101824 Friday Staff ReportCity Manager’s Office 215 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76201  (940) 349-8307 OUR CORE VALUES Inclusion  Collaboration  Quality Service  Strategic Focus  Fiscal Responsibility MEMORANDUM DATE: Oct. 18, 2024 TO: The Honorable Mayor Hudspeth and Council Members FROM: Sara Hensley, City Manager SUBJECT: Friday Staff Report Upcoming Meetings A.Work Session of the City Council on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room followed by a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. B.Civil Service Commission on Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. in the City HallEast Human Resources Training Room. C.Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers. D.Cancelled - Community Partnership Committee on Friday, Oct. 25, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. inthe City Council Work Session Room. E.Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee on Friday, Oct. 25, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. in the City Council Work Session Room. Please check the City of Denton website for final meeting days and times as information is subject to change after the Friday Report is published. Public Meetings & Agendas | Denton, TX (civicplus.com) General Information & Status Updates A. Texas Music Incubator Rebate Program – Applications are open for the 2024 Texas Music Incubator Rebate Program is a State-funded opportunity for Denton’s music scene. City staff have notified eligible local music venues of the opportunity. Last year, four Denton venues: Dan’s Silverleaf, Steve’s Wine Bar, Andy’s, and Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios, received approval, with an average rebate of approximately $40,000. For more information about the opportunity, visit https://gov.texas.gov/music/tmir Staff Contact: Matilda Weeden, Economic Development B. Denton Police Headquarters Memorial – On Oct. 16, the Police Department unveiled a memorial at City Hall East, 601 E. Hickory St. (Police Headquarters) to honor officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. The memorial includes information on each of the fallen officers and a custom-designed honor chair created by the nonprofit Saving a Hero’s Place. The family of Detective Rodney MooneyHam attended for the unveiling of the honor chair. Detective MooneyHam passed away from COVID-19 complications on October 16, 2021. The portraits of Chief Olen Chester Pass (end of watch: Nov. 29, 1941) and Chief Alman Glen Lanford (end of watch: May 19, 1957) are also placed to memorialize their service to the community. The memorial is a place to reflect on the sacrifices made by Denton police officers and to honor their memory. Staff contact: Jessica Robledo, Police Figure 1: Detective MooneyHam's family (L-R): Karen, Skylar, and Sharon Figure 2: Photo of Memorial Wall 2 Responses to Council Member Requests for Information A.Flashing Green Light – On Oct. 11, Council Member Holland expressed interest in exploring the feasibility of flashing green light to signal drivers the light will soon change to yellow. Staff investigated the inquiry and determined that the flashing green light,commonly used in Canada and Mexico, does not currently comply with federal or statestandards for traffic signals. Staff contact: Farhan Butt, Traffic B.Value of Solar – On Oct. 15, Council Member McGee inquired if the Value of Solar would be on an upcoming agenda. The proposed Electric Rate Ordinance, which includes changesto the Distributed Generation Rate, is scheduled for Individual Consideration on the Oct.22 Council Agenda. Staff contact: Tony Puente, Denton Municipal Electric C.Noise Compliant on the Square – On Oct. 11 and Oct. 17, Mayor Hudspeth and Council Member Byrd inquired about noise complaints from public address system usage byindividuals on the Square. If residents have noise-related concerns, they should contact thenon-emergency line of the Police Department at (940) 349-8181. Staff contact: JessicaRobledo, Police D.McKinney Street – On Oct. 15, Council Member Holland inquired if delineation betweenpedestrian and auto traffic could be installed. Staff is gathering additional information andis conducting a study that will be provided in a future Friday report. Staff contact: