Gerard Hudspeth July 2024 Semi-Annual FOR", C110H i OF CAND?DA � F 1 C E H 0 LD'EF! COVER SHEET I CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT PG 11 Filer 1E) :hlcs :QtaI pa f The C/0H instruction Guide explains how to corno'ste this iorm- OFFICE USE ONLY I C A W ID I D.,�'�T-E J OFF ICEH�'OILDE-k �a ........................................ r-�ale Ria—!ved 7 Ji7 'A RECEIVED -Y :-ATE D 2 4 CANC)ID JUL 1 9 2024 E S C ity secremlys om" �;r Dee CA N 0 1 D--,T-E .. ................. ......... .... proc�sse�l NA,'V:E elli'l I 61a... .. .. .. .. ..... ....... Data.. ...... 57AT� ANIPAIGN TSI R EA S L!R'E R ADDRESS fRasiderce C,- SUS 1--ass'i 8 CMVIPAIGN TREASURER PHONE .5th day a`el�.Bm"19M 1 9 REPORT TYPE -ied-;:;acdad,mocii, Final Repo.!-,;.ate r: 69 t 4 14 ELECTi-ON 7 11-2 f V,POLITNOAL C 'Off'. ES T 0 SUPPORT CAL N 3 CR F--' YIN011-ILEDGE OF 14 NO T 1:-1 E F R 514 -,CUT OR OFFICEH .'��R'S --E -7c-T E,,jonc- $jC4 EXPENDI PURES 0 POLMCAL C—DE�5 C 0 N1 Ni I TT E -Q) Addiflni-lef P12gSS -i-O FAGE 2 Farms p r o v"d e P-F E S S 0 Revised 1/1/2024 CANDIDATE ! 0FFiCEH0lq_CrE,'-�, FORM C!01H CAMPAIGN FINANCE Rt---IPCR,'T' COVER SHEET PG 2 45 CiGHI PIJAM�-- 16 7 00'-NfTRi!3U—lCN TOTII�i.i IS 0 7 --------- 150 -DTALS C)UTS—W4 1�c3 ' (DAN TOTZ 4)'ClIm"lation 7� ERIC CHASCO (1)Affidavit My Notary ID#133681666 ExOres Aprill 1,2026 NOTARY STAMpj EAL Sworn to anid subsf-Fibed tefDre 'e - Gay of JJV 20—ZH , tocerfify which,witness myha,-d and se-3i ol c-'t..ce CA% St-onature Of office.-admintsteI-ng cLth zati 0,Officer Edrilun'!sTering cafn. (2) Ullswom Cecfara-Lfor, Tvl.y name jS _ f address is xecuted�n 2 D -rrrs prov,ficc R�vlsec 1:1!20,24 MONETARY POLITICAL C.ON7 SCHEDULE Al 11 the re,--es-4'ed inf--nienn arri�;nle, Do this ca.::a in vne rapor- The lmsz.ruction Guide explains �cw -to c:oii-mietc? t*-J-s o a e c'i c- u!e 2 FILER NAME ID �Eth;cs Fuli n.a-��e 7 ')F comnoution fs� [.11ein ry....m,-.8 18,Y ........ . ..... .. ...... 0 7 4 go(, k- 70 L 0-al&5-4-a--7,5)7oL- 6)0 0 ,t tmv,� ,see 1, -1 Date FuI rame r-f ....... Amic-int ...... .............................. u JOC .3al ���jva.ion 1 ;,-,b zil.e �'See _j, Date Fu:i'-'Irneo�- Arrounr of cont.-IbAlon ,'S 7-r �:c,, F3;-mcipal cccup'�t:0'1 j2- 'S Date p7u�l riemc �T cc"Lr'!�"!c ...L,5ha ........ 440/7 re'_ -s rro, v 1—as'�::'- -s o Revised 111,2,024 ° _ ___ e -.~ . . .� '_~— ---__~— M 0 N E TA R Y P C 1r I C A C 0'N S SC—HEDULE Al H tide reciuesied • f. this :paga in the repor The Insruct;or, Guide explaijis To: Pages ached 2 FILER NAM= 10 ';iersl 4 Date 7 Ari,,untoFconitribution ...gYa-ki... ................ . ............ 3 1,S5fte,( Op Sol -&Lla Date Fu P -ame of contributcr Amount of cor,,sib;j- Van Z.-C-n-f............. Contributor ad--less 5bIq 131 ? fi(.)A kj- L m,-6,cL x C7 i�4 Principal occuPazion Job";fle fSee Date FUH narne ol-conTit"',�or Amount of contrib,.izlion (va-f. ...... ........ . ....... Zip ccr�-a I �k o a i i-ab ,P ...... .... connbu4cr a��-Jress: 0 vgS 3 Ed 11��i �,L;pato r Vfle 'Ses A AT ifcontr bu"O-is o stake PAC pieaz-e-z s. rfi,"Cl:equirements, �-,rns provided mv Texas -Cs R vised 1/1!2n,24 ----------- MONETARY PCLITICAL SCHEDULE Al if ;he recioss�Led ;;s not k to a re- IP o r, The Guide exp2 iams :Iow 2 F!LEcR N;AfA—E ID c s C Om'n i s S:cm 4 Date na-ne o� . 7 OF contribution —1 r 4P . . ............ ...... zip _e ho 7.2.� 411000 co' e 1:1st', Date FO rsme Arnosrnt of contrtbutfon (s) . .................... ........ .... ..... --ont'ibutcr acc!'ess D rncioai occuoat;on Job z i.t!e :—czee 7 Date Fuiinarne Asrount of contribution (S% .......... a�,,ress: -t 5 41 in �--t;on job, !tIe 000 Date .....Too- - . ......... .................... ... Pnnci )13 pal .'S`p _den T 7� 7 C_ — S 'EEDED, p G&SG S�F equ7rements, 'zorms prmdec T�--_s MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule Al: s6� 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 6 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor ou of-state PAC:pD._ ` 7 Amount of contribution (s) I ..'T6A.A- 6�4. ............. 6 Contributor address; �nCity; Slate; Zii�(S.elnslttrructions) Codde 8 Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer I Date Full name of contributor ❑out-of-state Pt', (;U Amount of contribution ($) ...................................................... .................. Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code 1 I Principal occupation 1 Job title(See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) I Date Full name of contributor L out-of-state PAC f!LNE: ) Amotm of contribution (s) . . ._... ............ I .. Contributor address; City; State; Zl..Code j I Principal occupation/Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor { ! ❑out-of-stale t= �u.T ......... i Amount of contribution ($) ..........................................................................I...... Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code Principal occupation I Job title(See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) I ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC,please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state tx.us Revised 1/1/2024 ' NON-MONETARY (IN-KIND' POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS S:HEDLLE �12 if the requested info rn}ation is not applicable. DO NOT include this page in the report. __: The Ins:rt�ctlo=i Guide exNiains how to con�r�:ete _iris fiJrri�, �"� p2gzs Schedule A2: ----._._.........--- ..... - -.........---------_._-...----........-....-....----._.._..._._._. 2 F'LFR NAME 3 = 3. ic;hscs Cor iissicn Milers; � ------ 4 TOTAL OF UUITEIti IZED Inf_K nin POI_iTtCA,!.- CONTRIBUTIONS 5 Fui': name of contributor r _•:: .: - _ •_ Date = �; _—.- M-Our`of g fin-Kind contribution iConrib+:tion 5 descriphn•= (/[� Y-2S....___........................... 7f Contributor n`lr�Qi' C,ess; 1 tv� lace: zip Co:.- j , 1, ��4 k� A)�1' Bll 8 t _ e side exa o - :e Sche - : 10 Principal occupant,,, ,Job-it'e �Or{ DIC.A�)(see instfuce or_ ii En Pioyer FOR NON-JUDiC!AL)(See inst;ue,:or.si I! i 12 Contributor's prir-cal occupar:on (FCR JUDIG!A.L;- ----- —- �g Ce itr.bt,:o'S:;o t_,e(=0R JUDICIAL.)