 76207 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/02/2024 Comstock,veronica $104.42 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 3103 Loyola Lane Austin,TX 78723 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Forms provided y Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.5 35 027 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al le Al: ch Sedu The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. Sch;2/7 1 Total pages Schedule 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID Prado Carrillo,Lilyan 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) 7 Amount of Contribution($) 04/08/2024 Cruzado, Maria $31.55 ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 1208 May Street Denton, TX 76209 8 principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) 9 Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/18/2024 Davis,Susan $26.34 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 807 Liveoak Street Denton,TX 76209 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/04/2024 Deborah,Armintor $26.34 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 2003 Mistywood Ln Denton,TX 76209 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/21/2024 Emmanuel,Donna $52.37 .......................................................................... ........................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 2225 North Lake Trail Denton,TX 76201 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/16/2024 Farlow, Carolyn&Thomas $25.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 1024 Santa Fe St Denton,TX 76205 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Forms provided y Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tX.us Version V3.5.1.5 35 027 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule Al:Sch:3/7 Rpt:6/15 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID Prado Carrillo,Lilyan 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) 7 Amount of Contribution($) 04/11/2024 Graham,Jan $104.42 ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 9525 Siltstone Drive Denton,TX 76207 8 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) 9 Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: 1 Amount of Contribution($) 04/05/2024 Holmes, David $40.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 12512 Blue Granite Dr. Denton,TX 76207 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor ❑out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/05/2024 Holmes, Rebecca&David $40.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 12512 Blue Granite Dr Denton,TX 76207 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/04/2024 Howard, Frances&Jeffrey $100.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 12501 Soapstone Dr Denton,TX 76207 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: 1 Amount of Contribution($) 04/21/2024 James, Claudia Jan $50.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 208 Matthew Ave Denton,TX 76210 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.5b35 027 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule Al:Sch:4/7 Rpt:7/15 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID Prado Carrillo,Lilyan 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor ❑out-of-state PAC(ID#: 1 7 Amount of Contribution($) 04/05/2024 Kennedy,Cheri $100.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 10409 Murray S Johnson St Denton,TX 76207 8 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) 9 Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor F1 out-of-state PAC(ID#: 1 Amount of Contribution($) 04/05/2024 Lamons, Robert $25.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 9029 Crestview Dr Denton, TX 76207 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor ❑out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/14/2024 Leggett, Diana $104.42 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 1019 Aileen Street Denton,TX 76201 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor El out-of-state PAC(ID#: 1 Amount of Contribution($) 04/23/2024 Macaraeg,Senta $52.37 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 6808 Riverchase Trl Denton,TX 76210 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 03/26/2024 Maguire-Powell,Alison $26.34 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 2208 Miranda PI Denton,TX 76210 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.5b35 027 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule Al:sch:5/7 Rpt:8/15 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID Prado Carrillo,Lilyan 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: } 7 Amount of Contribution($) 04/05/2024 Marusak, Denice&Leonard $50.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 9605 Colbert Cv Denton,TX 76207 8 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) 9 Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor ❑out-of-state PAC(ID#: 1 Amount of Contribution($) 04/15/2024 Merriweather, Sarah $52.37 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 1809 Crow Street Denton, TX 76201 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/05/2024 Mitchell, Robert&Lois $100.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 9724 Rivercrest Drive Denton,TX 76207 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: 1 Amount of Contribution($) 04/17/2024 Moen,William $52.37 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 303 Mimosa Drive Denton,TX 76201 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: 1 Amount of Contribution($) 04/18/2024 Otwell, Melinda $25.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 1604 Palo Verde Drive Denton,TX 76210 Principal occupation I Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Forms provided y Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.5 35 027 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule Al: 5ch: 6!7 Rpt:9/15 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID Prado Carrillo,Lilyan 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) 7 Amount of Contribution($) 04/11/2024 Padron, Desiree $26.34 ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 425 Hettie St Denton,TX 76209 8 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) 9 Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor ❑out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/05/2024 Pursley,Joan $100.