FarhanButt, Traffic Upcoming Community Events and Public Meetings Please visit the City of Denton website for upcoming community events and details. Informal Staff Report A.2025-003 Campaign Financing Ordinance Research .........................................................4 Information A.Council Requests for Information .......................................................................................6 B.Public Meetings Calendar ...................................................................................................8 C.Future Work Session Items ...............................................................................................12 D.Street Closure Report ........................................................................................................14 3 Oct. 18, 2024 Report No. 2025-002 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Campaign Financing Ordinance Research BACKGROUND: On Sept. 11, 2024, Council Member McGee presented a two-minute pitch to hold a comprehensive work session to examine and reform Denton’s local campaign finance rules. On Sept. 17, 2024, the City Council gave direction to proceed with the two-minute pitch proposal as outlined in Ordinance 24-1725. DISCUSSION: Currently, the City of Denton does not have any regulations that restrict or limit campaign contributions. The State of Texas generally does not restrict the amount of money that a person or political committee may contribute to a campaign but does require candidates to appoint a treasurer, file finance reports every six months, and file reports before elections. The City of Denton has the authority to establish campaign contribution limits so long as the limits do not infringe upon a person’s First Amendment right to free speech and the City can show a perception of corruption justifying such laws. Other Texas cities have adopted local campaign financing limitations as summarized below: City Individual Limit Political Committee Limits Aggregate Limits Houston $5,000 $10,000 San Antonio Councilor: $500 Mayor: $1,000 Councilor: $500 Mayor: $1,000 Dallas Councilor: $1,000 Mayor: $5,000 Councilor: $1,000 Mayor: $5,000 Austin $350 $1,000 $36,000 from non-Austin Residents McAllen Councilor: $5,000 Mayor: $10,000 Proposed: $500 Councilor: $5,000 Mayor: $10,000 Proposed: $500 San Marcos $500 Mayor: $0.75/Registered Voter Councilor: $0.50/Registered Voter In general, limits on campaign contributions made by a candidate to themself are not limited and there is an indication that attempts to limit self-contributions have not been upheld by courts. Some cities such as Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas, prohibit the acceptance of campaign contributions from people who have a pending matter before the City, such as an application for a permit, proposal to enter into a contract or arrangement, or are involved in ongoing litigation with the City while those activities are ongoing. In general, the applicable ethics commission of each City has some degree of authority over the enforcement of these limitations and restrictions, such as processing a complaint of a suspected violation of the limits if one is received. Some ordinances allow these commissions to recommend that the City Attorney pursue prosecution of a municipal code violation. 4 Oct. 18, 2024 Report No. 2025-003 CONCLUSION: If Council Member McGee wishes to advance the pitch beyond an Informal Staff Report, City Staff will present the information to Agenda Committee with a staff recommendation to route the item through the Board of Ethics prior to Council discussion. STAFF CONTACT: Madison Rorschach, City Auditor City Auditor’s Office (940) 349-7228Madison.Rorschach@cityofdenton.com REQUESTOR: Council Member McGee PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS: City Attorney’s Office STAFF TIME TO COMPLETE REPORT: 3 Hours 5 6 Friday Report - Council RequestsSummary of RequestCouncil Member Requestor Date Received Staff AssignedDepartmentCommentsStatus1Rescind directive to removing parking nearPaisley StreetCouncil Member Byrd10/17/24Farhan ButtPublic Works-TrafficReferred to staff.2Texas General Land Office DisasterRecovery Informational determine ifremediation for damage incurred during Uriwould be applicable to this program.Council Member