(See ,nsrructions) 1-2 14 Cont,ibUtc,^'s ernployerf!s%v firs-:;(F©R JUDICIAL) --..- ' 15 La,v firm';o+contributor's spouse(if any) (FOR JUDICIAL) I 76 If contributor is a child, lavi ifr•n of parent?s) (if arty; =GR JUDICIAL) - � i i I Fu'i name of con;ributcd !1 c " ,`s:-cs Pi,_-Gaze ! — Amount of in-kind contribution ' Con_ribu,,ion S description , I 1 .-..Ccntr,✓uro. U_-dress,.......... _fty ..........- s:a'ia: ...Zip C_-6e j :._.z;o side o Texas. _orr. fete Schedule ?rincica. c pa?ia, 'Jor,CUe r`OR I4G -.Lf:+ICiA_ (See 1rs-tr t:cn_- ", r N N-JUOIC AL 1(Sae .-str c iora) --- ___ L Contributor's principal occupation (FOR J!iD!CIAL) i Cantrfbutcr's ion ti:;e iFOR JUDICIAL)(See Instructions) I Contributor's c•-npio'Yer!ic:,,v f,rn"FOR sUD-CIAL. Law fire cf nbutt,s spouse(if any, (FOR JUDICIAL) If contributor,s a child• ia.v firm of parar ls}; any ;F;,R I i I Ii f 1 a I AT T,=tCd ACOMONAL CO?IES OF THIS SCHEVULE 4S NEEDED I If _-o,ntrinuzor is _-ut- =.?a$EB vAC, p; aae se£ fr!S"L. 1C!iOrl guide ".'or additional reauiremeniS t=OLaS provide,-'`3)' ,2XG5 .,�5 C�,�i�^;iSSifsG .yvr:-£�ii�..,.�ca�..,..i'S ate` ssed I%1/2024 I POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTPiBUTi SCHEDULE Fl i=;f`i e'-MUested i:Sft?i-_r_'t }''=1�s p2q in 4;te report. .4dve,tis,:=p Efce-se n S-,C i.^ C'3a-K',,C FJ H.• ,�..-_ -.,n 11 Fp�g ,tr JC 1.8T. F aig�,1 C S.if y X Sc - 1Vd ..a.rtal GX 'ia? ii a^SE „rp n -9ade �^c�"•t G^e xca-sc- +� e �- p�t a6o to,:lDment&Related Ex�Anse GUP 5 a-- iQr'+ 's Er.cr--sc _ Tr v I fn!7 s nc - Ce x �e r �t0:.-0fCstnci t a c. - 1 ..,E.(=n;a�a cetea rY '_iisted above, i l � n — 3 c,ier iC .=thics Ccr m cs;or, ilers'r s A,,fly , _ --- ,, S t a t Z.':.de PURPosE OF pp�( `'kA— EXPE-4t)!TURE I9 Complete O.�YVi fro Amount ,g Pa,,ee a..— s , State: Zip Cads PURPOSE OF ! t cXPE!YDi?URE ��:I-LG—^N^�!__�-���� ,� _— J�{�•,,f�.{_�'f� � `� �I Cornc`ete --- tiec• u;:r 73' ��_�if Ci Ca'� .,va'?�J-, --- _r' "'g Ex_:.-cE III xPencit;:re: .,ar.e t,C. _ DfiFir�c t,gc 2 Date I Fayae name ------- — -- Qes t Pa_, .y ! State; Zip^Cdeatec -- .---� ♦ P {L�_ 1 EXPEND!i URE J ..=mo ele lY i• d rert Ca c?oace . C , ,.� - _._.- -- --, cr os an f e. c office el------ -� -------------- _ df'li-jr THis SCHEDvI_tAS rift DE%; -- - F-�rtnS Pl—ov ded by exas c'.h Cs Comrniss or, --- _ FViSed .;11201,24 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE � i FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 If the requested inlorma-Hon is not 8o:,uilCa :6. � v C:i' e this pEGu s the report. i 3 - EXFEND1TJR=C� FOR BOX 8;8' Adveriis:r:e t;cnerse ! azm-':;, i SCizc;MVor-!Fundraisirg Expense i c " �::.�r,.,a^eadRe=rral Exce^se Tra1:spor-tio..E Ccntdin ng...xpense Focd-Severage ExcP-±sa 4uiFr%tant&Related Expense Cont din Ev -c:':" =anse T2vei to vistnC: Gi` r.a es.to c s Exoe-:se p ..:., Candidatel�cer-v!le-=Pelitcat Cornnn,r� ecat services, _=x"�fens2 Travel pui Of District j sd!CardP- �..as.':.a�as.-Co:,.,...,.L�oc: firer:ante• I �j^" a c.-t°c-ory not is ad above; i. 70,:, pages d "-u ri:%6 - �-- e I =:!er IG iE rthiCs Ccr.r^+ < ssion Files; ! •%e3^an^e / S Amount e' ?a,ae3 d -_ss: d\- State: Z.c Code 1 l 8� ,v PURPOSE j OF n i EXPENC.TURE 7/ e,oense !9 Complete D"=LY if direct Ca.