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 8513 Sterling Dr Denton,TX 76207 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID4: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/03/2024 Salih, Hatice $150.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 300 Northridge St Denton,TX 76201 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor ❑ out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/06/2024 Sauceda, Enedelia $26.34 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 916 Cordell St. Denton,TX 76201 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/07/2024 Settlemyre,Jordan $500.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 728 Schmitz Ave 2 Denton,TX 76209 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Forms provided y Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.5 35d027 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. i Total pages Schedule Al: Sch:7/7 Rpt;10/15 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID Prado Carrillo,Lilyan 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) 7 Amount of Contribution($) 04/05/2024 Sutherland,Gloria $50.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 9809 Teakwood Ave Denton,TX 76207 8 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) 9 Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/01/2024 Turner,Wandaliz $52.37 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 2619 ROBINWOOD LN DENTON,TX 76209 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-state PAC(ID#: ) Amount of Contribution($) 04/05/2024 Van Naerssen,Frederik&Diane $100.00 ............................................................................................................................................................ Contributor address; City;State;Zip Code 11200 Landmark Ct Denton,TX 76207 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Forms provided y Texas Ethics Commission www.ethlcs.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.5 35d027 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Event Expense Loan Repaymertt/Reimburseineni Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Accounting/Banking Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment&Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Puling Expense Travel in District Contribution/Donations Made By- Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out of District Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee Legal Services SalarieslWages/Contract Lf-bor OTHER(enter a category not listed above) Credit Cm d Payment The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule F1: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID Sch: 1/5 Rpt: 11/15 Prado Carrillo, Lilyan 4 Date 5 Payee name 04/01/2024 Corsair Communications 6 Amount($) 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $800.00 8244 boone trace Nashville,TN 37211 8 PURPOSE (a)Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description OF Printing Expense Check if travel outside of Texas.Complete Schedule T. EXPENDITURE Check if Austin,",officeholder living expense Deigns 9 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name 04/10/2024 Corsair Communications Amount($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $4,405.00 8244 boone trace Nashville,TN 37211 PURPOSE (a)Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description OF Polling Expense Check if travel outside of Texas.Complete Schedule T. EXPENDITURE Check if Austin,TX,officeholder living expense Mailer Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name 03/28/2024 Denton High Orchestra Booster Club Amount($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $128.04 1007 Fulton St Denton,TX 76201 PURPOSE (a)Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description OF Contributions/Donations Made By Check if travel outside of Texas.Complete Schedule F. EXPENDITURE Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee E]Check if Austin,TX,officeholder living expense Mariachi Program Sponsorship Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH orms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.5 35 027 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM POLITICAL SCHEDULE F1 CONTRIBUTIONS EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Event Expense Loan Repaym—t,Reimbursement Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Arcounting/Banking Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment&Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Pu6og Expense Travel in District Contributions/Donations Made By- Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out of District Candidate/Officehokfer/Polifical Committee Legal Services Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor OTHER(enter a category not listed above) Credit Card Payment The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule F1: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID Sch: 2/5 Rpt: 12/15 Prado Carrillo, Lilyan 4 Date 5 Payee name 04/24/2024 DonorBox 6 Amount($) 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $72.77 601 King Street Suite 200 Alexandria,VA 22314 B PURPOSE (a)Category (see Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description OF Fees El Check if travel outside of Texas.Complete Schedule T. EXPLN'DITURE Check if Austin,TX,officeholder living expense Donation Processing 9 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name 04/09/2024 Kirkpatrick,Gabe Amount($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $825.00 1425 Pickwick Ln Denton,TX 76209 PURPOSE (a)Category (see Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description OF Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor Check if travel outside of Texas.Complete Schedule T. EXPENDITURE El Check if Austin,TX,officeholder living expense Canvassing Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name 04/22/2024 Kirkpatrick,Gabe Amount($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $500.06 1425 Pickwick Ln Denton,TX 76209 PURPOSE (a)Category (see Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description ' OF Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor Check if travel outside of Texas.Complete Scnedul-r. EXPENDITURE Check if Austin,TX,officeholder Irving expense Canvassing Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH 35 027 Forms provided y Texas Ethics Commission www.et ics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.5 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDU+.� EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Event Expense Loan Repayment(Reimbursement Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Accounting/Banking Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment a Related E xppnst Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Poling Expense Travel in District Contributions)Donations Made By- Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out of District Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee Legal Services Salaries/Wages/contraci Labor OTHER(enter a category not Csteo abova) Credit Card Payment The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule F1: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID Sch:3/5 Rpt: 13/15 Prado Carrillo,Lilyan 4 Date 5 Payee name 04/05/2024 LEE 6 Amount($) 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $400.00 25 Broadway, 13th Floor New York,NY 10004 8 PURPOSE (a)Category (see Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description OF Consulting Expense ❑Check if travel outside of Texas.Complete Schedule T. EXPENDITURE ❑Check if Austin,TX,officeholder living expense Consulting 9 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name 04/03/2024 Micropix Media LLC. Amount($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $594.01 4003 Jasmine Fox Ln Arlington,TX 76005 PURPOSE (a)Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description OF Printing Expense M Check if travel outside of Texas.Complete Schedule T. EXPENDITURE Check if Austin,TX,officeholder living expense Signage Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name 04/01/2024 Micropix Media LLC. Amount($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $1,989.90 4003 Jasmine Fox Ln Arlington,TX 76005 PURPOSE (a)Category (see Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description OF Check if travel outside of Texas.Complete Schedule T. EXPENDITURE Printing Expense Check it Austin,TX,officeholder living expense Literature and signage Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.5 35 027 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM POLITICAL SCHEDULE F1 CONTRIBUTIONS EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Event Expense Loan Repayment/Reimbursement Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Accounting/Banking Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment&Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Poling Expense Travel in District Contributions/Donations Made By- Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out of District Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee Legal Services Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor OTHER(enter a category not listed above) Credit Card Payment The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule F1: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID Sch:4/5 Rpt: 14/15 Prado Carrillo, Lilyan 4 Date 5 Payee name 04/19/2024 Micropix Media LLC. 6 Amount($) 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $946.08 4003 Jasmine Fox Ln Arlington,TX 76005 8 PURPOSE (a)Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description OF Printing Expense Check if travel outside of Texas.Complete Schedule T. EXPENDITURE Check if Austin,TX,officeholder living expense Road Signs 9 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name 04/22/2024 The Good Party Amount($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $10.00 Los Angeles Los Angeles,CA 90028 PURPOSE (a)Category (see Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description OF Consulting Expense ❑Check if travel outside of Texas.Complete Schedule T. EXPENDITURE Check if Aus[in.TX,officeholder living expense Consultation Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name 04/09/2024 Thetford,Sage Amount($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $665.90 1204 Cordell St Denton,TX 76201 PURPOSE (a)Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description OF Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor El Check if travel outside of Texas.Complete Schedule 1. EXPENDITURE ❑Check if Austin,TX,officeholder living expense Canvassing Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Forms provided y Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.5 35 027 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM POLITICAL SCHEDULE F1 CONTRIBUTIONS EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Event Expense Loan RepaymentrReimbursement Solicitatiort/Fundraising Expenses Accounting/Banking Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment&Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Poling Expense Travel in District Contributions/Donations Made By- Gif tAwards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out of District Candidate/Officehokter/Poiibcai Committee Legal Services SalariesM/ages/Contract Labor OTHER(enter a category not listed above) Credit Card Payment The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule F1: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID Sch: 5/5 Rpt: 15/15 Prado Carrillo, Lilyan 4 Date 5 Payee name 04/22/2024 Thetford,Sage 6 Amount($) 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $333.00 1204 Cordell St Denton,TX 76201 8 PURPOSE (a)Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description OF Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor Check if travel outside of Texas.Complete Schedule T. EXPENDITURE Check if Austin,TX,officeholder living expense Canvassing 9 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate/Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Forms provided y Texas Ethics Commission www.et ics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.5b 027