McGee10/15/24Cassey OgdenCMOReviewing eligibility.3Flashing stop signs at Paisley Street Mayor Hudspeth10/15/24Farhan ButtPublic Works-TrafficStaff is investigating.4Cooper Creek bed maintenanceCouncil Member Beck10/11/24Gary PackanParksReferred to staff.5Fair Chance Hiring Follow-UpCouncil Member Byrd09/22/24Kristi FogleCMOStaff responded to CMfollowing up with Chamberof Commerce6Fair Chance Hiring Follow-UpCouncil Member McGee09/20/24Kristi FogleCMOStaff communicated withCM on the follow-up.7PA System usage on the SquareCouncil Member Byrd10/17/24Jessica RobledoPoliceStaff responded to theMayor on this request.8Visibility Triangle in Pecan CreekCouncil Member Byrd10/16/24Gary PackanParksStaff completed themowing in this area.9Viewing e-comments for agenda items Council Member Jester10/15/24Lauren ThodenCity Secretary's OfficeSent e-comments for themeeting to Mayor andCouncil10Value of Solar on agenda for individualconsiderationCouncil Member McGee10/15/24Antonio PuenteDMEPresentation will beuploaded and available11Payments for electricity generated anddrainageCouncil Member Holland10/15/24Antonio PuenteDMEStaff responded to theresident directly.12McKinney Street auto traffic andpedestriansCouncil Member Holland10/15/24Farhan ButtPublic Works-TrafficStaff is investigating.13Flashing Green LightCouncil Member Holland10/11/24Scott McDonaldDevelopment ServicesFlashing green lights is notin compliance with Federaland State standard signaloperations.14Increasing tree canopy and using tree fundfor additional staffCouncil Member McGee10/09/24CMOTwo-Minute Pitch15Amending Downtown Master Plan andAquatics PlansCouncil Member Beck10/06/24CMOTwo-Minute Pitch16Additional Signage for Paid Parking Mayor Hudspeth09/19/24Scott McDonaldDevelopment ServicesStaff working with paidparking lot owner forimproved signage.17Travel PitchCouncil Member McGee10/16/24CMOTwo Minute Pitch18Animal Shelter Advisory CommitteeRevisionCouncil Member Beck10/06/24CMOTwo-Minute PitchPage 1 of 1Exported on October 18, 2024 1:15:09 PM PDT7 Meeting Calendar City of Denton City Hall 215 E. McKinney St. Denton, Texas 76201 www.cityofdenton.com Criteria : Begin Date: 10/1/2024, End Date: 12/31/2024 Date Time Meeting LocationMeeting Body October 2024 10/3/2024 8:00 AM Agenda Committee Cancelled 10/3/2024 8:30 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 10/3/2024 4:00 PM Public Art Committee Civic Center Community Room 10/3/2024 5:30 PM Charter Review Committee Development Services Center 10/7/2024 5:30 PM Board of Ethics Council Work Session Room 10/7/2024 6:00 PM Board of Ethics Council Work Session Room 10/7/2024 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Cancelled 10/8/2024 9:30 AM City Council Council Work Session Room 10/9/2024 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Cancelled 10/9/2024 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 10/9/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 10/10/2024 3:00 PM Health & Building Standards Commission Development Service Center 10/10/2024 4:30 PM Community Services Advisory Committee Development Service Center 10/11/2024 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee City Council Work Session Room 10/14/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 10/14/2024 5:30 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center 10/14/2024 5:30 PM Library Board South Branch Library 10/15/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 10/17/2024 5:30 PM Charter Review Committee Development Services Center 10/22/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers Page 1City of Denton Printed on 10/18/20248 Date Time Meeting LocationMeeting Body Meeting Calendar continued... 