-d date ,r`icehc'ce. :am> expenditure.o bena`it C/G i Officescugt+t 0`cce he ld i ! Da.e ;pee..-. ... A rS, 3 mount Payee address: ^tr State; Zip Code i t tegory PURPOSE O EXPEiVL iTURE � ,,Je - n L e __u_ xas :3e - r c ----j -Y: .....er I::ng erns=_ t i Complete Q'. Y if dire:? Cardida8e 0z->sourhi expenditure to benefit C!0H Office Reid I Date payee nar,^e + i Amount {S) `'__ i-u a n )c_add.ecs: i tY. State; Zip Code r Ca,egory .,_a Catener,es'_,c.0 a,r - 'C''�_ i �escri.ticn ,.z—l �✓ t PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE c`Ce...^.lde.'i!\'IRJ @"W,'3"59 Camolete a Lv K-direct Cana:_`aze r> is ;cldsr i name 'Office scucrt Office <e!d erpenditt re to'raeftt CIGF; E ATTACH ADDi 10NAL COPIES CF TH-IS SCHEDULEAS NEEDED f -crins p:avided by Texas Ethics Ca^imiss' vr�.v.etn,c,.s:ate. s Revised 1/l/2024 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE P� ! If the reauesied infourna`ion is nor aop!icab e. DO iti017- this page In the report. t i EXFENCfTL R-C e3TEGCRtE S FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Experse c!e^-=:;.aE�:=- i ' . Reuay+r.>rt�2c^'•d�rs.�^.-a:?; $ci'd:aiior'rund2ising�perse j Ac=untngBanxl,c Fe-s 0, x0%arneadFan!alExpe-se I Consul in Expense 7- Trzvef In avari4:ft pnzeni3R21ate Expense i 9 pe ..^:Bev=r2�:xaer<se .ci:^g�Eznens- Tr��ef irOis'ric: i i Cc ntributionsiOunatio s thade By Gi't•'r"'r:Eres? .^�cr,ai5 expanse Prlm2;p Ex"'Bnse Travel Oui Of District 1 i CzndidatErO�crnordsr+aoli�cal Cornrna-.-e ega;5e^:leas Lair O.Er(enar2.caiego u na:t s ed above) i Cred:4-ard P2:4avni _ S ,. ..r.^.Sir:':>;L•O.'t�a til .: _ 'c i3'iS`_�. ,a coinD Sete this forrn, i r '( _,- nages Schedule ;: 2 .-sLER "A11!= 3 ;=ilar iD (Ethics Cam-ossion tilers} k i Or !Y Date $ P- ee nwre �P/.2q G alb ��� - �) � DES Tryc ` E Amou ; Payee State: Ziw Code f I - 3y� ���� t'f? .3 ��CIt-� ��I/rl5yir// t 5 ARA33 $ qai Caego^ !Se_ata_cre_ ,.acai. ,. .cssc'=_c_ i Description i I PURPOSE t E OF EXPENDITURE (c) 9 Complete ONLY d died- Ca tlidata,offi a o'der-,ame office scud", O`f,ce I.e!d i expendi;ure benefit C/OH { I Date Pa„ee..a,.t_ i f c Ld�� � _ A;nount ;S; ' Payee address: State; Zia Code I e i Categonj i5e_ _ s..,s cet_ -• .... Desc iFr:on f PURPOSE OF i i EXPEN✓fTUREY[r(�e— 40_ 14 �/l/'o Ctcya f 0u;S:0e cxas t:C:"r:�;e:e sc'.,S U s I ..� i+Va:n T,Y. .,�8^:r,?okving exosise 4 It { Complete O�'iY if direct Candldaze:Officeholder nar:ae Offi:a sought Office held � expenditure to benefit C:OH i I Date ! Payee cram^_ j f i Amount (S) Payee address: Ciry: Stale: Zip Code r I I i Cstsgory :3_=ca:=oc-res a:ee z:the:c�a!,r.:;. eea!e: Description j I i � PURPOSE i I OF EXPENDITURE C`eck...1_>.-.TX,of�.--a'hoidde'ftv;ng experiSE I I Complete ONLY if direct Camd?daze;Officeholder mina Office sought Office held i expenditure to benefit C., AT,.ACH ADD71ONAL COPIES OP THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED i =orms provided by?ex s Ethics Coma.iss:orr :wtiv.et�ics.a=ate.tx.us Revised 1i1/2024