10/23/2024 1:00 PM Civil Service Commission City Hall East Human Resources Training Room 10/23/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 10/25/2024 9:00 AM Community Partnership Committee Cancelled 10/25/2024 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee Council Work Session Room 10/28/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 10/28/2024 5:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment Development Service Center 10/30/2024 10:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room November 2024 11/1/2024 1:00 PM Bond Oversight Committee Development Service Center 11/4/2024 5:30 PM Board of Ethics Council Work Session Room 11/4/2024 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Civic Center Redbud Room 11/4/2024 6:30 PM Board of Ethics Council Work Session Room 11/7/2024 8:00 AM Agenda Committee Council Work Session Room 11/7/2024 8:30 AM Downtown Economic Development Committee CANCELLED 11/7/2024 9:00 AM Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board 11/8/2024 12:00 PM Community Services Advisory Committee Development Service Center 11/11/2024 5:30 PM Library Board CANCELED 11/13/2024 10:00 AM Animal Shelter Advisory Committee Animal Services Training Room 11/13/2024 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 11/13/2024 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 11/13/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 11/13/2024 6:00 PM Denton Police Department Chief of Police Advisory Board Public Safety Training Center 719 E. Hickory Street Denton, Texas 76205 11/14/2024 3:00 PM Health & Building Standards Commission Development Service Center 11/14/2024 5:30 PM Charter Review Committee Development Services Center 11/18/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room Page 2City of Denton Printed on 10/18/2024 9 Date Time Meeting LocationMeeting Body Meeting Calendar continued... 11/18/2024 5:30 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center 11/18/2024 5:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment Development Service Center 11/19/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 11/21/2024 3:00 PM Committee on Persons with Disabilities Development Service Center 11/22/2024 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee Council Work Session Room 11/27/2024 10:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room December 2024 12/2/2024 5:30 PM Board of Ethics Council Work Session Room 12/2/2024 6:00 PM Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Civic Center Community Room 12/3/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 12/4/2024 12:00 PM Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board Development Service Center 12/5/2024 8:00 AM Agenda Committee Council Work Session Room 12/5/2024 8:30 AM Downtown Economic Development Committee Development Service Center 12/5/2024 4:00 PM Public Art Committee Civic Center Community Room 12/9/2024 9:00 AM Public Utilities Board Council Work Session Room 12/9/2024 5:30 PM Historic Landmark Commission Development Service Center 12/9/2024 5:30 PM Library Board North Branch Library 12/11/2024 11:00 AM Economic Development Partnership Board Development Service Center 12/11/2024 3:00 PM Airport Advisory Board Airport Terminal Meeting Room 12/11/2024 5:00 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers 12/12/2024 3:00 PM Health & Building Standards Commission Development Service Center 12/13/2024 12:00 PM Community Services Advisory Committee Development Service Center 12/16/2024 5:30 PM Zoning Board of Adjustment Development Service Center 12/17/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers Page 3City of Denton Printed on 10/18/202410 Date Time Meeting LocationMeeting Body Meeting Calendar continued... 12/17/2024 2:00 PM Denton Public Facility Corporation Council Chambers 12/18/2024 10:00 AM Mobility Committee Council Work Session Room 12/20/2024 9:00 AM Community Partnership Committee City Council Work Session Room 12/27/2024 1:00 PM Sustainability Framework Advisory Committee Council Work Session Room 12/31/2024 12:01 AM Downtown Plan Update Advisory Group 12/31/2024 2:00 PM City Council Council Work Session Room & Council Chambers Page 4City of Denton Printed on 10/18/202411 Meeting Date Item Legistar ID Departments Involved Type Estimated Time  A.  Proposed State Legislative Agenda 24‐2091 City Manager's Office City Business 0:45 B.  Business Inclusion Program 24‐2094 Procurement Council Priority 0:30 C.  Council Appointed Position Complaint Review, Investigation, and Corrective Action Policy 24‐1432 Human Resources City Business 0:30 D.  Two Minute Pitch: ASAC Expansion (Beck) & Publication of Council travel expenses (McGee)24‐1495 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 2:45 A.  Community Housing Initiatives Audit 23‐2458 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B.  Federal Legislative Briefing TBD City Manager's Office City Business 0:45 C.  Homelessness Initiative Update Part 1 24‐2040 City Manager's Office City Business 1:00 D.  Old Alton TBD Water Utilities City Business TBD E.  TIRZ Downtown Boundary 24‐1929 Economic Development City Business 0:30 F.  Two Minute Pitch:24‐1557 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 3:15 Other Major Items for Meeting: A.  Warehouse Inventory Management Audit 24‐2038 Internal Audit City Business 0:15 B.  Charter Review Committee Recommendations Part 1 TBD City Manager's Office Council Request 1:00 C.  Community Village/FLUM Discussion TBD Development Services City Business TBD D.  Homelessness Initiative Update Part 2 24‐2043 City Manager's Office City Business 1:00 E.  Two Minute Pitch:24‐1557 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 3:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: A.  Charter Review Committee Recommendations Part 2 TBD City Manager's Office Council Request 1:00 B.  Cole Ranch Amendment 24‐2099 City Manager's Office City Business 0:45 C.  Two Minute Pitch:24‐1559 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 2:45 Other Major Items for Meeting: A.  Audit of Animal Services 24‐2036 Internal Audit City Business 0:30 B.  Two Minute Pitch:24‐1559 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 1:30 Other Major Items for Meeting: A.  Two Minute Pitch:24‐1559 City Manager's Office Council Request 0:30 Closed Meeting Item(s): Legal (if any)City Business 0:30 Total Est. Time: 1:00 Other Major Items for Meeting: Parking Minimum TBD Development Services Council Request TBD Audit of Park Management & Planning (30 min.) 24‐255 Internal Audit City Business TBD Leak Adjustment Ordinance 24‐1632 Water Utilities City Business TBD Item Dates Departments Type Estimated Work Item Date Approved Department Estimated Hours to Complete Requestor Vote Centers Resolution 10/17/2023 City Secretary's Office TBD CM McGee Election Day Holiday 6/18/2024 Human Resources TBD CM McGee Campaign Finance Ordinance 9/17/2024 City Auditor's Office TBD CM McGee Resident Weekend Engagement 9/24/2024 City Manager's Office TBD CM McGee November 19 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Special Called Meeting (Upon conclusion of the  Work Session) January 7 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Called Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) January 14 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Special Called Meeting (Upon conclusion of the  Work Session) Work Session To Be Determined NO MEETING ‐ NOVEMBER 5 ‐ ELECTION DAY Other Major Items for Meeting: Tentative Work Session Topics and Meeting Information Updated: October 18, 2024 Council Priorities and Significant Work Plan Items  to be Scheduled October 22 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Special Called Meeting (Upon conclusion of the  Work Session) December 3 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Called Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) December 17 Work Session (@2:00 p.m.) Regular Called Meeting (@6:30 p.m.) Approved Council Pitches to be Scheduled *This is for planning purposes only. Dates are subject to change.12 1 Street Closure Report: Upcoming ClosuresSCR Oct 21 - 27Street/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact Closure Type1Linden Dr WEastpark BlvdN Bonnie Brae St10/28/24 11/22/24 Underground utility installationWaterJason ShipleyFull ClosurePage 1 of 1Exported on October 18, 2024 9:51:23 AM PDT13 2 Street Closure Report: Current ClosuresStreet/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact Closure Type1Abby Way (5313)Glenngary WayJeffrey Dr10/14/24 11/08/24 Curb and Gutter Repair StreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure2Aileen StPanhandle StBroadway St09/27/24 02/28/25 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure3Allred RdOakleaf TrlJohn Paine Rd04/26/24 10/30/24 New road for Allred forSagebrook PH llPublic Works Inspections Kent Bull RiversFull Closure4Audra LnStockton StMockingbird Ln07/29/24 11/08/24 Connection new storm drainageto existing City of Dentondrainage.Private DevelopmentZabdiel MotaLane Closure5Ave ACollins StEagle Dr10/08/24 11/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure6Ave CEagle DrHighland St08/26/24 12/31/24 Pavement replacement. EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure7Bernard StLindsey StFannin St08/26/24 12/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigRolling Closure8Bonnie Brae St SFM 1515/Airport RoadMain Stadium Drive10/21/24 10/23/24 Installation of Sanitary Sewerline crossing under Bonnie Brae- Please use North Texas Blvdto access the stadium areaEngineeringRobin DavisFull Closure9Central AveMaple StHighland St06/03/24 10/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure10Collins StAve ABernard St08/26/24 11/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure11Crescent StEctor StHillcrest St12/27/23 10/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure12Hickory Creek RdRiverpass DrFM 183003/13/23 12/31/25 Bridge InstallationEngineeringTracy BeckFull Closure13Hillcrest StPanhandle StCrescent St12/27/23 10/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure14Houston PlThomas StBradley St09/27/24 12/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure15Locust St NCoronado DrOrr St10/07/24 10/25/24 Sidewalk / Curb / Road Repair StreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure16Loop 288University - US 380McKinney St09/23/24 10/21/24 Sidewalk InstallationEngineeringRobin DavisRolling Closure17Marietta StOak St WScripture St09/27/24 12/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure18Ocean DrAtlantic DrNautical Ln10/02/24 10/23/24 Sanitary Sewer installPrivate DevelopmentGavin PetnerFull Closure19Panhandle StEctor StAileen St09/27/24 10/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure20Ryan Rd WLauren's Pl RdLeisure Ln09/20/24 10/28/24 Work zone closure andflaggers, both lanes are openduring 9AM-3PM (utility lines &poles)OtherDelilah GarciaRolling Closure21Stallion St (7809)Lakeview BlvdCoit Rd10/14/24 11/01/24 Concrete Panel Repair StreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure22Sycamore StExposition StRailroad Tracks on Sycamore 08/17/23 10/25/24 Paving improvements fromExposition to RailroadPublic Works Inspections Stephany TrammellFull Closure23Thomas St.Panhandle St.Emery St.10/11/24 11/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure24Welch StHighland StHickory St08/26/24 12/31/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigRolling Closure25Welch St SEagle DrHighland St06/03/24 11/30/24 Utility installations andpavement replacement.EngineeringScott FettigFull Closure26Willowood StLeslie StWestwood Dr09/30/24 10/30/24 Sanitary Sewer, water taps andstorm sewerPrivate DevelopmentGavin PetnerLane ClosurePage 1 of 1Exported on October 18, 2024 9:52:08 AM PDT14 3 Street Closure Report: Completed ClosuresStreet/ IntersectionFromToClosure StartDateClosure EndDateDescriptionDepartmentDepartment Contact Closure Type1Bonnie Brae StWillowwood StRailroad tracks10/07/24 10/11/24 Sanitary Sewer service lineinstallations crossing underBonnie BraeEngineeringRobin DavisFull Closure2Bonnie Brae St SWillowwood StWalt Parker Dr10/14/24 10/18/24 Sanitary Sewer service lineinstallations crossing underBonnie BraeEngineeringRobin DavisFull Closure3Boyd StWayne stLattimore st10/10/24 10/18/24 Base failure repairsPublic Works InspectionsStreetsAlexander CervantesFull Closure4Brandywine StCopper Ridge StBriarwood St08/26/24 09/20/24 Curb and Asphalt Repair StreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure5Countess LnThoroughbred TrlCul-de-Sac09/02/24 09/27/24 Sidewalk RepairStreetsRoy San MiguelLane Closure6Hickory St EBell AveLocust St09/25/24 09/25/24 5:30AM- 8:30AMOtherColt MorrisFull Closure7Mayhill RdColorado BlvdEdwards Rd01/31/24 10/15/24 Various traffic lanes will remainclosed for final constructionactivities.EngineeringTracy BeckLane Closure8Montecito DrHickory Creek RdPalo Verde Dr05/28/24 10/11/24 Street ReconstructionStreetsRoy San MiguelFull Closure9Oak / Hickory StBonnie Brae StN Texas Blvd08/15/24 09/20/24 DME Conduit and Caved inTrench RepairPublic Works Inspections Ethan KeithFull Closure10Panhandle StHeritage TrlStanley St07/15/24 09/20/24 Drive ApproachPublic Works Inspections Collin ColeFull Closure11Vine StTexas StSchmitz Ave10/07/24 10/08/24 Water service being installed for521 Texas, Road will be closedto Thru Traffic.WaterJason ShipleyFull ClosurePage 1 of 1Exported on October 18, 2024 9:52:38 AM PDT15